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<strong>The</strong> <strong>CE</strong> mark – make sure you’re legal<br />
<strong>The</strong> confusion between the EU’s <strong>CE</strong> conformity mark and the Chinese export mark is one that has been<br />
highlighted many times across multiple industries. In this piece, we examine how to tell the difference and<br />
what not doing so might do to you as a reseller or customer.<br />
In his talk at REMCON 2016 about<br />
new-builds, Connett & Unland’s David<br />
Connett spoke on new-builds, and<br />
addressed the <strong>CE</strong> marks on products,<br />
which differ slightly but mean very<br />
different things. On European-made<br />
products, they stand for EU conformity,<br />
but a slightly different E on China-made<br />
products stands for China export.<br />
This confusion has existed for a<br />
number of years, with Asia Quality<br />
Focus analysing it in 2014, and noting<br />
that “the <strong>CE</strong> logo of the European Union<br />
is often modified”, and again pointed<br />
out that there “are two similar logos,<br />
one means ‘China Export’. Additionally,<br />
it noted that “some ‘smart’ labs are<br />
experts in offering ‘special’ <strong>CE</strong><br />
certifications” in the country, before<br />
explaining “how to differentiate a real<br />
and fake <strong>CE</strong> logo”.<br />
Conformité Européenne<br />
<strong>CE</strong> in Europe<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>CE</strong> marking in Europe stands for<br />
“Conformité Européenne” or “European<br />
Conformity”, Asia Quality Focus adding<br />
that this means “the product meets EU<br />
safety, health and environmental<br />
protection require-ments”, and that on<br />
the European Commission website, “all<br />
China Export<br />
buyers can get information on how the<br />
process of affixing the <strong>CE</strong> marking on a<br />
product works”.<br />
To recognise the correct <strong>CE</strong> logo for<br />
the EU, “we should carefully look at: the<br />
three branches of the letter E - the<br />
central one should be shorter [and] the<br />
space between the C and the E […]<br />
should be quite big”. <strong>The</strong> EC website<br />
notes that the letters “appear on many<br />
products traded on the extended Single<br />
Market in the European Economic Area<br />
(EEA)”, and “signify that products sold<br />
in the EEA have been assessed to meet<br />
high safety, health, and environmental<br />
protection requirements”.<br />
<strong>The</strong> marking also “supports fair<br />
competition by holding all companies<br />
accountable to the same rules”, and “by<br />
affixing the <strong>CE</strong> marking to a product, a<br />
manufacturer declares that the product<br />
meets all the legal requirements for <strong>CE</strong><br />
marking and can be sold throughout<br />
the EEA”, applying also to products<br />
made in other countries that are sold in<br />
the EEA”.<br />
From the EC’s perspective, there are<br />
“two main benefits <strong>CE</strong> marking brings<br />
to businesses and consumers within the<br />
EEA”, with the first that “businesses<br />
know that products bearing the <strong>CE</strong><br />
marking can be traded in the EEA<br />
without restrictions”, and the second<br />
that “consumers enjoy the same level of<br />
health, safety, and environmental<br />
protection throughout the entire EEA”.<br />
It also adds a warning, that “not all<br />
products must have <strong>CE</strong> marking”, as “it<br />
is compulsory only for most of the<br />
products covered by the New Approach<br />
Directives”, and it “is forbidden to affix<br />
<strong>CE</strong> marking to other products”.<br />
Businesses should also note “that a <strong>CE</strong><br />
marking does not indicate that a<br />
product have been approved as safe by<br />
the EU or by another authority”, and “it<br />
does not indicate the origin of a product<br />
either”.<br />
Manufacturers need to follow six<br />
steps to “affix a <strong>CE</strong> marking to your<br />
product”, with the first to “identify the<br />
applicable directive(s) and harmonised<br />
standards”, and the second to “verify<br />
product specific requirements”. Third is<br />
to “identify whether an independent<br />
conformity assessment (by a notified<br />
body) is necessary”, while fourth is to<br />
“test the product and check its<br />
conformity. Fifth is to “draw up and<br />
keep available the required technical<br />
documentation”, where as the final step<br />
is to “affix the <strong>CE</strong> marking and draw up<br />
the EU Declaration of Conformity”.<br />
<strong>CE</strong> in China<br />
Another article from back in 2010 also<br />
addressed the confusion, with Yachting<br />
and Boating World warning consumers<br />
not to “get confused” by the “Chinese<br />
companies printing [the] close replica of<br />
[the] European standards logo on<br />
products”. It added that “in recent years<br />
we’ve all got used to the fact that if a<br />
product bears the <strong>CE</strong> mark, it’s safe.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> reason for this assumption is<br />
that goods with <strong>CE</strong> marking<br />
demonstrate that they meet relevant<br />
and strict EU standards. This marking<br />
brings benefit to all in the supply chain<br />
and most notably, the consumer”.<br />
Unfortunately, the “very similar mark”<br />
fools “the majority of consumers and<br />
even sellers”, and “it is believed by<br />
various organisations that this<br />
similarity is not a chance coincidence<br />
and that this expresses an aggressive<br />
approach to sell into the European<br />
market without the right standards”.<br />
<strong>The</strong> China export logo’s letters “are<br />
sitting very close to each other and bear<br />
a striking resemblance to the official<br />
European marking”, with the site<br />
noting that “this is the one to watch out<br />
for. It wouldn’t be too difficult to<br />
mistake it as the genuine Euro standard<br />
mark. <strong>The</strong> China Export logo is not<br />
registered; it does not confirm positive<br />
test results and is placed by Chinese<br />
manufacturers arbitrarily”.<br />
Asia Quality Focus actually points out<br />
that the existence of the China export<br />
logo is “wrong”, and that “only one <strong>CE</strong><br />
logo exists”, noting this in a<br />
“testimonial about the sad reality of [a]<br />
fake laboratory <strong>CE</strong> certificate”. <strong>The</strong><br />
testimonial was said to have “surprised<br />
the AQF team and confirmed some<br />
fraudulent methods employed by local<br />
Chinese laboratories”, as “during an<br />
interview with the technical lab<br />
director of a renowned, accredited<br />
Chinese laboratory used by many<br />
factories, he confirmed the existence of<br />
a real business around the fake<br />
laboratory <strong>CE</strong> certificate”.<br />
<strong>The</strong> director was quoted as stating: “It<br />
is a 100 percent Chinese company, no<br />
bonus, and not serious work: we do<br />
almost only fake <strong>CE</strong> certificates. When<br />
factories ask for <strong>CE</strong> certificates for some<br />
electrical appliances, the lab provides<br />
LINKS:<br />
them without even seeing the sample! A<br />
report is made without any pictures but<br />
with all references related to the<br />
product to make it look real.<br />
“Of course the price is much lower<br />
than with famous labs… these types of<br />
<strong>CE</strong> certificates usually cost RMB 9,000<br />
($1,303/€1,234) or RMB 12,000<br />
($1,737/€1,645), but we sell for RMB<br />
3,000 ($434.38/€411.40).”<br />
Legal implications<br />
Yacht and Boating World outlined the<br />
implications of the confusion, first<br />
noting that for resellers, the site adds<br />
that “you have a legal responsibility to<br />
ensure that the goods you sell are legally<br />
marked. If you are a supplier/importer<br />
in the UK, the penalty for the supply<br />
of non-compliant products is<br />
imprisonment and/or a fine. Under the<br />
regulations, authorities are given the<br />
powers to enter premises, test products<br />
and seize records and products.<br />
“Regulations also give the authorities<br />
the power to force manufacturers to<br />
recall or replace faulty product”. In<br />
turn, for consumers it points out that “if<br />
you are trying to identify whether your<br />
goods are <strong>CE</strong>-marked, you should check<br />
either the product, manual or ask your<br />
supplier for documentation. If the logo<br />
cannot be found or your supplier can’t<br />
supply you a <strong>CE</strong> certificate then your<br />
goods are not compliant and you should<br />
return them to your supplier for a<br />
refund”.<br />
R<br /><br /><br /><br />
2 THE RECYCLER • ISSUE <strong>307</strong> • JUNE 2018