Events and happenings of Al Menah Shriners for February 2019.

Events and happenings of Al Menah Shriners for February 2019.


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P.O. BOX 78545 • NASHVILLE, TN 37207 • 615.226.7766 • 1.877.505.7764<br />

VOLUME 3638 • NUMBER • NUMBER 4 2 • • (PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT JUNE & JULY) & JULY) • • <strong>FEBRUARY</strong> APRIL <strong>2019</strong> 2017<br />

INSIDE<br />

THIS<br />

ISSUE<br />

INSIDE<br />

Page 2<br />

Potentate’s<br />

Message<br />

Page 3<br />

Divan<br />

Messages<br />

Page 4<br />

February<br />

Notices<br />

Page 5<br />

Burn Awareness<br />

Week<br />

Page 6<br />

2018-<strong>2019</strong><br />

National Patient<br />

Ambassadors<br />

Page 7<br />

Al Menah Shrine<br />

Valentine’s Party<br />

Page 8-9<br />

Center News<br />

Little Pops of Love<br />

Al Menah Shrine<br />

Valentine Party<br />

& Dance<br />

Your Invitation &<br />

information<br />

is inside<br />

Back Page<br />

Black Camel<br />

Imperial Session

Al Menah Al Menah Temple Temple<br />

Oasis of Nashville<br />

Oasis<br />

Desert<br />

of Nashville<br />

of TennessEE<br />

Desert of TennessEE<br />

P.O.Box 78545 • Nashville, TN 37207<br />

P.O.Box 78545 Phones • Nashville, 1.615.226.7766 TN 37207<br />

Phones 1.615.226.7766<br />

1.877.505.7766<br />

1.877.505.7766<br />

www.almenahShriners.org<br />

www.almenahShriners.org<br />

The Publication Committee<br />

The Publication Committee<br />

The Divan/Board of Directors<br />

Potentate .................... Randy Frank Williams Hester<br />

The Chief Divan/Board Rabban. .............. . of Directors Horace Scott Perkins Jones III<br />

otentate Assistant .................... Rabban .........Donny ..........Randy Frank Hester Williams Drayton<br />

hief Rabban High Priest ........... & Prophet Horace .......... .Vernon Perkins Scott Blackburn IIIJones<br />

ssistant Oriental Rabban Guide. ..........Randy ........... . Donnie Williams Frank Drayton Wilson<br />

igh Priest Treasurer & Prophet ....................Wes ........................ Scott Jones<br />

Frye<br />

riental Recorder. Guide ...................Robert Donnie Drayton<br />

Daniel<br />

reasurer Editor. ........................ Maurice Wes Frye Smmith Smith<br />

ecorder ...................Robert Published monthly except June Daniel and July<br />

ditor ..................... www.almenahShriners.org<br />

Maurice Smith<br />


Published monthly except June and July<br />

www.almenahShriners.org<br />

*Charles Barham<br />

*John D. Whalley<br />

*V. *Charles K. Stevenson Barham<br />

Jack *John Norman, E. PattonJr.<br />

*V. K. Stevenson<br />

*John D. Whalley<br />

PAST *W. *W. F. F. Hunt Hunt POTENTATES<br />

*Albert Bennett<br />

*J. Pink Lawrence *Clyde Jack Norman, R. Watson Jr.<br />

*J. Pink Lawrence<br />

*Albert Bennett<br />

Charles Barham *Ed R. Burr<br />

*Ed R. Burr *John E. *Marshall<br />

*Clyde Patton S. Whitley<br />

R. Watson<br />

V. K. Stevenson<br />

*J. Harry Murphy<br />

*J. Harry Murphy *John D. *James<br />

*Marshall Whalley J. White<br />

*Charles N. Rolfe *G. Cooper S. Holt Whitley<br />

W. F. Hunt*Charles N. Rolfe Jack Norman, *James Jr.<br />

*Paul DeWitt<br />

*J. Coleman J. White Hayes<br />

J. Pink Lawrence *E. *Paul M. DeWitt Kelly *Albert Bennett<br />

*Donald *G. Cooper R. Holt Dunning<br />

Ed R. Burr *Joseph *E. M. Kelly Higgins *Clyde R. *J.<br />

*J. Watson P.<br />

Coleman<br />

Foster<br />

Hayes<br />

J. Harry Murphy *Ira *Joseph E. Parker Higgins *Marshall *Gale<br />

*Donald S. Whitley Robinson<br />

R. Dunning<br />

Charles N. *Martin<br />

*Ira Rolfe E. Parker<br />

S. Roberts *James J. *C.<br />

*J. White P.<br />

V.<br />

Foster<br />

Cramb<br />

Paul DeWitt *R.<br />

*Martin<br />

C. Derivaux<br />

S. Roberts *G. Cooper *J.<br />

*Gale<br />

Nelson Holt Robinson<br />

Bryan<br />

E. M. Kelly *Oren<br />

*R. C.<br />

A.<br />

Derivaux<br />

Oliver *J. Coleman *Robert<br />

*C. V. Hayes Cramb<br />

Battle<br />

Joseph Higgins *Lee<br />

*Oren<br />

L.<br />

A.<br />

Gamble<br />

Oliver<br />

*Donald*Jerry *J.<br />

R.<br />

Nelson<br />

Dunning N. Tate<br />

Bryan<br />

*Lee L. Gamble<br />

*Robert Battle<br />

Ira E. Parker *R. R. Clark<br />

*R. R. Clark<br />

*J. P. Foster *Fred H. Gay, Jr.<br />

*Jerry N. Tate<br />

Martin S. *William Roberts Raine<br />

*William Raine *Gale Robinson James A. Campbell<br />

*Fred H. Gay, Jr.<br />

R. C. Derivaux *Hugh F. Smith, Jr.<br />

*Hugh F. Smith, Jr. *C. V. Cramb *Claude G. Southall<br />

James A. Campbell<br />

Oren A. Oliver *W. A. Bryan<br />

*W. A. Bryan *J. Nelson *W.<br />

*Claude Bryan B. Lawson<br />

G. Southall<br />

Lee L. Gamble *Charles L. Cornelius<br />

*Charles L. Cornelius*Robert *Gale Battle *W. B.<br />

Robinson<br />

Lawson<br />

R. R. Clark<br />

*W.<br />

*W.<br />

Bush<br />

Bush Herbert<br />

Herbert<br />

*Jerry N.<br />

J.<br />

*Gale Tate<br />

Dudley<br />

Robinson<br />

Phillips<br />

*Marshall<br />

*Marshall<br />

Hotchkiss<br />

Hotchkiss<br />

*M.<br />

J. Dudley<br />

Norris<br />

Phillips<br />

Jenkins<br />

William Raine<br />

*Jess<br />

*Jess<br />

B.<br />

B.<br />

Templeton<br />

*Fred H.<br />

Hugh F. Smith, Jr. Templeton<br />

*James<br />

Gay, Jr.<br />

*M. Norris<br />

F. Scalf,<br />

Jenkins<br />

Jr.<br />

*T.<br />

W. A. Bryan *T.<br />

A.<br />

A.<br />

Springfield James A.<br />

Springfield<br />

*William Campbell<br />

*James F. Scalf,<br />

B. Jones<br />

Jr.<br />

*James<br />

Charles L. *James<br />

G.<br />

Cornelius G. Stahlman<br />

Stahlman *Claude Jack G. Southall<br />

*William<br />

C. Phelps<br />

B. Jones<br />

*J.<br />

W. Bush Herbert<br />

*J.<br />

Clark<br />

Clark<br />

Akers *W. B. Lawson<br />

Akers<br />

*David<br />

Jack C. Phelps<br />

P. Brumfield<br />

*R.<br />

*R.<br />

E.<br />

E.<br />

Baulch *Gale Robinson<br />

Baulch<br />

*Zack *David S. P. Parrish, Brumfield Sr.<br />

Marshall *Thomas Hotchkiss<br />

*Thomas<br />

E.<br />

E.<br />

Doss<br />

Doss<br />

J. Dudley *Robert *Zack<br />

Phillips<br />

S. E. Parrish, Newman Sr.<br />

Jess B. Templeton Kerbela Kerbela Temple ‘28 ‘28 *M. Norris *George *Robert Jenkins E. Cook Newman<br />

T. A. Springfield *Maurice Weinberger<br />

*James F. *R. *George Scalf, Parker Jr. Cook Graham<br />

James G. *S. Stahlman *S. N. N. Allen<br />

*William H. *R. B. Parker Parker JonesToler<br />

Graham<br />

J. Clark Akers *W. *W. B. B. Hager<br />

Jack C. Phelps *R. H. Parker T. McNaney Toler<br />

R. E. Baulch *O. *O. Lynn Meek<br />

*David P. James *R. Brumfield T. McNaney L. Ham<br />

Thomas E. *Jack *Jack Doss Norman<br />

*Zack S. *Charles James Parrish, L. Ham Sr. H. Williams<br />

erbela Temple<br />

*James ‘28<br />

J. J. Vaughn<br />

*Robert William E. Charles Newman H. D. Williams Jones<br />

*C.<br />

Maurice Weinberger<br />

*C. H. H. Smith<br />

John<br />

*George William L. Weaver,<br />

Cook D. JonesIII<br />

*Fred<br />

S. N. Allen<br />

C. C. Laskey<br />

Gale<br />

*R. Parker John Graham L. B. Weaver, Robinson III<br />

*Ivo<br />

W. B. Hager<br />

A. A. Burton<br />

Joe<br />

H. Parker Gale Bell<br />

Toler B. Robinson<br />

*T.<br />

O. Lynn Meek<br />

*T. W. W. Bray, Jr.<br />

Ronny<br />

*R. T. McNaney<br />

Joe BellL. Greer<br />

*James R. Cox<br />

Charles Ronny L. E. Greer Cardwell<br />

Jack Norman *Paul R. R. Jarratt<br />

James L. J. Charles<br />

Ham Franklin E. Cardwell “Jay” Scalf, III<br />

James J. Vaughn *J. *J. Sumpter Anderson<br />

Charles Conley H. J. Franklin Williams Dykes “Jay” Scalf, III<br />

C. H. Smith *Hugh W. Robertson<br />

William David Conley D. Jones Smith Dykes<br />

Fred C. Laskey *M. T. T. Gossett<br />

John L. Weaver, Jim David Cain Smith III<br />

Ivo A. Burton *Joe C. Carr<br />

Gale B. Robinson *Mike Jim Cain Martin<br />

T. W. Bray, *James Jr. T. Hayes<br />

Joe Bell *Johnny *Mike Martin Dudley<br />

James R. Cox *E. Lee Bennett<br />

Ronny L. David *Johnny GreerWantland<br />

Dudley<br />

Paul R. Jarratt *Orris E. E. Davis<br />

Charles Melvin E. David Cardwell Wantland Meadows<br />

J. Sumpter *Raymond AndersonH. Leathers J. Franklin Dennis Melvin “Jay” Meadows Belford Scalf, III<br />

Hugh W.<br />

*Hilry<br />

Robertson<br />

H. Shaffer<br />

Conley Dykes<br />

David Dennis Vaughn Belford<br />

*James N. Stansell<br />

M. T. Gossett<br />

*James<br />

David<br />

N. Carl<br />

Smith<br />

David E. Vaughn Barnes<br />

*John E. Patton Stansell Mike Carl E. Van Barnes Sant<br />

Joe C. Carr<br />

Jim CainJeff Mike Head Van Sant<br />

James T. Hayes<br />

*Mike Martin Frank Jeff Head Hester<br />

E. Lee Bennett<br />

*Johnny Horace DudleyPerkins III<br />

Orris E. Davis<br />

David Wantland * Deceased<br />

* Deceased<br />

Raymond H. Leathers Melvin Meadows<br />

Hilry H. Shaffer<br />

2<br />

Dennis Belford<br />

*James N. David Vaughn<br />

We were certainly humbled for the wonderful turnout for<br />

our public installation. Thanks again to Donna and Sam<br />

Isbell and the Daughters of the Nile for a beautiful reception<br />

afterwards.<br />

Appreciation also goes out to Howard Rodriguez and<br />

Donnie Drayton for the great job they did with our driver’s<br />

meeting on January 12. The captains and ambassadors met<br />

immediately afterwards and everyone seems ready and<br />

invigorated for a new Shrine year ahead.<br />

In spite of our cold and rainy weather as of late, we had a<br />

successful first stated meeting. I hope everyone enjoyed our<br />

tailgate party as we got ready for the East-West Shrine game<br />

in Tampa. It was a honor to attend that game as Potentate of<br />

the home temple of our Imperial Potentate. The large number<br />

that attended the Imperial Cruise was glad to escape the<br />

January Tennessee weather and enjoy some sunshine.<br />

I hope everyone is making plans to attend our “Love to<br />

the Rescue” Valentine party on February 16. We will be<br />

spotlighting our hospitals that night and enjoying the sounds<br />

of the Nashville Jazz Cats. Check with the office, a Divan<br />

member or Mike Villines, Jr. for tickets.<br />

We have received several new membership applications<br />

already this year. Thanks to Keith Taylor, our membership<br />

chairman, for his enthusiasm and hard work already<br />

Randy Williams<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Potentate

From the desk of...<br />


<br />

The year is off and running. If you didn’t get a<br />

chance to go on the Imperial Potentate, Jim<br />

Cain’s trip, it was a blast! We will need<br />

all hands on deck for the <strong>2019</strong> Imperial<br />

Session in Nashville at the end of June.<br />

if you have not signed up for something,<br />

just ask one of the Divan members, we<br />

will get you in contact with the right<br />

person.<br />

The Valentine’s Dinner is coming up fast,<br />

so if you do not have a ticket, stop by the front<br />

office or see a Divan member. Illustrious Sir Randy Williams and<br />

his team have planned a wonderful evening for all. Hope to see<br />

everyone there and bring your dancing shoes.<br />

Make sure to keep all of our sick nobles in our prayers. If you get a<br />

chance to call them, then they would appreciate that very much.<br />

Fraternally yours,<br />

Chief Rabban<br />

Scott Jones<br />


I started my day this morning having to<br />

deal with the most stupid, cantankerous,<br />

hardheaded jackass I ever met in my life.<br />

The whole time I am trying to help him,<br />

he’s trying to kick me down the road—<br />

oh, I bet y’all thought I was talking<br />

about a Clown! No, not this time; I was<br />

working on a donkey who needed his<br />

hooves trimmed. Working with difficult<br />

farm animals is good practice for serving<br />


the Divan.<br />

Speaking of the Divan, I wanted remind the<br />

Nobility that we need any small cars, go carts or other potential<br />

parade vehicles that may be gathering dust in your garage. Even<br />

if you can’t drive it or don’t think it would run, call us and let us<br />

try. The Imperial parade is coming to town and we need to put on<br />

a show. Signing off for now from Donkeyland.<br />

Assistant Rabban<br />

Donnie Drayton<br />


Al Menah has been full sprint since day 1 of<br />

<strong>2019</strong>. What a blessed and memorable year<br />

we’re each going to experience here at Al<br />

Menah. We have many great upcoming<br />

events, and who could forget Shriners<br />

Imperial Session will be in our very own<br />

backyard. Shriners from all over the<br />

world are scheduled to descend upon our<br />

great city in just a few short months. I’m<br />

inviting each of you to get involved. Let’s<br />

make sure Al Menah Shriners, Imperial Sir<br />

Jim Cain, and our beloved city are forever<br />

remembered as the one of the best in Shriners<br />

International history. What role will you play in our success?<br />

HIGH We’re PRIEST kickstarting AND February PROPHET with <br />

some “Love to the Rescue”.<br />

I trust you’ve identified someone deserving of your unit or clubs<br />

two dinner ticket sponsorship? Each of us know someone that has<br />

consistently gone above and beyond to help Shriners Hospitals for<br />

Children in some fashion. What about the store owner or manager<br />

that welcomes you to stand in their store front the first weekend of<br />

May? Perhaps the restaurant manager that hosts your Shrine Club<br />

each month? What better way to show them your appreciation than<br />

treating them to an evening of dinner and dancing?<br />

Speaking of Valentine’s and dancing, I should take this opportunity<br />

to address the “elephant in the room” per say. I’m certain by now<br />

you’ve heard the rumors that your newly installed Assistant Rabban<br />

Don Drayton had planned to attend the Valentine’s Dinner dressed as<br />

Cupid. I can’t imagine the nauseating sensation those in attendance<br />

would have experienced as they witnessed Donnie prancing across<br />

the dance floor in his lil red onesie with bow and arrow by his side.<br />

The unfortunate sight you just visualized will no doubt haunt you<br />

for some time, but thankfully, will never come to fruition. In fact, by<br />

the time Donnie is reading this, he will have spent the last two weeks<br />

on the phone tracking a lost shipment that was never lost. Unware,<br />

all this time that the Divan successfully intercepted the package,<br />

and properly disposed of it, never to be seen again. Perhaps using<br />

Brick Church Pike as the shipping address, wasn’t such a great idea.<br />

I didn’t even know people still ordered merchandise from Oriental<br />

Trading. Laughter truly is the best medicine. If you aren’t laughing,<br />

you aren’t living. In all seriousness, please do make plans to join us,<br />

spend some quality time with your fellow nobles and their ladies,<br />

and enjoy the evening, Cupid free.<br />

Always remember, you can make a difference in the positive<br />

direction of our fraternity. Introduce someone you know to Masonry.<br />

The life you impact today, will impact the lives of others tomorrow.<br />

As always, THANK YOU for all that you do in support of Al<br />

Menah and Shriners Hospitals for Children.<br />

High Priest and Prophet<br />


Vernon Blackburn<br />


It was great to see our Imperial Potentate,<br />

Jim Cain and Lady Patsy as well as some<br />

of Al Menah’s nobility representing us<br />

at this year’s Rose Bowl Parade.<br />

This year is off to a fun start with the<br />

East-West Shrine game and Imperial<br />

Cruise. Let’s keep the party going<br />

with the Valentine’s event on February<br />

16th, be sure and get your tickets and<br />

join us for some great fellowship and live<br />

entertainment.<br />

Well we’re off for the Imperial Potentate’s cruise in a few<br />

days and I’m a little concerned because the theme song from<br />

Gilligan’s Island keeps playing in my head. I have a picture of<br />

Donnie as the Skipper and Vernon as Gilligan. Of course, Randy<br />

and Beth are the Howells, Scott would be the professor, I’d be<br />

the poor guy who blunders onto the island I suppose. I’ll let you<br />

know how this plays out upon our return. That is, if we’re not<br />

marooned on an Island somewhere. Oriental Guide<br />

Frank Wilson<br />


<strong>FEBRUARY</strong> NOTICES<br />

From the First Lady<br />

Happy New Year everyone!<br />

Randy and I are certainly excited and humbled to begin this new Shrine Year. Thanks to everyone who attended<br />

the Public Installation on January 6. It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful crowd.<br />

We had a great group of ladies that met in the vision center January 15 for our Ladies program kickoff and<br />

planning meeting. Many good ideas and lots of good information was shared. We will be meeting again February<br />

19 at 5:30 for finger foods and to make no-sew blankets and pillows to have for our vans for our Shrine<br />

patients to be a little more comfortable during their trip.<br />

We also will be collecting small bottles of water to send with them and our drivers. Watch your emails<br />

for more detailed information about this event. If you are not getting the ladies emails, please let me know at<br />

willbe011@earthlink.net so we can be sure that you are getting all the up-to-date information.<br />

I hope everyone is planning on attending the Valentine Party on February 16. Tickets are $18 for a single<br />

and $35 for a couple. We will be spotlighting our Shrine patients that night and have lined up a wonderful jazz<br />

group, the Nashville Jazzcats, for entertainment. We promise it will be a great time for you and your sweetheart!<br />

Correction:<br />

Beth Williams<br />

<strong>2019</strong> First Lady<br />

In the January edition of the Shriner, on the cover under the Oriental Guide,<br />

Lady Valerie’s name is misspelled. There was a typo “a” at the end of Valerie’s<br />

name that should have been “e”. We apologize that this was not caught.<br />

Oriental Guide<br />

Frank Wilson &<br />

Lady Valerie<br />

<strong>FEBRUARY</strong><br />

16 Temple Valentine Dinner<br />

23 Grand lodge Officers Luncheon<br />

DeMolay Sweetheart Banquet<br />

MARCH<br />

7–9 SESCA Mid Winter (Pigeon Forge)<br />

16 Erin Irish day Parade<br />

26–28 Tennessee Grand Lodge<br />




Dear Nobles,<br />

Burn Awareness Week is Feb. 3-9, <strong>2019</strong>, and Shriners<br />

Hospitals for Children® will use the week to kick off a yearlong<br />

campaign focused on teaching everyone to “Be Burn<br />

Aware,” especially at home.<br />

Shriners Hospitals for Children and Shriners International<br />

are committed to raising awareness about burn prevention in<br />

order to reduce the number of pediatric burn injuries. The<br />

Burn Awareness Week program is part of that effort.<br />

Numerous educational resources and promotional aids in<br />

support of burn awareness and prevention are available<br />

at beburnaware.org.<br />

Burn Awareness<br />

Burn prevention is a key endeavor of Shriners Hospitals for Children, which is why the health<br />

care system began its Burn Awareness campaigns more than 20 years ago. Burn Awareness<br />

Week is a kick-off to a year-long campaign. The <strong>2019</strong> week-long recognition will be February<br />

3–9.<br />

The Burn Awareness campaign<br />

Fraternity members, hospital employees and the public can visit beburnaware.org to order<br />

educational materials at no charge.<br />

Quick facts about burn injuries<br />

Every hour approximately 16 children are injured from fires or<br />

burns. Eighty-five percent of all fire-related deaths are due to home<br />

fires, which spread rapidly and can leave families as little as two<br />

minutes to escape once an alarm sounds.<br />

In 2012, more than 136,000 children across the country,<br />

including more than 67,000 children 4 and under, were injured due<br />

to a fire or burn and treated in emergency rooms.<br />

In 2013, 126,035 children ages 19 and under were seen in<br />

emergency rooms for fire and burn injuries<br />

Scald burns, caused by hot liquids or steam, are more common<br />

types of burn-related injuries among young children, compared to<br />

contact burns, caused by direct contact with fire, which are more<br />

common among older children<br />

Additional materials designed for fraternity members to promote the awareness<br />

campaign are available on Shriners Village at shrinersvillage.com.<br />


Introducing the Shriners Hospitals<br />

for Children 2018-<strong>2019</strong> National<br />

Patient Ambassadors<br />

Lily, age 18, from Paducah, Kentucky, was born<br />

with fibular hemimelia, meaning she did not have a<br />

fibula, the outer thin bone that runs from the knee to<br />

the ankle, in her right leg. She underwent a Syme’s amputation, which is an amputation done<br />

through the ankle joint that helps to preserve the heel pad, and she received her first prosthesis a<br />

few months later.<br />

When Lily was 18 months old, she became a patient of Vishwas Talwalkar, M.D., pediatric<br />

orthopaedic surgeon at Shriners Hospitals for Children Medical Center — Lexington, in<br />

Kentucky. Over time, Lily has undergone five surgeries at the Lexington Shriners Medical<br />

Center to straighten her remaining right leg, and has received several prosthetic limbs.<br />

Lily used to play soccer and dance, including performing in The Great Russian Nutcracker with<br />

the Moscow Ballet. She completed two youth triathlons, served many times as a page in the<br />

Kentucky General Assembly, and was a member in the Paducah Symphony Youth Chorus. She<br />

continues to play piano, both as part of her studies at the University of Kentucky, and as an<br />

extracurricular activity.<br />

Lily recently completed her freshman year at the University of Kentucky. She earned a<br />

scholarship to the University of Kentucky Lewis Honors College, for admission into the Honors<br />

Program. She is studying to be a nurse because of the care she has received at the Lexington<br />

Shriners Medical Center, with a minor in music. “I hope to be a nurse at Shriners Hospitals for<br />

Children after graduating,” said Lily. “It is my dream to help provide the same care I received all<br />

my life to others, as a way to show my gratitude for the Shriners health care system.”<br />

6<br />

Riley, now age 17, was born with the genetic condition hereditary multiple exostoses<br />

(HME), which causes irregular bone growth. Exostoses are more commonly known as “bone<br />

spurs,” which typically grow on the end of long bones during childhood and adolescence. In<br />

Riley’s case, physicians discovered growths from nearly head to toe through a full body X-ray<br />

when he was 14 months old.<br />

Riley has been a very active patient ambassador for the Tampa Shriners Hospital for several<br />

years, and represented the hospital as a standard bearer at the Shriners Hospitals for Children<br />

Open in Las Vegas in 2017<br />

Riley is very generous, and eager to help others. He mentors Theodore, another child with the<br />

same rare condition, which Riley describes as being “one of the best things that happened to me<br />

this year.” Theodore’s mom has said that meeting Riley and his family gave them hope.<br />

Riley’s parents are thankful for the constant care provided by the Tampa Shriners Hospital<br />

staff. They have seen drastic improvements over the years, which has enabled the high school<br />

student to remain active in basketball and other physical activities. “I will always have this<br />

condition, which has given me a new perspective on life,” said Riley. “This disorder isn’t a<br />

crutch; it isn’t an excuse. It’s a reminder of all the amazing people I have met.”

Al Menah Shrine Valentine Party<br />

Please Join Us Saturday Evening Feb. 16 th <strong>2019</strong><br />

Doors Open at 5:30pm<br />

Love to the Rescue Program at 6:00pm<br />

Dinner at 6:30pm<br />

Cost $35.00 per couple<br />

$18.00 single tickets<br />

Music provided by The Nashville Jazz Cats<br />

See a Member of the Divan or In the office for tickets!<br />


CeNter<br />

NeWS<br />

Clowns<br />

2018 was a busy year for the Al Menah<br />

Clowns and with new officers and new<br />

schedules <strong>2019</strong> looks to be just as busy.<br />

We are ready to start putting smiles on<br />

faces.<br />

We had a clown kickoff lunch and we<br />

will start skit practice to get ready for the<br />

clown jamboree in Gatlinburg, which will<br />

be here before you know it.<br />

Thank you to all the 2018 officers for<br />

a great year and congratulations to the<br />

newly elected divan for <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

As always, thank you for what you do<br />

to support the hospitals and please keep<br />

our sick brothers in your prayers.<br />

Clay “Flat Top “ Hedgepath<br />

Secretary<br />

Director’s Staff<br />

The New Year has begun and I hope everyone<br />

had a wonderful holiday. As we<br />

move into <strong>2019</strong> Captain Fred Lysak has<br />

many events planned, and will continue<br />

to focus on growth and attendance. If<br />

you have any new ideas we would love to<br />

hear them.<br />

The paper sale will be here before<br />

you know it, so get those plaques sold.<br />

I wish you all a great year.<br />

Lt. Joe Anderson<br />

Secretary<br />

Greeters<br />

What an exciting year we have ahead of<br />

us. Thanks to Don Estes for preparing<br />

and outstanding dinner. We were excited<br />

8<br />

to see new noble Jim Timmerman who<br />

attended our last meeting.<br />

Thanks to all nobles who participated<br />

in the work day in our unit room.<br />

The Greeters Unit is looking forward<br />

to the Imperial Session coming to Al<br />

Menah this year and encourages all greeters<br />

to participate.<br />

Steve Beasley<br />

Captain<br />

Legion of Honor<br />

As the Legion of Honor commences its<br />

<strong>2019</strong> year we have what we consider to<br />

be a busy and gratifying year ahead. On<br />

December 15th, the new Legion of Honor<br />

Officers were installed by the illustrious<br />

Potentate Horace Perkins III at our annual<br />

Christmas Dinner. We also had a special<br />

guest in attendance. Noble Eddie Daffen,<br />

a member of the International Legion of<br />

Honor, who is a member of the Khiva<br />

Temple in Texas was present and spoke to<br />

the members. The Names and positions<br />

provided below are the Officers should<br />

you need to contact one of them:<br />

Wayne Steele---Commander<br />

Steve Singleton-Vice Commander<br />

Jason Robinson—Lt. Commander<br />

Arthur Devooght--Adjutant<br />

Eugene Ornes-----Finance officer<br />

We are dedicated to the recruitment of<br />

new members to the Al Menah Temple<br />

and to our Legion of Honor, which include<br />

those members of the Temple who<br />

are military veterans and are not associated<br />

with any active organization already.<br />

We, in the Legion are looking toward a<br />

very productive year in that respect. We<br />

have had a couple of our active members,<br />

beginning in January, transfer their<br />

membership to Life Membership. Those<br />

individuals are Harry Dunn and Gene<br />

Hardiman. They have been valuable<br />

members of the Legion of Honor for<br />

many years and we will miss them at our<br />

meetings. They have both promised to<br />

stay in touch and help were they could.<br />

We wish them the very best as I am sure<br />

those who have known these men over<br />

the years will do as well.<br />

As those who have been attending the<br />

Shrines stated meeting in the recent past<br />

know that we have added a trumpeter to<br />

our Color Guard by the name of Stewart<br />

Long. He has been and will continue to<br />

be a great addition to that ceremony and<br />

we look forward to seeing were else he<br />

can benefit the legion and the Shrine.<br />

In February we will be participating in<br />

our annual South East Shrine Association<br />

LOH Mid Winter Meeting in Gatlinburg.<br />

Last August we won the SESA LOH<br />

competition and we will be bringing<br />

home the trophy when we return in February.<br />

The Commander for the SESA this<br />

year is our own Noble Robert Silva and<br />

we here at the Al Menah Legion of Honor<br />

have pledged our support to him.<br />

The Legion of Honor has rewritten<br />

their Constitution and By-Laws, which<br />

will be in the hands of the Divan soon<br />

for review and approval. A copy will be<br />

made available to any organization or<br />

club that deems it needs one.<br />

This is all the news for know with<br />

more to follow,<br />

Wayne R. Steele<br />

Commander<br />

Motor Corps<br />

And just like that…it’s a NEW YEAR<br />

with one month in the history books! I<br />

think we are off to a good start! New<br />

direction, new leadership, new ideas. It’s<br />

a wise man who understands that every<br />

day is a new beginning as he leaves behind<br />

the old chapters of last year’s novel<br />

to make way for a new one, a new year<br />

filled with happiness, cheer and smiles.<br />

Congratulations to the <strong>2019</strong> Divan!<br />

Let’s make a resolution to work together<br />

towards a great year!<br />

To quote a fellow Brother, “Tomorrow<br />

is the first blank page of a 365 page book.<br />

Write a good one.” ~ Brad Paisley<br />

Happy Valentines to All – Share the<br />

Love!<br />

Regards,<br />

Fat Rabbit<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Journalist

Shrine Club News<br />

Williamson County Shrine Club<br />

Welcome to our all our new Club Officers<br />

for <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Our new President is Dale Pewitt and<br />

he has done it before! The club should be<br />

in good hands.<br />

Jerry Rosson is the Captain of the<br />

WCSC Motor Division, and we are<br />

looking for new members. Our Motor<br />

Division has lots of fun in the Shrine<br />

Parades and you will too once you get in!<br />

We have Golf Carts – Dune Buggies<br />

and a Classy Car Division which includes<br />

- Convertibles, Hot Rods, and Antique<br />

Cars. If you have one of these vehicles<br />

or would like to acquire one, please come<br />

on down and we can help you become<br />

one of our members.<br />

Our Club meets on the third Thursday<br />

of the Month, 6:00 pm at the Sportsman’s<br />

Grille in Cool Springs. Their address is:<br />

1640 Westgate Circle, Brentwood, TN<br />

37027. We have an interesting program<br />

each Month to entertain you. Come on<br />

down, visit with us and have some fun!<br />

You will be glad you did.<br />

Our number one thing is helping<br />

raise money for the Shrine Hospitals for<br />

Children and our number two thing is to<br />

have fun doing it. Thank you for all who<br />

helped WCSC have a successful year in<br />

2018.<br />

Nobles, please remember to thank<br />

God, every day for the freedom we enjoy<br />

in this Great Country!<br />

Shriners Help Children!<br />

.<br />

Butch Mayes<br />

WCSC Ambassador<br />

The Nashville Shrine Club Luncheon<br />

The Nashville Shrine Club Luncheon has a new meeting location:<br />

Santa Fe Cattle Co.<br />

2520 Music Valley Dr.<br />

Nashville, TN 37214<br />

Meetings are every Wednesday at 11:00am. Come out and enjoy the fellowship and fun!<br />

About the First Lady’s Program — Little POPS of Love<br />

Patsy Cain, First Lady of Shriners International, knows firsthand the difference access to<br />

quality orthotics can make. Her in-laws, the parents of Imperial Potentate Jim Cain, both had<br />

polio and lived bravely and admirably with the aftereffects of the virus. Had today’s braces and<br />

other devices been available to them, their lives may have been easier.<br />

Lady Patsy invites you to join her in Supporting the Pediatric Orthotic and Prosthetic<br />

Services (POPS) program of Shriners Hospitals for Children®.<br />


Paper Sale Donation from Kroger<br />

On Monday, 7/18 Potentate Jeff Head and members of the Williamson<br />

County Shrine Club were with Kroger Management at their Belle<br />

Meade store where they presented a $1,000.00 to us for the Shrine<br />

Hospitals for Children. The Kroger Manager was an acquaintance of<br />

Scotty and Teresa Travis who put this together for the Al Menah Shrine<br />

Hospitals for Children Paper Sale.<br />

This is a portion of a message from Phyllis Berry, wife of this<br />

Kroger Store Manager, Michael Berry.<br />

Let me tell you, our son was a Shrine Hospital patient<br />

and we are forever grateful The experience was an<br />

awakening in humanity. The care was phenomenal. The<br />

friendship my family made. The support from the men in<br />

your fraternity was phenomenal. We thank you for all you<br />

and your members do for children across the country.<br />

Sincerely<br />

Phyllis Berry<br />

Fraternally,<br />

Butch Mayes, WCSC<br />



NOTICe:<br />

ALL communications<br />

for the Shriner<br />

should be sent to<br />

editor.amsc@gmail.com<br />

NOTICe:<br />

ALL communications<br />

for the Shriner<br />

should be sent to<br />

editor.amsc@gmail.com<br />


PAGE 7<br />

Membership Notic<br />

PAGE 11<br />

Message From<br />

PR Chairman<br />


Black Camel<br />

Imperial Session<br />

Nobles Visited Nobles By Visited By<br />

The Black Camel The Black Camel Nobles Visited By<br />

The Black P. O. Box Camel 78545<br />


Clarksville, TN<br />

07/21/36 – 01/10/19<br />

W. C. JACOBS<br />

Antioch, TN<br />

05/30/36 – 01/13/19<br />


Cumberland City, TN<br />

05/19/55 – 01/11/19<br />

AL MENAH<br />

Nonprofit<br />


Organization<br />

U.S. POSTAGE<br />


A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />


NASHVILLE, TN 37207<br />

www.almenahshriners.org<br />

A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />

PAID A.A.O.N.M.S.<br />

P. Box 78545<br />


Nashville, TN<br />

Permit No. 1731<br />


P. O. Box 78545<br />

NASHVILLE, TN 37207<br />

www.almenahshriners.<br />

www.almenahshriners.org<br />

P.<br />

VOLUME 36 • NUMB<br />

INSIDE<br />

THIS<br />

ISSUE<br />

PAGE 2<br />

Potentate’s<br />

Message<br />

DEADLINE FOR MARCH <strong>2019</strong> <strong>SHRINER</strong> IS <strong>FEBRUARY</strong> 22 ND<br />

PAGE 3<br />

Divan<br />

Messages<br />

PAGES 4<br />

Notices<br />

Upcoming Event<br />

PAGE 5<br />

From Lady Tracy<br />

Dedication<br />

Ceremony<br />

PAGE 6-7<br />

Unit News

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