The Deli #56 - Altopalo, NAMM 2019, Queens takes over Brooklyn

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Guitar Pedal <strong>NAMM</strong> Paradise!<br />

(Booths #3231 and #3424! )<br />

After a super-fun 2018 experience, the <strong>Deli</strong>cious Audio’s Stompbox Booth will<br />

return at <strong>NAMM</strong> <strong>2019</strong> in Hall D at booth #3231—the same spot you found us<br />

during the 2018 edition—with also a smaller extension in booth #3424.<br />

This year we’ll have our biggest space to date: a 13’ x 20’ isle booth shared by 17 boutique<br />

pedal manufacturers who will be present with one pedalboard each. Like at all our<br />

Stompbox events, visitors will be able to play with each board through a headphones<br />

setup—demo guitars will be provided.<br />

Once again, we’ll be reserving a section of the booth to shoot videos of all the new pedals<br />

presented at <strong>NAMM</strong>, this time in collaboration with the guys at 60 Cycle Hum. <strong>The</strong><br />

demos will be gathered on our blog <strong>Deli</strong>cious-Audio.com. Don’t forget to check it during<br />

the <strong>NAMM</strong> week (January 24-27)!<br />

In the following spread you’ll find one pedal by each of the participating builders. If you<br />

are going to <strong>NAMM</strong>, see you there!

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