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16<br />
Tuesday <strong>March</strong> <strong>19</strong> 20<strong>19</strong><br />
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Hip pain: Do I have arthritis or<br />
could it be mainly my muscles?<br />
The team at Physical Sense in Sydenham<br />
sees clients with a range of symptoms but<br />
many of their middle-aged and senior<br />
clients visit complaining of pain in one or<br />
both hips.<br />
Physiotherapist Ietje van Stolk suggests<br />
that a major part of the pain could be due<br />
to muscle pain rather than simply arthritis.<br />
“Even if an x-ray shows arthritis, the reason<br />
for the pain may be the muscles around<br />
the joint,” she explains. Alternatively, a<br />
back muscle could also be the cause, as<br />
shown in the image.<br />
Ietje recalls one case where an 89 year<br />
old client with severe arthritis who walked<br />
with a stick, told her, “I will end up in<br />
a wheelchair, I cannot put any weight<br />
through my right leg due to pain in my hip<br />
and buttock”. “Within 4 treatments, she<br />
was walking with her stick but without the<br />
severe pain,” says Ietje. “The arthritis was<br />
one of the factors that made her muscles<br />
spasm but the other was that older people<br />
move less and the flexed position the hip<br />
is in when we sit is particularly bad for<br />
the hip.” Ietje is happy with the fact that<br />
although the client was 89 and could have<br />
been “given up on” or told to live with the<br />
pain, she made a difference to her health<br />
Hip muscle that causes hip pain<br />
(the crosses are the areas of the muscle spasms, the red areas is where the pain is felt)<br />
and wellbeing.<br />
At Physical Sense, hands-on techniques<br />
(massage and triggerpoint deactivation<br />
techniques) are used to release the muscles.<br />
The client also gets a home exercise<br />
program designed to mobilize and stretch<br />
the hip, strengthen the important core<br />
muscles and increase general strength and<br />
balance. They teach a movement sequence<br />
that stretches the hip in all directions<br />
whilst the client is able to lie safely on their<br />
bed, perfect for older or less mobile clients.<br />
In many cases having the muscles<br />
released and being taught how to maintain<br />
it, is enough to stay on top of the problem.<br />
If severe arthritis is the underlying cause,<br />
some maintenance therapy may be<br />
necessary, but that is often more affordable<br />
and, for older patients, better tolerated than<br />
surgery. In very few treatments the client<br />
Back hip muscle that causes hip pain<br />
will know if it is going to work for them or<br />
not, without financial commitment.<br />
Physical Sense Gym & Physio is located<br />
at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham.<br />
There is a bus stop in front of the door<br />
and there is ample parking. To enquire<br />
about specialised exercise classes or<br />
physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577<br />
or visit<br />
Physical Sense Gym and Physio is located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus stops in front of the door and there is ample<br />
parking. To enquire about specialised exercise classes or physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577 or visit<br />
It’s our<br />
45th<br />
Anniversary<br />
year!<br />
#areyouupforit<br />
45th Anniversary<br />
Retro T-shirt<br />
available now<br />
Sunday 24th <strong>March</strong>, 20<strong>19</strong>