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<strong>JB</strong>CIA Director Interview p. 10-19<br />
<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
<strong>Winter</strong> Wonderland<br />
Holiday Cheer p. 28 • Spas p. 30-33 • Hiking p. 36-39<br />
2023 새만금 World<br />
Scout Jamboree p. 8-9<br />
Kimjang p. 24-27<br />
Muju Ski Resort p. 38-39<br />
Iksan p. 40-42<br />
Imsil Santa Fest p. 43<br />
<strong>Winter</strong> Photography p. 44-47
Jeonbuk Life<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s International <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13<br />
Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284<br />
전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)<br />
PHONE 063-214-5605<br /><br /><br /><br />
Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> is published by the Jeonbuk Center<br />
for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.<br />
Manager Peter Yi<br />
Managing Editor Axel Lemus<br />
Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
ART & DESIGN<br />
Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim, Axel Lemus, Aaron Snowberger,<br />
Silayan Casino, Valerie Merrick, Megan Snowberger,<br />
Nicholas Haslam, Su Hyun Jin, YouJeong Sun, Peter Yi<br />
Seong Jin Kim, Umesh Sampath, David<br />
Buule, Marli Janse Van Vuuren<br />
Letter from the Editor<br />
As the weather drops, layers of clothing become thicker, nights<br />
seem longer, and the atmosphere turns into an unmistakable<br />
dark, muted colors. <strong>Winter</strong> has come and it brought with it mixed<br />
feelings of surprise and wistfulness, prompting us to ask—where<br />
has the year gone? We have seen the constant changes in<br />
Jeollabuk-do as the seasons passed, went to places old and new,<br />
and tasted the rich flavors that this vibrant province has to offer.<br />
Before we enter the New Year, we explored two sides of winter<br />
depending on how people may welcome this season: an exciting<br />
adventure trail for thrill-seekers used to negative-degree<br />
temperatures and a calming hot spa experience for those who<br />
would rather warm their souls. Of course, it would be a sin to<br />
forget to tell the tradition of making the staple in every Korean<br />
household: the Gimjang, or the yearly communal making of the<br />
famous side dish that’s become more of a cultural norm than a<br />
tedious task. Speaking of culture, we also spent a day in Iksan<br />
to learn about the origins of a historical temple and gazed at<br />
rare relics, explored the small town’s priced specialties in the<br />
public market, and slowed down with a cup of hot coffee at an<br />
enchanting cafe that sits on a mountaintop.<br />
So whether you choose to hibernate and bury yourself under<br />
the covers or be active and embrace the season in all its biting<br />
cold glory, we hope you find warmth and comfort in this friendly,<br />
homey side of Korea.<br />
Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do<br />
Center for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA). Our goal is to<br />
spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as<br />
well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea<br />
and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.<br />
Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
<strong>JB</strong> Life Editor<br />
To get involved, email<br />
2 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
In This Issue<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA Kimjang Saunas Sights<br />
Director Interview - p. 10-19 UNESCO Cultural Heritage - p. 24-25 Warm up in a public bath - p. 30-33 Get out & see the sights - p. 38-47<br />
4Noteworthy<br />
Korean summaries p. 4-7<br />
News p. 8-9<br />
Saemangeum & the World<br />
Boyscout Jamboree<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA News p. 10-19<br />
—Interview with Director Kim...<br />
—<strong>2018</strong> Accomplishments p. 16<br />
Festival News p. 20-21<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA International<br />
Exchange Festival<br />
Interview p. 22-23<br />
Korea Immigration &<br />
Integration Program<br />
i<br />
24<br />
Culture<br />
Kimjang p. 24-25<br />
UNESCO Intangilble<br />
Cultural Heritage<br />
Kimjang Experience p. 26<br />
Kimchi making: Family-style<br />
Recipe p. 27<br />
Kimjang kimchi<br />
28<br />
Experience<br />
Shopping p. 28-29<br />
Budget Holiday Gifts<br />
<strong>JB</strong> Life Contributors<br />
Spa Experience p. 30-31<br />
Warm up in a Korean<br />
public bath<br />
Spa Experience p. 32-33<br />
Spa LaQua<br />
Hiking in <strong>Winter</strong> p. 34-37<br />
A Practical Guide<br />
k<br />
38<br />
Travel<br />
Muju p. 38-39<br />
The Deogyusan Ski Resort<br />
Iksan p. 40-42<br />
Mireuksa Temple & Museum<br />
Imsil p. 43<br />
Santa Festival<br />
Photography p. 44-47<br />
Jeolla Dialect ~잉 p. 47<br />
Silayan Casino<br />
Valerie Merrick<br />
Dianne<br />
Pineda-Kim<br />
Aaron Snowberger<br />
Megan<br />
Snowberger<br />
Nicholas Haslam<br />
Su Hyun Jin<br />
Axel Lemus YuJung Seo Seong Jin Kim Marli Janse<br />
Van Vuuren<br />
Umesh Sampath David Buule Peter Yi<br />
겨울호 먼역<br />
번역: 이민석<br />
번역: 서유정<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
KIIP Interview<br />
(사회통합프로그램)<br />
Kimjang:<br />
Intangible Cultural Heritage<br />
(한국의 무형문화)<br />
Kimjang:<br />
Kimchi making<br />
(김치 만들기)<br />
page 25 (번역 서유정) pages 26-27 (번역 이민석) pages 28-29 (번역 이민석)<br />
미국에서 온 Silayan Casino(이하 Sil)<br />
는 10여년전 한국에 와 영어를 가르치기<br />
시작했다. Silayan의 KIIP 프로그램(Korean<br />
Immigration and Integration Program;<br />
사회통합프로그램)을 통한 한국어 능력 향상에<br />
대해 이야기 해보고자 한다.<br />
김장은 한국에서 매년 진행되는 문화이며 2013년 유네스코의 '무형문화유산'에<br />
등재되었다. 전국의 모든 가정이 이 연례행사에 참여하지만, 정해진 날짜는 없으며,<br />
1년 동안 김치를 담그는 관습은 지역 또는 가정마다 각기 다르다.<br />
김치라는 단어는 소금, 해산물, 양념 등으로 발효시키고 보존한 음식의 종류를<br />
의미한다. 사실 김치는 수백 가지 종류가 있지만 가장 흔한 두 가지는 배추 및<br />
무김치 두 가지이며, 김장 시 대체로 그 두 김치를 가장 많이 준비한다. 김치의<br />
한국에 살면서 김치를 만드는 문화인 김장은 반드시<br />
경험해봐야 하는 문화적 경험이다. 한국인들은 겨울이<br />
시작하기 전에 김치를 만드는데, 왜냐하면 몇몇<br />
재료들은 겨울철에 구하는 것이 불가능하기 때문이다.<br />
2주전 토요일, 나와 처남 및 친척 일가들은 20<br />
분 거리에 있는 논밭에 가서 9~10개 바구니의<br />
KIIP프로그램은 한국의 언어, 문화, 관습 등에<br />
대해 잘 모르는 외국인들을 위해 시작되었다.<br />
프로그램은 6개 레벨로 되어 있는데, 레벨 0~4<br />
는 생활 회화와 문화, 레벨 5는 한국어 과정이 다<br />
끝나고 한국 사회에 대해서만 수업 한다. 레벨<br />
0은 한글기초(자음, 모음 등) 20시간, 나머지<br />
단계들은 100시간으로 구성되어있다.<br />
가장 초기형태는 오늘날 잘 알려진 밝은 홍고추 없이 만들어졌다. 고추는 17세기<br />
초 포르투갈 무역업자들에 의해 동아시아에 처음 소개되었지만 19세기 초까지는<br />
김치를 만드는데 널리 쓰이지 않았다.<br />
한반도의 북쪽 지방에서 만들어진 김치가 남쪽 지방으로 내려가면서 만들어진<br />
것보다 덜 맵고 짠 경향이 있다는 것을 알고 있을지도 모른다. 왜냐하면 지역 별<br />
온도 차이 때문이다. 김치는 전통적으로 큰 항아리에 발효되어 그것을 보존하기<br />
위해 땅에 보관한다. 또한, 소금과 양념은 김치를 더 오래 보존하는데 도움을<br />
배추를 수확하여 돌아왔다. 이와 같이 김장 시작<br />
며칠 전에는 에 반드시 필요한 식재료들을 사전에<br />
모아둬야 한다. 김장에 필요한 재료로는 고추,<br />
고추장, 발효소금, 배추 등이 있다. 김치를 담그기<br />
전, 양념을 준비하고 배추를 씻어서 적어도 하루<br />
이상 건조시켜야 한다. 배추가 젖었을 때 김치를<br />
담그면 그 맛이 떨어지기 때문이다.<br />
Sil은 레벨 3과 4 과정은 마쳤으나, 아직 레벨<br />
4단계의 시험을 치르지는 않았다. Sil의 최종<br />
목표는 한국에서 영주권을 얻는 것이다. 전주는<br />
Sil의 제2의 고향이며, 다문화 사회의 구성원이<br />
되었지만, 아직 가장 어려운 점은 언어의<br />
장벽이다.<br />
주고, 남쪽의 온도가 더 높기 때문에, 더 많은 소금과 향신료를 사용한다. 하지만<br />
요즘은 김치를 다양한 발효 단계에서 최적의 온도로 유지하도록 특별히 설계된<br />
김치 냉장고를 많은 가정에서 사용하고 있다.<br />
전통적으로 김장은 1년 단위로 진행한다. 각 가정은 봄이 되면 새우, 멸치, 그리고<br />
다른 해산물을 모아 소금과 함께 발효시킨다. 여름에는 바다 소금을 모아 바다<br />
소금 특유의 짠맛과 쓴맛을 제거한다. 또한 늦여름에는 수확된 고추를 건조시키고<br />
그간 떨어져 지내던 가족들이 다 함께 모여<br />
김장을 하는 것은 서로의 근황과 일상도 물을<br />
수 있고 여러 이야기들을 할 수 있는 따뜻하고<br />
아늑한 환경이 조성된다. 그 뿐만이 아니라 이런<br />
분위기속에 가족들은 서로 놀리면서 시간을<br />
보내게 된다. 지난 일요일에 난 처음으로 김장을<br />
하기 위해 처남의 집에 갔는데 그 과정이 정말<br />
Sil은 외국어 수업에서 배운 것을 일생상활에<br />
적용하라고 말한다. 특히 가장 좋은 방법은<br />
한국어로 일기를 쓰는 것이다. 일기쓰기는<br />
어떻게 표현해야 할지, 무엇에 대해 써야 하는지<br />
생각 할 수 있는 시간이 말하기 보다 더 주어지기<br />
때문이다.<br />
분쇄하여 고춧가루를 만든다. 늦가을에는, 모든 가족들이 김장에 참여하여, 겨울<br />
동안 먹을 수 있을 만큼 충분한 김치를 함께 만든다.<br />
보통 며느리 및 어머니들은 일기예보를 통해 김장하기에 가장 좋은 날짜 및<br />
온도등을 점검한다. 그리고 김장을 하는 전통과 조리법은 중요한 가족 유산으로<br />
여겨지며, 일반적으로 이 전통은 시어머니에서 며느리로 전해진다..<br />
재밌고 흥미로웠다. 김치를 담그기 위해서는 각<br />
배춧잎에 속 양념을 발라야 하는데 그 양념이<br />
매우 맵고 짜서 매운맛에 익숙하지 않은 사람들은<br />
양념을 너무 많이 바르지 않는게 좋을 것이다.<br />
첫 김장을 하면서 재미있던 점은 난 배춧잎의<br />
한쪽 면에만 양념을 발랐기 때문에 내 김치는<br />
여전히 노랗고 하얗게 보였다. 그걸 보고<br />
장인어른은 백김치를 만드는 중이냐며 나를<br />
4 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13<br />
놀려댔고 우리 모두는 그 농담에 크게 웃었다..
pages 32-33<br />
Brrr….Warm yourself up at<br />
the Korean Public Bath<br />
pages 34-35<br />
Spa LaQua (스파 라쿠아)<br />
pages 32-33 (번역 서유정)<br />
pages 34-35 (번역 서유정)<br />
2008년 11월, 한국에 도착했을 때는 겨울이<br />
탕에 들어가기 전에는 반드시 샤워를 해야<br />
한국에서 오래 살았던 외국인에게<br />
다짐했다. 이 목욕탕은 깨끗한 사물함,<br />
시작되고 있었다. 내가 일하게 될 학원<br />
한다. 한국인들은 보통 완벽히 샤워를<br />
찜질방이나 대중 목욕탕에 대해 묻는다면,<br />
멋진 샤워실, 더 멋진 탕, 가장 멋진 사우나<br />
원장과 가족들을 익산 터미널에서 만났을<br />
하고, 마스크팩도 하고, 거칠거칠한 천으로<br />
아마도 강한 긍정에 대한 이야기를 들을 수<br />
목욕에 필요한 모든 것들이 다 갖춰져 있다.<br />
때, 밖에는 눈이 내리고 있었다. 시간이<br />
온몸의 각질을 벗겨낸 후에야 탕으로<br />
있을 것이다.<br />
지나고, 원장은 나를 대중목욕탕에 데리고<br />
들어간다. 목욕탕의 규모에 따라 다양한<br />
스파라쿠아의 특별한 점은 야외노천탕이<br />
갔다. 나는 대중 목욕탕이 무엇인지 전혀<br />
온도의 3~8개의 탕이 있다. 그중에는 물<br />
나는 미국에서 찜질방에 처음 가봤다. 우리<br />
있다는 점이다. 다른 찜질방에서는 좀처럼<br />
몰랐다. 그저 해변이나 공원 같은 그야말고<br />
마사지가 가능한 냉탕도 있고, 자쿠지 욕조<br />
동네에는 큰 한인 타운이 있었고, 나는 2<br />
볼 수 없으며, 특히 겨울에는 특별한<br />
개방되어 있는 목욕시설인줄 알았다!<br />
같이 거품이 나는 것 등 다양하다. 대부분의<br />
개의 찜질방 중 골라서 갈 수 있었다.<br />
체험이다. 샤워를 마치고, 부드러운<br />
목욕탕에는 다양한 온도의 사우나가 있고,<br />
K-POP, K-Drama, K-Pampering에<br />
탄소목욕탕과 고압 자쿠지탕을 지나고,<br />
대중목욕탕은 내가 제일 좋아하는 장소가<br />
피부에 문지를 수 있게 소금이 준비되어<br />
푹 빠진 내 친구는 찜질방에 날 데려가<br />
추운 겨울공기에 놀란 노천탕으로 향하는<br />
되었다. 한국에서는 대중목욕탕이 주로<br />
있는 곳도 있다.<br />
요령을 가르쳐 주었다.: 옷을 벗을 땐<br />
사람들의 약간의 비명소리를 들을 수 있을<br />
사우나, 찜질방, 목욕탕으로 불리우며, 3개의<br />
눈을 마주치지 말 것, 다리 각질을 벗길 땐<br />
것이다. 노천탕은 다른 것과는 다르다.<br />
열 표시가 그려진 빨갛고 동그란 기호로<br />
목욕탕에 가보지 못한 사람이라면, 처음에는<br />
샤워기 앞에 앉을 것, 그리고 온탕과 냉탕을<br />
소수의 사람들이 밖으로 나가기 때문에<br />
표시된다. 목욕탕에 들어가면, 접수처에서<br />
조금 부끄러울 수도 있다. 그럴 수 있다.<br />
번갈아가며 들어갈 것 등이다. 목욕 후에는<br />
비교적 고요하고, 운이 좋다면 눈이 내리는<br />
입장료를 내고, 수건을 받고, 찜질방에 갈<br />
당신은 혼자가 아니니까 창피함을 극복하기<br />
사우나실 규칙은 좀 더 이해하기 쉬웠다.<br />
것을 보며 편안하게 있을 수 있다.<br />
경우에는 옷도 받는다. 그다음 신발을 벗고,<br />
위해서는 오직 당신의 목욕에 집중해야<br />
체육복같은 옷을 입고서 땀을 쫙 뺄 것,<br />
성별에 따라 락커룸으로 들어간다. 락커룸에<br />
한다. 주위 사람들을 신경쓰지 않아야<br />
큰 티비 앞에 앉거나 라면을 먹고, 한번 더<br />
한국에 대해 정말 좋아하는 점은,<br />
들어가면, 사물함을 열고, 옷을 벗은 다음<br />
한다. 대중목욕탕은 한국문화 중 정말<br />
목욕할 것!<br />
서양문화에서 프라이버시로 간주되는<br />
챙겨온 목욕도구들을 가지고 들어가면 된다.<br />
독특한 체험장이다. 특히 겨울이 깊어가고,<br />
목욕과 같은 문화를 공동으로 받아들일<br />
추워지는 이 시기에, 나는 모든 지인들에게<br />
한국에 와서, 제일 먼저 한 일은 찜질방의<br />
수 있다는 것이다. 이런 점은 거부감을<br />
꼭 한번쯤은 가보라고 권한다..<br />
위치를 검색하는 것이었다. 그리고 내<br />
느끼는 외국인들에게 조차도 환영받는<br />
아파트로부터 10분 거리에 스파라쿠아가<br />
듯한 느낌을 줄 수 있다. 이번 겨울,<br />
있어 너무 행복했다. 미국 찜질방 입장료에<br />
스파라쿠아나 다른 찜질방처럼 몸을<br />
반절 가격인 이곳에 매주 오겠다고<br />
따뜻하게 할 수 있는 곳에 가보길 권한다.
Korean Preview<br />
Holiday Cheer<br />
(연말연시 축하건배)<br />
pages 28-29 (번역 이민석)<br />
춥고 어두운 겨울날, 무엇을 기념하든지간에, 당신은<br />
고향에서 보내던 전통행사 들을 그리워하고 있는 자신을<br />
발견하게 될 것이다. 한국에서도 고향에서와 같은 홈스타일<br />
연말연시 축하건배를 할 수 있는 여러 선택지가 있다.<br />
하지만 어떤 방법들은 일반적인 방식보다 훨씬 비용이 많이<br />
소모된다. 그렇다면 어떻게 해야 힘들게 받은 월급이나<br />
저축을 완전히 소진하지 않고 연말연시를 즐길 수 있을까?<br />
여기 당신에게 도움이 될 만한 도와줄 몇 팁을 소개한다.<br />
자기관리<br />
연말연시는 함께 기뻐하고 환호하는 시간이라고 하지만 한해<br />
중 가장 스트레스를 많이 받는 기간이기도 하다. 자기관리와<br />
함께 연말연시에서 비롯되는 스트레스를 날려버리자. 내가<br />
가장 좋아하는 아침 습관 중 하나는 맛있는 커피를 내리고 3<br />
페이지에 달하는 일기 적는 것을 즐기는 것이다. 일기를 적는<br />
방법은 내가 받는 스트레스를 종이위에 적으며 머릿속에서<br />
지워내는 것인데, 이런 과정을 통해 하루 종일 스트레스 받는<br />
것들을 생각할 필요가 없다.<br />
스트레스를 날려버릴 수 있는 또 다른 방법은 운동이다. 아직<br />
전주 솔라스타 요가에 대해서 들어본 적이 없다면, 페이스북에서<br />
검색해보기 바란다. 스코틀랜드 출신 부부 선생님들은 요가<br />
수업의 시작과 끝에 편한 명상을 같이 진행하고 있다. 수업<br />
매주 토요일 아침 일찍 시작하지만, 수업시간은 매주 토요일<br />
아침마다 다르지만 교사들은 항상 참가자 수준에 맞는 수업을<br />
진행한다. 이 부부는 종종 매 수업이 끝날 때마다 맛있는 뜨거운<br />
차와 건강에 좋은 작은 간식을 제공한다.<br />
응원<br />
군산 애견보호소를 방문하여 내가 가장 좋아하는 강아지를<br />
만나는 것은 나를 가장 행복하게 한다. <strong>2018</strong>년 봄 나는<br />
그곳에서 강아지를 안는 것부터 목욕시키는 것까지 강아지를<br />
돌보는 일의 자원봉사를 시작했었다. 그 애견보호소는<br />
자원봉사자들의 따뜻한 마음에 의존하고 있으며 시간, 돈,<br />
담요, 음식 등을 포함한 많은 형태의 기부를 받고 있다.<br />
만약 당신이 강아지보다 아이들과 교감하기를 더욱<br />
희망한다면, 9년이 넘게 활동한Neighbourly Neighborly<br />
라는 전주 지역 자원봉사 단체를 통해 고아원을 방문 할<br />
수 있다. 그 단체는 현재 한국인 한명과 외국인 자원봉사<br />
두 명으로 운영되고 있다. 그 단체의 페이스북 페이지를<br />
방문하여 운영자들과 연락하면 자원봉사 및 기부에 대한 더<br />
자세한 정보를 받을 수 있다.<br />
음식<br />
내가 선호하는 또 다른 명절 전통은 포틀럭이라고 한다.<br />
포틀럭은 음식을 가져와서 친구들끼리 음식을 나눠먹는<br />
전통이다. 외국에서 포틀럭을 할 때 가장 좋은 점은, 다양한<br />
출신 국가의 친구들끼리 모여 집에서 가져온 음식 또는<br />
여행지에서 가져온 음식 등 다양한 음식 문화를 접할 수<br />
있는 것이다. 포틀럭은 시간과 추억, 그리고 멋진 요리법을<br />
함께 공유할 수 있는 좋은 방법이다.<br />
선물<br />
나는 최근 다른 사람을 대신하여 선물을 주는 것과 같이 가치<br />
있는 행위로서의 기부 및 경험을 쌓는 것에 대한 믿음을<br />
갖기 시작했다. 앞에서 언급했던 두 단체(군산 애견보호소<br />
및 네이버리 네이버리)은 금전, 물건, 시간과 같은 가치 있는<br />
것들의 기부를 기꺼이 받아들인다. 그리고 특별한 경험을<br />
원한다면 콘서트와 전주 소리문화 센터 홈페이지를 방문하여<br />
합리적인 가격의 뮤지컬이나 콘서트를 즐길 수 있길 바라며<br />
모악산 근처의 패러글라이딩 또는 고산 줄타기 같은 활동을<br />
즐기기를 권한다.<br />
여담으로 요라보카플롯이라 발음되는 단어에 대하여<br />
생각해보자. 이 용어는 아이슬란드 말로 “Yule Book Flood”<br />
라고 하며 이는 크리스마스 전 친구와 가족들끼리 다른 책을<br />
명절선물로 주고받는 매우 사랑받는 전통행사를 뜻한다. 어떤<br />
전통행사를 축하할 것인지 당신이 선택하던지 간에 당신이<br />
축하할 수 있으면 된다. 당신의 건강과 행복을 기원한다.<br />
Hiking in<br />
<strong>Winter</strong>: A Guide<br />
(겨울산행의 모든 것)<br />
pages 34-37 (번역 서유정)<br />
너무나도 추운 겨울, 도대체 왜 등산을 하고 싶은걸까?<br />
글쎄, 그렇게 나쁘지는 않다. 추운건 사실이다. 하지만<br />
겨울산행은 평화롭다. 공기는 맑고 깨끗하다. 세상의<br />
소음에서 벗어 날 수 있는 가장 좋은 휴식이다.<br />
겨울등산을 하는 동안 너무 추워서 숨이 멎을 것<br />
같지만, 전망을 내려다 봐도 숨이 멎을 것 같을 것이다.<br />
짐싸기<br />
겨울에, 가벼운 짐은 별 도움이 되진 않는다. 핵심은<br />
‘겹’이다. 불필요한 짐은 줄이고(두꺼운 스웨터와<br />
롱패딩은 집에 두자) 긴소매의 등산셔츠와 폴라티,<br />
가벼운 자켓과 바람막이를 챙기자. 정말 춥다면, 장갑을<br />
챙기고, 눈을 헤치고 가야 한다면 양말은 두겹을 신도록<br />
하자. 사지를 따뜻하게 유지하는 것이 가장 중요하다.<br />
사전준비<br />
가능한 빨리 기상예보를 파악하자. 맑은 하늘이<br />
아니라면, 등산은 한번더 생각 하는 것이 좋다. 예보에<br />
비나 눈이 없어도 바람이 거세진다면 아주 빨리 추워<br />
질 수 있다. 한국의 많은 산길에는 돌이 많이 때문에,<br />
비교적 평온하고 시야가 확보될 수 있는 날씨는 필수다.<br />
6 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Muju Resort<br />
(무주 안내문)<br />
Rest & Reminisce<br />
(휴식과 추억)<br />
pages 38-39 (번역 이민석)<br />
무주는 전라북도 북쪽에 있으며, 전주에서 차량으로 한<br />
시간 정도 떨어진 곳에 위치해있는 군이다. 이 지역에는<br />
아마 최고로 잘 정비되어있고 대중적인 스키 리조트가<br />
덕유산 국립공원에 위치하고 있다. 무주는 국내에서 멋진<br />
주말여행과 동계 스포츠로 잘 알려진 인기 지역 중 하나이다.<br />
스키장은 덕유산 해발 1,215미터인 만성봉에 있으며, 그<br />
곳에는 13,000명을 한 번에 수용할 수 있는 케이블카 및<br />
초급자부터 상급자까지 즐길 수 있는 다양한 스키 코스가<br />
있다. 무주 덕유산 리조트는 2개 구간으로 구성되어 있는데,<br />
하나는 12개의 슬로프로 구성된 만선 베이스이며, 다른<br />
하나는 10개 슬로프로 구성되어있고 한국에서 제일 긴 6.1<br />
키로미터 길이의 실크로드 및 한국에서 가장 큰 수직하강<br />
구간 슬로프가 있는 설천 베이스 이다.<br />
지도를 가져가는 것도 중요하다. 핸드폰으로 지도를<br />
본다면, 정보를 다 다운로드 받아 통신가능지역에<br />
의존하지 않도록 하자. 출발 전 지형도를 인쇄하는<br />
것을 강력히 추천한다. 네이버에 검색하면 수많은<br />
블로그에서 상세한 지도를 얻을 수 있다.<br />
마지막으로, 이동계획을 주의하며 짠다. 차가 있으면<br />
좋겠지만, 산행이 끝나면 차로 돌아와야 함을 기억하자.<br />
해가 떠있는 시간은 특히 12월 22일 동지전후로는<br />
햇빛이 제한되어 있음을 기억하자. 아침 일찍<br />
일어날수록, 예상치 못한 상황에 대처할 수 있는 시간이<br />
많다. 잠을 자고 있다면 놓치겠지만, 새벽녘, 새하얗고<br />
깨끗한 눈위를 바스락 거리며 걷는 것보다 멋진 건<br />
없을 것이다.<br />
한국의 겨울은 고요한 산행을 경험할 수 있는 최고의<br />
기간이지만 사전에 복장을 갖추지 못한다면 힘들 수<br />
있으니 충분한 준비를 해야 한다. 또한 기상조건의<br />
변화에 대비하여 등산 코스를 계획해야한다. 겨울<br />
산행의 고요함 속에 당신의 가슴이 뛰는 것을 느낄<br />
수 있는가?<br />
pages 40-42 (번역 이민석)<br />
전라북도의 모든 시군 중 익산은 아마도 과거 전라북도 북부<br />
지역의 귀중한 것들이 많이 있는 곳 중 하나일 것이다. 익산의<br />
또 다른 이름은 '보석의 도시'인데, 기원전 18년부터 기원<br />
후 660년까지 존재했던 백제의 유적지, 유물, 보석, 공예품<br />
등의 거대한 문화유산을 가지고 있기 때문이다. 익산에는<br />
공룡박물관, 무덤박물관, 역사적인 유적지 등이 있어 한국의<br />
역사와 문화를 배우고자 하는 방문객들이 꼭 봐야 할 곳이다.<br />
미륵사지 국립박물관<br />
익산에서 가장 유명한 박물관 중 하나는 미륵사지<br />
박물관인데, 1997년 5월에 시립으로 개관하였다. 그러나<br />
2000년대 미륵사지에서 발견된 몇 가지 유물이 추가로<br />
발굴되었으며 귀중한 역사적 유물을 보존하고 전시하기<br />
위해 2015년 12월 국립박물관으로 전환되었다.<br />
미륵사지<br />
박물관 밖에서 미륵사지를 보면, 높고 하얀 구조물 하나가 넓은<br />
공간 한가운데 자랑스럽게 서 있다. 일단 경내에 들어서면,<br />
정원에 커다란 돌들이 전시되어 있는 것을 보게 될 것이다.<br />
이것들은 7세기 백제 무왕 때 지어진 미륵사지터 아래에 묻힌<br />
건물잔해들의 주춧돌들이다. 박물관에 의하면, 원래 사찰은 3<br />
개의 탑과 3개의 홀이 나란히 배치되어 있었으며 통일신라와<br />
고려시대를 거쳐 조선 초기까지 살아남았지만 임진왜란(일본의<br />
조선 침략 1592~1598년) 중 소실되었다. 오늘날 미륵사지에는<br />
석탑과 당간지주만이(국보 11호 및 236호) 남아있으며 2015년<br />
7월 4일 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 지정되었다.<br />
이 절터를 특별하게 만드는 것은 그것이 한국에서 가장<br />
크고 오래된 석탑으로 알려져 있기 때문이다. 그것의 정밀한<br />
건축 기술과 뛰어난 미학은 시대를 앞서가는 것처럼 보이는<br />
백제인들의 놀라운 기술과 예술적 감각을 반영한다. 그러나,<br />
석탑의 처음 6층만이 손상되지 않았고, 원래 9층이었던<br />
것으로 추정된다는 점에 주목해야 한다.<br />
카페 달빛소리<br />
익산의 번잡한 곳과 간선 도로에 숨어 있는 것은 절대<br />
놓쳐서는 안 될 보석이다. 일단 카페 안에 들어서면, 이상한<br />
나라의 앨리스처럼 신비롭고 매혹적인 숲을 연상시키는 꽃,<br />
식물, 그리고 오래된 나무들이 여러분을 환영할 것이다. 훨씬<br />
더 매혹적인 것은, 사람이 지나갈 수 있을 만큼 큰 지름의<br />
웅장한 나무를 보는 것이다. 이 나무는 500살이 넘으며,<br />
숨겨진 비밀 연애편지, 연인의 밀회 등으로 잘 알려져 있다.<br />
이 나무에 애정과 향수를 느끼는 동네 어르신들에 의하면<br />
1970, 80년대 청서초등학교의 "사랑이 금지된 어린"<br />
학생들이 이 나무를 방과 후 만남의 장소로 사용했다고<br />
말한다. 이 나무는 오랜 역사의 산 증인일 뿐 아니라 지역<br />
주민들의 애절한 사랑 이야기이기도 하다.<br />
전라북도<br />
보도자료<br />
전주시 완산구 효자로 225 전북도청 · 공보관실 (T.063-280-2032 / F. 280-2299) · 담당과장: 세계잼버리추진단장 박현규 (063-280-3240)<br />
보도시점: <strong>2018</strong>년 11월 28일(수)부터 · 담당팀장: 총괄기획팀장 한병국 (063-280-3502)<br />
새만금 세계잼버리특별법<br />
법사위 통과<br />
Special Law for the<br />
World boyScout Jamboree<br />
Passed by the Judiciary Committee<br />
▶ 조직위원회 구성, 국가의 지원, 관련시설 설치 등에 대한 법적 근거마련<br />
▶ 잼버리 부지매립 및 관련시설 설치 용이, 새만금 주변 SOC 조기구축 기대<br />
세계잼버리특별법 법사위 통과, 잼버리 추진동력 확보<br />
11월 28일 제25회 세계잼버리의 성공적인 개최를 지원하기 위해<br />
상정된 2023 새만금 세계스카우트잼버리 지원 특별법(이하 “특별법”)<br />
이 국회 법사위 전체회의를 통과 하였다.<br />
여성가족부, 전라북도, 한국스카우트연맹은 지난해 9월부터 머리를<br />
맞대고 매월 2차례의 협의회(23회)를 갖고 기관별 쟁점사항에 대한<br />
합의점 도출과정을 거쳐 법률안 초안을 작성하였고, 올해 4.30일<br />
찬성의원 22명으로 잼버리 특별법안이 발의 되었으며,<br />
잼버리 특별법의 주요내용을 살펴보면 조직위원회 설립, 기금설치,<br />
수익사업, 정부지원위원회 설치, 관련시설설치 및 지원, 의제처리,<br />
벌칙 등 총 5장 34개 조항으로 구성되어 있다.<br />
앞으로 특별법 제정에 따라 기대되는 점을 살펴보면 우선 대회준비<br />
및 운영을 총괄하는 조직위원회 설립근거 마련, 국가나 지자체가<br />
행·재정적인 지원을 할 수 있는 법적근거 마련, 사업목적달성과<br />
기금마련을 위한 기부금 모집 및 수익사업 가능, 대규모 청소년이<br />
참여하는 국제행사의 안전대책 수립, 대회관련 예산확보 용이,<br />
대회관련 주요현안에 대한 관계부처 협업용이, 대회관련 시설설치<br />
용이 및 예산지원 근거 확보, 새만금 조기개발 및 SOC 확충 등의<br />
효과가 기대된다.<br />
▶ A legal base has been prepared to create an organizing community,<br />
increase state support, and build facilities for the upcoming<br />
international event<br />
▶ Land reclamation and the building of security operations<br />
centers and other related facilities are planned for the future<br />
The National Assembly passed a special law for the 25th World Scout<br />
Jamboree after Saemangeum was selected to host the international<br />
event on November 28th, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Jeollabuk-do, and the<br />
Korea Scout Association have been meeting twice a month since<br />
September of last year to discuss and resolve issues with related<br />
institutions. The process led to the creation of a draft bill, becoming<br />
the special bill on April 30th of this year.<br />
The special law addresses the creation of the organizing committee,<br />
fundraising and for-profit activities, increasing state support through a<br />
government committee, facility installation, among other relevant topics.<br />
After being enacted, the legislation hopes to successfully create a legal<br />
basis for the following: an organizing committee to plan and manage<br />
the event; local and national government’s financial and administrative<br />
support; donation and for-profit activities to support the project,<br />
creation of safety measures for young participants; securing the budget;<br />
creation of various installations such as security operation centers.<br />
8 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Translated by Axel Lemus<br />
2023 새만금 제25회 세계스카우트잼버리<br />
유치 1주년 기념행사로 전국 붐조성 !<br />
이낙연 총리, 축하영상 메시지 통해 정부 최선다해 지원 밝혀<br />
명예도민수여(한국스카우트연맹 총재 등 5<br />
명), 비전선포, 성공개최로 전북대도약<br />
The 25th World boyScout<br />
Jamboree at Saemangeum,<br />
One Year after Selection<br />
Prime Minister Nak-yeon Lee expressed the government’s<br />
full support for Saemangeum one year after the site<br />
was selected to host the international event<br />
▶ 8. 15 ~ 8. 18일까지 도청 일원에서 뮤지컬 공연, 스카우트<br />
개척물 전시, 수상활동 체험 등 다채로운 행사 진행<br />
전라북도와 한국스카우트연맹이 2023 새만금 제25회<br />
세계스카우트잼버리 유치 1주년을 맞아 성공개최를 기원하고<br />
국민적 붐조성을 위해 전북도청 공연장에서 ‘유치 1주년 기념행사’<br />
를 개최했다.<br />
스카우트 출신인 KBS 김홍성 아나운서의 사회로 진행된 이날<br />
기념행사에는 잼버리 유치 1주년을 축하하고, 붐조성 극대화를 위해<br />
송하진 도지사를 비롯해 함종한 한국스카우트연맹 총재, 이기순<br />
여가부 청소년가족정책실장, 이철우 새만금개발청장, 국회의원,<br />
한완수 전라북도의회 부의장, 14개 시군 시장군수, 유관기관장,<br />
한국스카우트 관계자, 도민 등 1천여명이 참여한 가운데 다채로운<br />
행사가 펼쳐졌다.<br />
‘마음껏 꿈꾸고, 힘껏 비상하라’는 2023 비전 선포로 성공개최의 굳은<br />
의지를 다졌다.<br />
특히, 이날 행사에서는 이낙연 국무총리, 반기문 제8대 UN사무총장,<br />
세계스카우트연맹 사무총장의 축하영상메세지가 상영되었으며,<br />
영상메세지에서 이낙연 국무총리는 ‘산과 들, 바다와 갯벌이 어우러진<br />
새만금은 세계스카우트잼버리 최고의 무대가 될 것’이라며 ‘정부도<br />
최선을 다해 지원하겠다’고 말해 객석에서 박수가 터져 나왔다.<br />
이날 행사에서 송하진 전라북도지사는 “잼버리 성공개최를<br />
위해잼버리 특별법 제정과 공항, 도로와 같은 새만금 인프라를 조기에<br />
구축해야 한다”며 “남은 5년동안 중앙부처, 국회, 한국스카우트연맹,<br />
범도민지원위, 도민 등 모두가 함께 힘을 모은다면 반드시 이뤄지리라<br />
확신한다”고 말했다.<br />
▶ The Jeollabuk-do Provincial government held a special event<br />
to commemorate Saemangeum’s selection of the international<br />
event from August 15th to the 18th. The event included an opening<br />
ceremony with various guests of honor, musical performances, and<br />
activities for the whole family.<br />
Jeollabuk-do and the Korea Scout Association came together to<br />
celebrate the one year anniversary of Saemangeum’s selection as host<br />
for the 25th World Scout Jamboree in 2023. The event sought to inspire<br />
local residents and keep anticipation high for the international event.<br />
KBS newscaster, Hongseong Kim, a scout himself, was the emcee for<br />
the celebration. Distinguished guests include: the Provincial governor,<br />
Hajin Song; President of the Korea Scout Association, Jonghan Ham;<br />
Policy Director of the Ministry of Gender Equality and family, Gisun Lee;<br />
Development Director for Saemangeum, Cheolwoo Lee; Vice President<br />
of The Jeollabuk-do Provincial Assembly, Wansoo Han; governors from<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s 14 counties and cities; directors and other guests from<br />
various related institutions; and over 1,000 local residents.<br />
The event further strengthened the commitment of all parties<br />
involved under the vision for 2023, “Dream high, fly high”.<br />
Prime Minister Nakyeon Lee, the 8th Secretary General of the United<br />
Nations, Ban Ki-moon, and the Secretary General of the World Scout<br />
Association all expressed their congratulatory remarks through video<br />
messages played at the ceremony.<br />
“With its mountains and fields, its waters and mud flats, Saemangeum will<br />
be the best stage for the World Scout Jamboree” – Prime Minister Nakyeon<br />
Lee in his congratulatory video message<br />
한편, 유치 1주년 행사는, 8. 16일 기념식 뿐 아니라, 유치 기념일 주간에<br />
각종 문화행사·수상활동 체험 시설·잼버리 홍보부스(8.15~8.18)’ 등을<br />
운영해 많은 도민이 편하게 와서 즐길 수 있도록 프로그램을 마련했다.<br />
8. 19일은 청소년들이 참여하여 댄스·보컬·밴드 경연을 펼치는 청소년<br />
음악회도 개최된다.<br />
Provincial Government Hajin Song expressed the need for everyone<br />
to cooperate in order to strengthen Saemangeum’s legal framework,<br />
infrastructure, and increase promotional activities in the five years<br />
leading up the event.<br />
The event also had promotional booths and other cultural activities<br />
during the 15th and 18th of August. There was also a youth dance<br />
and song contest on the 19th.<br />
소식<br />
NEWS<br />
Translated by aaron snowberger<br />
이영호 전라북도국제교류센터장<br />
“세계 속의 전북을 선도하는<br />
공공외교 전문기관으로서<br />
전라북도와 민간 국제교류 증진으로<br />
전북의 글로벌 이미지 제고와<br />
국제적 우호친선관계 증진을 이룩하는데<br />
최선을 다하고 있습니다.”<br />
30여년 外 交 전문가 노하우 100%발휘<br />
민간 국제교류 증진 세계 속 전북 선도<br />
10 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
<strong>2018</strong>년 한해가 저물어간다. 올 한해 주요 성과를 꼽는다면.<br />
올해 국제교류센터 사업의 주요성과로 전라북도 테마답사를 개최하여 국・<br />
내외 외국인들에게 전라북도의 문화자산, 명소를 널리 알리고자 노력하였으며,<br />
도내 유관 기관 및 도민들에게 기증 받은 한복을 미국 재외동포, 러시아 고려인<br />
대상으로 100여벌을 나누는 등 재외동포 한복 퍼레이드 캠페인을 시행하여<br />
공공외교를 선도하였다.<br />
특히 한국농어촌공사 공모사업인 도농교류협력사업에 선정되어 우리도의<br />
주요 도정정책인 삼락농정을 국내 외국인 및 국내 도시민들에게 알림과 동시에<br />
이를 바탕으로 농어촌 체험활동을 통한 농가소득 증대 및 외국인과 도시민간의<br />
교류활동을 추진하였다.<br />
또한 외교부 산하 KOICA 정부부처 제안사업에 중앙부처 및 전국 지자체 응모<br />
169건 중 최종 12개 승인 사업 중 하나로 선정되어 2020년부터 5년간 순수<br />
국비 총 40억 상당을 투입하여 네팔 둘리켈 지역에 농업기술 전수와 보건의료<br />
환경 개선 등을 추진한다. 이는 국제교류센터 창립 3년 만에 최초로 도 출연금<br />
(<strong>2018</strong>년 사업비 출연금 5억7천만 원)외 대대적인 외부 수익 창출로서 그 의의가<br />
크다. 또한 유관청년 인턴십 공 및 일자리 창출을 도모할 수 있으며, 전북 기업<br />
및 유관단체 등이 네팔에 진출할 수 있는 교두보 마련으로 전라북도의 국제적<br />
위상을 제고하는 등 긍정적 효과가 클 것으로 기대한다.<br />
<br />
<strong>2018</strong> is coming to an end. Please mention the Center's major<br />
achievements this year.<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA's main achievement for <strong>2018</strong> was to hold a series of exploration<br />
of Jeollabuk-do themed cultural experiences for foreigners. We made<br />
an effort to publicize famous places, and carried out a Hanbok Parade<br />
Campaign for overseas Koreans by sharing 100 pieces of Hanbok which<br />
were donated to relevant institutions and citizens of the Republic of<br />
Korea overseas in the US and Russia.<br />
In particular, the <strong>JB</strong>CIA was selected as a national agricultural<br />
cooperative by the Korea Rural Community Corporation, and as such,<br />
we helped increase the income of farm households through cultural<br />
experiences in farming and fishing villages and promoted exchange<br />
activities between foreigners and urban people.<br />
In addition, the <strong>JB</strong>CIA was selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />
as one of the final 12 KOICA government projects among 169<br />
applications by central ministries and municipalities. The Ministry<br />
will invest a total of 4 billion KRW of pure government expenses for<br />
5 years from 2020 to promote the transfer of agricultural technology<br />
and improve the healthcare environment in the Dooly Khel region of<br />
Nepal. This is significant because it is the first time in the three years<br />
after the establishment of the <strong>JB</strong>CIA that external donations (KRW<br />
570 million in <strong>2018</strong>) and other external revenue has been generated.<br />
In addition, this is expected to have a positive effect on enhancing<br />
the international status of Jeollabuk-do by providing a bridge for<br />
Jeonbuk businesses and related organizations to enter Nepal.<br />
센터의 주요 현황은<br />
국제교류센터는 전라북도 도청 산하 출연기관으로서 광역지자체로는 2005<br />
년 부산국제교류재단에 이어, 두번째로 도단위로는 최초로 2015. 11월<br />
개소하였으며, 전라북도 민간 국제교류 활성화와 전북의 글로벌 이미지 제고<br />
및 국제적 우호친선관계 증진을 목표로 한다. 지난해 12월 센터는 도민 및<br />
외국인들과의 소통을 보다 더 강화하고 전라북도 공공외교 과업에 적극 대응하기<br />
위해 팔복동 전북경제통상진흥원 건물에서 서부신시가지 전주상공회의소<br />
신축사옥으로 이전하였으며, 올해 들어서서는 새로운 비전과 전략 체계를<br />
선포하고 세계 속의 전북을 선도하는 공공외교 전문기관으로 우뚝서기 위해<br />
저를 비롯한 우리 센터 직원 모두는 도민 및 도내 외국인들과 교류, 소통하면서<br />
부단히 노력하고 있다.<br />
센터는 현재 3개팀(운영지원팀, 국제진흥팀, 교류협력팀)으로 운영되고 있으며,<br />
전북국제화 진흥사업, 글로벌 프론티어 전북사업, 전북 매력알리기 사업, 도민<br />
공공외교사업, 프렌들리 전북 사업 등 5개 정책사업을 중심으로 세계 여러 나라,<br />
그리고 지역들과 전북을 연결하고, 민간교류를 확대하며, 도내 외국인과 도민이<br />
함께 어울려 잘 살아가는 전라북도를 만들기 위해 최선의 노력을 다하고 있다.<br />
<br />
The main status of the center<br />
The <strong>JB</strong>CIA is an organization affiliated with the Jeollabuk-do provincial<br />
government. It opened as the second largest municipality in a province<br />
in November 2015, after the Busan Center for International Affaris in<br />
2005. The Center's goal is to promote goodwill through international<br />
exchanges. Last December, the Center moved from Palbok-dong to<br />
the new city center in order to strengthen communication with local<br />
residents and foreigners, and to actively respond to the Jeollabuk-do<br />
public diplomacy task. In order to be strategic and stand as a leading<br />
organization in promoting Jeollabuk-do to the world, all of our<br />
staff members, including myself, are constantly making efforts to<br />
communicate with residents and foreigners in the province.<br />
The center is currently operated by three teams (the Operational Support<br />
Team, the International Promotion Team, and the Exchange Team) and<br />
has five policy projects including the Jeonbuk Internationalization<br />
Promotion Project, Global Frontier Jeonbuk, Jeonbuk Charm, Local<br />
Public Diplomacy, and Friendly Jeonbuk. We are making every effort<br />
to connect Jeollabuk-do with other countries and regions around the<br />
world, expanding private-sector exchanges, and increasing the quality<br />
of life for foreigners and residents in the province.<br />
전라북도국제교류센터의 주요 업무는<br />
센터는 환황해권 중심도시로 도약하는 전라북도가 세계의 여러 도시와<br />
국제교류를 폭넓게 추진함으로써 전라북도 발전에 기여함과 아울러 도민의<br />
국제이해 증진, 외국인 거주 여건의 질적 향상 등을 도모하기 위해 설립되었다.<br />
<br />
The main tasks of the <strong>JB</strong>CIA<br />
The Center was established to promote Jeollabuk-do through<br />
international exchanges as well as to increase the international<br />
understanding of its citizens and the quality of life for foreign residents.<br />
센터는 민간 국제교류의 수요증가에 맞추어 국제교류협력 네트워크 강화,<br />
도민 글로벌 역량증대, 도내 외국인과 유학생 정주여건 향상 등을 통한 전북의<br />
국제경쟁력 제고를 위해 다양한 사업을 진행하고 있다. 앞서 말씀드린 5가지<br />
정책사업을 구체적으로 설명하면 다음과 같다.<br />
The Center promotes Jeonbuk's international competitiveness through<br />
projects that include: strengthening an international exchange and<br />
cooperation network, increasing the global capacity of citizens, and<br />
improving the living conditions of foreigners and international students.<br />
The five policy projects mentioned above are described in detail as follows.<br />
전북 국제화 진흥사업에 대해<br />
전라북도의 국제화 진흥을 위해 기존 및 신규 교류지역과의 협력을 활성화하고<br />
도민의 글로벌 마인드 제고와 인재양성을 도모하여 전라북도의 국제협력체계<br />
구축을 위한 민간교류 및 저개발국 대상 개발협력 사업을 추진한다.<br />
주요사업으로는 신규 및 기존 교류지역의 협력자 발굴로 해외 거점 교류지역 및<br />
네트워크 확대를 위한 해외협력관 운영사업, 전북 맞춤형 한국어 교육과 교재<br />
보급으로 미래 친전북인을 양성하고 외국인 유학생 유치 환경 조성이 목표인 해외<br />
한국어 진흥사업, 국제교류 관련 단체, 기관, 인적 자원들의 효율적 관리와 활용을 위한<br />
데이트베이스 구축과 유관기관 협업체계 구축으로 네트워크 강화를 목적으로 하는<br />
공공외교 인프라 강화 사업, 도내 대학생의 취업역량 인턴십 진 및 강화 프로그램인<br />
글로벌 리더 양성 지원 사업, 도내 청소년의 세계시민으로서의 성장 발판과 글로벌<br />
마인드 함양을 위한 전라북도 청소년(중·고교생) 모의유엔회의 개최 사업이 있다.<br />
12 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13<br />
<br />
About the Jeonbuk Internationalization Promotion Project<br />
In order to promote Jeollabuk-do's internationalization, the Center<br />
cooperates with existing and new exchanges to develop a "global<br />
mindset", cultivates human resources, and promotes private-sector<br />
development projects for underdeveloped countries.<br />
Major projects include: overseas partnerships to expand networking<br />
areas; the provision of Korean language education and teaching materials<br />
in Jeollabuk-do to foster future citizens and create an environment to<br />
attract foreign students; the establishment of a database for efficient<br />
management of overseas Korean language projects; the strengthening<br />
of public diplomatic infrastructure; and the strengthening of the Global<br />
Leader Support Program and the United Nations Conference for Young<br />
People in Jeollabuk-do (middle and high-school students).
글로벌 프론티어 전북사업에 대해<br />
주요사업으로는 저개발국의 발전과 상호교류협력을 도모하고 전라북도의<br />
강점인 농업 및 전통문화 등을 전파하여 전라북도의 국제사회 기여와 교류<br />
기반 확대를 도모하는 전북형 개발협력사업, 교류지역과의 쌍방향 문화교류 및<br />
소통강화와 함께 전라북도에 대한 관심유도 및 양 지역 간 우호교류협력 관계<br />
구축을 위한 해외 전북 전통문화체험프로그램 운영사업이 있다.<br />
<br />
About the Global Frontier Jeonbuk Project<br />
Major projects include: development and mutual cooperation with<br />
underdeveloped countries through agriculture and traditional<br />
culture, which is the strength of Jeollabuk-do; interactive cultural<br />
exchanges; and overseas traditional cultural experience programs<br />
aimed to generate interest in Jeollabuk-do and strengthen friendship<br />
and cooperation.<br />
전북매력알리기사업에 대해<br />
전북 매력알리기 사업은 전라북도의 문화, 역사, 전통 등 풍부한 자산의 우수성을<br />
적극적으로 전파하여 국・내외의 외국인 및 재외동포 주요인사 등에게 전라북도<br />
매력을 전 세계로 홍보하는 사업이다.<br />
<br />
About the Jeonbuk Charm Project<br />
The Jeonbuk Charm Project is designed to spread the charm of<br />
Jeollabuk-do's rich assets such as culture, history, and tradition around<br />
the world to foreigners and Koreans both in Korea and overseas.<br />
주요사업으로는 자매우호도시와 쌍방향 청소년・문화・스포츠 교류 등을<br />
정례적으로 실시하는 해외 민간교류 활성화 지원사업, 오피니언 리더 격 주요<br />
내·외국인에게 전라북도의 전통문화와 함께 계절・지역별 다양한 특성을<br />
반영한 체험 프로그램을 제공하는 테마 답사사업이 있으며, 세계 각국의 다양한<br />
문화이해 증진을 도모하고 외국인과 도민 간 소통·공감·화합을 위한 교류의<br />
장인 전북 국제교류 페스티벌을 개최하고 있다.<br />
Major projects include: overseas support programs that regularly<br />
conduct sister city friendship exchanges such as youth, culture, and<br />
sports exchanges; experience programs and theme exploration<br />
projects reflecting the seasonal and regional characteristics of<br />
Jeollabuk- do; and the Jeollabuk-do International Exchange Festival<br />
(see pages 20-21), which promotes diverse cultural experiences from<br />
around the world and is an exchange center for communication,<br />
empathy, and harmony among foreigners and residents.<br />
도민 공공외교사업에 대해<br />
글로벌 사회에 부합한 도민 참여형 공공외교 활동을 통해 자발적인 풀뿌리<br />
민간교류 활동을 배양하고 다양한 맞춤형 교육 및 세계 문화 공유 기회 등을<br />
통한 우리 도민의 국제화 수준을 증진하는 사업이다.<br />
<br />
About the Local Public Diplomacy Project<br />
This project promotes private grassroots activities through public<br />
diplomacy, and promotes the internationalization of citizens through<br />
various educational opportunities to share world culture.<br />
주요사업으로는 전라북도 공공외교 활성화 및 진흥을 위한 전라북도<br />
공공외교단 운영사업, 도민 글로벌 역량강화 및 글로벌 마인드 함양을 위한<br />
도민 글로벌 스쿨운영사업, 도내 민간교류단체의 국제교류 행사 지원을 통한<br />
민간교류단체 활성화 사업, 세계 문화전시 및 공연사업 등을 도민에게 소개하는<br />
한국국제교류재단과의 공동사업, 도시인 및 국내・외 외국인에게 전북도의 우수한<br />
농어촌을 홍보하는 한국 농어촌공사 공모사업인 도농교류 협력사업이 있다.<br />
Major projects include: the promotion of public diplomacy in<br />
Jeollabuk-do; strengthening the global capacity and mindset of<br />
residents; private-sector international exchange groups and events;<br />
a joint project with the Korea Foundation for introducing world<br />
cultural exhibitions and performances to the residents; and an<br />
urban-rural exchange project promoting the excellent rural areas<br />
and farming and fishing villages of Jeollabuk-do.<br />
프렌들리 전북 사업에 대해<br />
프렌들리 전북 사업은 도내 외국인의 정주여건 및 삶의 만족도 증진을 위한<br />
지원사업이다. 이름에서 유추할 수 있듯이, 도내 거주 외국인의 전라북도<br />
공동체의 일원으로서 지역사회 참여기회를 제공하여 친근한 전라북도 이미지<br />
형성과 소속감을 고양하는 것에 주 목적을 두고 있으며 이를 바탕으로 도내<br />
외국인의 지속적인 전라북도 관심 증진과 향후 본국으로 돌아갔을 시 세계<br />
친전북인 네트워크 기반을 구축하고자 하는 사업이다.<br />
<br />
About the Friendly Jeonbuk Project<br />
The Friendly Jeonbuk Project is a support project for improving the living<br />
conditions and life satisfaction of foreigners in the province. As the name<br />
implies, it is aimed at enhancing the friendly image of Jeollabuk-do and<br />
feeling of belonging of residents by providing opportunities for community<br />
participation. Based on this purpose, it is designed to establish a network<br />
base for Jeollabuk-do abroad when residents return to their home countries.<br />
주요사업으로는 외국인 유학생들이 직접 참여하여 전라북도를 모국에 소개하는<br />
전라북도 유학생 홍보단 운영사업, 도내 거주 외국인들의 시선에서 바라보는<br />
전라북도 생활과 거주 관련 유용 정보 등을 소개하는 전라북도 영문 홍보잡지<br />
출간사업, 도내 거주 외국인 동호회(문화축제, 체육, 자선 활동 등) 행사를<br />
지원하는 외국인 커뮤니티 지원사업이 있으며, 외국인 근로자 자원봉사활동<br />
지원, 한국어 교실 운영, 노무 및 법률문제 해결을 위한 찾아가는 상담서비스<br />
등을 내용으로 하는 외국인 생활기반 지원사업이 있다.<br />
Major projects include: the Jeollabuk-do International Student Promotion<br />
Committee which invites international students to introduce Jeollabuk-do<br />
to their native countries; the Jeonbuk publicity magazine publication,<br />
which shows Jeollabuk-do living and residence-related information from<br />
the perspective of local foreign residents; a foreign community support<br />
project for alumni clubs (cultural festivals, athletic activities, charitable<br />
activities, and so on); and a support initiative for foreign workers which<br />
includes volunteering and Korean language classes.<br />
14 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
전북의 글로벌 이미지 제고와 국제적 우호친선관계 증진을 위한<br />
민간 국제교류 증진사업의 성과는?<br />
전라북도국제교류센터는 전라북도 자매결연 및 우호협력지역과 정례적인 각종<br />
민간교류 활동의 직접수행 또는 간접지원을 통해 국제협력 네트워크 확충에<br />
만전을 기하고 있다. 특히 센터 주요사업 대상 지역인 미국 워싱턴주와의 시페어<br />
(Seattle Seafair)참여 및 청소년교류캠프, 일본 이시카와현 ‘한 스타일’ 홍보<br />
전시관 운영, 상호 산악연맹 등산교류 추진 등을 통해 국제적 우호친선관계의<br />
증진 및 전라북도 글로벌 이미지를 제고시키고 있다.<br />
<br />
What is the outcome of Jeonbuk's promotion of international<br />
exchanges for the enhancement of global friendship?<br />
The <strong>JB</strong>CIA is fully committed to expanding its international cooperation<br />
network through direct or indirect support of sisterhood ties and<br />
friendship areas through regular exchange activities. In particular, through<br />
participation in the Seattle Seafair and the Youth Exchange Campaign in<br />
Washington state, USA, and the promotion of Ishikawa Prefecture's "One<br />
Style" publicity exhibition, Jeollabuk-do is improving its global image.<br />
또한 전라북도와 우호협약을 체결한 베트남 닥락성에 한국어 교재 보급<br />
및 한국어 센터 운영을 지원하는 한편, 도민(중학생 포함) 및 전북대학교<br />
학생들로 구성된 하비타트 봉사단과 함께 베트남 현지를 방문하여 우정마을<br />
내 보육시설 증축 및 신규주택 건립으로 현지인들의 삶의 질을 개선하였고<br />
해외전통문화체험프로그램의 적극 시행을 통해 미국, 일본, 베트남 등 기존<br />
자매우호지역은 물론 스페인, 호주, 우즈베키스탄, 네팔 등 신규 거점 교류지역에<br />
전통 문화공연 및 한지체험 프로그램 운영, 현지 민간국제교류단체와의 협력<br />
강화 등으로 전북의 글로벌 이미지 제고 및 국제 우호친선관계 증진을 위해<br />
노력하였다. 한편, 도내 7개 민간·국제교류단체의 상호전통문화 공연 교류,<br />
전통공예전시, 국제음악제 등 다양한 문화예술교류 행사개최를 지원하였으며,<br />
향후에도 민간차원의 우수사업 발굴 및 지원을 통한 전북 민간국제교류 활성화에<br />
지속 매진할 계획이다.<br />
In addition to supporting the creation of Korean textbooks and the<br />
operation of Korean language centers in Dak Lak province, Vietnam, we<br />
also visited Vietnam with the Habitat Volunteer Corps (including middle<br />
and high school students), and through the construction of new homes,<br />
the quality of life of the local people has been improved. Through the<br />
active implementation of overseas traditional culture experience<br />
programs, new exchanges have been promoted in Spain, Australia,<br />
Uzbekistan, and Nepal, and ties with existing friendship areas such as<br />
the USA have been strengthened. We also strove to enhance Jeonbuk 's<br />
global image and promote international friendship by running concerts<br />
and Korean language programs and strengthening cooperation with<br />
local groups. Additionally, we supported various cultural and art<br />
exchange events such as the traditional cultural performances of seven<br />
exhange groups in the province, traditional craft art exhibitions, and<br />
an international music festival. In the future, we plan to continue to be<br />
active in promoting Jeonbuk through private international exchanges.<br />
전북을 세계에 알리는 핵심 역할수행기관으로 쌍방향 문화교류와<br />
찾아가는 맞춤형 공공외교 정책의 방향 설정 추진은 어떻게 하고 있나.<br />
※별첨 자료 참조 요망<br />
<br />
The main cultural exchanges and customized public policies<br />
of the <strong>JB</strong>CIA that promotes Jeonbuk to the world are.<br />
※Refer to attached document<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA Spotlight<br />
<strong>2018</strong>년 주요성과<br />
Δ 민간교류 활성화를 위한 각종 MOU 체결<br />
◦ 국제교류센터-해외동포책보내기운동협의회-대양주 문화예술재단 3자 MOU 체결(4.17.)<br />
- 청소년 및 대학생 교류 활성화 및 네트워크 구축을 위한 상호 협력 등<br />
◦ 네팔 카트만두대학교 MOU 체결(5.10.)<br />
- 개발협력사업, 한국어 교육 등 다양한 교류를 위한 상호 협력 등<br />
◦ 세계한인언론인협회 MOU 체결(5.25.)<br />
- ‘매력전북’ 홍보 활성화, 교류 및 당해지역 발전을 위한 상호 협력 등<br />
◦ 전라북도문화관광재단 MOU 체결(6.25.)<br />
- 전라북도 문화관광의 세계화 및 국제교류 촉진을 위한 상호 협력 등<br />
◦ 김제시 MOU 체결(7.12)<br />
- 김제 지평선축제를 통한 국제교류 활성화 업무협약<br />
Δ 글로벌 교류네트워크 확대를 위한 체계 구축<br />
◦ 청소년교류 프로그램 운영(미국 타코마/35명)<br />
◦ 자매우호지역 우선선정 대상지 전북 홍보(인도네시아/320명)<br />
◦ 중앙부처 및 유관기관 등 교류 네트워크 및 협업체계 구축(9개)<br />
◦ 전라북도 국제교류 활성화를 위한 전북 국제교류실천네트워크단 운영(2회)<br />
◦ 국가별 해외협력관 모집 및 운영(7개국/7명)<br />
Δ 국제교류 협력사업 확대 및 전라북도 브랜드 제고<br />
◦ 2020년 KOICA 정부부처 제안사업(네팔 농촌역량강화 사업)선정(총 40억/5년)<br />
◦ 베트남 우정마을 보육시설(유치원) 증축 및 신규주택 건립(1개)<br />
◦ 해외 자매우호지역 한국어교육센터 운영 지원(베트남 닥락성)<br />
◦ 베트남 닥락성 민관교류협력 협의체 구성·운영(13명)<br />
◦ 해외 전통문화 공연 등을 통한 전북 홍보 및 신규 교류지역 발굴(11회/11개 도시)<br />
◦ 제3회 전라북도 청소년 모의유엔회의 개최(114명/27개교)<br />
Δ 전라북도 매력알리기 강화 및 맞춤형 공공외교 확대<br />
◦ 다양한 관광테마를 통한 외국인 대상 전라북도 매력 제고(4회/106명/군산, 전주, 부안, 임실)<br />
◦ 도내 14개 시・군 국제교류행사 서포터즈 통역 지원(10회/46명)<br />
◦ 전북 공공외교 활성화를 위한 도민 네트워크단 포럼 운영(4회/86명)<br />
◦ 찾아가는 국제교류 이해교실 운영(11회/총 699명)<br />
◦ 한국국제교류재단-지자체 공동사업 추진 및 KF공모사업 선정(KF 공공외교 아카데미)<br />
◦ 한국농어촌공사 공모사업 <strong>2018</strong> 도농교류협력사업 운영(2회/77명)<br />
◦ 도내 민간단체 국제교류 지원(문화, 예술, 전통공예, 음식 등 6개 단체)<br />
Δ 외국인 및 유학생 생활기반 지원<br />
◦ 전라북도 유학생 홍보단 운영을 통해 세계 여러 국가에 전북 홍보(118건)<br />
◦ 외국인 대상 전라북도 생활, 문화, 관광 등의 내용을 담은 영문 홍보잡지 발간(4회/각 2,000부)<br />
◦ 외국인 커뮤니티 생활체육·요리·공연 행사 등 지원(12개 단체)<br />
◦ 외국인 근로자 한국어 교육(전주, 완주, 군산), 외국인 대표단 및 봉사단(2회), 외국인 근로자<br />
화합마당(1회), 찾아가는 상담서비스 제공(3회/55건)<br />
16 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Key achievements in <strong>2018</strong><br />
Δ Signed various MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding) to promote private-sector exchanges<br />
◦ <strong>JB</strong>CIA - Overseas Korean Book Publishing Council - Concluded MOU with Ocean Arts Foundation (4.17.)<br />
- Mutual cooperation for exchange of youth and college students and establishment of network<br />
◦ Signed MOU with Kathmandu University in Nepal (5.10.)<br />
- Cooperation for various exchanges such as development projects and Korean language education<br />
◦ Signed MOU with Korean American Journalists Association (5.25.)<br />
-'Jeonbuk Charm' promotion, mutual cooperation for exchanges and local development<br />
◦ Signed MOU with Jeollabuk-do Cultural Tourism Foundation (6.25.)<br />
- Mutual cooperation for promotion of globalization and international exchange of cultural tourism<br />
◦ Signed MOU with Gimje (7.12)<br />
- Agreement to promote international exchange through the Gimje Horizon Festival<br />
Δ Establishment of a system for our expanding global exchange network<br />
◦ Youth Exchange Program (Tacoma, USA)<br />
◦ Sister Friendship Selection Site with Jeonbuk Public Relations (Indonesia / 320 persons)<br />
◦ Establishment of (9) exchange networks and collaboration systems with government and related orgs<br />
◦ Jeonbuk International Exchange Practice Network (2) to promote international exchange in Jeollabuk-do<br />
◦ Recruitment and management of overseas partnerships by country (7 countries / 7 persons)<br />
Δ Expanding international exchange and cooperation projects and enhancing the Jeollabuk-do brand<br />
◦ In 2020, KOICA, a government project (Nepal Rural Capacity Enhancement) (4 billion KRW / 5 years)<br />
◦ Vietnamese friendship village childcare facility expansion and new housing establishment (1)<br />
◦ Support for the operation of the Korean language education center in Dak Lak province of Vietnam<br />
◦ Formation and management of the Dak Lak province private exchange consultation council (13 persons)<br />
◦ Promoting Jeonbuk overseas with cultural performances & finding new exchange areas (11 times / 11 cities)<br />
◦ The 3rd Jeollabuk-do Youth Mock UN Conference (114 people / 27 schools)<br />
Δ Strengthening Jeollabuk-do's charm and expanding public diplomacy<br />
◦ Promotion of attractiveness of Jeollabuk-do to foreigners (4 times / 106 people / Gunsan, Jeonju, Buan, Imsil)<br />
◦ Interpreter support in Jeonbuk's 14 cities/counties international exchange events (10 times / 46 people)<br />
◦ Organized a forum for the promotion of Jeonbuk public diplomacy (4 times / 86 persons)<br />
◦ Visiting international exchange understanding classes (11 times / total 699 people)<br />
◦ The Korea Foundation - Promoting joint projects with local governments and selecting KF competition<br />
◦ Rural Community Construction Competition <strong>2018</strong> Operation of city-farm exchange (2 times / 77 persons)<br />
◦ Support for international exchange of (6) private groups (including culture, arts, traditional crafts and food)<br />
Δ Support for foreign and international students<br />
◦ Promoting Jeonbuk Public Relations (118 cases)<br />
◦ Publication of English PR magazine about the life, culture, & tourism of Jeollabuk-do (4 times / 2,000 copies)<br />
◦ Support for foreign residents' activities such as sports, cooking, and performances (12 groups)<br />
◦ Korean language education for foreign workers (Jeonju, Wanju, Gunsan), foreign delegation and<br />
volunteer groups (twice), foreign workers' meeting (once), visiting counseling service (3 times / 55 cases)<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA Spotlight<br />
지금까지 추진 사업 가운데 미흡했던 부분은 무엇이고, 보강해야<br />
할 역점 정책, 활성화 정책 등에 대한 구상은?<br />
민간주도의 교류사업은 사람을 주요 대상으로 추진된다. 사람중심의 국제교류<br />
사업을 전개해 나감에 따라 교류대상지역 관계자 및 국민을 세심하게 배려하는<br />
감성외교로 우리 지역에 대한 관심도를 제고할 때 시너지 효과와 성공적인 성과를 낼<br />
수 있으며 이는 바로 풀뿌리 민간교류 활성화로 이어지는 중요한 연결고리가 된다.<br />
현재 전라북도국제교류센터는 다양한 종류의 교류사업을 추진하고 있다. 하지만<br />
광범위한 공공외교 업무 영역에 잘 대처하기 위해서는 충분한 인적자원의 확보가<br />
요구된다. 현재 전라북도국제교류센터의 직원은 저를 포함하여 10명으로 세심한<br />
인적교류 중심의 국제교류를 추진함에 있어 고객의 요구를 100% 수용하지<br />
못하는 경우가 발생하고 있다.<br />
센터의 중장기 발전 로드맵을 잘 구상, 이행하면서 우선은 주어진 인력과<br />
예산 범위 내에서 최선의 성과를 거양키 위한 노력을 해나갈 것이며 효율적인<br />
공공외교 사업 추진을 위한 유능한 인적자원 확보 방안도 도모코자 한다.<br />
전라북도는 ‘한국속의 한국’으로 불리는 지역이며, 대한민국의 고유한 전통문화<br />
특성이 제일 잘 보존되어있다. 전라북도국제교류센터는 전라북도가 가지고 있는<br />
강점인 전통문화분야의 체험 전파공유 및 홍보 활동을 중심으로, 전 세계 여러<br />
국가와의 교류네트워크를 확대하고 있으며, 확보한 교류네트워크를 중심으로<br />
궁극적으로는 외국인 유학생 유치환경 조성 및 도내 청년인재 육성과 해외진출<br />
도모와 함께 전라북도의 강점 분야인 농・생명산업 기술 전파 및 유관기업의<br />
진출도 잘 이루어 질 수 있게 해당 유관기관과 맞춤형 센터링을 지원하고 있다.<br />
유관 중앙정부부처(외교부, 문체부 등), 외교단(전라북도 체류 외국인 소속국가<br />
대사관, 전북지역 관광 여행 방문 다수 외국인 소속 국가 대사관 등), 도내 도청<br />
유관부서, 문화예술계, 학계, 경제계 등 관련단체의 협업체계 강화와 함께 여타<br />
광역지자체 유사 국제업무기관 센터 운영성과 및 장·단점 비교 분석을 통한<br />
벤치마킹과 상기 전북지역의 비교우위 차별화 전략 맞춤형 사업시행으로<br />
국제교류센터 진흥 및 “아름다운 山 河 , 웅비하는 생명의 삶터, 천년전북”을<br />
지향하는 도정목표 달성과 전라북도 발전에 기여코자한다.<br />
<br />
What areas have not been promoted enough so far, and what<br />
needs to be reinforced and enacted?<br />
The private exchange initiative is promoted mainly for residents. With<br />
the development of people-centered international exchange projects,<br />
we can achieve synergy and successful outcomes by raising interest<br />
in the region through sensitive emotional diplomacy, which is an<br />
important link to the revitalization of grassroots private exchanges.<br />
Currently, the <strong>JB</strong>CIA is promoting various exchange projects. However,<br />
in order to cope with a wide range of diplomatic tasks, sufficient human<br />
resources are required. With only ten employees including myself, the<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA is currently unable to accommodate 100% of customer demands<br />
in promoting human-centered international exchanges.<br />
In the mid- to long-term development roadmap of the center, we will<br />
make efforts to achieve the best results within the scope of the given<br />
manpower and budget, and also plan to secure competent human<br />
resources for efficient public diplomacy projects. Jeollabuk-do is a<br />
region called "Korea within Korea," and it has the best preservation<br />
of traditional Korean cultural characteristics. The <strong>JB</strong>CIA is expanding<br />
its network of exchanges with other countries around the world,<br />
centered on sharing experiences and promoting activities in the<br />
field of traditional culture, which is a strength of Jeollabuk-do, and<br />
ultimately attracting foreign students. The Center not only promotes<br />
talent in the province and overseas expansion, but also supports<br />
agencies related to agriculture and biotechnology, which are also<br />
strengths of Jeollabuk-do, so that the transfer of this technology and<br />
the advancement of related industries can be carried out well. In<br />
addition to cooperating with related agencies in the business sector,<br />
the Center also collaborates with affiliated central government<br />
minitries (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and<br />
Tourism, and so on), diplomats and embassies of foreigners staying<br />
in Jeollabuk-do, the cultural arts sector, and acadamia. The Center is<br />
also benchmarking through comparative analysis the performance,<br />
shortcomings, and disadvantages of other international centers in<br />
other municipalities.The Center will continue to contribute to the<br />
development of Jeollabuk-do.<br />
센터장의 공동체사회에 대한 철학은?<br />
소통, 공감, 화합이라는 근본 가치를 국제교류센터의 역할과 업무수행에<br />
잘 연계하여 도민 및 도내 외국인의 행복과 전라북도 발전에 기여하는 것이<br />
목표이다.<br />
<br />
What is your philosophy about social community?<br />
Our goal is to contribute to the happiness of local residents and<br />
the development of Jeollabuk-do by linking the fundamental values<br />
of communication, empathy, and harmony to the role of the <strong>JB</strong>CIA.<br />
아울러 전라북도 공동체의 일원으로서 저를 포함한 센터 임직원의 지역사회<br />
개발 및 복지를 위한 봉사를 자발적으로 수행하고, 사회적 가치 실현에도 최선을<br />
다해나가고자 한다.<br />
In addition, as members of Jeollabuk-do community, the center's<br />
employees, including myself, do our best to carry out volunteer<br />
service for community development and social welfare.<br />
18 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
도민들에게 하고 싶은 말씀 한 마디<br />
2015년 설립 이후 센터가 본격 운영을 위한 기반 조성에 기초적인 노력을<br />
들였다고 한다면, 2019년부터는 센터가 더욱 발전해 나가야 하는 시기라고 생각<br />
한다. 지난 3년간 수행되어온 기관장 경영목표 및 세부사업계획 이행실적 점검과<br />
차후년도 계속 사업의 차질 없는 이행과 신규 유망사업 발굴 등을 통해 도민<br />
여러분들의 만족도를 제고 할 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠다.<br />
앞으로 2023년 새만금 개최 월드 잼버리대회가 다가오고 있다. 세계적인 행사를<br />
도민여러분들과 한 몸이 되어 전라북도의 매력과 아름다움을 세계에 적극적으로<br />
알리고 우리 전라북도의 국내외적 위상을 크게 제고시키는 역할을 수행 할 수<br />
있기를 희망한다.<br />
<br />
A final word to the citizens<br />
The Center has made a fundamental effort to establish a foundation<br />
for full-scale operation since its establishment in 2015. But now, I<br />
think it is time for the Center to develop further from 2019. We will<br />
do our best to improve the satisfaction of Jeollabuk-do's residents<br />
by reviewing the results our five major projects which have been<br />
ongoing for the past three years.<br />
The Saemangeum World Boyscout Jamboree is also approaching in<br />
2023 and we hope to be able to actively promote the charm and<br />
beauty of Jeollabuk-do through this global event.<br />
끝으로, 이 기회를 빌어 지난 1년 전인 2017년 12월에 국제교류센터장으로<br />
봉직할 수 있는 기회를 주신 우리 전라북도 도민 및 관계자여러분께 재삼 깊이<br />
감사드리며, 그 당시 새롭게 다지었던 초심을 잃지 않으면서 다가오는 2019<br />
년에도 제가 그간 29년간 외교관으로서의 직무 수행에서 쌓은 국제교류 업무<br />
경험과 전문성의 최대한 발휘, 유관 정부부처 및 관련단체와의 효율적 협업 강화,<br />
그리고 센터조직 내부의 화합단결 리더십 솔선수범 등을 통해 국제교류센터<br />
전략과제의 성공적 이행과 함께 전라북도의 발전에 이바지할 수 있도록 열과<br />
성을 다하여 최선의 노력을 경주해 나가겠습니다. 감사합니다.<br />
Finally, I would like to take this moment to thank all the citizens and<br />
officials of Jeollabuk-do who gave me the opportunity to serve as<br />
the head of the <strong>JB</strong>CIA last year in December 2017. Continuing into<br />
2019, I hope to be able to demonstrate my international exchange<br />
experience and expertise as a diplomat for the past 29 years, and I<br />
hope to enhance our effective collaboration with related ministries<br />
and organizations. We will do our best to fulfill our mission to<br />
contribute to the development of Jeollabuk-do. Thank you.<br />
도내 초˙중˙고등학생 및 일반인 대상 “전북지구촌체험관”이 운영되고 있다.<br />
세계시민 교육과 전북지구촌체험, 전시와 연관된 만들기 프로그램을 무료로<br />
체험할 수 있다. 현재 10회 이상 학교와 가족 체험 프로그램을 진행하였으며<br />
내년 3월까지 운영할 예정이다. 자세한 내용은 홈페이지(<br />
참조 바란다.<br />
The "Jeonbuk Global Village Experience" is also being operated for<br />
elementary to high school students, and residents in the province.<br />
You can take part in this free educational experience through various<br />
programs. To date, the Center has held more than ten such school<br />
and family experience programs and will be operating this one until<br />
March 2019. For more information, please visit<br />
<strong>JB</strong>CIA News<br />
Translated by Axel Lemus<br />
The <strong>2018</strong><br />
Jeollabuk-do<br />
International<br />
Exchange<br />
Festival<br />
The Jeollabuk-do International Exchange Festival<br />
is an annual event held by <strong>JB</strong>CIA to celebrate the<br />
region’s growing international role. The festival’s third<br />
installment took place on September 15th and 16th,<br />
with foreign diplomats also joining in on the festivities.<br />
지난 9월 15~16일 한국소리문화의전당에서 <strong>2018</strong><br />
전라북도국제교류페스티벌이 개최되었다. 제3회를 맞는 이번 축제는<br />
주한 벨기에 대사, 케냐 대사, 르완다 대사를 비롯하여 미국, 중국,<br />
몽골, 네팔 등 11개국 주한외교사절단이 참석하여 자리를 빛냈다.<br />
20 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
In contrast to last year, the <strong>2018</strong> festival was<br />
held for two days, each with its own main<br />
activity: a Korean speech contest open to<br />
international students from local universities<br />
on the first day and a global singing contest<br />
on the following day. From global street<br />
food and traditional crafts experiences, to<br />
performances from street dancers and KPOP<br />
groups, there were countless activities for<br />
visitors to enjoy.<br />
이번 축제는 작년과 다르게 2일 동안 개최되었다.<br />
첫째 날에는 전라북도 5개 대학이 참여한 ‘외국인<br />
유학생 한국어 말하기대회’, 둘째 날에는 ‘외국인<br />
글로벌 가요제’로 각각 다른 테마의 경연대회가<br />
열렸다. 이를 비롯해 구구단, 스트릿건즈 등 유명<br />
K-POP 그룹의 공연도 마련되어 참관객들의 흥을<br />
돋았다.<br />
Apart from performances and activities,<br />
Jeollabuk-do’s counties, cities, and local<br />
businesses had their own promotional<br />
booths, allowing them reach a wider<br />
audience.<br />
축제장에는 외국인 유학생, 외국인 근로자 등 총<br />
2,000여명의 다양한 계층이 즐길 수 있는 세계<br />
전통음식, 악기, 공예, 의상 등 다양한 체험부스와<br />
전라북도 시군 홍보, 우수기업 홍보 부스 등이<br />
설치되었다.<br />
Foreign diplomats took part in a special tour<br />
of Jeollabuk-do after attending the opening<br />
ceremony. The two day trip took participants<br />
to the Jangsu Hanwoo and Apple Festival<br />
and Jeonju’s Hanok Village to experience<br />
traditional craft activities.<br />
한국소리문화의전당에서 진행된 페스티벌<br />
이외에도, 전라북도국제교류센터는 전북을 방문한<br />
주한외교사절단을 위해 팸투어를 운영하였다. 15일<br />
장수한우랑사과랑축제장을 방문한 외교사절단은 16<br />
일 전주 경기전을 관람하고, 전북을 대표하는 한지<br />
뜨기, 한지공예체험을 하였다.<br />
“The Jeollabuk-do International Exchange<br />
Festival celebrates the region’s 1,000 year<br />
old history alongside local and international<br />
residents. We hope to bring the world closer<br />
to Jeollabuk-do, and Jeollabuk-do closer to<br />
the world” expressed the center’s Chief<br />
Director Yeongho Lee in a statement to the<br />
press.<br />
이영호 센터장은 “<strong>2018</strong> 전라북도국제교류페스티벌은<br />
천년의 역사를 자랑하는 전북 내 거주 도민 및<br />
외국인이 함께하는 세계시민 축제”라며 “이번<br />
페스티벌을 발판삼아, 글로벌 전라북도로 비상하기<br />
바란다”고 전했다.<br />
Korea Immigration & Integration Program<br />
WHat<br />
WHat<br />
A FREE (government subsidized) education program<br />
developed to help immigrants acquire basic<br />
knowledge and information about life in Korea<br />
(Korean Language and Culture, Understanding<br />
Korean Society, and etc.) so that they<br />
can adapt to and become self-reliant<br />
members of Korean society.<br />
WHERE<br />
There are 16 locations in Jeollabuk-do managed by the Jeonju<br />
Immigration Office. Nine of these locations are controlled by Woosuk<br />
University in Jeonju, and the other seven are controlled by Wonkwang<br />
University in Iksan. These two locations are where all Level tests are<br />
held. The majority of the classes are held either at universities, multicultural<br />
centers, or Catholic parishes. The following areas have at least<br />
one option for taking KIIP classes:<br />
TOPIK is the Test<br />
of Proficiency in Korean<br />
and aims to set a Korean<br />
Language learning path for<br />
those who do not speak Korean as<br />
their native tongue, and to promote the<br />
Korean language by officially evaluating<br />
their Korean Language proficiency.<br />
Woosuk Uni: Jeonju, Wanju (Yongjin Eup), Jinan, Imsil, Jangsu, Namwon<br />
Wonkwang University: Iksan, Gunsan, Jeongeup, Buan, Gochang<br />
A full list of KIIP centers may be found on under:<br />
사회통합프로그램 > 전국운영기관현황<br />
You may register for the KIIP program at the website listed above.<br />
TOPIK<br />
Test of Proficiency in Korean<br />
vs<br />
KIIP<br />
Korea Immigration &<br />
Integration Program<br />
when<br />
In 2019, there are 6 TOPIK tests of two types held on Sundays in Korea.<br />
TOPIK I: Beginner = Level 1 (80 pts pass), Level 2 (140 pts)<br />
TOPIK II: Intermediate = Level 3 (120 pts), Level 4 (150 pts)<br />
& Advanced = Level 5 (190 pts), Level 6 (230 pts)<br />
Apply Test Results<br />
62nd 12.11 - 12.17 Jan 13 1.31<br />
63rd 1.24 - 1.31 Apr 21 5.30<br />
64th 3.12 - 3.18 May 19 6.27<br />
65th 5.21 - 5.27 July 7 8.1<br />
66th 8.6 - 8.12 Oct 20 11.28<br />
Where<br />
WHEN<br />
There are generally three class periods<br />
through the year (listed below). In 2019,<br />
there are also 6 Level test periods,<br />
4 Mid-term test periods, and 10<br />
Final tests periods.<br />
1st: 1.1 - 5.18<br />
2nd: 5.19 - 8.31<br />
Three schools in Jeollabuk-do<br />
3rd: 9.1 - 12.20<br />
are TOPIK Testing Centers:<br />
1: Chonbuk National University, Jeonju<br />
2: Jeonju University, Jeonju<br />
3: Wonkwang University, Iksan<br />
67th 9.3 - 9.9 Nov 17 12.19<br />
TOPIK I is helf from 9:20 - 11:40am; TOPIK II is from 12:20 - 4:30pm<br />
22 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
KIIP Interview with<br />
Silayan Casino<br />
Story by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Silayan Casino (Sil) is a US expat who<br />
came to Korea over 10 years ago to<br />
teach English in an academy. Fast<br />
forward to today and now she's pursuing a more<br />
permanent stay. The following is an interview<br />
with her about her pursuit through the Korean<br />
Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP).<br />
<br />
Can you explain the KIIP program?<br />
The KIIP Program was initiated on behalf<br />
of spouses of Koreans who arrived in Korea<br />
and had no understanding of the language,<br />
customs, culture, and life. It can be a daunting<br />
experience to land somewhere new and feel<br />
inhibited in every direction. So this program<br />
evolved around what was most important for<br />
future foreign spouses to learn about living in<br />
and adjusting to Korean life. It is a nationwide<br />
program with multiple learning institutions<br />
in each province where KIIP candidates can<br />
take the classes throughout the year.<br />
The program consists of six levels. Levels<br />
0-4 are practical language and some culture.<br />
Level 5 is to be done after the formal language<br />
training is complete and focuses entirely<br />
on Korean society, culture, and history, and<br />
includes a citizenship "training" for foreign<br />
spouses. Level 0 is a 20-hour Korean alphabet<br />
and language primer course whereas the<br />
following 4 Levels run for 100 hours each.<br />
There is an annual schedule of level tests<br />
and placement tests. Interested participants<br />
should first register for the placement test.<br />
Once they have taken that, they will be<br />
placed into a level based on their current<br />
Korean proficiency. If they choose, they may<br />
also simply start at Level 0 and go through<br />
the whole program. Upon completion of<br />
each level, there is a test to advance to the<br />
next level. Upon completing Level 5, KIIP<br />
participants take a comprehensive exam,<br />
which, if passed, will enable them to be<br />
eligible for a naturalization or permanent<br />
residency interview with Korean immigration.<br />
<br />
How did you first hear about KIIP?<br />
I can't remember exactly when I first heard<br />
about KIIP, but I believe it was sometime<br />
between 2011-2014. I decided to pursue<br />
the program because I want to get an F-visa<br />
(permanent residency) in order to stay longterm<br />
in Jeonju.<br />
<br />
How many times have you done<br />
KIIP and what do you think of it?<br />
I have completed Levels 3 and 4, though I<br />
did not yet pass the Level 4 test. I think the<br />
program is a good effort to help foreigners<br />
adjust to Korean life, and assimilate into<br />
their new living environment.<br />
<br />
What's your final goal in KIIP?<br />
My final goal is to get my permanent<br />
residency visa. Jeonju has become a home<br />
for me and I have become part of a caring,<br />
multi-cultural community. My biggest<br />
obstacle is the language barrier, though over<br />
time, I believe I will break that barrier down<br />
so that things like going to the phone shop,<br />
bank, or government office on my own won't<br />
feel like climbing a mountain.<br />
<br />
Do you have any other tips,<br />
information, or resources about KIIP?<br />
Other tips? I suggest incorporating regular<br />
application of what you learn in your<br />
language classes into your daily life. As<br />
a language teacher, and multi-language<br />
learner, I feel that application is key. Learning<br />
and not applying what you learn takes you<br />
nowhere in life. Find ways to use Koean daily,<br />
whether it is practicing speaking with your<br />
neighbors, buying groceries in Korean, or<br />
talking with your Korean co-workers. One<br />
thing I have found especially helpful is<br />
keeping a Korean journal. Mine's still rather<br />
simple, but the more I learn, the more I<br />
can try to incorporate different sentence<br />
structures and expressions into my writing.<br />
It's easier for me to express myself in writing<br />
than speaking, because I have more time to<br />
think about how to say what I want to say.<br />
There are also many online resources<br />
(Facebook pages and YouTube channels) for<br />
learning Korean to supplement what you<br />
learn in the KIIP classroom.<br />
As the saying goes, "Where there is a will,<br />
there is a way." Set your goals, steadily pursue<br />
them with focus and you shall achieve.<br />
Food Culture<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
+<br />
24 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Kimjang:<br />
Korea’s Intangible<br />
Cultural Heritage<br />
Words by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Kimjang, Korea’s annual kimchi<br />
making event, was inscribed<br />
in UNESCO’s Representative<br />
List of the Intangible Cultural<br />
Heritage of Humanity in 2013. Although the<br />
entire country participates in this annual event,<br />
it has no set date, and the practice of making of<br />
a year’s supply of kimchi varies from region to<br />
region, and household to household. There is<br />
no “exact science” (nor recipe) in the making of<br />
kimchi, and the taste of each varies noticeably<br />
between neighbors. But the practice itself is<br />
widespread enough that it can be considered<br />
a universal Korean activity.<br />
The word kimchi denotes a type of vegetable<br />
that has been fermented and preserved with<br />
salt, seafood, and seasoned spices. There<br />
are literally hundreds of types of kimchi<br />
with different main ingredients, but two of<br />
the most common are napa cabbage (배추)<br />
and Korean radishes (무) which are both<br />
typically prepared at Kimjang. The earliest<br />
forms of kimchi were made without the<br />
bright, red chili peppers it’s so known for<br />
today. The peppers were first introduced to<br />
East Asia in the early seventeenth century by<br />
Portuguese traders, but didn’t find their way<br />
into widespread use in the making of kimchi<br />
until the early nineteenth century during<br />
the Joseon Dynasty. In the Joseon Dynasty,<br />
Korea was divided into eight provinces<br />
(paldo) that are still known today, with each<br />
region having its own particular take on<br />
kimchi making (paldo kimchi). Some of these<br />
differences are noted in the right sidebar:<br />
Observing the map to the right, you might notice<br />
that kimchi made in the northern regions of the<br />
peninsula tends to be less spicy and salty than<br />
that made as you progress south. This is due<br />
to the temperatures of these regions. Kimchi<br />
has traditionally been fermented in large jars<br />
and stored in the ground to preserve it. Salt and<br />
spice also helps to preserve kimchi longer, and<br />
as temperatures warm farther south, more salt<br />
and spice are used to better preserve the kimchi.<br />
But these days, special kimchi refrigerators in<br />
many homes are specifically designed to keep<br />
kimchi at optimal temperatures for various<br />
stages of fermentation.<br />
According to the UNESCO filing, kimjang is an<br />
important reaffirmation of Korean identity and<br />
an excellent opportunity for strengthening<br />
family cooperation and reminding the people<br />
of their need to live in harmony with nature.<br />
Traditionally, kimjang follows an annual cycle.<br />
In Spring, households In Summer, they<br />
gather shrimp and gather sea salt to<br />
anchovies for salting drain of bittern and<br />
and fermenting. prepare for the brine.<br />
In late Summer, chili In late Fall, communities<br />
peppers are harvested, take part in kimjang,<br />
dried, and ground into making enough kimchi<br />
powder flakes. for the winter.<br />
• Pyongan-do (North Korea) has adapted<br />
non-traditional ingredients in times<br />
of severe food shortages.<br />
• Hamgyeong-do (North Korea) uses<br />
fresh fish and oysters in their kimchi,<br />
due to its proximity to the ocean.<br />
• Hwanghae-do (North Korea) does not<br />
use red chili flakes, but makes a type<br />
of kimchi with pumpkin (호박지).<br />
• Chungcheong-do relies on salt and<br />
fermentation to make savory<br />
kimchi, rather than adding<br />
fermented fish. It also has the<br />
most varieties of kimchi.<br />
• Gangwon-do stores its kimchi for<br />
longer periods and does not add<br />
much salted fish to it.<br />
• Jeolla-do adds yellow corvina (굴비)<br />
and butterfish (샛돔) to create<br />
different seasonings for kimchi.<br />
• Gyeongsang-do’s kimchi is saltier and<br />
spicier, with the most common<br />
seasoning components including<br />
fermented anchovies (멸치젓).<br />
• Foreign countries sometimes make<br />
kimchi with different ingredients<br />
like western cabbage and broccoli.<br />
Korean housewives, mothers, and motherin-laws<br />
monitor weather forecasts to<br />
determine the best date and temperature for<br />
preparing kimchi. And the kimjang tradition<br />
and recipes are considered an important<br />
family heritage, often passed down from<br />
mother-in-law to daughter-in-law.<br />
Kimjang: Making Kimchi<br />
Words by Su hyun Jin<br />
Family Style<br />
For those living in Korea, kimjang, making kimchi is one<br />
cultural experience that everyone must try. For kimjang,<br />
Koreans start making kimchi before the first day of<br />
winter, because some of the ingredients are impossible to<br />
come by during the winter season.<br />
Two Saturdays ago, my Korean brother and a relative went<br />
twenty minutes away to gather cabbages. They came<br />
back with 9-10 baskets loaded with bright, green<br />
colored cabbages! To make kimchi, you need to<br />
gather the ingredients a few days ahead of time.<br />
Some of the ingredients include chili pepper powder or paste, fermented seafood, and<br />
salt. Before kimjang, you need to prepare the sauce as well as wash the cabbages<br />
and let them sit out to dry for at least a day. If you make kimchi while the cabbage<br />
is still too wet, it won’t taste as delicious and the seasoning won’t stick as well.<br />
Making kimchi family style provides a warm and cozy environment where<br />
family members can spend time to catch up with each other and talk<br />
about things like work and their daily lives. Not only that; they also<br />
get to tease each other!<br />
I went to my Korean brother's home last Sunday. This was my<br />
first time making kimchi and I have to admit, it was fun and<br />
interesting. To make the kimchi, you have to layer each<br />
leaf of the cabbage with the sauce. You don't want to<br />
put too much on though because it will be very spicy<br />
for those who aren't used to eating spicy food and<br />
the kimchi can also be very salty!<br />
<br />
One funny thing is that while I was making my first kimchi, I only layered one side of<br />
the cabbage leaf with sauce. I didn't layer the back side. Therefore, my kimchi still<br />
looked yellow and white. My brother's dad teased me and asked, "Are you making<br />
baek kimchi?" (white kimchi). After that, we all laughed at his joke.<br />
Back in the day, families used to put the kimchi in big traditional pots<br />
and bury them in the yard to preserve it. But nowadays, in many Korean<br />
homes, they have special refrigerators that can store kimchi and keep<br />
it well preserved throughout the winter! There's no need to have to<br />
go into a backyard and spend time digging up all that dirt and<br />
then burying the containers!<br />
Overall in my nine years in Korea, making kimchi “family<br />
style” is one of the best experiences I will never forget.<br />
<br />
26 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Kimchi Recipe<br />
Compiled by Aaron Snowberger<br />
Adapted from<br />
(Time: 2 days)<br />
prepare cabbages<br />
Day 1:<br />
• Dissolve salt in water to create brine<br />
• Cut cabbages in half lengthwise,<br />
creating 2-4 pieces<br />
• Soak in brine for 30 minutes<br />
• Remove from brine and drain, sprinkle<br />
more salt between the leaves<br />
• Soak in brine overnight (turn 1-2 times)<br />
Day 2:<br />
• Remove salted cabbages from brine<br />
and rinse 4-5 times in clean water<br />
• Let cabbages drain fully for 1+ hours<br />
by setting them aside<br />
Prepare seasoning (양념)<br />
• Wash and cut the spring onions, etc<br />
• Mix 1-2 cups fish sauce, 액젓 (or<br />
leftover brine) with chili powder<br />
• Add the greens, ginger, and garlic<br />
• Mix in fermented shrimps and taste.<br />
It should taste saltier, spicier, and<br />
more pungent than fresh kimchi<br />
• Add more shrimps or salt if not salty<br />
enough (will lessen about 20%)<br />
• As a final touch, sprinkle sesame<br />
seeds on top and mix them in<br />
Ingredients<br />
• 2 Korean napa cabbages (배추)<br />
• 3-4 cups kosher or sea salt<br />
• 20 cups water (for brine)<br />
• 1-2 cups chili powder (고춧가루)<br />
• ½ cup minced garlic<br />
• 1 tbsp minced ginger<br />
• 8 diced spring onions<br />
• 1-2 cups salty fish sauce (액젓) or leftover brine<br />
• ½ cup fermented shrimps (새우젓) with salty brine<br />
• Sesame seeds<br />
Stuff the cabbage<br />
• Take each cabbage and insert a large<br />
pinch of seasoning in between and<br />
on either side of each of the leaves.<br />
• Start with larger (outer) leaves, and<br />
move inward to smaller leaves.<br />
• Focus on coating the fleshy, white<br />
part of the leaves near the base<br />
• After stuffing all layers, wrap the<br />
cabbage with outermost leaves and<br />
tightly pack it into a large container<br />
Ripen kimchi<br />
• Ripen kimchi at room temperature<br />
overnight or leave out in the cold<br />
a few days. Kimchi should expand<br />
and start to bubble as it ripens.<br />
• After kimchi is sufficiently fermented,<br />
put it in a kimchi refrigerator, or a<br />
very low temperature refrigerator.<br />
• Enjoy kimchi all winter long!~<br />
Holiday Cheer<br />
Enjoy the season without<br />
breaking your bank<br />
Words by<br />
Megan Snowberger<br />
Christmas; Hanukkah; the <strong>Winter</strong> Solstice. No matter what you celebrate<br />
during these cold, wintery days with their long hours of darkness, chances<br />
are you will find yourself missing some traditions from home. Yes, there are<br />
many options in Korea to bring yourself some of that home-style holiday cheer, but<br />
some are far more expensive than others (like a frozen turkey for nearly 100,000<br />
won from Costco). So how can you still enjoy the<br />
holidays without completely blowing your<br />
paycheck or hard-earned<br />
savings? Here are a few<br />
tips to help you out.<br />
Self-Care<br />
Cheer<br />
The holidays are said to be a time of togetherness and cheer but are<br />
also one of the most stressful periods of the year. Combat this additional<br />
stress with a bit of self-care. This could be as simple as taking a morning<br />
walk before class or Skyping your old roommates, siblings, or dog. One<br />
of my favorite morning habits is to make a delicious cup of coffee and<br />
enjoy it while journaling (read: brain-dumping) for three pages. It’s a<br />
great way to get my feelings and stress onto paper, and out of my head,<br />
so I don’t have to think about them all day.<br />
Exercise is another great way to release stress and feel grounded.<br />
If you haven’t already heard of Solasta Yoga in Jeonju, you should<br />
search for them on Facebook. The teachers are a Scottish husband<br />
and wife team who integrate an incredibly relaxing meditation into<br />
the beginning and end of each yoga class. The classes vary every<br />
weekend, but the teachers always provide modifications, depending<br />
on your level. Everyone from beginners to students who’ve practiced<br />
for years can get something out of the practices they provide. I never<br />
considered an hour and a half of exercise to be quite so “yummy”<br />
before taking a Solasta Yoga class, but I’m now convinced otherwise.<br />
(Also, if you’re looking for an inexpensive gift for a friend, one session<br />
could be a great bonding experience together!) And if the yoga high<br />
isn't enough, the teacher team always provides nice, hot tea and a<br />
healthy little treat at the end of each session, which always has the<br />
incredible power to cheer me up.<br />
Until this year, I was lucky enough to have a group of very close<br />
friends (and a great apartment) who would all meet together on<br />
Christmas afternoon for a gift-exchange, an abundance of delicious<br />
treats and festive cocktails, and plenty of that sweet holiday mood.<br />
Though the majority of that group moved away earlier this year, I’m<br />
still finding ways to get in my holiday cheer.<br />
One of the things that makes me the happiest is visiting my favorite<br />
dogs at the Gunsan Dog Shelter. I started volunteering there in the<br />
spring of <strong>2018</strong> and have helped out with a lot of things ranging<br />
from cuddling puppies, to bathing them, to caring for them after<br />
they were spayed and neutered. The shelter relies quite heavily on<br />
the generosity of volunteers and happily accepts many forms of<br />
donations, including time, money, blankets, food, and more. If you’re<br />
interested in donating, please contact me via Kakao at megans or<br />
email at for more information about<br />
what and how you can donate.<br />
If you prefer interacting with little humans rather than little, furry<br />
creatures, Neighborly Neighbourly Neighborly is a local volunteer<br />
group that visits orphanages in Jeonju and has been in existence for<br />
more than 9 years. It is currently run by one Korean and two foreign<br />
volunteers. Find their Facebook page and contact them for more<br />
detailed information about volunteering or donating.<br />
28 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Food<br />
Gifts<br />
Another of my favorite holiday traditions is called a potluck, which<br />
is a meal brought together by sharing food among friends. The<br />
best part of doing a potluck in Korea is that you can enjoy food<br />
with people from varied food cultures who can introduce you to<br />
something from their homelands or have picked up in their travels.<br />
Potlucks are a great way to share time, memories, and awesome<br />
recipes together. This is a great, budget-friendly option because you<br />
determine your own costs by what you choose to make.<br />
Resources like iHerb are good for flours, herbs, and spices, and<br />
larger chain shops like E-mart and Homeplus are good for wine and<br />
cheese or a great chocolate selection. But if you can’t find certain<br />
ingredients, try searching for vegan substitutes. Often these taste<br />
just as good as the original but can be made for a fraction of the<br />
price you’d be paying in Korea to make the “real” thing. For example,<br />
I recently made a lasagna with tofu instead of ricotta cheese and<br />
Korean pumpkin (단호박) instead of sheets of pasta. A few good<br />
sources to check out include the Minimalist Baker, From My Bowl,<br />
and Budget Bytes.<br />
I’m a recent convert to the belief that buying experiences and even<br />
donating to worthy causes on behalf of other people can just as<br />
valuable as gift-giving. The two organizations I mentioned in "Cheer"<br />
are always happy to accept donations of money, goods, or time. Or,<br />
if you’re looking for experiences, check out Jeonju’s Sori Center with<br />
reasonably priced concerts and musicals, paragliding near Moak<br />
mountain, or a ropes course in Gosan.<br />
Additionally, there’s always the option of creating your own gifts.<br />
iHerb opens a window of possibilities in this realm—for example, if<br />
you order 100% cocoa powder, sea salt, Epsom salts, and essential<br />
oils, you can these ingredients to make homemade cocoa mixes,<br />
face scrubs, and foot soaks. If you’d prefer to shop locally, smaller<br />
shops in your neighborhood may have unique, personal gifts such as<br />
hand-crafted pottery or unique tea mixes. Last but not least, books<br />
are a fantastic option. Jólabókaflóð, pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot is<br />
an Icelandic term that means “Yule Book Flood.” This is a well-loved<br />
tradition in the months before Christmas where friends and family<br />
gift each other books for the holidays. Some great resources for<br />
budget English books include the used bookstore Aladdin Books<br />
in Jeonju’s Gaeksa, the website What-the-Book, and a new start-up<br />
founded by former Jeonju-ites Max and Joe known as Waygook Books.<br />
Whichever holiday tradition you choose to celebrate and however<br />
you to celebrate it, I wish you much health and happiness.<br />
Snowflak<br />
Experience Jeonbuk<br />
Brrr... Warm yourself up at the<br />
Korean Public Bath<br />
Words by<br />
Silayan Casino<br />
Jinan Spa piece by<br />
Aaron Snowberger<br />
When I first arrived in Korea in<br />
November 2008, it was the<br />
start of winter. It was snowing<br />
at the Iksan bus terminal where I was met by<br />
my hagwon owner and her family. After some<br />
time, she took me to a “public bath”. I had no<br />
concept of what a public bath was. In my mind,<br />
it was an open place, like a beach or a park,<br />
where people would bathe. How wrong I was!<br />
The public bath has become one of my<br />
personal favorite treats. After working hard all<br />
day or having a long week at work or school,<br />
it’s the perfect place to leave those problems<br />
behind, relax, and feel the healing sensation<br />
of the hot bath. You can spend a good long<br />
time by yourself just soaking, or giving your<br />
body a thorough scrub, but it’s also a great<br />
place to go with friends or family.<br />
So, what exactly is a public bath in Korea?<br />
Public baths are called saunas, jjimjilbangs,<br />
or mok-yok-tangs in Korea and typically<br />
include a red, circular icon with three heat<br />
lines rising out of it.<br />
When you enter building, you go to the<br />
reception desk cashier, pay the entrance fee,<br />
receive some towels, and if you’ve opted to<br />
venture into the jimjilbang area (a large, open,<br />
public space with snacks, entertainment, and<br />
hot - or cold - rooms), also a uniform.<br />
Next, you take your shoes off, put them in a locker,<br />
and get a key to open another locker inside the<br />
gender segregated shower and sauna areas.<br />
Once you find your locker, strip down<br />
completely naked, grab your little basket<br />
with bathing amenities like your toothbrush<br />
and toothpaste (if you’ve brought one), and<br />
head to the bathing area with your towel.<br />
The first thing you should do before stepping into<br />
one of the hot tubs is go to the shower area. These<br />
shower stations may include both standing and<br />
seated showers where you sit on a large plastic<br />
step stool and bathe. Koreans usually take a full<br />
shower, put on masks, scrub the outer layer of<br />
dead skin off their bodies with rough cloths, and<br />
do all kinds of other pampering before rinsing<br />
everything off and going into the tub.<br />
30 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
1<br />
2<br />
3 4<br />
hot cold hot cold cold hot<br />
Depending on the size of the venue, there will<br />
be between three and eight bath tubs that can<br />
sit a number of people, with varying degrees of<br />
water temperature, with the hot ones usually<br />
sitting at 37-43ºC. There are also varying cold<br />
bath tubs, often with water massage stations,<br />
like Jacuzzi jets or pressure showers.<br />
Many public baths also have actual saunas,<br />
with varying temperatures. In these saunas,<br />
you can bring small basins of water to splash<br />
yourself with. Some of the sauna rooms have<br />
a supply of salt to rub into your skin as you sit<br />
and sweat in the heat. You are free to go from<br />
tub to tub to sauna, and back and forth as you<br />
wish. The method I was taught to soak was:<br />
Hot – Cold – Hot – Cold – Sauna – Cold – Hot<br />
But I can’t recall whether I was recommended<br />
to end on hot or cold. Either way you will feel<br />
incredibly refreshed and relaxed, and your<br />
skin will feel so soft, and you’ll be ready for<br />
whatever comes next (sleep, or the day ahead,<br />
depending on what time of day you go).<br />
If you have not tried the public bath, you may<br />
feel shy about going. It’s ok. You’re not alone.<br />
One way to overcome your shyness may be<br />
to focus on and pamper yourself, without<br />
paying any mind to the strangers around<br />
you. Go about doing your own thing and<br />
disregard any stares that may come when<br />
the natives notice a non-Korean in their<br />
midst. Remember, you can discreetly observe<br />
the Koreans to learn how things are done if<br />
you’re not sure, but I recommend going with<br />
someone who knows their way around the<br />
first time you try the public bath.<br />
It may be intimidating to be naked in front<br />
of others, but remember that we are all<br />
just humans in a body. This experience is a<br />
truly unique Korean cultural tradition that<br />
I recommend everyone try at least once,<br />
especially now as we get deeper into winter<br />
and its cold, freezing temperatures. There is<br />
something holistic about going to the public<br />
bath. Enjoy the little things about Korean life.<br />
Jinan Red Ginseng Spa<br />
The large images above are from<br />
Jinan's Red Ginseng Spa, a unique<br />
public bath that offers an outdoor<br />
hot spring overlooking Mai<br />
mountain. In the winter, visitors can<br />
enjoy the heat of the spa's open-air<br />
rooftop pool while gazing upon the<br />
snow covered mountain peaks.<br />
This Jinan spa also includes many<br />
other features you wouldn't find in<br />
a regular jjimjilbang. Visitors will<br />
be pleased to find an indoor pool,<br />
aromatherapy, sound therapy, mud<br />
masks, group bathing, “healing beds,”<br />
and much more! The spa uses red<br />
ginseng and other oriental herbs in<br />
hopes of relaxing the mind and spirit.<br />
Adult admission: 39,000 KRW<br />
Public spa: 10,000 KRW<br />
With hotel stay: 80,000 - 200,000 KRW<br />
Snowflak<br />
Experience Jeonbuk<br />
Spa<br />
LaQua<br />
Words by<br />
Valerie Merrick<br />
Talk to any seasoned<br />
foreigner about<br />
jjimjilbang, or a<br />
Korean bathhouse, and you<br />
may get a strong opinion,<br />
and hopefully, a good story.<br />
32 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Warm up in <strong>Winter</strong> with<br />
a hot bath in the snow<br />
My jjimjilbang experience began in the United States. My city had a<br />
large Korean population, so I had two jjimjilbangs to choose from.<br />
My friend, who loved K-pop, K-dramas, and K-pampering, took me<br />
there for the first time and showed me the ropes: avoid eye-contact<br />
when undressing, sit down in the shower to really scrub your legs,<br />
and alternate between hot and cold baths. After bathing, the sauna<br />
rooms were more easy to understand: wear the gym-like clothes and<br />
sweat it out as long as you can. Relax in front of the big screens, or<br />
grab some ramen, and then do the baths one more time!<br />
When I came to Korea, jjimjilbang was one of the first things I<br />
searched for, and I was happy to find Spa LaQua only 10 minutes<br />
away from my apartment! At half the price of the jjimjilbangs in the<br />
US, I vowed to return every week. This bathhouse has everything you<br />
need for a great spa day: clean locker rooms, hot showers, hotter<br />
baths, and the hottest saunas.<br />
But what I find special about Spa LaQua is the covered, openair,<br />
outdoor bath. While some jjimjilbangs offer this, it is less<br />
common, and it is a special treat in the winter. After you finish<br />
showering, you can make your way past the creamy carbonic bath,<br />
and the high-pressured jacuzzi bath through a little hallway and<br />
out into the elements. While the spa is a place to relax, you’ll<br />
likely hear a few screams as women move through the crisp,<br />
winter air into the outdoor bath. But once you are settled in, the<br />
outdoor bath is unlike anything else. Fewer people go outside,<br />
so it’s usually quiet, and if you’re lucky, snow will come through<br />
the slits in the roof, giving you a way to cool down while leaving<br />
your body nice and warm.<br />
Another nice feature of Spa<br />
LaQua is that you can pay<br />
half-price for access to the<br />
gender segregated baths only,<br />
if you choose not to go to the<br />
all-inclusive jjimjilbang/sauna<br />
area. The baths even have a few<br />
saunas so you hardly feel like you<br />
are missing out. I love going for<br />
a bath after work, and save a full<br />
jjimjilbang day for the weekends<br />
when I can take my time.<br />
But, like every foreigner, I also have my own story<br />
of embarrassment. Spa LaQua has shoe lockers,<br />
and one day I fumbled about with my shoe key<br />
before determining the locker was broken. Later,<br />
a friend showed me that I had been trying to use<br />
my key for the men’s shoe lockers!<br />
However, my story pales in comparison to<br />
what other friends have experienced. One<br />
friend told me about their first time to<br />
jjimjilbang where they were so concerned<br />
about being naked in public that they walked<br />
right out of the locker rooms into the public<br />
spaces with nothing but a small towel on!<br />
Other friends have experienced unknown<br />
Korean women touching their body parts out<br />
of curiosity or giving them a friendly back<br />
scrub in the shower. I once sat naked in a<br />
bath when a mother coaxed her small child<br />
to come over and say “hello”. We sang “Baby<br />
Shark” together for a few minutes before she<br />
was swam off like the baby shark she was.<br />
One of the things I love about Korea is how<br />
they can take something considered private<br />
in Western culture, like bathing, and make it a<br />
more communal event. These situations can<br />
help even the most out-of-place foreigner<br />
feel a bit more welcome and at home. This<br />
winter, I encourage you to try out Spa LaQua<br />
or any of the other jimjilbangs in the region<br />
to stay warm as the temperatures drop.<br />
Travel Jeonbuk<br />
Hiking in<br />
<strong>Winter</strong>:<br />
A Guide<br />
Words by Nicholas Haslam<br />
Photos by Umesh Sampath, Marli Janse Van Vuuren<br />
34 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
It’s winter. It’s freezing cold outside. Why on<br />
earth would you want to go hiking? Well,<br />
it’s not all that bad. The other seasons have<br />
drawbacks too. Summer is too hot, spring,<br />
although beautiful, is slightly marred by pollen and<br />
high dust levels, and in autumn, the trails are crowded<br />
with hikers desperate to see the sun-dappled golds<br />
and reds of the turning leaves. But winter is none of<br />
these things. Yes, it’s cold. But it’s peaceful. The air<br />
is sharp and clear. It’s the best break from a world<br />
of constant noise. The experiences you will have<br />
hiking in winter will take your breath away – yes, the<br />
cold will do that, but so will the views: from ridge to<br />
ridge, peak to peak, mountains to sea.<br />
Travel Jeonbuk<br />
What to pack<br />
When hiking in summer, you can get away with little more<br />
than the clothes on your back. But in winter, it doesn’t pay to<br />
pack light. The key word here is ‘layers.’ Avoid the unnecessary<br />
weight – leave your heavy sweaters and ‘long padding’ at<br />
home, and opt for long-sleeve hiking shirts, polar fleece<br />
tops, a lightweight puffer jacket and a sturdy wind-breaking<br />
raincoat. Finally, don’t go anywhere with out bringing a scarf,<br />
hat and gloves. If it’s really cold, consider bringing an extra<br />
pair of gloves, and especially if you’re walking through snow,<br />
wear two pairs of thick socks. Keeping the extremities warm<br />
is very important. I also recommend bringing extra clothing<br />
in case one of your party has forgotten something. I recently<br />
forgot to bring a scarf on a particularly freezing hike, and<br />
I’ll be forever grateful to the caring friend who gave me a<br />
spare one of his!<br />
A pair of crampons give you stability and confidence to<br />
walk on ice, but they’re not essential if you’re not going<br />
high, or if there hasn’t been a recent dumping of snow.<br />
However, to prevent twisted ankles and painful falls, a<br />
sturdy pair of hiking boots (with ankle support) are a must<br />
for any winter expedition.<br />
Because of the slippery conditions, accidents are much more<br />
likely to occur in winter than in any other season. Whether<br />
you’re hiking for one day or three, bring a first-aid kit packed<br />
with all the essentials: plasters, a bandage, tape, painkillers,<br />
tweezers and antiseptic cream. A brace for sore knees isn’t<br />
a bad idea either.<br />
As for food, sharing is caring! Make something filling for<br />
lunch – sandwiches or leftovers work well in my experience<br />
– and plenty of muesli bars and high-energy snacks to<br />
munch on while you’re moving. Bring a small gas stove for<br />
multi-day hikes – even for a day trip, if you want to cook<br />
ramyeon on the route!<br />
36 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Planning in advance<br />
The most obvious (and most important) thing to do when planning<br />
a trip is to check the weather. This doesn’t just mean a cursory glance<br />
at your phone the night before. Keep track of forecast developments<br />
as early as possible – most forecasts in Korea predict the weather<br />
with reasonable accuracy up to ten days out. If it’s anything other<br />
than clear skies, think twice about your trip. There may not be snow<br />
or rain on the forecast, but if the wind picks up, you can get cold very<br />
quickly. A lot of hiking trails in Korea follow exposed rocky ridges, so<br />
a relatively calm day and good visibility is imperative.<br />
Bringing a map is also a good idea. Hiking trails in Korea are usually<br />
very well formed and maintained. Signs along trails and maps at trail<br />
heads give detailed information regarding distances and altitude.<br />
However, while trails are usually easy to follow, you do have to watch<br />
where you’re going, especially in a heavy snowfall. If you’re using<br />
the map on your phone, make sure it is downloaded, so you don’t<br />
have to rely on cellphone reception. I highly recommend printing<br />
a topographical map of the area before you go. A quick search on<br />
Naver should bring up a plethora of blogs with detailed maps.<br />
Finally, plan your transport options carefully. It’s great if you have a<br />
car, but make sure that you can return to it at the end of your hike!<br />
During a recent hike, we decided to play safe and make a shortcut to<br />
a hermitage in the mountains, rather than returning the remaining<br />
five kilometres to the car. Once we arrived at the road end, we were<br />
able to call a taxi. Another time, we needed to hitchhike back to the<br />
car. Whatever you decide, be aware that the hours of daylight are<br />
limited, especially around the winter solstice on December 22nd.<br />
If you’re planning on a multi-day hike, be sure to decide what<br />
shelter(s) you’ll be staying at, and to book well in advance. This can<br />
be done through the website of the national park you’re visiting.<br />
The key for being prepared each day of the hike lies in leaving as<br />
early as possible – if the weather allows. The more ground you put<br />
beneath your feet early in the morning, the more time you have to<br />
deal with any unforeseen challenges ahead. Also, there’s nothing<br />
quite like crunching through fresh snow just as dawn is breaking<br />
over the mountains. Oh, the things you miss sleeping in!<br />
From wooded glens to craggy mountaintops, Korea’s wilderness<br />
is peaceful and breath-taking. Awe-inspiring, it offers stunning<br />
views and a new way of looking at Korea. <strong>Winter</strong> is the best time to<br />
experience the serenity of hiking in Korea’s national parks, but it does<br />
pay to be prepared. Avoid the frustration of fashion and dress smart.<br />
Plan your route and keep an eye on the weather well in advance.<br />
Bathe in the stillness and silence. Can you hear your heartbeat?<br />
Travel Jeonbuk<br />
Muju Deogyusan<br />
Ski Resort<br />
Words & photos by<br />
Umesh Sampath<br />
38 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
M<br />
Muju is a county in North Jeolla<br />
province, South Korea. It’s<br />
about 1 hr drive of Jeonju.<br />
Muju Deogyusan Resort is located in Mt.<br />
Deogysan and Deogyusan National Park. It is<br />
probably best and most publicized ski resort<br />
offering exciting skiing and snowboarding.<br />
Muju claims one of the popular destinations<br />
for a great weekend away and winter sports.<br />
The resort is well known for its ski courses,<br />
and many people visit Muju during the<br />
winter. At Manseonbong Peak (1,215m)<br />
skiing grounds, there is a lift that can<br />
handle 13,000 people at once, and there<br />
are a variety of courses from beginners’ to<br />
professional levels.<br />
The resort mountain has been designed in 2<br />
main areas, the Manseon Base with 12 slopes<br />
and the Seolcheon base with 10 slopes,<br />
which include the 6.1km long Silk Road trail<br />
run and offers the greatest vertical drop<br />
found in Korea.<br />
Travel Jeonbuk<br />
Rest and<br />
Art, history, and a stunning mountain top<br />
cafe in the heart of Iksan take pride in this<br />
small yet charming town’s glorious past<br />
Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />
Out of all the counties in Jeollabuk-do, Iksan is probably the one that<br />
holds the most number of treasure troves from this northern<br />
region’s storied past. One of its monikers is the “City of<br />
Jewelry,” because it has a huge cultural space that holds relics,<br />
jewelries, and artifacts from the Baekje Kingdom, which existed from<br />
18BC to 660 AD. A Dinosaur Museum, Tomb Museum, and historical<br />
landmarks also abound in Iksan, making it a must-see destination for<br />
visitors who want to learn more about South Korea’s<br />
local history and culture. This earned Iksan yet another<br />
nickname as an “Ancient Capital.”<br />
Here, we spent a whole day in this quaint, sleepy town<br />
that is alive with fascinating discoveries on how the<br />
North Jeolla province was founded and established,<br />
giving an insight on the wonderful architecture and<br />
cultural consciousness that still exists to this day.<br />
Mireuksakji National Museum<br />
One of the most well-known museums in Iksan is the<br />
Mireuksaji Municipal Museum, which was originally<br />
opened in May 1997. Several years later, however,<br />
several more discoveries were found at the Mireuksa<br />
Temple Site in the 2000s, so, on December 2015,<br />
the museum was converted to a national museum<br />
that aims to preserve and exhibit these valuable<br />
remnants of history.<br />
40 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Reminisce<br />
Mireuksa Temple Site<br />
From outside the museum grounds, a tall, white structure can be seen standing<br />
proudly in the middle of the vast space. Once you enter the site, you will see huge<br />
stones displayed on the garden. These are remnants of the structures that were<br />
found buried under the site that used to cradle the Mireuksa Temple, which<br />
was built during the reign of King Mu of the Baekje Dynasty in the 7th<br />
century. According to the official information from the museum, the temple<br />
originally consisted of three pagodas and three halls arranged side by side.<br />
It was said to have survived through the Unified Silla and Goryeo periods<br />
up until the early Joseon Dynasty, but disappeared during the Imjin<br />
War (the Japanese invasion of Korea from 1592-1598). Today, the<br />
Mireuksa Temple Site contains the Stone Pagoda and Flagpole<br />
Supports (National Treasure No. 11 and 236, respectively) and was<br />
designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 4, 2015.<br />
What makes this temple extraordinary is that it is known<br />
to be the largest and oldest stone pagoda in Korea. Its<br />
precise construction techniques and excellent aesthetics<br />
reflect the amazing skill and artistic sensibilities of<br />
the people of the Baekje era, who seem to be ahead<br />
of their time. It should be noted, however, that only<br />
the first six stories of the stone pagoda are intact,<br />
and it is assumed that it originally had nine stories.<br />
The temple and the flagpole are born from Buddhism,<br />
which is the predominant religion of the time.<br />
At current, construction projects are being done in<br />
the museum and the site, where the Iksan National<br />
Museum is scheduled to open in 2019.<br />
Address: 362, Mireuksaji-ro, Geumma-myeon, Iksan-si 54574<br />
Contact: (063) 830-0900<br />
Website:<br />
Hours: 10am to 6pm<br />
Travel Jeonbuk<br />
Cafe Dalbitsori<br />
Iksan (Jung Ang) Market<br />
Off the busy area of Iksan and quite hidden<br />
from the main road is a gem that should never<br />
be missed. Once inside, you will be welcomed<br />
by an uphill stretch of flowers, plants, and<br />
old trees reminiscent of the mystical and<br />
enchanting forest of Alice in Wonderland.<br />
Much more fascinating is the sight of an<br />
imposing tree with a hollow that is so huge<br />
in diameter with a space big enough for a<br />
person to come through. The tree has been<br />
in existence for an astounding 500 years, and<br />
it was known as the site where secret letters<br />
were hidden and exchanged and romantic<br />
trysts were arranged. Elderly people from<br />
this neighborhood, who have fond, nostalgic<br />
memories from the 1970’s and 80’s, say that<br />
students who were “forbidden to love at a<br />
young age” from the Cheonseo Elementary<br />
school used this tree as a meeting place after<br />
class. It’s not only a tree that has witnessed<br />
history but also the beginning of wistful love<br />
stories of the locals.<br />
The cafe itself is an impressive structure. It is<br />
made completely of old wood and designed<br />
like a log house where visitors can have a<br />
brief moment of respite from the cold of<br />
winter or the heat of summer. The second<br />
floor is built with high ceilings and airy space<br />
where one can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.<br />
Overlooking the balcony is the breathtaking<br />
view of nature and a water fountain that<br />
provide a great backdrop for a picture or<br />
two. It’s a cafe that’s worth driving to and<br />
a space where anyone looking to calm his<br />
or her mind can find peace and tranquility.<br />
Address: 전북 익산시 춘포면 천서길 149<br />
Instagram: @dal_bid2<br />
Hours: 10:30AM to 8PM (closed on Mondays)<br />
Public markets are known to be the<br />
gateways to a place’s local specialties and<br />
innate personality, and the one in Iksan will<br />
probably give you a bird’s eye view of the<br />
unique aspects of this town. Quite unlike<br />
the other markets that have suffered the<br />
convenience of online shopping and grocery<br />
stores, Iksan Public Market is still brimming<br />
with life. If you’re looking for a place to fill<br />
your hunger without breaking the bank, you<br />
will find old restaurants that serve deepfried<br />
pork (tangsuyuk), dumplings (mandu),<br />
and a variety of noodles (cheese, vegetable,<br />
and seafood ramyeon). The best part is, all of<br />
these dishes cost only 2,000 to 5,000 KRW!<br />
42 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
The Grandfather of<br />
Christmas<br />
Imsil gives tribute to the jolly<br />
old man in the bright red suit<br />
Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />
Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />
The appearance of green, decorated trees,<br />
wreaths, lights, and snowflakes may<br />
symbolize the festivities of Christmas,<br />
but there’s no other greater icon than the image<br />
of Santa Claus with his fluffy beard, big belly, and<br />
red and white suit. All Santa-wannabes and families<br />
looking to experience the spirit of Christmas headed<br />
to the Imsil Cheese Theme Park, where the Santa<br />
Festival was held for three days, from December<br />
21-23, <strong>2018</strong>. The expansive grounds turned into<br />
a colorful winter wonderland, with big Santa and<br />
snowman blow-up figures, Christmas trees, and<br />
faux snow displayed outdoors.<br />
The program included a Santa looka-like<br />
contest, music, and dance<br />
performances, while on ground,<br />
there were food booths,<br />
chestnut roasting,<br />
and of course, stores with a whole lot of cheese. One<br />
of the highlights of the event was the performance<br />
of the Christmas Choir which made audiences sing<br />
along to familiar, nostalgic carols.<br />
This annual event always becomes grander than<br />
the last because of the surprise performances that<br />
audiences from all over Jeollabuk-do keep looking<br />
forward to.This year, the organizers made sure that<br />
every corner looked whimsical and photogenic, much<br />
to the delight of people wanting to take snapshots to<br />
commemorate this extraordinary holiday experience.<br />
For once, a big event was dedicated to the jolly<br />
old man of Christmas known as Santa<br />
Claus all over the world. But to most<br />
Korean kids, he is simply called<br />
by a name that rings closer to<br />
their hearts: Santa 할아버지<br />
(grandfather).<br />
Location: 50, Doin 2-gil Seongsu-myeon,<br />
Imsil-gun, Jeollabuk-do<br />
전라북도 임실군 성수면 도인2길 50 (성수면)<br />
P h o t o g r a p h y<br />
Mohang Beach<br />
Dukjin Park<br />
44 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13<br />
Photos by David Buule
Jeonju Train Station<br />
P h o t o g r a p h y<br />
Geumsansa<br />
Photos by Marli Janse Van Vuuren<br />
46 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13
Gunsan<br />
Iksan<br />
Wanju<br />
County<br />
Muju<br />
County<br />
Words by Axel Lemus<br />
Jeolla Dialect<br />
Jeonju<br />
Gimje<br />
Buan<br />
전라 사투리<br />
County<br />
Jeongeup<br />
Gochang<br />
County<br />
Sunchang<br />
County<br />
Imsil<br />
County<br />
Jinan<br />
County<br />
Namwon<br />
Jangsu<br />
County<br />
~잉<br />
Every region has its own unique<br />
“날씨가 좋다잉~”<br />
dialect. Embracing it is to embrace the<br />
“Aw, the weather’s nice~”<br />
local people, language, and culture in<br />
a warm and useful way. This edition’s<br />
featured phrase is….<br />
Speakers of the Jeolla dialect tend to end their sentences<br />
with ~잉 (ing), especially when excited. The expression is<br />
widely used throughout the Korean southwest, using it<br />
will surely spice up any conversation with a local!<br />
“한옥마을에 잘 갔다왔어?”<br />
“Did you enjoy your trip<br />
to Hanok Village?”<br />
“응, 오목대에 올라가면 경치가 완전 좋다잉~”<br />
“Yeah, the view is real nice if you go up<br />
to Omokdae~”<br />
Do you Know Jeollabuk-do?<br />
Iksan<br />
Gunsan<br />
Wanju<br />
County<br />
Muju<br />
County<br />
Gimje<br />
Jeonju<br />
Jinan<br />
County<br />
Buan<br />
County<br />
Jeongeup<br />
Imsil<br />
County<br />
Jangsu<br />
County<br />
Gochang<br />
County<br />
Sunchang<br />
County<br />
Namwon<br />
1. Which city was the<br />
birthplace of the<br />
Joseon period?<br />
2. Which town is best<br />
known for its wide<br />
open plain that shows<br />
a unique view of the<br />
horizon in Korea?<br />
3. Which county<br />
surrounds Jeonju<br />
and is the center<br />
of local foods?<br />
4. Which city sees both<br />
the Geumgang and<br />
Mangyeonggang<br />
Rivers flowing<br />
through it?<br />
5. Which county<br />
includes one<br />
of Korea's ten<br />
natural wonders?<br />
6. Which city is<br />
located the shortest<br />
geographical<br />
distance from China?<br />
7. Which city is<br />
famous for Pansori,<br />
Chunhyang's, and<br />
Heungbu's stories?<br />
Quiz<br />
8. Which town is<br />
best known for<br />
Naejang Mountain?<br />
9. Which county is<br />
scattered with<br />
mountains ranging<br />
over 1000m?<br />
10. Which county is<br />
famous for Maisan<br />
Mountain?<br />
11. Which county sees<br />
3 million tourists<br />
per year for skiing<br />
and other outdoor<br />
activities?<br />
12. Which county is<br />
most well-known<br />
for its cheese?<br />
13. Which county is<br />
famous for its red<br />
pepper paste and<br />
mineral springs?<br />
14. In which county<br />
was a stone fortress<br />
built "just in case" of<br />
Japanese invasion?<br />
Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon<br />
8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang<br />
48 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong> • Issue 13