Southern View: December 11, 2018

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22 Tuesday <strong>December</strong> <strong>11</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />





This year has been particularly special in that so many of our past students and staff<br />

have responded to our call to join a new group. Named Rauru, the group has been<br />

formed to strengthen and support our Marian College community. Past students and<br />

staff of Marian College, St Mary’s College (Christchurch) and McKillop College, are<br />

warmly invited to register for Rauru and help us shape the future of Marian.<br />

Collective dialogue and strategic visioning are underway as we prepare for a new<br />

school. Work includes development of a brief to ensure our Special Catholic Character,<br />

values and culture are captured and reflected in our new school.<br />

We appreciate Marian College is part of the bigger picture and we support the Bishop<br />

in taking due care of process and in making informed decisions for the benefit of the<br />

Catholic Diocese of Christchurch as a whole. The old saying is true – good things<br />

take time.<br />

Thank you to our Board of Trustees, our school staff and community, and members of<br />

the Marian Foundation for your support and fantastic work throughout <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

To our Marian girls – relax and enjoy a well-earned holiday. We look forward to<br />

having you back refreshed, inspired and ready for 2019 at Marian College.<br />

And finally, congratulations to our <strong>2018</strong> Marian leavers:<br />

we wish you all the very best and please stay in touch.<br />

Wishing you good health and blessings this Christmas.<br />

Jan Paterson<br />

Marian College Board of Trustees<br />


Our Young Vinnies Group helps support the important work of the<br />

Society of St Vincent de Paul. Recently the group spent a lunchtime<br />

wrapping Christmas presents for the Vinnie’s Christmas Party for<br />

people in need.<br />

Marian College has a long tradition of service. Both students and staff<br />

members are actively involved and contribute positively to the wider<br />

community. All students complete at least six hours of meaningful<br />

service within the school and community every year.<br />



WOW TRIP<br />

Congratulations to Catherine Ryan (right)<br />

and Louise Daly (left) who have been<br />

awarded <strong>2018</strong> Marian College dux and<br />

proxime accessit respectively.<br />

Marian College Principal Mary-Lou<br />

Davidson says major prize winners<br />

demonstrate exceptional performance<br />

and dedication across all aspects of life<br />

at Marian College – in academia, special<br />

character, leadership, music, sport,<br />

environment, culture and service.<br />

The Marian College PTA Grace Awards<br />

are very special awards for senior students<br />

who quietly go about their learning, being<br />

kind and caring, participating in school<br />

life and sometimes managing through<br />

challenges. These students often go ‘under<br />

the radar’ and as the award criteria says<br />

– they just get on with school and are not<br />

always officially recognised. This year<br />

Grace Awards were presented to Mia<br />

Blyth, Renee Rae, Zoe Frame, Molly Ford<br />

and Hannah Manalaysay.<br />

A full list of prize recipients and<br />

photographs are on the College website.<br />

IT’S<br />


Recently, Year 10 Marian College<br />

students had the opportunity to pitch<br />

their business ideas to a panel of judges<br />

as part of the three-day Young Enterprise<br />

BP Business Challenge programme.<br />

The hands-on learning event creates<br />

opportunities for students to develop<br />

their skills, engage with local business<br />

people and learn how a good business<br />

works. The programme covers learning<br />

in English, Mathematics and Statistics,<br />

Social Sciences, Digital Technology and<br />

Commerce subjects.<br />

Described by some as the highlight<br />

of the year, senior students studying<br />

textiles at Marian College have the<br />

opportunity to travel to Wellington for a<br />

two-day whirlwind WOWtrip. The group<br />

experienced the World of WearableArt<br />

Awards Show, explored two tertiary<br />

institutes offering textile and design<br />

programmes and visited the Beehive.<br />

“The show was incredible with amazing<br />

outfits and dancers. This was a wonderful<br />

way to end the term,” says Year 12 Marian<br />

College student Phoebe O’Regan.<br />

The group also attended the Suffrage 125<br />

exhibition Whakatū Wāhine at Museum of<br />

New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.<br />

www.mariancollege.school.nz |03 385 8449 | exec@mariancollege.school.nz | follow us! www.facebook.com/mariancollegechch

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