01 Taxilas Children

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"If my Lord would consider wearing these rough garments?"<br />

Steve wondered wearily why the man couldn't simply say: 'Will these do, Steve?'. He<br />

expressed his pleasure and listened to what could only be described as a loyal petition<br />

couched in legalistic terms. It analysed out to be a sincere request that he didn't overtax his<br />

strength and that he should take every precaution. They wanted no harm to come to him. It<br />

was touching, solicitous and smothering. All he wanted to do was to walk a little way from<br />

the house and to escape from surroundings which were becoming like a prison. He wondered<br />

why the word prison had come to mind, perhaps that was a subconscious assessment of what<br />

was the real situation. He told himself not to be ridiculous but the feeling would not go away.<br />

Hara left with Jabez. He had made a little more progress than he had thought - if the shy<br />

little smile she gave was any indication. Caela came soon after to turn out the lamp. During<br />

the previous days she hadn't looked so cheerful. It seemed to date from the time when she had<br />

grabbed his hand and kissed it so passionately - that was also the time when Hara had come<br />

upon the scene. Now, Caela seemed to avoid coming too close to the bed. The trouble was<br />

that Steve wasn't sure whether she couldn't trust herself, or whether she couldn't trust Steve.<br />

Sometimes it was a curse to be fatally attractive to women.<br />

He dropped off to sleep with that happy thought. It was good to be on the mend, the<br />

skeletal look was giving way to a more fleshy appearance. The light from their star had to be<br />

filled with good qualities. This and the wholesome food provided by Caela, was doing<br />

wonders. He grinned in the darkness, it wouldn't be long before he started to look around at<br />

the local talent - with suitable caution, naturally - He had no desire to start trouble with irate<br />

boyfriends, or to experience the unknown ways they might have of protecting local standards<br />

of virtue.<br />

The conversation with Hara hadn't told him much, apart from an oblique reference to the<br />

'House of Maidens'. On reflection, that might prove to be a good place to start exploring. On<br />

the other hand - it might not, especially if he went around asking where their virgins lived!<br />

All in all, he thought he was going to like this planet. He had a strong feeling that his luck<br />

was going to change.<br />

He woke early, anticipating the time when he would be left alone. Caela was extra clumsy<br />

when she brought in his food. She avoided any contact and kept her face turned away. He<br />

wasn't sure whether these people showed their emotions by crying, but that was the<br />

impression he got. Caela was an unhappy lady.<br />

He waited extra time, even after he was reasonably sure that the community had gone to<br />

their workplace. It wasn't that he expected to be restricted but such was their awe of him that<br />

they might take it in their heads to form some sort of bodyguard. The shift-like garment Jabez<br />

had provided, fitted well enough. It would have raised shrieks of amusement on Mars or the<br />

Asteroids and more than likely, attempts to lift the hem. It covered the essentials and that was<br />

all he asked for. The sandals were a lace-up variety and took a little getting used to. They<br />

fastened around the ankle, just above the joint. He knew it wouldn't be long before they<br />

chaffed a sore spot.<br />

In the bathroom - wash chamber - or whatever it was that they called their place of<br />

ablutions, was a mirror of beaten metal. His image wafted back and forth on the imperfectly<br />

fashioned surface. He didn't look an impressive sight with his shock of black hair tangled<br />

down to the shoulders. The beard didn't do much to enhance his looks. His eyes were hollow<br />

and the face gaunt. There wasn't a great deal of spare flesh to pad the tunic. He hoped he<br />

wouldn't meet anybody who frightened easily.<br />

He left the house through his window entrance. He had already planned to head for the<br />

shelter of the nearest clump of trees. The sun was already high and it seemed sensible to walk<br />

in their shade. It was good to be active, even if he wasn't sure how long his strength would<br />

last. He drew in a deep breath.<br />


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