Overland Sourcebook 2018 EAST

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<strong>Sourcebook</strong><br />

Exclusive content:<br />

Jonathan Hanson’s<br />

Essential <strong>Overland</strong>er’s<br />

Tool Kit, p. 40<br />

_______________________<br />

Resource:<br />

OVERLAND EXPO <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>EAST</strong> MAP<br />

p. 80<br />


<strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong><br />

E D I T I O N<br />


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170EX<br />

170<br />

144<br />


RB Adventure Vans can be equipped<br />

with the latest technology to help you<br />

stay out longer without the need for<br />

hook-ups or RV resources.<br />


Custom build your van to comfortably<br />

transport all your adventure toys so you<br />

can enjoy the outdoors. Work hard and<br />

play harder with RB Adventure Vans.<br />


RB Adventure Vans can be equipped<br />

with factory four wheel drive so you can<br />

get to the most remote locations. We<br />

have several interior packages available.<br />



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You’re always at home in a Four Wheel . . .<br />

FourWheelCampers.com 5 3 0 - 6 6 6 - 1 4 4 2<br />

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TM<br />



You built your ride to go anywhere. We built our tires to take you.<br />

The BFGoodrich ® All-Terrain T/A ® KO2 is torture-tested, race-proven<br />

and ready for anything – are you?<br />

#DriverEnough BFGoodrichTires.com<br />

4 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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Adventure is...<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

5<br />

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• Vehicles<br />

• Campers (slide-in, flatbed)<br />

• Campers (canopies, toppers)<br />

• Trailers<br />

• Conversions & DIY builder<br />

resources<br />

• Stockists & outfitters (p. 26)<br />

• Rentals, see p. 110<br />

ADVENTURE MOTORCYCLES . . . . . . 24<br />

• Motorcycles<br />

• Sidecars<br />

• Customs<br />


• Protection (bumpers, guards, etc.)<br />

• Roof racks & rack add-ons<br />

• Recovery (winches, jacks, sand ladders)<br />

• Running gear (wheels,suspension,<br />

tires, steering, powertrain, chassis)<br />

• Lights & other accessories<br />

• Fuel Storage<br />


• Storage & organizing (drawers, slides,<br />

containers, cargo containment, etc.)<br />

• Security (safes, vehicle alarms/<br />

disabling, etc.)<br />

• Water (storage, delivery, heating)<br />

MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES . . . . . . 26<br />

• Protection (crash bars, skid<br />

plates, etc.)<br />

• Luggage & racks<br />

• Running gear ( wheels,<br />

suspension, steering, etc.)<br />

• Security<br />

• Rider protection (helmets,<br />

clothing, gloves, etc.)<br />

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

• Business & product development<br />

• Photography & videography<br />

• Marketing, branding, business services<br />

Above, main: Moto Patagonia, by Noel. From<br />

above left: Profitt’s Resurrection Land Cruiser<br />

by Blake Gordon; at the date farm and Wolfman<br />

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<strong>Sourcebook</strong><br />

i s p u b l i s h e d m ay a n d o c t o b e r b y C o n s e r V e n t u r e s<br />

i n ta n d e m w i t h O v e r l a n d E x p o , t h e p r e m i e r e<br />

e v e n t f o r o v e r l a n d a d v e n t u r e t r av e l .<br />

O v e r l a n d E x p o f e at u r e s 2 0 0 + c l a s s e s , p r o g r a m s ,<br />

a n d c l i n i c s l e d b y 1 7 0 o f t h e w o r l d ’ s t o p v e h i c l e<br />

a n d m o t o r c y c l e i n s t r u c t o r s a n d o v e r l a n d i n g<br />

e x p e r t s ; t h e o v e r l a n d f i l m f e s t i va l ; 1 6 5 – 4 0 0<br />

e x h i b i t o r s o f v e h i c l e s , m o t o r c y c l e s , e q u i p m e n t ,<br />

a n d s e r v i c e s ; o n - s i t e c a m p i n g ; a n d c a m a r a d a r i e<br />

w i t h t h o u s a n d s o f f e l l o w n o m a d s .<br />

O v e r l a n d S o u r c e b o o k i s a r e s o u r c e g u i d e t o t h e<br />

o v e r l a n d i n g i n d u s t r y , a o n e - s t o p p u b l i c at i o n t o<br />

s o u r c e g e a r , s e r v i c e s , a n d i n f o r m at i o n .<br />

TURE<br />


• Ground or roof tents, awnings<br />

• Sleeping bags, pads, cots, etc.<br />

• Power, communications, lighting<br />

• Fridges & accessories<br />

• Hygiene & safety (toilets, first aid)<br />

• Cooking<br />

• Water (storage, delivery, heating)<br />

• Furniture (tables, chairs)<br />

• Packs, luggage, duffels, etc.<br />

• Clothing & headwear<br />


• Maps & navigation<br />

• Publications & films<br />

• Organized travel (expeditions, trips)<br />

• Training and events<br />

• Rentals<br />

• Planning, logistics services<br />

• Information & research sources<br />

• Clubs and organizations<br />

QR CODE DOWNLOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . 82<br />


Luggage keeping it dry, both by Eric Hougen; running hard, by Bilstein;<br />

ZenVanz toy storage; Decked gear on the trail;Tailgater Table at the beach;<br />

Planetary Design mug, by Isaac Miller.<br />

C o n s e r V e n t u r e s i s a n o r g a n i z at i o n w h o s e<br />

m i s s i o n i s t o p r o m o t e e x p l o r at i o n a n d<br />

o v e r l a n d i n g t h r o u g h e v e n t s , e d u c at i o n , a n d<br />

e x p e d i t i o n s u p p o r t .<br />

C o n s e r V e n t u r e s a n d O v e r l a n d E x p o n e i t h e r<br />

e n d o r s e n o r a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e c o n t e n t<br />

o f a d v e r t i s e m e n t s o r l i s t i n g s i n t h e O v e r l a n d<br />

S o u r c e b o o k , w h i c h i s p u b l i s h e d t w i c e p e r y e a r a n d<br />

d i s t r i b u t e d at o v e r l a n d e x p o w e s t a n d e a s t , a n d<br />

ava i l a b l e o n l i n e a n d i n p r i n t t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r .<br />

m a i l i n g a d d r e s s : 2 9 5 4 N . C A M P B E L L AV E . # 7 0 2 , t u c s o n ,<br />

a r i z o n a , u s a 8 5 7 1 9<br />

o r d e r p r i n t c o p i e s o n l i n e o r d o w n l o a d f r e e :<br />

E x p l o r i n g O v e r l a n d . c o m<br />

i n f o @ o v e r l a n d e x p o . c o m + 1 . 8 7 7 . 3 9 3 . 2 2 3 0<br />

o v e r l a n d e x p o l l c i s s o l e ly o w n e d b y<br />

r o s e a n n & j o n at h a n h a n s o n<br />

e d i t o r / d e s i g n e r – r o s e a n n h a n s o n<br />

o v e r l a n d e x p o m a n a g e m e n t t e a m – g r a h a m j a c k s o n ,<br />

a n t h o n y s i c o l a , a z u r e o ’ n e i l , a l i s o n d e l a p p , e va<br />

r u p e r t , g r a c e h o w a r d , a d a m r av e n , a u t u m n b i r t r av e n<br />

s u s ta i n a b i l i t y p l e d g e :<br />

~ p r i n t i n g o n 3 0 % f s c - c e r t i f i e d s u s ta i n a b l e / r e c y c l e d pa p e r<br />

~ o u r r av e n r o c k o f f i c e / w a r e h o u s e i s 1 0 0 % s o l a r - a n d w i n d - p o w e r e d<br />

a n d b u i lt f r o m r e c y c l e d s t y r o f o a m / c o n c r e t e<br />

~ w e p r a c t i c e r e d u c e - r e u s e - r e c y c l e f o r a l l o f f i c e m at e r i a l s<br />

~ w e p u r c h a s e r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y c e r t i f i c at e s t o o f f s e t a l l o f f - s i t e<br />

o f f i c e a n d i n t e r n e t s e r v i c e s , a l l t r av e l , a n d a l l s p o n s o r e d e v e n t s<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com 5<br />

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Acela Truck Company<br />

The Monterra family of extreme-duty trucks ride on the most capable and<br />

versatile chassis in the North American truck market today. From its 46-inch<br />

tires up, the Acela Monterra was designed to dominate the toughest, most rugged<br />

terrain on Earth.<br />

540 Business Hub Dr.<br />

Belgrade MT 59714 USA<br />

406-924-8143 info@acelatruck.com<br />

http://www.acelatruck.com<br />

Allrad / Iglhaut Allrad USA<br />

We are a partner of Iglhaut Allrad GmbH in Germany and facilitate the purchase<br />

of Iglhaut all-wheel-drive converted Mercedes Sprinters and Metris vans for US<br />

customers.<br />

143 Oliver Road<br />

Santa Barbara CA 93109 USA<br />

805-453-2522 danielkuttner@mac.com<br />

http://www.Iglhautallradusa.com<br />

American Honda Motor Company<br />

Honda is the world’s largest engine manufacturer, producing products that range<br />

from cars, trucks, and motorcycles, to jets, ATVs, and power equipment—<br />

featuring the Ridgeline truck and Africa Twin motorcycle at <strong>Overland</strong> Expo,<br />

along with other two- and four-wheel adventure-ready vehicles.<br />

4900 Marconi Dr.<br />

Alpharetta GA 30005 USA<br />

678-339-1485 davis_adams@ahm.honda.com<br />

http://www.honda.com<br />

Currahee <strong>Overland</strong><br />

4WD vehicle sales and outfitting.<br />

40 W Currahee St<br />

Toccoa GA 30577 USA<br />

706-431-5954 curraheeoverlandllc@gmail.com<br />

http://www.curraheeoverland.com<br />

EarthCruiser <strong>Overland</strong> Vehicles<br />

Home of the famous EarthCruiser expedition 4x4 campers. For comfort and<br />

reliability wherever your adventure takes you.<br />

61510 American Lane #140<br />

Bend OR 97702 USA<br />

541-706-9101 echq@earthcruiser.com<br />

https://earthcruiser.com/<br />

EarthRoamer<br />

We design, engineer, and build the world’s best selling off-road, off-grid, luxury<br />

expedition vehicles.<br />

5073 Silver Peak Ave<br />

Dacono CO 80514 USA<br />

303-833-7330 info@earthroamer.com<br />

https://earthroamer.com<br />

Ford Motor Company<br />

Debuting the all-new 2019 Ranger, which has been developed and tested to the<br />

demanding standards of Built Ford Tough. It shares a heritage of toughness,<br />

durability and capability derived from over 100 years of Ford Trucks’ relentless<br />

focus on engineering excellence. Ride-and-drive experience at <strong>Overland</strong> Expo.<br />

3 park Ln Blvd #701W<br />

Dearborn MI 48126 USA<br />

http://rangerdrive.com<br />

6 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your ~ Your guide guide to adventure to adventure TM ~ TM <strong>2018</strong> ~ 2017 WEST <strong>EAST</strong> Edition Edition<br />

Image this page: Elliot Ross,<br />

RoamBuilt.com<br />

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Meet the Revel:<br />

Comfortably at home,<br />

even in places you<br />

might not be.<br />

Designed to take full advantage<br />

of the rugged Mercedes-Benz ®<br />

4x4 Sprinter ® chassis, the<br />

Winnebago ® Revel offers all the<br />

comforts of home in a compact,<br />

off-road-ready package.<br />

The Revel-ution<br />

starts here.<br />

Ready to go whenever —<br />

and wherever — you are.<br />

The Revel makes the most of<br />

every cubic inch, with innovative<br />

features like our 140-cu. ft.<br />

gear garage with Power Lift<br />

Bed, propane-free heating<br />

and cooking, convertible bath/<br />

storage cabinet, solar power<br />

system and more — making the<br />

Revel the perfect foundation for<br />

you to create your own ultimate<br />

adventure van.<br />

Join the Revel-ution: Check<br />

out the Revel at Booth C09.<br />

WinnebagoInd.com<br />

©<strong>2018</strong> Winnebago Industries, Inc.<br />

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Global Expedition Vehicles<br />

Building customized expedition vehicles on various truck platforms<br />

including: Dodge, Ford, Mitsubishi, International, and Kenworth.<br />

Whether our Adventure Truck or any of our other 6 models, we are<br />

certain to have one to fit your adventure and expedition travel needs<br />

and budget.<br />

444 W. Tampa St.<br />

Springfield MO 65806 USA<br />

417-582-5050 sales@globalXvehicles.com<br />

http://www.globalXvehicles.com<br />

Hendrick Motors of Charlotte<br />

We are a Sprinter van & camper upfit dealership. What makes Sprinter<br />

vans different from many other vans is their standing headroom and<br />

impressive MPG. The 144 WB can fit in normal parking spot and is<br />

also available in 4WD. Features make the Sprinter an attractive option<br />

to live in or for weekend use.<br />

5201 E Independence Blvd<br />

Charlotte NC USA<br />

855-567-9490 hlgcarbenefits@hendrickauto.com<br />

http://www.hendrickmotorsofcharlotte.com<br />

Land Rover Experience<br />

An off-highway driving school that advocates trail preservation, vehicle<br />

preservation, and people preservation.<br />

1 Approach Rd<br />

Asheville NC 28803 USA<br />

828-225-1541 landrover@biltmore.com<br />

http://Experience.landroverusa.com<br />

Land Rover North America<br />

Manufacturers of Land Rover vehicles.<br />

201-818-8500 http://www.landrover.com<br />

Quigley Motor Company<br />

A third-generation family-owned company, Quigley is the oldest,<br />

largest and most successful manufacturer of high quality 4x4<br />

conversions for full sized vans in the world. Quigley’s advantages<br />

include approval by Ford, GM, and Nissan, with warranty and ease of<br />

service nationwide.<br />

100 Sunset Drive<br />

Manchester PA 17345 USA<br />

800-233-9358 brent.hawk@quigley4x4.com<br />

http://www.quigley4x4.com<br />

Southeast Diesel Inc.<br />

Diesel fuel injection specialist. Mitsubishi Fuso Dealer, Cummins<br />

warehouse dealer, Orion cooler dealer, and 14 other engine lines.<br />

2105 S Orchard Knob Ave<br />

Chattanooga TN 37404 USA<br />

800-469-1006 info@sediesel.com<br />

http://www.sediesel.com<br />

Sportsmobile Texas<br />

Class B manufacturer, 58 years in business, specializing in custom<br />

interior and exterior conversions.<br />

9805 Gray Blvd, Austin TX 78758 USA<br />

800-344-8154 texas@sportsmobile.com<br />

http://www.sportsmobile.com<br />

The FJ Company<br />

Rough and tough yet classic and cool, the Toyota FJ40 Land Cruiser<br />

holds a very special place in the hearts of auto enthusiasts across the<br />

world. The FJ Company is deeply focused on delivering authentic,<br />

high-end custom Land Cruisers – creating modern versions of this<br />

classic ride for today’s driver.<br />

7230 NW Miami Court, Unit 2<br />

Miami FL 33150 USA<br />

305-676-8714 info@fj.co<br />

https://www.fj.co<br />

Wil-Ro, Inc.<br />

Our team is building an enduring legacy of finely crafted adventure<br />

trailers and truck bodies in Gallatin, Tennessee, since 1970. With<br />

decades and miles in the rear-view mirror, we’re forging into the future<br />

and continuing to craft the highest quality products on the market.<br />

1155 Old State Highway 109<br />

Gallatin TN 37066 USA<br />

615-452-6119 sales@wil-ro.com<br />

http://www.wil-ro.com<br />



589 Fabrication<br />

We make offroad accessories for second-generation Colorado and<br />

Canyon trucks.<br />

10105 Gordon Rd<br />

Fenton MI 48430 USA<br />

913-439-0822 info@589fab.com<br />

http://www.589fab.com<br />

Backwoods Adventure Mods<br />

Backwoods Adventure Mods designs and fabricates van and truck<br />

accessories to reflect the needs of people looking for adventure. The<br />

result is superior quality bumpers, made here in the USA, because our<br />

employees take as much pride in our work as our customers do in their<br />

vehicles. evan@backwoodsbumpers.com<br />

4180 W. Sunset<br />

Springdale AR 72762 U.S.<br />

800-342-0887 ty@chandlerequipment.com<br />

http://www.backwoodsadventuremods.com<br />

Cummins Inc.<br />

Cummins Inc. is the world’s largest independent diesel engine<br />

manufacturer powering vehicles and equipment from 40–5,000<br />

horsepower. The global footprint of Cummins ensures that wherever<br />

your adventure may take you, you can depend on Cummins.<br />

500 Jackson St.<br />

Columbus IN 47201 USA<br />

800-343-7357 allison.janowski@cummins.com<br />

http://www.cummins.com<br />

Hendrick Motors of Charlotte<br />

We are a Sprinter van & camper upfit dealership. What makes Sprinter<br />

vans different from many other vans is their standing headroom and<br />

impressive MPG. The 144 WB can fit in normal parking spot and is<br />

also available in 4WD. Features make the Sprinter an attractive option<br />

to live in or for weekend use.<br />

5201 E Independence Blvd Charlotte NC USA<br />

855-567-9490 hlgcarbenefits@hendrickauto.com<br />

http://www.hendrickmotorsofcharlotte.com<br />

10 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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Main Line <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong> is an expedition vehicle outfitter and parts<br />

distributor with locations in West Chester, PA and Bow NH. Brands<br />

include Norweld Trays and Canopies, Four Wheel Campers, EVO<br />

Corse wheels, GTS Suspension, Dobinsons, <strong>Overland</strong> Solar, Aluminess,<br />

Eezi-Awn, Rhino-Rack, Total Chaos, CBI, etc.<br />

325 Westtown Road #16<br />

West Chester PA 19382 USA<br />

844-656-7626 sales@mainlineoverland.com<br />

https://www.mainlineoverland.com<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Power Solutions<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Power Solutions is a small business specializing in integrating<br />

DC to DC charging systems, solar power and other solutions in order to<br />

power your adventures. Client service is Job #1.<br />

1494 Mount Pleasant Road<br />

Jefferson City TN 37760 USA<br />

865-236-0697 info@overlandpowersolution.com<br />

http://www.overland-power.com<br />

Quigley Motor Company<br />

A third-generation family-owned company, Quigley is the oldest,<br />

largest and most successful manufacturer of high quality 4x4<br />

conversions for full sized vans in the world. Quigley’s advantages<br />

include approval by Ford, GM, and Nissan, with warranty and ease of<br />

service nationwide.<br />

100 Sunset Drive<br />

Manchester PA 17345 USA<br />

800-233-9358 brent.hawk@quigley4x4.com<br />

http://www.quigley4x4.com<br />

RB Components<br />

Your #1 source for trailer, van, shop, and garage accessories!<br />

14050 Freeway Drive<br />

Santa Fe Springs CA USA<br />

562-802-1200 sales@rbcomponents.com<br />

http://www.rbcomponents.com<br />

Southeast Diesel Inc.<br />

Diesel fuel injection specialist. Mitsubishi Fuso Dealer, Cummins<br />

warehouse dealer, Orion cooler dealer, and 14 other engine lines.<br />

2105 S Orchard Knob Ave<br />

Chattanooga TN 37404 USA<br />

800-469-1006 info@sediesel.com<br />

http://www.sediesel.com<br />

Transporter Werks<br />

Full restoration and fabrication shop specializing in Volkswagen 4WD<br />

Vanagons, specialty parts, and adventure rentals.<br />

518 S West Street<br />

Raleigh NC 27604 USA<br />

919-834-2800 sean@transporterwerks.com<br />

http://www.transporterwerks<br />

Trollhole’s Cruisers<br />

Toyota Land Cruiser restorations, modifications, outfitting, and<br />

maintenance.<br />

511 Palmetto Dr, Suite 10<br />

Simpsonville SC 29681 USA<br />

864-414-0563<br />

M@trollhole.com<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Trollholes/<br />

Wil-Ro, Inc.<br />

Our team is building an enduring legacy of finely crafted adventure<br />

trailers and truck bodies in Gallatin, Tennessee, since 1970. With<br />

decades and miles in the rear-view mirror, we’re forging into the future<br />

and continuing to craft the highest quality products on the market.<br />

1155 Old State Highway 109<br />

Gallatin TN 37066 USA<br />

615-452-6119 sales@wil-ro.com<br />

http://www.wil-ro.com<br />



Alaskan Camper<br />

Since the early 1950s Alaskan Camper has been building the only<br />

hard-sided, telescopic truck camper. The original idea was to give<br />

campers the comforts of home, protection from the elements, and a<br />

low profile for a safer, more comfortable driving experience along with<br />

better gas mileage. Alaskan Truck Camper has set the bar for quality<br />

in the industry for the last 60+ years. We never sacrifice quality to save<br />

money or compromise on the quality of materials or workmanship.<br />

801 NW Kerron Street, PO Box 766<br />

Winlock WA 98596 USA<br />

360-748-6494 alaskan@alaskancamper.com<br />

http://www.alaskancamper.com<br />

AT <strong>Overland</strong> Equipment<br />

Manufacturer and purveyor of high-quality overland vehicle equipment<br />

and habitation systems.<br />

697 6th Street<br />

Prescott AZ 86301 USA<br />

877-661-8097 info@adventuretrailers.com<br />

http://www.atoverland.com<br />

BlackSeries Campers<br />

Black Series Campers Inc. is a manufacturer of pop up campers and<br />

travel trailers. The company operated business with over 10 years of<br />

industrial experience. We are known for our affordability, innovation<br />

and service.<br />

3630 Cypress Ave.<br />

EL Monte CA 91731 USA<br />

626-579-1069 sales@blackseriescamper.com<br />

http://www.blackseriescamper.com/<br />

BundutecUSA<br />

Distributors of the all-electric roof top tent and Batwing awnings from<br />

South Africa, and manufacturing custom slide-in truck campers for all<br />

trucks.<br />

111 Washington Street<br />

Raymond IA 50667 USA<br />

319-234-0071 info@bundutecUSA.com<br />

http://www.bundutecusa.com<br />

EarthCruiser <strong>Overland</strong> Vehicles<br />

Home of the famous EarthCruiser expedition 4x4 campers. For comfort<br />

and reliability wherever your adventure takes you.<br />

61510 American Lane #140<br />

Bend OR 97702 USA<br />

541-706-9101 echq@earthcruiser.com<br />

https://earthcruiser.com/<br />

12 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ 2017 <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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The World’s Leading <strong>Overland</strong> Expedition Vehicles<br />

The World’s The World’s Leading <strong>Overland</strong> Expedition Vehicles<br />


For 20 years, EarthRoamer has been redefining luxury camping and overland travel with our solar/diesel<br />

For 20 years, EarthRoamer has been redefining luxury camping and overland travel with our solar/diesel<br />

For hybrid, 20 years, four-wheel EarthRoamer drive Xpedition has been Vehicles redefining (XVs). luxury We camping are the go and anywhere, overland do travel anything with answer our solar/diesel for<br />

Since hybrid, 1998, four-wheel EarthRoamer drive Xpedition has been Vehicles redefining (XVs). We luxury are the camping go anywhere, and overland do anything travel answer with for our<br />

hybrid, people four-wheel who want drive to travel Xpedition their Vehicles own terms (XVs). and We seek are their go own anywhere, adventures do — anything without sacrificing answer for any<br />

solar/diesel people who hybrid, want to four-wheel travel on their drive own expedition terms and seek vehicles. their own We are adventures the go — anywhere, without sacrificing do anything<br />

people of the who want to travel on their own terms and seek their own adventures — without sacrificing any<br />

answer<br />

of comforts the<br />

for<br />

comforts of home.<br />

people<br />

of<br />

who<br />

home. Each<br />

want<br />

Each EarthRoamer<br />

to<br />

EarthRoamer is<br />

travel on their<br />

is built own<br />

custom custom<br />

terms and<br />

to to order order<br />

seek<br />

and and<br />

their<br />

offers offers<br />

own<br />

capability, capability,<br />

adventures<br />

comfort, comfort,<br />

— without<br />

of the craftsmanship comforts craftsmanship of and home. convenience and Each EarthRoamer unmatched is by built typical custom recreational to order vehicles. vehicles. and We offers We invite capability, invite you to you come to comfort, by come by<br />

sacrificing any of the comforts of home. Each EarthRoamer is built custom to order and offers<br />

craftsmanship our booth, our booth, P33 and and P33 convenience and P34, P34, to see to unmatched see for for yourself by why typical an EarthRoamer recreational XV XV vehicles. is unlike is unlike any We any other invite other vehicle you vehicle on to the come on the by<br />

capability, market. comfort, craftsmanship and convenience unmatched by typical recreational vehicles. We<br />

our market. booth, P33 and P34, to see for yourself why an EarthRoamer XV is unlike any other vehicle on the<br />

invite you to visit us at our booths P24 and P25, to see for yourself why an EarthRoamer is unlike<br />

market.<br />

any other vehicle on the market.<br />

Booths P33 & P34<br />

Booths P33 & P34<br />

www.earthroamer.com Booths | 303.833.7330 P33 & P34 | info@earthroamer.com<br />

2<br />

Years<br />

Roaming<br />

1998-<strong>2018</strong> www.earthroamer.com | 303.833.7330 | info@earthroamer.com<br />

Booths P24 & P25<br />

www.earthroamer.com | 303.833.7330 | info@earthroamer.com<br />

www.earthroamer.com | 303.833.7330 | info@earthroamer.com<br />

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Fiftyten<br />

Design and development of detachable popup-campers for pickuptrucks.<br />

Award-winning system manufactured in Germany.<br />

Mosbacher Str 46<br />

Wiesbaden HE Germany<br />

49-611-15098139 sd@fiftyten.de<br />

http://www.fiftyten.de<br />

Four Wheel Campers<br />

Four Wheel Campers builds lightweight, low profile, and durable<br />

pop-up truck campers. Simple, easy to use, and the design allows the<br />

customer to take their camper with them for on-road or off-road travels.<br />

Check us out.<br />

109 Pioneer Avenue<br />

Woodland CA 95776 USA<br />

530-666-1442 customerservice@fourwh.com<br />

http://www.FourWheelCampers.com<br />

Leentu<br />

Builders of ultra-lightweight pop-up truck campers. Utilizing premium<br />

composite construction methods pioneered in the aerospace and auto<br />

racing industries, Leentu offers the most aerodynamic, lightweight,<br />

elegant, and intuitive truck camping solutions on the market.<br />

1811 Executive Drive, Ste I<br />

Indianapolis IN 46241 USA<br />

415-680-5194 leentuoutdoors@gmail.com<br />

https://www.leentu.com/<br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong> is an expedition vehicle outfitter and parts<br />

distributor with locations in West Chester, PA and Bow NH. Brands<br />

include Norweld Trays and Canopies, Four Wheel Campers, EVO<br />

Corse wheels, GTS Suspension, Dobinsons, <strong>Overland</strong> Solar, Aluminess,<br />

Eezi-Awn, Rhino-Rack, Total Chaos, CBI, etc.<br />

325 Westtown Road #16<br />

West Chester PA 19382 USA<br />

844-656-7626 sales@mainlineoverland.com<br />

https://www.mainlineoverland.com<br />

nüCamp RV<br />

nüCamp RV manufactures the highest quality teardrop trailers and truck<br />

campers available on the American market. Our recreational vehicle &<br />

trailer products are the result of extensive research and development,<br />

customer enthusiast feedback, and the fusion of technology and oldworld<br />

craftsmanship.<br />

661 Belden Parkway NE<br />

Sugarcreek OH 44681 USA<br />

330-852-4811 allison@nucamprv.com<br />

http://www.nucamprv.com<br />

Opus Camper USA<br />

OPUS is a stylish and innovative folding camper. It is compact and easy<br />

to tow, while also being spacious and superbly equipped. It is rugged<br />

and versatile, while also being comfortable and fun. OPUS gives you<br />

the freedom to roam, and the freedom to discover.<br />

2183 Harbor St.<br />

Pittsburg CA 94565 USA<br />

925-215-7315 info@opuscamper.us<br />

http://www.opuscamper.us/<br />

Trayon Campers<br />

Trayon is an Australian-made flat bed camper which can be mounted<br />

on the flat bed of a truck or on a suitable trailer. It comes in a single cab<br />

(extra/super cab) and dual-cab versions to suit almost any truck.<br />

3.614 Maroochydore Road<br />

Kunda Park QLD 4556 USA<br />

+61 754765355 mail@trayon.com<br />

http://www.trayon.com<br />



AT <strong>Overland</strong> Equipment<br />

Manufacturer and purveyor of high-quality overland vehicle equipment<br />

and habitation systems.<br />

697 6th Street<br />

Prescott AZ 86301 USA<br />

877-661-8097 info@adventuretrailers.com<br />

http://www.atoverland.com<br />

Go Fast Campers<br />

US manufacturer of ultra-lightweight pick-up truck toppers w/<br />

integrated RTTs and the lightest/thinnest standalone RTT.<br />

251 Sunfield Drive #1<br />

Belgrade MT 59714 USA<br />

406-578-3505 support@gfcengineering.com<br />

https://gofastcampers.com<br />

Kusa Systems<br />

We manufacture aftermarket accessories for overland vehicles.<br />

5212 Luttrell Rd<br />

Knoxville TN 37918 USA<br />

865-773-3704 brianjohnso00@gmail.com<br />

http://www.kusasystems.com<br />

Leentu<br />

Builders of ultra-lightweight pop-up truck campers. Utilizing premium<br />

composite construction methods pioneered in the aerospace and auto<br />

racing industries, Leentu offers the most aerodynamic, lightweight,<br />

elegant, and intuitive truck camping solutions on the market.<br />

1811 Executive Drive, Ste I<br />

Indianapolis IN 46241 USA<br />

415-680-5194 leentuoutdoors@gmail.com<br />

https://www.leentu.com/<br />

NutHouse Industries LLC<br />

Premier manufacturer of expedition truck bed racks and expedition<br />

trailers.<br />

348 E. US 22-3<br />

Morrow OH 45152 USA<br />

513-899-2342 info@nuthouseindustries.com<br />

http://www.nuthouseindustries.com<br />

Sloop Imports<br />

Importer of craftsman-style camping equipment. USA Importer of<br />

Camp King Industries and Totally 12volt from Brisbane, Australia.<br />

2611 Downhill Drive<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-846-1000 psloop@sloopimports.com<br />

http://www.sloopimports.com<br />

14 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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"We purchased a Quigley 4x4 van because<br />

of the good engineering. We will be<br />

using it for off-road survey."<br />

Anonymous from Anchorage, AK<br />

Enstar Natural Gas<br />

"We took our Quigley on the road to Canada.<br />

Twelve days & 3000 miles later, we forced<br />

ourselves to come home. The only fighting<br />

on the trip was who got to drive."<br />

Jocelyn from Norfolk, VA<br />


100 Sunset Drive ∙ Manchester ∙ PA ∙17345<br />

800.233.9358 ∙ www.quigley4x4.com<br />

"My Quigley van has not left me stranded<br />

in almost three years of rough<br />

service with zero problems."<br />

Paul from Bradford, PA<br />

Focusing on GM, Ford and Nissan 4x4<br />

full-size van and cutaway conversions.<br />

Booth<br />

#D30<br />

FB: Quigley Motor Company Inc.<br />

IG: @quigley4x4<br />

sales@quigley4x4.com<br />

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Snap! Outfitters<br />

Snap! Outfitters manufactures The Snap! Treehouse, an aluminum truck<br />

cap with an integrated clamshell roof-top tent. Made in America by a<br />

veteran-owned company.<br />

295 Sipe Rd<br />

York Haven PA 17370 USA<br />

888-928-7627 pk@snapoutfitters.com<br />

https://www.snapoutfitters.com<br />

Topperezlift<br />

Topperezlift raises your truck topper 17.5 inches to haul large loads<br />

without taking your topper off, and turns your pickup into an instant<br />

camper.<br />

1351 Sibley Memorial Hwy<br />

Mendota MN 55150 USA<br />

651-207-5634 info@topperezlift.com<br />

http://www.topperezlift.com<br />





BlackSeries Campers<br />

Black Series Campers Inc. is a manufacturer of pop up campers and<br />

travel trailers. The company operated business with over 10 years of<br />

industrial experience. We are known for our affordability, innovation<br />

and service.<br />

3630 Cypress Ave.<br />

EL Monte CA 91731 USA<br />

626-579-1069 sales@blackseriescamper.com<br />

http://www.blackseriescamper.com/<br />

Blue Ridge Expedition Trailers<br />

Expedition teardrop trailers, roof racks, gear boxes, shower boxes.<br />

“Take The Road Less Traveled”<br />

7976 Concord Church Road<br />

Lewisville NC 27023 USA<br />

336-383-1001 info@brxtrailers.com<br />

https://www.brxtrailers.com<br />

Cascadia Vehicle Tents - CVT<br />

Camp is Where You Park It®.<br />

42 NW Greenwood Ave<br />

Bend OR 97701 USA<br />

541-312-8368 sales@cascadiatents.com<br />

https://cascadiatents.com/<br />

Fits any pickup-truck<br />

Distributor wanted<br />

find us in author tent<br />

www.fiftyten.de<br />

Conqueror North America<br />

Why should you consider purchasing a Conqueror off-road Camping<br />

trailer? Conqueror off-road Camping trailers have been safari<br />

and outback tested for over 25 years in the harsh and unforgiving<br />

environments of Africa and Australia. What other trailer in the US<br />

market can boast of this proven pedigree?<br />

643 Stockyard Rd<br />

Bellefontaine OH 43311 USA<br />

937-594-9565 sales@conqueror4x4usa.com<br />

https://conqueror4x4usa.com/<br />

16 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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Built for your<br />

next adventure.<br />

Made by people with a love of overlanding and without compromise.<br />

escape@offgridtrailers.ca<br />

offgridtrailers.ca<br />

Freespirit Recreation<br />

FreeSpirit Recreation is a premium outdoor roof top tent and off-road<br />

trailer manufacturer, geared toward completely outfitting the overland<br />

enthusiast in us all. FreeSpirit Recreation strives to offer only the best<br />

to its customers, with innovative, superior engineering and designs.<br />

20495 Murray Rd Ste 120<br />

Bend OR 97701 USA<br />

541-306-381 sales@gofsr.com<br />

http://gofsr.com<br />

Highland Expedition Outfitters<br />

Expedition trailer manufacturer.<br />

3319 Cosby Highway<br />

Cosby TN 37722 USA<br />

423-608-6628 heoutfitters@gmail.com<br />

http://www.heoutfitters.com<br />

Hiker Trailer<br />

Hiker Trailer is filling a need for high quality, lightweight, and<br />

affordable trailers to help people experience the outdoors in a<br />

comfortable and economical way. Using the best materials available in<br />

the RV industry, we offer a wide-selection of teardrop trailers known as<br />

Hikers.<br />

15320 Endeavor Dr Unit 700<br />

Noblesville IN 46060 USA<br />

317-509-5427 hikertrailer@gmail.com<br />

http://www.hikertrailers.com<br />

nüCamp RV<br />

nüCamp RV manufactures the highest quality teardrop trailers and truck<br />

campers available on the American market. Our recreational vehicle &<br />

trailer products are the result of extensive research and development,<br />

customer enthusiast feedback, and the fusion of technology and oldworld<br />

craftsmanship.<br />

661 Belden Parkway NE<br />

Sugarcreek OH 44681 USA<br />

330-852-4811 allison@nucamprv.com<br />

http://www.nucamprv.com<br />

NutHouse Industries LLC<br />

Premier manufacturer of expedition truck bed racks and expedition<br />

trailers.<br />

348 E. US 22-3<br />

Morrow OH 45152 USA<br />

513-899-2342 info@nuthouseindustries.com<br />

http://www.nuthouseindustries.com<br />

Off Grid Trailers<br />

Adventurous and creative, ambitious and curious, the OGT team’s<br />

passion for design, quality, authenticity, and craftsmanship are only<br />

matched by their love of the outdoors – a love that guides everything<br />

we do at Off Grid Trailers.<br />

9731-54 Ave NW<br />

Edmonton Alberta T6E5J4 Canada<br />

780-760-3103 escape@offgridtrailers.ca<br />

http://www.offgridtrailers.ca<br />

Patriot Campers<br />

The Patriot Camper off road adventure trailer is an all-inclusive<br />

camping experience specifically built for tough conditions. They are<br />

manufactured to the highest standards and have become recognised as<br />

the market leader and innovator in the camper trailer and overlanding<br />

industry.<br />

PO Box 780637<br />

18 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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615.452.6119 | WIL-RO.COM | SALES@WIL-RO.COM<br />


V ETE R A N OW NED<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

19<br />

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San Antonio TX 78278-0637 USA<br />

+61-422715235 sales@patriotcampers.com<br />

http://www.patriotcampers.com<br />

TCTeardrops LLC<br />

Custom teardrop trailer manufacturer.<br />

201 DeVoe Street<br />

Wausau WI 54403 USA<br />

715-842-0920 info@tcteardrops.com<br />

http://www.tcteardrops.com<br />

TO Extreme Off Road And <strong>Overland</strong> Products<br />

Manufacturer of backcountry utility trailers.<br />

2001 West Grand Ave, P.O. Box 1723<br />

Salina KS 67402 USA<br />

785-833-2120 tesales@twino.com<br />

http://www.to-extreme.com<br />

Turtleback Trailers<br />

Turtleback Trailers is a manufacturer of the finest purpose-built camp<br />

trailers made for North America.<br />

1424 E Broadway Road<br />

Phoenix AZ 85040 USA<br />


http://www.turtlebacktrailers.com<br />

Wil-Ro, Inc.<br />

Our team is building an enduring legacy of finely crafted adventure<br />

trailers and truck bodies in Gallatin, Tennessee, since 1970. With<br />

decades and miles in the rear-view mirror, we’re forging into the future<br />

and continuing to craft the highest quality products on the market.<br />

1155 Old State Highway 109<br />

Gallatin TN 37066 USA<br />

615-452-6119 sales@wil-ro.com<br />

http://www.wil-ro.com<br />

Xventure Trailers<br />

Schutt Industries is America’s leading manufacturer of industrial<br />

and military grade cargo handling equipment. Its long history<br />

of engineering high-quality sophisticated solutions for the most<br />

demanding military implementation has earned Schutt Industries a<br />

prestigious reputation as the go-to source.<br />

185 Industrial avenue<br />

Clintonville WI 54929 USA<br />

715-823-8025 sales@schuttindustries.com<br />

http://www.schuttindustries.com<br />



AT <strong>Overland</strong> Equipment<br />

Manufacturer and purveyor of high-quality overland vehicle equipment<br />

and habitation systems.<br />

697 6th Street Prescott AZ 86301 USA<br />

877-661-8097 info@adventuretrailers.com<br />

http://www.atoverland.com<br />

large range of offroad and outdoor products for many popular vehicles.<br />

6 Enterprise Avenue<br />

Clifton Park NY 12065 USA<br />

800-533-2210 scott@RoverParts.com<br />

http://www.RoverParts.com<br />

BackroadVentures<br />

BackroadVentures is an adventure guide service and consulting<br />

company, focusing on education and adventure planning for outdoor<br />

enthusiasts who need a little assistance getting out there.<br />

7906 Morrell Lane<br />

Durham NC 27713 USA<br />

919-323-0302 info@backroadventures.com<br />

http://www.backroadventures.com<br />

Bomber Products<br />

General vehicles outfitter and manufacturer of high-quality goods.<br />

20 Ginger Bear Lane<br />

Bozeman MT 59718 USA<br />

406-404-8180 info@bomberproducts<br />

http://www.bomberproducts.com<br />

Cummins Inc.<br />

Cummins Inc. is the world’s largest independent diesel engine<br />

manufacturer powering vehicles and equipment from 40–5,000<br />

horsepower. The global footprint of Cummins ensures that wherever<br />

your adventure may take you, you can depend on Cummins.<br />

500 Jackson St.<br />

Columbus IN 47201 USA<br />

800-343-7357 allison.janowski@cummins.com<br />

http://www.cummins.com<br />

Currahee <strong>Overland</strong><br />

4WD vehicle sales and outfitting.<br />

40 W Currahee St<br />

Toccoa GA 30577 USA<br />

706-431-5954 curraheeoverlandllc@gmail.com<br />

http://www.curraheeoverland.com<br />

Equipt Expedition Outfitters<br />

Exclusive U.S. distributors of National Luna, Eezi-Awn, Alu-Box,<br />

and Kariba, the innovators of South Africa’s most rugged expedition<br />

gear. From roof top tents to portable fridges, we’ve been stocking the<br />

industry’s best since 2008 to increase your capability and comfort on<br />

any adventure.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300 Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Hendrick Motors of Charlotte<br />

We are a Sprinter van & camper upfit dealership. What makes Sprinter<br />

vans different from many other vans is their standing headroom and<br />

impressive MPG. The 144 WB can fit in normal parking spot and is<br />

also available in 4WD. Features make the Sprinter an attractive option<br />

to live in or for weekend use.<br />

5201 E Independence Blvd<br />

Charlotte NC USA<br />

855-567-9490 hlgcarbenefits@hendrickauto.com<br />

http://www.hendrickmotorsofcharlotte.com<br />

Atlantic British Ltd.<br />

Atlantic British is North America’s oldest and largest independent<br />

supplier of premium Land Rover parts and accessories. We also carry a<br />

Hiker Trailer<br />

Hiker Trailer is filling a need for high quality, lightweight, and<br />

affordable trailers to help people experience the outdoors in a<br />

20 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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comfortable and economical way. Using the best materials available in<br />

the RV industry, we offer a wide-selection of teardrop trailers known as<br />

Hikers.<br />

15320 Endeavor Dr Unit 700<br />

Noblesville IN 46060 USA<br />

317-509-5427 hikertrailer@gmail.com<br />

http://www.hikertrailers.com<br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong> is an expedition vehicle outfitter and parts<br />

distributor with locations in West Chester, PA and Bow NH. Brands<br />

include Norweld Trays and Canopies, Four Wheel Campers, EVO<br />

Corse wheels, GTS Suspension, Dobinsons, <strong>Overland</strong> Solar, Aluminess,<br />

Eezi-Awn, Rhino-Rack, Total Chaos, CBI, etc.<br />

325 Westtown Road #16<br />

West Chester PA 19382 USA<br />

844-656-7626 sales@mainlineoverland.com<br />

https://www.mainlineoverland.com<br />

MORryde International Inc.<br />

MORryde offers some of the most unique accessories for Jeep<br />

Wranglers. From our heavy-duty hinges to a side-mounted fuel carrier,<br />

these products aren’t your ordinary add-ons. They’re the best Jeep<br />

accessories, built MORryde tough for off-road fun. Make your Jeep<br />

thing a MORryde thing too.<br />

1966 Sterling Ave.<br />

Elkhart IN 46515 USA<br />

574-293-1581 sales@morryde.com<br />

http://www.morryde.com<br />

NutHouse Industries LLC<br />

Premier manufacturer of expedition truck bed racks and expedition<br />

trailers.<br />

348 E. US 22-3<br />

Morrow OH 45152 USA<br />

513-899-2342 info@nuthouseindustries.com<br />

http://www.nuthouseindustries.com<br />

OK4WD<br />

Vehicle outfitters since 1979.<br />

2621 State Rt. 57<br />

Stewartsville NJ 8886 USA<br />

908-454-6973 craigd@jamesbaroudusa.com<br />

http://www.ok4wd.com<br />

Opus Camper USA<br />

OPUS is a stylish and innovative folding camper. It is compact and easy<br />

to tow, while also being spacious and superbly equipped. It is rugged<br />

and versatile, while also being comfortable and fun. OPUS gives you<br />

the freedom to roam, and the freedom to discover.<br />

2183 Harbor St.<br />

Pittsburg CA 94565 USA<br />

925-215-7315 info@opuscamper.us<br />

http://www.opuscamper.us/<br />

Rago Fabrication<br />

Rago Fabrication is a veteran family owned off-road product<br />

manufacturer. We pride ourselves on our ability to design and fabricate<br />

quality backcountry products right here in the USA. Rago Fabrication<br />

was founded by Melissa & Mario Rago, and first opened its doors in<br />

April of 2013 in Rancho Cucamonga.<br />

401 Mill Run<br />

Kerrville TX 78028 USA<br />

830-896-7571 info@ragofabrication.com<br />

http://www.ragofabrication.com<br />

Southeast Diesel Inc.<br />

Diesel fuel injection specialist. Mitsubishi Fuso Dealer, Cummins<br />

warehouse dealer, Orion cooler dealer, and 14 other engine lines.<br />

2105 S Orchard Knob Ave<br />

Chattanooga TN 37404 USA<br />

800-469-1006 info@sediesel.com<br />

http://www.sediesel.com<br />

Sportsmobile Texas<br />

Class B manufacturer, 58 years in business, specializing in custom<br />

interior and exterior conversions.<br />

9805 gray blvd<br />

Austin TX 78758 USA<br />

800-344-8154 texas@sportsmobile.com<br />

http://www.sportsmobile.com<br />

TO Extreme Off Road And <strong>Overland</strong> Products<br />

Manufacturer of backcountry utility trailers.<br />

2001 West Grand Ave, P.O. Box 1723<br />

Salina KS 67402 USA<br />

785-833-2120 tesales@twino.com<br />

http://www.to-extreme.com<br />

Transporter Werks<br />

Full restoration and fabrication shop specializing in Volkswagen 4WD<br />

Vanagons, specialty parts, and adventure rentals.<br />

518 S West Street<br />

Raleigh NC 27604 USA<br />

919-834-2800 sean@transporterwerks.com<br />

http://www.transporterwerks<br />

Trollhole’s Cruisers<br />

Toyota Land Cruiser restorations, modifications, outfitting, and<br />

maintenance.<br />

511 Palmetto Dr, Suite 10<br />

Simpsonville SC 29681 USA<br />

864-414-0563 M@trollhole.com<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Trollholes/<br />

Unofficial Use Media<br />

Unofficial Use only uses strategic brand partnerships with some of<br />

the most well-respected global 4x4 and overland brands, including<br />

Dometic, Tepui Tents, Ripp Superchargers, GenRight, Pitbull Tires,<br />

Rock Krawler, and Genesis Offroad.<br />

181 Cranston Bluff Road<br />

Richmond Hill GA 31324 USA<br />

910-818-6081 jeff@unofficialuseonly.com<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Unofficial-Use-Only-142579612843910/<br />

Victory 4x4<br />

Victory 4x4 offers high-quality steel goods for Toyota 4x4s. We build<br />

and coat our products at our facility in Portage, Michigan using stateof-the-art<br />

equipment. All of our products keep strength and weight in<br />

mind while being designed to tackle both overlanding and off-roading.<br />

9350 Shaver Rd.<br />

Portage MI 49024 USA<br />

269-459-8447 info@victory4x4.com<br />

http://www.victory4x4.com<br />

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BMW Performance Center &<br />

BMW training center, specializing in both street and adventure<br />

motorcycle riding: Get a little mud on your screen as you join our Chief<br />

Riding Instructor for a ride through the BMW U.S. Rider Academy offroad<br />

course. If this gets your heart rate up, imagine what two full days<br />

of riding can do<br />

Greer SC 29651 USA<br />

https://bmwperformancecenter.com/school/motorrad<br />

BMW Motorrad USA<br />

Celebrating over 30 years of the G/S. In 1980 BMW presented the new<br />

R 80 G/S in Southern France. It was the beginning of a new success<br />

story which continues to this day. Since the presentation of the world’s<br />

first large travel enduro, BMW sets the standard in this segment.<br />

800-831-1117 CustomerService@bmwmotorcycles.com<br />

www.bmwmotorcycles.com<br />

Eurosport Asheville<br />

Eurosport offers sales and service of BMW and KTM motorcycles.<br />

We specialize in adventure models but offer the full line from both<br />

manufacturers. We also represent a complete line of apparel and<br />

accessories for your motorcycling needs including KLIM, Rev’It,<br />

Wolfman, Touratech, AltRider, and many more.<br />

Tues-Sat 9-6<br />

30 Bryson St. Suite 160, Asheville, NC 28803, USA<br />

828-255-6600 parts@eurosportasheville.com<br />

Pandora’s European Motorsports<br />

Pandora’s European Motorsports originally opened for business in<br />

late 2009 in Chattanooga as a dealer for BMW, Ducati, Triumph, and<br />

Kymco. We offer a full range of apparel, riding gear, and accessories,<br />

and also offer delivery service for your new or pre-owned motorcycle<br />

purchase to our customers. Ride Well.<br />

4301 Hwy 58 , Chattanooga, TN 37416, USA<br />

423-468-4104, , terry@pandorasmotorsports.com<br />

http://www.pandorasmotorsports.com<br />

RideNow Powersports Concord<br />

RideNow Concord is the premier powersports dealership serving the<br />

metro areas of Charlotte, Kannapolis, Winston-Salem and Greensboro,<br />

North Carolina. Our inventory includes a huge selection, including<br />

Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, Polaris, Victory, Indian,<br />

Slingshot, and Can-Am. We also have a huge online store. At RideNow<br />

Concord, we believe customer service is an attitude, not a department.<br />

We are open 6 days a week. Closed Sunday<br />

254 Concord Pkwy S. , Concord, NC 28027, USA<br />

704-784-5400, , concordsales@ridenow.com<br />

http://www.ridenowconcord.com<br />

24 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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World’s Most Downloaded<br />

Podcast of It’s Kind<br />

Motorcycle Travel Stories, Tech Interviews and Much More<br />

Available on iTunes, Google Play and all Major Podcast Apps<br />



Ural Motorcycles<br />

Ural Motorcycles has been the world’s leading manufacturer of<br />

adventure ready sidecar motorcycles for over 75 years. Trusted<br />

by riders across the globe, our time-tested motorcycles are<br />

designed to share the adventure and help you explore further.<br />

14700 NE 95th St. Suite 102, Redmond, WA 98052, USA<br />

matt@imz-ural.com http://www.imz-ural.com<br />

KTM North America<br />

38429 Innovation Ct. Murrieta CA 92563 United States<br />

440-985-3553 events@ktm.com<br />

http://ktm.com<br />

Royal Enfield North America<br />

The only motorcycle company fully-focused on serving the<br />

middleweight motorcycle segment, models include the Bullet,<br />

Classic 500, and Himalayan motorcycles, along with a range of<br />

genuine motorcycle accessories and apparel.<br />

226 N. Water Street<br />

Milwaukee WI 53202 United States<br />

414-502-1204 u.scustomerservice@royalenfield.com<br />

http://www.royalenfield.com/usa<br />

Above: Asian camels in the steppes of Mongola (Jeff<br />

Colhoun, RallyforRangers.org)<br />

Meet the legends<br />

at <strong>Overland</strong> Expo<br />

<strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong>: Elspeth Beard and<br />

Ted Simon will both be offering<br />

their classic books for sale in the<br />

Author & Exhibitor Tent, as well<br />

as giving talks and slide shows.<br />

Guaranteed to inspire!<br />

For motorcycle rentals, please see page 74.<br />

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LUGGAGE,<br />


RIDER & BIKE<br />


Eurosport Asheville<br />

Eurosport offers sales and service of<br />

BMW and KTM motorcycles. We<br />

specialize in adventure models but offer<br />

the full line from both manufacturers. We<br />

also represent a complete line of apparel<br />

and accessories for your motorcycling<br />

needs including KLIM, Rev’It, Wolfman,<br />

Touratech, AltRider, and many more.<br />

Tues-Sat 9-6<br />

30 Bryson St. Suite 160, Asheville, NC<br />

28803, USA<br />

828-255-6600,<br />

parts@eurosportasheville.com<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear is a company<br />

focused on building heavy duty enduro,<br />

dual sport, and adventure motorcycling<br />

gear.<br />

361 Castleton Circle<br />

Boiling Springs SC 29316 USA<br />

864-381-8177 Info@GreenChileADV.com<br />

https://GreenChileADV.com<br />

Mosko Moto<br />

Tough gear for hard travel.<br />

185 NE Snohomish Ave, Suite 2546<br />

White Salmon WA 98672 USA<br />

509-281-3211<br />

https://www.moskomoto.com<br />

Outback Motortek USA<br />

Outback Motortek builds hard-part<br />

accessories for the bigger ADV bikes such<br />

as the African Twin and KTM 1290 Series.<br />

1276 Matohe Rd<br />

Monroe VA 24574 USA<br />

877-931-3636 info@outbackmotortek.com<br />

https://usshop.outbackmotortek.com<br />

Moto-Skiveez<br />

Moto-Skiveez® are technical<br />

undergarments, socks and base layers<br />

designed to improve a person’s comfort<br />

while riding a motorcycle. Engineered<br />

in Italy, the Moto-Skiveez®comfort<br />

shorts offers three unique designs to<br />

ensure maximum comfort for different<br />

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Rally for Rangers in Mongolia (Jeff Colhoun)<br />

motorcycle riding positions. “Moto-Skiveez®, Redefining Riding<br />

Comfort.”<br />

PO Box 981353, Park City, Utah, 84098, USA<br />

888-819-0185, 801-696-4501, info@motoskiveez.com<br />

http://www.motoskiveez.com<br />

REV’IT! USA<br />

Since 1995, our Dutch designers and engineers have combined<br />

passion and ingenuity to develop gear for the world’s most intrepid<br />

motorcyclists. Our Spring/Summer 2015 adventure collection<br />

represents the newest evolution of the REV’IT! Engineered skin®<br />

design philosophy, made to conquer the roughest climates and terrains.<br />

275 Conover Street, Suite 5P, Brooklyn, NY 11231, USA<br />

718-624-2162, info@revitusa.com<br />

http://www.revitusa.com<br />



Eurosport Asheville<br />

Eurosport offers sales and service of BMW and KTM motorcycles.<br />

We specialize in adventure models but offer the full line from both<br />

manufacturers. We also represent a complete line of apparel and<br />

accessories for your motorcycling needs including KLIM, Rev’It,<br />

Wolfman, Touratech, AltRider, and many more.<br />

Tues-Sat 9-6<br />

30 Bryson St. Suite 160, Asheville, NC 28803, USA<br />

828-255-6600,<br />

parts@eurosportasheville.com<br />

Kenda Tire<br />

Tires engineered for performance and value across a wide range of<br />

interests and applications for truck, car, bicycle, motorcycle, van,<br />

trailer, UHP, and wheelchair. Kenda Tire is designed for your journey.<br />

7095 Americana Pkwy<br />

Reynoldsburg OH 43068 USA<br />

614-866-9803 marketing@kendausa.com<br />

https://www.kendatire.com<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear is a company focused on building heavy<br />

duty enduro, dual sport, and adventure motorcycling gear.<br />

361 Castleton Circle<br />

Boiling Springs SC 29316 USA<br />

864-381-8177 Info@GreenChileADV.com<br />

https://GreenChileADV.com<br />

Outback Motortek USA<br />

Outback Motortek builds hard-part accessories for the bigger ADV<br />

bikes such as the African Twin and KTM 1290 Series.<br />

1276 Matohe Rd<br />

Monroe VA 24574 USA<br />

877-931-3636 info@outbackmotortek.com<br />

https://usshop.outbackmotortek.com<br />

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AdventureReady.com<br />


ARB 4x4 Accessories<br />

ARB 4x4 Accessories is Australia’s largest and industry leading<br />

manufacturer and distributor of quality, 4WD vehicle accessories. ARB<br />

manufactures the most respected products including Air Locker locking<br />

differentials, Bull Bar bumpers and Old Man Emu suspension systems.<br />

4810 D St. NW #103<br />

Auburn WA 98001 USA<br />

425-264-1391 sales@arbusa.com<br />

http://www.arbusa.com<br />

BFGoodrich Tires<br />

Manufacturer of light truck and passenger tires.<br />

1 Parkway South<br />

Greenville SC 29607 USA<br />

803-360-6716 jonathan.baughman@michelin.com<br />

http://www.BFGoodrichtires.com<br />

Currahee <strong>Overland</strong><br />

4WD vehicle sales and outfitting.<br />

40 W Currahee St<br />

Toccoa GA 30577 USA<br />

706-431-5954 curraheeoverlandllc@gmail.com<br />

http://www.curraheeoverland.com<br />

Custom Wheel House / Method Race Wheels<br />

Method Race Wheels designs, develops and distributes high<br />

performance wheels and accessories for race and street applications.<br />

These products represent our commitment to quality, driven by the<br />

high standards of performance. As racing enthusiasts and participants,<br />

we are driven to look beyond conventional ideas of industry standards.<br />

Engineering, rigorous testing, data collection and proven performance<br />

redefines what is possible in the creation of our wheels and accessories.<br />

15500 Cornet Ave.<br />

Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 USA<br />

949-307-0399 info@methodracewheels.com<br />

http://methodracewheels.com<br />

Dobinsons Spring & Suspension<br />

Dobinsons Spring & Suspension established in 1953, is largely based<br />

on leaf and coil spring manufacturing and the supply of suspension<br />

components. With several generations of family ownership and<br />

experiences, Dobinsons has become one of the leaders in the spring<br />

industry in Australia.<br />

1970 NW 129TH AVE STE 108<br />

MIAMI FL 33182 USA<br />

305-424-8353 sales@dobinsonusa.com<br />

https://www.dobinsonsdirect.com<br />

Firestone Tires / Bridgestone Americas<br />

You could say Harvey Firestone reinvented the wheel. Because when<br />

he started the Firestone Tire Company in 1900, he changed the way we<br />

drive. Behind everything he did was a commitment to being ahead of<br />

the curve. Today we make a variety of tires and rubber products.<br />

200 4th Avenue South<br />

Nashville TN 37201 USA<br />

615-937-1000 firestonetire.com<br />

http://www.firestonetire.com<br />

Kenda Tire<br />

Tires engineered for performance and value across a wide range of<br />

interests and applications for truck, car, bicycle, motorcycle, van,<br />

trailer, UHP, and wheelchair. Kenda Tire is designed for your journey.<br />

7095 Americana Pkwy<br />

16<br />

28 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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Firestone tires are built to be taken to extremes.<br />

Take 30 days to see how they can handle whatever you throw at them.<br />

TM<br />

Restrictions and limitations apply. See FirestoneTire.com for more warranty details.<br />

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Reynoldsburg OH 43068 USA<br />

614-866-9803 marketing@kendausa.com<br />

https://www.kendatire.com<br />

Performance Plus Motor Oil<br />

Manufacturers of recycled engine oil.<br />

4252 burn wood trail<br />

denver nc 28037 USA<br />

828-446-9137 thegarageshop10@gmail.com<br />

https://www.kleenperformance.com/products/performance-pluslubricants<br />

VTX Wheels<br />

VTX Wheels manufactures cast and forged aluminum wheels for jeeps<br />

and trucks.<br />

1240 S Allec St.<br />

Anaheim CA 92805 USA<br />

562-698-8215 info@vtxwheels.com<br />

http://www.vtxwheels.com<br />

Yokohama Tire Corporation<br />

Yokohama Tire Corporation is the North American manufacturing and<br />

marketing arm of Tokyo, Japan-based The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd.,<br />

a global manufacturing and sales company of premium tires since 1917.<br />

1 MacArthur Place, Suite 800<br />

Santa Ana CA 92702 USA<br />

800-423-4544 info@yokohamatire.com<br />

https://www.yokohamatire.com/<br />


23 Zero USA<br />

23ZERO are keen active outdoor enthusiasts with over 25 years<br />

experience in manufacturing quality affordable outdoor gear. We use<br />

our years of knowledge to make quality products and regularly use, test<br />

and refine them to ensure our high standard of quality control is met.<br />

5206 Pinemont Drive<br />

Murray UT 84123 USA<br />

855-875-7755 info@23ZEROUSA<br />

http://www.23zerousa.com/<br />

7P <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Get ready to drive around the world or take the kids camping at the<br />

weekend—our overland driver training gets you prepared and back<br />

home safely. If you’re ready to travel further afield, come and join us on<br />

an incredible international adventure with experienced guides.<br />

PO Box 185<br />

Idledale CO 80453 USA<br />

303-351-5777 info@7p.io<br />

https://7p.io/<br />

GoTreads<br />

GoTreads are a unique, patented traction tool designed to provide the<br />

traction needed to get vehicles going again when stuck in snow, mud or<br />

sand. GoTreads were invented in 1975 and continue their long tradition<br />

of helping drivers around the world.<br />

7612 E 82nd Ave<br />

Buhler KS 67522 USA<br />

866-247-9342 contact@gotreads.com<br />

http://www.gotreads.com<br />

Hi-Vis <strong>Overland</strong><br />

HVO is a veteran-owned business that offers affordable rooftop tents<br />

with a focus on safety throughout the sport. Our recovery gear and<br />

rooftop tents have reflective markings that stands out where it counts!<br />

We donate to veteran organizations with 10% of every tent purchased!<br />

708 Ormond Road<br />

York SC 29745 USA<br />

803-627-4119 Info@hivisoverland.com<br />

http://Www.hivisoverland.com<br />

Warn Industries<br />

Warn Industries has the led the way in durable, innovative, and trusted<br />

4x4 products since 1948. Our powerful winches, rock-solid bumpers<br />

and mounting systems, versatile rigging equipment, and proven 4WD<br />

hubs let truck, Jeep, SUV, and powersports owners GO PREPARED for<br />

whatever lies ahead.<br />

12900 SE Capps Road<br />

Clackamas OR 97015 USA<br />

800-543-9276 cs@warn.com<br />

http://www.warn.com<br />



589 Fabrication<br />

We make offroad accessories for second-generation Colorado and<br />

Canyon trucks.<br />

10105 Gordon Rd<br />

Fenton MI 48430 USA<br />

913-439-0822 info@589fab.com<br />

http://www.589fab.com<br />

Aluminess Products<br />

We manufacture aluminum front and rear bumpers, tire racks, bike<br />

racks, roof racks, ladders, nerf bars, storage boxes and accessories<br />

for trucks, vans and SUVs. Our aluminum products are designed for<br />

strength and utility with the added advantage of lighter weight and no<br />

rust.<br />

10943 Wheatlands Ave.<br />

Santee CA 92071 USA<br />

619-449-9930 info@aluminess.com<br />

http://www.aluminess.com<br />

ARB 4x4 Accessories<br />

ARB 4x4 Accessories is Australia’s largest and industry leading<br />

manufacturer and distributor of quality, 4WD vehicle accessories. ARB<br />

manufactures the most respected products including Air Locker locking<br />

differentials, Bull Bar bumpers and Old Man Emu suspension systems.<br />

4810 D St. NW #103<br />

Auburn WA 98001 USA<br />

425-264-1391 sales@arbusa.com<br />

http://www.arbusa.com<br />

Backwoods Adventure Mods<br />

Backwoods Adventure Mods designs and fabricates van and truck<br />

accessories to reflect the needs of people looking for adventure. The<br />

result is superior quality bumpers, made here in the USA, because our<br />

employees take as much pride in our work as our customers do in their<br />

vehicles. evan@backwoodsbumpers.com<br />

30 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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4180 W. Sunset<br />

Springdale AR 72762 U.S.<br />

800-342-0887 ty@chandlerequipment.com<br />

http://www.backwoodsadventuremods.com<br />

CBI Offroad Fab / Prinsu Roof Racks<br />

CBI Offroad and Prinsu roof racks is your premium manufacturer for<br />

off-road and overland parts for your Toyota vehicle. Stop by and see<br />

our front and rear bumpers along with rock sliders, skid plates and<br />

bedracks. We also offer a full line of modular, aluminum roof racks<br />

Prinsu. http://www.prinsudesignstudio.com<br />

792 E Iona Rd<br />

Idaho Falls ID 83401 USA<br />

866-522-0697 info@cbioffroadfab.com<br />

http://www.cbioffroadfab.com<br />

Metal-tech 4x4<br />

Maker of high-performance bumpers and sliders for Toyota and Lexus<br />

vehicles. Suspension specialists with over 19 years experience.<br />

2700 E 9th, Suite 200<br />

Dundee OR 97132 USA<br />

503-822-1111 info@metaltech4x4.com<br />

http://www.metaltech4x4.com<br />

Mobtown Offroad<br />

Providing high-end engineered armor for Toyota trucks and SUVs.<br />

766 Industry Lane<br />

Greensboro MD 21639 USA<br />

883-662-8696 team@mobtownoffroad.com<br />

http://www.mobtownoffroad.com<br />

Transporter Werks<br />

Full restoration and fabrication shop specializing in Volkswagen 4WD<br />

Vanagons, specialty parts, and adventure rentals.<br />

518 S West Street<br />

Raleigh NC 27604 USA<br />

919-834-2800 sean@transporterwerks.com<br />

http://www.transporterwerks<br />

Victory 4x4<br />

Victory 4x4 offers high-quality steel goods for Toyota 4x4s. We build<br />

and coat our products at our facility in Portage, Michigan using stateof-the-art<br />

equipment. All of our products keep strength and weight in<br />

mind while being designed to tackle both overlanding and off-roading.<br />

9350 Shaver Rd.<br />

Portage MI 49024 USA<br />

269-459-8447 info@victory4x4.com<br />

http://www.victory4x4.com<br />

Warn Industries<br />

Warn Industries has the led the way in durable, innovative, and trusted<br />

4x4 products since 1948. Our powerful winches, rock-solid bumpers<br />

and mounting systems, versatile rigging equipment, and proven 4WD<br />

hubs let truck, Jeep, SUV, and powersports owners GO PREPARED for<br />

whatever lies ahead.<br />

12900 SE Capps Road<br />

Clackamas OR 97015 USA<br />

800-543-9276 cs@warn.com<br />

http://www.warn.com<br />

32 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ 2017 <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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At Victory 4x4 we make bumpers, sliders, armor, and<br />

accessories for your Toyota Tacoma or 4Runner. Products<br />

built for overlanding, rock crawling, or anything in between.<br />

We are proud to manufacture in the United States, not only<br />

with skilled hands, but with top of the line equipment. All of<br />

this, while offering lead times that beat the other guys.<br />

Learn more at VICTORY4X4.COM<br />

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Aluminess Products<br />

We manufacture aluminum front and rear bumpers, tire racks, bike<br />

racks, roof racks, ladders, nerf bars, storage boxes and accessories<br />

for trucks, vans and SUVs. Our aluminum products are designed for<br />

strength and utility with the added advantage of lighter weight and no<br />

rust.<br />

10943 Wheatlands Ave.<br />

Santee CA 92071 USA<br />

619-449-9930 info@aluminess.com<br />

http://www.aluminess.com<br />

Atlantic British Ltd.<br />

Atlantic British is North America’s oldest and largest independent<br />

supplier of premium Land Rover parts and accessories. We also carry a<br />

large range of offroad and outdoor products for many popular vehicles.<br />

6 Enterprise Avenue<br />

Clifton Park NY 12065 USA<br />

800-533-2210 scott@RoverParts.com<br />

http://www.RoverParts.com<br />

Blue Ridge Expedition Trailers<br />

Expedition teardrop trailers, roof racks, gear boxes, shower boxes.<br />

“Take The Road Less Traveled”<br />

7976 Concord Church Road<br />

Lewisville NC 27023 USA<br />

336-383-1001 info@brxtrailers.com<br />

https://www.brxtrailers.com<br />

CBI Offroad Fab / Prinsu Roof Racks<br />

CBI Offroad and Prinsu roof racks is your premium manufacturer for<br />

off-road and overland parts for your Toyota vehicle. Stop by and see<br />

our front and rear bumpers along with rock sliders, skid plates and<br />

bedracks. We also offer a full line of modular, aluminum roof racks<br />

Prinsu. http://www.prinsudesignstudio.com<br />

792 E Iona Rd<br />

Idaho Falls ID 83401 USA<br />

866-522-0697 info@cbioffroadfab.com<br />

http://www.cbioffroadfab.com<br />

Eezi-Awn<br />

Eezi-Awn is a South African based company specializing in roof<br />

top tents, awnings, and roof racks for over 31 years. With decades<br />

of proven experience on every major continent, Eezi-Awn products<br />

withstand the most extreme elements. Shop more through Equipt<br />

Expedition Outfitters.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300<br />

Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Equipt Expedition Outfitters<br />

Exclusive U.S. distributors of National Luna, Eezi-Awn, Alu-Box,<br />

and Kariba, the innovators of South Africa’s most rugged expedition<br />

gear. From roof top tents to portable fridges, we’ve been stocking the<br />

industry’s best since 2008 to increase your capability and comfort on<br />

any adventure.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300 Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Rago Fabrication<br />

Rago Fabrication is a veteran family owned off-road product<br />

manufacturer. We pride ourselves on our ability to design and fabricate<br />

quality backcountry products right here in the USA. Rago Fabrication<br />

was founded by Melissa & Mario Rago, and first opened its doors in<br />

April of 2013 in Rancho Cucamonga.<br />

401 Mill Run<br />

Kerrville TX 78028 USA<br />

830-896-7571 info@ragofabrication.com<br />

http://www.ragofabrication.com<br />

Rhino-Rack<br />

The leading manufacturer/distributor of roof rack systems and<br />

accessories in Australia for the past 25 years is now established in<br />

North America, based in Denver, Colorado. Rhino-Rack—the viable<br />

alternative to all your roof rack requirements.<br />

2450 Airport Blvd.<br />

Denver CO 80011 USA<br />

303-706-9700 tonyleix@rhinorack.com<br />

http://www.rhinorack.com<br />

Victory 4x4<br />

Victory 4x4 offers high-quality steel goods for Toyota 4x4s. We build<br />

and coat our products at our facility in Portage, Michigan using stateof-the-art<br />

equipment. All of our products keep strength and weight in<br />

mind while being designed to tackle both overlanding and off-roading.<br />

9350 Shaver Rd. Portage MI 49024 USA<br />

269-459-8447 info@victory4x4.com<br />

http://www.victory4x4.com<br />

Yakima Products<br />

Since 1979 Yakima has been the go-to brand for gear hauling. Our<br />

roof racks, gear mounts and cargo solutions have safely and securely<br />

transported your bikes, boats, boards, and cargo for decades. Tough and<br />

built to last, our products will give you peace of mind on the road and<br />

help you take it easy.<br />

4101 Kruse Way<br />

Lake Oswego OR 97035 USA<br />

888-925-4621 roadwarriors@yakima.com<br />

https://www.yakima.com/<br />


589 Fabrication<br />

We make offroad accessories for second-generation Colorado and<br />

Canyon trucks.<br />

10105 Gordon Rd<br />

Fenton MI 48430 USA<br />

913-439-0822 info@589fab.com<br />

http://www.589fab.com<br />

Lightforce Performance Lighting<br />

Manufacturer of driving light systems.<br />

336 Hazen Lane<br />

Orofino ID 83544 USA<br />

208-476-9204 info@lightforceusa.com<br />

http://www.lightforce.com<br />

See also Outfitters, Stockists & Customizers, p. 20<br />

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ESEE Knives / Randall’s Adventure & Training<br />

ESEE Knives produces American made fixed blade knives that feature<br />

a lifetime, no questions asked warranty. Simply put, you break it, we<br />

will replace it. ESEE Knives was born out of Randall’s Adventure<br />

& Training which began in the Amazon jungle in 1997 and continues<br />

offering training to this day. http://www.randallsadventure.com<br />

P.O. Box 99<br />

Gallant AL 35972 USA<br />

256-613-0372 info@eseeknives.com<br />

http://www.eseeknives.com<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear<br />

Green Chile Adventure Gear is a company focused on building heavy<br />

duty enduro, dual sport, and adventure motorcycling gear.<br />

361 Castleton Circle<br />

Boiling Springs SC 29316 USA<br />

864-381-8177 Info@GreenChileADV.com<br />

https://GreenChileADV.com<br />

Griffin Pocket Tool<br />

Keep your keys organized and never be without the right tool with the<br />

Griffin Pocket Tool®! The Griffin Pocket Tool® was made for those<br />

who are always on the go. Think Outside The Toolbox!<br />

PO Box 856<br />

Watkinsville GA 30677 USA<br />

678-427-8835 info@griffinpockettool.com<br />

www.griffinpockettool.com<br />

LT Wright Handcrafted Knife Company<br />

L.T. Wright handcrafted knives works to create beautiful, artisan<br />

working pieces. Years of knowledge and experience has gone into this<br />

endeavor. Their skilled, carefully selected craftsmen are working hard<br />

to create ultra-high quality, long-lasting steel you can be proud to pass<br />

on.<br />

130B Warren Lane<br />

Wintersville OH 43953 USA<br />

740-317-1404 info@ltwrightknives.com<br />

https://ltwrightknives.com/<br />

MORryde International Inc.<br />

MORryde offers some of the most unique accessories for Jeep<br />

Wranglers. From our heavy-duty hinges to a side-mounted fuel carrier,<br />

these products aren’t your ordinary add-ons. They’re the best Jeep<br />

accessories, built MORryde tough for off-road fun. Make your Jeep<br />

thing a MORryde thing too.<br />

1966 Sterling Ave.<br />

Elkhart IN 46515 USA<br />

574-293-1581 sales@morryde.com<br />

http://www.morryde.com<br />

OEM Audio Plus<br />

High-resolution audio solutions designed and tuned specifically<br />

for Toyota and Subaru vehicles. Plug-and-play installation with<br />

GUARANTEED results!<br />

3315 E Miraloma Ave, Suite 113<br />

Anaheim CA 92806 USA<br />

855-636-6346 info@oemaudioplus.com<br />

http://oemaudioplus.com/products/<br />

Performance Plus Motor Oil<br />

Manufacturers of recycled engine oil.<br />

4252 burn wood trail<br />

denver nc 28037 USA<br />

828-446-9137 thegarageshop10@gmail.com<br />

https://www.kleenperformance.com/products/performance-pluslubricants<br />

Rago Fabrication<br />

Rago Fabrication is a veteran family owned off-road product<br />

manufacturer. We pride ourselves on our ability to design and fabricate<br />

quality backcountry products right here in the USA. Rago Fabrication<br />

was founded by Melissa & Mario Rago, and first opened its doors in<br />

April of 2013 in Rancho Cucamonga.<br />

401 Mill Run<br />

Kerrville TX 78028 USA<br />

830-896-7571 info@ragofabrication.com<br />

http://www.ragofabrication.com<br />

RB Components<br />

Your #1 source for trailer, van, shop, and garage accessories!<br />

14050 Freeway Drive<br />

Santa Fe Springs CA USA<br />

562-802-1200 sales@rbcomponents.com<br />

http://www.rbcomponents.com<br />

Tekton<br />

Manufacturer of hand tools.<br />

3707 Roger B Chaffee Memorial Blvd SE<br />

Grand Rapids MI 49548 USA<br />

888-648-8665 brent.mcbride@tekton.com<br />

http://tekton.com<br />

Topperezlift<br />

Topperezlift raises your truck topper 17.5 inches to haul large loads<br />

without taking your topper off, and turns your pickup into an instant<br />

camper.<br />

1351 Sibley Memorial Hwy<br />

Mendota MN 55150 USA<br />

651-207-5634 info@topperezlift.com<br />

http://www.topperezlift.com<br />

WAZOO Survival Gear<br />

Everyday carry wearable survival kits and tools. From hats with secret<br />

pockets, necklaces that can sharpen knives or start a fire, to a belt with<br />

a full survival kit, we create gear that enables adventurers to always be<br />

prepared!<br />

1600 2nd Street, Unit 122<br />

Seabrook TX 77586 USA<br />

281-846-4633 info@wazoosurvivalgear.com<br />

https://www.wazoosurvivalgear.com/<br />

Zeal Optics<br />

At Zeal Optics, we build the highest quality eyewear for people like<br />

us who live for outdoor adventure. But that is just the beginning of our<br />

adventure. We focus on more than just being an eyewear company. We<br />

are guided by a simple set of beliefs: Use less, give back, explore more.<br />

1230 Spruce St.<br />

Boulder CO 80302 USA<br />

888-454-9325 info@zealoptics.com<br />

https://www.zealoptics.com<br />

36 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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www.cbioffroadfab.com | #cbiequipped | (866) 522-0697<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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ZenVanz toy organizer.<br />



Adventure Tool Company<br />

ATC supplies the highest quality textile gear for the expedition,<br />

overlanding, and adventuring communities. All gear is made in<br />

Colorado, U.S.A., entirely of U.S.-made MILSPEC components. A<br />

Lifetime Warranty accompanies every purchase.<br />

PO Box 2073<br />

Nederland CO 80466 USA<br />

303-588-5705 adventuretoolcompany@yahoo.com<br />

http://www.adventuretoolcompany.com<br />

Alu-Box<br />

Alu-Box is a family-run Danish company. Their wide range of<br />

aluminum boxes, cases, and containers are faithfully used around the<br />

world for commercial, military, and emergency services thanks to their<br />

high-quality construction and unmatched reliability. Shop more through<br />

Equipt Expedition Outfitters.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300<br />

Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Atlantic British Ltd.<br />

Atlantic British is North America’s oldest and largest independent<br />

supplier of premium Land Rover parts and accessories. We also carry a<br />

large range of offroad and outdoor products for many popular vehicles.<br />

6 Enterprise Avenue<br />

Clifton Park NY 12065 USA<br />

800-533-2210 scott@RoverParts.com<br />

http://www.RoverParts.com<br />

Blue Ridge Expedition Trailers<br />

Expedition teardrop trailers, roof racks, gear boxes, shower boxes.<br />

“Take The Road Less Traveled”<br />

7976 Concord Church Road<br />

Lewisville NC 27023 USA<br />

336-383-1001 info@brxtrailers.com<br />

https://www.brxtrailers.com<br />

Blue Ridge <strong>Overland</strong> Gear<br />

Handcrafted gear for your adventure. Made in Virginia USA.<br />

126 S bridge st<br />

Bedford VA 24523 USA<br />

866-855-5471 blueridgeoverlandgear@gmail.com<br />

http://www.blueridgeoverlandgear.com<br />

Dobinsons Spring & Suspension<br />

Dobinsons Spring & Suspension established in 1953, is largely based<br />

on leaf and coil spring manufacturing and the supply of suspension<br />

components. With several generations of family ownership and<br />

experiences, Dobinsons has become one of the leaders in the spring<br />

industry in Australia.<br />


For camp and personal lighting, auxiliary power, and charging<br />

systems for both vehicles and motorcycles, see Power, Lighting, &<br />

Communications, page 52.<br />

See also Outfitters, Stockists & Customizers, p. 20<br />

38 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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www.prinsudesignstudio.com | #thatprinsulife | (866) 522-0697<br />

Above: Engel fridge-freezer keeping things cool, with Goose Gear storage systems (photo: Frank Lopez; GooseGear.com).<br />

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1000 MILES AWAY . . .<br />

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<strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ THE ESSENTIAL OVERLANDER TOOL KIT<br />


TOOL KIT<br />

by Jonathan Hanson, <strong>Overland</strong> Tech & Travel & co-owner, <strong>Overland</strong> Expo<br />

It’s popular among a certain segment of the overlanding community to complain<br />

about how complex modern vehicles are, with their computer-controlled engines,<br />

transmissions, and even suspensions, and plethora of electronic gadgets. These<br />

guys (it’s virtually all men, and mostly 40-ish plus) will regale you with stories of how<br />

they used to set the points gap in their Jeep’s distributor with a matchbook cover, how<br />

they once rebuilt the carburetor on their Series III Land Rover on the side of the road<br />

in Tanzania, or how they once replaced the clogged fuel filter on their Land Cruiser<br />

in the middle of nowhere in Mexico, with the engine running because the battery had<br />

died and they wouldn’t have been able to restart. (In case you’re scoffing, that last one<br />

is mine and it’s absolutely true.)<br />

So, they ask, could you do that on your new<br />

Wrangler or Tacoma or Frontier?<br />

No, you couldn’t—but that’s beside the point.<br />

You’ll never have to.<br />

Modern ignition systems require virtually<br />

zero maintenance, with a matchbook cover<br />

or otherwise. Fuel injection systems are<br />

astoundingly reliable, and the central computer<br />

has several backup systems. You’ll sell that<br />

truck before it needs a new fuel filter. The<br />

simple fact is, modern vehicles are far more<br />

reliable and maintenance-free than those<br />

legendary easy-to-work-on vehicles of yore.<br />

So—why this introduction to an article about<br />

tools? Because there are still lots of things<br />

that can and do go wrong on modern vehicles.<br />

No one has yet invented a fan or serpentine<br />

belt guaranteed never to break or go out of<br />

adjustment, a radiator hose that will never split, a<br />

shock absorber that will never fail, a bolt that will<br />

never loosen. Especially when subjected to the extra<br />

stress of long off-highway routes, washboard roads,<br />

dirt and mud, even the most reliable four-wheeldrive<br />

vehicle is going to require some tinkering now<br />

and then—not to mention essential maintenance.<br />

Thus a carefully curated tool kit should be<br />

considered mandatory equipment if you venture<br />

beyond the reach of AAA.<br />

I’ve had people protest, “But I don’t know the<br />

first thing about how to use tools.” Three things:<br />

First, it’s easy to learn basic maintenance and tool<br />

use through such avenues as, ahem, the <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Expo; second, you might be surprised at what you’d<br />

accomplish if the alternative was a long walk;<br />

and third, even if you’re mechanically hopeless,<br />

someone might stop to help you, and if so it would<br />

be polite to have your own tools to contribute.<br />

42 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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So what do you need, and what is good to have?<br />

First, a word on quality. Some time ago I read an<br />

article on backcountry tool kits by a well-known<br />

Australian overlander, who wrote, “Your tools don’t<br />

have to be good, just good enough.” With all due<br />

respect, nonsense. Think about it. If you get out the<br />

tools, something has already gone wrong. Why risk<br />

compounding the<br />

situation by using<br />

cheap tools that<br />

might break and<br />

leave you in a real<br />

fix? You’ll never<br />

know if that “good enough” tool is good enough<br />

until it fails somewhere inconvenient.<br />

There are still lots of things that can and do go<br />

wrong on modern vehicles . . . especially when<br />

subjected to the extra stress of long off-highway<br />

routes, washboard roads, dirt and mud . . .<br />

With that said, there are components of your kit<br />

that should absolutely be of the highest quality, and<br />

others on which you can economize a bit. So what<br />

comprises a versatile and functional automotive tool<br />

kit? (Note that I won’t include electrical tools in this<br />

list, as I consider that an entirely separate subject.)<br />

1. Ratchet and socket set<br />

This is the vital one, what you will break out<br />

for many<br />

maintenance jobs<br />

and repairs on<br />

things attached to<br />

the vehicle with<br />

bolts and nuts—<br />

i.e. important things. It’s also the set most prone<br />

to failure if not made properly. I’ve broken more<br />

cheap sockets and ratchets than any other kind of<br />

tool. So do yourself a favor and skip the 200-piece,<br />

$19.95 sets from the freight importers. Sure, they<br />

Above: Graham Jackson working on his Land Rover Defender on a remote track, North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Previous<br />

spread: Nearly 1000 miles into a remote crossing of the Great Victoria Desert, Australia. (Photos by Jonathan Hanson)<br />

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<strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ THE ESSENTIAL OVERLANDER TOOL KIT<br />

might have a “lifetime guarantee,” but that<br />

won’t do you much good if something breaks<br />

in the bush. Trust me: Spend ’til it hurts on<br />

this one thing.<br />

So which brands? If you have unlimited funds<br />

by all means go for Snap-on or Mac (or, as<br />

I’ve done, look for them them used on eBay).<br />

Both brands are superb. Otherwise, look at<br />

Facom (“fahcomb”), Proxxon, Snap-on’s<br />

“bargain” brand Williams, or Bahco (at right).<br />

Alternatively, the sets from DeWalt and<br />

GearWrench look very good. Craftsman used<br />

to be a top recommendation, but I’m just<br />

not sure of them any more. Finally, if you’re<br />

really on a budget, the Lowe’s and Home<br />

Depot’s “house brands” Husky and Kobalt<br />

are not bad. But see my exhortation above.<br />

Automotive ratchet and socket sets come<br />

in three common sizes: 1/4-inch, 3/8thsinch,<br />

and 1/2 inch. The numbers refer to the<br />

diameter of the square anvil on the ratchet on<br />

which the sockets fit. The bigger the ratchet,<br />

the bigger sockets it will take and the heavier<br />

work can be done with it. A 1/4-inch set will<br />

span a range of sockets from about 4mm up<br />

to 13mm (or inch equivalents); a 3/8ths set<br />

from 10mm up to 19mm or so, and a 1/2-<br />

inch set from about 13mm all the way up<br />

to 32 or 34mm. You can carry all three, but<br />

an alternative is to carry just a 1/4 and 1/2<br />

set, which will span every fastener on your<br />

vehicle.<br />

Look for a kit that features a 72- or 80-tooth<br />

ratchet. The finer teeth mean you don’t have<br />

to turn the handle as far in tight places to<br />

engage the next tooth. (You can determine the<br />

tooth count by simply rotating the ratchet 360<br />

degrees and counting the clicks.) I also like<br />

a push-button release for the sockets. And I<br />

much prefer a lever for the directional control<br />

rather than a palm wheel, although that’s<br />

personal preference.<br />

The Facom SPD200 1/2-inch kit includes<br />

sockets from 10mm to 32mm. Add a breaker<br />

bar to this and you’ll be able to tackle major<br />

repairs.<br />

This Bahco S87+7 set includes both 1/4 and<br />

1/2-inch ratchets, and sockets from 4mm<br />

all the way to 34mm, plus deep sockets and<br />

combination wrenches.<br />

A very complete Proxxon 23280 1/4-<br />

inch ratchet and socket set, including a<br />

comprehensive selection of bits.<br />

44 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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A word on handle material: Some ratchets come<br />

with a rubber-covered handle, others with plain<br />

polished steel. The rubber offers a nice grip and<br />

won’t scratch paint if you slip while using it;<br />

however, it also collects grime and is difficult to<br />

clean in the field. Another personal choice, but I<br />

prefer the plain steel.<br />

If your 1/4-inch or 3/8ths-inch socket set does not<br />

include deep sockets, buy a separate selection from<br />

about 8mm up to 14mm. I’ve rarely encountered<br />

bolts or nuts larger than that that required a deep<br />

socket.<br />

Years ago Snap-on invented a feature they called<br />

Flank Drive, by slightly rounding the corners on<br />

the inside of sockets so they bear on the flat of the<br />

nut or bolt rather than the angle, thus reducing the<br />

chance of rounding off. Once the patent expired,<br />

everyone copied it, so you can expect to find this<br />

feature on any good socket. Note, too, that sockets<br />

come in either six or 12 point. A 12-point socket<br />

is faster to place over a fastener as you don’t have<br />

to twist it as far; however, six-point sockets are<br />

slightly stronger, so I use those in the field and<br />

accept the trade-off.<br />

For your 1/2-inch socket set you’ll want a breaker<br />

bar—an extra long handle, usually without a<br />

ratchet mechanism, used for freeing (or tightening)<br />

large fasteners such as those on suspension parts,<br />

transmissions, etc. An 18-inch-long bar is sufficient<br />

for almost any fastener. I splurged for my kit and<br />

bought an 18-inch Snap-on SX80A flex-head<br />

ratchet. It has a fine 80-tooth mechanism yet is<br />

strong enough to handle any job I can tackle. It was<br />

worth every penny of its $180.<br />

2. Wrenches<br />

Wrenches are the companion tools to sockets—they<br />

both apply to nuts or bolts, and very frequently<br />

you’ll be using them in tandem. Unlike ratchets<br />

and sockets, however, I don’t ever recall breaking a<br />

wrench that wasn’t pot metal, so you can economize<br />

here—although keep in mind that the better the<br />

wrench, the tighter the tolerances will be and the<br />

better fit over the fastener.<br />

Snap-on’s superb SX80A flex-head ratchet,<br />

Swiss-watch smooth yet immensely strong.<br />

Your socket set should include deep<br />

sockets from about 8mm to 14mm.<br />

Combination wrenches, with a box and<br />

an open end, are the most versatile for<br />

field use.<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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<strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ THE ESSENTIAL OVERLANDER TOOL KIT<br />

You can save money and weight by buying<br />

wrenches with a different size opening<br />

on each end. However, I much prefer<br />

combination wrenches that have one open<br />

end and one box end, both the same size.<br />

Sometimes a fastener will be easier to<br />

remove with an open end, other times a<br />

box end, so it’s worth the weight and cost<br />

to have both available. Along those lines,<br />

ratcheting wrenches can be convenient<br />

in certain situations; however, the heads<br />

are much fatter than a non-ratcheting<br />

wrench and frequently will not fit between<br />

a fastener and a nearby obstruction. Stick<br />

with the non-ratcheting kind for a field kit.<br />

And look for the “Flank Drive” rounded<br />

teeth on the box end.<br />

Your wrench set should include sizes from<br />

6mm or 7mm up to at least 19mm (or 1/4<br />

to 3/4 inch). It’s not a bad idea to go up<br />

to 24mm. Beyond that wrenches start to<br />

get very heavy and expensive, so unless<br />

you know of a particular fastener on your<br />

vehicle that takes a certain size and can’t<br />

be undone with a socket, you can skip the<br />

huge ones.<br />

3. Pliers<br />

Life would be much more elegant if all<br />

fasteners could be removed with a socket or<br />

wrench, but sometimes the crude approach<br />

is necessary. I keep a half dozen pliers in<br />

my tool roll. Most used are the slip-joint<br />

type in small and large size. The standard<br />

blue-handled Channel-Locks are excellent;<br />

even better are the versions from Knipex.<br />

The German company uses harder steel so<br />

their pliers are thinner and better able to fit<br />

into tight spaces. Needle-nosed pliers are<br />

useful for a zillion jobs; interestingly my<br />

favorite model is the NP-6 from the bicycle<br />

tool company Park Tools. They have a<br />

spring opener which makes them easier to<br />

use one-handed. I also keep a pair of Vise-<br />

Grip pliers for those times when a really<br />

crude approach is necessary. Finally, not<br />


Flank Drive wrench on left, standard drive<br />

on right. Most high-quality wrenches and<br />

sockets will incorporate some close copy of<br />

Flank Drive.<br />

The Channel-Lock pliers,<br />

right, are excellent. The Knipex<br />

pliers, left, are even better.<br />

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quite pliers, but I keep a few hemostats in the same<br />

pouch or tray. Very handy.<br />

4. Screwdrivers<br />

While absolutely vital for a tool kit, screwdrivers<br />

are another area where handing over the Amex<br />

card to a Snap-on rep is not really necessary. Buy a<br />

comprehensive set of name-brand screwdrivers and<br />

you’ll be fine. Get the fattest handles you can find.<br />

As with ratchets, rubber handles provide a better<br />

grip but are harder to keep clean—your choice.<br />

Some screwdrivers come with a hex fitting under<br />

the handle so you can apply a wrench for more<br />

torque; if so you can be pretty sure the maker has<br />

faith in the quality of the tip. Make sure you get a<br />

couple of stubbies—they’re awkward to use but<br />

sometimes nothing else will fit. I also have one<br />

ratcheting screwdriver with replaceable tips stored<br />

in the handle; this is nice for jobs that require<br />

removing and replacing lots of screws. And to avoid<br />

using the big standard screwdriver for tasks it was<br />

not designed for, I have a short Enderes pry bar.<br />

5. Hex bits and Torx<br />

There are lots of odd fittings on vehicles these days<br />

(not to mention other equipment you’ll have along).<br />

Hex bits and Torx are especially common. Include<br />

a good-sized selection of these, either to fit your<br />

replaceable-bit screwdriver or, better, your ratchet.<br />

6. Torque wrench<br />

If you have to do any major repairs on the vehicle,<br />

with the help of a factory manual, you’ll run into<br />

fasteners that need to be tightened to a specific<br />

torque rating. Such repairs might be beyond your<br />

skills; however, even wheel nuts should properly<br />

be tightened to factory specs. The spring torque<br />

wrenches with a needle and scale are notoriously<br />

unreliable and hard to read; better is a wrench that<br />

clicks when the right reading is reached. If you<br />

have the funds, the electronic wrenches are superbly<br />

accurate and alert you with a beep when you’ve<br />

reached the correct setting.<br />

7. Hammer<br />

There are essentially two kinds: those you use<br />

when you don’t want to damage something, and<br />

Standard and phillips-head screwdrivers.<br />

Ratcheting model with bits in handle on right.<br />

Torx and hex bits are essential for many<br />

modern fasteners.<br />

A click-adjustable (or digital) torque<br />

wrench is superior to a beam-type torque<br />

wrench.<br />

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<strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ THE ESSENTIAL OVERLANDER TOOL KIT<br />

those you use when you do want to damage<br />

something—or at least reshape it. I used to<br />

carry a no-bounce hammer for the former<br />

and a small sledge for the latter; now I carry<br />

a single model, a Park Tool 21-ounce, which<br />

has a steel face on one side and a plastic face<br />

on the other.<br />

8. To cut, file, punch<br />

You should carry a hack saw with several<br />

spare blades, and a set of tin snips. Also a<br />

combination half-round and flat file, plus<br />

a round file. I have a selection of punches<br />

from tiny to stout, and a brass drift, which<br />

is irreplaceable when you need to pound<br />

something such as a wheel bearing race<br />

in or out without scoring the surrounding<br />

steel. A good compact scraper for cleaning<br />

off gasket residue will make that job much<br />

easier than doing it with a pocket knife. And<br />

for lighting your work area under the vehicle<br />

or after dark, a magnetic LED lamp with a<br />

swiveling head will make your life much<br />

easier.<br />

9. One-use but indispensible<br />

For some repairs you’ll find parts held in<br />

place by snap rings or circlips. These are<br />

fiendishly difficult to remove with anything<br />

but a proper pair of circlip pliers. And<br />

circlips can be either internal or external—so<br />

you might need to either squeeze or spread<br />

them—and small or large. I have a Snapon<br />

kit that comprises 12 different snap-ring<br />

pliers, but that’s a bit overkill for a field kit.<br />

On the other hand I’ve had bad luck with the<br />

pliers that use replaceable tips in different<br />

configurations. Knipex to the rescue: They<br />

make a set of four pliers that come in a small<br />

roll.<br />

Toyota ups the difficulty ante on some of<br />

their hub and transmission circlips: there<br />

are no holes to accept circlip pliers. Graham<br />

Jackson and I recently had to service the<br />

hubs on our Land Cruiser in the Australian<br />

Left to right: Brass drift,<br />

large and small steel punches,<br />

combination and round files,<br />

Park Tools 21-ounce combo<br />

hammer, hacksaw.<br />

This Knipex circlip plier set<br />

should handle most internal<br />

and external snap rings.<br />

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Outback—approximately 500 miles<br />

from the nearest tool store—and<br />

Graham filed the tips of a pair of<br />

needle-nosed pliers to do the job.<br />

Adequate, but only just. Knipex to<br />

the rescue again: They make a plier<br />

with flat scored tips to grip the ends<br />

of the ring. I’ll be adding those to<br />

the kit.<br />

I have a tool designed to pry off<br />

radiator and heater hoses that have<br />

welded themselves on, and it is a<br />

Godsend for that use; however, its<br />

sharp point is also good for cleaning<br />

out grooves in other parts.<br />

Many vehicles require factory<br />

special tools to do certain<br />

procedures. It’s worth talking to a<br />

mechanic to find out if any are worth<br />

ordering for your specific model.<br />

10. OBD-II Scanner<br />

Lastly, of course, a tool well<br />

worth considering for any modern<br />

vehicle is an OBD-II scanner, and<br />

the appropriate app to diagnose<br />

your vehicle’s fault codes. I have a<br />

Bluetooth-enabled wireless Foseal<br />

that plugs in to the OBD port and<br />

send signals to my iPhone. It cost<br />

less than $20.<br />

Now, when that pesky “Check<br />

Engine” light comes on, I can<br />

determine if I have a serious<br />

problem.<br />

Or if it’s something I can fix with a<br />

matchbook cover.<br />

The author and Graham Jackson<br />

used nearly every tool in this list<br />

fixing problems on their vehicles —<br />

nearly all caused by shoddy work<br />

by urban mechanics—during a<br />

recent 2000-mile remote Australian<br />

outback crossing: leaking radiator,<br />

loose hub requiring adjustment,<br />

broken ignition wire, missing<br />

exhaust-mounting bolts . . .<br />

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1970 NW 129th Avenue, Suite108<br />

Miami FL 33182 USA<br />

305-424-8353 sales@dobinsonusa.com<br />

https://www.dobinsonsdirect.com<br />

Equipt Expedition Outfitters<br />

Exclusive U.S. distributors of National Luna, Eezi-Awn, Alu-Box,<br />

and Kariba, the innovators of South Africa’s most rugged expedition<br />

gear. From roof top tents to portable fridges, we’ve been stocking the<br />

industry’s best since 2008 to increase your capability and comfort on<br />

any adventure.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle<br />

Suite #300<br />

Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Goose Gear, LLC<br />

Goose Gear designs and builds premium storage solutions for the<br />

overland market.<br />

6348 Industry Wa<br />

Wesminster CA 92683 USA<br />

844-466-7334 sales@goose-gear.com<br />

http://www.goose-gear.com<br />

Hill People Gear<br />

“Real Use Gear for Backcountry Travelers”—Our products don’t<br />

happen by accident, and they’re not born in a design studio. At Hill<br />

People Gear, we build tools to solve or avoid problems that we’ve run<br />

into over years of backcountry travel, both for work and adventure.<br />

337 Mesa Grande Drive<br />

Grand Junction CO 81507 USA<br />

888-464-1875 Info@hillpeoplegear.com<br />

http://www.hillpeoplegear.com<br />

Kusa Systems<br />

We manufacture aftermarket accessories for overland vehicles.<br />

5212 Luttrell Rd<br />

Knoxville TN 37918 USA<br />

865-773-3704 brianjohnso00@gmail.com<br />

http://www.kusasystems.com<br />

Orion Coolers<br />

The world’s most feature-rich, customizable coolers are unsurpassed<br />

in ice retention, durability, innovation, and personalized style. Break<br />

away from the crowd, be an original and choose from our wide range of<br />

multi-color patterns. Every Orion cooler is hand-built in Tennessee.<br />

3300 McMinnville Hwy<br />

Sparta TN 38583 USA<br />

931-739-COOL info@orioncoolers.com<br />

http://www.orioncoolers.com<br />

Planetary Design<br />

Innovators/designers of durable coffee and tea brewing, and food<br />

preservation canisters, like the Airscape® storage containers, Big Sky<br />

Bistro french press travel mug, and amazingly insulated stainless steel<br />

French presses and drinkware.<br />

9088B Bonner Mill Road, P.O. Box 1011<br />

Bonner MT 59823 USA<br />

406-728-7008 sales@planetarydesign.us<br />

http://www.planetarydesign.com<br />

RB Components<br />

Your #1 source for trailer, van, shop, and garage accessories!<br />

14050 Freeway Drive<br />

Santa Fe Springs CA USA<br />

562-802-1200 sales@rbcomponents.com<br />

http://www.rbcomponents.com<br />

Rhino-Rack<br />

The leading manufacturer/distributor of roof rack systems and<br />

accessories in Australia for the past 25 years is now established in<br />

North America, based in Denver, Colorado. Rhino-Rack—the viable<br />

alternative to all your roof rack requirements.<br />

2450 Airport Blvd.<br />

Denver CO 80011 USA<br />

303-706-9700 tonyleix@rhinorack.com<br />

http://www.rhinorack.com<br />

Scenic<br />

Scenic is a brand that combines 50 years of manufacturing with an<br />

intense passion for the great outdoors. We build better products for the<br />

greatest outdoors.<br />

170 E Ontario Street<br />

Frankfort IL 60423 USA<br />

888-835-7123 daniel@scenicgear.com<br />

https://scenicgear.com<br />

Stuffsack.com<br />

At Stuffsack.com we sell dry and camping bags.<br />

PO Box 6146<br />

Chandler AZ 85246-6146 USA<br />

480-899-6458<br />

andy@stuffsack.com<br />

nora@stuffsack.com<br />

http://www.stuffsack.com<br />

TemboTusk<br />

TemboTusk manufactures American-made adventure gear. We make<br />

the Skottle grills, fridge and cargo slides, camp tables and other<br />

accessories to make heading into the wilderness more pleasant.<br />

412 jE Commonwealth Ave #4<br />

Fullerton CA 92832 USA<br />

714-396-4549 Info@tembotusk.com<br />

http://www.tembotusk.com<br />

Watershed LLC<br />

Manufacturer of USA-made, 100% submersible waterproof bags and<br />

luggage.<br />

2000 Riverside Drive, Suite 3<br />

Asheville NC 28804 USA<br />

828-252-7111 orders@drybags.com<br />

http://www.drybags.com<br />

Yakima Products<br />

Since 1979 Yakima has been the go-to brand for gear hauling. Our<br />

roof racks, gear mounts and cargo solutions have safely and securely<br />

transported your bikes, boats, boards, and cargo for decades. Tough and<br />

built to last, our products will give you peace of mind on the road and<br />

help you take it easy.<br />

4101 Kruse Way<br />

Lake Oswego OR 97035 USA<br />

888-925-4621 roadwarriors@yakima.com<br />

https://www.yakima.com/<br />

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& STORAGE<br />

AT <strong>Overland</strong> Equipment<br />

Manufacturer and purveyor of high-quality overland vehicle equipment<br />

and habitation systems.<br />

697 6th Street<br />

Prescott AZ 86301 USA<br />

877-661-8097 info@adventuretrailers.com<br />

http://www.atoverland.com<br />

Kariba<br />

Fifteen years ago, the Kariba team designed the very first camping<br />

and outdoor mobile HOT Shower in South Africa. Today the Kariba<br />

team is the world market pioneers of camping hot water appliances.<br />

They continue to strive towards excellence. Shop more through Equipt<br />

Expedition Outfitters.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle #300<br />

Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

NEMO Equipment<br />

Award-winning overnight gear for all types of adventure, with a long<br />

history in overlanding. Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, camp<br />

showers, hammocks, and chairs known for innovation and designed to<br />

create the best experiences outdoors.<br />

383 Central Ave. Suite 275<br />

Dover NH 3820 United States<br />

603-881-9353 journey@nemoequipment.com<br />

http://www.nemoequipment.com<br />

Scenic<br />

Scenic is a brand that combines 50 years of manufacturing with an<br />

intense passion for the great outdoors. We build better products for the<br />

greatest outdoors.<br />

170 E Ontario Street<br />

Frankfort IL 60423 USA<br />

888-835-7123 daniel@scenicgear.com<br />

https://scenicgear.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the Rocky<br />

Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and like our<br />

facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop on line at www.<br />

storetotrailsupply.com.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />

Smith Products Group<br />

Affordable tactical, outdoor, and survival equipment for all<br />

adventures.<br />

1323 Club House Drive<br />

Chesapeake VA 23322 USA<br />

757-362-1892 mark@smithproductsgroup.com<br />

http://www.smithproductsgroup.com<br />

BOOTH<br />

C05<br />

BOOTH<br />

C05<br />







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See also Outfitters, Stockists & Customizers, p. 20<br />


Big Agnes<br />

Big Agnes inspires you to get outside with our comfortable and durable<br />

down sleeping bags, lightweight tents, self-inflating sleeping pads, and<br />

down jackets.<br />

2145 Resort Dr<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-871-1480 Chrisd@bigagnes.com<br />

http://www.bigagnes.com<br />

Dirtraveler<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> gear retailer.<br />

3775 Radburn Drive<br />

South San Francisco CA 94080 USA<br />

650-483-8065 dirtraveler@gmail.com<br />

http://www.dirtraveler.com<br />

Gazelle Tents<br />

Gazelle tents and gazebos use a tried and true hub design. Utilizing a<br />

pre-assembled durable fiberglass frame that pops up in seconds and<br />

withstands the elements, our products are the most reliable and quickest<br />

pop-up shelters available today.<br />

1160 8TH Ave<br />

Cumberland WI 54829 USA<br />

800-345-6007 rob.kempf@ardisam.com<br />

http://www.gazelletents.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the Rocky<br />

52 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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10/2/18 9:34 AM

Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and like our<br />

facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop on line at www.<br />

storetotrailsupply.com.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />

Topperezlift<br />

Topperezlift raises your truck topper 17.5 inches to haul large loads<br />

without taking your topper off, and turns your pickup into an instant<br />

camper.<br />

1351 Sibley Memorial Hwy<br />

Mendota MN 55150 USA<br />

651-207-5634 info@topperezlift.com<br />

http://www.topperezlift.com<br />


23 Zero USA<br />

23ZERO are keen active outdoor enthusiasts with over 25 years<br />

experience in manufacturing quality affordable outdoor gear. We use<br />

our years of knowledge to make quality products and regularly use, test<br />

and refine them to ensure our high standard of quality control is met.<br />

5206 Pinemont Drive<br />

Murray UT 84123 USA<br />

855-875-7755 info@23ZEROUSA<br />

http://www.23zerousa.com/<br />

BundutecUSA<br />

Distributors of the all-electric roof top tent and Batwing awnings from<br />

South Africa, and manufacturing custom slide-in truck campers for all<br />

Chilling at the beach (BajaRack.com).<br />

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Sunrise at camp (by Noah Wetzel and Devon Balet for BigAgnes.com)<br />

54 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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trucks.<br />

111 Washington Street<br />

Raymond IA 50667 USA<br />

319-234-0071 info@bundutecUSA.com<br />

http://www.bundutecusa.com<br />

Cascadia Vehicle Tents - CVT<br />

Camp is Where You Park It®.<br />

42 NW Greenwood Ave<br />

Bend OR 97701 USA<br />

541-312-8368 sales@cascadiatents.com<br />

https://www.cascadiatents.com/<br />

Eezi-Awn<br />

Eezi-Awn is a South African based company specializing in roof<br />

top tents, awnings, and roof racks for over 31 years. With decades<br />

of proven experience on every major continent, Eezi-Awn products<br />

withstand the most extreme elements. Shop more through Equipt<br />

Expedition Outfitters.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300 Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

Fiftyten<br />

Design and development of detachable popup-campers for pickuptrucks.<br />

Award-winning system manufactured in Germany.<br />

Mosbacher Str 46<br />

Wiesbaden HE Germany<br />

49-611-15098139 sd@fiftyten.de<br />

http://www.fiftyten.de<br />

Freespirit Recreation<br />

FreeSpirit Recreation is a premium outdoor roof top tent and off-road<br />

trailer manufacturer, geared toward completely outfitting the overland<br />

enthusiast in us all. FreeSpirit Recreation strives to offer only the best<br />

to its customers, with innovative, superior engineering and designs.<br />

20495 Murray Rd Ste 120<br />

Bend OR 97701 USA<br />

541-306-3812<br />

sales@gofsr.com<br />

http://www.gofsr.com<br />

Go Fast Campers<br />

US manufacturer of ultra-lightweight pick-up truck toppers w/<br />

integrated RTTs and the lightest/thinnest standalone RTT.<br />

251 Sunfield Drive #1<br />

Belgrade MT 59714 USA<br />

406-578-3505 support@gfcengineering.com<br />

https://www.gofastcampers.com<br />

Hi-Vis <strong>Overland</strong><br />

HVO is a veteran-owned business that offers affordable rooftop tents<br />

with a focus on safety throughout the sport. Our recovery gear and<br />

rooftop tents have reflective markings that stands out where it counts!<br />

We donate to veteran organizations with 10% of every tent purchased!<br />

708 Ormond Road<br />

York SC 29745 USA<br />

803-627-4119 Info@hivisoverland.com<br />

http://www.hivisoverland.com<br />

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Kusa Systems<br />

We manufacture aftermarket accessories for overland vehicles.<br />

5212 Luttrell Rd<br />

Knoxville TN 37918 USA<br />

865-773-3704 brianjohnso00@gmail.com<br />

http://www.kusasystems.com<br />

OK4WD<br />

Vehicle outfitters since 1979.<br />

2621 State Rt. 57<br />

Stewartsville NJ 8886 USA<br />

908-454-6973 craigd@jamesbaroudusa.com<br />

http://www.ok4wd.com<br />

Rhino-Rack<br />

The leading manufacturer/distributor of roof rack systems and<br />

accessories in Australia for the past 25 years is now established in<br />

North America, based in Denver, Colorado. Rhino-Rack—the viable<br />

alternative to all your roof rack requirements.<br />

2450 Airport Blvd.<br />

Denver CO 80011 USA<br />

303-706-9700 tonyleix@rhinorack.com<br />

http://www.rhinorack.com<br />

2611 Downhill Drive<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-846-1000 psloop@sloopimports.com<br />

http://www.sloopimports.com<br />

Tepui Outdoors, Inc<br />

Distributor of roof top tents and camping accessories.<br />

2500 Rosedale Ave<br />

Soquel CA 95073 USA<br />

800-901-9874 sales@tepuitents.com<br />

http://www.tepuitents.com<br />

Unofficial Use Media<br />

Unofficial Use only uses strategic brand partnerships with some of<br />

the most well-respected global 4x4 and overland brands, including<br />

Dometic, Tepui Tents, Ripp Superchargers, GenRight, Pitbull Tires,<br />

Rock Krawler, and Genesis Offroad.<br />

181 Cranston Bluff Road<br />

Richmond Hill GA 31324 USA<br />

910-818-6081<br />

jeff@unofficialuseonly.com<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Unofficial-Use-Only-142579612843910/<br />

Sloop Imports<br />

Importer of craftsman-style camping equipment. USA Importer of<br />

Camp King Industries and Totally 12volt from Brisbane, Australia. See also Outfitters, Stockists & Customizers, p. 20<br />

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Big Agnes<br />

Big Agnes inspires you to get outside with our comfortable and durable<br />

down sleeping bags, lightweight tents, self-inflating sleeping pads, and<br />

down jackets.<br />

2145 Resort Dr<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-871-1480 Chrisd@bigagnes.com<br />

http://www.bigagnes.com<br />

Dirtraveler<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> gear retailer.<br />

3775 Radburn Drive<br />

South San Francisco CA 94080 USA<br />

650-483-8065 dirtraveler@gmail.com<br />

http://www.dirtraveler.com<br />

ENO<br />

In the summer of 1999, Eagles Nest Outfitters was founded as a result<br />

of a big dream, hard work, and a passion for adventure and travel.<br />

Today, ENO continues to offer the highest quality relaxation products<br />

for adventure travelers and outdoor lovers across the globe.<br />

601 Sweeten Creek Industrial Park Rd<br />

Asheville NC 28803 USA<br />

828-252-7808 info@enonation.com<br />

http://www.enonation.com<br />

Helinox<br />

Helinox is the premium manufacturer of high-end outdoor furniture<br />

that allows you to be at home, anywhere. Combining innovative design<br />

with advanced materials and superb attention to detail, Helinox creates<br />

lightweight chairs, tables, cots and accessories for maximum comfort<br />

on any adventure.<br />

101 Linden St.<br />

Oakland CA 94607 USA<br />

510-679-6347 sales@helinox.com<br />

http://www.helinox.com<br />

Hitch Hammock<br />

The ultimate camping setup! Haul your gear, cook your famous camp<br />

food, and hang your hammock all on the Hitch Hammock!<br />

1021 7th Ave.<br />

Sidney NE 69162 United States<br />

308-249-0580 Hitchhammock@gmail.com<br />

http://Hitch-Hammock.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the Rocky<br />

Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and like our<br />

facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop on line at www.<br />

storetotrailsupply.com.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />

BOOTH<br />

C05<br />

BOOTH<br />

C05<br />







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BundutecUSA<br />

Distributors of the all-electric roof top tent and Batwing awnings from<br />

South Africa, and manufacturing custom slide-in truck campers for all<br />

trucks.<br />

111 Washington Street<br />

Raymond IA 50667 USA<br />

319-234-0071 info@bundutecUSA.com<br />

http://www.bundutecusa.com<br />

Flexopower Inc.<br />

Flexopower started in 2005. Today we offer mobile energy solutions for<br />

overlanding and defense. Check out the Baja 100W, 200W and 300W<br />

solar kits. For a complete solution use with our new Lithium444 power<br />

pack with integrated MPPT charge controller, 400W AC output, ultrapure<br />

sine wave, DC as 12V/5V<br />

3548 Bush Street<br />

Raleigh NC 27609 USA<br />

919-234-7559 info@flexopowerusa.com<br />

http://www.flexopowerusa.com<br />

Freespirit Recreation<br />

FreeSpirit Recreation is a premium outdoor roof top tent and off-road<br />

trailer manufacturer, geared toward completely outfitting the overland<br />

enthusiast in us all. FreeSpirit Recreation strives to offer only the best<br />

to its customers, with innovative, superior engineering and designs.<br />

20495 Murray Rd Ste 120<br />

Bend OR 97701 USA<br />

541-306-381 sales@gofsr.com<br />

http://gofsr.com<br />

Hard Korr Lighting Inc.<br />

LED camp and vehicle lighting—12V and battery pack as well as solar<br />

products for overlanding.<br />

1812 W BURBANK BLVD #41<br />

Burbank CA 91506 USA<br />

747-333-8788 usa@hardkorrlighting.com<br />

http://Www.hardkorrlighting.com<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Power Solutions<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Power Solutions is a small business specializing in integrating<br />

DC to DC charging systems, solar power and other solutions in order to<br />

power your adventures. Client service is Job #1.<br />

1494 Mount Pleasant Road<br />

Jefferson City TN 37760 USA<br />

865-236-0697 info@overlandpowersolution.com<br />

http://www.overland-power.com<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Solar<br />

We provide portable and fixed solar power for all overlanding needs,<br />

using only the highest efficiency cells.<br />

Po box 2377<br />

Moses Lake WA 98837 USA<br />

800-607-1790 Brian@overlandsolar.com<br />

http:/www.overlandsolar.com<br />

Rostra/VSM<br />

Manufacture of automotive comfort, safety, and convenience<br />

accessories.<br />

3056 NC Highway 5<br />

Aberdeen NC 28315 USA<br />

800-782-3379 info@rostra.com<br />

http://www.rostra.com<br />

Sloop Imports<br />

Importer of craftsman-style camping equipment. USA Importer of<br />

Camp King Industries and Totally 12volt from Brisbane, Australia.<br />

2611 Downhill Drive<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-846-1000 psloop@sloopimports.com<br />

http://www.sloopimports.com<br />

Smith Products Group<br />

Affordable tactical, outdoor, and survival equipment for all adventures.<br />

1323 Club House Drive<br />

Chesapeake VA 23322 USA<br />

757-362-1892 mark@smithproductsgroup.com<br />

http://www.smithproductsgroup.com<br />

Sunflare<br />

CIGS solar is a flexible solar module manufacturer.<br />

1693 Yeager Avenue<br />

LaVerne CA 91750 USA<br />

510-520-2190 info@sunflaresolar.com<br />

http://www.sunflaresolar.com<br />

Unofficial Use Media<br />

Unofficial Use only uses strategic brand partnerships with some of<br />

the most well-respected global 4x4 and overland brands, including<br />

Dometic, Tepui Tents, Ripp Superchargers, GenRight, Pitbull Tires,<br />

Rock Krawler, and Genesis Offroad.<br />

181 Cranston Bluff Road<br />

Richmond Hill GA 31324 USA<br />

910-818-6081 jeff@unofficialuseonly.com<br />

https://www.facebook.com/Unofficial-Use-Only-142579612843910/<br />


OEM Audio Plus<br />

High-resolution audio solutions designed and tuned specifically<br />

for Toyota and Subaru vehicles. Plug-and-play installation with<br />

GUARANTEED results!<br />

3315 E Miraloma Ave, Suite 113<br />

Anaheim CA 92806 USA<br />

855-636-6346 info@oemaudioplus.com<br />

http://oemaudioplus.com/products/<br />

Rostra/VSM<br />

Manufacture of automotive comfort, safety, and convenience<br />

accessories.<br />

3056 NC Highway 5<br />

Aberdeen NC 28315 USA<br />

800-782-3379 info@rostra.com<br />

http://www.rostra.com<br />

SPOT<br />

Globalstar is a leading provider of mobile satellite voice and data<br />

services. Customers around the world in industries such as government,<br />

emergency management, marine, logging, oil and gas and outdoor<br />

recreation rely on Globalstar to conduct business smarter and faster,<br />

and maintain peace of mind.<br />

300 Holiday Square Blvd.<br />

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Covington LA 70433 USA<br />

985-335-1570 nick.martin@globalstar.com<br />

https://www.globalstar.com/en-us/<br />



2 Ride The World<br />

Simon and Lisa Thomas have ridden their way into a life that most<br />

of us can only imagine. Since setting out on their journey in 2003<br />

the duo has amassed an insane 450,000 miles on their ride, through<br />

80 countries on six continents. Along the way they’ve traversed 27<br />

deserts, survived a broken neck in the Amazon Jungle, cheated death<br />

and are still travelling today. It’s easy to say that Lisa and Simon helped<br />

define what we now call “Adventure Riding.” As explorers, writers,<br />

photographers and public speakers this pair inspire adventure. Check<br />

out Lisa’s new cookbook Dirty Dining, in the Author & Exhibitor tent!<br />

simonthomas@2ridetheworld.com<br />

lisathomas@2ridetheworld.com<br />

http://www.2ridetheworld.com<br />

ARB 4x4 Accessories<br />

ARB 4x4 Accessories is Australia’s largest and industry leading<br />

manufacturer and distributor of quality, 4WD vehicle accessories. ARB<br />

manufactures the most respected products including Air Locker locking<br />

differentials, Bull Bar bumpers and Old Man Emu suspension systems.<br />

4810 D St. NW #103<br />

Auburn WA 98001 USA<br />

425-264-1391 sales@arbusa.com<br />

http://www.arbusa.com<br />

Dirtraveler<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> gear retailer.<br />

3775 Radburn Drive<br />

South San Francisco CA 94080 USA<br />

650-483-8065 dirtraveler@gmail.com<br />

http://www.dirtraveler.com<br />

Dometic Corporation<br />

Dometic is a global market leader in branded solutions for mobile<br />

living in the areas of climate, hygiene & sanitation, and food &<br />

beverage. Dometic operates in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.<br />

We manufacture and sell a diverse range of products for use in<br />

recreational vehicles, trucks and premium cars, pleasure and workboats,<br />

and for a variety of other uses. Our motivation is to create smart and<br />

reliable products with outstanding design.<br />

1120 North Main Street<br />

Elkhart IN 46514 USA<br />

574-266-4851 amy.mumby@dometic.com<br />

http://www.dometic.com<br />

Engel Coolers<br />

Manufacturer of Engel AC/DC freezers, refrigerators, coolers and<br />

accessories.<br />

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900 Jupiter Park Dr<br />

Jupiter FL 33458 USA<br />

888-272-9838 info@engelcoolers.com<br />

http://www.engelcoolers.com<br />

Good To-Go<br />

Good To-Go create the most delicious dehydrated meals using clean<br />

ingredients, ready to be enjoyed wherever your adventures take you.<br />

Handmade in Maine, USA.<br />

484 US RT 1 Kittery ME 3904 USA<br />

844-484-8646 customerservice@goodto-go.com<br />

https://goodto-go.com/<br />

Indel Webasto Marine<br />

Isotherm products by Indel Webasto feature innovative, reliable and<br />

energy-efficient refrigerators, freezers and ice makers for the RV<br />

and marine segments. Isotemp Water Heaters by Indel Webasto are<br />

produced using only the most high-quality components to ensure the<br />

best product performance.<br />

3400 Gateway Drive Unit 107<br />

Pompano Beach FL 33069 USA<br />

954-984-8448 info@iwmarine.com<br />

https://www.indelwebastomarine.com/us/<br />

The Java Can<br />

The Java Can is a veteran-owned company that provides a unique way<br />

to make your coffee anywhere in the world. It is the very first complete<br />

espresso kit inside a rugged military can.<br />

236 Cocobolo Drive Santa Rosa Beach FL 32459 United States<br />

305-240-2437 daisson@thejavacan.com<br />

http://www.thejavacan.com<br />

Kicking Horse Coffee<br />

We make coffee. More specifically, we make deep, dark, delicious<br />

coffee that kicks ass, and have done so for over 20 years. Canada’s<br />

#1 organic whole bean and ground coffee is 100% organic/fair trade,<br />

roasted right in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Wake up with us!<br />

491 Arrow Road<br />

Invermere BC V0A 1K2 Canada<br />

888-287-5282 info@kickinghorsecoffee.com<br />

https://www.kickinghorsecoffee.com/en<br />

Kovea<br />

Since its establishment in 1982, Kovea has contributed to the creation<br />

and expansion of outdoor and camping culture throughout the world.<br />

Kovea stands for top rated customer satisfaction, superior quality and<br />

development of new innovative products. Kovea is working to go<br />

“Beyond the Limits.”<br />

7984 S 1300 E<br />

Sandy UT 84094-0744 USA<br />

213-590-8207 John@kovea.com<br />

http://kovea.com<br />

MORryde International Inc.<br />

MORryde offers some of the most unique accessories for Jeep<br />

Wranglers. From our heavy-duty hinges to a side-mounted fuel carrier,<br />

these products aren’t your ordinary add-ons. They’re the best Jeep<br />

accessories, built MORryde tough for off-road fun. Make your Jeep<br />

thing a MORryde thing too.<br />

1966 Sterling Ave.<br />

Elkhart IN 46515 USA<br />

574-293-1581 sales@morryde.com<br />

http://www.morryde.com<br />

National Luna<br />

National Luna has been a market leader in the leisure industry for<br />

the past 30 years. Today, we are one of the largest 12v manufactures<br />

in South Africa and specialize in the manufacture of refrigeration,<br />

lighting, and battery management products. Shop more through Equipt<br />

Expedition Outfitters.<br />

515 West Pickett Circle Suite #300<br />

Salt Lake City UT 84115 USA<br />

866-703-1026 sales@equipt1.com<br />

http://www.equipt1.com<br />

OFD Foods<br />

Just-add-water freeze-dried adventure meals.<br />

525 25th Ave S.W.<br />

Albany OR 97322 USA<br />

541-926-6001 adam.navarro@ofd.com<br />

http://www.mountainhouse.com<br />

Orion Coolers<br />

The world’s most feature-rich, customizable coolers are unsurpassed<br />

in ice retention, durability, innovation, and personalized style. Break<br />

away from the crowd, be an original and choose from our wide range of<br />

multi-color patterns. Every Orion cooler is hand-built in Tennessee.<br />

3300 McMinnville Hwy<br />

Sparta TN 38583 USA<br />

931-739-COOL info@orioncoolers.com<br />

http://www.orioncoolers.com<br />

Planetary Design<br />

Innovators/designers of durable coffee and tea brewing, and food<br />

preservation canisters, like the Airscape® storage containers, Big Sky<br />

Bistro french press travel mug, and amazingly insulated stainless steel<br />

french presses and drinkware.<br />

9088B Bonner Mill Road, P.O. Box 1011<br />

Bonner MT 59823 USA<br />

406-728-7008 sales@planetarydesign.us<br />

http://www.planetarydesign.com<br />

Scenic<br />

Scenic is a brand that combines 50 years of manufacturing with an<br />

intense passion for the great outdoors. We build better products for the<br />

greatest outdoors.<br />

170 E Ontario Street<br />

Frankfort IL 60423 USA<br />

888-835-7123 daniel@scenicgear.com<br />

https://scenicgear.com<br />

Snomaster USA<br />

Snomaster is a premier manufacturer of AC/DC fridge/freezers and<br />

appliances since 1998.<br />

3224 MAGNETA SKY<br />

AUSTIN TX 78732 USA<br />

512-698-6169 info@snomasterusa.com<br />

http://www.snomasterusa.com<br />

TemboTusk<br />

TemboTusk manufactures American-made adventure gear. We make<br />

the Skottle grills, fridge and cargo slides, camp tables and other<br />

accessories to make heading into the wilderness more pleasant.<br />

412 jE Commonwealth Ave #4<br />

Fullerton CA 92832 USA<br />

714-396-4549 Info@tembotusk.com<br />

http://www.tembotusk.com<br />

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SAFETY<br />

Air Head Composting Toilet<br />

The most compact composting toilet in the world!<br />

775 Main St. #481<br />

Westbrook ME 4098 USA<br />

740-392-3642 wboat@airheadtoilet.com<br />

https://airheadtoilet.com/<br />

DryFoxCo<br />

Maker of the travelPOUCHtowel, the only compact, quick-drying towel<br />

on the market with a built-in, water-resistant pocket to store all your<br />

valuables while you’re out making memories. The only towel you’ll<br />

need for every adventure!<br />

148 E Matson Ave.<br />

Syracuse NY 13205 USA<br />

203-631-9166 samantha@dryfoxco.com<br />

https://www.dryfoxco.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the Rocky<br />

Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and like our<br />

facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop online.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />



ESEE Knives / Randall’s Adventure & Training<br />

ESEE Knives produces American made fixed blade knives that feature<br />

a lifetime, no questions asked warranty. Simply put, you break it, we<br />

will replace it. ESEE Knives was born out of Randall’s Adventure<br />

& Training which began in the Amazon jungle in 1997 and continues<br />

offering training to this day. http://www.randallsadventure.com<br />

P.O. Box 99<br />

Gallant AL 35972 USA<br />

256-613-0372 info@eseeknives.com<br />

http://www.eseeknives.com<br />

Griffin Pocket Tool<br />

Keep your keys organized and never be without the right tool with the<br />

Griffin Pocket Tool®! The Griffin Pocket Tool® was made for those<br />

who are always on the go. Think Outside The Toolbox!<br />

PO Box 856<br />

Watkinsville GA 30677 USA<br />

678-427-8835 info@griffinpockettool.com<br />

www.griffinpockettool.com<br />

LT Wright Handcrafted Knife Company<br />

L.T. Wright handcrafted knives works to create beautiful, artisan<br />

working pieces. Years of knowledge and experience has gone into this<br />

endeavor. Their skilled, carefully selected craftsmen are working hard<br />

to create ultra-high quality, long-lasting steel you can be proud to pass<br />

on.<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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130B Warren Lane<br />

Wintersville OH 43953 USA<br />

740-317-1404 info@ltwrightknives.com<br />

https://ltwrightknives.com/<br />


Tech & Travel<br />

Your source for<br />

the latest<br />

technical advice,<br />

reviews, & tips,<br />

from the very<br />

best overlanding<br />

experts on<br />

the planet.<br />

exploringoverland.com<br />

Jonathan Hanson—<br />

Editor, gear curator, tech<br />

guru, chief opinionator<br />

Smith Products Group<br />

Affordable tactical, outdoor, and survival equipment for all<br />

adventures.<br />

1323 Club House Drive<br />

Chesapeake VA 23322 USA<br />

757-362-1892 mark@smithproductsgroup.com<br />

http://www.smithproductsgroup.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the<br />

Rocky Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and<br />

like our facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop online.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />

SureFire LLC<br />

SureFire builds the world’s ultimate flashlights, handsfree<br />

illumination, and tactical gear for elite military, law<br />

enforcement, and hardcore professionals who charge into<br />

danger—in the harshest conditions on earth.<br />

(800-828-8809 publicrelations@surefire.com<br />

http://www.surefire.com<br />

WAZOO Survival Gear<br />

Everyday carry wearable survival kits and tools. From hats with<br />

secret pockets, necklaces that can sharpen knives or start a fire,<br />

to a belt with a full survival kit, we create gear that enables<br />

adventurers to always be prepared!<br />

1600 2nd Street, Unit 122<br />

Seabrook TX 77586 USA<br />

281-846-4633 info@wazoosurvivalgear.com<br />

https://www.wazoosurvivalgear.com/<br />

Zeal Optics<br />

At Zeal Optics, we build the highest quality eyewear for people<br />

like us who live for outdoor adventure. But that is just the<br />

beginning of our adventure. We focus on more than just being an<br />

eyewear company. We are guided by a simple set of beliefs: Use<br />

less, give back, explore more.<br />

1230 Spruce St.<br />

Boulder CO 80302 USA<br />

888-454-9325 info@zealoptics.com<br />

https://www.zealoptics.com/<br />


Folding Boat Company<br />

A 21-pound boat that assembles from a backpack in less than<br />

5 minutes. It is very versatile, stable, and comfortable, and can<br />

be used for hassle-free access to the water anywhere for fishing,<br />

exploring, photography, hunting, or just a lazy paddle.<br />

9250 NC Hwy 42 Holly Springs NC 27540 USA<br />

919-622-4542 pmf@foldingboatco.com<br />

http://www.foldingboatco.com<br />

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Blue Ridge Chair Works<br />

Durable folding wooden furniture for outdoor active living.<br />

61 Shope Rd<br />

Asheville NC 28805 USA<br />

828-299-9990 adavis@blueridgechair.com<br />

http://www.blueridgechair.com<br />

DryFoxCo<br />

Maker of the travelPOUCHtowel, the only compact, quick-drying towel<br />

on the market with a built-in, water-resistant pocket to store all your<br />

valuables while you’re out making memories. The only towel you’ll<br />

need for every adventure!<br />

148 E Matson Ave.<br />

Syracuse NY 13205 USA<br />

203-631-9166 samantha@dryfoxco.com<br />

https://www.dryfoxco.com/<br />

ENO<br />

In the summer of 1999, Eagles Nest Outfitters was founded as a result<br />

of a big dream, hard work, and a passion for adventure and travel.<br />

Today, ENO continues to offer the highest quality relaxation products<br />

for adventure travelers and outdoor lovers across the globe.<br />

601 Sweeten Creek Industrial Park Rd<br />

Asheville NC 28803 USA<br />

828-252-7808 info@enonation.com<br />

http://www.enonation.com<br />

Gazelle Tents<br />

Gazelle tents and gazebos use a tried and true hub design. Utilizing a<br />

pre-assembled durable fiberglass frame that pops up in seconds and<br />

withstands the elements, our products are the most reliable and quickest<br />

pop-up shelters available today.<br />

1160 8TH Ave<br />

Cumberland WI 54829 USA<br />

800-345-6007 rob.kempf@ardisam.com<br />

http://www.gazelletents.com<br />

Helinox<br />

Helinox is the premium manufacturer of high-end outdoor furniture<br />

that allows you to be at home, anywhere. Combining innovative design<br />

with advanced materials and superb attention to detail, Helinox creates<br />

lightweight chairs, tables, cots and accessories for maximum comfort<br />

on any adventure.<br />

101 Linden St.<br />

Oakland CA 94607 USA<br />

510-679-6347 sales@helinox.com<br />

http://www.helinox.com<br />

Hill People Gear<br />

“Real Use Gear for Backcountry Travelers”—Our products don’t<br />

happen by accident, and they’re not born in a design studio. At Hill<br />

People Gear, we build tools to solve or avoid problems that we’ve run<br />

into over years of backcountry travel, both for work and adventure.<br />

337 Mesa Grande Drive<br />

Grand Junction CO 81507 USA<br />

888-464-1875 Info@hillpeoplegear.com<br />

http://www.hillpeoplegear.com<br />

Getting the fire ready for the nightly ‘barbie’ in Western Australia’s Great Victoria Desert. Photo by Jonathan Hanson<br />

Kovea<br />

Since its establishment in 1982, Kovea has contributed to the creation<br />

and expansion of outdoor and camping culture throughout the world.<br />

Kovea stands for top rated customer satisfaction, superior quality and<br />

development of new innovative products. Kovea is working to go<br />

“Beyond the Limits.”<br />

7984 S 1300 E, Sandy UT 84094-0744 USA<br />

213-590-8207 John@kovea.com<br />

http://kovea.com<br />

TailGater Tire Table<br />

A durable, steel, powder-coated travel table that uses a vehicle tire for<br />

its main support and is stable regardless of the ground conditions.<br />

3305 Ormsby LaneCarson City NV 89704 USA<br />

775-622-8048 info@tailgatertiretable.com<br />

http://www.tailgatertiretable.com<br />

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Big Agnes<br />

Big Agnes inspires you to get outside with our comfortable and durable<br />

down sleeping bags, lightweight tents, self-inflating sleeping pads, and<br />

down jackets.<br />

2145 Resort Dr<br />

Steamboat Springs CO 80487 USA<br />

970-871-1480 Chrisd@bigagnes.com<br />

http://www.bigagnes.com<br />

Hill People Gear<br />

“Real Use Gear for Backcountry Travelers”—Our products don’t<br />

happen by accident, and they’re not born in a design studio. At Hill<br />

People Gear, we build tools to solve or avoid problems that we’ve run<br />

into over years of backcountry travel, both for work and adventure.<br />

337 Mesa Grande Drive<br />

Grand Junction CO 81507 USA<br />

888-464-1875 Info@hillpeoplegear.com<br />

http://www.hillpeoplegear.com<br />

Off the Grid<br />

We are an outdoor and overland apparel brand.<br />

624 Keylime Way<br />

Escondido CA 92027 USA<br />

760-807-5137 hello@offthegridsurplus.com<br />

http://www.offthegridsurplus.com<br />

Store To Trail Supply<br />

Store To Trail Supply would like to be your go-to shop for all<br />

your quality camping gear needs. We are located along the Rocky<br />

Mountains in Morrison, Colorado. Please check out and like our<br />

facebook page @storetotrailsupply, and shop on line at www.<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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storetotrailsupply.com.<br />

PO Box 159<br />

Morrison CO 80465 USA<br />

720-448-2006 storetotrailsupply@gmail.com<br />

http://www.storetotrailsupply.com<br />

Stuffsack. com<br />

At Stuffsack.com we sell dry and camping bags. andy@stuffsack.com<br />

PO BOX 6146 CHANDLER AZ 85246-6146<br />

CHANDLER AZ AZ 85246-6146 USA<br />

480-899-6458 nora@stuffsack.com<br />

http://www.stuffsack.com<br />

Watershed LLC<br />

Manufacturer of USA-made, 100% submersible waterproof bags and<br />

luggage.<br />

2000 Riverside Drive, Suite 3<br />

Asheville NC 28804 USA<br />

828-252-7111 orders@drybags.com<br />

http://www.drybags.com<br />

Zeal Optics<br />

At Zeal Optics, we build the highest quality eyewear for people like<br />

us who live for outdoor adventure. But that is just the beginning of our<br />

adventure. We focus on more than just being an eyewear company. We<br />

are guided by a simple set of beliefs: Use less, give back, explore more.<br />

1230 Spruce St.<br />

Boulder CO 80302 USA<br />

888-454-9325 info@zealoptics.com<br />

https://www.zealoptics.com/<br />


Backcountry Discovery Routes<br />

4021 Airport Way S. Seattle WA 98108 USA<br />

206-323-2349 info@utbdr.com<br />

http://www.backcountrydiscoveryroutes.com<br />

DeLorme, a Garmin Brand<br />

Makers of the award-winning inReach two-way satellite<br />

communicators and the beloved DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteers for all 50<br />

U.S. states.<br />

2 DeLorme Dr Yarmouth ME 04096 USA<br />

800-511-2459<br />

http://wwww.inreachdelorme.com<br />

Motorcycle Mexico<br />

The Motorcycle Mexico DVDs are the easy way to prepare for your<br />

first motorcycle or four-wheeled ride south of the border.<br />

Get Inspired. Get Educated. Get On Your Way!<br />

ben@motorcyclemexico.com<br />

http://www.motorcyclemexico.com<br />

Offroad Trail Guide<br />

The only app you need for your next adventure. Available on iOS/<br />

Android, this app helps you find trails, descriptions, difficulty, pictures,<br />

and reviews and view them on the best topographical maps! Also<br />

download your trails and maps for offline use when going off-grid.<br />

info@offroadtrailguide.com<br />

http://www.OffroadTrailGuide.com<br />

SPOT<br />

Globalstar is a leading provider of mobile satellite voice and data<br />

services. Customers around the world in industries such as government,<br />

emergency management, marine, logging, oil and gas and outdoor<br />

recreation rely on Globalstar to conduct business smarter and faster,<br />

and maintain peace of mind.<br />

300 Holiday Square Blvd.<br />

Covington LA 70433 USA<br />

985-335-1570 nick.martin@globalstar.com<br />

https://www.globalstar.com/en-us/<br />



2 Ride The World<br />

Simon and Lisa Thomas have ridden their way into a life that most<br />

of us can only imagine. Since setting out on their journey in 2003<br />

the duo has amassed an insane 450,000 miles on their ride, through<br />

80 countries on six continents. Along the way they’ve traversed 27<br />

deserts, survived a broken neck in the Amazon Jungle, cheated death<br />

and are still travelling today. It’s easy to say that Lisa and Simon<br />

helped define what we now call “Adventure Riding.” As explorers,<br />

writers, photographers and public speakers this pair inspire adventure.<br />

simonthomas@2ridetheworld.com lisathomas@2ridetheworld.com<br />

http://www.2ridetheworld.com<br />

American Adventurist<br />

Adventures across North America in and out of your 4WD! Since 2010,<br />

we’ve worked at the national level bringing people together across the<br />

nation with event and training opportunities, expedition style trips and<br />

our flagship Rendezvous events. USA<br />

949-547-8358 dave@americanadventurist.com<br />

https://americanadventurist.com/<br />

Ancient Pathways Survival School, LLC<br />

Ancient Pathways provides survival and bushcraft training courses<br />

in northern Arizona as well as books in the fields of anthropology,<br />

Southwest natural history, and practical wilderness skills. 2532 N.<br />

928-526-2552, info@apathways.com http://www.apathways.com<br />

Backcountry Discovery Routes<br />

4021 Airport Way S. Seattle WA 98108 USA<br />

206-323-2349 info@utbdr.com<br />

http://www.backcountrydiscoveryroutes.com<br />

Bill Dwyer<br />

Anxiety Across the Americas. Growing weary of his corporate cubicle<br />

in the American Southwest, Bill Dwyer chucks it all and rides his<br />

motorcycle towards Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the<br />

world.<br />

http://www.atlasrider.com<br />

Central <strong>Overland</strong> Travels<br />

Central <strong>Overland</strong> Travels is an Arkansas-based overlanding guide<br />

service, event host, and media provider. We offer trips throughout<br />

the central states region, coordinate semi-annual rallies, and provide<br />

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ARE YOU<br />

READY TO<br />

Change<br />

Your World?<br />

The Change Your World Fund<br />

was established to honor the<br />

memory of Alistair Farland,<br />

who believed in the power of<br />

exploration to change things.<br />

He wanted to inspire his<br />

generation to explore their<br />

world and impact their society.<br />

He believed that “pushing<br />

yourself out of your comfort<br />

zone is one of the keys to life.”<br />

Just a few months into his<br />

overland motorcycle journey<br />

exploring the Americas he<br />

made dozens of friends and<br />

inspired many to think beyond<br />

themselves and make a<br />

difference.<br />

In collaboration with <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Expo and the Farland family,<br />

we have launched the Change<br />

Your World Fund to support<br />

Millennials like Alistair whose<br />

overland journeys and projects<br />

go beyond themselves and<br />

seek out life’s opportunities<br />

and challenges.<br />

A travel grant fund in<br />

memory of<br />

Alistair Farland<br />

(1990 – 2014)<br />

Contribute now:<br />

ConserVentures.org/change-your-world-fund<br />

When we<br />

EXPLORE,<br />

we come faceto-face<br />

with<br />

strangers, with<br />

challenges, with<br />

fears.<br />

When we<br />

EXPLORE,<br />

strangers become<br />

friends, challenges<br />

find solutions, fears<br />

are confronted,<br />

and we learn who<br />

we really are.<br />

Please join us in<br />

supporting the<br />

next generation<br />

of explorers who<br />

will change our<br />

world<br />

for the better.<br />

Conservation,<br />

face to face<br />

+1 520-591-1410 (GMT-7) | info@conserventures.org | A portion of proceeds from <strong>Overland</strong> Expo supports ConserVentures programs<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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industry news through our online media channels.<br />

http://www.centraloverland.com<br />

Chris Scott - Sahara <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Sahara specialist for routes and expedition planning, and author of<br />

Sahara <strong>Overland</strong>, Morocco <strong>Overland</strong>, <strong>Overland</strong>ers’ Handbook, Desert<br />

Travels and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.<br />

expo@sahara-overland.com<br />

http://www.sahara-overland.com<br />

Desert Winds Publishing<br />

Desert Winds (ie Tom Sheppard, ex-RAF test pilot, solo Sahara junkie,<br />

professional detail-monger) is surprised it’s been 22 years since Land<br />

Rover commissioned Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide, Edition 1.<br />

Please see our latest ad about the latest VDEG—and other books—on<br />

page73.<br />

http://www.desertwinds.co.uk<br />

Drive the Americas<br />

Drive the Americas is a free and comprehensive online guide to driving<br />

North, Central and South America where users can add, edit and share<br />

information. DrivetheAmericas.com provides up-to-date information<br />

and community forums to connect roadtrippers.<br />

http://www.drivetheamericas.com<br />

Expedition <strong>Overland</strong><br />

We are a group of overlanders exploring the world by vehicle and<br />

filming our adventures. Check us out on YouTube and xoverland.com<br />

7700 Springhill Rd.<br />

Belgrade MT 59714 USA<br />

406-924-9743 info@xoverland.com<br />

http://www.xoverland.com<br />

Expedition Portal<br />

Expedition Portal is the world’s leading vehicle-dependent adventure<br />

travel community.<br />

3035 N Tarra Ave Ste 1 Prescott AZ 86301 USA<br />

(928) 777-8567 service@overlandinternational.com<br />

http://www.expeditionportal.com<br />

explmore / Strangers Like Angels<br />

A community adventure lifestyle brand, with a passion to inspire<br />

people to EXPLORE more of the world, ENGAGE with others, and<br />

EMBRACE global cultures. Inspired by the original 1977 overland<br />

journey and book, Strangers Like Angels, by Alec and Jan Forman.<br />

3126 W Cary St #404, Richmond, VA 23221, United States<br />

804-335-0944 contact@explmore.com<br />

http://www.explmore.com<br />

Exploring Elements<br />

Your source for news, reviews, and adventures from the overland<br />

and adventure sports worlds. Also offering media production, social<br />

media management, and business consulting. Specializing in still<br />

photography, Instagram account management, product development,<br />

event marketing/production, and brand ambassador services.<br />

Bryon Dorr 443-722-4953 bryon@exploringelements.com<br />

http://www.exploringelements.com<br />

Exploring <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Offering several new print and electronic titles in 2015 for the overland<br />

market, in addition to bespoke overland expeditions, training trips,<br />

and African safaris tailored to the do-it-yourself adventurer. Contact<br />

us about departures for: Continental Divide Journey for 4x4; Classic<br />

Tanzanian Safari; Tanzanian Self-Drive Adventure Safari; and small,<br />

customized training classes in the field. Exploring <strong>Overland</strong> also<br />

publishes the popular <strong>Overland</strong> Tech and Travel blog and online stories<br />

of adventure in the Explore section. We are a partner organization to<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Expo and ConserVentures Charitable Organization.<br />

info@exploringoverland.com Roseann & Jonathan Hanson<br />

http://www.exploringoverland.com<br />

Horizons Unlimited<br />

The premier information resource for adventure motorcycle travel<br />

since 1998, and a favorite with 4-wheel overlanders. Trip planning<br />

information, travelers events, stories, shipping, border crossings and<br />

much more. Creators of the highly acclaimed DVD series , “The<br />

Achievable Dream: The Motorcycle Adventure Travel Guide”.<br />

http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com<br />

Lois Pryce<br />

Author, freelance journalist & speaker. Specialist topics include<br />

adventurous places & people, global overland travel, dual sport and<br />

vintage motorcycles, historical expeditions, women explorers &<br />

ordinary people doing extraordinary things!<br />

lois@loisontheloose.com http://www.loisontheloose.com<br />

Life Remotely<br />

Resources for overland chefs, including a cookbook full of overlander<br />

recipes from the Pan-American Highway. Also information on<br />

overlanding in Central and South America. FREE country reports for<br />

campsites, internet, budgets and border crossings. Check it out online!<br />

info@liferemotely.com http://www.liferemotely.com<br />

Lifestyle <strong>Overland</strong><br />

We are a family of full-time overlanders, currently exploring North<br />

America and sharing our travels on our YouTube channel. Our mission<br />

is to encourage and educate others who desire to venture away from<br />

every day civilization and pursue a more adventurous side of life.<br />

lifestyleoverland@gmail.com<br />

http://www.lifestyleoverland.com<br />

Lorraine Chittock<br />

Lorraine uses project specific transport—motorcycle, Land Rover,<br />

Jeep, van, camel—when publishing books about the animal/human<br />

bond around the world. Along with her expertise as a speaker/author/<br />

photographer, Lorraine brings motorcycle accessories from India and<br />

produces Gourmet Sea Salt for Travelers from her home in Chile.<br />

Parcela 7 Huaquen del Mar La Ballena La Ligua Region V Chile<br />

lc@lorrainechittock.com http://www.lorrainechittock.com<br />

Minimal Motorcylist<br />

Minimal Motorcyclist is focused on transfering people from wanting to<br />

travel, into travelers. Helping people to understand what is, and what<br />

isn’t neededf for overland travel, they encourage people to take the leap<br />

and get onto the road (or trail).<br />

721 Minnesota Ave South Milwaukee WI 53172 USA<br />

(414) 559-7575 a.charles.pain@gmail.com<br />

http://www.minimalmotorcyclist.com<br />

Misadventures Media<br />

Adventure travel writing plus self-publishing books and seminars. Look<br />

for new publications and excursions in Fall 2014! Contact: Carla King<br />

2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-123 CA 92016 USA<br />

(510-230-4262 carla@carlaking.com<br />

http://misadventuresmedia.com<br />

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GLOBAL<br />




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Moon Adventure Publications<br />

Our up-to-date and comprehensive guidebooks to the remote areas<br />

of Australia are considered by many to be the best ones available for<br />

the adventurous overlander. In addition each year we run exclusive<br />

tag-along expeditions to isolated and secluded regions of Outback<br />

Australia.<br />

info@guidebooks.com.au<br />

http://www.guidebooks.com.au<br />

MotoStays<br />

Extend your adventures through our motorcycle home-sharing network.<br />

Whether a weekend warrior or a world traveler, connect with people<br />

who share your passion. Spend Less and Experience More. Global<br />

network in 25 countries and growing daily. Give it a try! Visit our<br />

website today.<br />

720-841-3009, 425-417-6697 info@motostays.com<br />

http://www.motostays.com<br />

Mountain State <strong>Overland</strong><br />

A web video series documenting adventure travel and responsible<br />

lifestyles in Appalachia.<br />

PO Box 48 Montvale VA 24122 USA<br />

(540) 968-0069 team@mountainstateoverland.com<br />

http://www.mountainstateoverland.com<br />

Motorcycle Mexico<br />

The Motorcycle Mexico DVDs are the easy way to prepare for your<br />

first overland ride south of the border. Cupertino CA USA<br />

ben@motorcyclemexico.com<br />

http://www.motorcyclemexico.com<br />

Norën Films<br />

Producer of award-winning motorcycle adventure films, instructional<br />

DVDs and HD video production services (GlobeRiders, BMWGS,<br />

Touratech & Discovery Channel). We write, shoot, edit and produce—a<br />

single source HD video solution for the overland community.<br />

Sterling Norën - Producer/Director/Camera man<br />

910 E. Fir Street Seattle WA 98122 USA<br />

206-788-6395 info@norenfilms.com<br />

http://www.norenfilms.com<br />

Sahara sublime, Tom Sheppard, Quiet for a Tuesday<br />

(DesertWinds.co.uk)<br />

OutdoorX4 Magazine<br />

OutdoorX4 magazine is an outdoor publication focused on overland<br />

adventure, whether in a 4x4 vehicle, on two-wheels, in a canoe or<br />

kayak, or traveling by foot. OutdoorX4 is committed to promoting<br />

responsible adventure travel and outdoors recreation.<br />

PO Box 8306 Spring TX 77387 USA<br />

832-280-7950 inquiry@outdoorx4.com<br />

http://www.outdoorx4.com<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Bound<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Bound is a global community for vehicle-dependent travel.<br />

3736 Fallon Road, #419<br />

Dublin CA 94568 USA<br />

No Phone info@overlandbound.com<br />

http://www.overlandbound.com<br />

Did someone say lions? Game spotting in<br />

Namibia with 7P <strong>Overland</strong>.<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Journal<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Journal is an expedition and adventure travel magazine that is<br />

both inspiring and informative. Published five times per year, <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Journal provides its audience with in-depth coverage of equipment and<br />

vehicles, as well as full-length feature trip stories that span the globe.<br />

928-777-8567 service@overlandjournal.com<br />

http://www.overlandjournal.com<br />

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www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel Magazine<br />

RoadRUNNER is the nation’s premier motorcycle touring and<br />

travel magazine featuring exciting areas to ride, the best routes,<br />

along with travel tips, maps, and downloadable GPS. It’s an upscale,<br />

high quality publication with entertaining articles and outstanding<br />

photography, including motorcycle, product, and equipment reviews.<br />

Winston-Salem, NC 27101<br />

866-343-7623 office@roadrunner.travel<br />

http://www.roadrunner.travel<br />

Sarah Leamy<br />

Freelance writer, photographer, and non-stop wanderer. Van Life:<br />

Exploring the Northwest with two dogs and a cat in a van. The latest<br />

travelogue is now available in print and also as a photo-essay book.<br />

Sarah is a solo traveler whose tales are quirky, lighthearted, and<br />

entertaining. 505-795-3742, sleamleamy@gmail.com<br />

http://www.sarahleamy.com<br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong> is a veteran-led, non-profit organization that uses<br />

overlanding as an outlet to overcome challenges associated with Posttraumatic<br />

Stress. The Team <strong>Overland</strong> experience provides members<br />

with camaraderie, encouragement, reintegration and a support system.<br />

Please help us continue our mission with a donation today!<br />

541-941-6695, teamoverland@gmail.com<br />

http://www.teamoverland.org<br />

Tread Lightly!®<br />

Tread Lightly! is a nonprofit organization on mission to promote<br />

responsible outdoor recreation through ethics education and<br />

stewardship. We emphasize the TREAD principals of: “Travel<br />

responsibly, Respect the rights of others, Educate yourself, Avoid<br />

Sensitive areas, and Do your part” through education, communications<br />

and grassroots stewardship efforts. http://www.treadlightly.org<br />

Ted Simon<br />

Ted Simon is a British journalist born in Germany in 1931, noted for<br />

circumnavigating the world twice by motorcycle and for his bestselling<br />

travel memoirs Jupiter’s Travels and Dreaming of Jupiter.<br />

http://jupitalia.com<br />

The Turtle Expedition Unltd.<br />

The Turtle Expedition, Unltd. Is an ongoing photojournalistic<br />

exploration of the world. Now in our 41st year of overland travel into<br />

the most exciting regions of the planet, we recently completed The<br />

Trans-Eurasian Odyssey, driving from Lisbon, Portugal to Shanghai,<br />

China following the legendary Silk Road.<br />

530-265-3485 wescott@turtleexpedition.com<br />

http://www.turtleexpedition.com<br />

U.P. <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Want solitude? Explore 1700 miles of Great Lakes shoreline,<br />

countless inland lakes and rivers, 3 National Parks, 2 National Forests,<br />

many wilderness areas, along with a rich culture and history - all in<br />

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Connect with the community for trips/<br />

insights—join the forum on the website. Marquette MI<br />

http://www.upoverland.org<br />

WorldRider Productions<br />

FORKS—A Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connection. Three Years.<br />

Five Continents. One Motorcycle. www.worldrider.com<br />

949-891-2661 forks@worldrider.com<br />

http://www.forksthebook.com<br />


RENTALS (4X4 & MOTO)<br />

7P <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Get ready to drive around the world or take the kids camping at the<br />

weekend—our overland driver training gets you prepared and back<br />

home safely. If you’re ready to travel further afield, come and join us on<br />

an incredible international adventure with experienced guides.<br />

PO Box 185<br />

Idledale CO 80453 USA<br />

303-351-5777 info@7p.io<br />

https://7p.io/<br />

Adventure Travel Sportsmobile Rentals ATSMB.com<br />

We offer a 2014 Sportsmobile for rent. We wanted a vehicle that could<br />

travel in any condition and allow our clients to relax in comfort in<br />

remote destinations. We hope you will be as excited as we are to start<br />

your adventure with ATSMB. Matt Alfermann Gaylord Thompson<br />

16008 West 5th Avenue Golden CO 80401 USA<br />

(303-900-3146 (720-556-8127 matt@atsmb.com<br />

http://www.atsmb.com<br />

BackroadVentures<br />

BackroadVentures is an adventure guide service and consulting<br />

company, focusing on education and adventure planning for outdoor<br />

enthusiasts who need a little assistance getting out there.<br />

7906 Morrell Lane<br />

Durham NC 27713 USA<br />

919-323-0302 info@backroadventures.com<br />

http://www.backroadventures.com<br />

Blue Ridge Expeditions<br />

Safe and environmentally responsible off-road driving is our #1<br />

priority. Our certified off-road driving instructors teach off-road driving<br />

techniques, winching/recovery methods, vehicle preparation and More.<br />

private training to groups, individuals, clubs and government agencies.<br />

We also provide guided trips in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.<br />

Marion NC 28752 USA Marshall Grant<br />

828-925-0057 info@blueridgeexpeditions.com<br />

http://www.breoffroad.com<br />

Colorado Motorcycle Adventures<br />

We are Colorado’s elite motorcycle rental and adventure company,<br />

providing an unparalleled motorcycle experience on pavement or<br />

dirt. We are a full-service motorcycle outfitter here to make your next<br />

motorcycle trip an unforgettable experience! Late-model bikes, rental<br />

gear, custom routes, and airport delivery/pickups available.<br />

2422 S. Trenton Way, Unit G, Denver, CO 80231, USA<br />

720-505-2030, scott@coloradomotorcycleadventures.com<br />

http://www.coloradomotorcycleadventures.com<br />

Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental & Expeditions<br />

Located in the high-altitude capital city of Quito, Ecuador Freedom<br />

Bike Rental is the country’s first motorcycle tour operator - founded<br />

in 2009. We design and outfit expeditions (guided and self-guided) for<br />

adventure enthusiasts who wish to explore Ecuador on motorcycles or<br />

4x4’s.<br />

Calle Finlandia N35-06 y Suecia, Quito, Pichincha 170150, Ecuador<br />

603-617-2499 +593-2-600-4459 info@freedombikerental.com<br />

http://www.<strong>Overland</strong>Ecuador.com<br />

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Eurosport Asheville<br />

Eurosport offers sales and service of BMW and KTM motorcycles.<br />

We specialize in adventure models but offer the full line from both<br />

manufacturers. We also represent a complete line of apparel and<br />

accessories for your motorcycling needs including KLIM, Rev’It,<br />

Wolfman, Touratech, AltRider, and many more. Tues-Sat 9-6<br />

30 Bryson St. Suite 160, Asheville, NC 28803, USA<br />

828-255-6600, parts@eurosportasheville.com<br />

Exploring Elements<br />

Where overland travel and adventure sports collide. Your source for<br />

industry news, gear reviews and tales from the road. We aim to share<br />

the stoke and inspire you for your next adventure. “Travel through an<br />

adventure sports lens.”<br />

443-722-4953 bryon@exploringelements.com<br />

http://www.exploringelements.com<br />

Exploring <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Offering several new print and electronic titles in 2017 for the overland<br />

market, in addition to bespoke overland expeditions, training trips,<br />

and African safaris tailored to the do-it-yourself adventurer. Contact<br />

us about departures for: Continental Divide Journey for 4x4; Classic<br />

Tanzanian Safari; Tanzanian Self-Drive Adventure Safari; and small,<br />

customized training classes in the field. Exploring <strong>Overland</strong> also<br />

publishes the popular <strong>Overland</strong> Tech and Travel blog and online stories<br />

of adventure in the Explore section. We are a partner organization to<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Expo and ConserVentures Charitable Organization.<br />

info@exploringoverland.com Roseann & Jonathan Hanson<br />

http://www.exploringoverland.com<br />

29 Montford Ave Asheville NC 28801 USA<br />

828-252-3005, 800-2276732 staff@hunterbanks.com<br />

http://www.hunterbanks.com<br />

Motolombia<br />

Motolombia has been offering guided motorcycle tours and rentals in<br />

Colombia and South America since 2008.<br />

+573146523976 mike@motolombia.com<br />

http://www.motolombia.com<br />

Moto Patagonia<br />

Moto Patagonia is a small guide service based in Puerto Varas, Chile.<br />

We provide Adventure Motorcycle tours and rentals in Patagonia. Our<br />

trips are designed to provide maximum enjoyment while riding while<br />

immersing you in the culture and activities that are unique to Patagonia.<br />

Come ride with Us<br />

Contact via email or WhatsApp text message<br />

Moto Patagonia Calle tito Appel ESQ Ruta V-505 KM 1.5, Puerto<br />

Varas, Los Lagos Region X 5550000, Chile<br />

+56-9-4267-2861 info@motopatagonia.com<br />

http://www.motopatagonia.com<br />

MotoQuest<br />

MotoQuest was created to help riders explore their world. Our<br />

adventures take riders to the ends of the earth in search of excitement,<br />

camaraderie, <strong>2018</strong>.<strong>Sourcebook</strong>.ad.qxp_Layout new experiences and memories 1 02/03/<strong>2018</strong> that last 20:26 a lifetime. Page 1<br />

French Broad Boatworks<br />

Handcrafted wooden river boats and paddle boards located on the<br />

French Broad River in Asheville, NC. Tour Asheville’s scenic waters<br />

from the comfort of our handcrafted river boats. Visit our website for<br />

more information on our handcrafted products, guided river tours and<br />

overnight camping trips.<br />

8280230-6600 jason@fbboatworks.com<br />

http://www.frenchbroadboatworks.com<br />

GoWild Africa<br />

Kenya family-operated adventure safaris on the equator.<br />

We offer horseback riding, walking, and driving safaris onto one of<br />

the most beautiful ranches in Kenya with plentiful wildlife and epic<br />

landscapes. Nanyuki, Kenya<br />

www.facebook.com/gowildafrica<br />

welcome@gowildafrica.com<br />

http://www.gowildafrica.com<br />

HighTrail Expeditions<br />

Advanced professional off-road training with courses designed to<br />

teach the science and art of 4X4 travel to those who are ready for the<br />

next level of expertise on the trail. A hands-on skills course, learn<br />

how to overcome obstacles with planning, confidence, and effective<br />

techniques.<br />

Denver, CO, USA<br />

info@hightrailexpeditions.com<br />

http://www.hightrailexpeditions.com<br />

Serious?<br />

Get<br />

the<br />

detail.<br />

www.desertwinds.co.uk<br />

Hunter Banks Fly Fishing<br />

Since 1985, Hunter Banks has been the premier full service fly fishing<br />

outfitter in the Southeast. We specialize in professional guide service,<br />

premium fishing gear and destination travel. Our business is built on<br />

providing both the best equipment and best service to all fly fishers.<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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Endless horizon, by SENA.<br />

4346 Spenard Road Anchorage AK 99517 USA<br />

(800-756-1990 (907-272-2777 info@motoquest.com<br />

http://www.motoquest.com<br />

Oregon Dual Sport Rental & Adventures<br />

We rent a variety of dual sport motorcycles in Central Oregon. We<br />

also offer back country, and Baja tours. We are dealers of Heidenau<br />

tires, Giant Loop, Wolfman, and Double Take Mirrors. Please visit our<br />

website, and Like us on Facebook.<br />

17328 Harlequin Dr Bend OR 97707 USA<br />

(541-520-4929 (541-525-6752 oregon.dual.sport.rental@gmail.com<br />

http://www.oregondualsportrentalandadventures.com<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Vehicle Rentals<br />

We are a family-run business in Jacksonville, Florida, building<br />

expedition vehicles that are self-contained that you can rent for a<br />

fraction of the cost of purchasing.<br />

904-254-1244<br />

11757 Beach Blvd Unit 8, Jacksonville FL 32246<br />

overlandvehiclerentals@yahoo.com<br />

Perumotors<br />

Motorcycle tours in Peru, Bolivia, Patagonia, Ecuador, Mexico, and<br />

Europe. Alvarez Thomas 102<br />

Arequipa Peru<br />

+51-959373203 lars@perumotors.com<br />

http://www.perumotors.com<br />

Rally for Rangers Foundation<br />

Protecting the worlds special places one motorcycle at a time, Rally for<br />

Rangers connects adventure riders from around the world to bring new<br />

bikes to rangers in remote national parks around the globe.<br />

19161 Dowden Circle<br />

Poolesville MD 20837 USA<br />

209-628-1980 info@rallyforrangers.org<br />

http://www.rallyforrangers.org<br />

RawHyde Adventures<br />

RawHyde Adventures has something fun and exhilarating for any<br />

adventure rider, whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned veteran.<br />

Our programs truly provide the definition of adventure. EARN YOUR<br />

STRIPES with RawHyde’s Adventure Training Programs and adventure<br />

riding trips throughout the world.<br />

661-993-9942 info@rawhyde-offroad.com<br />

http://www.rawhyde-offroad.com<br />

Renedian Adventures<br />

For six months of the year you will find us in southern Africa running<br />

guided motorcycle tours through epic terrain in South Africa, Namibia,<br />

Botswana, and Zimbabwe. The other six months we travel North<br />

America, talking of the overwhelming benefits of global travel by<br />

motorcycle. 780-707-7363 renedian@mac.com<br />

http://www.renedian.com<br />

Rent a Camper–Peru<br />

Offering Toyota HiLux diesel trucks fitted with Four Wheel Campers<br />

for rent in Peru. Explore Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, the Nazca Lines,<br />

the Atacama Desert. info@rvperu.com<br />

http://www.rvperu.com<br />

ROVE Rentals<br />

Be inspired to get outdoors and discover the unseen. Offering top-ofthe-line<br />

adventure trailer and roof-top tent rentals, allowing you to set<br />

up camp effortlessly anywhere your vehicle can take you. Worry less<br />

about the details and explore in style and comfort.<br />

2817 Aldershot DrmWake Forest NC 27587 USA<br />

919-605-4804 info@roverentals.com<br />

http://www.roverentals.com<br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong> is a veteran-led, non-profit organization that uses<br />

overlanding as an outlet to overcome challenges associated with Posttraumatic<br />

Stress. The Team <strong>Overland</strong> experience provides members<br />

with camaraderie, encouragement, reintegration and a support system.<br />

Please help us continue our mission with a donation today!<br />

541-941-6695, teamoverland@gmail.com<br />

http://www.teamoverland.org<br />

Tonto Trails<br />

We offer bespoke expedition vehicle rentals in luxury vehicles equipped<br />

to provide comfortable accommodations and off-road capability. Enjoy<br />

the experience of route selection in our Sportsmobiles or Four Wheel<br />

Pop Up Campers. Trips are self-drive or guided, launching from the<br />

Four Corners area. 1208 County Road 250, Durango, CO 81301, USA<br />

970-403-5865, info@tontotrails.com<br />

http://www.tontotrails.com<br />

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Simon & Lisa Thomas “2Ride The World”<br />

Simon & Lisa Thomas are considered by many to be the world’s<br />

foremost Adventure Motorcyclists. It’s easy to say that Lisa and Simon<br />

helped define what we now call “Adventure Riding.” As explorers,<br />

writers, photographers and public speakers this pair inspire adventure.<br />

Currently: Travelling The World<br />

443-525-2959 lisathomas@2ridetheworld.com<br />

http://www.2ridetheworld.com<br />

7P <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Get ready to drive around the world or take the kids camping at the<br />

weekend—our overland driver training gets you prepared and back<br />

home safely. If you’re ready to travel further afield, come and join us on<br />

an incredible international adventure with experienced guides.<br />

PO Box 185<br />

Idledale CO 80453 USA<br />

303-351-5777 info@7p.io<br />

https://7p.io/<br />

American Adventurist<br />

Adventures across North America in and out of your 4WD! Since 2010,<br />

we’ve worked at the national level bringing people together across the<br />

nation with event and training opportunities, expedition style trips and<br />

our flagship Rendezvous events.<br />

USA<br />

949-547-8358 dave@americanadventurist.com<br />

https://americanadventurist.com/<br />

Ancient Pathways Survival School, LLC<br />

Ancient Pathways provides 1-21 day survival and bushcraft training<br />

courses in northern Arizona. All courses are experiential and combine<br />

the fields of anthropology, Southwest natural history, and practical<br />

wilderness skills. Run by author and veteran instructor Tony Nester.<br />

928-526-2552, info@apathways.com<br />

http://www.apathways.com<br />

Barbour All Terrain Tracking Ltd<br />

Expedition Consultancy & Management. 4x4 driver training, basic to<br />

advanced. On and off road camera tracking in film industry. Expedition<br />

vehicle preparation and equipment advice. Duncan Barbour<br />

Lyndhurst West, Dirleton Road North Berwick East Lothian, Scotland<br />

+44(0 )1620 892189 +44 (0)7831342163<br />

duncan@wildtrackers.com<br />

http://www.wildtrackers.com<br />

Blue Ridge Expeditions<br />

Safe and environmentally responsible off-road driving is our #1<br />

priority. Our certified off-road driving instructors teach off-road driving<br />

techniques, winching/recovery methods, vehicle preparation and More.<br />

private training to groups, individuals, clubs and government agencies.<br />

We also provide guided trips in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.<br />

Contact Marshall Grant 828-925-0057<br />

828-925-0057 info@blueridgeexpeditions.com<br />

http://www.breoffroad.com<br />

BMW Performance Center<br />

BMW training center, specializing in both street and adventure<br />

motorcycle riding: Get a little mud on your screen as you join our Chief<br />

Riding Instructor for a ride through the BMW U.S. Rider Academy offroad<br />

course. If this gets your heart rate up, imagine what two full days<br />

of riding can do<br />

Greer SC 29651 USA<br />

https://bmwperformancecenter.com/school/motorrad<br />

Cameron Advanced Mobility<br />

At Cameron Advanced Mobility (CAM), our instructor cadre has first<br />

hand operational experience and competitive off road racing experience<br />

across the most remote and harsh environments the globe has to offer.<br />

CAM has been teaching tactical driving, vehicle recovery, navigation<br />

and field expedient repairs to U.S. Military and State Department<br />

groups as well as professional off road racing teams for the last 25<br />

years. Ken Cameron http://www.cameronadvancedmobility.com<br />

DART—Dragoo Adventure Rider Training<br />

Located in the Central US, DART can provide you with any type of<br />

adventure motorcyle training you need, from beginner to advanced<br />

fully loaded ADV bike. DART also provides training services for<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Expo.<br />

Bill Dragoo, owner<br />

https://billdragoo.com<br />

ESEE Knives/ Randall’s Adventure & Training<br />

ESEE Knives was born out of our experiences in the Jungles of<br />

South America and the backwoods of the USA. Randall’s Adventure<br />

& Training is located in Gallant Alabama and has been teaching<br />

wilderness survival, navigation, and technical rope instruction since<br />

1997.<br />

60 Randall Rd, Gallant, Al 35972, United States<br />

256-613-0372 info@eseeknives.com<br />

http://www.eseeknives.com<br />

Land Rover Experience<br />

An off-highway driving school that advocates trail preservation, vehicle<br />

preservation, and people preservation.<br />

1 Approach Rd<br />

Asheville NC 28803 USA<br />

828-225-1541 landrover@biltmore.com<br />

http://Experience.landroverusa.com<br />

Minimal Motorcylist<br />

Minimal Motorcyclist is focused on transfering people from wanting to<br />

travel, into travelers. Helping people to understand what is, and what<br />

isn’t neededf for overland travel, they encourage people to take the<br />

leap and get onto the road (or trail). (414) 559-7575 a.charles.pain@<br />

gmail.com http://www.minimalmotorcyclist.com<br />

RawHyde Adventures Motorcycle Training<br />

RawHyde Adventures has something fun and exhilarating for any<br />

adventure rider, whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned veteran.<br />

Our programs truly provide the definition of adventure. EARN YOUR<br />

STRIPES with RawHyde’s Adventure Training Programs.<br />

661-993-9942 info@rawhyde-offroad.com<br />

http://www.rawhyde-offroad.com<br />

SOLO Southeast<br />

SOLO Southeast teaches a variety of Wilderness Medicine and<br />

Wilderness Survival course using an internationally‐recognized<br />

certification system that has been taught in more than 10 different<br />

countries. Private consultation and classes available on request.<br />

13077 Highway 19 West Bryson City North Carolina 28713<br />

(828) 366-7517 (828) 488-7189 SOLO@noc.com<br />

http://www.southeastwildernessmedicine.com/<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

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EVENTS<br />

Adventure Motorcycle<br />

Adventure Motorcycle Magazine (ADVMoto), the oldest industry<br />

leading publication and website for adventure dual-sport riding, bikes,<br />

reviews, tests, reports, events and news. Come celebrate our 100th issue<br />

at <strong>Overland</strong> Expo East 2017! Subscribe Print or Digital!<br />

571-485-2910 info@adventuremotorcycle.com<br />

http://adventuremotorcycle.com<br />

American Adventurist<br />

The Official Forum Sponsor for <strong>Overland</strong> Expo, American<br />

Adventurist is a North America focused outdoor adventure travel<br />

Community Forum. We are committed to Tread Lightly principles and<br />

environmentally responsible outdoor recreation. Join our Community<br />

http://www.americanadventurist.com<br />

Land Rover North America—LAND ROVER EXPERIENCE<br />

Training and expeditions for Land Rover enthusiasts worldwide.<br />

555 Mac Arthur Blvd. Mahwah NJ 07430 USA<br />

201-818-8500 http://www.landroverexperience.com<br />

Ride for Kids<br />

Ride for Kids is a national series of motorcycle events raising money to<br />

fund research and family support for kids diagnosed with brain tumors.<br />

Thirteen children a day are diagnosed with a brain tumor and we are the<br />

largest private funder of research. Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation<br />

Asheville NC 28806 USA (828) 665-6891 (828) 280-0630<br />

jharvey@curethekids.org http://www.rideforkids.org<br />


American Adventurist<br />

Adventures across North America in and out of your 4WD! Since 2010,<br />

we’ve worked at the national level bringing people together across the<br />

nation with event and training opportunities, expedition style trips and<br />

our flagship Rendezvous events.<br />

USA<br />

949-547-8358 dave@americanadventurist.com<br />

https://americanadventurist.com/<br />

Can’d Aid Foundation<br />

Can’d Aid is a national, publicly funded non-profit organization that<br />

spreads people powered do-goodery through Towns, Tunes, Treads +<br />

Trails and Love Yur Mama efforts nationwide.<br />

20 Bowen Street<br />

Longmont CO 80501 USA<br />

720-204-6082 info@candaid.org<br />

http://www.candaid.org<br />

ConserVentures<br />

ConserVentures is a community of explorers who want to make a<br />

difference in the world through action and storytelling. Our latest<br />

project is the Change Your World Fund (see page 67), a fund to<br />

encourage Millennials to get out and explore the world. We support<br />

exploration of our planet, and conservation of its natural and cultural<br />

heritage. Volunteers provide assistance to small & often-overlooked<br />

conservation projects and research that make a real difference. We<br />

support projects by providing: direct assistance such as equipment,<br />

training and funds; communications & business assistance to help<br />

them market their projects to travelers or donors; and donated labor<br />

when needed. A portion of proceeds from <strong>Overland</strong> Expo supports<br />

ConserVentures programs.<br />

info@conserventures.org<br />

http://www.conserventures.org<br />

Do Good As You Go / Muskoka Foundation<br />

Add purpose to your expedition: Join our network of overlanders,<br />

volunteering in communities around the world. Provide training in<br />

business, IT, photography, sports, etc. Contacts, curricula & equipment<br />

provided. “Use what you know, to do good as you go”<br />

650-888-1283 650-787-3984<br />

http://www.themuskokafoundation.org<br />

explmore / Strangers Like Angels<br />

A community adventure lifestyle brand, with a passion to inspire<br />

people to EXPLORE more of the world, ENGAGE with others, and<br />

EMBRACE global cultures. Inspired by the original 1977 overland<br />

journey and book, Strangers Like Angels, by Alec and Jan Forman.<br />

3126 W Cary St #404, Richmond, VA 23221, United States<br />

804-335-0944 contact@explmore.com<br />

http://www.explmore.com<br />

Jeep Expeditions<br />

Jeep Expeditions is the #1 Jeep Adventure Club anywhere. Since 2007<br />

we have offered our members a variety of adventure options ranging<br />

from a simple one day trip to our signature weekend to week long and<br />

longer. Stock Jeep friendly, club discounts and more.<br />

info@jeepexpeditions.org<br />

http://www.jeepexpeditions.org<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Bound<br />

<strong>Overland</strong> Bound is a global community for vehicle-dependent travel.<br />

3736 Fallon Road, #419<br />

Dublin CA 94568 USA<br />

No Phone info@overlandbound.com<br />

http://www.overlandbound.com<br />

Rally for Rangers Foundation<br />

Protecting the worlds special places one motorcycle at a time, Rally for<br />

Rangers connects adventure riders from around the world to bring new<br />

bikes to rangers in remote national parks around the globe.<br />

19161 Dowden Circle<br />

Poolesville MD 20837 USA<br />

209-628-1980 info@rallyforrangers.org<br />

http://www.rallyforrangers.org<br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Team <strong>Overland</strong> is a veteran-led, non-profit organization that uses<br />

overlanding as an outlet to overcome challenges associated with Posttraumatic<br />

Stress. The Team <strong>Overland</strong> experience provides members<br />

with camaraderie, encouragement, reintegration and a support system.<br />

Please help us continue our mission with a donation today!<br />

541-941-6695 teamoverland@gmail.com Oregon, USA<br />

http://www.teamoverland.org<br />

The Ted Simon Foundation<br />

Encouraging those who adventure into the world to go the extra mile<br />

and transform their experiences into something of value for the world to<br />

share. explore@jupiterstravellers.org | Twitter @TheTedSimonFDN<br />

http://jupiterstravellers.org | Facebook.com/TheTedSimonFoundation<br />

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Chris Scott - Sahara <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Sahara specialist for routes and expedition planning, and author of<br />

Sahara <strong>Overland</strong>, Morocco <strong>Overland</strong>, <strong>Overland</strong>ers’ Handbook, Desert<br />

Travels and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.<br />

expo@sahara-overland.com<br />

http://www.sahara-overland.com<br />

Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental & Expeditions<br />

Located in the high-altitude capital city of Quito, Ecuador Freedom<br />

Bike Rental is the country’s first motorcycle tour operator - founded<br />

in 2009. We design and outfit expeditions (guided and self-guided) for<br />

adventure enthusiasts who wish to explore Ecuador on motorcycles or<br />

4x4’s. 603-617-2499 +593-2-600-4459 info@freedombikerental.com<br />

http://www.<strong>Overland</strong>Ecuador.com<br />

Global Rescue<br />

Global Rescue provides the finest medical and security services from<br />

the world’s top experts and emergency evacuations from around the<br />

globe. https://www.globalrescue.com<br />

James Cargo Services<br />

Freight forwarder specializing in the international transportation of<br />

vehicles, whether for adventure travel, relocating, or buying/selling a<br />

vehicle abroad. SUVs, RVs, classics, bikes, and more.<br />

9 Galleymead Road Colnbrook Slough Berkshire SL3 0EN UK<br />

441-753-6877 vehicles@jamescargo.com<br />

http://www.jamescargo.com<br />

Motorcycle Mexico<br />

The Motorcycle Mexico DVDs are the easy way to prepare for your<br />

first overland ride south of the border. ben@motorcyclemexico.com<br />

http://www.motorcyclemexico.com<br />

Tiffany Coates<br />

The world’s foremost female motorcycle adventurer, Tiffany’s vast<br />

knowledge and experience of overlanding is second to none. This<br />

experience is brought to the fore in her adventure travel guiding and<br />

consultancy service; she is available to advise and personally guide<br />

motorcycle expeditions worldwide. tiffany@tiffanystravels.co.uk<br />

http://www.tiffanystravels.co.uk<br />


Simon & Lisa Thomas “2Ride The World”<br />

Simon & Lisa Thomas are considered by many to be the world’s<br />

foremost Adventure Motorcyclists. It’s easy to say that Lisa and Simon<br />

helped define what we now call “Adventure Riding.” As explorers,<br />

writers, photographers and public speakers this pair inspire adventure.<br />

Currently: Travelling The World<br />

443-525-2959 lisathomas@2ridetheworld.com<br />

http://www.2ridetheworld.com<br />

ADVantage Point Publishing<br />

Professional digital media consultant.<br />

Alison DeLapp 323-828-2322, info@advantagepointpublishing.com<br />

http://www.advantagepointpublishing.com<br />

ADVMoto Magazine<br />

The original and oldest adventure and dual sport motorcycle magazine<br />

in North America. (571) 485-2910<br />

info@adventuremotorcycle.com<br />

http://www.adventuremotorcycle.com<br />

American Sahara<br />

Marketing, communications, and event management for the adventure<br />

travel industry. j.brandon@americansahara.com<br />

http://www.americansahara.com<br />

twitter.com/AmericanSahara | www.facebook.com/americansahara<br />

Branding Masters, LLC<br />

Strategic Marketing / Branding Consulting • Social Media Marketing<br />

• Event Management • Partner/Affiliate Management • Customer<br />

Relationship Management • Start-up Support • Non-Profit Support •<br />

Training & Education • Merchandising & Display<br />

Stephanie Hackney 760-504-8563 shackney@brandingmasters.com<br />

http://www.brandingmasters.com<br />

Exploring Elements<br />

Offering media production, social media management, and business<br />

consulting. Specializing in still photography, Instagram account<br />

management, product development, event marketing/production, and<br />

brand ambassador services.<br />

Bryon Dorr 443-722-4953 bryon@exploringelements.com<br />

http://www.exploringelements.com<br />

Lorraine Chittock<br />

After twenty years living in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America,<br />

Lorraine Chittock has produced a stunning collection of travel books<br />

exploring our world’s unique bond with animals. Lorraine is available<br />

for magazine writing and speaking engagements in all four corners of<br />

the world.<br />

LorraineChittock@gmail.com<br />

http://www.lorrainechittock.com<br />

Misadventures Media<br />

Adventure travel author Carla King’s solo motorcycle misadventures<br />

have been chronicled since 1995 on her website and in book format.<br />

She also created the Self-Publishing Boot Camp Guide for Authors to<br />

step you through publishing, promoting, and selling your own ebooks<br />

and print books.<br />

510-230-4262 415-694-9454 carla@carlaking.com<br />

http://carlaking.com<br />

Motoventuring Design<br />

Like the new <strong>Overland</strong> Expo t-shirts and decals? Looking for a cool<br />

logo or illustration for your own blog, company or upcoming rally?<br />

Send me an email detailing what you’d like to create and let’s make it<br />

happen! Cyan Samone, Designer and Illustrator<br />

motoventuring@gmail.com http://www.motoventuring.com/design<br />

Mountain State <strong>Overland</strong><br />

A web video series documenting adventure travel and responsible<br />

lifestyles in Appalachia. PO Box 48 Montvale VA 24122 USA<br />

(540) 968-0069 team@mountainstateoverland.com<br />

http://www.mountainstateoverland.com<br />

OutdoorX4 Magazine<br />

OutdoorX4 Magazine (“outdoor by 4”) is a print publication focused on<br />

overland and adventure travel, as well as utilizing vehicles as a means<br />

to get outside and enjoy all forms of outdoors recreation.<br />

www.<strong>Overland</strong>Expo.com<br />

77<br />

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P.O. Box 8306 Spring Texas 77387 USA<br />

(832) 280-7950 (832) 865-7999 inquiry@outdoorx4.com<br />

http://www.outdoorx4.com<br />

Norën Films<br />

Producer of award-winning motorcycle adventure films, instructional<br />

DVDs and HD video production services (GlobeRiders, BMWGS,<br />

Touratech & Discovery Channel). We write, shoot, edit and produce—a<br />

single source HD video solution for the overland community.<br />

Based in Arizona and Washington state<br />

Sterling Norën - Producer/Director/Cameraman/Editor<br />

206-788-6395<br />

info@norenfilms.com<br />

http://www.norenfilms.com<br />

Toby Savage Photography<br />

I am a photographer and writer of 4x4 and travel-related features,<br />

predominantly for UK-based magazines. toby@tobysavage.co.uk<br />

42 Cradock Road Leicester LE21TD United Kingdom<br />

http://www.tobysavage.co.uk<br />


Aluminess Products, Inc.<br />

We manufacture aluminum front and rear bumpers, tire racks, bike<br />

racks, roof racks, nerf bars, storage boxes and accessories for trucks,<br />

vans and SUV’s. Our aluminum products are designed for strength and<br />

utility with the added advantage of lighter weight and no rust.<br />

10943 Wheatlands Ave., Santee, CA 92071, United States<br />

619-449-9930 619-449-9930 aluminess@sbcglobal.net<br />

http://www.aluminess.com<br />

Blue Ridge Chair Works<br />

High quality durable folding wooden furniture for outdoor active living.<br />

Chairs and tables with amazing ergonomic comfort constructed with<br />

solid Ash hardwood frames, stainless steel hardware, heavy polyester<br />

fabric and Danish oil finish. Made in USA with the heritage of Southern<br />

Appalachian craftsmanship.<br />

61 Shope Rd, Asheville, NC 28805, United States<br />

828-299-9990 828-231-3074 adavis@blueridgechair.com<br />

http://www.blueridgechair.com<br />

Blue Ridge <strong>Overland</strong> Gear<br />

Handcrafted gear for your adventure. Made in Virginia USA.<br />

126 S bridge st<br />

Bedford VA 24523 USA<br />

866-855-5471 blueridgeoverlandgear@gmail.com<br />

http://www.blueridgeoverlandgear.com<br />

The Java Can<br />

The Java Can is the very first expedition ready field espresso kit housed<br />

in a rouged military ammunition can. You can now enjoy quality<br />

gourmet espresso while exploring on your next big adventure with<br />

everything you need to get charged. Don’t be left behind.<br />

755 Grand Blvd., Suite B105-131 Miramar Beach Florida 32541 USA<br />

(855) 528-2226 daisson@thejavacan.com<br />

http://www.thejavacan.com<br />

KS <strong>Overland</strong> Evolution<br />

KS <strong>Overland</strong> Evolution is a company fascinated by the outdoors.<br />

Our mission is to do quality work with the best off-road parts and<br />

accessories to meet our customers desires.<br />

Operations Manager/ Emerson Kappler<br />

Tampa, FL 33609, United States<br />

813-400-3048 info@ksoverlandevolution.com<br />

http://www.ksoverlandevolution.com<br />

L.T. Wright Handcrafted Knives<br />

LTWK creates beautiful artisan working pieces. These knives can be<br />

used for bushcrafting, camping, cooking, overland, and more.<br />

Visit www.ltwrightknives.com<br />

QuaLiTy is in our name!<br />

130B Warren Lane Wintersville Ohio 43953 USA<br />

(740) 317-1404 info@ltwrightknives.com<br />

http://www.ltwrightknives.com<br />

Main Line <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Outfitters For Tomorrow’s Expedition: Four Wheel Campers Mid-<br />

Atlantic & New England, Norweld Tray & Canopy Distributor, EVO<br />

Corse Dakar Wheels Distributor; ARB, Aluminess, Front Runner, Eezi-<br />

Awn, AT <strong>Overland</strong> Equipment, Alu-Box Dealer. Full service vehicle<br />

builders for overland travel. West Chester, PA & Bow, NH.<br />

325 Westtown Road #16, West Chester, PA 19382, United States<br />

866-656-7626 sales@mainlineoverland.com<br />

http://www.mainlineoverland.com<br />

Planetary Design<br />

Innovators/designers of durable coffee and tea brewing, and food<br />

preservation canisters, like the Airscape® storage containers, Big Sky<br />

Bistro french press travel mug, and amazingly insulated stainless steel<br />

french presses and drinkware.<br />

9088B Bonner Mill Road, P.O. Box 1011<br />

Bonner MT 59823 USA<br />

406-728-7008 sales@planetarydesign.us<br />

http://www.planetarydesign.com<br />

NutHouse Industries LLC<br />

Nuthouse Industries LLC is where your adventure starts. Aluminum<br />

expedition trailers, upfits, aluminum bed racks, truck beds, tray beds,<br />

expedition upfits and custom fabrication are at our fingertips! We look<br />

forward to being a part of your build!<br />

3480 E US 22-3, Morrow, Oh 45152, United States<br />

513-899-2342 tom@nuthouseindustries.com<br />

http://www.nuthouseindustries.com<br />

Southeast <strong>Overland</strong><br />

Southeast <strong>Overland</strong> is a 4WD & overland store employing off-road<br />

enthusiasts who not only sell & install parts but also live the lifestyle.<br />

From custom synthetic recovery gear, to lifts, lockers, wheels, tires,<br />

installs, resto-mods, & more. We will outfit your vehicle to GET LOST.<br />

105 E North 1st St, Seneca, SC 29678, United States<br />

864-280-4238 sales@southeastoverland.com<br />

http://www.southeastoverland.com<br />

Voyager Offroad<br />

Excellent quality Roof Racks and Accessories, for all <strong>Overland</strong>ers and<br />

Offroaders alike, since 2001. All Accessories are made in America, by<br />

Americans, with American steel.<br />

1602 Market Circle #8, Port Charlotte, FL 33953, United States<br />

941-235-7225 941-421-9300 info@voyageroffroad.com<br />

http://www.voyagerracks.com<br />

78 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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when you need a comfortable break<br />

from overlanding...<br />

Free Hot Breakfast<br />

Free WIFI<br />

250 waterfalls<br />

15 minutes from Expo<br />

hamptoninnbrevard.com<br />

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(CTESA / MESA)<br />


BAR SERVICE — (Beer / wine) at the Main Food Court<br />

Thursday 5 pm – 8 pm<br />

Friday & Saturday 11 am – 10 pm<br />

Sunday 11am –8 pm<br />

FOOD TRUCKS — See <strong>Overland</strong> Newspaper for menus /<br />

locations of food trucks (Main Food Court and nearby).<br />

Coffee<br />

Wide variety: BBQ, southern, hamburgers and more<br />







W<br />



i6<br />




(CTESA)<br />




i<br />




KIDS<br />


SKILLS<br />

AREA<br />

(KESA)<br />



ONLY<br />

><br />


80<br />


i17<br />


E16<br />


K16<br />




i6<br />

i11<br />

CAMPGROUND, <strong>EAST</strong><br />

K15<br />



J18<br />


K18<br />


K17<br />

K16<br />



H17<br />

FIRST AID h G11 and<br />


i17<br />


G17<br />


H18<br />

M17<br />





E15<br />




H18<br />


WATER<br />

G11 E15<br />

H14<br />



FRIDAY & SATURDAY — 715 AM to 1030 PM<br />

SUNDAY — 715 AM to 930 PM<br />



NO ENTRY<br />


WIFI<br />

i17<br />

1<br />



2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

H17<br />

DRAFT<br />




F G H i J K L M N O P<br />


i6 H17 G11<br />




i17<br />


MAP ROOM<br />

K16<br />




i6<br />

G17<br />



A B C D E<br />





Fri & Sat 7:15 am - 10:30 pm<br />

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MEDIA,<br />


STAFF<br />

(CTESA / MESA)<br />

D16<br />

KIDS<br />


AREA<br />

P04<br />

C04 C09<br />

C06 C11<br />

C08<br />

C13<br />

DAY<br />

CARE<br />






(KESA)<br />

><br />





(MESA)<br />

h<br />

G11<br />



<br />

B15<br />


DROPOFF /<br />

PICKUP<br />

W<br />

S<br />

E15<br />

>>ENTER>><br />


Dupont Road<br />

A B C D E<br />

81<br />

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Photo, by Xventure Trailers<br />


<strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong><br />





THE <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>EAST</strong> EDITION<br />




>>><br />




82 <strong>Overland</strong> <strong>Sourcebook</strong> ~ Your guide to adventure TM ~ <strong>2018</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> Edition<br />

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For those who want to go farther, stay longer and bring<br />

more, the Dometic CFX series is the answer. Powerful and<br />

ultra-efficient, the CFX cooling system can refrigerate<br />

and freeze down to -7° F with an electrical draw similar to<br />

charging a mobile phone.<br />

Visit booth C-12 to see the nine CFX models ranging from<br />

26.5 to 94.6 liters in single and dual zone models, which<br />

offer two compartments for simultaneous refrigerating<br />

and freezing.<br />

#dometicoffroad<br />

dometic.com<br />

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The world is waiting<br />


Image, above: ZenVanz dog and a morning paddle (photo by ZenVanz.com).<br />

Cover: Top,Motorcycles under the stars (Tim Burke); bottom, Land Cruiser on White Rim (Scott Hall).<br />

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