Versa: Issue Four

Versa is a biannual publication and will be published every autumn and spring term. Versa has replaced the former magazine, OA Bulletin and will offer a comprehensive insight into the many facets of alumni life.

Versa is a biannual publication and will be published every autumn and spring term. Versa has replaced the former magazine, OA Bulletin and will offer a comprehensive insight into the many facets of alumni life.


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VERSA<br />

OA NEWS<br />






THE<br />


Chris Jewell’s<br />

Thai cave rescue<br />


Inside<br />

this issue<br />

Editorial Team<br />

Chris Harbour<br />

Sarah Osborne<br />

Upcoming Events 2<br />

OA President’s Notes 3<br />

OA News 4<br />

On Set with Mike Newell 7<br />

Bursary Campaign 8<br />

Meet the Archivist 9<br />

Featured OA: Chris Jewell 10<br />

Mathematics & CCF Building Update 12<br />

OA Events 13<br />

Announcements16<br />

The Farm Sale by Pat Taylor 18<br />

OA Lodge 19<br />

OA Sports 20<br />

@oldalbanianassociation<br />

@OAAssociation<br />

St Albans School<br />

Archives<br />

Old Albanian<br />

Networking:<br />

St Albans School<br />

St Albans School Foundation | CHARITY NO. 1092932

2 3<br />


President<br />

Mike Hodge<br />

07774 161624<br />

mike@mikehodge.co.uk<br />

Secretary<br />

David Buxton<br />

01727 840499<br />

davidbuxton36@gmail.com<br />

Treasurer<br />

David Hughes<br />

07701 027881<br />

hughespost@hotmail.co.uk<br />

Membership Secretary<br />

Roger Cook<br />

01727 836877<br />

rogercook@btinternet.co.uk<br />

Hon. Auditor<br />

Peter Dew<br />

01582 453773<br />

peter.a.dew@btinternet.com<br />


RUGBY<br />

www.oarugby.com<br />

President<br />

Richard Milnes<br />

07940 255355<br />

richard.milnes@oarugby.com<br />

Chairman<br />

Rory Davis<br />

07748 146521<br />

rory.davis@oarugby.com<br />

Hon. Treasurer<br />

Rick Powdrell<br />

07795 200125<br />

rick.powdrell@oarugby.com<br />

Hon. Secretary<br />

Peter Lipscomb<br />

07856 240229<br />

peter.lipscomb@oarugby.com<br />

Mini Chairman<br />

Mike Fisher<br />

07799 345807<br />

mike.fisher@oarugby.com<br />

Junior Chairman<br />

Ian Tomlins<br />

07867 971585<br />

ian.tomlins@oarugby.com<br />

OA Saints Chairperson<br />

Julia Holmes<br />

07971 238928<br />

julia.holmes@oarugby.com<br />


President<br />

Nick Jackson<br />

oldalbaniansfc@gmail.com<br />


www.oacc.org.uk<br />

President<br />

Richard Morgan<br />

01727 843844<br />

richard.morgan50@btinternet.com<br />

Chairman<br />

David Goodier<br />

davidgoodier@hotmail.com<br />

Treasurer<br />

Richard Ransley<br />

07878 499432<br />

richransley@gmail.com<br />

Secretary<br />

Alison Finley<br />

01727 853985<br />

ajfinley@ntlworld.com<br />

TENNIS<br />

Membership Enquiries<br />

Maureen Harcourt<br />

07710 270361<br />

m.harcourt@ntlworld.com<br />


www.oashooting.com<br />

President<br />

Owen Simmons<br />

01438 840674<br />

olsandpjs@aol.com<br />

Captain<br />

Andrew Wilkie<br />

01202 851694<br />

Andrew.wilkie@ymail.com<br />

Treasurer<br />

Andrew Moore<br />

01643 851694<br />

caroline985moore@btinternet.com<br />


President<br />

Geoff Cannon<br />

01727 861622 / 01582 792512<br />

cannon.morgan@btconnect.com<br />

GOLF<br />

Captain<br />

Peter Dredge<br />

01582 834572<br />

pjdredge42@aol.com<br />

Hon. Secretary<br />

Kevin O’Donoghue<br />

01525 758356<br />

kevin.odonoghue19@gmail.com<br />

OA LODGE<br />

Assistant Secretary<br />

John Williams<br />

01438 715679<br />

johntwilliams@talktalk.net<br />

SCHOOL<br />

www.st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />

Development Director<br />

Kate Gray<br />

01727 515177<br />

kgray@st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />

Alumni Relations &<br />

Development Manager<br />

Chris Harbour<br />

01727 515185<br />

charbour@st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />

Alumni Relations &<br />

Development Assistant<br />

Sarah Osborne<br />

01727 224540<br />

slosborne@st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />

Archivist<br />

Sue Gregory<br />

01727 515178<br />

sgregory@st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />


Chris Harbour<br />

Alumni Relations & Development<br />

Manager<br />

Sarah Osborne<br />

Alumni Relations & Development<br />

Assistant<br />


EVENTS<br />

Thursday 25th April 2019<br />

OA London Drinks Party<br />

The Morrison Room, The Caledonian Club, 9 Halkin Street,<br />

Belgravia, London, SW1X 7DR<br />

For the first time, the OA London Drinks Party will be held at The Caledonian Club<br />

in Belgravia. All OAs are welcome to attend and we encourage you to round up others<br />

in your year to come and socialise! Tickets are £20.00, with concessions of £10.00 for<br />

recent leavers (who left the School between 2013-2018) and former staff. Tickets are<br />

free for students.<br />

Friday 10th May 2019<br />

Gateway Feast<br />

St Albans School, Refectory<br />

Members of the Gateway Society are welcome to attend our annual Gateway Feast.<br />

Membership of the Gateway Society is exclusive to those who have left a gift in their<br />

will to the St Albans School Foundation. Members receive an exclusive Gateway silk<br />

tie (or an equivalent for female members) and an invitation to the annual Gateway<br />

Feast as a token of our appreciation.<br />

Friday 28th June 2019<br />

Golden Jubilee Reunion: Classes of 1969 and 1976<br />

St Albans School / School Pavilion at The Woollam Playing Fields<br />

This summer sees the 50th anniversary of the Class of 1976’s first day and the Class<br />

of 1969’s last day at St Albans School. To mark this occasion, we are planning a joint<br />

Golden Jubilee Reunion with these year groups. A formal invitation will follow but in<br />

the meantime, if you are in one of these year groups, please do save the date.<br />

Saturday 6th July 2019<br />

Founders’ Day<br />

St Albans Abbey / St Albans School / School Pavilion at The Woollam<br />

Playing Fields<br />

This year’s Founders' Day will follow the usual form of the traditional Abbey Service<br />

followed by a drinks reception. The year groups involved in the Gaudy Reunion will<br />

be decided nearer the date but all OAs are welcome to attend the Service, drinks and<br />

sporting activities up at Woollams.<br />

Friday 20th September 2019<br />

OA Dinner<br />

St Albans School, Refectory<br />

The ever-popular OA Dinner is back for another year and will be held in the Refectory<br />

at the School. The informal dinner, open to all OAs, will start with (optional) tours of<br />

the School followed by a delicious two-course meal. Tickets are £15.00 for OAs.<br />

Tickets for OA events are available to book online via OA Connect<br />

or by telephone/post/email via the contact details below.<br />

Development Office<br />

Tel: 01727 515187<br />

Email: development@st-albans.herts.sch.uk<br />

St Albans School, Abbey Gateway, St Albans, AL3 4HB<br />


Iwill begin my OA Presidential Notes for <strong>Issue</strong> 4 of the<br />

brilliant <strong>Versa</strong> with the School’s Act of Remembrance,<br />

which was held in the Abbey on 9th November 2018.<br />

This Service had a particular poignancy as 2018 marked the<br />

centenary of the end of the First World War, which ended<br />

on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.<br />

The Headmaster delivered a very thought-provoking address,<br />

which included the words of John McCrae’s poem In Flanders’<br />

Fields. The Service concluded with the Headmaster and the<br />

School Chaplain reading out the names of 195 Old Albanians<br />

who did not survive the two World Wars. The School’s<br />

pupils and the rest of the congregation then stood at the War<br />

Memorial in Upper Yard whilst a School bugler played ‘The<br />

Last Post’, faultlessly. I was very grateful for the many OAs who<br />

were present in the Abbey for this unique Remembrance Day<br />

Service. I watched, that weekend, the Festival of Remembrance<br />

in The Royal Albert Hall. It was truly memorable – could I<br />

suggest that you find Sir Tom Jones singing, ‘Take My Hand,<br />

Precious Lord’ on YouTube?<br />

Turning, then, to music. I particularly enjoyed the article<br />

on Rod Argent and The Zombies in the last issue of <strong>Versa</strong>.<br />

The School contingent of The Zombies were at School in my<br />

time though a few years older. I well remember their first<br />

performance on Top of the Pops in September 1964 with ‘She’s<br />

Not There’. I had been on holiday on the Isle of Wight with my<br />

BSA motorbike. I hurried home to see the programme but the<br />

bike expired on Marlborough Road! I left the bike and ran the<br />

rest of the way home just in time to catch TOTP. The Zombies<br />

(and another group called The Exit) used to perform on<br />

Saturday nights at Beech Bottom – the previous OA Ground.<br />

What fantastic nights they were with the old wooden flooring<br />

bouncing up and down with the audience leaping about.<br />

Never to be forgotten!<br />

Back to School events then. I went to the City Networking<br />

Drinks held in London at the end of November. Numbers<br />

were down this year which was a pity. This is a thoroughly<br />

good event and I would encourage all OAs to attend if<br />

they can. That event was closely followed by the School’s<br />

performance of Bugsy Malone, which was nothing short of<br />

brilliant! The Director, Lucy Hanneghan-Birt, the School’s<br />

Head of Drama, did a fantastic job with the cast, band and<br />

the whole production team. It is difficult to single out any of<br />

the cast as they were all amazing – though Leo Shaw, cast as a<br />

police officer, was the natural comedian. A truly memorable<br />

evening and a very long way removed from what we used to<br />

put on in the mid-60s.<br />

The School Carol Service was up to its usual stunning quality<br />

– the School Choir seem to get better and better. There were a<br />

number of new works added to the programme and, clearly, a<br />

Mike Hodge (OA 1965), OA President<br />

great deal of practice had been undertaken. Again, so different<br />

from when I was in the School Choir all those years ago.<br />

In December, I put on a Charity fundraising event in<br />

Harpenden with Peter Knapp (OA 1965) for the A-T Society.<br />

The evening was sponsored by Mike Peters (OA 1982) of Jarvis<br />

Homes Ltd. We like to keep all the OAs together! A-T stands<br />

for Ataxia Telangiectasia, a rare degenerative and life-limiting<br />

condition. The event was very well attended - plenty of OAs<br />

there and it raised £4,200 for the A-T Society! The School also<br />

raised funds for the A-T Society in December with Gareth<br />

Burger (Assistant Head: Co-Curricular and Head of Third<br />

Form), his son Jonty and several Lower School pupils collecting<br />

over £1,000 with the St Albans Round Table Santa Sleigh.<br />

As far as the OA Association is concerned, all the Sports<br />

groups remain in good heart. The OARFC 1st XV is having a<br />

challenging time in their League and they have recently had<br />

to appoint a new Coach. They are in a tough League with a lot<br />

of travelling – the fixtures against Harpenden, Welwyn and<br />

Hertford are long since gone.<br />

At the OA Club AGM in December, the name change was<br />

approved from The Old Albanian Club to The Old Albanian<br />

Association. This reflects the position that we are an Association<br />

– not a fusty Old Boys Club. Also at the AGM, the appointment<br />

of Peter Dew (OA 1965) as Honorary Auditor to the OA<br />

Association was ratified (previously held by Peter Sherring who<br />

sadly died in 2018). Finally, at the AGM, the OAA approved<br />

an Annual Sports Grant of £2,000 per annum to suitable<br />

students of the School from the Lower Sixth upwards. It will<br />

encompass both male and female students and will be available<br />

for any sport – not just those featured at OAs. I, personally,<br />

am delighted to get this Sports Grant underway as sport has<br />

always been very close to my heart. I look forward to seeing the<br />

practical effect of this Sports Grant as the years roll on.<br />

All that is left is to wish you all well, despite what the<br />

politicians have in mind for us. May you all remain fit, healthy<br />

and optimistic!<br />




4 5<br />

OA News<br />





with Fame<br />

Recent leaver, Romy Kelleher (OA 2018), was delighted<br />

to appear on Sky Arts’ Portrait Artist of the Year 2019, on<br />

Tuesday 5th March. Romy took part in the filming during the<br />

week of her Art A Level exam last year and had the tough task<br />

of keeping it a secret for a whole year! Romy said;<br />

“I am thankful to the School for pushing me in my creative<br />

journey, giving me the confidence to apply for the show. It<br />

is probably the biggest achievement of my life so far. The<br />

teachers at School have been a big part of both my painting<br />

and acting career to date.”<br />

If you want to see how Romy got on, you can find the episode<br />

on Sky catch-up or Now TV.<br />


Old Albanian Andrew Reed (OA 1981) has recently published SNOW<br />

BUSINESS – Nordic Adventures of a ski rep in 2018. The book describes<br />

a season working as a ski rep in Åre, northern Sweden and is a useful<br />

guide for aspiring ski reps, providing insight into a typical winter season and<br />

exploring Swedish culture and traditions. The book is a humorous account of his<br />

experiences from the daunting first week of the selection process in Austria, the<br />

convoluted journey by road, ship and rail to the resort itself and the hectic first<br />

month. The chapters that follow reveal a very different type of ski resort to the<br />

normal alpine resort, with activities that included snowmobile safaris, husky dog<br />

sledging, chaotic reindeer rides and visits to the spectacular frozen waterfall.<br />

Andrew’s book refers to a couple of teachers including Charles Bloxham, who<br />

imparted valuable advice about life not being fair.<br />

If you’re interested in reading the book, it can purchased online at Waterstones<br />

or Amazon.<br />


Limited Edition Artwork<br />

Albany Wiseman (OA 1946), a talented illustrator<br />

(mentioned in the news article; Robin Meets Her Majesty<br />

The Queen) has recently gifted three limited edition<br />

lithographs to Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.<br />

His framed artwork (one which features a ballet dancer,<br />

and another, a countryside landscape) will hang in the<br />

entrance to Ward 19, where Albany recently received care.<br />

Albany studied at St Albans Art College and has been<br />

drawing and painting for over 30 years.<br />



Seven Up!<br />

Since the age of seven, Bruce Balden (Former Staff), has featured in<br />

the documentary series Seven Up, which has followed the lives of<br />

14 British children every seven years since 1964. Bruce has recently<br />

finished filming the seventh episode for 63 Up and has provided us with<br />

an amusing taster of what to expect in the next episode.<br />

“Alas, my age is rapidly approaching the next multiple of seven which<br />

means another septennial episode in the documentary. This time they<br />

caught up with us in New York on holiday (as the director, Michael<br />

Apted, lives in the USA).<br />

“The episode will show George, our younger son, and me in Times<br />

Square. In another scene, I was being filmed walking along a street with<br />

brownstone houses in Brooklyn. The car with the camera was travelling<br />

at walking speed. Backed up behind it were 10 cars including two cabs.<br />

All the cars were blaring their hooters. Michael exited from the car with<br />

the camera and berated them all. ‘This is an important documentary and<br />

you will have to wait!” The cabbies explained, in quite graphic terms,<br />

where he could put his so-called important documentary!”<br />

Make sure you catch the episode airing on ITV in spring 2019!<br />


The Queen<br />

Robin Ollington (OA 1947) is well known for being<br />

the illustrator who sparked a Christmas tradition.<br />

One evening when passing Buckingham Palace at<br />

Christmas, he noticed the lack of festivities and wrote to<br />

The Queen suggesting where to place a Christmas tree. The<br />


Queen responded and ever since, a tree has stood in the<br />

window of Buckingham Palace every Christmas! You may<br />

also recognise Robin’s illustrations on some of the postal<br />

stamps that have graced your letters over the years.<br />

Robin and Albany Wiseman (OA 1946) have recently<br />

finished illustrating Captain Coram: Champion for Children,<br />

a new children’s book telling the remarkable but little known<br />

story of Thomas Coram, who campaigned for welfare,<br />

education and rights of vulnerable children in the early 18th<br />

Century. The charity Coram, founded in Thomas’ name,<br />

will be distributing copies to every primary school and<br />

library in England.<br />

On 5th December 2018, Her Majesty The Queen opened a<br />

new building at Coram’s central London campus dedicated<br />

to children’s rights and named in her honour. Robin had the<br />

pleasure of finally meeting Her Majesty after their exchange<br />

of letters many years ago. Congratulations go to Robin and<br />

Albany for illustrating and Frank Lee for producing such<br />

a wonderful book, which we’re sure will be read across the<br />

country for many years to come.

6<br />

7<br />


Inducted to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame<br />


As many OAs already know, former students, Rod<br />

Argent (OA 1963) and Paul Atkinson (OA 1964),<br />

formed part of The Zombies when they were pupils<br />

at St Albans School in 1961.<br />

It has recently been announced that the band have been<br />

inducted into The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and will feature<br />

in a new exhibit, putting The Zombies’ career and music in<br />

the spotlight. The surviving band members Hugh Grundy,<br />

Chris White, Colin Blunstone and Rod Argent will be<br />

dedicating the exhibit on Wednesday 12th July 2019.<br />

Items on display will include Paul Atkinson’s acoustic<br />

guitar, which he used when recording ‘Tell Her No’, Rod<br />

Argent’s Hohner electric pianet and sheet music.<br />

Fans will be able to learn how the band have influenced<br />

popular music and artists such as Dave Grohl and the Arctic<br />

Monkeys, and how the members dealt with their fame.<br />

Rod Argent reminisces on The Zombies journey over the<br />

years…<br />

“I think it’s almost impossible for those born later than us to<br />

understand the unbelievably huge culture gap which then<br />

existed between England and America. If anyone had told<br />

me on that fateful first day that 58 years later our names<br />

could possibly be indelibly recorded alongside some of<br />

our all-time musical heroes - including Miles Davis, Elvis<br />

Presley, Ray Charles and The Beatles - well, we would have<br />

regarded them as clinically insane.<br />

“And yet this, from such small beginnings, is what has<br />

happened. I’ve woken up more mornings than I can possibly<br />

count thinking how extraordinarily lucky I have been<br />

to have been able to earn a good living all my life from<br />

something I would otherwise have actually paid<br />

to do...<br />

“To now have been recognised in what once, all those years<br />

ago, would have seemed such a totally unimaginable way,<br />

feels like a thrill, a privilege and a true honour.”<br />

Huge congratulations go to the band!<br />


(OA 1960)<br />

Former Head of School Milo Knights recently had the unique opportunity to not only work on-set for the<br />

Red Nose Day sequel to <strong>Four</strong> Weddings and a Funeral but to also work with one of our most renowned Old<br />

Albanians and Director of the film, Mike Newell (OA 1960).<br />

We caught up with Milo to see how he got on…<br />

How was it working with Mike?<br />

It was a really great experience to work with Mike. Having<br />

known of him and the films he has made, it would be<br />

understandable to feel nervous prior to meeting him.<br />

However, any such apprehension was immediately evaporated<br />

by his warm welcome and delightful charm. Personally, it<br />

was incredibly insightful to see him work and be able to gain<br />

some invaluable advice whenever he had a spare moment.<br />

What did your day-to-day tasks involve?<br />

I was mainly working with the producer and production team<br />

for the film. The production team is responsible for pulling<br />

the whole project together and ensuring that all the necessary<br />

facets of the film come together smoothly. It's difficult to<br />

specify the "day-to-day" tasks as no two days were the same. I<br />

would be assisting with administrative tasks one minute and<br />

travelling across London running errands the next; making<br />

for a very dynamic experience. Additionally, given the nature<br />

of the project, it was exciting to be dealing with documents<br />

and tasks involving the very recognisable cast.<br />

A highlight for me was spending a couple of days working<br />

with the costume department for the film. This again<br />

highlighted the diverse and dynamic nature of the experience.<br />

It was fantastic to see the process involved with building the<br />

costumes and outfits for the characters. Also to be present for<br />

a costume fitting for one of the actors was a great experience,<br />

seeing the character come to life.<br />

Do you think this is a career route you would like to pursue?<br />

It is definitely something that I would consider as a career<br />

route, especially after having such an eye-opening experience<br />


By Milo Knights (OA 2015)<br />

on this project. I'm still unsure of what path to take in terms<br />

of a career, but I've been incredibly fortunate to have an<br />

experience like this which has given me such a unique insight<br />

into this particular area. It has certainly fuelled an interest in<br />

the world of media and film.<br />

How were the cast? Any spoilers?!<br />

The cast were brilliant, and from my perspective, it was very<br />

surreal to be on the set and actually see these actors perform<br />

live. The shooting of the film took place over two days, which<br />

were both long hours and very intense, so it was quite funny<br />

how quickly you became accustomed to seeing these famous<br />

faces around! Unfortunately, my lips are sealed in terms of<br />

spoilers, but as those who have seen the original might have<br />

guessed, it does involve a wedding. Naturally, things perhaps<br />

don't go as expected...!<br />

What did you learn from the experience?<br />

This experience was a big learning curve for me, working<br />

in an industry in which I had no prior knowledge or idea<br />

of what it would entail. The project was a short film for<br />

Comic Relief and as such, I got to see the whole process from<br />

preparation to filming. This was the most insightful learning<br />

experience. It enabled me to appreciate the many different<br />

phases of filming that would usually take place over a much<br />

longer period for a feature film.<br />

Finally, it was inspiring to see how the hard work of many<br />

different people in different specialised areas - however great<br />

or small the contribution - came together under the same<br />

common goal of producing the best film they can.<br />

25-years after the original film was released, the one-off special<br />

sequel was shown during the Red Nose Day broadcast on 15th<br />

March 2019.

8<br />

9<br />


The School has launched its next fundraising campaign<br />

with a short animation film (available to view in the<br />

Foundation section of the School website), outlining<br />

the range of life-changing opportunities that are available via<br />

our Bursary scheme. We have always provided a number of<br />

bursaries at St Albans School, including 100% fee remission<br />

for those families most in need, and this new fundraising<br />

campaign aims to further increase the number of local<br />

students that we can support.<br />

Many of our OAs who benefitted from the Direct Grant<br />

scheme will recognise the value of a School Bursary and we<br />

hope they will choose to support us for the benefit of future<br />

generations of pupils.<br />

Bursaries are entirely different from academic scholarships:<br />

bursaries are awarded solely through means-testing of<br />

applicants who have performed strongly in the entrance<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />


Current Fees £18,600<br />

Gift of £14,880 per annum or<br />

£1,240 per month (+ gift aid)<br />



- 2 YEARS’ SUPPORT<br />

£1,240 net per month,<br />

for 2 years (24 months)<br />

examination. This process is entirely confidential. Indeed,<br />

even our staff are unaware of which families receive financial<br />

support. Scholarships, on the other hand, are a publicly<br />

celebrated distinction awarded for excellence in specified<br />

areas – these are not funded by the St Albans School<br />

Foundation but directly by the School’s scholarship fund.<br />

In awarding a bursary, means-testing is undertaken rigorously<br />

by an external agency, to ensure that our limited funds are<br />

directed to families who are in the most need of assistance.<br />

We have recently introduced a supplementary fund for those<br />

on 100% bursaries, (who would qualify for free School meals<br />

in the maintained sector), to help with additional costs such<br />

as lunches, transport and School trips.<br />

Further details of how to make a donation are below. We<br />

would also encourage our former pupils to collaborate with<br />

others in their year group to fund a ‘Class of ’ Bursary(ies).<br />



I would like to make a single gift of<br />



- 5 YEARS’ SUPPORT<br />

£1,240 net per month,<br />

for 5 years (60 months)<br />

as follows:<br />

Name on card:<br />



- 7 YEARS’ SUPPORT<br />

£1,240 net per month,<br />

for 7 years (84 months)<br />

<br />

Sue Gregory writes...<br />

MEET THE<br />


Sue Gregory<br />

The School has recently appointed Sue Gregory as Archivist. Sue’s role involves<br />

managing the Museum and helping to preserve over 1,000 years of rich history.<br />

Hello to everyone, the School appointed me as<br />

Archivist in October, taking over from the voluntary<br />

hands of Alderman Nigel WoodSmith, Michael<br />

Hollins and Mike Highstead, who I would like to thank<br />

for their efforts in starting up the Museum for the School.<br />

Although the role is new for me at the School, I have been an<br />

archivist for many years, mainly working within businesses<br />

but also helping to set up an archive at a school similar to St<br />

Albans School.<br />

My intention for the Archive is to continue to keep records<br />

of all the pupils and staff, as well as chronicles of schoollife<br />

and its activities, at either Pen Arthur, Woollams or the<br />

various expeditions abroad. In addition, I will continue the<br />

very important research conducted on the Roll of Honour for<br />

those OAs who made the ultimate sacrifice.<br />

Our archives are extremely important in providing evidence<br />

of activities and telling a story of our institution and the<br />

individuals who are connected with it. The archives also<br />

increase our understanding of culture and beliefs of the<br />

time, both in education and in the city of St Albans so it is<br />

important we organise and store the plethora of individual<br />

items responsibly and appropriately.<br />

touch with me with on sgregory@st-albans.herts.sch.uk,<br />

with any information, I would be very grateful! I am also<br />

looking for photographs of drama performances throughout<br />

the years and posters advertising such events. I would like<br />

to add if you are having a clear out, and the items you have<br />

are no longer needed, then please do think of the archive<br />

and Museum of the School, which would gladly receive your<br />

items!<br />

I look forward to meeting more Old Albanians in the coming<br />

months. In the meantime, please bear with me whilst I get to<br />

grips with names, and who is who!<br />

Telephone:<br />

Email:<br />


If you wish for your donation to the St Albans<br />

School Bursary Fund to remain anonymous,<br />

please tick here<br />

If your gift is made on behalf of or in memory of<br />

somebody, please provide details.<br />

£<br />

£1,240 £14,880<br />

I would like to set up a standing order -<br />

please send me the relevant form<br />

I enclose a cheque made payable<br />

to St Albans School Foundation<br />

I enclose a Charities Aid Foundation<br />

(CAF) voucher<br />

Please debit my:<br />

Visa / Delta MasterCard UK Maestro<br />

Card number :<br />

Start Date / <strong>Issue</strong> No. (if applicable)<br />

Expiry Date:<br />

Security Code:<br />

Signature:<br />

Date:<br />

xx / xx<br />

(3 digit code on the back of the card)<br />

xx / xx<br />

I would like to collect items which form part of the life of an<br />

Old Albanian, whether staff or pupil, this could be in the form<br />

of a specific artefact, their life’s work or letters and ephemera<br />

relating to their family. My long-term goal is to increase the<br />

accessibility of the Museum and archive, for current pupils,<br />

OAs and the wider community. Currently, the Museum is<br />

only open to the public during the City’s Heritage events and<br />

by appointment. I will most certainly keep everyone informed<br />

as to how we progress with this.<br />

My first big ask of <strong>Versa</strong> readers is for information which<br />

relates to the School Choir, in particular, the Headmaster<br />

William Marsh’s last concert held in 1963, or the 1973<br />

Berlioz Concert recorded in the Abbey. If you can get in

10 Featured OA<br />

11<br />

How did you come to attend St Albans School?<br />

I grew up in Potters Bar where Dame Alice Owens is the<br />

usual go-to school. I applied, but there wasn’t any space for<br />

me and my parents faced the prospect of being left with an<br />

undesirable school. It was then they thought about private<br />

education. We were from a modest background so it was a<br />

big decision to send me to an independent school. I sat the<br />

entrance exam very late and started the same year as Andrew<br />

Grant [Former Headmaster].<br />

What was most memorable for you at School?<br />

I really enjoyed CCF. I remember Major Everitt fondly – he is<br />

someone I would love to meet again. I was a Scout so I loved<br />

the CCF camps. The Cadet Force was a clear winner for me<br />

and became my favourite part of the week.<br />

What came after School?<br />

I studied for four years at Southampton University which led<br />

me to a career in IT Consultancy.<br />

I joined the OTC at Southampton and whilst I enjoyed it, I<br />

found it much stricter than CCF, as you would expect! After<br />

an OTC summer camp, I was on the bus home with a friend<br />

who said they fancied joining the Caving Club and I thought<br />

it sounded fun. There was no one waking you up at 6am with<br />

a bugle for starters! I was hooked and stayed with the Club<br />

for three years. After university, I worked in a Dive Centre in<br />

the Costa del Sol for a while. I then came home to a job in IT<br />

and decided to take up a hobby in cave diving, combining the<br />

two sports.<br />

Where did this hobby take you?<br />


In the summer of 2018, 12 boys and their football coach found themselves<br />

trapped in a Thai cave. The story of what happened next gripped the world,<br />

and at the heart of their dramatic rescue was Chris Jewell (OA 2000)…<br />

I joined an organisation called the Cave Diving Group – it<br />

is the oldest recreational diving club in the world. Its main<br />

purpose is to take cavers, and teach them how to dive, rather<br />

than teaching divers how to cave. With this group, I took part<br />

in various expeditions in the UK; including the Mendip Hills<br />

and the Yorkshire Dales.<br />

escape<br />

One expedition to Mexico led us to establishing the deepest<br />

cave in the western hemisphere. The cave had been explored<br />

and mapped in the 70s, then extended in the 90s and after<br />

that, it was considered too difficult to explore the furthest<br />

reaches until we went there in 2013. We were on site for seven<br />

weeks. We would do multiple days underground at a time, the<br />

longest stint being ten days. Coming out after ten days you’re<br />

a bit grubby and want a beer but being dirty and unwashed<br />

for a while doesn’t bother me! I guess I learned that in CCF.<br />

You have to do what’s necessary to get the job done. If that<br />

means crawling around in mud and not showering, so be it.<br />

How did you come to be involved in the rescue mission in<br />

Thailand?<br />

For a number of years now I have been the Diving Officer of the<br />

British Cave Rescue Council, which is the national governing<br />

body for cave rescue in the UK. The Council have been asked<br />

on serval occasions to provide diving expertise to rescue<br />

operations in other countries.<br />

“The situation was not just<br />

unprecedented, it was unbelievable.”<br />

Rick Stanton, Jason Mallison, John Volanthen and I have been<br />

working with the Council for a number of years. When the<br />

incident started in Thailand, Rick and John went out quickly. I<br />

was then on standby with Jason as the next two divers to go out.<br />

We were called out the day after the boys were found by Rick<br />

and John. The boys were in that cave for fourteen days. Nobody<br />

knew if they were alive - It took ten days before they were<br />

found. The situation in Thailand was unprecedented. Nobody<br />

has ever brought anybody out of a cave in that environment,<br />

with that many underwater sections, let alone the rescue<br />

involving children. The situation was not just unprecedented,<br />

it was unbelievable. If you were to describe it, people wouldn’t<br />

believe it actually happened. It sounds more like a Hollywood<br />

movie but as they say, the truth is stranger than fiction!<br />

At what point was it decided that you would dive to get the<br />

boys out?<br />

There were many experts from around the world on site and<br />

therefore many competing strategies for how to get them out.<br />

Some were considering drilling like the rescue of the Chilean<br />

miners. The problem was nobody could accurately identify<br />

the chamber the boys were in from the surface. So that was<br />

impractical. Others considered pumping the water out but<br />

this wouldn’t work either. The cave is a series of U-bends<br />

which are connected; If you suck water out of one, it will have<br />

no impact on the furthest reaches of the cave.<br />

This was all unfolding at the start of the monsoon season in<br />

South-East Asia. It isn’t unusual for a cave to flood but the<br />

water levels eventually go down and you can walk back out.<br />

In this case, because of the monsoon season, the cave would<br />

soon be almost entirely submerged and would stay that way<br />

for eight months. There was a concern that it would soon be<br />

impossible to dive in the cave. We thought we had a weather<br />

window opportunity to do something. All these decisions<br />

were being considered within a very tight timeframe.<br />

Measurements were indicating that the levels of oxygen in the<br />

cave were also dropping. So a series of options needed to be<br />

disregarded because of time pressures. The only option left<br />

was to dive them out.<br />

The problem was, even though the cave was within my<br />

capabilities, to teach the boys how to dive out of the cave<br />

at a sufficient standard and quality in the time available<br />

would have been impossible. The risk to not only them, but<br />

us as well would have been too high. The chances of them<br />

getting out alive were slim. The only practical idea we had<br />

was to sedate the children. Rick and John contacted a fellow<br />

cave diver in Australia called Dr Robert Harris who is an<br />

anaesthetist. They asked him if he would consider sedating<br />

the children – he said no way! With some persuading, we<br />

got him to change his mind.<br />

The cave diving community is quite small so it’s not unusual<br />

for us to know someone in another profession. In this case,<br />

some of those professions are more useful than others! If<br />

a diver ever needs some computer coding done – I’ll be<br />

right there!<br />

How did the rescue unfold?<br />

The plan was to sedate the boys and give them a full-face<br />

mask. The four UK divers who felt capable to dive the<br />

children out were me, John, Rick and Jason, plus Richard<br />

and a few more divers on site to help with the extraction. The<br />

distance was approximately one and a half kilometres from<br />

where the boys were to the surface. Of that distance, you<br />

are completely submerged for about fifty per cent. It would<br />

normally take about two hours on our own. With the kids, it<br />

would take between three and three and a half hours.<br />

On the first day, four boys volunteered to go first in the<br />

extraction. We dressed them in wet suits, gave them the masks<br />

and sedated them. We held onto those boys all the way and<br />

dived them out. Other divers were stationed along the route<br />

and would help to resupply us with oxygen and re-sedate the<br />

boys if necessary. We would take a boy each day until the<br />

extraction was complete.<br />

The boys were asleep throughout the process and don’t<br />

remember anything. Navigating through small restrictions in<br />

zero visibility was very challenging.<br />

There was an incident on the final day when the guideline I<br />

was following slipped out of my fingers. I ended up following<br />

an electrical cable which wouldn’t have normally been there –<br />

it was part of a previous attempt to reach the boys. I was able<br />

to use it to find my way to the surface. At that point, my stress<br />

levels had elevated slightly – let’s put it that way! That was my<br />

last of four extraction journeys. I was quite happy not to go<br />

back in the cave at that point!<br />

When did it hit you what you had achieved?<br />

There was tremendous relief and elation when the last boy<br />

was out. We were conscious of what we had achieved in saving<br />

the boys’ lives but it only dawned on me later how much of<br />

an impact the story had on people following it around the<br />

world. It captured the imagination of so many people. It’s now<br />

reached a point where we take it in our stride. I’m happy to<br />

talk about it.<br />

What was it like to hear you were going to receive a Queen’s<br />

Gallantry Award?<br />

To receive the gallantry award was lovely. The list was<br />

published in December but I hadn’t told my parents I was on<br />

it. When the names were released, they were overjoyed. The<br />

investiture will happen soon and will be a nice experience to<br />

share with the family.<br />

What’s next?<br />

I want to get back to regular cave diving! I will use the<br />

experience and opportunities created in Thailand to do new<br />

and interesting expeditions. We all do this as a hobby – we<br />

don’t necessarily train for rescue so I’ll be going back to what I<br />

do best which is exploring caves.

12<br />


Update<br />

OA Events<br />


DRINKS<br />

13<br />

The fully–funded Mathematics and<br />

CCF building is currently under<br />

construction on the site of the old<br />

shooting range. The new building will<br />

house a new shooting range and CCF<br />

headquarters on the lower-ground<br />

floor and a bespoke two-storey Maths<br />

Department on the upper and ground<br />

floors. Given recent adverse weather<br />

conditions, we are pleased the build is<br />

currently on target for its opening in<br />

early 2020.<br />

In January, more than 300 tonnes of<br />

concrete were laid in a continuous<br />

pour to create the ground floor. These<br />

images show the progress made,<br />

including laying the foundations and<br />

the upper floors in construction.<br />

A time-lapse film is available to view<br />

on the School website’s homepage,<br />

showing the work up until February<br />

2019, condensed down into a few<br />

minutes.<br />

We are immensely grateful to Nick<br />

Corfield (OA 1977) and others whose<br />

generous support of the Building<br />

Futures campaign has allowed this<br />

project to go ahead.<br />


OA Dinner<br />

On the same evening as the City Networking Drinks,<br />

over 5,000 miles apart, the San Francisco OA<br />

Dinner took place. As is to be expected with an<br />

international event, fewer OAs were in attendance but the<br />

intimate group of seven enjoyed an evening of reminiscing<br />

and good food! Alumni travelled from various parts of the<br />

USA and Tony Penikett (OA 1964) even flew over from<br />

Canada! A big thank you goes to the OAs who went to great<br />

lengths to attend, despite California battling wildfires at<br />

the time.<br />

On Thursday 15th November, we hosted<br />

the annual OA City Networking Drinks at<br />

The Vintry, Abchurch Yard, London. This<br />

event is always perfect for OAs looking for<br />

job opportunities, work experience and<br />

the chance to promote their companies. As<br />

always, it was a very relaxed event, albeit with<br />

a smaller attendance this year of around 50<br />

Old Albanians. The 2019 City Networking<br />

Drinks will again be held in November so<br />

keep your eyes peeled for the date!<br />

The evening was held in the private Library Room at The<br />

University Club of San Francisco and consisted of a threecourse<br />

dinner with drinks.<br />

Murray Anderson (OA 1970) said; “The setting was perfect<br />

for this unique group of individuals - a single round table<br />

in a cosy library environment. Good food and good wine…<br />

For me, pride of place goes to Tony Penikett who not<br />

only travelled the furthest, but also wore his OA's blazer<br />

throughout the evening. In general we all agreed that we<br />

should not wait another 50 years to do this again.”<br />

We endeavour to hold international events biennially (the<br />

previous event being in New York), in locations which are<br />

densely populated with OAs. Do keep an eye out if you are<br />

living abroad because you may be our next stop!

14<br />

15<br />





Steve Thompson<br />

Playwright and screenwriter, Steve Thompson (OA 1985),<br />

returned to his alma mater to deliver a riveting presentation<br />

and Q&A session as part of our ‘Evening with…’ series. The<br />

event, held in the Library on 17th January, was hosted by<br />

Danny Swanson, Drama & Head of Lower School. Steve<br />

discussed his career to date working in film, television and<br />

theatre, sprinkled with fascinating anecdotes from the industry.<br />

Thompson has contributed scripts for several popular shows,<br />

including Silk, Upstairs Downstairs, Doctor Who and the<br />

first three seasons of Sherlock (in collaboration with Steven<br />

Moffat). In 2016, Steve created the period drama series<br />

Jericho, which re-imagines the building of the Ribblehead<br />

Viaduct. Steve is currently teaming up with Frank Spotnitz,<br />

producer of the X- Files and Man in the High Castle, to write<br />

a new seven-part drama Leonardo about the life of Leonardo<br />

da Vinci.<br />

On the morning of Friday 9th November 2018,<br />

the School held its annual Remembrance<br />

Service in the Abbey, commemorating all<br />

of the Servicemen and women, including those Old<br />

Albanians, who gave their lives in the Wars.<br />

Sunday 11th November 2018 marked the centenary<br />

of the end of the First World War and our Service<br />

this year was a moving and symbolic tribute to those<br />

who fought and gave the ultimate sacrifice. The<br />

giving of their todays for our tomorrows was the<br />

epitome of the School’s motto: non nobis nati, born<br />

not for ourselves.<br />

A record number of OAs attended this Remembrance<br />

Service and we are thankful to all of those who joined<br />

us to commemorate this special occasion. To read in<br />

more detail about the Remembrance Service, please<br />

see page 4 of the School side of <strong>Versa</strong>.<br />


DRINKS<br />

Class of 2018<br />

Thank you to the Class<br />

of 2018 who attended<br />

their Recent Leavers’<br />

Drinks at The Peahen<br />

on Monday 17th<br />

December 2018. We had<br />

a phenomenal turn out<br />

of around 80 OAs who<br />

much appreciated the<br />

free drinks and buffet<br />

and went on to party<br />

afterwards! Big thanks<br />

also go to the staff who<br />

attended the event – the<br />

OAs do enjoy reuniting with their former teachers as<br />

friends. Maintaining lifelong relationships between the<br />

OAs and School is very important to us and the Recent<br />

Leavers’ Drinks is just the beginning for pupils leaving<br />

the School.<br />

The Class of 2019’s Recent Leavers’ Drinks event will be<br />

taking place on Monday 16th December this year, so if<br />

any former staff who taught these years are interested<br />

in attending, then please do look out for your invitation<br />

later in the year.<br />

This year’s Regional Drinks event took place in the West<br />

County – Bath. Having previously hosted events in<br />

Durham, Nottingham, Oxford and Salisbury, to name<br />

a few, we were looking for a popular OA spot in a different<br />

part of the country. Bath and Bristol Universities are popular<br />

destinations for our recent leavers and the city is home to a<br />

number of OAs, so it made the perfect location.<br />

The drinks took place in The Bath Brew House on Thursday<br />

7th March. As always, we had a great turnout of younger OAs<br />

(particularly those currently studying at the Universities of Bath<br />

and Bristol), but we also hosted a great number of local OAs<br />

from the area. One such OA was Chris Jewell (OA 2000) who is<br />

renowned for his involvement in the rescue of the trapped boys<br />

in the Thailand cave in 2018 (see more on pages 10 - 11).<br />

We will certainly be holding another regional event next year<br />

around the same date, but the location is yet to be decided.<br />

These events are always a great informal meet-up and the<br />

more, the merrier!<br />

On Wednesday 12th December, OAs, parents and guests<br />

attended another outstanding Carol Service in St Albans<br />

Abbey. The Service is always our most popular event and<br />

this year did not disappoint. The School Choir treated the<br />

congregation to beautiful renditions of ‘Tomorrow Shall<br />

be My Dancing Day’, ‘Once in Royal David’s City’ and<br />

in memory of John Meulkens (OA 1935), ‘I Wonder as<br />

I Wander’. Following the Service, guests enjoyed mulled<br />

wine and mince pies in the Refectory. Many thanks to all<br />

those who joined us.<br />

OA BATH<br />

Regional Drinks<br />

CAROL<br />


16 17<br />

Announcements<br />

Anthony Charles Covell<br />

Hedge (OA 1952)<br />

1934 – 2018<br />

Obituary by Roger Seymour<br />

(OA 1952)<br />

Tony joined<br />

the School in<br />

September<br />

1945. He was<br />

a member of<br />

the 1st XV in<br />

Rugby and<br />

the 1st XI<br />

in Cricket,<br />

as well as<br />

being Head<br />

of School.<br />

St Albans School was his first step<br />

on the rung to meritorious academic<br />

achievement that culminated in being<br />

awarded a State Scholarship and<br />

Open Exhibition to Queen’s College,<br />

Cambridge.<br />

When speaking about Tony in 1951,<br />

Headmaster W.T. Marsh said, “He is<br />

a young man of impeccable character,<br />

pleasant personality and undoubted<br />

ability who should go far”.<br />

Following two years of National<br />

Service in Canada with the Royal Air<br />

Force, Tony returned to the U.K. to<br />

take up his Scholarship at Cambridge<br />

where in addition to his studies he<br />

rowed for Queen’s College Boat Club,<br />

taking part in ‘Bumps’ as well as<br />

playing rugby and tennis.<br />

Tony married Patricia in Richmond,<br />

London in 1958. They emigrated to<br />

Canada where Tony joined the National<br />

Trust, holding many positions ultimately<br />

rising to Senior Vice President.<br />

Tony enjoyed wine and was President<br />

of the Opimian Society of Canada; his<br />

favoured holidays were visiting vineyards<br />

around the world. He was an astute<br />

investor and shared his expertise by<br />

serving on various charitable investment<br />

committees. Tony Hedge died 15th<br />

June 2018 in a hospital in Calgary. He is<br />

survived by his wife Pat, his sister Sheila<br />

and his nephew Simon.<br />


Carol Walker<br />

(Former Staff)<br />

1938 – 2019<br />

Obituary by husband, Chris, and<br />

sons, Tim (OA 1985), Rick (OA<br />

1988) and Mike Walker (OA 1989)<br />

Carol was born in Stirling in 1938 and<br />

attended school at Bridge of Allan<br />

before moving to a boarding school in<br />

Yorkshire and then onto St Andrews<br />

University where she obtained a degree<br />

in Anatomy and Physiology. Whilst at<br />

University she met her future husband<br />

Chris and married in 1965. After stints<br />

at Sheffield Royal Infirmary and The<br />

Royal Brompton, they settled in St<br />

Albans in 1969 raising three sons, Tim,<br />

Rick and Mike. She joined St Albans<br />

School as a Biology Technician in 1976<br />

and enjoyed 22 happy years before<br />

retiring in 1998. Following retirement,<br />

Carol enjoyed an active life partaking in<br />

assorted fitness activities and Scottish<br />

dancing. Carol passed away on 10th<br />

January 2019 following a short illness.<br />

Jonathan Cheek<br />

(OA 1996)<br />

1977 – 2018<br />

Written by widow, Kelly Cheek and<br />

Pascal Culverhouse (OA 1996)<br />

Affectionately known as "Bob" by all<br />

his close OA friends, Jonathan Cheek<br />

passed away peacefully in October 2018<br />

from cancer. He was 40 years old.<br />

Jonathan graduated from Leeds<br />

University with a 2:1 in Geography and<br />

went on to forge a successful career<br />

in marketing that saw him hold the<br />

position of Global Head of Digital for<br />

Land Rover at the time of his passing.<br />

Jonathan spent eight memorable years<br />

as a key member of West Hampstead<br />

Hockey Club, loved snowboarding and<br />

golf, and is survived by his wife Kelly<br />

and two children, Holly and Stanley.<br />

One of the few people who was truly<br />

content in life. A wonderful husband<br />

and father, and general family man.<br />

Understated and much loved. He never<br />

wanted to be in the limelight, never<br />

wanted a fuss made of him, but was the<br />

centre of everything.<br />

In a letter penned to his old School<br />

friends, "Bob" left us with these<br />

immortal words, in reference to his<br />

relatively early passing:<br />

"The most important thing I think, is<br />

to know what is important to you and<br />

what makes you happy and make it<br />

your priority to pursue that as quickly<br />

as possible in life. Because life, even if<br />

you live to 80 or 90 is still short. The<br />

biggest silver lining of my experience<br />

was that it made us think about how<br />

we really wanted to spend our time. We<br />

moved to the country, Kelly quit her job,<br />

we’ve spent pretty much five days a week<br />

together as a family."<br />

Chris Aviss<br />

(OA 1966)<br />

1948 – 2018<br />

Written by daughter, Kathryn<br />

The Aviss’ have a long history with<br />

the sea and sailing so it’s of little<br />

surprise Chris carried on this family<br />

tradition by joining the merchant navy<br />

as an engineer. Being the ambitious,<br />

intelligent man he was (and ever<br />

disliking authority), he studied hard<br />

to become Chief Engineer for P&O<br />

cruise lines traveling the globe. After<br />

retirement, he was free to resume his<br />

favourite pastime of off-roading. He’d<br />

had several Land Rover Defenders<br />

over the years; he bought a brand<br />

new Discovery in 2014 and took that<br />

off-roading, attracting lots of attention<br />

from other enthusiasts!<br />

Chris met his wife Lin in London where<br />

their canal boats were moored up<br />

together and he noticed her boat could<br />

use some maintenance. We moved up to<br />

Yorkshire in 1989.<br />

Mike Rogers<br />

(OA 1964)<br />

1946 – 2019<br />

Written by Mike Hodge (OA 1965)<br />

Mike was at School from 1957 to 1964<br />

and, in his time there, was a Prefect,<br />

played cricket, hockey but most of all<br />

Rugby. This was his passion and The<br />

Albanian magazine (June 1964, 1st<br />

XV report) perfectly describes Mike as<br />

“small in stature but big in heart”. Mike<br />

was the perpetual scrum half in his year,<br />

part of a team which was one of the most<br />

successful in the history of the School.<br />

He continued playing for 15 years at the<br />

OAs and captained a very successful<br />

1st XV. The photograph shows his lion<br />

hearted nature in an OA shirt.<br />

One of Mike’s other passions was music<br />

and he and I did quite a few guitar gigs<br />

together. He was a very good folk singer<br />

and guitarist. We catered for varied<br />

audiences including sending tapes<br />

to the Armed Forces in the Falkland<br />

Conflict in 1982!<br />

Mike spent his working life in<br />

advertising and ended up running his<br />

own successful Agency, Pesenti Rogers.<br />

He suffered a stroke in 2009 and then<br />

battled with cancer which eventually<br />

took his life. As would be expected with<br />

Mike, he fought the disease – with his<br />

lion heart – to the end.<br />

Mike leaves a wife, Carol, two<br />

children, Simon and Amanda and<br />

two grandchildren Kaya and Harvey.<br />

He will be fondly remembered by a<br />

great number of friends whom he met<br />

throughout his life.<br />

John Ottewill<br />

(OA 1958)<br />

1940 – 2018<br />

Written by son, Chris Ottewill<br />

John died peacefully at home in Dyffrn<br />

Ardudwy, Wales, on the 12th October<br />

2018. After leaving School, he studied<br />

Electrical Engineering at Enfield<br />

Technical College. This led to a job in<br />

the control room of a ship travelling<br />

to Aden, after which he worked for<br />

many years in electronics largely in the<br />

Midlands. Here he met his first wife,<br />

Rosemary with whom he had three<br />

children. In the eighties, John decided<br />

on a complete career and life change,<br />

becoming the village postmaster and<br />

shopkeeper in the small village of<br />

Elford, Staffordshire with his second<br />

wife, Jacqueline, continuing to run<br />

the shop for the next 20 years. On<br />

retirement, he moved to West Wales<br />

where he spent the remainder of his<br />

time doing house and garden projects<br />

with his last partner, Mary. The family<br />

are grateful to Mary for the care given<br />

to John during his illness in his final<br />

years, allowing him to fulfil his final<br />

wish of dying peacefully at home.<br />

Fred Arnold<br />

(OA 1942)<br />

1925 – 2019<br />

Written by Ken Garrett (OA 1942)<br />

I am privileged to submit these few<br />

words about a very special dedicated<br />

sportsman and friend - Fred.<br />

We first met in 1936 at the School,<br />

when Fred told me that his father had<br />

heard amusing stories of my friendship<br />

with his relatives in the village of<br />

Wheathampstead where I then lived – a<br />

good start for a friendship!<br />

We used to meet on the rugby pitch<br />

as players in the Junior School 1st XV.<br />

Fred a hooker and place kicker and<br />

I as full-back. For the next six years<br />

we played in the same team, during<br />

which I was impressed by his play;<br />

scoring many points by conversions<br />

and penalties, often winning the match.<br />

He was a stickler for the rules and<br />

always happy to shake hands with the<br />

opponents - win or lose.<br />

In his last year at School, he was a<br />

popular Head Boy. Fred was an allround<br />

sportsman and as such, cricket<br />

was also his forte. As Captain, he was<br />

top of the bowling and batting averages.<br />

Being a Redbourn boy he also played<br />

for the village XI which he captained for<br />

several years.<br />

Fred is survived by two sons - not<br />

surprisingly - cricketers! He will be<br />

missed by countless people. With happy<br />

memories of a very precious friend.

18 OA Lodge 19<br />

THE<br />



in festival<br />

by John Williams (OA 1964)<br />

It’s the cloth caps you notice first: the downturned brims<br />

and downcast eyes, no one looking up, an idle foot<br />

rolling a pebble into the farmyard’s packed earth,<br />

the sole of a boot aimlessly working a stone into the soil and<br />

dung.<br />

The photograph catches farmers, hands thrust into pockets,<br />

calloused fingers sifting loose change from slivers of straw<br />

while out of shot the auctioneer leans, immaculate against a<br />

rusted plough.<br />

Three men stand in the background, backs turned<br />

like minor characters in a Breughel painting<br />

as a large man leans against the wall, digging uselessly<br />

for a match to light the cigarette hanging on his lower lip.<br />


By Pat Taylor, Senior Master<br />

There are no bids, no money, no one to make a deal.<br />

All they offer is their mute support, knowing they might be next<br />

and so look downwards, eyelines slanting into the earth.<br />

God, it’s bleak, this jumble of men longing for better days,<br />

overcoats over scarecrow jumpers, worn-out trousers,<br />

boots that have seen better days, hunched shoulderblades<br />

sharp as ploughshares, men who know the land<br />

and know that they are spent, standing<br />

staring earthwards at the end of days.<br />

Based on ‘The Farm Sale’, by Chris Killip<br />

Since early 2014, the<br />

Masonic Province of<br />

Hertfordshire has been<br />

‘in Festival’, collecting for the<br />

Royal Masonic Trust for Girls<br />

and Boys. The Festival ends this<br />

summer and the Old Albanian<br />

Lodge will be one of very few<br />

Lodges in the Province which<br />

will have raised in excess of a<br />

magnificent £50,000 towards<br />

the £3million target set by our<br />

Provincial Grand Master.<br />

The Royal Masonic Trust for<br />

Girls and Boys (RMTGB) was<br />

the oldest of the four Masonic<br />

charities prior to the creation<br />

of the new Masonic Charitable<br />

Foundation in 2016. The<br />

origins of the RMTGB go back to 1788, when Chevalier<br />

Bartholomew Ruspini and the Duchess of Cumberland<br />

founded a school for “the daughters of distressed Masons”.<br />

A similar provision for boys was established in 1798 but<br />

the two charities didn’t merge to form the RMTGB until<br />

the 1980s.<br />

Bartholomew Ruspini was born in 1728, in Zogno, about<br />

40 miles northeast of Milan. He was a minor member of a<br />

patrician family originating in the ancient Italian region of<br />

Como. Ruspini trained as a surgeon and came to London in<br />

1759. He was then initiated into the Burning Bush Lodge in<br />

Bristol, became a founder of the Lodge of the Nine Muses<br />

and helped the Prince of Wales, of whom he had become a<br />

good friend, set up the Prince of Wales’s Lodge. He achieved<br />

the masonic rank of Grand Sword Bearer, a rank he held<br />

until his death.<br />

Ruspini had a willingness to help others who had suffered<br />

misfortune. He had a desire to help the children of masons<br />

who had died or were unable to support their families. He<br />

did this by setting up the Royal Masonic School for Girls to<br />

provide education to the daughters of masons.<br />

He secured the first funding from his wealthy connections,<br />

including the Prince of Wales and the Dukes of York and<br />

Gloucester. Fifteen girls met at Ruspini’s house on Pall Mall<br />

and processed to the new school, on the site of what is now<br />

the British Library.<br />

Ruspini soon needed further funding for his school and so<br />

on its first anniversary he organised a church service and<br />

a dinner at which his masonic connections were invited to<br />

make donations. The event was called a ‘festival’ and the<br />

collection an ‘appeal’. It raised 82 pounds, 10 shillings and 6<br />

pence, about £9,000 in today’s values. That was freemasonry’s<br />

first Festival Appeal and it gave birth to the festival system<br />

which has endured for well over 200 years. By now, Ruspini<br />

had acquired a wide reputation for benevolence and as result<br />

he received a papal knighthood conferring the title Chevalier.<br />

RMTGB now has a mission to relieve poverty and advance<br />

the education of children of Masonic families and when funds<br />

permit, support children in need from non-masonic families.<br />

The future of the younger generation depends very much on<br />

the quality of their education and in the case of a family with<br />

a Masonic connection, the charity will do everything possible<br />

to see that process complete, should a Masonic family fall on<br />

hard times. That said, please don’t imagine that the children<br />

supported are having their school fees found because in<br />

the main, the beneficiaries attend their local state schools.<br />

However, in the independent sector, support is provided if the<br />

distress occurs once the child has already started their school<br />

career, to maintain the stability of their education. Individual<br />

Lodges also act independently, as was the case in the 1980s,<br />

when the Old Albanian Lodge provided support for the<br />

daughter of one of our members who died prematurely.<br />

You can’t put a price on the value of a stable education!<br />


20 OA Sports<br />

21<br />


Two New Members<br />

Over the winter, our activities are reduced and<br />

restricted to overseas where the weather is now<br />

favourable. One of our members, Adrian Blackwell,<br />

sent us this photo (right) from Spain to prove that he does<br />

catch the occasional fish.<br />

Now that spring is coming, we look forward to trout fishing<br />

outings to Dorset and the Peak District, together with coarse<br />

fishing on the Norfolk Broads. Although reduced in numbers,<br />

we held our annual Fishwives Supper in November, which<br />

was enjoyed by all.<br />

OA Fishing Club<br />

by Geoff Cannon (OA 1945)<br />


The Club is going from strength to strength, whilst<br />

other clubs countrywide are struggling with putting<br />

teams out, we have consolidated and regularly put<br />

out four senior Men’s sides each week, with a very successful<br />

and ever-expanding Women’s side of the Club too. We are<br />

very proud that we can offer rugby for everyone, at all levels,<br />

whether you want to be in National 2 South like our 1st XV,<br />

or competitive league rugby with the Romans (our 2nds)<br />

and Gladiators (our 3rds) or social level like the Grizzlies<br />

(our 4ths). On the Women’s side, we have a senior and junior<br />

Saints Club at U18, U15 and U13 and finally over 900+ Minis<br />

& Juniors…OAs cater for all.<br />

At the time of writing this article (mid March), our 1st XV<br />

currently sit in 6th position in National 2 South, our Romans<br />

are in 9th position in the very competitive Zoo Sports Shield<br />

Division 2 League and both our Gladiators & our Grizzlies<br />

sit 2nd respectively in their Leagues, Herts Middx Merit<br />

Table 3 and Herts Middx Merit Table 4SW. The most current<br />

exciting news is that our Saints have just won their League,<br />

RFU Women’s Championship South East 2 Division, with a<br />

game to spare. They are also in the Semi Final of the Women’s<br />

Intermediate Cup against Newbury Ladies, which takes place<br />

at The Woollam Playing Fields on Sunday 24th March.<br />

One of our former Saints, Sarah McKenna, is not only playing<br />

Full Back for England Ladies in the season’s Six Nations<br />

Women’s Championship but also helps coach our senior<br />

and junior Women’s sides. One of our Junior Saints, Kelsey<br />

OA Rugby Football Club<br />

by Richard Milnes<br />

Clifford, was selected and captained England U18s against<br />

Scotland U18s in February. Our U17s Boys have already won<br />

their League, as have our U15s and U14s Boys. So, a lot of<br />

excellent rugby is being played throughout our Club. Sunday<br />

mornings at Woollams are a joy to see, with many youngsters<br />

from our Rugby Rats (U5s) right the way through to the U18s<br />

enjoying this wonderful game of rugby.<br />

As a Club, we have a history of touring and this year is no<br />

exception, with both the Men’s and the Women’s sides going<br />

to Bournemouth. We also welcomed two French sides to play<br />

the Grizzlies - Olympique Marcquois Rugby from Lille and<br />

Gars Barrus from Paris. It is a fantastic way to expand our<br />

friendships and rugby connections further afield.<br />

A rugby club is built on its members and a very important<br />

aspect of this is the social side. This season, we have seen a<br />

number of social events brought back which builds on the<br />

‘One Club’ mentality. The annual fireworks night was a great<br />

success as well as the Halloween and Christmas socials. We<br />

regularly hold themed lunches which coincide with the 1st<br />

Team playing at home. This year, we are also excited for the<br />

return of the Old Albanian Rugby Club Ball.<br />

With our close connection to Saracens, we regularly arrange<br />

for our Mini and Junior sides to visit Allianz Park, where<br />

they get to be part of the guard of honour, play on the pitch<br />

at half-time and of course, watch Saracens play.<br />

All in all, our Old Albanian Rugby Club is in good health.<br />

We have had approaches from two new members, both of<br />

whom reside far away from St Albans. They will inform us<br />

when they are in the area and are able to attend our planned<br />

outings. We welcome new members from all over the country<br />

– if you would like to participate in our activities, please do<br />

get in contact via the details on page 2.<br />

Progression is defined as, “The process of developing<br />

or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.”<br />

Were the <strong>Versa</strong> reader to look for a real world example,<br />

they need not look any further than their own Old Albanian<br />

Football Club.<br />

Established less than two years ago, the remarkable pace<br />

at which the Club has not only found its feet in a league<br />

dominated by schools who have been within the Arthurian<br />

league for over 30 years, but to be pushing for promotion in just<br />

their second full season, well.. (insert shocked emoticon here).<br />

As Club Chairman Nick Jackson wrote in the Autumn 2018<br />

issue, the OAFC had a fantastic start to their season with a<br />

preseason victory against a combination of Aldenhamians Is<br />

& IIs. This was a test for the team, competing against players<br />

currently plying their trade two and three divisions above<br />

OAFC. However, the progress in player recruitment and<br />

tactical development paid dividends as the team won 8-4.<br />

Progressing to the full season, the A’s started off in winning<br />

ways, with back to back victories against opposition that had<br />

caused them trouble in the previous year. However, playing<br />

against a new team within the Arthurian set up, OAFC<br />


OA Football Club<br />

by Richard D’Rosario (OA 2012)<br />

lost 7-1 to Kimboltonians - a disappointment to many an<br />

Albanian I’m sure. However, whilst this was, and still remains,<br />

the Club’s largest defeat (and by some margin), in a spirit<br />

that can only be credited to those early years at St Albans<br />

School, the squad showed true “bounce-back ability” against<br />

Kimboltonians who had so convincingly won a fortnight<br />

earlier, winning a 3-2 derby day classic - A real turning point<br />

in the season. OAFC, going on to a three game winning streak<br />

scoring 16 goals in the process, with arguably the highlight<br />

of the season being a 6-1 cup demolition against a team<br />

two divisions above them. The march from a club ‘making<br />

progress’ to one securing points now clearly evident.<br />

At the time of writing, the Club currently sits top of their<br />

league, with one point from their remaining two league games<br />

guaranteeing a playoff place and a chance at promotion.<br />

As much excitement looms ahead of the pending clash<br />

between OAFC and the St Albans School 1st XI on<br />

30th March - the OA machine continues to move forward<br />

as a home to Albanians long after School.<br />

For those interested to join or find out more please find<br />

contact details for the Club on page 2.

22<br />

23<br />


Look for more on this further on!<br />

When I wrote for the Autumn issue in 2018, we were<br />

poised for our season finale at Bisley against the<br />

Old Alleynians. Expectations were high and the<br />

stage was set for a classic result. Well, we got one of those all<br />

right, we came second (378.25 to 381.26) so our chance to<br />

lead the pack and extend our run of wins to six in a row came<br />

crashing to an end. The Alleynians were surprised and of<br />

course delighted - our congratulations go to them.<br />

At the time of writing, we are looking at a new season at<br />

Bisley, kicking off with a second attempt at electronic targets,<br />

this time at 600yds. We have a full calendar of events planned;<br />

however, this year, because of demand for range allocation,<br />

we face fines if we have to cancel so please, check the website<br />

(www.oashooting.com) and put the event dates in your diary<br />

in indelible ink, double underlined in red and turn up!<br />

As predicted in September, our small-bore team in the Herts<br />

Summer Rifle League slipped from Team 6 in Division 1 to<br />

Team 5 in Division 2 for the 2018/19 winter league. At the<br />

time of writing, Round 8 of 10, we have won every Round and<br />

exceeded our entered average (378.0 ex 400) for all rounds<br />

and cannot be overtaken. We currently lead the Division by<br />

six clear points and by 33 on aggregate. With two rounds to<br />

go, I have just sneaked ahead of Martin Warr (who continues<br />

to shoot for the Herts County Team) on aggregate by three<br />

points. However, there are still two rounds to go! Well done<br />

all and keep up the good work. Summer 2019 Groundhog<br />

Day here we come!<br />

To add to the inevitable frustrations at the start of a new<br />

season, the beginning of the winter 18/19 small-bore season<br />

saw a problem with NSRA targets. My understanding is that<br />

their printers changed from old analogue printing machinery<br />

to a shiny new digital kit. Amongst other things, there were<br />

variations in the text, the width of printed scoring rings and the<br />

intervals between rings.<br />

There then followed a stop on shooting while the various<br />

parties established the extent of the errors. Printing went<br />

A Team<br />

AD Lewis 100 (94)<br />

AWB Wilkie 95 (96)<br />

N Tubby 95 (95)<br />

SGM Brooks 93<br />

AQS Moore 89<br />

Total 472 6th (8th)<br />

OA Rifle Club<br />

by Andrew Wilkie (OA 1965)<br />

Well done everyone. Let’s see if the improvements continue this year.<br />

into full swing and the NSRA started an exchange scheme,<br />

presumably financed by the printers, and all was well. The<br />

only problem has been that delayed shooting dates effectively<br />

doubled up the shooting load at the start of the New Year.<br />

Last September I said I would research results of the BSSRA<br />

Veterans Match 2017/18 as they were eluding me at the time<br />

of writing. Well, this year’s scores are in the table below as<br />

follows (2016/17 scores in brackets).<br />

Of course, shooting is a frustrating sport even at the best of<br />

times. One minute you’re up and could get bulls with both<br />

eyes shut and a bent barrel, the next you couldn’t hit a barn<br />

door from the inside! It’s all part of the ongoing challenge we<br />

love so much. However, enjoyable as the challenge might be,<br />

time inevitably starts to catch up and the team members come<br />

to a point where their transition through a shooting career<br />

tapers towards an end.<br />

Mention shooting in conversation with an OA, even the<br />

younger ones, and inevitably, Owen Simmons’ (OA 1960)<br />

name leaps to the fore. His shooting career started in the days<br />

of Major LG Walker as did most of those currently shooting<br />

full-bore, meaning there is a group of characters in the Club<br />

who have been shooting and administering Club activities<br />

for well over fifty years! This group will need to hand over<br />

their duties to younger shooters in the very near future or a<br />

large part of the essence of OA shooting that we appreciate<br />

today will vanish, potentially almost overnight. As a younger<br />

shooter, I can recall helping out with various activities and<br />

learning the ropes that way. Of course, the task has become<br />

more complex over the years but the principle of learning on<br />

the job by assisting is still valid. My suggestion, for what it is<br />

worth, is that we actively look for tasks that stand alone such<br />

that the assistant can do the job at their own pace. If there are<br />

any of you who would like to offer your assistance for some<br />

of these peripheral activities then as they say on the airlines<br />

“Please make yourself known to the pilot”.<br />

Good shooting to all in 2019 and see you at Bisley.<br />

B Team<br />

A Abrahams 96<br />

OL Simmons 94 (94)<br />

CM Oates 94 (93)<br />

J Oliver 89<br />

RN Cluff 89 (88)<br />

Total 462 7th (10th)<br />


for Kevin O’Donoghue<br />

The year 2018 will be remembered by weather buffs as<br />

containing one of the driest and warmest summers in<br />

recent history. The OAGS enjoyed some further matches<br />

and events during the second half of the season. Our match<br />

against a strong Old Haberdashers side at Harpenden Common<br />

Golf Club ended all square (same result as 2017). Historically,<br />

we have a good record against Habs being unbeaten during the<br />

past five seasons.<br />

Unfortunately, the result against Old Chomeleians was quite<br />

the reverse and we suffered a disappointing defeat. There is<br />

something about the Highgate course that does not suit the<br />

OAs (although, famously, a few years ago the London Schools<br />

<strong>Four</strong>somes Trophy was won by the OAs in competition with a<br />

dozen participants). The Highgate course is high up and hilly<br />

with several sloping fairways and, clearly, has an effect on our<br />

normal precision golf.<br />

Captain Graham Tate (OA 1960) diplomatically failed to<br />

mention these issues in his after dinner speech and generously<br />

praised the Old Chums for a magnificent performance and<br />

expressed thanks for a highly enjoyable supper in the Highgate<br />

Clubhouse. 16 members descended upon Lakeside Lodge at<br />

the beginning of October for the annual three-day away trip.<br />

There was great camaraderie as always and enjoyable golf with<br />

different formats during the outing. Some interesting ten pin<br />

bowling was the après golf activity prior to supper! Graham<br />

The cricket season gets under way on the Saturday after<br />

Easter, 27th April, with a couple of friendlies before the league<br />

campaign commences. The first Saracens Herts Premier<br />

Cricket League match is on 11th May. The first six league<br />

fixtures in Division 1 for our 1st XI are:<br />

OA Golf Club<br />

by Peter Dredge (OA 1960)<br />

OA Cricket Club<br />

by Richard Morgan (OA 1979)<br />

kindly presented a trophy for the winner of the individual<br />

competition and the recipient of the Tate Trophy 2018 was<br />

Simon Cooper with 39 Stableford points.<br />

The final event of the season involved the competition at Mid-<br />

Herts Golf Club for the Briggs Goblets, a four-ball better-ball<br />

Stableford format. Two pairs scored 40 points each but, after a<br />

count back over the final nine holes and a stewards enquiry, the<br />

winners were declared as Kevin O’Donoghue (OA 1959) and<br />

Rick Drakard (OA 1963) with John Cash (OA 1963) and Ross<br />

Murray (OA 1954) being runners-up. Kevin also won the Briggs<br />

Goblets in 2017, so this victory represents a remarkable double.<br />

Captain Graham Tate has retired after two successful years as<br />

OAGS Captain. As well as presenting the above mentioned<br />

trophy, Graham has attended all our fixtures and matches and<br />

played some excellent golf. All members wish to record their<br />

thanks to Graham for his valued contribution to the well-being<br />

and continuity of the Society. Peter Dredge (OA 1960) will be<br />

the new Captain for the 2019 season.<br />

Looking ahead, details of the 2019 programme will be<br />

forwarded to members by Kevin O’Donoghue who has kindly<br />

taken on the role of Hon. Sec.<br />

All OAs are most welcome to attend any of our events and are<br />

asked to contact Kevin O’Donoghue via the details on page 2.<br />


11th May: Harpenden II Home<br />

18th May: Preston Away<br />

25th May: Knebworth Park Home<br />

1st June: Kings Langley Away<br />

8th June: Ickleford Home<br />

15th June: Langleybury Away<br />

This summer sees some new management coming into the<br />

Club. David Goodier is the new Chairman and Simon Bates<br />

is Director of Cricket. If anyone is interested in playing for<br />

one of our four Saturday league sides you should contact<br />

Simon at simon.bates@s2mprofits.co.uk<br />

or on 07720 383600.<br />

On Sunday 23rd June, what is becoming the annual OACC<br />

Legends Day, will be held at Wollam Playing Fields - when the<br />

team with that moniker, featuring many of our veteran players<br />

of yesteryear, will play the Hertfordshire Lord's Taverners. The<br />

game is preceded by a lunch for Vice Presidents, sponsors,<br />

Taverners and players. Information on the day can be obtained<br />

from Richard Morgan via the contact details on page 2.

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