RVCC 2019 NECHE Self-Study

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“Soar into your Future!”<br />

Accreditation <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Study</strong><br />

February <strong>2019</strong><br />

Prepared for the New England Commission on Institutions of Higher Education<br />

(<strong>NECHE</strong>)<br />

River Valley Community College ● One College Place, Claremont, NH 03743 ● (603) 542-7744 ● www.rivervalley.edu<br />

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Table of Contents<br />

INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................. iii<br />

CHIEF INSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS .............................................................................................................. ix<br />

ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS ........................................................................................................................... x<br />

TABLE OF CIHE ACTIONS, ITEMS OF SPECIAL ATTENTION, OR CONCERNS ............................................... xxiv<br />

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> STANDARD COMMITTEES .................................................................................................................... 3<br />

INSTITUTIONAL OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Standard One ................................................................................................................................................ 8<br />

Standard Two............................................................................................................................................. 14<br />

Standard Three ........................................................................................................................................... 27<br />

Standard Four ............................................................................................................................................. 37<br />

Standard Five .............................................................................................................................................. 58<br />

Standard Six ................................................................................................................................................ 76<br />

Standard Seven ........................................................................................................................................... 97<br />

Standard Eight .......................................................................................................................................... 119<br />

Standard Nine ........................................................................................................................................... 136<br />

Appendices ................................................................................................................................................ 151<br />

Affirmation of Compliance with Federal Regulations Relating to Title IV ............................................ 151<br />

E-Series Forms ....................................................................................................................................... 153<br />

Management Letter & Financial Report…………………………………………………………………………………………..171<br />

List of Documents/Exhibits ................................................................................................................... 261<br />

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Institutional Characteristics Form Revised September 2009<br />

Date: November 6, 2018<br />

1. Corporate name of institution: River Valley Community College<br />

2. Date institution was chartered or authorized: 1961<br />

3. Date institution enrolled first students in degree programs: 1968<br />

4. Date institution awarded first degrees: 1970<br />

5. Type of control:<br />

Public<br />

Private<br />

State<br />

City<br />

Other<br />

(Specify) _________________<br />

Independent, not-for-profit<br />

Religious Group<br />

(Name of Church) __________________________<br />

Proprietary<br />

Other: (Specify) ___________________<br />

6. By what agency is the institution legally authorized to provide a program of education beyond<br />

high school, and what degrees is it authorized to grant? State of New Hampshire – Associate in Arts,<br />

Associate in Science<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________<br />

7. Level of postsecondary offering (check all that apply)<br />

Less than one year of work<br />

First professional degree<br />

At least one but less than two years<br />

Master’s and/or work beyond the first<br />

professional degree<br />

Diploma or certificate programs of<br />

Work beyond the master’s level<br />

iii | P a g e

at least two but less than four years<br />

Associate degree granting program<br />

of at least two years<br />

but not at the doctoral level<br />

A doctor of philosophy or<br />

equivalent degree<br />

Four- or five-year baccalaureate<br />

program<br />

Other doctoral programs<br />

degree granting<br />

Other (Specify)<br />

8. Type of undergraduate programs (check all that apply)<br />

Occupational training at the<br />

crafts/clerical level (certificate<br />

or diploma)<br />

Liberal arts and general<br />

Occupational training at the technical<br />

or semi-professional level<br />

(degree)<br />

Teacher preparatory<br />

Two-year programs designed for<br />

full transfer to a baccalaureate<br />

degree<br />

__________________<br />

Professional<br />

Other_Non- Credit Workshops<br />

9. The calendar system at the institution is:<br />

Semester Quarter Trimester Other __________________<br />

10. What constitutes the credit hour load for a full-time equivalent (FTE) student each semester?<br />

a) Undergraduate __12_____ credit hours<br />

b) Graduate __N/A_____ credit hours<br />

c) Professional __N/A_____ credit hours<br />

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11. Student population:<br />

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a) Degree-seeking students:<br />

Undergraduate Graduate Total<br />

Full-time student headcount<br />

189 N/A 189<br />

Part-time student headcount<br />

653 N/A 653<br />

FTE<br />

573.3 N/A 573.3<br />

b) Number of students (headcount) in non-credit, short-term courses: ______229_______<br />

12. List all programs accredited by a nationally recognized, specialized accrediting agency.<br />

Program Agency Accredited since Last Reviewed Next Review<br />

Accounting<br />

Business<br />

Management<br />

Medical<br />

Assistant<br />

Medical<br />

Laboratory<br />

Technician<br />

Nursing<br />

Occupational<br />

Therapy<br />

Assistant<br />

Association of<br />

Collegiate<br />

Business<br />

Schools &<br />

Programs<br />

(ACBSP)<br />

Association of<br />

Collegiate<br />

Business<br />

Schools &<br />

Programs<br />

(ACBSP)<br />

Commission on<br />

Accreditation of<br />

Allied Health<br />

Education<br />

Programs<br />

(CAAHEP)<br />

National<br />

Accrediting<br />

Agency for<br />

Clinical<br />

Laboratory<br />

Sciences<br />

(NAACLS)<br />

Accreditation<br />

Commission for<br />

Education in<br />

Nursing<br />

(ACEN)<br />

Accreditation<br />

Council for<br />

Occupational<br />

Therapy<br />

Education<br />

(ACOTE)<br />

2008 2008 <strong>2019</strong><br />

2008 2008 <strong>2019</strong><br />

1982 2015 2023<br />

1970 2018 2028<br />

2002 (NLNAC)<br />

2016 (ACEN)<br />

2016 2021<br />

1973 2018 2023

Physical<br />

Therapy<br />

Assistant<br />

Radiologic<br />

Technology<br />

Respiratory<br />

Therapy<br />

Commission on<br />

Accreditation in<br />

Physical<br />

Therapy<br />

Education<br />

(CAPTE)<br />

Joint Review<br />

Committee on<br />

Education in<br />

Radiologic<br />

Technology<br />

(JRCERT)<br />

Commission on<br />

Accreditation of<br />

Respiratory<br />

Care (COARC)<br />

1978 2015 2025<br />

2014 2018 <strong>2019</strong><br />

1976 2016 2026<br />

13. Off-campus Locations. List all instructional locations other than the main campus. For each site,<br />

indicate whether the location offers full-degree programs or 50% or more of one or more degree<br />

programs. Record the full-time equivalent enrollment (FTE) for the most recent year.<br />

Add more rows as needed.<br />

A. In-state Locations<br />

Full degree 50%-99% FTE<br />

Academic Center in Keene X x *<br />

Academic Center in Lebanon x *<br />

*FTE for academic centers is not<br />

calculated separately<br />

B. Out-of-state Locations<br />

14. International Locations: For each overseas instructional location, indicate the name of the program,<br />

the location, and the headcount of students enrolled for the most recent year. An overseas<br />

instructional location is defined as “any overseas location of an institution, other than the main<br />

campus, at which the institution matriculates students to whom it offers any portion of a degree<br />

program or offers on-site instruction or instructional support for students enrolled in a predominantly<br />

or totally on-line program.” Do not include study abroad locations.<br />

N/A<br />

15. Degrees and certificates offered 50% or more electronically: For each degree or Title IV-eligible<br />

certificate, indicate the level (certificate, associate, baccalaureate, master’s, professional, doctoral),<br />

the percentage of credits that may be completed on-line, and the FTE of matriculated students for the<br />

most recent year. Enter more rows as needed.<br />

vi | P a g e

Name of program Degree level % online<br />

FTE<br />

AY18<br />

Accounting Associate 85% 37<br />

Accounting Certificate 83% 3.5<br />

Advanced Accounting Certificate 70% 1<br />

Business Management Concentration Associate 90% 63.84<br />

Business Management Certificate 85% 3.83<br />

Criminal Justice Associate 55% 18.34<br />

Early Childhood Education Associate 85% 63.5<br />

Early Childhood Education Level I Certificate 85% 2<br />

Early Childhood Education Level II Certificate 85% 6<br />

Early Childhood Education Infant & Toddler Certificate 85% 0.75<br />

General Studies 1 + 2 + 3 Associate 50% 227.67<br />

General Studies 1 Associate 1.17<br />

General Studies 2 Associate 5.66<br />

General Studies 3 Associate 220.84<br />

Liberal Arts Associate 80% 108.08<br />

Medical Administrative Assistant Certificate 83% 7.67<br />

Social Services Associate 50% 21.75<br />

Social Services Certificate 66% 0<br />

16. Instruction offered through contractual relationships: For each contractual relationship through<br />

which instruction is offered for a Title IV-eligible degree or certificate, indicate the name of the contractor,<br />

the location of instruction, the program name, and degree or certificate, and the number of credits that may<br />

be completed through the contractual relationship. Enter more rows as needed.<br />

None<br />

17. List by name and title the chief administrative officers of the institution.<br />

Table provided on following page.<br />

18. Supply a table of organization for the institution. While the organization of any institution will<br />

depend on its purpose, size and scope of operation, institutional organization usually includes four<br />

areas. Although every institution may not have a major administrative division for these areas, the<br />

following outline may be helpful in charting and describing the overall administrative organization:<br />

vii | P a g e

a) Organization of academic affairs, showing a line of responsibility to president for each<br />

department, school division, library, admissions office, and other units assigned to this area;<br />

b) Organization of student affairs, including health services, student government, intercollegiate<br />

activities, and other units assigned to this area;<br />

c) Organization of finances and business management, including plant operations and maintenance,<br />

non-academic personnel administration, IT, auxiliary enterprises, and other units assigned to this<br />

area;<br />

d) Organization of institutional advancement, including fund development, public relations, alumni<br />

office and other units assigned to this area.<br />

19. Record briefly the central elements in the history of the institution:<br />

History of the institution:<br />

Date Event<br />

1961 New Hampshire Legislature authorized the development of 5 vocational institutes [RSA<br />

188-1] to prepare qualified high school graduates or the equivalent as skilled workers<br />

to meet the occupational needs of the state.<br />

1968 New Hampshire Vocational Institute at Claremont opens.<br />

1969 Name of NH Vocational Institute is changed to New Hampshire Vocational Technical<br />

College at Claremont.<br />

1973 NH Vocational Technical College at Claremont is accredited by NEASC (CTCI).<br />

1989 NH Vocational Technical College at Claremont name is changed to New Hampshire<br />

Technical College at Claremont.<br />

1996 NH Technical College name is changed to New Hampshire Community Technical<br />

College (NHCTC) at Claremont.<br />

1996 NHCTC at Claremont is merged with NHCTC at Nashua to form one regional college.<br />

1999 NHCTC at Claremont implements an Associate in Arts degree<br />

2002 NHCTC- Claremont/Nashua is accredited by NEASC (CIHE)<br />

2004 NHCTC at Claremont opens the Keene Academic Center.<br />

2006 Reorganization results in the separation of merged colleges, creating New Hampshire<br />

Community Technical College at Claremont as one college.<br />

2007 New Hampshire Technical College System reorganizes as a self-governing entity under<br />

the Board of Trustees and changes its name to the Community College System of New<br />

Hampshire.<br />

2008 Renamed River Valley Community College<br />

2012 Fifth Year Report to NEASC<br />

2013-2014 Renovation of the <strong>RVCC</strong> Claremont facility<br />

2016 <strong>RVCC</strong> opens the Academic Center of Excellence in Lebanon, N.H. (Former Lebanon<br />

College)<br />

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Function or Office Name Exact Title Year of Appointment<br />

Chair Board of Trustees Jeremy Hitchcock Chairperson,<br />

CCSNH Board of Trustees<br />

President/CEO Alfred Williams President 2018<br />

Executive Vice President<br />

Chief Academic Officer Aimee Jahn VP of Academic Affairs 2018<br />

Deans of Schools and Colleges<br />

(insert rows as needed)<br />

Chief Financial Officer Andrea Allbee Business Affairs Officer 2016<br />

2018<br />

Chief Student Services Officer Jennifer Cournoyer Interim Associate VP of<br />

Student Affairs<br />

2018<br />

Planning<br />

Institutional Research<br />

Assessment<br />

Development<br />

Library James Allen Director of the Library 2008<br />

Chief Information Officer Shubhashish Mathema IT Manager 2017<br />

Continuing Education Daniel Osborn Coordinator of Workforce<br />

& Community Education<br />

2017<br />

Grants/Research<br />

Admissions Kathy Aldrich Admissions Counselor 2017<br />

Registrar Jillian Davis Registrar 2018<br />

Financial Aid Julia Dower Director of Financial Aid 2005<br />

Public Relations<br />

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Date of<br />

CIHE<br />

Letter<br />

Detailed Actions, Items of Special Attention, or<br />

Concerns<br />

CIHE<br />

Standards<br />

cited in Letter<br />

January Provide update on Radiologic Technology program<br />

26, 2017 following JRCERT site evaluation Spring 2018<br />

January<br />

26, 2017<br />

January<br />

26, 2017<br />

January<br />

26, 2017<br />

January<br />

25, 2016<br />

Provide update on Lebanon, NH location with<br />

emphasis on:<br />

Achieving enrollment goals for location<br />

o Increase enrollment by 5% annually<br />

o Increase non-credit offerings in<br />

workforce development and<br />

continuation at the site by 6%<br />

Provide update on Lebanon, NH location with<br />

emphasis on:<br />

Competing facility improvements to<br />

enhance the academic and student services<br />

available to students<br />

o Converting classrooms to smart<br />

classrooms<br />

o Upgrading technology<br />

o Upgrading security<br />

o Creation of a multi-healthcare and<br />

science lab to enable expansion of<br />

STEM and healthcare programs at<br />

the site<br />

Provide update on Lebanon, NH location with<br />

emphasis on:<br />

Implementing plans to ensure stable<br />

leadership for the institution and Lebanon<br />

Academic Center<br />

Implementing New Data management system with<br />

emphasis on assessing data and using results to<br />

inform planning and decision-making<br />

N/A 152<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Study</strong><br />

Page Number<br />

Students 22, 42, 53, 66,<br />

111<br />

Institutional<br />

Resources<br />

(7.21)<br />

Planning &<br />

Evaluation<br />

(2.3)<br />

Organization &<br />

Governance<br />

(3.12)<br />

Planning &<br />

Evaluation<br />

(2.2)<br />

112<br />

17, 35<br />

19, 95, 128<br />

January<br />

25, 2016<br />

January<br />

25, 2016<br />

Assuring appropriate student participation in the<br />

governance and planning process of the College<br />

Evaluating the effectiveness of the Strategic<br />

Enrollment Management Plan with emphasis on<br />

achieving student success and retention goals<br />

Educational<br />

Effectiveness<br />

(8.3, 8.5, 8.6,<br />

8.10)<br />

Organization &<br />

Governance<br />

(3.16)<br />

Planning &<br />

Evaluation<br />

(2.6, 2.8)<br />

35<br />

65<br />

January<br />

25, 2016<br />

Developing risk assessment and financial plans to<br />

inform decisions related to institutional growth with<br />

attention to expanding to new locations<br />

Planning &<br />

Evaluation<br />

(2.4)<br />

17, 103<br />

xxiv | P a g e

Institutional<br />

Resources<br />

(7.6, 7.14)<br />


Date of<br />

CIHE<br />

Letter<br />

January<br />

25, 2016<br />

November<br />

18, 2013<br />

Detailed Actions, Items of Special Attention, or<br />

Concerns<br />

Implementing leadership transition plans with<br />

emphasis on stabilizing turnover and filling interim<br />

positions with permanent employees to assure that<br />

the Extended Leadership Team is functioning<br />

effectively<br />

Continued success in offering programs at its offcampus<br />

instructional locations<br />

Assuring sufficient faculty to offer the<br />

programs in Keene<br />

CIHE<br />

Standards<br />

cited in Letter<br />

Planning &<br />

Evaluation<br />

(2.3)<br />

Organization &<br />

Governance<br />

(3.12)<br />

Teaching,<br />

Learning &<br />

Scholarship<br />

(6.2)<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Study</strong><br />

Page Number<br />

2, 19, 44<br />

53, 85<br />

November<br />

18, 2013<br />

Continued success in offering programs at its offcampus<br />

instructional locations:<br />

Using the results of the program review of<br />

the Advanced Machine Technology program<br />

offered in Lebanon to make improvements<br />

The Academic<br />

Program (4.6)<br />

42, 53<br />

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River Valley Community College (<strong>RVCC</strong>) began the self-study process in 2015, with the<br />

following goals in mind:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

To improve the College’s ability to meet the needs of all students;<br />

To demonstrate the College’s ability to persevere and provide high quality education<br />

for students even in the midst of challenging times;<br />

To highlight the College’s areas of strength and communicate readiness to build<br />

upon these strengths moving forward.<br />

The president at the time, Dr. Harvey-Smith, identified and appointed a chair for each<br />

standard. On October 15 th , 2015, all Standard Chairs were sent to participate in the <strong>Self</strong>-<br />

<strong>Study</strong> Workshop in Southbridge, MA. Upon returning to campus, under the direction of the<br />

Special Assistant to the President, the Standard Chairs met and developed a timeline for<br />

data collection and completion of the self-study. In order to ensure wide participation, all<br />

members of the college community were charged with volunteering for a Standard that<br />

was of interest to them. Standard committees were finalized during the Fall 2015<br />

semester, based on the 2013 Standards for Accreditation.<br />

In 2016, with the consolidation from eleven to nine Standards for Accreditation, the<br />

standard committees were re-formatted to reflect the new standards. Committees were<br />

also updated to reflect current employment at the College, and to ensure that all college<br />

faculty and staff were given a voice in the process. Simultaneously, the project oversight<br />

was transitioned to the Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) of the Keene<br />

Academic Center (KAC) who currently serves as a faculty member and the Department<br />

Chair of the Business department.<br />

In AY 2016-2017, due to multiple changes in administration, <strong>RVCC</strong> was granted permission<br />

from <strong>NECHE</strong> to postpone the self-study from Spring of 2018 to Spring of <strong>2019</strong>. Standard<br />

committees began meeting in the Spring Semester of 2017 to work individually on their<br />

standards and to begin preparations for data collection in Fall of 2017. Each Standard<br />

Chair or Co-Chair was responsible for setting meeting dates and agendas, working with<br />

and guiding their committees, and gathering data to address the required information.<br />

During the “Faculty and Staff Work Weeks” in fall 2017, which are the traditional kick-off<br />

to the academic year, Dr. Patricia O’Brien travelled to <strong>RVCC</strong> and presented to the entire<br />

college community. At this August 24, 2017 visit, Dr. O’Brien’s presentation highlighted<br />

the process of accreditation, some areas to pay attention to when gathering data and<br />

writing standards, and information to clarify questions on the consolidation of the<br />

standards. The standard committees then proceeded to break out sessions where each<br />

committee could review the work that had been done in Spring 2017, review their<br />

progress, and ask questions of Dr. O’Brien. Following the break-out sessions, the<br />

Standard Chairs met with Dr. O’Brien to wrap up with any follow-up questions that they<br />

had.<br />

Standard Chairs continued to work on gathering data, and in Fall of 2017, a “one voice”<br />

writer was appointed to write the self-study. During the Spring 2018 Faculty Work Week<br />

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in January, the one-voice writer outlined the timeline of requests for data from Standard<br />

committees and presented the process she would follow for writing of the narrative.<br />

On April 25, 2018, the college community was once again visited by a <strong>NECHE</strong><br />

representative. Dr. Carol Anderson came to speak with the college community regarding<br />

self-study preparation, a review of the Standards for Accreditation, Commission<br />

Expectations, and Areas of Emphasis. This presentation was very helpful in highlighting<br />

specific sub-standards that teams needed to focus on and Dr. Anderson reviewed specific<br />

areas that <strong>RVCC</strong> specifically needed to highlight from previous letters the college had<br />

received from <strong>NECHE</strong>. At this visit, Standard Chairs were able to meet directly with Dr.<br />

Anderson and clarify any additional questions that had come up since the visit from Dr.<br />

O’Brien.<br />

Writing continued throughout the Summer of 2018, and in October 2018, oversight of the<br />

process was turned over to the new Interim Associate Vice President of Student Affairs<br />

(IAVPSA). The initial draft of the report was submitted to an external review board for<br />

comment. Their feedback, along with updates from the President and his administration<br />

were incorporated into the report.<br />

In Fall 2018, presentations on the accreditation process and the self-study report were<br />

made at the All-College Staff Meeting and to the Student Government Association. A draft<br />

report was submitted to <strong>NECHE</strong> in November of 2018 and Carol Anderson visited campus<br />

on December 5 th , 2018 to review and provide feedback on the draft. A team comprised of<br />

the original one-voice writer, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Interim<br />

Associate Vice President of Student Affairs was tasked with making final revisions to the<br />

draft in December of 2018. The team solicited feedback from student readers who<br />

provided their input at a meeting on January 3, <strong>2019</strong>. Final revisions were shared with<br />

each standard committee in January of <strong>2019</strong>. The final draft was submitted to <strong>NECHE</strong> in<br />

February of <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

While this process was started early, the college community recognizes that turnover in<br />

administration, college personnel, and therefore standard committee memberships<br />

provided some challenges. The leadership of President Williams and his administration has<br />

lent a new focus and clarity to the self-study process, and the report contained herein is an<br />

accurate reflection of <strong>RVCC</strong>’s strengths, areas for improvement, and expectations for the<br />

College going forward.<br />

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<strong>RVCC</strong> STANDARD COMMITTEES<br />

Committee Membership<br />

Standard One – Mission & Purpose<br />

Standard Six – Teaching, Learning, & Scholarship<br />

Kevin Krawiec, Faculty (Chair)<br />

Laurie Clute, Faculty (Chair)<br />

Robert Morris, Faculty<br />

Rich Andrusiak, Faculty<br />

Jen Saylor, Faculty<br />

Ken Czechowicz, Faculty<br />

Sue Prasch, Faculty<br />

Standard Two – Planning & Evaluation<br />

Denise Ruby, Faculty<br />

Kerry Belknap Morris, Faculty (Co-Chair) Martha Mott, Staff<br />

Susan Prasch, Faculty (Co-Chair)<br />

Kathy Aldrich, Staff<br />

Standard Seven – Institutional Resources<br />

Cathy Gorman, Staff<br />

Andrea Albee, Staff (Chair)<br />

Gloria Oakes, Staff<br />

Ken Czechowicz, Faculty<br />

Kathi Rheaume, Staff<br />

Jim Allen, Staff<br />

James Carroll, Staff<br />

Standard Three – Organization & Governance Pat Labrecque, Staff<br />

Jim Allen, Staff (Chair)<br />

Michelle Lockwood, Staff<br />

Charlene Ashey, Staff<br />

Crystal Thibodeau, Staff<br />

Jerry Appell, Staff<br />

Christine Cavanaugh, Staff<br />

Standard Eight – Educational Effectiveness<br />

Morgan Sailer, Staff<br />

Linda Richelson, Staff (Co-Chair)<br />

Jillian Davis, Staff (Co-Chair)<br />

Standard Four – The Academic Program<br />

Michelle Luciano-Torres, Faculty<br />

Kim-Laura Boyle, Faculty (Co-Chair)<br />

Michelle Kainen, Faculty<br />

Aimee Jahn, VPAA (Co-Chair)<br />

Lisa Gould, Faculty<br />

Amanda Couitt, Faculty<br />

Standard Nine – Integrity, Transparency, & Public<br />

Disclosure<br />

Jim Allen, Staff (Chair)<br />

Standard Five – Students<br />

Laura Hanson, Staff<br />

Nickole Milo, Staff (Chair)<br />

Dan Osborn, Staff<br />

Julie Robinson, Faculty<br />

Naomi Drury, Staff<br />

Julia Dower, Staff<br />

Cathy Driesch, Staff<br />

Rianna Villemaire, Staff<br />

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River Valley Community College is a small, rural community college which celebrated its<br />

50 th year anniversary in 2018. Originally named New Hampshire Vocational Institute at<br />

Claremont, it opened in 1968 with 129 students, and became an immediate source of the<br />

pride for the Claremont, New Hampshire area. The first graduating class was composed of<br />

twenty-six nurses, twelve medical assistants, and nine medical laboratory students,<br />

beginning a tradition of excellence in the allied health field that continues today.<br />

River Valley Community College is one of seven colleges that make up the Community<br />

College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH, “the System”). CCSNH is overseen by a<br />

Chancellor and a Board of Trustees. While <strong>RVCC</strong> works within a system, each college is<br />

directed by its own President who is responsible for the organizational structure of the<br />

institution; and its own Board of Trustees. Each college is responsible for its own<br />

budgeting system, developing its own academic offerings to meet the needs of the region<br />

it serves, and creating its own strategic plan; all while working collaboratively under the<br />

umbrella of CCSNH.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is located on the western border of the state of New Hampshire. The College’s<br />

service area extends from Keene, NH in the southwestern portion of the state, up to<br />

Hanover, NH to the north, spanning approximately eighty-five miles. It also extends<br />

westerly into the state of Vermont approximately fifty miles and easterly to the Lakes<br />

Region of New Hampshire, another 50 miles. In addition, students attending some of our<br />

unique Allied Health and Health Science programs regularly commute two hours one way<br />

to attend classes, as there are no other institutions that offer these programs in the area.<br />

In academic year 2017-2018, <strong>RVCC</strong> served 859 credit students and 229 non-credit<br />

students. The average age of the student population is 30 and the majority of the<br />

students (78%) attend part time. Approximately 80% of students are eligible for financial<br />

aid. The College’s academic offerings include one Associate in Arts Degree, 17 Associate in<br />

Science Degree programs, and 14 Certificate Programs. For academic year 2017-2018,<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> reported 192 program completers with 120 associate degrees awarded, and 72<br />

certificates. The College offers a variety of courses, both on-ground and online, at the<br />

Claremont campus and at two academic centers located in Keene, NH (KAC) and Lebanon,<br />

NH (LAC), and <strong>RVCC</strong> students generally express satisfaction with their educational<br />

experiences at the College (Figure 1).<br />

4 | P a g e

A recurring theme discussed throughout the process of this self-study is the constant state<br />

of flux at the administrative level of the College. After several years without consistent<br />

leadership, <strong>RVCC</strong> selected a new president, Alfred Williams, and promoted a new Vice<br />

President of Academic Affairs (VPAA), Aimee Jahn, from inside the Institution. President<br />

Williams also recruited an Interim Associate Vice President of Student Affairs (IAVPSA),<br />

Jenn Cournoyer. The appointment of both a new President and the IAVPSA who bring<br />

outside vision, and the VPAA who has intimate knowledge of the College, has reinvigorated<br />

the faculty and staff at <strong>RVCC</strong> and confirmed that the College is continuing to move down<br />

the right path. Upon his arrival in July 2018, President Williams committed to ensuring that<br />

student success would stay at the forefront of everything the College does, articulating his<br />

vision to the Executive Leadership Team and at the Fall 2018 All-College Staff Meeting<br />

that:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The College meets the educational and workforce needs of the community through a<br />

focus on retention and completion.<br />

The College provides training for the workforce by offering Certificates and Degrees<br />

leading directly to work opportunities, and consistently works with area employers<br />

to evaluate programs and offerings.<br />

The College provides direct pathways to transfer options.<br />

The College engages in consistent self-evaluation to remove roadblocks for students<br />

and ensure student success.<br />

The process of this self-study has also highlighted some significant developments and<br />

areas of achievement in the years since the progress report submitted to <strong>NECHE</strong> in<br />

February of 2015, in line with the 2018 Strategic Plan. These include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

5 | P a g e<br />

A new mission statement that more accurately reflects the aims of the College, and<br />

a strategic plan to support those aims.<br />

New safety and security features including a security system with cameras, a parttime<br />

Chief Security Officer, and Blue Phones in the Claremont parking lot.<br />

Improvements to academic programs including the redesign of the Social Services<br />

and Criminal Justice programs, the addition of the Radiologic Tech program, the<br />

development and implementation of co-requisite mathematics, the ability of the

Physical Therapist Assistant program to accept more students, and the opening of<br />

the Academic Center in Lebanon, NH.<br />

New methods for open communication in the College including a bi-weekly<br />

Presidential newsletter for faculty and staff, a monthly newsletter for students, a<br />

new texting service for students, the installation of Zoom equipment for both<br />

classroom and faculty/staff use, and coordination of social media by the President’s<br />

Assistant.<br />

Better reporting and fiscal management implemented by the BAO which have<br />

stabilized the College’s finances<br />

River Valley Community College takes pride in the fact that it has been educating students<br />

in western New Hampshire for fifty years. The College’s alumni are working in medical<br />

occupations, at technology firms, and in private businesses throughout our service<br />

area. <strong>RVCC</strong>’s main campus in Claremont is located in an area defined by the Chronicle of<br />

Higher Education as an educational desert, meaning that the population only has one lowcost<br />

option for college in a fifty-mile area. Thus, it is vital that the College’s programs are<br />

successful and high-quality in order to provide transfer opportunities for our<br />

graduates. The self-study process has confirmed that the College is dedicated to<br />

continuous evaluation and improvement, and illuminated the pride that <strong>RVCC</strong> takes in<br />

educating students. Staff and faculty alike are motivated to come to work each day by the<br />

knowledge that they have a positive direct impact on students and thus the<br />

community. Serving such a wide area with a small number of employees requires faculty<br />

and staff to wear many hats, but they do so willingly to witness the success of <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

students.<br />

6 | P a g e



Institution Name:<br />

River Valley Community College<br />

OPE ID: ? : 00756000<br />

0 Annual Audit<br />

? 0 Certified: Qualified<br />

Financial Results for Year Ending: ? 06/30 Yes/No Unqualified<br />

Most Recent Year ? 2018 Yes Unqualified<br />

1 Year Prior 2017 Yes Unqualified<br />

2 Years Prior 2016 Yes Unqualified<br />

Fiscal Year Ends on:<br />

30-Jun (month/day)<br />

Budget / Plans<br />

Current Year <strong>2019</strong><br />

Next Year 2020<br />

Contact Person:<br />

Title:<br />

Telephone No:<br />

E-mail address<br />

? Andrea Allbee<br />

Business Affairs Officer<br />

603.542.7744 x5301<br />

aallbee@ccsnh.edu<br />

7 | P a g e

8 | P a g e<br />

Standard One<br />

Mission & Purposes

Description<br />

Mission Statement: River Valley Community College transforms lives by providing a<br />

quality and affordable education through innovative personal approaches to lifelong<br />

learning and career pathways.<br />

The mission of the College reflects the institution’s unique character, and its commitment<br />

to serve the needs of a wide variety of student populations, including recent high school<br />

graduates, dual enrolled students (high school and college), GED holders, first-generation<br />

college students, veterans returning to school, adults seeking a new career, and seniors<br />

continuing their learning. Some of our students are overcoming educational risk factors,<br />

such as learning disabilities, physical health challenges and family instability. Many of our<br />

students are faced with time constraints, family responsibilities and financial concerns,<br />

including balancing multiple part-time jobs and personal and family demands. The College<br />

has a strong tradition of supporting the success of all students. There is a deep respect for<br />

the diverse talents and struggles of students, and a pride in celebrating each success.<br />

Over time, changes with regard to the community demographics (business and industry),<br />

system initiatives, and student population/ interests have required <strong>RVCC</strong> to review its<br />

mission statement. Review of the mission statement often has coincided with the<br />

investiture of new administration. The College’s mission statement was most recently<br />

revised by faculty, staff and administration in February of 2017 at an All College Meeting.<br />

This process of review ensures that the College’s mission remains an appropriate template<br />

for our academic programs; it also supports and provides direction for student services.<br />

The college body stated that the institutional mission should be clear and succinct so that<br />

it could easily be remembered by the college community. Simultaneously, at the<br />

recommendation of the administration, there was a unanimous vote by faculty and staff to<br />

do away with the vision statement, because it appeared redundant to the new mission<br />

statement.<br />

College operations, organizational structure, personnel matters, academic and studentsupport<br />

programs, and strategic and financial plans are all grounded in the mission of the<br />

College. The mission is visible on the College’s website, Catalog, Academic Policy and<br />

Procedure Manual, and in the Student Handbook.<br />

River Valley Community College’s mission statement was developed to be consistent with<br />

the Mission & Vision Statement of CCSNH.<br />

CCSNH Mission Statement: Our purpose is to provide residents with affordable, accessible<br />

education and training that aligns with the needs of New Hampshire’s businesses and<br />

communities, delivered through an innovative, efficient, and collaborative system of<br />

colleges. CCSNH is dedicated to the educational, professional, and personal success of its<br />

students; a skilled workforce for our state’s businesses; and a strong New Hampshire<br />

economy.<br />

CCSNH Vision Statement: 65 by 25: To maintain New Hampshire’s positive economic<br />

indicators, including low unemployment and high per capita income, NH will need 65% of<br />

adults with education beyond high school. CCSNH is committed to achieving this by 2025.<br />

9 | P a g e

Currently, New Hampshire has a relatively low unemployment rate; averaging about 2.4%<br />

for an eleven-month period ranging from January-November of 2018. This is below the<br />

national average of 3.7%. The counties served by <strong>RVCC</strong> are slightly below even the NH<br />

average with Sullivan County (Claremont) averaging 2.2%; Grafton county (LAC)<br />

averaging 2.1%; and Cheshire County (KAC) only slightly above the state average at<br />

2.6%. These percentages average approximately 1000 unemployed people in each of the<br />

Academic Center Locations (Keene and Lebanon) and only approximately 525 unemployed<br />

people in Claremont. (NH Economic Security, Economic, and Labor Market Information<br />

Bureau, “2018 NH Local Area Unemployment Statistics”). This low level of unemployment<br />

in the counties served by <strong>RVCC</strong>, while good for the economy, has a negative impact on<br />

enrollment trends.<br />

The close alignment between <strong>RVCC</strong>’s mission statement and CCSNH’s mission statement<br />

ensures that our mission enjoys the support of the CCSNH Board of Trustees. Though<br />

consistent with the system mission, the College’s mission still reflects the unique<br />

influences of our community and region as well as our institutional history and culture.<br />

Our mission statement has provided a touchstone for the development and delivery of our<br />

academic programs, community outreach, and services, and is consistent with the<br />

following initiatives in the College’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Financial Stewardship<br />

Student Success<br />

Teaching & Learning Excellence<br />

Operational & Technological Efficiency<br />

Community, Business & Industry Partnerships<br />

Faculty & Staff Development<br />

Appraisal of Mission & Purposes:<br />

The mission of student success provides a sense of unity and purpose for everyone on<br />

campus. Faculty and staff have stayed true to the mission throughout administrative<br />

turnover, and the commitment of faculty and staff to the students is one of the reasons<br />

that <strong>RVCC</strong> has weathered the transitions so well. Respecting past traditions is an<br />

important value on campus, and it is important to recognize the ongoing commitment to<br />

student success as the College plans for the future. Fully realizing our mission of<br />

accessibility, quality and affordable education, and personal approaches to lifelong learning<br />

requires our outreach to, and development of, a variety of academic supports and<br />

programming.<br />

In one such endeavor, <strong>RVCC</strong> reaches out in partnerships to local High Schools and Centers<br />

of Technical Education in programs such as Running Start, our dual enrollment program<br />

which offers high school students the chance to earn college credits at their high school for<br />

a reduced tuition rate.<br />

College credits can also be earned through our Bridge2College program, which affords high<br />

school students the opportunity to earn college credit by taking courses at the College at a<br />

reduced rate.<br />

10 | P a g e

Through our workforce development office, <strong>RVCC</strong> offers many educational and training<br />

opportunities to various businesses and industries in our catchment area such as the<br />

following:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Working with our medical partners to provide training in medical terminology,<br />

computer applications, and customer service.<br />

Working with our manufacturing partners in providing over 100 on-line personal<br />

development and information technology programs to allow workers to access these<br />

programs and work at their own pace.<br />

Collaborating with the American Red Cross to provide space and materials to train<br />

Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNAs).<br />

Providing practitioners in their chosen field, Continuing Education Units (CEUs)<br />

As part of the partnership between CCSNH, the NH Department of Resources and<br />

Economic Development, and the NH Department of Employment Security, we also host<br />

WorkReadyNH, a tuition-free workforce development program targeted towards un/ underemployed<br />

residents. Those who successfully complete the program receive a nationally<br />

recognized certificate to provide to prospective employers.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> strives to provide all of its students with the academic supports needed to ensure<br />

their success. To integrate academic support and services into one location (beginning in<br />

Claremont), the Student Success Center was relocated adjacent to the Library and Library<br />

Computer Lab. This area offers a variety of opportunities for students needing to build or<br />

strengthen basic academic skills. While Keene does not have a dedicated space like<br />

Claremont and Lebanon, there are private spaces for students to meet with tutors and do<br />

computer work. All students can access the Library’s electronic catalog via their Easy Log-<br />

In credentials although the majority of the physical collection is housed in Claremont.<br />

To improve persistence and graduation rates, the Mathematics department restructured<br />

their course offerings to implement a co-requisite lab/ gateway course model for students<br />

who wish to enroll in Statistics I, Functions and Modeling I, and Mathematical<br />

Investigations.<br />

River Valley sees itself as a partner with the Claremont, Keene, and Lebanon communities<br />

as evidenced by community involvement with the College, and College involvement with<br />

the communities. Examples include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Participation of community members from each region (Claremont, Keene, and<br />

Lebanon) on the 2017 Presidential Search Committee;<br />

Community food donations to students of the College while the cafeteria was closed<br />

during its transition to a Micro-Market;<br />

College charity drives for local food and animal shelters;<br />

College employee participation in local fundraising efforts such as “Steppin’ Up to<br />

end Violence 5K,” a local 5K road race to assist the Turning Points Network in raising<br />

money for their fight against domestic and sexual violence in the region.<br />

The College’s new strategic plan (2018-2021) clearly outlines <strong>RVCC</strong>’s commitment to the<br />

mission for the institution as a whole. Objectives in the strategic plan such as Strategic<br />

11 | P a g e

Initiative 3: Teaching & Learning have “Key Strategies” that directly reflect the mission of<br />

the College and provide a pathway for continued support of the mission.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

There is a strong commitment of faculty and staff to student success as the heart of<br />

the mission, which has been periodically reviewed.<br />

The 2018 Strategic Plan builds off the mission to provide appropriate activities and<br />

initiatives.<br />

The CCSNH vision statement sets aspirational goals for the College.<br />

There is strong support from CCSNH and from the community to see <strong>RVCC</strong> succeed.<br />

Challenges<br />

The current low unemployment rate in N.H., coinciding with declining enrollment<br />

trends, may make it challenging to achieve the CCSNH mission of 65 by 25 in<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s catchment area.<br />

There could be increased awareness by students, staff, faculty, and the community<br />

regarding the mission statement and 2018 Strategic Plan.<br />

Departments have not yet started writing strategic plans related to the 2018<br />

Strategic plan.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

By Fall 2020 begin to include the College’s mission on marketing materials and<br />

internal communications to increase awareness of the mission.<br />

By Fall 2020 departments will begin work on departmental strategic plans which<br />

support and enhance the College’s Strategic Plan and are reflective of the College’s<br />

mission.<br />

12 | P a g e

Standard 1: Mission and Purposes<br />

Attach a copy of the current mission statement.<br />

Document<br />

Website location<br />

Institutional<br />

Mission<br />

Statement ? https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation/mission ?<br />

Date<br />

Approved<br />

by the<br />

Governing<br />

Board<br />

February<br />

22, 2017<br />

?<br />

Mission<br />

Statement<br />

published<br />

Website location<br />

College<br />

Catalog ? https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316264/rvcc-2018-2021-strategic-plan<br />

Strategic Plan<br />

Student https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/studenthandbook201718final<br />

Handbook<br />

Print<br />

Publication<br />

?<br />

Related<br />

statements<br />

Website location<br />

CCSNH<br />

Mission &<br />

Vision<br />

Statements ? https://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/mission-strategic-plan<br />

Print<br />

Publication<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

13 | P a g e

14 | P a g e<br />

Standard Two<br />

Planning & Evaluation

Description<br />

Planning and evaluation at <strong>RVCC</strong> has taken a variety of paths over the past few years.<br />

With the turnover of administration, it became difficult to maintain a steady trajectory with<br />

regards to the College’s areas of focus. Despite this challenge, the College has done work<br />

at many levels of planning and evaluation that have strengthened and streamlined the<br />

academic offerings, improved financial processes, and identified areas of focus for the<br />

future. While the College operates in four locations; the main campus, two academic<br />

centers, and online; college-wide planning takes into consideration each of these locations<br />

simultaneously and as a whole. Planning for each location does occur independently, but<br />

only in consideration of the college-wide plan.<br />

Planning<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identified four strategic directions which included<br />

Student Access, Student Success, Teaching & Learning, and Sustainability. Each<br />

department based their own strategic plans on the same four strategic directions and all<br />

faculty were encouraged to incorporate the four strategic directions in their Individual<br />

Professional Growth Plans (PGPs). The four directions were utilized as a basis to guide all<br />

planning and decision making at the institution. In the <strong>RVCC</strong> 2015 Progress report, River<br />

Valley identified goals related to continued strategic planning. Changes in leadership,<br />

including the departure of the President in 2016 and the appointment of an Interim<br />

President shortly after, made it difficult to continue the direction of the 2016-2020<br />

Strategic Plan; and in 2017 work began on a new strategic plan. This work began at a<br />

Strategic Planning Retreat in February of 2017 which included representation from multiple<br />

areas of the <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty, staff, and the community. This process will be discussed fully<br />

later in this Standard.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s main method of communication to ensure all college parties are aware of<br />

information is the use of the All-College Staff Meeting. This once-monthly meeting, which<br />

is held in Claremont but utilizes online technology to allow the LAC and KAC to participate,<br />

is the meeting by which updates on all college activities are distributed. Any member of<br />

the institution can request an item be placed on the agenda and the meeting allows for a<br />

means of open communication. At least once per semester, representatives of the CCSNH<br />

System, including the Chancellor and Chief Human Resource Officer will attend the All-<br />

College Staff Meeting to communicate updates from the System to the <strong>RVCC</strong> Community.<br />

Often, these meetings provide opportunities for the college community to be updated on<br />

evaluation and planning at the College and the System level.<br />

For example, one area of concern expressed across the campus was lack of transparency<br />

and understanding of the budgeting process. While topics related directly to the budget<br />

process will be fully explained in Standard 7, it is important to note that over the past<br />

year, one of the areas that has improved greatly in regards to campus evaluation and<br />

planning is the implementation of regular budget updates from the College Business Affairs<br />

Officer (BAO) at our All-College Staff Meeting. The BAO is a regular presenter at these<br />

meetings. She also provides weekly and monthly budget updates to Program Directors.<br />

This has been particularly important in regards to our current enrollment trends and the<br />

impact that enrollment has on funding of the College. This change came as a result of<br />

15 | P a g e

direct feedback from Program Directors and Department Chairs expressing concern over<br />

lack of control or understanding of the budget process for their individual areas. This<br />

increased transparency has led to each program having an improved ability to plan and<br />

evaluate spending trends in their area and allowed the College as a whole to have<br />

improved understanding of their role in the budgeting process.<br />

The Institution also utilizes a model of Standing Teams that ensures that a variety of<br />

individuals are participating in the work of moving the institution forward. This list was<br />

reviewed and updated at the All-College Staff Meeting during Fall of 2018.<br />

Many programs have individual advisory boards which serve to guide the College forward<br />

at the program level. The College Advisory Board and individual program advisory boards<br />

allow for input from multiple constituents. Some program advisory boards include<br />

students and adjunct faculty, providing both internal and external perspectives for<br />

programs to consider when making plans for updates and improvements.<br />

The College has support from CCSNH to access data, but it is sometimes unclear what data<br />

is available for evaluation purposes at the college level and there are sometimes<br />

uncertainties about how to utilize this support effectively. In January 2018, CCSNH<br />

provided a training to a Rapid Insight program called NOABO, which was renamed Veera<br />

Bridge in Summer 2018. This program allows Program Directors direct access to<br />

enrollment data and trends and has been a welcome tool. Data is collected across the<br />

system but can be filtered by each Program Director to review trends in their individual<br />

programs and can even be drilled down to the level of individual students. Data can be<br />

sorted in a variety of ways, including by location to pull out the Academic Centers<br />

individually for improved analysis and planning. Program Directors for nationally accredited<br />

programs in the Health Sciences and Allied Health fields keep additional data as required<br />

by their accrediting bodies, but this is program-dependent.<br />

In February of 2017, representatives from a broad spectrum of <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty, staff, and<br />

administration, as well as a member from the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce,<br />

participated in a planning and evaluation meeting. This gathering provided an opportunity<br />

for evaluation of and reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the Institution.<br />

Attendees reviewed the current mission statement (from 2015); the College Ethics and<br />

Core Values; the College’s slogan; and the Educational Philosophy Statement. Further<br />

conversation revolved around marketing and branding, local relations, alumni, and<br />

accessibility (meeting minutes, Strategic Planning Retreat 2/3/17). As a result of this<br />

retreat, a list of six Initiatives were developed to guide the 2018 – 2021 Strategic Plan.<br />

16 | P a g e

Committees for each Initiative met throughout the Spring of 2017 to develop objectives<br />

and the measurements they would use to evaluate progress towards completion of each<br />

objective. Due to leadership changes in Fall of 2017, work on the strategic plan slowed.<br />

This was a necessary step due to the search for a full-time President. Under President<br />

Williams, the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan was completed and approved by the college<br />

community in late Fall 2018.<br />

In the recent past due to instability in the offices of President and BAO, <strong>RVCC</strong> engaged in a<br />

period of reactionary spending instead of proactive planning for budgetary needs. This<br />

spending resulted in a deficit, and a workforce reduction in Spring of 2017. Under the<br />

current administration, focus and organization of college finances has shifted significantly<br />

to a strategic spending policy resulting in a balanced budget at <strong>RVCC</strong>. The BAO is<br />

transparent in how budgets are created, the many factors that need to be considered in<br />

budgeting, and most importantly, now involves each Department Chair, Division Director,<br />

and Program Director in developing their own budgets. The budget process has been<br />

clarified for the college community and is much more focused on creating a balanced<br />

budget with regular evaluation of income and expenses, resulting in the College once again<br />

operating in the black. This updated process of financial planning and evaluation is<br />

explained in detail in Standard Seven.<br />

An additional challenge in planning has been the expansion of the College through the<br />

Academic Center in Lebanon. Previously, when the College consisted of the Claremont<br />

campus and the Keene Academic Center, the roles of each location were clear. The<br />

College has struggled to find an identity for the LAC, however. Original plans for the LAC<br />

indicated that it would be the center for Business and Technology. After completion it was<br />

discussed that the LAC would house some Allied Health programs. These plans were<br />

discussed at the administrative level and did not include conversations with Program<br />

Directors. When Program Directors were included in these conversations it was clear that<br />

due to the lack of lab space at the LAC, national accreditation requirements, and<br />

enrollment trends, it was not going to be feasible to duplicate these programs at the LAC.<br />

President Williams’ administration has continued these open conversations to appropriately<br />

plan and clarify the roles of the Academic Centers within the College as a whole. These<br />

plans have included the expansion of non-credit offerings and eliminating duplication of<br />

classes at the LAC that are offered in Claremont. The VPAA along with Department Chairs<br />

and Program Coordinators have focused on classes that meet the needs of the Lebanon<br />

area, and together they are working on identifying a major that is exclusive to the LAC.<br />

The mathematics co-requisite project provides evidence of planning at the academic level;<br />

outcomes of which are explained in greater detail in Standard Five. While this is only one<br />

example of academic planning, it is one of the projects the College is proudest of and has<br />

that impacted students at all levels. In 2016, the Chancellor of CCSNH signed on to<br />

Complete College America, a non-profit organization that works with states to improve<br />

access to quality career certificates and degrees. In March of 2016, the <strong>RVCC</strong> Math<br />

Department Chair attended the National Academy for Scaling Co-Requisite Remediation in<br />

Atlanta, GA with a team from CCSNH. There, the team heard about co-requisite projects<br />

from colleges across the nation and began developing a system-wide co-requisite plan.<br />

That plan was adapted at each of the CCSNH colleges independently.<br />

17 | P a g e

The Department Chair, with help from one Academic Advisor who has a background in<br />

math, and one adjunct math faculty spent AY16-17 developing and planning the corequisite<br />

math model. This was the second major redesign of the mathematics pathway;<br />

the first occurring in 2012 which decreased the number of courses a student testing into<br />

the developmental pathway had to take from two to one. The first redesign resulted in<br />

improvements in math persistence as described in Standard Five; but did not eliminate the<br />

need for developmental courses. The Co-requisite project was planned to do just that,<br />

eliminate the developmental courses for math whenever possible for students. The project<br />

began by working with the CCSNH System-wide data analytics person to evaluate college<br />

data with specific focus on developmental math success rates and persistence rates dating<br />

back to 2011. The team then developed pacing guides and advising models for math<br />

pathways, set SAT cut scores for each math course, developed a schedule and structure of<br />

co-requisite mathematics courses, and developed training plans for instructors. Training<br />

for Program Directors was also included as this was a significant change in the way<br />

students were advised and filtered into math courses. Communication of this change to<br />

the College as a whole took place via All-College Staff Meeting, Department Chairs<br />

Meetings, and various working groups. The project plan was completed and the first corequisite<br />

courses were taught in Fall of 2017. Currently, the only developmental courses<br />

taught are for those students who show significant deficits in college-readiness related to<br />

their math skills or those students who self-select into the developmental courses for<br />

personal reasons. There are two courses: one for students entering into STEM fields, and<br />

one for students entering into non-STEM fields.<br />

Appraisal of Planning<br />

Since Fall of 2018 there has been an increase in stability of processes due to the new<br />

administrative structure under President Williams. For example, he recognized the need to<br />

finalize the College’s strategic plan. Most of the work had been done on it, but it had<br />

never been presented to the College to vote on. This was accomplished in December<br />

2018. Further improvements under the new administration include ensuring that relevant<br />

parties are at the table with regard to planning of programs, proactive rather than reactive<br />

approaches to issues, and open communication with the college community.<br />

Great strides have been made in the financial planning of the institution with improved<br />

identification of risks, improvements in involving individual departments in planning their<br />

own budgets, and increased transparency with regards to expenses and revenue. Program<br />

Directors now receive weekly updated budget spreadsheets for their programs which<br />

provides up to date information regarding spending and budgeting. This allows Program<br />

Directors increased control of supply purchasing to meet the academic needs of their<br />

students. Financial transparency has also led to improved understanding by the college<br />

community with regards to the Academic Centers and how each center contributes to the<br />

overall budget for the College.<br />

Planning and implementation of projects has also been quite successful at the<br />

programmatic level as evidenced by the implementation of the math co-requisite project.<br />

The thoughtful and purposeful plan developed prior to implementation, the implementation<br />

18 | P a g e

of the project, and the continued assessment will be utilized as a model as <strong>RVCC</strong> explores<br />

implementation of an English co-requisite project.<br />

Implementation of NOABO/Veera Bridge has led to greater access to data, although there<br />

are concerns with regards to limitations in the system. Veera Bridge pulls all data from<br />

Banner and Banner has limitations in data access particularly when it comes to evaluating<br />

students who may have more than one major. Programs with national accreditation do an<br />

excellent job of collecting data on graduates, but there are still not consistent practices<br />

across the institution when it comes to this type of data; instead it is left to individual<br />

Program Directors.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

While <strong>RVCC</strong>’s 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan was not fully developed, the four strategic<br />

directions (student access, student success, teaching & learning, sustainability)<br />

continued to guide <strong>RVCC</strong>’s work—in many different areas and at all levels.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has maintained its commitment to broad participation and regular<br />

communication, including All-College Staff Meeting, meetings with representatives<br />

from CCSNH System Office, and review of Standing Teams.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> needs to determine the best way to utilize software provided by CCSNH<br />

system.<br />

Evaluation<br />

Mission & Vision Evaluation<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has periodically reviewed and updated its mission, typically with the installation of a<br />

new President. The process has been done collectively at All-College Staff Meeting which<br />

allows input from the college community. Recent feedback on the mission identified that<br />

while there were parts of it that were accurately reflective of the College, members of the<br />

College had concerns with the wording of the mission related to is loftiness and its lack of<br />

measurability for some of the statements included. The most recent evaluation of the<br />

mission occurred at the February 2017 Strategic Planning Retreat in which the committee<br />

evaluated the mission statement. Feedback at that meeting echoed the feedback of the<br />

College as a whole, particularly that the statement was not concrete or tangible. This<br />

process allowed for the adoption of the College’s current mission.<br />

Academic Evaluation<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has multiple avenues of evaluating the effectiveness and quality of the academic<br />

programs leading to systematic improvements in the academic offerings at the College.<br />

Evaluation of each course occurs through course evaluations which are administered each<br />

semester to all students in the course. Results of the evaluations are deployed to each<br />

faculty member and to the Department Chairs who oversee the faculty member.<br />

Individual faculty can choose to use the feedback as they see fit and Department Chairs<br />

utilize the information in the faculty evaluation process. Course evaluations sometimes<br />

lead to adjustments in course assignments for students, changes in course materials, or<br />

19 | P a g e

may lead to formal revisions of course outlines submitted to Curriculum Team in order to<br />

change the course objectives. Some examples of changes made as a result of course<br />

evaluations include changing textbooks to better suit the level of the course instruction<br />

(AHLT 123R – Functional Kinesiology); and changing formats of classes from hybrid to face<br />

to face (MLTC 113R – Clinical Chemistry). Student evaluations had a major impact on<br />

revisions to the HSV 120R – Learning & Behavior course. This course was used by both the<br />

Early Childhood Education and Social Services programs. Specific student feedback on<br />

course evaluations indicated that this format was not effective, and students indicated they<br />

were uncertain why both majors were required to take the course together as they did not<br />

feel as though they were acquiring specific information on topics that they needed.<br />

Changes were made to course readings and assignments, but the same concerns appeared<br />

on subsequent course evaluations. With the revision of the Social Services Program, this<br />

course was eliminated from the program of study and the key content from this course<br />

was distributed into other required Social Service courses. The course remained in the<br />

Early Childhood program and was renamed and recoded as ECE 120R – Learning,<br />

Behavior, and Positive Guidance in the Fall of 2017. During Fall 2017 meetings with<br />

advisees, the ECE Program Director had none of the previous complaints that were<br />

associated with this course. The process for updating a course outline (including course<br />

objectives) is described in Standard Four. Beginning in Fall of 2017, the Curriculum Team<br />

has been working to ensure that competencies on the course objectives are measurable<br />

and not simply learning objectives or the table of contents from a textbook. Course<br />

outlines are expected to be reviewed by Program Directors every 5 years to ensure they<br />

are up to date and relevant. Most programs are in compliance with this request. Those<br />

programs that were not in compliance recently included Business, Accounting, and the<br />

Liberal Arts department. The new Business and Accounting Program Directors are<br />

working on updating their courses with a final completion goal of Fall <strong>2019</strong>. A new Interim<br />

Program Director for Liberal Arts was hired in Fall of 2018 and one of her current projects<br />

is to evaluate and update the English course outlines.<br />

Graduation Satisfaction Surveys are administered to all completing students and evaluate<br />

the effectiveness of all areas of the College. Information helps to inform administrators<br />

and directors about their areas of focus and influences changes to program and college<br />

orientations, course scheduling/delivery methods, and advising practices. The<br />

dissemination of the results of this survey have been inconsistent in recent years. The<br />

IVPSA is developing a plan to consistently administer this survey and provide results to the<br />

necessary parties.<br />

Many programs undergo national accreditation and are constantly using evaluation data to<br />

ensure they are meeting the standards of their national accreditation agencies. Even<br />

programs without national accreditation utilize their professional standards in order to<br />

prepare students for the workforce. For example, the Massage Therapy Program, although<br />

not accredited because the profession does not require graduation from an accredited<br />

program, utilizes the “Massage Therapy Body of Knowledge” to guide its curriculum.<br />

Another example are the programs that relate to Computer Technology, which have been<br />

designed around industry standard certification and utilize Cisco’s educational curriculum<br />

which prepares students for the Cisco CCENT and Cisco CCNA certifications upon<br />

completion. These standards guide and inform program work, and feedback from advisory<br />

20 | P a g e

oards and clinical/practicum preceptors assist with evaluation of programmatic<br />

effectiveness. Input from individual advisory boards, as well as information that Program<br />

Directors glean from their participation in community boards and professional<br />

organizations also helps to inform the evaluation process.<br />

The new co-requisite math project has also undergone regular evaluation via surveys<br />

deployed to both instructors and students. Since Fall of 2017, feedback from instructor<br />

and student surveys has been gathered following each semester. Changes made to the<br />

co-requisite math courses since this time, based on student and instructor feedback<br />

include: the elimination of requiring the iLearn software in the Statistics I course (it is now<br />

optional at the request of both students and instructor feedback); labs are now attached<br />

directly to a lecture course as opposed to being open to students from multiple sections;<br />

and lab courses are taught by the same instructors that teach the lecture sections (a direct<br />

request from students).<br />

One clear example that has been implemented in evaluation and planning of academic<br />

programming relates directly to enrollment and the delivery of courses. Word of mouth<br />

feedback from advisors revealed students’ concerns regarding <strong>RVCC</strong>’s pattern of course<br />

cancellations of under-enrolled sections. This led to a Catch-22 in that students waited to<br />

enroll in courses, but courses would be cancelled due to under-enrollment. Beginning in<br />

Fall of 2017, the Department Chair of Liberal Arts started focusing much more on<br />

scheduling based on utilization of enrollment data. By evaluating tallies for the previous<br />

three corresponding semesters, and evaluating student enrollment at each Academic<br />

Center (Figure 2.2), the Chair was able to see patterns of registration and to identify<br />

sections of courses that filled, and sections that traditionally did not.<br />

While this data was evaluated based on each location, the goal of this process was to<br />

create a college-wide schedule of Liberal Arts electives that met the needs of all students<br />

and programs, prevented overlap of courses in the two closest locations (Claremont and<br />

Lebanon) unless both sections could fill, and decrease duplication of face to face and online<br />

21 | P a g e

sections in the same semester to ensure that courses were sufficiently enrolled to allow<br />

them to run.<br />

Considerations were made with regards to timing and location of courses which ensured<br />

that each academic center had options for all students without any one location being<br />

over-saturated with options. The Chair then used this information to develop a datadriven<br />

schedule that allowed for students to meet their academic needs without having so<br />

many sections leading to potential cancellations. As a result of the evaluation, planning,<br />

and thoughtful building of the schedule, <strong>RVCC</strong> has had a decline in cancelled courses and<br />

this, in combination with a concerted effort for early advising and registration, has led to a<br />

stabilization in the schedule.<br />

Program Evaluation<br />

All programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> undergo program review. There are two ways in which this is done.<br />

Programs which have national accreditation are expected to participate fully in whatever<br />

process their accreditation agency requires. This process often involves an eight to tenyear<br />

cycle of self-study, site visit, and review as well as yearly update reports.<br />

Additionally, for programs that are not accredited, there is an internal program review<br />

process which takes place on a rotating cycle and ensures that each program is reviewed<br />

formally.<br />

Over the past few years, the feedback from Program Directors undergoing program review<br />

was that the information being requested was not relevant, and the data required to<br />

answer the questions in the review process was often difficult to access. Having an<br />

outdated program review did not serve to provide the institution with relevant information<br />

related to program success and limited potential for academic planning. As a result of this<br />

feedback, the Department Chairs worked on updating the program review process during<br />

the Fall of 2017 to ensure that the information being collected and reported was easily<br />

accessible, relevant to the information required to determine program viability for the<br />

College, and realistic for Program Directors. In addition to updating the program review<br />

process, the Department Chairs developed a survey for Program Directors to use to assist<br />

them with collection of data. Data included in the program review process is both<br />

formative and summative, qualitative and quantitative. The Program Review has sections<br />

that ask program directors to provide data on topics such as purpose and goals,<br />

admissions, enrollment trends, curricula, faculty and program and student outcomes.<br />

Quantitative questions include items such as: “List program enrollments for the past three<br />

years…” with a qualitative follow up asking “Do you have reason to believe there are<br />

additional students in your program (e.g. second major) that do not show up [in the data<br />

set].” This provides Program Directors opportunities to elaborate on any limitations they<br />

may find in the Veera Bridge data set; thus eliminating the prior complaint about available<br />

data not providing a complete picture.<br />

Upon completion of the program review process, Program Directors provide and present<br />

the review to the Department Chair workgroup which will allow for a discussion about each<br />

program and its effectiveness between the Department Chairs and the Program Directors.<br />

The Department Chair group makes recommendations about the program which may<br />

include suggestions for improvement, continuation without changes, or may, when<br />

22 | P a g e

necessary, guide a suspension or closure of a program. The entire process is overseen by<br />

the VPAA. This process was introduced to the college community during Faculty and Staff<br />

Work Weeks in Fall of 2018 and training for all Program Directors was provided in<br />

November 2018. The training was recorded for future use by Program Directors.<br />

Programs that undergo national accreditation may submit their national accreditation<br />

reports/results in lieu of the internal program review process.<br />

River Valley has a strong history of assessment by accredited programs, and the Program<br />

Directors of accredited programs often already have techniques to gather data that nonaccredited<br />

programs may be able to utilize. This area is particularly true with regard to<br />

gathering information on program graduates. In Spring of 2018, Program Directors began<br />

a plan for accredited programs to formally share assessment and data collection<br />

techniques with non-accredited programs. Work on this project is ongoing.<br />

The program review process has led to a stream-lining of the programmatic offerings at<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> as identified in the newly updated program review schedule. This has been achieved<br />

via removal of programs as necessary (due to low enrollment or decreased need in the<br />

region for the training offered). Other programs have undergone the program review<br />

process and been re-designed to better suit the need of the region. One example of this<br />

was the Human Services Program, which was placed on hold for the 2016-2017 academic<br />

year due low enrollment. Faculty then gathered information from local agencies regarding<br />

the types of training that would better suit the students in this program. The curriculum<br />

was updated based on the feedback and the program was relaunched in Fall of 2017 as the<br />

Social Services Program.<br />

Appraisal of Evaluation<br />

In response to feedback from Program Directors, the Graduate Satisfaction Survey was<br />

deployed as an electronic survey in Spring of 2018. The CCSNH System is also in the<br />

process of implementing DegreeWorks which will help streamline the process for advisors<br />

to track student success and retention. <strong>RVCC</strong> will implement Degree Works in <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

The program review process was also updated during Academic Year 17-18 as a result of<br />

feedback from Program Directors. The updated process was created by Department Chairs<br />

to reflect the difficulty Program Directors noted in accessing data that was being requested<br />

as part of the process. While NOABO/Veera Bridge provides some information that can be<br />

utilized for review of programs, it was not sufficient for the entirety of the data sets that<br />

the program review process requested. The updated program review process was<br />

implemented in Fall of 2018 and included a formal training for faculty during the semester<br />

as well as a survey that Program Directors can deploy to faculty in their program to gather<br />

necessary data. <strong>RVCC</strong> continues to look at ways in which we can use the processes of the<br />

accredited programs to assist in data gathering for non-accredited programs.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

23 | P a g e<br />

The College has an abundance of qualitative data at the course and program level.<br />

Department Chairs and Program Directors are dedicated to evaluation and review,<br />

and actively work to make this a systematic part of the culture of all academic<br />


Challenges<br />

<br />

<br />

There is still a need for a consistent plan across the College, regardless of program,<br />

for collection of relevant data to guide future programmatic planning.<br />

Course outlines in the Liberal Arts department are in need of updating.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

By the end of AY20-21, the President and VPAA will evaluate data collection<br />

methods at the college level and work with Department Chairs and Student Services<br />

to create a streamlined process of data collection and assessment; while<br />

simultaneously evaluating how <strong>RVCC</strong> will implement these processes without a<br />

dedicated Institutional Researcher<br />

By the end of Spring <strong>2019</strong>, the Interim Liberal Arts Program Director will have<br />

evaluated and updated, as needed, any course outlines that are out of compliance<br />

with the Curriculum Team standard.<br />

24 | P a g e

Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation<br />


Year<br />

approved<br />

by<br />

governing<br />

board<br />

Immediately prior Strategic<br />

Plan 2011<br />

Effective<br />

Dates<br />

? ? ?<br />

2011-<br />

2013 n/a<br />

Website location<br />

Current Strategic Plan 2018<br />

Next Strategic Plan 2021<br />

2018- https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62<br />

2021 316264/rvcc-2018-2021-strategic-plan<br />

2021-<br />

2026 n/a<br />

Year<br />

completed<br />

Effective<br />

Dates<br />

Website location<br />

Master plan<br />

Academic plan<br />

Financial plan<br />

Technology plan<br />

Enrollment plan<br />

Development plan<br />

Academic Advising<br />

Manual<br />

n/a<br />

n/a<br />

n/a<br />

n/a<br />

in progress<br />

n/a<br />

in progress<br />


Academic program<br />

review<br />

Program review system (colleges and departments). System<br />

last updated: ? 2018<br />

Program review schedule (e.g., every 5 years)<br />

Sample program review reports (name of unit or<br />

program)*<br />

Website location<br />

Every five years if not accredited by an outside<br />

agency<br />

External Example: NAACLS ? See Canvas: Standard 2<br />

Internal Review Process See Canvas: Standard 2<br />

System to review other functions and units<br />

Program review schedule (every X years or website location of<br />

schedule)<br />

25 | P a g e

Sample program review reports (name of unit or<br />

program)*<br />

Other significant institutional studies (Name and web<br />

location)*<br />

Date<br />

Example: Advising: www.notrealcollege.edu/advising 2014<br />

CCSSE<br />

2008, 2011, 2014 (see workroom)<br />

*Insert additional rows, as<br />

appropriate.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box<br />

below<br />

26 | P a g e

Standard Three<br />

Organization & Governance<br />

27 | P a g e

Description<br />

River Valley Community College is one of the seven colleges which make up the<br />

Community College System of New Hampshire. CCSNH was established in 2007 by Senate<br />

Bill 82 which initiated the transition from a State agency to an autonomous entity. The<br />

State of New Hampshire General Statutes, Chapter 188-F provides the approval for each of<br />

the colleges in CCSNH to award degrees upon completion of program requirements. River<br />

Valley, while a member of CCSNH, has its own governance structure which is directly<br />

responsible for the oversight and management of all areas of academics and scholarship<br />

that it participates in. As a public institution, funding comes from the State of NH and is<br />

filtered through CCSNH, but <strong>RVCC</strong> ultimately has responsibility for the administration of<br />

that funding.<br />

Organization<br />

Governing Board<br />

CCSNH has a Board of Trustees (BoT) that is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by<br />

the Executive Council. The BoT appoints the CCSNH Chancellor; provides direction and<br />

sets strategic goals for the system; presents capital and operating budget requests to the<br />

Governor and Legislature; and provides policy-level oversight for the seven colleges.<br />

CCSNH provides administrative and operational support that would be too expensive, or<br />

impractical, for each of the seven institutions within the System to maintain for<br />

themselves, such as risk management and legal counsel. The System Office is, in turn,<br />

supported by an allocation of tuition revenue from each college.<br />

Make-Up of the Board of Trustees<br />

The CCSNH BoT is the legal authority as outlined in BoT Policy Section 100. The BoT is<br />

made up of NH Residents and membership of the board must meet the requirements setforth<br />

in the BoT Policy Section 120 regarding Membership and Teams. The make-up of the<br />

board includes New Hampshire residents who are either non-voting members or voting<br />

members as outlined in Table 3.1.<br />

Table 3.1: Members of the CCSNH BoT<br />

Non-Voting Members<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Governor<br />

Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of<br />

CCSNH<br />

President of each CCSNH college<br />

Commissioners of Departments<br />

of Resources and Economic<br />

Development; Employment<br />

Security; and Education<br />

Voting Members (appointed by<br />

Governor)<br />

Four (4) members from the fields<br />

of Business and Industry<br />

One (1) member who is a high<br />

school vocational/technical<br />

education director<br />

One (1) member who is an<br />

alumnus of a CCSNH college<br />

One (1) member from the field of<br />

education<br />

One (1) member from the health<br />

care profession<br />

28 | P a g e

Two (2) members from<br />

building/mechanical trades or<br />

labor<br />

One (1) member from<br />

community service sector<br />

One (1) member from law<br />

enforcement<br />

Eight (8) members of the general<br />

public<br />

Two (2) members who are fulltime<br />

students enrolled at a<br />

CCSNH college (rotates among<br />

institutions)<br />

One (1) member from the<br />

technology sector<br />

One (1) member who is an<br />

employee of CCSNH (rotates<br />

among institutions)<br />

BoT meetings occur bi-monthly and operate through a committee structure with each<br />

committee having a defined area of oversight. The Standing Committees outlined in the<br />

BoT By-Laws include the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Audit Committee,<br />

Academic and Student Affairs and Workforce Development Committee, Human Resource<br />

Committee, Facilities and Capital Budget Committee, Governance Committee, Marketing<br />

Committee, and Safety & Risk Management Committee.<br />

The Board of Trustees, in addition to their bi-monthly meetings, hold an annual retreat for<br />

in-depth discussion and professional development. The schedule of BoT meetings, meeting<br />

minutes, and a full list of trustees is publically available on the CCSNH website. As<br />

necessary, <strong>RVCC</strong>, often through the President or BAO, report to individual committees on<br />

updates from the College.<br />

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees<br />

The BoT By-Laws Article V identify the Authority of the CCSNH Board of Trustees which is<br />

responsible not only for appointment of the Chancellor and President of the institution but<br />

also sets compensation for administrators; prepares and adopts the budget for CCSNH<br />

which includes each college as a separate budgetary unit; establishes tuition and fees;<br />

manages any contracts and leases related to the buildings and structures of each college;<br />

develops and adopts personnel policies for the colleges; advises the community colleges<br />

with regards to strategic direction, general policies and programs; and advises colleges in<br />

making any necessary changes to their programs to better meet the needs of the state’s<br />

economy and changing job market. All new majors and programs any CCSNH institution<br />

proposes must be approved by the BoT before implementation.<br />

Article VI of the BoT by-laws is the Conflict of Interest policy and identifies that the<br />

trustees of CCSNH must follow all statutory federal and state laws. Any violation of<br />

Conflict of Interest policy or laws “as defined by said statute shall be reported to the Board<br />

and acted upon by it as required by law and no person shall vote or be present for the<br />

29 | P a g e

action by the Board in relation to any such matter involving that person.” Policy 210 –<br />

Expectations of Board Members also identifies that it is the responsibility of each board<br />

member to “place the interests of CCSNH above the interests of any individual.” Further<br />

clarification of the Conflict of Interest Policy which guides the Board of Trustees is outlined<br />

in Policy 223 – Conflict of Interest which includes the Conflict of Interest Statement that<br />

must be signed by each member of the Board of Trustees.<br />

Responsibilities of the Chancellor<br />

The Chancellor of CCSNH is the Chief Executive Officer and bears responsibility for the<br />

overall administration and performance of CCSNH. The Chancellor is assisted by two<br />

Associate Vice-Chancellors, one in charge of Finance & Strategic Planning, and one in<br />

charge of HR Planning & Development. The Chancellor also directly oversees the CCSNH<br />

Director of Communications and CCSNH Legal Counsel. Together with the BoT, the<br />

Chancellor develops and implements the overall strategic direction of the System and<br />

oversees the Presidents of the seven colleges.<br />

Delegation to the College President<br />

The BoT policies (230-250) identify that they are responsible for appointment and<br />

evaluation of the Chancellor, who is in turn responsible for evaluation of the System Vice-<br />

Chancellors and the Presidents. Policy 250 identifies that the College President has<br />

responsibility for establishing the mission, vision, and strategic goals for the College<br />

(aligned with the CCSNH mission, vision, and strategic goals). The President is also<br />

charged by the BoT with providing “leadership to the overall management and operation of<br />

the College including accreditation, instructional programs, regional economic and<br />

workforce development, budget preparation, fiscal control, physical plant operation and<br />

maintenance, human resources management, and fundraising.”<br />

30 | P a g e

Institutional Organization<br />

River Valley’s internal organizational structure has undergone a large number of transitions<br />

in the past five years. The administrative structure has been fluid with the appointment of<br />

each President or Interim President depending on their focus for the institution. In Fall of<br />

2017, with the removal of another Interim President, and the promotion of the Interim<br />

Vice-President, who was on a one-year temporary assignment through The Registry of<br />

College and University Presidents, it became clear that a more permanent, stable model<br />

was needed. For Academic Year 17-18, the Interim President acted in the role of President<br />

as well as Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs. This was clearly not an ideal<br />

situation, and the Chancellor appointed an Advisor to the President to assist in oversight of<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>. This Advisor to the President was a President of another CCSNH college and had<br />

previously served as the President of River Valley. This President’s familiarity with <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

faculty, staff, and the culture of <strong>RVCC</strong>; in addition to the energy and expertise of the<br />

Interim President/VPASA proved to be quite successful as the College undertook a search<br />

for a full-time President.<br />

The Presidential search throughout Spring 2018 resulted in the hiring of President Alfred<br />

Williams who started July 1, 2018. Simultaneously, in Spring of 2018, the decision was<br />

made to promote internally for the role of VPAA. The Department Chair of Liberal Arts<br />

transitioned to Interim VPAA in June of 2018, and was made permanent in January of<br />

<strong>2019</strong>. This new model provided an ideal balance of institutional knowledge with new,<br />

outside energy, and the college community as a whole is pleased with the appointments to<br />

both of these positions. With the return to a more traditional, stable model of internal<br />

governance, the organizational chart is stabilizing.<br />

The President of <strong>RVCC</strong> serves as the Institution’s Chief Executive Officer and before<br />

appointment must be recommended by the Chancellor and approved by the CCSNH Board<br />

of Trustees. The President reports directly to the Chancellor and is responsible for overall<br />

management and operation of the College including preparation and control of the<br />

Institution’s budget as well as overall administration of the faculty and staff at the College<br />

via an organized structure of oversight. As mentioned in Standard Two, all locations are<br />

treated as one college and therefore all locations have the same oversight. While all<br />

administrators are located at the Claremont campus, each Academic Center has a<br />

Supervisor that reports directly to the President and sits on the President’s Extended<br />

Leadership Team. Additionally, administrators are in contact with the LAC and KAC Site<br />

Directors on as needed basis. The utilization of Vice Presidents and other administrative<br />

staff; including Academic Center Supervisors as well as Department Heads and<br />

Department Chairs, assists in assuring that all employees at <strong>RVCC</strong> understand their role in<br />

the success of the Institution. While there are clear supervisory lines that employees<br />

should follow according to the organizational chart, in general, the College abides by an<br />

“open door” communication policy. This works particularly well because of the small nature<br />

of <strong>RVCC</strong> and in most instances, communication occurs directly between whatever parties<br />

need to discuss individual concerns. In some instances, communication must follow a<br />

more formal process and this is done through Staff Forum, Faculty Forum, Department<br />

Meetings, and Department Chair Meetings.<br />

31 | P a g e

Appraisal of Organization<br />

The organizational system of CCSNH is very stable and clearly outlined. While the<br />

organization and governance of the College has been more varied, since Fall of 2018 there<br />

has been increased clarity in each person’s role and increased communication at all levels<br />

of the College. The College is on much more stable footing than we were two years ago,<br />

and the new President entered into a college that has a clearer picture of roles than it has<br />

had in the past three years.<br />

Appraisal of Governing Board<br />

The Board of Trustees has clear policies and procedures that guide its roles and<br />

responsibilities for CCSNH as a whole as well as how it interacts with each college.<br />

Ultimately, the Governing Board is responsible for many decisions that impact <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

related to programming and finances, but changes to academics are always initiated by<br />

the institution. The President of the institution serves as a bridge between the interests of<br />

the College itself and the charge of the Board of Trustees.<br />

Oversight of the BoT and CCSNH as a whole underwent a State of NH Legislative Budget<br />

Audit (LBA) to provide a critical look at how CCSNH as a State funded entity is operating,<br />

utilizing resources, and fulfilling its mission. The legislative audit identified that there was a<br />

need for improved financial policies, development of long-term financial plans, improved<br />

processes for oversight of budgeting and purchasing and improved need for financial<br />

transparency. This audit was welcomed by the Board of Trustees, and Chancellor’s office,<br />

and was well-received by the <strong>RVCC</strong> community when the Chancellor came to share the<br />

findings. CCSNH has dedicated itself to complying with the LBA and has established a<br />

Task Force, which includes a staff member of one of the CCSNH colleges, to address and<br />

improve the issues brought forth.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The organizational system of CCSNH is very stable and clearly outlined.<br />

The Governing Board has clear policies and procedures that guide its roles and<br />

responsibilities for CCSNH as a whole as well as how it interacts with each college.<br />

Clear policies dictate the role of both CCSNH and <strong>RVCC</strong> governance.<br />

The LBA has spurred improvements at the CCSNH level with regards to many<br />

concerns at <strong>RVCC</strong> related to lack of administrative oversight.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

As one of the smallest college in the CCSNH System, it can be difficult to ensure<br />

that <strong>RVCC</strong>’s interests are thoroughly represented in system level decisions.<br />

Internal Governance<br />

Periods of Transition<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has been in a constant state of transition over the past six years, resulting in a lack<br />

of clear direction related to organizational structure, strategic planning, and long term<br />

plans for the Academic Centers. In addition to the multiple transitions, there have been<br />

32 | P a g e

challenges in financial stability related to fluctuations in enrollment and lack of consistency<br />

in the BAO position. Throughout this period of time, the faculty and staff opened direct<br />

lines of communication with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and<br />

Planning to express concerns. These concerns preceded the resignation of one President<br />

and the removal of an Interim President.<br />

Significant progress has been made since the arrival of President Williams in July 2018.<br />

Roles have been clarified, transparency in budgeting and an increased shift towards<br />

empowering faculty and staff has returned to the <strong>RVCC</strong> culture. Department Chairs have<br />

been given more autonomy to create and implement academic policy, a greater emphasis<br />

has been placed on the needs of students, and the College has started to have some very<br />

realistic conversations at All-College Staff Meeting related to the future and planning<br />

surrounding the Academic Centers in Keene and Lebanon. As part of these discussions,<br />

the AVPAA positions, which oversaw the Keene and Lebanon Academic Centers, had<br />

changes in their roles. The AVPAA of Keene moved into a full-time faculty role and was<br />

assigned as the Department Chair of the Business department. To manage the Keene<br />

Academic Center, a Program Specialist was promoted to Interim Supervisor. The AVPAA of<br />

the Lebanon Academic Center was transitioned to a Center Director, but left <strong>RVCC</strong> in<br />

Spring 2018. The Student Service Generalist that serves at Lebanon, was then promoted<br />

to Interim Supervisor of the LAC. These changes brought the College more in line with<br />

other colleges of its size in CCSNH and are in line with the feedback in the LBA related to<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s “increased levels of administrators.” These changes had an additional positive<br />

impact of filling a vacant faculty role in the Business department.<br />

Additional improvements in project completion have included the work done to update the<br />

Standing Team Documents as well as work on the strategic plan.<br />

Input from College Constituencies<br />

The College President is assisted with the general administration of the College and seeks<br />

input from faculty, staff, and students. The Standing Teams help provide leadership and<br />

direction to <strong>RVCC</strong> through regular meetings and open communications as guided by the<br />

Standing Teams Document and the Communications Model.<br />

During Fall 2017, under the direction of the Interim VPASA, the oversight of academic<br />

programming was shifted to the Department Chair group. They worked closely with the<br />

Interim President/VPASA who oversaw the work done by the group, but ultimate control<br />

was provided via input from all Department Chairs. The Early College Coordinator also<br />

reported to the Interim President/VPASA to ensure the quality of these programs was<br />

consistent with <strong>RVCC</strong> expectations. With the appointment of a Vice President of Academic<br />

Affairs in late Spring 2018, the oversight of all academics now resides with this role who<br />

will continue to oversee the Department Chairs and the Early College Coordinator and work<br />

collaboratively to ensure academic quality at <strong>RVCC</strong>.<br />

All academic programs and course offerings are reviewed by the Curriculum Team which<br />

oversees new program proposals, new course proposals, and reviews and revisions to<br />

current programs and courses (including discontinuation of programs or courses). The<br />

Curriculum Team also makes recommendations regarding formatting/content of course<br />

outlines and course syllabi. All classes, regardless of location or method of instruction<br />

33 | P a g e

must follow the course outlines approved by the Curriculum Team which is made up of<br />

volunteer faculty and staff members, and the Registrar.<br />

Students participate in <strong>RVCC</strong> governance via a number of avenues which are described in<br />

detail in Standard Five. One example of student participation is the President of the SGA<br />

serving on the College Council and acting to provide the student perspective to <strong>RVCC</strong>’s<br />

Administration. Whenever possible, student input is solicited on college decisions. For<br />

example, students recently voted to make <strong>RVCC</strong> a smoke-free campus. In the Fall 2018<br />

Semester, SGA also voted to use some of their funds each year to fight student hunger.<br />

Appraisal of Internal Governance<br />

Since July 2018, internal governance at <strong>RVCC</strong> has stabilized. President Williams made<br />

VPAA Jahn permanent, hired IAVPSA Cournoyer, HR Director Lamoureux. Increased<br />

transparency from this new administrative team, and requests for input from faculty and<br />

staff have had a direct positive impact on college morale.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The stabilization of leadership at <strong>RVCC</strong> with the hiring of President Williams in July<br />

2018 has improved college morale.<br />

Multiple, clear lines of communication via Standing Teams and scheduled meetings<br />

allow for multiple voices from the College to be heard.<br />

Faculty and staff are vested in the success of the College.<br />

Faculty and staff can request meetings directly with the Chancellor and the Vice<br />

Chancellors as needed and <strong>RVCC</strong> has had good support from CCSNH Administration<br />

when requested.<br />

Promotion of the Department Chair of Liberal Arts to VPAA helps maintain<br />

institutional knowledge on the Administrative Team.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

There are still a number of Standing Teams that may not fit with the current<br />

administration’s goals, the Strategic Plan, and the current status of the College. A<br />

few of the Standing Teams are redundant or their roles are outdated in the current<br />

college structure.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

By Fall of <strong>2019</strong>, the Standing Teams will be evaluated and reorganized and the<br />

Standing Team Document will be updated to reflect current practice.<br />

34 | P a g e

Standard 3: Organization and Governance<br />

(Board and Internal Governance)<br />

Please attach to this form:<br />

1) A copy of the institution's organization chart(s).<br />

2) A copy of the by-laws, enabling legislation, and/or other appropriate documentation to establish the<br />

legal authority of the institution to award degrees in accordance with applicable requirements.<br />

If there is a "sponsoring entity," such as a church or religious congregation, a state system, or a corporation, describe<br />

and document the relationship with the accredited institution.<br />

Name of the sponsoring entity<br />

Website location of documentation of relationship<br />

Governing Board<br />

By-laws<br />

Board members' names and affiliations<br />

Board committees *<br />

Academic, Student Affairs Workforce Development<br />

Audit Committee<br />

Facilities and Capital Budget Committee<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Finance Committee<br />

Governance Committee<br />

Human Resources Committee<br />

Marketing Committee<br />

Safety and Risk Management Committee<br />

Major institutional faculty committees or governance<br />

groups*<br />

Faculty Forum<br />

Curriculum Team<br />

Department Chairs<br />

Community College System of New Hampshire<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu<br />

Website location<br />

Website location or document name for meeting<br />

minutes<br />

https://www.ccsnh.edu/board-trustees/meetingsand-minutes<br />

https://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/board-trustees<br />

https://www.ccsnh.edu/board-trustees/meetingsand-minutes<br />

Website location or document name for meeting<br />

minutes<br />

Faculty Forum Minutes<br />

Curriculum Team Minutes<br />

Department Chairs Minutes<br />

Major institutional student committees or governance<br />

groups*<br />

Student Government Association<br />

Website location or document name for meeting<br />

minutes<br />

Student Government Association Minutes<br />

Other major institutional committees or governance<br />

groups*<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> Advisory Board<br />

Program Advisory Boards<br />

Website location or document name for meeting<br />

minutes<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> Advisory Board Minutes<br />

Program Advisory Board Minutes<br />

35 | P a g e

*Insert additional rows as appropriate.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

*Board Committees meeting minutes: found on my.ccsnh.edu<br />

*Major institutional faculty committees or governance meeting minutes: found on Canvas<br />

*Major student institutional committee meeting minutes: found in Canvas<br />

*Other major institutional committees: found in Canvas<br />

Campuses, Branches and Locations Currently in Operation (See definitions in comment boxes)<br />

(Insert additional rows as appropriate.)<br />

Enrollment*<br />

Location (City,<br />

State/Country)<br />

Date<br />

Initiated<br />

2 years<br />

prior<br />

1 year<br />

prior<br />

Current<br />

year<br />

? (FY2017 ) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong> )<br />

? Main campus 1 College Place, Claremont, NH 9/1/1968 2,115 1,930 2,186<br />

? Other principal campuses<br />

? Branch campuses (US)<br />

? Other instructional locations (US) Academic Centers - Keene/Lebanon 9/1/2004 *<br />

? Branch campuses (overseas)<br />

? Other instructional locations (overseas)<br />

Educational modalities<br />

Standard 3: Organization and Governance<br />

(Locations and Modalities)<br />

Number of programs<br />

Date First<br />

Initiated<br />

2 years<br />

prior<br />

1 year<br />

prior<br />

Current<br />

year<br />

Distance Learning Programs (FY2017 ) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

Programs 50-99% on-line **<br />

1,155 1,155 1,291<br />

Programs 100% on-line<br />

? Correspondence Education<br />

Low-Residency Programs<br />

Competency-based Programs<br />

Dual Enrollment Programs<br />

Contractual Arrangements<br />

involving the award of credit<br />

0<br />

HTTI Lebanon, NH<br />

2016-2017 16 0 0<br />

*Enter the annual unduplicated headcount for each of the years specified below.<br />

Enrollment*<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

*These enrollments are included in the Main Campus Enrollment as they are not a separate campus, but other instructional locations.<br />

**Students do not enroll in online degree programs. All students enrolled in the College may take online courses. Enrollment reflects<br />

any student who enrolled in an online course (unduplicated), and most students are also enrolled in face to face courses within their<br />

program.<br />

36 | P a g e

37 | P a g e<br />

Standard Four<br />

The Academic Program

Description<br />

River Valley Community College offers credentials including the Associate in Science,<br />

Associate in Science with a Concentration, Associate in Arts, and Certificate Programs. In<br />

2017-2018, <strong>RVCC</strong> offered 18 options for students wishing to pursue an associate degree<br />

and 12 options for students wishing to pursue certificates. The <strong>RVCC</strong> Catalog is dominated<br />

by allied health and health science fields, an area that the College is known for. The<br />

Catalog also offers credentials in business, computer technology, education, and social<br />

services. <strong>RVCC</strong> offers a General Studies degree for students who would like to combine a<br />

certificate program with an associate degree curriculum that is not currently an option<br />

through <strong>RVCC</strong> or who would like to self-design a degree. Lastly, <strong>RVCC</strong> offers a degree in<br />

liberal arts which serves as a transfer pathway to four-year institutions.<br />

Two programs at <strong>RVCC</strong>, Running Start and Bridge2College, serve to encourage early<br />

college enrollment for area high school students. Running Start courses are River Valley<br />

courses that are offered at local high school and technical centers. These courses utilize<br />

certified high school instructors who teach the same content that is offered at <strong>RVCC</strong> under<br />

the guidance and supervision of an <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty. The Bridge2College program allows local<br />

high school students to attend classes at <strong>RVCC</strong> where they can earn dual college and high<br />

school credit.<br />

Program Length & Planning<br />

All certificates and degrees offered at River Valley Community College lead to a credential<br />

in a recognized field of study. The shortest program, phlebotomy, is two semesters in<br />

length. Many of the certificate programs require at least three semesters to complete, and<br />

all associate degree programs, including the Liberal Arts degree, require two full years;<br />

although the time to a Liberal Arts degree can be shortened if a student commits to<br />

summer coursework. All curriculum maps are available on the <strong>RVCC</strong> Website or are<br />

located in our College Catalog. All programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> have published goals which highlight<br />

the expected outcomes of the program and expectations for program completers.<br />

All programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> have a coherent curriculum plan that is designed to take students<br />

from introductory to advanced knowledge based on course content and sequence.<br />

Students may only alter the sequencing of courses in a curriculum with a waiver from the<br />

Program Director, and a Program Director may only waive a pre- or co- requisite with<br />

sufficient evidence that the student can meet the readiness of the course. Curriculum plans<br />

include a series of courses, each with a written, approved course outline. The course<br />

outline serves as a static document for the course to ensure that all instructors teaching<br />

the course are working towards the same outcomes and includes the following<br />

information: a standard course description, specific course learning goals, pre-requisite or<br />

co-requisite course requirements, instructional and assessment methods, and the content<br />

outline. The course outline can only be changed through a formal process of assessment<br />

by the <strong>RVCC</strong> Curriculum Team.<br />

All programs of study are outlined in the College Catalog, and programs also use the<br />

Catalog to identify any specific programmatic admissions processes; to define successful<br />

38 | P a g e

progress through the program; and to identify grading policies. All classes have a course<br />

syllabus, a separate document from the course outline, which further identifies course and<br />

classroom expectations of the individual instructor teaching the course.<br />

All program designs must meet the CCSNH Board of Trustees policies for degree<br />

requirements as outlined in BoT Academic Policy 620.02. All new programs must be<br />

approved through the Curriculum Team, the VPAAs, and the BoT.<br />

Budgeting for Programs<br />

All programs submit budgets each year to the Business Affairs Officer who is responsible<br />

for evaluation of programmatic budgets and fitting them into the college budget each year<br />

as described in Standard 7. Program Directors, in consultation with additional faculty in<br />

their programs, are responsible for identifying the financial needs of the academic program<br />

and for developing a budget that, while fiscally responsible, will also meet the needs of<br />

program improvement. Many programs, with the exception of liberal arts, general studies,<br />

and biological science, are further financially eligible for Perkins Grant funding under the<br />

classifications as outlined by the State of NH Department of Education.<br />

Assuring Academic Quality<br />

Programmatic Oversight, Implementation, and Review<br />

As shown in the organizational structure (p. x), each program has a Program Director who<br />

is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the program including faculty, budgets, mode<br />

of program offering, and curriculum. All Program Directors are further supported by the<br />

Department Chair who provides an additional layer of oversight for the integrity and<br />

quality of academic programs. While the direct oversight of the curriculum is the<br />

responsibility of the Program Director, any curricular changes that a Program Director<br />

wishes to implement must be approved through the process outlined in Figure 4.1. Final<br />

approval for programmatic changes is the responsibility of the VPAA.<br />

Many programs at <strong>RVCC</strong>, particularly those in the allied health, health science, and<br />

nursing, have additional oversight reporting through their national accreditation agencies.<br />

Many programs also have individual advisory boards who assist with oversight of the<br />

program and work specifically to ensure that programs are relevant to the community and<br />

industry in which graduates will be employed.<br />

Figure 4.1: Programmatic changes approval process<br />

39 | P a g e

Any new program that the College would like to be developed must go through the CCSNH<br />

BoT (policy 640.02). If <strong>RVCC</strong> wishes to create a new program, the College must first<br />

present a letter of intent to the VPAA’s of all CCSNH colleges with sufficient rationale,<br />

identified need, anticipated enrollment, and costs of the new program. Upon VPAA<br />

approval of the proposal, <strong>RVCC</strong> undergoes an internal process of curriculum development<br />

including sequencing of courses and course outlines for each course that will be included in<br />

the program. These documents must be approved by the Curriculum Team through their<br />

standard process. Upon approval by <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Curriculum Team, the new program is<br />

presented to the CCSNH Board of Trustees for final approval before <strong>RVCC</strong> can implement<br />

the new program.<br />

All current programs have been required to undergo the in-college program review process<br />

developed in 2010. Because of concerns that the existing process did not capture relevant<br />

information, in the Spring 2018 semester, the Department Chairs and the VPAA redesigned<br />

the program review document, creating a process and a new timeline for each program’s<br />

review. This new process is being implemented during the 2018-<strong>2019</strong> academic year, and<br />

training of the Program Directors in the new process is ongoing.<br />

Academic Planning at the Academic Centers<br />

Academic planning falls under the purview of the VPAA who works in conjunction with the<br />

President. For example, in Fall 2017, the Interim President/VPASA and the College Advisor<br />

began working on a process to clearly define the roles of the Claremont campus and the<br />

Keene and Lebanon Academic Centers. They carefully examined student populations,<br />

finances, and distribution of programming. This process was further supported by the<br />

promotion of the new VPAA and the hiring of the President in Summer 2018. Going<br />

forward, feasibility studies will be conducted in order to make data-informed decisions<br />

about focus directions for each of <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Academic Centers.<br />

Early College and Other Off-Campus Educational Experiences<br />

Academic experiences that take place off-campus include the Running Start Partnerships<br />

as well as the partnerships with local facilities for the Allied Health, Nursing, and Early<br />

Childhood Educational practicum, internship, clinical and fieldwork experiences. Courses<br />

offered for college credit through <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Workforce Development Program are also offered<br />

through local businesses as described later in Standard Five. All MOU’s for these programs<br />

are overseen by the Office of the VPAA and housed in the Academic Affairs Office.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s Educated Person and English Language Expectations<br />

40 | P a g e

All programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> strive to follow the Philosophy of the College which defines an<br />

educated person. Each program sets its own threshold for meeting this philosophy based<br />

on the individual expectations of the program through development of appropriate course<br />

competencies listed in the course outline documents. Assessment of the philosophy is<br />

discussed in Standard Eight.<br />

All students enrolled in degree programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> must complete College Composition as a<br />

required course per BoT policy 620.02 for both Associate of Science and Associate of Arts<br />

degrees. All college courses are taught in English and students must take the Accuplacer<br />

Assessment in Writing before entering into College Composition. The Accuplacer test is<br />

issued in English. Students who identify as ESL and may need additional assistance prior<br />

to starting classes are directed to local agencies in Claremont, Keene, and Lebanon who<br />

specialize in this area. No ESL services are available at <strong>RVCC</strong>.<br />

Information Literacy is assessed at the college level through the Library which provides a<br />

tutorial as well as an online assessment.<br />

Appraisal of Assuring Academic Quality<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has policies and procedures in place to ensure the quality of the Academic Programs<br />

offered by the College and to comply with CCSNH and college expectations.<br />

To improve clear and effective communication, in Spring 2018, Department Chairs and<br />

Curriculum Team began to discuss consolidating course outlines with course syllabi. This<br />

consolidation of documents was completed in Fall of 2018, and the pilot implementation is<br />

currently taking place.<br />

Discussions at both the Department Chair level and the Curriculum Team level have<br />

centered on refining and improving policies and procedures related to academic planning<br />

so that planning can continue despite any transitions in administration. This increase in<br />

ownership of academic planning was supported by both the Interim President/VPAA and<br />

the Advisor to the President under the previous administration and has continued support<br />

under President Williams and VPAA Jahn.<br />

Throughout the transitions that have occurred, <strong>RVCC</strong> has followed the process for approval<br />

for Substantive Changes as it relates to the College including updates in administration,<br />

identification of changes to accredited programs, and plans for development of the LAC.<br />

River Valley faculty and staff have remained committed to ensuring academic quality for<br />

students, and often have employers comment on the quality and well-roundedness of<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> graduates.<br />

Undergraduate Degree Programs<br />

Academic Core<br />

All associate degree programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> follow the BoT policies for the Liberal Arts Core<br />

which includes, at minimum, the following courses with the remainder of the minimum 60<br />

credits being based on the requirements of the individual program:<br />

41 | P a g e

Certificates that do not have the option of an associate degree can be made into an A.S.<br />

degree through the General Studies program. Other programs, such as early childhood,<br />

offer stackable credentials such as Level I & II certificates that can also be turned into an<br />

associate degree. Although there are no general education requirements, all certificate<br />

programs employ outcomes that identify mastery of the specific discipline, some of which<br />

may include skills learned in liberal arts core courses.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> follows the CCSNH BoT policy with regards to general education requirements (as<br />

outlined above in Table 4.1) and which are identified in the College Catalog (page 19). The<br />

Associate of Arts degree, by definition, has a greater emphasis on general education<br />

requirements. The only Associate of Arts degree offered at <strong>RVCC</strong> is the Liberal Arts<br />

degree. This can also be used as a transfer degree for students who wish to continue their<br />

education at a 4-year institution. The Liberal Arts degree affords the student the most<br />

choice in electives. Most Associate of Science degrees are more restrictive and the<br />

remaining credit loads are filled with required program specific courses; very few of the<br />

A.S. degrees offer unrestricted electives, but students are allowed some choice in their<br />

Liberal Arts Core.<br />

Students graduating from <strong>RVCC</strong> have met the requirements of each course in their<br />

program, met the graduation requirements of the College, and for associate degree<br />

earners, have successfully completed the Liberal Arts core. As the Philosophy of the<br />

College is threaded through all programs, they have also met the outcomes for the<br />

educated person. One CCSNH initiative that <strong>RVCC</strong> hopes will bring our completion rates<br />

even higher is the Open Education Resources (OER) initiative. Currently, the Associate<br />

Professor of Biological Science represents <strong>RVCC</strong> at the system level. Lowering textbook<br />

costs for students may help them take more classes, and may encourage them to<br />

complete in a timely manner.<br />

Appraisal of Undergraduate Degree Programs<br />

Many of the A.S. degrees are designed with a specific employment goal in mind or are<br />

subject to the requirements of national accreditation standards which restricts the amount<br />

of choice that can be given to a student with regards to electives. These programs are<br />

designed to ensure that the student meets the educational and technical standards<br />

required for employment. Credits beyond the Liberal Arts Core are designed specifically to<br />

meet the needs of the program while still keeping the credit load within a reasonable<br />

number for an associate degree. Students who wish to transfer to a four-year institution<br />

can pursue the Liberal Arts degree which is modeled after the first two years of most fouryear<br />

liberal arts colleges.<br />

42 | P a g e

One area that came to light during the self-study process was the lack of a structured<br />

assessment plan in some of the liberal arts areas. While the accredited programs, as well<br />

as mathematics and sciences, have standard assessment timelines, English and social<br />

sciences do not. Administration supported the current VPAA in attending the Assessment<br />

Institute in Indianapolis in October 2018. VPAA Jahn was able to bring back a wealth of<br />

practical knowledge in the area and has been working on an assessment plan designed<br />

first for liberal arts courses, then moving to the liberal arts program as a whole, then to<br />

college-wide assessment.<br />

General Education<br />

The general education requirement is clearly outlined, as described above, in the Liberal<br />

Arts Core of <strong>RVCC</strong> that all associate degree programs must meet. The Liberal Arts Core<br />

directly informs and prepares students to meet the definition of the educated person as set<br />

out in the <strong>RVCC</strong> Philosophy. The Philosophy further identifies that students who graduate<br />

from <strong>RVCC</strong> should “[embrace] an understanding and appreciation of self in today's socially<br />

and technologically complex world, and through the stimulation of intellectual curiosity,<br />

learners will be able to improve their lives and contribute something of value to the<br />

community of which they are a part.” The goal of all programs, certificate or degree, is to<br />

prepare students to enter the world with increased skills relevant to their individual goals.<br />

All programs follow a developed program map which ensures that the general education<br />

requirements of the arts and humanities, science, social science, and mathematics inform<br />

and support the technical programs. Program Directors are thoughtful in their placement<br />

of the general education courses in their program maps and often general education<br />

courses are used as pre-requisite or co-requisites for technical program courses.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> follows the CCSNH BoT policy which requires a minimum of 20 credits in general<br />

education courses. Approximately 12-13 of these credits will come from the Liberal Arts<br />

Core, with the remaining credits being determined for each program depending on the<br />

need of that program, but coming from Humanities/Fine Arts/Language; Quantitative<br />

Reasoning; Science; or Social Science. The Associate of Arts Degree requires even more<br />

credits (37-40) in the general education subjects. The variability in credit load is a result of<br />

math courses being either 3 or 4-credit courses, and lab science having variable credit<br />

loads.<br />

Appraisal of General Education<br />

The general education requirements at <strong>RVCC</strong> follow the CCSNH System requirements and<br />

are designed to meet the standards set forth in River Valley’s definition of an educated<br />

person. The requirements ensure that students graduating from River Valley have<br />

exposure and meet minimum standards in English, math, science, social science, and<br />

humanities. Programs are allowed to fill electives as they see fit to meet the specific<br />

nature of the degree being awarded. This format allows for students to have some choice<br />

in their coursework while still allowing Program Directors the ability to ensure that the<br />

curriculum of study meets with the rigor and expectations of the industry they are<br />

preparing students for. For those students who intend to transfer to a four-year<br />

43 | P a g e

institution, the general education requirements provide a foundational basis to prepare<br />

them for more advanced studies.<br />

The Major or Concentration<br />

Each program follows a program map which builds from early levels of knowledge to more<br />

advanced levels as the student progresses from 100 to 200 level courses. Each program<br />

has written goals and objectives. Each course in the program also identifies specific goals<br />

and skills that will be obtained upon completion.<br />

Program goals and outcomes are informed by accreditation standards, industry standards,<br />

employment requirements, or transfer expectations. Many technical programs, including<br />

certificate programs, use input from advisory boards and/or accreditation standards to<br />

guide the knowledge base that the students must meet.<br />

Appraisal of the Major or Concentration<br />

Program Directors have autonomy in development of the curriculum and how the program<br />

specific coursework will be implemented. However, development of the coursework which<br />

supports the curriculum of the individual program is created with the same framework as<br />

the general education requirements ensuring that coursework is appropriate for the<br />

student’s level of knowledge while progressing the student from simple knowledge to<br />

complex mastery. Content of the program specific courses is informed in many of the<br />

allied health, health science, and nursing programs by national accreditation standards.<br />

Additional input on curricular expectations of programs comes from advisory boards and<br />

industry standards. Program Directors regularly evaluate their courses for relevancy to<br />

ensure graduates are prepared for their chosen fields. The Curriculum Team requires<br />

courses be reviewed every five years but most Program Directors do this on a more<br />

frequent basis.<br />

Integrity in the Award of Academic Credit<br />

Academic Credit & Course Objectives<br />

River Valley awards two levels of credentials: the certificate and the associate degree. All<br />

credentials meet standards of the CCSNH Board of Trustee Policy 620.02 regarding<br />

requirements for graduation. All associate degrees must contain a minimum of sixty<br />

credits with at least 15 credits taken directly at <strong>RVCC</strong> (not transferred in) including a<br />

minimum of 8 credits in the major or specific field of study. Depending on the degree<br />

being awarded, either the Associate in Science or the Associate in Arts, there are slight<br />

differences in the core. All students in either track must earn a minimum of 20 credits of<br />

liberal arts courses including College Composition, Math, Humanities/Fine Arts/Language,<br />

Science, and a Social Science. The Associate of Arts degree requires additional credits in<br />

Literature/Composition/Communications and at least one Lab Science. The remaining<br />

credits must include 20-24 (for an A.A.) or 30 (for an A.S.) program specific credits. In<br />

the case of the A.A. in Liberal Arts, the additional credits must include 12-15 additional<br />

Liberal Arts electives from the core listed plus 9 credits of open electives. Certificate<br />

programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> also follow the BoT policy and must be at least 6 credits in length with<br />

all courses designed to meet competencies in an occupational field.<br />

44 | P a g e

All program curricula, as well as course competencies, are reviewed before implementation<br />

by the Curriculum team. Their role is to ensure, by working with Program Directors, that<br />

all programs meet the requirements as outlined above. All Program Directors are directly<br />

responsible for developing course content including required competencies. These<br />

competencies are expected to be written in measurable terms and are evaluated by the<br />

Curriculum Team before implementation in the classroom. The Program Director, through<br />

the development of the course outline, also identifies what teaching and assessment<br />

methods may be used for each course. Individual faculty have the academic freedom to<br />

deliver content as they see fit so long as they meet the course competencies, follow the<br />

learning objectives, and develop clear assessment techniques to measure objectives.<br />

Regardless of credential issued by the College, no developmental coursework/credits can<br />

count towards graduation, and all students must earn a minimum Cumulative Grade Point<br />

Average of 2.0 or higher.<br />

Credit Load<br />

Because the standard for a Bachelor’s Degree is 120 credits, the System instituted a 60<br />

credit max for an Associate Degree. This helps to limit student cost and smooth the way<br />

for students to transfer their two-year degree to a four-year institution if they wish to do<br />

so. <strong>RVCC</strong> has a large number of accredited programs in the Allied Health and Health<br />

Science fields. There is always a struggle for these programs to fall within the 60 credit<br />

limit as they need to meet both the System requirements for Liberal Arts courses, include<br />

all required content for accreditation and preparation of the student, and also include<br />

clinical experiences which are credit bearing. In addition, the Medical Laboratory<br />

Technician program has two pathways, one which allows for direct transfer to UNH<br />

provided the student takes a specific set of <strong>RVCC</strong> electives. This pathway bears a slightly<br />

higher credit load. Other programs at <strong>RVCC</strong> also rise above the 60 credit limit. This is<br />

because all <strong>RVCC</strong> math courses and science courses are four credit courses versus the<br />

CCSNH requirements which are based on math and science courses that are either three or<br />

four credits. <strong>RVCC</strong> science and math courses are designed for smooth articulation with the<br />

University System of NH. The liberal arts electives that students choose can also have an<br />

impact on the total credit load of a program.<br />

All credits awarded follow the CCSNH System policy 650.01 related to contact hours and<br />

are consistent with <strong>NECHE</strong> policy. A credit hour is defined as one hour of classroom or<br />

laboratory work and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for a<br />

15 or 16-week semester. One hour of instructional time is considered 50 minutes of direct<br />

instruction.<br />

Direct faculty instruction (“lecture classes”) have a one to one ratio. One hour of<br />

instruction per week equates to one credit when calculated over a full semester (fifteen or<br />

sixteen weeks). Laboratory classes must have two or three hours per week over a fifteen<br />

or sixteen-week semester to equate to one contact hour. The lab hour determination is left<br />

to the Program Director responsible for the course and must be approved by the<br />

Curriculum Team. Once the ratio is established as part of the course outline, it cannot be<br />

adjusted without going through the Curriculum Team process. Any course taught on a<br />

45 | P a g e

shortened schedule (less than 15 weeks) must meet the semester equivalents for a credit<br />

load outlined in Table 4.2<br />

Additional courses described in this policy that are offered by River Valley include Clinicals,<br />

Fieldwork, Affiliations, Practicums, and Internships. Contact hours for these classifications<br />

are 60 minutes of direct instruction. All courses in these categories follow the policies<br />

outlined by the CCSNH BoT with regard to credit load (outlined in table 4.2) and level of<br />

oversight by <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty. Each of these courses has a course outline with measurable<br />

objectives and, depending on the classification, is overseen by <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty in different<br />

ways. Clinicals are taught in a patient/client care setting exclusively by <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty and<br />

are found in the Nursing, Massage Therapy, and Occupational Therapy Assistant programs.<br />

Fieldwork, Affiliations, and Practicums are found in the Occupational Therapy Assistant,<br />

Physical Therapist Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technician, Respiratory Therapy,<br />

Radiologic Technology, Medical Assistant and Early Childhood Education programs.<br />

Students in these courses are working in direct patient/client/child care facilities, and with<br />

approved preceptors while receiving regular oversight via electronic and in person visits by<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> faculty. Internships are offered in the Phlebotomy program and have oversight<br />

similar to Fieldwork and Practicums. While many of <strong>RVCC</strong>’s programs have required<br />

competencies, we have no programs that are completely competency based.<br />

Guided Pathways & Program Mapping<br />

In Fall of 2016, <strong>RVCC</strong> began rigorously working on program mapping with a goal of<br />

introducing Guided Pathways and Academic Focus Areas. Many programs, particularly<br />

those related to the Allied Health and Health Science fields already had program maps that<br />

were provided to students during their first meeting with their academic advisors. Since<br />

Fall of 2016, every program has worked to streamline their program maps to ensure<br />

students are aware of which semester courses should be taken and the order which they<br />

should follow. All current program maps are housed in Canvas for access by any advisor<br />

to follow.<br />

Early College<br />

Our most prominent dual-enrollment program, Running Start, allows our courses to be<br />

taught at the high school facility by high school teachers who meet our credential<br />

requirements. Every high school instructor is overseen by a <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty member whose<br />

job it is to visit the classroom and assess that the content being taught meets the course<br />

competencies and is being delivered at the same rigor as it would be if offered directly at<br />

46 | P a g e

the College. Faculty mentors often have to work closely with new instructors to ensure<br />

that the <strong>RVCC</strong> standards are met. All Running Start classroom visits are documented with<br />

standard forms and are evaluated and housed by the Running Start Coordinator.<br />

Academic Policies and Academic Freedom<br />

All students must earn a passing grade on either a 10-point scale or a 7-point scale (for<br />

many allied health and health science programs) in order to be awarded credit. Passing<br />

grades for courses may vary between departments per individual program policy.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> policies outlined in the Student Handbook (pages 22-24) define Satisfactory<br />

Academic Progress at the College as the Cumulative GPA of credits earned against the total<br />

number of credits attempted in the student’s program of study. They also provide<br />

definitions and guidelines for the classifications and criteria for Academic Probation and<br />

Academic Suspension. Policies are clear and identify academic as well as Financial Aid<br />

implications for continuation in programs. The Student Handbook also identifies policies by<br />

which the student has the right to appeal decisions impacting their progress through the<br />

college programs.<br />

All Program Directors are directly responsible for developing course content including<br />

required competencies. These competencies are expected to be written in measurable<br />

terms and are evaluated by the Curriculum Team before implementation in the classroom.<br />

The Program Director, through the development of the course outline also identifies what<br />

teaching and assessment methods may be used for each course.<br />

Individual faculty have the academic freedom to deliver content as they see fit so long as<br />

they meet the course competencies, follow the learning objectives, and develop clear<br />

assessment techniques to measure objectives. Faculty are responsible for following the<br />

course outline to ensure that students are assessed appropriately for all outcomes and that<br />

grading criteria from classroom assessments are accurately reflective of student work.<br />

The Student Handbook defines cheating and plagiarism in the Student Code of Conduct<br />

Section C (page 44). Each faculty member is responsible for ensuring that all submitted<br />

student work is their own work or cited properly.<br />

Course Transfer & Credit Awarded for Prior Experience<br />

Each course that a student wishes to transfer into <strong>RVCC</strong> is evaluated by the Program<br />

Director who oversees the content area of the course being requested for transfer<br />

evaluation. This ensures that content experts in each field are directly involved in the<br />

decision for which transfers can be completed. Program Directors evaluate course<br />

descriptions, and when needed, course syllabi to ensure similar objectives, assessments,<br />

and credit load prior to accepting courses for transfer. Our high school program, Running<br />

Start, is described above and all credits for the dual enrolled students are awarded directly<br />

by <strong>RVCC</strong>. CBE’s are described below and require students meet the final assessment of<br />

the course before being approved for credit.<br />

Transfer of credit from outside institutions follows a clear policy which is available in the<br />

Student Handbook (page 17). The College allows for transfer in of any course which<br />

meets our course objectives and competencies, has the same or greater credit load, and is<br />

no greater than ten years old. Occasionally, a content expert will allow for transfer of a<br />

47 | P a g e

course greater than ten years old if a student has sufficient, additional proof that they<br />

have maintained currency in the content area since taking the course. Students who plan<br />

to take a course at another college during their time at <strong>RVCC</strong> can submit paperwork for<br />

pre-approval for transfer to ensure that their course will transfer in upon successful<br />

completion. Certain programs in Allied Health have additional transfer of credit policies to<br />

remain in compliance with program accreditation requirements and individual transfer<br />

policies are provided on the program website or in the program handbook. It is the<br />

responsibility of the Program Director to accurately communicate all program-specific<br />

transfer policies to students.<br />

River Valley’s policy on credit award for prior experiential learning is through a process<br />

called Credit by Examination (CBE). If a student can demonstrate sufficient reason why<br />

their prior experience has met the course objectives, they may challenge the course.<br />

Typically, this is done in a manner which provides the student a chance to take a<br />

comprehensive final exam, comprehensive practical exam, and/or submit a portfolio of<br />

work that demonstrates mastery of the course objectives. The grade issued for this CBE is<br />

identified as the course grade on the student’s transcript. Students can also earn credit by<br />

transferring completion of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams or Advanced<br />

Placement (AP) coursework.<br />

Per the CCSNH BoT Academic Policy 620.02, <strong>RVCC</strong> may only issue associate degrees for<br />

which a student has completed 15 credits being offered directly by the College (not<br />

transferred in) including a minimum of 8 credits in the major or specific field of study.<br />

Many of the programs in allied health and health science, which require credit loads above<br />

60 credits, do not allow for direct transfer of program-specific courses, but will only allow<br />

transfer of credit related to general education credits. This continues to ensure that all<br />

students complete at least 25% of their coursework directly at <strong>RVCC</strong>. Certificate programs<br />

also follow CCSNH Policy which states that a minimum of 6 credits, or 25% of credit load,<br />

whichever is greater, must be completed at the College awarding the degree. For<br />

example, even our smallest credit program, phlebotomy, which has only six (6) credits,<br />

will allow transfer in of the phlebotomy course from another school (3 credits) for students<br />

who wish to complete their phlebotomy internship at one of our clinical locations. These<br />

students therefore, may transfer in only 50% maximum of their credit load towards their<br />

Phlebotomy certificate, while still taking the <strong>RVCC</strong> phlebotomy internship and completing<br />

50% of their credits at <strong>RVCC</strong> before being awarded their certificate.<br />

Articulation Agreements<br />

River Valley has articulation agreements with a number of four-year institutions in the<br />

State of NH and has worked closely with those institutions in recent years to ensure that<br />

course competencies align for ease of transfer. This work has been most rigorously done in<br />

the math and science fields to ensure that students at <strong>RVCC</strong> can transfer their coursework<br />

to any of the NH Universities.<br />

Program & Course Scheduling<br />

Scheduling of programs and courses follows the program maps as described above. <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

does not offer any programs on an abbreviated schedule, but does offer courses via<br />

distance education. All online courses follow the same outline as the same course offered<br />

48 | P a g e

in the face to face format and are treated equivalently to a face to face course. Students<br />

participating in the online version of a course must meet the same course objectives as<br />

those students seated in the same course being offered in a face to face format. Online<br />

courses are included as part of faculty evaluation processes similarly to evaluation of any<br />

other course material. Each semester, the Liberal Arts department runs one or two “late<br />

start” courses to allow students who may need to alter their schedules time to register for<br />

additional electives. These courses also follow the requirements of the traditional, fullsemester<br />

length course but do so over a fewer number of weeks. This shortening of the<br />

schedule requires that the courses meet for longer periods each week in order to meet<br />

contact hour requirements.<br />

All students enrolled in either 100% online courses or off-campus courses such as<br />

internships and practicums have regular access to their faculty through our online learning<br />

management system, email, phone, or physical contact during site visits. All students<br />

enrolled in distance education must log in through their <strong>RVCC</strong> issued Easy Log-In, a<br />

username and password issued to all students to access their Canvas account, Student<br />

Information System, and email. This Easy Log-In is individual to each student and is the<br />

only option we have as a college to ensure that students who register for an online course<br />

are the ones completing the course.<br />

Appraisal of Integrity in the Award of Academic Credit<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> does a very good job of ensuring authority and administrative oversight of all<br />

courses for which institutional credit is awarded. The College follows the BoT policies and<br />

all awards of institutional credit have oversight by the VPAA. The VPAA is responsible for<br />

evaluating the schedule each semester to ensure that courses are scheduled for<br />

appropriate lengths of times to meet credit loads. Department Chairs or Program<br />

Directors evaluate all faculty to ensure that course objectives are being met and that<br />

courses are meeting as outlined on the schedule. During faculty evaluations where a<br />

faculty is teaching online, Department Chairs and Program Directors are given access to<br />

online courses to evaluate the virtual learning environment. Courses taught off campus<br />

through Running Start are evaluated each semester by faculty partners to ensure that high<br />

school partners are teaching at the same level and providing comparable assessments as<br />

would be given in the college environment.<br />

One challenge that we have faced as a college is having a central location for reporting<br />

acts of plagiarism or cheating. Most issues are held at the program level but faculty have<br />

brought up concerns related to cross-college cheating and plagiarism issues. Previously,<br />

all issues were reported to the VPAA which allowed a common repository of information.<br />

This ensured that if a student violated student policies in multiple courses, there was a<br />

central location for evaluation of repeated student issues. This process was discontinued<br />

with the VPAA holding the position in 2015 but was reinstated in Fall of 2018 so all<br />

plagiarism issues are again housed in the Office of Academic Affairs.<br />

One opportunity we have as a small college is that we are consistently working to reinvent<br />

and update Liberal Arts electives to keep them current. In the past two years we have<br />

introduced the following courses: Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Painting,<br />

Understanding World Religions, as well as Introduction to Counseling Theories and<br />

49 | P a g e

Techniques. The Department Chair of Liberal Arts has also worked diligently to monitor<br />

course tallies and collect data regarding which courses are most popular among students<br />

and has worked to rotate these courses to ensure that they are available as needed for<br />

students and are offered without competing against each other to ensure enrollment is<br />

sufficient for all courses to run in the semester they are offered. One area that the<br />

Department Chair group has recently discussed is offering certain courses only in certain<br />

semesters and documenting this in the Catalog to allow students to have more specificity<br />

when working with their advisors on course planning. Additionally, many of our students<br />

attend college part-time, while most program maps are planned for the full-time student.<br />

This sometimes poses challenges for academic advisors to assist students in a complete<br />

plan if they are attending part-time. Currently the College is exploring making greater use<br />

of our technology to deliver instruction. For example, <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Claremont campus uses the<br />

College’s Zoom software to tie in students from the Lebanon and Keene Academic Centers<br />

for classes only offered in Claremont.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Integrity of academics is overseen through a number of avenues including the<br />

Program Director, Department Chair, VPAA, and Curriculum Team<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has strong academic policies which follow and are supportive of CCSNH<br />

System Policies.<br />

River Valley has a strong academic Catalog which delivers a variety of programs<br />

unique to the State of NH and the State of VT.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

<br />

Due to required content and the way credit hours are calculated, it is difficult for<br />

many programs to remain within the recommended 60 credit limit suggested for an<br />

associate degree.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> does not yet have systematic adoption of Open Education Resources.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

The VPAA, in conjunction with the President, Department Chairs, and other relevant<br />

college constituents will develop a long term plan related to academics for<br />

Claremont as well as the Lebanon Academic Center and the Keene Academic Center<br />

by Spring 2020.<br />

By Spring 2020, <strong>RVCC</strong> will have a plan for systematic adoption of OER.<br />

50 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Summary - Degree-Seeking Enrollment and Degrees)<br />

Fall Enrollment* by location and modality, as of Census Date<br />

Degree Level/ Location &<br />

Modality<br />

Associate's Bachelor's Master's<br />

Clinical<br />

doctorates (e.g.,<br />

Pharm.D., DPT,<br />

DNP)<br />

Professional<br />

doctorates (e.g.,<br />

Ed.D., Psy.D.,<br />

D.B.A.)<br />

M.D., J.D.,<br />

DDS<br />

Ph.D.<br />

Total Degree-<br />

Seeking<br />

Main Campus FT 140 140<br />

Main Campus PT 485 485<br />

Other Principal Campus FT 0<br />

Other Principal Campus PT 0<br />

Branch campuses FT 0<br />

Branch campuses PT 0<br />

Other Locations FT 0<br />

Other Locations PT 0<br />

Overseas Locations FT 0<br />

Overseas Locations FT 0<br />

Distance education FT<br />

0<br />

Distance education PT<br />

0<br />

Correspondence FT 0<br />

Correspondence PT 0<br />

Low-Residency FT 0<br />

Low-Residency PT 0<br />

Unduplicated Headcount Total 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 625<br />

Total FTE 512.00 512.00<br />

Enter FTE definition: Degrees Awarded, Most Recent 1 FTE =<br />

student taking<br />

at least 12<br />

credits<br />

Year 119 119<br />

Notes:<br />

1) Enrollment numbers should include all students in the named categories, including students in continuing education and students enrolled<br />

through any contractual relationship.<br />

2) Each student should be recorded in only one category, e.g., students enrolled in low-residency programs housed on the main campus should be<br />

recorded only in the category "low-residency programs."<br />

3) Please refer to form 3.2, "Locations and Modalities," for definitions of locations and instructional modalities.<br />

* For programs not taught in the fall, report an analogous term's enrollment as of its Census Date.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

Students at <strong>RVCC</strong> apply to the college, not to an academic center. All students are considered at part of the data for <strong>RVCC</strong>-Claremont but any student can<br />

take classes at the Keene Academic Center, the Lebaonon Academic Center, and online. Students do not enroll at a specific location or modality.<br />

51 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Summary - Non-degree seeking Enrollment and Awards)<br />

Fall Enrollment* by location and modality, as of Census Date<br />

Degree Level/ Location &<br />

Modality<br />

Title IV-Eligible<br />

Certificates: Students<br />

Seeking Certificates<br />

Non-Matriculated<br />

Students<br />

Visiting<br />

Students<br />

Total Nondegree-Seeking<br />

Total degreeseeking<br />

(from<br />

previous page)<br />

Grand total<br />

Main Campus FT 17 17 17<br />

Main Campus PT 74 74 74<br />

Other Principal Campus FT 0 0<br />

Other Principal Campus PT 0 0<br />

Branch campuses FT 0 0<br />

Branch campuses PT 0 0<br />

Other Locations FT 0 0<br />

Other Locations PT 0 0<br />

Overseas Locations FT 0 0<br />

Overseas Locations FT 0 0<br />

Distance education FT<br />

0 0<br />

Distance education PT<br />

0 0<br />

Correspondence FT 0 0<br />

Correspondence PT 0 0<br />

Low-Residency FT 0 0<br />

Low-Residency PT 0 0<br />

Unduplicated Headcount<br />

Total 91 0 0 91 91<br />

Total FTE 60.00 60 60.00<br />

FTE = student taking at<br />

least 12 credits<br />

Enter FTE definition:<br />

Certificates Awarded, Most<br />

Recent Year 71<br />

Notes:<br />

1) Enrollment numbers should include all students in the named categories, including students in continuing education and students enrolled<br />

through any contractual relationship.<br />

2) Each student should be recorded in only one category, e.g., students enrolled in low-residency programs housed on the main campus should<br />

be recorded only in the category "low-residency programs."<br />

3) Please refer to form 3.2, "Locations and Modalities," for definitions of locations and instructional modalities.<br />

* For programs not taught in the fall, report an analogous term's enrollment as of its Census Date.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

52 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Headcount by UNDERGRADUATE Major)<br />

? Number 3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Next Year<br />

of Prior Prior Prior Year Forward (goal)<br />

For Fall Term, as of Census Date credits* Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

Certificate (add more rows as needed)<br />

? Accounting 23.00 37.00 27.00 30.00 28.00 30.00<br />

Advanced Accounting 35.00 3.00 24.00 21.00 - 10.00<br />

Advanced Machine Tool 24.00 595.00 225.00 73.00 - n/a<br />

Healthcare Applications 32/33 n/a n/a n/a n/a 950.00<br />

Business Management 30.00 22.00 27.00 30.00 18.00 25.00<br />

Computer Technology: Networking 18.00 62.00 80.00 42.00 6.00 42.00<br />

Cybersecurity Security & Healthcare 18.00 7.00 18.00 15.00 - 12.00<br />

Early Childhood Education Level 1 12.00 21.00 33.00 24.00 12.00 15.00<br />

Early Childhood Education Level 2 24.00 18.00 36.00 54.00 45.00 45.00<br />

Human Services 24.00 - 9.00 n/a n/a n/a<br />

Infant & Toddler 18.00 n/a n/a n/a 39.00 40.00<br />

Massage Therapy 37.00 375.00 330.00 394.00 265.00 275.00<br />

Medical Administrative Assistant 18.00 132.00 119.00 36.00 120.00 125.00<br />

Medical Assistant 42.00 242.00 285.00 218.00 122.00 125.00<br />

Phlebotomy 6.00 36.00 24.00 18.00 39.00 39.00<br />

Social Services 18.00 n/a n/a n/a 21.00 21.00<br />

Total 1,550 1,237 955 715 1,754<br />

Associate (add more rows as needed)<br />

? Accounting 60/62 200 220 296 243 245<br />

Business Management 60/62 636 615 491 436 438<br />

Computer Technology: Networking 60 212 223 115 132 150<br />

Computer Technology: Information Tech 60 n/a n/a n/a 63 60<br />

Cybersecurity & Healthcare IT 60 144 112 52 58 85<br />

Creative Writing 69 34 24 24 n/a n/a<br />

Criminal Justice 60 235 172 107 232 235<br />

Early Childhood Education 63-65 307 418 597 430 430<br />

General Studies: Cert-Degree 60 60 38 34 25 20<br />

General Studies: <strong>Self</strong>-Designed 60 0 7 14 11 n/a<br />

Human Services 63-65 162 86 9 n/a n/a<br />

Liberal Arts 60 476 766 658 531 530<br />

Mathematics & Science: Biological Science 60 126 220 176 131 60<br />

Mathematics & Science: Engineering 60 119 229 37 20 n/a<br />

Mathematics & Science: Math 60 10 17 8 4 n/a<br />

Mathematics & Science: Physical Science 60 0 10 n/a n/a n/a<br />

Medical Laboratory Technician 65-70 97 36 145 213 220<br />

Nursing 65/66 459 514 552 595 705<br />

Occupational Therapy Assistant 68 421 385 327 361 324<br />

Physical Therapist Assistant 70 225 338 375 370 370<br />

Radiologic Technology 69 106 324 239 278 280<br />

Respiratory Therapy 62 315 311 314 294 310<br />

Social Services 60 n/a n/a 93 224 220<br />

Teacher Education 64 67 90 16 4 -<br />

? Undeclared 2076 1,701 1,621 1,492 425<br />

Total 6,487 6,856 6,300 6,147 5,107<br />

53 | P a g e

Baccalaureate (add more rows as needed)<br />

?<br />

Undeclared<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Total Undergraduate 8,037 8,093 7,255 6,862 6,861<br />

* Enter here the number of credits students must complete in order to earn the credential (e.g., 69 credits in an A.S. in Nursing)<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

1) All credits are reported only based on a student's first declared major. For example, a student may list General Eduaction:<br />

Exploratory as their first major, but have a second major of Phlebotomy; their credit load is only listed under General<br />

Eduation: Exploratory program, even though they are taking credits in the Phelbotomy program as well. 2)Credit Loads for<br />

Degree Completion have ranges due to the variablity in credit load for math and science elective courses as well as variablity in<br />

54 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Headcount by GRADUATE Major)<br />

? For Fall Term, as of Census Date<br />

? Number 3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Next Year<br />

of Prior Prior Prior Year Forward (goal)<br />

credits* (Fall 2 ) (Fall 2 ) (Fall 2 ) (Fall 2 ) (Fall 2 )<br />

Master's (add more rows as needed)<br />

?<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Doctorate (add more rows as needed)<br />

?<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

First Professional (add more rows as needed)<br />

?<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Other; specify (add more rows as needed)<br />

?<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Total Graduate 0 0 0 0 0<br />

* Enter here the number of credits students must complete in order to earn the credential (e.g., 36 credits in an M.B.A.)<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

No graduate level programs offered<br />

55 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Credit Hours Generated and Information Literacy)<br />

Credit Hours Generated By Department or Comparable Academic Unit<br />

? 3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Next Year<br />

? Prior Prior Prior Year Forward (goal)<br />

(FY 2015) (FY2016) (FY 2017) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

Undergraduate (add more rows as needed)<br />

? Allied Health 895 1,157 1,078 1,025 1,025<br />

Business 908 1,014 768 597 601<br />

Health Science 557 467 557 636 1,331<br />

Liberal Arts 2,964 2,827 1,526 2,354 1,649<br />

Math 971 836 786 508 510<br />

Nursing & Respiratory Therapy 762 770 1,584 797 800<br />

Science & Technology 998 1,022 956 945 945<br />

Total 8,055 8,093 7,255 6,862 6,861<br />

Graduate (add more rows as needed)<br />

Information Literacy Sessions<br />

Main campus<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Sessions embedded in a class 33 34 43 20<br />

Free-standing sessions<br />

Branch/other locations<br />

Sessions embedded in a class<br />

Free-standing sessions<br />

Online sessions<br />

URL of Information Literacy Reports: https://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/puksta-library/information-literacy<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

Thes credit hours generated are based on the current departmental structure although departments have been reorganized a number of<br />

times in the time frame that this data sheet covers. In Fall 2016, the BoT changed the requirement for an Associates degree to contain<br />

only College Composition as a required course, eliminating the second English requirement. This accounts for a large portion of the<br />

decreased credits from Fall 2016 to Fall 2017 in the Liberal Arts Department.<br />

56 | P a g e

Standard 4: The Academic Program<br />

(Credit Hours Generated and Information Literacy)<br />

Credit Hours Generated By Department or Comparable Academic Unit<br />

? 3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Next Year<br />

? Prior Prior Prior Year Forward (goal)<br />

(FY 2015) (FY2016) (FY 2017) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

Undergraduate (add more rows as needed)<br />

? Allied Health 895 1,157 1,078 1,025 1,025<br />

Business 908 1,014 768 597 601<br />

Health Science 557 467 557 636 1,331<br />

Liberal Arts 2,964 2,827 1,526 2,354 1,649<br />

Math 971 836 786 508 510<br />

Nursing & Respiratory Therapy 762 770 1,584 797 800<br />

Science & Technology 998 1,022 956 945 945<br />

Total 8,055 8,093 7,255 6,862 6,861<br />

Graduate (add more rows as needed)<br />

Information Literacy Sessions<br />

Main campus<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Sessions embedded in a class 33 34 43 20<br />

Free-standing sessions<br />

Branch/other locations<br />

Sessions embedded in a class<br />

Free-standing sessions<br />

Online sessions<br />

URL of Information Literacy Reports: www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/puksta-library/information-literacy<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/puksta-library/information-literacy<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

Thes credit hours generated are based on the current departmental structure although departments have been reorganized a number of<br />

times in the time frame that this data sheet covers. In Fall 2016, the BoT changed the requirement for an Associates degree to contain<br />

only College Composition as a required course, eliminating the second English requirement. This accounts for a large portion of the<br />

decreased credits from Fall 2016 to Fall 2017 in the Liberal Arts Department.<br />

57 | P a g e

58 | P a g e<br />

Standard Five<br />


Description<br />

River Valley Community College serves a rural area of New Hampshire with a diverse<br />

population of students. The majority of our students are non-traditional as we have many<br />

programs that attract students who are looking for a change in career. In academic year<br />

2017-2018, <strong>RVCC</strong> served 859 credit students and 229 non-credit students. The average<br />

age of the student population was 30 and the majority of the students (78%) attend part<br />

time (Table 5.1). Approximately 80% of students are eligible for Financial Aid.<br />

Students attend River Valley for a variety of reasons. Some wish to take one or two<br />

courses in order to improve work skills or are part of a formal Workforce Development<br />

collaboration between <strong>RVCC</strong> and a local business; some students wish to earn a certificate<br />

to get a foot in the door in a particular field; some wish to pursue an associate degree to<br />

further their education or transfer; and some students are attending four-year schools and<br />

attend classes with us to supplement their programs of study while they are home during<br />

the summer. River Valley serves many students who are first-generation college students.<br />

Some of these students apply directly out of high school, and others decide to obtain a<br />

college degree later in life. Often students are not prepared for college level courses,<br />

which presents a set of unique challenges. <strong>RVCC</strong> has worked to ensure all students are<br />

supported by providing college readiness courses, co-requisite courses, and tutoring. The<br />

variable student populate allows the College to see amazing growth in the students it<br />

serves.<br />

Admissions & Financial Aid<br />

The College mission, ethics, and core values are woven throughout all activities related to<br />

students. <strong>RVCC</strong> is an open access college which means that any student with a highschool<br />

degree, GED (General Education Development), or HiSET (High School Equivalency<br />

Test) is eligible to attend. There are some programs and courses that have additional<br />

benchmarks and admission requirements. These are clearly communicated to students<br />

through published programmatic application packets or through course pre-requisite<br />

information. <strong>RVCC</strong> follows all federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination. For<br />

applicants who wish to apply to <strong>RVCC</strong> but already hold a terminal degree from another<br />

college, their college transcript is accepted in lieu of a high school equivalency.<br />

59 | P a g e

Admissions policies are clearly accessible on the college website and follow the CCSNH BoT<br />

Policy 740 – Admission of Students. The College Catalog helps students identify a<br />

program of study and counsels students on the matriculation process. Specific programs,<br />

which may have additional admission requirements such as technical or psychomotor skills<br />

that are required for employment or related to accreditation standards, can be found in the<br />

College Catalog as well. Each Program Director in charge of programs with additional<br />

admissions requirements is responsible for ensuring that any additional program<br />

admissions requirements are clearly stated in the program documentation. Program<br />

Directors work with the Admissions Office to ensure that admissions requirements for their<br />

programs are current in the admissions database.<br />

All college and program admissions must adhere to the College’s Non-Discrimination Policy<br />

which is identified in the College Catalog (pg. 79), on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website, and on the first<br />

page of the college application.<br />

Many programs in the Allied Health, Health Science and Nursing departments have specific<br />

admission requirements and often require prior completion of high school Biology, Algebra,<br />

Chemistry, or Physics in order to ensure proper preparation for the rigors of the program.<br />

These specific requirements are listed in each programs individual Catalog page. If<br />

students wish to enter these programs and do not have proof of completion of these<br />

requirements, the College provides comparable course work that Program Directors will<br />

accept in lieu of high school requirements. For example, the <strong>RVCC</strong> course CHEM030R –<br />

Introduction to Chemical Principles serves as the equivalent to high school Chemistry and<br />

can be accepted towards program admission.<br />

Financial Aid information is provided to all students and can be found on the <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

website, in the College Catalog (pgs. 8-9), and in the Student Handbook (pg. 30). The<br />

Director of Financial Aid and Admissions Counselors travel to each Academic Center at<br />

least one day per week to meet with students who may not be able to travel to the<br />

Claremont location where these offices are permanently housed.<br />

Recruitment & Retention<br />

As a result of the variable student population, it is important for <strong>RVCC</strong> to evaluate data<br />

related to student demographics. Student demographic information is culled from<br />

admissions application and registration forms, and the College identifies the typical age<br />

range, gender, part vs. full-time status, and veteran status. These data inform our<br />

admission outreach both to target the students we already attract and to identify gaps in<br />

our demographics.<br />

Nearly half of the students who are enrolled at River Valley Community College are ages<br />

25 and under. This tells us that recent high school graduates make up a large percentage<br />

of our applicants. We acknowledge that high school students applying to college often<br />

apply to many schools before deciding where they will go, suggesting that we receive a<br />

much higher percentage of applicants from traditional students than our enrollment<br />

reflects. Our enrollment team focuses on this cohort of students by maintaining good<br />

relationships with school counselors, attending regional college fairs, holding “Quick Admit”<br />

days at area high schools, hosting Discovery Day, and by participating in college planning<br />

nights held at area high schools and colleges.<br />

60 | P a g e

<strong>RVCC</strong> students who are 25 and over make up the remaining 53% of our college<br />

population. This cohort is more difficult to recruit as they are adults who have already<br />

established themselves in their personal and professional lives. To reach out to this<br />

population, our enrollment team advertises and hosts open houses prior to each semester<br />

and holds Quick Admit days every month at each of our locations. The team also<br />

participates in many community events including job and employment fairs, home shows,<br />

farmer’s markets, sporting events, and civic events. The enrollment team also works with<br />

the New Hampshire and Vermont Department of Employment Security, New Hampshire<br />

and Vermont Adult Learning, and local correctional institutions.<br />

The majority of students at <strong>RVCC</strong> are part time students. In consideration of this, we<br />

assume that most of our applicants are balancing work and family life and will continue to<br />

do so when they enroll at <strong>RVCC</strong>. To accommodate this working population, <strong>RVCC</strong> offers<br />

courses and programs with varying meeting times on campus, online, and in hybrid<br />

formats to accommodate students’ busy lives. We see our online course enrollment data<br />

continue to climb with an increase of credits sold reaching over 15% in Spring <strong>2019</strong>. To<br />

recruit this population of working people, our team reaches out to area employers,<br />

including businesses who offer tuition reimbursement to ensure they have our materials<br />

available to their employees. <strong>RVCC</strong> is a member of the local Chambers of Commerce,<br />

Rotary, and other civic organizations. The team also reaches out to local social service<br />

agencies and participates in events to help unemployed and under employed people find<br />

an educational path that fits their lifestyles.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is home to the Respiratory Therapy program, which is the only program of its kind in<br />

NH; and the Medical Laboratory Technician, Occupational Therapy Assistant, and Physical<br />

Therapist Assistant programs which are the only of their kind in the Vermont/New<br />

Hampshire area. For these programs, recruitment efforts are targeted in geographic<br />

regions that are not typically served by <strong>RVCC</strong>. These programs have, in recent years,<br />

attracted New England students from as far away as Berlin, NH and Burlington, VT to the<br />

north; Rutland, VT to the west, and Laconia, NH and Nashua, NH to the west and south.<br />

While the majority of our students are NH Residents, we do attract out of state students<br />

occasionally coming from as far away as Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Washington State.<br />

These applicants often identify internet sources or local family and friends as ones who<br />

bring <strong>RVCC</strong> to their attention.<br />

61 | P a g e

An additional area of recruitment comes from collaboration between <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Career and<br />

Transfer Specialist, Enrollment Specialists, and the Coordinator of Workforce Development.<br />

This collaboration helps to strengthen the recruitment efforts so we can better serve our<br />

local populations by providing accurate and reliable information regarding the services and<br />

support that <strong>RVCC</strong> can provide. For example, Career and Transfer Services and Early<br />

College Coordinator provide guidance and outreach to potential high school and career and<br />

technical education students interested in pursuing programs at River Valley. Career<br />

Services provides interest assessments to guide students into a program path that aligns<br />

with their academic goals while the Early College Coordinator provides direction around<br />

credits, classes and dual enrollment as a liaison between secondary and post-secondary<br />

education programs and oversees the Running Start program.<br />

One program example of this collaboration is Pathway2Success. A cohort of ten students<br />

from three different high schools will complete thirty-three credits in the IT, Computer<br />

Networking or the Cybersecurity programs by the time they graduate from high<br />

school. This includes class time and experiential learning activities.<br />

The Fujifilm Digimatix (Lebanon, NH) and Hypertherm (Lebanon, NH) project is a<br />

collaborative effort between Early College, Transfer and Career Services, and Workforce<br />

Development to provide students at Lebanon High School and Thetford Academy with dual<br />

high school and college credits for classes completed at both sites. Students will also have<br />

the opportunity to learn about the manufacturing industry at these two businesses through<br />

work based and experiential learning opportunities.<br />

Career Services and Workforce Development collaborate by providing outreach to<br />

businesses. Outreach and services include advertising paid internships and employment<br />

opportunities to students at <strong>RVCC</strong> and providing career fairs. Workforce Development<br />

offers a needs assessments and provides information and resources to businesses<br />

interested in creating training programs using <strong>RVCC</strong> for credit, non-credit, and<br />

apprenticeship programs; and assists in recruiting and admitting students to <strong>RVCC</strong> who<br />

may not have otherwise utilized our services.<br />

Our core values and ethics are woven into all prospective and current student interactions<br />

by ensuring students and families are treated with respect; faculty and staff are responsive<br />

to questions and timely in communications; and by providing realistic expectations of what<br />

it is to be a successful student and what support services (tutoring, disability services,<br />

student workshops, etc.) are available as described later in this Standard.<br />

The 2018 Strategic Plan identifies goals for recruitment and retention of students. For any<br />

program holding individual accreditations from national organizations, such as those in the<br />

allied health, health science, or nursing & respiratory therapy departments, recruitment<br />

and retention measures are required parts of their accreditation reporting. Any program<br />

that does not have an individual national accreditation for reporting are subject to the incollege<br />

program review process to determine viability and measures regarding retention<br />

and graduation rates are utilized in this process. This information, coupled with other<br />

data as listed above which identifies gaps in our student demographics, provides the<br />

enrollment management team a means to promote programs to targeted populations.<br />

62 | P a g e

Student Readiness for College<br />

The Student Success Center (SSC) has many services for students who may require<br />

additional support. Students are provided with information about these services at New<br />

Student Orientation. Services provided in the SSC include disability services, tutoring<br />

services, and workshops such as resume writing, study skills, test taking strategies, and<br />

advice on how to prepare for the Accuplacer exam.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> uses the Accuplacer Reading and Writing Sections to determine college readiness<br />

and placements for College Composition, some science courses and some other programspecific<br />

college courses.<br />

Traditionally, the mathematics department had also used Accuplacer testing as a method<br />

of evaluation of student readiness for college level math; however, over the past two<br />

years, the math program at <strong>RVCC</strong> has been revamped as described in Standard Two. The<br />

transition from the previously utilized developmental math pathway to a co-requisite<br />

model of mathematics, required an update to the mathematics advising process. The<br />

team worked to develop a standard classification of math readiness based on multiple<br />

measures: SAT scores, previous math courses, and the students’ academic goals. The<br />

team chose to switch from the Accuplacer to SAT scores for the co-requisite project as a<br />

means of eliminating placement barriers. The SAT is part of the state assessment package<br />

at high school; thus, a vast majority of NH high school students take the SAT and it is paid<br />

for by the state. For those students who are non-traditional or do not have SAT scores, the<br />

process utilizes a personal advising session which evaluates previous math courses as well<br />

as the student’s comfort and understanding of necessary math concepts. The use of<br />

multiple measures as a math advising tool came as a recommendation from both the Dana<br />

Center Multiple Pathway Research and Complete College America resources.<br />

Standards related to academic expectations, removal from the College related to academic<br />

standing, and the appeal process are clearly explained in the Student Handbook (pgs. 22-<br />

23). Students are directed to the online Student Handbook at New Student Orientation<br />

each semester.<br />

Student Financial Aid<br />

Approximately 80% of students at <strong>RVCC</strong> qualify for Financial Aid, and all students are<br />

encouraged to fill out the FAFSA as part of the admissions process. The CCSNH Financial<br />

Aid Handbook spells out the process for students to follow and is located on the <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

website. New students are also sent Financial Aid packets that offer step-by-step<br />

instructions. The Financial Aid Office staff is available to assist students in answering<br />

questions and to assist students and families in the FAFSA filing process. The staff will sit<br />

with the student either in the library computer lab or the Student Success Center and help<br />

guide them through the FAFSA application.<br />

The Financial Aid Office is responsible for reviewing a student’s financial aid records,<br />

collecting required documentation and determining financial aid awards. <strong>RVCC</strong> aid is based<br />

on the Standard Federal Methodology Need Analysis. Students must meet all federal<br />

requirements including Satisfactory Academic Progress. The SAP policy is on the <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

website and in the Student Handbook.<br />

63 | P a g e

Registered students can see their charges online through the student SIS (Student<br />

Information System). Costs are published on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website and available through the<br />

Business Office. If a student chooses to borrow loans, they are required to complete<br />

Entrance Counseling which helps a student understand their rights and responsibilities as a<br />

loan borrower and also understand student loan debt and loan repayment. The Net Price<br />

Calculator, an online tool to help students and families estimate costs, is also available<br />

through <strong>RVCC</strong>’s website.<br />

River Valley also encourages students to apply for both need-based and merit scholarships<br />

through the <strong>RVCC</strong> website and through the CCSNH AwardSpring program, which matches<br />

students with potential scholarships.<br />

Appraisal of Admissions & Financial Aid<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> works hard to support all students regardless of their past educational and personal<br />

experiences throughout all student services. The College has standard admission policies,<br />

and any program with special admissions requirements clearly identifies the policy in<br />

written admissions material.<br />

The advising processes for the co-requisite math courses have been clearly developed over<br />

the past two years in response to a change in the mathematics program at <strong>RVCC</strong>. The corequisite<br />

model is offered at all locations and allows students who would traditionally be<br />

placed into developmental courses to be placed into entry-level mathematics courses with<br />

real time support to mitigate the persistence factor. This model allows students to<br />

complete the entire developmental pathway throughout their time in their gateway<br />

mathematics course. This is done through an appropriate, structured, lab-model of extra<br />

learning. This model has shown promising results in the math department (Figure 5.2 –<br />

“Co-Requisite Math”, Rich Andrusiak, Department Chair, Math). The co-requisite model<br />

decreases time in college level Math completion and cost for students, and is showing<br />

excellent results in regards to student retention. This success is most visible when looking<br />

at the two-year success rate, defined as a student passing a gateway college Math course<br />

within two years of starting the math pathway. Previously, when using the traditional<br />

model of developmental coursework prior to a college level course, the pass rate was lower<br />

than the national average of 21%. In 2012, there was a redesign of the developmental<br />

pathway which resulted in an increase of the two-year pass rate to 34% (the first increase<br />

in the third column of Figure 5.2). This improvement continued between 2012 and 2017<br />

after the first math redesign. In Fall of 2017, with the implementation of the co-requisite<br />

model; pass rates of student taking college level math increased significantly to 76% and<br />

in Spring of 2018 to 94%. This is well beyond the national average of students in a<br />

developmental pathway. Even more interesting is that the co-requisite groups now have<br />

success rates similar to those students who do not require placement into the co-requisite<br />

programs, students who are considered “college ready” based on math advising. Success<br />

rates of non-co-requisite students was 78% in Fall 2017 and 88% in Spring 2018. Not<br />

only is <strong>RVCC</strong> now well above the national average for successful completion of a math<br />

class, regardless of entry level course, but co-requisite students are finding success in<br />

their college-level math classes at a rate equivalent to their peers who do not require<br />

additional math assistance. This success has allowed students who previously may be held<br />

up in their education due to lack of success in math to continue in their programs at the<br />

same rate as their peers.<br />

64 | P a g e

The College, under the direction of the Liberal Arts Department Chair is working on a plan<br />

to identify utilizing a co-requisite model for English courses, much in the same way that<br />

the math department has utilized. This plan will be the goal of the Liberal Arts department<br />

to be completed upon hiring of a full-time English Faculty member.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> takes its financial responsibility to students seriously and works individually with<br />

students to ensure that they understand the cost of their education. Multiple avenues of<br />

funding are available to students including loans, grants, and scholarships.<br />

Student Services & Co-Curricular Experiences<br />

The mission of <strong>RVCC</strong> is reflected in how the College addresses the needs of its students.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> offers a variety of supports for students while they work to achieve academic<br />

success.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> offers course and program offerings that occur during the day, evening, or in the<br />

online environment. Regardless of when and how students are taking courses, or if they<br />

are attending labs, clinicals, practicums, internships, or fieldwork; they are supported by<br />

the entire Student Services department. The overarching goal of Student Services is to<br />

retain students and help them meet their goals. Another goal is to build confident learners.<br />

Student Service staff are available by email, phone, or in-person appointment, and we are<br />

exploring the option for students to be able to Zoom/Skype with staff members as needed.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> provides New Student Orientation three times per year, free tutoring services,<br />

alternate testing and disability services, workshops and guest speakers.<br />

Through the Student Success Center, any student, with appropriate documentation, may<br />

request an evaluation of class accommodations by the Disabilities Coordinator. These<br />

class accommodations are relayed to each individual faculty member and copies signed by<br />

the student and the faculty member are housed in the Disabilities Coordinator’s office.<br />

Training for all faculty related to Disability Services is provided at New Faculty Orientation<br />

and additional consultation on a case by case basis is provided by Department Chairs to<br />

65 | P a g e

adjunct faculty in conjunction with the Disabilities Coordinator. When necessary, CCSNH<br />

legal counsel is contacted to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.<br />

The Disabilities Coordinator is based out of the Claremont campus, but spends one day per<br />

month at the KAC and meets with students at the LAC by appointment. She is also<br />

accessible by phone and email. Disability services are explained on the college website in<br />

addition to the full application packet that each student is provided upon making a request<br />

for accommodations. Faculty provide the following statement on their syllabi:<br />

All students have access to multiple modes of tutoring including peer-tutoring, faculty<br />

tutoring, master tutoring, and Smarthinking Online Tutoring which is embedded in Canvas<br />

and available to students at no extra charge. In the Fall of 2017, with the advent of the<br />

math co-requisite model, drop-in math tutoring was implemented. Drop-in math tutoring is<br />

available to students at all three locations, and the Science department offers “Open Lab<br />

Sessions” for students in all science courses. Non-math related tutoring is available to all<br />

students by appointment.<br />

All students have access to the library via remote access through their Easy Log-In.<br />

Students can access the Library Catalog, as well as all electronic journal resources twentyfour<br />

hours a day, seven days a week. Library service information is found in the College<br />

Catalog (pg. 16) and in the Student Handbook (pg. 15).<br />

The College follows its non-discrimination policy in all dealings with students. The nondiscrimination<br />

policy is located on the website and in the Student Handbook and focuses<br />

on providing a community atmosphere grounded in mutual respect, dignity, and integrity;<br />

while prohibiting any discrimination as defined under applicable law.<br />

The College website provides information on all college services available to students.<br />

During New Student Orientation students are provided information on Safety, Student<br />

Handbook policies and content, RAVE (electronic alert system for school closure and delays<br />

or other emergencies on campus), Student Support Services, Career Services, Financial<br />

Aid, the Bookstore, Student Government Association, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society,<br />

Library Resources and Canvas. At Orientation, students are also introduced to<br />

expectations of the classroom, expectations of behaviors as students, and an orientation to<br />

course syllabi. Many programs also hold individual program orientations or information<br />

sessions to alert students to program-specific policies. All students at Orientation are<br />

shown to the college website as well with directions on how to find out more information<br />

about the topics listed above. Orientations take place at Claremont and Keene.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has a number of clearly identified and published ethical standards which guides all<br />

aspects of student services. These policies are identified in the Student Handbook (page<br />

30-34) and via CCSNH BoT Policies.<br />

66 | P a g e

Academic Advising<br />

All Program Directors and Academic Advisors are trained in academic advising and assist<br />

their advisees in determining the best course placement for program courses based on the<br />

student’s previous high school and college work and their ability to meet course prerequisites<br />

before being registered for a course. Advisors, in consultation with the<br />

students, review previous college work to determine if transfer of credits is possible. In<br />

addition, Academic Advisors use program maps and discussions with the students to<br />

determine the best course placement and course load options for the student each<br />

semester. All program requirements and standards of programs are outlined in the<br />

Catalog, on our website, and through individual program maps which are available to all<br />

advisors through Canvas.<br />

When needed, the Disability Coordinator can assist with developing an accommodation<br />

plan in conjunction with an academic plan and will discuss with the student best course<br />

placement and best course pairings. For students who may be undecided about the<br />

direction of their academic programming, career services are available for student help<br />

with career assessment to help determine best program placement. Career and Transfer<br />

services are funded by the Carl D. Perkins grant through the NH Department of Education<br />

and information on this service is posted for student access.<br />

As a smaller institution, <strong>RVCC</strong> is a “high touch” environment for students. <strong>RVCC</strong> offers<br />

free tutoring, routine meetings with Program Directors and faculty, and the Financial Aid<br />

Office, Business Office, Registrar, and Library staff are readily available to assist students.<br />

These offices regularly offer drop-in services, just as the <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty do. Faculty and<br />

staff at <strong>RVCC</strong> are committed to supporting their students in their career paths from start to<br />

finish. One example of this that occurs on a regular basis is when a student decides to<br />

change their major. There is a typically a personal “hand off” of students from the advisor<br />

of the program they are leaving to the advisor of the program they are interested in.<br />

Making face to face introductions helps ensure that the students follow through with the<br />

correct person to assist them in making the decision when changing majors. Former<br />

advisors and new advisors stay in contact throughout the process to ensure that the<br />

students files are transferred and appropriate paperwork is completed. Faculty and staff<br />

67 | P a g e

are also guided by the CBA (pgs. 27-29) which outlines Service to Students as a job and<br />

professional responsibility (pg. 12).<br />

Wrap-Around Services<br />

President Williams and his administrative staff have made wrap-around services for<br />

students a priority. In Fall 2018, knowing that 50% of community college students report<br />

being food insecure, the College sought out donations from local grocery distributers to<br />

begin a food pantry on campus. SGA immediately became interested and pledged $2000<br />

per semester to fund free food for students. <strong>RVCC</strong> became a registered distribution site<br />

with the NH Food Bank in November 2018, and now fresh vegetables, meat, dairy<br />

products, and shelf-ready foods are always freely available for students to have on campus<br />

and to take home. Many students are open about their struggles with food insecurity, and<br />

frequently comment on how they appreciate the free food and how it helps take a weight<br />

off their shoulders and helps them focus in school.<br />

River Valley has also been exploring transportation options for students. Claremont is a<br />

fairly rural area, and <strong>RVCC</strong> is just far enough outside of the city of Claremont proper that<br />

commuting to the school can pose a barrier for students. In Fall 2018, the IAVPSA began<br />

work with Southwestern Community Services in an effort to put <strong>RVCC</strong> on their regular bus<br />

route. Beginning with Summer Semester <strong>2019</strong>, River Valley will be a regular stop, and will<br />

pilot a program to provide bus passes via student ID card.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> staff have also been renovating the lactation space for mothers on campus. The<br />

Claremont space was woefully inadequate, and the spaces at the KAC and LAC needed<br />

some furnishings. An ad-hoc committee quickly formed, met to explore best practices for<br />

lactation rooms, and wrote to a local furniture store to ask for support. Love’s Bedding<br />

and Furniture responded enthusiastically to the request, and offered new furniture,<br />

lighting, and decorations for the room in Claremont. Next, the committee wrote a grant<br />

and was awarded $5000 to purchase a hospital grade pump, privacy screens, refrigerators,<br />

microwaves, and other appropriate equipment for the three locations. As of the writing of<br />

this report, the three spaces are under renovation with an “unveiling” planned for later this<br />

spring.<br />

Physical & Mental Health Services<br />

As a result of the widespread nature of the area we serve, and the lack of residential<br />

services on campus, there are no physical or mental health services provided by the<br />

College. Instead, the College serves the mental and physical health of its students in two<br />

distinct ways. The first is through the College StART Team. The StART team is a<br />

committee made up of faculty and staff from all three locations. This team holds weekly<br />

meetings to bring any student concerns, whether they be academic, personal, behavioral,<br />

or crisis-related forward and to determine a plan to resolve, observe, or intervene as is<br />

appropriate. The College has compiled information on area support services available for<br />

both physical and mental health needs of students, communicated via brochures, posters,<br />

and the website. All syllabi are required to have the Title IX Statement on them with<br />

contact information of <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Title IX representative. The statement also includes contact<br />

numbers for local crisis centers in Claremont, Keene, and Lebanon.<br />

68 | P a g e

In Fall of 2018, a group of students, staff, and faculty attended Green Dot training. After<br />

this, <strong>RVCC</strong> implemented a CSSAPP Committee (a grant-funded initiative for<br />

Comprehensive Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence and Stalking Prevention<br />

Planning) consisting of the Disabilities Coordinator, 1 Academic Advisor, 2 Program<br />

Assistants and 1 faculty member; and has participated in the Bridges out of Poverty<br />

program. These initiatives help <strong>RVCC</strong> employees gain a deeper insight into the impact and<br />

prevalence of challenges that many of the College’s students face. They also help create<br />

an awareness and sensitivity, as well as resources, for students in complex situations. The<br />

College also has developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with WISE, Turning<br />

Points Network, and the Monadnock Center for Violence prevention as well as developed<br />

MOU’s with the three police departments that serve the towns for each <strong>RVCC</strong> location. The<br />

identification and partnership with these local resources assists our students who may be<br />

in need of services beyond those we can provide on campus.<br />

Student Representation in College Governance<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has student representation in campus governance in a number of ways, all outlined in<br />

the <strong>RVCC</strong> Standing Teams Mission and Purpose Document:<br />

One student member sits on the College Council, usually the President of SGA or<br />

their designee (pg. 7)<br />

One Senior level student sits on Graduation Team (pg. 19)<br />

The Judicial Team has a total of four voting members elected as follows (pg. 21):<br />

o Two (2) faculty or staff selected by the College President or other<br />

appropriate college official(s).<br />

o Two (2) students selected by the Student Senate or other appropriate<br />

student group<br />

A total of four (4) alternate voting members may be selected as follows:<br />

o Two (2) faculty or staff selected by the College President or other<br />

appropriate college official(s).<br />

o Two (2) students selected by the Student Senate or other appropriate<br />

student group.<br />

Students sit on interview teams as appropriate and as determined by the interview<br />

team chair<br />

Co-Curricular Opportunities<br />

Students can further enhance their educational experience at <strong>RVCC</strong> by joining the Student<br />

Government Association or program-specific clubs, or by participating in college sponsored<br />

field trips. Recent trips include Swamp Bat games (New England Collegiate Baseball<br />

League Team in Keene, NH), Manchester Monarch Games (mid-level professional hockey in<br />

Manchester, NH), Boston Red Sox games, and trips to the Body World exhibit in both<br />

Portland, ME and Boston, MA.<br />

At <strong>RVCC</strong>, any student group can develop their own club as long as they follow the by-laws<br />

for the Student Government Association (SGA). There are some student groups that are<br />

very active on campus such as the Massage Therapy Club, Phi Theta Kappa, and the<br />

Biomechanics Club for physical therapist assistant students. All students have the<br />

opportunity to participate in the Student Government Association which regularly supports<br />

student activities including bringing speakers to campus. Recent guests have spoken on<br />

topics such as LGBTQ issues and politics as they relate to Constitution Day. SGA also helps<br />

organize the on-campus food pantry as well as the end of the year celebration for<br />

69 | P a g e

students. Student Govenerment uses the College’s student funds to help reimburse<br />

students for CPR certification, health club memberships, and scholarships to cover<br />

admission to the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.<br />

Student Services Staff<br />

At <strong>RVCC</strong> all employees in Student Service Areas are certified through a formal employment<br />

process directed by the Human Resources office. Once a candidate application is certified<br />

through HR processes, they are subject to a formal interview process to evaluate that the<br />

candidate has the necessary qualifications and skills to carry out their job. Upon hire, staff<br />

are trained by experienced personnel and are encouraged to attend any available trainings<br />

provided at the CCSNH system level or college level that pertain to job skill improvement.<br />

All staff are evaluated yearly by their managers through a formal process as outlined in<br />

the Staff Collective Bargaining Agreement (pg. 20).<br />

Academic Records<br />

The College follows regulatory guidance and makes public its policies related to information<br />

contained in the permanent academic record of students and follows policies related to the<br />

retention; safety and security of records; and the disposal of records. It is important to<br />

note that disability records are held separate from a student’s academic record. Permanent<br />

Academic Records are maintained according to the policies and guidelines set forth by the<br />

CCSNH retention record schedule instituted by the CCSNH risk management/legal<br />

counselor. The Permanent Academic record includes the transcript that is in Banner or,<br />

prior to 1993, the academic transcript is housed in a fire-proof cabinet in the Registrar’s<br />

office. Old paper grades are stored in a fire-proof cabinet in the storage room in the onestop<br />

area in Claremont. Change of grade or grade appeals are also held in the Registrar’s<br />

office.<br />

Evaluation of Student Services<br />

Evaluation of Student Services takes place in various ways. For example, a “New Student<br />

Orientation Survey” is given at the end of each session and tutoring evaluations for each<br />

academic year are analyzed during the summer Student Success Center retreat. Previous<br />

discussions about this survey identified the need for it to be broader in scope and to<br />

include questions linked directly to the effectiveness of the tutoring for the student. The<br />

Graduate Satisfaction Survey asks questions regarding many areas of Student Services.<br />

Appraisal of Student Services & Co-Curricular Activities<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has a formal process for hiring and evaluation of student services job duties and has<br />

begun to fill roles that had been left unfilled under previous administrations. All staff keep<br />

student success at the forefront of everything they do. Wrap around services have made a<br />

positive impact on students, and the recent hiring of an Enrollment Coordinator and the<br />

Interim Associate VP of Student Affairs have brought new energy and stability to this area.<br />

The College has a strong culture of support for the student population as evidenced by the<br />

clear policies for academic advising, the commitment of the College to utilizing the corequisite<br />

math model, and support for college activities.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

70 | P a g e<br />

The implementation of co-requisite math programming led to increased student<br />


Strong community partnerships provide physical and mental health services for<br />

students.<br />

Strong Student Affairs and SSC staff are committed to student support and success.<br />

The Financial Aid Office works closely with students to help them pay for college in a<br />

fiscally responsible manner.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

Each Program Director or Academic Advisor chooses how they will monitor their<br />

advisees; while there is an advising manual, there is no standard method of<br />

advising across the College.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

Working in conjunction with the VPAA and the AVPSA, staff and faculty will train on<br />

DegreeWorks by Fall <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

The IAVPSA will review and update the Student Handbook by Fall <strong>2019</strong> and will<br />

develop a regular timeline for annual review.<br />

71 | P a g e

Standard 5: Students<br />

(Admissions, Fall Term)<br />

Complete this form for each distinct student body identified by the institution (see Standard 5.1)<br />

?<br />

Credit Seeking Students Only - Including Continuing Education<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Goal<br />

Prior Prior Prior Year (specify year)<br />

(FY 2016) (FY 2017) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong>) (FY 2020)<br />

Freshmen - Undergraduate ?<br />

Completed Applications ? 431 386 325 367 375<br />

Applications Accepted ? 429 386 321 367 372<br />

Applicants Enrolled ? 293 273 218 253 256<br />

% Accepted of Applied 99.5% 100.0% 98.8% 100.0% 99.2%<br />

% Enrolled of Accepted 68.3% 70.7% 67.9% 68.9% 68.8%<br />

Percent Change Year over Year<br />

Completed Applications na -10.4% -15.8% 12.9% 2.2%<br />

Applications Accepted na -10.0% -16.8% 14.3% 1.4%<br />

Applicants Enrolled na -6.8% -20.1% 16.1% 1.2%<br />

Average of statistical indicator of<br />

aptitude of enrollees: (define below) ?<br />

Transfers - Undergraduate ?<br />

Completed Applications 173 163 133 184 186<br />

Applications Accepted 173 163 132 184 186<br />

Applications Enrolled 131 120 89 137 140<br />

% Accepted of Applied 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 100.0% 100.0%<br />

% Enrolled of Accepted 75.7% 73.6% 67.4% 74.5% 75.3%<br />

Master's Degree ?<br />

Completed Applications<br />

Applications Accepted<br />

Applications Enrolled<br />

% Accepted of Applied - - - - -<br />

% Enrolled of Accepted - - - - -<br />

First Professional Degree ?<br />

Completed Applications<br />

Applications Accepted<br />

Applications Enrolled<br />

% Accepted of Applied - - - - -<br />

% Enrolled of Accepted - - - - -<br />

Doctoral Degree ?<br />

Completed Applications<br />

Applications Accepted<br />

Applications Enrolled<br />

% Accepted of Applied - - - - -<br />

% Enrolled of Accepted - - - - -<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

72 | P a g e

Standard 5: Students<br />

(Enrollment, Fall Term)<br />

Complete this form for each distinct student body identified by the institution (see Standard 5.1)<br />

Credit-Seeking Students Only - Including Continuing Education<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Goal<br />

Prior Prior Prior Year (specify year)<br />

(FY 2016 ) (FY 2017) (FY 2018 ) (FY <strong>2019</strong>) (FY 2020)<br />


First Year Full-Time Headcount ? 59 67 45 92 94<br />

Part-Time Headcount ? 713 707 829 1,065 1,075<br />

Total Headcount 772 774 874 1,157 1,169<br />

Total FTE ? 16 16 15 15 16<br />

Second Year Full-Time Headcount 158 161 143 64 70<br />

Part-Time Headcount 423 383 303 222 230<br />

Total Headcount 581 544 446 286 300<br />

Total FTE<br />

Third Year Full-Time Headcount<br />

Part-Time Headcount<br />

Total Headcount 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Total FTE<br />

Fourth Year Full-Time Headcount<br />

Part-Time Headcount<br />

Total Headcount 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Total FTE 9 5 3 4 4<br />

Unclassified Full-Time Headcount ? 54 54 34 24 20<br />

Part-Time Headcount<br />

Total Headcount 54 54 34 24 20<br />

Total FTE<br />

Total Undergraduate Students<br />

Full-Time Headcount 271 282 222 180 184<br />

Part-Time Headcount 1,136 1,090 1,132 1,287 1,305<br />

Total Headcount 1,407 1,372 1,354 1,467 1,489<br />

Total FTE 25 21 18 19 20<br />

% Change FTE Undergraduate na -16.0% -14.3% 5.6% 5.3%<br />

GRADUATE ?<br />

Full-Time Headcount ?<br />

Part-Time Headcount ?<br />

Total Headcount 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Total FTE ?<br />

% Change FTE Graduate na - - - -<br />


Grand Total Headcount 1,407 1,372 1,354 1,467 1,489<br />

Grand Total FTE 25 21 18 19 20<br />

% Change Grand Total FTE na -16.0% -14.3% 5.6% 5.3%<br />

?<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

73 | P a g e

Standard 5: Students<br />

(Financial Aid, Debt, Developmental Courses)<br />

Complete this form for each distinct student body identified by the institution (see Standard 5.1)<br />

? Where does the institution describe the students it seeks to serve?<br />

(FY16) (FY17) (FY18)<br />

? Three-year Cohort Default Rate 13.4 13.9 13.3<br />

? Three-year Loan repayment rate 52.3 49.9 48.3<br />

(from College Scorecard)<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

Most<br />

Recently<br />

Completed<br />

Year<br />

Current<br />

Year<br />

Goal<br />

(specify<br />

year)<br />

(FY16) (FY17) (FY18) (FY19)* (FY20)<br />

? Student Financial Aid<br />

Total Federal Aid $4,987,590 $4,731,650 $3,908,408 $1,975,079 $1,900,000<br />

Grants $1,384,039 $1,380,457 $1,207,262 $635,782 $1,200,000<br />

Loans $3,603,551 $3,319,916 $2,675,918 $1,331,943 $2,600,000<br />

Work <strong>Study</strong> $32,059 $31,277 $25,228 $7,354 $25,000<br />

Total State Aid $166,845 $141,441 $151,718 $63,172 $150,000<br />

Total Institutional Aid $2,750 $57,250 $16,300 $12,000 $25,000<br />

Grants $2,750 $57,250 $16,300 $12,000 $25,000<br />

Loans NA NA NA NA NA<br />

Total Private Aid $36,304 $52,122 $45,541 $40,000<br />

Grants NA NA NA NA<br />

Loans $36,304 $52,122 $45,541 $40,000<br />

Student Debt<br />

Percent of students graduating with debt (include all students who graduated in this calculation)<br />

Undergraduates 62% 67% 65% 67% 65%<br />

Graduates<br />

First professional students<br />

For students with debt:<br />

Average amount of debt for students leaving the institution with a degree<br />

Undergraduates $10,513 $13,046 $12,600 $12,192 $12,000<br />

Graduates<br />

First professional students<br />

Average amount of debt for students leaving the institution without a degree<br />

Undergraduates $9,620 $8,447 $6,603 $3,653 $5,000<br />

Graduate Students<br />

First professional students<br />

Percent of First-year students in Developmental Courses (courses for which no credit toward a degree is granted)<br />

English as a Second/Other Language NA NA NA NA NA<br />

English (reading, writing, communication skills) 5% 3% 4% 2% 1%<br />

Math 17% 14% 9% 6% 3%<br />

Other 2% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

*Current year is based on 2018-<strong>2019</strong> aid year. Aid for spring <strong>2019</strong> has not disbursed at this time.<br />

74 | P a g e

Undergraduate Admissions<br />

information<br />

Completed<br />

Applications<br />

Applicants<br />

Accepted<br />

Applicants<br />

Enrolled<br />

? Category of Students (e.g., male/female); add more rows as needed<br />

Male 111 111 74<br />

Female 254 254 177<br />

Not available 2 2 2<br />

20 and under 127 127 81<br />

21 to 25 87 87 58<br />

25 and older 153 153 114<br />

Non-minority 161 161 115<br />

Minority 15 15 9<br />

Unknown 191 191 129<br />

Graduate Admissions information<br />

Standard 5: Students<br />

(Student Diversity)<br />

Complete this form for each distinct student body identified by the institution (see Standard 5.1)<br />

For each type of diversity important to your institution (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, first generation status, Pell<br />

eligibility), provide information on student admissions and enrollment below. Use current year data.<br />

Completed<br />

Applications<br />

Applicants<br />

Accepted<br />

? Category of Students (e.g., male/female); add more rows as needed<br />

Applicants<br />

Enrolled<br />

Undergraduate Enrollment<br />

information<br />

Full-time<br />

Students<br />

Part-time<br />

Students<br />

Total<br />

Headcount<br />

FTE<br />

Headcount<br />

Goal<br />

(FY2020)<br />

?<br />

Category of Students (e.g., male/female); add more rows as needed<br />

Male 52 455 507<br />

Female 112 826 938<br />

Not available 0 37 37<br />

20 and under 66 794 860<br />

21 to 25 40 164 204<br />

26 and older 58 352 410<br />

Unknown 0 8 8<br />

Non-minority 90 924<br />

Minority 7 77<br />

Unknown 67 372<br />

Graduate Enrollment information<br />

Full-time<br />

Students<br />

Part-time<br />

Students<br />

? Category of Students (e.g., male/female); add more rows as needed<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

Total<br />

Headcount<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

FTE<br />

Headcount<br />

Goal<br />

(FY2020)<br />

75 | P a g e

Standard Six<br />

Teaching, Learning & Scholarship<br />

76 | P a g e

Description<br />

River Valley Community College prides itself on the quality of the academic staff it recruits<br />

and retains, and the academic product that they produce. Faculty at River Valley are<br />

primarily white, reflective of the region; and primarily women, reflective of the high<br />

number of female dominated Allied Health and Health Science fields that the College<br />

supports. Faculty are classified as either full-time or adjunct, and in recent years there<br />

has been a decrease in the number of full-time faculty due to budgetary restrictions. In<br />

light of this, course needs have been met through the hiring of adjunct instructors. The<br />

decline in numbers of total faculty has been in response to decreased enrollment and more<br />

efficient course scheduling as highlighted in Standard Two.<br />

The academic staff consider the mission of <strong>RVCC</strong> in all decision making processes to<br />

ensure that they are meeting the needs of each student individually, as well as of the local<br />

communities and region as a whole. As a small community college, River Valley’s primary<br />

focus is not on scholarship or research but rather on improving the education levels of all<br />

students who walk through our doors. Academic staff participate in a variety of teaching<br />

and learning activities to improve their own effectiveness inside and outside of the<br />

classroom, and all members of the academic staff pride themselves on getting to know<br />

their students beyond just interactions in the classroom through supervision of student<br />

activities, tutoring, advising, and informal mentoring.<br />

Faculty & Academic Staff<br />

Faculty Profile<br />

The make-up of the faculty body at River Valley is reflective of the mission and of the<br />

student body and the region in terms of similar demographics. <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty are either<br />

classified as adjunct, or full-time. Categories of both adjunct and full-time faculty are<br />

defined by CCSNH Board of Trustees Policies (BoT) 690.1 (Full-Time Faculty Job<br />

Descriptions and Qualifications) and 690.02 (Part time and Running-Start Faculty<br />

Qualifications) as well as by each group’s respective Collective Bargaining Agreements<br />

(CBA). Full-time faculty are represented by the New Hampshire Higher Education Union –<br />

IBEW 2320 (NHHEU) and Adjunct Faculty by the State Employees Association 1984 (SEA)<br />

who help negotiate the CBAs for each group on a biannual basis. All faculty are held to<br />

standards of both their respective CBA’s and by CCSNH BoT policies.<br />

Full-time faculty categories include: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,<br />

and Professor. The requirements for appointment level are based on State of New<br />

Hampshire Personnel Rule Per 301.02 - Class Specification. Each classification has a set of<br />

responsibilities, and minimum qualifications including: the amount of formal education<br />

necessary; the amount of equivalent schooling which may be substituted for formal<br />

schooling, such as correspondence courses, adult education courses, trade or<br />

apprenticeship training; the amount of experience required, including the amount of time<br />

spent in practical preparation in related positions, the amount of equivalent experience<br />

that may be substituted for formal education, or formal education to be substituted for<br />

experience, if applicable; and any license or certification requirements. Faculty are<br />

classified at the time of hire accordingly.<br />

77 | P a g e

Adjunct instructors are classified as either Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Lecturer, or Adjunct<br />

Senior Lecturer. Adjunct Faculty who serve as Clinical Instructors in the Allied Health &<br />

Health Science fields are further classified as Level 1, 2, or 3 based on their longevity in<br />

the role (2017-2018 Adjunct Faculty CBA). All faculty classifications are made initially at<br />

the time of hire with set processes for promotion to the next highest level.<br />

As a group, faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> are highly experienced in either the field of education, their<br />

respective field of study, or both. Faculty with specialized credentials and varied<br />

experiences bring quality programming to the students. For example, the primary<br />

Mathematics professor previously worked for the State of NH Department of Education and<br />

helped to develop the state’s mathematics standards. Faculty in our many Allied Health,<br />

Health Science, and Nursing programs hold licenses to practice in their professions, and<br />

often continue to work in their fields to maintain clinical competence. Current full-time<br />

faculty are categorized at either the Professor or Associate Professor level. Most faculty<br />

have advanced degrees with the majority having Master’s level training. Currently, <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

has four faculty with Doctoral degrees, sixteen with Master’s, and two with Bachelor’s. The<br />

faculty with Bachelor’s Degrees as their terminal degrees are teaching in certificate<br />

programs where the Bachelor’s degree is the allowable standard for teaching.<br />

The College tends to have more female educators than male with women making up 73%<br />

of the full-time faculty population. This gender distribution is similar to the distribution of<br />

the student population and is influenced by the heavy role of Nursing and Allied Health &<br />

Health Science programs that make up the academic Catalog. River Valley has the most<br />

health related programs of the seven community colleges in the NH System, and the<br />

faculty reflect these women-dominated professions. The college faculty are primarily white,<br />

with a distribution consistent with the ethnicity of the NH counties the College serves.<br />

While the College does not have any specific goals for the achievement of diversity among<br />

our faculty and academic staff, our race/ethnicity percentage exceeds the regional data of<br />

the three counties we serve.<br />

The College supports one full-time faculty teaching Mathematics and one full-time faculty<br />

teaching Biological Science courses. All other Liberal Arts positions are filled with adjunct<br />

faculty. The College supports two full-time faculty in our Business program, one full-time<br />

faculty in our Computer Science program, and one full-time faculty in our Early Childhood<br />

Education program. <strong>RVCC</strong> boasts a large number of Allied Health programs whose<br />

individual accreditation requirements often predicate a set number of full-time faculty be<br />

assigned to those programs directly. Due to decreased numbers of full-time faculty, some<br />

programs are managed by part-time Program Directors (which are classified as staff<br />

positions although they may also hold an adjunct teaching position); as well as some<br />

programs which do not have Program Directors but are managed by the Department Chair<br />

instead. The ratio of students to faculty, although increased since elimination of full-time<br />

positions before AY ’17-18, still remains low.<br />

78 | P a g e

While slightly increased over previous years, this ratio is quite effective at providing<br />

students with personalized attention. According to the 2018 Graduate Satisfaction Survey,<br />

students were satisfied with their interactions with their advisors.<br />

Figure 6.1: Graduate Satisfaction Survey AY2017-2018<br />

Percent of students choosing “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” for a given category<br />

Occasionally, <strong>RVCC</strong> employs teaching assistants to provide supplemental academic support<br />

to students and faculty. The Science department hires two part-time employees who work<br />

as lab technicians: one works at the Keene Academic Center and one at the Claremont<br />

campus. These lab technicians are responsible for supporting full-time and adjunct faculty<br />

via preparation of lab materials, supervision of open lab times for students, and being<br />

available to answer some content questions. In Fall of 2018, the Radiologic Technology<br />

program also utilized a lab assistant for the first time to work with students in the preclinical<br />

rotation simulated lab and to work with students enrolled in the Radiographic<br />

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Position and Procedures 1 course. Students and faculty reported finding the additional<br />

assistant helpful in preparing students for their clinical rotations.<br />

Job Descriptions (SJDs), Workloads, Responsibilities<br />

All faculty have specifically defined roles in the institution as defined by the CCSNH BoT<br />

policies referenced above as well as the full-time and adjunct CBA documents.<br />

CCSNH BoT policy 690 states that the “responsibilities of part-time [adjunct] faculty are<br />

limited to those accountabilities associated with teaching a course at the College.” The<br />

responsibilities expected of adjunct faculty include development of instructional materials,<br />

or usage of prepared instructional materials; and grading of their assigned course(s) work<br />

to meet the course objectives as defined in course outlines. Adjunct faculty are also<br />

expected to be available for student consultation before and after class or via electronic<br />

means as outlined in Section 9 – Workload of the 2017-18 Adjunct faculty CBA. Most<br />

adjunct faculty meet this requirement through electronic communications either via<br />

Canvas or e-mail. Some adjunct faculty, such as one of the Phlebotomy instructors sets<br />

aside 30 minutes after each class to be available to students; and adjunct faculty, such as<br />

one teaching Psychology, reserve classroom space each week to hold “office hours” in<br />

order to assist students.<br />

Full-time faculty have additional responsibilities including teaching and learning, academic<br />

contributions to a department and/or the College, service to students, service to college<br />

and community, and professional growth and development. The responsibilities of each<br />

faculty member are outlined in their Supplemental Job Description (the SJD). This SJD is<br />

available at the time of advertisement of each faculty position and also clearly outlines the<br />

requirement for appointment level (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor).<br />

All faculty are assigned to a specific program or department upon hire and their specific<br />

job responsibilities are outlined in their SJD. With appropriate credentials, faculty may<br />

teach in a discipline outside of their assigned program or department to fulfill the needs of<br />

the institution.<br />

All qualifications for teaching are overseen by the Office of Academics, specifically the<br />

VPAA, to ensure that all faculty applicants meet minimum qualifications. SJDs are revised<br />

upon promotion or as needed based on individual job requirements.<br />

River Valley ensures the proper qualifications of all full-time faculty. Since 2005, the<br />

minimum degree qualification for all full-time and adjunct faculty has been a Master’s<br />

degree. There are some exceptions to this policy made only for programs with<br />

accreditation standards that do not require a Master’s degree such as Massage Therapy,<br />

Medical Assisting, and Medical Laboratory Technician. Occasionally, exceptions have also<br />

been made for programs in which no qualified Master’s level faculty are otherwise<br />

available. In these situations, exceptions are typically made only when there is sufficient<br />

experience to offset the lack of Master’s degree. In addition to degrees, some faculty<br />

members hold certifications and licenses required by their profession. This is often the<br />

case in many programs in Nursing and Respiratory Care, Allied Health, and Health<br />

Sciences. In these cases, faculty are required to maintain certifications, licenses, and<br />

other criteria as dictated by the state or federal requirements or by the individual program<br />

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accrediting body. Many accrediting agencies in the Allied Health fields require faculty to<br />

hold state licensure in order to maintain teaching credentials within the programs.<br />

All workloads for full-time faculty are determined as a collaboration between the faculty<br />

and their Department Chair, and are guided by the standards outlined in the CBA and<br />

SJDs. The CBA is negotiated every other year between the CCSNH Administration and the<br />

CCSNH faculty, represented by the New Hampshire Higher Education Union/IBEW<br />

(NHHEU/IBEW) and the CCSNH Administration. <strong>RVCC</strong> is represented on the faculty<br />

bargaining team by one member of the full-time faculty. SJDs are created at the time of<br />

hire, and updated as necessary, in collaboration with program faculty and Department<br />

Chairs, the VPAA, and the Human Resource department. The VPAA has final approval of<br />

all full-time faculty workloads. Per the CBA, full-time faculty workloads are assigned to<br />

be a balance of Instructional Workload, to make up no greater than 85% of faculty time<br />

and include items such as instructional preparation, teaching, grading, assisting students<br />

and advising. The balance of faculty time should be made up of Non-Instructional<br />

Workload; no greater than 30% of which should be dedicated to<br />

Institutional/CCSNH/Student and Community Service including committee work,<br />

mentoring, recruiting and retention, accreditation and administrative duties; and<br />

Professional Growth and Development which should make up no greater than 5% of<br />

faculty time.<br />

All full-time faculty are required to carry a workload of 15-18 contact hours per semester,<br />

or its equivalent in a pro-rated format to meet the required 30-36 contact hours for the<br />

year. An academic year for full-time faculty is counted as a fall and subsequent spring<br />

semester. The CBA allows for faculty to switch the summer semester for one of the other<br />

semesters, but no faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> do this. All faculty work a fall and spring semester<br />

schedule. The College follows the CCSNH standard definition of a contact hour (Faculty<br />

CBA Article X.1.1 and Adjunct Faculty CBA 9E) in determining workload and faculty are<br />

credited with a contact hour for every 50 minutes of face to face time they spend with<br />

students.<br />

The VPAA, in conjunction with the faculty and Department Chair, may elect to decrease the<br />

required contact hours for full-time faculty members who assume additional administrative<br />

duties or special projects for the College. Per the CBA, the VPAA issues a letter of work<br />

load assignment no later than May 15 th and November 15 th each year stating the<br />

instructional assignments for the subsequent fall or spring semesters and the continuing<br />

non-instructional responsibilities. In each case, the letter states the course and numbers of<br />

sections expected to be taught in the following academic semester.<br />

Adjunct faculty negotiate a separate Collective Bargaining Agreement and are represented<br />

by the State Employee’s Association of NH Inc. (SEIU Local 1984/SEA). According to their<br />

Collective Bargaining Agreement, adjunct faculty are responsible for teaching, following all<br />

applicable policies and procedures, being available for student consultation, attending<br />

required faculty and college meetings, and submission of grades by the deadline. Adjunct<br />

appointment letters are sent at least two weeks before the start of a semester. Adjuncts<br />

may teach a maximum of 12 credit hours/semester, which includes their teaching<br />

responsibilities among all CCSNH colleges. Appointment letters include the courses to be<br />

taught, class/lab hours, and room assignments.<br />

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Scholarly expectations for faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> are consistent with the mission and purpose of<br />

the College and are documented in SJDs along with faculty workload. Whenever a<br />

program requires that a faculty member hold specific licensure or certification in order to<br />

prepare students for the field of study, holding that credential is part of the job description<br />

and is evaluated prior to hiring. As part of the development of a faculty member’s<br />

workload each semester; the faculty member, Department Chair, and VPAA evaluate any<br />

scholarly pursuits that are categorized as non-instructional workload, and appropriate<br />

course release time is provided. Recently, examples of this type of work include <strong>RVCC</strong>’s<br />

co-requisite math project, committee work to develop course equivalency between CCSNH<br />

and the University System of NH, and preparation for individual program accreditation selfstudies.<br />

Program Directors and Department Chairs often have additional responsibilities as outlined<br />

in Article X of the Faculty CBA. The standard at River Valley is that the Program Director<br />

for each program is responsible for academic advising of any student in their program.<br />

There is also one full-time and one part-time advisor for General Studies and nonmatriculated<br />

students, and one part-time advisor for Liberal Arts students. In the case<br />

where a student may have multiple majors, direct communication between advisors is<br />

carried out to ensure that students are on track for both programs and can complete<br />

courses for both programs on an appropriate schedule.<br />

Currently, all advisors have access to each student’s unofficial transcript through the<br />

electronic Student Information System (SIS) and official transcripts via Banner or to<br />

student files held in the Registrar’s Office. This transcript allows advisors to see what<br />

courses and grades a student has taken and earned at any CCSNH institution, what<br />

courses the student has specifically taken or transferred in to River Valley, and what<br />

courses the student is currently enrolled in. In Fall of 2017, all programs were required to<br />

develop program maps. These maps are the pathway of courses, delineated by semester<br />

offered, that a student must take. Each Program Director uses these program maps when<br />

advising students and program maps for each program are housed in the <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

Communications folder available in Canvas so that any advisor can access any map and<br />

assist students who may be considering changing majors.<br />

Program Directors are encouraged to do graduation audits at least one semester before<br />

the student is scheduled to graduate. Graduation audits for each student are then<br />

performed by the Registrar in the spring of the student’s final year to ensure that students<br />

are on track to graduate. At the time of the graduation audit, Program Directors or<br />

advisors are notified of any discrepancies to allow time for additional advising or to<br />

transfer in any missing classes.<br />

Recruitment, Hiring, Compensation<br />

Job openings for faculty are done in a transparent and orderly fashion. The College’s hiring<br />

practices comply with federal equal employment opportunity guidelines and state<br />

nondiscrimination laws. Department Chairs work with the VPAA and Human Resources to<br />

advertise job openings, first throughout CCSNH (in house) for one week (as per current<br />

contract wording) and then to the wider community. There is a standard CCSNH-wide<br />

application form and process.<br />

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As per the full-time faculty’s CBA, job announcements include the position title, grade<br />

level, employment status (exempt/nonexempt), position location, number of days and<br />

hours per week, pay rate, job description, required qualifications, requirements for<br />

applying, and the application processing period. Prospective hires are made aware of the<br />

job requirements and responsibilities in the job notices. Full-time faculty applicants<br />

receive a SJD that includes the scope of practice, accountabilities, minimum qualifications,<br />

and expected work traits. The SJD is adapted and reflective of the level of faculty rank<br />

that the hire will be employed at and is revised as the faculty member’s responsibilities<br />

change, or as the faculty is promoted to a higher rank.<br />

As part of the application process, full-time faculty applicants are asked to create and<br />

present a short lesson plan to a group of faculty and staff who are interested in<br />

participating. Feedback is collected and used by the search team that is comprised at least<br />

of the Department Chair and program representatives.<br />

Human Resources has a well-defined hiring process for adjuncts which includes completing<br />

an on-line application, listing courses taught in the past, and listing courses the applicant<br />

is qualified to teach. The appointment as adjunct and assignment is issued by the VPAA<br />

each semester.<br />

Faculty are encouraged to participate in the search process for instructional staff. Often,<br />

job openings are spread through word of mouth of faculty to colleagues in the field while<br />

job openings are posted, initially internally throughout CCSNH and then secondarily<br />

through public notification on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website. Qualified applicants are interviewed by a<br />

search committee and then make a short, public, teaching presentation to any college<br />

member who can attend. Any college employee who attends the presentation is surveyed<br />

for feedback.<br />

Faculty hiring is compatible with the College’s mission to provide a quality education for<br />

lifelong learning and career pathways. This can be seen by the variety of degrees,<br />

specialty licenses, professional backgrounds and experiences of the faculty.<br />

All faculty salaries at River Valley follow the salary schedule negotiated by the faculty and<br />

administration outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Salaries are<br />

commensurate with faculty appointment level and with an incremental (step) process.<br />

Faculty salaries increase provided satisfactory job performance is documented. This is<br />

done through performance evaluations and occurs in a standard fashion based on<br />

longevity. The length of time a faculty member stays at each step level is outlined in<br />

Article XVII of the CBA (17.1.2 b). Faculty may move from one faculty level to the next,<br />

and therefore onto the next pay level, through the formal promotion process. Benefits are<br />

provided to all full-time faculty at either the single, two-person, or family level. Additional<br />

compensation in the form of a stipend is provided to faculty holding a title of either<br />

Program Director of Department Chair. In the newest CBA, an increase to the stipend for<br />

PDs and DCs is included as is an increase to all faculty (3% increase in January 2018 and<br />

an additional 4% in August of 2018).<br />

All faculty have a choice between two health care plans depending on their individual<br />

needs and a portion of each members deductible is covered by the CCSNH. For those<br />

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faculty and staff that choose to “opt out” of the CCSNH health care options because they<br />

are covered elsewhere, a medical buy-out stipend is provided.<br />

As described in Article 16 of the 2017-2018 adjunct faculty CBA, adjunct faculty are hired<br />

at one of three levels (adjunct instructor, adjunct lecturer or adjunct senior lecturer) each<br />

with a rise in salary. The contract also includes further information about pay rates for<br />

Clinical adjunct faculty, pay for attendance at required meetings and payments that occur<br />

in the event of a late cancellation of a scheduled class.<br />

The College has been able to attract qualified faculty and staff with few exceptions. The<br />

best advertising has often been word of mouth as Department Chairs and Program<br />

Directors reach out through professional networks to qualified candidates, or other staff<br />

members discuss open positions at <strong>RVCC</strong> with their acquaintances. The Allied Health,<br />

Health Science, and Nursing positions tend to take longer to fill due to the discrepancy<br />

between teaching salaries and the clinical salaries individuals are leaving to take the<br />

teaching positions. Ultimately, faculty often make the leap from clinical practice to<br />

instruction because of the quality of the experience and their dedication to passing on<br />

knowledge to new professionals. There is a strong comradery among <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty and<br />

academic staff. Most have been here for many years. Newest hires have been in the<br />

Business, Nursing, and Occupational Therapy Assistant programs (due to retirements and<br />

new job offers). We also have many adjuncts who are well respected and hired regularly.<br />

Onboarding & Ethical Standards<br />

Faculty are integrated into the institution through a formal New Faculty Orientation process<br />

which is guided by the New Faculty Handbook, updated in 2017. During this process, each<br />

faculty member meets with the Human Resource officer as part of the onboarding process.<br />

At this time, any required federal paperwork is completed and faculty are introduced to<br />

River Valley policies that ensure that faculty act responsibly and ethically. New hire<br />

training includes review of CCSNH policies (Policy 323.01 Workplace Conduct) such as nondiscrimination,<br />

anti-bullying and sexual harassment, and acceptable use of IT. During this<br />

onboarding of faculty, they are also introduced to the protections afforded them by their<br />

respective CBA’s as well as the guidelines for Academic Freedom and Professional<br />

Responsibility (Full-time faculty CBA Article VI Academic Freedom & Professional<br />

Responsibility; adjunct faculty CBA Article 13 Academic Freedom & Professional<br />

Responsibility) Additional policies are found in The Faculty and Staff Manual which is<br />

available in Canvas.<br />

Professional Development<br />

Professional Development is outlined as part of expected full-time faculty workload (CBA<br />

Article X). Annually, full-time faculty complete a Professional Growth Plan (PGP) that<br />

identifies goals and action items relevant to the College Strategic Plan regarding student<br />

access, student success, teaching and learning, and sustainability. The Institution and<br />

System provide internal opportunities for professional development including the Annual<br />

CCSNH Symposium and Monthly Teaching and Learning Seminars. Carl Perkins Grant<br />

funds have also traditionally been available for faculty professional development in all<br />

technical programs at <strong>RVCC</strong>. Those faculty with individual licensure or professional<br />

requirements often pay for external professional development out of pocket and the<br />

institution is supportive in approving time off to attend these seminars.<br />

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There is a standard process that <strong>RVCC</strong> employees must follow in order to request Perkins<br />

funds. The process and forms are available to all employees through Canvas. Funds are<br />

allocated by the grant program manager.<br />

Evaluation & Promotion<br />

The CBA outlines the process for faculty evaluation and promotion (Full-time CBA Section<br />

XI and XII, Adjunct CBA Article 11 Evaluation) as well as outlines the process for faculty<br />

grievances (Full-time faculty CBA Section VII Grievance and Arbitration Procedures;<br />

Adjunct CBA Article 7 Grievance and Arbitration Procedures).<br />

Faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> are evaluated on a regular basis. The process of faculty evaluation is<br />

outlined in the CBA in article XII – Performance Evaluations and occurs on a regular<br />

schedule based on the length of time the faculty member has served the College. The<br />

evaluation of the faculty member is carried out by either the Department Chair or the<br />

VPAA in the areas of teaching and learning effectiveness; academic contributions; service<br />

to students; service to the department/CCSNH/and community; and professional growth<br />

and development. During the evaluation process, the evaluator considers how effective<br />

the faculty member is in each area related to the mission and vision of both <strong>RVCC</strong> and<br />

CCSNH, as well as how effective the faculty member is at meeting their job duties and<br />

responsibilities as outlined in their SJD. Information for the evaluation also comes from<br />

the student evaluations that are completed at the end of each course, discussions with<br />

students seated in the faculty member’s class, a classroom evaluation and any selfevaluations<br />

related to a faculty member’s yearly Professional Development Plan. The<br />

evaluations are used to identify areas of strength as well as areas for improvement, and<br />

help support planning for continued workload assignments or to support the need for<br />

faculty professional development.<br />

During each evaluation, faculty are assessed on their knowledge related to their content<br />

area as well as their ability to teach. In concert with these evaluations, faculty complete<br />

Professional Growth Plans (PGPs)each year to self-identify any needed areas of<br />

improvement and develop a plan to meet those needs. These PGPs are particularly helpful<br />

in correcting any areas of knowledge or pedagogical weakness.<br />

Evaluations are one of the components utilized in the process of faculty promotion which is<br />

handled differently depending on if a faculty member is full-time or adjunct. Adjunct<br />

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faculty are eligible to move up a level after six successful semesters of teaching at the<br />

College as outlined in Article 16 of the Adjunct CBA. Adjunct faculty must identify their<br />

request for promotion in writing to their supervisor who will ensure that the proper<br />

evaluations have been completed and make a recommendation to the VPAA. The VPAA is<br />

responsible for the final decision.<br />

The process of promotion for full-time faculty is more involved and is outlined in Article XI<br />

of the Full-time Faculty CBA. Faculty are eligible to promote between levels after a<br />

specified period of time at the previous level. Promotion entails the submission of a<br />

portfolio which is evaluated by a committee of Master Teacher Fellows of the faculty<br />

member’s peers. Master Teacher Fellows must hold an academic rank at or above the<br />

rank the faculty member is seeking to promote to. In addition to portfolio review, the<br />

Master Teacher Fellows also observes the faculty member in the classroom, interviews<br />

students, interviews the faculty member’s colleagues and supervisor, and uses a<br />

standardized rubric which grades the faculty member on five areas: Teaching & Learning<br />

Effectiveness, Academic Contributions, Service to Students, Service to<br />

Institution/System/Community, and Professional Growth & Development. To obtain<br />

promotion, the faculty member must meet minimum standards on the promotion rubric for<br />

the level they are seeking.<br />

Appraisal of Faculty & Academic Staff<br />

The faculty and staff at <strong>RVCC</strong> are a small, but dedicated group of employees who work<br />

together to support the students and the mission of the College. Faculty and staff are<br />

hired, evaluated, retained, and promoted through a clear set of policies outlined by the<br />

CCSNH Board of Trustees and further clarified via the Collective Bargaining Agreements.<br />

Each employee unit; faculty, staff, and adjunct faculty, are represented by their own<br />

unions which negotiate each respective Collective Bargaining Agreement.<br />

One discrepancy related to hiring that has been identified occurred as result of a previous<br />

Interim President, who set a standard that the search committee for faculty should<br />

specifically excluded the Program Director (PD) or Department Chair (DC) to which the<br />

incoming faculty member would be reporting. The thought behind this was that the PD or<br />

DC might influence the hiring committee. However, faculty voiced dissent at this process<br />

and identified that specific necessary qualifications, known intimately by the PD or DC may<br />

not be evaluated if they were not seated on the interview team. Under the current<br />

administration, this has been rectified and the PD or DC is always seated, and often chairs,<br />

the interview team. The team makes a recommendation for the candidate of choice to the<br />

President. The President considers the recommendation of the interview team, but is<br />

ultimately responsible for appointment of the position.<br />

At times the salary discrepancy between practitioner and faculty member causes some<br />

difficulty in recruiting faculty to open positions, particularly in the areas of Allied Health.<br />

For example, the Radiologic Technology program experienced difficulty recruiting a Clinical<br />

Coordinator. This contributed to the program being placed on probation with their national<br />

accrediting agency, JCERT. After one and one half years of vacancy, the Clinical<br />

Coordinator positon was filled in December of 2018. In another example, in Spring of<br />

2018, the position of Fieldwork Coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Assistant program<br />

was vacant during the program self-study visit. This vacancy contributed to the<br />

probationary status of the OTA program. The Fieldwork Coordinator position was filled in<br />

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September of 2018 and the OTA program was removed from probationary status in<br />

December of 2018.<br />

A change that has recently impacted faculty as a result of the new CBA (2017-<strong>2019</strong>) is the<br />

clause that states that faculty are to remain “available and accessible” to students. In the<br />

past, advising time was considered “non-instructional” time. The updated CBA includes<br />

teaching, planning, evaluating, tutoring, advising, assisting students, curriculum/program<br />

development, academic contributions, and availability and access for students under the<br />

“instructional time”. This is a change from the old standard of holding 5 hours per week of<br />

office availability. With the increased use of technology for advising, faculty across CCSNH<br />

identified that the concept of an “office hour” was outdated as many faculty are<br />

communicating with their advisees through email exchanges and the use of the Learning<br />

Management Systems to discuss relevant advising. The change to the new standard of<br />

being “available and accessible” to students has improved the faculty at River Valley’s<br />

communication with students particularly in light of covering three academic locations. It<br />

was not always possible for a student to travel to the faculty’s location for advising and not<br />

always possible for the faculty to travel to one of the other Academic Center. Giving more<br />

flexibility to the faculty for student support has been a welcome change. Another welcome<br />

change was the arrival of the new President, and his commitment to filling vacant positions<br />

and stabilizing the organizational chart. Additional improvements will come as a result of<br />

assessing and updating advising procedures to include all faculty, not just Program<br />

Directors, in advising and implementation of Degree Works, an advising software.<br />

At River Valley, some faculty serve as Program Directors, and thus advisors, for multiple<br />

programs. Some Program Directors also serve as Department Chairs in addition to their<br />

faculty role. A number of faculty in the Allied Health department hold the role of Clinical<br />

Coordinator (or equivalent) in addition to their teaching responsibilities. Per the Faculty<br />

CBA, it is standard at River Valley that all Department Chairs receive a one course<br />

reduction each semester. In Spring of 2018 Department Chairs updated the workload<br />

forms to better meet the release time requirements outlined in the updated CBA, and<br />

discussed how Department Chair release time would be managed consistently across<br />

departments. As of Fall 2018, all Department Chairs are expected to hold a workload<br />

between 8-10 contact hours with the remainder of their workload time being dedicated to<br />

the responsibilities that are outlined by their role as Department Chair. As this is a new<br />

process, it will need to be evaluated and updated by the VPAA and Department Chairs<br />

after Spring <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Strengths<br />

The College’s hiring practices ensure a faculty with a variety of degrees, specialty<br />

licenses, professional backgrounds and experiences.<br />

Adequate support for academic staff is assessed via minutes from program or<br />

department meetings, Department Chair meetings, or Faculty Forum meetings.<br />

Changes to the CBA have allowed faculty more freedom in how they utilize out of<br />

class time to support students.<br />

Challenges<br />

The College’s faculty and staff represent somewhat limited ethnicity, but this is<br />

reflective of the state’s demographics, of the regions that <strong>RVCC</strong> serves, and of the<br />

student population.<br />

Course release time for faculty has not always been consistently applied.<br />

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Teaching & Learning<br />

Instructional Techniques & Content<br />

Every course at <strong>RVCC</strong> has an official document referred to as the course outline. While the<br />

course outline identifies topics to cover in a specific course, faculty have the academic<br />

freedom to teach in whatever manner they feel will best meet the course outcomes.<br />

Frequent methods of instruction include: didactic instruction such as lecture, student group<br />

work, guest lectures, case studies, video supplementation of course content; laboratory<br />

instruction to develop psychomotor skills such as hands-on manipulations, skills, role play,<br />

and simulations; and clinical learning and internships where students are learning directly<br />

in the work environment either under the direct supervision of <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty also at the<br />

workplace or by a clinical preceptor who is overseen by an <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty member. Many<br />

faculty incorporate technology into student learning via Canvas or the use of<br />

teleconferencing classrooms to allow for improved utilization of resources across the three<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> locations.<br />

Faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> utilize a variety of instructional techniques including lectures,<br />

demonstrations, discussions, hands-on labs, videos, readings, research projects, journals,<br />

and observations. The instructional techniques that are used in each course are identified<br />

in the course outline and are approved by the Curriculum Team for each course.<br />

Instructional modes at <strong>RVCC</strong> include 100% face to face courses, hybrid courses, and 100%<br />

online courses. Hybrid courses and online courses are delivered through Canvas. Faculty<br />

teaching face to face also utilize Canvas for assignments and posting of lecture material.<br />

The CCSNH System is responsible for developing a coordinated and integrated approach to<br />

on-line learning policies. The VPAAs approved a posted list of on-line policies in 2011 that<br />

include class size (maximum 20 students unless agreed upon by instructor and VPAA), and<br />

specific information that must be included in the on-line syllabus (such as information on<br />

Americans with Disability Act, copyright information, proctored exams and student<br />

authentication).<br />

Evaluation Methods<br />

Evaluations of student learning take place at the individual course level as determined by<br />

the individual faculty member through whichever assessment techniques they feel best<br />

measure the required course outcomes. Students who do not feel as though their learning<br />

in a course is sufficient have direct access to their instructors and can also bring their<br />

concerns to the attention of the Program Director, Department Chair, or VPAA. Most<br />

student concerns related to these issues are often a result of courses taught by new<br />

adjunct faculty. When this occurs, Program Directors or Department Chairs have<br />

employed a more rigorous mentoring process including, but not limited to classroom<br />

observations and one on one feedback with the adjunct faculty. Students also evaluate<br />

their learning in the course at the end of each semester during course evaluations and<br />

these evaluations are used by Department Chairs during the faculty evaluation process. All<br />

students must meet minimum passing grade standards in order to obtain credit for their<br />

course and for the course to be credited towards their graduation requirements.<br />

Students are allowed to choose what mode of delivery they would like to pursue based on<br />

the schedule of courses available but may be encouraged by their advisor to take a specific<br />

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mode of delivery when there is a need. Students are informed about the online learning<br />

environment on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website. River Valley has steadily increased its online learning<br />

opportunities over the past five years and now offers approximately 32-34 courses each<br />

fall semester in a completely online format.<br />

As previously described, faculty performance in both the face to face and online classroom<br />

is assessed on a standard schedule as outlined in the CBA. When areas of concern arise<br />

related to the quality of teaching and learning, it is the responsibility of the Department<br />

Chair to develop a plan, in conjunction with the individual faculty member, to remediate<br />

the issue. For many years there has been a set monthly meeting dedicated to Teaching &<br />

Learning for faculty. This had been organized by a full-time faculty member and open to<br />

full and adjunct faculty as well as any staff or administrators who wished to join. Topics<br />

covered in the past three years included subjects such as: Guided Pathways, Rethinking<br />

Student Instruction, Social Learning Theory & Bloom’s Taxonomy, Mentoring Students and<br />

Developing their Motivation to Persist and Do Well, Connections Between Academic<br />

programs and Developmental courses, Developing Rubrics, and Problem Based Learning.<br />

Professional Development<br />

Each year, <strong>RVCC</strong> participates in the CCSNH Symposium during which various workshops<br />

are available for faculty. The workshops vary in topic based on faculty and staff input<br />

across the system, but a number of workshops each year relate to topics that may be<br />

utilized to enhance quality in the classroom. Topics in recent years have included The<br />

Flipped Classroom, Mindfulness in Education, and Podcasting lectures.<br />

Faculty also have access to on-line professional development courses through the library<br />

on such topics as Evaluating Sources and Open Educational Resources. In Spring of 2018,<br />

all advisors, and interested staff and faculty were trained in NOABO/Veera Bridge (which<br />

allows access to programmatic enrollment data.) As <strong>RVCC</strong> and CCSNH prepared to<br />

transition to Canvas in Summer of 2018, there were also a number of formal trainings on<br />

the Learning Management System at the department and college level lead by members of<br />

the faculty who had prior experience using Canvas.<br />

Faculty and staff are provided the additional benefit of taking courses at any System<br />

institution for free through an employee waiver program. All employees must have<br />

permission of their supervisors to do this.<br />

Exposure of Students to Various Instructors<br />

At <strong>RVCC</strong>, all associate degree programs have a required Liberal Arts component as<br />

outlined by the Board of Trustees Academic Policy and as described in Standard 4. These<br />

requirements ensure that any student in an associate degree program taking Liberal Arts<br />

courses as part of their program of study are taught by faculty with educational experience<br />

or expertise in their field. Technical courses in each program are taught by faculty with<br />

educational experience, expertise, licensure, or certification in the specific field of study.<br />

Course outlines are a college-wide document, approved by the Curriculum Committee,<br />

which specify the description, objectives, outcomes, and teaching methods for a particular<br />

course. This document ensures that multiple sections of a course that are taught,<br />

regardless of instructional mode (face to face, hybrid, or online) are consistent for all<br />

sections of the same course. The course outline also includes grading scales to ensure<br />

equity in grading. When multiple faculty teach the lecture or lab sections of a course, the<br />

89 | P a g e

course outline includes a grading scale and the Department Chair is responsible for<br />

coordinating the use of the same textbook. There is flexibility in how faculty meet the<br />

required outcomes identified in the course outline and each course must have a syllabus<br />

which identifies how the individual faculty member will run their course. Faculty are also<br />

protected by Academic Freedom policies in the CBA which allow for flexibility and<br />

personalization of each class offered.<br />

Academic Advising<br />

Throughout the three <strong>RVCC</strong> academic locations there are 1.5 Academic Advisors dedicated<br />

to advising General Studies students, which includes students who are undecided, and<br />

non-matriculated students; and one part-time advisor dedicated to Liberal Arts students.<br />

Program Directors and Department Chairs are also responsible for academic advising<br />

according to the program maps which have been created for each major at the College.<br />

Students are assigned an advisor upon acceptance to the College and they are provided<br />

with their advisor’s name and contact information in their acceptance letter. Each<br />

semester there are set Academic Advising Weeks which coincide with the distribution of<br />

the schedule for the following semester. Prior to the Academic Advising Week, fliers are<br />

posted throughout the College and emails are sent out from the Students Success Centers<br />

as well as directly from advisors to ensure that students are aware of upcoming advising<br />

and registration dates. All advisors have access to the advising manual which was<br />

updated in 2018 as well as access to the program maps via Canvas. Academic Advising is<br />

assessed as part of the Graduate Satisfaction Survey provided to graduating seniors.<br />

Scholarship & Research<br />

There are CCSNH policies that support scholarship, research and creative activities. The<br />

full-time faculty contract states up to 5% of full-time faculty’s job can be used for<br />

professional growth and development (Article X). This allowance is most frequently used<br />

by faculty in the Allied Health and Health Science programs. Two of the three Physical<br />

Therapist Assistant faculty, both of the Occupational Therapy Assistant faculty, and all<br />

faculty (full-time and adjunct) in the Massage Therapy program take time during the<br />

school year for clinical practice. Faculty also use this time to pursue advanced degrees.<br />

Recently, the Computer Technology faculty member earned his Master’s degree, the Math<br />

faculty member is in the process of earning his Doctoral Degree, and both OTA faculty<br />

members are enrolled in graduate programs (one Doctoral and one Master’s). The<br />

contract also outlines the policy that allows a faculty member to request either a paid or<br />

unpaid educational leave (Article XXV). The adjunct faculty contract does not include<br />

release time for professional growth and development nor for educational leaves (but does<br />

cover leaves for temporary disability, military service and civil duty).<br />

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Policies also exist to support formal research. CCSNH Policy 690.09 Protocols for Research<br />

in the Classroom identifies who may serve as research investigators, privacy requirements,<br />

oversight responsibilities, and the required elements in a written research proposal.<br />

Appraisal of Teaching & Learning<br />

Faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> are dedicated to providing quality, relevant course materials. The use of<br />

Canvas helps to incorporate technology into all coursework and faculty at <strong>RVCC</strong> work hard<br />

to ensure that college courses are delivered at a high level regardless of if they are online,<br />

hybrid, or face to face courses.<br />

The majority of funding for faculty training comes through Perkins funding, however in<br />

recent years, Perkins funding has not been available to every eligible program. In AY16-<br />

17, under the Interim President, the Perkins Funding approach was drastically changed to<br />

a collaborative model that included Program Directors for all relevant programs. Program<br />

Directors met to discuss programmatic needs and the grant proposal was based on<br />

collaborative decision making, with an impartial grant manager to oversee the process.<br />

This new process led to a much more transparent distribution of funding and in Fall of<br />

2018, eight programs (Business Management, Early Childhood Education, Massage,<br />

Respiratory Therapy, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Technician, Phlebotomy, and Physical<br />

Therapist Assistant) were able to buy equipment or utilize Perkins funding for professional<br />

development.<br />

While this process has greatly improved the equality of funding distribution, it does not<br />

address all concerns related to professional development and training as not all programs<br />

or divisions are eligible for Perkins funding. As the budget stabilizes, the College will draft<br />

a formal Professional Development process by which faculty who do not qualify for Perkins<br />

funding can access professional development activities.<br />

Projections:<br />

<br />

<br />

By Fall <strong>2019</strong>, the VPAA and Department Chairs will make a recommendation to<br />

revise the College’s current advising model to include all faculty and incorporate<br />

Degree Works into advising processes.<br />

By Spring 2020 the Department Chairs will draft a formal recommendation for a<br />

Professional Development process and present it to the VPAA.<br />

91 | P a g e

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship<br />

(Faculty by Category and Rank; Academic Staff by Category, Fall Term)<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Year<br />

Prior Prior Prior<br />

(FY 2016) (FY 2017 ) (FY 2018) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

? Number of Faculty by category<br />

Full-time 30 28 23 21<br />

Part-time<br />

Adjunct 127 92 86 64<br />

Clinical 7 7 7 9<br />

Research<br />

Visiting<br />

Other; specify below:<br />

Total 164 127 116 94<br />

Percentage of Courses taught by full-time faculty<br />

47.00% 41.00% 38.00% 44.00%<br />

? Number of Faculty by rank, if applicable<br />

Professor 21 18 12 11<br />

Associate 9 9 10 9<br />

Assistant 1 1<br />

Instructor<br />

Other; specify below:<br />

Total 31 27 22 21<br />

? Number of Academic Staff by category<br />

Librarians 1 1 1 1<br />

Advisors 2 2 2 3<br />

Instructional Designers<br />

Other; specify below:<br />

Total 3 3 3 4<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

Advisors for current year: acutally 2.5 FTE<br />

92 | P a g e

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship<br />

(Highest Degrees, Fall Term)<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Year<br />

Prior Prior Prior<br />

? (FY 2016 ) (FY 2017) (FY 2018 ) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

Highest Degree Earned: Doctorate<br />

Faculty Professor 4 3 1 1<br />

Associate 2 3 3<br />

Assistant<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 4 5 4 4<br />

Academic Staff<br />

Other; specify*<br />

Librarians<br />

Advisors<br />

Inst. Designers<br />

Highest Degree Earned: Master's<br />

Faculty Professor 17 14 9 7<br />

Associate 4 4 4 4<br />

Assistant 1<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 22 18 13 11<br />

Academic Staff Librarians 1 1 1 1<br />

Advisors<br />

Inst. Designers<br />

Other; specify*<br />

Highest Degree Earned: Bachelor's<br />

Faculty Professor 1 1 1 1<br />

Associate 1 1<br />

Assistant 1 1<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 3 2 1 2<br />

Academic Staff<br />

Other; specify*<br />

Librarians<br />

Advisors<br />

Inst. Designers<br />

Highest Degree Earned: Professional License<br />

Faculty<br />

Professor<br />

Associate<br />

Assistant<br />

Instructor 1 2 1<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 1 2 1 0<br />

Academic Staff<br />

Other; specify*<br />

Librarians<br />

Advisors<br />

Inst. Designers<br />

93 | P a g e

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship<br />

(Appointments, Tenure, Departures, Retirements, Teaching Load Full Academic Year)<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Year<br />

Prior<br />

Prior<br />

Prior<br />

(FY 2016) (FY 2017) (FY 2018 ) (FY <strong>2019</strong>)<br />


? Number of Faculty Appointed<br />

Professor<br />

Associate 1 5 1<br />

Assistant 2<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 0 0 1 0 5 0 3 0<br />

? Number of Faculty in Tenured Positions<br />

Professor<br />

Associate<br />

Assistant<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

? Number of Faculty Departing<br />

Professor 4 6 1<br />

Associate 1<br />

Assistant 1<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 0 0 6 0 6 0 1 0<br />

? Number of Faculty Retiring<br />

Professor 1 1 1<br />

Associate<br />

Assistant<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Total 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0<br />

Fall Teaching Load, in credit hours<br />

Professor Maximum 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00<br />

Median 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50<br />

Associate Maximum 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00<br />

Median 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50<br />

Assistant Maximum 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00<br />

Instructor<br />

No rank<br />

Other<br />

Median 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50<br />

Maximum<br />

Median<br />

Maximum<br />

Median<br />

Maximum<br />

Median<br />

Explanation of teaching load if not measured in credit hours<br />

Teaching load is measured in contact hours. 1 hour of teaching lecture or lab = 1 contact hour.<br />

94 | P a g e

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship<br />

(Number of Faculty by Department or Comparable Unit, Fall Term)<br />

3 Years<br />

2 Years 1 Year<br />

Current Year<br />

Prior<br />

Prior<br />

Prior<br />

(Fall 2015 ) (Fall 2016) (Fall 2017 ) (Fall 2018 )<br />


Number of Faculty by Department (or comparable academic unit); insert additional rows as needed<br />

? Allied Health 8 9 5 6<br />

Business and Accounting 3 3 2 2<br />

Health Sciences 3 2 3 2<br />

Liberal Arts 7 7<br />

Liberal Arts and Criminal Justice 2 2<br />

Mathematics & Engineering 2 1<br />

Science & Technology 2 2<br />

Nursing 6 6 5<br />

Nursing & Respiratory Therapy 7<br />

Total 24 0 25 0 21 2 23 2<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

95 | P a g e

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship<br />

(Faculty and Academic Staff Diversity)<br />

For each type of diversity important to your institution (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, other), provide information on<br />

faculty and academic staff below. Use current year data.<br />

Faculty Full-time Part-time Total<br />

Headcount<br />

Headcount<br />

Goal<br />

(specify year)<br />

?<br />

?<br />

Category of Faculty (e.g., male/female, ethnicity categories); add more rows as needed<br />

women 19 19<br />

men 4 4<br />

white 22 22<br />

African/American 1 1<br />

Hispanic/Latino 1 1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Academic Staff Full-time Part-time Total Headcount Headcount<br />

Goal<br />

(specify year)<br />

Category of Academic Staff (e.g., male/female, ethnicity categories); add more rows as needed<br />

women 2 2<br />

men 2 2<br />

white 4 4<br />

African/American 0 0<br />

Hispanic/Latino 0 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

96 | P a g e

97 | P a g e<br />

Standard Seven<br />

Institutional Resources

Description<br />

River Valley Community College is funded primarily from tuition and fees revenue, and<br />

from the funds appropriated from the State Legislature as part of their biannual budgeting<br />

process. Between 2016 and <strong>2019</strong>, the percentage of state allocations between the<br />

colleges increased for the smaller, rural colleges. In <strong>2019</strong>, the state allocated $5,610,017<br />

to <strong>RVCC</strong>, an increase over the past three fiscal years, allowing <strong>RVCC</strong> to rely less on tuition<br />

and fees (Figure 7.1). This helped maintain financial stability during a time of decreasing<br />

enrollment.<br />

Figure 7.1: <strong>RVCC</strong> Funding 2016-<strong>2019</strong><br />

River Valley’s tuition and fees have varied over the past four years, ranging from<br />

$4,140,465 in FY16 to $3,912,443 in FY19. This variability is a result of both a declining<br />

student population and an increase in tuition and fees. For example, in FY18 after several<br />

years of declining enrollment with no change in tuition, the BoT voted to increase our per<br />

credit tuition amount from $200 to $210, with another needed increase in FY19 to $215<br />

per credit. The FY19 increase coincided with an additional increase in the <strong>RVCC</strong> student<br />

fee (calculated on a per credit basis) from $5/credit to $9/credit. This student fee increase<br />

occurred due to the removal of the graduation fee.<br />

When comparing average revenues between FY16 and FY18, our actual revenues have<br />

been funded 52% by the State of NH legislature appropriations via the CCSNH system<br />

office, 39% through tuition and fees, and 9% comes from other sources such as Grants,<br />

Workforce Development, Facility Rentals and Bookstore Commissions (Table 7.1).<br />

Table 7.1: <strong>RVCC</strong> Revenue Sources FY16 – FY19<br />

Revenue FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Average<br />

Sources<br />

Tuition and<br />

Fees<br />

$ 4,140,465 $ 3,852,025 $ 3,795,393 39%<br />

98 | P a g e

Gov. Grants $ 300,404 $ 1,389,296 $ 176,707 6%<br />

Other<br />

$ 58,211 $ 51,267 $ 54,483 1%<br />

Auxiliary<br />

Other<br />

$ 159,805 $ 253,067 $ 183,569 2%<br />

Revenue<br />

State<br />

$ 4,961,614 $ 5,152,158 $ 5,593,353 52%<br />

Appropriations<br />

Total Revenue $ 9,620,499 $ 10,697,813 $ 9,803,505 100%<br />

Although our Board of Trustees and our Advisory Committee are empowered to seek<br />

donations and accept gifts, these do not account for a regular or sizable portion of our<br />

resources. In Fall of 2018, a Chief Advancement Officer for the CCSNH Foundation, Tim<br />

Allison, was hired to focus efforts on stewardship and donation cultivation for all New<br />

Hampshire Community Colleges. His work will hopefully make donations a bigger part of<br />

the <strong>RVCC</strong> revenue stream.<br />

Human Resources<br />

Overview<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> employs highly qualified personnel to fulfill its mission. As of February 1, <strong>2019</strong>, River<br />

Valley Community College employed a total of 185 employees, which includes 21 full-time<br />

faculty, 96 adjunct faculty, and 68 full-time and part-time staff. Of the 185 employees,<br />

179 are unionized, while the remaining 6 are classified as non-union administrators. All<br />

hires must meet minimum standards of employment and are evaluated on a yearly basis<br />

to ensure that they are meeting the standards of their job responsibilities. Faculty must<br />

meet minimum education and experiential requirements as discussed in Standard Six.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>, as part of the Community College System of New Hampshire, follows three<br />

bargaining agreements. The 2017 – <strong>2019</strong> CCSNH/SEA Staff Collective Bargaining<br />

Agreement applies to all full-time and part-time professional, technical, and operating<br />

support staff, the 2017 – <strong>2019</strong> CCSNH/NHHEU FT Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement<br />

applies to full-time regular faculty, and the 2017 – 2018 CCSNH/SEA Adjunct Faculty<br />

Collective Bargaining Agreement (currently in bargaining phase) applies to all adjunct<br />

faculty. Procedures and policies for non-union employees are outlined in the CCSNH<br />

Managerial & Confidential Employee Handbook .<br />

Over the past few years, <strong>RVCC</strong> has undergone multiple leadership and administration<br />

changes and has most recently experienced a workforce reduction in the spring of 2017.<br />

Because of this, employees have been asked to step up and put in additional effort, while<br />

finding unique ways to provide exceptional service to students and to accomplish the new<br />

workloads. As a result, many employees have grown in their roles and now occupy<br />

positions of greater responsibility.<br />

With the hiring of a new College President in the summer of 2018, there has been<br />

increased stability and morale at the College. President Williams has initiated a concerted<br />

effort to bring back or introduce several key positions that were lacking. In addition to<br />

99 | P a g e

oosting our Enrollment department with a new Enrollment Coordinator, Enrollment<br />

Specialist, and part-time student services staff, key hiring also included an Associate Vice<br />

President of Student Affairs and a Human Resource Officer to establish a strong leadership<br />

team.<br />

Appraisal of Human Resources<br />

Recognizing the limitations that surround antiquated hiring and employment practices<br />

based on previous affiliations that CCSNH had as a state system, <strong>RVCC</strong> has begun<br />

identifying and implementing solutions for inefficiencies with processes and procedures,<br />

such as the following:<br />

<br />

<br />

The onboarding process at <strong>RVCC</strong> has been a struggle for all involved parties due not<br />

only to the inefficiencies of the past but also to the recent vacancy and turnover in<br />

the Human Resource Officer position. With a new Officer hired and CCSNH moving<br />

forward on a project to overhaul onboarding and provide a new application for our<br />

recruitment system, these issues will be mostly eliminated.<br />

Although salary ranges for staff are consistent with state averages for comparable<br />

positions, and come with the added incentive of a good insurance and benefit<br />

package, managers have struggled with providing incentive and reward for<br />

performance due to the unionized increase structure. Through looking at additional<br />

growth opportunities and external professional development, <strong>RVCC</strong> is seeking<br />

alternative and unique ways of recognition.<br />

As a result of the turnover and instability in past years, morale of faculty and staff has<br />

been a chief concern. In addition to providing new stability and greater student service<br />

through key hires, <strong>RVCC</strong> leadership has recognized a lack of structure and role definition.<br />

To rectify this, the College is looking at reporting relationships and confirming or defining<br />

roles for employees where necessary. Although an ongoing project, there have already<br />

been positive results especially within the student services and enrollment area. To assist<br />

in the goal of recruiting and retaining our students, <strong>RVCC</strong> has hired two full-time and one<br />

part-time enrollment specialist. These positions have had a direct impact on the number<br />

of students and community members looking into <strong>RVCC</strong>. In addition, with the hiring of a<br />

full-time IT manager and a full-time IT technician, the <strong>RVCC</strong> community has been able to<br />

obtain and implement better technology and benefit from more timely assistance from the<br />

IT department.<br />

With a stable leadership team, several important positions being hired, and the continued<br />

support from the CCSNH System Office, <strong>RVCC</strong> has been able to gain more confidence in its<br />

strategic goals. Although there will always be room for improvement, the <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

community has made huge strides since July 2018.<br />

Financial Resources<br />

Budgeting Process<br />

State law (RSA 188-F: 2) states that “the Community College System of New Hampshire<br />

shall be governed by a single Board of Trustees which is the policy making and operational<br />

authority. The BoT is responsible for ensuring that the colleges operate a well-coordinated<br />

100 | P a g e

system of public community college education.” Further, state law (RSA 188-F: 6; F: 6 IV-<br />

Xii) delegates to the BoT “…the management and control of all the property and affairs of<br />

the Community College system, all of its colleges, divisions and departments…” and a<br />

number of general authorities in the financial affairs area. This includes, but is not limited<br />

to, the acceptance and transfer of funds, the preparation of the biennial capital budget, the<br />

authority to enter contracts, and the ability to obtain land and resources.<br />

The CCSNH Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing fiscal policies related to long<br />

range planning and budgeting for the System. The BoT is advised periodically with regard<br />

to long range financial planning in order to assess whether projected revenues and<br />

expenses are in balance and sufficient to meet stated missions and goals. The BoT then<br />

makes appropriate adjustments in order to provide for fiscally responsible operations over<br />

the long term. CCSNH develops a tactical plan for each biennial period that coincides with<br />

the state funding request cycle. These plans reflect priorities and positions articulated in<br />

both system goals and campus strategic planning documents.<br />

As the head of CCSNH, the Chancellor is responsible for the oversight and management of<br />

funds and other resources, as well as the preparation of all pertinent documents and<br />

materials that require committee review and/or approval. Additionally, the Chancellor has<br />

the responsibility to administer financial policies and present these policies for<br />

documentation necessary for the proper and effective exercise of the BoT’s fiduciary<br />

responsibilities.<br />

Each year, the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees and the College Presidents speak in front<br />

of the New Hampshire Legislative Finance Committees to discuss the CCSNH biennial<br />

report. As part of this review, the Chancellor develops and maintains the CCSNH Capital<br />

Projects Plan which incorporates each college’s six year master plan. These plans are then<br />

used as reference material when asking for allocations of money from the House and<br />

Senate. The BoT periodically offers advice with regards to the plans and estimates for<br />

major project cost and funding.<br />

The CCSNH Foundation is a 501(c) (3) with a mission to provide educational opportunities<br />

through financial assistance for student scholarships, program development, and college<br />

facilities enhancement. CCSNH adheres to all IRS non-profit fundraising policies and does<br />

not solicit favors that would conflict with public interest.<br />

Shared services and other economic efficiencies are handled through the Chief Operations<br />

Officer. Federal funding is handled per federal regulations by the Financial Aid system,<br />

Compliance Officer, and Financial Aid Director of each college. These employees ensure<br />

accurate financial information in Banner. To guarantee the integrity of each college and its<br />

finances, the System Office performs internal audits and ensures all policies and<br />

procedures are operating honestly and efficiently. A BoT subcommittee arranges annual<br />

external financial and A-133 audits, and findings are presented to the Board of Trustees to<br />

guarantee transparency. Financial Aid is also annually audited and recommendations for<br />

improvement are noted.<br />

To provide a system of checks and balances, the President is responsible for maintaining a<br />

balanced budget, approving financial transactions, and explaining any adjustments,<br />

transfers, and revenue/expense patterns to the System Office. The BAO assists the<br />

101 | P a g e

President by monitoring the budget, completing periodic fiscal-year forecasts, and ensuring<br />

that <strong>RVCC</strong> adheres to the financial policies laid out by the Board of Trustees.<br />

With the fluctuating staffing in the BAO position, at times there had been loss of oversight<br />

in the finances. As a result, the 2016 Fiscal Year saw a deficit of over ($405,637). When<br />

the College hired the current BAO in August of 2016, a true understanding of the finances<br />

was not even accessible. One of the first tasks of the BAO was to obtain accurate financial<br />

reports, to educate the college community on the financial situation, and create a<br />

transparent financial environment. As a result of these initiatives, the Business Office was<br />

able to convey to faculty and staff an overview of the spending habits of the College as<br />

well as find ways to decrease expenses. Communication with the college community about<br />

the budget began occurring on a regular basis during the 2016 All-College Staff Meeting.<br />

At each meeting, the BAO prepared a presentation to educate the college community<br />

about the state of the budget. The goal of the BAO during these presentations was to be<br />

transparent about the finances and always speak to the expenses that were particularly<br />

high for the month as well as ways to reduce those expenses. Some examples of<br />

reduction of daily expenses included items such as installing motion sensors on all college<br />

lighting, decreasing the use of color copies, evaluating the printing patterns of the College<br />

and renegotiating contracts related to the photocopiers, and reviewing policies surrounding<br />

making long distance phone calls from work phones. Analysis of these cost savings<br />

measures is ongoing. Other cost saving measures included the reduction of the vehicle<br />

fleet by one leased vehicle, saving the College $3400. As a result of these efforts, the<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> community reduced the forecasted deficit as presented in February of 2017 from<br />

($533,702) to a deficit of ($265,000), and by FY18, <strong>RVCC</strong> was able turn the deficit into a<br />

surplus of $1,308,139. Currently, <strong>RVCC</strong> is forecasting a surplus for FY19 as well.<br />

Annually, the Business Affairs Officer provides all Department Chairs, Program<br />

Coordinators, and Department Heads with a description of current year expenses and asks<br />

them to develop a budget for the next fiscal year based on the amount they spent in the<br />

current fiscal year, plus any needed additions. In the past year, the BAO has encouraged<br />

a flat or 0% increase budgeting approach whenever possible to assist in balancing the<br />

budget, and to weather any enrollment variability.<br />

Once proposed budgets are collected, the BAO confers with the VPAA and President to<br />

analyze the budget as a whole and determine where adjustments need to be made. If<br />

changes to individual department budgets are needed, one on one conversations with<br />

department heads determine what can be done to accommodate the needs of <strong>RVCC</strong>. The<br />

BAO and the President work closely to ensure that budgets are appropriately distributed<br />

throughout programs, by basing any needed budget increases on enrollment, age of<br />

equipment, accreditation requirements, and explanations provided with budget requests.<br />

An example of the variability in programmatic budgets, and the process of ensuring that<br />

budgets are appropriately distributed can be seen by comparing the Criminal Justice<br />

program with the Medical Laboratory Program. An example of a flat or zero percentage<br />

increase budgeted program would be the Criminal Justice Program which consistently had<br />

a budget of $150 with no changes for years. In FY19, many of their classes switched to<br />

on-line or hybrid classes, minimizing the need for supplies, and solidifying the accuracy of<br />

a budget that is low in comparison to other programs in the College. On the other hand,<br />

the Medical Lab Technician program was estimating an increase in students, and is a<br />

program that is supply heavy and requires national accreditation dues. As a result, the<br />

102 | P a g e

udget for this program was increased from $7,750 to $8,250 to ensure sufficient supplies<br />

for all students.<br />

Once the budget is approved at the college level, it goes to the CCSNH Office before being<br />

evaluated by the Board of Trustees Finance Committee, the full Board of Trustees, and<br />

ultimately by the State of NH. Weekly budget reports are sent to all Department Chairs,<br />

Department Heads, and Program Coordinators to help them track their fiscal year<br />

expenses.<br />

Each fall and spring a budget forecast is completed to recalibrate the budget and realign<br />

with the needs of <strong>RVCC</strong>. In general, each year, <strong>RVCC</strong> follows a rough estimate that<br />

enrollment between fall and spring semester will decrease by 7% due to attrition. As a<br />

result of this prediction, we recalibrate our year ending revenue for tuition and fees. The<br />

final enrollment numbers in the Fall of 2017 indicated that <strong>RVCC</strong> was down by 6.3%. The<br />

result was to reforecast our tuition revenue from $3.8 million to $3.2 million. At the same<br />

time, a vacant staff position affected our projection for revenue. Thus, the original budget<br />

developed the previous spring decreased from $9.8 million to $9.2 million. Because of this,<br />

there was a need to reduce the general operating expenses by 2%, bringing the original<br />

operating expense budget from $2.176 million to $2.143 million. To do this, we reduced<br />

the hours of operations, including early closures on evenings when there were no classes;<br />

closing the buildings on Saturday; and shifting staff schedules to decrease overtime. As a<br />

result, in Fiscal Year 2018, we were able to save $13,518 in overtime.<br />

Much work has been done in collaboration with the academic department to evaluate<br />

scheduling of courses to maximize building usage and reduce open hours. In Summer of<br />

2018, the College piloted a modified schedule at the Lebanon Academic Center with a<br />

focus on evening hours. This was a result of the evaluation of course tallies which showed<br />

evening classes as the best for student schedules. By continuing to use course tally data<br />

effectively to schedule building hours, we hope to improve the ratio of income vs. expense<br />

at the LAC. This system was re-evaluated after Summer of 2018, and feedback from the<br />

Lebanon Advisory Board and community indicated that they wanted the College to have a<br />

larger presence as opposed to just evening hours. In Fall of 2018, <strong>RVCC</strong> re-opened the<br />

LAC for daytime and evening hours with a focus on increasing usage of the building via<br />

continuing education courses.<br />

As a human capital organization, <strong>RVCC</strong>’s budget has traditionally consisted of roughly 78%<br />

salaries and benefits while other expenses account for roughly 22% of the total costs to<br />

the institution (Figure 7.2)<br />

103 | P a g e

Similar to many organizations where the majority of the workforce is under the control of a<br />

Collective Bargaining Agreement, the salary increases are dictated by the CBA, often times<br />

before the budget is even created. As a result of salary increases being created before the<br />

budget is determined, the non-salary and benefits expenses of the budget are often<br />

reduced. The remaining 22%, of the expense budget consists of all other expenses<br />

needed for operations. Over the past 3 years, between 4% and 7% of the remaining<br />

expense budget, after salaries and expenses, were shared service allocations provided to<br />

the CCSNH system office for the support of their services to <strong>RVCC</strong>. These include<br />

Information Technology the procurement process regarding to high level purchasing,<br />

contract management, and check processing.<br />

One area that has seen great improvement on campus is academic technology. Computer<br />

labs, faculty computers, and classroom technology were historically managed on a small<br />

budget of $93,000. In FY2018, the department was allocated an additional $80,000;<br />

however, they only used $37,000 of that allotment due to an inconsistent policy for<br />

technology inventory and replacement. This task was emphasized when hiring a new IT<br />

Manager in Fall of 2018. One of the IT Manager’s first tasks upon hire was to do a physical<br />

inventory of the technology in the buildings, including evaluating the age of faculty and<br />

staff computers. As of Fall 2018, 90% of faculty and staff computers have been upgraded<br />

as well as adding teaching computers to the majority of general use classrooms, updating<br />

computer labs, and setting up online conferencing classrooms at all three locations.<br />

Another change that will impact the <strong>RVCC</strong> Budget was the CCSNH Board of Trustees<br />

passage of a new policy in Spring of 2018 which increases lab fees and the cost of the<br />

Clinical Surcharge from $350 to $500 effective Fall 2018. Prior to Fall 2018, this surcharge<br />

was only assessed to Nursing students but the increase in cost was also added to the<br />

Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs. These<br />

increased fees go into the general fund. While some fees were increased, the Board of<br />

Trustees also voted to eliminate several fees assessed to students, such as application<br />

fees, orientation fees, and graduation fees which were seen as barriers to students<br />

attending colleges across CCSNH. The hope is that with such barriers removed, we will<br />

see benefits in enrollment.<br />

104 | P a g e

CCSNH began a five-year budget model implemented in the Spring 2018 to see how<br />

various increases and decreases will ultimately affect our financial position. The five-year<br />

budget model allows individual colleges and the CCSNH System to make system wide and<br />

college specific assumptions, then make adjustments to revenue and expense projections,<br />

and analyze the outcomes. This financial modeling tool will provide the Board of Trustees<br />

a way to determining when tuition increases are needed or if program consolidation should<br />

be evaluated. Although in the early stages of utilization and development, this new fiveyear<br />

modeling tool assisted the Board of Trustees in deciding on a $5 per credit tuition<br />

increase for the FY19 based of the projected enrollment trends, cost of living increase, and<br />

changes in benefits cost.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s estimated FY<strong>2019</strong> revenue is $9.926 million, and our estimated operating<br />

expenses are $9.324 million. We estimate our revenues to be flat, unless enrollment<br />

trends dictate otherwise. We estimate our expenses for salaries to increase based on<br />

percentages that are negotiated during the collective bargaining process and benefits<br />

changes based on industry trends and our estimated loss ratios. General operating<br />

expenses are projected to stay flat unless there are projected needs as a direct result of<br />

enrollment trends or if major equipment purchases for a program are needed. For<br />

example, <strong>RVCC</strong> purchased a non-energized X-ray machine for the Radiography program in<br />

FY18 to improve outcomes for students and to meet industry standard trainings for the<br />

accredited program.<br />

Once the <strong>RVCC</strong> budget is created, it is merged with other CCSHN institution budgets and<br />

with the budget of the System Office before being presented to the Board of Trustees<br />

finance committee. Upon approval, it is presented to the entire Board of Trustees. Then,<br />

each fall and spring, the BAO must present to the BoT and identify where <strong>RVCC</strong> stands<br />

compared to the year’s predicted budget. For <strong>2019</strong>, <strong>RVCC</strong> budgeted a loss, presenting as<br />

general fund revenues of $9.483 million, salaries and benefits of $7.289, and operating<br />

expenses of $2.251 million, with an estimated loss of $57,307. The fall forecast for <strong>2019</strong><br />

is $9.642 million for revenue, and a $9.034 million forecast for expenses, with an<br />

estimated surplus of $607,902. This surplus is due to positions being vacant, enrollment<br />

numbers being higher than expected, and faculty and staff being conservative with<br />

spending. This forecast will be modified again in the spring once more accurate tally<br />

numbers for spring enrollment can be obtained, and salary and benefit data is accurately<br />

updated to reflect new hires. Lastly, throughout the year, financial updates are provided to<br />

the BoT on a monthly and quarterly basis.<br />

Reserve Fund<br />

Due to the high reliance on tuition revenue, the College is vulnerable to changes in<br />

enrollment and is currently in the process of developing a plan to create a reserve fund<br />

with the support of CCSNH and the Board of Trustees. The goal for each college in the<br />

CCSNH is to create a reserve of 5% within the next 5 years to ensure that each college can<br />

handle downward trends in enrollment. The strategic plan of the CCSNH accounts for the<br />

development of this reserve by reducing costs to individual colleges through the utilization<br />

of shared services (for example cutting Marketing, Institutional Research, and Banner<br />

Coordinator costs for smaller rural colleges by utilizing a shared staff member).<br />

105 | P a g e

Finance Staff<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> ensures that it has sufficient professionally qualified finance staff which includes a<br />

full-time Bursar and Senior Accounting Technician and a part-time Student Account<br />

Representative led by a Chief Business Affairs Officer. The BAO holds an MBA and is a<br />

Certified Public Accountant with over 20 years of experience. Prior to coming to <strong>RVCC</strong> in<br />

August of 2016, the BAO spent time at a large, Ivy-league college; at public schools; and<br />

as an auditor for both national and local firms. The organizational chart outlines the<br />

oversight of the financial staff by the BAO, who also serves on the extended leadership<br />

team at <strong>RVCC</strong>.<br />

Budgetary Transparency<br />

At <strong>RVCC</strong>, departments have input into their own budgets. Initial requests are generated<br />

by the faculty and staff themselves who understand what is required to ensure student<br />

needs are being met. Every semester the BAO presents the current financial positon to the<br />

faculty and staff at the All-College Staff Meeting. The BAO gets daily updates from CCSNH<br />

on financial information as well as credits sold so information related to revenue and<br />

expenses can be evaluated daily. On a bi-monthly basis, the BAO updates the President<br />

and senior administration on <strong>RVCC</strong>’s financial status and creates a budget projection and<br />

expense report for review.<br />

The BAO also presents the Financial Position of the College at every Advisory Council<br />

meeting.<br />

Response to Unexpected Budgetary Changes<br />

Increased transparency in the budget has helped departments to understand not only their<br />

own needs, but the needs of other departments. As a result, if one department is in need<br />

of new equipment, but does not have any more financial resources, funds are reallocated<br />

to enable the department in need to get the required equipment/materials. In the Spring<br />

of 2017, the Science and the Medical Lab Technician program combined resources to<br />

purchase $868.40 of microorganisms and chemicals for lab supplies. Because the MLT<br />

budget was already allocated to other required programmatic expenses, the Science<br />

department utilized excess monies they had and paid for a majority of the supplies. This<br />

sharing of resources ensured that the MLT program would have the needed supplies for<br />

the Pathogenic Microbiology course. In another example, in the summer of FY18, it was<br />

discovered that the Medical Lab Technician program microscopes had not been serviced<br />

and many were in a state of disrepair. This was an unplanned expense and there were not<br />

enough funds in the program’s budget to address this need. Upon learning of the need,<br />

the BAO, with permission of the President, reallocate Allied Health funds to accommodate<br />

the needs of the program and ensure that the microscopes were ready for the beginning of<br />

the fall semester.<br />

Budgetary Oversight<br />

The Board of Trustees, CCSNH, and <strong>RVCC</strong> administration all ensure oversight of the<br />

financial resources and ethical practices of the College. There is an internal auditor at<br />

CCSNH that oversees each college, and an external auditor examines CCSNH annually.<br />

Additionally, CCSNH underwent a Legislative Bureau Audit. This Audit highlighted a<br />

number of areas of concern which were addressed by the current administration and have<br />

106 | P a g e

een, or are being resolved. A CCSNH task force was assigned to create practices focusing<br />

on accurate and honest budgeting. As a result of the LBA, CCSNH and <strong>RVCC</strong> are<br />

completing a procedural overhaul, and improving many of our processes. The System<br />

Office prepares <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Financial Statements in accordance with GAAP and our audit is<br />

completed by an external auditor in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards<br />

adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.<br />

Grants & Additional Fundraising<br />

While grant funding only accounts for 6%, on average, of our total revenue, these monies<br />

are vital to the work we do with students. Over the past three fiscal years, our largest<br />

continuous grant, Work Ready NH accounted for the following revenue: $164,000 (FY16);<br />

$172,000(FY17); and $173,000 (FY18). Another major grant, the Carl D. Perkins Grant,<br />

accounted for: $8000 (FY16); $40,000 (FY17); and $91,000 (FY18). During this<br />

accreditation period, we also participated in a Federal Grant with the US Department of<br />

Labor Employment and Training Administration for the H1B Grant related to our Advanced<br />

Manufacturing program. The grant was awarded in FY13 for $4.9 million and was<br />

extended through April of FY17. The majority of the spending for this grant was made in<br />

FY17 with purchases of $1.2 million. During FY16 and FY17, in preparation for the opening<br />

of the Lebanon Academic Center, <strong>RVCC</strong> received funding from the City of Lebanon as a<br />

HUD Pass-thru in the amount of $475,000 and from the Northern Borders Regional<br />

Commission in the amount of $150,000. These funds were expended as capital<br />

improvements and appear in reporting as capital expenditures.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has not actively participated in fundraising since 2015. Fundraising efforts during<br />

2013-2015 focused on increasing monies for scholarships. These scholarships have been<br />

implemented over the past few years as the Envisioning a Brighter Future Scholarship (for<br />

new and returning students). With CCSNH Foundation’s new Chief Advancement Officer,<br />

we look forward to renewed fundraising efforts.<br />

Appraisal of Resources<br />

Financial Resources<br />

Although <strong>RVCC</strong> still needs to diversify revenue resources and find new opportunities for<br />

tailoring expenses, over the past two years we have gone from a college community that<br />

did not even employ a Business Affairs Officer to a college that not only employs a full time<br />

BAO, but receives financial briefings on a regular basis, and exhibits transparency as a<br />

cornerstone of the financial processes. Potential future next-steps would be to integrate<br />

salary and benefits information into our financial system, Banner. Currently, budgeting for<br />

roughly 78% of the total <strong>RVCC</strong> budget is a manual process completed outside of the<br />

accounting system in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. As a system of multiple colleges all<br />

working together, using Microsoft Excel to calculate the majority of the budget is an<br />

example of not having sufficient reporting tools to complete tasks in a timely and efficient<br />

manner. What should take mere minutes becomes much more cumbersome as a result of<br />

having to get information from the payroll system and the budgeting system separately.<br />

In most organizations of this size, this is not a manual process. When comparing our<br />

financial resources, <strong>RVCC</strong> and the CCSNH System rely heavily on paper processes, while<br />

other colleges and academic institutions have often eliminated many of these processes<br />

due to the technological advances of a fully integrated accounting system or even an<br />

107 | P a g e

enterprise management system. With advances in budgeting and accounting software<br />

(some of which are available in Banner but have not been adopted by CCSNH), we could<br />

become more accurate and more efficient.<br />

Information, Physical, & Technological Resources<br />

River Valley Community College has changed a great deal in our information, physical and<br />

technological resources since the last self-study. The physical infrastructure has changed<br />

significantly with the renovation of the main campus in 2013-2014; the purchase of a new<br />

location for our Keene Academic Center; and the purchase and renovation of the defunct<br />

Lebanon College in Lebanon, NH as our new Lebanon Academic Center. These updates<br />

have been discussed in prior <strong>NECHE</strong> Progress Reports.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> has also worked on prioritizing critical maintenance and safety for the institution.<br />

Recent security upgrades at all <strong>RVCC</strong> locations include the installation of security cameras<br />

inside and outside of the College, as well as the use of swipe cards on exterior and interior<br />

doors. Upgrades to classrooms include new furniture and dedicated instructional<br />

computers in most of the rooms that are used by <strong>RVCC</strong> students and faculty. Rooms that<br />

we hope to upgrade in the future are the Anatomy & Physiology Lab, the Medical<br />

Laboratory Technician Lab, the Medical Assistant Lab, the Chemistry Lab, and two small<br />

classrooms. Recent academic technology upgrades include the transition from Blackboard<br />

to Canvas and the migration from Banner 8 to Banner 9.<br />

As mentioned earlier, the <strong>RVCC</strong> IT Department has also been invigorated with new<br />

personnel. IT provides day-to-day support through a helpdesk ticketing system, email,<br />

phone and in-person. IT provides all hardware, software, networking and phone support<br />

for both the academic and administrative networks, as well as audio visual technological<br />

support for all classrooms. <strong>RVCC</strong> IT provides Easy Login username and passwords for all<br />

members of the college community which allows access to the network, SIS, Email,<br />

Canvas and all library databases. IT works with end users to resolve day to day<br />

technological problems and tracks potential external security threats, most commonly<br />

“phishing” emails, while educating the college community about these types of threats as<br />

soon as they are recognized.<br />

The <strong>RVCC</strong> Library supports the academic needs of River Valley Community College through<br />

the provision of information resources, services and instruction. The Library strives to be<br />

an integrated and valued asset to the <strong>RVCC</strong> community and to support student success.<br />

The Library staff pride themselves on their ability to recognize when information is needed<br />

and to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information and provide access to<br />

information resources that support the <strong>RVCC</strong> curriculum & research needs of students,<br />

faculty & staff. The Library provides information literacy sessions at all levels; face-to-face<br />

and email interactions with students and faculty; database tutorials; and a free information<br />

literacy tutorial in Canvas that all students are registered for. The Library is approximately<br />

ninety percent electronic, and the <strong>RVCC</strong> community can access the library holdings via use<br />

of their Easy Login credentials at any time.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

108 | P a g e<br />

The <strong>RVCC</strong> Library continues to expand its services and collections.<br />

Infrastructure has been updated at all three locations.

The <strong>RVCC</strong> IT Department has a student centered philosophy and is assessing IT<br />

needs for all locations and modalities.<br />

Challenges<br />

College funding is highly dependent on tuition and fees revenue streams need to be<br />

diversified.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

By Summer 2020, the BAO and college administration will diversify revenue streams<br />

to include grant funding, non-credit programs, and other means beyond tuition.<br />

During the next Legislative Budget Cycle (FY2022-2024), <strong>RVCC</strong> will develop a plan<br />

to request capital funds to improve our facilities infrastructure at main campus and<br />

the academic centers, with a focus on the educational spaces that have not yet been<br />

updated.<br />

109 | P a g e

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Headcount of Employees by Occupational Category)<br />

For each of the occupational categories below, enter the data reported on the IPEDS Human Resources Survey (Parts B and<br />

D1) for each of the years listed.<br />

If your institution does not submit IPEDS, visit this link for information about how to complete this form:<br />

https://surveys.nces.ed.gov/IPEDS/Downloads/Forms/package_1_43.pdf<br />

3 Years<br />

2 Years 1 Year<br />

Prior Prior<br />

Prior Current Year<br />

(FY 2013-2014 ) (FY 2014-2015 ) (FY 2015-2016 ) (FY 2016-2017 )<br />

FT PT Total FT PT Total FT PT Total FT PT Total<br />

Instructional Staff 27 193 220 29 118 147 30 134 164 28 99 127<br />

Research Staff 0 0 0 0<br />

Public Service Staff 0 0 0 0<br />

Librarians 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1<br />

Library Technicians 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1<br />

Archivists, Curators, Museum<br />

staff 0 0 0 0<br />

Student and Academic Affairs 12 38 50 10 47 57 12 39 51 15 27 42<br />

Management Occupations 2 1 3 5 1 6 2 2 4 5 5<br />

Business and Financial<br />

Operations 3 2 5 4 1 5 4 4 4 4<br />

Computer, Engineering and<br />

Science 0 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 2<br />

Community, Social Service,<br />

Legal, Arts, Design,<br />

Entertainment, Sports, and<br />

Media 0 0 0 0<br />

Healthcare Practitioners and<br />

Technical 0 0 0 0<br />

Service Occupations 0 5 5 10 4 5 9 4 5 9<br />

Sales and Related<br />

Occupations 0 0 0 0<br />

Office and Administrative<br />

Support 9 6 15 16 16 32 10 8 18 8 6 14<br />

Natural Resources,<br />

Construction, Maintenance 2 5 7 0 0 0<br />

Production, Transportation,<br />

Material Moving 0 0 0 0<br />

Total 56 247 303 71 190 261 65 192 257 67 138 205<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

110 | P a g e

Fiscal Year ends - month & day: (06/30)<br />

ASSETS (in 000s)<br />

2 Years Prior<br />

(FY 2016 )<br />

1 Year Prior<br />

(FY 2017 )<br />

Most Recent<br />

Year<br />

? Cash and Short Term Investments $1,861,336 $1,696,294 $3,260,808 -8.9% 92.2%<br />

? Cash held by State Treasurer - -<br />

? Deposits held by State Treasurer - -<br />

? Accounts Receivable, Net $435,095 $388,155 $248,535 -10.8% -36.0%<br />

? Contributions Receivable, Net - -<br />

? Inventory and Prepaid Expenses - -<br />

? Long-Term Investments $1,068,939 $1,094,284 - 2.4%<br />

? Loans to Students $53,878 $53,580 $55,296 -0.6% 3.2%<br />

? Funds held under bond agreement - -<br />

? Property, plants, and equipment, net $10,291,200 $10,302,521 $9,747,560 0.1% -5.4%<br />

? Other Assets $737,623 $1,344,070 $972,542 82.2% -27.6%<br />

Total Assets $13,379,132 $14,853,559 $15,379,025 11.0% 3.5%<br />

LIABILITIES (in 000s)<br />

? Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $826,917 $523,229 $507,754 -36.7% -3.0%<br />

? Deferred revenue & refundable advances $61,424 $81,862 $59,974 33.3% -26.7%<br />

? Due to state $153,361 -100.0% -<br />

? Due to affiliates - -<br />

? Annuity and life income obligations - -<br />

? Amounts held on behalf of others - -<br />

? Long-term investments - -<br />

? Refundable government advances - -<br />

? Other long-term liabilities $6,326,707 $7,164,316 $15,053,995 13.2% 110.1%<br />

Total Liabilities $7,368,409 $7,769,407 $15,621,723 5.4% 101.1%<br />

NET ASSETS (in 000s)<br />

Unrestricted net assets<br />

Institutional $5,837,560 $5,937,846 ($1,362,005) 1.7% -122.9%<br />

? Foundation - -<br />

Total $5,837,560 $5,937,846 ($1,362,005) 1.7% -122.9%<br />

Temporarily restricted net assets<br />

Institutional $159,689 $270,785 $232,797 69.6% -14.0%<br />

? Foundation - -<br />

Total $159,689 $270,785 $232,797 69.6% -14.0%<br />

Permanently restricted net assets<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Statement of Financial Position/Statement of Net Assets)<br />

Percent Change<br />

2 yrs-1 yr prior 1 yr-most recent<br />

Institutional $13,476 $875,521 $886,510 6396.9% 1.3%<br />

? Foundation - -<br />

Total $13,476 $875,521 $886,510 6396.9% 1.3%<br />

? Total Net Assets $6,010,725 $7,084,152 ($242,698) 17.9% -103.4%<br />

TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET ASSETS $13,379,134 $14,853,559 $15,379,025 11.0% 3.5%<br />

111 | P a g e

Fiscal Year ends - month& day: ( / )<br />

OPERATING REVENUES (in 000s)<br />

3 Years Prior<br />

(FY2016 )<br />

2 Years Prior<br />

(FY2017 )<br />

Most Recently<br />

Completed Year<br />

(FY 2018 )<br />

Current Year<br />

(FY <strong>2019</strong> )<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(FY 2020 )<br />

? Tuition and fees $5,539,340 $4,922,250 $5,011,019 $5,076,858 $5,076,858<br />

? Room and board<br />

? Less: Financial aid -$1,398,875 -$1,070,225 -$1,215,626 -$1,164,415 -$1,164,415<br />

Net student fees $4,140,465 $3,852,025 $3,795,393 $3,912,443 $3,912,443<br />

? Government grants and contracts $300,404 $1,389,296 $176,707 $278,591 $278,591<br />

? Private gifts, grants and contracts<br />

? Other auxiliary enterprises $58,211 $51,267 $54,483 $61,090 $61,090<br />

Endowment income used in operations<br />

? Other revenue (specify): $159,805 $253,067 $183,569 $120,347 $120,347<br />

Other revenue (specify):<br />

Net assets released from restrictions<br />

Total Operating Revenues $4,658,885 $5,545,655 $4,210,152 $4,372,471 $4,372,471<br />

OPERATING EXPENSES (in 000s)<br />

? Instruction $3,108,058 $4,296,246 $3,296,000 $2,845,515 $2,845,515<br />

? Research $6,467 $9,093 $6,900 $5,957 $5,957<br />

? Public Service $320 $400 $300 $259 $259<br />

? Academic Support $1,601,105 $1,987,539 $1,525,000 $1,316,569 $1,316,569<br />

? Student Services $839,138 $1,229,868 $944,000 $814,978 $814,978<br />

? Institutional Support $2,394,703 $2,546,802 $1,953,000 $1,964,662 $1,964,662<br />

Fundraising and alumni relations<br />

? Operation, maintenance of plant (if not allocated) $2,026,286 $1,467,954 $1,126,000 $972,102 $972,102<br />

Scholarships and fellowships (cash refunded by public<br />

? institution) $1,157,996 $1,178,584 $1,486,443 $1,283,281 $1,283,281<br />

? Auxiliary enterprises $46,684 $42,537 $33,000 $59,490 $59,490<br />

? Depreciation (if not allocated)<br />

? Other expenses (specify): $2,737,752 $38,605 $30,050 $25,943 $25,943<br />

Other expenses (specify): $35,730 $277,307<br />

Total operating expenditures $13,918,509 $12,797,628 $10,400,693 $9,324,486 $9,566,063<br />

Change in net assets from operations -$9,259,624 -$7,251,973 -$6,190,541 -$4,952,015 -$5,193,592<br />


? State appropriations (net) $4,961,614 $5,152,158 $5,593,353 $5,610,017 $5,610,017<br />

? Investment return $134,044 $92,439<br />

? Interest expense (public institutions) -$57,145 -$56,456 -$55,742 -$55,001<br />

Gifts, bequests and contributions not used in operations<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Statement of Revenues and Expenses)<br />

? Other (specify): Federal Non-Operating $3,197,316 $1,070,225 $1,215,626 $0<br />

Other (specify): State Non-Operating $103,359 $270,817<br />

Other (specify): Local Non-Operating $5,000 $0<br />

Net non-operating revenues $8,158,930 $6,407,641 $7,115,779 $5,554,275 $5,555,016<br />

Income before other revenues, expenses, gains, or<br />

losses -$1,100,694 -$844,332 $925,238 $602,260 $361,424<br />

? Capital appropriations (public institutions) $695,057 $442,225 $277,718 $35,730 $277,307<br />

? Other (specify): $137,107 $105,183<br />


ASSETS -$405,637 -$265,000 $1,308,139 $637,990 $638,731<br />

112 | P a g e

FISCAL YEAR ENDS month & day ( / )<br />

Long-term Debt<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Statement of Debt)<br />

3 Years Prior<br />

(FY2016 )<br />

2 Years Prior<br />

(FY2017 )<br />

Most Recently<br />

Completed Year<br />

(FY 2018 )<br />

Current Year<br />

(FY <strong>2019</strong> )<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(FY 2020 )<br />

Beginning balance $0 $1,584,930 $1,566,235 $1,546,851 $1,526,753<br />

Additions $1,600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0<br />

? Reductions ($15,070) ($18,695) ($19,384) ($20,098) ($20,839)<br />

Ending balance $1,584,930 $1,566,235 $1,546,851 $1,526,753 $1,505,914<br />

Interest paid during fiscal year $48,130 $57,145 $56,456 $55,742 $55,001<br />

Current Portion $18,695 $19,384 $20,098 $20,839 $21,607<br />

Bond Rating<br />

Debt Service Coverage<br />

Operating Income / (Annual Interest +<br />

Current Portion of Debt) -6.07 -3.46 17.09 8.33 8.34<br />

Debt to Net Assets Ratio<br />

Long-tem Debt / Total Net Assets 0.26 0.22 0.23 0.20 0.19<br />

Debt to Assets Ratio<br />

Long-term Debt / Total Assets 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10<br />

Debt Covenants: (1) Describe interest rate, schedule, and structure of payments; and (2) indicate whether the debt covenants<br />

are being met. If not being met, describe the specific covenant violation (i.e., requirement of the lender vs. actual achieved by<br />

the instituiton). Also, indicate whether a waiver has been secured from the lender and/or if covenants were modified.<br />

Community Facilities Loan for the Purchase of LebanonBuilding Purcahse 2015 was signed on July 23, 2015 for $1.6 Million. The funds<br />

were from the United States Department of Agriculture as a Rural Development Loan. Loan Repayment is 40 Years from the Date of<br />

Loan Closing, debt service to be paid $75,840 based on amortized payments. Estimated Payments are $6,320/month with an interest<br />

rate of 3.625%.<br />

Line(s) of Credit: List the institutions line(s) of credit and their uses.<br />

Future borrowing plans (please describe).<br />

113 | P a g e

FISCAL YEAR ENDS month & day (06 /30<br />

)<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Supplemental Data)<br />

3 Years Prior<br />

(FY2016 )<br />

2 Years Prior<br />

(FY2017 )<br />

Most Recently<br />

Completed Year<br />

(FY 2018 )<br />

Current Year<br />

(FY <strong>2019</strong> )<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(FY 2020 )<br />


Net assets beginning of year Total increase/decrease in net<br />

$5,098,351 $6,010,725 $7,084,152 $6,841,454 $7,479,444<br />

assets $912,374 $1,073,427 ($242,698) $637,990 $638,731<br />

Net assets end of year $6,010,725 $7,084,152 $6,841,454 $7,479,444 $8,118,175<br />


Source of funds<br />

Unrestricted institutional $3,250 $211,122 $87,933 $145,680 $150,000<br />

Federal, state and private grants $1,543,554 $1,178,584 $1,127,693 $1,018,735 $1,014,415<br />

Restricted funds<br />

Total $1,546,804 $1,389,706 $1,215,626 $1,164,415 $1,164,415<br />

% Discount of tuition and fees 25.1% 15.2% 7.2% 12.5% 12.9%<br />

? % Unrestricted discount 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%<br />

?<br />



SCORE n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Please indicate your institution's endowment spending policy:<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> doesn't have an endowment. Our endowment is housed at our CCSNH Foundation.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

114 | P a g e

FISCAL YEAR ENDS month & day ( 06 /<br />

30 )<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Liquidity)<br />

3 Years Prior<br />

(FY2016 )<br />

2 Years Prior<br />

(FY2017 )<br />

Most Recently<br />

Completed Year<br />

(FY 2018 )<br />

Current Year<br />

(FY <strong>2019</strong> )<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(FY 2020 )<br />


Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

beginning of year $455,292 $1,861,336 $2,765,234 $2,765,234 $2,765,234<br />

Cash Flow from Operating<br />

Activities ($338,699) ($198,223) $1,199,643 $1,199,643 $1,199,643<br />

Cash Flow from Investing Activities<br />

Cash Flow from Financing Activities $1,744,743 $1,102,121 $390,212 $390,212 $390,212<br />

Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

end of year $1,861,336 $2,765,234 $4,355,089 $4,355,089 $4,355,089<br />


Current Assets $2,296,431 $2,084,449 $3,417,959 $3,417,959 $3,417,959<br />

Current Liabilities $826,917 $605,091 $567,729 $567,729 $567,729<br />

Current Ratio 2.78 3.44 6.02 6.02 6.02<br />

Days Cash on Hand<br />

[Cash and Cash Equivalents /<br />

(Operating Expenses +<br />

Depreciation and other noncash<br />

expenses)]/ 365 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below that may impact the institution's cash flow.<br />

For the Cash Flow projections, we are assuming status quo for FY19 and FY20. We do not forecast balance sheets, only income<br />

statements.<br />

Has the institution needed to access its restricted net assets or liquidate other financial assets to fund operations? If so, please<br />

describe and indicate when approvals (if required) were obtained from the state's authority.<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below.<br />

115 | P a g e

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Information Resources)<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

Most<br />

Recently<br />

Completed<br />

Year<br />

Current<br />

Year<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(goal)<br />

(FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 )<br />

Total Expenditures 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-<strong>2019</strong> <strong>2019</strong>-2020<br />

Materials $31,000 $30,000<br />

Salaries & wages (permanent staff) $128,476<br />

Salaries & wages (student employees) $4,233 $2,007 $1,865 $1,563<br />

Other operating expenses $49,121<br />

Expenditures/FTE student<br />

Materials $47<br />

Salaries & wages (permanent staff) $196<br />

Salaries & wages (student employees) $6<br />

Other operating expenses $75<br />

Collections<br />

Percent available physically 15% 15% 10% 10% 10%<br />

Percent available electronically 85% 85% 90% 90% 90%<br />

Number of digital repositories 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Personnel (FTE)<br />

Librarians - main campus 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Librarians - branch /other locations 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Other library personnel - main campus 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Other library personnel - branch/other locations 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Availability/attendance<br />

Hours of operation/week main campus 64 58 58 58 58<br />

Hours of operation/week branch/other locations 0 0 0 0<br />

0<br />

Consortia/Partnerships<br />

WALDO<br />

OCLC<br />

CCSNH Libraries<br />

NHU PAC<br />

NHCUC<br />

URL https://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/puksta-library/information-literacy<br />

of most http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/puksta-library/information-literacy<br />

recent library annual report:<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

See Form 4.5 for data about Information Literacy<br />

116 | P a g e

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Technological Resources)<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

Most<br />

Recently<br />

Completed<br />

Year<br />

Current<br />

Year<br />

?<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(goal)<br />

(FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 )<br />

? Course management system<br />

Canvas LMS<br />

Number of classes using the system<br />

Bandwidth<br />

On-campus network 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps 1 Gbps<br />

Off-campus access<br />

? commodity internet (Mbps) 500Mbps 500Mbps 500Mbps 500Mbps 500Mbps<br />

? high-performance networks (Mbps) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A<br />

? Wireless protocol(s) A,B,G,N,ACA,B,G,N,AC A,B,G,N,AC A,B,G,N,ACA,B,G,N,AC<br />

Typical classroom technology<br />

Main campus<br />

Branch/other locations<br />

Projector, TV, Audio Speackers and Computer<br />

Projector, TV, Audio Speakers and Computer<br />

Software systems and versions<br />

Students<br />

Finances<br />

Human Resources<br />

Advancement<br />

Library<br />

Website Management<br />

Portfolio Management<br />

Interactive Video Conferencing<br />

Digital Object Management<br />

Banner 9<br />

Banner 9<br />

ADP from HRIS Systems & Banner 8.9<br />

N/A<br />

TWS / Traktec<br />

N/A<br />

Zoom<br />

Website locations of technology policies/plans<br />

Integrity and security of data<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/information-technology<br />

Privacy of individuals<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/information-technology<br />

Appropriate use<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/information-technology<br />

Disaster and recovery plan<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/information-technology<br />

Technology replacement<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/information-technology<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>-Claremont has 500Mbps internet connection, and a 50Mbps Cloud connection. <strong>RVCC</strong>-Keene has a 130Mbps Internet and<br />

50Mbps Cloud connection. <strong>RVCC</strong>-Lebanon has a 130Mbps Internet connection and 50Mbps cloud connection. The cloud<br />

connection is to our internal data centers that house Banner, phone systems, internal resources. We use O365 for mail and MS<br />

applications. We have access to I2 via our service provider (IBEAM0.<br />

117 | P a g e

Campus location<br />

Main campus<br />

Other U.S. locations<br />

International locations<br />

Standard 7: Institutional Resources<br />

(Physical Resources)<br />

Serviceable<br />

Buildings<br />

Assignable Square<br />

Feet (000)<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

1 Year<br />

Prior<br />

Current<br />

Year<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(goal)<br />

(FY 2014 ) (FY 2015 )(FY 2016 )(FY 2017 )(FY 2018 )<br />

Revenue ($000)<br />

Capital appropriations (public institutions)<br />

Operating budget<br />

Gifts and grants<br />

Debt<br />

Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0<br />

Expenditures ($000)<br />

New Construction<br />

Renovations, maintenance and equipment<br />

Technology<br />

Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0<br />

Assignable square feet (000) Main campus Off-campus Total<br />

Classroom 5,863 5,863<br />

Laboratory 16,697 16,697<br />

Office 6,495 6,495<br />

<strong>Study</strong> 7,831 7,831<br />

Special 286 286<br />

General 2,848 2,848<br />

Support 1,231 1,231<br />

Residential 0 0<br />

Other 0 0<br />

Major new buildings, past 10 years (add rows as needed)<br />

Building name Purpose(s)<br />

Assignable Square Feet (000) Cost (000) Year<br />

Keene Academic Center satelite campus<br />

18,672.00<br />

Lebanon Acedimic Center satelite campus<br />

New buildings, planned for next 5 years (add rows as needed)<br />

Building name Purpose(s)<br />

Assignable Square Feet Cost (000) Year<br />

Main Campus<br />

Major Renovations, past 10 years (add rows as needed)<br />

The list below includes renovations costing $XXX or more<br />

Building name Purpose(s)<br />

Assignable Square Feet Cost (000) Year<br />

Renovations planned for next 5 years (add rows as needed)<br />

The list below includes renovations costing $XXX or more<br />

Building name Purpose(s)<br />

Assignable Square Feet Cost (000) Year<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

118 | P a g e

Standard Eight<br />

Educational Effectiveness<br />

119 | P a g e

Description<br />

River Valley Community College demonstrates its effectiveness by ensuring that levels of<br />

student success are satisfactory, consistent with the degree/certificate awarded, and<br />

appropriate to the College’s Mission and Purposes. The College gathers and analyzes data<br />

on many of <strong>RVCC</strong>’s expected outcomes utilizing key institution-wide student success<br />

measures, including program passage rates, academic program review, and Graduate<br />

Satisfaction Surveys. To date, data across the four locations: Claremont, Lebanon, Keene,<br />

and online are aggregated. Students at <strong>RVCC</strong> are not assigned to a specific campus, but<br />

are a member of <strong>RVCC</strong> as a whole; therefore, data collected on students is not reflective of<br />

any one location. Students often take courses in multiple locations simultaneously,<br />

particularly since the geography of the Claremont Campus and the Lebanon Academic<br />

Center are so close. For example, Business programs offer Zoom classes to allow students<br />

at any location to attend. Data relevant to these success measures will be explored fully<br />

later in this section. The Community College System of New Hampshire provides<br />

enrollment and retention data needed for program review. The Registrar’s Office provides<br />

graduate rates, IPEDS/VFA reporting, and the Academic Affairs Office has initiated<br />

strategic planning. Other departments such as the Student Success Center and Career<br />

Services, Admissions, and Academic Affairs collect specific student data important to their<br />

respective functions. Many programs evaluate data to meet their individual accrediting<br />

agency standards and the internal college program review process helps to evaluate the<br />

effectiveness of non-accredited programs. <strong>RVCC</strong> enrolls students into either certificate or<br />

degree programs as one student body.<br />

Of interest to note, and one of the reasons data collection can be confusing, is that CCSNH<br />

and <strong>RVCC</strong> use two distinct databases: IPEDS and Veera Bridge. IPEDS data is reported<br />

through the Registrar’s Office by pulling reports from Banner and is reported from July to<br />

June of the previous year. Veera Bridge pulls data from our Banner reporting system but<br />

aggregates it by semester. Banner is the CCSNH database that is used to track all aspects<br />

of individual student records from application to registration. Since <strong>RVCC</strong> follows three<br />

semesters (fall: mid-August through December, spring: January through mid-May, and<br />

summer: mid-May through mid-August); data pulled from Veera Bridge does not match<br />

exactly with IPEDS. The differences in reporting cycles sometimes leads to a slight<br />

mismatch in the numbers seen across data although both reporting systems are accurate.<br />

Data Collection, Assessment & Effectiveness<br />

College Outcomes<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> clearly identifies the expected outcomes for the College in the College Catalog and<br />

on the website. The Expected Outcomes of the College are reflective of the mission of<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> and identify ways in which the College works to transform lives through personal<br />

approaches to each student. <strong>RVCC</strong> is an open access college and provides access to<br />

higher education for all members of the community. At River Valley, 53% of the student<br />

population are age 21 and over. In Fall of 2017, of the 859 students enrolled at the<br />

120 | P a g e

College, 88% (754) of the students were seeking degrees while the remaining were nondegree<br />

or certificate students (IPEDS). Students in the College have access to majors<br />

that lead directly to the workforce, or allow for transfer to four year institutions through<br />

the Liberal Arts degree.<br />

The expected outcomes are also reflective of the College’s dedication to meeting our<br />

students where they are. Our college strives to provide academic support services that<br />

meet the needs of each student to improve and enrich their college experience. These<br />

services include Tutoring & Disability Services, Library Services, and Financial Aid Services.<br />

All students have access to peer tutors through the Student Success Center. In Fall of<br />

2017, 85 students across 45 classes utilized the peer tutoring services. While the main<br />

library is found at the Claremont campus, with, approximately 15,000 physical books and<br />

1300 media sources (DVDs and audio CDs); the majority of students access the library<br />

resources via electronic sources. The Puksta Library provides access to 183,000 electronic<br />

books and 70,000 electronic journals. Students are supported further by a strong<br />

Financial Aid department and 56% of the students utilize Financial Aid at the College.<br />

Proof that the College is “preparing individuals for employment in a variety of careers…”<br />

can be seen via the variety of majors in which River Valley students enroll. The College<br />

Catalog is diverse and serves to meet the needs of the region via majors in Business,<br />

Computer Sciences, Education, and Health Care. These majors are reflective of the<br />

economic drivers in the areas of the River Valley catchment area.<br />

Figure 8.1: Percent of Student Body Enrolled by Major<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’s outcomes reflect the College’s mission to provide lifelong learning and career<br />

pathways by addressing not only the traditional degree-seeking student; but also<br />

recognize the students who attend the College seeking to transfer to four year institutions<br />

or improve vocational skills as described below.<br />

Assessment of Learning<br />

Programmatic outcomes are supported by the curriculum design of each program and by<br />

the courses offered as part of the curriculum. Programmatic outcomes are reflective of the<br />

121 | P a g e

expectations of industry standards for associate degrees and incorporate cognitive,<br />

psychomotor, and affective domains as appropriate. An excellent example of the<br />

demonstration of programmatic outcomes is in the Allied Health, Health Science, and<br />

Nursing departments. National Exam Pass Rates and Job Placement Rates are traditionally<br />

higher than the national average for most programs.<br />

Table 8.1: 2017 Programmatic Outcomes in Allied Health, Health Science, and<br />

Nursing Programs<br />

Program<br />

Ultimate Exam Pass<br />

Rates<br />

Job Placement<br />

Rates<br />

Medical Assistant 83% 93.3%<br />

Medical Lab Technician 100% 100%<br />

Nursing 100% 100%<br />

Occupational Therapy Assistant 94% 96%<br />

Physical Therapist Assistant 100% 100%<br />

Radiologic Technology 59% 59%<br />

Respiratory Therapy 77% 89%<br />

The program outcomes for the Associate in Liberal Arts are geared towards a more<br />

generalist approach to education and are designed for the student wishing to transfer to a<br />

four-year degree (Table 8.2). While students occasionally transfer to out of state schools,<br />

or private schools in New Hampshire, the majority of students transfer directly to the<br />

University System of New Hampshire (USNH). The USNH includes five universities<br />

including University of New Hampshire (UNH), UNH-Manchester (UNHM), Plymouth State<br />

University (PSU), Granite State University (GSU), and Keene State University (KSU). In<br />

2017, data from the USNH Institutional Research Offices included a total of 61 <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

students seeking application to USNH colleges. Fifty-seven of those students were<br />

accepted, and 42 of them ultimately enrolled in USNH colleges (Figure 8.2). Of the 42<br />

enrolling in USNH schools, only 36% of the students had completed an associate degree<br />

before enrolling, but they carried an average GPA of 3.39.<br />

122 | P a g e

Figure 8.2 – <strong>RVCC</strong> Student Transfer to USNH<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> students transferring to USNH schools choose Nursing (21%), Business (14%), and<br />

Psychology (10%) for their Bachelor’s Degree (Figure 8.3). <strong>RVCC</strong> students had a 1-year<br />

retention rate between Fall 2015 and Fall 2016 (most current data available) of 78% and<br />

an overall 6-year graduation rate (entering Fall 2016 with degree by Fall 2016), of 36%.<br />

Figure 8.3 – <strong>RVCC</strong> to USNH Transfer, Chosen Major<br />

Programmatic outcomes are supported by each course in the curriculum plan, and<br />

curriculum plans are designed to ensure students are progressing towards achievement of<br />

programmatic outcomes. Each course has a course outline, described in Standard Four,<br />

which identifies the outcomes for that particular course. Course objectives for each course<br />

are written in measureable terms and are assessed by the Curriculum Committee to assure<br />

that course objectives are appropriate for the course level. Most courses at <strong>RVCC</strong> have<br />

outcomes that are written based on Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Curriculum Committee<br />

evaluates each program to ensure that objectives in early level courses are based on lower<br />

123 | P a g e

levels of the taxonomy, while courses later in the programs have objectives that assess<br />

higher levels of the taxonomy. Ultimately, the objectives of each course build on one<br />

another in order to progress the student toward meeting the programmatic outcomes.<br />

Assessment of learning occurs mostly at the course level and is the responsibility of the<br />

faculty teaching each course as overseen by the Program Directors. The course outlines<br />

identify expected types of assessment methods for each course. Assessment at <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

includes traditional methods such as quizzes, tests, projects, laboratory practical exams,<br />

projects, portfolios, and presentations. Assessment methods are designed to meet the<br />

type of outcome; for example, tests and quizzes are utilized to measure knowledge<br />

outcomes, while practical exams are often used to measure psychomotor skills.<br />

One example of assessment at the course level occurred in Phlebotomy (PHBC 110R),<br />

which had a traditional rate of approximately 50% success, meaning only half of all<br />

students who started the course were successful enough (passing with a C or better) to<br />

move onto the second half of the certificate, the Phlebotomy Internship (PHBC190R). This<br />

data remained consistent regardless of instructor, variability in teaching, or variability in<br />

testing methods. In March of 2017, the Department Chair of Health Science, after<br />

consultation with the adjunct faculty at the time, put forth a curriculum change to add a<br />

formal lab component to the course. The course was originally a 3 credit lecture course<br />

with a primary focus on theory. While psychomotor skills were taught and tested, the<br />

format of the course did not allow for enough seat time for students to practice and perfect<br />

technique. In March of 2017 the course was changed to a lecture/lab course with students<br />

spending 2 hours of lecture (2 credits) and 2 hours of lab (1 credit) each week in class.<br />

This increased the psychomotor practice time without increasing credit load to the<br />

students. Simultaneously, the Phlebotomy program went through the Perkins grant to<br />

obtain two new practice draw arms which were put in place in the course in Fall of 2018.<br />

The restructuring of the course, and the obtainment of new teaching tools, lead to an<br />

increased success rate of students completing PHBC 110R and being eligible to continue on<br />

to PHBC 190R. In Fall of 2018, 89.5% of students taking PHBC 110R passed with a C or<br />

better and were eligible to take the Phlebotomy Internship.<br />

Another unique assessment method that occurs at the College is in the Anatomy &<br />

Physiology (A&P) courses to ensure student learning is the use of common exams and<br />

common case studies. All students, regardless of the course section they are taking, or<br />

the instructor they are taking A&P I or II with, have the same exams and also complete<br />

the same final case study. By having a common exam and case study, the Program<br />

Director of Biological Sciences has a way to measure student learning across the program<br />

as well as has data that assists with looking at teaching effectiveness. The Program<br />

Director looks at the average scores and score distribution for each section of the course to<br />

see if there are significant differences in content knowledge and grades. She also<br />

compares scores on final case studies and exams to previous semesters. There have not<br />

been any significant differences to note on the final case studies; but in one instance, the<br />

Program Director saw that in one section of A&P II, students were scoring far lower on<br />

their exams than students in other sections. The Program Director met with the faculty<br />

and realized that the instructor was not using the study guides and was not giving<br />

homework assignments. The Program Director began monitoring the faculty more closely<br />

124 | P a g e

to ensure students were provided study guides and homework assignments. Following<br />

these changes, exam scores increased and fell more in line with the other course sections.<br />

Another way in which these common assignments in A&P I and A&P II has been useful in<br />

assessing outcomes is by providing a way for the Program Director to recognize gaps in<br />

student knowledge. On the final case studies there is a set of expected answers. If there<br />

is an answer to a question that varies considerably from the expectations of the<br />

instructors, it provides a clue that there is a gap in teaching of particular content. In A&P<br />

II, reviewing problem areas on exams has led to improvements in teaching of specific<br />

concepts (blood typing and transfusions) as well as improving the way in which A&P I and<br />

A&P II concepts are related including: greater emphasis on second messenger systems<br />

and organic compounds; greater emphasis on cell respiration and organelle function;<br />

greater emphasis on hormones, and greater emphasis on adrenergic receptors and effects.<br />

The most widespread data collection that shows course outcomes are reflected in the data<br />

collected as part of the Math Co-Requisite Project described in Standard Five. Prior to<br />

implementation of the Co-Requisite Project, students in developmental math courses had<br />

only a 21% likelihood of passing a college-level mathematics course within two years. The<br />

pass rate for Spring 2018 was 94%. These results are significantly higher than the pass<br />

rates for students who begin in developmental mathematics, and are at or above the pass<br />

rates of students who meet the prerequisites for college-level mathematics.<br />

Most of the Allied Health programs including Nursing, as well as the Early Childhood<br />

Education and Social Science programs, have additional assessments of job readiness by<br />

requiring their students to participate in off-campus learning experiences. These clinical<br />

rotations, affiliations, practicums, internships and fieldworks provide direct, hands-on<br />

learning in the field of study. These courses are assessed through multiple avenues which<br />

include both direct observation of the student by <strong>RVCC</strong> faculty as well as via informal<br />

(phone or in-person conversations) and formal (completion of provided grading rubrics)<br />

assessments by the non-faculty professionals in the field who are hosting and supervising<br />

the <strong>RVCC</strong> students. Data related to outcome measures for these experiences is kept by<br />

each Clinical Coordinator or Program Director. For example, the Physical Therapist<br />

Director of Clinical Education provides a summation of the outcomes of the assessment<br />

tool completed by the Clinical Preceptors working with <strong>RVCC</strong> students to the other faculty<br />

in the PTA program upon completion of the clinical courses. For the Spring of 2018 cohort<br />

(senior level clinical affiliation), the expectation at the end is that the students are rated at<br />

“entry-level” meaning they are considered by their preceptor to be ready to step into clinic<br />

work with only minimal supervision. The DCE provided the following summation of student<br />

assessment: “All students were rated as entry level by their clinical instructor after their<br />

clinical affiliation. The number of patients seen varied greatly between settings and<br />

individual clinics. Some students saw a maximum of 5 patients a day and some saw 10.<br />

The complexity of the patients varied greatly among the settings as well. Overall, the<br />

clinicians supervising the students agree that they are entry level PTAs after their senior<br />

affiliation.”<br />

Many of the Allied Health programs have student learning outcomes related to professional<br />

behaviors. Professionalism in the Allied Health fields has been an area highlighted by<br />

advisory committees in recent years, and in response, programs have implemented course<br />

objectives or program objectives which are reflective of professional behaviors expected in<br />

125 | P a g e

the profession. To assess meeting of these objectives, faculty have students complete<br />

professional behavior rubrics throughout their programs.<br />

Assessment at the College is an area of continuous improvement. In October of 2018, our<br />

VPAA attended the 2018 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis conference. The Assessment<br />

Institute in Indianapolis is “the nation’s oldest and largest event focused exclusively on<br />

outcomes and assessment in higher education.” (www.assessmentinstitute.iupui.edu) At<br />

this three-day conference, the VPAA was able to attend workshops dedicated to teaching<br />

improved assessment techniques to the College. Since attending this conference, the<br />

VPAA is working systematically to implement a college assessment plan. This begins with<br />

a revisit of the college mission and college outcomes and developing standardized plans for<br />

how each outcome will be measured. From there, the VPAA and Program Directors will<br />

review programmatic outcomes for measurability and assessment techniques; followed by<br />

a review of each course in the program for measurable outcomes and assessment<br />

techniques. The VPAA is aware that some of this work is being done already, as described<br />

previously with regards to the accredited programs, but would like it to be much more<br />

systematic, intentional, and widespread. Specifically, this process will begin with the<br />

Liberal Arts program and will start with the College Composition course. The VPAA and the<br />

new Interim Liberal Arts Program Director are looking at implementation of a uniform<br />

assessment tool across all College Composition courses similar to the standardized<br />

assessments used in Anatomy & Physiology courses. This will require adoption of a<br />

current tool or development of a unique tool, establishing baselines of expectations, and<br />

implementing the tool at the beginning and end of the courses. The VPAA envisions a<br />

standardized grading rubric to compare pre-course and post-course performance and to<br />

measure course outcomes. Once this process is successfully tested and implemented in<br />

College Composition, this process will be duplicated in other Liberal Arts courses.<br />

Co-Curricular Outcomes<br />

A stated goal of the College is that it will “offer students the opportunity to contribute to<br />

the well-being of others through service learning and volunteerism.” Student life<br />

opportunities such as Student Government Association (SGA), Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), and<br />

individual student clubs are described in Standard Five. Examples of service learning and<br />

volunteer activities undertaken by these clubs in recent years include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Money raised by the Massage Therapy student club from providing massages<br />

in the student clinic is donated to the Hand to Heart Project<br />

(www.handtoheartproject.org), a group that provides massage to cancer<br />

patients in Vermont and New Hampshire.<br />

Members of PTK volunteered time and materials to build a ramp so that a<br />

classmate could access his home after undergoing a serious medical<br />

procedure.<br />

The SGA and students in the Physical Therapist Assistant program run food<br />

drives to support the Claremont Food Kitchen as well as support the food<br />

pantries located at each of our three locations.<br />

Students and staff fundraise for the Turning Points Network, an organization<br />

dedicated to ending domestic violence<br />

126 | P a g e

(https://www.turningpointsnetwork.org/) via participation in their “Steppin’<br />

Up to End Violence” 5K event.<br />

Satisfaction with Co-Curricular activities are assessed via the Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Survey. In 2018, 48% of students reported that they “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” with the<br />

statement “I was aware of extracurricular activities available to me and I participated in<br />

them.” This number reflects the nature of the student population, many of whom are nontraditional<br />

students who may only come to campus when they have classroom<br />

responsibilities.<br />

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Leading to Programmatic Improvements<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> uses a number of measures to assess the experience and outcomes of our students.<br />

Qualitative measures such as course evaluations identify student satisfaction with<br />

instructors, course content, course organization, textbook and electronic resources, and<br />

the ability of courses to meet expected outcomes. These evaluations are used by Program<br />

Directors and Department Chairs when evaluating faculty as described in Standard Six.<br />

Results of these course surveys help Program Directors and Department Chairs evaluate<br />

the effectiveness of the learning experience. Course surveys help to inform training<br />

needed for specific adjunct faculty, textbook needs, and suggestions for how to improve<br />

individual courses. Specific examples of changes made as a result of these questionnaires<br />

is described in Standard Two.<br />

Each year, the College issues a Graduate Satisfaction Survey to each graduating senior.<br />

This survey assesses student satisfaction with most areas of the College. Overall, students<br />

are satisfied with their experience at <strong>RVCC</strong> (Figure 8.4).<br />

Figure 8.4: Graduate Satisfaction Survey AY2017-2018<br />

Percent of students choosing “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” for a given<br />

category<br />

Many programs utilize advisory boards to assist with qualitative assessment of the<br />

program. Advisory boards include members of the public, alumni, and employers from the<br />

127 | P a g e

area and allow Program Directors a way to get external feedback on student readiness,<br />

curriculum changes, and learning outcome appropriateness. Some programs in the Allied<br />

Health department also employ Employee Satisfaction Surveys which survey area<br />

employers that hire our graduates. These surveys provide data to programs which assist<br />

in assessing if we are preparing our students appropriately for the workforce. Feedback<br />

from advisory boards is invaluable in assisting Program Directors with program content<br />

and relevance of curricula to the current workforce. In 2017, the MLT program underwent<br />

a re-design to better align the curriculum with workforce needs. As a result of input from<br />

the Advisory Board, the program shifted its Clinical Practicums from being spread out<br />

throughout the curriculum to combining all areas (Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology,<br />

Urinalysis, and Blood Bank) into one practicum offered in the final semester of the<br />

program. In addition to this, the advisory board had provided feedback that MLT students<br />

were not entering the workforce with enough confidence in phlebotomy skills. As such,<br />

competencies related to phlebotomy skills were added to the final practicum. The first<br />

group of students going through the new curriculum are completing their practicums in<br />

Spring of <strong>2019</strong>. Data assessing effectiveness of the new curriculum will be evaluated at the<br />

Fall <strong>2019</strong> Advisory Board Meeting.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is very proud that its student outcomes and levels of academic expectations are<br />

equivalent to similar students in the NH University System (UNH, Plymouth State, Keene<br />

State, and Granite State). Members of the Math and Science department worked as part<br />

of a CCSNH delegation with the University System delegation to create course<br />

equivalencies. On the surface, this work merely ensures that students taking specific<br />

classes at <strong>RVCC</strong> will have no difficulty transferring courses to the university system;<br />

however, what the work truly does is identify that students meeting specific course<br />

outcomes at <strong>RVCC</strong> are equivalent to students meeting the same course outcomes at the<br />

University System. Recently, courses in the English, Humanities, and Social Sciences have<br />

also been approved for course equivalency at the University System level.<br />

Student Success<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> student success is measured in a variety of ways including certificate completion or<br />

transfer; licensure passage rates in the Allied Health programs; and employment rates as<br />

described earlier in this Standard narrative. Each program defines its unique program<br />

outcomes based on the standard of the industry they are preparing students for. Many<br />

accredited programs in the Allied Health, Health Science and Nursing departments set<br />

outcomes based on national accreditation agency thresholds and include data collection<br />

related to retention rates, graduation rates, board pass rates, licensure rates, employment<br />

rates. These accredited program thresholds are often established based on national<br />

averages and <strong>RVCC</strong>’s maintenance of accredited programs is dependent on meeting or<br />

exceeding these thresholds. Each accredited program publishes this data on its program<br />

website and regularly meets or exceeds national standards<br />

College wide success cutoffs have not been established, but <strong>RVCC</strong> tracks completion rates<br />

(Figure 8.5), retention rates, transfer rates, and Financial Aid loan default rates. Between<br />

Fall 2016 and Fall 2017, the first to second year retention rate of first time, degree seeking<br />

students was 51% for full-time students and 37% for part-time students.<br />

128 | P a g e

Figure 8.5 – <strong>RVCC</strong> Program Completers (totals)<br />

Defining Student Success<br />

River Valley has historically defined success in traditional ways such as looking at degree<br />

completion, board pass rates, and employment in desired field. However, recent<br />

discussions at the Department Chair and Program Director level have identified that with<br />

the population of students at <strong>RVCC</strong>, these definitions are too narrow. More and more,<br />

students are coming to <strong>RVCC</strong> not with a goal of degree or certificate completion but with a<br />

goal of transfer or a goal to improve work skills in their current field. Initial discussions<br />

began related to development of a standard advising model whereby all incoming students<br />

would self-identify their goals and then advisors could track goal completion for students<br />

who do not fall into the traditional model of “completion.” This dove-tailed with the<br />

discussions of the upcoming implementation of Degree Works for advising as it would<br />

make sense to implement all changes at the same time.<br />

Student success measures are incorporated into all accredited program yearly reports and<br />

self-studies and are reported on program webpages as required by most national<br />

accrediting agencies. Student success measures have also been incorporated into Section<br />

VIII of the newly redesigned in-college program review process outlined in Standard Four.<br />

These measures help to provide data for Program Directors and Department Chairs to<br />

assist with suggestions for program improvements.<br />

Appraisal of Data Collection, Assessment & Effectiveness<br />

Data collection is the responsibility of individual Program Directors or Division Directors.<br />

Accredited programs do an excellent job of gathering and assessing data related to student<br />

outcomes, but this is not yet done consistently across the College.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> students are provided with clear information regarding learning outcomes through<br />

college and course documentation. The College strives to measure the effectiveness of<br />

129 | P a g e

student learning at the course level, program level, and institutional level and utilize the<br />

data gathered to improve the student experience. Graduate Satisfaction Surveys and<br />

graduate placement data are used by the institution to gain a better understanding of<br />

student success. At the program level, Program Directors use a variety of methods and<br />

tools to assure that a high level of educational quality is maintained.<br />

Currently, <strong>RVCC</strong> relies on Veera Bridge for data relative to retention rates, enrollment<br />

rates, and other demographic data. While this is somewhat useful, we are in the beginning<br />

stages of using this tool. It should also be noted that Rapid Insights, the provider, is still<br />

developing the resource using CCSNH as their test site. The implementation of Degree<br />

Works for Academic Advisors should also serve to provide additional data collection tools<br />

related to student retention.<br />

One of the areas of concern at <strong>RVCC</strong> was the declining completion rate over the past three<br />

Academic Years (Figure 8.1). This, in conjunction with the data provided in Chart 8.1<br />

shows that the majority of students enroll in the College as “General Studies: Exploratory”<br />

majors. This is attributed to the large number of competitive Allied Health programs at<br />

the College. When students do not meet admission requirements of their major of choice;<br />

or if they enter the College during a semester when their program doesn’t start; or if they<br />

would like to complete their General Education requirements prior to applying to their<br />

program of choice, they enter into the General Studies: Exploratory option while they<br />

continue to pursue acceptance into their program of choice. Ninety percent of students in<br />

General Studies: Exploratory are interested in matriculating into an Allied Health program.<br />

Many of these students do not complete as the General Education program is only to be<br />

utilized for the first 24 credits of college.<br />

The College recognized this as a concern and in Fall of 2018, under the leadership of the<br />

General Studies Academic Advisor, and with the support of VPAA Jahn, began to develop a<br />

solution to this situation. Recognizing the draw of the Allied Health programs at the<br />

College, the Academic Advisor and the Department Chair of Health Science began<br />

developing a certificate that will take the place of the General Studies: Exploratory option.<br />

This Certificate in Health Applications will prepare students for entry level health care<br />

positions such as Home Health Aids, Rehabilitation Aids, Dietetic Aids, and Health &<br />

Wellness Coaches while simultaneously allowing students to complete their General<br />

Education requirements for the Allied Health, Health Science, or Nursing programs.<br />

Students who do not transfer out of the certificate into their Allied Health program of<br />

choice will now be able to complete a certificate in two semesters. As of the writing of this<br />

report, this new certificate is before the Curriculum Team.<br />

Another area of concern from the assessment data was the relatively low Exam Pass Rate<br />

percentage in the Radiographic Technology program in Fall of 2017. This low pass rate<br />

caused students to place a complaint with the accrediting body, JCERT, who came for a<br />

surprise site visit. At the time, a new Program Director had just been hired and the<br />

Clinical Coordinator had left unexpectedly. The low pass rate, in conjunction with not<br />

having a dedicated Clinical Coordinator, caused the program to be placed on probation<br />

with their national accrediting body. In response to this, the new Program Director<br />

updated the curriculum, completed a new self-study (2017), and in December of 2018 a<br />

130 | P a g e

new Clinical Coordinator was hired. The probationary status will be re-evaluated by JCERT<br />

in May of <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Strengths<br />

Allied Health, Health Science, and Nursing programs, which make up the majority of<br />

the College Catalog, have strong data collection and assessment processes as a<br />

result of their national accreditation needs.<br />

The College has an established Curriculum Committee which is responsible for<br />

oversight of course outcomes and does an excellent job of ensuring course<br />

outcomes are reflective of appropriate course level and expectations are written in<br />

measureable terms.<br />

Many programs have strong advisory boards and Program Directors with strong<br />

connections to the workforce.<br />

Challenges<br />

The College does not have a dedicated Institutional Researcher or a person<br />

dedicated to doing this work; therefore, many people are collecting data in a variety<br />

of ways which can make comparisons difficult.<br />

The College does not have consistent ways to measure college outcomes for<br />

students who enter the College without completion as a goal.<br />

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

By Spring 2020, The Program Director/Department Chair Group will create a<br />

standard set of advising questions that can allow Program Directors to have student<br />

self-identify goals. These goals can then be assessed and measured as part of the<br />

advising process each semester.<br />

Completion rates of the new Health Applications Certificate will be tracked in relation<br />

to the overall completion rates and the completion rate of the General Studies:<br />

Exploratory option. This will begin with the first certificate cohort beginning<br />

graduating Spring 2020.<br />

131 | P a g e

Student Success Measures/<br />

Prior Performance and Goals<br />

IPEDS Retention Data<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

1 Year<br />

Prior Current Year<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(goal)<br />

(FY2015-2016) (FY2016-2017) (FY2017-2018) (FY2018-<strong>2019</strong>) (FY<strong>2019</strong>-2020)<br />

Associate degree students **63% 57% 60% 51% 60%<br />

Bachelors degree students<br />

? IPEDS Graduation Data (150% of time)<br />

Associate degree students 27% 27% 24% 24% 24%<br />

Bachelors degree students<br />

? IPEDS Outcomes Measures Data<br />

First-time, full time students<br />

Awarded a degree within six years 41% 48% 43% 27% 35%<br />

Awarded a degree within eight years 41% 48% 43% 27% 35%<br />

Not awarded within eight years but still enrolled 6% 3% 2% 0% 0%<br />

First-time, part-time students<br />

Awarded a degree within six years 26% 29% 30% 24% 25%<br />

Awarded a degree within eight years 26% 30% 31% 26% 25%<br />

Not awarded within eight years but still enrolled 4% 3% 3% 0% 0%<br />

Non-first-time, full-time students<br />

Awarded a degree within six years 68% 43% 81% 77% 75%<br />

Awarded a degree within eight years 68% 43% 81% 77% 75%<br />

Not awarded within eight years but still enrolled 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%<br />

Non-first-time, part-time students<br />

Awarded a degree within six years 64% 67% 62% 50% 55%<br />

Awarded a degree within eight years 64% 67% 62% 50% 55%<br />

Not awarded within eight years but still enrolled 1% 0% 2% 0% 0%<br />

? Other Undergraduate Retention/Persistence Rates (Add definitions/methodology in #1 below)<br />

1 Male<br />

50% 50% 50%<br />

Female 33% 52% 30%<br />

2 White 39% 52% 47%<br />

Hispanic 50%<br />

Black or African American 0%<br />

Asian 50%<br />

Two or more races 100%<br />

3 Race/Ethnicity Unknown<br />

Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness<br />

(Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates)<br />

4<br />

5<br />

? Other Undergraduate Graduation Rates (Add definitions/methodology in # 2 below)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5 **These are percentages for full-time, Certificate and Associate<br />

Definition and Methodology Explanations<br />

Simple retention calculation: number of students enrolled in original cohort that were still enrolled or graduated as a percent of the original<br />

1 cohort enrollment.<br />

Students awarded an Associates degree include students originally enrolled as Associates Degree and Certificate students. Calculation based<br />

2<br />

only on those students who earned an Associates Degree.<br />

Note: complete this form for each distinct student body identified by the institution (See Standard 8.1)<br />

132 | P a g e

Bachelor Cohort Entering Associate Cohort Entering<br />

? Category of Student/Outcome Measure 6 years ago 4 years ago 6 years ago 4 years ago<br />

? First-time, Full-time Students<br />

20% 30%<br />

2% 2%<br />

23% 9%<br />

Transferred to a different institution 27% 26%<br />

Not graduated, never transferred, no longer enrolled 28% 57%<br />

? First-time, Part-time Students<br />

10% 12%<br />

3% 1%<br />

13% 7%<br />

Transferred to a different institution 26% 23%<br />

Not graduated, never transferred, no longer enrolled 49% 56%<br />

? Non-first-time, Full-time Students<br />

?<br />

Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness<br />

(Student Success and Progress Rates and Other Measures of Student Success)<br />

Degree from original institution<br />

Not graduated, still enrolled at original institution<br />

Degree from a different institution<br />

Degree from original institution<br />

Not graduated, still enrolled at original institution<br />

Degree from a different institution<br />

Degree from original institution<br />

Not graduated, still enrolled at original institution<br />

Degree from a different institution<br />

21% 34%<br />

0% 0%<br />

18% 14%<br />

Transferred to a different institution 41% 20%<br />

Not graduated, never transferred, no longer enrolled 20% 32%<br />

Non-first-time, Part-time Students<br />

Degree from original institution<br />

Not graduated, still enrolled at original institution<br />

Degree from a different institution<br />

20% 32%<br />

2% 0%<br />

12% 12%<br />

Transferred to a different institution 33% 26%<br />

Not graduated, never transferred, no longer enrolled 33% 30%<br />

Measures of Student Achievement and Success/Institutional Performance and Goals<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

1 Year<br />

Prior Current Year<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward (goal)<br />

(FY 2015-2016) (FY2016-2017) (FY 2017-2018)(FY 2018-<strong>2019</strong>)(FY <strong>2019</strong>-2020)<br />

Success of students pursuing higher degrees (add more rows as needed; add definitions/methodology in #1 below)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Other measures of student success and achievement, including success of graduates in pursuing mission-related paths (e.g.,<br />

Peace Corps, public service, global citizenship, leadership, spiritual formation) and success of graduates in fields for which<br />

they were not explicitly prepared (add more rows as needed; add definitions/methodology in #2 below)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Definition and Methodology Explanations<br />

1<br />

2<br />

133 | P a g e

Most Recent<br />

3-Years Prior 2 Years Prior 1 Year Prior<br />

Year<br />

(FY 2014-2015 ) (FY 2015-2016 ) (FY 2016-2017 ) (FY 2017-2018 )<br />

? State Licensure Examination Passage Rates<br />

Name of exam<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

1 NCLEX-RN<br />

28 26 24 22 29 29<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

? National Licensure Passage Rates<br />

Name of exam<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

1 ACSP BOC<br />

4 4<br />

2 NBCOT<br />

13 13 16 15 11 6<br />

3 CMA(AAMA)<br />

10 7 8 7 5 3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

?<br />

Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness<br />

(Licensure Passage and Job Placement Rates and<br />

Completion and Placement Rates for Short-Term Vocational Training Programs)<br />

Job Placement Rates<br />

# with<br />

jobs<br />

# with<br />

jobs<br />

# with<br />

jobs<br />

# who<br />

took exam<br />

# who<br />

passed<br />

Major/time period * # of grads<br />

# of grads<br />

# of grads<br />

# of grads # with jobs<br />

1 A.S., Respiratory Therapy, one year 6 5 12 10 9 8 12 11<br />

2 A.S., Physical Therapy Assistant, one year 10 10 11 11 12<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

* Check this box if the program reported is subject to "gainful employment" requirements.<br />

Web location of gainful employment report (if applicable)<br />

Completion and Placement Rates for Short-Term Vocational Training Programs for which students are eligible for<br />

Federal Financial Aid<br />

Next Year<br />

3 Years 2 Years 1 Year Current Forward<br />

Prior Prior Prior Year (goal)<br />

(FY 2 ) (FY2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 )<br />

? Completion Rates<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

? Placement Rates<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

134 | P a g e

Student Success Measures/<br />

Prior Performance and Goals<br />

3 Years<br />

Prior<br />

2 Years<br />

Prior<br />

1 Year<br />

Prior<br />

Next Year<br />

Forward<br />

(goal)<br />

Current Year<br />

(FY 2 ) (FY2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 ) (FY 2 )<br />

? Master's Programs (Add definitions/methodology in #1 below)<br />

Retention rates first-to-second year<br />

Graduation rates @ 150% time<br />

Average time to degree<br />

Other measures, specify:<br />

Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness<br />

(Graduate Programs, Distance Education, Off-Campus Locations)<br />

? Doctoral Programs (Add definitions/methodology in #2 below)<br />

Retention rates first-to-second year<br />

Graduation rates @ 150% time<br />

Average time to degree<br />

Other measures, specify:<br />

? First Professional Programs (Add definitions/methodology in #3 below)<br />

Retention rates first-to-second year<br />

Graduation rates @ 150% time<br />

Average time to degree<br />

Other measures, specify:<br />

Distance Education (Add definitions/methodology in #4 below)<br />

Course completion rates<br />

Retention rates<br />

Graduation rates<br />

Other measures, specify:<br />

Branch Campus and Instructional Locations (Add definitions/methodology in #5 below)<br />

Course completion rates<br />

Retention rates<br />

Graduation rates<br />

Other measures, specify:<br />

Definition and Methodology Explanations<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

135 | P a g e

Standard Nine<br />

Integrity, Transparency & Public<br />

Disclosure<br />

136 | P a g e

Description<br />

River Valley Community College works diligently to adhere to the mission and vision of the<br />

College in all dealings with the students and communities served as well as during<br />

interactions between each member of the faculty and staff. College policies and practices<br />

identify clear expectations of our employees and the College works tirelessly to ensure that<br />

information provided to the public is accessible, clear, and informative. The Keene<br />

Academic Center and the Lebanon Academic Center are regulated by all of the same<br />

policies, procedures, and reporting requirements that are described in this standard.<br />

Integrity<br />

Integrity, Communication, Responsibility<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> and CCSNH expect that members of the college community, including the Board of<br />

Trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, and students will act responsibly, ethically, and<br />

with integrity. Both <strong>RVCC</strong> and CCSNH Leadership have fostered an atmosphere where<br />

issues can be discussed and members of the <strong>RVCC</strong> community understand their role in<br />

encouraging integrity in the workplace. The <strong>RVCC</strong> Standards of Ethics and Core Values<br />

guide how the college community interacts with one another, emphasizing collaboration<br />

and appreciation. The respect that community members have for each other can be<br />

observed in day to day interactions amongst faculty, staff, and administration.<br />

The CCSNH System also has policies that are specific to the college community and reflect<br />

integrity. These policies include Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, IT Acceptable Use<br />

Policy, Information Security and Conflicts of Interest.<br />

The governance structure at <strong>RVCC</strong> follows a model of shared governance and allows for<br />

issues to be readily discussed and acted upon. There are multiple opportunities for all<br />

members of the college community to participate in discussing issues that impact the<br />

College. These meetings take place at all levels of the institution from Department<br />

Meetings, to All College Meetings, up through Extended Leadership Team and both College<br />

and CCSNH Advisory Boards. <strong>RVCC</strong> has an open line of communication with CCSNH<br />

directly, and the Chancellor or an appropriate representative from his office participate in<br />

college meetings as needed. Meetings at all levels occur on a set schedule (Table 9.1) and<br />

any member of the community can request that an agenda item be added to any meeting.<br />

Table 9.1: <strong>RVCC</strong> Standing Teams related to Communication<br />

Team<br />

Meeting schedule<br />

All-College Meeting<br />

Opportunity for the college to come together for the<br />

purposes of discussion and planning, 3 times per<br />

semester.<br />

College Council<br />

As needed meeting to create a safe and supportive<br />

environment for innovation and new ideas by empowering<br />

stakeholders through communication, recognition,<br />

appreciation and engagement.<br />

Staff Forum<br />

Faculty Forum<br />

As needed meeting<br />

Once monthly meeting during fall and spring semesters<br />

provides a forum for faculty to share pedagogy, discuss<br />

137 | P a g e

issues surrounding the academics of the College and make<br />

recommendations to administration.<br />

Extended Leadership Team<br />

Program Advisory<br />

Committees<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> Advisory Committees<br />

Bi-monthly meeting. To ensure the integrity of all<br />

operations of the College, the Leadership Team makes<br />

recommendations to the President that support fiscal<br />

accountability, including human resources. The Team<br />

uses a collaborative approach to make decisions that are<br />

unable to be made in Standing Teams and to confirm<br />

policy changes that are made by Standing Teams. Final<br />

accountability for decisions that cannot be made by the<br />

team rests with the President.<br />

Program dependent schedule, typically 1-2 times per year<br />

to discuss issues impacting individual programs to provide<br />

perspectives and feedback from industry leaders and<br />

community members for each academic program<br />

Meets at least twice per semester, the Advisory<br />

Committee shall be established at each campus of the<br />

colleges for the purpose of advising the President on the<br />

operation and development of the institution.<br />

CCSNH Activities related to Communication<br />

CCSNH Symposium & Once per semester. CCSNH’s Symposium (fall) and<br />

Winter Convening<br />

Winter Convening (spring) is a day dedicated to our own<br />

professional development; presentations about new<br />

approaches and best practices, the sharing of ideas, and<br />

connecting with friends and colleagues across the<br />

system. It is open to all CCSNH employees<br />

CCSNH Chancellor or<br />

Designee<br />

CCSNH Board of Trustees<br />

Visits <strong>RVCC</strong> a minimum of once per year, more as<br />

needed, to update college community on how systemwide<br />

issues are reflected by and impacting <strong>RVCC</strong><br />

Meet bi-monthly at each campus in the System on a<br />

rotating schedule The CCSNH Board of Trustees provides<br />

stewardship and oversight for the Community College<br />

System of NH. Its members are advocates and<br />

ambassadors, representing a range of professional<br />

backgrounds and experience. Except for the student<br />

and ex-officio members, trustees are nominated by the<br />

Governor and confirmed by the NH Executive Council.<br />

Standing Teams at <strong>RVCC</strong> each have their own bylaws and constitutions. Meeting minutes<br />

for all teams are kept in our “<strong>RVCC</strong> Communications” folder housed in Canvas. Some<br />

teams still utilize paper copies of minutes, and these are stored in the library. The ability<br />

to review the meeting minutes of Standing Teams at the College adds to our ability to be<br />

accountable to issues of integrity and public disclosure.<br />

Policies<br />

All employees of the College are oriented to policies at both the college and system level<br />

that govern issues of responsible and ethical actions. As part of new employee<br />

onboarding, the Human Resource Officer provides and reviews the Sexual Harassment<br />

138 | P a g e

Policy, the Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy, the Drug-Free Workplace Policy, IT<br />

Acceptable Use Policy, FERPA policies and the <strong>RVCC</strong> Code of Ethics.<br />

All <strong>RVCC</strong> locations (Claremont, Keene and Lebanon) post the required state and federal<br />

laws for employees to review as needed. These policies include: Minimum Wage Law,<br />

Equal Employment Opportunity protections, Employee Polygraph Protection Rights,<br />

Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights, Family Medical Leave Act,<br />

Right to Work in the US Act, Whistleblower Protection Act, Unemployment, Workers<br />

Compensation and Equal Pay Law.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> periodically reviews its policies through Standing Teams at the College. Each<br />

Standing Team is responsible for reviewing its policies and procedures and in Fall of 2017,<br />

the Standing Team document outlining each team’s mission, membership, and role was<br />

reviewed during All-College Staff Meeting by the entire college. CCSNH BoT policies are<br />

reviewed at their discretion. Safety policies are reviewed periodically in relation to yearly<br />

reporting of Clery Act data.<br />

Academic Honesty & Fair Treatment<br />

The Student Handbook has a section dedicated to academic honesty and provides<br />

definitions of plagiarism and cheating policies as well as containing copyright policy from<br />

the copyright law of the United States (pg. 9). The Student Handbook also covers fairness<br />

issues for students with appropriate policies and procedures including The Student Code of<br />

Conduct (pgs. 43-53).<br />

Adequate provision is made to ensure academic honesty at the Institution and is the<br />

responsibility of all faculty. <strong>RVCC</strong>’s educational policies and procedures are periodically<br />

reviewed and equitably applied to all students. They include Intellectual Property Rights,<br />

the avoidance of conflict of interest, privacy rights and fairness in dealing with students.<br />

Faculty and staff are covered in the collective bargaining agreements for faculty, adjunct<br />

faculty and staff (Table 9.2)<br />

Table 9.2: Collective Bargaining Agreement Articles related to Truthfulness, Clarity, &<br />

Fairness<br />

Staff<br />

Intellectual Property Article 32 (pg. 54)<br />

Grievance & Arbitration Article 7 (pg. 13)<br />

Privacy Rights Article 34 (pg. 56)<br />

Adjunct Faculty<br />

Intellectual Property Article 12 (pg. 15)<br />

Grievance & Arbitration Article 7 (pg. 9)<br />

Privacy Rights Article 19 (pg. 21)<br />

Location:<br />

(http://www.seiu1984.org/files/2012/03/2017-<br />

<strong>2019</strong>-Staff-with-Appendices_2.pdf)<br />

Location:<br />

(http://www.seiu1984.org/files/2017/10/2017-<br />

2018-adjunct-faculty.pdf)<br />

139 | P a g e

Full-time Faculty<br />

Location: (http://ibew2320.org/wpcontent/uploads/2017/02/2017-<strong>2019</strong>-CCSNHand-NHHEU-CBA-for-FT-Faculty_Final.pdf)<br />

Intellectual Property Article 32 (pg. 64)<br />

Grievance & Arbitration Article 7 (pg. 14)<br />

Privacy Rights Article 34 (pg. 66)<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is committed to the free pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. The Faculty CBA,<br />

Article VI- Academic Integrity and Professional Responsibility (pg. 12) and the Adjunct<br />

Faculty CBA Article 13 (pg. 16), contain outlines of the expectations of both CCSNH and<br />

the faculty which “endorse principles and standards of academic freedom...traditionally<br />

accepted in institutions of higher education. Therefore, as an academic community<br />

committed to teaching and service excellence, CCSNH fosters a professional atmosphere<br />

that promotes the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity.”<br />

Students, likewise are expected to take advantage of various points of view, both from<br />

instructors and classmates and be guided by the <strong>RVCC</strong> Education Philosophy which defines<br />

the educated person as someone who can: “read critically, write clearly and<br />

comprehensively, reason analytically and utilize mathematical and scientific skills to solve<br />

life’s problems.”<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> and the CCSNH System have established clear policies ensuring institutional integrity<br />

related to grievance policies for faculty, staff, and students. The Student Handbook<br />

outlines the process for a student to appeal a grade (pg. 20). For students who are placed<br />

on Academic Probation, the Academic Standing Committee (ASC) has policies and<br />

procedures that reviews each student’s case individually. Prior to the evaluation, students<br />

are notified of their right to appeal their suspension. Faculty (full-time and adjunct) and<br />

staff grievance policies are outlined in each group’s respective Collective Bargaining<br />

Agreements (Staff CBA: Article 7, pgs. 13-16; Adjunct Faculty CBA: Article 7, pgs. 14-17;<br />

Full-time Faculty CBA: Article 7, pgs. 9-12).<br />

The Student Code of Conduct, contained within the Student Handbook (pages 43-54)<br />

covers areas of the College that ensure students understand the operations of the College<br />

including General Infractions, Academic Misconduct, Disruption of College Operations,<br />

Health & Safety Violations, Violations of Criminal Laws and the College Code of Conduct,<br />

Student Disciplinary Proceedings, the Judicial Process and Student Rights. The Handbook<br />

also covers many important topics related to the Academic Appeal Process, Academic<br />

Integrity, Academic Probation, Cheating & Plagiarism, Dismissal from the College, FERPA,<br />

and the Grading System.<br />

Legal Obligations<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> observes all legal requirements. It has a charter and formal authority from the<br />

State of New Hampshire authorizing the College to grant all degrees it awards, and has the<br />

authority to conduct these activities in the local jurisdictions it serves. State of New<br />

Hampshire RSA 188-F:1 formally established the Community College System of New<br />

140 | P a g e

Hampshire as a self-governing body under the authority of the CCSNH Board of Trustees<br />

and identifies seven colleges throughout the state including one in Claremont which is<br />

currently named River Valley Community College. RSA 188-F-1 also allows for regional<br />

academic centers and covers <strong>RVCC</strong>’s Keene and Lebanon Academic Centers.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> follows all non-discrimination policies with relation to hiring of all employees and<br />

recruitment and admissions of all students. The <strong>RVCC</strong> Non-Discrimination Policy is housed<br />

on the college website and is referenced with all hiring notices, as well as on the college<br />

student application. The policy also identifies contact information for the College’s Equity<br />

Committee Chairperson, CCSNH HR Director, US Department of Education, and NH<br />

Commission for Human Rights and EOC.<br />

Students who perform work study jobs where they are privy to private information must<br />

sign and abide by FERPA documentation as part of their employment. These documents<br />

are maintained with the student’s employment record.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> holds its responsibility for sponsored activities of the College very seriously and<br />

generally seeks approval of the Extended Leadership Team. The Team is comprised of the<br />

President, VPAA, VPSA, Chief Business Affairs Officer and representatives from other areas<br />

of the College. Depending on the activity, there might be added approvals needed from<br />

the Student Government Association or Student Club Advisors. For off-campus activities,<br />

the Institution ensures students abide by the Student Code of Conduct and are supervised<br />

by a college representative. For all off-campus activities, students (or their guardians if<br />

they are underage) must sign off on the “Waiver for On or Off-Campus Activities” form<br />

which are then held by the IVPSA (for academic activities) or the SGA President (for<br />

activities sponsored by the Student Government).<br />

Students who are on <strong>RVCC</strong> sponsored internships, practicums, clinicals, or fieldwork<br />

assignments are held to the same standards as on-campus students and are governed by<br />

the policies in the Student Handbook as well as any specific policies outlined in the legal<br />

agreement (Affiliation Agreements) between the College and the site of the<br />

internship/practicum/clinical or fieldwork. These agreements are reviewed by CCSNH<br />

System Counsel and are housed in the office of Academic Affairs.<br />

Communication with <strong>NECHE</strong><br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> Administration updates <strong>NECHE</strong> as needed regarding changes at the institution.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> demonstrates honesty and integrity and complies with the Commission’s standards,<br />

policies, requirements of affiliations, and requests. <strong>RVCC</strong> notifies the commission<br />

regarding adverse events. For example, <strong>RVCC</strong> was notified in August of 2018 that the OTA<br />

program was put on probation by ACOTE. A plan of corrective action was provided to<br />

<strong>NECHE</strong> which <strong>NECHE</strong> responded to positively. Due to the corrective actions taken, ACOTE<br />

removed OTA’s probationary status and reinstated full accreditation in December of 2018.<br />

In addition, as of the writing of this report, <strong>RVCC</strong> is developing a plan of corrective action<br />

for the Radiologic Technology program, which was placed on probation by JRCERT.<br />

141 | P a g e

Transparency<br />

Informed Decision Making for Students<br />

The <strong>RVCC</strong> website contains all information that a prospective and current student may<br />

need to make informed decisions about their education. The River Valley homepage<br />

contains links directly to the three most useful areas for students: Admissions, Academics,<br />

and Student Resources. These links include access to the college application process,<br />

tuition and fees, the Financial Aid office, links to each program page, and links to many<br />

policies and procedures that directly relate to students. Student policies are found on the<br />

“Student Resources” tab of the website which includes a link not only to specific policies,<br />

forms and statistics, but also to the Student Handbook.<br />

Communication with the Public<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is clear in its communications with the public via the website, the College Catalog,<br />

and the Student Handbook. Information related to application and admission processes is<br />

found in both the Catalog (pg. 9-16) and on the website. Employment information for<br />

certificate programs is found on the website via the Gainful Employment Index and for<br />

many accredited programs directly on their program pages. National accrediting agencies<br />

often require their respective programs to publish accreditation status, retention rates,<br />

graduation rates, national board exam pass rates, and employment statistics. Each<br />

accredited program at <strong>RVCC</strong> is in compliance with the national accreditation standards for<br />

that program and publishes required information on their program webpage.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is responsive to reasonable requests for information and informs the public about<br />

how inquiries may be made through the College’s “Contact Us” form on the website.<br />

Generally, the information from the “Contact Us” page goes to the Admissions Office and<br />

they disseminate the request appropriately.<br />

Program content in the College Catalog is the responsibility of each program Director to<br />

update on a yearly basis. This content is then reviewed by the VPAA before the printing of<br />

the Catalog. Ten years of electronic versions of the College Catalog are archived on the<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> website. The VPAA, in conjunction with the Chair of the Curriculum Team, has made<br />

the 2018-<strong>2019</strong> College Catalog a top priority. The VPAA is additionally auditing the<br />

Catalog, all programs, and the upcoming academic schedules to ensure consistency and<br />

compliance for all courses with CCSNH and <strong>RVCC</strong> policy.<br />

Public Disclosure<br />

Media Format<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> publishes all materials relevant to public disclosure, both digital and print form,<br />

through its College Catalog and Student Handbook and directly on pages on its college<br />

website. The 2017-2018 Catalog (pgs. 9-16) clearly sets forth the obligations and<br />

142 | P a g e

esponsibilities of both students and the institution. Specific links related to public<br />

disclosure for the College can be found in Standard Nine’s Data First Forms.<br />

Consumer Information<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> publishes a description of the Institution, a historical overview of the College,<br />

demographic information on student population, tuition costs, Financial Aid information,<br />

accreditation information, and the mission statement on both the website and in the<br />

Catalog. <strong>RVCC</strong> clearly identifies that it is accredited through <strong>NECHE</strong> on its website and in<br />

the College Catalog (pg. 4).<br />

Additional information found in both locations includes information regarding academic and<br />

student support services such as the Library; and advising, tutoring and disability services<br />

(pgs. 14-16 of the College Catalog). <strong>RVCC</strong> publishes the expected outcomes of the College<br />

on its website as well as in the College Catalog (pg. 3) and Student Handbook (pg. 6).<br />

The College’s retention rate can be found on the website as well.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> indicates which programs, courses, services, and personnel are not available during<br />

a given academic year through the publication of the semester course schedule and<br />

through the College Catalog. Program Directors are responsible for evaluating currency of<br />

curriculum and updating it through Curriculum Committee and subsequently removing any<br />

content that is not current from the Catalog.<br />

River Valley publishes three directories of information, one directory each for faculty,<br />

staff, and administration. The directories indicate departmental or program affiliations; and<br />

degrees held and the institution granting them. Faculty are also listed, with their degrees<br />

and granting institution, in the College Catalog. The names the College Advisory Board are<br />

also found on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website. <strong>RVCC</strong> does not list adjunct faculty in the College Catalog<br />

or in the directory.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>’S Consumer Information page has all relevant costs for an education at <strong>RVCC</strong> as well<br />

as related financial data. Relevant topics covered on this page include the Price of<br />

Attendance, the Net Price Calculator, the Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal,<br />

Textbook information, and Disbursement. Some Academic Programs also have information<br />

related to the overall cost of the degree or certificate listed on their program specific page.<br />

For example, on the Physical Therapist Assistant program page, there is a link titled “cost<br />

to attend”. The College Catalog also has a financial disclosure section which outlines tuition<br />

costs and lab and student fees (pgs. 6-7). The default rate for Financial Aid is 13.9% and<br />

can be found on the Veterans Shopping Sheet and is also on College Navigator.<br />

Success Measures<br />

Success measures for individual programs are found on the program websites. For<br />

certificate programs, gainful employment data is listed for each program and for accredited<br />

programs, additional outcomes measures are found on each program webpage as required<br />

by individual accrediting bodies and include items such as national exam results, licensure<br />

143 | P a g e

pass rates, and employment rates.<br />

Appraisal of Integrity, Transparency & Public Disclosure<br />

River Valley prides itself on being a transparent institution which follows best practices for<br />

public disclosure. The College has long subscribed to the idea of “shared governance.”<br />

Employees take a vested interest in the success of the College and work to create an<br />

atmosphere where all voices are welcomed. The All-College Staff Meeting is a place where<br />

anyone can add an agenda item, and open dialog on agenda items is encouraged.<br />

All Standing Teams at River Valley are responsible for self-governance and adhering to<br />

their Team’s by-laws. The team is also responsible for posting of meeting minutes to<br />

inform the college community at large about the discussions and activities that the group<br />

engages in. The posting of meeting minutes has been an area of inconsistency at the<br />

College. Some groups are very good about taking minutes and posting minutes in Canvas.<br />

Other groups take paper notes which are not posted, or do not take notes at all. This is an<br />

area that needs to be clarified for the College and a standard operating procedure related<br />

to meeting minutes would be helpful.<br />

River Valley has a number of policies that guide the free pursuit of knowledge, privacy<br />

rights for students and employees, and codes of conduct for students and employees. The<br />

College follows standard practice and national and state law with regards to equity and<br />

student privacy.<br />

The College posts all relevant information on programmatic outcomes and student success<br />

on its website and also releases pertinent information via press releases to local news<br />

organizations. As of this writing, the College is actively exploring options for a website redesign<br />

to make the site more attractive, easier to use and search, and mobile-friendly.<br />

Strengths<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

CCSNH and <strong>RVCC</strong> Leadership has fostered an atmosphere where issues can be<br />

discussed openly.<br />

River Valley Community College follows a “shared governance” model where<br />

multiple constituencies have input into college wide issues.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> and the CCSNH System have established clear policies ensuring institutional<br />

integrity related to grievance policies for faculty, staff, and students.<br />

The <strong>RVCC</strong> website contains all information that a prospective and current student<br />

may need to make informed decisions about their education.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong> is responsive to reasonable requests for information and informs the public<br />

about how inquiries may be made through the College’s website.<br />

Challenges<br />

<br />

<br />

The <strong>RVCC</strong> website layout can make it difficult to find information.<br />

There is no standard policy for taking meeting minutes and posting them for the<br />

College community.<br />

144 | P a g e

Projections<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

By Fall of <strong>2019</strong>, College administration will begin a redesign of the college website.<br />

By Spring of 2020, the Enrollment Team will develop a Marketing Plan for the<br />

College.<br />

By Fall of 2020, College administration will develop a policy and process for meeting<br />

minutes.<br />

145 | P a g e

Standard 9: Integrity, Transparency, and Public Disclosure<br />

(Integrity)<br />

? Policies<br />

Last<br />

Upda<br />

ted ?<br />

Website location where policy is posted<br />

Responsible Office or<br />

Committee<br />

Academic<br />

honesty<br />

2017-<br />

2018 http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/student-handbook VPAASA<br />

Intellectual<br />

property rights 2015 http://www.ccsnh.edu/copyright-and-intellectual-property CCSNH; CBA<br />

Conflict of<br />

interest 2015 http://www.rivervalley.edu/employment-opportunities CCSNH; CBA<br />

Privacy rights<br />

Fairness for<br />

students<br />

no<br />

date http://www.rivervalley.edu/sites/default/files/content/FERPA.pdf CCSNH<br />

2017-<br />

2018 http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/student-handbook VPAASA<br />

Fairness for<br />

faculty 2015 http://www.ccsnh.edu/human-resources/ccsnh-employee-and-labor-relations CCSNH; HR<br />

Fairness for<br />

staff 2017 http://www.ccsnh.edu/human-resources/ccsnh-employee-and-labor-relations CCSNH; HR<br />

Academic<br />

freedom 2015 http://www.ccsnh.edu/academic-freedom CCSNH; CBA<br />

Research<br />

3.12.1<br />

5<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/sites/default/files/content/documents/Academic%20Sec<br />

tion%20system%20policies%203-12-15%20WITH%20TABLE.pdf<br />

CCSNH System 690.6<br />

Academic Freedom<br />

Title IX<br />

no<br />

date<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Other; specify<br />

no<br />

date<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Nondiscrimination<br />

policies<br />

Recruitment<br />

and admissions<br />

not<br />

avail.<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Employment<br />

not<br />

avail.<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/mission-strategic-plan/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Evaluation<br />

not<br />

avail.<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Disciplinary<br />

action<br />

not<br />

avail.<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

146 | P a g e

Advancement<br />

not<br />

avail.<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/non-discrimination-policy<br />

CCSNH;<br />

CBA;HR;Title IX<br />

Coordinator<br />

Other; specify<br />

Resolution of<br />

grievances<br />

Students<br />

2017-<br />

2018 http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/student-handbook VPAASA<br />

Faculty 2015 http://www.ccsnh.edu/human-resources/ccsnh-employee-and-labor-relations CBA<br />

Staff 2017 http://www.ccsnh.edu/human-resources/ccsnh-employee-and-labor-relations CBA<br />

Other; specify<br />

? Other<br />

Last<br />

Upda<br />

ted<br />

Website location or Publication<br />

Responsible Office or<br />

Committee<br />

Please enter any explanatory<br />

notes in the box below<br />

Information<br />

How can inquiries be made about the institution? Where can questions<br />

be addressed?<br />

Notice of availability of publications and of audited financial statement<br />

or fair summary<br />

Processes for admissions<br />

Website location and/or Relevant<br />

Publication(s)<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/AuditedFinancialStateme<br />

nts<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions<br />

147 | P a g e

Processes for employment<br />

Processes for grading<br />

Processes for assessment<br />

Processes for student discipline<br />

Processes for consideration of complaints and appeals<br />

List below the statements or promises made regarding program<br />

excellence, learning outcomes, success in placement, and<br />

achievements of graduates or faculty and indicate where valid<br />

documentation can be found.<br />

Statement/Promise<br />

Gainful employment<br />

NEASC Accreditation<br />

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education<br />

Programs<br />

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care<br />

National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences<br />

Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education<br />

The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. (AOTA)<br />

New Hampshire Board of Nursing<br />

Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs<br />

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing<br />

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic<br />

Technology<br />

Website location and/or publication where<br />

valid documentation can be found<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/employmentopportunities<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/studentresources/student-handbook<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions/testingassessment<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/studentresources/student-handbook<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/studentresources/student-handbook<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/studentresources/gainful-employment-index<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/aboutrvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academi<br />

c-programs/physical-therapist-assistant<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academi<br />

c-programs/medical-assistant/medical-assistantcertificate<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academi<br />

c-programs/respiratory-therapy<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/aboutrvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academicprograms/occupational-therapy-assistant<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academi<br />

c-programs/radiologic-technology<br />

Date of last review of:<br />

Print publications<br />

Digital publications<br />

ongoing<br />

ongoing<br />

Please enter any explanatory notes in the box below<br />

148 | P a g e

Standard 9: Integrity, Transparency, and Public Disclosure<br />

(Public Disclosure)<br />

Information<br />

Institutional catalog<br />

Website location<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

149 | P a g e

Obligations and responsibilities of<br />

students and the institution<br />

Information on admission and<br />

attendance<br />

Institutional mission and objectives<br />

Expected educational outcomes<br />

Status as public or independent<br />

institution; status as not-for-profit<br />

or for-profit; religious affiliation<br />

Requirements, procedures and<br />

policies re: admissions<br />

Requirements, procedures and<br />

policies re: transfer credit<br />

A list of institutions with which the<br />

institution has an articulation<br />

agreement<br />

Student fees, charges and refund<br />

policies<br />

Rules and regulations for student<br />

conduct<br />

Procedures for student appeals and<br />

complaints<br />

Other information re: attending or<br />

withdrawing from the institution<br />

Academic programs<br />

Courses currently offered<br />

Other available educational<br />

opportunities<br />

Other academic policies and<br />

procedures<br />

Requirements for degrees and<br />

other forms of academic<br />

recognition<br />

List of continuing faculty,<br />

indicating department or program<br />

affiliation, degrees held, and<br />

institutions granting them<br />

Names and positions of<br />

administrative officers<br />

Names, principal affiliations of<br />

governing board members<br />

Locations and programs available<br />

at branch campuses, other<br />

instructional locations, and<br />

overseas operations at which<br />

students can enroll for a degree,<br />

along with a description of<br />

programs and services available at<br />

each location<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/<br />

studenthandbook201718final<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions/welcome<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170<br />

/studenthandbook201718final<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/mission<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/aboutrvcc/mission/expected-outcomes<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions/applicationprocess-forms<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/nhtransfer-program<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/stud<br />

enthandbook201718final<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions/tuitionfees/tuition-and-fees<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/<br />

studenthandbook201718final<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/<br />

studenthandbook201718final<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/<br />

studenthandbook201718final<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/programs-study<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/coursedescriptions<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/workforce-development<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/academicdegree-requirements<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/contactus/directories/faculty<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/contactus/directories/administration<br />

http://www.ccsnh.edu/about-ccsnh/board-trustees<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/admissions/academiccenters<br />

150 | P a g e

Programs, courses, services, and<br />

personnel not available in any given<br />

academic year.<br />

Size and characteristics of the<br />

student body<br />

Description of the campus setting<br />

Availability of academic and other<br />

support services<br />

Range of co-curricular and nonacademic<br />

opportunities available to<br />

students<br />

Institutional learning and physical<br />

resources from which a student can<br />

reasonably be expected to benefit<br />

Institutional goals for students'<br />

education<br />

Success of students in achieving<br />

institutional goals including rates of<br />

retention and graduation and other<br />

measure of student success<br />

appropriate to institutional mission.<br />

Passage rates for licensure exams,<br />

as appropriate<br />

Total cost of education and net<br />

price, including availability of<br />

financial aid and typical length of<br />

study<br />

Expected amount of student debt<br />

upon graduation and loan payment<br />

rates<br />

Statement about accreditation<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/<br />

rvcccatalog<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/glance<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/glance<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/studentlife<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/studentsuccess-center<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/charlesp-puksta-library<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/aboutrvcc/mission/expected-outcomes<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/sites/default/files/content/<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong>%20First%20Time%20Enrollment%20%26%20Persi<br />

stance%20June%202013.pdf<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/consumerinformation<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/student-resources/gainfulemployment-index<br />

http://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

Appendices<br />

Affirmation of Compliance with Federal Regulations Relating to Title IV<br />

151 | P a g e


Periodically, member institutions are asked to affirm their compliance with federal requirements relating to Title<br />

IV program participation, including relevant requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act.<br />

1. Credit Hour: Federal regulation defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning<br />

outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that<br />

reasonably approximates not less than: (1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of<br />

two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester<br />

hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a<br />

different amount of time; or (2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this<br />

definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships,<br />

practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours. (<strong>NECHE</strong> Policy 111. See<br />

also Standards for Accreditation 4.34.)<br />

URL<br />

Print Publications<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-study/ Fifth-year report Page<br />

Reference<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/consumer-information<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

(Page 10)<br />

Page 78 of 2018 self-study<br />

2. Credit Transfer Policies: The institution’s policy on transfer of credit is publicly disclosed through its<br />

website and other relevant publications. The institution includes a statement of its criteria for transfer of credit<br />

earned at another institution of higher education along with a list of institutions with which it has articulation<br />

agreements. (<strong>NECHE</strong> Policy 95. See also Standards for Accreditation 4.38, 4.39 and 9.19.)<br />

URL<br />

Print<br />

Publications<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-study/<br />

Fifth-year<br />

report Page<br />

Reference<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/consumer-information<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/studenthandbook201718final<br />

(Page 17)<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

(Page 12)<br />

Page 81 of 2018 self-study<br />

3. Student Complaints: “Policies on student rights and responsibilities, including grievance procedures, are<br />

clearly stated, well publicized and readily available, and fairly and consistently administered.” (Standards for<br />

Accreditation 5.18, 9.8, and 9.19.)<br />

URL<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation/student-rights-and-grievancepolicies<br />

152 | P a g e

Print Publications<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-study/ Fifth-year<br />

report Page Reference<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/studenthandbook201718final<br />

(Page 53)<br />

Page 189 of 2018 self-study<br />

4. Distance and Correspondence Education: Verification of Student Identity: If the institution offers distance<br />

education or correspondence education, it has processes in place to establish that the student who registers in a<br />

distance education or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and<br />

completes the program and receives the academic credit. . . .The institution protects student privacy and notifies<br />

students at the time of registration or enrollment of any projected additional student charges associated with the<br />

verification of student identity. (<strong>NECHE</strong> Policy 95. See also Standards for Accreditation 4.48.) Method(s) used<br />

for verification<br />

URL<br />

Print Publications<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-study/ Fifth-year<br />

report Page Reference<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/academics/online-learning<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

(page 17)<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62368170/studenthandbook201718final<br />

(page 11)<br />

Page 82 of 2018 self-study<br />

5. FOR COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATIONS ONLY: Public Notification of an Evaluation Visit and<br />

Opportunity for Public Comment: The institution has made an appropriate and timely effort to notify the public of<br />

an upcoming comprehensive evaluation and to solicit comments. (<strong>NECHE</strong> Policy 77.)<br />

URL<br />

Print Publications<br />

<strong>Self</strong>-study/ Fifth-year report<br />

Page Reference<br />

https://www.rivervalley.edu/about-rvcc/accreditation<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62316244/rvcccatalog<br />

(page 4)<br />

Page 29 of 2018 self-study<br />

The undersigned affirms that River Valley Community College meets the above federal requirements relating to<br />

Title IV program participation, including those enumerated above.<br />

Chief Executive Officer:<br />

Date: __2/8/<strong>2019</strong><br />

E-Series Forms<br />



153 | P a g e

154 | P a g e

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

(5)<br />


Where are the<br />

learning outcomes for<br />

this level/program<br />

published? (please<br />

specify)<br />

Include URLs where<br />

appropriate.<br />

Other than GPA, what<br />

data/ evidence is used to<br />

determine that graduates<br />

have achieved the stated<br />

outcomes for the degree?<br />

(e.g., capstone course,<br />

portfolio review, licensure<br />

examination)<br />

Who interprets the<br />

evidence? What is<br />

the process?<br />

(e.g. annually by<br />

the curriculum<br />

committee)<br />

What changes have<br />

been made as a result<br />

of using the<br />

data/evidence?<br />

Date of<br />

most<br />

recent<br />

program<br />

review (for<br />

general<br />

education<br />

and each<br />

degree<br />

program)<br />

At the<br />

institutional<br />

level:<br />

Expected Outcomes of<br />

the College are found<br />

on pg 3 of the College<br />

Catalog:<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/101053RV<br />

CCCatalogWeb320161<br />

220GSCUpdates.pdf<br />

All Associate degree<br />

students complete courses<br />

designed to provide<br />

opportunities to develop<br />

one or more of the<br />

outcomes listed in<br />

Expected Outcomes.<br />

Evidence of the<br />

development of these skills<br />

comes through course<br />

assessments, activities,<br />

assignments, practica,<br />

internships, and clinical<br />

experiences.<br />

Faculty interpret<br />

evidence of learning<br />

exhibited in the<br />

coursework.<br />

The College<br />

Administration<br />

reviews feedback<br />

from outside<br />

constituencies.<br />

Implementation of the<br />

Co-Requisite Math<br />

Pathways to improve<br />

college level success.<br />

Increased continuing<br />

education offerings for<br />

non-matriculated<br />

community members.<br />

NEASC/CI<br />

HE 5-Year<br />

Review<br />

Spring,<br />

2013<br />

Feedback from outside<br />

constituencies including the<br />

communities served via the<br />

College Advisory Board.<br />

For general<br />

education if<br />

an<br />

undergraduat<br />

e institution:<br />

Associate degree<br />

programs require<br />

either specific general<br />

education courses or<br />

specific distributions<br />

of these courses.<br />

Requirements are<br />

published on page 19<br />

of the College<br />

Catalog:<br />

Evidence comes through<br />

evaluation of Program<br />

Maps to ensure compliance<br />

of all programs with<br />

general education<br />

requirements.<br />

Curriculum Team<br />

and VPAA approve<br />

all curricular<br />

changes.<br />

Per the Complete<br />

College America 15-to-<br />

Finish initiative, the<br />

number of General<br />

Education credits<br />

required for the various<br />

degrees was reduced to<br />

fit within a 60+ credit<br />

requirement for the<br />

degree. This was<br />

accomplished via the<br />

BoT policy of<br />

elimination of a second<br />

level English course.<br />

Yearly<br />

review of<br />

College<br />

Catalog<br />

and<br />

Program<br />

Maps<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/101053RV<br />

155 | P a g e

CCCatalogWeb320161<br />

220GSCUpdates.pdf<br />

1.Accounting,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/accounting/<br />

accounting<br />

Successful completion of<br />

courses requires a<br />

demonstration of practical<br />

knowledge of computer<br />

and accounting skills<br />

through comprehensive<br />

case problems and final<br />

exams. “Soft skills” critical<br />

to employability are<br />

assessed through projects<br />

in Professional<br />

Communications course.<br />

Program Director<br />

and Department<br />

Chair interpret<br />

program outcomes.<br />

Individual student<br />

outcomes are<br />

interpreted by<br />

faculty and also by<br />

the Program<br />

Director through<br />

advising meetings<br />

each semester.<br />

Courses and programs<br />

have been revised to<br />

reflect changes in the<br />

law and industry and to<br />

align with transfer<br />

requirements of fouryear<br />

institutions.<br />

2018<br />

Transfer data is<br />

gathered from<br />

graduates in their<br />

final semester.<br />

2.<br />

Accounting,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/accounting/<br />

accountingadvancedaccounting<br />

Successful completion of<br />

courses requires a<br />

demonstration of practical<br />

knowledge of computer<br />

and accounting skills<br />

through comprehensive<br />

case problems and final<br />

exams<br />

Program Director<br />

and Department<br />

Chair interpret<br />

program outcomes.<br />

Individual student<br />

outcomes are<br />

interpreted by<br />

faculty and also by<br />

the Program<br />

Director through<br />

advising meetings<br />

each semester.<br />

Courses and programs<br />

have been revised to<br />

reflect changes in the<br />

law and industry<br />

2018<br />

3. Advanced<br />

Accounting,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/accounting/<br />

accountingadvancedaccounting<br />

Successful completion of<br />

courses requires a<br />

demonstration of practical<br />

knowledge of computer<br />

and accounting skills<br />

through comprehensive<br />

case problems and final<br />

exams<br />

Program Director<br />

and Department<br />

Chair interpret<br />

program outcomes.<br />

Individual student<br />

outcomes are<br />

interpreted by<br />

faculty and also by<br />

the Program<br />

Director through<br />

advising meetings<br />

each semester.<br />

Courses and programs<br />

have been revised to<br />

reflect changes in the<br />

law and industry<br />

2018<br />

4.Business<br />

Management,<br />

Business<br />

Management<br />

Concentratio<br />

n, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/businessmanagement<br />

Final examinations<br />

Final Projects<br />

Business Plan Development<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Department Chair<br />

Courses revised to<br />

incorporate external<br />

business community<br />

experience.<br />

Business Math was<br />

eliminated and replaced<br />

2009<br />

156 | P a g e

with college level math<br />

course.<br />

5.Business<br />

Management,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/businessmanagement<br />

Final examinations<br />

Final Projects<br />

Business Plan Development<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Department Chair<br />

Courses revised to<br />

incorporate external<br />

business community<br />

experience.<br />

Business Math was<br />

eliminated and replaced<br />

with college level math<br />

course.<br />

2009<br />

6.<br />

Cybersecurit<br />

y and<br />

Healthcare<br />

IT, AS<br />

https://www.river<br />

valley.edu/sites/defau<br />

lt/files<br />

/content/<strong>RVCC</strong>College<br />

Catalog1819Updated2<br />

0181029.<br />

pdf pg. 26<br />

Capstone Course or<br />

Internship: CSCI<br />

296R/CSCI 297R<br />

Skills Exams<br />

Employer Feedback on<br />

Student Interns<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines<br />

Revisions to Program<br />

Maps<br />

2018<br />

Program alumni surveys<br />

7.<br />

Cybersecurit<br />

y and<br />

Healthcare<br />

IT, Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/computertechnology/cybersecu<br />

rity-healthcareit/cybersecurity-0<br />

Skills Exams<br />

Employer Feedback on<br />

Student Interns<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Program alumni surveys<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines<br />

Revisions to Program<br />

Maps<br />

2018<br />

8. Criminal<br />

Justice, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/criminaljustice<br />

Portfolio Project and<br />

Internship: CRMJ 290R<br />

Program Director<br />

Updated and changed<br />

program delivery,<br />

streamlined Program<br />

Map<br />

2016<br />

9. Early<br />

Childhood<br />

Education,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/earlychildhood-education<br />

These are also in the<br />

ECE Program’s<br />

student handbook.<br />

Portfolios<br />

Practicum site evaluations<br />

Student focus groups<br />

Surveys (graduate<br />

satisfaction, program<br />

alumni, employer)<br />

Advisory Board Feedback<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines, updated<br />

program of study, the<br />

development of new<br />

courses, revised<br />

evaluation tools for<br />

practicum courses, new<br />

course delivery<br />

methods, and adapted<br />

advising practices.<br />

2012<br />

10. Early<br />

Childhood<br />

Education<br />

Level 1,<br />

Certificate<br />

Modified ECE Degree<br />

outcomes have been<br />

utilized. Revisions<br />

are planned.<br />

Course: ECE 104R<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines, new course<br />

delivery methods, and<br />

adapted advising<br />

practices<br />

2012<br />

157 | P a g e

11. Early<br />

Childhood<br />

Education<br />

Level 2,<br />

Certificate<br />

Modified ECE Degree<br />

outcomes have been<br />

utilized. Revisions<br />

are planned.<br />

Course: ECE 190R<br />

Practicum: 191R<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines, revised<br />

evaluation tools for<br />

practicum courses, new<br />

course delivery<br />

methods, and adapted<br />

advising practices<br />

2012<br />

12. Early<br />

Childhood<br />

Education,<br />

Infant &<br />

Toddler<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/infant-toddlercertificate<br />

Prepares students to apply<br />

for an infant toddler<br />

endorsement on an ECE<br />

credential awarded by the<br />

NH Child Development<br />

Bureau<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

New Program<br />

New<br />

Program<br />

13.<br />

Information<br />

Technology,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.river<br />

valley.edu/sites/defau<br />

lt/files<br />

/content/<strong>RVCC</strong>College<br />

Catalog1819Updated2<br />

0181029.<br />

pdf pg. 28<br />

Capstone Course or<br />

Internship: CSCI<br />

296R/CSCI 297R<br />

Skills Exams<br />

Employer Feedback on<br />

Student Interns<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

New Program<br />

New<br />

Program<br />

Program alumni surveys<br />

14. Liberal<br />

Arts, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/liberal-arts<br />

Transfer rates to<br />

baccalaureate programs<br />

Department Chair<br />

Developed Program<br />

Maps to Outline Specific<br />

Pathways<br />

Reduced credits to 60<br />

2014<br />

15. Massage<br />

Therapy,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/massagetherapy<br />

Practicum and Clinicals:<br />

MASS 193R, MASS 140R,<br />

MASS 195R<br />

Employer Feedback<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Changes to curriculum<br />

to include MASS 102R,<br />

MASS 103R,and MASS<br />

104R<br />

2012<br />

16.<br />

Mathematics<br />

and Science,<br />

Biological<br />

Science<br />

Concentratio<br />

n<br />

The program<br />

outcomes are listed<br />

on the <strong>RVCC</strong> website<br />

on the program’s<br />

information page:<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/mathematic<br />

s-andscience/biologicalscience-concentration<br />

The program director<br />

reviews transcripts of<br />

students in the major each<br />

semester and reviews<br />

transfers annually. The<br />

program director/advisor<br />

also speaks to students’<br />

teachers frequently<br />

Program Director<br />

Reduction of required<br />

credits from 64 to 60<br />

Removal of the<br />

Capstone courses due<br />

to lack of transferability<br />

to the University<br />

System<br />

April <strong>2019</strong><br />

17. Medical<br />

Administrativ<br />

e Assistant,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/rvcccommunity/campusnews/medicalassisting-programrvcc-awarded-<br />

ALHT 121R/ALHT 124R<br />

Employer satisfaction<br />

Employment rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Direcor<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Delivery methods of<br />

course delivery have<br />

been updated to<br />

include, traditional<br />

classroom, hybrid and<br />

distance learning and<br />

some courses are now<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong><br />

Program<br />

Review<br />

Scheduled<br />

for<br />

AY<strong>2019</strong>-<br />

2020<br />

158 | P a g e

continuingaccreditation<br />

offered at the Academic<br />

Centers.<br />

18. Medical<br />

Assistant,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/Mission%<br />

20Statement%20%26<br />

%20Program%20Outc<br />

ome.pdf<br />

Employer satisfaction<br />

Graduate rates<br />

Exam Rates<br />

Employment rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Yearly ARF for<br />

MAERB<br />

Accreditation<br />

Delivery methods of<br />

course delivery have<br />

been updated to<br />

include, traditional<br />

classroom, hybrid and<br />

distance learning and<br />

some courses are now<br />

offered at the Academic<br />

Centers.<br />

2015<br />

Practicum hours<br />

reduced from 240 to<br />

160.<br />

19.Medical<br />

Laboratory<br />

Technician,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/2017MLTS<br />

tudentHandbook_INus<br />

e.pdf pg 5<br />

Practicum: MLTC 290<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Practicum Supervisor<br />

Interviews<br />

ASCP BOC Exam pass rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Department Chair<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to curriculum<br />

including change in<br />

format of Practicum and<br />

hybridization of<br />

courses.<br />

2018<br />

20.<br />

Networking,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/computertechnology/networkin<br />

g<br />

Capstone Course or<br />

Internships: CSCI<br />

296R/CSCI 297R<br />

Skills Exams<br />

Employer Feedback on<br />

Student Interns<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines<br />

Revisions to Program<br />

Maps<br />

2018<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Program alumni surveys<br />

21.<br />

Networking,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall <br />

ey.edu/academics/aca <br />

demicprograms/computer-technology/networkin<br />

g-0<br />

<br />

Skills Exams<br />

Employer Feedback on<br />

Student Interns<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Program alumni surveys<br />

Faculty<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Revisions to course<br />

outlines<br />

Revisions to Program<br />

Maps<br />

2018<br />

22. Nursing,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/nursing/ass<br />

ociate-sciencenursing-degree<br />

Clinicals: ADNR116R,<br />

ADNR117R, ADNR220R,<br />

ADNR230R<br />

ATI Content Mastery<br />

Assessments<br />

RN Comprehensive<br />

Predictor<br />

Clinical Evaluation Tool<br />

(CET)<br />

Department Chair<br />

Faculty<br />

Advisory Committee<br />

NH Board of Nursing<br />

National Council of<br />

State Boards of<br />

Nursing (NCSBN)<br />

Accreditation<br />

Commission for<br />

Increased # of ATI<br />

assessments<br />

Increased use of PrepU<br />

& ATI assignments<br />

Revised CET per ACEN<br />

Revised course<br />

competencies per<br />

NCSBN guidelines<br />

2016<br />

159 | P a g e

NHBON Annual Program<br />

Report<br />

ACEN Annual Program<br />

Report<br />

Education in Nursing<br />

(ACEN)<br />

Systematic Plan of<br />

Evaluation<br />

NCLEX-RN Licensure<br />

Graduate Surveys<br />

Employer Surveys<br />

23.<br />

Occupational<br />

Therapy<br />

Assistant, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.<br />

edu/sites/default/files<br />

/content/OTA%20<br />

Curriculum%20Design<br />

%20<br />

and%20Student%20O<br />

utcomes.pdf<br />

Fieldworks: OCTA<br />

190R,OCTA 290R,OCTA<br />

291R<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Fieldwork Supervisor<br />

Interviews<br />

Employer Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

NBCOT pass rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Tiered learning<br />

approach to SOAP note<br />

writing in OCTA 125R,<br />

OCTA 190R, and OCTA<br />

213R.<br />

Changed format of<br />

Level I Fieldwork<br />

Experience (OCTA 190)<br />

to a camp-experience.<br />

Planned implementation<br />

of hybrid course AHLT<br />

104R in Fall <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

2018<br />

24.<br />

Phlebotomy,<br />

Certificate<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/phlebotomy<br />

Internship: PHBC190R<br />

Program Faculty<br />

Department Chair<br />

Increased PHBC 110R<br />

course to include<br />

increased lab practice<br />

time to improve<br />

psychomotor skills<br />

proficiency.<br />

<strong>RVCC</strong><br />

Program<br />

Review<br />

Scheduled<br />

for<br />

AY<strong>2019</strong>-<br />

2020<br />

25. Physical<br />

Therapist<br />

Assistant, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/2018%20<br />

PTA%20Program%20<br />

Public%20Disclosure<br />

%20Information_3.pd<br />

f<br />

Practicums: PTAC 190R,<br />

PTAC292R<br />

Practicum Supervisor<br />

Interviews<br />

FSBPT Exam Pass Rates<br />

Employment Rates<br />

Advisory Board,<br />

Faculty,<br />

Practicum<br />

Supervisor,<br />

Department Chair,<br />

Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

Changed format of<br />

Practicum Courses and<br />

Senior Seminar Course<br />

Modified program<br />

application process for<br />

Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

2016<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

26.<br />

Radiologic<br />

Technology,<br />

AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/academics/aca<br />

demicprograms/radiologictechnology<br />

Practicums: RADT 121R,<br />

RADT 122R, RADT 223R,<br />

RADT 224R<br />

ARRT Passing Rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Curriculum Revised in<br />

2017<br />

Changed textbooks and<br />

academic materials<br />

2017<br />

Job Placement Rates<br />

Graduate Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

Acquired de-energized<br />

X-ray machine for<br />

student practice<br />

Employer Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

160 | P a g e

27.<br />

Respiratory<br />

Therapy, AS<br />

https://www.rivervall<br />

ey.edu/sites/default/fi<br />

les/content/<strong>RVCC</strong>Colle<br />

geCatalog1819Update<br />

d20181029.pdf Pg.<br />

49<br />

Practicums: RSPT 191,<br />

RSPT 281R, RSPT 282R<br />

Graduation Rates<br />

NBRC Exam Pass Rates<br />

Faculty<br />

Program Director<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Course content<br />

updated, Redistributed<br />

lecture vs.lab hours;<br />

updated number of<br />

clinical hours.<br />

2016<br />

Job Placement Rates<br />

Employer Satisfaction<br />

Surveys<br />

29. Social<br />

Services, AS<br />

Course materials for<br />

HSV 110R, 270R, and<br />

271R<br />

Fieldwork: HSV270R<br />

Seminar: HSV 271R<br />

Faculty, Program<br />

Coordinator, and<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Major program revision 2014<br />

In process of being<br />

revised<br />

29. Social<br />

Services,<br />

Certificate<br />

Course materials for<br />

HSV 110R, 270R, and<br />

271R<br />

HSV 125R and HSV 126R<br />

Faculty, Program<br />

Coordinator, and<br />

Advisory Board<br />

Major program revision 2014<br />

In process of being<br />

revised<br />

Institutions selecting E1a should also include E1b.<br />

Note: Please see the Statement on Student Achievement and Success Data Forms (available on the CIHE website:<br />

https://cihe.neasc.org) for more information about completing these forms.<br />

161 | P a g e



(1)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

(6)<br />

Professional,<br />

specialized, State,<br />

or programmatic<br />

accreditations<br />

currently held by<br />

the institution (by<br />

agency or<br />

program name).<br />

Date of most<br />

recent<br />

accreditation<br />

action by<br />

each listed<br />

agency.<br />

List key issues for continuing<br />

accreditation identified in<br />

accreditation action letter or<br />

report.<br />

Key performance<br />

indicators as required by<br />

agency or selected by<br />

program (licensure, board,<br />

or bar pass rates;<br />

employment rates, etc.).<br />

*<br />

Date and<br />

nature of<br />

next<br />

scheduled<br />

review.<br />

Medical Assisting,<br />

CAAHEP<br />

March, 2015<br />

The review conducted by the<br />

Medical Assisting Education<br />

Review Board (MAERB) and<br />

CAAHEP’s Board of Directors<br />

recognized the program’s<br />

substantial compliance with the<br />

nationally established<br />

accreditation standards. This<br />

program was awarded an eight<br />

year accreditation, the<br />

maximum allowed by<br />

MAERB/CAAHEP. Minor citations<br />

were addressed and approved<br />

in February <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Retention<br />

Placement<br />

Grad Satisfaction Rate<br />

Employer Satisfaction<br />

Rate<br />

Exam Participation Rate<br />

Exam Pass Rate<br />

2023<br />

Physical Therapy<br />

Assistant, CAPTE<br />

May, 2016<br />

The program was required to<br />

clarify the workloads for the<br />

program faculty and send them<br />

a completed annual assessment<br />

(a template had been sent the<br />

first time). These updates were<br />

accepted and a 10 year<br />

continuing accreditation was<br />

granted.<br />

Graduation<br />

Employment rates<br />

Licensure pass rates<br />

Number and variety of<br />

clinical education sites<br />

2025<br />

Respiratory<br />

Therapy, COARC<br />

2016 No deficiencies were reported.<br />

The program was given a full 10<br />

year accreditation.<br />

On-time graduation<br />

NBRC pass rates (High cut<br />

score)<br />

2026<br />

Employer satisfaction<br />

rates<br />

Job placement rates<br />

Graduate satisfaction<br />

rates<br />

2016 In Compliance<br />

NCLEX-RN pass rates<br />

2021<br />

Nursing, ACEN &<br />

NH BON<br />

Areas needing development:<br />

4.2 SLOs need to demonstrate<br />

consistent progression.<br />

Program completion rates<br />

Program satisfaction rates<br />

Graduate employment<br />

rates<br />

162 | P a g e

4.12 Learning activities &<br />

instructional materials need to<br />

be appropriate for all delivery<br />

formats & consistent with SLOs<br />

3 years of data correlating<br />

learning activities<br />

with EPOs<br />

6.1 ELOS must be stated in<br />

specific and measurable terms<br />

6.2 Data must be collected and<br />

trended by program option and<br />

location prior to aggregation for<br />

program as whole<br />

6.4.3 Sufficient data must be<br />

collected and trended for<br />

program decision making.<br />

Medical Lab<br />

Technician,<br />

NAACLS<br />

2018 Continuing accreditation<br />

awarded for ten years. A ‘Year<br />

5 Interim Report’ must be<br />

submitted to NAACLS with a<br />

summary of the last five years<br />

of annual reporting, a narrative<br />

on how outcomes measures are<br />

analyzed and used in program<br />

assessment, and a narrative<br />

describing any actions taken as<br />

a result of the program<br />

assessment.<br />

ASCP BOC pass rates<br />

Program completion rates<br />

Employment rates<br />

2028<br />

Radiological<br />

Technology,<br />

JRCERT<br />

(continued on<br />

following pages)<br />

2017 Program was placed on<br />

Probation until May of <strong>2019</strong><br />

New curriculum was develop<br />

and implemented in fall 2017<br />

Admission rate<br />

Retention rate<br />

Program completion rate<br />

ARRT Passing rate (first<br />

attempt)<br />

2017<br />

New self-study was submitted<br />

to the JRCERT.<br />

Employment rate<br />

Site visit on June 2018<br />

Program was not in compliance<br />

with<br />

Objective 2.2 - Lack of<br />

assurance that the program<br />

provides an adequate number<br />

of faculty to meet all<br />

educational, program,<br />

administrative, and<br />

accreditation requirements.<br />

Action taken: new clinical<br />

coordinator was hired on<br />

January<strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Objective 2.3 - Lack of<br />

assurance that the program<br />

provides faculty with<br />

163 | P a g e

opportunities for continued<br />

professional development.<br />

Action taken: Program Director<br />

attended two conferences<br />

(February and November 2018)<br />

Objective 3.9 - Lack of<br />

assurance that the program<br />

evaluates program faculty and<br />

clinical instructor performance<br />

and shares evaluation results<br />

regularly to assure instructional<br />

responsibilities are performed.<br />

Action taken: First report<br />

submitted to all clinical sites<br />

during Summer of 2018. A<br />

revised clinical instructor<br />

evaluation put in place January<br />

<strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Objective 5.2 - Lack of<br />

assurance that the program<br />

documents the following<br />

program effectiveness data:<br />

Graduate and Employer<br />

satisfaction<br />

Note: The program has only two<br />

graduating classes. The<br />

program collects these data on<br />

the following schedule:<br />

Graduate Survey – 6 months<br />

after graduation; Employee<br />

Survey – 1 year after<br />

graduation. At this time, the<br />

program doesn’t have five years<br />

of data as required. The<br />

Program has a revised<br />

assessment plan. Will continue<br />

to improve.<br />

Objective 5.4 - Lack of<br />

assurance that the program<br />

analyzes and shares student<br />

learning outcome data and<br />

program effectiveness data to<br />

foster continuous program<br />

improvement.<br />

Action taken: Effectiveness data<br />

report is on the College<br />

webpage, data results are<br />

discussed with advisory board<br />

and clinical preceptors for<br />

feedback.<br />

Mid-term report will be<br />

submitted on April 19, <strong>2019</strong><br />

JRCERT final decision will be<br />

receive by May, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Occupational<br />

Therapy<br />

Assistant, ACOTE<br />

2018 The program is fully accredited.<br />

Two areas were identified by<br />

ACOTE that needed further<br />

attention and update via a<br />

Retention Rates<br />

Job Placement Rates<br />

Grad Satisfaction Rate<br />