mid city nutrition capital campaign corporate brochure--10-11-2018--FINAL

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<strong>mid</strong> <strong>city</strong> <strong>nutrition</strong> program<br />

new building <strong>capital</strong> <strong>campaign</strong>

who we are/what we do/& why<br />

“If you want to eliminate hunger,<br />

everybody has to be involved.”<br />

Bono<br />

And so, in 1987, “everybody” came together and formed<br />

Mid City Nutrition Program at St. Martin Lutheran<br />

Church to help eliminate hunger in the Blue Water Area.<br />

Feeding the hungry in our community was not a new idea.<br />

Prior to the establishment of MCNP, Bethlehem Temple<br />

and the First Presbyterian Church had served food to the<br />

hungry.<br />

MCNP serves two meals<br />

daily, five days a week,<br />

and one meal daily on<br />

weekends, serving an<br />

average of more than<br />

68,000 meals annually.<br />

MCNP is an affiliated<br />

organization that<br />

coordinates mobile<br />

food pantries for the<br />

Food Bank of Eastern<br />

Michigan. More than<br />

5,000 families are<br />

served annually at 38<br />

local locations.<br />

Over the years, MCNP grew in<br />

the numbers that it served, but its<br />

mission remained the same: to feed<br />

the body and mind of all individuals<br />

in need in our community.<br />

MCNP has operated, since its<br />

austere beginning, in large part<br />

thanks to the donation of food,<br />

time, talent, and treasure from<br />

individuals, local businesses, local<br />

church congregations, and various<br />

granting foundations and agencies.<br />

Today, MCNP continues to serve<br />

two meals daily, Monday through<br />

Friday, and one each on Saturday<br />

and Sunday, at St. Martin’s<br />

Lutheran Church.<br />

MCNP is an affiliated organization<br />

that coordinates mobile food<br />

pantries for the Food Bank of<br />

Eastern Michigan. More than 5,000<br />

families are served annually at 38<br />

local locations.<br />

MCNP also provides more than 4,<strong>10</strong>0 meals annually<br />

to those in need who are receiving help from other local<br />

nonprofits through a Partnership Meal program. These<br />

include Literacy & Beyond, the Harbor, Pathways, Center<br />

of Port Huron and many others. Food donations are<br />

shared with nonprofit agencies such as B-Warm, Food<br />

Depot, SOS Pantry in Marysville, Huron House and<br />

more.<br />

MCNP is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.<br />

Facts & Figures<br />

Mid City Nutrition Program:<br />

2017-<strong>2018</strong> budget:....................................................................... $168,900<br />

Meals served annually: .................................................................. 68,867<br />

Number of meals served daily:.......................................................200+<br />

Pounds of donated food given to guests:................................ 150,000<br />

Community volunteers:.....................................................................300+<br />

Demographics Served by MCNP:<br />

Age range:........................................................... Infant to 80+ years old<br />

Diversity:.................................................Wide range of ethnic heritage<br />

Mobile Food Pantry Facts & Figures:<br />

Number of food distribution locations: ............................................. 38<br />

Pounds of food distributed annually:....................................... 398,477<br />

Demographics Served by Mobile Food Pantry:<br />

Families:................................................................................................ 5,099<br />

Senior citizens 65+ years old:........................................................... 200<br />

Individuals:......................................................................................... 16,935

why a building/why now/& How<br />

“When you share your last crust of bread with a beggar,<br />

you mustn’t behave as if you were throwing a bone to a dog.<br />

You must give humbly and thank him for allowing you to have a part in his hunger.”<br />

Giovanni Guareschi<br />

The Mid City Nutrition Program has had a home at St. Martin<br />

Lutheran Church at 8th and Chestnut in Port Huron since it was<br />

established in 1987.<br />

Since then, the needs and the focus of the organization has changed, as<br />

we strive to better meet the needs of our guests. For instance, our guests<br />

have become both older and younger, and we now have many more<br />

men than women attending than we did 31 years ago.<br />

In addition to serving meals daily, MCNP has begun to manage referral<br />

services for our guests, provided additional food for them, and directed<br />

them to medical, dental, and mental health services at other local<br />

agencies, and provided <strong>nutrition</strong> information and education.<br />

In recent years, the MCNP board of directors reviewed the current<br />

location and recognized the fact that the organization had outgrown<br />

its current space. There was also a desire to be located in an facility<br />

that would allow for greater storage capa<strong>city</strong>, and also efficiency and<br />

accessibility. So, in 2017, the board approved the purchase of property at<br />

830 Griswold, at Ninth Street, just a few blocks away from the current<br />

location, which works well for the MCNP client population.<br />

The property contained two buildings (5,800 sq., ft and 1,000 sq., ft.,<br />

respectively.) This space offered the opportunity to realize the long-term<br />

need for a teaching kitchen, and increased space for up to 225 guests per<br />

seating.<br />

Upon inspection, it was discovered that there had been a serious fire and<br />

significant damage to the trusses and ceilings. Professional inspections<br />

showed other structural and abatement concerns, and it was decided that<br />

demolition was the only option. The main building was razed in June<br />

<strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The smaller, building remains, as it has steel construction. This is where<br />

we will realize the long-held dream of a teaching kitchen. This is critical<br />

for the long-term stability and food security of our guests. What good is a<br />

pound of chicken if you don’t know what to do with it?<br />

MCNP has partnered with Blue Water Habitat for Humanity to be the<br />

project manager on the new building and renovation of the remaining<br />

structure for education. BWHH brings construction expertise,<br />

equipment, building supplies and grant dollars to the project.<br />

To date, in-kind gifts of more than $200,000 have been secured in the<br />

form of a wide range of construction and building supplies and services.<br />

<strong>capital</strong> <strong>campaign</strong><br />

fundraising goal:<br />

$334,800<br />

MCNP plans to raise $334,800 to cover all additional costs of<br />

construction. It is anticipated that those dollars will be acquired from a<br />

variety of donors, ranging from churches and service organizations, gifts<br />

from individuals, and foundations and government grants.

mission statement<br />

To continue to feed the hungry in St. Clair County for as long as there is a need.<br />

board members/<br />

& staff<br />

Lisa K. Morse<br />

Board Chair<br />

John Hitzeroth<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Beth Belanger<br />

Treasurer<br />

Deb Johnson<br />

Secretary<br />

Susan Bennett<br />

Executive Director<br />

Anita Varty<br />

Business Manager<br />

Tiffany MacReady<br />

Kitchen Manager<br />

Paul, Kelly, Mel, Jeff<br />

Cooks<br />

Directors:<br />

Rhonda Bessette<br />

Josh Chapman<br />

Mary Depner<br />

Juanita Gittings<br />

Laurie Irwin<br />

Justin Neil<br />

Christine Newberry<br />

Judy Redmond<br />

Hale Walker<br />

Ernest Werth-Toward<br />

Mike<br />

Driver<br />

And our many<br />

Loyal Volunteers!<br />

community partners<br />

will you please<br />

contribute?<br />

For more than 30 years, the Mid City Nutrition<br />

Program has helped some of the most vulnerable<br />

in our community. All of that assistance has been<br />

possible due to the generosity of our community.<br />

In order to continue to serve those in need, and<br />

to expand our services to help our clients become<br />

healthier by providing <strong>nutrition</strong>al education, we<br />

need your help.<br />

Will you please contribute to the <strong>capital</strong> <strong>campaign</strong><br />

that will allow us to construct a new facility that will<br />

provide better health, remove hunger pains, and<br />

provide a place for fellowship for those in need?<br />

2 0 1 4 H O L L A N D AV E . # 70 1 • PORT H U RO N M I 4 8 0 6 0<br />

w w w. M i d C i t y N u t r i t i o n S o u p K i tchen.com<br />

8<strong>10</strong>-982-9261<br />

Your contribution will change the lives of<br />

infants, children, adults and senior citizens in our<br />

community so that none of them will go to bed<br />

hungry and will enable us to help them learn how to<br />

provide a lifetime of self-care.<br />

Please contact us today so we can help you plan your gift.

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