01 Taxilas Children

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the planet, despite all that had been taught about the incompatibility of enzymes. The theory<br />

was that alien food could kill a human being, either by direct poisoning, or through the<br />

inability of the human digestion to get anything out of the food substance. He hadn't thought<br />

much about it, he had survived on the diet provided by Caela for fifty days when he had been<br />

unconscious, and he was still around and comparatively healthy.<br />

He avoided looking directly at Lyot but he could feel the intense stare of his host. It was to<br />

be expected, it wasn't every day that the average Thane found himself the host of a man from<br />

another star system. The Lady Hepha had a different look, one of wariness. No doubt, Hara<br />

had been well and truly mind searched by his formidable hostess and a complete knowledge<br />

of their private moments had been extracted. Steve made the point of returning her gaze with<br />

a frank and steady eye. They had done nothing for which they ought to be ashamed and he<br />

saw no reason why they should have to account to a third person, even if she was a high-born<br />

lady. The thought must have registered, there was a noticeable tightening of the lips, which<br />

reminded him of his mother when she was on the warpath.<br />

Danyk pushed Krin along to his rightful place at the table and sat himself beside Steve,<br />

who gave him a quick look. There was nothing in his expression to show what he thought of<br />

the verdict Zayez had given. The old man had been given the place of honour next to him and<br />

at the right hand of Lyot. The meal began without preamble and the room became silent<br />

expect for the sounds of two hundred people eating the food. Ivan would have been at home<br />

in this assembly, he had almost appreciated a healthy appetite. Steve felt a stab of anguish at<br />

the thought of his dead brother - and of Mars. Zayez suddenly spoke in his mind.<br />

"Emissary Steve Holt from the Confederation of New Earth, tell us of your people, so that<br />

all may know of what I have seen in your thoughts."<br />

Steve hesitated, it was an unexpected request and he wanted to choose his words carefully.<br />

He tried to explain with his limited vocabulary.<br />

"Once, the ancestors of those who live on New Earth, lived on the planet Earth - which we<br />

now called Old Earth. Old Earth is the third planet from our sun and one of a family of nine.<br />

Man gained control over all the other species on Old Earth and became the dominant sentient<br />

being on the planet. Although he conquered all other species, he didn't learn to conquer<br />

himself and his greed. He abused and despoiled his beautiful world and eventually, he was<br />

forced to abandon it. We call that event, the Evacuation. When they saw that the planet was<br />

doomed, they constructed space ships to transport them off the planet. They then built an<br />

orbiting space station and then, later, they journeyed to the fourth planet which is called<br />

Mars. This is my birth-world. All this happened over two hundred years ago in Earth years.<br />

From that time, man learned to master the harsh environment of Mars and also to live in<br />

space in orbiting asteroids which he built to orbit the third and fourth planets. From the<br />

comparatively few survivors, the population has started to grow again. We have now arrived<br />

at the situation that resources can't meet our expanding needs."<br />


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