Slipstream - February 2019

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America


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FEBRUARY <strong>2019</strong>

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VOLUME 58<br />

ISSUE 2<br />

FEBRUARY <strong>2019</strong><br />


It ain’t easy being green, or is it?<br />

Photo by Landon Stogner<br />


7 | <strong>2019</strong> Alle Mitglieder: Maverick All Member Party<br />

8 | Tour Series <strong>2019</strong>: Tour to Alle Mitglieder<br />

12 | Mavs & Mochas: Southlake Town Square<br />

14 | Porsche Passion<br />

15 | Quicktake: Gunther Werks 400R<br />

19 | Maverick Marktpreis: Sweet Spot<br />

20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation<br />

26 | Choose Carefully: Part 1<br />


6 | <strong>2019</strong> All Member Party<br />

13 | Mavs&Mochas<br />

22 | Board Meeting<br />

22 | Motoring Mavs at Mayo<br />

22 | Maverick Social<br />

23 | Maverick Lunch Series<br />


2 | Sprockets (President’s Column)<br />

2 | Maverick of the Month<br />

4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs<br />

4 | Zone 5 Presidents<br />

11 | New Mavericks<br />

11 | Member Moments<br />

24 | Porsche Trivia<br />

34 | Advertiser Index<br />

34 | Anniversaries<br />

36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)<br />


See more details and check for event updates via the QR code<br />

here or our online calendar at http://mav.pca.org/go/calendar<br />

<strong>February</strong><br />

Board Meeting.......................................................................... (Wed) 6<br />

Mavs & Mochas: Neiman Marcus - The Shops at Willow Bend .....(Sat) 9<br />

Lewisville area lunch.................................................................(Tue) 12<br />

Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 16<br />

All Member Tour....................................................................... (Sat) 17<br />

All Member Party...................................................................... (Sat) 17<br />

Maverick Social: Lavendou........................................................(Thu) 21<br />

HPDE #1........................................................................(Sat-Sun) 23-24<br />

Autocross #1............................................................................. (Sun) 24<br />

Southlake area lunch................................................................(Thu) 28<br />

March<br />

Board Meeting.......................................................................... (Wed) 6<br />

Mavs & Mochas: Main Street Bistro & Bakery ..............................(Sat) 9<br />

Lewisville area lunch.................................................................(Tue) 12<br />

Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 16<br />

Autocross #2............................................................................. (Sun) 17<br />

HPDE #2.........................................................................(Fri-Sun) 29-31<br />

Southlake area lunch................................................................(Thu) 28<br />

Jewelry on the dash<br />

Photo by Kendall Awtry<br />

On the Cover<br />

Remembering our friend Andrew and his Cayman GT4.<br />

Photo by Andrew Barber<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico<br />

Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX.<br />

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, <strong>Slipstream</strong>, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.<br />

Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be<br />

printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/<br />

artist and <strong>Slipstream</strong> are credited. <strong>Slipstream</strong> is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.<br />


SPROCKETS: Join the Team<br />

by David Robertson, Region President<br />

Have I mentioned volunteers lately? Our<br />

volunteers are the fuel for our club! Last year we<br />

hosted over 100 events all through the efforts of<br />

our volunteers. If you enjoy one our gatherings or<br />

want to meet more people in the club sign up for<br />

a spot.<br />

Another big goal of the club is working with<br />

charity. Our main charity is the Huffaker-Hughes<br />

Hope House. The Hope House is a shelter for<br />

victims of domestic violence that has helped<br />

countless families over the years. We also have<br />

a newer charity we are working with, Patriot<br />

Paws, an organization that works with military<br />

veterans to provide them with service dogs. We<br />

work with these organizations through financial<br />

contributions and volunteerism. There is more<br />

detailed information about our charities on our<br />

website at mav.pca.org.<br />

Speaking of our website: don’t forget that is<br />

where you will find just about every detail about<br />

the club. The calendar of events, a contact form for<br />

each activity chairperson, past issues of <strong>Slipstream</strong>,<br />

the history of the club . . . and this just scratches<br />

the surface. MAV.PCA.ORG is a great resource –<br />

check it out.<br />

You may not realize that the Maverick Region is<br />

also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flicker.<br />

The links to all these social media outlets can also<br />

be found on the website.<br />

I would like to invite everyone to the Tour and<br />

All Member Party on <strong>February</strong> 17. This is one of<br />

the biggest events we have all year. We introduce<br />

all the activity chairs and hear about the plans they<br />

have for the upcoming year. You can ask these<br />

folks anything about a driving or social event that<br />

you may be curious about. Plus, we always end<br />

up with a huge car show in the parking lot. This<br />

is a great opportunity for you to learn more about<br />

the club, meet great people, and see some fantastic<br />

Porsches!<br />

You may have noticed the nice custom nametags<br />

that our members are wearing at events. These<br />

can be ordered through our website along with<br />

embroidered clothing, license plate frames and<br />

various other items under the shop tab.<br />

I look forward to seeing everyone at the All<br />

Member Party!<br />


Corbin and Brady Stogner<br />

Landon Stogner, our Volunteers Chair, joined<br />

Maverick Region in 2016, and quickly became<br />

active at many of our events. Usually accompanying<br />

Landon at these events are his two sons, Corbin<br />

(age 12) and Brady (age 10). You can often find<br />

them helping to set up before the event, helping to<br />

clean up after the event, and generally helping out<br />

and having fun during the event! Corbin and<br />

Brady just celebrated one year in the PCA Juniors<br />

program, and so they are in a position to be<br />

associated with the club for a good long time.<br />

Congratulations to Corbin and Brady Stogner as<br />

our first PCA Juniors to be named Mavericks of<br />

the Month!<br />

2 <strong>February</strong>

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<strong>2019</strong> Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs<br />

President<br />

David Robertson<br />

617-797-0516<br />

president@mavpca.org<br />

Vice President<br />

Jim Falgout<br />

vp@mavpca.org<br />

Secretary<br />

Carey Spreen<br />

817-422-3480<br />

secretary@mavpca.org<br />

Treasurer<br />

Deborah Fike<br />

972-672-4282<br />

treasurer@mavpca.org<br />

Autocross Chair<br />

Mark Schnoerr<br />

ax@mavpca.org<br />

Charity Chair<br />

Chris Hamilton<br />

hope@mavpca.org<br />

Club Race Co-Chair<br />

Pat Heptig<br />

214-649-7907<br />

cr@mavpca.org<br />

Club Race Co-Chair<br />

Joel Nannis<br />

cr@mavpca.org<br />

Coffee Meets Co-Chair<br />

Derrick Tate<br />

972-748-1178<br />

coffeemeets@mavpca.org<br />

Concours Chair<br />

Mike Mahoney<br />

801-230-1482<br />

concours@mavpca.org<br />

DE Chair<br />

TJ Kroehle<br />

de@mavpca.org<br />

DE Registrar<br />

Jason Brodigan<br />

deregistrar@mavpca.org<br />

DE Marketing Director/<br />

Event Planning<br />

Chris Sorrells<br />

demarketing@mavpca.org<br />

DE Medical Chair<br />

Dr. Jeffery Komenda<br />

demedical@mavpca.org<br />

Goodie Store<br />

Chris Flaugh<br />

214-288-5300<br />

goodiestore@mavpca.org<br />

Region Historian<br />

Carey Spreen<br />

817-422-3480<br />

historian@mavpca.org<br />

Marketing, Social<br />

Media Chair<br />

Bill Orr<br />

marketing@mavpca.org<br />

Membership Chair,<br />

Jim Hirsch<br />

972-740-7377<br />

membership@mavpca.org<br />

Monthly Social Co-Chair<br />

Clark Randall<br />

hh@mavpca.org<br />

Monthly Social Co-Chair<br />

Vanessa Fernandes<br />

hh@mavpca.org<br />

Online Calendar<br />

Karl Poulsen<br />

calendar@mavpca.org<br />

PCA Tours Co-Chair<br />

Mark Pitarresi<br />

817-715-7156<br />

tours@mavpca.org<br />

PCA Tours Co-Chair<br />

Brant Worrell<br />

tours@mavpca.org<br />

Rally Co-Chair<br />

Don Sebert<br />

214-613-6900<br />

rally@mavpca.org<br />

Rally Co-Chair<br />

George Luxbacher<br />

rally@mavpca.org<br />

Registrar, Club Race<br />

Wendy Shoffit<br />

crreg@mavpca.org<br />

Safety Co-Chair<br />

Bob Kramer<br />

safety@mavpca.org<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Advertising,<br />

Coffee Meets<br />

Bill Kruder<br />

214-497-0711<br />

ads@mavpca.org<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Content Ed.<br />

Carey Spreen<br />

817-422-3480<br />

editor@mavpca.org<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Editor<br />

Kurt Scaggs<br />

469-446-1690<br />

editor@mavpca.org<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Event Ad Design<br />

David Tierny<br />

eventads@mavpca.org<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Mailing<br />

Andy Mears<br />

214-394-5857<br />

mailing@mavpca.org<br />

ARK-LA-TEX<br />

Ken Chandler<br />

bad968@bellsouth.net,<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong> Printing<br />

Fran Ussery<br />

972--438-8344 (W)<br />

817-481-8342 (H)<br />

printing@mavpca.org<br />

TT Registrar, AX/TT<br />

Schools, Swap Meets<br />

Robyn Howard<br />

214-991-0873<br />

drivingschools@mavpca.org<br />


Tuffy von Briesen<br />

president@hcrpca.org<br />

Social Chair<br />

Debi Kruder<br />

social@mavpca.org<br />

Trivia Chair<br />

Jerry DeFeo<br />

972-240-5800<br />

trivia@mavpca.org<br />


Scott Spradley<br />

swsprad@bellsouth.net<br />


Eric Costello<br />

ecostellodo@gmail.com<br />

Tech Sessions Chair<br />

Michael Baynton<br />

214-641-2848<br />

techsessions@mavpca.org<br />

Volunteers Chair<br />

Landon Stogner<br />

214-233-6858<br />

volunteers@mavpca.org<br />

2018 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative<br />

Time Trial Chair,<br />

(AX/TT Rules)<br />

Travis Howard<br />

214-616-6152<br />

tt@mavpca.org<br />

Web Site Chair<br />

James Shoffit<br />

972-786-6246<br />

webmaster@mavpca.org<br />

Link to<br />

Board<br />

Meeting<br />

minutes:<br />


Jason Tollison<br />

presidentcmr@gmail.com<br />


Bryan Kerrick<br />

bksailspadre@sbcglobal.net<br />


Steve Bukoski<br />

president@lsrpca.com<br />


Mikel Matthews<br />

Mikel.matthews@gmail.com<br />


David Robertson<br />

president@mavpca.org<br />

OZARK<br />

Jim Woolly<br />

jim.carol_NOSPAM@sbcglobal.net<br />


Stan Labat<br />

labat@cox.net<br />


Leonard Zechiedrich<br />

whiteriverregionpca@gmail.com<br />

ZONE 5 REP<br />

Jon Jones<br />

zone5rep@pca.org<br />

www.zone5.pca.org<br />

4 <strong>February</strong>



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Alle Mitglieder<br />

<strong>February</strong> 17, <strong>2019</strong><br />

2 Events • 2885 Members<br />

An All Member Morning<br />

6 <strong>February</strong>

<strong>2019</strong> Alle Mitglieder: Maverick All Member Party<br />

by Debi Kruder, Region Social Chair<br />

Looking for a scenic morning with some of your<br />

best friends and Porsches this <strong>February</strong>? Register today<br />

for the Maverick PCA “Alle Mitglieder” (all members)<br />

as we kick-off the year with two great events in one<br />

morning celebrating 2,885 members! Our All Member<br />

morning, sponsored by Autobahn, begins with the first<br />

driving tour of the year at 10 am in Van Alystne, TX<br />

on the beloved FM 455. Participants will drive to One<br />

Preston Events Carriage House in Gunter, TX where<br />

the festivities will be underway at our second event of<br />

the morning, our All Member Brunch.<br />

As you begin the drive on Preston Road, you can’t<br />

help but notice the beautiful venue to the east side<br />

visit the southern biscuit bar serving warm biscuits,<br />

buttermilk fried chicken, and all your favorite<br />

toppings. Fill your plate, visit the Mimosa Bubbly Bar<br />

or Bloody Mary Bar, and find a place to sit and mingle<br />

with your friends.<br />

While enjoying the event, don’t forget to visit the<br />

various Mav PCA tables showcasing our various<br />

<strong>2019</strong> events against the back wall of the barn. At<br />

these tables you can meet many of our Mav chairs<br />

and volunteers, pick up flyers, decals, and more! All<br />

participants receive an “Alle Mitglieder” car decal,<br />

and new members receive a Maverick Member Bag<br />

with gifts from Autobahn Porsche and other club<br />

supporters. Registration is available online today<br />

at mav.pca.org. Cost is $5 for the tour and $20 per<br />

person for the All Member Brunch. New members are<br />

our special guests and can email social@mavpca.org<br />

for a coupon code.<br />

So whether you’ve been with our club for 56 years<br />

or less than one, there is sure to be something for you<br />

at this year’s Maverick “Alle Mitglieder”!<br />

with a large white barn “The Carriage House” in<br />

view. Our Porsche flags will line the drive to welcome<br />

you as you find the perfect spot. As you walk around<br />

the circle drive you will see the gorgeous fountain<br />

and enter the barn door, immediately smelling a<br />

most delicious country breakfast bar including eggs,<br />

smoked applewood bacon, sausage patties, breakfast<br />

potatoes, and fresh seasonal fruit. Want something<br />

a little more southern, my personal favorite? Then<br />


Tour Series <strong>2019</strong>: Tour to Alle Mitglieder<br />

by Mark Pitarresi, Tours Co-Chair<br />

scenic tour, or Modern Class for the<br />

same type of tour that we have provided<br />

in the past. Whichever class you choose,<br />

it’s your decision, no matter the type of<br />

Porsche you drive.<br />

After registration we will send you all<br />

the information needed to attend three<br />

days before the tour. We hand out<br />

packets the day of the tour with all the<br />

information as well. The Drivers’<br />

Briefing will begin at 10 am. Most tour<br />

attendees arrive early to meet new<br />

friends and socialize with everyone.<br />

Arriving early helps our volunteers get<br />

everyone signed in on time so the tour is<br />

on schedule. No special navigation will<br />

be needed. Our Group Leaders will be<br />

familiar with the route and will guide<br />

each group of cars along the route.<br />

Calling all Maverick Members! Welcome<br />

to the Maverick Region <strong>2019</strong> Driving<br />

Tours program!<br />

Our first tour will kick off on Sunday,<br />

<strong>February</strong> 17 at 10 am. We will be starting<br />

north of Dallas at Grayson College in<br />

Van Alstyne, TX. That’s right, everyone’s<br />

favorite close-to-home route on FM 455!<br />

This year we have changed the route a little, and at<br />

the time of our recon drive there was no construction.<br />

The route is 48.4 miles and about an hour long. We<br />

are really excited about our destination to The Carriage<br />

House in Gunter, TX, where our All Members Party<br />

will be taking place!<br />

Registration for this tour will be different than usual<br />

due to our events being combined. Registration for the<br />

Driving tour will be limited, so early registration is<br />

recommended. You can register for the event at http://<br />

mav.pca.org/Events/Tours/. We have two classes for<br />

driving tours. Choose Vintage Class for a more relaxed<br />

8 <strong>February</strong>

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10 <strong>February</strong>

Welcome Our New Mavericks!<br />

by Jim Hirsch, Region Membership Chair<br />

New Members January <strong>2019</strong><br />

David Alonge Lafayette, IN 1987 944<br />

Quintin Anderson Dallas<br />

Keith Armstrong Rowlett <strong>2019</strong> 911 Carrera S<br />

Eric Baird Fort Worth 2007 Boxster<br />

James Balistriere Dallas 2014 Cayman<br />

Sean Carmichael Plano<br />

Kevin Cecala Dallas 1999 911 Carrera<br />

Tony Ford Fort Worth 2012 911 Carrera S<br />

Steve Forsythe Lantana 2011 911 Carrera GTS<br />

Anthony Harms Irving 2007 911 Turbo<br />

John Hill Irving 2012 911 Carrera S<br />

Nick Hoffmann Keller 2004 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet<br />

Brian Keatts Rockwall 2010 911 Carrera<br />

Richard Konkel Dallas 2018 911 Carrera S<br />

Christopher Latimer North Richland Hills 2013 Boxster<br />

James Mammen Keller 2009 911 Carrera S<br />

David Ng Cedar Hill 2007 911 Carrera 4S<br />

Sean Notman Frisco 2006 911 Carrera 4S<br />

Michael Otten Sherman 2002 Boxster S<br />

Jennifer Parma Dallas 2007 Boxster<br />

Mehul Patel Southlake 2018 Panamera 4 E-Hybrid<br />

Charles Pavona Keller 2006 Boxster S<br />

Paul Roth Plano 2009 911 Carrera S<br />

John Schofield Athens 2018 Macan S<br />

Naomi Sims Grapevine 1997 Boxster<br />

Tiffany Sims Grapevine 2001 Boxster<br />

James Stafford Irving 2000 911 Carrera<br />

Ron Stelmarski Dallas 1991 911 Carrera 2<br />

Alice Tillett Keller 2016 Boxster<br />

Mickey Young McKinney 2005 911 Carrera<br />

Transfers In<br />

Thomas Freese (EGS) Southlake 2013 911 Carrera<br />

Tabitha Graff (SPC) Lewisville 2018 Macan<br />

Paul Truitt (RRR) Keller 1995 911 Carrera<br />

Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them!<br />

Member Moment<br />

If you have any changes that<br />

you would like to make to the<br />

MRPCA membership guide, contact Jim<br />

Hirsch at membership@mavpca.org<br />

Doug A. Bender<br />

(joined 11/2018)<br />

Occupation<br />

Area General Manager-RDO, Schindler<br />

Elevator Corporation<br />

Primary reason for joining PCA<br />

Further my enjoyment and knowledge of<br />

the Porsche brand.<br />

Current Porsche<br />

2017 991.2 Carrera<br />

Favorite Porsche<br />

GT3 or GT3 RS<br />

Best thing about owning a Porsche<br />

Driving it ...<br />

Hobby interests<br />

Very different from my Ferrari in a good<br />

way. Car crazy way back to my high school<br />

days and my 1978 Trans AM WS6, “I have<br />

the need ... the need for speed”, SMU<br />

Football, Dallas Cowboy Football.<br />

Member Moment<br />

Paul Moseley<br />

(joined 4/2012)<br />

Occupation<br />

Sorta retired / Freelance<br />

Photographer<br />

First Porsche<br />

1985 Carrera 3.2<br />

Current Porsche(s)<br />

1985 Carrera 3.2<br />

Favorite Porsche<br />

A 1966 Porsche 906, mostly because I have<br />

a 1:43 Solido 906 I’ve had since I was a<br />

child!<br />

Favorite Maverick or PCA event<br />

Porsche Rennsport Reunions at Laguna<br />

Seca<br />

Best thing about owning a Porsche<br />

Probably the Carrera itself. I really like<br />

working on it, the G-series is the right<br />

blend of old/new w/o tech stuff on it.<br />

Maverick Membership Statistics as of January 1<br />

Members: 1947 Affiliate Members: 945 Total Membership: 2892<br />


Mavs & Mochas: Southlake Town Square<br />

by Mark Palmer<br />

pphotos provided by Kendall Awtry<br />

On a rather chilly and blustery Saturday, 150 Porsches made it to Southlake Town Square for the first meeting<br />

of <strong>2019</strong>. That’s 13% of the 1163 Mavs and Mochas FB members. We filled up most of the square and a few of the<br />

side streets. There were some great Porsche models and colors represented in the square.<br />

I believe we helped Starbucks do a great day’s business and the staff did an excellent job of serving their regular<br />

customers and our Mavs. A big thanks to Starbucks!<br />

This also proved to be the second annual “What will Rene debut this year” meeting. Well, it was #1 of 25<br />

Gunther Werks’ 400R (993). Can’t wait ‘til next year . . . no pressure - ha!<br />

It was great to see all the Mavs out, and as usual, the Porsches get us to the meetings, but the friendships keep<br />

us coming back for more. With that in mind, I hope to see 200 or more of you at Neiman Marcus, Willow Bend in<br />

Plano on <strong>February</strong> 9. Neiman’s is a terrific addition to our sponsors, so come out and make it a great event!<br />

Remember we have covered parking if the weather is an issue.<br />

12 <strong>February</strong>


Porsche Passion<br />

by Jim Hirsch, Region Membership Chair<br />

With <strong>February</strong> being the traditional month of love<br />

(Valentine’s Day and all, right?), it seems only fitting<br />

to take a look at the psychology of what makes our<br />

Maverick members so passionate about their Porsches.<br />

In the December 2018 issue of Car and Driver, Eddie<br />

Alterman gives some good insight into this phenomenon<br />

that is now being recognized as unique to Porsche<br />

owners in his Editor’s Letter.<br />

His introduction includes, “I have been wondering<br />

for a long time what it is about the cars from Stuttgart<br />

that engenders such obsession, passion, and market<br />

value. It’s not just because the cars are good-looking<br />

and good-driving and fully priced. It’s not mere status<br />

that the buyer of the lumpy 928 is seeking to accrue.<br />

But it is a palpable thing. After attending the sixth<br />

Rennsport Reunion, a Porsche-heritage sporadically<br />

held every few years at an American racetrack, I think<br />

I’ve figured out a few elements of it.”<br />

Then he observes, “The brand’s core fans are<br />

minutiae obsessed and engineering minded. It’s not a<br />

coincidence that architects and surgeons overindex in<br />

the ownership rolls. These are folk who work with<br />

their hands at the highest levels. They care about the<br />

cars’ details and technical solutions in a way that might<br />

surprise most casual observers of the Porsche thing.”<br />

And finally, he concludes, “The cars are put together<br />

in a fascinating way, and pieces of them seem to be<br />

alive with their engineer’s spirit, representing some<br />

innovative aha moment. Innovative might seem like a<br />

strange word to apply to a brand most closely associated<br />

with just one model. But look deeper. You’ll see firstclass<br />

intelligence, astonishing creativity, and the racer’s<br />

mentality of continuous improvement at work. That’s<br />

what’s rare about Porsche. It’s worth a lot.”<br />

That wraps up the psychology of Porsche ownership<br />

fascination with a nice bow for a large number of our members.<br />

For those members whose passion for Porsche cannot<br />

be restricted to only one love, a new status symbol<br />

is zooming onto the domestic landscape: the luxury<br />

garage. The average-looking two-car garage of the<br />

future? It could be hiding three, four, or more Porsches.<br />

Lifts are one of the biggest trends in garage makeovers,<br />

making life easy for collectors to store their treasures.<br />

For those who absolutely must have more space, there’s<br />

a new twist: private luxury-garage communities. Your<br />

car lives here, but you don’t.<br />

And, for the rest of us, Instagrammers extraordinaire,<br />

Matt Farah (@smokingtire) and Brad Brownell (@<br />

turbohbrad), model the extreme fashion lengths we<br />

go to in matching up with our Porsches. That’s Matt’s<br />

newly reimagined<br />

Safari 911 with the<br />

LA City Bus interior,<br />

and Brad attempting<br />

to match it with his<br />

sport coat. To see<br />

more of this type<br />

of madness, travel<br />

to the upcoming<br />

Radwood Austin<br />

event on <strong>February</strong><br />

23 – especially those of you with ‘80s and ‘90s models<br />

(www.radwood.co).<br />

Whichever camp you’re in, the engineer/racer, the<br />

collector, or the fashionista/car show/socialite, spend<br />

some special time this <strong>February</strong> with your Porsche, and<br />

let us know through photos and posts what those<br />

special moments were like.<br />

14 <strong>February</strong>

Quicktake: Gunther Werks 400R<br />

by Kurt Scaggs<br />

pphotos provided by Kendall Awtry<br />

As Mark mentioned in his recap<br />

of the January Mavs & Mochas in<br />

Southlake, we got to take a peek (or<br />

maybe a long envious look) at the<br />

#1 of 25 Gunther Werks’ 400R.<br />

This car has been described<br />

as a new world take on an<br />

old school classic.<br />

To say that this car is a restomod<br />

would be an insult of the highest<br />

order. To start with, Gunter Werks<br />

takes the newest air-cooled Porsche,<br />

the 993, and totally strips it down<br />

to the bare chassis. The front<br />

suspension is completely redesigned<br />

to widen the front track to match<br />

the rear. Liberal use of carbon fiber<br />

and 3D printed aluminum result in<br />

a 2670 pound curb weight (down<br />

from just about 3200 pounds of<br />

the stock car).<br />

Gunther Werks sends the stock<br />

3.6-liter flat six motor to Rothsport<br />

Racing to change pretty much<br />

everything. The displacement<br />

increases to 4-liters and along with<br />

some other very trick upgrades<br />

and modifications, this results in<br />

an amazing 419 horsepower with<br />

315 lb-ft torque. That gives this aircooled<br />

car the same power-to-weight<br />

ratio as a new GT3 with PDK.<br />

I can’t give you a behind the<br />

wheel editorial review, but I can<br />

imagine, and imagine I have. There<br />

is no end of great things to say<br />

about this car, it’s pretty spectacular.<br />

Maybe you’ll see it around another<br />

Maverick event soon.<br />

A special thanks to Kendall<br />

for the inspiring shots.<br />


We are just seven weeks away from our season<br />

opener on <strong>February</strong> 23 and 24 at MotorSport Ranch<br />

in Cresson, TX. We will have access to their three road<br />

courses (3.1-mi, 1.7-mi, and 1.3-mi) as well as to MSR’s<br />

skid control pad area during this event. We will use all<br />

of these during our event. We will close the track at<br />

5:30 pm on Saturday, a half hour later than normal.<br />

We have many new innovations for our <strong>2019</strong> DE<br />

Programs. Please read this entire note to fully understand<br />

our changes.<br />

New Name:<br />

We have rebranded our program to “Cars & Corners<br />

sponsored by the Maverick PCA.” The rationale of rebranding<br />

is to be more attractive to a broader range of<br />

participants, regardless of their manufacturer’s brand.<br />

Look for our website changes coming soon. Thanks to<br />

John Hamilton for the name inspiration.<br />

Registration for our “Drive Off the Rust” DE on<br />

<strong>February</strong> 23-24 will open on www.clubregistraton.net<br />

30 days prior to the event, at 8:00 am on January 23.<br />

Less than two weeks! Note that, in the future, we will<br />

open registration six weeks prior to events.<br />

Our Goals:<br />

Each participant will be able to participate in eight<br />

run sessions per weekend.<br />

Each participant will have access to PCA-trained<br />

drivers’ education coaches.<br />

The focus on our instructed run groups (Novice/<br />

Green, Blue, and Blue Solo) will be one-on-one PCA<br />

coaching, designed to allow our participants to advance<br />

through the instructed programs in a safe and more<br />

expedient manner.<br />

The focus on our Advanced run groups (Yellow<br />

and White) will be to increase the safety and fun while<br />

extending your run time per event. We are working to<br />

further develop an Advanced Coaching program for<br />

further enhancement of our participants’ skills.<br />


The Novice/Green run group will begin their<br />

experience on the 1.7-mile, 13-turn road course. We<br />

will incorporate a new package for this program that<br />

focuses on enhanced beginner skill sets with the use of<br />

the skid control pad. Each Green participant will have<br />

a PCA coach assigned to them for the entire weekend.<br />

We will limit this run group to the first 25 participants<br />

who sign up and pay for the event. These changes, and<br />

the one-on-one PCA training program, will allow our<br />

Green participants to be promoted to the Blue run<br />

group safely and expediently.<br />

16 <strong>February</strong><br />

A Note from the Drivers’ Education Chair<br />

by TJ Kroehle, Region Drivers’ Education Chair<br />

The Blue run group will run on the full 3.1-mile road<br />

course. This is a fully instructed intermediate program<br />

featuring one-on-one PCA coaches each session. Each<br />

participant will run through the weekend with their<br />

assigned PCA coach to develop their skills in a way that<br />

is unique to the participants’ personal situation.<br />

The Blue Solo run group will run the full 3.1-mile<br />

road course. We are working to provide a PCA coach<br />

assigned to each Blue Solo participant.<br />

NEW: Each Blue Solo participant will have a coach<br />

in the car at least two sessions per weekend. The PCA<br />

coach will work to develop a participant’s skills in a<br />

way that is unique to their personal situation. The<br />

change is designed to allow our Blue Solo participants<br />

to be promoted to the Advanced Solo run groups safely<br />

and expediently.<br />

Advanced Solo run groups will run the full 3.1-<br />

mile road course. You will be assigned to your<br />

appropriate run group prior to the event. In 2018, we<br />

implemented new concepts to our DE experience, all<br />

while maintaining our tradition of Safety First. We now<br />

feature a Fast, Faster, and Fastest grid line up for our<br />

solo/advanced run groups. We further added enhanced<br />

passing for Advanced Solo run groups. These programs<br />

remain in <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

We will implement the following new concepts at<br />

some point in <strong>2019</strong>:<br />

NEW: PCA Advanced Coach for the Day in our<br />

Advanced run groups (formerly White and Yellow). We<br />

will offer you an opportunity to lock in an advanced<br />

coach for an entire day of one-on-one Advanced<br />

coaching for $50 per day. This will allow you and your<br />

PCA Coach to set specific unique goals to be tailored<br />

to your specific needs. This is a first come, first serve<br />

program and available to only four participants each<br />

day.<br />

NEW: We are working to provide you the opportunity<br />

to reserve a PCA Advanced Coaching session at the<br />

time of registration. These sessions are free to our<br />

participants in Advanced run groups, limited to one per<br />

day. You will be able to choose your Advanced Coach<br />

and your preferred day and run session at registration.<br />

For example, you can choose Advanced Coach John<br />

Doe for Saturday’s second run group session, and PCA<br />

Advanced Coach John Doe for Sunday’s third run<br />

session. This is first-come-first-served, so reserve your<br />

PCA Advanced Coach early. Note: Advanced Coach<br />

for the Day coaches get first consideration to assigned<br />

students (see above).<br />

NEW: Starting in our April DE Program, we will<br />

offer our participants the opportunity to work with a

professional driver coach in Data Technology. This will<br />

be offered to a limited number of participants; more to<br />

follow soon.<br />

NEW: MORE TRACK TIME. We will feature an<br />

opportunity for our Advanced run groups to participate<br />

in additional track time. We will open up MSR’s 1.3-mile<br />

road course for additional run time. Each participant in<br />

Yellow and White run groups will be able to add six<br />

more sessions on the 1.3 for just $25 per weekend. That<br />

is an additional three hours of track time for only $25.<br />

Sign up on clubregistration.net. Space is limited.<br />

NEW: At the end of Saturday, we will feature a “Happy<br />

Hour” run session. Advanced run group participants<br />

(formerly White and Yellow) will combine with the<br />

instructor’s group for an extended 40-min. session.<br />


Chris Sorrells, our new PCA marketing director, has<br />

been busy as well.<br />

If that is not your idea of “Happy Hour”, then Chris<br />

has the solution for you . . .<br />

Come celebrate your successes at our Social Event<br />

following every Saturday event. At MSR, we will hold<br />

this event at the Drive Exotic Center. Come tell stories<br />

about your day’s experiences to our other participants,<br />

coaches, and staff. We will provide beer, wine, and soft<br />

drinks, along with appetizers. Chris has also arranged<br />

for a guest speaker. I understand the guest speaker at<br />

our <strong>February</strong> event was a past professional driver and<br />

participated in America’s most famous races: the 24<br />

Hour of Daytona, Sebring, and Le Mans on multiple<br />

occasions. Come listen to his driver’s tales of the old<br />

glory days.<br />

In <strong>2019</strong> we are also enhancing our food services . . .<br />

NEW: Early morning food truck. Chris has arranged<br />

for a food truck to be at our events in the early<br />

mornings to provide you an opportunity to purchase<br />

a cup of coffee, pastry, donut, or a breakfast burrito.<br />

Obviously, the more you participate in the food truck<br />

opportunity, the more likely we are to get return visits<br />

by these vendors.<br />

NEW: Lunch Options. For lunch, you can participate<br />

in our DE Lunch program. The cost is $13 per day.<br />

Select this option online at your time of registration.<br />

On Saturday morning at the registration table, you will<br />

receive a meal ticket for each day you select. NOTE: We<br />

purchase a set number of meals in advance. You must<br />

sign up for this lunch program prior to registration<br />

closing. No cash will be accepted at the event.<br />

Chris has arranged for a food truck to be at our<br />

events at lunch as well to provide you a second choice<br />

for lunch.<br />

- continued on page 27<br />


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deBoulle.com<br />

18 <strong>February</strong>

Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:<br />

Maverick Marktpreis: 911T (’69-’73)<br />

by Peter Wen<br />

When people think about Porsche, they think about<br />

the 911. The two are almost synonymous today.<br />

The 911 was first introduced to the world at the<br />

Frankfurt Motor Show in 1963 and later launched<br />

in the U.S. in 1965. The first generation 911 is<br />

affectionately known as the Long Hood. It is the<br />

O.G., to borrow a term from our Millennial Mavs.<br />

Began in 1969, a buyer could select an entrylevel<br />

911T (Touring), mid-level E (Einspritzung /<br />

Injection), or the flagship S (Super) in either Coupe<br />

or Targa style. There was also a one-year only<br />

911L (Luxury) that was a carburetor model before<br />

Porsche switched to the fuel-injected 911E in ‘69.<br />

This month we highlight the 911T, the most<br />

“affordable” variant of the original 911 generation.<br />

Per the Hagerty valuation tool, a sample ’72 911T<br />

Coupe is worth $51,000 today, and has appreciated<br />

40% since 2014. Pricing ranges greatly depending on<br />

condition and equipment originality. A brief search<br />

online reveals many early 911s have altered engines<br />

and/or transmissions. Smart buyers should not be<br />

quick to overlook these “outlaws.” There are gems out<br />

there to be discovered at great prices!<br />

$112,500<br />

$87,500<br />

$62,500<br />

Hagerty Valuation Tool:<br />

1972 911 T Coupe<br />

$81,000 average value<br />

Excellence’s Porsche Buyer’s Guide offered<br />

these price ranges for 911T:<br />

‘69 Coupe: $35k-$85k Targa: $32.5k-$77.5k<br />

’70-‘71 Coupe: $37k-$87.5k Targa: $35k-$80k<br />

’72-‘73 Coupe: $40k-$95k Targa: $32k-$90k<br />

’73.5 Coupe: $42k-$100k Targa: $37k-$92k<br />

$37,500<br />

$12,500<br />

$0<br />

Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2015 Jan 2017 Jan 2018<br />

Fun fact: In 2018, Porsche resurrected the T nameplate<br />

after a 45 year hiatus. The 911 Carrera T is a purist car<br />

for the masses. However, unlike the original, the new<br />

T is no longer the lowest priced 911 variant. It now costs<br />

10% more than the base 911. At Porsche, less is now more.<br />

1973.5 911T Targa<br />

Sold for $58,000 + $2,900 buyer fee<br />

59k indicated miles<br />

Sepia Brown/Brown<br />

2.7L Flat-Six<br />

915 5-speed manual<br />

CoA, rebuilt original 2.4L engine to 2.7L,<br />

refurbished<br />

1973 911T Targa<br />

Sold for $42,000 + $2,100 buyer fee<br />

63k indicated miles<br />

White/Black<br />

3.0L Flat-Six<br />

5-speed manual<br />

25-yr ownership, Rebuilt engine, 911S bumper<br />

& badging, $25k in receipts since 2000<br />

1968 911T Coupe<br />

Sold for $71,500 + $3,575 buyer fee<br />

Mileage unknown<br />

Ossi Blue/Black<br />

2.0L Flat-Six<br />

5-speed manual<br />

Originally sold in Belgium, now in Greece,<br />

rebuilt engine, repaint & refurbished<br />

1970 911T Coupe<br />

Sold for $103k + $5,150 buyer fee<br />

Mileage unknown<br />

Silver/Black<br />

2.2L Flat-Six<br />

901 5-speed manual<br />

Refurbished and repainted, COA<br />

1973 911T Coupe<br />

Sold for $88,000 + $4,400 buyer fee<br />

46k indicated miles<br />

Light Ivory/Black<br />

2.4L Flat-Six<br />

5-speed manual<br />

Refurbished, rebuilt engine, bare metal<br />

repaint, COA<br />

1973.5 911T Coupe<br />

Sold for $61k + $3,050 buyer fee<br />

78k indicated miles<br />

Metallic Blue/Black<br />

2.4L Flat-Six<br />

915 5-speed manual<br />

36-yrs current ownership, original manual<br />

with tool kit<br />

With over 50 years of experience, Dallas Motorsports<br />

offers a unique blend of inventory including some of the<br />

most desirable performance and exotic vehicles available.<br />


Coffee, Cars & Conversation<br />

by Bill Kruder<br />

photos provided by Pat Carmichael<br />

This month’s “conversation” is<br />

another one that took me my surprise;<br />

I actually met his mother before I ever<br />

met him. We had been invited to a<br />

pizza gathering at Bob Aines’ garage,<br />

and as we were walking around I<br />

saw this blue 912 sitting there, along<br />

with a woman sitting in a lawn chair<br />

knitting. We talked for a few minutes,<br />

never meeting the owner of the car.<br />

Well, some time passed and I finally<br />

met the owner at a Lakeside “Porsche<br />

Pop Up.” Since then I have asked<br />

him on several occasions to write for<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong>.<br />

So here is the next in my series of<br />

“conversations” I would like to share<br />

with you.<br />

Pat Carmichael, member since 2003,<br />

Owner 1969 912 and 2017 Cayman S<br />

20 <strong>February</strong><br />

Bill Kruder: So are you originally from here?<br />

Pat Carmichael: Well I was born in<br />

Sweetwater, Texas which is about<br />

three and a half hours from here,<br />

just west of Abilene off I-20. My dad<br />

was a claims manager for Employers<br />

Insurance of Texas and we moved<br />

a bit, finally settling in Fort Worth.<br />

Then after college, I did my internship<br />

in El Paso and spent six years there,<br />

until moving to Dallas in 1983. We<br />

eventually moved to Copper Canyon<br />

and now reside in Plano.<br />

BK: I understand you are a Red Raider?<br />

PC: Oh yes! I went to Texas Tech,<br />

graduating in 1977.<br />

BK: So did you work for one of the big<br />

firms after getting your degree?<br />

PC: Like I mentioned, I did my<br />

internship in El Paso, then in 1983 we<br />

moved to Dallas. I got involved and<br />

had a partnership in building homes<br />

in the Denton-Lewisville-Copper<br />

Canyon area for about five years.<br />

Then in 1988 I joined HKS Architects<br />

and have spent most of my career on<br />

and off with them. One of my early<br />

assignments was working on the JC<br />

Penney campus in Plano.<br />

BK: Talk about six degrees of Kevin<br />

Bacon (laughing), I spent 40 years with<br />

JCP with 20 years in that building.<br />

BK: So are you married?<br />

PC: I was for about 34 years and have three<br />

great kids: Candace, Sean, and Tiffany.<br />

BK: I understand Sean shares your<br />

interest in Porsche?<br />

PC: He does. A couple months ago he<br />

found a near perfect 2004 black-onblack<br />

Boxster; he’s had to do a couple<br />

repairs, which happens on 15-year-old<br />

cars, but he’s loving every minute of it.<br />

I hope to get him out with us soon to<br />

a Mavs & Mochas.<br />

BK: So what was your first car?<br />

PC: My dad bought us a 1969 Austin-<br />

Healey. Think he paid about $1900 for<br />

it. I had that for a bit and then he gave<br />

me a 1950 Willys Jeepster. I’m not sure<br />

if you know much about them, but<br />

they were like part Jeep and part car,<br />

very cool. Then, about college time, I<br />

had a 1950 Chevy Salesman Coupe. It<br />

was another unique car, as it had no<br />

back seat, just a shelf, and when you<br />

opened the trunk you looked into the<br />

back much like todays hatchbacks.<br />

BK: How did you get interested in Porsches?<br />

PC: I grew up around cars as my dad<br />

was always fixing and restoring Model<br />

As, Pierce Arrows, and the like. We<br />

would on occasion go to the VW store<br />

in Midland and I would see a 912,<br />

then a 914, which were sold there, and<br />

it just stuck with me.<br />

BK: What was your first Porsche?<br />

PC: That’s my 1969 Ossi Blue 912 that<br />

I bought in 2000. I was looking at 912s<br />

and 914s, as I thought either would be<br />

a great place to start. I paid $3000 for<br />

it. The car hadn’t been driven in over<br />

20 years. I took the car over to Rich<br />

Lambert and he got it running for<br />

me. I have been slowly rebuilding and<br />

restoring it myself.

BK: I understand you have one of the first Garages of Texas?<br />

PC: That I do. I have known Jack (Griffin) for 20-some<br />

years when he first was involved in a similar project in the<br />

Love Field area. Well when I heard back in 2014 that he<br />

was involved with a new concept, I wanted to own one.<br />

The thing I really like about it is you are surrounded by<br />

car people; when you are at the garage it’s like a “Cars and<br />

Coffee” every day.<br />

BK: I hear your mom is also a Porsche person?<br />

PC: That she is! She has a 2016 Panamera. What’s really unique<br />

about hers is that she bought it at Fields in Jacksonville,<br />

Florida. This dealership was previously Brumos and her car<br />

is the last one signed by Hurley Haywood.<br />

BK: So is that the connection with your Cayman coming<br />

from Fields?<br />

PC: It is! I’ve known Chad there for some time. I actually<br />

was going to buy a base-level 911 and then he said try this<br />

Cayman S. Well I did and it just smoked the 911 I had<br />

looked at . . . and as they say, the rest is history.<br />

Well as usual I always walk away surprised at what chances<br />

life brings us in meeting people when we just stop or are<br />

stopped to say “Hello.” As Pat told me several times during<br />

our chat, it really is about the people. It doesn’t matter if<br />

you are an attendee or a chairperson, it’s the people. Today<br />

we call that Driving Friendships.<br />


Upcoming Maverick Region Events<br />

22 <strong>February</strong>

23<br />

Upcoming Maverick Region Events

You can test your<br />

knowledge (or Google search<br />

ability) of all things Porsche<br />

by participating in the<br />

monthly trivia contest posted<br />

online at http://mav.pca.org/<br />

trivia. Answers are due by<br />

the last day of each month.<br />

The winner of the trivia<br />

contest receives a $25 gift<br />

certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik. In the case of ties, a random<br />

drawing determines the winner.<br />

Here are the questions from the December 2018 Trivia. We went with<br />

a Trivia that brings Q&A this month dealing with all kinds of quotes<br />

from folks who like to talk about Porsches. Our winner this month is<br />

Alan Bambina getting all 5 of 5 correct. In fact, we had a total of 11 folks<br />

getting all of them. Not to take anything away from our contestants, but it<br />

appears that a great number of our 5 out of 5 contestants really know their<br />

Porsche quote history, or they found my source on the Internet. And that<br />

is allowed. Find the answers any way<br />

you can, as long as you do not hack my<br />

computer! Whenever there is more than<br />

one winner, we chose the gift certificate<br />

recipient by a random drawing.<br />

Answers: 1)b, 2)b, 3)a, 4)a, 5)c<br />

Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile?<br />

Jerry DeFeo<br />

sponsored by Zims Autotechnik<br />

1. Who said, “Porsche and BMW drivers are arrogant!”?<br />

a. Enzo Ferrari b. Carroll Shelby c. Elon Musk d. Michael Schumacher<br />

Source: Internet Brainy Quote - Porsche Funny Quotes<br />

2. Who said, “I always liked speed. I own a car that I shouldn’t<br />

be talking about because I’m an environmentalist, but the 1955<br />

Porsche Spyder 550 RS is the finest sports car ever made.”?<br />

a. Steve McQueen b. Robert Redford c. James Dean d. Paul Newman<br />

Source: Internet Brainy Quote - Porsche Funny Quotes<br />

3. Who said, “Porsche’s and Apple’s design philosophies are<br />

similar. Much like the 356, the original iPhone was about<br />

defining a foundation for the future.”?<br />

a. Om Malik b. Steve Jobs c. Ronald Wayne d. Steve Wozniak<br />

Source: Internet Brainy Quote - Porsche Funny Quotes<br />

4. Who said, “There are a lot of impractical things about owning<br />

a Porsche. But they’re all offset by the driving experience. It<br />

really is unique. Lamborghinis and Ferraris come close. And<br />

they are more powerful, but they don’t handle like a Porsche.”?<br />

a. Kevin O’Leary b. Bill Lear c. Steve McQueen d. P.J. O’Rourke<br />

Source: Internet Brainy Quote - Porsche Funny Quotes<br />

5. Who said, “We wouldn’t build a real 4-seater. . . . We are a<br />

Sports firm!”?<br />

a. Ferdinand Porsche b. Ferry Porsche c. Butzi Porsche<br />

d. Ferdinand Piech<br />

ource: An interview with Jerry Sloninger for Road & Track, Nov 1966, p 63<br />

autoscope.co<br />

3 Dallas Locations:<br />

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Park Cities<br />

6134 Denton Dr<br />

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601 Coit Rd<br />

Plano, Tx 75075<br />

972-867-7467<br />

White Rock<br />

9796 Ferguson Rd<br />

Dallas, Tx 75228<br />

214-320-8280<br />

24 <strong>February</strong>

MarvelousHomeMakeovers.com | 972.951.1932 | Botond@MarvelousHomeMakeovers.com<br />


Choose Carefully, Part 1<br />

by Robert Turner<br />

configurator provided by Porsche USA<br />

One of my favorite things to<br />

do on the web is to go into a car<br />

company’s web site, head straight<br />

to their configurator, and build<br />

something. Sometimes it will be a<br />

stripper, just the basic car to see how<br />

cheap I can build it. And more times<br />

than not, I go all in adding every<br />

option to see how far I can take it<br />

to the other extreme. I try different<br />

colors, different interiors, different<br />

wheels and I spare no expense on<br />

the performance options. If you are<br />

going to build something, you may<br />

as well go big, right?<br />

I love me some Porsches! Owned<br />

twelve of ‘em (and counting). But<br />

you know what? I’ve never bought<br />

a new one. The Turner master plan<br />

says I get to do that at some point<br />

in my short life on this revolving<br />

globe. Thinking back to the Brand<br />

Loyalty series I wrote a couple of<br />

month back, you know I’ve got to<br />

get my boys out of college, propped<br />

up and on their own. Could take<br />

years. It’s funny, I even remind<br />

them from time<br />

to time (like<br />

weekly), that<br />

they’re holding<br />

me back. I am<br />

joking here, but<br />

just barely.<br />

Point is, I<br />

love the Porsche<br />

configurator. I<br />

build cars on it<br />

all the time, like<br />

maybe 2-3 times<br />

per month. OK,<br />

maybe 3-4 times<br />

per month. But<br />

that’s all I’m<br />

admitting here.<br />

I build Carreras<br />

(mostly Turbos<br />

and GT3s),<br />

26 <strong>February</strong><br />

Boxsters, Caymans (especially<br />

Caymans -- love ‘em), Cayennes<br />

(just in case we end up needing a<br />

new one), Macans (because they<br />

are awesome), Panameras (have<br />

you read my action-adventure<br />

novels? They factor somewhat in<br />

the story line), and 918s (cause<br />

they are stupid crazy and it’s fun<br />

to see if you can configure one to<br />

$1,000,000—yes with reversed<br />

pinky held to mouth, Dr. Evil style).<br />

I will build one, giggle, and say<br />

to my wife, “Hey I built a new<br />

Porsche, wanna see it?” She’ll<br />

glance over at me, with a sideways<br />

look, glasses lowered to her nose,<br />

and ask if I went all in this time<br />

or not. No, I will proudly exclaim<br />

that I built an inexpensive Cayenne<br />

- for her. Does she want to see it?<br />

Then she’ll ask if it is like the other<br />

dozen I have “built” for her lately,<br />

and not getting her sarcasm, I’ll say<br />

this one is different. (Yeah, it’s red.)<br />

Sometimes she looks, sometimes<br />

she doesn’t, and she reminds me<br />

(for like the thousandth time)<br />

that we’re not doing anything<br />

before the aforementioned boys are<br />

out of school, cars paid off, bills<br />

paid off, etc. Oh yeah—heard that<br />

one before.<br />

So then, what the heck,<br />

I’ll reconfigure the car as a<br />

Cayenne Turbo S with every<br />

option under the sun. $180K!<br />

Yeah, that’ll show her!<br />

The mouse hovers over the “get<br />

a quote from your dealer” button<br />

and as usual, I do not press it. But<br />

man, I wish I could. I know that<br />

day will come, that perfect moment<br />

when I will be able to press that<br />

button and talk to the dealer, to<br />

build my dream Porsche. I can feel<br />

it coming in a three-to-four-yearoff<br />

kinda way. See, I have infinite<br />

patience when it comes to waiting<br />

for my ultimate car. I’ve got to; I<br />

only get one shot.<br />

And on that exhaust note, see<br />

you all next time.

- continued from page 17<br />

Please feel welcome to bring your own lunch to the<br />

lunch area and sit with your friends.<br />

You can also choose to visit your favorite local lunch<br />

hot spot.<br />

NEW: Always something to do!<br />

We also know there can be a lot of downtime at an<br />

event. You can choose to relax or participate in other<br />

activities Chris is arranging. Chris is planning for<br />

various vendors and speakers to visit throughout the day.<br />

I hear the <strong>February</strong> Event may have a several guest<br />

speakers. One speaker, I understand, will talk about<br />

how to properly insure your high-performance vehicle<br />

in a cost-effective manner. I have heard this program<br />

at a previous PCA Tech event, and I must admit that it<br />

was very enlightening. This one should not be missed.<br />

Speed comes in many forms. Some acquire skills and<br />

others choose to pursue speed in the form of technology<br />

advancements. Chris is arranging for speakers<br />

throughout the year to talk about proper set-ups for<br />

your specific vehicle. There may be discussions on tires,<br />

alignments, suspension settings and upgrades, brakes<br />

and brake upgrades, as well as engine management<br />

systems. Each of these can easily enhance your<br />

experience. The truly fast drivers in our programs first<br />

maximize their personal skill sets, but also fully take<br />

advantage of technology opportunities. Now you can<br />

learn their secrets.<br />

I further believe Chris has found a detailer who will<br />

discuss techniques to get the road grime and rubber off<br />

your car in a safe and fast manner.<br />

On, June 1 we will have our second Car Control<br />

Clinic (CCC). This was requested by our local Porsche<br />

dealerships to provide a gentler introduction to the<br />

Porsche experience. This can provide their clients an<br />

opportunity to learn the capabilities of their Porsche in<br />

a controlled environment. Graduates of the CCC will,<br />

at a minimum, be in a better position to handle their<br />

vehicle in an emergency. We received excellent feedback<br />

from the participants last year. This is a great program<br />

for your spouse or any driver in your home over the age<br />

of 18. This could also be a great Father’s Day gift.<br />

We are also looking for more single day SOLO DE<br />

events for <strong>2019</strong>. We have one for scheduled for June 2.<br />

This is open to all Solo Participants with no Coaches<br />

available. Just plenty of track time for fun.<br />

We are chartered with continuing the evolvement of<br />

our DE Program. Our mantra is “Safety First.” We are<br />

proud to announce that Bob Kramer has returned as<br />

our region’s Safety Chair. Welcome back, Bob!<br />

We appreciate everyone’s participation in the<br />

program and, we hope to earn your future support!<br />

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©2018 New York Life Insurance Company,<br />

51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010<br />

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28 <strong>February</strong>

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We have the knowledge and experience<br />

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30 <strong>February</strong>

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SAVE up to 28% on insurance premiums<br />

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Showroom by Appointment<br />

5500 Meandering Road Fort Worth 76114<br />

32 <strong>February</strong>

The Art of Paint Protection<br />

josh@invisibra.net<br />

214-704-9299<br />

Paint Protection Film<br />

Ceramic Coating<br />

Full Detailing<br />

Window Tinting<br />


Maverick <strong>February</strong> Anniversaries<br />

40 Years<br />

Carey Spreen (Sue Crimm)<br />

30 Years<br />

James Benning (Karen)<br />

25 Years<br />

Ian Packer (Melayne)<br />

Richard Whitman (Cindy)<br />

20 Years<br />

Benjamin Wood<br />

15 Years<br />

Gary Leto (Bruce Garrison)<br />

10 Years<br />

Pat Friend<br />

Chuck Gould<br />

James Looney (Butler)<br />

Bernard Nussbaumer (Axel)<br />

Dick Robinson (Sue)<br />

Charles Sullivan (Kim)<br />

5 Years<br />

Robert Barber (Judy)<br />

Guy Bentley (Ian)<br />

Justin Burlew (Vicki)<br />

Robert Conyers<br />

David Fike (Deborah)<br />

Ken Harrison<br />

Kevin Hodges<br />

Umashankar Iyer<br />

Mark Jones (Michelle)<br />

Larry Keen (Kate)<br />

Richard Kohler<br />

John Polivka (Mary)<br />

David Price (Amanda Newman)<br />

Joe Priest (Susan)<br />

Daniel York (Robert)<br />

Grand Prairie<br />

Dallas<br />

Dallas<br />

Plano<br />

Flower Mound<br />

Hurst<br />

Fairview<br />

Allen<br />

Dallas<br />

Dallas<br />

Arlington<br />

Colleyville<br />

Quinlan<br />

Mesquite<br />

Humble<br />

Desoto<br />

Argyle<br />

Keller<br />

Dallas<br />

Plano<br />

Fairview<br />

Richardson<br />

Flower Mound<br />

Plano<br />

Frisco<br />

Stephenville<br />

Latana<br />

Member Moment - 30th PCA Anniversary, January <strong>2019</strong><br />

Jack Griffin<br />

Occupation<br />

Co-Founder Garages of Texas<br />

First Porsche<br />

1970 914-6 bought in 1976 (still own!)<br />

Current Porsche<br />

1955 356 Continental, 1970 914-6, 1985 911, 1989 911 Speedster, 2011 997.2, 2018 GT-3 Touring<br />

Most memorable Maverick or PCA event: Have loved all the tours either PCA or otherwise in<br />

Porsches for great driving and socializing such as: Boxstoberfest (3 yrs), Porsche Palooza (5 yrs), Hill<br />

Country Rallye (15 yrs), Colorado Grand (7 yrs), Copperstate 1000 (5 yrs), California Mille, The Rally of<br />

New Mexico. All done in vintage Porsches with very few mechanical issues along the way. Nothing better<br />

than the open road with fellow Porsche-ites!<br />

Advertiser Index<br />

Advertising rates available upon request.<br />

For more information contact Bill Kruder at<br />

ads@mavpca.org<br />

Apex Automotive........................................ 30<br />

Attic Butlers................................................. 33<br />

Autobahn Motorcar Group........................ B.C.<br />

Autoscope................................................... 24<br />

Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 31<br />

Competition Motorsport............................. 31<br />

Concorso Detailing...................................... 29<br />

deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry...................... 18<br />

DallasMotorSports...................................... 19<br />

DFW Garage Design.................................... 31<br />

Fast Lane Travel........................................... 35<br />

Falgout & Associates, P. C ............................ 32<br />

Fifth Gear Motorsports................................ 36<br />

Growler Motor Labs..................................... 21<br />

Garages of Texas............................................ 9<br />

Innovative Autosports................................... 5<br />

Invisibra...................................................... 33<br />

Louden Motorcar Services....................... I.B.C.<br />

Marvelous Home Makeovers...................... 25<br />

Mayo Performance...................................... 32<br />

Mustard Racing........................................... 30<br />

New York Life.............................................. 28<br />

OCD’tailers.................................................. 33<br />

Onsite Tires................................................. 28<br />

Park Place Porsche................................... I.F.C.<br />

The Phoenix Insurance.................................. 7<br />

Porsche Plano............................................. 27<br />

RAC Performance.......................................... 3<br />

RKT Techniques........................................... 29<br />

Roofing Solutions by Darren Houk.............. 32<br />

Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 10<br />

Texas Motor Works...................................... 32<br />

Ussery Printing........................................... 30<br />

Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35<br />

These advertisers support our<br />

Maverick Region.<br />

Tell them you saw their ad in<br />

<strong>Slipstream</strong>!<br />

34 <strong>February</strong>

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visit us online at www.FastLaneTravel.com<br />

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Oversteer: Letter from the Editor<br />

by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor<br />

I’ve admitted in the past the fact that I do not possess<br />

the talent necessary to fully explore the limits of a 35 year<br />

old sports car. This pains me. I’ve given it a go on a few<br />

occasions and though my pride hasn’t always survived,<br />

everyone in the vicinity has lived to tell about it. More<br />

importantly to some, no cars were harmed in the making<br />

of this story.<br />

Like many of us, I seek to improve my driving ability<br />

and would love to one day, get involved in some form of<br />

friendly competition with other like minded drivers. Mav<br />

PCA has many ways to get involved, some of which are<br />

highlighted this month. But what if you can’t find the<br />

time to scratch that itch regularly? I might have found a<br />

temporary answer. Video games! Bear with me.<br />

My last video game console was purchased new in 1980,<br />

an Atari Video Computer System better known as a 2600. I<br />

vividly remember playing Asteroid into the wee hours, but<br />

Tank was as close as it got to a driving game in my house.<br />

This past Christmas was time to change all of that. After<br />

much research and careful consideration I managed to talk<br />

my wonderful (and understanding) family into an X-box to<br />

“share”. This opened the door to Forza Motorsport 7 and<br />

another late night or two in front of a video game. Let me<br />

be honest, a video game will never replace the excitement<br />

of hearing a flat six at full howl or the feeling of pushing<br />

your Porsche through a corner faster than you thought you<br />

could. What it will do is allow to you to explore technique<br />

and practice awareness in the comfort of your media room,<br />

in your pajamas, at midnight. If that’s your thing.<br />

I believe you really can learn things driving a simulator.<br />

The pros do it, it can’t be all bad right? Even the mere<br />

mortals among us can gain some insight. I know that I’m<br />

way faster on the tracks that I know than I am on the<br />

tracks that I don’t. I have also learned that my hands really<br />

weren’t fast enough, just like my last instructor kept telling<br />

me. The difference is that this time I was able to completely<br />

mess up that turn over and over and over until I finally<br />

got it right without any wide eyed passengers or black flag<br />

trips to the paddock. Oh, and I was finally able to paint my<br />

(virtual) car pink as my son has been suggesting for years<br />

now, so we’re both happy.<br />

I might actually be in the minority of people that have<br />

just figured this out. But if you’re on the fence, you can tell<br />

your wife or husband that you read somewhere that video<br />

games can help you become a better driver. Give it a shot<br />

and... Enjoy the drive!<br />

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•Same Services and Capabilities as the<br />

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on a case-by-case basis<br />

1975 Archer Ave • Lewisville • TX 75077 • 972•317•4005<br />

36 <strong>February</strong>

Hiram Saunders, <strong>Slipstream</strong><br />

155 Jellico<br />

Southlake, TX 76092<br />

Periodical Postage<br />

Paid at Fort Worth, TX

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