The December edition of Co-op News: connecting, challenging and championing the global co-operative movement. This issue we look at the issue of engagement, and the co-operative way of making connections. Plus coverage of the 2018 Practitioners Forum, new Real Living Wage rates and member-nominated director (MND) elections at the Co-op Group.
The December edition of Co-op News: connecting, challenging and championing the global co-operative movement. This issue we look at the issue of engagement, and the co-operative way of making connections. Plus coverage of the 2018 Practitioners Forum, new Real Living Wage rates and member-nominated director (MND) elections at the Co-op Group.
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<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
A co-operative<br />
way to make<br />
connections<br />
Plus ... the <strong>2018</strong><br />
Practitioners Forum ...<br />
New real living wage<br />
rates ... MND elections<br />
ISSN 0009-9821<br />
9 770009 982010<br />
01<br />
£4.20<br />
news<br />
Co-op engagement: Spreading<br />
the word, bridging divides<br />
Holyoake House, Hanover Street,<br />
Manchester M60 0AS<br />
(00) 44 161 214 0870<br /><br /><br />
Rebecca Harvey<br /><br />
Anca Voinea |<br />
Miles Hadfield |<br />
Jen Banks |<br />
DESIGN:<br />
Keir Mucklestone-Barnett<br />
Elaine Dean (chair), David Paterson<br />
(vice-chair), Sofygil Crew, Gavin<br />
Ewing, Tim Hartley, Beverley<br />
Perkins and Barbara Rainford.<br />
Secretary: Richard Bickle<br />
Established in 1871, Co-operative<br />
News is published by Co-operative<br />
Press Ltd, a registered society under<br />
the Co-operative and Community<br />
Benefit Society Act 2014. It is printed<br />
every month by Buxton Press, Palace<br />
Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6AE.<br />
Membership of Co-operative Press is<br />
open to individual readers as well as<br />
to other co-operatives, corporate bodies<br />
and unincorporated organisations.<br />
The Co-operative News mission statement<br />
is to connect, champion and challenge<br />
the global co-operative movement,<br />
through fair and objective journalism<br />
and open and honest comment and<br />
debate. Co-op News is, on occasion,<br />
supported by co-operatives, but<br />
final editorial control remains with<br />
Co-operative News unless specifically<br />
labelled ‘advertorial’. The information<br />
and views set out in opinion articles<br />
and letters do not necessarily reflect<br />
the opinion of Co-operative News.<br />
@coopnews<br />
cooperativenews<br />
Widening economic equality and years of austerity have left a<br />
divided and disillusioned society. The co-operative movement has<br />
responded by offering a positive way forward, bolstered by falling<br />
confidence in the old ways of doing things – from top-down,<br />
centralised politics to conventional, corporate business models.<br />
But how does the movement reach out to convince people of the<br />
benefits of its new approach? At last week’s Practitioners Forum in<br />
Manchester (p25-27), Co-operatives UK launched the theme for next<br />
year’s Co-operatives Fortnight (p9). This calls on co-ops to share films<br />
of themselves performing acts of co-operation on social media to<br />
help build a society based on the movement’s ethos.<br />
But the public may be wary after years of top-down public<br />
services reform have only brought disruption, cuts and job<br />
losses. It’s important to keep them on board when moving to a<br />
mutual approach to ensure new models are truly democratic<br />
and that this time, change is for the better. This month, we take a<br />
look at how UK housing mutuals, and the growing movement of<br />
co-operative councils, are working to do just that, by building<br />
democratic engagement into their development process (p34-39).<br />
In the US, there’s an even more direct approach being taken, with a<br />
scheme by Cleveland’s Evergreen Co-operatives to buy up businesses<br />
and convert them to worker-owned firms (p32-33).<br />
For a young co-op, success can bring challenges: we speak to a rising<br />
star of the worker co-op movement, Outlandish, about how it keeps<br />
its co-op engaged (p30-31).<br />
For more established players, there are other concerns – witness the<br />
wage dispute at Canada’s Saskatoon Co-op (p40).<br />
Elsewhere, we take a look at the Californian housing co-op model<br />
(p42-43), the campaign for the Living Wage (p44-45), and the work of<br />
the Co-op Group’s member-nominated directors (p46-47).<br />
Co-operative News is printed using vegetable oil-based<br />
inks on 80% recycled paper (with 60% from post-consumer<br />
waste) with the remaining 20% produced from FSC or PEFC<br />
certified sources. It is made in a totally chlorine free process.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 3
Lord Victor Adebowale spoke at the<br />
Practitioners Forum (p25-29); Hazel Blears<br />
tells us why you should think about applying<br />
to be an MND (p46-47); Merthyr Valley<br />
Homes are engaging with tenants in new<br />
ways (p34-39); and Kayleigh Walsh from<br />
Outlandish talks about the challenges<br />
of engagement facinga young worker<br />
co-operative (p30-31).<br />
COVER: The <strong>2018</strong> Practitioners<br />
Forum took place on 22 November,<br />
covering communications; finance;<br />
governance; HR and membership<br />
(Image: Co-operatives UK)<br />
Read more: p25-29<br />
22-23 MEET... KATIE COSGRAVE<br />
Youth engagement officer at the Reclaim<br />
Project, a youth leadership and social<br />
change organisation<br />
Updates from the annual professional<br />
development event organised by<br />
Co-operatives UK<br />
We speak to Kayleigh Walsh, who<br />
says delivering service should be the<br />
key focus, rather than growth<br />
In Cleveland, Ohio, Evergreen<br />
Co-operatives is stepping in when<br />
business owners reach retirement,<br />
buying their firms and switching them<br />
to employee ownership. Could other<br />
cities and countries follow suit?<br />
From housing mutuals to co-op<br />
councils, mutual alternatives are<br />
being increasingly explored. So how<br />
can public involvement in this<br />
be managed – and how can they be<br />
convinced to come on board in the<br />
first place?<br />
ln a co-operative, engagement with<br />
colleagues doesn’t always run smoothly.<br />
We take a look at Canada’s Saskatoon<br />
Co-op, which is locked in a pay dispute<br />
with its staff<br />
42-43 HOUSING<br />
David Thompson on a low-cost<br />
ownership oasis in a desert of apartment<br />
unaffordability<br />
44-45 REAL LIVING WAGE<br />
New rates were announced last month.<br />
What impact can it have, and what are<br />
co-ops doing about it?<br />
46-47 MND SELECTION<br />
Current member-nominated director at<br />
the Co-op Group, Hazel Blears on why you<br />
should think about applying<br />
5-14 UK updates<br />
15-21 Global updates<br />
24 Letters<br />
48 Books<br />
50 Events<br />
4 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
NEWS<br />
RETAIL<br />
Central England Co-operative appoints Debbie Robinson as new chief executive<br />
p Debbie Robinson will join the society next spring, from Spar<br />
Debbie Robinson has been appointed<br />
CEO of Central England Co-operative,<br />
following the announcement that Martyn<br />
Cheatle will be retiring in May.<br />
Ms Robinson, who has previous<br />
experience at the Co-op Group, will join<br />
the society in the spring from Spar, where<br />
she has been UK managing director<br />
since 2011.<br />
She has held directorships for food<br />
retailers specialising in store innovation,<br />
brand strategy and global development<br />
and has over 30 years of experience in<br />
retail with Marks & Spencer, WH Smith<br />
and others.<br />
In her new role she will be responsible<br />
for developing the strategic and<br />
commercial direction of Central England,<br />
which has 400 trading outlets across<br />
16 counties.<br />
“I am delighted to be joining a<br />
progressive and truly co-operative society,”<br />
she said. “I look forward to building on<br />
the fantastic work Martyn has done and<br />
working with the team to ensure Central<br />
England Co-operative fulfils its ambitions<br />
and potential, making a real difference<br />
for our members and the communities<br />
we serve.”<br />
She added that her vision for the future<br />
of the society is to “grow sustainably and<br />
make the most of the society’s key USP;<br />
our co-operative principles”.<br />
Elaine Dean, society president, said<br />
Central England was “delighted” to<br />
welcome Ms Robinson at a time of growth<br />
and development for the society.<br />
“Debbie is no stranger to co-operative<br />
ethics and values, having previous<br />
experience at a senior level within the cooperative<br />
movement,” she said.<br />
“She has a sound track record of<br />
success and is highly respected in the<br />
retail sector.”<br />
Ms Dean added: “This is the first time<br />
in the society’s history that we have had<br />
a female chief executive and the board<br />
is confident in her ability to take us<br />
forward as a dynamic and independent<br />
co-operative society.<br />
“We look forward to working with<br />
Debbie as we build on our strong<br />
foundations and plan for the future.”<br />
Mr Cheatle said: “I am incredibly proud<br />
of the society and our colleagues, all of<br />
whom have contributed to the continued<br />
success Central England Co-operative<br />
has worked so hard to achieve in the time<br />
I have been chief executive.<br />
“I wish Debbie all the very best for her<br />
future with the best independent retail<br />
co-operative in the UK.”<br />
Ms Robinson sits on the boards of<br />
the Association of Convenience Stores<br />
and the British Retail Consortium, and<br />
outside of work has many hobbies and<br />
interests in the art and music world.<br />
She is a keen marathon runner and<br />
has completed numerous charity cycle<br />
rides – including those organised by the<br />
convenience and wholesale retail sector<br />
for the Mines Advisory Group.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 5
Co-op Group’s new depot to create 1,200 jobs and grow business in the south<br />
The Co-op Group has agreed terms for a<br />
new £45m distribution depot to support<br />
its growth across London, the South and<br />
South East.<br />
The new 661,000 sq ft depot, to be built<br />
near the A1 at Bedfordshire’s Symmetry<br />
Park, Biggleswade – is expected to open<br />
in early 2022, creating up to 1,200 jobs.<br />
Symmetry Park, which extends to<br />
around 50 acres, has been granted<br />
detailed planning consent for up to<br />
1 million sq ft of logistics space. The Group<br />
has secured a 20-year lease on the site,<br />
and it is anticipated that construction will<br />
begin towards the end of 2019.<br />
The Group is also working to reduce<br />
its environmental impacts, so the depot<br />
will have low-energy lighting and<br />
refrigeration, rainwater harvesting and<br />
will work towards a BREEAM excellent<br />
rating – an independent assessment of<br />
a building’s environmental, social and<br />
economic sustainability.<br />
In August, the Group opened its £6m<br />
Dalcross distribution centre at Inverness<br />
Airport Business Park, which is now<br />
p The Group’s new Dalcross centre at Inverness<br />
servicing the retailer’s network of stores in<br />
the region, and will facilitate future store<br />
expansion in the region.<br />
Jo Whitfield, the Group’s retail chief<br />
executive, said: “The new site will extend<br />
capacity across our logistics network.<br />
“This will help stores to better serve<br />
communities and support our ambitious<br />
growth plans across London, the south<br />
and south east. This is an exciting<br />
development – we believe a strong<br />
Co-op can create stronger communities.<br />
The investment is indicative of both the<br />
performance of the Co-op and the delivery<br />
of our food strategy.”<br />
Andy Perry, the Group’s supply chain<br />
and logistics director, added: “The site will<br />
deliver greater agility, scale and efficiency.<br />
It will reduce road miles, overall supply<br />
chain costs and supports our stores in<br />
the south by having more of our products<br />
closer to our members and customers.”<br />
Everybody needs<br />
good neighbours ...<br />
and here’s the proof<br />
A Sheffield man has been named national<br />
Neighbour of the Year by Co-op Insurance<br />
and Neighbourhood Watch.<br />
Paul Zeun, 53, was nominated by his<br />
neighbour, 38 year-old Abby Wilson, for<br />
his consistent caring and kind behaviour<br />
over the past decade. Paul and Abby<br />
became friends 10 years ago when he<br />
came to her rescue after she locked<br />
herself out of her flat.<br />
Since then, Paul has helped Abby<br />
with lifts to hospital, cat sitting and<br />
decorating. He’s shared his DIY skills<br />
with other neighbours and brings their<br />
local community together at Christmas<br />
parties and barbecues. As a result of the<br />
gatherings, the neighbours now celebrate<br />
their birthdays together.<br />
Paul has also cared for terminally ill<br />
neighbours and looks after others by<br />
doing their shopping for them. He plants<br />
flowers and shares vegetables from his<br />
allotment with his neighbours, as well as<br />
the food he makes with his own-grown<br />
produce, such as jams and pickles.<br />
For the awards, Co-op Insurance and<br />
Neighbourhood Watch asked the public<br />
for nominations – and Co-op members<br />
were asked to come up with criteria for<br />
the awards. Their suggestions include<br />
looking out for each other, offering<br />
practical help and being respectful<br />
of everyone in the neighbourhood.<br />
Paul said: “I’m overwhelmed. I enjoy<br />
helping people and getting everyone<br />
chatting. If we all did this, the world<br />
would be a much happier place.”<br />
£50k for slavery fight<br />
The Co-op Group is donating £50,000 to<br />
the modern slavery campaign from sales of<br />
selected own-brand Christmas sandwiches.<br />
The donation, raised from sales in<br />
November and December, goes to Stop The<br />
Traffik, a campaign group which shares<br />
advice and intelligence to stop modern<br />
slavery trafficking.<br />
Stop the Traffik’s initiatives include an<br />
app which allows anyone who has seen or<br />
heard a situation they believe to be linked to<br />
human trafficking or modern slavery to share<br />
their story, safely and securely.<br />
“Every story, no matter how small, whether<br />
current or historic, is important and relevant.<br />
What’s more, it may be the missing piece of a<br />
bigger picture,” says Stop the Traffik.<br />
6 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Sam Walker wins equal<br />
pay claim against Group<br />
at industrial tribunal<br />
The former Co-op Group HR director Sam<br />
Walker has won her industrial tribunal<br />
case against the society, on equal pay and<br />
unfair dismissal.<br />
She took the Group to the tribunal<br />
claiming she had been dismissed after<br />
raising issues about her own pay and<br />
warning leading figures in the company<br />
of a pay gap between men and women<br />
performing the same roles.<br />
The tribunal did not agree with Ms<br />
Walker’s claim that her sacking was a<br />
result of discrimination, but ruled that<br />
the Group had “directly discriminated<br />
against the claimant on the grounds of<br />
sex”, because it graded her work as only<br />
“partially achieved” without giving her an<br />
adequate year-end appraisal.<br />
Ms Walker said: “This is a major victory<br />
for women. My case proves that pay<br />
discrimination can happen to anyone.<br />
I was in a senior position doing a job of<br />
equal value to my male senior colleagues,<br />
but was paid significantly less. This is<br />
happening all over this country.”<br />
She said she would now join forces on<br />
a new initiative with Carrie Gracie – the<br />
BBC journalist who resigned in protest<br />
over the gender pay gap – gender equality<br />
campaign group the Fawcett Society and<br />
Yess Law, a group of lawyers dedicated<br />
to resolving workplace disputes without<br />
litigation. The scheme will help women<br />
p Sam Walker said she would work to help other women who had suffered discrimination<br />
earning £30,000 a year or less who are<br />
experiencing pay discrimination.<br />
“Justice is ... beyond the reach of most<br />
women who simply would not have the<br />
resources to bring a claim of this kind,”<br />
said Ms Walker. “The law needs to change.<br />
“The Women and Equalities Select<br />
Committee is looking at this, but we need<br />
societal change – why would people want<br />
to work for companies who treat their<br />
employees differently?”<br />
She added: “I want to thank my network<br />
of colleagues, family and friends who<br />
have supported me – and that includes<br />
many still employed by the Co-op (you<br />
know who you are).<br />
“I hope the Co-op responds to this<br />
ruling in a way that reflects its stated<br />
values, holds those accountable to<br />
account and listens to their other female<br />
employees who I hope will now feel able<br />
to step forward and demand equal pay.”<br />
A spokesman for the Group said: “The<br />
tribunal dismissed most of Ms Walker’s<br />
claims and held that Ms Walker’s<br />
dismissal was not discriminatory. We are<br />
pleased that the tribunal accepted our<br />
evidence in relation to these claims.<br />
“While the tribunal upheld the unfair<br />
dismissal claim on procedural grounds,<br />
we are pleased it found the Co-op<br />
had substantial reasons justifying the<br />
termination of Ms Walker’s employment.<br />
“The tribunal upheld the claim for<br />
equal pay. We are reviewing the tribunal’s<br />
judgement and considering whether to<br />
appeal. We maintain we did not pay Ms<br />
Walker unfairly and continue to believe<br />
we acted in the best interests of our Co-op<br />
and its members.”<br />
Group brings in JDA Software to revamp its supply chain process<br />
The Co-op Group has announced a<br />
project with supply chain specialist<br />
JDA Software to revitalise its category<br />
management processes.<br />
The first phase of a multi-year plan<br />
which will see the retailer “getting closer<br />
to the needs of members and customers”,<br />
it will upgrade Group stores to the latest<br />
version of JDA Space Planning, Floor<br />
Planning and Category Knowledge Base.<br />
JDA says this will create “an end-to-end<br />
streamlined approach to managing its<br />
retail stores from floor to shelf”.<br />
Michael Fletcher, retail chief<br />
commercial officer at the Group, said:<br />
“Our powerful JDA Category Management<br />
solution footprint enables us to anticipate<br />
shopper demands with agility and speed.<br />
We look forward to continuing to build on<br />
this robust foundation as we continue to<br />
deliver our strategy.”<br />
The Group worked with a collaborative<br />
team from JDA, and partners Tata<br />
Consultancy Services (TCS) and Deloitte,<br />
for the first step of the project.<br />
JDA says it will allow the Group<br />
to automate its planograms – visual<br />
representations of a store’s products or<br />
services on display – to localise its offer.<br />
The retailer will also be able to work with<br />
its teams and suppliers to ensure they are<br />
delivering accurate and early stocking<br />
information for each store. There will be<br />
more insight into shopper behaviour at<br />
macro and local level, allowing the Group<br />
to better plan its store layouts, tailored<br />
from store to store.<br />
“Maintaining a competitive edge<br />
and anticipating shopper demands is<br />
more important than ever,” said Johan<br />
Reventberg from JDA. “We’re pleased<br />
to enable such a critical piece of the<br />
Co-op’s retail business transformation<br />
by underpinning it with our best-in-class<br />
category management solutions that will<br />
give them the right balance of right item,<br />
right store, right time, with the efficiency<br />
and agility they need.”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 7
BUDGET<br />
Co-op sector pours cold water on Hammond’s budget<br />
p Philip Hammond<br />
There were a number of measures in<br />
Philip Hammond’s budget last month<br />
which could impact on the co-op sector.<br />
The sector welcomed some of the<br />
changes around housing policy, credit<br />
unions and support for small retailers,<br />
but warned that it lacked a strategic<br />
dimension to address the issues facing the<br />
UK economy after Brexit.<br />
Ed Mayo, secretary general of<br />
Co-operatives UK, said: “A number<br />
of the specific measures will be welcome,<br />
including a degree of support for small<br />
retailers and for social housing, but this<br />
is a tactical and not a strategic budget. It<br />
does little to answer the question of what<br />
kind of economy Britain is to pursue.”<br />
Jim McMahon MP, chair of the Co-op<br />
Party group of MPs, said: “This was<br />
a budget that failed to champion the<br />
fairest forms of business: co-operatives<br />
democratically owned by their customers<br />
and employees.”<br />
A Co-op Party budget would require<br />
companies to demonstrate basic standards<br />
of tax transparency through measures<br />
such as the Fair Tax Mark, he added,<br />
and would bring in “a radical redesign<br />
of business rates to end to the unfair<br />
advantage enjoyed by online retailers”.<br />
He said: “It’s within our power,<br />
through the decisions we make as<br />
consumers and here in parliament<br />
as policymakers, to shape those trends<br />
and decide the kind of economy we<br />
want, and the kind of business culture<br />
that can deliver it. At a time when the<br />
country needed boldness, this is a<br />
missed opportunity to transform how our<br />
economy is run.”<br />
Peter Holbrook, chief executive of Social<br />
Enterprise UK, said: “The chancellor had<br />
an opportunity to back social enterprises<br />
that share growth by paying their staff<br />
fairly and reinvesting their profits back<br />
into their communities. Unfortunately,<br />
he decided to rely on old fashioned and<br />
failed economic ideas.”<br />
But there were some positives in the<br />
budget. The Association of British Credit<br />
Unions (Abcul) welcomed a pilot savings<br />
scheme for credit unions to boost peoples’<br />
financial resilience and raise awareness<br />
of the sector.<br />
Head of policy and communications<br />
Matt Bland said: “This initiative will be<br />
good for both credit unions and their<br />
members; it will provide people with a<br />
further incentive to save regularly with<br />
their local credit union for planned and<br />
unplanned expenses. Abcul is working<br />
closely with the Treasury on the pilot<br />
scheme and we look forward to ensuring<br />
the best solutions moving forward.”<br />
Co-op College launches<br />
centenary year<br />
p The centenary launch event<br />
The Co-operative College has officially<br />
marked the launch of its centenary, calling<br />
on the movement to help shape its future.<br />
Founded in 1919 as part of a<br />
Co-operative Congress Resolution, the<br />
college is an independent, memberled<br />
educational charity that delivers<br />
education, training, events and projects,<br />
and undertakes research.<br />
A launch event, held in central<br />
Manchester on 22 November, showcased<br />
how the organisation has changed over<br />
the years and how its work continues to<br />
transform communities and change lives<br />
in the UK and across the world. It was<br />
also revealed that the College’s annual<br />
Education and Research Conference<br />
would take place in Rochdale –<br />
the modern birthplace of co-operation –<br />
from 26-28 November 2019.<br />
“Our bedrock is the co-op movement,”<br />
said Nigel Todd, College chair, at the<br />
event. “Our mission is to take the values<br />
and the distinctiveness of what we do out<br />
to the wider world. We’ve been around<br />
for 100 years – we can look forward<br />
confidently and with maturity to<br />
the next 100 years, guided by our<br />
co-operative principles”<br />
Simon Parkinson, CEO and principal<br />
of the College, said that while the<br />
organisation was proud of its history and<br />
heritage, the centenary year would also<br />
be used as a launchpad to project a new<br />
image of the College.<br />
“Next year we’re re-launching our<br />
formal learning and development offer,”<br />
he said. “We’re becoming a registered with<br />
the chartered institute of management,<br />
able to offer accredited qualifications,<br />
and we’re still on track to achieve a longheld<br />
ambition of the movement to see a<br />
co-operative university here in the UK.”<br />
He added: “2019 will be a landmark<br />
year for us, as we re-focus our energies<br />
and ask the movement to help shape our<br />
next 100 years. With members at the heart<br />
everything we do, there’s never been a<br />
better time to join and help us build<br />
a fairer world for everyone.”<br />
8 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Film yourself and get online to<br />
build a co-operative nation<br />
The Co-op Group<br />
Board Member<br />
Nominated Director<br />
The Co-op is looking for candidates from its<br />
membership to join its Board and contribute to its<br />
ongoing success.<br />
p Co-operatives Fortnight will run from 24 June - 7 July<br />
Co-operatives UK has announced the theme for next year’s<br />
Co-operatives Fortnight (24 June-7 July), which will focus on<br />
creating a co-operation nation.<br />
The Fortnight campaign was launched today at the Practitioners<br />
Forum in Manchester. Co-operatives UK, the apex body for the<br />
sector, is calling on all co-operatives to join the campaign by<br />
carrying out an act of co-operation, and film or photograph it<br />
for social media using the hashtag #CoopFortnight/ They should<br />
also nominate or tag another co-op to do the same.<br />
For the first time, co-ops are also being asked to pledge to take<br />
part by completing a quick online form, with a rough idea of what<br />
they plan to do.<br />
The campaign was designed to kickstart a chain reaction from<br />
co-op to co-op.<br />
Co-operatives UK, which is co-ordinating the campaign, will<br />
then add up the number of participants and create national<br />
and regional press releases featuring the most interesting and<br />
inspiring events.<br />
“From community clean-ups, to collecting donations for a local<br />
food bank or opening up your co-op to educate people about coops,<br />
what practical ways can your co-op involve people working<br />
together in co-operation?” asked Ed Mayo, secretary general of<br />
Co-operatives UK. “Can you set a target for the number of bags of<br />
litter, families fed or people you teach?<br />
“Together we’ll show everyone why co-operation is what the<br />
world needs right now.”<br />
He added: “The theme is about joining together – it’s about<br />
action rather than just raising awareness. We’re turning Co-ops<br />
Fortnight into a real vehicle for action.”<br />
Wendy Carter, head of communications and marketing at<br />
Co-operatives UK, said: “We want to capture people’s attention<br />
and to do this we need to paint a picture of the sheer number<br />
of people joining our call for a Co-operation Nation. Even if it’s<br />
just a seed of an idea for now, tell us your plans and we’ll use<br />
this information to promote the campaign, and your activity up<br />
to and during Co-op Fortnight.”<br />
More information on the Co-operatives Fortnight and how to<br />
get involved is available at<br />
As a Member Nominated Director (MND) you’ll be<br />
the voice of Co-op members in the boardroom.<br />
You’ll oversee commercial and financial<br />
performance, and make sure Co-op businesses<br />
keep co-operative values and principles front and<br />
centre.<br />
Potential candidates must demonstrate:<br />
• A track record at an equivalent level and<br />
awareness of the strategic and operational<br />
challenges of a big, complex business like Co-op<br />
• Integrity, independence and empathy with Co-op<br />
values alongside the broad experience required<br />
of any non-executive director<br />
• The ability to contribute at board level while<br />
developing an excellent working relationship with<br />
the Co-op Members’ Council<br />
There are two MND positions available. If you are<br />
selected as a candidate you will be invited to take<br />
part in a contested election in which its members<br />
will vote. If successful you will be appointed to the<br />
Board in May 2019. The Board meets monthly in<br />
Manchester. The remuneration is commensurate<br />
with the role and responsibilities.<br />
The Board aims to represent the geographical,<br />
gender, cultural and ethnic diversity of the<br />
communities it serves and is an equal opportunities<br />
employer.<br />
For more information about the role and eligibility<br />
criteria please visit: If you<br />
would like to apply please visit<br />
coop/mndelection<br />
The closing date for applications is 17 December<br />
<strong>2018</strong><br />
Saxton Bampfylde will be working with the Co-op<br />
throughout this process as its chosen professional<br />
search advisers<br />
u Practitioners Forum reports: p;25-27<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 9<br />
335567_COOP_MND_Advert_78x226_v1.indd 1 19/11/<strong>2018</strong> 15:18
100 years on from the Armistice, the co-op<br />
movement pays tribute to the fallen<br />
The world marked the centenary of the<br />
end of World War 1 on 11 November, and<br />
the co-op movement paid its own tributes.<br />
Stores across the retail movement<br />
joined the two minutes silence on<br />
Remembrance Sunday.<br />
And a number of Co-op Group Funeral<br />
homes, as well as those of independent<br />
co-operative societies, created window<br />
displays honouring the war generation,<br />
while Co-op Funeralcare introduced a<br />
poppy-themed hearse to it fleet.<br />
Displays mounted by the movement<br />
included a memorial windows at Southern<br />
Co-op. At the society’s Fratton Branch in<br />
Portsmouth, funeral co-ordinator James<br />
Wiltshire-Bowles paid tribute to his great<br />
uncle, Pte Frederick James Pluck, who was<br />
killed aged 26 on the first day of the Battle<br />
of the Somme, on 1 July 1916. His photo<br />
was included in the window display.<br />
In a ceremony on 8 November, Co-op<br />
Group staff gathered in Manchester,<br />
to read out the names of the 810<br />
Co-operative Wholesale Society<br />
colleagues killed in the conflict.<br />
In a blog post on the Group website,<br />
chief executive Steve Murrells paid his<br />
own tributes to the fallen colleagues. He<br />
also highlighted CWS’s measures to keep<br />
soldiers’ jobs open for their return, and to<br />
avoid wartime price inflation.<br />
And he spoke of the work of the society<br />
and its female members and staff to<br />
promote peace, with the Co-op Women’s<br />
Guild launching the white poppy in 1933.<br />
This year, the white poppy – which<br />
commemorates civilian as well as military<br />
casualties – reached a record 122,385<br />
sales, up 20% on last year, said organiser<br />
the Peace Pledge Union. It said the news<br />
was a sign of growing acceptance of its<br />
anti-militarist values.<br />
Midcounties Co-operative held a range<br />
of activities, including a poppy design<br />
contest for schools in its trading area. The<br />
winner was Shrubland Street Community<br />
Primary School, which won £500 to<br />
spend on history resources. And society<br />
colleagues raised funds for the British<br />
Legion, laid wreaths and planted poppy<br />
flower seeds in parks and green spaces.<br />
Lincolnshire Co-op gave the Royal<br />
British Legion Poppy Appeal a £7,000<br />
donation – as well as support with instore<br />
promotion and fundraising.<br />
p A Co-op Group colleague remembers fallen<br />
CWS workers at the Manchester ceremony<br />
(top) and a Southern Co-op display (above)<br />
Co-operatives UK urges movement to join FCA consultation<br />
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is<br />
considering abolishing the annual fees it<br />
charges societies, which could save them<br />
between £67 and £495 a year, under a<br />
series of proposals which have been put<br />
out for consultation.<br />
Apex body Co-operatives UK welcomed<br />
the suggestion to abolish the fees, as<br />
well as the proposal to make it free for<br />
the public to access the online Mutuals<br />
Register – which currently costs £12.<br />
Co-operatives UK says it is already free<br />
to access similar records on the online<br />
Companies House register, and claims<br />
the cost to access the Mutuals Register<br />
has reduced its accessibility, causing<br />
difficulties for societies.<br />
Secretary general Ed Mayo said: “This<br />
is one more proof – alongside our work to<br />
reduce accounting fees by cutting the need<br />
for mid-year audits and our HR service<br />
which saves members money through<br />
joint purchasing – that Co-operatives UK<br />
is good for our members’ wallets.<br />
“I’m proud of our advocacy on behalf of<br />
our members around regulatory fees and<br />
I certainly want to recognise the FCA for<br />
doing the right thing as a result by co-ops<br />
and credit unions.”<br />
Co-operatives UK also suggested the FCA<br />
Mutuals Team continue to receive funding<br />
to carry out its “critical functions” as an<br />
“enabler of co-operative and community<br />
business” and as “a protector of the<br />
integrity of these special legal forms”.<br />
It wants members to respond to the<br />
consultation, which is open until 14<br />
January 2019: email<br />
uk or write to David Cheesman, FCA, 12<br />
Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN.<br />
10 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Co-op Academy students give Bright Futures a new look<br />
p Revolver’s new drinking chocolate<br />
Revolver tops the table<br />
of ethical coffee<br />
Ethical Consumer magazine has ranked<br />
the Revolver Co-operative first in ethics<br />
among 32 European coffee brands, ahead<br />
of Cafe Direct (5), Lavazza (17), Carte Noir<br />
(18), Illy (24) and Douwe Egberts (29).<br />
Revolver obtained a score of 17 out of 20.<br />
The co-operative behind the Revolver<br />
World brand sources its coffee and<br />
commodities from co-ops around the<br />
world. It boasts Fairtrade certifications<br />
as well as Ethical Consumer’s positive<br />
Product Sustainability mark. More than<br />
half of its products are certified organic by<br />
the Soil Association.<br />
Revolver was also awarded Ethical<br />
Consumer’s best rating for Supply<br />
Chain Management and Environmental<br />
Reporting, and positive GMO policy. The<br />
co-op is certified by both the Fair Tax<br />
Mark and the Living Wage Foundation,<br />
holds the City of Birmingham’s Charter<br />
for Social Responsibility and has been<br />
awarded a positive Company Ethos mark.<br />
Revolver chief executive Paul Birch said<br />
the co-op’s coffee had “great taste to match<br />
the great ethics”. Revolver won seven<br />
Ethical Consumer Great Taste Awards in<br />
2015, 2016, 2017 and <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
In partnership with Belgian Chocolatiers<br />
Callebaut, Revolver is launching a new<br />
range of drinking chocolate. Luxury<br />
Belgian Callebaut Drinking Chocolate is<br />
not made of cocoa powder but real shards<br />
of chocolate, both milk and white.<br />
Callebaut chocolate supports the work<br />
of Cocoa Horizons Foundation, a nonprofit<br />
organisation devoted to improving<br />
the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their<br />
communities.<br />
The hot chocolate is available for sale at<br />
Midcounties Co-op stores.<br />
Pupils at Co-op Academy Failsworth in<br />
Manchester have won a competition to<br />
design the logo for the Bright Futures<br />
programme, pioneered by the Co-op Group<br />
and City Hearts charity to offer paid work<br />
to survivors of modern slavery. Students<br />
Jamie Brabin and Daniel Aitken submitted<br />
the winning design. The competition, run<br />
across several Co-op Academies, taught<br />
students about the issue of modern slavery.<br />
Scotmid passes go to secure a Monopoly spot<br />
A bright new look for Suma Wholefoods<br />
Scotmid Co-operative appears in the<br />
new Edinburgh edition of the Monopoly<br />
board game. The city’s oldest retailer,<br />
Scotmid appears as a Community Chest<br />
card. Scotmid chief executive John Brodie<br />
said: “Scotmid are delighted to be part of<br />
such an iconic game and it is fitting that<br />
we are included as we’ve been part of the<br />
Edinburgh landscape since 1859.”<br />
Worker co-op Suma Wholefoods launches<br />
a rebrand in December. A spokesperson<br />
said: “We are refreshing the way Suma<br />
looks to help products stand out, boost<br />
sales for customers and reflect the fact that<br />
Suma is a bold and colourful business.<br />
Although the way we look is changing,<br />
what we stand for, and what’s inside the<br />
packaging, will stay just the same.”<br />
Locality calls for more help for the community sector<br />
The head of community group network<br />
Locality wants more support for the sector.<br />
CEO Tony Armstrong made the remarks<br />
while welcoming the government’s Open<br />
Doors project, allowing community<br />
groups to use empty shops. “Community<br />
organisations are stretched, with rising<br />
demand and limited funding,” he said.<br />
Co-operative Party calls for public vote on Brexit deal<br />
The Co-op Party repeated its call for a<br />
public vote on the Brexit deal, which<br />
has prompted continued disagreement<br />
within the government. Party chair<br />
Gareth Thomas said the deal “will have<br />
implications for all of us ... it can’t be<br />
right that such decisions are made behind<br />
closed doors by a handful of people.”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 11
RETAIL<br />
How a human chain made world news of a small co-op bookstore<br />
Radical bookstore co-op October Books<br />
has made a move to new premises – with<br />
the help of 250 volunteers.<br />
The Southampton co-op made headlines<br />
around the world when supporters formed<br />
a human chain to move more than 2,000<br />
books to its new home.<br />
Locals came together after the co-op<br />
appealed for help on Facebook, and lined<br />
the 850m route between its old home<br />
and the new premises to pass the stock<br />
along. Passers-by stopped to join in and<br />
cafes along the way provided volunteers<br />
with refreshments.<br />
News of the joint effort – designed by<br />
the co-op as an accessible way for people<br />
to come together to contribute – went<br />
global, with admiring reports by the<br />
Washington Post, New York Times, the<br />
Guardian, Huffington Post, BBC and CNN.<br />
The move meant high-profile reports<br />
not just on October Books, but about<br />
co-operation, community action and<br />
community fundraising, with the story<br />
shared in countries including Brazil,<br />
Taiwan, France and Canada.<br />
p Books are passed along the human chain<br />
“It was a tremendous show of support<br />
and community and we’re moved<br />
and incredibly touched by it,” Clare<br />
Diaper, who works at October Books,<br />
told reporters. “We are of, and for, our<br />
community and it is truly heartening to<br />
see that reciprocated.”<br />
As a shining example of the sixth cooperative<br />
principle – co-operation among<br />
co-operatives – volunteers included<br />
members of the co-op youth organisation<br />
the Woodcraft Folk and local community<br />
interest company Art House Cafe, which<br />
also helped decorate the new store.<br />
Ian Rothwell from Co-operative<br />
and Community Finance (CCF),<br />
which supported October Books in its<br />
purchase of the new site, also joined<br />
the chain, alongside members of the<br />
city’s Hamwic housing co-operative and<br />
sector organisations Co-op Culture and<br />
Co-operantics.<br />
One of the locals who joined the human<br />
chain, Jani Franck, told the Southern<br />
Daily Echo: “It’s amazing. The power<br />
of community coming together and<br />
achieving something like this. October<br />
Books have done really well. I’m in awe.”<br />
October Books, which formed in 1977,<br />
bought the site, a former NatWest bank, in<br />
August and plans to create a community<br />
hub. The stock will be stored in the old<br />
vault of the bank.<br />
It raised the £487,800 it needed to buy<br />
its new premises through a combination of<br />
loan stock, crowd funding, personal loans<br />
and gifts, and a loan from Co-operative<br />
and Community Finance.<br />
Credit Unions of Wales<br />
launches campaign<br />
against high cost<br />
credit providers<br />
In the lead-up to Christmas, Credit Unions<br />
of Wales – the association of the country’s<br />
18 credit unions – is spearheading the<br />
campaign ‘Credit2Wales’ to protect people<br />
from high cost credit providers.<br />
According to the Money Advice Service,<br />
more than one in six people in Wales are<br />
at risk of being unable to keep up with<br />
credit repayments.<br />
Marking the launch of Credit2Wales,<br />
patron of Credit Unions of Wales, Jane Hutt<br />
AM, said: “Unmanageable debt isn’t just<br />
a finance issue. It impacts all elements of<br />
our lives, including relationships, work,<br />
health, mental health and, of course, the<br />
ability to look after our families.<br />
“Credit isn’t bad, we all need help<br />
sometimes, especially at Christmas, but it<br />
should be fair and manageable. We must<br />
refuse to allow ourselves, our families and<br />
our communities to fall prey to high cost<br />
lenders, and stamp them out by turning to<br />
credit unions instead.”<br />
Credit Unions of Wales compared the<br />
cost of an iPad with a well-known rentto-own<br />
company against buying it on the<br />
high street using a credit union loan. The<br />
rent-to-own retailer would charge a 99.9%<br />
APR interest rate, meaning the total repaid<br />
over two years would be £676. This was<br />
at least £254 more than borrowing from<br />
a credit union – almost enough to buy<br />
another iPad.<br />
Andrew Johnson, advice manager at<br />
the Money Advice Service, said: “Credit<br />
unions are financial co-operatives, owned<br />
by the people who use their services, and<br />
not by external shareholders or investors.<br />
Where profits are passed on to their<br />
members in the form of better rates and<br />
lower fees when compared to high cost<br />
credit alternatives.<br />
“At a time when people are more likely<br />
to seek high-cost short-term credit, access<br />
to affordable credit and understanding<br />
your options is vital.”<br />
Credit Unions of Wales recommends<br />
that people look at the interest rate, term<br />
of the loan (how many weeks, months or<br />
years) and total amount repaid to be sure<br />
they are getting the best deal.<br />
The campaign will encourage people<br />
to use the social media hashtags<br />
#credit2wales and #credydigymru.<br />
12 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Aardman, the home of Wallace and Gromit, transfers control to workers<br />
p Aardman co-founders Peter Lord and David Sproxton; and the studio’s biggest stars, Wallace and Gromit<br />
The co-founders of Aardman, the Oscarwinning<br />
animation studio which created<br />
Wallace and Gromit, is to transfer a<br />
75% stake to its workers, to protect the<br />
company’s independence.<br />
Peter Lord and David Sproxton<br />
announced “that they are preparing the<br />
company for continued success over<br />
the next few decades by transferring<br />
the company into employee ownership,<br />
effectively selling the company to<br />
the workforce”.<br />
They say this will secure “the creative<br />
legacy and culture of the company”,<br />
which produced hits including Chicken<br />
Run, Creature Comforts and Shaun the<br />
Sheep, “for many decades to come”.<br />
The majority of Aardman’s shares will<br />
be transferred into a trust, holding them<br />
on behalf of the company’s workforce,<br />
along similar lines to the John Lewis<br />
Partnership. The senior management<br />
team will remain in their existing roles<br />
and will form the executive board to<br />
ensure continuity.<br />
Mr Sproxton will continue as managing<br />
director but is looking to appoint a<br />
successor – who will be accountable to<br />
the trust – within the next 12 months<br />
before moving into a consultancy role.<br />
Mr Lord will remain in his role as<br />
creative director with a focus on the<br />
company’s feature film output, set to<br />
include a second Shaun the Sheep movie<br />
and a sequel to Chicken Run. “We’re<br />
not quitting yet,” said the two men in a<br />
statement, “but we are preparing for our<br />
future. This approach, the creation of an<br />
employee trust, is the best solution we<br />
have found for keeping Aardman doing<br />
what it does best, keeping the teams in<br />
place and providing continuity for our<br />
highly creative culture. And of course,<br />
those that create value in the company<br />
will continue to benefit directly from the<br />
value they create.”<br />
They added: “The statistics show<br />
that employee-owned companies are<br />
significantly more successful than<br />
conventionally owned companies. So we<br />
are very excited by the prospect of seeing<br />
Aardman roll far into the future under<br />
this arrangement and can rest easy that<br />
those four decades which have slipped by<br />
have paved the way for many more years<br />
of great creativity.”<br />
Founded in 1972, the Bristol-based<br />
studio – whose portfolio also includes<br />
children’s TV character Morph, Peter<br />
Gabriel’s Sledgehammer video and<br />
computer-animated film Flushed Away –<br />
has branched out into video games, theme<br />
park attractions, commercial advertising,<br />
interactive content and rights and brand<br />
development.<br />
Oscar-winning director Nick Park –<br />
the key creative voice behind Aardman’s<br />
hits – will continue to have an active role<br />
in the studio’s feature film and shorts<br />
productions. He will sit on the new<br />
executive board of directors, which will<br />
report to the board of trustees, which<br />
will ensure the executive follows the core<br />
values of the organisation and acts in the<br />
interest of its workforce.<br />
The executive board also includes<br />
Heather Wright, executive director,<br />
partner content, who said: “Employee<br />
ownership is a perfect way of<br />
futureproofing [Aardman’s] independent<br />
spirit and thinking, and allowing us<br />
to protect the legacy while continuing<br />
to nurture new talent and ideas and<br />
diversify our storytelling into new areas<br />
of theme parks, console games and<br />
interactive content.”<br />
Deb Oxley, chief executive of the<br />
Employee Ownership Association,<br />
said: “We congratulate Aardman on its<br />
transition to employee ownership, which<br />
is a great example of where the employee<br />
ownership trust model can be used to<br />
secure the businesses ethos, creative<br />
values and independence for the longer<br />
term while helping those who supported<br />
its creative success to share in the value<br />
they create.<br />
“This has been an exciting journey<br />
for us to support David, Peter and the<br />
team knowing that Aardman’s iconic<br />
productions will continue to bring joy to<br />
fans for many more years to come.”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 13
Sir Dennis Landau, former CWS chief executive, 1927-<strong>2018</strong><br />
Sir Dennis Landau, former chief executive<br />
of the Co-operative Wholesale Society<br />
(CWS), has died after a short illness.<br />
He joined the CWS – now the Co-op<br />
Group – in 1970 as food controller and<br />
was deputy CEO from 1974 to 1980 and<br />
CEO from 1980 to 1992.<br />
In the their history of the Group,<br />
Building Co-operation, John F Wilson,<br />
Anthony Webster and Rachael Vorberg-<br />
Rugh wrote that, as deputy CEO, he played<br />
a leading role in the rationalisation of<br />
CWS’s activities in the 1970s, with efforts<br />
to modernise production and distribution<br />
and to increase productivity.<br />
Stepping up to the role of CEO, he<br />
tried to improve CWS’s commercial<br />
performance by increasing integration<br />
of the its retail activities, renationalising<br />
production and distribution activities,<br />
and developing closer links with retail<br />
societies. He tightened up management<br />
controls and reorganised CWS into seven<br />
business groups to give the executive<br />
team greater focus.<br />
He also attempted to more closely<br />
integrate the retail movement, including<br />
unsuccessful moves to merge CWS with<br />
Co-operative Retail Services.<br />
Sir Dennis was born on 18 June 1927;<br />
the third child of Michael Landau, a<br />
metallurgist and Florence Landau. He was<br />
educated at Haberdashers’ Aske’s School<br />
Hampstead. His service in the British army<br />
included participating in the liberation of<br />
Bergen Belsen concentration camp.<br />
He started his career as a food chemist<br />
for Jaffa Juice. He then worked for<br />
Schweppes, later Cadbury Schweppes<br />
in various roles, including managing<br />
director of Schweppes East Africa from<br />
1958 to 1962 and deputy chair and<br />
managing director of Cadbury Schweppes<br />
Foods in 1970.<br />
After leaving the helm of CWS he was<br />
chair of the Unity Trust Bank from 1992<br />
to 2000.<br />
He was a member of the Metrication<br />
Board from 1972 to 1980, chair of the<br />
Council of the Manchester Business<br />
School from 1991 to 1993 and a member<br />
of the Court of Manchester University from<br />
1992 to 2000.<br />
Sir Dennis was knighted in 1987. He<br />
was a keen rugby and cricket player and<br />
was president of the Lancashire County<br />
Cricket Club from 2003 to 2007 and vice<br />
president until his death.<br />
p Sir Dennis Landau<br />
He leaves a widow, Lady Pamela Landau<br />
(formerly Garlick) whom he married in<br />
1992 and two stepsons; Christopher<br />
and Stephen.<br />
He is also survived by his sisters Daphne<br />
Heiser (born 1921) and Vivienne Tabor<br />
(born 1924) and his nephew Michael and<br />
nieces Dahlia and Sarah as well as many<br />
friends and relations.<br />
Leo Barcham, founder of Queenslanders Credit Union, 1922-<strong>2018</strong><br />
p Leo Barcham<br />
The founding father of the Queenslanders<br />
Credit Union in Australia, Leo Barcham,<br />
has died in Brisbane at the age of 96.<br />
He helped set up the credit union during<br />
his time as a Queensland public servant,<br />
after some of his colleagues struggled<br />
to purchase basic household items. At a<br />
council meeting of the State Service Union<br />
in 1963, he moved a motion that it sponsor<br />
the formation of a credit union to help<br />
members secure small loans.<br />
Credit unions were the first in the<br />
country to process payroll deductions<br />
for their members once the federal<br />
government lifted the embargo on credit<br />
union registration in 1944.<br />
“Because the borrower is a shareholder,<br />
a part owner of the society, there is no<br />
stigma of debt attached to the loan,”<br />
Mr Barcham said in a subsequent<br />
meeting, which led to the creation of the<br />
Queensland Public Service Employees’<br />
Credit Union.<br />
“The needed finance is made available<br />
to him, not as a favour, but as a right.<br />
He himself has contributed to build up<br />
this organisation to meet just such an<br />
emergency for himself and his neighbours.”<br />
Mr Barcham’s contribution to the<br />
movement was recognised with a Pioneer<br />
Award at the Australian Credit Union<br />
Convention. The accolade praised his<br />
devotion to the movement and practical<br />
demonstration of the co-operative<br />
principles and philosophy of credit unions<br />
at state and national levels.<br />
This year, Queenslanders merged with<br />
Queensland Country Credit Union, forming<br />
the state’s second largest credit union.<br />
Former Queenslanders chair and current<br />
deputy chair of Queensland Country,<br />
Christine Flynn, said: “Although Leo<br />
retired from the board over two decades<br />
ago, he was still well known and loved by<br />
everyone in our team.<br />
“Each year, including the last, he<br />
attended our AGM and would often get up<br />
and speak. His passion for the customer<br />
owned banking movement was inspiring<br />
and will leave a lasting legacy.”<br />
14 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
USA<br />
Credit unions respond to US mid-term election results<br />
p The Democrats have taken the House of Representatives and the Republicans have held the Senate<br />
US credit unions have reacted to the results<br />
of the mid-term elections, which saw the<br />
Democrats take control of the House of<br />
Representatives and the Republicans hold<br />
on to their majority in the Senate.<br />
The Credit Union National Association<br />
(Cuna) said a credit union-friendly<br />
majority had been elected to Congress.<br />
“Credit unions invested a record $7m<br />
into this election to help continue the<br />
positive momentum we’ve seen for<br />
credit union priorities in Congress,” said<br />
Cuna CEO and president Jim Nussle.<br />
“We’re pleased that we’ll have many<br />
friendly faces in the next Congress,<br />
and we’ll be working hard to connect<br />
with new members and engage with<br />
returning members to advance credit<br />
union priorities.”<br />
“Credit unions will continue to have<br />
a strong seat at the table as we enjoy<br />
bipartisan support in Congress,” said Dan<br />
Berger, president and CEO of the National<br />
Association of Federally-Insured Credit<br />
Unions (Nafcu).<br />
“Whether working with Republicans,<br />
Democrats or independents, our goal<br />
is to achieve an appropriate regulatory<br />
environment that provides a tailored<br />
approach to regulation, a level playing<br />
field, and transparent and independent<br />
regulatory oversight for credit unions and<br />
the 114 million members they serve.”<br />
In May, president Donald Trump signed<br />
the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief<br />
and Consumer Protection Act, which<br />
will result in a reduction in regulatory<br />
requirements for small and medium-sized<br />
banks, including credit unions.<br />
The legislation was welcomed by Cuna,<br />
which described it as a “monumental<br />
win for credit unions”.<br />
But the now-split Congress could<br />
curb legislative activity. Leadership<br />
changes within some committees with<br />
jurisdiction over the financial industry<br />
and tax issues are also expected. “Any<br />
legislation, other than must-pass items,<br />
will need to be strongly bipartisan to<br />
have a chance at passage,” warned Nafcu<br />
vice president of legislative affairs Brad<br />
Thaler.<br />
“For credit unions, this means Congress<br />
may act on items including fintech, data<br />
security and personal privacy, and housing<br />
finance reform if bipartisan solutions can<br />
be found.”<br />
He added: “Targeted regulatory relief<br />
for financial institutions is also still<br />
possible in areas addressing the Bank<br />
Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering.<br />
We expect that there could be a number<br />
of hearings, as each side seeks to stake<br />
out its position on issues, but getting<br />
something moving will take building<br />
bipartisan support.”<br />
The association is calling on both<br />
chambers to address data security and<br />
regulatory relief measures.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 15
pTop: USAID provided food aid to help Wilfred Charles to build community irrigation for agriculture. Bottom: USAID supported Doaa Mohammed<br />
Bakr Turky of Egypt with her duck farming enterprise. (Photos: USAID)<br />
USA<br />
USAID awards $60m for co-operative development<br />
Ten US organisations have received<br />
funding from the government to promote<br />
co-operative development.<br />
The US Agency for International<br />
Development (USAID) granted $60m<br />
(£46.04) over five years (2019 – 2023)<br />
for the Cooperative Development<br />
Program (CDP). Dating back to 1962,<br />
the programme enables US co-ops and<br />
their members to work on projects with<br />
co-operatives in developing countries.<br />
The US Overseas Cooperative<br />
Development Council (OCDC) and its<br />
member organisations received funding to<br />
expand their work on agriculture, finance<br />
and health.<br />
Paul Hazen, OCDC executive director,<br />
said: “The CDP is the only programme<br />
within USAID that is focused on<br />
co-operatives and the programme’s<br />
impact has been significant, lifting<br />
millions of people from poverty by<br />
leveraging private funding to amplify<br />
public funds.”<br />
The eight OCDC members who received<br />
funding are Cooperative Resources<br />
International, Equal Exchange, Global<br />
Communities, HealthPartners, Land<br />
O’Lakes International, NCBA Clusa,<br />
NRECA International and World Council<br />
of Credit Unions (Woccu). Frontier<br />
Cooperative Herbs also received a grant<br />
from USAID.<br />
In addition, OCDC was granted $6.9m<br />
through the CDP to research the impact<br />
and effectiveness of co-operatives in<br />
international development.<br />
One of the OCDC members to benefit<br />
from funding, Woccu is running<br />
a co-operative development project on<br />
Technology and Innovation for Financial<br />
Inclusion (CDP TIFI). The initiative<br />
will increase sustainable lending to<br />
small and medium enterprises (SMEs)<br />
by deploying Woccu’s SME Lending<br />
Toolkit and building a global<br />
knowledge-sharing platform.<br />
For this project, Woccu is working<br />
with a number of regional partners – the<br />
Confederation of Financial Institutions<br />
of West Africa (Confédération des<br />
Institutions Financières de l’Afrique<br />
de ‘Ouest, CIF) in Burkina Faso; the<br />
National Federation of Savings and<br />
Credit Cooperatives (Federación<br />
Nacional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y<br />
Crédito, FENACOAC) in Guatemala; and<br />
the Kenya Union of Savings and Credit<br />
Co-operatives (KUSCCO).<br />
Land O’Lakes International<br />
Development was awarded funding<br />
to support new agricultural capacitybuilding<br />
and food safety programmes in<br />
Georgia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Lebanon,<br />
Rwanda and Malawi.<br />
John Ellenberger, executive director<br />
of Land O’Lakes International<br />
Development, said his organisation<br />
“welcomes the ongoing partnership<br />
of USAID and USDA as we<br />
continue leveraging the expertise<br />
of a nearly century-old, farmer-owned<br />
co-operative to improve livelihoods<br />
and enhance agriculture worldwide.<br />
“We’re excited to build collaborative<br />
efforts for international economic<br />
development that unite host country<br />
agricultural stakeholders, Land O’Lakes,<br />
Inc. farmers and technical staff,<br />
government leaders and academic experts<br />
to maximise results.”<br />
16 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
USA<br />
America’s community credit unions<br />
gather to welcome an Inclusiv new start<br />
p Delegates including Cathie Mahon (third from left) and Matt Bland (third from right)<br />
The umbrella body for the USA’s<br />
community development credit unions<br />
announced its new brand at its national<br />
conference last month.<br />
The event, in Florida, saw chief<br />
executive Cathie Mahon unveil the name<br />
change from the National Federation of<br />
Community Development Credit Unions<br />
to Inclusiv.<br />
She said: “For decades, the federation<br />
and community development credit<br />
unions (CDCU) have been building trust<br />
and delivering relevant products to<br />
underserved people with dignity and<br />
respect. Inclusiv will build on the 44<br />
year legacy of the Federation to grow the<br />
visibility and impact of mission-driven<br />
credit unions.”<br />
CDCUs have a mission of serving<br />
low- and moderate-income people, and<br />
specialise in serving populations with<br />
limited access to safe financial services.<br />
The conference was attended by a<br />
delegation from UK sector body the<br />
Association of British Credit Unions<br />
(Abcul), including representatives<br />
of Enterprise Credit Union, First Scottish<br />
University Credit Union, Pennine<br />
Community Credit Union and Transave<br />
Credit Union.<br />
David Harris, marketing manager at<br />
Pennine Community Credit Union (PCCU)<br />
presented a workshop sharing how he<br />
transformed PCCU’s digital marketing<br />
strategy and how it has coincided with a<br />
significant growth in the credit union’s<br />
lending book.<br />
Abcul’s Matt Bland also addressed<br />
delegates in a plenary session drawing<br />
comparisons between credit unions in the<br />
UK and US.<br />
Pablo DeFilippi said he saw the<br />
partnership between Inclusiv and Abcul<br />
as a “great opportunity to be able to share<br />
our experiences and learn from each other<br />
as we face so many common challenges in<br />
successfully serving communities”.<br />
He added: “It’s been great to continue<br />
our partnership with Abcul and the UK<br />
credit union sector.<br />
“We hope to be able to build on this<br />
partnership in the coming years to the<br />
benefit of underserved people in both the<br />
UK and US.”<br />
Electric co-ops use low-interest loans to power efficiency savings<br />
Electric co-ops in the USA are offering<br />
low-interest loans to members, which<br />
are repaid with their monthly power<br />
bills, so they can afford energy-efficiency<br />
improvements.<br />
The loans, which come at 3% interest,<br />
are available under the Rural Energy<br />
Savings Program (RESP), a scheme from<br />
the US Department of Agriculture which<br />
has made up to $100m available for loans<br />
during the 2019 fiscal year.<br />
NRECA, the umbrella body for the<br />
country’s electric co-ops, says its member<br />
organisations can obtain funds from the<br />
pool at 0% interest and use them to help<br />
consumer-members make long-awaited<br />
efficiency improvements with no need for<br />
down payments.<br />
Energy upgrades funded through the<br />
scheme include high-efficiency heat<br />
pumps, attic insulation, caulking, and<br />
weatherstripping – which will help<br />
co-op members keep electricity costs<br />
down and be “bill neutral”, with the<br />
monthly savings from the upgrades<br />
offsetting the monthly loan payments.<br />
Help is also being offered to members<br />
who get energy audit options for financing<br />
energy-saving improvements and<br />
upgrades. That’s particularly attractive<br />
for higher-cost improvements they<br />
otherwise might delay or avoid because<br />
of upfront costs.<br />
NRECA says the scheme comes at a<br />
welcome time, as the demand for winter<br />
heating begins, and is particularly<br />
important in states like South Carolina,<br />
where a quarter of co-op members live in<br />
prefabricated housing which can be prone<br />
to heat leaks as they age, forcing utility<br />
bills through the roof.<br />
It gives the example of Diane Taylor,<br />
a member of the state’s Aiken Electric<br />
Cooperative, who once received a<br />
bill of more than £700 for her poorly<br />
insulated home. The co-op enrolled her<br />
in its Help My House programme, which<br />
saw contractors make improvements<br />
including insulation, caulking and<br />
weatherstripping, a new energy-efficient<br />
heat pump with a thermostat, and sealed<br />
duct work. Ms Taylor told NRECA the<br />
changes are saving her family around<br />
$250 a month, compared to bills before<br />
the upgrades.<br />
“Help My House makes the members’<br />
home more comfortable, saves them<br />
money and they are appreciative,” said<br />
Gary Stooksbury, CEO of Aiken Electric. “If<br />
we are truly about the member, we should<br />
help them lower their energy costs.”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 17
GLOBAL<br />
International Conference of Labour<br />
Statisticians adopts draft co-op guidelines<br />
The 20th International Conference<br />
of Labour Statisticians adopted a series<br />
of guidelines to develop a set of statistics<br />
on co-operatives.<br />
Held once every five years, the<br />
conference brings together experts from<br />
governments, employers’ and workers’<br />
organisations, and other interest groups<br />
to make recommendations on labour<br />
statistics.<br />
Once the governing body of the<br />
International Labour Organization (ILO)<br />
approves them, the recommendations<br />
become part of international standards on<br />
labour statistics.<br />
The International Co-operative<br />
Alliance (ICA) has been involved in this<br />
process, along with the ICA Committee<br />
on Cooperative Research (CCR) and the<br />
International Organisation of Industrial<br />
and Service Co-operatives (CICOPA).<br />
The draft guidelines point out that<br />
statistics on co-ops should allow for<br />
monitoring of their contribution to labour<br />
markets and the economy; inform the<br />
design, implementation and evaluation<br />
of economic and social policies and<br />
programmes; and facilitate analysis<br />
of groups of workers or members such as<br />
women and men, young people and other<br />
groups of particular concern.<br />
According to the recommendations,<br />
the set of statistics should include data<br />
regarding the number and the type<br />
of co-ops, the members of co-ops, the work<br />
generated in co-ops, and the economic<br />
contribution of co-ops.<br />
In addition, the guidelines mention that<br />
statistics on co-ops should be developed<br />
in consultation with the various users of<br />
the data, “in harmony with other social<br />
and economic statistics and in accordance<br />
with international standards”.<br />
The document also includes reference<br />
concepts and definitions, looking at the<br />
different types of co-ops.<br />
The draft guidelines had been discussed<br />
earlier in April at the second meeting<br />
of the Copac Technical Working Group<br />
(TWG) on Cooperative Statistics at the<br />
ILO’s headquarters in Geneva.<br />
Set up by the Committee of the<br />
Promotion of Co-operatives (Copac) in<br />
2016, the TWG unites key stakeholders<br />
such as national statistics offices, the<br />
co-operative movement, COPAC members,<br />
UN agencies, government representatives<br />
and researchers, to improve the<br />
quality, accessibility and comparability<br />
of statistics on co-operatives around<br />
the world. Its first meeting took place<br />
in 2017.<br />
CANADA<br />
Credit unions pioneer an authenticated voice banking service<br />
Two credit unions in Canada have<br />
launched an authenticated voice<br />
banking service using Amazon Alexa.<br />
The technology is being pioneered by<br />
Innovation Credit Union and Conexus<br />
Credit Union, who partnered with credit<br />
union service organisation Central 1.<br />
The service will enable customers to<br />
make payments, send money to vendors,<br />
transfer money between accounts, and<br />
better understand their financial wellness<br />
with just their voice.<br />
The technology will also help those who<br />
are visually impaired, or are unable to<br />
leave their homes or to use their keyboards<br />
or smartphones to conduct their banking.<br />
“Credit unions need to fix the public’s<br />
perception that banks are more innovative<br />
than they are, and this is a giant step in<br />
that direction,” said Alexander Chan,<br />
product manager with Central 1, who led<br />
the team that developed the technology.<br />
“This new technology is a game<br />
changer in that it improves the banking<br />
experience for a specific demographic of<br />
user; it simulates talking to a live agent,<br />
is secure, flexible and helps people<br />
better understand and manage their<br />
financial wellness.”<br />
Mr Chan added that the technology<br />
was the result of “a highly collaborative<br />
environment and the values that drive<br />
co-operative businesses”.<br />
“The credit union system is different<br />
from other financial institutions in the<br />
sense that bureaucracy doesn’t factor in to<br />
the decision-making process. As a result,<br />
p The new service uses Alexa<br />
we were able to create something very<br />
special, very quickly. Not putting profit<br />
before people means we can focus on the<br />
innovation and design process.”<br />
“Conversational user interaction is<br />
going to play a significant role in future<br />
member interactions, particularly with<br />
millennials and Gen X,” said Dean Gagne,<br />
chief digital and technology officer,<br />
Innovation Credit Union, which provides<br />
financial services to over 49,000 members<br />
including individuals, businesses, and<br />
organisations across the province of<br />
Saskatchewan.<br />
At Conexus – Saskatchewan’s largest<br />
and Canada’s sixth largest credit union<br />
with 125,000 members – chief digital<br />
officer Jeremy Trask said: “We are<br />
passionate about providing solutions<br />
that make a meaningful difference for our<br />
members. Banking is no longer a place<br />
you go, but a thing you do. Partnering<br />
with Central 1 means we’re able to ensure<br />
our members are getting game-changing<br />
technology.”<br />
18 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Step to equality: Co-op insurance body<br />
manages equal gender split at Americas event<br />
p Delegates at the LARG event in Panama City<br />
(Photo: ICMIF)<br />
The International Co-operative and<br />
Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)<br />
had an equal number of men and women<br />
participate in its Americas conference as<br />
speakers, panellists and moderators.<br />
The event, held on 19-21 November in<br />
Cartagena, Colombia, focused on how<br />
co-operative and mutual insurers can<br />
future-proof their businesses to ensure<br />
sustainable competitiveness and the<br />
ability to remain resilient.<br />
Earlier in September, at the annual<br />
meeting of the Latin American Association<br />
for Reinsurance Education (LARG) in<br />
Panama City, women overtook men on<br />
the agenda, with 15 women speakers as<br />
panellists and moderators compared to<br />
12 men.<br />
The federation’s 2017 Biennial<br />
Conference saw a 28% representation<br />
by women on the speaker list and 30%<br />
representation by women on the delegate<br />
list. ICMIF also ran a Young Leaders<br />
Programme at this event, with 49% of the<br />
young leader delegates being women.<br />
“Thirty-one companies from 16<br />
countries sent young leaders to participate<br />
as delegates, and one of the threads<br />
running through the whole conference<br />
was the need for mutuals and co-ops to<br />
develop the next generation of talent,”<br />
says ICMIF vice-president for Business<br />
Intelligence, Ben Telfer.<br />
“The young leaders’ attendance<br />
was embraced by the CEOs and senior<br />
executives who attended and their<br />
presence added to the diversity of thought<br />
at networking events and discussions.<br />
I was delighted to see such an equal<br />
diversity split amongst the participants<br />
too,” he added.<br />
ICMIF set up a Young Leaders Forum for<br />
millennials who have been identified by<br />
their senior managers as strong candidates<br />
to become future leaders within their<br />
organisations. The Forum includes seven<br />
women and five men reflecting current<br />
membership.<br />
Promoting equality is a concern for the<br />
whole co-operative and mutual insurance<br />
sector. Previous research carried out<br />
by ICMIF showed that the percentage<br />
of women on the boards of directors of<br />
mutual and co-operative insurers rose to<br />
20.6% in 2015, compared to an insurance<br />
industry average of just 17.8%.<br />
According to the report, 85% of ICMIF<br />
member companies had at least one<br />
woman director on their board in 2015<br />
and 48% of companies had three or more<br />
women directors, a significantly greater<br />
percentage than the industry average of<br />
just 17% at that time.<br />
Credit unions<br />
to benefit from Basel’s<br />
revised stress tests<br />
Revised stress testing principles from the<br />
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision<br />
are expected to reduce the regulatory<br />
burdens on credit unions and other<br />
community-based financial co-ops.<br />
Regulators across the world implement<br />
the Basel standards when conducting<br />
stress tests of credit unions and other<br />
community -based co-operative depository<br />
institutions. The changes, agreed last<br />
month, will help ensure these tests are<br />
carried out on a more proportionate basis.<br />
“These principles are intended to<br />
be applied on a proportionate basis,<br />
depending on the size, complexity<br />
and risk profile of the bank or banking<br />
sector for which the authority is<br />
responsible,” read the guidelines issued<br />
by the Basel Committee.<br />
The decision represents a major<br />
success for the World Council of Credit<br />
Unions (Woccu), which earlier this year<br />
called for the change.<br />
Michael Edwards, who leads Woccu’s<br />
advocacy efforts, said: “World Council<br />
members have often reported ‘goldplating’<br />
and excessi.<br />
“The Basel Committee’s updated<br />
stress testing principles should help end<br />
those excessive compliance burdens on<br />
credit unions.”<br />
The changes should reduce<br />
unnecessarily high capital requirements<br />
on a case-by-case basis, he added.<br />
“The results of stress testing often<br />
lead to the credit union’s prudential<br />
regulator requiring the institution to<br />
hold more regulatory capital than the<br />
applicable rulebook would normally<br />
require,” he said, “so making those<br />
tests more proportional should in<br />
general reduce capital requirements<br />
on community-based institutions that<br />
are subject to stress testing, but may<br />
help increase capital requirements for<br />
the much more complex too-big-to-fail<br />
banks that the stress testing rules were<br />
originally developed for.”<br />
p Woccu’s Michael Edwards welcomed<br />
the decision<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 19
EUROPE<br />
The last straw: Co-ops get behind the EU’s plastic crackdown<br />
On 24 October MEPs voted to ban singleuse<br />
cutlery, cotton buds, straws and<br />
stirrers – which make up over 70% of<br />
marine litter – by 2021.<br />
Euro Coop, a trade body that represents<br />
European consumer co-op, welcomed the<br />
decision, which also bans products made<br />
of oxo-degradable plastics, such as bags<br />
or packaging and fast-food containers<br />
made of expanded polystyrene.<br />
Under the draft regulations, nonbanned<br />
plastics for which no alternative<br />
exists, such as single-use burger boxes,<br />
sandwich boxes or food containers<br />
for fruits, vegetables, desserts or ice<br />
creams, will have to be reduced by 25%.<br />
Furthermore, beverage bottles will have<br />
to be collected separately and recycled at<br />
a rate of 90% by 2025.<br />
Measures also cover waste from<br />
tobacco products, in particular cigarette<br />
filters containing plastic, which would<br />
have to be reduced by 50% by 2025 and<br />
80% by 2030. Tobacco companies will<br />
be expected to cover the costs of waste<br />
collection for those products, including<br />
transport, treatment and litter collection.<br />
In addition, members states will<br />
need to ensure that at least 50% of lost<br />
or abandoned fishing gear containing<br />
plastic is collected per year, with a<br />
recycling target of at least 15% by 2025.<br />
Fishing gear represents 27% of waste<br />
found on Europe’s beaches.<br />
Rosita Zilli, deputy secretary general<br />
of Euro Coop, said European consumer<br />
co-operatives were already active in<br />
making the shift from a linear to a<br />
circular economy.<br />
“One of the main conclusions is that the<br />
throwaway society in which we currently<br />
live has its days numbered and that it is<br />
no longer the time to speak about ‘waste’<br />
but of ‘reusable resources’,” she added.<br />
“Being retailers mainly active in the<br />
food area, consumer co-operatives that<br />
are members of Euro Coop translated<br />
this precept into action to tackle and<br />
transform waste and rethink how current<br />
production and consumption patterns<br />
take place. Against this backdrop,<br />
yesterday’s EP vote is certainly a move<br />
that supports Euro Coop members’ vision<br />
and spirit towards an enhanced global<br />
circular economy.”<br />
Europe’s industrial and service<br />
co-ops join social economy group<br />
The European confederation of industrial and service<br />
co-operatives, Cecop–Cicopa Europe, is the latest organisation<br />
to join Social Economy Europe (SSE).<br />
SSE represents the 2.8 million social economy enterprises,<br />
including co-operative and mutual insurers, health mutuals,<br />
industrial and service co-ops, foundations, associations of<br />
general interest, social enterprises, ethical and alternative<br />
banks, and cities and regions which support the social economy.<br />
Its president, Juan Antonio Pedreño, said: “We are extremely<br />
happy to welcome Cecop–Cicopa Europe. Co-operatives active<br />
in industry and services are a key pillar of the social economy.<br />
Together, we will continue strengthening the voice of the<br />
European social economy, we will boost our visibility and we<br />
will tirelessly work for a more conducive ecosystem for all<br />
social economy enterprises and organisations.”<br />
Cecop–Cicopa Europe president, Giuseppe Guerini,<br />
added: “SEE is the natural place to grow together with<br />
other organisations that share and promote economic<br />
democracy, and citizens’ participation in the construction of<br />
a fair, free and inclusive market composed by different forms<br />
of enterprises.<br />
“We are very pleased to become a member of SEE with<br />
whom we have been sharing vision and goals for a long time.<br />
In this delicate moment of EU history the role of organisations<br />
bringing people together, fostering unity and participation in<br />
order to achieve solidarity and social inclusion is crucial.”<br />
20 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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EUROPE<br />
MEPs explore<br />
the role of social<br />
co-ops in agriculture<br />
p The meeting at the European Parliament<br />
Social co-operatives play a key role in<br />
the agricultural sector in Italy. Their<br />
contribution was the topic of a meeting<br />
hosted by MEPs Elena Gentile, Paolo De<br />
Castro and Roberto Gualtieri (S&D, Italy)<br />
at the European Parliament.<br />
Social agriculture enterprises are<br />
co-ops or other businesses that operate<br />
in the agricultural sector to foster social<br />
inclusion. Around 46% of all enterprises<br />
involved in social agriculture in Italy are<br />
co-operatives. They employ people from<br />
very vulnerable backgrounds such as<br />
ex-offenders, people with disabilities,<br />
refugees, and people struggling with<br />
addiction and mental health issues.<br />
Others provide jobs for people in territories<br />
previously controlled by the mafia.<br />
Ilaria Signoriello from the Euro+Med<br />
Agri Network said decision-makers<br />
should be aware of the economic and<br />
entrepreneurial dimension of social<br />
co-ops in agriculture, which is also seen<br />
in Portugal, Czech Republic and Hungary.<br />
Paolo De Castro expressed concerns over<br />
the cuts to Common Agriculture Policy<br />
(CAP) funding. The budget allocated to<br />
the CAP represents a share of 28.5% of the<br />
overall EU budget for the period 2021-2027,<br />
down 5% from the previous budget.<br />
Roberto Gualtieri called for a European<br />
legal framework for social agriculture.<br />
And CECOP president Giuseppe Guerini,<br />
former president of Federsolidarietà,<br />
looked at the importance of economic<br />
biodiversity, stating that in order to<br />
thrive, societies had to promote a variety<br />
of economic models. He concluded by<br />
calling for an alliance of social co-ops<br />
active in agriculture and public decision<br />
makers to promote this model.<br />
Former refugee hostel re-opens as sustainable hostel<br />
WELCOMMON, the hostel that provided<br />
accommodation to refugees and asylum<br />
seekers in Athens, is now open to<br />
tourists. In February, the UN Refugee<br />
Agency told organising co-op Wind of<br />
Renewal that it will now focus on small<br />
structures such as apartments, rather<br />
than larger facilities such as the hostel.<br />
Funding is still an issue and they are<br />
looking for donations and investors.<br />
New creative co-op for New Zealand’s Wairoa District?<br />
A creative co-op looks set to be formed in<br />
New Zealand’s Wairoa District following<br />
a visit from Craig Presland, CEO of Coop<br />
Business NZ – the country’s representative<br />
body for co-ops – to encourage the<br />
development of local co-op businesses<br />
in the area. He said he wanted to help the<br />
region build upon this economic success<br />
using the co-operative model.<br />
The Co-operators to provide medical cannabis coverage<br />
Canadian insurer the Co-operators is<br />
introducing optional medical cannabis<br />
coverage for its members. Medical cannabis<br />
does not have a Health Canada Drug<br />
Identification Number and is not eligible<br />
for coverage under prescription drug<br />
plans. The Co-operators will consider it<br />
an eligible expense under the ‘all other<br />
extended health care’ category.<br />
Mauritius Business minister pledges support for co-ops<br />
Co-operatives are on the government’s<br />
agenda in Mauritius, according to the<br />
Minister of Business, Enterprise and<br />
Cooperatives, Soomilduth Bholah. Speaking<br />
at the National Awards for Co-ops <strong>2018</strong> on<br />
14 November, the minister highlighted<br />
some of the government’s policies around<br />
co-operatives.<br />
José Antonio Chávez Villanueva Award winners<br />
Young co-operators making contributions<br />
to the movement were presented with<br />
awards at the 5th Co-operative Summit<br />
of the Americas. The awards are a tribute<br />
to the late youth member of the board of<br />
the International Co-operative Alliance,<br />
José Antonio Chávez Villanueva, who was<br />
killed in a car accident in December 2014.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 21
MEET...<br />
Meet ... Katie Cosgrave,<br />
Alumni Lead at RECLAIM Project<br />
Katie Cosgrave is youth engagement officer at the RECLAIM Project, a youth<br />
leadership and social change organisation. The charity works to support<br />
and amplify the voices of working class young people. One of its projects<br />
involves running leadership programmes for 12-15 year olds from working class<br />
communities and support them through an Alumni Network until they are 22.<br />
The charity also developed a range of pilot projects and campaigns on issues<br />
that affect working class communities.<br />
Reclaim Project is a charity for working class young<br />
people. We work with working class communities;<br />
we go into that community, talk with them and<br />
work out what assets are already there. We then<br />
work with them on asset building, looking at how<br />
we can make the spaces better for young people,<br />
and how we can ensure those young people are<br />
being represented in the community.<br />
I started in 2007 on the first Moss Side project as<br />
an internship when [founder] Ruth Ibegbuna was<br />
the CEO. From there I always supported the work,<br />
and I received a paid position four years ago. I love<br />
it! It’s an absolute privilege to work with these<br />
young people.<br />
We have worked with co-ops in the past where<br />
they have come in and spoken to our young<br />
people. Recently, Co-operatives UK’s John<br />
Atherton came to a session to speak about<br />
what co-operatives are, their values, and their<br />
importance. It was interesting as the way<br />
co-ops do things aligns with how the Reclaim<br />
Project believes communities should be run.<br />
I would say that there needs to be an offer there.<br />
They need to make sure that they are positively<br />
representing young people. They need to make<br />
sure that there is definitely something in it for the<br />
young people and provide spaces to listen. Young<br />
people need spaces. If they are in school they don’t<br />
have space – they are just there going from lesson<br />
to lesson. The only time they get is when they are<br />
home facetiming with their friends. They need a<br />
space where they can be themselves. Young people<br />
have a lot to say they are just not being asked the<br />
right questions.<br />
The way in which co-ops are set up is what our<br />
young people want to see. They want an equal<br />
society. They want people to do things not just<br />
22 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
for money but because they need doing. They<br />
understand that and want to take action on things<br />
that needs doing.<br />
RECLAIM project helps to address loneliness<br />
within young people by offering that space for them<br />
to meet. When they are with us, our young people<br />
are in a non-judgemental environment. They<br />
are listened to, they are treated like adults, with<br />
respect. We would never ask anything of them that<br />
they felt uncomfortable with and there’s a space for<br />
them to come and talk. A lot of young people refer<br />
to the Reclaim Project as a family. It’s a space where<br />
like-minded young people can have conversations<br />
about issues that people assume they would not<br />
want to talk about. A lot of our young people talk<br />
about politics and society and it’s a chance for<br />
them to express their views and opinions safely.<br />
We’ve got a few young people that have worked for<br />
us. We’ve given jobs to them, internships; we’ve<br />
supported young people to go to university and<br />
study law or other subjects. We can provide books<br />
for them as well. But also it’s about having someone<br />
who listens to them. A youth worker stays with the<br />
young person a long time and has conversations<br />
about how they feel, including when they feel upset<br />
or that they don’t fit in. Having that conversation<br />
with someone they can trust is what they need.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 23
In the last issue of Co-op News, I read<br />
about Co-op Group Funeral director<br />
Annabel L Davies being nominated for a<br />
national award.<br />
It’s an honour for the funeral director,<br />
but her first question asked: “Why me?”<br />
Why not?. Many never bother to give that<br />
little extra. It cost nothing.<br />
I was nominated for the ‘Pride of East<br />
Yorkshire Award’ a few years ago. It’s a way<br />
of saying ‘thank you’ for thoughtfulness,<br />
and an appreciation of what you freely give<br />
back to people who need help<br />
David Teacher, Hull<br />
Have your say<br />
Add your comments to our stories<br />
online at, get<br />
in touch via social media, or send<br />
us a letter. If sending a letter, please<br />
include your address and contact<br />
number. Letters may be edited<br />
and no longer than 350 words.<br />
Co-operative News, Holyoake<br />
House, Hanover Street,<br />
Manchester M60 0AS<br /><br />
@coopnews<br />
Co-operative News<br />
Over the last three months, the Co-op<br />
has hosted 24 ‘Join in Live’ events up<br />
and down the country. It’s been a chance<br />
for members and colleagues to engage<br />
with us about our progress as a business,<br />
the connections we’ve built with our<br />
communities, the funding of our local<br />
causes, and the important issues we’re<br />
tackling now for the future.<br />
What a brilliant, insightful time it’s<br />
been! The workshops we ran on our ‘Future<br />
of Food’ plan particularly provided us<br />
with lots of insight and talking points on<br />
recycling plastics and becoming greener.<br />
On behalf of the National Members’<br />
Council, I want to thank everyone who<br />
came along to one of the events – your<br />
feedback and suggestions will really help<br />
us to shape the work we do and how we<br />
plan our events for next year, making sure<br />
that your interests are at the heart of it all.<br />
It was great to hear from members who<br />
found the events as worthwhile as we did.<br />
I’ve picked out some of my highlights to<br />
share with Co-op News readers.<br />
“I really enjoyed the event tonight. It was<br />
great to meet and talk with other members<br />
and Co-op colleagues and representatives,<br />
and to hear about all the latest<br />
developments. A fantastic opportunity to<br />
feed back our views on what the Co-op is<br />
doing. I hope you will consider running a<br />
similar event in our area in future.”<br />
“Thank you so much for today. As I said<br />
at the end of the meeting, it was a real<br />
eye opener to see what else the Co-op is<br />
about. As a retired farmer, I appreciate the<br />
way Co-op supports British farming and<br />
that is what drew me into membership in<br />
the first place.<br />
I also appreciate the work that is being<br />
put into free-from foods. I have a grandson<br />
who is allergic to cows’ milk protein, so<br />
your efforts are much valued.<br />
As a Women’s Institute (WI) member,<br />
we are in the middle of our ‘plastic soup’<br />
campaign (tackling ocean pollution), so I<br />
can report back on what was promised at<br />
the meeting.<br />
The meeting was most informative, and<br />
considering I only attended to be nosey, I<br />
came away with lots of information.”<br />
“Thank you for a really interesting<br />
session at the Join in Live event in<br />
Wrexham. I enjoyed hearing from Member<br />
Pioneers and others about all the good<br />
things that were happening with the<br />
community projects. It is uplifting to think<br />
that so many people are benefiting from<br />
our 1%.”<br />
Join in Live has been a great success, and<br />
we have our members and communities<br />
to thank for getting stuck in and being so<br />
passionate about helping us to make a<br />
difference. Here’s to making 2019 even<br />
better, hope to see you there.<br />
Nick Crofts,<br />
President of the Co-op Group<br />
Members’ Council<br />
24 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
‘Business as usual’ is going to kill the planet,<br />
according to Lord Victor Adebowale, and it is up<br />
to co-operatives, social enterprises and associated<br />
organisations to change the future.<br />
Lord Adebowale, who chairs Social Enterprise<br />
UK, is chief executive of the social care enterprise<br />
Turning Point and sits on the board of the Co-op<br />
Group, opened the Practitioners Forum, telling<br />
delegates that their different way of doing business<br />
was the future.<br />
He highlighted how shocks to the economy,<br />
including the 2008 financial crisis, have meant<br />
that every survey for the last decade shows public<br />
opinion of business going the wrong direction.<br />
“People don’t trust business,” he said. “They<br />
don’t trust business leaders and they don’t trust<br />
the notion of business. This is worrying, as<br />
business is important to society – but the future of<br />
society relies on new models of business.”<br />
The public is looking for a new vision, he said.<br />
“But we’re it! The co-op economy contributes<br />
more to GDP than the country’s entire agriculture<br />
sector. The top five co-ops pay more UK tax<br />
than Google, Apple, Amazon and Starbucks<br />
combined. The UK’s 11th largest taxpayer<br />
is Nationwide.”<br />
He believes that younger generations know that<br />
their future does not and cannot rely on ‘business<br />
as usual’. Instead, business will be about helping<br />
people and their communities thrive.<br />
“We are standing on a burning platform,” said<br />
Lord Adebowale. “We don’t have the luxury of<br />
time. Business as usual is going to kill the planet.<br />
We have to grow faster than business as usual in<br />
order to influence the economy and the politics<br />
that drive it.<br />
“These are big issues, and we have to succeed.<br />
Our kids depend on it. It means delivery of real<br />
business results.”<br />
He said the emergence of businesses ‘for good’<br />
shows that ‘business as usual’ recognises the<br />
positive difference co-ops can make. “We need to<br />
understand and protect what that difference is,<br />
and understand why they want to be us.”<br />
Part of that difference, he said, lies in the<br />
co-op values and principles, and their practical<br />
application. On membership and democracy, he<br />
challenged delegates: “You have to get people who<br />
aren’t in this room to join. We think democracy<br />
is the same as voting. It’s not – it’s the process of<br />
debate. We have to take the debate out there and<br />
we have to use language that is understandable<br />
outside of this room.”<br />
Co-op leaders gathered at the Practitioners Forum in Manchester<br />
on 22 November for a series specialist forums on communications;<br />
finance; governance; HR and membership. This one-day event,<br />
organised by Co-operatives UK and sponsored by Co-op Insurance,<br />
was designed to offer experts advice and peer-to-peer networking.<br />
He believes that in terms of education,<br />
“we haven’t achieved anything until people<br />
leaving business schools know what a co-operative<br />
business is. We need to change how economics<br />
and MBAs are taught. We need to teach how<br />
co-ops are led with the culture and values of the<br />
business in mind.”<br />
He also noted how, according to the UN, the<br />
UK’s government’s austerity measures inflicted<br />
“great misery” on its people. “It’s cruel,” said<br />
Lord Adebowale. “If we’re not part of the solution,<br />
what’s the point? If we can’t provide a solution<br />
for people at the sharp end of the economic scale,<br />
what are we doing?”<br />
He added: “We are standing on the edge of the<br />
future. The energy that should provide us with<br />
should be tremendous, there is no better energy<br />
than the future. The future is precious, it’s not a<br />
game, isn’t not something that can be put to one<br />
side. Success is the difference between a good<br />
society for our kids and business as usual.”<br />
F PPractitioners<br />
Forum <strong>2018</strong><br />
Lord Victor Adebowale<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 25
Successfully engaging a digital audience requires<br />
understanding human behaviour, said Zoe Lawrie<br />
from the Co-operative Bank during a session<br />
on marketing. She offered a series of tips for a<br />
successful digital engagement.<br />
With 90% of adults in UK having an online<br />
presence, going digital can help businesses<br />
listen, respond and engage with their customers<br />
or clients, she said.<br />
Digital marketing has an advantage over<br />
traditional channels because it is not limited<br />
to a geographical area, which means that local<br />
co-ops can run national campaigns and have a<br />
24/7 online presence.<br />
“From a business point of view, social media<br />
is crucial but it is not a shop window – it is an<br />
opportunity to have a dialogue and learn from<br />
people,” said Ms Lawrie.<br />
She argued that the key to a successful approach<br />
is taking into account the fact that people buy<br />
benefits, not products. Digital marketing also<br />
enables co-ops to track the success of their<br />
campaigns, measuring impact with analytics tools<br />
from search engines and social media platforms.<br />
campaign. The Bank does not have a Snapchat<br />
account but spread the message through the filter.<br />
Another marketing challenge is search engine<br />
optimisation. Ms Lawrie advised co-ops, when<br />
considering this, to type searches for the things<br />
New technology has brought new ways to present<br />
information, and Ms Lawrie said co-ops should<br />
produce videos for promotion on social media –<br />
making sure they are pinned posts.<br />
“Video far exceeds engagement more than<br />
anything else – if you are not filming stuff do it,”<br />
she said. It is predicted that 80% of all internet<br />
traffic will be video in the next two years.<br />
Choosing the right platform for each promotion<br />
is crucial, said Ms Lawrie. Engagement on social<br />
media and responding to customers helps to<br />
boost a post shared on Facebook, she said, while<br />
effective use of hashtags and tagging key people<br />
can bring more retweets on Twitter.<br />
“Followers and those commenting on posts<br />
become advocates for you,” she said.<br />
Retailers can also use Instagram to share visual<br />
and user-generated content, which will also attract<br />
bloggers and influencers. LinkedIn can help<br />
co-ops engage more formally with executives,<br />
other businesses or potential employees.<br />
This year, the Co-operative Bank designed<br />
a Snapchat featuring one of the Manchester<br />
bees it had sponsored. The filter was used by<br />
members and employees to promote a marketing<br />
they want to be known for, the things are interested<br />
in, and the names of their competitors – and then<br />
to study the results of the search to inform their<br />
own web presence.<br />
Giving away something for free boosts search<br />
engine results and so does registering the<br />
business’s address on Google.<br />
Another way to maximise online presence is<br />
to encourage members and customers to write<br />
reviews of the business and its services. And<br />
having their business listed on Google will help it<br />
get more reviews and be found more easily.<br />
“You can include photos, how the business<br />
looks, what you sell, add videos and people can<br />
post reviews that you can respond to, thank and<br />
share,” said Ms Lawrie. “You can ask people to<br />
post reviews and give them vouchers.”<br />
She explained that being relevant and<br />
unique, having other websites linking to the<br />
business and being active on social media could<br />
all help bring a business higher up in search<br />
engine results.<br />
Zoe Lawrie,<br />
The Co-operative Bank<br />
26 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Blogging is also an important method<br />
of promotion; posts can be used to share skills,<br />
insider tips, member stories and recipes.<br />
“Give something back – don’t start by expecting<br />
members, communities and customers to<br />
contribute and buy something from you. Give<br />
them something first,” said Ms Lawrie.<br />
“Ask your communities and network to write<br />
for you and use those on your blogs. Get in<br />
touch with people who have content and who<br />
share each others. You have a community of like<br />
- minded people. Build it. Exploit it. Use them.<br />
Get involved in videos, share value. Add value to<br />
people’s lives. Remember we want people buying<br />
into better versions than themselves. How can you<br />
help them do that?”.<br />
Delegates were given the chance to view<br />
Co-operatives UK’s draft framework and guidance<br />
around Key Performance Indicators for co-ops.<br />
The document is based on the seven co-op<br />
principles. It takes each principle, identifies a<br />
number of core questions to consider, and sets<br />
out examples of KPIs and how support metrics<br />
can be used.<br />
It aims to help co-ops think about how KPIs<br />
help deliver member value, member voice and<br />
co-operative values. The guidance uses<br />
an open set of questions, which can be used<br />
as a starting point for discussions around core<br />
objectives and how the mission is delivered.<br />
“The framework was designed to be simple<br />
and flexible, bringing together co-op principles and<br />
business principles. It’s a living document waiting<br />
for feedback from members. We are still consulting<br />
with people on it,” said John Sandford chair<br />
of the Co-operative Performance Committee.<br />
“It’s a question-based framework, not aimed<br />
to be prescriptive,” added Shelagh Everett<br />
of Co-operatives UK. “It’s about getting the right<br />
KPIs for your co-op.”<br />
She explained that the context or answer<br />
to questions may differ across co-operatives.<br />
Some KPIs may be relevant to certain types of<br />
co-operatives only but all can be used to prompt<br />
debate, she said.<br />
The framework can be used by all co-ops,<br />
irrespective of type, size or sector and will soon be<br />
available online.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 27
Ask any co-operative business to list some of its<br />
biggest challenges, and more likely than not the<br />
issue of ‘engaging young people’ will come up.<br />
Almost one third of the world's population is under<br />
18. Young people have an influence on decisionmaking<br />
a all levels; they are future members,<br />
customers and colleagues.<br />
At the <strong>2018</strong> Practitioners Forum, organised<br />
by Co-operatives UK, Katie Cosgrave from the<br />
Reclaim Project looked at the issue of engaging<br />
and campaigning with a younger audience.<br />
How do you reach a younger demographic<br />
through campaigning? Who really benefits<br />
from the campaigns? And how can you reach<br />
the ‘unreachable’?<br />
Reclaim is a youth leadership and social change<br />
organisation set up in Moss Side in 2007 to enable<br />
working class young people to be seen, be heard<br />
and lead change. It was started by Ruth Ibegbuna,<br />
a teacher, who was one of many to be angered<br />
by how the shocking murder of 15 year-old Jessie<br />
James in broad daylight was reported. To the<br />
media it was the death of another black youth in<br />
an area rife with crime and drug use.<br />
“The image of young people in Moss Side at the<br />
time was that they were thugs, in gangs, and up<br />
to no good,” said Ms Cosgrave, youth engagement<br />
officer at Reclaim. “Ruth knew differently. She<br />
knew that they were clever, articulate and had<br />
the answers – they just weren’t being asked the<br />
right questions.<br />
“Ruth organised an event for 30 young black<br />
boys from the area who, during their half term,<br />
spent a week talking about stereotyping, racism<br />
and representation. They worked on how to<br />
articulate their problems without sounding like<br />
they were kicking off.” This first event evolved into<br />
a campaign, and then the Reclaim Project.<br />
Presenting alongside Ms Cosgrave was Olivia<br />
Clarke, a 16 year-old student who has worked<br />
with Reclaim for several years. She first attended<br />
Reclaim events as a “shy young girl” – drawn in<br />
by free food.<br />
“It was goodness knows how many chicken<br />
mayos and KFCs later, that I realised that I had<br />
a passion for political change. It was then that I<br />
became an independent young woman!” she said.<br />
“My point is, that in order to engage young<br />
people, you have to give them something –<br />
specifically, something free. Free food or tech –<br />
they’re the two things that young people love the<br />
most. I can almost guarantee that attendance will<br />
be high if there’s a freebie. There will be people<br />
who just come for that freebie – but by the end of<br />
the session you will find a core group of people who<br />
will actually want to work with you on whatever<br />
your campaign is.”<br />
Ms Cosgrave highlighted how it is unlikely that<br />
anyone aged 12 would say they are interested in<br />
politics, for example, “but you just need to ask<br />
different questions”.<br />
“If instead you ask ‘Do you care how you are<br />
educated?’, ‘Do you care how many people are in<br />
your classroom?’ or ‘ Do you care how you get to<br />
school or what the bus journey is like?’ then yes,<br />
they’ll be interested and they’ll have a lot to say.<br />
“It’s about removing the terminology. Young<br />
people just want honesty. Tell them what<br />
you’re doing and why you’re doing it. And keep<br />
them updated.”<br />
Creating a manifesto is another good way to start<br />
a campaign. “It’s a professional document for<br />
young people to refer back to,” said Ms Cosgrave.<br />
Above: Alumni Lead at<br />
Reclaim Project, right,<br />
Olivia Clarke, a student<br />
who works with Reclaim<br />
28 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
A lot of terms used when talking about young<br />
people are overly negative, said Ms Cosgrave. So<br />
start talking positively about them and represent<br />
them in a way that they would be proud to<br />
be represented.<br />
“When something represents you, you want<br />
to look at it and say ‘Yes, you haven’t done a<br />
disservice to me, that absolutely represents me’.<br />
“If you have boards or are doing consultations,<br />
make sure that everyone there represents a<br />
different part of society, so young people can look<br />
and think ‘Yes, I look like them, I sounds like<br />
them, I could be in those positions’.”<br />
But it’s also important not to stereotype or use<br />
tokenism, added Ms Clarke. “I don’t choose where<br />
I live – that place doesn’t label me. OK I may be<br />
poor financially, but I’m rich in values. I don’t<br />
need money or a postcode to define me.”<br />
She related a story of how a politician,<br />
campaigning in her area, asked if he could get a<br />
picture with her. “I had to tell him: ‘No, I’m not<br />
your little campaign prop’! Just because you pose<br />
with a young person doesn’t mean you benefited<br />
them or worked with them.<br />
“They can see what they’ve stated, what it is that<br />
they want to do.”<br />
Reclaim runs a conference week where young<br />
people are given space to discuss ideas around<br />
leadership, activism, enterprise and community<br />
development – and at the end they create their<br />
own manifesto.<br />
One such manifesto led to the creation of Moss<br />
Side Pride, a 2015 event entirely run by 14 and 15<br />
year olds, which brought 1,500 people together at<br />
a food festival in an effort to celebrate Moss Side’s<br />
diversity and remove some of the stereotypes<br />
people had about the area.<br />
“Companies need to make more of an effort to<br />
get involved with us,” said Ms Clarke. They need<br />
to start engaging with young people, rather than<br />
complain about young people not being engaged.<br />
“You’re not going to find out our opinion without<br />
asking us. So ask us what we feel, what we think<br />
and how we can help. We’re young, but we’re not<br />
stupid. We do have a voice and an opinion. It may<br />
not be as advanced an opinion, but it’s still an<br />
opinion and that opinion matters. We’re not scary,<br />
and we don’t bite either.”<br />
Use a simple campaign that involves an action that<br />
young people can take part in. “The young people<br />
I spoke to before I came here liked Movember, Odd<br />
Sock Day (for bullying), no-make-up selfies and<br />
the polished man campaign [which challenges<br />
men (and women) to paint one nail and raise<br />
funds and awareness for children affected by<br />
violence globally] as they were something they<br />
could do,” said Ms Cosgrave. “You have to take<br />
part physically – then they start conversations.”<br />
“Social media is often shown in a negative light,”<br />
said Ms Clarke. “The benefits are never really<br />
talked about – like how it educates people without<br />
realising it.<br />
“Social media, to a certain extent, is the only<br />
education working class people get, especially<br />
politically. It’s broken down and presented on<br />
a platform that is accessible to everyone from<br />
all walks of life. Using social media to engage<br />
young people automatically shows them that<br />
you’re willing to engage with them in their own<br />
spaces. And those spaces to talk can start with<br />
a hashtag.”<br />
Hear more from Katie<br />
on our Meet feature<br />
on page 22-23<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 29
Engagement and growth:<br />
Lessons from Outlandish<br />
As worker co-ops develop or grow, what challenges can this present in terms of engaging with members or<br />
clients, to ensure that its founding co-op ethos is effectively communicated and maintained? We spoke to<br />
Kayleigh Walsh from Outlandish – a co-op of collaborators and co-owners who build digital applications,<br />
which is one of the rising stars of a new generation of young co-operatives.<br />
30 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Has the growth of Outlandish made<br />
engagement with members more difficult?<br />
We haven't ever been huge, but last year we did<br />
get to about 30 people invoicing us, which is the<br />
biggest we've been. It did change the feel of the<br />
co-op – there were more people because we had<br />
a lot of work on, which is good! But it also means<br />
there was a bit less familiarity among the team,<br />
and our culture is really important to us. We think<br />
there's a lot of trust required in a worker co-op,<br />
and inevitably when there are more people, the<br />
environment changes slightly.<br />
In terms of engagement with members, it hasn't<br />
really affected us because at most there have<br />
only been nine, but we recognise that Outlandish<br />
relies on more than just nine people to be the<br />
success that we are today.<br />
The point here is that we don't want to grow,<br />
we just want to work with nice people and deliver<br />
things that they need which contribute positively<br />
to the world. That's our aim, rather than growth<br />
or hitting specific financial targets or taking on<br />
Google. It's just not our bag.<br />
What practical challenges have there been?<br />
How have these been dealt with?<br />
As a small business, we need to be efficient and<br />
capable of delivering more work when there is<br />
demand. Our business structure means that we're<br />
three concentric circles consisting of freelancers<br />
and members, so when we need to scale up,<br />
we can call on people with relevant skills from<br />
our network who have the opportunity to work<br />
with us over the short or long term.<br />
We've experienced the challenge of having<br />
more work on than the team are capable of<br />
delivering, so in response to that, we set up<br />
CoTech – a network of digital co-ops in the UK.<br />
It covers more or less everything you need for a<br />
successful digital project, and it means that we<br />
can scale up without the overhead of recruitment<br />
and deliver high quality and valuable work<br />
through collaborating with other experienced<br />
co-ops. In turn we're supporting the longevity<br />
of other digital co-ops, because we're sharing<br />
the work and practising collaboration and skill<br />
sharing, as well as showing solidarity.<br />
Lots of people assume that we want to be really<br />
big, but we don't. We have an agreement that<br />
we won't be more than 20 members. We think<br />
there's a lot to be said for smaller co-ops with<br />
defined expertise who are open to collaboration,<br />
"We just want to work with nice people<br />
and deliver things that they need which<br />
contribute positively to the world. That's our<br />
aim, rather than growth or hitting specific<br />
financial targets or taking on Google.<br />
It's just not our bag."<br />
rather than a huge organisation that seems to do<br />
everything ... albeit not very efficiently. This also<br />
means that we offer high value and quality work<br />
to our clients i.e. we're cheaper than corporate<br />
agencies because of the reduced overhead and<br />
profit extraction, which is really important<br />
to us (and really, that should be what every<br />
organisation aims to do).<br />
Have new measures been put in place as<br />
Outlandish gets bigger to maintain the close<br />
relationship with its workers (and, indeed,<br />
its members?)<br />
We've always been quite social, and have a<br />
shared lunch paid by Outlandish every Tuesday<br />
and Thursday to make sure that we look after<br />
the human side of our co-op. Outlandish started<br />
around a kitchen table so even though we're in an<br />
office, we still like to have a good meal and chat.<br />
We wholeheartedly understand and value<br />
the importance of culture, so we've invested<br />
a lot of time and money into training around<br />
communication, sociocracy and feeling<br />
empowered to speak up when things aren't<br />
right. We know that there's no point delivering<br />
work and focusing on commercial projects if<br />
we're not taking care of the internal well-being<br />
and happiness of our workers - without them<br />
Outlandish doesn't exist.<br />
With that being said, l don't want to make it<br />
sound easy or perfect. It's not, but the point is that<br />
we're committed to making it better because we<br />
all know it's worth it.<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 31
Reaching out to baby boomers<br />
to leave a co-op legacy<br />
The baby boomer generation is reaching<br />
retirement age – and with a huge number of<br />
business owners in their ranks, there is an<br />
opportunity for the employee-ownership sector to<br />
win new converts.<br />
In the UK, the question of what happens when<br />
these firms transfer ownership has already<br />
caught the attention of the co-op and employee<br />
ownership sectors. Encouraging the switch to<br />
worker control has been highlighted as a route<br />
towards doubling the size of the UK co-op sector,<br />
a target set by the Co-operative Party.<br />
In an independent report commissioned by<br />
the Party, the New Economics Foundation said:<br />
“There are around 120,000 family-run small<br />
and medium enterprises in the UK expected to<br />
undergo a transfer of ownership in the next<br />
three years. If just 5% of these businesses were<br />
supported to make the transition to employee<br />
ownership or one of the other mutual or<br />
co‐operative models available in the UK, then<br />
the number of entities in the sector would double.”<br />
So how can the movement engage with<br />
businesses to encourage this process?<br />
In the USA, Evergreen Co-operatives, with<br />
strategic advice from Democracy Collaborative,<br />
has launched an initiative to drive a new wave<br />
of business transitions. A network of co-ops,<br />
Evergreen is a key player in the Cleveland<br />
model which uses co-op ideas to build local<br />
democratic economies, which helped inspire the<br />
co-op councils movement in Britain. Democracy<br />
Collaborative is a nonprofit working on building<br />
community wealth.<br />
Evergreen’s new project, the Fund for Employee<br />
Ownership, will purchase businesses in its home<br />
state, Ohio, for conversion to worker-ownership.<br />
The team says the scheme offers a better<br />
alternative to the current situation, where<br />
businesses are often bought out by private equity<br />
firms, who then cut jobs or move them overseas<br />
or out of state.<br />
The fund is also looking at industries that<br />
employ the workers Evergreen and Democracy<br />
Collaborative want to target – those on low<br />
incomes or facing barriers to employment.<br />
Evergreen’s executive vice president Brett<br />
Jones, who is director of the fund, says: “We are<br />
just getting started but we are really optimistic<br />
about our ability to acquire firms in Cleveland<br />
that would be a great fit to convert to employeeowned.<br />
And we’re also optimistic about our<br />
ability to support those businesses to succeed<br />
and grow.<br />
“Key to our success will be identifying<br />
partners who can help us connect with local<br />
business owners”.<br />
Part of this engagement process is making<br />
business owners a positive offer. Jessica Rose,<br />
director of employee ownership programs at<br />
Democracy Collaborative, told business website<br />
Fast Company: “What we need to do is leverage<br />
One of Evergreen’s<br />
co-op enterprises in<br />
Cleveland, Ohio<br />
32 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
Evergreen wants to<br />
encourage a new wave<br />
of worker-owned<br />
businesses<br />
mission-driven capital that can offer business<br />
owners an experience that’s as frictionless as any<br />
other exit option they have available to them.”<br />
But can this model be used to spread the worker<br />
-ownership message elsewhere? Brad Jones says<br />
the fund is trying to demonstrate “a new way for<br />
impact capital to be put to use. The next few years<br />
will be focused on executing our strategy so one<br />
day perhaps the model can be replicated.”<br />
Ed Mayo, secretary general of Co-operatives<br />
UK, says: “Here is a programme that is embedded<br />
in local networks in the city and state. Could<br />
we see cities in the UK operate in as proactive a<br />
way? If the fund can prove that it pays for itself<br />
over time, the wider benefits in terms of the local<br />
economy can be considerable.”<br />
Deb Oxley, chief executive of the Employee<br />
Ownership Association, called the fund “a very<br />
exciting route to support regional economic<br />
resilience”, adding: “As the UK looks for new<br />
ways to protect jobs and stimulate regional<br />
productivity, while at the same time socialising<br />
capital, we need policy makers and politicians<br />
to be more ambitious and brave. In this regards,<br />
the UK could learn important lessons from<br />
the USA.”<br />
Others are more cautious. Cath Muller from<br />
Co-operative Business Consultants suggested<br />
economic democracy would be better improved<br />
if the fund promoted worker co-ops, and pointed<br />
to a report for New York community development<br />
group The Pinkerton Foundation by Steven<br />
Dawson, which warned against “over-promise”<br />
by social enterprise investments.<br />
“After six years and promises of creating 5,000<br />
jobs, the three Evergreen Co-operative Enterprises<br />
in inner-city Cleveland today employ in total<br />
fewer than 150 workers – despite investing more<br />
than $17m in construction costs alone” wrote<br />
Dawson in February 2017; he pointed to similar<br />
problems in projects run by other cities.<br />
Ms Muller added: “That said, of course there’s<br />
room here to take this proactive approach ...<br />
Anyone providing large funds to further any level<br />
of worker agency is a great thing, even if I think<br />
there are more ambitious things that could be<br />
done with that amount of money.”<br />
“What we need to do<br />
is leverage mission<br />
-driven capital that can<br />
offer business owners<br />
an experience that’s as<br />
frictionless as any other<br />
exit option they have<br />
available to them”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 33
Mutualising public services: How do<br />
we engage with workers and the public?<br />
Austerity has impacted massively on local government, decimating frontline services across the country,<br />
with councils facing more cuts to funding and worsening financial challenges<br />
Against this bleak backdrop, local authorities<br />
are fighting back and increasingly recognising<br />
that mutual and co-operative ways of working<br />
can help rebuild communities disheartened<br />
and demoralised by years of cuts. Preston City<br />
Council led the way, supporting a wide range<br />
of co-operative enterprises built around the<br />
city’s anchor institutions – including the county<br />
constabulary, a public sector housing association,<br />
colleges and hospitals.<br />
Council leaders also decided to buy goods and<br />
services locally to stop 61% of their procurement<br />
budget being spent outside of the Lancashire<br />
economy. In the process, the town’s fortunes<br />
have been turned around and the results are<br />
inspiring other local authorities to go back to their<br />
roots engaging local communities.<br />
Preston is also a key player in the Co-operative<br />
Councils Innovations Network (CCIN), which<br />
is offering an alternative approach to<br />
delivering services, using co-operative values<br />
and principles.<br />
It comprises 23 councils across the UK, from<br />
Bassetlaw to Bristol, which have committed<br />
themselves to finding better ways of working for<br />
and with local people. Members share the belief<br />
that working co-operatively with communities<br />
holds the key to tackling today’s challenges<br />
– replacing traditional models of top-down<br />
governance and service delivery with local<br />
leadership, built on the founding traditions of the<br />
co-operative movement.<br />
Ethical expertise is provided by its Values and<br />
Principles Board, which includes representatives<br />
from the Co-op Party, Co-operatives UK, the<br />
Co-operative College and Co-op Press.<br />
Director of communications Nicola Huckerby<br />
says there has been a surge of interest in the last<br />
12 months.<br />
“This year, our annual conference in October<br />
attracted a lot more council leaders, MPs,<br />
peers and council officers who want to help.<br />
Councils need to join to help them identify<br />
solutions to the challenges they are facing with<br />
ever-reducing budgets.<br />
“More and more councils are coming forward<br />
and saying let’s have a conversation – and we<br />
are more than twice the size we were at the<br />
Key Figures<br />
CCIN<br />
comprises of<br />
23<br />
Councils<br />
<br />
This figure has<br />
increased by<br />
11<br />
since the<br />
beginning of 2017<br />
<br />
34 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
eginning of 2017 with new affiliates and 11<br />
associated member councils. This year we went<br />
over to Brussels to meet the president and director<br />
general of the ICA and were at the autumn<br />
political conferences.”<br />
CCIN has just launched a new round of Policy<br />
Lab funding whereby members put forward their<br />
ideas for partnership projects they would like to<br />
see delivered in 2019/20 with £10,000 going to the<br />
lucky recipients.<br />
“Ordinary members are taking back ideas<br />
wanting to share with their councils. It resonates<br />
very well with co-operative ethics and values. The<br />
principle of the network is investing to save and<br />
looking at delivering services more effectively<br />
and with social value. Whether tackling food<br />
poverty, asset transfers or procuring ethically it is<br />
about how do you deliver services for the benefit<br />
of residents. Different authorities have lessons<br />
we can learn so rather than starting a journey on<br />
our own we are sharing information.”<br />
The network’s list of co-operatively led projects<br />
is a very long one. It includes CATERed, a<br />
co-operative trading company jointly owned<br />
by 67 local schools and Plymouth City Council,<br />
providing high quality school food to children<br />
“Ordinary members are<br />
taking back ideas wanting<br />
to share with their councils.<br />
It resonates very well with<br />
co-operative ethics and<br />
values. The principle of the<br />
network is investing to save<br />
and looking at delivering<br />
services more effectively and<br />
with social value”<br />
be provided more appropriately locally, the<br />
council, health care trust and parents/carers<br />
began to work on a programme to commission<br />
the scheme.<br />
“The parents/carers have been actively<br />
and equally involved throughout the process,<br />
playing an active role in tendering for the scheme.<br />
They have worked with the successful tenderers,<br />
identifying an appropriate site and working on the<br />
and young people across the city not just in school<br />
time but in vacation periods to alleviate holiday<br />
hunger and food poverty.<br />
In Rochdale, Parent Carers Voice, an<br />
independent group of parents of children with<br />
disabilities, is working with council officers to<br />
deliver better services.<br />
Their latest project is a new independent living<br />
facility for young people with autism.<br />
Spokeswoman Helen Walton said: “There is<br />
currently no provision locally for these young<br />
people. Many of them live in out of borough<br />
placements, far from families, friends and<br />
communities and at considerable expense to<br />
the local authority. Recognising provision could<br />
design and layout speaking with local residents<br />
at consultation events and at planning<br />
committees to ensure young peoples’ voices<br />
were heard.”<br />
The development, set to open in summer 2019,<br />
will be named Pioneer Fields, acknowledging<br />
Rochdale’s place in the history of co-operation<br />
and the ongoing approach designed to meet<br />
young people’s needs. It will provide 15 highquality<br />
bungalows with carer accommodation,<br />
communal social space, a café, small farm and<br />
horticultural facilities – all purpose-built to meet<br />
individual needs.<br />
Knowsley Council and its partners are set<br />
to launch a six-month period of engagement<br />
Facing page: Nicola<br />
Huckerby of CCIN<br />
with Cllr Liam<br />
O’Rourke from<br />
Rochdale Borough<br />
Council and Slough<br />
MP Tan Dhesi<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 35
Stevenage community safety manager Sarah<br />
Pateman said: “We look at it more from the victim’s<br />
perspective. We are involving people, empowering<br />
them to become survivors and asking them what<br />
their preferred option is. By working together in<br />
this co-operative way we can help victims, families<br />
and our partners to offer a joined-up approach<br />
to tackling domestic abuse and helping to keep<br />
victims safe.”<br />
Cllr Paul Stewart from<br />
Sunderland Council<br />
“It is early days but a resolution is going to<br />
council this month which will hopefully give<br />
me authority to plan a more formal<br />
community wealth building programme,<br />
helping us further develop our existing<br />
co-ops and build support for them”<br />
with the community, after the council’s cabinet<br />
agreed a new approach to planning for the future.<br />
The council will work with residents, businesses<br />
and partners to help shape what kind of place<br />
Knowsley will be in 2030, identifying ways to<br />
achieve that vision, focusing on the physical<br />
environment but also covering important issues<br />
such as educational attainment, job creation<br />
and health of the borough’s residents. The new<br />
long-term strategy for Knowsley, which will be<br />
developed over the next 18 months, will launch in<br />
2020 and run until 2030.<br />
Stevenage Against Domestic Abuse has<br />
developed a strategic and co-ordinated approach<br />
to tackling and reducing domestic abuse working<br />
with internal and external partners, putting<br />
the victim and their family at the heart of the<br />
project and working co-operatively to involve<br />
them in decision making.<br />
The service is believed to the first in the<br />
country that encourages organisations to refer<br />
victims and their families a Safe Space provided<br />
by the council to stay for up to seven nights<br />
while they make decisions on their future.<br />
It encourages and empowers victims and<br />
survivors and has so far supported 85<br />
victims of domestic abuse with input<br />
from independent domestic violence<br />
advisors, children’s services, the mental<br />
health team, health visitors and the police.<br />
The SADA team also includes the Domestic<br />
Abuse Forum, a survivors group that informs<br />
direction of the service and delivers training<br />
to neighbouring local authorities and<br />
partner agencies.<br />
New initiatives in Sunderland include REuse<br />
– a project working with vulnerable groups and<br />
local charities which uses the council’s IT system<br />
to recycle old furniture/equipment .<br />
The council also supports Bishopwearmouth<br />
Co-operative Nursery, which delivers a wide<br />
range of professional horticultural and floristry<br />
services to customers across the North East.<br />
All profits are invested into the company to<br />
provide paid employment, education, training<br />
36 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
and work-based placements for vulnerable<br />
adults with learning or physical disabilities.<br />
The co-operative is in the process of opening a<br />
café on site in spring next year.<br />
Cabinet secretary Paul Stewart, a Labour<br />
/Co-op councillor who is in charge of the council’s<br />
finance and corporate services, is enthusiastic<br />
about all these initiatives. A founder member of<br />
the CCIN, he now serves on its executive and is<br />
optimistic about what can be done despite the<br />
fact Sunderland alone has lost £290m in central<br />
government funding since 2010.<br />
“We are all under a lot of pressure however the<br />
network helps us promote our ideas and values as<br />
best we can. All our members have a constitution<br />
which says we are co-op councils trying to pursue<br />
co-op values. Preston Council is a key member<br />
of the network and its leadership have been<br />
very helpful sharing their experiences.<br />
“Here in Sunderland we are in the process<br />
of putting a programme together to implement<br />
an ethical procurement system and looking at<br />
how we can support local businesses more. In<br />
Sunderland 30 per cent of our money is already<br />
spent here and two-thirds in Northern region. We<br />
are looking to expand that further by reducing<br />
the size of contracts as the larger the contract the<br />
more likely it is to be a national company.”<br />
The Council is also setting up a Co-operative<br />
Development Fund to help set new up co-ops or<br />
expand existing ones.<br />
“It is early days but a resolution is going to<br />
council this month which will hopefully give<br />
me authority to plan a more formal Community<br />
Wealth building programme helping us further<br />
develop our existing co-ops and build support<br />
for them .<br />
“In Sunderland low pay affects 25% of the<br />
workforce and we want to ensure that local<br />
employees are paid a decent Living Wage<br />
but it is going to take time because of the<br />
financial climate. It is a long-term project – however<br />
it is the right thing to do if you genuinely believe as<br />
a council you should be ensuring where you have<br />
ability to influence other employers. By trying to<br />
move things forward we can increase the pace<br />
at which we move towards further development<br />
of co-operatives. The important thing is<br />
to promote the agenda ensuring you are open and<br />
honest as a council.”<br />
August this year saw the publication of the<br />
Social Housing Green Paper. Almost 1,000 tenants<br />
shared their views with ministers at 14 events<br />
“By working together we provide better places for our<br />
members, tenants and employees to live and work. Drawing<br />
on the area’s rich co-operative heritage, our pioneering model<br />
places members at the heart of decision-making, allowing<br />
everyone to enjoy a sense of security and belonging in places<br />
we make great together”<br />
across the country, with over 7,000 submitting<br />
opinions, issues and concerns online as the<br />
government aimed to re-balance the relationship<br />
between tenants and landlords in the wake of the<br />
fire at Grenfell Tower,<br />
One way forward has already been pioneered<br />
by Rochdale Boroughwide Housing, the UK’s first<br />
tenant and employee co-owned mutual housing<br />
society, with over 13,000 homes in its remit.<br />
RBH became a mutual in 2013 following a<br />
standard stock transfer from the council in<br />
2012. It now has 5490 tenant members and 461<br />
employee members .<br />
Spokesman Iain Lindley says their model is key<br />
to engaging tenants and employees and giving<br />
them an extra stake in the society and its future.<br />
“I think people feel they have a better influence<br />
and they feel a bit closer to the decision making<br />
process. You have not got that adversarial<br />
situation where it is them and us. Our tenant<br />
and employee members elect the people who<br />
sit on our representative body which appoints<br />
non-executive directors and six of the eight<br />
board members.<br />
“We are trying to do things together with<br />
tenants and get them involved as much as we<br />
can as an integral part of the decision-making<br />
process. Our tenants have the opportunity to<br />
make decisions and influence things in a way<br />
they did not before.”<br />
Unlike other housing associations, RBH is<br />
very much about keeping things local, he adds.<br />
“We are committed and focused on Rochdale.<br />
Infomation:<br />
£290m<br />
cut in central<br />
government funding<br />
since<br />
<br />
2010<br />
In Sunderland<br />
<br />
30%<br />
of money in<br />
Sunderland is<br />
spent in the<br />
area with –<br />
<br />
2/3<br />
spent in the<br />
northern region<br />
<br />
Low pay affects<br />
25%<br />
of the<br />
workforce<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 37
I do not think we will be an enormous developer<br />
like other housing associations. We have just<br />
approved our new corporate strategy, our<br />
tenant members and employee members are<br />
integral to that and have the final sign-off. It has<br />
been developed together and not imposed by<br />
a management team.<br />
“By working together we provide better places<br />
for our members, tenants and employees to live<br />
and work. Drawing on the area’s rich co-operative<br />
heritage, our pioneering model places members<br />
at the heart of decision-making, allowing<br />
everyone to enjoy a sense of security and<br />
belonging in places we make great together.”<br />
A meeting at Merthyr<br />
Valleys Homes<br />
“Member-owned housing is still not recognised as a new<br />
approach to housing but post-Grenfell this is an approach<br />
which puts tenants right at the heart of the organisation”<br />
In May 2016 Merthyr Valleys Homes (MVH)<br />
became the first in Wales to allow tenants<br />
and employees the opportunity to become a<br />
member, and own a share in the organisation.<br />
First established in 2009, it currently owns and<br />
manages over 4,200 homes across the borough.<br />
Outgoing CEO Mike Owen explains the<br />
transition: “Our first five years were dedicated<br />
to achieving promises made to tenants upon<br />
transfer, and also achieving our Welsh Housing<br />
Quality Standard targets. In 2014, we started to<br />
look at the future of our organisation, and how we<br />
them to become members, giving them a<br />
real say, and playing an important role in<br />
decision making. Under the old model, tenants<br />
found they could not really be representatives<br />
because they had to be company directors and<br />
there was no way to go back to constituents and<br />
be accountable.<br />
“We decided we really needed to have a<br />
re-think of our position when there was a very<br />
big issue around the TV show Skint, filmed in<br />
Merthyr Tydfil. We sat back and said why have<br />
these people gone on TV and trashed their own<br />
Merthyr Valleys<br />
Homes now owns and<br />
manages more than<br />
4,200 homes<br />
wanted the organisation to develop in the coming<br />
years. We always listened to and involved our<br />
tenants and employees, but our board wanted<br />
to take this a step further and opted to develop<br />
a new governance model where we could<br />
empower our tenants and employees by allowing<br />
community and how far are they from any power<br />
and responsibility for communities? Maybe we<br />
ought to rethink the power relationship.<br />
“We decided to set up a commission with<br />
tenant and councillor reps from the community.<br />
We started to explore different models and went<br />
38 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
to mutual pretty quickly. Everyone liked this idea<br />
of partnership between tenants and employees. It<br />
was then a case of how it would work and operate.<br />
The council leader was really supportive and all<br />
33 councillors voted in favour of change. We had a<br />
good momentum and moved on from there.”<br />
MVH is now recruiting a new CEO and starting<br />
a young members’ group, added Mr Owen.<br />
“The most subtle change has been that the<br />
board are not at the top of the pyramid. They<br />
see themselves as accountable to the democratic<br />
body who appoint them. We had an AGM three<br />
weeks ago which was really well attended.<br />
Our head office is in the middle of an estate, we<br />
have a community zone bringing all providers in<br />
together making sure what we do fits our mutual<br />
values. We have been braver in our approach<br />
to how we deal with stuff like new build.<br />
Constitutionally we would only build houses in<br />
Merthyr and we would not be taken over without<br />
the consent of tenants and employees. The people<br />
of Merthyr built these houses and should stay<br />
in control.”<br />
Cliff Mills, principal associate at Mutuo,<br />
specialises in corporate governance and<br />
constitutional advice in the establishment and<br />
running of co-op, mutual and membership-based<br />
organisations. He agrees the housing model<br />
adopted in Rochdale and Merthyr, which he<br />
helped to develop, offers real opportunities for<br />
better engagement although they are currently<br />
the only two examples of tenant and employee<br />
based membership. There are other examples in<br />
England and Wales with just tenant members.<br />
“The most subtle change which I see<br />
has been that the board are not at the<br />
top of the pyramid. They see themselves<br />
as accountable to the democratic body<br />
who appoint them”<br />
“Member-owned housing is still not widely<br />
recognised as a mainstream approach in social<br />
housing, but post-Grenfell this is an approach<br />
which deserves to be more widely explored as it<br />
puts tenants right at the heart of the organisation.<br />
“Rochdale and Merthyr became mutuals for<br />
different reasons. In Rochdale’s case it followed a<br />
review of future finances and a desire to increase<br />
the involvement of tenants and employees.<br />
It is very different from a traditional housing<br />
association and operates in a radically different<br />
way . Their first corporate strategy as a mutual is a<br />
joint piece of work involving tenants, employees,<br />
the representative body and the board.<br />
“Both Merthyr and Rochdale are very focussed<br />
on their locality, rather than having ambitions to<br />
expand. What they are about is improving their<br />
local community. Merthyr adopted this approach<br />
a few years after RBH, but they are already doing<br />
some very significant things differently in their<br />
locality, and have a very similar approach to RBH<br />
in terms of ownership and governance. What both<br />
do is provide a mechanism to enable the housing<br />
assets and services to work for the benefit of the<br />
local community.<br />
“In this approach, the two groups most affected<br />
by the business (those using the service, and those<br />
delivering it) are part of the collective endeavour.<br />
Instead of being ‘done to’ they are ‘a part of’<br />
and co-own the organisation. In traditional<br />
housing associations priorities are normally set<br />
by management but at RBH and Merthyr tenants<br />
and employees really influence decision-making<br />
and so the organisations have different priorities.<br />
You are not suddenly going to change the nature<br />
of the services overnight but the difference is that<br />
tenants and employees can be fully engaged in<br />
making them successful. Tensions can be worked<br />
out in dialogue between groups.<br />
“It is all about transferring power and you<br />
need an executive team who understand that.<br />
We are always talking to CEOs and different<br />
organisations which might be interested in this<br />
approach. It is important to make the concept as<br />
widely known as possible, and so that people can<br />
see that this model is an effective way of meeting<br />
today’s big challenges.”<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 39
Saskatoon dispute shows colleague<br />
engagement doesn't always run smooth<br />
In Saskatchewan, a province of western Canada,<br />
the Saskatoon Co-op is currently in dispute with<br />
its workforce over pay.<br />
Workers belonging to United Food and<br />
Commercial Workers (UFCW) have taken to the<br />
picket lines over a two-tiered pay deal, which has<br />
introduced a lower wage scale for new hirings.<br />
A group of members has handed in a petition<br />
calling for the removal of the nine directors who<br />
oversee managers of the grocery, fuel, liquor, farm<br />
supply and hardware retail outlets.<br />
In response, chief executive Grant Wicks has<br />
published an open letter to members which said:<br />
“We have full confidence in our board to make<br />
decisions that are in the best interests of our<br />
members and our co-op.<br />
“We know this because you elected them.<br />
Your local co-op board isn’t meant to represent<br />
any particular group or agenda – it’s meant to<br />
represent our members and our community.<br />
That’s part of what makes Saskatoon Co-op<br />
a different kind of business.”<br />
He said current employees were being offered<br />
raises, while new recruits were being offered<br />
competitive rates.<br />
“What we’re offering is not new,” he wrote.<br />
“UFCW has agreed to adjusted wage scales for new<br />
employees with many of our competitors. This is<br />
not new to the retail industry and is not unique to<br />
our offer. It’s been in place with our competitors<br />
and their UFCW agreements for years.”<br />
And in a press interview, he added that the<br />
co-op pays its workers as much as 30% more than<br />
its competitors, putting “the long-term financial<br />
viability of our organization at stake”.<br />
“If something isn’t done about it, perhaps<br />
we would end up in a situation where we<br />
couldn’t offer goods and services to any of our<br />
members,” he said.<br />
The co-op says the two-tier pay system is a retail<br />
industry standard and it is continuing to negotiate<br />
with the union.<br />
It adds: “Throughout negotiations, we’ve made<br />
offers that allow our local Co-op to compete<br />
against national companies, while still providing<br />
wages for both current and new employees that, in<br />
most cases, lead amongst our national competitors<br />
in Saskatoon.<br />
“We care for our employees and want to get back<br />
to serving Saskatoon and nearby communities<br />
as soon as we can. Because this is an extremely<br />
stressful time for everyone, we’re keeping our<br />
Employee Family Assistance<br />
Program open for all employees,<br />
including those still working and<br />
those on the picket line.”<br />
But UFCW Local 1400 president<br />
Norm Neault said the co-op’s recent<br />
growth and profitability suggest it<br />
should not cut the earning potential<br />
of new workers.<br />
“At the end of the day, if you truly<br />
believe that there’s something that is<br />
worth fighting for, you will stand up<br />
for it,” he told reporters.<br />
The dispute show that a<br />
co-operative model on its own does<br />
not guarantee smooth, widespread<br />
positive colleague engagement – and<br />
cannot prevent disputes breaking<br />
out. So how should the movement<br />
handle them?<br />
Victoria Morris, of sector body<br />
the Saskatchewan Co-operative<br />
Association, says her organisation<br />
would not get involved in such cases,<br />
“as the union and co-op management<br />
have an established process to<br />
negotiate and resolve disputes”.<br />
She adds: “In light of that, likely<br />
the only potential place we would<br />
provide some information would<br />
be if either the members or board<br />
of directors wanted clarification<br />
regarding what actions members<br />
can take if they don’t agree with the<br />
board of directors, or if the board<br />
of directors wanted clarification<br />
on their roles and responsibilities,<br />
or the process to hear and act upon<br />
member concerns.”<br />
In terms of finding a more<br />
“co-oppy” approach to dispute<br />
resolution, she says: “I have seen<br />
some co-operatives – that have<br />
faced tough situations with their<br />
employees and members, for<br />
instance when downsizing or closing<br />
locations – make a substantive effort<br />
to take a values-based approach to<br />
moving forward.”<br />
She says this means boards<br />
of directors and management<br />
actively discussing how to act<br />
more ‘co-oppy’, with both board<br />
and management taking action<br />
to embody the approach “to ensure<br />
that members and employees are<br />
being cared for and provided with<br />
the best possible transition to<br />
wherever their co-operative is<br />
heading next, and both board<br />
and management taking action to<br />
embody this approach.”<br />
40 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
A low-cost ownership oasis in<br />
a desert of unaffordable homes<br />
A look at Dos Pinos Housing Cooperative, a leading example of California’s limited-equity<br />
co-operative model, where costs are 50% lower than the average market-rate apartment<br />
Davis, California, a university town with over<br />
70,000 residents, had only 13 vacant marketrate<br />
apartments to rent as of December 2017.<br />
That’s a vacancy rate of 0.2%, according to an<br />
annual University of California–Davis study<br />
of the housing market. The study puts the average<br />
rent for a three-bedroom unit in 2017 at $2,388.<br />
Davis is in Yolo County, which had a 2017<br />
area median income of $76,900 for a fourperson<br />
household. Using the 30% of-income<br />
affordability standard, a median-income<br />
family of four living in an average market-rate<br />
apartment in Davis is paying $5,592 per year more<br />
than they can afford.<br />
There is, however, one place in Davis where a<br />
median-income family of four is paying much less:<br />
Dos Pinos Housing Cooperative, the only limitedequity<br />
housing co-op in Davis. A limited-equity<br />
co-op (LEHC) is designed to preserve affordability<br />
for low- and moderate-income households.<br />
Members purchase shares in the co-op that<br />
entitle them to live in one of the units and have<br />
a vote in the governance and management<br />
of the building. Units have restricted resale<br />
values and many have income limits for<br />
potential members, who pay monthly fees,<br />
or carrying charges, to cover their share<br />
of the co-op’s expenses.<br />
The monthly carrying charges to live in one<br />
of the 26 three-bedroom apartments in the Dos<br />
Pinos Housing co-op, as of December 2017, were<br />
$1,165. That’s a saving of $14,676 per year over<br />
the average market rent. A household in one of<br />
the 28 two-bedroom apartments had annual<br />
savings of $9,036, while a household in one<br />
of the six one-bedroom apartments had annual<br />
savings of $7,452.<br />
Buying a co-op is more affordable than buying<br />
a house in the city, where the average asking price<br />
of a single-family home is $632,000. The market<br />
is so hot that most sales are paid in cash, and if<br />
not, a down payment of at least 20% ($120,000<br />
minimum) is required. A median-income family<br />
of four in Davis cannot purchase the average<br />
home on the market.<br />
I helped create and finance the Dos Pinos<br />
Co-op and have been studying the cost of living<br />
there since 1985. It wasn’t always the most<br />
affordable place to live in town. In 1985, the<br />
co-op started at a monthly cost above the area’s<br />
average rent because it was newly built. However,<br />
“Because no one has pocketed the increased value of the<br />
building and land (including individual co-op members),<br />
30 years later the co-op’s monthly costs are 50%<br />
lower than the average market rate apartment”<br />
the cost of buying shares in the co-op for a threebedroom<br />
unit at that time was $4,880, which was<br />
much less than buying a house in Davis, which<br />
at the time was around $150,000. Many members<br />
wanted to live in a co-op community, as well.<br />
Because no one has pocketed the increased<br />
value of the building and land (including<br />
individual co-op members), 30 years later the<br />
co-op’s monthly costs are 50% lower than the<br />
average market rate apartment. The co-op has<br />
not imposed income limits on who can live<br />
there, and it has a three-year closed wait list.<br />
For the past two decades, Davis’s hot housing<br />
market has had an extremely low rental vacancy<br />
rate. This lack of supply has pushed up rental rates.<br />
The co-op, on the other hand, has shown that it<br />
has substantially increased affordability. In 2017,<br />
a family of four needed to earn only 59% of the<br />
area median income to afford a three-bedroom<br />
apartment at the co-op – down from 111% in 1985.<br />
Over time, families need less and less income to<br />
afford to live at Dos Pinos. The co-op requires<br />
people moving in to have a monthly household<br />
Key Figures<br />
$76,900<br />
Median income<br />
for four-person<br />
household<br />
<br />
Davis residents<br />
are paying<br />
$5,592<br />
more than they<br />
can afford<br />
<br />
$1,165<br />
Monthly carrying<br />
charges to live<br />
Pinos Housing<br />
Co-operative<br />
<br />
12.5%<br />
on very low<br />
income<br />
&<br />
25%<br />
on low<br />
income<br />
42 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
gross income that is equal to or greater than<br />
2.5 times the monthly assessment. By this<br />
standard, a very-low-income family of four in Yolo<br />
County is eligible to move into the co-op. There is<br />
no other home ownership model in Yolo County<br />
affordable to that same family. Households<br />
moving in recently have been of mixed incomes:<br />
12.5% very low income, 25% low income, and 25%<br />
moderate income.<br />
The co-op has received no subsidy at any<br />
time in its history. It bought the land at market<br />
value and erected the buildings at market value.<br />
Annually the co-op pays more than $30,000 in<br />
local property taxes, just like the market-rate<br />
apartment complex across the road.<br />
No co-op apartment at Dos Pinos has ever been<br />
foreclosed, and in 32 years, only one member has<br />
been evicted. The vacancy rate is always zero<br />
and the vacancy reserve is never used. Since<br />
1986, there has always been a waiting list for<br />
apartments at the co-op.<br />
Dos Pinos holds an additional appeal for<br />
families. Because state law requires owner<br />
occupancy in an LEHC, all households living at<br />
Dos Pinos must be permanent Davis residents.<br />
Therefore, there are no student households at<br />
Dos Pinos. Many families would prefer familyoriented<br />
complexes, but if you are renting, that is<br />
not an option in Davis, outside of the co-op.<br />
Fewer than 50 apartment-type limited-equity<br />
housing co-ops have been developed in California<br />
under the LEHC laws, mostly between 1980 and<br />
1990, when the National Cooperative Bank was<br />
able to partner with programmes of the state of<br />
California that also supported the development<br />
of limited-equity co-op housing. After 1990,<br />
most jurisdictions and nonprofits in California<br />
moved to use their limited resources to develop<br />
affordable rental housing with tax credits as the<br />
key financing tool. The normal limited-equity<br />
housing co-operative is not eligible to use tax<br />
credits so interest petered out.<br />
A unique aspect of an LEHC is that the<br />
appreciated value of the housing is all retained<br />
in the co-op and the community. When a member<br />
leaves, the only economic transaction is what was<br />
initially paid for the unit plus interest earned.<br />
The balance sheet of the co-op is unaffected<br />
economically by any change in membership, and<br />
all the economic gain in value stays in the co-op.<br />
While this might seem like a limit on asset<br />
accumulation for co-op members, remember that<br />
almost all of the 8,000- plus families living in a<br />
market-rental apartment in Davis are not building<br />
assets, in housing equity or outside of it.<br />
Meanwhile, for 2017 a co-op member’s annual<br />
return on share investment could be considered<br />
to be 52%, if you include cost savings compared<br />
to other available housing options in Davis.<br />
A member joining on 1 January, 2017, would have<br />
invested in a refundable share of $33,000. The<br />
savings in monthly costs compared to market rate<br />
would be $14,676, and the 3.25% interest earned<br />
on their share (for 2017) would come to $1,072.<br />
This amounts to $15,748, or 52% of their $33,000<br />
investment. If market rental prices continue to<br />
rise faster than co-op costs, this return could<br />
get even higher.<br />
The co-op as an ownership model also brings<br />
savings in transaction costs. As there is no<br />
change in the building mortgage, only a transfer<br />
of ownership shares, there are no real estate<br />
transaction costs for the member when joining<br />
or leaving. Transaction costs for condo purchases<br />
in Davis are more than $10,000, and higher for<br />
single-family homes.<br />
Given the economic return over time, an LEHC<br />
could also be a good thing for groups such as<br />
teacher associations and unions to bargain for:<br />
A housing co-op for teachers would give educators<br />
far more economic gain per year than could be<br />
gained from salary increases, while demanding<br />
less ongoing input from the school district. An<br />
LEHC could even help recruit teachers and staff.<br />
One affordable co-op in one high-rent city in<br />
30 years does not a movement make. However,<br />
of the home ownership options for the “missing<br />
middle,” the LEHC has tremendous potential.<br />
An LEHC would work well for many types of<br />
organizations that might have land to set aside for<br />
a cooperative community, and funds to help lowerincome<br />
families purchase the co-op share, such<br />
as local, state, and other government agencies;<br />
unions; churches; veterans groups; and other<br />
affinity groups.<br />
Given the massive need, there ought to be many<br />
more limited-equity housing co-operatives like<br />
Dos Pinos creating “wealth generating” housing<br />
for the forgotten.<br />
The Dos Pinos<br />
Housing Cooperative,<br />
the only limited-equity<br />
housing co-op in Davis,<br />
California, does not<br />
impose income limits<br />
on who can live there.<br />
Credit: David Thomson<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 43
A REAL LIVING WAGE For Real People's Lives<br />
What is the real living wage needed to live in the<br />
UK? According figures announced in November,<br />
it’s a minimum of £9 per hour – or £10.55 per hour<br />
if you live in London – for everyone over 18.<br />
These numbers are up from £8.75 (London:<br />
£10.20) in 2017, driven by higher transport costs,<br />
private rents and council tax feeding through to<br />
the basket of goods and services that underpin the<br />
rates, which are independently calculated based<br />
on what people need to get by.<br />
The real living wage is also significantly higher<br />
than the government’s own ‘national living<br />
wage’ of £7.83 for those aged 25 and over, and the<br />
minimum wage for those aged 21-24 (£7.38) and 18-<br />
21 (just £5.90).<br />
The rates are calculated by the Living Wage<br />
Foundation, an independent collective of<br />
businesses and people who believe that “a<br />
hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay”. The<br />
Foundation “celebrates and recognises the<br />
leadership of responsible employers who choose to<br />
go further and pay a real living wage based on the<br />
cost of living, not just the government minimum”.<br />
“The Living Wage campaign is about tackling<br />
the rising problem of people paid less than they<br />
need to live,” says Living Wage Foundation<br />
director, Tess Lanning. “Responsible businesses<br />
know that the government minimum is not enough<br />
to live on, and [the] new real living wage rates<br />
will provide a boost for hundreds of thousands<br />
of workers throughout the UK.”<br />
She added: “Employers that pay the real<br />
living wage enable their workers to live a life of<br />
dignity, supporting them to pay off debts and<br />
meet the pressures of rising bills. We want to<br />
see local councils, universities, football clubs,<br />
bus companies and the other major public and<br />
private sector employers in every city commit to<br />
become real Living Wage employers. When they<br />
do, thousands of people get a pay rise, but other<br />
local employers also follow their lead. If more of<br />
these institutions step up, we can start to build<br />
true Living Wage places.”<br />
The Foundation provides accreditation to<br />
organisations which pay the real living wage to<br />
all directly employed staff and have a plan to<br />
pay all contractors a real living wage. Over 4,700<br />
employers across the UK are currently accredited,<br />
including a third of the FTSE 100 and big<br />
household names such as IKEA and Everton FC.<br />
Several co-operatives and credit unions have<br />
signed up to the campaign, too, including,<br />
the Co-operative Party, Lister Housing<br />
Co-op. Eighth Day, the Wales Co-operative Centre<br />
and Co-op News, among others.<br />
And it was the Labour and Co-operative Mayor<br />
of Manchester, Andy Burnham, who announced<br />
the new rates in the city on 5 November. The event<br />
was hosted at the National Football Museum,<br />
which was accredited this autumn.<br />
“Life has become too hard for people these days,<br />
it’s too precarious,” said Mr Burnham. “If people<br />
haven’t got enough money to pay the rent, they’re<br />
just a few days away from being on the streets.<br />
That has to change, and the real living wage can<br />
be a part of that change.”<br />
He added that while some may view the real<br />
living wage as a burden on businesses, it was in<br />
44 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
fact about “building good, strong, productive<br />
businesses which keep their staff and get more<br />
from them” because they’re happier to be at work.<br />
“People are going to say how can we afford it?<br />
Well maybe it’s about people at the top of those<br />
organisations not taking their pay increase so<br />
those at the bottom can have theirs. That’s about<br />
building a stronger society and bringing people<br />
back together in these divided times.”<br />
He thanked Greater Manchester police, Salford<br />
University and Salford police for signing up as a<br />
real living wage employers but acknowledged<br />
there was more to be done, both in Greater<br />
Manchester and beyond. One such action would<br />
be to get rid of enforced zero hours contracts.<br />
“I can’t see how, in this day and age, people can<br />
have a foundation beneath them to do their best<br />
work and run a family home when they can’t be<br />
certain what they’re going to earn from one week<br />
to the next. It’s time to face up to these things<br />
and acknowledge that everybody deserves a real<br />
living wage.”<br />
Ms Lanning believes that the real living wage<br />
should be at the heart of new strategies to drive<br />
regional growth, highlighting research, conducted<br />
by the Smith Institute, which indicates that if, in<br />
ten cities, just a quarter of those on low incomes<br />
saw their pay raised to the real living wage, half a<br />
million people get a pay rise of over £1,700 a year<br />
and the cities’ businesses and wider economies<br />
would benefit from an economic boost worth<br />
over half a billion pounds, driven by increased<br />
productivity and spending.<br />
“To be meaningful, growth must at the very<br />
least meet the basic needs of local communities,”<br />
she said. “Local and combined authorities can<br />
use their powers of planning and procurement<br />
to encourage more local employers to commit to<br />
ensure their staff earn a real living wage, and make<br />
access to business support and skills investment<br />
dependent on paying a wage their staff can live<br />
on.”<br />
The issue was raised at the 2017 Co-op Group<br />
AGM, where members approved a motion that<br />
called upon the board to review pay ratios at<br />
the organisation from top to bottom, and to set<br />
a strategy to narrow the differential between the<br />
highest and lowest salaries to “an appropriate<br />
level” to reflect the organisation’s co-op principles<br />
and ethical approach to business – including<br />
progress towards a real living monthly wage for<br />
the lowest paid staff.<br />
“This AGM notes that executive pay has<br />
increased significantly in the UK, while pay at the<br />
bottom for the lowest paid has largely stagnated,”<br />
read the motion. “Co-operatives should be<br />
operating on a different basis that is more ethical<br />
and reflects greater equity within the workforce.<br />
“The Co-operative Group, as a leading co-op in<br />
the UK, should be setting the benchmarks which<br />
other co-operatives could adopt where appropriate.<br />
This ethical approach to pay ratios would be good<br />
business and make co-operative sense, reflecting<br />
our concern to ensure that our staff are fairly<br />
remunerated so as to keep delivering the business<br />
performance our society needs if we are to remain<br />
the public’s convenience retailer of choice.”<br />
In response, the Group agreed to invest an<br />
additional £4m for colleagues working in food<br />
stores and funeral homes in <strong>2018</strong>. It increased<br />
hourly pay rates for customer team members by<br />
6.1% in <strong>2018</strong> so pay starts at £8.02 per hour, and<br />
rises to £8.18 per hour plus an extra £0.70 for<br />
colleagues based in London.<br />
p Celebrating the new<br />
rates in Manchester<br />
tq Andy Burnham,<br />
Mayor of Greater<br />
Manchester, who<br />
announced the new rates<br />
at the National Football<br />
Museum in November<br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 45
A role like no other?<br />
The Co-op Group has two member-nominated director seats up for election next year.<br />
We talk to current MND Hazel Blears about the role - and why you should apply ...<br />
The Co-op Group’s board structure is unique.<br />
Alongside the expected executive and<br />
independent non-executive representation, four<br />
seats are reserved for direct election by members<br />
of the organisation.<br />
These member-nominated director (MND) roles<br />
were created in 2015, following the far-reaching<br />
governance reforms introduced in 2014. Just like<br />
the other directors, those elected bring a strong<br />
commercial background and proven skills and<br />
capabilities to the board – but also help bring the<br />
voice of ordinary members to the boardroom.<br />
“The Co-operative Group is different because<br />
we are owned by our members,” said chair Allan<br />
Leighton at the time. “They have a direct say in<br />
running the business, through electing member<br />
representatives to the board and the council; and<br />
through having a say on key issues through the<br />
one member one vote democratic process.”<br />
Current MNDs are Hazel Blears and Margaret<br />
Casely-Hayford CBE, who were re-elected at<br />
the Group’s AGM in May, and Paul Chandler<br />
and Gareth Thomas, whose seats are up for<br />
re-election in 2019.<br />
Here, Hazel Blears below, a trained solicitor<br />
and former MP for Salford and Eccles (2010-2015)<br />
talks about the role of MNDs, and why, if you’re<br />
thinking about applying, you should.<br />
How did you first get involved in co-ops?<br />
Very early on in my career I made a personal<br />
commitment to bring people together to make a<br />
difference. At the same time as I joined the Labour<br />
Party, I started to meet co-operators – interesting,<br />
passionate people who believed in the ideas<br />
of achieving more together. I’ve been a member<br />
of the Co-op Party for 35 years, and throughout<br />
that time, co-operation has been an important<br />
part of my personal, political and business life.<br />
What does a Member-Nominated Director<br />
(MND) at the Co-op Group do?<br />
The four of us are full board directors<br />
and have an equal footing with our independent<br />
non-executive directors. People may think that<br />
MNDs have to fight harder to be heard, but the<br />
other directors recognise that they have a hugely<br />
positive contribution to make. As we are directly<br />
elected by members, we feel we have a key role in<br />
raising member issues and concerns at the board<br />
and work with our fellow directors to make sure<br />
the organisation does well as a business, while<br />
also operating within the values and principles.<br />
It’s a very satisfying role – you feel like you are<br />
driving the business in the right direction. When I<br />
first got involved, the business was not in a good<br />
place. We are now in the position of having a<br />
stronger co-op to help build stronger communities,<br />
and values are integral to the business.<br />
MNDs are taken seriously, particularly as we<br />
are directly elected and have that mandate from<br />
members. They are also unique in corporate life<br />
– not many directors are accountable to members<br />
in such a direct and accountable way. Being elected<br />
in such a way gives you a drive and passion to<br />
make a difference.<br />
What makes a good MND?<br />
There’s no single vision — we come in all<br />
shapes and sizes! There is a challenge in terms<br />
of representation, particularly of younger people<br />
in their 20s and 30s.<br />
46 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
You don’t have to have 30 years experience<br />
to be an MND, so don’t rule yourself out on<br />
that account. We are all very different. You<br />
do need to meet the eligibility criteria to be<br />
an MND – this is all explained as part of the<br />
application process.<br />
I would say, though, that you also need to be<br />
prepared to go the extra mile. You have to work<br />
really, really hard, it’s time-consuming. Being able<br />
to build a good relationship with the Members'<br />
Council is key. You need to love people, love the<br />
co-op message, be willing to drive change and put<br />
in the time to do the job.<br />
Why did you stand as an MND?<br />
I’ve been a co-operator for most of my adult<br />
life, encouraging co-op strategies and most<br />
recently chairing a social investment business.<br />
After I left politics, I had two rules for myself:<br />
make a difference, and do it with people you like!<br />
The Co-op fits that frame perfectly. I want the<br />
Co-op to be the best, most responsible,<br />
successful business it can be. It’s a work in<br />
progress, but there is a lot of energy behind the<br />
changes and I wanted to be a part of that. In<br />
the last four years we’ve come from a situation<br />
that threatened our very existence and have<br />
created a Co-op we can all be proud of again.<br />
What have been your biggest<br />
achievements in the role?<br />
I am really proud to be the board champion<br />
for apprenticeships – we have around 1,000<br />
apprentices in our business at any one time, and<br />
they are all paid full rate from day one. And we<br />
have 64 who are degree-level apprentices – it’s a<br />
pipeline for our future, but they’re not all young,<br />
as people are joining us to start second or even<br />
third careers.<br />
I am also proud of helping to drive change to<br />
do good. When I joined, I wanted to move from<br />
traditional corporate social responsibility to using<br />
our mainstream business to do good. Doing good<br />
is good business, it drives competitive advantage,<br />
and we are now starting to measure that<br />
positive impact.<br />
Another achievement is around crime and<br />
antisocial behaviour – we’re working to tackle<br />
the causes of crime. Having been police minister,<br />
I’m obviously disappointed about police cuts.<br />
But on the back of that we have had to think<br />
smarter and collaborate with others to address<br />
such a big challenge.<br />
What would you say to someone thinking<br />
about applying?<br />
It could be the best thing you’ll ever do, so don't<br />
rule yourself out before you even start. You do<br />
have to understand and be at ease with complex<br />
commercial issues as it’s a £9.5bn business – but<br />
it’s built on values. So look at what you’ve done<br />
in different parts of your life and think about how<br />
that fits into co-op principles, particularly around<br />
social values or community. Be honest with<br />
yourself, but don’t sell yourself short.<br />
The value of our Co-op is that everyone’s<br />
contribution is recognised – we are always<br />
looking for difference, so even if you don’t think<br />
you fit the mould of a ‘typical’ director, have<br />
courage and go for it. The more people that we<br />
can get to think that they want to be part of the<br />
future of the best community organisation,<br />
the better.<br />
BOARD?<br />
Chair:<br />
Allan Leighton<br />
Executive Directors:<br />
Steve Murrells<br />
(Chief Executive)<br />
Ian Ellis<br />
(Chief Finance Officer)<br />
Senior Independent<br />
Non-Executive<br />
Director:<br />
Sir Christopher Kelly<br />
Independent Non<br />
-Executive Directors:<br />
Stevie Spring CBE<br />
Lord Victor<br />
Adebowale, MA,<br />
CBE (Cross Bench)<br />
Rahul Powar<br />
Simon Burke<br />
Member-Nominated<br />
Directors:<br />
Hazel Blears<br />
Margaret Casely<br />
-Hayford CBE<br />
Gareth Thomas<br />
Paul Chandler<br />
t Hazel Blears<br />
attending one<br />
of the Co-op's Join<br />
In Live events<br />
For more information<br />
on the role and<br />
details of how to<br />
apply, visit:<br /><br />
coop/mndelection<br />
Close of nominations<br />
is midday,<br />
17 December <strong>2018</strong><br />
<strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | 47
BOOKS<br />
Cooperation in cooperatives: Future solution to socio-economic problems<br />
Muhammad<br />
Sharif Bhaiji,<br />
published<br />
by Karachi<br />
Co-operative<br />
Housing<br />
Societies<br />
Union Ltd<br />
This look at co-operation in Pakistan focuses on<br />
the work of Karachi Co-operative Housing Societies<br />
Union Ltd, (KHCS) which was formed in 1949.<br />
It tells the story of the society and also sheds<br />
interesting light on the country’s co-op movement<br />
as a whole, which the author sees as standing apart<br />
from other Asia Pacific nations. While most countries<br />
in the region “are riding the so-called second wave<br />
of co-operatives, which is efficiency-centred and<br />
market focused”, writes Bhaiji, “in Pakistan ...<br />
we are still struggling with the first wave”.<br />
But organisations like KHCS have done strong<br />
work over the decades, he says, by “adopting a<br />
demonstrable co-operative housing strategy during<br />
the crisis of migration and settlement of migrants in<br />
Pakistan” – which was achieved at a time of scant<br />
government resources.<br />
The co-op sector has had “a lot of ups and downs”<br />
in housing, agriculture, banking and consumer<br />
sectors, says Bhaiji – notably the 1992 financial<br />
corruption scandal which saw co-ops in the Punjab<br />
and Kashmir province collapse, wiping out the<br />
savings invested in them by nearly 700,000 “mostly<br />
poor people”.<br />
But now he sees a revival in the movement and<br />
has produced this book – with sections on co-op<br />
byelaws, education and legislation – as a guide for<br />
the sector so it can take advantage of this revival,<br />
which has seen his own society launch schemes<br />
for low-cost housing projects, new townships,<br />
education projects and scholarships, and youth<br />
training initiatives.<br />
KHCS is the biggest co-op housing union in<br />
the country, comprising 24 societies. Its housing<br />
covers nearly 1,200 acres, and it has developed<br />
9,300 residential plots, 1,070 commercial<br />
roads, 73 amenity plots, 70 miles of metalled<br />
road, 80 miles of sewerage lines and 80 miles<br />
of water mains.<br />
It has followed up this achievement with<br />
educational projects and youth work to teach<br />
the upcoming generations about co-operations,<br />
including “blood camps” for children with<br />
thalassemia, who were in need of transfusions but<br />
could not afford the treatment.<br />
The book also looks at Pakistan’s women’s<br />
co-operative movement, describing female<br />
empowerment as a “momentous issue” in<br />
the country. Projects include a credit union to<br />
drive female financial empowerment, expos<br />
for women’s craft industries and cash awards<br />
for female students.<br />
And it identifies areas of concern for the future<br />
of Pakistan and its co-op movement: low<br />
productivity in agriculture; poor policy-making which<br />
has left industry uncompetitive on an international<br />
scale; and a need for more capital investment.<br />
“Pakistan is a country ... rich in every kind of<br />
natural and technical resources,” writes Bhaiji.<br />
But these cannot be properly exploited because<br />
of a “lack of proper policies, technical assistance,<br />
literacy level, capital and financial investments,<br />
updated machinery and technically trained<br />
human resource”. There are also infrastructure<br />
problems, such as providing adequate energy<br />
for business.<br />
It’s up to the co-op movement to face these<br />
challenges, he says, be establishing “some proper<br />
leadership and planned goals”. If the sector leads<br />
more literacy, female empowerment and economic<br />
development initiatives, he writes, “living standards<br />
utilities and facilities for the general Pakistani<br />
will also increase”.<br />
48 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
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DIARY<br />
FROM FAR LEFT: Inspiring Rural<br />
Communities at the St. Bride Foundation<br />
on 5 Dec; the Co-operative Retail<br />
Conference is in Cheshire in March;<br />
Co-operatives UK announces a series of<br />
events for 2019, including Congress (21-22<br />
June); and Siôn Whellens, who will be<br />
leading a session looking at the theory<br />
and practice of worker co-operation,<br />
3 Dec: The Co-operative College:<br />
Introduction to Coaching<br />
Coaching is a popular approach to<br />
employee development, based on a<br />
relationship between two people: the<br />
coach and the individual. This course<br />
is for anyone who wants to support<br />
colleagues to develop their skills or<br />
confidence in the workplace.<br />
WHERE: Manchester<br />
INFO:<br />
5 Dec: Inspiring Rural Communities<br />
There will be sessions exploring the<br />
various types of funding available,<br />
workshops where you’ll explore the social<br />
impact your project could have on your<br />
community, inspirational case study<br />
presentations from existing community<br />
businesses and a chance to meet with a<br />
range of organisations who can offer you<br />
support and advice on a variety of topics<br />
and services.<br />
WHERE: St Bride Foundation, London<br />
INFO:<br />
12 Dec: Worker co-ops - How to<br />
get started<br />
Organised by Stir to Action, this session<br />
looks at the theory and practice of worker<br />
co-operation, offers practical insights,<br />
arms you with information and tools<br />
to test your ideas, find collaborators,<br />
and turn plans into realities. Facilitated<br />
by Siôn Whellens of Calverts (the East<br />
London design and print co-op) who also<br />
co-designed and launched the Worker<br />
Cooperative Solidarity Fund.<br />
WHERE: London<br />
INFO:<br />
1-2 Feb 2019: Future Coops 2019<br />
– Can co-operative deserts bloom?<br />
Future Co-ops 2019 will explore how the<br />
co-operative sector can grow, addressing<br />
the issue of co-operative deserts and<br />
how new co-ops can be helped to bloom.<br />
Future Co-ops will be working with Central<br />
England Co-operative’s Think:Digital<br />
innovation team, using their new insights<br />
and participatory problem solving<br />
techniques in a fun and effective way.<br />
WHERE: Birmingham<br />
INFO:<br />
8-10 Mar: Co-operative Retail Conference<br />
The Co-operative Retail Conference is the<br />
only annual event designed specifically<br />
for co-operative retailers. It attracts the<br />
leaders, managers and directors<br />
of consumer owned retail co-operatives<br />
from right across the UK.<br />
WHERE: De Vere Cranage Estate, Cheshire<br />
INFO:<br />
21-22 Jun: Co-op Congress 2019<br />
Congress is the co-operative sector’s<br />
annual conference. A day when members<br />
and directors, activists and CEOs from<br />
co-ops large and small came together.<br />
WHERE: Manchester<br />
INFO:<br />
11-13 Oct: The Co-operative Party<br />
annual conference.<br />
The annual conference of the co-op<br />
movement’s political party.<br />
WHERE: Glasgow<br />
INFO:<br />
26-28 Nov: Co-operative Education and<br />
Research Conference<br />
Organised by the Co-operative<br />
College,the 2019 conference will be<br />
part of the celebrations of the College’s<br />
centenary year.<br />
WHERE: Rochdale<br />
INFO:<br />
50 | <strong>DECEMBER</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
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