atw 2018-12

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<strong>atw</strong> Vol. 63 (<strong>2018</strong>) | Issue 11/<strong>12</strong> ı November/December<br />

566<br />

Issue 11/<strong>12</strong><br />

November/December<br />


573<br />

Should Nuclear Energy<br />

Play a Role in a Carbon-<br />

Constrained World?<br />

| | Development of nuclear technology. Fuel element heads for heavy water reactor fuel elements. (Courtesy: NA-SA)<br />

Editorial<br />

<strong>2018</strong>: A “Quincuplex” for Nuclear Power 563<br />

<strong>2018</strong>: Ein „Quincuplex“ für die Kernenergie 564<br />

Abstracts | English 568<br />

Abstracts | German 569<br />

Inside Nuclear with NucNet<br />

How Nuclear Industry Can Solve<br />

‘ Fundamental Obstacle’ of High Capital Cost 570<br />

DAtF Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .571<br />

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572<br />

Energy Policy, Economy and Law<br />

Should Nuclear Energy Play a Role<br />

in a Carbon-Constrained World? 573<br />

Jacopo Buongiorno, Michael Corradini, John Parsons and David Petti<br />

Talks of an End to Germany’s<br />

Nuclear Industry Premature 578<br />

Roman Martinek<br />

Development on NIS Directive in Different<br />

EU Countries in the Energy Sector 580<br />

Stefan Loubichi<br />

573<br />

Spotlight on Nuclear Law<br />

Arbitrary-peaceful?<br />

Consequences of the “Achmea” Decision<br />

of the ECJ also for the ICSID Arbitration<br />

of Vattenfall? 585<br />

Schiedlich-friedlich? –<br />

Folgen des „Achmea“-Urteils des EuGH<br />

auch für das ICSID-Schiedsgerichtsverfahren<br />

von Vattenfall? 585<br />

| | Human Development Index versus per capita electricity consumption<br />

Ulrike Feldmann<br />


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