01 Taxilas Children

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Whatever was to happen, she knew. Her eyes were wide with horror and fear. Steve stood<br />

his ground and glared at Jabez. The old man hesitated as if the moment wasn't quite right. He<br />

paused and Steve guessed that he had mis-timed his entrance by a few minutes. He clenched<br />

Hara tightly and forced her to her knees. Steve gestured and smiled.<br />

"Don't be frightened, come over here to me."<br />

He snarled at Jabez.<br />

"Let her go you old bastard, if you know what's good for you!"<br />

Jabez smiled and complied. He was still waiting, Steve wondered for what. There was a<br />

movement you get in a crowd sometimes. Steve had seen it among the Martian miners, a<br />

stirring triggered by some signal. This crowd had tensed and a murmur ran through them like<br />

a wave. The six chariot bearers from the previous day stepped forward and joined Jabez.<br />

"The time has come, my Lord. I am he who is destined to lead you to the Awakening. Now<br />

is the moment when our god will serve us and ensure our fertility for ever. It is fitting that<br />

you have called the woman Hara to your side. She will be honoured among us, for you have<br />

raised her from the level of the lowly Lynxe by impregnating her so that she shall bear a<br />

divine child. One who will rule his people after I am gone. Be happy, Lord, she will be<br />

elevated all her days."<br />

Hara moaned helplessly and clung to Steve's knees, she was incapable of raising herself<br />

and standing by his side, she was also impeding his freedom of movement. The first finger of<br />

light from the rising star, suddenly stabbed over the low range of hills to the east. It bathed<br />

the scene in a rosy glow and the sense of unreality was increased. He realised that the women<br />

were gone, with the exception of Hara and that every male was as naked as a jay bird.<br />

The light dazzled him and in that moment as he flinched, there was a movement from the<br />

throne bearers. They charged, Hara screamed and was pushed aside and Steve went down<br />

spitting and cursing and fighting like a demon. This was no playacting!<br />

Six against one wasn't very good odds. It didn't take long before he was pinned, spreadeagled<br />

upon the ground, with one hefty gentleman at the extremity of each limb and another<br />

with his hand leaning on his throat. With some difficulty Steve glared at Jabez, he was<br />

advancing with a very evil looking curved knife raised high.<br />

"When the flower is blossomed, it is spent. It is necessary to remove the seedcase so that a<br />

new flower will bloom."<br />

The horror sank in, Steve started to fight as he had never fought before. The bastard was<br />

going to castrate him!<br />

"Every drop of the godly blood will fertilise the field. It is fitting that our Lord of the<br />

Harvest will contribute his lifeblood. It was for this reason that he was sent by the High Gods<br />

unto us in a wondrous manner. Henceforth, the place of his coming will be sanctified.<br />

Henceforth, will our Lord Steve-Holt return at the time of sowing to become our Lord of the<br />

Harvest. He will return whole, so that we can repeat the ritual. We will maim him and scatter<br />

his seed and pour out his blood upon the ground. We will dismember his body but he shall<br />

return whole and unknowing of his destiny."<br />

Steve screamed obscenities at him but Jabez was gone beyond the reach of mind-talk. The<br />

crowd was wailing in a frenzy of religious fervour and anticipation. Jabez stood poised with<br />

the knife. Steve felt his strength ebbing, he was sobbing for breath and the sweat was running<br />

out of him. The next few moments seemed to lapse into a kind of slow motion. It was<br />

probable that his brain refused to accept what was happening. The knife began its slow<br />

descent. He tried to press his body back into the ground to avoid it. He waited for the agony<br />

to begin and the screams that would issue from him as the knife would begin to saw.<br />

Back in the twentieth, they used to have escapist stories about primitive areas, where<br />

beleaguered men would be rescued at the last moment by a large military force. They would<br />


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