The Deli #56 - Altopalo, NAMM 2019, Queens takes over Brooklyn

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Feature | Far East in the City<br />

* QUEENING<br />

OVER<br />

IT<br />


<strong>The</strong> Rise of <strong>Queens</strong> As <strong>The</strong> New Home of<br />

<strong>The</strong> NYC Music Scene<br />

By Connor McInerney and Sara Nuta / Illustration by Astrid Terrazas<br />

14 the deli Winter <strong>2019</strong><br />

*queen it <strong>over</strong> (one)<br />

To act in a way that shows one’s arrogance; to behave<br />

as if one is superior than someone else.<br />

Example: “OK, yes, you beat me—now quit queening<br />

it <strong>over</strong> me.” (Source: <strong>The</strong>FreeDictionary.com)

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