PAGE 22 Wednesday <strong>April</strong> 3 <strong>2019</strong> BAY HARBOUR Latest Christchurch news at style noun elegance and sophistication. synonyms: flair, grace, poise, polish, suaveness, urbanity, chic, finesse, taste, class, comfort, luxury, affluence, wealth, opulence, lavishness. MAGAZINE STYLE.KIWI
• By Sophie Cornish WORKSAFE NEW Zealand Brighton’s Hawke St car park. Coastal-Burwod Ward city counci lor David East wants WorkSafe to pre sure the car park’s private owners into a “trip and vehicle” hazard. WorkSafe chief inspector a se sment southern Da ren Surf club move Safety at Work Act 2015, “as a to rebuild on new site undertaking.” Mr Handforth said WorkSafe Cr East abou the car park. “WorkSafe has completed an a se sment visi to the site to advise them that it is their responsibility to manage their risks a propriately.” Different parts of the car park are owned by various people and the Coastal-Burw od Community Board recently around health and safety. Cr East said the bi gest i sue in the past has b en ge ting in touch with the landlords and owners and ge ting them to High-tech Cleaning friendly cleaning products. Temperature Contro led Drying Re-oiling & Rejuvenating Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f agr e to anything. “The board a difficulty in co-ordinating said the le ter. are required. Convenient Location Drop blinds into us by 9am, at 30 Cashel Str et (near the Fitzgerald end), and co lect them a th end of the day. New Blind Sales Priced from $30 per blind Ph 3 7 0 70, 30 Cashel St, Christchurch • By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding GR ENDALE SCHOOL pupils have taken a step back in time, s eing first hand what men and horses l oked like during war. The New Zealand Mounted Rifles Charitable Trust president Mark A pleton and member Mike Donaldson t ok their horses to the sch ol on Monday, Li ter library River working group Problem areas for li ter revealed Rebuilding a healthy ecosystem in the Selwyn River Ja z Competition. • By Sophie Cornish THE ST Andrew’s Co lege big band had extra incentive to win a the National Youth Ja z Competition – ba s player, Tom Fastier, co lapsed and died the to undertake work. Cr East said there had b en a “number of incidences” in WE ARE OPEN Mon - Fri 8. 0am to 5. 0pm in a bid to educate pupils on the sacrifice their ancestors made in World War 1 and World War 2. Mr A pleton and Mr Donaldson a rived a the sch ol dre sed in World War 1 uniforms while their horses Tommy and Kruze wore 1 0-year-old sa dles donated to the trust. The presentation is a prelude christchurch east Ca l to make an a pointment P: 384 9459 Pool plans for Edgeware Designs for ind or learner’s p ol revealed themselves which had gone unreported. “I’ve always though that it or senior citizens perhaps Loca ly Owned Authorised by Jo Hayes Unit 6/950 Fe ry Road, Christchurch day before the competition began. “Tom was a ba s player from Cashmere High Sch ol who was playing with our big band this year. He had a strong chance of wi ning best ba s player a the to the Gr endale Recreation Reserve Management Commi t e’s upcoming Anzac Day service. As a tribute to those who served, members of the trust wi l ride horseback to the service. Mr A pleton said it was important children were educated on what soldiers wen through during World Cyclist’s helipad bid Serious crash gives new perspective on ride to hospital • By Gordon Findlater DEAN CALVERT (above) returned from the United Kingdom last w ek after festival as he was a very a complished musician,” head of music Duncan Ferguson said. “We were delighted to win, but it was bi tersw et,” he said. St Andrew’s won the most outstanding big band title a the tri ping in those potholes and He is confiden the new a proach wi l bring results. “I think the WorkSafe lever that we are l oking for.” Joy Butel AREINZ - Dip.R.E. Land size Garage Land size Bedr om Alistair Hazeldine Garage Land size Bedr om 850m Carport Bathr om Carport Bathr om Car pad Lounge Car pad Lounge 4 2 1 Boat pad Boat pad 2.5 Dining Land size Bedr om Mobile: 021 353 280 | Phone: 0 384 7950 Email: Toilet Shower Study P ol Te nis court 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 850m Garage Bedr om Carport 4 2 Bathr om 1 Car pad Lounge 2.5 Dining Garage 850m Carport Bathr om Toilet Shower Study Car pad Lounge 4 2 1 Boat pad 2.5 Dining Toilet Shower Study P ol Te nis court 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 P ol Te nis court 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 850m 4 2 1 2.5 Boat pad Dining Toilet Shower Study P ol Te nis court 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 Mobile: 027 572 1 5 | Phone: 0 384 7950 Email: w.harcourtsfe Cartwright steps downs Community board chairman stays true to his word New pi za joint Fire and Slice fina ly se to open in Sumner competition in Tauranga. The band dedicated it se to Tom, who died while on his way to Cashmere High on March 27. His death was po sibly related to a medical event. •Turn to page 9 ge ting closer than mos to Joseph Parker in the build up to his world heavyweigh title unification fight with Anthony Joshua in Cardiff. 20 Tuawera Te race, Clifton Hi l - $980, 0 3 2 2 2 • By Emily O’Co ne l June 29 - July 1 EXHIBITORS BOOK NOW 021 914 565 • By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding A CRACKDOWN on mobile traders acro s the districts could be l oming. However, the public has li tle interest in having input into the i sue. Only eight submi sions were received for a potential bylaw aimed at regulating commercial activities in public places. The district council wi l be holding a hearing for the Public Places Bylaw and Policy on Commercial Activities and Events in Public Places. A hearing i scheduled to be held on Thursday. The bylaw comes as an increasing number of mobile traders are s eking to operate in Selwyn, especia ly during the summer months. In the past year, the district council has received five inquiries about se ting up a mobile busine s on private or public land. A report said there are two str et operators in Darfield, a coff e cart is parked beside the railway in Ro leston, and a pi za cart visits Lincoln w ekly betw en September-May along with a Thai f od truck. •Turn to page 7 call 332 4004 TexT 027 537 0567 230 BarringTon sTreeT Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service. Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS High-tech Cleaning We clean and repair a l types of blinds – Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands, Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly friendly cleaning products. Temperature Contro led Drying Re-oiling & Rejuvenating Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f service for mos types of blinds. B okings are required. Convenient Location Drop blinds into us by 9am, at 30 Cashel Str et (near the Fitzgerald end), and co lect them a th end of the day. New Blind Sales Priced from $30 Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ is a Licensed Agent Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2 08 has proven himself to be a cut above his Au sie rivals at an international competition. Elite Meats owner Corey Winder was named in the a l War 1 and World War 2. But he said the presentation didn’t go into t o much detail and was more of a “show and te l” to make them aware of what the soldiers l oked like. Children were shown the type of kits horses were required to wear in the war. •Turn to page 7 Mr Winder and his team, the Pip Su ton BCM (Marketing) Residential Sales & Development Specialist - Licens e Salesperson Next Step Realty Limited Licensed (RE A 2 08) Mobile: 027 24 9524 DI: <strong>03</strong> 421 8417 Email: includes W olston butcher in the competition. He said the cha lenge started as a “transtasman test match” seven years ago. The preparation for this year’s World Butchers’ Challenge was intense as the team members met in Auckland Loca ly Owned Denton Park a tracts more Drop blinds into us by 9am, at 30 Cashel Str et (near the Fitzgerald end), and co lect The former New Zealand title-holder trave led with his father George and brother Bryce to London ahead of the fight where they spen time them a th end of the day. New Blind Sales Priced from $30 • By Sophie Cornish and Julia Evans THE PAPANUI-I nes Community Board has taken the rare step of starting a petition to figh the city council over funding. Signatures are being co lected in a bid to get funding for a community facility in Shirley. It comes after the city council removed funding for the centre pla ned for Shirley Rd, near the intersection with Hi ls Rd. This was the site of the former community centre, which was badly damaged in the February 2, 20 1, earthquake. The removal o funding prompted community board chairwoman Ali Jones to threaten to stand down, citing it as her “die in the ditch” project. Ms Jone said the board’s role is to represen the community, and by gathering signatures from residents, it was fulfi ling that role. “One of the roles of a community board is to represent and act as advocate for the interests of its community and this is what we are doing. The LTP and a nual plans are a l about lo bying the council.” •Turn to page 5 per blind Barks • Peastraw • Composts - we su ply the best available A gregates - Chip, Round and Basecourse Pavers & Schist products • Pungas Decorative Stones & Landscaping Rocks Trailer Hire first hour fr e with purchase • Bag & Bulk - pick up or delivered Ph 3 7 0 70, 30 Cashel St, Christchurch David, Carol & Mike Traffic plan at The Brae Bid to ease traffic on busy, na row str et with Parker in the build up. Mr Calvert, 47, comes from a boxing mad family. •Turn to page 6 WE ARE OPEN Mon - Fri 8. 0am to 5. 0pm journey AND HARDFILL DUMPING Phone: <strong>03</strong> 384 6540 Your local hi l and seaside specialist. P: 384 7950 M: 0274 318 960 E: LICENSED SALES CONSULTANT RE A 2 08 W ekdays 7.30am-5pm. W ekends 8.30am-3pm GRENADIER • By Sarla Donovan THE OWNERS of Sumner’s Cave Rock Apartments ar expecting the Earthquake Commi sion to sign-off on a se tlement agr emen this w ek. Body corporate chairman Mike White said the group had gone into mediation with IAG and EQC on February 20, and signed off on a deal with IAG on February 2 – coincidenta ly seven years to the day after the February 2, 20 1, earthquake. However, they are waiting for EQC to sign the agr ement. “Given that EQC actua ly drafted the agr ement, there’ l be no problem with them doing that.” The apartment suffered damage in the February and June, 20 1, earthquakes and were demolished in late 2012. In 2016, IAG’s offer of the difference betw en indemnity value, $10 million, and the sum insured, $16 mi lion, was rejected by the body corporate. The mediation agr ement prevented Mr White from disclosing the se tlement amount, but he said it involved the two parties paying “a bit more money than they’d wanted to earlier.” •Turn to page 6 Loca ly Owned High-tech Cleaning friendly cleaning products. Temperature Contro led Drying Re-oiling & Rejuvenating every two months for lengthy Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f result. “To get second behind Ireland are required. Convenient Location Drop blinds into us by 9am, at 30 Cashel Str et (near the Fitzgerald end), and co lect them a th end of the day. New Blind Sales Priced from $30 be ahead of Australia is an even bi ger thing for us,” he said. But Mr Winder admires the Loca ly Owned Ro ler Blinds cleaned from as li tle as $20 per blind Ph 3 7 0 70, 30 Cashel St, Christchurch Ro ler Blinds cleaned from as li tle as $20 per blind Ph 3 7 0 70, 30 Cashel St, Christchurch Driver hazard? blasts Yaldhurst Rd island PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER Australian team. “Those guys over there [Australia] are on top of their game, they do a g od job,” he said. “And it just showcases that New Zealand has got some of the best butchers in the world,” he said. since the age of 19. WE ARE OPEN Mon - Fri 8. 0am to 5. 0pm 8047287 A 8214716 A WE ARE OPEN Mon - Fri 8. 0am to 5. 0pm LOOK Used tyres from told Western News the submi sion would likely o pose Fulton Hogan’s plan. “You can just about guarant e it . because we [the commu- community. •Turn to page 5 New Tyres - Ba teries Discounts on sets of tyres AA Discounts LOOK New tyres from 155 FR E PICK UP & DELIVERY (in local area) x 13 LTD PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER Wednesday <strong>April</strong> 3 <strong>2019</strong> Latest Christchurch news at BAY HARBOUR PAGE 23 Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team <strong>03</strong> 379 1100 Classic Cars & Motorcycles Computer Services VIRUS REMOVAL AND PC HEATH CHECK $50.00 With free pick and delivery within 10km of Redcliffs. Phone Paul on 021495577. Microsoft Certified Pro with 25 years experience. Visit www. Towing For safe, damage free car transportation call Ashley’s Tow Taxi Special care for special cars ASHLEY’S TOW TAXI Breakdown & Relocation 0800 TOW TAXI • 0800 869 8294 KATANG Health & Beauty Fitness Tues 9.15am-10.15am Holiday Accommodation Australia QLD SUNSHINE COAST RESORT ALEXANDRA HEADLAND All Units Have Ocean Views. Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna, Free Wifi, Tennis & Mini Golf. CHECK OUR GREAT WINTER SPECIALS 0061 7 5443 5011 JUNE to AUG temps 20C ADD SOME COLOUR TO YOUR ADVERT! Sumner Community Centre (above library) $5 per class. Concession cards available. For more info contact Katrina 381 1704 or 027 4966 845 Trades & Services PLUMBING & DRAINAGE SERVING CHRISTCHURCH AND WIDER CANTERBURY REGION WITH QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE. PHONE HAMISH BALDWIN 027 636 3499 Trades & Services Peninsula scaffolding Certified set up/dismantle Tube/clip system scaffold Wanted To Buy AAA Buying goods quality furniture, beds, stoves, washing machines, fridge freezers. Same day service. Selwyn Dealers. Phone 980 5812 or 027 313 8156 Trades & Services rooF painting Book now and receive 20% discount for summer. Rope and harness a speciality. No scaffolding required. 30 years experience. Free quotes, call Craig 021 060 2392 For all scaffolding and propping jobs Phone 329 0040 or 027 235 8180 Trades & Services PLUMBER AvAilAble for: Hot water cylinder replacements Gas conversions Top quality full house filtration to protect all your plumbing and your health from chlorine. Phone Mike 021 132 8929 Landscape and Garden Services Need help with your garden? We provide a quality service for all your Garden Maintenance (hedges, lawns, line trimming, weeding) and Landscaping needs, (fencing, paths, drives, retaining and earthworks). Full Arborist Service Ph 021 272 <strong>03</strong><strong>03</strong> Trades & Services ROOF PAINTING Rope & harness a speciality, no scaffolding required, 30 years of breathtaking experience. FREE QUOTES Exterior staining, exterior painting, moss and mould treatment and waterblasting Phone Kevin 027 561 4629 Trades & Services CARPET & VINYL LAYING Exp. Repairs, uplifting, relaying, restretching. Email ph John on 0800 0<strong>03</strong> 181 or 027 2407416 CONCRETE CUTTING Affordable Concrete Cutting with Quality, and removal work. Free quote. No job to small. Phone 027 442-2219, Fax 359-6052 a/h 359- 4605 ELECTRICIAN JMP Electrical. Experienced & registered.. Expert in all home electrical repairs & maintenance.Call James 027 4401715 GARDENER Need your home or commercial garden tidied up or renovated or require long term assistance. Phone Ruth 326-6663 or 021 272-<strong>03</strong><strong>03</strong> Tuition Tuition Tuition Online Editor Star Media is seeking an online editor to join its award winning newsroom. The appointment will coincide with a refreshed and new-look online news site being launched to market. You will be the champion for our site and responsible for sourcing and loading content to engage our target audience each week. TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 Loca ly Owned Page 3 Page 13 The successful applicant will need to have an excellent knowledge of Canterbury, its issues and people. You will need to work as part of our team, making quick decisions under pressure each day Key duties will include: • Assisting in the relaunch of the new website • Co-ordinating and sourcing content and local news • Ensuring content is up to the minute, fresh and factual for our target audience • Co-ordinating within our business divisions promotional and paid content • The continuous development and improvement of our digital platforms The successful applicant will ideally have experience in growing audience to an online news platform and must have a full New Zealand driver licence. The position will be filled as soon as the right applicant is found. If you want to be part of a progressive media company, please email your CV to: Barry Clarke, Editor In Chief - Trades & Services LAWNMOWING You Grow I Mow. Free quotes. Ph / text Chris 021 252 1801 LAWNMOWING You Grow I Mow. Free quotes. Ph / text Chris 021 252 1801 PLASTERING INTERIOR no job too big or too small, specialise in repair work & new houses, free quotes given, over 20 yrs plastering experience, ph Peter 027 221-4066 or 384-2574 PIANO LESSONS Catherine Bracegirdle DipABRSM ATCL AIRMT 51A Colenso St, Sumner Ph. 021 044 5102 Situations Vacant has b en a proached in a bid to fina ly repair the potholes in New repairing the potholes which are Handforth said it may be able to take action under the Health and person conducting a busine s or is aware of the concerns raised by New Brighton surf club opts and is engaging with the owner wrote to them about its concerns a preciates that multi-ownership of the parking space may present repair/resurfacing but felt obliged to pa s these concerns onto you,” One reply has b en received so far from an owner who is wi ling to discu s the i sue. However, a l the owners would have to agr e jo hayes New bid to fix potholes Action looms on Hawke St car park the car park of people injuring has b en quite amazing that we haven’t had any serious a cidents doing themselve some damage.” HAZARD: Coastal-Burw od Ward city counci lor David East wants WorkSafe New Zealand to put pre sure on the Hawke St car park owners to fix the dangerous potholes. PHOTO: GILBERT WEA LEANS BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored . Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service. Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS We clean and repair a l types of blinds – Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands, Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f service for mos types of blinds. B okings Ro ler Blinds cleaned from as li tle as $20 SCAN QR code for Info > TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 Page 3 Page 5 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2018 Loca ly Owned Page 3 Pages 10 & 13 HISTORY: Pupils have taken a step back in time learning about what SW ET SOUNDS: St Andrew’s Co lege year 12 students Lewis Edmond and Je na We ls performing a the 41st National Youth New Zealand soldiers and horses l oked like in World War 1. Abi P oler, 5, sits on Kruze, alongside Mounted Rifles Charitable Trust president Mark A pleton. PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER Bittersweet win for St Andrew’s big band involvement may prove to be the Pupils learn about role of war horses Mobile Service Available WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 2018 Board launches petition to get new community facility BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored . MAgic on clifton TEAM BUTEL Grenadier Fe rymead Four Seasons Realty Page 3 Page 5 Former champ hooks up with Parker in UK AN U PER Ri carton butcher star team a the World Butchers’ Cha lenge in Northern Ireland. Mobile traders could face regulation New sections selling now Star Media is a division of Allied Press. Trades & Services SHEEP SHEARING MOBILE Fast friendly professional service. 25 yrs exp. Shearing, drenching, hoof trimming etc. Call Shaun 021 204 1274 STONEMASON, BRICK & BLOCKLAYER, Earthquake Repairs, Grind Out & Repoint, River/ Oamaru stone, Schist, Volcanic Rock, Paving, all Alterations new & old, Quality Workmanship, visit www.featureworks. or ph 027 601-3145 Ro ler Blinds cleaned from as li tle as $20 SCAN QR code for Info > There’s no be ter place to se tle out wes than at Falcon’s Landing. Pop in to our sales and information office, 17 Branthwaite Drive, this Thursday, Friday or Sunday from 1pm to 3pm to find out more. Contact us on <strong>03</strong> 741 1340 or mail anytime. Mega centre f edback submi sions than Cathedral Page 3 Page 5 Dyers Road Landscape & Garden Supplies We wi l deliver! SOIL 183 Dyers Rd, Bromley • OPEN 7 DAYS Alison Carter TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 Cave Rock Apartments’ owners expect EQC sign-off this week Pedaling acro s NZ Stroke survivor finishes long TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 2018 Pure South Sharp Blacks, which Jeremy Garth, finished second Page 7 Page 10 From New World Ferry Rd to second in the world Fishin’ for w eds • • By Emily O’Co ne l It was the firs time Mr Garth met in Auckland By every Emily O’Co two ne l Mr Garth hopes to own a months for THE lengthy HALSWE w ekend L-Hornbyand he was “rea ly proud” of practices. Ri carton Community Board to be a cut above the rest in an how the team performed. Mr Garth, who has b en a international competition. “We produced some top quality products and came away competition Templeton. brought back his “In two years’ time, we’ l be butcher for 14 years, said the and on the 2020 cha lenge. New World Fe ry Rd butcher pa sion for the Mayor job. Lia ne Dalziel told going the back to try and win the Pure South Sharp Blacks, re- ha py,” he said. “Doing a l thi stuff and title,” he said. The preparation for this year’s U per Ri carton butcher Co- ideas, it just brings that flair Ireland. intense as the team members back for you,” he said. South Sharp Blacks team. qua ry. Board chairman Mike Mora had competed in the cha lenge butcher shop of his own someday but says for now he wi l fo- A WOOLSTON butcher proved has b en given the gr en cus ligh on to ge ting mor experience o pose the pla ned qua ry near Jeremy Garth and his team, the with a g od result so we’re very board on Thursday it had the okay cently came second a the World m eting new from people, the city s eing council new to make a Butchers’ Cha lenge in Northern World Butchers’ Cha lenge was submi sion if Fulton Hogan rey Winder a plies was part of the Pure for a resource consen to create a Children’s event at risk if The Groynes’ lakes not cleaned up GLOBAL STAGE: W olston butcher Jeremy Garth back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge. BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored . AWARD-WINNING: Corey Winder is back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge . Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service. Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS We clean and repair a l types of blinds – Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands, Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman w ekend practices. Mr Winder said coming second against 1 other countries was a “fantastic” We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f service for mos types of blinds. B okings was a huge achievement and to SCAN QR code for Info > Community board member Elite butcher cut above the world Your best choice in the West SUMNER REDCLIFFS RSA INC. Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service. Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS High-tech Cleaning We clean and repair a l types of blinds – Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands, Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly friendly cleaning products. Temperature Contro led Drying Re-oiling & Rejuvenating Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f service for mos types of blinds. B okings are required. Convenient Location SCAN QR code for Info > Mr Winder has b en a butcher BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored . Public Notices $ 40 Mobile Service Available ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567 230 Ba ringTon sTr eT Community board get permission to oppose Templeton quarry nity board] don’t believe qua ries should be so close to residential areas,” he said. Mr Mora said he wasn’t sure if the city council would endorse the board’ submi sion. “I’d like to think so because the city council has had their eyes open as we l ove recent years over the crysta line silica risk,” he said. Mr Mora said the community board wi l be “representing and advocating” for the Templeton T Y R E S Quality Secondhand Tyres A l at very competitive prices Ph 348 0626 5 $ 70 9 Main South Rd (cnr Wa ts Rd), Sockburn NOTICE OF <strong>2019</strong> AGM SUMNER FIRE STATION WIGGINS ST, SUMNER 10.00 AM SUNDAY 19TH MAY <strong>2019</strong> Robert Duns Secretary/Treasurer. Mobile Service Available ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567 230 Ba ringTon sTr eT 60km/h Dyers Pass speed limit from early next month A NEW 60km/h sp ed limit and double ye low lines wi l be in place on Dyers Pa s Rd by early May. The sp ed limit change was a proved by the city counci last w ek. A decision to paint double yellow lines on the stretch betw en Summit Rd and the Sign of the Takahe was earlier made by the Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board. Bu the Banks Peninsula Community Board decided against ye low lines on the Summit Rd- Governors <strong>Bay</strong> section due to the road’s na rowne s and general condition. The changes are designed to try and reduce the crash rate. Insta lation of the double ye low lines, the new sp ed limit signs and raised centre line pavement markers wi l begin in mid <strong>April</strong>. The work i scheduled to take place betw en <strong>April</strong> 15-18, 2-26, 29 and May 2. While the work is done, Dyers Pa s Rd wi l be closed to traffic from the Sign of the Takahe to Governors <strong>Bay</strong> betw en 7pm and 6.30am. Trades & Services THINKING PAINTING? 30 year tradesman ready now for all your interior & exterior requirements, with roofs a speciality! Call Craig now on 02102692138 THINKING PAINTING? 30 year tradesman ready now for all your interior & exterior requirements, with roofs a speciality! Call Craig now on 02102692138 To Let RENT ME! Ideal as an extra bedroom or office. no bond required Fully insulated and double glazed for warmth. Three convenient sizes from $70 a week: Standard 3.6m x 2.4m Large 4.2m x 2.4m | Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m Visit our website for display cabin locations ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE Phone for further details (<strong>03</strong>) 379 1100