01 Taxilas Children

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crouched - like himself. They were walking on two legs but their arms were long and reached<br />

almost to the knee. They were naked and a big male led the group. He was followed by other<br />

males and then the females and their young. Some of which, were slung across the shoulders<br />

of the adults, the older youngsters walked.<br />

Steve kept very still, his heart was racing. He remained crouched, waiting for whatever he<br />

had the right to expect from wandering around in a strange environment without weapons or<br />

support. The group leader drew abreast of him and stared blankly. The whole group stopped<br />

and stared as well. They made no menacing moves, Steve's breathing quietened. The leader<br />

grunted something from deep inside, it might have been a belch. Steve hoped most sincerely,<br />

that they had already had a good breakfast.<br />

They stood eyeball to eyeball and examined each other curiously. Steve had no idea of<br />

what the big male was making of him but he had an uncanny feeling of identity with them.<br />

This, together with his earlier skin peeling sensation, roused a sensation of primitive kinship.<br />

It was very unsettling. They were hairy, yet not with a pelt like an animal might have. This<br />

was a fine covering of short hair, which covered their shoulders and back. It was less defined<br />

on the chest and belly. The face mask was almost free of long hair, except for a few tufts on<br />

the upper lip and near the ears. Steve had seen miners on Mars with a thicker fur and they<br />

went under the name of Man.<br />

The leader's eyes showed a kind of dim intelligence, as if a fine brain was locked away in<br />

the brute head and was waiting to be used. They were not lovely creatures - except to each<br />

other. Steve tried to look pleasant, which attracted no response. They were waiting for<br />

something, perhaps an intelligent comment and until he could scramble something together<br />

from his lessons with Hara, they were likely to remain waiting.<br />

A woman's voice from behind him said.<br />

"Go on your way, Scarn."<br />

The group of Scarn resumed their interrupted journey without giving Steve a second<br />

glance. They shambled off down the path and disappeared among the trees. Steve looked<br />

around. The woman was leaning against a tree looking highly amused. She burst into<br />

laughter, which made her throw back her head. She stopped laughing and surveyed him with<br />

a kind of arrogant mockery that made him angry. He snapped:<br />

"I suppose you found that highly entertaining."<br />

"I did."<br />

Steve eyed her carefully. She was one of the feline race but totally unlike Caela or Hara.<br />

"It was a picture worth recording - The Scarn versus the intrepid traveller from the stars -<br />

that is what I am reading in your mind, is it not?"<br />

The conversation was taking an interesting turn.<br />

"So, you're one of the Gifted ones Jabez has been telling me about? I suppose you work<br />

with them and he told you I was going to take a little exercise today."<br />

The green-grey eyes flashed in anger and derision.<br />

"Stupid clod! Do you think I look like a peasant? How dare you take me for an Overseer! I<br />

am Laoni!"<br />

She had drawn herself up to her full height, which was about the level of his chest. She<br />

looked ready to spit fire. The anger in Steve exploded.<br />

"I am so sorry if I offended your highness. I find it hard, on an alien planet, to distinguish<br />

between the elite and the serfs. Please accept your servant's humble apologies. May I kiss<br />

your big toe, or something?"<br />

She was carrying some sort of switch, perhaps for use on the unseen, wretched animal that<br />

had brought her there. She raised it and tried to lay it across his shoulders. He grabbed her<br />

wrist and held on tight. She wrestled for a moment and then stopped. She glared into his face<br />

with all the venom a spoiled young lady was capable of unloosing. Steve spat out:<br />


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