Maximum Yield Cannabis | Canadian Edition | Issue 01 2019

You have some great-looking plants ready for harvest. Don’t blow it now. Take a deep breath and make sure you get the best quality possible from the plants you worked so hard on with Expert Advice for A Better Harvest by Lee G. Lyzit. Also in this issue: Smoking, Vaping, and Your Health; Winterizing Your Growroom; Benefits of Cannabis Juicing; and much more.

You have some great-looking plants ready for harvest. Don’t blow it now. Take a deep breath and make sure you get the best quality possible from the plants you worked so hard on with Expert Advice for A Better Harvest by Lee G. Lyzit.

Also in this issue: Smoking, Vaping, and Your Health; Winterizing Your Growroom; Benefits of Cannabis Juicing; and much more.


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On On Page Page 62 29<br />


Expert Advice for a<br />

BETTER<br />


Smoking, Vaping and<br />


The Health Benefits of<br />


LED Efficiency vs.<br />


Smoking or<br />


5<br />

Display<br />

Growroom Winterizing<br />


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This is an indictment of<br />

prohibition. The reason that<br />

people don’t know about<br />

the dangers of pesticides<br />

is because we don’t have<br />

a legal and regulatory<br />

market for this product.<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> needs to be<br />

available, but it also<br />

needs to be safe.”<br />

Features<br />

26<br />

Expert Advice for a Better Harvest<br />

by Lee G. Lyzit<br />

You have some great-looking plants ready for harvest. Don’t blow it now.<br />

Take a deep breath and make sure you get the best quality possible from<br />

the plants you worked so hard on with these four tips to make the most<br />

out of your harvest.<br />

32<br />

Smoking, Vaping, and Your Health<br />

by Jessica Zimmer<br />

There is little peer-reviewed science available on how smoking and<br />

vaping cannabis grown with pesticides affects human health. However,<br />

most experts agree that inhaling anything burned is not recommended,<br />

and pesticides can exacerbate health risks.<br />

10<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

®<br />

TM<br />

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Contents<br />

First Feed<br />

14 From the Editor<br />

16 Bare Roots<br />

18 Branching Out<br />

20 Ask a Grower<br />

24 Good to Grow<br />

62 Stash Box<br />

Chronicals<br />

36 Cut and Dried<br />

56 Ask a Nurse<br />

97 Baking a Fool of Myself<br />

Grow Cycle<br />

38 Keep Bugs Off Your Nugs<br />

44 Red Light, Blue Light<br />

58 How to Winterize Your Growroom<br />

64 Smoking versus Ingesting<br />

68 What to do With Seeded/Pollinated Plants<br />

72 Benefits of <strong>Cannabis</strong> Juicing<br />

78 A Look Inside <strong>Cannabis</strong> Container Cultivation<br />

84 Sun Parlour <strong>Cannabis</strong> Grower Supply<br />

12<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Prior to legalization, much of the<br />

debate centered around the history of<br />

racist drug laws and political views on<br />

the plant. It should have focused on<br />

the science of marijuana, particularly<br />

its effects on the adolescent brain.”<br />

from the<br />

EDITOR<br />

TG<br />

Toby Gorman<br />

Since our last issue of <strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong><br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong>, marijuana became legalized<br />

federally in Canada, the second country on<br />

the planet behind Uruguay to do so. Other<br />

countries, including Mexico and a number<br />

of South American countries, are on the<br />

brink of legalizing it.<br />

The <strong>Canadian</strong> government, under the rule<br />

of the Liberal party, legalized cannabis to<br />

fulfill its campaign promise in 2<strong>01</strong>5 prior<br />

to the federal election. Its reasons to end<br />

prohibition were many: keep profits out of<br />

the hands of criminals, reduce backlog on<br />

the criminal justice system, and keep pot<br />

out of the hands of young people.<br />

That latter reason is, by far, the most<br />

important. Prior to legalization, much of<br />

the debate centered around the history<br />

of racist drug laws and political views<br />

on the plant. It should have focused on<br />

the science of marijuana, particularly its<br />

effects on the adolescent brain. We are still<br />

gathering baseline information on how<br />

cannabis affects various ailments, but we<br />

know for certain its mind-altering chemical<br />

delta-9 THC has a negative impact on the<br />

neuro-wiring of young minds (cannabidiol,<br />

for its part, is relatively safe).<br />

What do we know? We know that teens who<br />

used marijuana heavily from puberty to their<br />

mid-20s are less likely to graduate from high<br />

school, have a higher likelihood for addiction<br />

to alcohol or harder drugs, and suffer more<br />

from depression. The potency of delta-9 THC<br />

in modern strains can only exacerbate these<br />

statistics if not controlled properly.<br />

We won’t go into the neuroscience here — the<br />

information is widely available online — but<br />

the discussion now needs to be, and should<br />

have been all along, how legalizing marijuana<br />

will affect our youth and, ultimately, their<br />

future and the future of our communities.<br />

The <strong>Canadian</strong> government has said one of<br />

the key objectives of legalizing marijuana<br />

was to keep it out of the hands of youth.<br />

Time will tell if it’s successful, and it will<br />

only be successful if laws are based on good<br />

science and enforced. Needless to say, the<br />

world will be watching.<br />

14<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

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are<br />

ROOTS<br />

Featured Contributors<br />

LL<br />

Lee G. Lyzit has been involved<br />

in the medical cannabis industry<br />

for nearly 15 years. His passion for<br />

natural healing drives him to learn as<br />

much as he can about the miraculous<br />

cannabis plant. Lee breeds his<br />

own strains of cannabis to create<br />

concentrated glycerine and coconut<br />

oil extracts. Aside from cannabis<br />

education and consumption, Lee<br />

enjoys playing music, gardening,<br />

hiking, and cross-country skiing.<br />

Contributors<br />

JZ<br />

Jessica Zimmer is a California,<br />

Florida, and New York-licensed<br />

attorney and reporter based in<br />

Sonoma County, California. She<br />

has a background in cannabis<br />

defence. One of her primary<br />

interests regarding cannabis is<br />

understanding its medical uses.<br />

VOLUME 21 NUMBER 14<br />

December January/February 2<strong>01</strong>8/January 2<strong>01</strong>9 2<strong>01</strong>9<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is published bi-monthly by<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is published bi-monthly by<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> Inc. No part of this magazine may be<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> Inc. No part of this magazine may be<br />

reproduced without permission from the publisher. If undeliverable<br />

please return to the address below. The views<br />

reproduced without permission from the publisher. If undeliverable<br />

please return to the address below. The views<br />

expressed by columnists are personal opinions and do not<br />

expressed by columnists are personal opinions and do not<br />

necessarily reflect those of <strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> or the editor.<br />

necessarily reflect those of <strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> or the editor.<br />

Publication Agreement Number 40739092<br />

Publication Agreement Number 40739092<br />

Printed in Canada<br />

Printed in Canada<br />

2339 A Delinea Place, Nanaimo, BC V9T 5L9<br />

2339 A Delinea Place, Nanaimo, BC V9T 5L9<br />

Phone: 250.729.2677; Fax 250.729.2687<br />

Phone: 250.729.2677; Fax 250.729.2687<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is now<br />

available <strong>Maximum</strong> on <strong>Yield</strong> magazine <strong>Cannabis</strong> stands is now<br />

across available Canada! on magazine stands<br />

across Canada!<br />

+<br />

Ian Ashdown<br />

Chris Bond<br />

Luis Cordova<br />

Lindsay Engle<br />

Tom Forrest<br />

Gibson Lannister<br />

Karen Lloyd<br />

Alan Ray<br />

Eloise Theisen<br />

Treefrog<br />

Rami Vardi<br />

Watermelon<br />


<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is<br />

distributed direct to retailers,<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is<br />

medical clinics, and dispensaries with<br />

distributed direct to retailers,<br />

distribution support from our partners:<br />

medical clinics, and dispensaries with<br />

Biofloral distribution support GS from Distribution our partners:<br />

biofloral.com gsdistribution.ca<br />

Biofloral<br />

Brite biofloral.com Lite Group Homegrown Hydroponics<br />

hydroponix.com hydroponics.com<br />

Brite Lite Group<br />

Growers hydroponix.com Paradise Quebec Imports<br />

growersparadise.ca quebec-import.com<br />

Green Planet Wholesale Ltd.<br />

Green<br />

mygreenplanet.com<br />

Planet Wholesale Ltd.<br />

mygreenplanet.com<br />

Growers Paradise<br />

growersparadise.ca<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> will be at:<br />

GS Distribution<br />

O’Cannabiz Conference & Expo<br />

gsdistribution.ca<br />

December 10 - 11, 2<strong>01</strong>8 | Vancouver, BC<br />

Homegrown Hydroponics<br />

Lift & Co. <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

hydroponics.com<br />

Business Conference & Expo<br />

January Quebec 10 Imports - 13, 2<strong>01</strong>9 | Vancouver, BC<br />

quebec-import.com<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> will be at:<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> & Hemp Expo<br />

September 29 & 30, Winnipeg, MB<br />

Weedstock<br />

October 26-28, Toronto, ON<br />

Montreal <strong>Cannabis</strong> Expo<br />

October 26 & 27, Montreal, QC<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> & Hemp Expo<br />

November 24 & 25, Ottawa, ON<br />

Metal Halide (MH) lights produce a high-intensity discharge (HID). MH bulbs<br />

utilize an electric arc encased within a small discharge tube. Mercury vapour<br />

within the bulb creates an exceptionally bright light. Halide salts add a bit of<br />

necessary colour spectrum to the light. MH lights are beneficial during the<br />

vegetative growth stage of the cannabis plant because they produce a soft blue<br />

light that the plants adore. They can be used throughout the plant’s lifespan,<br />

all the way to harvest time and are generally considered a better option for<br />

cannabis plant growth than fluorescent tubes.<br />

Check out Rami Vardi’s article on page 38 for more information.<br />

16 <strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong><br />

brokencoast.ca<br />

Cover and feature photos courtesy of<br />

Broken Coast <strong>Cannabis</strong>

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anching<br />

OUT<br />

@kristensaldrich<br />

This is one of the best ads I have seen in a long time.<br />

Article Archives<br />

Can’t recall that great gardening<br />

recommendation from a few months<br />

ago? Look it up online. We have<br />

hundreds of indoor gardening articles<br />

available at maximumyield.com.<br />

Ask a Grower<br />

Stumped by something strange<br />

happening in your garden? Fill out<br />

our Ask a Grower form and we will<br />

find you answers.<br />

Free Digital Subscriptions<br />

Sign up for our free digital subscription<br />

and you will receive <strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong><br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> to your inbox every other<br />

month. You will also receive a monthly<br />

digital newsletter so you can be the<br />

first to know what’s happening in<br />

the industry. Prefer the print version<br />

of the magazine? Use your digital<br />

subscriptions as notifications for<br />

when a new issue is available at your<br />

local grow shop. Sign up online<br />

at maximumyield.com/subscribe.<br />

Matt S.<br />

From personal experience, its so much more<br />

satisfying to see that little sprout from the seed<br />

and watch it grow. Its a must for first-timers.<br />

@GreenBoxGrown<br />

Always stoked to be apart of the @Max_<strong>Yield</strong><br />

community! Thank you for sharing and as<br />

always… happy growing!<br />

@cannhempexpo<br />

The @Max_<strong>Yield</strong> team will be at our #Winnipeg<br />

expo this weekend. For over 20 years, they have<br />

been the go-to source of info for controlledenvironment<br />

cultivation for growers worldwide. Be<br />

sure to go to them for all your growing questions!<br />

@puffsalotdr<br />

I have seen with my own eyes the power of Rick’s oil.<br />

There is no substitute for the real thing.<br />

Do you want to be featured?<br />

Send your email or post to:<br />

editor@maximumyield.com<br />

@maximumyield<br />

@max_yield<br />

@maximumyield<br />

@maximumyield<br />

maximumyield<br />

18<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR A GROWER? Email editor@maximumyield.com to get an answer.<br />

ask a<br />

GROWER<br />

Q<br />

I just put in a 10K bulb (finisher bulb) as it adds lots of UV.<br />

What’s your opinion on using the 10K bulb during veg?<br />

Steve<br />

a<br />

This is short question with a long answer. It may<br />

be true that a 10K finisher lamp adds “lots of UV,”<br />

but it is important to ask what this means. Several<br />

academic studies have shown exposure to UV-B<br />

radiation promotes the production of THC in <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

sativa. A 1987 study reported the THC content of floral<br />

tissue increased by 30 per cent when the daily UV-B<br />

dose over 70 days was increased by 13 times. More<br />

recently, an unpublished study by Seoul Semiconductor<br />

demonstrated that five hours of exposure to UV-B in<br />

the final three weeks prior to harvest increased THC<br />

content by nine per cent (interestingly, total terpene<br />

content was increased by 48 per cent). This, however,<br />

is for UV-B radiation, which ranges in wavelength<br />

from 280 nm to 315 nm. There do not appear to be<br />

any academic studies regarding the effects of UV-A<br />

radiation, with wavelengths of 315 nm to 400 nm,<br />

on cannabis. This is unfortunate, as most of the<br />

commercially-available finisher lamps produce plenty<br />

of UV-A radiation but basically no UV-B radiation.<br />

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence available on<br />

the internet claiming finisher lamps are effective<br />

in increasing THC content. However, “lots of UV”<br />

comes with considerable risks. Exposure to UV-A can<br />

enhance photosynthesis, but excess UV-A can inhibit it.<br />

Depending on the species, UV-A exposure may enhance<br />

or inhibit the production of terpenoids — it depends<br />

on the species. For cannabis, we simply do not know.<br />

Perhaps more important is the risk of eye damage<br />

from both UV-B and UV-A radiation exposure —<br />

you can literally sunburn your retinae, a painful<br />

condition called photokeratitis that is not noticed until<br />

several hours after exposure. UV-blocking sunglasses<br />

are available and should be worn when working with<br />

finisher lamps. As for the question of whether finisher<br />

lamps are useful during veg … well, the jury is still out.<br />

Thanks,<br />

Ian Ashdown<br />

IA<br />

Ian Ashdown is a horticultural lighting research engineer who is developing lighting design software for<br />

greenhouses and plant factories. He has forty years of experience as an architectural lighting research engineer, and<br />

holds more than 140 patents and patent applications in LED-based lighting and for predictive daylight controllers.<br />

20<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

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good<br />

TO GROW<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1 | Anden AV-Series<br />

Dehumidifiers<br />

Anden AV-Series<br />

dehumidifiers range<br />

from 210-300 pints per<br />

day of moisture removal.<br />

Components utilize<br />

materials designed<br />

for the most extreme<br />

conditions and demanding<br />

enterprises, while sensors<br />

and controls can be<br />

custom-configured for each<br />

facility. Anden AV-Series<br />

units are recommended<br />

for large, high-volume<br />

industrial facilities. Anden<br />

dehumidifiers are designed<br />

to prevent humidity spikes<br />

when lights are turned off<br />

and temperature drops<br />

by utilizing a TXV valve to<br />

achieve full capacity quickly<br />

and hold capacity until<br />

lights are turned on.<br />

2 | Pur PD-900DW<br />

Air Purifier<br />

A five-stage air purifier,<br />

the PD-900DW is perfect<br />

for either home or<br />

commercial applications.<br />

It’s designed to be<br />

installed on the return<br />

air duct of a heating or<br />

cooling system. It can<br />

also be used as a selfcontained<br />

wall-mounted<br />

unit. The five stages<br />

include HEPA filtration, a<br />

pleated carbon pre-filter,<br />

UVC germicidal light,<br />

photo-catalytic oxidation<br />

filter and a carbon/<br />

potassium permanganate<br />

final filter. It will remove<br />

cannabis and smoke<br />

odours as well as bacteria<br />

and mold spores.<br />

3 | Cutting Edge<br />

Solutions pH Up<br />

& pH Down<br />

The new CES pH Up<br />

and CES pH Down from<br />

Cutting Edge Solutions<br />

are more concentrated,<br />

and don’t contain those<br />

unwanted dyes. The<br />

pH Down is an acidic<br />

buffer that lowers water<br />

and nutrient solution<br />

pH. It contains both<br />

phosphoric acid and<br />

citric acid. The pH Up<br />

product is an alkaline<br />

buffer for raising nutrient<br />

solution pH. Both are<br />

highly concentrated, yet<br />

can be shipped without<br />

HazMat fees. These<br />

products are potent,<br />

so add to nutrient<br />

solutions carefully.<br />

4 | Xtrasun LT1<br />

Lighting Controller<br />

The Xtrasun LT1 provides<br />

dual-zone lighting control<br />

for use with Xtrasun<br />

double-ended fixtures.<br />

Xtrasun DE systems offer<br />

reliable technology at a<br />

reasonable price, and the<br />

LT1 can control up to 160 of<br />

these fixtures (80 per zone).<br />

It is specifically designed<br />

to be used with the Xtrasun<br />

XTDEKT1 and XTDEOKT1<br />

fixtures, which use 0-10V<br />

dimming and have proper<br />

RJ14 ports for compatibility.<br />

The LT1 controller offers<br />

temperature-based<br />

dimming, auto shutdown<br />

for extreme temperature<br />

situations, sunrise/sunset<br />

simulation, and connections<br />

for external equipment<br />

such as dehumidifiers<br />

and A/C systems.<br />

24<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

6<br />

5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

5 | Reiziger<br />

Bloom Minerals<br />

Reiziger Bloom Minerals<br />

boast a formulation<br />

tailored to give blooms<br />

the energy they need<br />

to thrive. To achieve a<br />

plentiful harvest, this<br />

formulation is made<br />

for high-metabolism,<br />

flowering annual plants in<br />

hydroponic systems. The<br />

fast-acting formula feeds<br />

through roots and leaves<br />

to promote aggressive<br />

and quick-flowering bud<br />

set and formation. It has<br />

a fully balanced blend<br />

of rapidly absorbable,<br />

proprietary phosphorus<br />

and potassium. Bloom<br />

Minerals contains no<br />

nitrogen, making it an<br />

ideal source of minerals<br />

for late applications to<br />

fruiting plants when<br />

nitrogen applications<br />

need to be controlled.<br />

6 | Age Old Nutrients<br />

Hydrofarm now offers<br />

Age Old Nutrients<br />

brand products. Age<br />

Old Nutrients strike the<br />

beautiful balance between<br />

the natural and synthetic<br />

worlds — embracing the<br />

“Age-Old” ways of growing,<br />

while weaving in specific<br />

technologies that enhance<br />

the growth of plants in<br />

a sustainable way. With<br />

a profound respect and<br />

appreciation for the old<br />

ways, along with a culture<br />

that thrives on research<br />

and innovation, Age Old<br />

continues testing and<br />

developing plant nutritional<br />

products that bring<br />

solutions for growers.<br />

7 | Remo Roots<br />

Propagation Gel<br />

Start your plants off the<br />

right way with Remo<br />

Roots. This blue-colored<br />

gel packs a big punch into<br />

a small container and the<br />

unique formula is one of<br />

the only propagation gels<br />

to contain two different<br />

rooting hormones: IBA<br />

and NAA. Normally, these<br />

two hormones repel each<br />

other and won’t bind<br />

together in a gel format,<br />

but Remo’s proprietary<br />

mixing method<br />

successfully binds the two<br />

together for maximum<br />

rooting potential. Remo<br />

Roots is registered with<br />

the <strong>Canadian</strong> Food<br />

Inspection Agency (CFIA).<br />

8 | Ushio America<br />

NaOClean<br />

Electrolyzed<br />

Water System<br />

Ushio America<br />

introduces the NaOClean<br />

electrolyzed water<br />

system for commercial,<br />

on-site, and indoor use<br />

to enhance plant growth<br />

and potentially suppress<br />

certain diseases and<br />

plant microbes, including<br />

powdery mold and<br />

mildew. The NaOClean<br />

technology utilizes<br />

electrolysis and a unique<br />

mixing process of pure salt<br />

and tap water to create<br />

a safe and effective pHneutral<br />

electrolyzed water<br />

solution of hypochlorous<br />

acid, which is effective in<br />

controlling plant diseases<br />

while not harmful to crops<br />

or workers. The system<br />

generates 1.136 litres per<br />

hour of electrolyzed water.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 25

26<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Expert Advice for a<br />

BETTER<br />


by Lee G. Lyzit<br />

photos courtesy of Broken Coast <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

You’ve done everything right and have<br />

some great-looking plants ready for harvest.<br />

Don’t blow it now. Take a deep breath with<br />

Lee G. Lyzit and make sure you get the best quality<br />

possible from the plants you worked so hard on.<br />

photo by Gary Lund<br />

Harvest time is an especially exciting time for a novice<br />

cannabis grower. After all, being able to experience<br />

the fruits of one’s labour is what makes growing your own<br />

cannabis so rewarding. Up to this point, first-time cannabis<br />

growers have been focusing their efforts primarily on<br />

the actual growing process. Dialing in the atmospheric<br />

conditions of a growroom, in addition to providing the<br />

plants with adequate lighting and nutrition, is usually more<br />

difficult than most rookie growers expect. However, once the<br />

garden is up and running, the bright light at the end of the<br />

tunnel is harvest time.<br />

Harvesting cannabis plants is a relatively straightforward<br />

process. Still, there are certain tricks of the trade that can<br />

make all the difference in the quality, flavour, and aroma<br />

of the finished product. <strong>Cannabis</strong> enthusiasts who educate<br />

themselves on proper harvest techniques can avoid the<br />

common (and costly) mistakes made by many new growers.<br />

It is not just the quality of the flowers that needs to be kept<br />

in mind during the harvest process. Inefficient methods<br />

can lead to increased labour costs and the loss of valuable<br />

byproducts that could be used to increase a grower’s overall<br />

return on investment. Essentially, each step of harvesting<br />

should be studied individually to maximize the efficiency<br />

and effectiveness of the overall harvesting process.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 27

photo by Gary Lund<br />





The number one mistake made by first-time cannabis growers<br />

is harvesting too early. I must admit, I was just as guilty of<br />

this offence as anyone. As Tom Petty noted, “the waiting is<br />

the hardest part.” This couldn’t be truer for first-time cannabis<br />

growers, but believe me, it’s worth the wait. In fact, most<br />

of a cannabis plant’s essential oil and terpene production<br />

happens in the final weeks of flowering. It is also during the<br />

later stages of flowering that cannabis plants pack on flower<br />

density. In other words, harvesting early not only severely<br />

impacts the quality, odours, and flavours of the flowers, it<br />

can also drastically reduce the crop’s overall yield. The ideal<br />

time to harvest cannabis plants depends on the strain. The<br />

average flowering time for a cannabis plant is eight weeks.<br />

However, to decide on the best time to harvest, a grower<br />

should pay close attention to the trichome development on<br />

their flowers. With a jeweler’s loupe or pocket microscope, a<br />

grower can closely examine the trichomes on their cannabis<br />

flowers. As the flowers ripen, the trichomes turn from clear<br />

to milky to amber in colour. For maximum THC potency, the<br />

optimal time to harvest is when the majority of the trichomes<br />

are milky. At this point, most of the pistils (little hairs) will<br />

have turned from white to brown or orange. Growers who<br />

wait until their plants (more specifically, the trichomes) are<br />

fully ripe are rewarded with the most potent buds.<br />


There are many different approaches to trimming cannabis<br />

flowers, including wet trimming methods, dry trimming<br />

methods, and automated trimming methods. There are<br />

multiple acceptable ways to trim and high-quality buds can<br />

be obtained with all types of trimming. That said, another<br />

common mistake made by first-time growers is inefficient<br />

trimming methods. If the cannabis flowers are handled more<br />

than they need to be, it can cause a reduction in quality and<br />

an increase in labour costs. When trimming, a good rule<br />

of thumb is to not disturb anything until necessary. Every<br />

time the flowers are recut, transported, shifted, or jostled, a<br />

grower runs the risk of losing some potency. Although there<br />

are different ways to approach trimming, the best methods<br />

seem to take a systematic approach. For example, first remove<br />

the large fan leaves while minimizing any contact with the<br />

flowers. Next, carefully remove the leaf material close to<br />

the flowers, touching and bumping the flowers as little as<br />

possible. There is no reason to get too crazy with this. Growers<br />

shouldn’t be afraid to touch the flowers; it is just a good idea<br />

to get into the habit of handling the flowers as gently as<br />

possible during the harvest process. Flowers handled gently<br />

will retain the highest amounts of terpenes and essential oils.<br />

28<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Imminente Luna Carpe Noctem.<br />

Premium Single Solvent Dewaxed Dab Grade

photo by Daniele Rudischer<br />






will retain the highest amounts of terpenes and essential oils.<br />


Don’t throw away all that trim material! Another mistake<br />

commonly made by some growers is deciding which trim<br />

materials should be kept and which should be trashed.<br />

Generally, the large fan leaves are not worth the effort.<br />

However, the leaf material that was trimmed away from near<br />

the flowers will contain a good amount of essential oils. In<br />

fact, many of these leaves will have trichomes visible on them<br />

at harvest time. So, any of this leaf material that is not brown<br />

or dead and that has visible trichomes should be saved for<br />

making extracts or edibles.<br />


Second to harvesting too early, the biggest harvest mistake<br />

made by beginner cannabis growers is in the drying and<br />

curing process. More specifically, many first-time growers dry<br />

their marijuana flowers too quickly. The two biggest culprits<br />

of undesirable drying are air movement that is too vigorous<br />

or dehumidification that is too aggressive. It is very important<br />

to dry cannabis slowly. <strong>Cannabis</strong> flowers should be dried<br />

for seven to 14 days in a room kept at a temperature of 18-24°C<br />

and a humidity range of 45-55 per cent. This humidity level<br />

ensures the flowers dry at the proper rate. The drying room<br />

should also be kept in total darkness. Ultraviolet light from<br />

the sun or artificial light sources will degrade the tetrahydrocannabinol<br />

(THC) and other components in the essential oils.<br />

Once the plants have dried to the point where the stems snap<br />

instead of bend, the flowers are ready to be removed from the<br />

stems and placed in containers for curing. The curing process<br />

allows the remaining moisture in the cannabis flowers to dry<br />

over an extended period of time. Once the dry flowers are<br />

placed in the airtight containers, they should be “burped”<br />

every few days during the first week or two to bring fresh<br />

oxygen into the containers to allow the flowers to breathe.<br />

Curing often takes anywhere between two to eight weeks, and<br />

some cannabis varieties show their full potential only after a<br />

few months of curing. A proper cure also extends the shelf life<br />

of the cannabis flowers. Properly cured cannabis flowers can<br />

be stored for a year or more without losing quality or potency.<br />


After waiting eight (or more) long weeks for a cannabis plant<br />

to mature, it is extremely difficult to extend one’s patience<br />

through the harvest process. However, growers who wait until<br />

the trichomes on their plants have fully developed automatically<br />

set themselves up for a larger yield and a more potent<br />

product. To retain the powerful flavours and odours of the<br />

plants, a horticulturist must dry and cure the flowers slowly yet<br />

effectively. Trying to take shortcuts during the harvest process<br />

is a great way to turn flowers that smell like fruity, skunky<br />

goodness into ammonia, hay-smelling nastiness. But don’t be<br />

deterred if that happens, though. As with most things in life,<br />

growing quality cannabis takes practice. There is no reason<br />

to get discouraged during the first few attempts. As they say,<br />

experience is the best teacher. A cannabis grower gets better<br />

and better each and every time a crop is harvested.<br />

30<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>



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SMOKING,<br />

VAPING<br />

and Your Health<br />

by Jessica Zimmer<br />

There is little peer-reviewed<br />

science available on how smoking<br />

and vaping cannabis grown with<br />

pesticides affects human health.<br />

However, most experts agree that<br />

inhaling anything burned is not<br />

recommended, and pesticides can<br />

exacerbate health risks.<br />

There is little data about how<br />

smoking and vaping cannabis<br />

containing pesticides affects respiratory<br />

and overall health, yet available<br />

information about pesticides<br />

and cultivation practices has led<br />

cannabis testing labs and medical<br />

professionals to agree about what<br />

is healthier for patients.<br />

“Most people who use cannabis<br />

for medical purposes have<br />

chronic conditions with ongoing<br />

symptoms. They don’t need to<br />

develop additional concerns,”<br />

says Dr. Ethan Russo, a boardcertified<br />

neurologist and director<br />

of research and development at<br />

the International <strong>Cannabis</strong> and<br />

Cannabinoids Institute in Prague.<br />

“Up to 70 per cent of pesticides on<br />

cannabis will be transferred in<br />

the smoke to the lungs and into<br />

the bloodstream. They will not get<br />

burned up. There’s a great potential<br />

for (developing) cancer as well as<br />

a chronic cough, too much phlegm,<br />

and bronchial problems.”<br />

32<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Pills, sublingual applications, tinctures, and<br />

transdermal patches containing organic cannabis<br />

are likely to prove more beneficial for patients<br />

than smoking or vaping cannabis grown with or<br />

contaminated by pesticides.<br />

Russo adds many patients use cannabis smoke<br />

or vape because these methods offer quick, almost<br />

instant relief. Instead, he says, patients should<br />

maintain therapeutic blood levels of cannabinoids<br />

by taking a pill or tincture three times a day.<br />

Josh Wurzer, president and co-founder of SC<br />

Laboratories, a cannabis testing lab in Santa Cruz,<br />

CA, says there is no way to<br />

determine how pesticides<br />

will affect a patient<br />

once inhaled.<br />

“Many patients<br />

use cannabis smoke<br />

or vape because these<br />

methods offer quick,<br />

almost instant relief.”<br />

“There’s just no data on the respiratory dangers<br />

of these pesticides. There are no studies on what<br />

happens when a pesticide combusts, either. So few<br />

crops (other than cannabis) are smoked. In addition,<br />

no two pesticides are exactly alike,” says Wurzer.<br />

He added there is also little information about<br />

how the chemicals in one pesticide and in<br />

multiple pesticides interact with one another<br />

when ingested, and that chemicals may interact<br />

differently when burned together.<br />

Outdoor growers should beware of the risk of<br />

contamination of pesticides from nearby pesticide<br />

sprays on close-by commercial crops or<br />

other applications.<br />

Robert Martin, Jr., co-founder and chief executive<br />

officer of CW Analytical Laboratories, a cannabis<br />

testing lab in Oakland, says very few barriers fully<br />

protect outdoor-grown cannabis plants.<br />

“All it takes is for the wind to drift over from the wine<br />

(or other) fields,” he says.<br />

Home growers should also grow<br />

with clean soil, according to Mary<br />

Lynn Mathre, an RN and president<br />

and co-founder of Patients<br />

Out of Time, a non-profit organization<br />

that educates health<br />

care professionals and the<br />

public about the therapeutic<br />

uses of cannabis.<br />

“The cannabis roots<br />

pick up everything from<br />

the soil, including heavy<br />

metals,” she says.<br />

Mathre advises that plants<br />

be organically grown<br />

without the use of toxic<br />

pesticides. Growers should<br />

also take care in the curing<br />

and storage process to prevent<br />

mold. But burning cannabis<br />

to ingest it introduces another<br />

level of risk according to Jeff<br />

Raber, CEO of The Werc Shop,<br />

a cannabis consulting firm<br />

based in Los Angeles.<br />

“Hot air can be a superirritant<br />

to the airways.<br />

For some patients, just<br />

inhaling cannabis<br />

smoke that contains<br />

pesticides could<br />

exacerbate their<br />

medical issues,”<br />

says Raber.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 33

“A patient should document in a<br />

journal what (strain) they take in, how<br />

much, how they take it, and what<br />

their doctor said about their use.”<br />

Raber and Russo agree long-term exposure to pesticides<br />

on cannabis through repeated smoking or vaping is likely<br />

to lead to a slow build-up of harmful chemicals.<br />

“It will help if patients determine their minimum effective<br />

dose,” says Raber. “Patients should start low and work<br />

their way up to more. It’s also good practice for a patient<br />

to keep track of how they are using cannabis. (Over time),<br />

a patient should document in a journal what (strain)<br />

they take in, how much, how they take it, and what<br />

their doctor said about their use.”<br />

Uncleaned smoking devices and some rolling<br />

papers containing toxic chemicals may pose<br />

additional problems. Mathre advises that when<br />

smoking cannabis, a patient shouldn’t hold the<br />

smoke in their lungs.<br />

“The therapeutic properties in cannabis are<br />

readily absorbed, but the longer one holds their<br />

breath, the greater the risk of absorbing toxic<br />

chemicals in the smoke,” she says, adding<br />

vaping a clean cannabis product<br />

can possibly mitigate potential<br />

problems incurred in smoking.<br />

Fortunately, the ability to<br />

detect pesticides in plants is<br />

improving, according to Martin.<br />

“Now we’re using NASA-grade<br />

machines, which has opened up<br />

a whole new way of looking at<br />

cannabis,” he says. “We are able<br />

to identify really low levels of<br />

pesticides in mature plants.”<br />

Testing, however, remains<br />

complicated because different<br />

parts of a cannabis plant<br />

may have different amounts<br />

of pesticides. In addition,<br />

cannabis plants grown in<br />

the same bed may have<br />

different amounts of a<br />

pesticide. This is because<br />

some cannabis plants may<br />

be closer to the source of<br />

the contamination.<br />

What’s more, patients<br />

using cannabis concentrates<br />

such as hashish or oil should<br />

be extra careful because it is<br />

likely pesticides in them will<br />

be concentrated as well.<br />

Russo said awareness of the dangers of<br />

pesticides is growing, but patients need to<br />

learn more. He advised patients who grow<br />

and obtain safe medicine educate themselves<br />

and others about the risks posed by pesticides.<br />

“This is an indictment of prohibition. The<br />

reason that people don’t know about the<br />

dangers of pesticides is because we don’t<br />

have a legal and regulatory market for this<br />

product. <strong>Cannabis</strong> needs to be available,<br />

but it also needs to be safe,” says Russo.<br />

34<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

cut and<br />

DRIED<br />

by Gibson Lannister<br />


“CIG has<br />

perfectly<br />

cured their<br />

Souris Skies<br />

and it breaks<br />

up so easily.”<br />

Souris Skies is a wonderful, indica-dominant<br />

strain from Canada’s Island Garden (CIG).<br />

It is part of their Craftgrow Collection and is<br />

grown on Canada’s east coast in small batches.<br />

This boutique bud has THC levels ranging<br />

from 10-14 per cent and CBD levels measuring<br />

less than one per cent. Souris Skies is rich in a<br />

variety of terpenes such as myrcene, pinene,<br />

caryophyllene, and lemonene.<br />

The buds may be small, however, Souris<br />

Skies is a very eye-catching strain. The<br />

compact buds have a thick coating of<br />

orange hairs and shimmer with crystals like<br />

frost on a windshield.<br />

The scent profile is mostly earthy with notes<br />

of pine and leather. CIG has perfectly cured<br />

their Souris Skies and it breaks up so easily.<br />

My preferred method of cannabis consumption is<br />

vaporization. Souris Skies vaporizes as smooth as<br />

butter. I had a terrible cough and sore throat while<br />

writing this review and this was the only strain that<br />

didn’t hurt or irritate my throat to vaporize. It even<br />

helped with my congestion. Souris Skies is extremely<br />

calming, with a light body buzz, and mild dry mouth.<br />

The effects last about two hours with a clean come<br />

down. I would recommend it for evening and nighttime<br />

use, although it is mild enough to use during the day.<br />

Souris Skies is best suited for treating insomnia and<br />

sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, depression, and can<br />

improve one’s appetite.<br />

Overall, I enjoy Souris Skies a lot. It really hits the<br />

spot when you are looking for something effective but<br />

not too strong.<br />

Souris Skies is a great strain to cultivate for beginner and advanced cannabis gardeners alike.<br />

It has the classic shape of an indica: short, squat, and under 76 cm in height, making Souris Skies an ideal<br />

candidate for indoor gardens. Flowering lasts between seven and nine weeks after which you will reap a high<br />

yield for such small plants.<br />

36<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

KEEP<br />

BUGS<br />

OFF<br />

by Alan Ray<br />

YOUR<br />

NUGS<br />

Growing your marijuana plants indoors<br />

definitely has advantages. But once a pest<br />

insect population takes hold, Mother Nature<br />

won’t be able to help. Follow<br />

Alan Ray’s tips for inspection and<br />

eradication, and your plants will live<br />

happy and productive lives.<br />

Ah, the advantages of growing<br />

your strain of choice inside. The<br />

upside seems so obvious: access to<br />

the garden 24/7, protection against<br />

the forces of Mother Nature, and practically<br />

no chance some fur-bearing<br />

creature will break in and destroy your<br />

garden. Sounds like the ideal growing<br />

situation, so what could possibly<br />

go wrong? In truth, lots. Indoors<br />

doesn’t mean invincible.<br />

38<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

While growing inside gives you control and protection<br />

from the elements, Newton’s Third Law can dull that<br />

edge with an equal and opposite reaction. These same<br />

indoor perquisites can also prove problematic. Without<br />

rainfall and wind there is nothing to help wash away<br />

the little parasites that make their way into your growroom.<br />

Beneficial insects like ladybugs and parasitoid<br />

wasps also won’t be around to help.<br />

What’s more, in an enclosed environment like a house<br />

or greenhouse, many pest insects can build up an immunity<br />

to pesticides very quickly. The best way to keep<br />

your plants free of unwanted pest colonies is to be vigilant<br />

and practice good clean habits in your grow space.<br />

Essentially, there are five pest insects appearing on<br />

the marijuana marquis of undesirable garden guests.<br />

Those names include thrips, fungus gnats, aphids,<br />

and whiteflies, with the headliner being spider mites.<br />

These seemingly ubiquitous little sap suckers are the<br />

bane of an indoor grower’s existence and need to be<br />

dealt with immediately upon detection. Let’s begin<br />

with the dreaded spider mite.<br />

“HAVING a control strategy that<br />

incorporates good cultural practices like<br />

regular inspections and effective pruning<br />

to remove injured areas of the plant can<br />

forestall or even derail an invasion.”<br />


The twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae<br />

Koch), which seems to be the most prevalent of spider<br />

mites, infests some 200 species of garden plants both<br />

indoors and out. Be it greenhouse, warehouse, or<br />

basement, they will find your Eden. Their specialized<br />

sharp mouths penetrate the skin of the leaf and suck<br />

the sap from it, leaving a skeleton in its stead and<br />

photosynthesis impossible in severe infestations.<br />

At 1/50 of an inch long, these tiny terrors can be hard to<br />

spot with the naked eye, so a good magnifying glass is<br />

needed. Small as they are, they still leave telltale signs<br />

of their presence if you know what to look for.<br />

Early indicators are the appearance of stippling<br />

(small dots) on the underside of the leaves. They also<br />

weave a gossamer thin webbing on the plant, hence the<br />

name. These cobwebs become the highway on which<br />

they travel from leaf to leaf and plant to plant. If left<br />

unchecked, your plant can become mummified in a<br />

short period of time. This is why you should check your<br />

plants early and often, before an infestation takes hold.<br />

To scan for unseen mites, take a piece of white paper<br />

and place it below your plant. Now give the plant a<br />

little shake. Look for moving mites, their eggs, or larvae<br />

that have fallen onto the paper. Specks of black frass<br />

(fecal matter) may appear as well. If you detect spider<br />

mites, you need to take action.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 39


Always isolate any infected plant from the others.<br />

Insecticidal soap or horticultural oils can be applied to the<br />

leaves to kill the mites. To make your own soap, simply<br />

combine two teaspoons of mild dish soap with 3.5 litres of<br />

warm water. Stir it up and use a small brush or atomizer to<br />

apply to both sides of the leaves.<br />

Mites prefer warm, dry climates. As a preventive measure,<br />

mist your plants (leaf undersides too) to create a higher degree<br />

of humidity that will help thwart their advance. A moist grow<br />

medium will also help. Rinsing your plants afterward with<br />

cool water will help dislodge the mites. Do this outside if<br />

feasible to avoid them running to another plant once rinsed<br />

off. Treatment once a week is recommended.<br />

THRIPS<br />

Thrips are slender, winged pests that dine on your plants in<br />

much the same way as mites. They pierce the leaf and suck<br />

out its essential sap. Treating thrips can be tricky, however.<br />

Having a control strategy that incorporates good cultural<br />

practices like regular inspections and effective pruning<br />

to remove injured areas of the plant can forestall or even<br />

derail an invasion.<br />

“WITHOUT rainfall and wind there is<br />

nothing to help wash away the little parasites<br />

that make their way into your growroom.”<br />


Clean up the infected debris and promptly remove it from your<br />

grow areas. Applying neem oil and/or insecticidal soap are<br />

quite efficacious in controlling thrips. Neem oil is a vegetable<br />

oil extracted by pressing the seeds and fruits of the neem tree<br />

of India. Dish soap works well, but only if there are all-natural<br />

products available.<br />

In their defence, there are some good thrips that prey on<br />

plant-eating bugs. If you have the time and patience to differentiate<br />

them, you can apply the live-and-let-live approach.<br />

Most growers don’t.<br />


Whiteflies bring with them the same devastation as the others<br />

mentioned here and in the same way. White and winged,<br />

they are yet another of the sap-sucking plant predators that<br />

love their greens. Aside from seeing the insects themselves,<br />

evidence of whiteflies on your plants can be the sticky film<br />

they leave behind on the leaf. Other indicators may be shriveled<br />

or yellowing leaves.<br />

The real damage, however, is done by the nymphs —<br />

their immature offspring. They are wingless, legless,<br />

and, for the most part, motionless. They are content<br />

to munch away at your plant while awaiting<br />

their full development. In a perfect world,<br />

ridding your plants of whiteflies would be done<br />

by predatory insects like green lacewings,<br />

ladybugs, big-eyed bugs, and others.<br />

40<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

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If you don’t have a stash of those beneficial bugs handy you’ll have<br />

to take action yourself. This can be done by pruning yellowed or<br />

damaged leaves, picking the flies off manually, and by wiping the<br />

leaves with a mild soap and water solution. Of course, there is<br />

always the old standby, neem oil.<br />

“IN a perfect world, ridding<br />

your plants of whiteflies would<br />

be done by predatory insects<br />

like green lacewings, ladybugs,<br />

big-eyed bugs, and others.”<br />

APHIDS<br />

Aphids are nasty little creatures that, like their brethren, drain the<br />

life-giving fluid from a plant’s leaves. All these little buggers<br />

do primarily the same thing. They damage, or, if unchecked,<br />

kill your plants. Aphids graze in groups which increases their<br />

devastation. Aside from the actual damage caused by their feeding,<br />

they also leave behind a sticky exudate called honeydew that can<br />

encourage a soot-coloured mold fungus to form on the residue.<br />

Aphids also carry viruses with them that can be transferred from<br />

plant to plant. Some aphid species inject a toxin into the plant<br />

causing the leaves to yellow and distort in shape.<br />


Aphids are quite easy to spot and controlling them can be as simple<br />

as brushing them off by hand or rinsing them off with a stream of<br />

water. Careful with the pressure though. You don’t want to damage<br />

your plant in an effort to help it. Applying a one to two percentage of<br />

neem or canola oil to water works best. This method smothers them.<br />

As always, be sure to target the underside of the leaves. This application<br />

will need to be repeated daily until the aphids are gone.<br />


Fungus gnats are tiny, winged insects that love moist, organically-rich<br />

soil like compost or potting soil and decaying vegetable<br />

matter. These gnats are probably the least damaging of the five pests<br />

listed here but still can be devastating to a plant. They don’t really<br />

bite or eat the leaves, but the larvae are born in the soil, and, being<br />

underground, go undetected.<br />

These little devils dine on the roots of the plant, so in large numbers<br />

they can be a serious problem causing root damage and stunted<br />

growth, especially in younger plants.<br />


Purchase and use only potting mix or soil that<br />

has been pasteurized. Since they thrive in moisture-rich<br />

conditions, keep your grow area dry. Clean<br />

up water spills and let the top of the soil dry out before<br />

watering. Improve the drainage of your pots by decreasing<br />

the amount of perlite or by adding sand to more clayey soil.<br />

Use sticky traps. Yellow sticky traps are great against flying<br />

insects like fungus gnats and whiteflies. Tip: the traps can be<br />

cut into smaller pieces and put on<br />

sticks, so you can place them<br />

into separate pots.<br />

By following these simple steps<br />

of prevention and taking proactive<br />

measures, you’ll help ensure this travelling<br />

troupe of trouble won’t be attacking your<br />

cannabis plants any time soon.<br />

42<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>




1-855-HEY-REMO<br />


RED<br />


LIGHT<br />




The ability of LED technology to manipulate<br />

the lighting spectrum should be used<br />

sparingly and as a means of mimicking natural<br />

diurnal and seasonal changes to benefit<br />

plants, not marketing, says Rami Vardi.<br />

by Rami Vardi<br />

Light-emitting diode (LED) technology offers revolutionary improvements to indoor<br />

horticulturalists. However, as with other emerging technologies, the higher initial<br />

investment is a hurdle that slows adoption despite a lower total cost of ownership.<br />

Yet as the medical marijuana industry has evolved, growers’ pockets have deepened<br />

such that an initial cash outlay doesn’t preclude any equipment purchase. Cultivators<br />

and investors now take the long view on profitability, and they’ve moved toward more<br />

efficient, multi-million-dollar facilities. From this broader perspective, it’s clear LEDs<br />

offer a financial benefit. LEDs dramatically increase efficiency, create minimal heat<br />

production, offer 50,000-hour service life, and require low maintenance, making them<br />

an obvious choice over traditional high intensity discharge (HID) technologies.<br />

44<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>


“<br />







LEDS TOO,<br />

but philosophies have evolved<br />

with experimentation. Based<br />

on real-world experience,<br />

many now champion fullspectrum<br />

white lights.”<br />

So why hasn’t LED technology been widely adopted by<br />

growers and greenhouses? The answer lies in how the<br />

designers of the new grow lights manipulated the light<br />

spectrum — and how photometric unit conventions changed<br />

to favour these new products.<br />

Within the grow community, LEDs have a dubious track<br />

record and questionable reputation. Given the design of many<br />

products on the market, that reputation is largely deserved.<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> industry groupthink holds that LED-produced light<br />

can’t match the all-important product quality yielded by<br />

traditional HID lighting. Lackluster performance and a handful<br />

of bad anecdotes from first-generation LED products perpetuate<br />

these beliefs. The reason for these problems was designers’<br />

deviation from what worked (e.g. high pressure sodium (HPS)<br />

and metal halide (MH) spectrums) in favour of a supposedly<br />

ideal blue/red combination. This new spectrum was intended to<br />

give plants precisely the light they needed and nothing more.<br />

Omitting “unused” wavebands of light was thought to save<br />

energy. For reasons we’ll discuss later, the existing system<br />

of light measurement didn’t favour the new spectral profile<br />

championed by this design philosophy. These manufacturers<br />

imposed a change in the units of light measurement, and<br />

product comparisons became complicated.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 45


The new blue/red designs were well-intentioned and not without logic. Two<br />

loosely-defined spectra of light — blue and red — drive much of the action of<br />

photosynthesis. This much is true. Dr. Keith J. McCree, a pioneering researcher and<br />

founder of the McCree Curve, described these two spectra as peaking around 440 nm<br />

and 620 nm — blue and red, respectively. A wide body of research has confirmed this<br />

data, though subsequent research has found the absorbance maxima to be slightly<br />

different. The action of so-called “chlorophyll A” demonstrates a peak at 430 nm<br />

and 662 nm, while “chlorophyll B” is driven by 453 nm and 642 nm light.<br />

The first generation of LED designers went wrong by forcefully reducing the<br />

plant growth spectrum to just these two segments of the photosynthetically active<br />

radiation (PAR). Many light designers were once enthusiastic about the potential of<br />

blue/red LEDs too, but philosophies have evolved with experimentation. Based on<br />

real-world experience, many now champion full-spectrum white lights.<br />

Light-emitting diodes are often more electrically efficient at red and blue<br />

wavelengths, so it logically followed to reduce the output of horticultural lights<br />

to these two colours if plants preferred them as well. By doing so, no resources<br />

were expended on “wasted” portions of the PAR spectrum. After eons of sunlight,<br />

Figure 1<br />

46<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

“<br />

THESE<br />






and product<br />

comparisons<br />

became<br />

complicated.”<br />

Figure 2<br />

light designers thought they had discovered just what plants needed after all:<br />

pinkish-purple light. By excluding the inefficient and electrically wasteful greens,<br />

yellows, and oranges, spectrum engineers thought they could grow better plants<br />

and do so more efficiently.<br />

Much of this thinking stemmed from the McCree Curve, the camel-backed spectral<br />

profile that shows plant metabolic response peaking at blue and red. McCree<br />

established this illustrative tool in his 1970 study of dozens of plant species at<br />

Texas A&M University. His work has served as the central tenet of spectrum<br />

science and the foundation for other research building upon his key observations.<br />

Spectrally tailored for full-cycle growth<br />

Healthy, leafy biomass<br />

Tight internode spacing<br />

Propagation through flower<br />

© 2<strong>01</strong>8 Venture Lighting International, Inc.<br />


Robust design<br />

1,550 µmol<br />

IP 65 rated<br />

50,000+ hour life<br />

Commercial Grow Luminaire<br />


SunmasterGrowLamps.com<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 47

But the McCree Curve is not a recommendation for an<br />

ideal horticultural lighting spectrum and, by McCree’s<br />

description, was orchestrated to provide a basis for the<br />

discussion of the definition of PAR — not the optimization<br />

of a growth spectrum.<br />

It explored if plants responded to the various colours of<br />

light and what was — and was not — part of the PAR<br />

spectrum. Accordingly, the experiment took a reductionist<br />

angle. McCree’s team tested plant response to one<br />

wavelength of light at a time, isolated in 25 nm intervals<br />

between 400 nm and 700 nm. A single cut leaf was<br />

placed in an isolation chamber and exposed to coloured<br />

light while the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels were<br />

measured to deduce the metabolic response.<br />

So, the exalted McCree Curve, while useful,<br />

isn’t a depiction of an ideal growth spectrum or a<br />

recommendation for light design. It’s simply a set of<br />

isolated data points stitched together into a smooth line.<br />

It isn’t holistic. When considered as a unified spectrum,<br />

it’s foreign to plants that are hardwired for sunlight.<br />



Before the introduction of LEDs, horticulturalists<br />

measured light output in lumens and lux, with lumens<br />

representing the rate at which a bulb produces light<br />

and lux referring to the rate at which light falls on a<br />

particular area. In this era of light measurement, product<br />

comparisons were straightforward. Growers understood<br />

the brightness of their lighting and fewer lighting<br />

spectrums were in use.<br />

“<br />







NUMBER,<br />

the results per<br />

watt will be<br />

disappointing<br />

upon harvest.”<br />

48<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 49


“<br />

THE PAR<br />





OF LIGHT,<br />

some designs<br />

demonstrate<br />

efficiencies that<br />

don’t carry over<br />

into benefits<br />

for plants.”<br />

But the new technology of LEDs didn’t align<br />

with the prevailing frame of measurement, so<br />

the units were stated differently. Micromoles<br />

per second (μmols/sec) became the standard for<br />

assessing the quantity of light, and the change in<br />

units created lots of confusion. The reason for the<br />

change centred on the luminosity function built<br />

into the lumens/lux measurement scale. Lumens<br />

take into account the sensitivity of the human eye<br />

to particular wavelengths of light — namely those<br />

centred around 550 nm (green light). A micromole,<br />

by contrast, is a quantity of photons. The lumen<br />

system’s weighting of the spectrum allows us to<br />

assess the brightness of a light as we experience<br />

it rather than as a PAR meter would experience<br />

it. A PAR meter registers photons (measured in<br />

μmols/sec) within the PAR range of 400-700 nm. In<br />

many ways, this flattened approach to the lighting<br />

spectrum makes sense, and for blue/red grow light<br />

manufacturers, it’s essential for marketing their products. Because of the absence<br />

of green light in their designs, the new products didn’t fare well when measured in<br />

traditional lumens. The increased blue and red light looked good when expressed<br />

in μmols/second of PAR, but not so good when compared to the system<br />

of measurement used by the proven technology of HID lamps.<br />

Many believe technology should accommodate plants, not the other way<br />

around. This means designing products by assessing what works and has<br />

worked traditionally — rather than what should work in theory. Proponents of<br />

full-spectrum LEDs sometimes battle against those that dismisses the technology<br />

as a whole. Full-spectrum light and lumens-based measurement was (and is)<br />

producing great results, so it makes sense to use what works.<br />

50<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>




3K<br />

3K-R<br />

4K<br />

10K<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 51

Implementing LEDs creates significant efficiency<br />

improvements regardless of wavelength. But by<br />

skewing the PAR measurements with excesses of<br />

certain colours of light, some designs demonstrate<br />

efficiencies that don’t carry over into benefits for plants.<br />

Note the following example: The two boards pictured<br />

look similar, but the first board — let’s call it Board<br />

A — incorporates six 660 nm LEDs, while Board B<br />

employs 24 of the 660 nm diodes. Because the physical<br />

characteristics and silicon doping of a 660 nm LED<br />

naturally create a more efficient chip at the red wavelength,<br />

Board B tests as significantly more efficient.<br />

Within the PAR range of 400-700nm, Board A achieves<br />

1.64 μmol/watt. Board B, however, emits 2.15 μmol/watt<br />

because it takes advantage of the efficiency of red<br />

diodes. Yet this 31 per cent increase in efficiency isn’t<br />

all that meaningful because it goes beyond nature<br />

and creates an overdose of red light. Plants don’t<br />

benefit as much from this light as much as that final<br />

efficiency number does when the results come back<br />

from the testing lab. While this red-heavy spectrum<br />

creates an impressive efficiency number, the results<br />

per watt will be disappointing upon harvest.<br />

Furthermore, an absence of green light in Board B<br />

may cause imbalances. Conventional thinking wrongly<br />

asserts that plants don’t use green light. Based on<br />

the green appearance of many plants, some people<br />

assume plants aren’t using green, yellow, and orange<br />

wavebands of sunlight. A broad consensus of research<br />

shows otherwise, however, and McCree himself noted<br />

plants do indeed use green light — and they do so<br />

with efficiencies nearing that of blue wavebands.<br />

Figure 3<br />

“<br />







NUMBER,<br />

the results per<br />

watt will be<br />

disappointing<br />

upon harvest.”<br />

Electrolyzed Water Treatment System<br />

Treat and Prevent Plant Diseases without<br />

Damaging the Environment<br />

Ushio’s NaOClean Electrolyzed Water (E-Water) system is a<br />

cost-effective solution and a worthwhile investment in the long<br />

term for treating and preventing plant diseases. The NaOClean<br />

E-Water system produces neutral water with pH 7.0 - 7.5 levels<br />

to improve plant growth and potentially suppresses certain<br />

diseases, powdery mold and mildew that are harmful to plants.<br />

52<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Introduces the<br />

The First <strong>Canadian</strong> Made LED Horticultural<br />

Light that Complies with UL Safety Standards.<br />

• Lower Energy Consumption<br />

• Reduce Cooling Requirements<br />

• Lower Cost Over Time<br />

• Robust High Efficiency Design<br />

• Achieve One Addition<br />

Flowering Cycle Each Year<br />

• 5 Year Warranty<br />

www.ledgrowing.com<br />

It’s Time to Grow Your Own<br />

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10 Wyman Rd., Unit # 4, Waterloo, ON, N2V 1K7<br />

Check out our 2nd location now open at<br />

485 Romeo St. S., Stratford ON, N5A 4V3<br />


“<br />




we shouldn’t presume to discard half of the<br />

natural spectrum in expectation of better results.”<br />

Blue/red theorists insist plants don’t use green light,<br />

but their insistence neglects the rationale by which the<br />

lumens/lux measurement was discarded: if humans<br />

perceive green light more readily, objects (like plants) are<br />

more likely to appear green.<br />

Though modern botany has benefited horticulture<br />

tremendously, we can’t assume to have mastered the<br />

metabolic complexities of plants, and we can’t succeed at<br />

gaming the light spectrum. The spectral needs of plants<br />

are complex, interwoven, and dictated by millions of<br />

years of full-spectrum sunlight; we shouldn’t presume to<br />

discard half of the natural spectrum in expectation of better<br />

results. The ability of LED technology to manipulate the<br />

lighting spectrum should be used sparingly and in service<br />

of mimicking natural diurnal and seasonal changes. These<br />

versatile new LED products offer tremendous improvements in<br />

efficiency — even without packing a board full of red diodes.<br />

To limit their application to a less effective spectrum does the<br />

entire technology a disservice.<br />

When replacing 1,000W HPS lights with LEDs, look for an<br />

output exceeding 60,000 lumens and a proven light spectrum.<br />

Building on the previous successes of horticultural lighting<br />

design makes more sense than imposing radical changes on<br />

our plants, especially when those changes go against millions<br />

of years of evolution. There’s a reason why growers continue<br />

using HPS lights despite higher lifetime costs: quality is<br />

priceless, and it’s best achieved with full-spectrum light.<br />

54<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

IT’S ALIVE!<br />




Take your garden to a whole new level by maximizing the full potential of<br />

your plants. Bokashi PRO-GRO is a premium, hand-made fermented fertilizer<br />

containing a proprietary blend of specialty nutrients, high-grade vitamins, minerals,<br />

a superfood complex and a probiotic consortium. PRO-GRO is biologically active<br />

thanks to our unique fermentation process. Bokashi PRO-GRO is CDFA approved.<br />

• Increase nutrient density<br />

• Increase flavour, colour & yield<br />

• Increase uptake of organic matter<br />

• Increase Brix<br />

• Reduce nutrient costs<br />

• Environmentally beneficial<br />

• Healthier plants<br />




705.984.6208<br />



FOR A NURSE?<br />

Email editor@maximumyield.com<br />

to get an answer.<br />

ask a<br />

NURSE<br />

Q<br />

a<br />

Can medical marijuana relieve the pain associated with shingles?<br />

I’d rather not take a prescription for the pain.<br />

Angie F.<br />

In most cases, the symptoms associated with<br />

shingles last about one month and resolve on their<br />

own. In these instances, cannabis (via inhalation or<br />

ingestion) can be an effective analgesic and can also<br />

help take your mind off your pain.<br />

Some shingles patients, however, suffer from ongoing<br />

pain called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). PHN affects<br />

nerve fibres and the skin, and can lead to chronic<br />

peripheral neuropathy, which is chronic pain in the<br />

body leading up to the spinal cord and brain. Peripheral<br />

neuropathy can be caused by:<br />

• Microbial infections, such as the varicella-zoster<br />

virus (which causes chicken pox and shingles).<br />

• An underlying disease or condition, such as diabetes,<br />

shingles, or HIV/AIDs.<br />

• Nutritional deficiency such as lack of vitamin B12.<br />

• Chronic degenerative conditions that include<br />

autoimmune diseases, vasculitis, and cancer.<br />

• Adverse effects of numerous pharmaceutical drugs.<br />

Studies demonstrate that cannabis can effectively<br />

treat neuropathic pain. For example, researchers at<br />

UC Davis Medical Center performed a double-blind,<br />

placebo-controlled trial to study the effects of low and<br />

medium-dose vaporized cannabis for the treatment of<br />

neuropathy (the low dose contained 1.3 per cent THC<br />

and the medium dose contained 3.5 per cent THC).<br />

Patients reported that vaporized cannabis, even at<br />

the lowest doses, provided relief for those with treatment-resistant<br />

neuropathic pains.<br />

A review of 15 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials<br />

conducted on more 1,600 patients with chronic neuropathy<br />

found that cannabinoids worked significantly<br />

better compared to the placebo in reducing neuropathy.<br />

Ten of the studies used a plant-derived, 1:1 oromucosal<br />

spray, three studies were with nabilone and<br />

dronabinol, and two studies used cannabis flower.<br />

The delivery method you use to consume cannabis<br />

will influence the benefits that you derive from<br />

cannabis medicines, and understanding the delivery<br />

methods and corresponding absorption sites can help<br />

you identify which products are best suited to treat<br />

neuropathy. For example, a topical can provide local<br />

relief with few (if any) side effects, while a cannabis<br />

edible can provide longer, systemic relief and, over<br />

time, can reduce inflammation. Inhaling cannabis<br />

can relieve pain quickly and can give you the most<br />

control over your dose.<br />

Finally, when treating shingles, it’s important to<br />

get enough sleep and avoid stress, and small doses<br />

of cannabis can help alleviate stress, help facilitate<br />

sleep onset, and extend sleep duration.<br />

ET<br />

Eloise Theisen, AGPCNP-BC, has been a dedicated and patient-focused nurse practitioner<br />

specializing in aging, cancer, chronic pain, dementia, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, anxiety, depression,<br />

fibromyalgia, and various auto-immune and neurological diseases for more than 17 years. The<br />

founder of Radicle Health, she started her career at John Muir Medical Center caring for patients<br />

suffering from cancer, terminal illnesses, respiratory failure/complaints, drug overdoses, acute<br />

alcohol ingestion, gastrointestinal bleeds, traumatic brain injury, and multiple traumas and from<br />

there worked her way up to management. Following that, her work with Aunt Zelda’s and the<br />

American <strong>Cannabis</strong> Nurses Association gained her an extensive knowledge of the Endocannabinoid<br />

system and how cannabis and cannabinoids can be used successfully to treat patients.<br />

56<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

First B2B Conference in the Country.<br />

Emergent Market in the Region.<br />

Meet with Local Companies.<br />

Reserve your Booth Today.<br />

Investors Welcome.

HOW TO<br />

INTER<br />


58<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

IZE<br />

by Treefrog<br />

by Treefrog<br />

With proper preparation and knowledge,<br />

winter doesn’t have to be a cold and dark<br />

season inside your growroom. There are many<br />

tools and tricks to keep your indoor garden<br />

warm on those long, cold winter days and<br />

nights, and your plants will be all the happier<br />

for your hard work, effort, and planning.<br />

Changes in the weather can be challenging for indoor<br />

growers who want their plants to experience the same<br />

“season” year-round in their rooms. To keep a handle on environmental<br />

stresses and to remain efficient, even the most<br />

sophisticated growrooms will need to be reconfigured a little<br />

between seasons. With a well thought out room design, configuration<br />

changes to the growroom can be kept to a minimum by<br />

choosing equipment that allows for the desired temperature<br />

and humidity, regardless of what’s happening with the outside<br />

elements. However, if your room’s budget doesn’t allow for all<br />

the bells and whistles, consider using can-style inline fans and<br />

changing the direction of airflow to blow hot air outside or keep<br />

hot air inside, depending on the season.<br />


Nowadays, with innovations in greenhouse technology, cultivators<br />

are using the sun to grow quality indoor cannabis all year.<br />

They have to deal with the same issues as indoor growers as<br />

they prepare and winterize for the cold months.<br />



With some planning, indoor growers can utilize the heat<br />

created from their cannabis garden to heat other areas of the<br />

building. The grow lights are hundreds or thousands of watts<br />

and thus, create an equal amount of heat. Think of a 1,000-<br />

watt light as a 1,000-watt heater. Energy in equals heat going<br />

out and most of that heat will end up leaving the growroom.<br />

Why not capture it and utilize it since that energy is a fixed<br />

cost? Just put the heat in other areas of the house or building.<br />

Use inline can-style fans and flexible ducting equipment<br />

to move the air where it is needed. This can be in the crawl<br />

space, between floors, or from one room to another. In the<br />

summer veteran growers might have been putting the heat<br />

out of the window, but in the winter that warmth can easily<br />

be used to increase the overall efficiency of the building’s<br />

heating system by redirecting it inside.<br />



If using a non-sealed room, growers will need to preheat cold<br />

air coming in from outside. This might have worked in the<br />

summer or cooler months, but when it is extremely cold outside<br />

the extreme temperature can really damage cannabis and<br />

most other types of plants. Consider bringing the air through<br />

a window into a spare room, such as a closet or laundry room,<br />

before entering the growroom. In the summertime it might<br />

be better to bring the cool air from the house in through the<br />

growroom and out through a window instead of the other way<br />

around. It just depends on the garden’s access to windows and<br />

cool air. In sealed rooms, air conditioning is used year-round.<br />


Seasoned gardeners keep in mind that winter air is drier than<br />

summer air. This will cause gardens to fluctuate in humidity<br />

from season to season. Although they can withstand larger<br />

fluctuations, cannabis plants mostly enjoy a humidity range<br />

between 40 and 50 per cent, so adjustments may need to take<br />

place to regulate humidity between seasons. Although winter<br />

air is drier, often the decreased need for ventilation of heat<br />

during winter will help increase humidity. It is best to be<br />

aware of humidity levels across all seasons and invest in the<br />

proper equipment to control it. A hygrometer will measure<br />

the garden’s humidity and trigger fans on and off to increase<br />

airflow and thus lower humidity. Consider a room controller to<br />

handle all aspects of the growroom environment.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 59


In a growroom, if it’s too cold for human comfort, then it’s too<br />

cold for cannabis plants. That is the best rule of thumb, as<br />

most plants thrive close to room temperature. For example,<br />

humans tend to become quite uncomfortable below 16°C<br />

or above 29°C and so do most plants. For us to really sit in<br />

comfort, air needs to be somewhere between 19-23°C and<br />

cannabis plants thrive in the same settings.<br />



Different cannabis strains react in different ways to<br />

environmental stresses. Most marijuana varieties have been<br />

crossed and hybridized to enjoy high THC levels, similar<br />

flowering periods, and a general indoor environment,<br />

however, before human intervention this wasn’t the case.<br />

Tracing cannabis genetics back to land-race strains shows<br />

that indicas typically evolved in colder, mountainous areas<br />

with shorter grow seasons. The flower times are shorter<br />

due to later frosts in the spring and earlier frosts in the fall,<br />

compared to sativas that evolved in warmer areas near the<br />

equator with longer grow seasons, such as Hawaii. So, another<br />

way to help protect your growroom against the cold is to select<br />

indicas or indica-dominant hybrids.<br />


If it is extremely cold outside, it may be necessary to<br />

completely close the air flow off from the outer areas until<br />

temperatures come up above freezing. When it is not possible<br />

to buffer the air coming in, it is best to close off external<br />

air completely. If a cold spell is prolonged, consider supplementing<br />

extra CO 2. Consider the use of space heaters only if<br />

other options have failed and be sure to keep them well clear<br />

of any obstructions or flammables. Turn them on a low setting<br />

to prevent excessive amperage draws that may trip circuits or<br />

increase fire hazards. Check your local grow store for controls,<br />

accessories, and other environmental equipment.<br />


When power is disrupted, it is incredibly destructive to the<br />

garden. Anything from pumps, fans, air conditioning, dehumidification,<br />

lights, or any other major players in your<br />

garden can be completely wiped out until the power outage<br />

is corrected. Depending on how it is configured, total crop<br />

loss can occur from power outages. There are ways to protect<br />

against this type of loss such as providing backup power,<br />

watering by hand, or using dimmer, battery-powered lighting<br />

to minimally control the photoperiod and at least wake up<br />

plants that should be awake when there are temporarily no<br />

lights. The main goals should be to prevent crop stress and to<br />

restore power or create alternate power as soon as possible<br />

using a generator, extension cords, etc. Remember to account<br />

for wind, snow, and ice storms by planning for the storm and<br />

the days following the storm.<br />









Sealing gaps and cracks with spray foam, caulk, or other<br />

sealant will prevent cold air drafts that can quickly chill your<br />

room below comfortable temperatures. Use weather stripping<br />

under and around doors to prevent overlooked air leaks.<br />

Basically, anywhere there may have been light leaks needs to<br />

be insulated. Also insulate walls that connect to outside walls<br />

to further protect your growroom from the outer elements.<br />

Although you may have stopped using exhaust fans during<br />

extremely cold periods, remember to continue to run oscillating<br />

fans to prevent stagnant air and still benefit from the heat<br />

of the grow lights.<br />

60<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Remember the literal power, as stored heat energy, of thermal<br />

masses. Use concrete in floors and walls, water in reservoirs,<br />

and even some grow systems as thermal masses to store heat<br />

during daylight hours and slowly radiate it into the growroom<br />

throughout the colder dark periods.<br />

If you are having trouble heating your entire space, consider<br />

making your growing area smaller by separating it from other<br />

areas such as workspace or storage.<br />



Be ready toward the end of winter to begin to cool your room<br />

again as warmer spring temperatures come around. This can be<br />

extremely challenging if you aren’t ready for the back and forth<br />

temperature swings that occur before springtime. Depending on<br />

your geographic location, you may want to pay attention to the<br />

weather forecast and invest in the proper equipment to handle<br />

larger hot/cold swings that can occur between seasons. Don’t forget<br />

to plan for the first frost in autumn and the last frost in spring.<br />

Every season brings about its own set of unique circumstances<br />

with problems to solve. The cold of winter can be seemingly<br />

daunting at first, however, with the proper planning and tools,<br />

you can achieve the same success, or greater, as other times of<br />

the year. Winter-grown cannabis often yields higher quality than<br />

summer grown cannabis because cold is generally less harsh to<br />

cannabis plants than heat. By utilizing the tools at your disposal,<br />

you will be able to customize to fill your needs and achieve<br />

the success you desire. Don’t let the changes in weather cause<br />

changes inside. Pick and choose the tips and tricks discussed<br />

here and you’ll be on your way to wintertime success.<br />


We filter it all.<br />

Spider Mites, Mold, Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, Unwanted Pollens, Volatile<br />

Organic Compounds & Odors from pesticides and plant terpenes.<br />

PURdistribution PUR distro_ca PUR_distribution 416.410.3450 PURdistribution.com<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 61

stash<br />

BOX<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1 | Twisted Extracts<br />

ZZZ Bomb<br />

Twisted Extracts has been<br />

crafting high quality fullyinfused<br />

cannabis edibles<br />

since 2<strong>01</strong>5. All of their<br />

oils and end products are<br />

tested at Health Canadaapproved<br />

laboratories<br />

to ensure a fun, safe, and<br />

consistent experience every<br />

time. Their best-selling<br />

gummy, the ZZZ Bomb, is<br />

infused with 80 mg of THC<br />

derived from an indica<br />

strain. They are a customer<br />

favourite because they’re<br />

great for helping you relax,<br />

fall asleep, and stay asleep.<br />

2 | Axton CBD Gummies<br />

Axton CBD Gummies are<br />

100 per cent natural and<br />

delicious. Pharmacistformulated<br />

with 10 mg<br />

of high-quality CBD<br />

per candy, Axton CBD<br />

Gummies can make any<br />

situation more relaxing.<br />

They are a perfect and<br />

delicious way to help treat<br />

anxiety, pain, stress, and<br />

sleep-related issues. CBD<br />

is a non-psychoactive<br />

component of cannabis<br />

to support a wide range<br />

of therapeutic benefits.<br />

Axton’s CBD Gummies<br />

are Made in the USA and<br />

contain a total of 600 mg<br />

of CBD per bottle.<br />

3 | HighOnLove<br />

Sensual Bath Oil<br />

Welcome to the ultimate<br />

in self-care and melt<br />

away inflammation,<br />

stress, pain, or menstrual<br />

cramping with premium<br />

pharmaceutical-grade<br />

hemp seed oil-infused<br />

bath oil. Simply fill a tub<br />

with hot water and enjoy<br />

a deeply rejuvenating<br />

and supportive soak.<br />

Perfect both for self-care<br />

or sharing with a partner.<br />

HighOnLove Sensual Bath<br />

Oil is quickly absorbed<br />

into the skin to help soak<br />

away muscle pains and<br />

provide the ultimate in<br />

bath time relaxation.<br />

4 | Liquid Life<br />

Full-spectrum<br />

Topical Oils<br />

All Liquid Life Med-Man<br />

full-spectrum, nonpsychoactive,<br />

non-GMO,<br />

organic and edible topical<br />

oils contain CBDA, THCA,<br />

and CBNA suspended<br />

in grapeseed oil. These<br />

quality oils (available in<br />

33 ml bottles) can aid<br />

in a variety of health<br />

issues including, but not<br />

limited to: inflammation,<br />

pain, mental health, skin<br />

disorders, etc. They are<br />

odourless, will not cause<br />

a psychoactive high and,<br />

with the small bottle size,<br />

are easy to transport in a<br />

purse or pocket.<br />

62<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>







Powerful, progressive and boundary-pushing,<br />

HighOnLove is redefining intimacy for the 21st century.<br />

The sexual wellness brand is tapping into the power of<br />

cannabis to bring couples together on a whole new level.<br />

Made in Canada and crafted with top grade medical cannabis.<br />

Proven 100% effective. Never tested on animals.<br />



SMOVS.<br />

KING<br />


by Luis Cordova<br />

How you choose to consume your cannabis<br />

will have vastly different effects on how your<br />

body absorbs it. Read on to learn about the<br />

differences in the effects between consuming<br />

edibles or smoking cannabis.<br />

64<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Is It Best to Eat or Smoke My <strong>Cannabis</strong>?<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> is such a diverse plant that it can be<br />

smoked or eaten, and each consumption method can<br />

have vastly different effects on the body and mind.<br />

Smoking cannabis is often predictable in<br />

its effects, which happen quickly, and<br />

for this reason is easier to control.<br />

However, smoking cannabis will<br />

negatively affect a user’s health.<br />

When eating cannabis, the high is<br />

often intense and longer lasting,<br />

but takes a while to occur and is<br />

therefore less predictable in its<br />

effect. This occurs mainly due to how<br />

cannabis is absorbed, its potency,<br />

and dosage amount.<br />

Absorption of <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

When smoking cannabis, Delta9-<br />

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is<br />

rapidly transferred directly<br />

from the lungs into the blood<br />

stream. The blood then carries THC<br />

throughout the body and ultimately<br />

effects sensations of the central nervous system.<br />

Due to the rapid transfer of THC, the effect is felt<br />

quickly (minutes). However, smoking cannabis is<br />

relatively inefficient in delivering the full range and<br />

amount of cannabinoids unless you take into account<br />

vaporization. Vaporizing cannabis allows users to<br />

receive a larger amount and range of cannabinoids.<br />

A smoker can also set a vaporizing temperature<br />

range to capture specific types of cannabinoids that<br />

can positively affect the cannabis experience.<br />

When cannabis is consumed in edible form, the<br />

absorption rate is vastly different when compared<br />

to inhalation because edibles must settle in the<br />

stomach where they are slowly broken down. The<br />

cannabinoids in the edible are then transferred to<br />

the liver where they are converted into 11-hydroxy<br />

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC).<br />

11-OH-THC is the main metabolite of<br />

THC and results in a maximum<br />

amount of THC in the body.<br />

“<strong>Cannabis</strong> is such a diverse plant that<br />

it can be smoked or eaten, and each<br />

consumption method can have vastly<br />

different effects on the body and mind.”<br />

Due to the metabolic process, effects are often<br />

experienced within one to two hours after ingestion.<br />

After ingestion, THC is absorbed into every part<br />

of the body but is decreased in the plasma of the<br />

blood. The tissue distribution is followed by a slower<br />

redistribution of THC into the blood by means of<br />

deep fat tissue. Redistribution of THC can occur<br />

for many hours in a cyclic fashion, increasing the<br />

duration of the effects.<br />

Duration and Potency<br />

As mentioned before when cannabis is smoked or<br />

vaporized, the effects are felt almost immediately.<br />

Depending on the strain of cannabis, the amount<br />

smoked, and the type of cannabis inhaled (flowers<br />

or concentrates) the effects range from relaxing<br />

to energetic. However, when cannabis is smoked,<br />

approximately 23-27 per cent of the THC is absorbed<br />

by heavy users and 10-14 per cent by occasional<br />

users. This assumes 30 per cent of the THC is lost<br />

in burning the cannabis. The remaining 43-56 per<br />

cent is thought to be lost to high temperatures<br />

of burning and be unavailable in the body as it<br />

was not converted to usable THC. After smoking<br />

cannabis, the effects are immediate but then peak<br />

after approximately 15 minutes. <strong>Cannabis</strong> rapidly<br />

decreases in the body after three to four hours. After<br />

the effects have worn off, 90 per cent of the remaining<br />

THC is circulated in the blood stream, taking<br />

between two to seven days to be eliminated from the<br />

plasma. This can decrease the potency of THC when<br />

cannabis is smoked again as a tolerance is built.<br />

Ingesting cannabis is different from smoking<br />

cannabis in many ways. Due to how the body<br />

breaks down edible cannabis, the effects can take<br />

between 30 minutes to two hours. This is mainly<br />

due to the absorption of THC and its transfer into<br />

the plasma of the blood. The effects on the body are<br />

similar to smoking in terms of having an energetic<br />

or relaxing effect. However, the availability of THC<br />

is thought to be approximately four to 12 per cent<br />

available for absorption. In some people the peak<br />

plasma concentration can occur more than once,<br />

making a user feel higher for a longer period of<br />

time. The longer duration is mainly due to THC<br />

and other cannabinoids being stored in deep fatty<br />

tissues. The fatty tissue then repetitively releases<br />

the cannabinoids, making the user feel the effects<br />

longer. It has been observed that higher concentrations<br />

of 11-OH THC occur after ingestion due to<br />

its storage in the body when compared to smoking.<br />

Therefore, the potency and duration felt by a user is<br />

often stronger as well as longer.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 65

“It is important to know what type of cannabis you<br />

are buying and the THC concentration it boasts.”<br />

Dosing<br />

Smoking cannabis is much easier to dose as a user can inhale small amounts<br />

in one sitting, then smoke more if needed. It is important to know what type<br />

of cannabis you are buying and the THC concentration it boasts. Knowing the<br />

concentration will ensure you don’t smoke all your product without feeling any effect.<br />

Dosing edibles is much more difficult for homemade products but easier to understand<br />

for commercial products. Commercially, most edibles are tested in a laboratory and<br />

labelled with their THC concentration. Knowing the concentration allows a user to know<br />

the correct dose they will need or are buying. The most common commercially available<br />

concentration is 10 milligrams of THC per serving. While some products may be sold as<br />

a 100-mg bar, they are often divided into 10-mg pieces. However, commercial cannabis<br />

products may not be the correct dosage for every user. This is a result of factors such as<br />

body weight, tolerance, and food consumption prior to use. These factors influence the<br />

strength at which the edible will affect the user. While dosing information is useful for all<br />

products, it is not a guarantee the concentration is exact for every batch of edibles. This<br />

is mainly due to how lab testing is done. Small amounts should be taken initially, then<br />

more can be taken later, if need be.<br />

Which is Better… Smoking or Eating <strong>Cannabis</strong>?<br />

The answer to this question is complex as it comes down to user preference.<br />

For people who have lung infections or other conditions, smoking cannabis may<br />

not be the best option and eating cannabis is a better alternative. For users who<br />

can’t wait for edible cannabis effects to kick in, smoking cannabis may be<br />

their best option.<br />

With the large amount of commercially available cannabis<br />

products, edibles are longer lasting, stronger, can be taken<br />

in small amounts, and are healthier. For these reasons,<br />

edibles are the most economical choice.<br />

66<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Enhance Resin Quality<br />

With Frost it is possible to enhance resin qualities using various<br />

growing methods and technology. By carefully choosing the correct<br />

lights and nutrient regime for optimum bud protection and by adding<br />

Frost as part of the nutrient program you can enhance resin<br />

out-push significantly in oil producing crops.<br />

* Available in 1, 4, 10 and 20 Liter sizes.<br />

Reduce Plant Height<br />

Stunt Monster is a new PGR product that is registered for use on<br />

several crops including Medical <strong>Cannabis</strong> and for Hydroponics.<br />

Essentially it contains bio stimulants and plant growth<br />

regulators that stimulate plant growth and increase the quality<br />

and yield. Registration Number # 2<strong>01</strong>7133A Fertilizers Act.<br />

* Available in 1, 4, 10 and 20 Liter sizes.

What to do With<br />

SEEDED/<br />


PLANTS<br />

by Chris Bond<br />

If you’re growing bud,<br />

you want unpollinated female<br />

plants. However, even the most<br />

accomplished growers can sometimes<br />

end up with seeded plants. Here’s<br />

what to do if it happens to you.<br />

68<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

“ If you have no interest in saving<br />

seeds, you can pluck them off<br />

as soon as they appear.”<br />

After about six weeks, the seeds start to shed<br />

off. Once you have collected all of them, get the<br />

seeds into a cool, dry place for long-term storage<br />

if you don’t plan on using them in the very near<br />

future. It’s also at this point that you can let the<br />

mother plants go quietly into the great beyond or<br />

yank them out to begin anew.<br />

If you have no interest in saving seeds, you<br />

can pluck them off as soon as they appear. It<br />

won’t totally save your crop, but depending on<br />

when the seeds formed, there may still be some<br />

usable flower left to harvest. The quality probably<br />

won’t be premium, but you could keep it for<br />

yourself, give it away, or even sell it at a bargain<br />

price (inferior weed is sold all the time, just not<br />

usually to discriminating consumers). It may not<br />

be ideal, but when life gives you lemons…<br />

Even in a growroom full of<br />

females, there is always the<br />

possibility that a plant or two could<br />

inadvertently get pollinated. While this<br />

situation is potentially devastating to a crop,<br />

all is not necessarily lost. Read on to see what<br />

you can do to mitigate your losses and ensure<br />

your next crop is safe if this happens to you.<br />


If you want, you could save the seeds (unless<br />

your plants were pollinated by a hermaphrodite;<br />

more on that below). The seeds could be sold to<br />

other growers, used to propagate new plants, or<br />

even eaten. If you don’t know which strain you<br />

have, there may not be much commercial value<br />

in the seed, but you will at least be able to grow<br />

several more plants with marketable buds — or<br />

have a tasty snack.<br />

You can’t, however, harvest the seeds right<br />

when you first discover them. You should leave<br />

the seeds on the plants for about six weeks.<br />

During this stage of seed development, the<br />

plants divert most of their energy to this function.<br />

It is important to not let up on care of your plants<br />

during this time, as you want to produce vigorous<br />

seeds with the greatest amount of stored<br />

nutrients and potential energy as possible.<br />


If your cannabis plants start producing seeds,<br />

you should take the time to discover how<br />

they became pollinated. If your crop is grown<br />

indoors and you are not growing male plants<br />

intentionally in another part of the building,<br />

you likely have at least one hermaphrodite<br />

(hermie) or mixed gender plant among your<br />

crop. Hermaphrodites produce separate male<br />

and female buds on the same plant, while<br />

mixed gender plants have flowers with both<br />

organs on the same bud. Both hermaphrodites<br />

and mixed gender plants produce pollen that<br />

can easily be dispersed and pollinate other<br />

females growing near it.<br />

If you started growing your crop from seed,<br />

it could also be possible you didn’t dispose of<br />

the male plants before they spread pollen. You<br />

cannot tell if a cannabis plant is a male, female,<br />

hermaphrodite, or mixed gender plant during the<br />

vegetative stage. You must wait until they begin<br />

to develop buds before the flowers on your plants<br />

start to present sexual dimorphism. Male cannabis<br />

plants produce stamens, which appear different<br />

than the female pistils. On cannabis plants,<br />

these stamens are sometimes referred to as<br />

bananas or nanners, as they do appear banana<br />

shaped, sometimes appear in clusters, and are<br />

usually yellow to light green in colour. Any plant<br />

that has these should be bagged to reduce the<br />

chance of spreading pollen, removed from the<br />

growing area, and thrown out.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 69


If you are sure that there are no males or hermaphrodites among<br />

your plants, then it is very important to try locate the source of<br />

the pollen that pollinated your females. If you can’t, there is no<br />

guarantee it won’t happen again.<br />

If you grow outside, there is little you can do to prevent<br />

pollination if there is a male plant in the area and it may<br />

become necessary to move your grow indoors. If you already<br />

grow indoors and live in a warmer climate, you need to look at<br />

your exhaust/filter system and security protocols. You need to<br />

make sure they aren’t breached, and then you need to maintain<br />

them to keep your growroom as sanitary as possible to avoid<br />

unwanted pollen from drifting in. If you live in a climate that<br />

experiences winters, you can also wait until after the first killing<br />

frost to restart your grow to ensure there is no male pollen<br />

around that could find its way in from the outside.<br />

“ If your crop is grown indoors and you are<br />

not growing male plants intentionally in<br />

another part of the building, you likely<br />

have at least one hermaphrodite or<br />

mixed gender plant among your crop.”<br />

Whether or not you are able to locate the offending<br />

male, hermie, or mixed gender plants, it is a good idea to<br />

thoroughly clean your growing area before starting again.<br />

Any pollen that floated in likely won’t still be viable if<br />

you were to start a new grow, but it’s still a good idea to<br />

spray everything down with a bleach solution or hydrogen<br />

peroxide. This should be done in between grows regardless,<br />

but it’s especially important if unwanted pollination occurred<br />

and you are going to use the same grow space again right<br />

away. If there’s anything problematic pollen still lurking<br />

around, this will kill it. Better safe than sorry.<br />


Once the unwanted seeded plants are out of your life and<br />

your growroom is clean, there are a couple of things you can<br />

do to keep the chance of this happening again to a minimum.<br />

Starting your crop from clones instead of seed will ensure that<br />

you only have females, as clones are genetic copies of female<br />

cannabis plants. If you want to use seeds, avoid the 50-50<br />

chance of getting a male by using only feminized seed. These<br />

do not produce male plants and any reputable seed source<br />

will offer this type of seed.<br />

Seeded plants aren’t the end of the world but they’re enough of<br />

a hassle that you want to avoid them. To make sure you never<br />

end up with seeded or pollinated plants again, be wary of<br />

obtaining seed from unknown sources, leave breeding to the<br />

professionals, keep a clean growroom, keep your plants from<br />

becoming too stressed, and be watchful for males, hermies, or<br />

mixed gender plants among your crops.<br />

70<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

y Lindsay Engle<br />

Benefits of<br />

cannabis<br />

juicing<br />

You don’t have to smoke or eat cannabis to enjoy its wideranging<br />

benefits. Making a cannabis smoothie will provide<br />

all kinds of healthy nutrients and CBDs in liquid form.<br />

here are plenty of health benefits from juicing<br />

T any fruit or vegetable and the market for juicing<br />

is growing in popularity around the world. It’s<br />

no surprise that medical cannabis patients and<br />

healthcare professionals are looking into the health<br />

benefits of juicing the misunderstood plant.<br />

Vegetables usually consist of roots, leaves, stems, and<br />

flowers of a plant. Technically speaking, cannabis is<br />

a vegetable with similar nutrients found in other leafy<br />

greens (fibre, calcium, and iron). Cannabinoids are<br />

unique to the cannabis plant; they can improve cell<br />

function and reduce damage caused by free radicals.<br />

When cannabis is juiced, it is a nutritionally dense,<br />

medicinal compound without the psychoactive<br />

components that are normally activated when the<br />

plant goes through decarboxylation. Decarboxylation<br />

is basically the heating of the cannabis plant; it is a<br />

chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and<br />

releases carbon dioxide.<br />

There is a high concentration of raw cannabinoid<br />

acids and the perfect amount of fatty acids in juiced<br />

cannabis. This can reduce inflammation and improve<br />

two-way communication with nerve cells.<br />

72<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Dr. Seeds<br />







AUTO<br />

CBD<br />







<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 73

How to Juice Raw <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

Really, you can’t just get dried flower, throw it into a<br />

juicer, and expect magic healing potion. When juicing<br />

you want raw, freshly-picked, and properly grown<br />

cannabis. It is important to avoid any plant material<br />

that may have been exposed to pesticides or other<br />

microbiological contaminants.<br />

Like most vegetables, when it comes to juicing fresher<br />

is better. Do not juice cannabis that has been dried and<br />

prepared for smoking, it is not suitable for juicing. Since<br />

most local dispensaries do not have a supply of raw<br />

cannabis, many patients and caregivers grow their own<br />

medicine to ensure quality material for juicing.<br />

When juicing, it is recommended that people juice 15 large<br />

fan leaves, 30-40 sugar leaves, and two large (5-10 cm long)<br />

raw buds per day. Raw buds are flowers that are harvested<br />

while the trichomes are clear rather than amber.<br />

Mixing another vegetable juice to cut down on the<br />

bitterness of raw cannabis is highly recommended. A<br />

popular choice is carrots — a ratio of one-part cannabis<br />

juice to 10 parts carrot juice is a good rule of thumb. When<br />

you have your juice, split it into three parts and drink with<br />

each meal or store it for up to three days refrigerated in a<br />

sealed container or in the freezer for several months.<br />

“ There is a high<br />

concentration<br />

of raw cannabinoid acids and<br />

the perfect amount of fatty<br />

acids in juiced cannabis.”<br />

Carrots and <strong>Cannabis</strong>: A Juicing Match<br />

Carrots and carrot juice in ancient practice were used as<br />

therapeutic agents. Carrots are rich in biotin, calcium,<br />

magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, organic sodium, and<br />

more. Most of a carrot’s nutrients are concentrated just<br />

beneath the skin, so it’s important you try not to peel the<br />

skin off. You can simply brush the carrot’s skin with water<br />

until the dirt is cleaned off.<br />

The cannabis leaves and buds contain much needed<br />

cannabinoid acids: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-A)<br />

and cannabidiolic acid (CBD-A). These acids found<br />

in cannabis have been shown to reduce or eliminate<br />

epileptic seizures, and assist in the management of<br />

many other health issues. <strong>Cannabis</strong> is a complete<br />

protein and natural source of healthy omega 3 and<br />

omega 6 fatty acids.<br />

When carrots and cannabis are juiced they have a great<br />

deal of fibre. This fibre can create a foam at the top of your<br />

drink and most people consider this too thick to drink with<br />

ease. If you can get past the unpleasant texture, you will<br />

be doing your body a favour.<br />

Juice derived from carrots contains more vitamin A<br />

than nearly any other juice. Vitamin A assists the liver<br />

in flushing toxins out of the body, making this a great<br />

recipe for detoxing.<br />

Health Benefits of Juicing Raw <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

The cannabis plant is more than a psychoactive drug.<br />

In raw form cannabis leaves and buds are loaded with<br />

non-psychoactive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and<br />

anti-cancer nutrient compounds known as cannabidiol<br />

(CBD). CBD is proving to be a “superfood” capable of<br />

preventing and reversing a host of chronic illnesses.<br />

The human body has a built-in endogenous cannabinoid<br />

system, complete with cannabinoid receptors. Using CBD<br />

from cannabis can help normalize the body’s functional<br />

systems, including cell communication and proper<br />

immune function.<br />

CBDs bridge the gap of neurotransmission in the central<br />

nervous system, including the brain, by providing a<br />

two-way system of communication that completes a positive<br />

feedback loop. The unique two-way transmission<br />

system engaged by cannabis CBDs mimics the body’s own<br />

natural two-way communication system.<br />

Individuals with autoimmune disorders, cellular<br />

dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and various other<br />

illnesses can derive a wide range of health-promoting<br />

benefits simply by consuming CBDs.<br />

74<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Canada’s<br />

#<br />

1 SOURCE<br />

for<br />


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“ One of the best ways<br />

to acquire CBDs<br />

is to juice raw cannabis<br />

leaves and buds.”<br />

Juicing Provides Ample CBDs<br />

One of the best ways to acquire CBDs is to juice raw cannabis<br />

leaves and buds, according to Dr. William Courtney, who runs<br />

a clinic in Luxembourg that provides raw cannabis medicinal<br />

services to patients in need.<br />

“CBD works on receptors, and as it turns out, we have cannabinoids<br />

in our bodies — endogenous cannabinoids — that<br />

turn out to be very effective at regulating immune functions,<br />

nerve functions, bone functions,” says Dr. Ethan Russo, a<br />

Washington area physician who is also a senior advisor to<br />

GW Pharmaceuticals, a British drug company that is utilizing<br />

CBDs healing powers in a new epilepsy drug called Epidiolex.<br />

More Variety, More Nutrients<br />

Fibre is a very important part of our diet because it contains<br />

nutrients that help with digestion but when we juice, more<br />

nutrient absorption happens because the gut doesn’t need to<br />

digest all that fibre.<br />

Juicing makes getting the recommended vegetable serving<br />

possible and introduces nutrients directly to the bloodstream.<br />

Minimize high fructose fruits like apples and strawberries.<br />

Our bodies only need 15-25 grams of sugar daily. A good ratio<br />

to follow would be 80 per cent vegetables and 20 per cent fruit.<br />

Of all the apple varieties, green apple has the lowest sugar<br />

content. As you become accustomed to the taste of green juice,<br />

lessen the fruit to the bare minimum.<br />

People new to juicing can find it tough because drinking<br />

vegetable juice isn’t palatable. If you mix lemon to the strong<br />

flavour of dark greens the taste is less bitter, and lemon has<br />

low fructose content.<br />

Juicing will have you consuming vegetables you didn’t think<br />

you would eat, cook, or enjoy. When you juice before every<br />

meal you can use four or five different vegetables per day that<br />

may include dark leafy greens or different cannabis varieties.<br />

More variety means more nutrients.<br />

You have lots of options in terms of recipes and your only<br />

limitation will be your garden or<br />

your grocery store availability.<br />

Juicing can inspire us to<br />

choose new vegetables<br />

and create a new<br />

juice each time.<br />

Carrot&<strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

Juice Recipe<br />

This takes about 5 minutes or less depending<br />

on your juicer. The recipe makes 2-3 servings,<br />

is vegan and gluten free. Using a masticating<br />

juicer when juicing cannabis is best, they<br />

operate at lower temperatures and retain the<br />

most nutritional benefits of the plant.<br />


• 7-10 raw cannabis leaves, freshly picked<br />

(within 2-3 days)<br />

• 6 swiss chard leaves<br />

• 2 cups chopped organic carrots<br />

• 1-in. fresh ginger root<br />

• ½ green apple<br />

• 1 slice of lemon<br />


1. Soak the cannabis leave in cold water<br />

for a few minutes and then drain<br />

2. Start by slicing the carrots until you have<br />

about 2 cups<br />

3. Cut one slice of lemon and remove<br />

any seeds<br />

4. Remove the skin from the ginger root<br />

and add it to the juicer<br />

5. Add the ingredients and be sure to mix<br />

in spurts so the cannabis inside<br />

the juicer does not overheat<br />

6. Pour over ice and enjoy<br />

76<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

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A Look Inside <strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

Container Cultivation<br />

by Tom Forrest<br />

When it comes to growing cannabis inside<br />

containers, whether commercially or as a hobby,<br />

there are plenty of variables to consider from HVAC<br />

to irrigation to automation, says Tom Forrest.<br />

78<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Cultivating cannabis in upcycled shipping containers is not<br />

a new revolution, nor is it an incredibly far-fetched concept.<br />

Curious different legal requirements for medicinal cannabis<br />

cultivation and botanical parameters for cannabis breeding<br />

have seen it become a viable solution for growers around the<br />

world. Container cultivation has a strong history of practice in<br />

the dark prohibitionist days. Many a pioneering farmer thought<br />

a concealed or underground container provided a perfect blackmarket<br />

cannabis production factory.<br />

Modern solutions are a little different. Cultivators are no<br />

longer hiding from police helicopters and bandits, but now<br />

security from theft and prevention of pests is paramount. Many<br />

growers have installed creative solutions for effective container<br />

facilities and several pioneering businesses now have turnkey<br />

containers as a genuine revenue stream. There is, however,<br />

a vast difference between the efficacy and functionality of a<br />

clever container grow and an insufficiently planned retrofit.<br />

Many growers have invested and lost significant sums based<br />

on poorly designed container cultivation concepts.<br />

Successful container upcycling requires consideration of<br />

many topics. In this article we will cover container spacing<br />

and figuring your ideal facility layout, HVAC considerations,<br />

horticultural lighting options, fertigation, automation,<br />

scalability, and overall container cost. If these factors have<br />

been addressed, then the classic container can provide the<br />

ultimate cannabis cultivation conditions.<br />

Facility Layout and Spacing<br />

Appropriate facility layout and spacing is essential regardless<br />

if a facility has four or four hundred containers. The most<br />

important factors to consider are efficient workflow, the mechanical<br />

prevention of pest and disease, alongside the planned scale<br />

for the facility; are you planning on adding more containers?<br />

Effective prevention of pests and disease is paramount.<br />

This reduces the need to use pesticides of any kind.<br />

In protected cropping this is achieved using air-locks,<br />

decontamination zones, and clever workflow practices.<br />

Ensuring there is a positively pressured room prior to entry<br />

into the cultivation area allows for staff to safely neutralize<br />

chances of unwanted microscopic guests as they follow<br />

specified decontamination practices (i.e. washing hands,<br />

wearing booties, or putting on a protective lab coat).<br />

The other key factor to consider with facility layout relates to<br />

the planned scale of your business. Is the warehouse or ceiling<br />

height sufficient for tiered containers and ample HVAC equipment?<br />

How many containers or zones can be added to that location<br />

without sacrificing effective workflow?<br />

Containers need to be arranged in a manner that is both<br />

immediately practical for a successful initial growth cycle<br />

and production, while also considering subsidiary equipment.<br />

The layout of the containers must account for their relation<br />

to essential ancillary equipment such as external HVAC and<br />

fertigation equipment, water tanks, soil handling, harvesting,<br />

and processing areas. The loading and unloading zones<br />

for deliveries, trucks, and contracted labour must also be<br />

considered for both security and biohazards. Preventative<br />

facility design should include separate zones for unloading<br />

consumables such as substrates, fertilizers, lamps, and all the<br />

ongoing essentials. This should act as a decontamination zone<br />

and prevent unwanted personnel entering cultivation areas.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 79

HVAC — Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning<br />

Healthy airflow is the key to a successful container grow.<br />

The correct temperature, humidity, air movement, and air<br />

quality will provide the greenest growth with disease-free<br />

crops. We understand the general parameters for cannabis<br />

to thrive alongside the differences in ideal environment<br />

for varying stages of growth (i.e. a higher humidity<br />

for the vegetative areas), but how do we achieve this efficiently<br />

in a shipping container?<br />

Although we are only part way through this article, we<br />

have hit the bottom line. At this stage in container design<br />

your budget becomes a determining factor.<br />

At one end of the spectrum we have facilities that utilize<br />

multimillion-dollar central HVAC systems. Enabling mass<br />

heating and cooling for multiple areas as containers<br />

become almost plug-and-play within the facility. Other<br />

premium designs use complex air-conditioning, heating,<br />

dehumidification, and evaporative cooling systems,<br />

alongside multiple sensors to provide clinical climate control.<br />

Utilizing the latest in sensory technology, data collection,<br />

and computer automation allows for remote and precise<br />

automation (more on automation further in the article).<br />

“THE CORRECT temperature, humidity, air<br />

movement, and air quality will provide the<br />

greenest growth with disease-free crops.”<br />

Alternatively, many facilities have successfully<br />

harvested using simpler and more affordable designs.<br />

Separating HVAC from fertigation control systems while<br />

using more basic climate control mechanisms can still<br />

effectively grow cannabis if the cultivation team is<br />

diligent and vigilant. Split-system air-conditioning units<br />

installed alongside dehumidifiers and rudimentary<br />

evaporative coolers can control temperature and humidity<br />

within the container. These still need to be calculated,<br />

calibrated, and commissioned to ensure the hardware can<br />

remove all the heat generated from grow lights and the<br />

excess moisture created as plants transpire.<br />

Internal airflow in containers is usually achieved using<br />

oscillating wall fans. Clever solutions for horizontal<br />

air-movers and novel ducting designs are rapidly coming to<br />

market to prevent any stagnant pockets of air that can cause<br />

headaches for a grower. Fresh air needs to be appropriately<br />

filtered, sourced from a suitable inlet, and distributed<br />

efficiently throughout the canopy.<br />

Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is usually added to container rooms<br />

using prefilled tanks, regulators, and solenoid valves. These<br />

should be set on precise sensors for the safety of both plants<br />

and staff. Ambient outdoor CO 2 floats around 400 ppm. Most<br />

facilities supplementing CO 2 aim for around 800 ppm to<br />

enhance plant growth. Anything more than 1,500 ppm is not<br />

particularly useful while anything above 2,500-5,000 ppm<br />

becomes dangerous.<br />

Effective distribution of CO 2 gas is easily achieved using<br />

PVC piping along the length of the container wall with<br />

small outlets for the CO 2 to escape. The output of CO 2 needs<br />

to be at appropriate times (during daylight hours) but also<br />

balanced with the air input and exhaust from air conditioning<br />

and ventilation fans. The amount of CO 2 added to the<br />

container directly influences the lighting intensity required<br />

for effective cannabis growth. This means we need to select<br />

our horticultural lighting fixtures appropriately.<br />

Lighting<br />

All indoor cannabis lighting consulting inevitably leads to<br />

the question: LED or high pressure sodium (HPS) or ceramic<br />

metal halide (CMH)? Your choice depends entirely on you and<br />

where your facility of containers is located. I can’t go into the<br />

LED versus high intensity discharge (HID), or the HPS versus<br />

CMH debates, but at least note that the location and climate<br />

surrounding the facility is a big deciding factor. Regardless<br />

of your luminaire, we still need to achieve desired micromole<br />

levels during each stage of cannabis growth (with the correct<br />

spectrum that the crop will respond to).<br />

We’ve seen a lot of issues with heat load and light intensity<br />

management in containers, especially those using 1,000W<br />

double-ended fixtures. This exponentially increases the cost<br />

and complexity of the necessitated HVAC system, and the<br />

greater distance to canopy required will therefore limit the<br />

plant height. It’s a curious Catch-22 — higher wattage lights<br />

could mean shorter plants.<br />

Lighting plans need to be calculated for the wall reflectance,<br />

the cultivation methodology, and the desired cultivation area.<br />

Is a portion of the container going to be used for decontamination<br />

or irrigation zones? Ensure that an engineer provides<br />

lighting plans specifically for your cultivation facility detailing<br />

the resulting photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and<br />

uniformity. This also needs to account for the layout of the crop,<br />

desired canopy height, and the type of lights used (including<br />

the specific bulb for HID fixtures). Tiered cultivation of cannabis<br />

in containers (aside from propagation) is generally not<br />

recommended due to the limited working height.<br />

We’ve seen containers successfully using 315W CMH fixtures,<br />

750W HPS fixtures, and certain LED luminaires, but the ideal<br />

solution depends on the other aforementioned parameters.<br />

80<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

“THE INDIVIDUAL irrigation of each plant and<br />

whether the drainage is captured or run-towaste<br />

will also depend on the preferred<br />

growing methodology and accordingly<br />

influence the tray-table build design.”<br />

Irrigation & Drainage<br />

Fertigation of crops in containers is set up either with a central<br />

facility irrigation zone providing the correct nutrient and<br />

water to each container. Individual tanks, pumps, and monitoring<br />

equipment in each container is also an option. This<br />

is determined by the budget, the type of cultivation system,<br />

and the plant size and spacing, alongside the outer facility<br />

design constraints. The individual irrigation of each plant and<br />

whether the drainage is captured or run-to-waste will also<br />

depend on the preferred growing methodology and accordingly<br />

influence the tray-table build design.<br />

Several facilities I have visited captured waste water in an<br />

external zone for filtration and re-use, while others have used<br />

wet-vacs to remove run-off. Horticultural trays are best set<br />

up with tanks to capture drainage. The drainage water can<br />

be pumped back to the main reservoir or into a waste water<br />

recycling system using float valves.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 81

“HIGH-END container facilities utilize multiple<br />

probes, sensors, and data generating<br />

equipment to ensure every aspect of<br />

the container is dialled to perfection.”<br />


needs to be given for<br />

workflow and practical<br />

access, especially for<br />

contractors and ongoing<br />

system maintenance.”<br />

Automation<br />

The level of automation in a facility is again determined<br />

by budget. At a minimal level, the containers will have<br />

lighting and A/C controllers, humidification control, and<br />

evaporative cooling operating according to programmed<br />

parameters. The more invested in each container, the<br />

more precise the control becomes. Advanced horticultural<br />

lighting, fertigation, and climate control can all be<br />

automated through a central computer system. This can<br />

be pre-programmed to replicate seasonal changes and to<br />

follow specific nutrient feed regimes.<br />

High-end container facilities utilize multiple probes,<br />

sensors, and data generating equipment to ensure every<br />

aspect of the container is dialled to perfection. The more<br />

data generated, the more accurate the cultivation can<br />

become. These sensors predominantly measure light<br />

intensity, air temperature, humidity, CO 2, vapour pressure<br />

deficit, leaf temperature, moisture of substrates, fertigation<br />

liquid pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature, while<br />

digital computer mechanisms coordinate these variables<br />

into a finely tuned machine.<br />

Scalability<br />

The question of whether advanced automation is worth<br />

the cost is mostly determined by the scale of the facility. A<br />

handful of containers may not warrant a $400,000 control<br />

system. This also applies to the HVAC components of the<br />

containers. Large-scale container facilities generally<br />

use a central HVAC system while smaller, research, and<br />

breeding container setups may have central computer but<br />

individual container control systems. The physical location<br />

of the containers also influences the potential for growth.<br />

More containers will require larger peripheral spaces for<br />

equipment storage, consumables, and processing. Several<br />

facilities have successfully implemented tiered containers,<br />

however, great consideration needs to be given for workflow<br />

and practical access, especially for contractors and ongoing<br />

system maintenance.<br />

The Bottom Line…<br />

In deciding whether containers are appropriate and what<br />

kind of container design suits your needs, we come back<br />

to the budget of your project. Poorly retrofitted containers<br />

rarely work. Containers designed with an expert team of<br />

engineers including agricultural, cannabis, and HVAC<br />

specialists are the industry standard. However, for those<br />

operating in the pharmaceutical space, designs compliant<br />

with good manufacturing practices and good agricultural<br />

collection are the norm. These are ISO-conforming plans<br />

and every aspect of the project, build, pharmaceutical<br />

production, and manufacturing is adhered to, while the<br />

budget reflects the beautiful precision of these options.<br />

Regardless of whether you are operating as a cannabis business<br />

start-up, researcher, breeder, or planning a commercial<br />

facility, hopefully this has helped unbox the secrets of what<br />

hides inside a successful cannabis cultivation container.<br />

82<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>


Automated nutrient fergaon system for the cra grower<br />



230 County Road 31, Leamington, Ontario, Canada | 519-326-8681 | sphomegrower.com<br />



Number of years<br />

doing business:<br />

51 YEARS<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> division:<br />

2 YEARS<br />

Company motto:<br />



As an established supply<br />

warehouse for the greenhouse<br />

industry in Leamington, Ont.,<br />

Sun Parlour decided to expand<br />

into the cannabis supply industry<br />

by doing everything from<br />

propagation to harvest while<br />

assisting growers of all sizes. The<br />

company also has a retail side<br />

designed to appeal to the home<br />

grower and has now progressed<br />

into the wholesale market assisting<br />

large grow operations with all their<br />

needs. Jordan Carnevale explains<br />

what’s next for Sun Parlour’s<br />

growing list of cannabis services.<br />

Sun Parlour has been going strong<br />

for some time, hasn’t it?<br />

Yes, we have been in the greenhouse supply<br />

industry for 51 years before we opened our<br />

cannabis division two years ago.<br />

Why make the jump to cannabis?<br />

With our proven knowledge and<br />

understanding of the greenhouse industry,<br />

we knew that entering the cannabis<br />

space would make a great fit for us as<br />

Leamington is quickly becoming a major<br />

hub for cannabis production in Canada.<br />

What was your first step opening the<br />

cannabis side?<br />

When we first opened the division there<br />

were just two of us that were involved<br />

directly. I was involved with customer and<br />

wholesale development and my colleague,<br />

Tracey, was also involved with customer<br />

development and procurement.<br />

84<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>





Offering lighting, climate control, plant nutrients, plant care, growing blocks and lots of accessories.<br />


Who in the market is Sun<br />

Parlour targeting?<br />

The main products that we focused on<br />

initially were for the home grower. We do not<br />

manufacture our own hardline goods, but we<br />

have extensive experience in bulk fertilizer<br />

and nutrient production as we stock all the<br />

raw materials. We also have a lot of versatile<br />

products from our agriculture greenhouse<br />

business that have proven to be interchangeable<br />

with the cannabis industry.<br />

What were some of your struggles as<br />

Sun Parlour opened its cannabis side<br />

of the business?<br />

The first struggles we had were getting the<br />

community of Windsor-Essex on board with<br />

the idea that we would be selling cannabis<br />

supplies. We strive to provide professional<br />

advice and product knowledge with the motto<br />

that no customer is too big or too small. With<br />

all the research and the many cannabis<br />

operations going, the community has really<br />

started to embrace the economic opportunities.<br />

Our background and strong reputation in the<br />

greenhouse industry really pushed us to the<br />

forefront of the market locally.<br />





How is the cannabis division doing now?<br />

We have expanded our staff and our product and<br />

service offerings in the last six months. We now<br />

have dedicated staff to help with the day-to-day<br />

operation of the cannabis division.<br />

What is your current<br />

product line?<br />

We carry a large<br />

product line so that<br />

we have something for<br />

each customer’s needs.<br />

Our products focus<br />

mainly on growing<br />

medias, lighting,<br />

ventilation, nutrients,<br />

and lots of products<br />

for harvesting. Due to<br />

our size we are also able to bring in specialty<br />

products on request at very reasonable prices.<br />

Where is your client base?<br />

We have a very large warehouse based out of<br />

Leamington with a storefront as well, so our<br />

initial reach is the Windsor-Essex area. But,<br />

as we expand we are starting to move into the<br />

Niagara region as well as the Greater Toronto<br />

Area and Ottawa regions because we can<br />

facilitate such large orders.<br />

How many people now work in the<br />

cannabis division?<br />

We now have four full-time employees in the<br />

administrative/sales part of the cannabis<br />

division as well as two other part-time<br />

employees that help when needed. Our<br />

warehouse staff can assist for large shipments<br />

that need heavy duty packaging and shipping.<br />

What are Sun Parlour’s strengths?<br />

Our company’s strength is definitely the<br />

size of our facility and the relationships we<br />

have with our suppliers. We can bring large<br />

quantities in and have the storage for it.<br />

Also, we tend to stick with the suppliers we<br />

know and trust, and build great relationships<br />

before we commit to them fully.<br />

86<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Any feel-good stories so far?<br />

With all the attention the cannabis industry<br />

is getting it’s always great to hear from a<br />

medical patient that comes back telling<br />

you that you helped them. Whether it was<br />

suggesting a certain grow media or just<br />

giving a little advice on nutrients, when they<br />

come back to tell you how much things work<br />

for them it really hits home. Nothing is more<br />

satisfying for us than helping our various<br />

customers reach their goals.<br />

What significant things have you learned<br />

so far about the industry?<br />

One thing that we have learned is that this<br />

industry can help people from all walks<br />

of life. This isn’t just about the big money<br />

corporations or the everyday patient or home<br />

grower; this industry is inclusive of every<br />

individual and has established a tremendous<br />

amount of excitement, innovation, and<br />

economic opportunity.<br />







What have you learned so far<br />

about the cannabis space?<br />

At every corner there is<br />

something to be learned and<br />

you must be open to it. With this<br />

becoming so mainstream these<br />

days, there is new knowledge<br />

and advancements coming out<br />

daily and we need to be open<br />

and ready for such information.<br />

What words of wisdom can<br />

you share about the future of<br />

the industry?<br />

I feel like this is just the very<br />

beginning of a major venture<br />

not just across Ontario but<br />

worldwide. We are just scratching the surface<br />

of what this industry can really bring to so<br />

many different fields including the medical<br />

field. So, strap in and get ready because this<br />

is about to become huge.<br />

Any cool experiences along the way?<br />

One of my favourite stories was the first trade<br />

show I went to. It was pretty much my welcometo-the-industry<br />

moment. As I stepped outside<br />

for a smoke break there<br />

were already hundreds of<br />

people outside that were<br />

attending or presenting<br />

at the show. Among these<br />

people were elders, men<br />

and women in business<br />

attire, there was the<br />

hobbyist grower, and<br />

many more different types<br />

of people that all came<br />

together as one for the<br />

love of the industry. Not<br />

many things can bring<br />

so many walks of life<br />

together at one time and<br />

that show really opened<br />

my eyes that as a whole<br />

we are not that different.<br />

What makes your<br />

employees so awesome?<br />

The passion that our employees have not<br />

just for the industry, but for being able to<br />

genuinely help others with their knowledge.<br />

We have people who will go out of their way<br />

with customers to help them in any way<br />

possible and it’s hard to find people with<br />

that all-around passion for both.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 87

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> is<br />

taking a<br />

stand.<br />

88<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

a newsstand.<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> is excited to announce that<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> <strong>Cannabis</strong> is now available<br />

on select magazine stands across Canada!<br />

growing with you since 1998<br />

subscribe today and never miss an issue!<br />

subscriptions@maximumyield.com<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 89

distribution<br />

LIST<br />

retail stores are listed alphabetically by city in each province<br />

every<br />

body<br />

get<br />

happy<br />


GrowLife<br />

Unit 113 - 2323 32 Ave. NE<br />

CALGARY, AB T2E 6Z3<br />

403-452-9990<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

IncrediGrow Garden Centre<br />

103-7500 MacLeod Trail SE<br />

CALGARY, AB T2H 0L9<br />

403-255-0740<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Quick Grow<br />

1-1204 Edmonton Trail Rd. NE<br />

CALGARY, AB T2E 3K5<br />

877-426-4769<br />

Twins Greenhouse<br />

13 - 2235 30th Ave., NE<br />

CALGARY, AB T2C 7C7<br />

403-273-2881<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Hydro-Lite North<br />

12249 Fort Rd.<br />

EDMONTON, AB T5B 4H7<br />

780-477-7860<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Hydro-Lite South<br />

4365 - 99th St.<br />

EDMONTON, AB T6E 5E4<br />

587-499-7555<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Niloc Wholesale Inc.<br />

Box 82008 Yellowbird RPO<br />

EDMONTON, AB T6J 7E6<br />

780-885-4769<br />

T & T Hydroponic<br />

14925 112 Ave. NW<br />

EDMONTON, AB T5M 2V6<br />

780-452-9868<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

TLC Hydroponics<br />

and Garden Supplies<br />

3395 Okanagan St. PO Box #543<br />


250-546-9391<br />

Jon’s Plant Factory<br />

3925 E. Hastings St.<br />

BURNABY, BC V5C 2H8<br />

604-294-3000<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Dragon’s Lair Garden Center<br />

1690A Maple St.<br />


250-850-1<strong>01</strong>0<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Hygro Gardening Supplies Inc.<br />

1791 Tamarac St.<br />


250-286-0424<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

<strong>Canadian</strong> Garden Supply<br />

1730 Hwy. 3<br />


250-304-2911<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Sun Beam Central<br />

3444 River Rd.<br />


250-246-1379<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Cowichan Hydroponic<br />

Supplies<br />

4 - 2955 Jacob Rd.<br />

DUNCAN, BC V9L 6W4<br />

250-746-0244<br />

Duncan Plants & Ponics<br />

6512 Bell McKinnon Rd.<br />

DUNCAN, BC V9L 6C1<br />

250-746-5591<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Green Island Joe’s<br />

Garden Supply<br />

994 Errington Rd., Unit 4<br />


250-586-2000<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Sunshine Gardens<br />

Greenhouse Superstore<br />

5 - 1744 Kelly Douglas Rd.<br />

KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5S4<br />

877-372-2270<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

West Coast Hydroponic<br />

Garden Shop<br />

113 - 805 Notre Dame<br />

KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5N8<br />

250-851-2992<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Aqua Gro<br />

Hydroponics Supplies<br />

Suite 1<strong>01</strong> 2689 Kyle Rd.<br />

KELOWNA, BC V1Z 2M9<br />

250-769-7745<br />

Better Than Nature Kelowna<br />

207 Asher Rd.<br />

KELOWNA, BC V1X 3H5<br />

250-868-8978<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest Garden<br />

Supply - Maple Ridge<br />

109 - 2<strong>01</strong>10 Lougheed Hwy.<br />


604-465-4768<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Planting Plus Greenhouse<br />

Supplies and Hardware<br />

Unit 2 - 23382 River Rd.<br />


604-466-5949<br />

Triple Tree Nurseryland<br />

20503 Lougheed Hwy.<br />


604-465-9313<br />

Gro Green Garden Supply<br />

7260 Park St.<br />

MISSION, BC V2V 6G8<br />

604-814-4345<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply - Mission<br />

5 - 33111 London Ave.<br />

MISSION, BC V2V 4P9<br />

604-820-8815<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Hub City Hydroponics<br />

105-50 Tenth St.<br />

NANAIMO, BC V9R 6L1<br />

250-591-8150<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Progressive Growth<br />

41 - 1925 Bowen Rd.<br />

NANAIMO, BC V9S 1H1<br />

800-405-4769<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

maximumyield.com<br />

Green Thumb Hydroponics<br />

#2 5<strong>01</strong>9 4th Ave.<br />

EDSON, AB T7E 1T4<br />

780-725-0064 & 780-556-9333<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Northern Lights<br />

Indoor Gardening Centre<br />

1<strong>01</strong>08 100th Ave.<br />


780-538-3277<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Happy Grow Supplies<br />

3514 9th Ave. N.<br />


403-380-2847<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

The Grow Zone<br />

#7 6850-52 Ave.<br />

RED DEER, AB T4N 4L1<br />

403-356-9663<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />


Interior Gardener’s Supply<br />

221 - 1 McDermid Rd., Box 1779<br />

100 MILE HOUSE, BC V0K 2E0<br />

250-395-3399<br />

Valley Indoor<br />

Greenhouse Supplies<br />

103 - 44195 Yale Rd. W.<br />


877-702-1169<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Sundogz Garden Supply<br />

1824 Alberni Hwy.<br />

COOMBS, BC V0R 1M0<br />

250-954-2046<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Art Knapp<br />

2855 Wentworth Rd.<br />


250-334-3024<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Progressive Growth<br />

2459 Cousins Ave.<br />


250-334-8425<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Top Crop Garden,<br />

Farm & Pet<br />

21<strong>01</strong> Cranbrook St. N.<br />


250-489-4555<br />

Sunset Seed Company<br />

1628 Canyon St.<br />

CRESTON, BC V0B 1G0<br />

250-428-4614<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply -Kelowna<br />

Unit C1 - 1810 Kyle Ct.<br />

KELOWNA, BC V1Z 3Z4<br />

250-769-4791<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Quick Grow Indoor<br />

Garden Center<br />

1945 Kirschner Rd.<br />

KELOWNA, BC V1Y 4N7<br />

250-861-3434<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Green Earth Garden Supplies<br />

5654 Production Way.<br />

LANGLEY, BC V3A 4N4<br />

604-532-7106<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Canngro Garden Supply Ltd.<br />

104 - 5498 267th St.<br />

LANGLEY, BC V4W 3S8<br />

604-607-7263<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Western<br />

Garden Supplies<br />

5785 203A St.<br />

LANGLEY, BC V3A 1W7<br />

604-510-4839; 778-898-5888<br />

Excel Air Systems<br />

200 - 2<strong>01</strong>70 Stewart Cres.<br />


604-728-0757<br />

Tridon Hydroponics<br />

12 - 1708 Bowen Rd.<br />

NANAIMO, BC V9S 1G9<br />

250-755-1900<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply - Nelson<br />

Unit 14- 104 Silica St.<br />

NELSON, BC V1L 4M1<br />

250-354-4767<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Buckerfields<br />

587 Alberni Hwy.<br />


250-248-3243<br />

Better Than Nature<br />

Penticton<br />

1<strong>01</strong> - 78 Industrial Ave., W.<br />


250-770-8978<br />

AV Garden Supply<br />

#4 - 2945 Alberni Hwy.<br />


250-735-1005<br />

West Coast Hemp Inc.<br />

3473 3rd Ave.<br />


250-724-6060<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Suncoast Hydroponics Inc.<br />

105-7105 Duncan St.<br />


604-489-1944<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

90<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Quality, Proven Products Since 1998<br />


Central Ontario’s Hydroponic Superstore<br />

Years in Business<br />

1998-2<strong>01</strong>8<br />




Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @yodhydroponics<br />

559 Steven Court, #12 Newmarket, Ontario<br />

TOLL<br />

yieldofdreamshydroponics.com │ 1.905.954.1476 1.877.954.1476<br />

FREE<br />

We Buy & Sell Used Equipment

----------------------------------------------<br />

Grow King Hydroponics<br />

& Gardening Ltd.<br />

833 4th St.<br />


250-612-5173<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply<br />

1822 Aberdeen Rd.<br />


236-423-2122<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

PG2<br />

1798 Nicholson St.<br />


250-612-4769; 1-888-817-4769<br />

Spruce Capital Feeds<br />

1694 Quinn St.<br />


250-564-6<strong>01</strong>0<br />

Omega Garden Inc.<br />

1695 Peligren Pl.<br />


250-752-13<strong>01</strong>; 888-976-6342<br />

Garden Effects<br />

200 - 2288 #5 Rd.<br />

RICHMOND, BC V6X 2T1<br />

604-214-6620<br />

Natural Choice<br />

Garden Centre, The<br />

5500 48th Ave., SE<br />

SALMON ARM, BC V1E 1X2<br />

250-832-7151<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

S.A. Ecoline Products Ltd.<br />

5671 Auto Rd., SE<br />

SALMON ARM, BC V1E 4S1<br />

250-833-4769<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Nico’s Nurseryland<br />

830 - 28th St., NE<br />

SALMON ARM, BC V1E 2S7<br />

250-804-2004<br />

Keating Hydroponic Supplies<br />

6765 Veyaness Rd #100<br />


778-351-3022<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Suncoast Hydroponics<br />

#1<strong>01</strong>-1862 Cosyan Pl.<br />

SECHELT, BC V0N 3A1<br />

604-885-6661<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply - Squamish<br />

#1<strong>01</strong>-39279 Queens Way<br />

SQUAMISH, BC V8B 0T5<br />

604-567-2227<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Coast Pet & Plant Supplies<br />

Unit 6 12342 83A Ave.<br />

SURREY, BC V3W 0L6<br />

604-599-1778<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

HT Ballast Gardening<br />

8299 - 129th St. #103<br />

SURREY, BC V3W 0A6<br />

604-503-5255<br />

PK Garden Wholesale<br />

108 - 18760 96th Ave.<br />

SURREY, BC V4N 3P9<br />

604-888-2499<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply -Surrey<br />

15374-103A Ave.<br />

SURREY, BC V3R 7A2<br />

604-588-4769; 800-443-4769<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

BN Garden Supply<br />

4493 Boundary Rd.<br />


604-431-2977<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Pacific Northwest<br />

Garden Supply - Vancouver<br />

1772 Renfrew St.<br />


604-254-4765<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Fraser Valley Greenhouse<br />

Supplies Ltd.<br />

45653 Lark Rd.<br />


fraservalleygreenhouse.com<br />

604-858-0455<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Advanced Garden Supplies<br />

7979 Aspen Rd.<br />

VERNON, BC V1B 3M9<br />

250-545-9545<br />

AJs Pets & Things<br />

3219 - 31st Ave.<br />

VERNON, BC V1T 2H2<br />

250-549-3222<br />

Better Than Nature Vernon<br />

506 25th Ave.<br />

VERNON, BC V1T 1P4<br />

250-260-4466<br />

Northern Lights Greenspace<br />

3 - 2706 45th Ave.<br />

VERNON, BC V1T 3N4<br />

250-558-4757<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

OK Garden Supply<br />

12-46<strong>01</strong> 23rd St.<br />

VERNON, BC V1T 4K7<br />

778-475-6075<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Mr. Fertilizer<br />

9 Burnside Rd., W.<br />

VICTORIA, BC V9A 1B2<br />

250-381-4644<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Progressive Growth<br />

Unit #111-1790 Island Hwy.<br />

VICTORIA, BC V9B 1H5<br />

250-391-9519<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

The Greenhouse<br />

Hydroponics<br />

1096 Goldstream Ave.<br />

VICTORIA, BC V9B 2Y5<br />

250-590-8845<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Good Guys Gardening Center<br />

250 Mackenzie Ave. S.<br />


250-392-2069<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Halls Organics Inc.<br />

107 Falcon Rd.<br />


250-398-2899<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />


Advance Hydroponics<br />

1230 Sherwin Rd.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3H 0V3<br />

204-632-1155<br />

Better Than Nature Winnipeg<br />

414 Gertrude Ave.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3L 1Y8<br />

204-453-3032<br />

<strong>Canadian</strong> Wholesale<br />

Hydroponics<br />

9-1559 Brookside Rd.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R2R 1V6<br />

877-226-4769<br />

Crazy Hydroponics Supply<br />

840 Ellice Ave.,<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3G 0C2<br />

204-783-6345<br />

Gro Pro International<br />

Hydroponics<br />

1<strong>01</strong>-904 Portage Ave.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3G 1Z3<br />

204-956-1389<br />

Kleen Gro Hydroponics<br />

218 Osbourne St. S.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3L 1Z3<br />

204-475-7096<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

My Two Sons<br />

2 - 2055 McPhillips St.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R2Y 3C6<br />

204-339-3489<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Northern Lights Hydroponics<br />

129 Regent Ave. E.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R2C 0C2<br />

204-415-5106<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Ready Set Grow!<br />

375 Henderson Hwy.<br />

WINNIPEG, MB R3C 2H2<br />

204-668-GROW<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />


<strong>Canadian</strong> Green Products<br />

811 Central St.<br />


506-276-3555<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Dieppe Hydroponics<br />

988 Champlain St. Door #3<br />

DIEPPE, NB E1A 1P8<br />

506-384-4769<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Scott’s Nursery Ltd.<br />

2192 Route 102 Hwy.<br />

LINCOLN, NB E3B 8N1<br />

506-458-9208<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />


250-591-8150<br />

115-50 Tenth St. Nanaimo BC<br />

info@hubcityhydroponics<br />

92<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Atlantic Hydroponics<br />

& Greenhouses Inc.<br />

42 Brandon St.<br />

MONCTON, NB E1C 7E8<br />

506-858-<strong>01</strong>58<br />

Greencorner<br />

212 Halifax St.<br />

MONCTON, NB E1C 9S2<br />

506-854-6508<br />

Jardins Notik Gardens<br />

798 Gray Rd.<br />

ST. CHARLES, NB E4W 4N9<br />

506-876-9100<br />


& LABRADOR<br />

Good2Grow NL<br />

2534 Topsail Rd.<br />


709-700-9180<br />

Grow Crazy<br />

140 Campbell Ave.<br />

ST. JOHNS, NL A1E 2Z8<br />

709-726-4769<br />


----------------------------------------------<br />

The Green Aid Garden Center<br />

795 Bedford Hwy., Unit 103<br />

BEDFORD, NS B4A 1A1<br />

902-835-1767<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Mmad Hydroponics<br />

4400 Second Division Rd.<br />

DIGBY CO, NS B0W1M0<br />

902-778-1922<br />

Sweetleaf Smoke Shop<br />

and Hydroponics<br />

3132 Isleville St.<br />

HALIFAX, NS B3K 3Y2<br />

902-454-6646Steve’s Hydroponics<br />

Equipment<br />

5<strong>01</strong> Sackville Dr.<br />


902-865-7764<br />

Lahave Street Hydroponics<br />

8927 Commerical St.<br />

NEW MINAS, NS B4N 3E1<br />

902-681-4770<br />

Valley Hydroponics<br />

8759 Commercial St., Unit 1<br />

NEW MINAS, NS B4N 3C4<br />

902-365-3557<br />

Lahave Street Hydroponics<br />

2304 Hwy. 325<br />

OAKHILL, NS B4V 0E6<br />

902-541-GROW (4769)<br />

Howie’s Happy Hydroponics<br />

41 4th St.<br />

TRENTON, NS B0K 1X0<br />

902-755-3333<br />

Grow And Brew<br />

24 Havelock St.<br />

TRURO, NS B2N 4N7<br />

902-897-4769<br />


Aj’s Tomatoes<br />

7<strong>01</strong> Country St.<br />

ALMONTE, ON K0A 1A0<br />

613-277-4432<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

A World of Green<br />

Hydroponics & Gardening<br />

Supplies<br />

19 Church St. N. Unit C<br />

ALLISTON, ON L9R 1L6<br />

705-434-9669<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

<strong>Canadian</strong> Hydrogardens Ltd.<br />

1330 Sandhill Dr.<br />

ANCASTER, ON L9G 4V5<br />

905-648-18<strong>01</strong><br />

Dutchman Hydroponics<br />

353 Saunders Rd., Unit 4-5<br />

BARRIE, ON L4N 9A3<br />

705-252-4769<br />

Homegrown Hydroponics Inc.<br />

521 Dunlop St. W.<br />

BARRIE, ON L4N 9W4<br />

705-721-8715<br />

Overgrown Hydroponics<br />

404 Dunlop St. W.<br />

BARRIE, ON L4N 1C2<br />

705-503-3100<br />

BMA Hydroponics<br />

404A Maitland Dr., Unit 2<br />


613-967-9888<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Growers Paradise<br />

40 Regan Rd. Unit 11<br />


905-495-4040<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Homegrown<br />

Hydroponics Inc.<br />

79 Woolwich St. S.<br />

BRESLAU, ON N0B 1M0<br />

519-648-2374<br />

Frank’s Magic Crops Inc.<br />

480 Guelph Line<br />


905-333-3282<br />

Agrogreen Canada Inc.<br />

1938 Hwy. #20, RR#1<br />

FONTHILL, ON L0S 1E6<br />

866-650-1136<br />

Bob’s Grow Mart<br />

2255 Hwy 20<br />

FONTHILL, ON L0S 1E6<br />

905-892-2121<br />

Diatomite Canada<br />

1938 Hwy. #20, RR#1<br />

FONTHILL, ON L0S 1E6<br />

866-650-1136<br />

Northern Lights<br />

Green Supply<br />

1938 Hwy. 20 (at 406), RR 1<br />

FONTHILL, ON L0S 1E6<br />

905-892-3743<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Brite-Lite Indoor<br />

Garden Centre<br />

1677 Cyrville Rd., Unit 104<br />


613-842-8999<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Happy Hydroponics<br />

68 Princess St.<br />

HAMILTON, ON L8L 3K9<br />

905-545-8434<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Kingston Organics<br />

and Hydroponics<br />

1093 John Counter Blvd.<br />

KINGSTON, ON K7K 6C7<br />

613-542-9991<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Brite-Lite Indoor<br />

Garden Centre<br />

6-1659 Victoria St. N.<br />


888-670-0611<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Indoor Gardener<br />

4093 Meadowbrook Drive,<br />

Unit 117 London, ON N6L 1G2<br />

519-652-4224<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Best of Hydroponics<br />

360 Richmond St.<br />

LONDON, ON N6A 3C3<br />

519-858-1533<br />

Ontario Growers Supply<br />

1 Adelaide St., N.<br />

LONDON, ON N6B 3P8<br />

519-451-4769<br />

Markham Hydroponics<br />

95 Royal Crest Ct. 18<br />

MARKHAM, ON L3R 9X5<br />

905-305-0698<br />

Garden 365<br />

285 Midland Ave., Unit C<br />

MIDLAND, ON L4R 3K5<br />

705-245-4769<br />

Iponic Zone<br />

151 Brunel Rd., Unit 24<br />


905-502-7211<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Second Nature Hydroponics<br />

4 - 2133 Royal Windsor Dr.<br />


905-403-4769<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

<strong>Yield</strong> of Dreams Hydroponics<br />

559 Steven Ct. 12<br />


877-778-7960<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

GK Hydroponics<br />

1103 Cassells St.<br />

NORTH BAY, ON P1B 4B3<br />

705-494-7169<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Ozzy Hydroponics<br />

4373 Steele Ave. W.<br />

NORTH YORK, ON M3N 1V7<br />

416-633-2999<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Supply For You<br />

3615 Weston Rd., Unit 6<br />

NORTH YORK, ON M9L 1V8<br />

416-741-8062<br />

Homegrown Hydroponics Inc.<br />

1244 Speers Rd., Unit #4<br />

OAKVILLE, ON L6L 2X4<br />

905 -827-4761<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Alpha Hydroponics<br />

195 Memorial Ave.<br />

ORILLIA, ON L3V 5X8<br />

705-259-2330<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Growise Hydroponics<br />

Unit 4, 1050 Antonio Crt.<br />

ORILLIA, ON L3V 0V2<br />

705-326-3030<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Koolie K. Hydroponics<br />

25 James St. W. Unit 3<br />

ORILLA, ON L3V8A6<br />

705-896-7227<br />

Paradise Gardens Hydroponics<br />

2158 Chiefswood Rd.<br />

OSHWEKEN, ON N0A 1M0<br />

519-445-2275<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 93

B&B Hydroponic<br />

Gardens Inc.<br />

4 - 3326 Limebank Rd.<br />

OTTAWA, ON K1V 1H2<br />

613-723-5047<br />

Hydro Culture<br />

Emporium Inc.<br />

7-1315 Richmond Rd.<br />

OTTAWA, ON K2B 8J7<br />

613-715-9472<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Hydro King<br />

186 Preston St.<br />

Ottawa, ON K2P 1B9<br />

613-789-KING(5464)<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Envirotex<br />

PO Box 21069<br />

PARIS, ON N3L 4A5<br />

519-442-1237<br />

Kawartha Garden Shop<br />

724 Erskine Ave. Unit 2<br />


705-775-2002<br />

Peterborough<br />

Hydroponic Center<br />

32-347 Pido Rd.<br />


705-745-6868<br />

Sweet Hydroponic Gardens<br />

776 Bruce St.<br />

RENFREW, ON K7V 3Z8<br />

613-433-9600<br />

Bluewater Hydroponics<br />

12-1173 Michener Rd.<br />

SARNIA, ON N7S 5G5<br />

519-337-7475<br />

Indoor Gardens Canada<br />

2952 Thompson Rd.<br />


905-957-6969<br />

Green And Clean<br />

761 Barrydowne Rd.<br />

SUDBURY, ON P3A 3T6<br />

800-246-5503<br />

Bustan Urban<br />

Gardening Essentials<br />

4-400 Eastern Ave.<br />

TORONTO, ON M4M 1B9<br />

416-922-6363<br />

Greenthumbs Garden Supply<br />

338 Kingston Rd.<br />

TORONTO, ON M4L 1T7<br />

647-345-GROW (4769)<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

grow it all<br />

hydroponics for everyone<br />

Grow It All Hydroponics Inc.<br />

165 Geary Ave., Unit 3B<br />

TORONTO, ON M6H 2B8<br />

416-588-9595<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Grow Op Hydroponics<br />

1332 Bloor St. West<br />

TORONTO, ON M6H 1P2<br />

416-530-7750<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Homegrown Hydroponics Inc.<br />

26 Meteor Dr.<br />

TORONTO, ON M9W 1A4<br />

416-242-4769<br />

HotBox Homegrown<br />

Hydroponics<br />

206 Augusta Ave., Kensington Mkt.<br />

TORONTO, ON M5T 2L6<br />

647-350-4769<br />

Toronto Hemp Company<br />

665 Yonge St.<br />

TORONTO, ON M4Y 1Z9<br />

416-920-1980<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Indoor Farmer<br />

10 Wyman Rd., Unit 4<br />

WATERLOO, ON N2V 1K7<br />

519-886-9200<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Grower’s Choice Hydroponics<br />

1621 McEwen Dr. 14<br />

WHITBY, ON L1N 9A5<br />

905-725-GROW<br />

Northern Lights Hydroponics<br />

2690 Oulette Ave.<br />

WINDSOR, ON N8X 1L7<br />

519-254-4<strong>01</strong>5<br />

Urban GreenHouse<br />

Hydroponics<br />

& Aquaculture<br />

7635 Tecumseh Rd. E.<br />

WINDSOR, ON N8T 3H1<br />

519-944-8444<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Ozone Environmental<br />

Technologies<br />

361 Rowntree Dairy Rd. Unit 4<br />


905-264-6618<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

QUEBEC<br />

Un Monde Sans Terre<br />

1698 Boul. St-Jude<br />

ALMA, QC G8B 3L4<br />

418-480-4375<br />

Hydro-Tonyque<br />

761 Ave. Gilles Villeneuve<br />


450-836-8088<br />

Simplement Vert<br />

213 Rue Industrielle<br />

DELSON, QC J5B 1W3<br />

450-845-4111<br />

Hydrosphere 2000<br />

2400 Rue <strong>Canadian</strong>, Ste. 104<br />


819-478-9791<br />

Les Serres Binette Inc<br />

2568 Boul. Mercurre<br />


819-478-7195<br />

Pablo Jardinage<br />

Drummondville<br />

2080 Joseph St-Cyr<br />


819-475-2525<br />

Les Entreprises Fernand<br />

Pigeon Inc.<br />

174 Beaudoin N.<br />

DURHAM-SUD, QC J0H 2C0<br />

819-858-2777<br />

Hydromax Gatineau<br />

1695 Atmec #6<br />

GATINEAU, QC J8P 7G7<br />

819-663-7470<br />

Naturexpert Inc.<br />

828 Chemin du Sixième Rang<br />

GATINEAU, QC J8R 3A4<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

Teragenic<br />

76 Rue Lois, Unit 9<br />

GATINEAU, QC J8Y 3R4<br />

819-600-6006<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

Jardinages Gilles Robert Inc.<br />

574 St-Hubert<br />

GRANBY, QC J0H 1Y5<br />

450-375-3441<br />

Méristème Hydroponique<br />

871 Dufferin<br />

GRANBY, QC J2G 9H8<br />

450-991-1514<br />

Jardinage d’intérieur<br />

Huntingdon<br />

72 Dalhousie<br />


450-322-6079<br />

Hydromax du Nord<br />

513 Boul St-François<br />


819-278-1298<br />

Hydroponique Plus Inc.<br />

405 - 18 Ave.<br />

LACHINE, QC H8S 3R1<br />

514-634-3677<br />

Biofloral<br />

675 Montee St-François<br />

LAVAL, QC H7C 2S8<br />

877-38-HYDRO<br />

Espace Culture Boutique<br />

17 Boul. Ste-Rose E.<br />

LAVAL, QC H7V 3K3<br />

450-622-2710<br />

Fernand Corbeil<br />

Produits Horticoles -<br />

Horticultural Products<br />

17 Boul. Ste-Rose E.<br />

LAVAL, QC H7L 3K3<br />

450-622-2710<br />

Hydro Times<br />

1533 Boul. Curé-Labelle<br />

LAVAL, QC H7V 2W4<br />

450-688-4848<br />

Hydromax Laval<br />

295 Boul. Curé-Labelle<br />

LAVAL, QC H7L 2Z9<br />

450-628-8380<br />

Les Grands Jardins Lavel<br />

2900, Boul. Curé-Labelle<br />

LAVAL, QC H7P 5S8<br />

450-682-9768<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Qué-Pousse - Laval<br />

940 Bergar<br />

LAVAL, QC H7L 4Z8<br />

450-667-3809<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Point De Vue<br />

880 Chemin St-Féréol<br />

LES CÈDRES, QC J7T 1N3<br />

450-452-2878; 1-877-510-2991<br />

Hydro Rive-sud<br />

4721 Bou. de la rive S.<br />

LEVIS, QC G6W 1H5<br />

418-835-0082<br />

Boutique Grunge<br />

364 Rue Sherbrooke<br />

MAGOG, QC J1X 2S1<br />

819-847-4141<br />

Hydromax Mont-Laurier<br />

388 Rue Hebert<br />


888-609-4476<br />

Hydroculture Guy Dionne<br />

8473 - 19th Ave.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1Z 4J2<br />

514-722-9496<br />

Hydro Expert<br />

12752 Industriel<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1A 3V2<br />

514-624-3091<br />

Distribution De la Plante<br />

5498 Hochelaga Ste. 910<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1N 3L7<br />

514-255-1111<br />

Hydromax Montreal<br />

9300 Lajeunesse<br />

MONTREAL, QC H2M 1S4<br />

514-381-<strong>01</strong>11<br />

Hydromax St-Henri<br />

3522 Notre-Dame<br />

MONTREAL, QC H4C 1P4<br />

514-481-3939<br />

International Hydroponique<br />

5478 Hochelaga St.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1N 3L7<br />

514-255-2525<br />

Momentum<br />

11289 London Ave.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1H 4J3<br />

888-327-4595<br />

Pousse Magique Atwater<br />

3522 Notre-Dame O.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H4C 1P4<br />

514-481-393<br />

94<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

----------------------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Qué-Pousse - Montreal<br />

1477 Bégin<br />

MONTREAL, QC H4R 1V8<br />

514-489-3803<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Summum Bio Teck<br />

2100 Ontario E.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H2K 1V5<br />

866-460-2226<br />

Univert 4 Saisons<br />

2100 Ontario, E.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H2K 1V5<br />

514-527-2226<br />

Vinexpert De L’Est<br />

6384 Beaubien E.<br />

MONTREAL, QC H1M 3G8<br />

514-354-8020<br />

XXXtractor Inc.<br />

1228 St. Marc<br />

MONTREAL, QC H3H 2E5<br />

514-931-4944<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Qué-Pousse -<br />

Mont. Tremblant<br />

462 Montée Kavanagh<br />


819-429-6145<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

MegaWatt Hydroculture<br />

636 Route 364<br />


450-226-2515<br />

Fleuriste Savard Inc.<br />

1833 Boul. Louis-Frechette<br />

NICOLET, QC J3T 1M4<br />

819-293-5933<br />

Boutique Echologik<br />

829, Cote d’Abraham<br />

QUEBEC, QC G1R 1A4<br />

418-648-8288<br />

Boutique Echologik<br />

798 St. Jean<br />

QUEBEC, QC G1R 1P9<br />

418-648-2828<br />

Gerard Bourbeau et Fils Inc.<br />

8285 Ave. 1re<br />


418-623-54<strong>01</strong><br />

Hydroculture Guy Dionne<br />

1990 Cyrill-Duquet, Local 150<br />

QUEBEC, QC G1N 4K8<br />

418-681-4643<br />

Pousse Magique<br />

515 Rue Lanaudiere<br />


450-582-6662<br />

Fred Lamontagne Inc.<br />

356 Chemin du Sommet E.<br />

RIMOUSKI, QC G5L 7B5<br />

418-723-5746<br />

Hydro Plus<br />

149 Ave. Principale A<br />


819-762-4367<br />

Ferme Florale Inc. (Botanix)<br />

2190 Blvd. Laurier (route 116)<br />


QC, J3V 4P6<br />

450-653-6383<br />

Amazonia Hydroponique<br />

394 Boul. Arthur-sauve<br />


450-623-2790<br />

Pépinière Eco-Verdure<br />

965 Boul. Sauvé<br />


450-472-6474<br />

P.P.M. Hydroponique<br />

504 Rue du Parc<br />


450-491-2444<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

Rap Hydroponique<br />

5700, Rue Martineau, Local 7<br />


450-768-5188<br />

Hydrotek<br />

12300 Rue de l’avenir<br />


St-Jean Hydroponique<br />

747 Rue St-Jacques<br />


QC J3B 2M9<br />

450-346-9633<br />

Chanvre du Nord Inc.<br />

38 DeMartigny E.<br />


866-565-5305<br />

Culture Uni Vert<br />

36 Rue de Martigny E.<br />


Stephomaxx<br />

240 Du Macon<br />


514-917-5133<br />

Hydro Sciences<br />

4800 de la Cote-Vertu Boul.<br />


514-331-9090<br />

Pablo Jardinage Shawinigan<br />

5023 Boul. Royal<br />


819-731-9766<br />

Sherbrooke Hydroponique<br />

3545 King E.<br />


819-829-9299<br />

Comptoir Richelieu Inc.<br />

350, du Collège<br />


800-363-9466<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Qué-Pousse - St-Constant<br />

6264 Route 132<br />


450-635-4881<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Hydrobec<br />

2145 Lavoisier Ste. 4<br />

STE-FOY, QC G1N 4B2<br />

418-687-1119<br />

Benoit Dupuis Extincteurs<br />

Inc.<br />

2503 Victoria St.<br />


450-831-4240<br />

Hydroponique 2000<br />

84 Boul. Curé Labelle<br />


450-971-0726<br />

Hydromax Terrebonne<br />

1674 Chemin Gascon<br />


450-492-7447<br />

Hydromax Trois-Rivières<br />

6157 Rue Corbeil<br />


819-372-0500<br />

Pablo Jardinage Intérieur<br />

2 Des Ormeaux Ste. 500<br />


819-693-6000<br />

Rap Hydroponique<br />

326 Rue Vachon<br />


819-376-5959<br />

Hydromax Val-David<br />

895 Route 117 N.<br />

VAL-DAVID, QC J0T 2N0<br />

888-320-<strong>01</strong>29<br />

Val d’Or Hydroculture<br />

1261 Ave. 3e<br />

VAL D’OR, QC J9P 1V4<br />

Horticulture Piégo<br />

228 Pierre Bertrand S.<br />

VANIER, QC G1M 2C4<br />

418-527-2006<br />

Qué-Pousse -<br />

Vaudreuil-Dorion<br />

3666-D, Boul. Cité des Jeunes<br />


J7V 8P2<br />

450-424-0306<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Centre Jardin Denis Brodeur<br />

15 N. C.P. 658<br />

WATERLOO, QC J0E 2N0<br />

Sonador Horticulture Inc.<br />

819-479-2941<br />


Busy Bee Upholstery<br />

Box 811, 134 5th Ave. E.<br />


306-648-3659<br />

Cannawana Horticulture<br />

3308 50th Ave.<br />


306-821-6539<br />

B&B Hydroponics<br />

and Indoor Gardening<br />

1404 Cornwall St.<br />

REGINA, SK S4R 2H7<br />

306-522-4769<br />

Waterboy Supply<br />

4<strong>01</strong> Dewdney Ave. E.<br />

REGINA, SK S4N 4G3<br />

306-757-6242<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Whole Leaf Healing Tree Inc.<br />

1342 Lorne St.<br />

REGINA, SK S4R 2K1<br />

306-522-8733<br />

-----------------------------------------------<br />

Herb-Man Hydroponics<br />

1A 1620 Idylwyld Dr. N.<br />


306-384-7887<br />




Porter Creek Indoor<br />

Garden Centre<br />

1307 Centennial St.<br />


867-667-212<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong><br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong> is distributed<br />

direct to retailers,<br />

medical clinics, and<br />

dispensaries with<br />

distribution support<br />

from our partners:<br />

• Biofloral<br />

• Brite Lite Group<br />

• Green Planet<br />

Wholesale<br />

• Growers Paradise<br />

• Homegrown<br />

Hydroponics<br />

• Quebec Imports<br />

like it.<br />

follow us on Facebook<br />

@maximumyield<br />

maximumyield.com<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 95

the magazine you<br />

can’t put down...<br />

even when you<br />

probably should.<br />

growing with you since 1998<br />

subscribe today and never miss an issue!<br />


aking a<br />


by Watermelon<br />


BUDDER<br />

& LOBSTER<br />

serves 4<br />


• 1 gram dried, ground and sifted<br />

cannabis (shake flour)<br />

• 2/3 cup of butter in pieces<br />

• Chopped green onion<br />

• Lobster for 4<br />


1. Melt butter and shake in saucepan on super low heat.<br />

DO NOT STIR.<br />

2. Wait for white milky foam to form on top.<br />

3. Pour through a fine sieve once or twice, removing the milky foam.<br />

4. You will be left with beautiful green clarified budder.<br />

5. Garnish with fresh chopped green onion.<br />

6. Dip with lobster (or crab if you can get it!).<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong> 97

aking a<br />

FOOL OF<br />

MYSELF<br />

by Watermelon<br />

See pg. 97 for<br />

Watermelon’s Budder<br />

& Lobster recipe.<br />

With the flood gates<br />

open on consumption,<br />

now more then ever folks need<br />

to know what a proper dose to<br />

ingest is and how to attain that<br />

in their home cooking.<br />

When baking with marijuana,<br />

consistency is the number one problem,<br />

assuming you’ve acquired a clean, sustainable supply.<br />

THC content is typically measured in milligrams (mg).<br />

The higher the stated milligrams, the higher you’ll get.<br />

Most people are not prepared for high doses when they<br />

first begin ingesting cannabis. Over time tolerance will<br />

increase, but it’s best to start with lower doses to avoid<br />

unwanted effects like anxiety or even nausea.<br />


An estimation of how much 15 mg of dried cannabis<br />

is offered in my guide, “Watermelon’s Guide to<br />

Making & Eating <strong>Cannabis</strong>.”<br />

In my observations, the average person plateaus<br />

somewhere around 50 mg. If ingesting consistently,<br />

that tolerance can double. After taking three or four<br />

days away from edibles, your tolerance level usually<br />

drops back down to 50 mg.<br />

The burgeoning cannabis market has a lot of proprietary<br />

products with more coming each day. Every<br />

product is going to have a different effect on different<br />

people, so I can’t comment on marketed products.<br />

My rules are for home bakers and cooks.<br />

Adding pre-made marijuana extract to a brownie<br />

mixture does not make you a marijuana chef.<br />

Converting fresh or dried cannabis into<br />

recipes at home does.<br />

Here, I’ve set out time-honoured truths<br />

I’ve observed along the way about<br />

serving size and how to achieve that<br />

goal within a small delta every time.<br />

When cooking with cannabis, here<br />

are a few tips to keep in mind:<br />

• Know your source<br />

• Less is more<br />

• Use a scale<br />

• Food variables<br />

• Be patient<br />

WM<br />

home cooking with<br />

<strong>Cannabis</strong><br />

Home cooking with cannabis<br />

can be tricky...<br />

Dosing, the type of food you are preparing, and even your<br />

metabolism rate will all determine how long and intense<br />

your high is. To avoid an unwanted experience, follow<br />

Watermelon’s own “Guide to Making and Eating Edibles.”<br />


I prefer clean, dried, outdoor cannabis sativa. It’s<br />

grown drenched in sunlight and refreshed in rain<br />

water, much like most of the farm fresh vegetables we<br />

eat. Nothing beats clean dirt and sunshine.<br />


Always err on the side of caution. The other side of<br />

caution, with edibles, can scare people off for life<br />

with a bad experience. I am focusing entirely on the<br />

average person. There can be quite a delta even within<br />

this category. Don’t be a hero, be a subtle genius.<br />

RULE 3: USE A SCALE.<br />

There’s fine grind and there’s finer. Don’t eyeball your<br />

way into a sleepover. Scale up a perfectly good time<br />

and make it an enjoyable experience; one you’ll want<br />

to have over and over.<br />


Simple sugars process faster through the liver than<br />

complex carbohydrates. As a result, simple sugars<br />

have faster onset but shorter lasting effects. Put<br />

cannabis on a ribeye steak and you could be high for<br />

a day or two as it slowly makes its way through your<br />

system. Proper planning is essential.<br />


Achieving the full effects of cannabis by ingestion<br />

takes more than an hour with many contributing<br />

factors along the way. Did you have dinner before<br />

you ingested cannabis, or dinner after? Do you<br />

have a fast or slow metabolism? Please wait. Then<br />

wait a little longer to be sure.<br />

For whatever reason you have decided to cook<br />

with cannabis, it’s important to understand all<br />

the variables that will determine its effect on you.<br />

It will be much better in the long run to start at<br />

Julie Andrews and slowly work your way up to a<br />

comfortable level, whatever that may be for you.<br />

Take notes and pay attention to what works and<br />

what doesn’t. Over time, you’ll know exactly what<br />

you need to get you to that sweet spot.<br />

Watermelon is a Vancouver-based entrepreneur who loves to tango, tell jokes, bake, get baked, suntan nude,<br />

and host dinner parties. She has graced the cover of most leading marijuana magazines including <strong>Maximum</strong><br />

<strong>Yield</strong>. You can find her Baking a Fool of Myself videos on YouTube and her backstory at maximumyield.com.<br />

98<br />

<strong>Maximum</strong> <strong>Yield</strong>

Makes up to 20,000 gallons<br />

2-PART Powder Base Nutrient<br />

For Use with Fertigation Systems<br />

We’ve taken the same quality of our<br />

craft one-part base powder nutrients<br />

and created a two-part base craft<br />

powder nutrient for fertigation systems.<br />

By taking our VEG+BLOOM craft powder nutrients and<br />

additives and partnering with one of the leaders in nutrient<br />

delivery systems, DOSATRON, we’ve enabled growers to<br />

spend more time on the plants and less on the mixing and<br />

watering, resulting in exceptional harvests.<br />


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