The Point: Fall 2018

Fall 2018 | Vol. 14 | Issue 1

Fall 2018 | Vol. 14 | Issue 1

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<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Vol. 14<br />

Issue 1<br />


STAFF<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Rebecca Mitchell<br />

Managing Editor: Joseph Lyons<br />

Visual Director: Eliana Park<br />

Photo Editor: Victoria Orozco<br />

Design Editor: Cassidy Eldridge<br />

Copy Editor: Amanda Frese<br />

Web Editor: Jana Eller<br />

Business Manager: Jenna Robertson<br />

Social Media Manager: Katie Bean<br />

Faculty Adviser: Tamara Welter<br />

Story Editors:<br />

Kendall Jarboe<br />

Megan Josep<br />

Jehn Kubiak<br />

Writers:<br />

Jasmyne Bell<br />

Emily Bontrager<br />

Hannah Dixon<br />

Rachel Gaugler<br />

<strong>The</strong>cla Li<br />

Lily Journey<br />

Monica Kochan<br />

Photographers:<br />

Emily Inaba<br />

<strong>The</strong>cla Li<br />

Maddi Seyfarth<br />

Designers:<br />

Amy Bucher<br />

Macie Cummings<br />

Lindsey Hayden<br />

Nichole Landon<br />

Rose Nickols<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2018</strong> Vol. 14 Issue 1<br />

We are a student publication of Biola University. Contact us at pointmag@biola.edu.<br />

https://thepointmagazine.org<br />

Instagram.com/<strong>Point</strong>Magazine<br />

Facebook.com/<strong>The</strong><strong>Point</strong>Magazine<br />

California College Media Association: 1st Place General Excellence 2008, 2010<br />

California College Media Association: 1st Place Best Magazine Photo<br />

California College Media Association: 3rd Place Best Inside Page/Spread Design <strong>2018</strong><br />

Columbia Scholastic Press Association: Gold Medalist 2009<br />

Associated Collegiate Press: Magazine Pacemaker 2008<br />

Associated Collegiate Press: Magazine Pacemaker Finalist 2013, 2017, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Associated Collegiate Press: Design Of <strong>The</strong> Year 2017


Dear beloved individual,<br />

We jumped from playground piece to burning wood chips. <strong>The</strong> lava oozed everywhere. <strong>The</strong><br />

crushed leaves were to be our favorite meal. Littlest Pet Shops fell into stories of human lives. Welcome<br />

to my childhood imagination.<br />

My mind as a child was also filled with the dream of traveling into space, of seeing the planets and<br />

stars, of becoming an astronaut. This was my envisioned identity. I had this massive book, dark as<br />

the night sky, that told me everything I ever wanted to know and more than I could ever possibly<br />

understand.<br />

While I am not a physics major on the path to becoming an astronaut, my love for stars has remained.<br />

I find it simply amazing that God calls each one out by name, as in Isaiah 40:26. <strong>The</strong> Creator<br />

of the heavens and the earth gave them their identity. And he gave us ours too.<br />

As Christians we know the foundation of our identity, but what about other elements of our<br />

identities? In “Coming Together in the 21st Century,” author Curtiss Paul DeYoung says identities<br />

are formed as a “social process,” including traits considered biological like ethnicity or gender. We<br />

interact with others and begin to define ourselves personally and emotionally. We find our identity<br />

in what we are and what we are not.<br />

While I cannot promise that you will find your identity, I hope you find a quote, a photo, a person<br />

who reminds you of your beautiful existence. We explore the idea of identity and the complexities<br />

attached with any one identity. Each story introduces a perspective, one out of the thousands there<br />

are just on this campus. Within these pages, I encourage you to let your idea of identity be challenged.<br />

Rebecca Mitchell<br />

What does identity mean to you? What aspects make up your identity?<br />

Tag @pointmagazine with your responses!


Pleasing to the Eye<br />

Beyond Black and White<br />

“I’m OK, I’m OK”<br />

“I survived”<br />

Out of Step<br />

<strong>The</strong> View From Where I Stand

4<br />


In our lives, a question like, “Where<br />

do you come from?” is not something<br />

we can answer in one word. In<br />

our country, the world behind the doors<br />

of our houses is completely different<br />

from the world outside. In my house, we<br />

bow when greeting, we only set the table<br />

with two sticks next to our bowls, we<br />

prefer rice over bread. We are cross-cultural<br />

offspring, we are missionary kids,<br />

we are military children, we are global<br />

students, we are third culture kids, and<br />

this is our story.<br />

How do I<br />

get back<br />

home?<br />

Writer: <strong>The</strong>cla Li<br />

Story Editor: Kendall Jarboe<br />

Photographer: <strong>The</strong>cla Li<br />

Designer: Nichole Landon<br />

Culture is a strong part of everyone’s<br />

lives. Culture influences our views, values<br />

and loyalties, as well as our worries<br />

and fears. Exploring culture shows that<br />

there is beauty, not only in learning how<br />

much we have in common, but also in<br />

seeing how we are different. Culture is<br />

more than just the color of our skin, and<br />

race extends far beyond a single country,<br />

it is the ties and ethics embedded within<br />

us. With culture so deeply wired in my<br />

DNA, worldview and identity, I found<br />

it especially hard to embrace it when a<br />

Starbucks barista wrote “Ching Chong”<br />

in place of my name on the cup of my<br />

afternoon brew. It was hard to believe<br />

that there were years of culture mixed<br />

into my being when those two simple<br />

words reduced me to “just another<br />

Asian.”<br />

I am the child of a Cantonese father and<br />

a mother who is one-fourth Taiwanese<br />

and three-fourths Singaporean. After<br />

marrying my mother, my father moved<br />

to Singapore with his family, and we<br />

visited Hong Kong once a year. Both<br />

of my parents hold master degrees and<br />

speak proficient English. My parents are<br />

the type of people who enjoy eating at<br />

humid open-air food markets as well as<br />

people who appreciate British humor<br />

and watch Lord Peter Wimsey in their<br />

free time. Considering these facts, I am<br />

very blessed. I am blessed because I can<br />

pronounce anonymity without biting<br />

my tongue. I am blessed because I have<br />

eaten white truffles and stir-fried spiders.<br />

I am blessed because I know that<br />


My identity<br />

was especially hard to embrace<br />

when a Starbucks barista wrote<br />

“Ching Chong” in place of my name<br />

on the cup of my afternoon brew.<br />

6<br />


Romania is not in Rome. I am blessed.<br />

My friend Jane Kim, a sophomore business<br />

major was born in Korea but moved to China<br />

when she was four years old due to her<br />

dad’s job. For most of her life, she lived in<br />

China and visited Korea for three months<br />

every year. Despite holding a Korean passport,<br />

she felt she never really knew where<br />

she came from because wherever she went,<br />

she was a foreigner.<br />

“In China, people don’t see me as one<br />

of their own but when I return to Korea,<br />

people don’t count me as a Korean person<br />

either,” Kim said. “Now I live [in] America,<br />

and I’m definitely not American.”<br />

While not having a place to call home may<br />

resonate with some people, not having a<br />

country to call home is something many of<br />

us cannot even fathom.<br />

Associate Professor of Sociology at Biola<br />

University, Stephanie Chan, was born to<br />

a couple from Hong Kong but was raised<br />

in the States. Chan recalled how, although<br />

her parents conversed in Chinese, she never<br />

fully committed to picking up the language,<br />

not realizing its significance at the time.<br />

“Culture is a big part of people’s identity<br />

and how they are able to connect with one<br />

another, it shapes our minds and the norms<br />

that we live by and act on,” Chan said.<br />

Chan is an example of someone who grew<br />

up with two cultures yet associated with one<br />

more strongly than the other.<br />

“I feel a sense of loss not having the chance<br />

to embrace my Chinese culture. More so<br />

than myself, I feel that loss towards my<br />

children because I am not able to pass on to<br />

them what my parents were able to pass on<br />

to me,” Chan said.<br />

Growing up, it is not hard for English as a<br />

Second Language kids or American Born<br />

Chinese kids like me to carry shame. We<br />

turn red in the face whenever someone says,<br />

“You speak English so well!” or, “Don’t<br />

worry I’ll speak slower for you, Is. That.<br />

Better?” Whenever we go to Walmart or<br />

Target, we rehearse conversation with our<br />

mothers before we pay for our groceries.<br />

In spite of diligent practice, it is never easy<br />

to undo the stitches of broken English.<br />

As children, we watched in horror while<br />

our mothers struggle to converse with the<br />

cashiers. In order to save our pride, we did<br />

not hesitate to correct them. We took our<br />

heritage for granted.<br />

We should be proud of where we came<br />

from. We should be proud that we have<br />

parents who built from scratch to be where<br />

they are now. Proud that we had the<br />

opportunity to struggle, which gave us the<br />

words we have today. Proud that we can<br />

teach our parents the difference between<br />

recipe and receipt so that the white ladies<br />

at the supermarket cashier counter will not<br />

laugh at them. Since our pride was torn<br />

apart, we could sew ourselves back together<br />

with threads of strength that are worthy of<br />

praise.<br />

Using the new English we have learned, we<br />

stand against ignorance and become a voice<br />

for the immigrants, the refugees and the belittled.<br />

We can repel the ridicule spewed at<br />

the Asian families who own the dry-cleaning<br />

store down the street by dispelling stereotypes.<br />

We can encourage the grade schoolers<br />

behind the cash register at their parents’<br />

Chinese food store.<br />

We have pride when we describe where we<br />

came from. We may look funny, maybe kind<br />

of strange, weird even, but this is who we<br />

are. This is our home. We will continue to<br />

improve this new English we have learned<br />

with our eyes fixed on the vision of a future<br />

where the door to our homes is just a door<br />

and not a barrier separating two realities<br />

from each other.<br />


“<br />

Identity is the collection of beliefs<br />

and facts which informs how we relate<br />

to and function within God’s<br />

reality. ... Identity influences how<br />

we make decisions, how we interact<br />

with others, how we utilize our<br />

resources, and how able we are to<br />

trust, to be generous and to forgive.<br />

”<br />

Beth Braley<br />


Trauma on the Mission Field<br />

Writer: Emily Bontrager<br />

Story Editor: Jehn Kubiak<br />

Photographer: Eliana Park<br />

Designer: Macie Cummings<br />

Monique Duson had been back<br />

in the United States for three<br />

days, and still the images and<br />

fears from the attack echoed through her<br />

mind. It was preventing her from getting<br />

anything close to a full night’s rest.<br />

Duson was a friend of my mom’s who<br />

was visiting my family from South Africa,<br />

where she served as a missionary for four<br />

and a half years. Although it had only<br />

been three days, it was becoming apparent<br />

she was suffering from overwhelming<br />

anxiety. Sleeping was a chore for her, and<br />

everyday functions were hard.<br />

In learning more about Duson’s situation,<br />

my mom explained how she could<br />

not return to South Africa due to the<br />

hostile environment, safety reasons and<br />

the well-being of her mental health. She<br />

did not necessarily want to move back to<br />

the U.S., but she needed to in order to<br />

salvage any possibility of continuing to<br />

serve in South Africa. Over time, Duson<br />

was eventually diagnosed with post-traumatic<br />

stress disorder. <strong>The</strong> American<br />

Psychological Association defines PTSD<br />

as “an anxiety problem that develops in<br />

some people after extremely traumatic<br />

events,” which in Duson’s case was<br />

constantly living in fear in the dangerous<br />

environment of South Africa.<br />

As my family and I embarked on this<br />

journey of caring for Duson, we learned<br />

a great deal about the problems trau-<br />


“Every time I left, even if it was<br />

just to go to the courtyard of<br />

our apartment building, there<br />

was always that tension of,<br />

‘What am I going to face?’”<br />

“Would my faith stand up to that? And<br />

if it didn’t, would people back here think<br />

less of me? God, you’ve shown me beauma<br />

and PTSD can pose for returning<br />

missionaries, despite assumptions made<br />

about their experiences. Through different<br />

methods of trauma treatment, I<br />

witnessed firsthand the power of listening<br />

and simply being present with someone<br />

who is struggling.<br />

Duson is not alone in experiencing<br />

trauma on the mission field. Natalie<br />

Cook served in Calcutta, India for six<br />

months, working to prevent women<br />

from being forced into sex trafficking.<br />

She lived on the border of the red light<br />

district, where there were anywhere from<br />

10,000 to about 15,000 sex workers. <strong>The</strong><br />

main mission was to provide alternative<br />

employment opportunities for women by<br />

teaching them skills to support themselves<br />

without going into the sex trade.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re were the really cool moments of<br />

being able to see God work, restore and<br />

redeem lives, but there was the opposite<br />

side of that where Indian culture doesn’t<br />

value women. So even as a foreign woman,<br />

we were seen as possessions — almost<br />

as less than human,” Cook said.<br />

Cook and her co-workers were not<br />

exempt from the demeaning treatment<br />

of women in Calcutta. In order to get<br />

to work every day, they had to take the<br />

metro which was packed tight with other<br />

people.<br />

“That’s where we were touched and<br />

grabbed. That was the hard part. When<br />

you’re stuck in that train car, you can’t<br />

get out. We were constantly on edge, and<br />

that provided a lot of mentally traumatic<br />

experiences,” Cook said.<br />

This continued day after day.<br />

“We were fighting just to get to work in<br />

the morning, fighting just to get home,<br />

and most days fighting to get out of<br />

bed,” Cook said.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y lived in constant fear. She described<br />

how at any point something<br />

could go horribly wrong, and that her<br />

and her co-workers could find themselves<br />

being followed, attacked, kidnapped or<br />

any other equally as frightening danger.<br />

Cook began to experience the often seen<br />

toll on the brain that such occurrences<br />

tend to cause.<br />

“Every time I left, even if it was just to<br />

go to the courtyard of our apartment<br />

building, there was always that tension<br />

of, ‘What am I going to face?’ I always<br />

picked one day during the weekend to<br />

not go outside because that’s what I had<br />

to do for my mental health,” Cook said.<br />

While in Calcutta, Cook continually<br />

heard and saw much pain, but also<br />

witnessed the faith of women who had<br />

suffered greatly and remained true to<br />

God. After hearing these experiences,<br />

Cook began to seriously question what<br />

she would do in a similar situation.<br />


ty, but where are you in all these other<br />

things?’” she said.<br />

She lived with dual fears. On one side,<br />

the constant fear of remaining safe and<br />

just getting through the day. On the<br />

other side, the fear that if something did<br />

happen, could her faith in God withstand<br />

what it was supposed to?<br />

Cook knew something had to change.<br />

She had planned to be in India for a<br />

year, and she still had four more<br />

months to go.<br />

“It took me about three weeks to actually<br />

tell my supervisor what had happened,”<br />

Cook said.<br />

Making the decision about coming home<br />

early was not an easy one. Over the<br />

course of three weeks, many different<br />

thoughts ran through her mind about<br />

what she should do.<br />

“Once you sit with the trauma for three<br />

weeks, with only those voices in your<br />

head, you feel like you can’t tell anyone<br />

because then I’m a failure and I don’t<br />

trust God. Or how can I think that God<br />

is still good in this when it feels like he<br />

can’t protect me?” she said. “I had to decide<br />

to come home early with only those<br />

thoughts, feelings and emotions helping<br />

to dictate my decision.”<br />

In the end, Cook decided to return to<br />

the U.S. with the intention of saving her<br />

mental health.<br />

5 11

“I needed to come home so that I could<br />

get healthy so [if] I wanted to, and could,<br />

go back in the future. I think if I had<br />

stayed longer, I never ever would have<br />

wanted to go back,” she said.<br />

Americans tend to idealize missionaries<br />

who serve in other countries. Mass<br />

conversions and captivating stories, from<br />

figures like the Apostle Paul to Mother<br />

Teresa, are typically what come to mind<br />

when thinking about the experiences of<br />

missionaries. However, this noble calling<br />

sometimes holds an unseen and personal<br />

cost. Both Cook and Duson grappled<br />

with navigating this standard narrative<br />

when their own mission experiences<br />

were so different, leaving them feeling as<br />

though they had failed. When the two<br />

narratives failed to line up, a great deal<br />

of their faith and identity in God was put<br />

on the line.<br />

“God said, ‘I want you to go to India,’<br />

and I wrestled God for six to eight<br />

months before I actually said yes and I<br />

actually went. So to me the expectation<br />

was, ‘OK, God I’m going, you’re going<br />

to keep me healthy, keep me happy, and<br />

you’re going to provide.’ And that wasn’t<br />

what I experienced,” Cook said.<br />

It already was such a big leap of faith to<br />

go to India or to go to South Africa, that<br />

to have the effects of trauma instead of a<br />

“normal” missions experience left them<br />

feeling like there was something wrong<br />

with their faith.<br />

Back in the States, Cook found herself<br />

trying to forget about her experiences in<br />

India.<br />

“I think I was in denial for a long time. I<br />

tried to reach out to a few people, and it<br />

was almost like they had written it off, or<br />

didn’t really take it seriously,” she said.<br />

Neither Cook nor Duson sought help<br />

from their church and pastors because<br />

they did not think anyone would sincerely<br />

listen or care for them.<br />

“I was less likely because of the persona<br />

that missionaries are ‘amazing,’ nearly<br />

superhuman at times. We’re the hands<br />

and feet of Jesus: leaving all, sacrificing<br />

all, becoming all for the least of these.<br />

It’s hard to have a pastor recite all those<br />

accolades about your work and then turn<br />

around and be like, ‘You know, today this<br />

all really feels like [bs],’” Duson said.<br />

To Cook and Duson, it did not feel like<br />


the church adequately provided for their<br />

needs in dealing with trauma from the<br />

mission field.<br />

In an article for the Journal of Psychology<br />

and <strong>The</strong>ology, Jeanne Jensma said,<br />

“It is important for churches and mission<br />

boards to understand the nature and the<br />

reasons for the aftershocks of trauma and<br />

to have an adequate and comprehensive<br />

plan in place to provide member care in<br />

the area of ministering to missionaries<br />

when they encounter critical incidents.”<br />

Eventually, Cook sought trauma therapy<br />

in order to begin processing some of<br />

what happened. <strong>The</strong> treatment she<br />

received is called eye movement desensitization<br />

and reprocessing therapy, which<br />

helps process traumatic memories.<br />

“In EMDR, however, the person is<br />

awake throughout the processing and<br />

consciously chooses to focus on the<br />

memory, despite the horror, choosing to<br />

stay with the EMDR process … until the<br />

memory has been adequately processed<br />

and detoxified. … It utilizes eye movements,<br />

sounds alternating close to the<br />

right and left ears, respectively, or gentle<br />

tappings alternating between the right<br />

and left sides of the body,” Jesma said in<br />

her article.<br />

For Cook, EMDR was extremely successful.<br />

In addition to EMDR, the best way<br />

Cook and Duson found to process what<br />

they had experienced was by talking<br />

about it and sharing what had happened<br />

with others in some form of community.<br />

For my mom’s friend, that was through<br />

talk therapy and having people, like my<br />

mom, to come alongside her and simply<br />

listen. For Cook, that was through telling<br />

her story with others who had similar<br />

experiences on mission trips.<br />

“Just being able to share those kinds of<br />

experiences helped affirm that I’m not<br />

crazy, and it wasn’t my fault,” Cook said.<br />

Cook felt there was a lack of an available<br />

“Just being able to share those kinds<br />

of experiences helped affirm that<br />

I’m not crazy, and it wasn’t my fault.”<br />

community for missionaries who have<br />

suffered trauma, which results in having<br />

a difficult transition back into the U.S.<br />

Due to this absence of community, Cook<br />

emphasized the importance of finding<br />

people who will let missionaries talk<br />

about their experiences without fear of<br />

the church, fear of the sending agency or<br />

fear of supporters feeling like they failed<br />

or wasted their money.<br />

Listening to people who are hurting can<br />

go a long ways towards healing. Missionaries<br />

who experience trauma are often<br />

too fearful of what people in the church<br />

will think if they did not have a<br />

fulfilling experience.<br />

“People who have never gone through<br />

it will expect you to come back and talk<br />

about all of the awesome things, and you<br />

feel that pressure to say, ‘I’m OK, I’m<br />

OK.’ And it’s OK to not be OK, and sit<br />

in that tension of I’m not OK, and this<br />

is how I feel today. Make sure you have<br />

people around you who won’t try to fix<br />

you,” Cook said.<br />

Broken and struggling people are not<br />

projects who need putting back together.<br />

Healing from any kind of trauma<br />

is a process that is sometimes never<br />

fully completed. For Cook, she needed<br />

someone to listen and a way to process<br />

through what had happened in India.<br />

For Duson, she needed a caring family.<br />

Neither of them have reached the perfect<br />

goal of complete healing, but they are<br />

still on this journey. How can we<br />

be present?<br />


14<br />

A Look Into Punk<br />

Photographer: Emily Inaba<br />

Designer: Amy Bucher

Punk enthusiast moshes to Pro-<br />

Youth at Programme Skate &<br />

Sound in Fullerton, Calif.<br />


Front Image: Amongst a punk<br />

community, Initiate vocalist Crystal Pak<br />

performs at a hardcore record release<br />

party in Fullerton, Calif.<br />

Top Image: Punk and Biola alumnus<br />

Josh Rosen heads over to a friend’s<br />

to play music.<br />

16<br />

After a late-night band practice, Richard Haro (left) and<br />

senior business major Tony Rangel III (right) relax by sitting on<br />

their car in Santa Fe Springs, Calif.

Both Rosen and his friend<br />

Linus Landucci personalized<br />

their guitars by<br />

hand-painting them.<br />


18<br />

As friends, punk community members and<br />

musicians Victor Velasquez (left) and Rosen enjoy<br />

playing music together.

Top: Wise band members share their<br />

sound to an audiene ready to mosh.<br />

Bottom: As an opener for Winds of<br />

Promise, Pro-Youth energizes a ready<br />

audience.<br />


Above: As Rosen plays the guitar, musician Linus Landucci chills.<br />

Below: <strong>The</strong> crowd listens as guitarist for hardcore band Wise shreds.<br />


Lead singer of Wise brings<br />

further energy to the crowd by<br />

getting up close and personal.<br />


22<br />

A Retrospective on Life Despite Conflict

Writer: Monica Kochan & Jubilee<br />

Pham<br />

Story Editor: Rebecca Mitchell<br />

Photographer: Austin Bland<br />

Designer: Rose Nickols<br />

& Cassidy Eldridge<br />

“<br />

I<br />

feel like I have done something. I survived,”<br />

said Massar Alzeyarah.<br />

Massar Alzeyarah was born in Iraq and<br />

lived in its capital, Baghdad, until he was<br />

2 or 3 years old, at which point he and<br />

his family left for Syria due to the 2003<br />

United States invasion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Iraq War, also known as the Second<br />

Persian Gulf War, included two phases, as<br />

detailed in the Encyclopedia Britannica’s<br />

entry on the subject. <strong>The</strong> first consisted of<br />

U.S. and British forces invading Iraq, resulting<br />

in a war from March to April 2003.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second phase started when the U.S.<br />

began to occupy Iraq and continued with<br />

opposition, which resulted in an almost<br />

8-year war.<br />

“After violence began to decline in 2007,<br />

the United States gradually reduced its<br />

military presence in Iraq, formally completing<br />

its withdrawal in December 2011,”<br />

the entry said.<br />

Alzeyarah considers himself Iraqi and his<br />

home to be Iraq, but also recalls his time<br />

in Syria fondly. This is the place where he<br />

spent 10 or 11 years of his life; this time is<br />

one that he recalls with happiness as well<br />

as a sadness brought on by the Syrian Civil<br />

War’s invasion of life as he once knew it.<br />

“I had a really fun time there, except at<br />

the end, when the war started,” Alzeyarah<br />

said. “I made a lot of friends, and I was<br />

really close to them, and I consider them<br />

family. We used to hang out every day, all<br />

day, play soccer together, eat together …<br />

like we did all the things together. That’s<br />

why we’re family; we still talk until this<br />

day.”<br />


Alzeyarah paints Syria through his eyes,<br />

illustrating what was personal to him and<br />

presenting some of its subtler beauties.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>y [the Syrians] have their own accent;<br />

they don’t speak the way that Iraqis<br />

speak, and I really love it; I feel like it’s<br />

better and easier to talk,” Alzeyarah said.<br />

“And then, I love the mountains … ‘cause<br />

I lived in Damascus … so … there’s a lot<br />

of mountains, a lot of nature; you always<br />

see green stuff, like trees. This is what I<br />

loved about Damascus, and I loved the<br />

old cities ‘cause they don’t really develop<br />

them, so the old cities of Damascus [are]<br />

still old, even the tiles are old; everything<br />

is old; there’s some places that even cars<br />

can’t get into.”<br />

Alzeyarah remembers when he had free<br />

access to the mountains, climbing up to<br />

the top with friends, drinking tea and having<br />

fun. That is, until the war began, and<br />

the Free Syrian Army seized the mountains<br />

to use them as a shooting position<br />

and a means to gain more control.<br />

When that started, Alzeyarah recounts<br />

they could no longer climb the mountains<br />

as they once had.<br />

“It made us all feel bad; we all were<br />

speechless. We thought it was gonna<br />

end in a month. On Fridays, that’s when<br />

people go out and protest. So on every<br />

single Friday, we say, ‘OK, this is the<br />

Friday that the war’s going to end’ … but<br />

it never ended,” Alzeyarah said. “We all<br />

lost people, family members, and we felt<br />

really bad. I don’t know; I can’t really<br />

explain. I always felt I was gonna be next,<br />

but fortunately, nope. I’m alive.”<br />

A year after the Syrian Civil War began<br />

in 2011, when Alzeyarah was 13, he and<br />

his family moved to Turkey. His father<br />

assured him that the move would only be<br />

temporary, but that was not to be. Later,<br />

while in Turkey, Alzeyarah again inquired<br />

about returning to Syria.<br />

“I was telling my dad, ‘Are we really going<br />

back?’ And he was like, ‘Nope, we’re<br />

not,’” Alzeyarah said. “[That] was my<br />

saddest moment.”<br />

Alzeyarah did his best to adjust to living<br />

in Turkey, but struggled there—describing<br />

that time of life as miserable.<br />

“I did not speak that much Turkish,<br />

though, so [it] was a struggle to me. I had<br />

a really hard time. I failed almost all my<br />

classes, except for soccer and mathematics<br />

… and I think computer science too,”<br />

Alzeyarah said.<br />

After living in Turkey for two years, he<br />

and his family left for the U.S. under refugee<br />

status. He came to America with his<br />

parents and two of his brothers, Mohammed<br />

and Samer, but has not seen his other<br />

brother Murad since the day he left Iraq<br />

and hopes to meet him again soon.<br />

“I’m really close to them,” Alzeyarah said.<br />

“We don’t hang out that much, but when<br />

we are at my house [in the U.S.], we are<br />

really connected.”<br />

Alzeyarah is Muslim. He and his family<br />

observe Ramadan—a 30-day time of fasting<br />

and penitence ending in Eid al-Fitr—<br />

by fasting for 16 hours each day.<br />

Alzeyarah continues to talk to his friends<br />

in Syria—whom he considers family—but<br />

they do not discuss the war for safety reasons<br />

and to avoid unhappy memories; he<br />

and his friends just want to talk like they<br />

always have, to have fun and to laugh.<br />

When Alzeyarah considers his life being<br />

preserved, he expresses gratitude.<br />

“I feel grateful, but I feel pretty bad. I feel<br />

grateful and thankful to God that he did<br />

not decide my moment to die, well at least<br />

not that moment, not in Syria, and I got<br />

to live my life,” Alzeyarah said. “This is<br />

a good thing because we can only live it<br />

once, and some people lost the chance to<br />

live it, but I didn’t, not yet.”<br />


Transition to Life<br />

in America<br />

Alzeyarah and his family moved to the<br />

U.S. primarily for “a better future, education<br />

and safety.” Although a representative<br />

from a migration organization promised<br />

that another agency would welcome<br />

him and his family and provide transportation<br />

for them, no one was waiting<br />

there. <strong>The</strong> representative also promised a<br />

month-long apartment rental and some<br />

free food, but they did not receive these<br />

either. His father contacted his friend<br />

who reached out to a Voice of the Refugees<br />

employee, Fadi, and the two of them<br />

picked up him and his family. According<br />

to their website, Voice of the Refugees is<br />

a “faith-based, 501(c)3 non-profit serving<br />

the local refugee communities in Orange<br />

County.”<br />

Ryan Clark, volunteer coordinator and<br />

programs administrator for Voice of the<br />

Refugees, explains the groups of people<br />

they serve within the context of their<br />

community.<br />

“With the demographics this year [2017],<br />

you need to know that there are official<br />

refugees through the United Nations,<br />

which defines them as a refugee. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are pre-approved. <strong>The</strong> other’s an asylum<br />

seeker who’ve come here seeking asylum,<br />

and they go through the immigration<br />

hearing. <strong>The</strong> third is the immigrant,”<br />

Clark said. “This is Little Arabia, where<br />

we’re at. We’re next to a brand new Arabic<br />

sweets shop, and there’s a Palestinian<br />

barber, and then there’s a Lebanese<br />

restaurant here. This is a huge cultural<br />

area … so we serve those three groups.<br />

What we’re doing to serve them in terms<br />

of services is going to be … education<br />

type, job-related or economic type service[s]<br />

and social and donation-based.”<br />

For Alzeyarah, the process of adjusting<br />

to the U.S. has been relatively smooth<br />

except for the first few months of living<br />

here and the early stages of improving<br />

his English.<br />

“I spent a lonely three months before<br />

school started … and then, I was a sophomore,<br />

so I did not really have friends,<br />

and my dad was busy doing papers, like<br />

Social Security, ID and stuff, so we did<br />

not really go out, so I had to go play soccer<br />

at Cyprus,” Alzeyarah said. “I went<br />

there, play[ed] soccer, and then I [would]<br />

go back home, I swim, and I did that for<br />

like three months in a row by myself.”<br />

Clark also identifies this reality as one encountered<br />

by refugees and walks through<br />

VOR’s efforts to address it.<br />

“Isolation is the refugee’s biggest need<br />

that’s not practical. What I mean is, it’s<br />

crippling to be isolated. If we all went to<br />

Iraq tomorrow and lived in separate corners<br />

and didn’t know each other, plunged<br />

into there, no language, no orientation<br />

of culture, you’d feel totally lost. You lose<br />

your social network, so you no longer feel<br />

like you have any valuable community. So<br />

isolation is crippling and can almost start<br />

to wither away inside them,” Clark said.<br />

“So we provide … a community where<br />

they feel valued and loved and inside, feel<br />

alive.”<br />

Although Alzeyarah has experienced<br />

some difficulties since arriving, he has<br />

transitioned well to life here, receiving<br />

help from teachers at school and volunteers<br />

at VOR. He and his family plan to<br />

apply for citizenship at the beginning of<br />

next year.<br />


Perspective on<br />

World Events<br />

In considering the state of the refugee crises<br />

in 2017, Alzeyarah shares his thoughts on<br />

the world’s responses.<br />

“I like how Europe is responding to it<br />

because they’re letting refugees in, not into<br />

camps, but into houses, and they give them<br />

jobs. <strong>The</strong>y have the right to go to school<br />

… and they do that in America, if you get<br />

a visa. But what I don’t like in the Middle<br />

East is how they created camps for them,<br />

and [have been] saying that, ‘<strong>The</strong>re are<br />

too many refugees, and our countries are<br />

too small; we can’t really let them in,’”<br />

Alzeyarah said.<br />

Alzeyarah remembers how Syria welcomed<br />

in the refugees of Lebanon, Iraq and other<br />

countries when they were at war.<br />

“Syria let them in,” Alzeyarah said. “I<br />

don’t like how Middle Eastern countries are<br />

responding to it because I mean we should<br />

be connected ‘cause we are Middle Eastern,<br />

but we [are] not, not how Europe, Germany,<br />

Sweden and these other countries [who<br />

have] treated refugees a lot better than we<br />

treated them.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> reason for this rejection of refugees is<br />

politics, Alzeyarah asserts.<br />

“We just hate each other, politically, so<br />

if I see a Yemeni or like [hypothetically]<br />

Iraqi, Syrian, I don’t really hate them<br />

[personally], but politically, yeah we do,”<br />

Alzeyarah said.<br />

Despite tension between the Kurds and<br />

Iraqis—resulting from the Kurds’ past<br />

and current efforts to reclaim their independence<br />

as a nation—Alzeyarah, and<br />

his friend, Basel, who is Kurdish, have a<br />

close bond akin to brotherhood.<br />

“We really [talk], but we never get in<br />

fights. I mean when we get to the point<br />

that we [are] gonna fight, we stop it,”<br />

Alzeyarah said.<br />

For context, according to an in-depth<br />

feature by Foreign Policy and articles by<br />

<strong>The</strong> New York Times and <strong>The</strong> Washington<br />

Post, president of the Iraqi Kurdistan<br />

area Masoud Barzani proceeded with<br />

the referendum, and it did pass. <strong>The</strong><br />

vote, which was expanded to disputed<br />

territories, was 93 percent “yes.” Though<br />

the vote passed in theory, it did not do so<br />

in reality, simultaneously not producing<br />

an independent state for Iraqi Kurds<br />

and triggering a response from Prime<br />

Minister Haider al-Abadi’s Baghdad government.<br />

Likely with Iran’s involvement,<br />

Abadi forged a deal with the Patriotic<br />

Union of Kurdistan and reclaimed authority<br />

in the Kirkuk oil fields and other<br />

disputed territories.<br />

Personal<br />

Philosophy<br />

War touching Alzeyarah’s childhood in<br />

such an abrupt and violent manner produced<br />

a feeling foreign to that innocent<br />

space.<br />

“It made me feel like I’m older than my<br />

age ‘cause I went through things that<br />

people at my age do not go through, like<br />

leaving the country at a young age ‘cause<br />

of war, seeing people being killed like<br />

when I was 11, 12 years old, which a kid’s<br />

not supposed to see, seeing people … protesting<br />

and [shot] by soldiers,” Alzeyarah<br />

said. “People in our age … are supposed<br />

to be thinking about toys and stuff, but<br />

we were thinking about guns, appointing<br />

a new president that is good and about<br />

stuff … people in our age should not think<br />

about, that’s what made us feel older than<br />

our age.”<br />

Alzeyarah’s note to the world is one of<br />

acceptance, nonviolence and unity.<br />

“I just want people to know that we are<br />

normal people, not terrorists, not people<br />

[who] are coming here to create problems.<br />

We just want to be treated … like humans,<br />

and that’s all I want,” Alezayarah said<br />

.<br />


He also gives a definition of love, that<br />

of remaining loyal and being present for<br />

anyone who needs it.<br />

“Love is life … Without love, like, what<br />

happened in Syria is because there’s no<br />

love. People don’t love each other …<br />

[Some] Shia hate Sunnis. Sunnis hate<br />

Kurdish. Kurdish hate Shia. That’s why<br />

they’re always getting in wars and fights<br />

… ‘cause they don’t love each other,” Alzeyarah<br />

said. “So apparently if you don’t<br />

love, if there’s no love, then there’s crisis.”<br />

Alzeyarah recognizes the reality that<br />

violence occurs on multiple sides and has<br />

a desire for the world to have an increased<br />

awareness of war.<br />

“I just want people to pay attention more<br />

to Iraq, Syria and all these countries …<br />

[to] people that are being killed … ‘cause<br />

some countries are supporting ISIS; some<br />

others are supporting the Free Army;<br />

some of them are supporting the Syrian<br />

Army, so they all are like, ‘We are in the<br />

fight,’” Alzeyarah said. “That’s not going<br />

to stop the fighting. So I just want all the<br />

world to pay attention to that more, and<br />

be mature about it, and if they are really<br />

willing to stop the war, then they should<br />

… [stop] supporting these armies by giving<br />

them more things … I don’t support<br />

people who kill. I support humans.”<br />

Alzeyarah’s wish is one for everyone.<br />

“I just want to be successful and live<br />

happily, not me, all people. Not only me,<br />

I mean all people,” Alzeyarah said. “I just<br />

want to live happily and peacefully, with<br />

no wars and killings and shootings and<br />

bombings.”<br />

Alzeyarah’s dream is to one day return<br />

to Iraq and help rebuild it as its president<br />

and architect. He holds a vision for<br />

harmony between people of different<br />

backgrounds.<br />

“I just don’t want racism,” Alezayarah<br />

said. “And I don’t want people to be divided<br />

‘cause we are all the same … love.”<br />

24 27


What Happens When We Take from the Tree<br />

Writer: Jasmyne Bell<br />

Story Editor: Kendall Jarboe<br />

Photographer: Maddi Seyfarth<br />

Designer: Lindsey Hayden<br />

In America, life is lived in a sex-crazed<br />

culture. Seventy-two percent of<br />

men and 28 percent of women are<br />

addicted to pornography. <strong>The</strong> average age<br />

of exposure for boys is 8 years old and 11<br />

years old for girls, according to the Daily<br />

Mail. Before their brains have reached full<br />

development, children are being set up<br />

for a sexual downfall. <strong>The</strong> Daily Mail also<br />

informs readers that the next generation is<br />

growing up in a world where pornography<br />

is more accessible than in any other time<br />

in history. Children are on their smartphones<br />

every night before bed scrolling<br />

through Instagram and checking Snapchat.<br />

Feeding a premature mind obscene<br />

content has consequences in the long run<br />

and extends further than the individual<br />

themselves.<br />

<strong>The</strong> media tells the public that porn consumption<br />

is a healthy way to get to know<br />

their sexuality better, and will leave them<br />

more satisfied in the end. Others would<br />

argue that pornography is not really an<br />

issue and that people have the power to<br />

control their intake. However, in an article<br />

from Wired, porn addiction has been<br />

likened to that of crack cocaine. Because<br />

of the 24/7 access to the internet, porn<br />

addiction is harder to get rid of than<br />

narcotic drugs. An individual can clear<br />

their system of drugs, but mental images<br />

are harder to erase. A study conducted by<br />

Mary Anne Layden, Director of Education<br />

at the University of Pennsylvania’s<br />

Center for Cognitive <strong>The</strong>rapy, concluded<br />

that porn is the, “most concerning thing<br />

to psychological health that we know of<br />

existing today.”<br />

On the surface, watching explicit media<br />

seems less harmful because the consumer<br />

believes they are in control. What is seen<br />

on a screen is detached from the real<br />

world, and consumers forget to consider<br />

the emotional and mental toll it takes on<br />

their minds. Due to this phenomenon of<br />

detachment from reality, Tech Addiction<br />

reports severe clinical depression is twice<br />

as frequent among internet pornography<br />

viewers compared to non-viewers. Many<br />

use pornography as a form of escapism,<br />

according to the Cabin Hong Kong.<br />

Using porn to numb one’s perception of<br />

reality is not uncommon.<br />

When someone is depressed, they have a<br />

chemical imbalance in their brain. Covenant<br />

Eyes wrote an article breaking down<br />

the brain chemicals that are released when<br />

viewing porn, and why these chemicals<br />

cause addiction. When a consumer views<br />

porn, it releases dopamine, which leads to<br />

people feeling a temporary high. When<br />

this chemical is released into a region of<br />

the brain responsible for emotions and<br />

learning, it gives the consumer a feeling<br />

of attachment. <strong>The</strong> brain then craves the<br />

source of the dopamine release. Because<br />

porn gives viewers a sense of fleeting<br />

pleasure, it is easy to get hooked. During<br />

the beginning stages of porn addiction,<br />

the brain also experiences a rush of norepinephrine,<br />

leading the brain to be alert<br />

and focused as well as prepared for the<br />

rush of dopamine. After going through<br />

the routine multiple times, the brain and<br />

body get familiar with the rush, which<br />

kick-starts a bad habit that is hard to<br />

break.<br />

Pornography has effects on individual<br />

after individual. While there is a difference<br />

between the way men and women<br />

express their sexuality, both are able to<br />

fall into addiction. In addition, Biola<br />

alumnus Jacob Keeth reflects on the lack<br />

of differences between men and women<br />

who struggle with porn addiction.<br />

“We need to do away with the false<br />

dichotomy that ‘men are visual and<br />

women are feelers, they just want human<br />

connection, men want physicality.’ That<br />

is a gross oversimplification of gender<br />

and biological difference between men<br />

and women,” Keeth said. “Physiologically,<br />

psychologically speaking men and<br />

women are different. <strong>The</strong> Bible, too, affirms<br />

gender difference. However, when<br />

it comes to pornography, men and women<br />

are far more similar, I believe, than<br />

what we’re often willing to consider.”<br />


Physical needs have little to do with the<br />

matter of porn addiction. <strong>The</strong> needs are<br />

deeply rooted in emotional triggers. <strong>The</strong><br />

physical urgency for affection, love or<br />

possibly control are what ultimately drives<br />

the viewer. In an article from Psychology<br />

Today, people who have developed an<br />

addiction to porn are stunted in emotional<br />

maturity because of their tendency<br />

in attempting to fill a mental void. <strong>The</strong><br />

emotional isolation that comes with consistently<br />

viewing explicit content lessens<br />

the possibility of being able to register<br />

the reality of intimacy when it comes to<br />

sexual encounters outside of a computer<br />

screen.<br />

Culturally, men are more susceptible to<br />

watching porn, and for this reason there<br />

are more resources for men to seek help.<br />

<strong>The</strong> normalization of “locker room talk”<br />

and misogynistic language amongst men<br />

has enabled the behavior of hypersexuality.<br />

<strong>The</strong> violence in porn is known to tweak<br />

the wiring in men’s brains, according to<br />

Fight the New Drug. Eventually, the brain<br />

gets used to the stimulation and will crave<br />

something else. Usually, this equates to<br />

something even more violent, such as<br />

“Christians cannot<br />

lift one another up<br />

if they allow shame to<br />

overshadow forgiveness.”<br />

sexual assault and rape culture, as found<br />

in a study done by Fight the New Drug.<br />

When women are objectified and abused<br />

in media, it prompts men to treat women<br />

with less respect.<br />

While the issue of pornography addiction<br />

is mostly seen as a man’s problem, there<br />

have been a growing number of women<br />

sharing about their own struggles. Junior<br />

elementary education major Meagan<br />

Chung weighs in on this assumption.<br />

“I think over the years it has been seen<br />

as a ‘man’s sin.’ But it truly is a problem<br />

and sin for both men and women. Also,<br />

I think society paints women as innocent<br />

and pure which adds to the shame that a<br />

woman may feel when they are faced with<br />

an addiction to porn. It makes it harder<br />

to reach out for help or even confess that<br />

they have a problem,” Chung said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> societal influence Chung discusses extends<br />

to women not being seen as sexual<br />

beings unless they are being objectified,<br />

confessing an addiction to pornography<br />

as a woman can be agonizing. Society<br />

assumes men to unapologetically express<br />

their sexuality, which creates an imbalance<br />

between the expectations placed on men<br />

and women. This toxic expectation also<br />

affects the message preached in church<br />

youth groups. Growing up, children are<br />

taught a polarized contrast between the<br />

male and female expression of sexuality.<br />

Boys are taught that it is bad to watch<br />

porn, but they will be forgiven. Girls<br />

are taught not let boys touch them, and<br />

they will lose their purity if it happens.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se messages mean well, but they taint<br />

children’s view of sexuality and push them<br />

into a shameful corner when someone<br />

mentions the word, “porn.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> deafening silence around the subject<br />

of porn in the church has done much<br />

more harm than help. Lisa Igram, Dean<br />

of Student Wellness, shared some valuable<br />

advice to those combating addiction.<br />

“No habit can stop cold turkey. By the<br />

grace and power of God, maybe it can.<br />

But that’s generally not how our brains<br />

and bodies work. Let’s say last month,<br />

you gave in five or six times. This month,<br />

you can shoot for fewer times. That’s not<br />

giving yourself permission to do it three<br />

or four times instead but just go through<br />

each day,” Igram said. “I think so much<br />

of the shame comes from falling short<br />

and then starting the cycle over again. Just<br />

because you fell that one time after two<br />

weeks of refraining doesn’t mean you’re<br />

done for. It means you have the opportunity<br />

to start over again the next day<br />

because the Lord’s mercies are new every<br />

morning.”<br />

Men and women of all ages need to be<br />

equipped with ways to flee temptation and<br />

not be expected to figure it out on their<br />

own. Silence on a topic does not mean it<br />

will disappear, it probably means it will<br />

get worse. To put people to shame when<br />

they are struggling creates an atmosphere<br />

of distrust. As the body of Christ, we are<br />

called to edify each other. We cannot lift<br />

one another up if we are allowing shame<br />

to overshadow forgiveness. When God<br />

called for Adam and Eve in the garden,<br />

they immediately hid. Bound in fig leaves<br />

and shame, they did not understand the<br />

concept of grace. Do not let yourself be<br />

covered in guilt, but allow grace to meet<br />

you where you are at.<br />



Writer: Rachel Gaugler<br />

Story Editor: Megan Josep<br />

Photographer: Eliana Park &<br />

Victoria Orozco<br />

Designer: Nichole Landon<br />

Cultural appropriation, whitewashing,<br />

stereotyping, ethnocentrism.<br />

When discussing<br />

the representation of different cultures<br />

in media, these terms are prevalent<br />

throughout interviews, statistics, real-life<br />

stories, and the mindsets of producers,<br />

writers, and directors in the industry.<br />

From Marvel’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming”<br />

to Netflix’s “To All the Boys<br />

I’ve Loved Before,” the film industry<br />

aims to entertain the audience by<br />

telling stories of “relatable” characters<br />

and plots. But, how relatable can they<br />

be when they represent one aspect of<br />

society?<br />

A study on “Racial and Gender Differences<br />

in the Relationship Between Children’s<br />

Television Use and Self-Esteem,”<br />

revealed that for every hour of television<br />

consumed by children, the self-esteem of<br />

black children and white girls significantly<br />

lowered while the self-esteem of<br />

white boys increased. <strong>The</strong>re becomes no<br />

question as to why when superheroes are<br />

mostly white men.<br />

Abel Vang, Assistant Professor in the<br />

Biola Cinema and Media Arts Department,<br />

recounted his own childhood<br />

experience.<br />

“When you’re a kid you don’t see color.<br />

I love Spiderman, I love Batman, I love<br />

Superman, but as I grew up, I thought,<br />

‘Wait, Superman doesn’t look like me.<br />

Superman looks like that other kid<br />

over there.’ You feel like your value<br />

isn’t worth as much as some other guys<br />

because they’re the heroes on the screen<br />

and the cool people on TV,” Vang said.<br />

Why is it that Hollywood is fixed on the<br />

notion that whites make up the majority<br />

when demographically<br />

To Be Seen on the<br />

Big Screen<br />




America is changing?<br />

A study called, “Beyond Black and White:<br />

Metropolitan residential segregation in<br />

multi-ethnic America,” found that the<br />

number of Hispanics, African-Americans,<br />

Pacific Islanders, and American Indians<br />

have grown more rapidly than the white<br />

population in the last few decades. This is<br />

mainly due to the increase in children of<br />

color and the decrease of white children in<br />

the United States.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lack of total representation in film consequently<br />

makes individuals feel invisible.<br />

When the big screen is a reflection of how<br />

individuals view society, it is vital that it is<br />

wholly inclusive and accurate, as Associate<br />

Professor of Cinema and Media Arts Lisa<br />

Swain believes.<br />

As author of “Reel Inequality: Hollywood<br />

Actors and Racism,” Sociology Department<br />

chair and Associate Professor of Sociology<br />

Dr. Nancy Wang Yuen shared on representation<br />

in media. In a Huffington Post<br />

article, she stated how the recent representation<br />

of Asian-Americans in film is a<br />

huge step forward for minorities. Growing<br />

up Asian-American, Yuen found it difficult<br />

to relate to her favorite movies because the<br />

main lead never looked like her. She was<br />

pleasantly surprised this past August when<br />

the main character of a Netflix romantic<br />

comedy featured an Asian-American female<br />

lead.<br />

“It makes a real difference when the protagonist<br />

looks like you. When I saw ‘To All the<br />

Boys I’ve Loved Before,’ I felt seen for the<br />

first time in a rom-com,” Yuen said in her<br />

article.<br />

However, there is still a great disparity<br />

between the representation of white people<br />

and people of color in film. In a study<br />

called, “Inequality in 900 Popular Films,”<br />

statistics revealed that, in terms of invisibility,<br />

a total of 25 of the top 100 films of 2016<br />

did not feature a single African-American<br />

or black speaking character on screen. A<br />

total of 54 films were completely absent of<br />

Latino speaking characters. Forty-four films<br />

were missing any Asian or Asian-American<br />

speaking characters. <strong>The</strong>se findings also<br />

highlight that many of said roles portrayed<br />

by people of color are minor roles and<br />

afflicted with stereotypes that minorities<br />

cannot escape.<br />

Films continue to be plagued with stereotypes<br />

attached to people of color and<br />

women. No matter the genre, minorities<br />

quickly and frequently become criminals,<br />

terrorists, sexual objects or sidekicks to white<br />

heroes and whitewashed characters. When<br />

films influence societal perceptions, these<br />

stereotypes can become dangerous and<br />

detrimental to one’s identity.<br />

“Media is so influential in what we believe<br />

in society. Culture plays a huge role in our<br />

stories. It is important to represent these<br />

stories that are untold,” said Michelle La,<br />

actress in the feature film “Searching.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> lack of total<br />

representation in<br />

film consequently<br />

makes individuals<br />

feel invisible.<br />

A problem arises when these stories are not<br />

only untold but told wrong. Each story is<br />

unique to one’s culture and deserves to be<br />

heard correctly. However, the harsh cycle<br />

continues. How can one’s story be heard<br />

correctly when they are not even given the<br />

chance to be told?<br />

Among Biola film professors, including<br />

Vang, Swain and Associate Professor Dean<br />

Yamada, there is a consensus that change<br />

will come only when Hollywood stops<br />

limiting actors of color to one-dimensional<br />

characters. In order to fight these stereotypes,<br />

Hollywood needs to produce more<br />

films that feature people of color.<br />

“You’re going to need a whole body of films<br />

in order to represent any one community.<br />

Because we are not given the chance to<br />

showcase people of color, there are not<br />

enough films. Even if one comes out, it<br />

only represents the community through one<br />

lens,” Vang said.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are so many different kinds of films<br />

starring white people that the Caucasian<br />

community is seen through myriad lenses.<br />

Consequently, stereotypes cannot harm<br />

white culture since there are ample opportunities<br />

given to represent other aspects of<br />

it. People of color are not given the same<br />

chance.<br />

“If you’re a minority, you’re always fighting<br />

stereotypes,” La said.<br />

It is necessary to create more three-dimensional<br />

characters of color in a larger body<br />

of films. Ultimately, the question of whether<br />

or not these stories are told falls into the<br />

hands of producers, directors and writers.<br />

But, when the ladder to the top is scarcely<br />

extended to people of color, the responsibility<br />

falls on to those who are already in these<br />

positions to speak up for their community.<br />

“As an Asian-American filmmaker, I think<br />

that our representation ultimately falls into<br />

our hands. If I want that story, I have to get<br />

out there and do it,” Vang said.<br />

Individuals in power need to initiate change.<br />

Only then will viewers start to see themselves<br />

on the big screen.<br />

“Not only did we see movies such as ‘Crazy<br />

Rich Asians,’ ‘Searching’ and ‘To All the<br />

Boys I’ve Loved Before,’ but we saw them<br />

do well. Money talks in the industry. When<br />

these films make money, Hollywood listens<br />

and will continue to make them,” Yamada<br />

said.<br />

We need to be open to seeing how others<br />

who are different from us live life from a<br />

completely different cultural lens. We must<br />

strive to be inclusive, encouraging and supportive.<br />

We, as a community, need to break<br />

down cultural barriers, fight stereotypes and<br />

take a risk by representing everyone in film.<br />

Television is no longer in black and white. It<br />

is time we recognize the beauty of its color.<br />

It is time we see the Lara Jeans in films<br />

instead of focusing on the Peter Kavinskys.<br />


World-changer.<br />

Life-impacter.<br />

Culture-bridger.<br />





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