Beacon 5-19

Your community newspaper covering Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, and Ripley counties in Indiana as well as parts of Cincinnati. Regional Reach, Community Commitment.

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THE<br />

BEACON<br />

www.goBEACONnews.com PUBLISHED MONTHLY SINCE <strong>19</strong>94 May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

INSIDE<br />

The BEACON<br />

Regional Treasure<br />

The YES Home is dedicated<br />

to making a difference<br />

in the lives of youth.<br />

Page 7A<br />

A Hero Amongst Us<br />

The story of a Sunman<br />

resident and his service in<br />

WWII is featured in a new<br />

book series. Page 9A<br />

Engineering a Win!<br />

Milan students were challenged<br />

to “Put Money in a<br />

Piggy Bank.” at the Rube Goldberg<br />

Contest. Page 11B<br />

Grant Proposed for Guilford Sewer Project<br />

The Dearborn County Regional<br />

Sewer District is pursuing a grant from<br />

the Indiana Office of Community and<br />

Rural Affairs to aid in the cost of a<br />

proposed sewer system in Guilford.<br />

The town of Guilford has long been<br />

plagued by individual septic systems<br />

that have reached their lifespan. Due<br />

to lot sizes and soil conditions, alternative<br />

sites for new septic systems<br />

are often not readily available to most<br />

homeowners. According to the Dearborn<br />

County Board of Health, visible<br />

The Bright Lions recently hosted the annual pancake breakfast where<br />

everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast and warm comaraderie.<br />

Pictured from left to right are front row: Dave Nash, Julius Huffman;<br />

middle row: Bob Waples, Liz Morris, Ruth Ann Little, Art Little, Doug<br />

Oldham; back: David Nash, Celeste Calvitto, Mike Bender, Brian<br />

Merk, Daniel Little, Jonathan Kissell, and Gayle Pennington.<br />

Ben Turner and Dave Hizer<br />

took a moment to welcome<br />

visitors at the Aurora Lions<br />

pancake breakfast.<br />

By Maureen Stenger<br />

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have<br />

a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” Lady<br />

Bird Johnson<br />

As Lady Bird Johnson eloquently stated above, we all<br />

have a mutual stake in this. We must take care of our Earth,<br />

so it can continue to take care of us. An important way we<br />

can all fulfill that responsibility is through recycling. Recycling<br />

is reusing what we have to reduce what we take from<br />

Earth, as our Earth has limited resources. The process of<br />

recycling involves collecting used materials and reprocessing<br />

them. During the recycling process, materials are sorted and<br />

processed to be used as “raw materials” for the production<br />

of new goods. Recycling can save material and help lower<br />

greenhouse gases that trap heat. Overall, greenhouse gases<br />

are needed. Without them, our Earth would be too cold.<br />

However, scientists are worried that human activities are<br />

contributing to too many of these gases in the atmosphere.<br />

Recycling is very beneficial in many ways including<br />

reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and reducing<br />

the amount of waste sent to landfills. It prevents pollution<br />

by reducing the need to get new raw materials, and it saves<br />

energy. Recycling is also something in which all of us can<br />

easily partake.<br />

evidence indicates many failing septic<br />

systems in the area. Most of the homes<br />

located in the area in question were<br />

built in the early twentieth century.<br />

Between the ages of the current septic<br />

systems and the soil conditions that<br />

contribute to poor absorption, the<br />

Dearborn County Regional Sewer<br />

District (DCRSD) board has taken to<br />

task the investigation of alternatives to<br />

the current sanitary waste management<br />

practices.<br />

The proposed sewer district that is<br />

Sweet!<br />

Area Lions Clubs recently held<br />

their annual pancake breakfasts,<br />

a tradition that is anticipated<br />

by many each year. The Lions<br />

organizations use the funds to<br />

give back to the community via<br />

scholarships, medical device<br />

lending programs, and eyeglass<br />

programs for children in need.<br />

The Aurora Lions were all smiles and laughter as they flipped pancakes<br />

for the community breakfast. Hiding behind the spatula is<br />

Roger Fehling, followed by Karl Schorr, Marvin Mangold, Brandon<br />

Johnson, Joe Burkard, Mike Heffelmire, and Mike Lutz.<br />

the subject of the grant application includes<br />

approximately thirty-five homes<br />

and small commercial lots. One church<br />

is also located within the district.<br />

The DCRSD board ordered a preliminary<br />

engineering report to analyze<br />

and describe potential solutions for<br />

providing sanitary sewer service to<br />

Guilford. The report presented for addressing<br />

this issue, some being more<br />

viable than others. The system that is<br />

currently being considered involves<br />

Continued on page 3A<br />

Scholarships<br />

for Those Who<br />

Give So Much<br />

Safety Scholarships for<br />

Volunteer Firefighters and<br />

Public Safety Officers Proposed<br />

Indiana State Representative Randy<br />

Frye has authored a bill that would<br />

establish a scholarship program for<br />

Indiana public safety officers and<br />

volunteer firefighters who wish to<br />

pursue certificate programs or associate<br />

degrees at Ivy Tech Community<br />

College.<br />

The inspiration for House Bill 1064<br />

lies in the fact that fire departments and<br />

EMS units across the state are in desperate<br />

need of public safety officers,<br />

both volunteer and paid. Rep. Frye<br />

stated, “Volunteer fire departments and<br />

public safety entities are struggling to<br />

find and retain members. This bill will<br />

assist in the recruitment and retention<br />

of qualified candidates for these<br />

departments.”<br />

Public safety officers and volunteer<br />

firefighters often find themselves in<br />

positions where they are promoted<br />

to managerial roles or positions that<br />

require financial skills. HB 1064 would<br />

establish a resource for scholarships to<br />

help these individuals pursue educational<br />

opportunities at Ivy Tech. The<br />

cost of full-time tuition at Ivy Tech for<br />

the 2018-20<strong>19</strong> academic year is $4218<br />

for thirty credit hours. Eligible applicants<br />

would receive scholarships to<br />

cover tuition and fees.<br />

Continued on page 4A<br />

Recycling- Dress Up with a Whole New Attitude<br />

The Dearborn County Recycling Center’s ReProm<br />

Program offers formal and semi-formal dresses that<br />

have been donated for reuse.<br />

In <strong>19</strong>91 solid waste management districts were created to<br />

work with businesses and communities to reduce solid waste.<br />

The Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District,<br />

also known as the Dearborn County Recycling Center, is<br />

a Special District in the county that was formed in <strong>19</strong>93.<br />

Unlike other counties that are part of multi-county districts,<br />

Dearborn County is its own district and is funded by a tax<br />

Continued on page 4A<br />


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Page 2A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

By<br />

Tamara<br />

Taylor<br />

To Err is Human.<br />

To forgive...<br />

A few weeks ago the office<br />

phone started ringing off the<br />

hook. Just about that time,<br />

emails began flooding in. All<br />

in response to the challenging<br />

puzzle Sudoku!<br />

It seems that, through my<br />

lack of understanding of<br />

the game, we had made last<br />

month’s puzzle a bit more<br />

challenging by leaving off the<br />

last two of the nine columns required<br />

to complete the puzzle.<br />

While no one has risen to<br />

the occasion of completing<br />

the partial puzzle (probably an<br />

impossible task), the opportunity<br />

to speak with so many of<br />

our readers was a nice bonus.<br />

Many thanks for all of the<br />

input. I am happy to report that<br />

this month’s puzzle is complete<br />

and ready for your enthusiastic<br />

puzzle-solving skills.<br />

I have met so many amazing<br />

people because of the <strong>Beacon</strong>.<br />

Most leave me wondering how<br />

I can give back to our community.<br />

In full disclosure, they<br />

also leave me wondering when<br />

they even have time to sleep<br />

with all that they accomplish<br />

on a daily basis. This month’s<br />

volunteer is no exception.<br />

During a recent visit with<br />

Mike Bettice, the mayor of<br />

Batesville, I asked who stands<br />

out as a quiet volunteer in<br />

Batesville. Without even<br />

taking a breath, the mayor replied,<br />

“Dave Raver.” And if I<br />

just threw the mayor under the<br />

bus in the eyes of Mr. Raver,<br />

I am sure he will forgive me.<br />

Note that many others sang the<br />

praises of this incredible man.<br />

Dave Raver was born and<br />

raised in Batesville. His family<br />

heritage can be traced back<br />

to the mid- eighteen hundreds<br />

when German immigrants<br />

settled in Batesville. He grew<br />

up in Batesville, leaving only<br />

for a short time to attend<br />

Indiana University, and then<br />

returned to raise a family<br />

Dave Raver<br />

Mr. Raver’s innate ability to plan for the future as well as<br />

his volunteerism made possible the development of a<br />

comprehensive plan for Batesville.<br />

with his wife, Carol. Needless<br />

to say, Dave Raver’s heart<br />

belongs to Batesville.<br />

Mr. Raver had a successful<br />

career in HR at both Hillenbrand<br />

and Forethought. The<br />

skills he acquired during his<br />

career, paired with his innate<br />

ability to relate to others, have<br />

served him well. Add in his<br />

amazing business sense, and<br />

you have an incredible volunteer.<br />

Mr. Raver has quietly<br />

supported the community by<br />

becoming involved in numerous<br />

projects and plans for<br />

economic growth. He has a<br />

gift for genuinely listening<br />

to people and understanding<br />

their concerns. That gift has<br />

served him well on countless<br />

occasions when working on<br />

the development of economic<br />

plans and construction projects<br />

that will have a direct impact<br />

on Batesville’s future. His skill<br />

set includes the ability to do<br />

proactive planning for capital<br />

campaigns by bringing all sides<br />

to the table and hearing their visions<br />

and concerns. Seeing the<br />

benefits of projects and developing<br />

long term plans is one of<br />

Mr. Raver’s greatest strengths.<br />

Yes, all of these strengths apply<br />

to the business world. No, they<br />

don’t have much bearing on a<br />

career in Human Resources.<br />

But combining these with life<br />

experience is what enables for<br />

Mr. Raver to make a positive<br />

impact on the community.<br />

As Batesville, and in particular<br />

the school system, continue<br />

to grow, so do the needs<br />

of these entities. Mr. Raver<br />

offered his expertise to create<br />

three-, five-, and ten-year<br />

development plans. He acted<br />

as a sounding board for others<br />

to share their visions and was<br />

able to formulate plans that<br />

allowed for growth beyond<br />

those years. He worked tirelessly<br />

to ensure that the needs<br />

of the community were met<br />

and could be expanded upon to<br />

ensure fiscal responsibility for<br />

project development. His skill<br />

set includes being able to see<br />

the big picture so that funds are<br />

invested wisely for projects,<br />

and plans work cohesively<br />

with future implementations.<br />

All as a volunteer.<br />

How does he do it? Easy<br />

(not!). Mr. Raver gets all of<br />

the right people on the same<br />

page and makes sure that the<br />

stakeholders can envision the<br />

needs of the community both<br />

at present and into the future.<br />

He has a strong understanding<br />

of project management and<br />

the importance of working<br />

with the right visionaries and<br />

craftsmen alike... a good and<br />

valuable trait. When asked to<br />

describe Mr. Raver’s personality,<br />

friends and family uttered<br />

the same word- unflappable.<br />

He is always calm, even in the<br />

most pressurized situations.<br />

Dave Raver is thought of as a<br />

wise person who is mindful,<br />

open, and thoughtful.<br />

Mr. Raver is known to be<br />

well versed on a number<br />

of topics, although I have a<br />

feeling that he does not see<br />

himself that way. He has<br />

provided counsel to many on<br />

both personal and business<br />

matters, positively impacting<br />

lives now and into the future.<br />

Dave and Anne Raver have<br />

two daughters and four grandchildren.<br />

When the Ravers<br />

are not visiting their family<br />

or donating their time for the<br />

betterment of the community,<br />

they can be found cheering<br />

on the efforts of their relatives<br />

who live locally. Rumor has<br />

it that they rarely miss the<br />

basketball games of their two<br />

great-nephews.<br />

As the years go by, times<br />

change; community leaders<br />

change; visions grow. But one<br />

thing will remain constantthe<br />

impact that Mr. Raver<br />

has made on the community<br />

of Batesville by sharing his<br />

communication skills and his<br />

ability to plan for the future.<br />

Thank you, Dave Raver, for<br />

being a volunteer and a role<br />

model for others.<br />

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Over 21,500 distribution & growing! To advertise, call 812-637-0660<br />

Publisher/Editor<br />

Tamara M. Taylor<br />

THE<br />

BEACON<br />

For advertising rate inquiries<br />

and to submit news and photos:<br />

Publishers Emeritus<br />

Elizabeth Morris, Celeste Calvitto<br />

Sales Manager - New Accounts<br />

Susan Snyder<br />

Editorial Assistants<br />

Connie Webb, Cherie Maddin<br />

Columnists & Contributors<br />

Debbie Acasio, Melanie Alexander,<br />

Doris Butt, Susan Carson,<br />

Gloria Carter, Susan Cottingham,<br />

Rebecca Davies, PG Gentrup,<br />

John Hawley, Mary-Alice Helms,<br />

Merrill and Linda Hutchinson,<br />

Korry Johnson, Laura Keller,<br />

Julie Murphy, Chris Nobbe,<br />

Fred Schmits, Marie Segale,<br />

Sue Siefert, Maureen Stenger,<br />

Debby Stutz, Karis Troyer, Nicole<br />

Williams, Debbie Zimmer<br />

Production<br />

FX-Design, Inc.<br />

editor@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Phone: 812-637-0660<br />

website:<br />

goBEACONnews.com<br />

The <strong>Beacon</strong> is an independent<br />

monthly publication with<br />

distribution in Dearborn, Ripley,<br />

Franklin and Ohio Counties in<br />

Indiana and Harrison, Ohio.<br />

Published since <strong>19</strong>94.<br />

<strong>Beacon</strong> News, Inc.<br />

PO Box 4022<br />

Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025.<br />

Member:<br />

Dearborn County<br />

Chamber of Commerce,<br />

Ripley County<br />

Chamber of Commerce,<br />

Bright Area Business Association,<br />

Batesville Chamber<br />

of Commerce<br />

THE BEACON - Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.

May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 3A<br />

What is it?<br />

Last month’s item was<br />

identified correctly by Barb<br />

Nieman from Cross Plains<br />

and her sister Jennie Hoffman<br />

from Cincinnati. The item is a<br />

wooden toothpick holder.<br />

The toothpick gained<br />

popularity in the U.S. in<br />

the nineteenth century after<br />

entrepreneur Charles Forster of<br />

Boston hired students to demand<br />

toothpicks at a restaurant.<br />

When the restaurant owner<br />

stated that he had no toothpicks,<br />

the students raised a ruckus.<br />

Naturally, the next day when Mr.<br />

Forster visited the restaurant, the<br />

owner was<br />

more than<br />

thrilled to<br />

purchase<br />

several<br />

boxes of<br />

toothpicks.<br />

And the<br />

rest, as<br />

they say, is<br />

Last month: a<br />

history.<br />

toothpick holder.<br />

This<br />

month’s challenge is made<br />

of brass and measures<br />

approximately 40” in length.<br />

The outside diameter is 1-3/8”.<br />

Please e-mail your guesses<br />

along with your name and<br />

where you live to editor@<br />

goBEACONnews.com by<br />

Friday, April 26. Good luck!<br />

sponsored by Cornerstone<br />

Realty/Lutz Auction Services<br />

This month's item is brass and is longer than a cane.<br />

Volunteer Firefighters Get Paid Back<br />

Continued from page 1A<br />

Rep. Frye approached Ivy<br />

Tech about the establishment<br />

of the scholarship program<br />

with the suggestion that Ivy<br />

Tech fund the scholarships<br />

for volunteer firefighters<br />

for two years starting in<br />

July 20<strong>19</strong>. At that time, the<br />

implementation of House<br />

Bill 1064 that would involve<br />

state funding would go into<br />

effect in July 2021.<br />

Scholarship recipients<br />

would be required to maintain<br />

a minimum of a 2.0<br />

GPA. They would have to<br />

apply for and accept all federal<br />

scholarships and grants<br />

offered to them, the amounts<br />

of which will be deducted<br />

from the amount provided<br />

to them through the safety<br />

scholarship fund.<br />

The proposed scholarship<br />

fund will be comprised of<br />

appropriations, gifts, grants,<br />

and bequests made to the<br />

fund. Applicants must meet<br />

the following criteria:<br />

1. live in Indiana<br />

2. provide proof of employment<br />

as a public safety<br />

officer or volunteer firefighter<br />

3. have earned a high<br />

school diploma or equivalency<br />

certificate or general<br />

educational development<br />

diploma<br />

4. be actively enrolled in a<br />

certificate or degree program<br />

at Ivy Tech<br />

5. have not previously received<br />

a baccalaureate or associate<br />

degree or a certificate<br />

6. meet any other minimum<br />

criteria established by<br />

Ivy Tech.<br />

Should the demand for<br />

scholarships exceed the<br />

amount of scholarship funds<br />

available, applicants will be<br />

prioritized by those determined<br />

to be independent by<br />

Free Application for Federal<br />

Student Aid (FASFA.)<br />

The amount of a scholarship<br />

would be equal to the<br />

educational costs of attending<br />

Ivy Tech. If an applicant<br />

should receive financial<br />

assistance from another<br />

source, that amount will be<br />

deducted from the amount of<br />

the scholarship.<br />

Plans for Guilford Sewer Funding Revealed<br />

Continued from page 1A<br />

the construction of an on-site<br />

wastewater treatment plant<br />

that will handle approximately<br />

20,000 gallons of effluent.<br />

As a comparison, the South<br />

Dearborn Regional sewer<br />

plant processes over three<br />

million gallons of effluent. An<br />

average of three hundred ten<br />

gallons of effluent is the projected<br />

rate of use per household.<br />

Therefore, the proposed<br />

system would handle wastewater<br />

from approximately<br />

sixty-four households.<br />

Six proposed systems were<br />

considered for the treatment<br />

of wastewater in Guilford.<br />

Costs for a viable alternative<br />

ranged from $1.3 million to<br />

$1.75 million. The grant that<br />

is being submitted to OCRA<br />

would cover approximately<br />

$700,000 for the most costeffective<br />

plan, leaving roughly<br />

$600,000 to be divided<br />

between an estimated sixtyfour<br />

households at the rate of<br />

$9375 per household. Sewer<br />

fees paid on a monthly basis<br />

by each household is estimated<br />

to be $40 per month. In<br />

comparison, installation of a<br />

septic system averages from<br />

$6100-$10,000 if a secondary<br />

site is available at the<br />

location. Costs vary based on<br />

labor, material costs, permits,<br />

and ground consistency.<br />

The proposed wastewater<br />

management system is a<br />

low-pressure sewer system<br />

that consists of individual<br />

connections and a wastewater<br />

treatment plant. A grinder<br />

pump system which includes<br />

a holding tank and a control<br />

panel must be installed at each<br />

house. The pump will grind<br />

waste into a fine mixture that<br />

will be discharged through a<br />

1.25” line and will travel to<br />

a lift station. Homeowners<br />

would be responsible for the<br />

purchase and maintenance of<br />

their grinder pumps.<br />

Wastewater will then flow<br />

into a 4” main that will terminate<br />

at a wastewater treatment<br />

plant. The effluent will be<br />

treated and released into Tanners<br />

Creek.<br />

Currently, untreated waste<br />

from failed septic systems is<br />

polluting Tanners Creek. The<br />

proposed wastewater treatment<br />

system would have a positive<br />

impact on the ecosystem of the<br />

creek by eliminating untreated<br />

sewage entering the creek.<br />

Future expansion of the proposed<br />

system is possible so<br />

that 40,000 gallons of waste<br />

can be processed. At that<br />

point, an approximate total<br />

of one hundred twenty-eight<br />

households could be served<br />

should the need arise.<br />

Steve Renihan, president of<br />

The Dearborn County Regional<br />

Sewer District, stated,<br />

“The least expensive way<br />

to handle this situation is to<br />

treat it at its source. There is<br />

no easy way to get Guilford<br />

fixed.” Mr. Renihan added,<br />

“As a taxpayer, I believe that<br />

any future expansion due to<br />

development should be the<br />

burden of the developer rather<br />

than existing homeowners.”<br />

Future considerations could<br />

be given to connecting the<br />

system to either the Lawrenceburg<br />

Utilities Sewer<br />

System or the Greendale<br />

The proposed wastewater<br />

treatment plant would resemble<br />

the Highridge plant<br />

located west of Aurora.<br />

Sanitary Sewer System. While<br />

reaching either of the existing<br />

systems would be costly,<br />

interlocal agreements would<br />

need to be considered.<br />

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Page 4A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

What Was Old Becomes New Again Through Recycling<br />

Continued from page 1A<br />

levy- .0345 of Dearborn<br />

County assessed property<br />

valuation. In addition, fees<br />

collected by the center establish<br />

its annual budget. Sandy<br />

Whitehead, director of the<br />

Dearborn County Recycling<br />

Center, is in charge of managing<br />

that budget. The county<br />

acts as a binding agency for the<br />

Recycling Center which means<br />

that county officials must approve<br />

the budget. The District<br />

is governed by a seven-member<br />

board of directors known<br />

as the Executive Board. Its<br />

membership is comprised of<br />

county elected officials who<br />

oversee the Recycling Center.<br />

They meet jointly with the<br />

Citizens Advisory Committee<br />

(CAC) which is made up of<br />

representatives from different<br />

areas of the county. The CAC<br />

is tasked with collecting public<br />

input and acts as “the voice of<br />

the county.”<br />

Mrs. Whitehead, who has<br />

a degree in Environmental<br />

Science and Management<br />

and years of experience in the<br />

field, has been instrumental in<br />

making the Dearborn County<br />

Recycling Center a success.<br />

She says that being environmentally<br />

conscious has always<br />

been a way of life for her.<br />

“I feel that it is very important,<br />

we are all stewards of the<br />

Earth and we are all tasked<br />

with taking care of it,” stated<br />

Mrs. Whitehead.<br />

Dearborn County Recycling<br />

is working hard to make recycling<br />

easy and accessible to all.<br />

They offer fourteen drop-off<br />

locations in different areas<br />

throughout the county, thus<br />

enabling 24/7 recycling. Some<br />

of these bins are emptied daily<br />

hence the importance of breaking<br />

down your boxes to make<br />

as much room as possible for<br />

everyone’s recyclables. The<br />

drop-off locations at the Bright<br />

Fire Department, the New Alsace<br />

American Legion, and the<br />

St. Leon Fire Department have<br />

Rumpke Recycling Containers<br />

that the Dearborn County<br />

Recycling Center pays to have<br />

hauled away. At these three<br />

locations, sorting is not necessary<br />

since loose and mixed<br />

recyclables will be sorted at<br />

the Rumpke Material Recovery<br />

Facility in Cincinnati.<br />

The Dearborn County<br />

Recycling Center has a drivethru<br />

where recyclables can be<br />

dropped off Monday through<br />

Friday, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., and<br />

Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.<br />

In addition to accepting recyclables,<br />

the Drive-Thru also<br />

provides a place to dispose of<br />

household hazardous waste.<br />

Items classified as any unusable<br />

or unwanted product<br />

found in your home, garage,<br />

shed, or barn that can be dangerous<br />

to plants, animals, humans,<br />

or the environment are<br />

considered hazardous waste.<br />

The Dearborn County Solid<br />

Waste Management District<br />

also offers pick-up services<br />

to businesses in the county<br />

through their commercial<br />

recycling program. The district<br />

has two hundred commercial<br />

recycling customers including<br />

all of the county public and<br />

New and like-new costumes are available at Dearborn County Recycling Center’s<br />

Costume Swap.<br />

parochial schools. Pick-ups are<br />

based on quantities generated<br />

and a customer’s needs.<br />

The Center focuses on<br />

educating area children about<br />

the importance of recycling<br />

through their hands-on environmental<br />

education programs<br />

headed up by District Educator/Outreach<br />

Coordinator,<br />

Molly Resendes. In her eighth<br />

year of programming, Mrs.<br />

Resendes has worked tirelessly<br />

to ensure that the programs<br />

are provided at no cost. The<br />

programs are interactive and<br />

are all project-based and age<br />

appropriate.<br />

“We have just about sixteen<br />

standard school-based<br />

programs that are offered on<br />

several topics. They’re all<br />

related to the environment, and<br />

they mostly focus on recycling.<br />

They touch on things like pollution,<br />

compost, waste reduction<br />

and they are for kindergarten<br />

through twelfth grade,” stated<br />

Mrs. Resendes. Most of the<br />

school-based programs happen<br />

during the spring at which time<br />

Mrs. Resendes will see close to<br />

Photos by<br />

Maureen Stenger<br />

three thousand children!<br />

Dearborn County is one of<br />

the few solid waste districts<br />

fortunate to have a dedicated<br />

educator. Not only does Mrs.<br />

Resendes teach environmental<br />

education programs to schools,<br />

but she also presents the<br />

programs to other community<br />

organizations such as libraries,<br />

4-H clubs, and church groups.<br />

Education-based programming<br />

is important for children<br />

and adults alike. Participation<br />

in community events such as<br />

the 4-H Fair, festivals, farmers<br />

markets, and parades enables<br />

the center to reach everyone.<br />

Last fall for America Recycles<br />

Day, the Center organized<br />

a bag-giveaway at a local<br />

grocery store. Almost four<br />

hundred reusable bags were<br />

distributed to the community.<br />

As a part of the outreach aspect<br />

of her job, Mrs. Resendes<br />

markets the available programs<br />

and provides information to<br />

Ms. Julie Robinson, Dearborn<br />

County Recycling<br />

Center’s Reuse Coordinator,<br />

shows the multitude<br />

of items available at The<br />

Creation Station.<br />

the community through the<br />

building of the Center’s social<br />

media outlets.<br />

Julie Robinson is the Reuse<br />

Coordinator for The Recycling<br />

Center and heads the Creation<br />

Station, which is the Dearborn<br />

County Recycling Center’s<br />

not-for-profit reuse center. Donated<br />

supplies are repurposed<br />

to cut down on reusable materials<br />

being wasted in landfills.<br />

Continued on page 5A<br />

THE BEACON - Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.

May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 5A<br />

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned When Recycling<br />

The Dens-A-Can machine crushes aluminum cans and<br />

compacts them into bundles at The Drive-Thru at Miamitown<br />

Auto Parts & Recycling.<br />

The main location of Miamitown<br />

Auto Parts and Recycling<br />

accepts large loads of<br />

scrap and automobiles.<br />

Continued from page 4A<br />

These repurposed supplies<br />

provide valuable materials<br />

to educators. Since 2004, the<br />

Creation Station has diverted<br />

fifty-three tons of materials<br />

from landfills. These supplies<br />

are available to any not-forprofit<br />

educator in Dearborn<br />

County. Every month Ms.<br />

Robinson delivers repurposed<br />

supplies to area schools.<br />

In addition to delivering<br />

supplies, Ms. Robinson<br />

also visits schools in January<br />

to show dresses that are<br />

available from the Center’s<br />

ReProm program. She visits<br />

during lunchtime and brings<br />

several dresses for students<br />

to try on. ReProm began in<br />

2013 and is a formal dress<br />

exchange- a formal or semiformal<br />

dress in good condition<br />

can be traded in for a new<br />

or like-new dress. ReProm<br />

is open throughout the year<br />

every Wednesday from 3<br />

P.M. to 6 P.M. The selection<br />

is impressive with over one<br />

thousand dresses from which<br />

to choose. Shoes and accessories<br />

are also available. Next<br />

year, the ReProm program<br />

will be available to even more<br />

schools since the Recycling<br />

Center is partnering with<br />

Southeastern Recycling Center<br />

and making the program<br />

available to Ripley County<br />

and Ohio County Schools.<br />

Similar to the ReProm is<br />

the Halloween Costume Swap<br />

that is held in the fall. A costume<br />

in good condition can be<br />

traded in for a different one,<br />

some of which are brand new.<br />

Good things are happening<br />

in Dearborn County as<br />

The Recycling Center works<br />

tirelessly to educate, inform,<br />

and make recycling as easy<br />

as possible. Two additional<br />

members are needed for the<br />

Citizens Advisory Committee.<br />

One member must have a<br />

job related to the solid waste<br />

industry and live in Dearborn<br />

County. If interested, please<br />

contact the Center at 812-926-<br />

9963. For more information<br />

on items accepted and all of<br />

the available programs, please<br />

visit DearbornCountyRecycles.com.<br />

About a half hour across the<br />

state line brings us to Miamitown<br />

Auto Parts & Recycling.<br />

Ray Schaible bought the<br />

business on April 1, <strong>19</strong>69, and<br />

remained the owner until he<br />

passed in 2016. Forty-nine<br />

years to the day he purchased<br />

the company, his daughter,<br />

Marlo Schaible took over with<br />

her partners, Ralph Rocco<br />

and Jimmy and Jeff Shaffer.<br />

Miamitown Auto Parts and Recycling<br />

has a drive-thru center<br />

located one-half mile down<br />

the road from the main center<br />

on Harrison Pike. The main<br />

location accepts larger deposits<br />

of not only scrap metal but also<br />

unwanted automobiles. Miamitown<br />

can handle anything from<br />

the everyday recycler to the<br />

giant commercial companies.<br />

Miamitown takes pride in<br />

helping the environment as<br />

evidenced by the turnout for<br />

their Earth Day Event held<br />

last spring. So many people<br />

brought aluminum cans to the<br />

drive-thru that they had to hire<br />

a police officer to direct traffic!<br />

They thank their customers by<br />

providing coffee, donuts and a<br />

grill out for lunch.<br />

Everything brought in to be<br />

recycled is weighed, and the<br />

staff works hard to ensure fair<br />

payment based on the weight of<br />

recyclable metal. Miamitown<br />

also provides recycling containers<br />

in various sizes that can<br />

be delivered to area job sites.<br />

In addition to the recycling<br />

services, Miamitown Auto<br />

offers affordable auto parts.<br />

They have a vast selection of<br />

both used and new aftermarket<br />

parts. After purchasing unwanted<br />

cars, they remove parts<br />

that can be reused. Owner Jimmy<br />

Shaffer explains, “Many<br />

of the cars here are inventory<br />

cars for parts, for example, if<br />

you back into something with<br />

your car and you need a back<br />

door or something like that,<br />

you call, and we might have<br />

a matching one.” If you are<br />

watching your pennies, a service<br />

like this is beneficial. It is<br />

also beneficial to the environment<br />

as it is also cutting down<br />

on waste. Miamitown Auto<br />

sells these parts to the public<br />

and body shops alike.<br />

Miamitown buys anything<br />

from wires, Christmas lights,<br />

extension cords, aluminum,<br />

copper gutters, and any type of<br />

metal. The business spans over<br />

twenty-three acres with an<br />

additional five just purchased.<br />

Co-owner Jimmy Shaffer explained<br />

that he has only owned<br />

this business for two and a half<br />

years and he is still learning<br />

about it. So much is involved<br />

between the gigantic piles of<br />

scrap and heavy equipment.<br />

Miamitown Auto Parts &<br />

Recycling is open Monday<br />

through Friday 8:30 A.M. to<br />

5:30 P.M. and on Saturday<br />

8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. For<br />

more information, please<br />

check out their website, miamitownautoparts.com.<br />

Both Dearborn County Recycling<br />

Center and Miamitown<br />

Auto Parts strive to help better<br />

our environment by cutting<br />



down on waste, promoting<br />

re-use, and working hard to<br />

spread awareness and accessibility<br />

to all. Ernest Hemingway<br />

said it best, “The Earth is<br />

a fine place and worth fighting<br />

for.” We all must do our part.<br />

Smoked Salmon with capers<br />

Bacon<br />

Goetta<br />

Sausage<br />

Scrambled Eggs<br />

Seasoned Potatoes<br />

French Toast<br />

Pancakes<br />

Pasta<br />

Fried Chicken<br />

Baked Chicken<br />

Eggs Benedict<br />

Fresh Fruit<br />

Grilled Asparagus<br />

Assorted Salads<br />

Create your own Omelet<br />

Beef carving station<br />

Chocolate Fountain<br />

Assorted Desserts<br />

$14.95<br />

SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw their ads in The BEACON!

Page 6A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

B<br />

<strong>Beacon</strong><br />




Friendship Shares<br />

Financial Food<br />

for Thought<br />

Who knew that sponsoring<br />

a fried chicken dinner could<br />

lead to a rewarding relationship?<br />

That is what happened<br />

when Friendship Insurance<br />

Agent and YES Home Board<br />

Member Terry Hahn invited<br />

the Friendship State Bank to<br />

sponsor a fried chicken dinner<br />

for the board members of the<br />

YES Home and its residents.<br />

Friendship gladly accepted the<br />

offer to purchase the chicken<br />

and to attend. While at the dinner,<br />

Katie Sparks, Friendship<br />

State Bank Marketing Coordinator,<br />

was offered a tour<br />

of the home by director Amy<br />

Phillips. Ms. Phillips shared<br />

stories of the difficult circumstances<br />

that brought some of<br />

the youth to the YES Home.<br />

“You would never guess<br />

that some of these kids came<br />

from homes without electricity<br />

or running water. Some go to<br />

the YES Home with only the<br />

Katie Sparks offers a tutorial for keeping a checking<br />

account register and reconciling it with a monthly bank<br />

statement to prevent mistakes and checks for any possible<br />

unauthorized activity. Friendship State Bank employees<br />

have provided a monthly meal and financial tips for YES<br />

Home residents for over two years.<br />

clothes on their backs,” Ms.<br />

Sparks shared. “These are kind,<br />

grateful youth who were eager<br />

to show me their rooms and<br />

share about their daily routines<br />

and all they were learning.”<br />

The Friendship State Bank<br />

decided to partner with the<br />

YES Home to encourage and<br />

support these youth and the<br />

staff who serve them on a<br />

more regular basis. Friendship<br />

State Bank and Friendship<br />

Insurance employees began<br />

providing dinner to the staff<br />

and residents on the second<br />

Tuesday of each month. Not<br />

only did this provide the staff<br />

a night off from cooking, but it<br />

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also gave Friendship employees<br />

a chance to offer lessons in<br />

basic financial life skills.<br />

Jaclyn Linkmeyer, Friendship<br />

State Bank employee and<br />

volunteer YES Home cook,<br />

feels the experience has been<br />

very rewarding for the residents<br />

and the volunteers.<br />

“Many of the residents have<br />

shared stories of financial<br />

hardships that their families<br />

have gone through. They<br />

don’t want to repeat the same<br />

mistakes their loved ones<br />

have made,” Ms. Linkmeyer<br />

shared. “Listening to their<br />

stories and offering advice has<br />

helped us as financial industry<br />

employees to recognize similar<br />

situations with our customers<br />

and guide them to a better<br />

path to financial success.”<br />

“Life is difficult enough to<br />

navigate without the additional<br />

stress of figuring out<br />

how to manage your money,”<br />

Ms. Sparks said. “We hope<br />

the information we share will<br />

give these youth with tools<br />

to help them make informed<br />

money choices as they move<br />

into adulthood. They deserve<br />

a great start.”<br />

Claudia Richardt, the aunt of the founders of Keith’s Comfort<br />

Blankets, presents a variety of baby blankets to the<br />

Highpoint Health Birthing Center. Accepting the blankets<br />

are Jacquie Ritzmann, RN, BSN, Birthing Center Unit Manager;<br />

Emy Jo Duke, RN, BSN; Yvonne Terrell, RN, BSN;<br />

and Angela Scudder, RN, MSN, CENP.<br />

Highpoint Health<br />

Receives Donation of<br />

Birthing Blankets<br />

The non-profit organization,<br />

Keith’s Comfort Blankets,<br />

donated three dozen blankets,<br />

including swaddlers and toddler<br />

blankets, to the Highpoint<br />

Health Birthing Center.<br />

Keith’s Comfort Blankets<br />

was founded in 2018 by<br />

Rachel and Aaron Lewis in<br />

memory of their son, Keith<br />

Robert Lewis, who died<br />

when he was only six months<br />

old from a rare genetic<br />

mitochondrial disorder. The<br />

organization’s mission is<br />

to provide comfort to hospitalized<br />

children and their<br />

families. The Highpoint<br />

Health Birthing Center will<br />

use the blankets for the hospital’s<br />

newborns, along with<br />

providing them for infants<br />

who need to be transported to<br />

neonatal intensive care units<br />

such as the one at Cincinnati<br />

THE BEACON - Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.<br />

Children’s Hospital.<br />

Rachel Lewis is the niece of<br />

Claudia Richardt of Hidden<br />

Valley, former Vice President<br />

of Highpoint Health Human<br />

Resources, Marketing &<br />

Community Relations, and<br />

current Highpoint Health<br />

Auxiliary Gift Shop volunteer.<br />

Mrs. Richardt arranged for<br />

the donation of blankets to the<br />

Birthing Center.<br />

Mrs. Richardt noted that the<br />

donation of blankets to the<br />

Birthing Center will be ongoing.<br />

Keith’s Comfort Blankets<br />

has committed to supplying<br />

more blankets as needed.<br />

For more information about<br />

the Highpoint Health Birthing<br />

Center, please call 812/537-<br />

8273, or 800/676-5572, ext.<br />

8273, or visit the hospital<br />

website at www.myhph.org.<br />

Civista Bank<br />

Celebrates 135 years<br />

March 24 marked the 135th<br />

anniversary of Civista Bank.<br />

According to CEO and President<br />

Dennis G. Shaffer, the<br />

bank celebrated the occasion<br />

in its branch offices on March<br />

29. “I am truly honored to<br />

be a part of our company’s<br />

rich history of community<br />

banking, and I look forward<br />

to celebrating this milestone<br />

with employees and customers<br />

throughout 20<strong>19</strong>.”<br />

The bank opened its doors<br />

in 1884 in downtown Sandusky<br />

with four employees.<br />

Today Civista has over four<br />

hundred employees and<br />

thirty-eight locations throughout<br />

Northern, Central, and<br />

Southwestern Ohio, Southeastern<br />

Indiana and Northern<br />

Kentucky.<br />

The bank initially operated<br />

from rented rooms in the<br />

Sloan Block on Columbus<br />

Avenue in Sandusky, OH until<br />

a new building was constructed<br />

on West Market Street.<br />

The bank continues to be<br />

headquartered in downtown<br />

Sandusky, having invested $2<br />

million in building its current<br />

headquarters in the early<br />

<strong>19</strong>80s.<br />

“Over the past 135 years,<br />

Civista has continued to grow<br />

and transform itself into a<br />

premier financial services<br />

company while maintaining<br />

its commitment to relationship-banking<br />

and making a<br />

difference in all the communities<br />

we serve,” added Mr.<br />

Shaffer.<br />

The Civista name reflects<br />

that story of transformation.<br />

“As we grew into new<br />

markets, the original Citizens<br />

name often became confused<br />

with over three hundred other<br />

financial institutions bearing<br />

the Citizens name in the<br />

U.S. until we rebranded the<br />

bank in 2015 as Civista,”<br />

explained Mr. Shaffer. “A<br />

combination of ‘civic’ and<br />

‘vista,’ meaning view. Together,<br />

our name reflects<br />

our commitment to banking<br />

focused on our customers and<br />

the community.”

May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 7A<br />

The YES Home- Making a Difference in Children’s Lives<br />

The YES home has been an anchor and bridge to many local<br />

youths. It is one-of-a-kind in the entire state of Indiana.<br />

Artwork and writings from<br />

present and past residents<br />

are displayed throughout<br />

the home.<br />

By Nicole Williams<br />

The YES Home is folded<br />

into the hills of a country road<br />

in Aurora, Indiana. Established<br />

in <strong>19</strong>81, the historic<br />

location is surrounded by<br />

fields and trees. Most visitors<br />

are unaware of the building’s<br />

importance as they pass<br />

the horses grazing and drive<br />

up the long gravel driveway<br />

which leads to the building’s<br />

main entrance. If the building<br />

could talk, the walls would<br />

tell you of adolescent journeys<br />

of both hope and healing.<br />

Youth Encouragement<br />

Services (YES) Home is a<br />

structured environment for<br />

both children and adolescents<br />

who require a safe environment<br />

to call home while under<br />

the supervision of the Indiana<br />

Department of Child Services<br />

or Indiana County Probation<br />

Services. The general ages of<br />

the children range from thirteen<br />

to eighteen years of age.<br />

The YES Home provides safe<br />

Executive Director Amy<br />

Phillips works countless<br />

hours to ensure the health<br />

and welfare of the youth.<br />

shelter as well as goal-oriented<br />

treatment plans along with<br />

outside therapeutic support.<br />

The home also takes youth on<br />

an emergency basis, which<br />

means they need housing and<br />

have nowhere else to go.<br />

This unique program originally<br />

began with a professionally<br />

trained couple serving ten<br />

children. The YES Home was<br />

incorporated in <strong>19</strong>78 after two<br />

other local agencies of its kind<br />

failed. Youth began to live in the<br />

YES Home in <strong>19</strong>81. At the time,<br />

the board of directors set their<br />

sights on the possibility of a<br />

renovation of the original home.<br />

The YES Home found the<br />

answer it was looking for with<br />

a grant from the county and<br />

charitable foundations. Significant<br />

improvements were made<br />

to the interior of the century-old<br />

structure while the building’s<br />

exterior historical integrity was<br />

maintained. Youth Encouragement<br />

Service Inc. added to their<br />

name, “The James B. Wismann<br />

YES Home staff is what<br />

makes this unique home so<br />

successful. Pictured above<br />

are Case Manager Kerri<br />

Fox and Administrative Assistant<br />

Jennifer Widener.<br />

Home,” in honor of Jim Wismann,<br />

for his dedication to the<br />

organization as both a Board<br />

member and Treasurer for over<br />

twenty years.<br />

Recognized leadership<br />

qualities are defined as someone<br />

who can inspire others,<br />

demonstrates commitment, has<br />

passion, and understands accountability.<br />

The executive director<br />

of the YES Home, Amy<br />

Phillips, encompasses all of<br />

these qualities and more. Ms.<br />

Phillips became the new director<br />

in 2017 after encouragement<br />

from the establishment’s<br />

original house parents. Every<br />

last one of her staff members at<br />

the YES Home seems to have<br />

a special gift to fit the different<br />

personalities that come<br />

through the door. Ms. Phillips<br />

openly boasts about the staff<br />

at the home, which includes<br />

many different roles to make<br />

the home successful. “I seriously<br />

could highlight each staff<br />

member. The Program Manager,<br />

Jarrid Hornsby, works with<br />

the youth to get jobs, develop<br />

relationships in the community,<br />

and find what sparks<br />

their interests. Staff member<br />

Holly Koons develops creative<br />

groups that engage the kids in<br />

developing coping skills.”<br />

Where many homes have<br />

an “institutionalized” feel, the<br />

YES Home is anything but. It<br />

runs like a well-oiled engine.<br />

Many people would call the<br />

approach “family style.” The<br />

building has separate wings<br />

for the boys and girls. Adolescents<br />

typically have their own<br />

rooms, which they are held<br />

responsible for keeping clean<br />

and organized. Positive and<br />

fun decor lines the hallways<br />

down to the modern bathrooms<br />

which are expected to be maintained<br />

by all. Youths learn to be<br />

responsible for their laundry.<br />

All residents pitch in on the<br />

kitchen maintenance, meal<br />

prepping and planning, and<br />

clean-up. They work for an allowance.<br />

Both staff and youth<br />

eat together. Structure and an<br />

expected daily schedule are<br />

prevalent. Outside participation<br />

in sports and after-school<br />

activities is highly encouraged.<br />

To personally hear and see<br />

the real-life stories of the youth<br />

that know the YES Home<br />

is both hard and a privilege.<br />

Respect for their names and<br />

privacy are always carefully<br />

guarded. I was lucky enough<br />

to hear about one particular<br />

gentleman who still stays in<br />

contact with Ms. Phillips, as<br />

their relationship remains like<br />

family. This particular individual<br />

entered the home feeling<br />

extremely detached and “unloved.”<br />

Every single day, Ms.<br />

Phillips would walk up to this<br />

individual and declare, “I am<br />

going to hug you.” He would<br />

sigh, and respond, “Not today<br />

Amy.” This dance of communication<br />

went on for over nine<br />

months until, with time and<br />

work, he opened up. Not only<br />

did Amy get a hug that day,<br />

but she also got a general shift<br />

in attitude and willingness to<br />

cooperate. Ms. Phillips makes<br />

it clear to everybody who<br />

walks through the doors, no<br />

matter what happens, they are<br />

always welcome back.<br />

Looking forward, what<br />

does the future for this unique<br />

home and the youth who<br />

find shelter in it? The most<br />

anticipated addition currently<br />

taking place at the YES<br />

Home is the construction of<br />

the new recreational building<br />

made possible by a grant<br />

from Dearborn Community<br />

Foundation. The Rec Center<br />

will be complete with a half<br />

basketball court, a pool table,<br />

a workout room, and a foosball<br />

table. A loft space will<br />

be used for yoga and a craft<br />

space. A building like this is<br />

intended to build both mental<br />

and physical wellness.<br />

EG McLaughlin is the YES<br />

Home Board President. He<br />

knows first-hand what a positive<br />

impact these additions<br />

will make. Mr. McLaughlin’s<br />

mother is one of the founders<br />

and board member of the<br />

YES Home. When she was<br />

ready to step down from the<br />

board, she asked her son to<br />

consider replacing her. Since<br />

that time, Mr. McLaughlin<br />

has been instrumental in the<br />

success of the YES Home<br />

and has been a great voice<br />

for the community in general.<br />

His excitement for the additions<br />

cannot be mistaken.<br />

“The kids need somewhere<br />

to exert some energy, especially<br />

in the winter time. As<br />

far as the greenhouse, it is part<br />

therapeutic and part the act of<br />

growing food. It never hurts<br />

for kids to learn and get their<br />

hands dirty. No matter what,<br />

it’s always about the kids,”<br />

shared Mr. McLaughlin.<br />

If you are interested in<br />

supporting the YES Home,<br />

consider joining or participating<br />

in their annual golf outing<br />

scheduled for June 10. You<br />

are guaranteed to have a good<br />

time while making a huge<br />

difference to so many. For further<br />

information, please feel<br />

free to contact Amy Phillips at<br />

812-926-0110.<br />



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SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw their ads in The BEACON!

Page 8A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

By Merrill Hutchinson<br />

It’s dinner time, and you are<br />

getting ready to sit down to a<br />

nice, peaceful meal with the<br />

family. You’ve prepared a delicious<br />

meal that took time and<br />

effort. As you all sit down,<br />

you begin to serve little “Joey”<br />

by loading his plate with all<br />

this incredible food- pork<br />

roast, mashed potatoes, gravy,<br />

and corn. Suddenly you notice<br />

him rolling his eyes back into<br />

his head. “Joey, what’s the<br />

problem?” He responds by<br />

telling you that he doesn’t<br />

like this food because it tastes<br />

bad. You respond, “I will put<br />

a small amount of each item<br />

on your plate. You don’t have<br />

to eat a lot; just give it a try.”<br />

Joey: “No, I hate this stuff. I<br />

can’t eat this!” Mom: “Eat<br />

just a little, and you can have<br />

some dessert when you are<br />

finished.” Joey: “What’s for<br />

dessert?” Mom: “If you eat<br />

everything, you can have a little<br />

ice cream.” Joey: “I want<br />

ice cream now. I can’t eat this<br />

stuff!” The bickering goes<br />

back and forth between Mom<br />

and Joey. Mom is getting<br />

tired and frustrated and says:<br />

“If you just eat your meat you<br />

can have some ice cream.”<br />

Joey: “I don’t like the meat,<br />

can I just eat the potatoes?”<br />

Mom gets more frustrated and<br />

continues the back and forth<br />

with Joey. Finally, things have<br />

become so heated that Mom<br />

is yelling and Joey is crying.<br />

The food is getting cold, and<br />

the tension is so thick you<br />

could see it in the air. In all of<br />

her frustration, Mom throws<br />

her arms in the air and says,<br />

“I really don’t care what you<br />

Negotiating with your Child?<br />

eat!” The picture ends with<br />

Joey’s plate of food pushed to<br />

the side, and Joey holding a<br />

half gallon of ice cream as he<br />

digs in like a starved vulture.<br />

Mom and Dad, whether you<br />

realize it or not, if scenarios<br />

similar to the above occurs in<br />

your house, you are allowing<br />

your young child to engage in<br />

negotiating!<br />

Negotiation is a great thing<br />

when it is done correctly.<br />

Throughout my years of working<br />

with others, I’ve had many<br />

opportunities to walk through<br />

the negotiation process. I<br />

realized early on that for me<br />

to even think about entering<br />

into the negotiation process,<br />

several key understandings<br />

and beliefs had to be in place<br />

between the involved parties.<br />

If the understandings were<br />

not clear, it was better not<br />

even to entertain the process.<br />

Negotiations will only stand a<br />

chance at being successful if<br />

the process is standing on the<br />

following pillars.<br />

● Mutual Respect<br />

● Trust<br />

● Good Faith and Intent<br />

● Understanding and Belief in<br />

the Process<br />

● Shared Values<br />

Whether purchasing a car or<br />

house, interviewing for a job,<br />

or settling a business deal, negotiations<br />

can be very rewarding<br />

and successful when they<br />

stand on the pillars mentioned<br />

above. Without these, the<br />

process will at best, fall short,<br />

or at worst, be disastrous and<br />

potentially harmful and costly<br />

to the involved parties.<br />

What does all of this have to<br />

do with negotiating with your<br />

child? On more than one occasion,<br />

I’ve had discussions with<br />

parents about negotiating with<br />

their children. I’ve even had<br />

several cases in which the parents<br />

were impressed that their<br />

elementary-aged child was<br />

becoming a skilled negotiator,<br />

and they applauded the process.<br />

Often the parents would<br />

state something to the effect of,<br />

“Hey, in my world, learning to<br />

be a strong negotiator is a valuable<br />

skill. Someday, it may<br />

make them a lot of money!”<br />

Yes, some truth can be<br />

found in this. However, in<br />

my experience, I would never<br />

want to negotiate with someone<br />

who did not work from<br />

the pillars previously mentioned.<br />

Mutual Respect, Trust,<br />

Good Faith and Intent, Understanding<br />

and Belief in the<br />

Process, and Shared Values.<br />

With that being said, I strongly<br />

encourage parents to avoid<br />

negotiating with their young<br />

children. Why may you ask?<br />

Let’s look at the typical child.<br />

Our kids are born and quickly<br />

develop into selfish beings. If<br />

you don’t believe me, hang<br />

around a two- or three-yearold<br />

for about thirty minutes.<br />

The terrible twos are terrible<br />

because children have become<br />

aware of themselves and how<br />

they interact with the world.<br />

Their little brains are excited<br />

to think about things they want<br />

and finding ways to get those<br />

things at any cost! Tantrums,<br />

crying, sibling rivalry, and<br />

attempts at negotiating are just<br />

part of a young child’s day.<br />

Our young children are not<br />

bad or evil for thinking of<br />

themselves first, but do not be<br />

fooled. Children are selfish by<br />

nature. The thought process<br />

to step outside of one’s own<br />

thoughts and desires and think<br />

about what someone else might<br />

be feeling or thinking is abstract.<br />

This process is slowly<br />

learned, and the brain has to<br />

develop and mature to be capable<br />

of doing such thinking.<br />

Why you may ask, don’t<br />

you trust your kids? My<br />

response is simply that I do<br />

not trust them, YET! Trust is<br />

something that must develop<br />

and grow. Furthermore, trust<br />

only occurs when people are<br />

working from a respected and<br />

shared value system. A child<br />

doesn’t know what is of value<br />

in a relationship until they are<br />

old enough to understand how<br />

a relationship works. I’ve had<br />

the excellent opportunity to<br />

work with thousands of kids.<br />

What I know to be true, is that<br />

no matter how good children<br />

are, they simply are not ready<br />

for high level or abstract<br />

thinking. An elementary-age<br />

child is still learning how to<br />

interact with others and how<br />

to combat the selfishness tendency<br />

that is hardwired into<br />

all of us.<br />

Watching kids on the playground<br />

is a perfect example.<br />

You will see them argue and<br />

bicker back and forth to the<br />

point that sometimes seems<br />

cruel. This cruelty comes<br />

out simply because a child<br />

is acting like a child- selfish.<br />

They want what they want no<br />

matter what you want.<br />

As part of the process of becoming<br />

a well-adjusted, successful<br />

adult, we must learn to<br />

temper our selfish hardwiring<br />

and learn essential relationship<br />

tools such as empathy,<br />

understanding, and effective<br />

communication. These skills<br />

may not seem difficult, but I<br />

believe that the lack of these<br />

skills is the reason for much<br />

of the conflict in our world<br />

today- politics, business, marriage,<br />

parenting, etc. Trouble<br />

comes when we revert to our<br />

selfish tendencies and presume<br />

our way is the only way.<br />

Let me suggest that we<br />

don’t negotiate with our<br />

children until they have<br />

learned and understand these<br />

essential pillars of negotiation<br />

by first learning the tools<br />

of empathy, understanding,<br />

and effective communication.<br />

These tools can be more<br />

difficult for some children to<br />

comprehend than others. As<br />

the parent, you want to teach<br />

these skills and then help<br />

them understand how they<br />

build strong, healthy relationships.<br />

If you want your child<br />

to grow up to be a successful,<br />

well-adjusted adult, please do<br />

not spend your time negotiating<br />

with your child. Instead,<br />

spend your time teaching and<br />

encouraging your children to<br />

understand the value of valuing<br />

others. Once you begin<br />

to have confidence in your<br />

child’s ability to value others,<br />

you will find yourself being<br />

more comfortable entering<br />

into the negotiation process.<br />

Not only will this help your<br />

child, but it will help all of the<br />

people your child becomes<br />

involved with as an adult. I<br />

don’t know about you, but I<br />

would call that a Win-Win<br />

DEAL!<br />

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THE BEACON - Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.

May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 9A<br />

A Local Hero, The Greatest Generation, A Small World<br />

By Maureen Stenger<br />

The bombing of Pearl<br />

Harbor on December 7, <strong>19</strong>41,<br />

thrust the United States into<br />

World War II. This global<br />

war lasted from <strong>19</strong>39 to <strong>19</strong>45.<br />

World War II is the deadliest<br />

conflict in history. Marked by<br />

The Holocaust, genocide and<br />

the bombing of Hiroshima<br />

great sacrifices were paid not<br />

only on the battlefield but<br />

also on the home front. Gas,<br />

food, and clothing were all<br />

rationed to help support the<br />

war effort. As their husbands<br />

and sons headed to foreign<br />

lands, women headed to the<br />

workforce in unprecedented<br />

numbers. Americans were<br />

resolute in their efforts, and<br />

life changed for all.<br />

One of those sons that<br />

headed to war was Albert<br />

Wagner, born and raised in<br />

Sunman, Indiana on October<br />

22, <strong>19</strong>21. Albert was drafted<br />

for World War II and served<br />

from <strong>19</strong>42 to <strong>19</strong>45. He was<br />

part of the Eighth Airforce,<br />

446th Bombardment Group<br />

and was stationed in Bungay,<br />

England. The Eighth<br />

Airforce was a United States<br />

Army Forces combat air<br />

force involved in a vast area<br />

of heavy fighting across<br />

Europe, also known as the<br />

European Theater of World<br />

War II. The Eighth Airforce<br />

carried out targeted bombing<br />

raids and engaged in combat<br />

against enemy aircraft. Mr.<br />

Wagner served as a ball gunner,<br />

the gunner that is under<br />

the belly of the plane tasked<br />

with shooting down enemy<br />

fighters.<br />

Mr. Wagner was part of the<br />

squadron for the Consolidated<br />

B-24 Liberator American<br />

heavy bomber, Old-Faithful.<br />

The crew for Old-Faithful was<br />

manned by Sergeant Melvin<br />

Howard, Sergeant Albert<br />

Wagner, Sergeant Walter Nye,<br />

Sergeant Wayne Back, Sergeant<br />

John Keegan, Sergeant<br />

William Watkins, Lieutenant<br />

Clark Jensen, Lieutenant<br />

Henry Kingsbery, Lieutenant<br />

Willis Hause, and Lieutenant<br />

Edward Hanna. Old-Faithful<br />

had flak damage, ground<br />

anti-aircraft fire damage,<br />

from a prior mission and was<br />

being repaired, so the crew<br />

was assigned a different B-24<br />

Bomber called Satan’s Sister.<br />

On April 27th, <strong>19</strong>44 the crew<br />

was gearing up for their morning<br />

mission, which would be<br />

Mr. Wagner’s twenty-seventh<br />

mission.<br />

Shortly after take-off, an<br />

engine exploded. There were<br />

eight one thousand pound<br />

bombs on board the aircraft<br />

which kept them from gaining<br />

any altitude or speed. The<br />

crew began dumping their<br />

bombs. Unfortunately, one of<br />

the bombs exploded in the air<br />

and blew off the tail turret and<br />

damaged the control system.<br />

The plane then crashed near<br />

Diss, England in a field<br />

among a flock of sheep and<br />

caught fire. It had narrowly<br />

missed crashing into a village<br />

church and nearby homes.<br />

Villagers and farm laborers<br />

who heard the commotion<br />

came running and helped to<br />

pull four of the men from the<br />

wreckage. Satan’s Sister was<br />

loaded with ammunition; she<br />

could go up in flames at any<br />

moment. These brave men<br />

and women truly risked their<br />

lives helping the crew.<br />

Once the plane came to<br />

a rest, the right side of the<br />

wing had two fires burning.<br />


Airman<br />

Samantha P. Barrett<br />

U.S. Air Force Airman 1st<br />

Class Samantha P. Barrett<br />

graduated<br />

from basic<br />

military<br />

training at<br />

Joint Base<br />

San Antonio-Lackland,<br />

San<br />

Antonio,<br />

Airman Barrett Texas. The<br />

airman<br />

completed an intensive<br />

program that included training<br />

in military discipline and Air<br />

Force core values.<br />

Airmen who complete basic<br />

training also earn credits<br />

toward an associate in applied<br />

science degree through the<br />

Community College of the<br />

Air Force.<br />

Airman Barrett earned distinction<br />

as an honor graduate.<br />

Airman Barrett is the<br />

daughter of Stephanie Barrett<br />

of Brookville, Indiana.<br />

She is a 2016 graduate of<br />

Franklin County High School,<br />

Brookville.<br />

Airman<br />

Matthew K. Corlett<br />

U.S. Air Force Airman Matthew<br />

K. Corlett graduated<br />

from basic<br />

military<br />

training at<br />

Joint Base<br />

San Antonio-Lackland,<br />

San<br />

Antonio,<br />

Texas.<br />

Airman Corlett Airman<br />

Corlett is<br />

the son of Lisa and David<br />

Corlett of Harrison, Ohio. He<br />

is a 2018 graduate of William<br />

Henry Harrison High School,<br />

Harrison, Ohio.<br />

Airman<br />

Casey Schlotman<br />

U.S. Air Force Reserve Airman<br />

1st Class Casey Schlotman<br />

graduated from basic<br />

military training at Joint Base<br />

San Antonio-Lackland, San<br />

Antonio, Texas.<br />

Airman<br />

Schlotman is<br />

the daughter<br />

of Denise<br />

and David<br />

Schlotman<br />

of Harrison,<br />

Ohio. She is<br />

a 2016<br />

Airman Schlotman graduate of<br />

William<br />

Henry Harrison High School.<br />

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The Crew of Old-Faithful- standing from left to right: Sergeant Melvin Howard, Sergeant<br />

Albert Wagner, Sergeant Walter Nye, Sergeant Wayne Back, Sergeant John Keegan,<br />

Sergeant William Watkins. Kneeling: KIA Lieutenant Clark Jensen, KIA Lieutenant Henry<br />

Kingsbery, Lieutenant Willis Hause, Lieutenant Edward Hanna. (photo courtesy of Jamie<br />

Wagner Roope)<br />

Sergeant Walter Nye and<br />

Sergeant Wagner were only<br />

slightly hurt and immediately<br />

began trying to help their fellow<br />

crew members. Sergeant<br />

Wagner succeeded in pinching<br />

the fuel line, thus stopping the<br />

gas from flowing until help<br />

arrived. Sergeant Watkins,<br />

Sergeant Keegan, and Lieutenant<br />

Edward Hanna were<br />

pinned underneath the wreckage.<br />

Sergeant Wagner found<br />

Lieutenant and pilot Clark<br />

Jensen with his hand still on<br />

the wheel slumped over, unconscious.<br />

Help arrived, but<br />

sadly it was too late to save<br />

Lieutenant Jensen and Lieutenant<br />

Henry Kingsbery.<br />

One month after the crash,<br />

Sergeant Wagner was back to<br />

active duty. He continued serving<br />

his country until <strong>19</strong>45. He<br />

returned to Indiana, where he<br />

and his wife, Evelyn raised five<br />

children, and Sergeant Wagner<br />

went to work for Hillenbrand<br />

for twenty years. Albert and<br />

7247 State Road 46E<br />

Batesville, IN 47006<br />

812.932.3300<br />

Evelyn eventually retired and<br />

spent their winters in their<br />

second home in Port Charlotte,<br />

Florida. Albert passed away on<br />

December 16, <strong>19</strong>92.<br />

Albert’s son, Jim, was<br />

researching the crew of The<br />

Old-Faithful which led him to<br />

find Idaho author, Jan Cline.<br />

Ms. Cline’s mother was married<br />

to pilot Clark Jenson who<br />

was killed in the crash. Ms.<br />

Cline is writing a series of<br />

books called, The American<br />

Dream Series. The third book<br />

is due out by the end of the<br />

year and will mention the<br />

plight of Satan’s Sister and all<br />

of the crew including Sergeant<br />

Wagner. Sgt. Wagner’s<br />

granddaughter, Jamie Roope,<br />

tells me “My entire family is<br />

really excited about this book!<br />

We cannot wait to see how<br />

Jan brings this story to life.”<br />

Perhaps that is how we honor<br />

The Greatest Generation, by<br />

keeping their stories alive for<br />

generations to come.<br />


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bd,3.5 baths, 1st flr laundry and with large wrap around covered<br />

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ST. LEON: Older 2 story home all off Edgewood<br />

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LAND<br />

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We Need Listings! Have buyers for farmland!<br />

Dale Lutz<br />

Randy Lutz<br />


Page 10A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

M<br />

DEAR,<br />

ARIE<br />

By<br />

Marie<br />

Segale<br />

marie@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Dear Marie is written by<br />

the trusted friend, who gives<br />

sound, compassionate advice<br />

about questions in life that you<br />

may have.<br />

Dear Marie,<br />

My daughter lives on her<br />

phone. She is in her thirties,<br />

and has two small children<br />

in school. She is is a stay-athome<br />

mom.<br />

Social media appears to be<br />

her life. She continually posts<br />

on social media. Sometimes<br />

the posts are about private<br />

family information. Other<br />

times she is asking for recommendations<br />

for anything and<br />

everything. It appears that<br />

social media has taken the<br />



Thursday, May 2<br />

6 PM<br />

North Dearborn Branch<br />

-or-<br />

Monday, May 6<br />

2 PM<br />

Lawrenceburg Public<br />

Library<br />

place of real life for her. I<br />

don’t understand the need to<br />

constantly check what others<br />

are saying, doing, or thinking.<br />

In my opinion, this type of behavior<br />

is harming our society<br />

as a whole, not to mention my<br />

own family. Marie, what can I<br />

do about my daughter’s constant<br />

need to be on her phone?<br />

Karen from Batesville<br />

Dear Karen,<br />

I certainly understand your<br />

concern. This type of behavior<br />

is becoming more and more<br />

prevalent in our society. I<br />

think the best way to handle<br />

your daughter’s situation is to<br />

determine if her behavior has<br />

become a bad habit or a serious<br />

addiction. Is she using her<br />

phone to fill spare moments?<br />

Does your daughter use her<br />

phone to avoid being with<br />

other people and talking faceto-face?<br />

Does she get anxious<br />

if she can’t find her phone?<br />

Does your daughter have an<br />

issue with feeling inferior to<br />

others, or on the other hand,<br />

superior to others? Falling<br />

into bad habits is so easy.<br />

However, changing those bad<br />

Join us for step-by-step<br />

instructions on creating a<br />

profitable garage sale<br />

including organizing,<br />

marketing, and preparing<br />

for a successful sale.<br />

Registration requested.<br />

www.lpld.lib.in.us<br />

habits takes some effort.<br />

Let me share some simple<br />

tips that you can give your<br />

daughter to help her change<br />

her phone habit. Tell her to set<br />

limits on how often she can<br />

check her phone- start with<br />

fifteen-minute intervals, then<br />

move it up to thirty minute<br />

intervals, and then to one<br />

hour. Turn off the push notifications,<br />

making it less urgent<br />

to check her phone. Delete<br />

any unnecessary apps such<br />

as shopping or game apps.<br />

Move the phone charger away<br />

from the bed at night; charge<br />

the phone across the room.<br />

Switch to an alarm clock to<br />

wake up in the morning rather<br />

than relying on the phone. Do<br />

not wear your phone all day<br />

in your pocket; remove the<br />

temptation to have it on you<br />

all the time. Making these<br />

changes is a great way to start<br />

on a new road to social health.<br />

Have a pressing issue?<br />

Contact Marie@goBEACONnews.com<br />

2 3<br />

3 4<br />

4 3 7<br />

4 7 6 9<br />

2 6 7<br />

7 5 8 3<br />

2 6 1 8<br />

7 3 9 6<br />

1 7 6<br />

From a Dog's Point of View<br />

By Pearl and Tammy Turner<br />

Hi! Pearl here from Paws.<br />

Summer will be here soon<br />

which is a perfect time to add<br />

a new furry friend to your<br />

family. We will not only keep<br />

the kids occupied for you,<br />

but you will never be bored<br />

again! Not to mention that<br />

you will have more love than<br />

you can handle. So if you are<br />

looking to add a pet, be it dog<br />

or cat (and I highly recommend<br />

a dog, but that’s just<br />

my suggestion), you have a<br />

lot of options. You can go to<br />

Sudoku<br />

Sudoku is a logical puzzle game that may seem difficult at<br />

first glance, but actually it is not as hard as it looks! Fill a<br />

number in to every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1 to<br />

9. You can only use each number once in each row, each<br />

column, and in each of the 3×3 boxes. The solution can be<br />

found on our website www.goBEACONnews.com/print_<br />

edition. Click on the link for Sudoku and view the solution<br />

for this month and last. Good luck and have fun!<br />

a pet store, a breeder, directly<br />

to an owner, or my personal<br />

favorite “the Shelter.” Let me<br />

tell you some of the benefits<br />

of adopting from a shelter.<br />

1. Selection- So many different<br />

options are available<br />

at the shelter. Whether you<br />

are looking for a cat or a dog,<br />

a shelter has all shapes and<br />

sizes. You may be looking for<br />

a specific breed or a particular<br />

color. Or you may want something<br />

large or small, young<br />

or old. A shelter has a wide<br />

variety.<br />

2. Health- All of the animals<br />

at the shelter receive all their<br />

vaccines when entering the<br />

shelter, and that even includes<br />

flea and tick medicine.<br />

They are also all spayed and<br />

neutered. All of this information<br />

will be included in their<br />

passport their new owners<br />

will receive when adopted.<br />

Sometimes these very important<br />

medical details are overlooked<br />

by breeders or owners<br />

who are selling animals. We<br />

also check all cats and dogs<br />

for any health issues, but we<br />

still ask that you take the<br />

pets for a visit with your vet<br />

within ten days of adoption to<br />

do a double check. And your<br />

new family member can get<br />

acquainted with your vet.<br />

3. Temperament- We test<br />

the temperament of each<br />

animal who enters the shelter.<br />

So if you are looking for a<br />

high-energy dog to play with<br />

the kids, the shelter staff can<br />

show you which ones would<br />

Pearl loves squeaky toys!<br />

be best for your family. If<br />

you want a cuddly kitten, they<br />

can show you which cats are<br />

the most affectionate. The<br />

staff is always willing to help<br />

find the animal that is just<br />

right for you.<br />

4. Saving Lives- Maybe you<br />

just want to make sure that an<br />

older pet gets to live out its<br />

life in a loving home. These<br />

pets have often been left at<br />

the shelter because of either<br />

losing their owners or maybe<br />

someone thought they were<br />

just too old. Or you could be<br />

the one that wants to take in a<br />

“special needs” dog or cat because<br />

you want to see that the<br />

pet gets the attention it needs<br />

to have a full and healthy life.<br />



Come visit the shelter and<br />

find that purrfect pet for your<br />

family. We will show you<br />

nothing but unconditional<br />

love and happiness, from<br />

whatever size or shape. But<br />

remember a certain four-anda-half-year-old<br />

female hound<br />

mix named Pearl would work<br />

perfectly- I guarantee it!<br />

With a wet nose, wagging<br />

tail, and lots of love,<br />

Pearl<br />

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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 11A<br />

The Vacant Lot<br />

By Mary-Alice Helms<br />

It wasn’t particularly beautiful,<br />

that empty lot in Brookville<br />

between Division Street and<br />

the alley running parallel to it.<br />

It was wildly un-landscaped,<br />

turning golden with dandelion<br />

blossoms in the spring and<br />

lushly green and unkempt in<br />

the summer. Every year some<br />

new hollyhocks bloomed in<br />

glorious colors, grown from<br />

seeds obligingly dropped by<br />

visiting birds. On snowy winter<br />

days, it sprouted crooked<br />

snowmen, snow forts, and<br />

lopsided snow angels. It was<br />

known as “The Bacant Lot”<br />

to all of the kids in the <strong>19</strong>40s<br />

neighborhood, and we thought<br />

it was our own paradise. It<br />

was the one empty space in<br />

the midst of neat brick, stone<br />

or white-painted wood homes<br />

which were comfortably settled<br />

on carefully tended lawns.<br />

The lot sported a lone tree. It<br />

was an ancient mulberry with<br />

wide, curving limbs perfectly<br />

shaped for climbing. It never<br />

failed to produce fat, sweet<br />

mulberries dripping with purple<br />

juice which left permanent<br />

stains on our white t-shirts.<br />

Some of my best childhood<br />

memories are of reading a<br />

book while lying stretched<br />

out on one of that tree’s wide<br />

limbs and eating mulberries.<br />

In one corner of the lot,<br />

next to the alley, there was a<br />

square made of huge stones,<br />

the foundation of a building<br />

which once stood there.<br />

It was a mute reminder of<br />

another era, as it was said to<br />

have been a barn where buggies<br />

were built. Those stones<br />

could never have foreseen the<br />

day when they would define<br />

the spaces for little girls playing<br />

“house.” My sister and<br />

her friends spent hours playing<br />

“jacks” inside that square,<br />

endlessly bouncing small<br />

rubber balls and scooping up<br />

metal jacks from those stones.<br />

There were always kids playing<br />

in the “bacant lot.” Sometimes<br />

there would be several<br />

games going on at the same<br />

time. There might be a softball<br />

game, using stones for bases,<br />

a game of “Tag,” or “Mother<br />

May I?” at the other end of the<br />

lot, while the old foundation<br />

served as a theater for a very<br />

imaginative interpretation of a<br />

Shirley Temple movie.<br />

We had our own method for<br />

summoning our buddies to<br />

the lot. The first kid to arrive<br />

would yodel our own version<br />

of a Tarzan yell, which echoed<br />

all over the area bounded<br />

by Eleventh Street, Division<br />

Street, Fairfield Avenue, and<br />

Franklin Avenue. We could<br />

tell who was coming to play<br />

by the sound of the banging of<br />

screen doors. Each door had<br />

its unique sound. It seemed<br />

that none of us ever learned to<br />

close a door quietly. We could<br />

identify the double clap from<br />

the Krause house, the solid<br />

“boom” from Johnsons’, while<br />

our back screen door emitted a<br />

“whoosh” followed by the metallic<br />

rattle of a loose hook.<br />

We truly loved the vacant<br />

lot, and considered it our own,<br />

until one day we heard some<br />

disturbing news. One of the<br />

kids had overheard her father<br />

talking to a real estate agent,<br />

who revealed that the legal<br />

owner of the lot was going to<br />

sell it. The agent was going to<br />

be showing the property that<br />

very afternoon, to a lady who<br />

wanted to build a house in<br />

town. That woman was wellknown<br />

to some of us. She<br />

lived in a rental a few blocks<br />

away, didn’t like children and<br />

was rumored to sic her vicious<br />

dog on any kid who dared to<br />

venture onto her lawn. It was<br />

totally unacceptable that that<br />

woman would build a house<br />

in our neighborhood, much<br />

less on “our” lot. Something<br />

had to be done! And so we<br />

did it. Running all over town,<br />

we gathered up every kid we<br />

could find, luring them with<br />

the promise of free bubble<br />

gum, which we had purchased<br />

with our pooled allowances.<br />

That afternoon the real estate<br />

agent pulled his fancy car to<br />

the curb next to the vacant<br />

lot, and carefully assisted his<br />

prospective client from the<br />

passenger seat. No sooner had<br />

the passenger door opened<br />

than the lot erupted with kids.<br />

There were kids playing baseball,<br />

kids chasing each other in<br />

a wild game of tag. A couple<br />

of boys were hanging by their<br />

knees from the branches of the<br />

mulberry tree. A fake scuffle<br />

broke out between the baseball<br />

players after a raggedy<br />

dog ran off with the only ball<br />

and a little girl began “crying”<br />

for her mother. It was<br />

beautiful pandemonium! Our<br />

devious plan worked. The<br />

incensed agent threatened, in<br />

a very loud voice, to call our<br />

parents; the lady got back into<br />

the car in a huff and demanded<br />

to be returned to her home.<br />

Our wonderful lot was safe, at<br />

least for the moment.<br />

We played in the vacant<br />

lot for several years, until<br />

we outgrew it. Our interests<br />

turned to school activities,<br />

basketball games, boyfriends<br />

Jackson Matthews, Kooper Witte, Isabel Pearson, Brayden<br />

Hurelbrink and David Mahan, referee.<br />

Two Local Teams Advance to<br />

State Robotics League<br />

Two robotics teams represented our community at the VEX<br />

IQ Challenge at Lucas Oil Stadium. Dillsboro Elementary<br />

School and Manchester Elementary School sixth grade robotics<br />

teams were first and second, respectively, out of twenty-two<br />

teams from Dearborn and Ripley County schools. The teams<br />

competed for two spots to advance to state.<br />

The Dillsboro team consists of co-captains Brayden<br />

Hurelbrink and Isabel Pearson, Calvin Cowell, Sophie Henson,<br />

and Katie Hughes and are coached by Katie Weinbender<br />

and Susan Thompson. The Manchester team consists of<br />

Jackson Matthews, Kooper Witte, Jenna Hufford, Kymberly<br />

Kirkpatrick, Elle Rohr, Callie Davidson, Gracie Van Winkle,<br />

and Rune Rocklin.and are coached by Jodie Hopper.<br />

The league is part of the VEX IQ Challenge that provides<br />

open-ended robotics and research project challenges for<br />

elementary and middle school students that enhance their<br />

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)<br />

skills through hands-on, student-centered learning.<br />

and girlfriends and finally, to<br />

TV. Eventually, a huge home<br />

was moved from where it<br />

had been built on Main Street<br />

and was plopped down on<br />

the no-longer-vacant lot. A<br />

Dairy Queen was built where<br />

the house had once stood, and<br />

it was later replaced by the<br />

McDonald’s which still stands<br />

there on Main Street.<br />

“Our” vacant lot had<br />

seemed enormous when we<br />

were kids. I remember coming<br />

home from college and<br />

looking at the space where<br />

we had played so joyously.<br />

It looked so small and uninviting.<br />

The square formed<br />

by the stone foundation had<br />

been filled in with dirt and<br />

gravel. Weeds had taken over<br />

the “ball diamond,” and the<br />

mulberry tree had been cut<br />

down after losing several of<br />

its beautiful limbs in a storm.<br />

The “Bacant Lot” hasn’t<br />

been vacant for a number of<br />

years. Families have moved<br />

in and out, unaware that<br />

their lawn chairs and charcoal<br />

grills had sat on the “<br />

pitcher’s block.” The kids<br />

who once played there are<br />

now grandparents and greatgrandparents,<br />

and just like the<br />

vacant lot, some of them are<br />

gone. But the memories of<br />

the wonderful vacant lot live<br />

on in our hearts.<br />

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Page 12A THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

G<br />

In the<br />

OOD OLD<br />

DAYS<br />

By<br />

Doris By<br />

Butt Jeanie<br />

Community (Hurley)<br />

Correspondent Smith<br />

goodolddays@goBEACONnews.com<br />

jeaniesmith10@gmail.com<br />

Miss Kitty and Bobby<br />

Ray and I decided now that<br />

Wwe are retired we would be<br />

gone from the hat's farmstead too<br />

Happening In<br />

often to have any pets. One<br />

problem- DILLSBORO<br />

we forgot to tell two<br />

cats that have chosen to live<br />

with us.<br />

By<br />

Several summers ago, Paul we<br />

noticed a longhaired tabby Filter &<br />

cat dashing between the Mary barn<br />

Lou<br />

and the granary. Ray and Powers I did<br />

Community Correspondents<br />

kpfilter@gmail.com<br />

W<br />

hat's Happening<br />

In the<br />

WhitewaterTw<br />

p Franklin<br />

By<br />

Linda<br />

Hall<br />

whitewaterbeacon@aol.com<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

May<br />

not discourage Wor encourage claimed the garage. She soon WHer coloring is the grays and<br />

her; in fact, we could not get hat's learned the exact moment tans of hat's nature. I love to see<br />

near her. In the fall we Happening left when Inthe door was open her sitting Happening about the Inyard and<br />

for Florida with no thought LOGAN of enough to enter or leave. especially Milan among (not on) the<br />

leaving our trespasser. Somehow she always managed<br />

to get in so she could She is very By faithful. There<br />

flowers in my beds.<br />

The next spring when we By<br />

returned, we were surprised to Myrtle sleep there at night. Much is something Susan touching about<br />

see her again. When she started<br />

venturing near the house, to sleep on the van. She left after months away and being<br />

White to our dismay, she preferred pulling into Cottingham the driveway<br />

Ray began leaving feed by<br />

Community<br />

it only after we made her a immediately<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

Correspondent<br />

welcomed home<br />

the door. We wondered about comfy spot to rest.<br />

with a meowing serenade<br />

the history of our new addition<br />

who had a myrtlewhite.thebeacon@yahoo.com<br />

blind eye and indeed a she, although she has scottingham@frontier.com<br />

when you know the poor<br />

We discovered she was from Miss Kitty especially<br />

a passion for meowing when never had kittens. We named thing has lived in the barn<br />

she came near anyone. WBy fall her Miss Kitty. Wand not in the luxury of our<br />

hat's<br />

Ray was finally able to pet hat's We also discovered that she garage. Happening We have grown In to<br />

her. This time we arranged Happening for has a distinct In personality… expect her welcome.<br />

our caretaker to feed her during<br />

the winter.<br />

on your lap. Once there, she summer with us, a very black<br />

AURORA obnoxious. She loves to jump<br />

MOORES<br />

During Miss Kitty’s<br />

HILL<br />

fourth<br />

When we returned from gets so excited that she can’t and white kitten By<br />

By<br />

arrived at our<br />

Linda<br />

Florida, we were surprised sit Fred still. She tramps around, door. Ray and Ickenroth I both noted<br />

that she greeted us with a then Schmits up on your shoulders and that his tail had a kink in it.<br />

welcoming “Meow, meow, around your neck, clawing The next day Community Ray reported<br />

meow.” As we left our van, and Community switching her tail in your there was no Correspondent skin on his tail.<br />

Correspondent<br />

she immediately decided face. She slobbers all over Just bones. I did not look. It<br />

it was safe to join us and you while continually meowing.<br />

She is not a lap kitty,<br />

was too much for Ray. The<br />

MHnews.beacon@gmail.com<br />

fschmits405@centurylink.net<br />

kitten went to the vet. The result,<br />

he became Bobby. “More<br />

believe me.<br />

W<br />

She greets strangers by rubbing<br />

against their legs and ser-<br />

cow!” Ray Happening proclaimed. In<br />

Wmoney than I ever spent on a<br />

hat's<br />

hat's<br />

Happening enading In them. If they ignore Bobby grew and prospered<br />


her, she scratches them. Responding<br />

to her is not smart. often pestering Miss Kitty.<br />

during the<br />


summer while<br />

We have been embarrassed She responded with By<br />

By<br />

a quick<br />

more than once when someone<br />

Poth has been attacked when scurrying.<br />

swat, which would<br />

Shirley<br />

Christina<br />

Seitz<br />

send him<br />

they petted her under her chin When it came Community time to leave<br />

and Community tummy- definite no-no for Florida for the Correspondent winter, Ray<br />

areas<br />

Correspondent<br />

with Miss Kitty. The and I were determined that<br />

grandchildren have learned to we could make a special place<br />

keep their distance although seitz.shirley@yahoo.com<br />

acpothmanchester@yahoo.com<br />

where the cats could feed<br />

she seems to enjoy following themselves, and our caretaker<br />

them about the yard. Wwould have to feed them only<br />

Miss Kitty has her good once a week. hat's Ray put a keg<br />

points. She is a working cat of feed under Happening the steps of Inthe<br />

and makes us very happy granary and RISING filled their SUN pan.<br />

when she deposits a baby The next day, the keg had<br />

mole by the door. She loves to been opened and emptied, By<br />

tour the farmstead in the golf obviously not by Miss Tracy Kitty<br />

cart with me and supervises or Bobby. We traveled (Aylor) to the<br />

my work in the flower beds. pet store to get an<br />

Russell<br />

automatic,<br />

Thursday, May 2nd<br />

”Meet the Holman’s of Veraestau Hill”<br />

4696 Veraestau Lane<br />

Historical tours begin at 5:00pm<br />

Outstanding Historian Awards at 6:00pm<br />

Refreshments served<br />

Sponsored by Dearborn County<br />

Historical Society & Indiana Landmarks<br />

No Charge<br />

Thursday, May 16th<br />

“Celebrate Aurora Community Picnic”<br />

Aurora 200th Birthday Party<br />

400 block Second Street<br />

6:00pm<br />

Please provide a covered dish to share<br />

Thursday, Friday & Saturday, May 16th-18th<br />

“Indiana Historical Society History on Wheels”<br />

Focuses on the history<br />

of the automobile in Indiana<br />

Location & Times TBA<br />

Sponsored by<br />

Aurora Public Library District Foundation<br />

No Charge<br />

Saturday, May 18th<br />

“Bicentennial Pioneer Day”<br />

201 & 213 Fifth Street<br />

10:00am-2:00pm<br />

Explore early 1800’s history, crafts and culture<br />

Sponsored by<br />

Hillforest Victorian House Museum<br />

No Charge<br />

Saturday, May 18th<br />

“Ice Cream Social”<br />

Aurora First Presbyterian Church<br />

215 Fourth Street<br />

2:00—4:00pm<br />

No Charge<br />

“When my time comes,<br />

rsnews4beacon@gmail.com<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

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battery-operated feeder. We<br />

filled it and took it to the<br />

granary. The next morning<br />

the feeder was in pieces- very<br />

expensive pieces I might add.<br />

Ray boarded up the area five<br />

feet high and made a neat<br />

little cat hole. All gone again!<br />

The next night I coated the<br />

floor with flour to footprint<br />

the varmint. Coons! Ray<br />

added another board and light<br />

thinking coons would stay<br />

away from light. Not so. Frustrated,<br />

we had to give up for it<br />

was time to leave for Florida.<br />

We directed our caretaker to<br />

feed both cats.<br />

When we arrived home for<br />

Christmas holidays, we were<br />

greeted by Miss Kitty and<br />

Bobby. And two dogs! The<br />

big friendly fellows stayed<br />

with us both weeks that we<br />

were home.<br />

We noticed there were no<br />

problems with feeding the<br />

cats in the granary. That gave<br />

us an idea for a new feeding<br />

plan. We would arrange to<br />

feed the dogs who would keep<br />

the coons away. Ray purchased<br />

a supply of Old Roy<br />

at Wal-Mart. Our caretaker<br />

would still have to feed our<br />

“cats and dogs” but not very<br />

often. We left, confident that<br />

we had solved the feeding<br />

problem. It did not work. The<br />

dogs left when we did.<br />

This spring we arrived back<br />

to faithful Miss Kitty’s meows.<br />

Bobby arrived on the scene<br />

in a couple of days. I suspect<br />

Bobby boarded with neighbors.<br />

I thank them if he did.<br />

We are settled in for a summer<br />

together.<br />

Ray and I will attack the<br />

coon problem. I will admit we<br />

do not know how, but I don’t<br />

think it will be pretty.<br />

Miss Kitty claims our laps<br />

with usual routine and has<br />

returned to her favorite spot in<br />

the garage. She is frustrated by<br />

the presence of a mother fox<br />

who lives with two kits in the<br />

barn. She loves cat food and<br />

will venture to the house for it.<br />

I do not always see the fox but<br />

know when she has been feeding<br />

because Miss Kitty is up a<br />

tree. The fox has raised a family<br />

in the barn for the second<br />

year. I enjoy seeing the kits<br />

playing in front of the barn.<br />

And Bobby- he is headed<br />

for another trip to the vet.<br />

Old Friends and<br />

Bright Beginnings<br />

The monthly luncheon<br />

will be on May 2 at 11:30 at<br />

the Dearborn Hills United<br />

Methodist Church. A catered<br />

lunch will be served. Your<br />

reservation and $10.00 will<br />

be appreciated by Apr. 29 by<br />

contacting the Church Office<br />

812-637-3993. The entertainment<br />

will be The Martinaires,<br />

professional singers of old<br />

and familiar tunes.<br />





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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 1B<br />

S<br />

BEACON<br />

PORTS<br />

SCENE<br />

By<br />

Chris Jack<br />

Nobbe<br />

Zoller<br />

beaconsports<br />

@live.com<br />

sports@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Area Archery Teams<br />

Advance to Eastern<br />

Nationals<br />

The National Archery in<br />

the Schools Program (NASP)<br />

continues to attract area youths<br />

to compete in archery. Recently,<br />

local teams competed<br />

in the 20<strong>19</strong> NASP Indiana<br />

State Tournament By and the 20<strong>19</strong><br />

NASP/IBO Maxine 3D Challenge State<br />

Tournament.<br />

Klump<br />

All of these teams<br />

shot well Community enough to compete<br />

at the 20<strong>19</strong> Correspondent NASP Eastern<br />

Nationals. The bullseye tournament<br />

uses a regular target<br />

neklump.thebeacon@yahoo.com<br />

while the 3D competition uses<br />

a variety of animal shapes as<br />

targets for the archers.<br />

For a school to compete as<br />

a team, the school must have<br />

between twelve and twentyfour<br />

archers with at least four<br />

boys and four girls. The top<br />

twelve individual archers on<br />

each team compose the team<br />

score, but those top twelve<br />

must take at least the top four<br />

boys and top four girls to<br />

comprise the scoring twelve.<br />

The Milan High School<br />

team scored 3226 total points.<br />

Milan’s 3D team was led by<br />

Bryson Harris who finished<br />

The Milan High School Archery team displaying medals<br />

earned at the 20<strong>19</strong> NASP state tournaments (photo courtesy<br />

of Kim Taylor)<br />

third of eighty-six high school<br />

boys with a score of 289<br />

while tallying twenty of the<br />

team’s sixty-two tens. Teammate<br />

Jimmy Metcalf was<br />

nineteenth and recorded a<br />

score of 277 with sixteen tens.<br />

Franklin County also competed<br />

in the bullseye competition<br />

and placed twenty-fourth<br />

of thirty-six teams. The<br />

Franklin County team was<br />

led by Elizabeth Brock who<br />

finished 36th out of 379 high<br />

school girls and was followed<br />

by teammate Chloe Hoffman<br />

who placed forty-fifth<br />

South Dearborn High<br />

School did not have a complete<br />

team for either competition,<br />

but freshman Eli Bishop<br />

placed twelfth of eighty-six<br />

boys in the 3D competition<br />

while fellow freshman Tayler<br />

Benham placed thirty-third of<br />

seventy-five girls. Makenna<br />

Dixon competed individually<br />

in the bullseye competition.<br />

Batesville High School senior<br />

Ashlan Widener competed<br />

individually in the bullseye<br />

competition as well.<br />

South Dearborn Middle<br />

School’s team scored 3181<br />

points. Coy Gaspard led the<br />

way for the team by placing<br />

twentieth of four hundred<br />

nineteen boys.<br />

The team also competed in<br />

the 3D competition and placed<br />

ninth of twenty-three teams.<br />

Garrett Cornett led the team<br />

by placing nineteenth out of<br />

one hundred seventy boys.<br />

Moores Hill Elementary<br />

(which also includes some<br />

from Dillsboro and Manchester<br />

Elementary Schools)<br />

scored 2717 points and placed<br />

eighteenth of twenty-five<br />

teams in the bullseye competition<br />

while Aurora Elementary<br />

(in its first independent year<br />

as a team) scored 2538 points<br />

to place twenty-fourth.<br />

Moores Hill Elementary<br />

was led by fifth-grader Caleb<br />

Bishop who placed second<br />

of two hundred seventy-eight<br />

elementary boys competing.<br />

Caleb also placed seventh of<br />

seventy-two boys in the 3D<br />

competition.<br />

Aurora Elementary was led<br />

in the bullseye competition<br />

by fourth-grader Leah Williams<br />

who garnered second<br />

out of two hundred sixty-three<br />

elementary girls and one hundred<br />

fifty-third out of nearly<br />

one thousand girls of all ages.<br />

The NASP also recognizes<br />

students who do well in the<br />

classroom with the distinction<br />

of Academic Archer. Many<br />

students from these teams<br />

earned that recognition.<br />

Milan High School: Evan<br />

Miller, Hannah Cassini,<br />

Margo Taylor, Jared Rigdon,<br />

Lexi Eichenlaub, Renee Lillis,<br />

Spencer Gammons, Megan<br />

Brown, Emma Miller and<br />

middle schoolers Jade Haney<br />

and Sarah Lillis.<br />

South Dearborn High<br />

School: Tayler Benham and<br />

Makenna Dixon.<br />

South Dearborn Middle<br />

School: Austin Hoskins,<br />

Sunman-Dearborn Middle School Wrestling recently capped<br />

off its season by winning the Franklin County MS Tournament<br />

scoring 364 points and claiming nine of twenty-one<br />

individual weight class champions. (photo by Chris Nobbe)<br />

Gavin Caudill, Kiersten<br />

Dixon, Abigail German,<br />

Trevor Jackson, Shelby Rohe,<br />

Makayla Hiltenbeitel, Reagan<br />

Wahl, Cole Armbruster, Callie<br />

Cassidy, and Will Wagner.<br />

Aurora Elementary School:<br />

Leah Williams, Justin Allen,<br />

Dalton Lands, Cameron<br />

Campbell, Carli Walter, and<br />

Reece Armbruster.<br />

Moores Hill Elementary<br />

School: Jackson Cady, Jillian<br />

Harris, Savanah Dietrich, Brady<br />

Buckhave, Andin Oles, Rozalee<br />

Bear, Danica Neff, Samantha<br />

Cornell, and Ben Rizzo.<br />

Congratulations to all teams<br />

and competitors. May your arrows<br />

fly straight in Louisville.<br />

East Central Swim Team’s<br />

(ECST) Nick Weber set a<br />

new state record that had<br />

stood since 2007.<br />

S-DMS Captures<br />

Franklin County<br />

Wrestling Tournament<br />

Sunman-Dearborn Middle<br />

School captured the EIAC<br />

middle school championships.<br />

The Trojans scored an impressive<br />

364 points to defeat<br />

runner-up Franklin County<br />

which scored 260.5.<br />

Other conference schools<br />

fared out in the following<br />

order with Greendale (215.5),<br />

Batesville (172), and South<br />

Dearborn (155).<br />

The Trojans led all area<br />

teams with nine of twenty-one<br />

individual titles including:<br />

Blake Wolf (100 pounds),<br />

Dylan Lengerich (105), Grayson<br />

Hylton (115), Josh Ringer<br />

(120), Rider Searcy (125),<br />

Brayden Rouse (130), Kenny<br />

Wingate (135), Sam McFee<br />

(140), and Joey Herth (<strong>19</strong>5).<br />

Franklin County claimed<br />

three titles with Colin Taylor<br />

(75), Trevor Bruns (80),<br />

and Braylon Kruthaupt (90).<br />

Batesville and Greendale each<br />

claimed a pair of individual<br />

titles. Batesville’s were Tacoma<br />

Nicholas (85) and Elijah<br />

Stover (155). Greendale’s<br />

were Ethan Kinman (70) and<br />

Brayden Tudor (95). South<br />

Dearborn’s lone champion<br />

was Ashton Kittle (165).<br />

Weber and King Win<br />

State Swim Titles;<br />

Weber Sets State<br />

Record<br />

A pair of area swimmers<br />

recently captured state titles at<br />

the USA Swimming Indiana<br />

Age Group State Championships.<br />

East Central Swim Team’s<br />

(ECST) Nick Weber won the<br />

14 & Under 50-yard freestyle<br />

title while setting a new state<br />

record for the event that had<br />

stood since 2007.<br />

Weber, along with teammates<br />

Jackson Ketcham (200<br />

butterfly) and Kyra Hall (200<br />

backstroke), will go on to<br />

compete at the USA Swimming<br />

Futures meet. Brandon<br />

Loveless coaches the ECST<br />

program.<br />

Batesville youngster Nash<br />

King, swimming for the<br />

Hoosier Hills Otters Swim<br />

Club (H2O), also won a state<br />

title at the weekend’s events.<br />

King won the 100-yard butterfly<br />

for 10 & Under to win by<br />

.15 seconds. King trailed for<br />

much of the race before pouring<br />

it on in the last 25 yards to<br />

take over the lead and capture<br />

the championship. King is<br />

coached by John Schutte.<br />

King qualified to represent<br />

Team Indiana in three events<br />

at the Central Zone 14 &<br />

Under Championships. He<br />

chose to compete in six events<br />

throughout the state meet, but<br />

he qualified for ten events at<br />

the state level.<br />


Page 2B THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

BRIGHT/<br />


By<br />

Debby<br />

Stutz<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

bright@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Spring has been very busy<br />

for Steve, Diana and son<br />

Kirk Hubbard who raise<br />

registered Saanen and Nubian<br />

dairy goats. So far they have<br />

thirty baby goats, also called<br />

kids, on the ground. They<br />

have had a set of quintuplets,<br />

a set of quadruplets, several<br />

sets of triplets, and twins as<br />

well as singletons. To keep a<br />

record of which kid belongs<br />

to which doe, the kids have<br />

different color velcro ties on<br />

their necks that remain in<br />

place until they are tattooed.<br />

Diana said, “It took fifty<br />

camera shots to get them all<br />

in the photo.” Sounds just like<br />

any “kid,” right? JH Farms<br />

conducts youth workshops on<br />

showing goats and competitions<br />

around the region. To<br />

learn lots more go to www.jhfarms.us.<br />

Thank you to Diana<br />

for sharing this fun story.<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Two sets of twin Saanen<br />

goats born in March at<br />

JH Farms.<br />

As I write this article, Don<br />

and I are on our way home<br />

from Napa Valley in California.<br />

We tasted lots of wines<br />

and visited many wineries.<br />

Don and I are probably the<br />

most unpretentious winos<br />

ever, so we got lots of laughs<br />

at the grandiose and turgid<br />

wine descriptions. The main<br />

reason for our trip was to<br />

learn about blending wines.<br />

We were fortunate to meet<br />

and talk to some expert winemakers<br />

in blending. If you are<br />

a wine lover, I hope you will<br />

check out www.atthebarnwinery.com<br />

for more insight into<br />

that topic.<br />

Spring has sprung, the winter<br />

battle has been won! It’s<br />

time to go outside to ride a<br />

bike, go for a walk or get your<br />

hands dirty in the garden.<br />

Happy Easter to everyone!<br />

Communities<br />

HIDDEN<br />


By<br />

Korry<br />

Johnson<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

hvl@goBEACONnews.com<br />

We have all heard that<br />

there is strength in numbers,<br />

and the task forces for our<br />

community are no exception.<br />

Task groups are being<br />

formed for five projects, one<br />

of which might catch your<br />

interest.<br />

A kayak launching and<br />

storage area is high on the<br />

priority list, followed by improvements<br />

to the pool and<br />

outdoor activity area.<br />

If pickleball is your passion,<br />

get involved with the<br />

installation of a new court<br />

that should be completed by<br />

Memorial Day.<br />

RV parking and storage<br />

is another topic that will be<br />

addressed this spring. The<br />

expansion of the current area<br />

that has eight spots is to be<br />

discussed for those who do<br />

not have parking access at<br />

their homes.<br />

The goal to expand and improve<br />

hiking trails that span<br />

the seventy-seven acres in<br />

the community is also on the<br />

list. The upgrade of several<br />

miles will be a primary focus<br />

of one of the task groups.<br />

If you have an interest in<br />

contributing to any of these<br />

task forces or volunteering<br />

for these projects, contact the<br />

POA at 812-537-1521.<br />

The first Movie Night of<br />

the season is planned for<br />

May 25, weather permitting.<br />

Join your friends and neighbors<br />

for this seasonal event.<br />

PG Gentrup shared the<br />

following information about<br />

the valiant efforts of the<br />

Hidden Valley Quilters who<br />

recently created a Quilt of<br />

Valor for 84-year-old Jackie<br />

Scott from Rising Sun. Jackie<br />

Scott was born on January<br />

5, <strong>19</strong>35, and served in the<br />

United States Army with<br />

the 5th Special Forces and<br />

101st Airborne, the Screamin’<br />

Eagles. He completed<br />

a tour of duty in Korea and<br />

then two tours in Vietnam.<br />

He served from <strong>19</strong>51-64<br />

and was wounded in action<br />

making him a Purple Heart<br />

Recipient on three separate<br />

occasions.<br />

Jackie’s family was present<br />

to watch him receive his<br />

quilt, which was presented<br />

to him by Jerry Bondurant,<br />

Ron Spurlock, and PG<br />

Gentrup from the Vietnam<br />

Veterans of America, Lary D.<br />

Fogle Chapter 71 in Aurora.<br />

Daughters Sherri (Chuck)<br />

Davis and Edith (Chuck)<br />

Angle, were in attendance.<br />

Gary “Bo” Walston, his<br />

sister Peggy Robinson, and<br />

their mother, Betty, helped to<br />

coordinate the event with the<br />

veterans. Mr. Scott is a true<br />

American hero, and the Vietnam<br />

Veterans were honored<br />

to present him with the quilt.<br />

The names of the quilters<br />

were listed on the back of the<br />

PG Gentrup, Ron Spurlock<br />

and Jerry Bondurant with<br />

Jackie Scott.<br />

quilt.<br />

A special thanks to the<br />

Hidden Valley Quilters for<br />

the beautiful Quilt of Valor.<br />

The docks at Hidden Valley<br />

Lake have been constructed!<br />

The addition of sixteen new<br />

docks brings the count up<br />

to one hundred twenty-two<br />

total docks. Shelters and restrooms<br />

are also planned to be<br />

built this spring.<br />

Please email me if you<br />

have something to share in<br />

next month’s article at hvl@<br />

goBEACONnews.com.<br />

DOVER<br />

dover@goBEACONnews.com<br />

After years of covering<br />

all of the wonderful news in<br />

Dover, correspondent Ray<br />

Johnson has decided to pass<br />

the torch. We will miss his wit<br />

and love for his community.<br />

If you would like to become<br />

involved as a correspondent,<br />

feel free to email the BEA-<br />

CON at editor@ goBEACONnews.com.<br />

Be sure to share news by<br />

emailing dover@goBEACONnews.com.<br />

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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 3B<br />

ST. LEON<br />

By<br />

Debbie A.<br />

Zimmer<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

stleon@goBEACONnews.com<br />

St. Joseph American<br />

Legion Post 464, St. Leon,<br />

recently held their annual<br />

birthday dinner honoring<br />

one hundred years of the<br />

American Legion. Various<br />

awards were presented at<br />

the dinner. Sixty-year auxiliary<br />

membership awards<br />

were given to Nettie Andres,<br />

Marie Connolly, Rita<br />

Stenger, Viola Stenger, and<br />

Annie Werner. Fifty-fiveyear<br />

auxiliary membership<br />

awards were presented to<br />

Martha Schuman and Janet<br />

Wesseler. Fifty-year Auxiliary<br />

membership awards<br />

were given to Pat Schuman<br />

and Debbie Zimmer. Nettie,<br />

Rita, Viola, and Annie<br />

are charter members of our<br />

unit. The Oak Tree Award is<br />

presented to members who<br />

have contributed to milestone<br />

accomplishments of our organization.<br />

Previous honorees<br />

have been Jack Schultz,<br />

Albert Schuman, Alvin<br />

Werner, Joe Schuman,<br />

Leroy “Whitey” Schuman,<br />

Ted Stenger, Ed Gutzwiller,<br />

Richard Schuman,<br />

Jerome “Jake” Stenger,<br />

Andrew Hornbach, Walter<br />

Schuman, Sylvester “Wes-<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

A birthday celebration was<br />

held honoring Brianna<br />

Inman who turned 7. Family<br />

and friends helped her<br />

enjoy the day.<br />

Sarge” Stenger, Steve Hoog,<br />

Linda Hoog, Earl “Shorty”<br />

Stenger, Randy Stenger,<br />

and Nettie Andres. This<br />

year’s honorees were Harold<br />

“Harry” Hartman and Joe<br />

Ihle. Flag Etiquette award<br />

winners were Andrew Bailey<br />

and Allison Carpenter. Representing<br />

St. Joseph Auxiliary<br />

Unit 464 at Indiana Girls<br />

State at Trine University in<br />

June will be delegates Alyssa<br />

Bailey, Hanna Greene, Kaitlyn<br />

Schuman, and alternate<br />

Elizabeth Schuman. Representing<br />

our post at Boys State<br />

will be Danny Deddens,<br />

Jack Deddens, and Jacob<br />

Hartman. They were present<br />

with their families to receive<br />

these awards. Congratulations<br />

to all of the above on<br />

their accomplishments!<br />

St. Joseph American<br />

Communities<br />

Legion Post 464, St. Leon<br />

will be hosting the Hoxworth<br />

Blood Center Blood Drive<br />

at their post home on June<br />

5, from 1:30 – 7:30 P.M. To<br />

schedule an appointment, call<br />

Hoxworth at 800-830-1091.<br />

The pint of blood that you<br />

donate helps to save many<br />

lives. You can enjoy a bowl<br />

of Jerry’s wonderful chili<br />

after your donation!<br />

May birthdays – May 1 –<br />

Marisa “Mutz” Callahan,<br />

Olivia Stenger, and Kassie<br />

Egger, May 2 Jim Fox, May<br />

3 Darin Wilhelm, Lorraine<br />

Werner, David Volk, and<br />

Bryan Huber, May 4 Abby<br />

Herth, May 5 Brian Weigel,<br />

May 6 Paul Horner, May<br />

7 Joey Herth and Mandy<br />

Stenger, May 8 Corey<br />

Steinmetz, May 9 Andrew<br />

Alig, May 10 Judy Kraus<br />

and Betty Dall, May 12 Gail<br />

Walter, Debbie Stenger, and<br />

cousin Joey Andres, May<br />

13 Marilyn White, May<br />

14 Brayden Giltz, May 15<br />

Richard Schuman, Randy<br />

Stenger, Doug Farrow, and<br />

Kevin Redelman, May 16<br />

Craig Fox, May 17 Pete Lyness,<br />

Mally Prifogle, Lance<br />

Weldishofer, cousins Dennis<br />

Andres and Jessica Andres,<br />

May <strong>19</strong> Danny Trabel and<br />

Renee Baker, May 20 Elaine<br />

Walker, cousin Barb Andres,<br />

Janet Dawson, and Chad<br />

Gutzwiller – our “local”<br />

weatherman, May 21 Sally<br />

Bertram and Charlie Beck,<br />

May 22 Chris Graf and cousin<br />

Rosemary Powell, May 24<br />


By<br />

Laura<br />

Keller<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

newalsace@goBEACONnews.com<br />

If you’ve ever driven<br />

through New Alsace, you’ve<br />

passed a staple in the community<br />

– Klump’s Tavern.<br />

The Klump family owned<br />

the tavern from <strong>19</strong>14 until<br />

<strong>19</strong>92 when Dale Allen purchased<br />

it, but the building<br />

dates to the 1800s. The tavern<br />

served patrons but was also<br />

the home of the Klump family.<br />

The current kitchen was the<br />

family and tavern kitchen.<br />

One of the current dining<br />

rooms was previously the living<br />

room, and the bedrooms<br />

were upstairs. When the tavern<br />

needed more space, the former<br />

hardware store that was located<br />

to the west of the restaurant<br />

was converted to a party room.<br />

In 1863, John Hunt Morgan<br />

passed through New Alsace,<br />

and he and his men stopped at<br />

the tavern and Morgan slept in<br />

Tom Klump’s home, which<br />

May in Dearborn County, Southeast Indiana...the Perfect Place to Play!<br />

Michelle Deddens, May 25<br />

Kathleen Tenhover and Marilyn<br />

Farrow, May 26 Annie<br />

Werner, May 27 Easton and<br />

Emmett Lobenstein, May 30<br />

Lincoln Wilhelm, May 31 my<br />

cousin Tonie McGlothlin.<br />

Also a very happy anniversary<br />

to my daughter Krista<br />

and Brad Inman on May<br />

<strong>19</strong>, and to cousins Steve and<br />

Christy Andres on May 28.<br />

Get in touch with me with<br />

any news items for the column<br />

at stleon@goBEACONnews.com<br />

The bar top built by Robert<br />

Graf at the Legion.<br />

stands to the east of the tavern.<br />

The next time you’re in the<br />

New Alsace American Legion,<br />

check out the new bar.<br />

Legionnaire Robert Graf<br />

built the bar top and footrest,<br />

which also boasts beautiful<br />

tile work. Take advantage of<br />

two opportunities to check<br />

out the new bar during the<br />

monthly euchre tournaments<br />

on May <strong>19</strong> and June 9. Doors<br />

open at noon and games begin<br />

at 1 p.m. The entry fee is $5<br />

per person with cash payouts<br />

to the highest scores and<br />

refreshments are available for<br />

purchase. Call 812.623.3695<br />

for more information on the<br />

chicken dinner or euchre tournament.<br />

(See ad on pg. 10B)<br />

If you have news in the<br />

New Alsace area that you<br />

would like me to share, please<br />

contact me at newalsace@<br />

goBEACONnews.com.<br />

Hillforest Museum’s Bicentennial Pioneer Day<br />

Tri-State Antique Market<br />

Dillsboro Homecoming<br />

April 6 - May 25 – Dillsboro Arts Friendship Gallery<br />

Exhibit - Gallery located at 12926 Bank Street, Dillsboro,<br />

Indiana. Exhibit: Still Voices and Dandelions: Kitty<br />

Schroeder. Open: Tuesdays: 6-8PM; Thursdays: 4-8PM;<br />

Saturdays: 10AM-2PM.812-532-3010. www.dillsboro.in/<br />

arts/dillsboro-arts-friendship-gallery<br />

May 1-31 – Hillforest Victorian House Museum Open<br />

for Touring Season - 213 Fifth Street, Aurora. Open April<br />

- December, Tuesday through Sunday, 1:00PM-5:00PM.<br />

Admission charged. Featured exhibit: “A Stitch in Time”<br />

Antique Quilts and Coverlets. Info: 812-926-0087 or<br />

www.hillforest.org.<br />

May 1 – River City Classics Car Club Cruise-In -<br />

6-9pm. Cruise-In held at the American Legion Post 231,<br />

1<strong>19</strong> Bridgeway Street, Aurora. Info: 812-290-4775 or<br />

www.facebook.com/RvrCtyClassicCC/.<br />

May 3, 10, 17, 31 – Lawrenceburg Motorcycle<br />

Speedway - Lawrenceburg Fairgrounds, 351 E. Eads<br />

Pkwy (US 50). All classes of short track motorcycles,<br />

speedway bikes, ATV’s & go-karts. Gates open at 5PM;<br />

practice at 5:45-7PM; races at 7:30PM. Info: 513 662-7759<br />

or www.lawrenceburgmotorcyclespeedway.net.<br />

May 4, 11, 18, 27 – Lawrenceburg Speedway - 351<br />

E. Eads Pkwy. (U.S. 50). Sprint, modified, pure stock and<br />

hornet racing on 3/8 mile high-banked clay oval track.<br />

Racing at 7PM. Info: 812 539-4700 or<br />

www.lawrenceburgspeedway.com.<br />

May 4 – New Alsace Conservation Club 31st Annual<br />

Fishing Derby - 7am-5pm. Registration begins at 6am.<br />

Held at Lake in the Pines, 10412 N. Dearborn Road,<br />

Sunman. Info: 812-623-2431 or<br />

www.newalsaceconservationclub.com.<br />

May 5, <strong>19</strong>, 26 – Carnegie Hall Open for Tours - 14687<br />

Main Street, Moores Hill, Indiana. Open Sundays 1pm-<br />

5pm or by appointment. Carnegie Hall was built in <strong>19</strong>07<br />

as an additional building for the College of Moores Hill.<br />

Info: 812-744-4015 or www.thecarnegiehall.org.<br />

May 5 – Tri-State Antique Market - 7am-3pm, U.S.<br />

Route 50, Lawrenceburg Fairgrounds. “Indiana’s largest<br />

antiques and vintage only collectibles market.” Info: 513-<br />

353-4135 or www.lawrenceburgantiqueshow.com.<br />

May 5 – Hillforest’s Community Appreciation Day -<br />

1pm-5pm, Hillforest Victorian House Museum, 213 Fifth<br />

Street, Aurora. Hillforest thanks the community for their<br />

support with a reduced admission price of $1.00. Info: 812-<br />

926-0087 or www.hillforest.org.<br />

May 11 – Main Street Aurora’s Kids Super Heroes<br />

Dance - Dance for Pre-K - 6th grade. 228 Second Street,<br />

Aurora. Information: 812-926-1100 or www.aurora.in.us.<br />

May 11 – Dillsboro in Bloom - 10am-4pm, Dillsboro,<br />

Indiana. Spring shopping extravaganza including a plant<br />

sale, gifts for Mother’s Day, Pop-Up boutique, children’s<br />

activities and more. Info: 812-432-9002 or www.facebook.<br />

com/events/551800985172041/.<br />

May 15, 16, 17, 18 – Dillsboro Homecoming Festival<br />

- Annual festival held on the streets of Dillsboro, Indiana.<br />

Rides, food booths, 5K Run/Walk, children’s games, frog<br />

jumping contest, live music and beer garden nightly. Info:<br />

812-577-2556 or www.facebook.com/DillsboroCivicClub.<br />

May 16-18 – Indiana Historical Society History on<br />

Wheels Exhibit - An exhibit dedicated to Indiana’s<br />

automotive and racing heritage. Info: 812-926-1100.<br />

May 16 – Celebrate Aurora Community Picnic - 6pm,<br />

Celebrate Aurora’s 200th Birthday Party on Second Street.<br />

Info: 812-926-1100. www.aurora.in.us<br />

May 17 – Get Wine(d) and Dine(d) in Downtown<br />

Aurora - 5pm-8pm in Downtown Aurora, Indiana. Enjoy<br />

a glass of wine while shopping in downtown Aurora. Info:<br />

812-926-1100 or www.aurora.in.us.<br />

May 17 – Aurora Lions Club Summer Outdoor Movie<br />

- 9pm, Movie begins at dusk in the Lions Club parking lot<br />

at 228 Second Street, Aurora. Info: 812-926-1100 or<br />

www.aurora.in.us.<br />

May 18 – Mud Stash at Perfect North Slopes - 8:30am-<br />

1pm at <strong>19</strong>074 Perfect Lane, Lawrenceburg. This event<br />

features a run/walk course with a variety of challenging<br />

obstacles throughout the ski area and surrounding<br />

property. Two courses are offered--Mud Stash 4 mile<br />

course, or the Mini Mud Stash at approximately 1.5 miles.<br />

Obstacles range from simple hill climbs to mud crawls<br />

and wall rappels, a swinging bridge and many others.<br />

Info: 812 537-3754 or www.perfectnorth.com.<br />

May 18 – Hillforest Museum’s Bicentennial Pioneer<br />

Day - 10am-2pm, 213 & 201 Fifth Street, Aurora. Celebrate<br />

Aurora’s 200th birthday at this free, family friendly event.<br />

Children can explore early 1800’s history, crafts and<br />

culture at Hillforest and the adjacent Harris Pioneer cabin.<br />

The Harris Cabin is located behind Mary Stratton Park at<br />

201 Fifth Street. Info: 812-926-0087 or www.hillforest.org.<br />

May 18 – Relay for Life of Dearborn & Ohio Counties<br />

- 11am-11pm. Held at Todd-Creech Memorial Park on Tate<br />

Street, near the Lawrenceburg Community Center and<br />

Dearborn Adult Center. Annual signature event of the<br />

American Cancer Society. Info: 812-376-3148 or 812-350-<br />

3273 or www.relayforlife.org.<br />

May 25 – Dillsboro Farmer’s Market - 8am-12pm. Held<br />

at Heritage Pointe, Dillsboro. Buy and sell locally grown or<br />

produced foods. Info: 812-571-0259.<br />

May 31-June 1 – Southeastern Indiana Art Guild<br />

Workshop - Art Guild Studios, 302 Second Street, Aurora.<br />

Charlie Berger presents “Organic Drawing with Liquid<br />

Graphite - The Intersection of Nature and Abstraction”.<br />

$200.00 per person. Registration required by May 11, by<br />

emailing 2SIAGinfo@gmail.com or call 812-221-1252.<br />

Dearborn County Convention, Visitor and Tourism Bureau<br />

320 Walnut St. • Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025<br />

1-800-322-8<strong>19</strong>8 or www.VisitSoutheastIndiana.com<br />


Page 4B THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />


By<br />

Sue<br />

Siefert<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

oldenburg@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Allow me to introduce one<br />

of Oldenburg’s most generous<br />

residents, S. Damien<br />

Hinderer -- that’s right,<br />

one of the Sisters who had<br />

taken an oath of poverty is<br />

actually one of the Village’s<br />

most generous! Since entering<br />

the Community in <strong>19</strong>60,<br />

S. Damien’s ministries have<br />

included teaching, assisting in<br />

the Sisters’ healthcare facility,<br />

maintaining computer,<br />

medical and banking records,<br />

and in her spare time, she has<br />

been saving lives.<br />

The quiet Sister has been<br />

donating blood and platelets<br />

since <strong>19</strong>61 when another Sister<br />

was critically ill. She made<br />

her first donation at Margaret<br />

Mary Community Hospital.<br />

That was fifty-eight years…<br />

and eighty gallons ago. In<br />

February, S. Damien was recognized<br />

by Hoxworth Blood<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Center for her eightieth gallon<br />

of lifesaving blood, platelets,<br />

and white cells. An achievement<br />

only exceeded by two<br />

men in Hoxworth’s history.<br />

When asked what it’s like<br />

to give blood, she replied, “I<br />

know when I give platelets<br />

or white cells that within<br />

twenty-four hours someone<br />

who is very ill will have a part<br />

556 Main Street Brookville, IN 47012<br />

Save the Dates for great<br />

family events in Ripley County!<br />

May<br />

9-11 Batesville Kiwanis 30th Annual Carnival<br />

17 Folkfest, Batesville<br />

17-<strong>19</strong> Great U.S. 50 Yard Sale<br />

June<br />

8 Outdoor Women at Big Oaks<br />

8-16 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assoc.<br />

Spring Shoot & Friendship Flea Markets<br />

<strong>19</strong>-21 Batesville Music and Arts Festival<br />

22 Versailles Courthouse Day-5k Walk/Run, Car Show, BBQ<br />

27-29 F.A.R.M. Club Antique Machinery Show, Osgood<br />

July<br />

Fireworks-Versailles, Osgood, Milan<br />

6 Star Spangled Symphony, Batesville<br />

21-27 Ripley County 4-H Fair, Osgood<br />

August<br />

3 Batesville Bash & Velo in the Ville<br />

3-4 XTERRA DINO Triatholon, Versailles State Park<br />

September<br />

7 Sunman Fall Festival<br />

13-14 Oktoberfest 20<strong>19</strong> Street Festival, Batesville<br />

14-22 NMLRA National Championship Shoot<br />

& Friendship Flea Markets<br />

21-22 Bricktoberfest, Osgood<br />

26-29 Versailles Pumpkin Show<br />

27-29 Hassmer Fest, Versailles State Park - Mountain Bike Festival<br />

28-29 Batesville Apple Festival<br />

October<br />

4-5 Ertel Cellars Wine Festival, Batesville<br />

S. Damien Hinderer is shown wearing her Hoxworth cap<br />

displaying all her donation recognition pins at the Hoxworth<br />

Blood Center as the staff presented her with a cake<br />

to celebrate her eightieth-gallon donation. L to R: Michelle<br />

Hinderer, niece; S. Damien, Ed Hoffmeier, brother-in-law;<br />

Peggy Story, sister; and Louise McCurdy, sister. Missing<br />

from the photo is S. Damien’s sister, Cookie Hoffmeier. Her<br />

brothers, George and John Hinderer are deceased.<br />

Stop by the Welcome Center in<br />

Versailles for more information:<br />

220 East U.S. 50, Versailles<br />

ripleycountytourism.com<br />

Communities<br />

of me helping them to heal.<br />

I like to think it may cure<br />


COUNTY<br />

By<br />

Karis<br />

Troyer<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

franklin@goBEACONnews.com<br />

I can’t remember- was<br />

March in like a lion or in like<br />

a lamb? And does it make me<br />

old that I know that saying?!<br />

I am looking forward to April<br />

showers bringing May flowers!<br />

And finally getting used<br />

to Daylight Savings Time<br />

springing us forward!<br />

School registrations for next<br />

year. Baseball and softball. Forty-degree<br />

swings in weather.<br />

The return of turkey buzzards,<br />

robins and red-winged blackbirds-<br />

it must be early spring in<br />

them or at least be a part of a<br />

cure, and that it will let them<br />

know someone really cares<br />

about them. Blood products<br />

REALLY do save lives. And<br />

that needed blood has to come<br />

from other human beings –<br />

there is someone very ill that<br />

needs you to give them hope.”<br />

Normally donors are not<br />

made aware of whom the<br />

recipient is, but S. Damien<br />

shared one exception. “In the<br />

early ‘80s, I happened to see<br />

the name of Emily Brehm. I<br />

was familiar with the Brehm<br />

family, and a family friend<br />

had asked for prayers for Jerry<br />

and Karen Brehm’s daughter<br />

Emily who was ill. When they<br />

discovered Emily received my<br />

platelets, they wanted me to<br />

meet her. Emily was thrilled<br />

when I came to their home,<br />

but God needed her, and she<br />

went to heaven at age five.<br />

Attending her funeral was one<br />

of the most difficult things I<br />

ever did.”<br />

Sister added, “Donors receive<br />

compliments when they<br />

meet someone who had or<br />

still has an ill family member.<br />

When Mary Ann Rennekamp<br />

of Oldenburg saw<br />

me for the first time after her<br />

hospital stay, she just could<br />

not thank me enough for donating.<br />

Mary Ann shared that<br />

she prays for all who donate<br />

as she knows us as lifesavers.”<br />

The Franciscan is a living<br />

example of what St. Francis<br />

of Assisi taught, “It is in<br />

giving that we receive.” S.<br />

Damien’s lifetime of giving<br />

has given hope to patients<br />

throughout the tri-state hospitals<br />

in Hoxworth’s service<br />

area, and the personal satisfaction<br />

she has received is<br />

beyond measure.<br />

Das ist alles von der ’Burg!<br />

the midwest! We always have<br />

a competition in our familywhoever<br />

sees the first spring<br />

Robin is “Spring Queen” (or<br />

King) for the year. Returning<br />

birds are a favorite sign of the<br />

return of warm weather.<br />

One of my other favorite<br />

things about the midwest thaw<br />

is the sudden camaraderie<br />

coupled with gleeful outside<br />

time- neighbors chatting with<br />

neighbors and people waving<br />

from front porches to friends,<br />

strangers and acquaintances<br />

walking and driving past.<br />

Kids riding bikes and more<br />

and more dog walkers on the<br />

streets. Not only are the plants<br />

ready to emerge at the tiniest<br />

hint of sun and warmer<br />

weather- we Brookvillians<br />

(Brookvillites?) are too! I<br />

spent an evening front porch<br />

sitting with neighbors, and we<br />

are eagerly anticipating summer<br />

evenings spent watching<br />

sunsets and listening to cicadas<br />

while children run amok<br />

until way past their bedtimes.<br />

As for other neighbors- still<br />

a source of discussion and now<br />

contention is the Brookville<br />

golf course and the land around<br />

it. I am still hoping that affected<br />

residents can come to a resolution<br />

peacefully, but the decision<br />

to annex land/buy the course<br />

or abandon the plan has been a<br />

tricky one from the beginning.<br />

Brookville Elementary<br />

school hosted its first-ever<br />

Career Week, and I know<br />

my kids got into dressing up<br />

for each daily theme! They<br />

also had a Career Day with<br />

several residents attending to<br />

talk about their jobs- a social<br />

worker, flight attendant, health<br />

care worker, law enforcement<br />

officer and several others gave<br />

twenty-minute talks to fourth<br />

and fifth graders to give them<br />

an idea of jobs they can someday<br />

choose. I love that our local<br />

school employees are planning<br />

way ahead for these kiddos and<br />

helping them think big!<br />

The end of March, spring<br />

break, nesting eagles, prepping<br />

for April Fools Day (no<br />

on that last one? Just me?),<br />

a hint of green popping up<br />

out of the ground… welcome<br />

April! I would love to<br />

write more about community<br />

members events- birthdays,<br />

events, information you think<br />

would be funny or entertaining-<br />

shoot me an email!<br />


May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 5B<br />

LOGAN<br />

Try Our<br />

New<br />

Entrees!<br />

Try Our<br />

New<br />

Entrees!<br />

Try Our<br />

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$3.99 Margaritas<br />

ALL DAY Monday<br />

*Lime Only<br />

$3.99 Margaritas<br />

ALL DAY Monday<br />

By<br />

Susan<br />

Carson<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

logan@goBEACONnews.com<br />

The residents of Logan<br />

would like to recognize that<br />

we have a celebrity in our<br />

midst. Mr. James O. Stallard<br />

turned 100 years young on<br />

March 28. His many friends<br />

gave him a surprise birthday<br />

pizza party on that day. Also,<br />

State Representative, Randy<br />

Lyness presented Mr. Stallard<br />

with a congratulatory proclamation<br />

letter from the State of<br />

Indiana. Mr. Stallard was born<br />

and raised in Kentucky. He<br />

served as a gunnery instructor<br />

in the U.S. Army Air Force<br />

from approximately <strong>19</strong>42-<br />

<strong>19</strong>45. Mr. Stallard came to<br />

Indiana from Florida in 2004<br />

and has lived here ever-since.<br />

He retired at age 62 from the<br />

R.K. LeBlond Machine Tool<br />

Company in Cincinnati.<br />

Mr. Stallard is known to be<br />

personable, intelligent, kind,<br />

and a considerate gentleman.<br />

He has many friends not only<br />

in his apartment complex, but<br />

at the church he has attended<br />

for a number of years.<br />


By<br />

Sue<br />

Siefert<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

batesville@goBEACONnews.com<br />

I have found truth in an<br />

Arab Proverb, “If you only<br />

have two pennies, spend the<br />

first on bread and the other on<br />

hyacinths for your soul.”<br />

I believe we each need to<br />

pursue what serves as “hyacinths<br />

for our soul.” For me,<br />

it’s the serenity of nature, the<br />

soothing sounds of music, the<br />

mesmerizing beauty of the<br />

arts, and the camaraderie of<br />

friends.<br />

Opportunities for artistic<br />

education and expression are<br />

often limited in a small community<br />

– but that all changed<br />

in <strong>19</strong>87 when I met Jolene<br />

Rockwood. I started working<br />

for the former Forethought<br />

Group, founded by Jolene’s<br />

late husband, Fred. I was the<br />

first to work on their “stateof-the-art”<br />

Apple desktop<br />

publishing system, which is<br />

how our paths crossed.<br />

Fred and Jolene were<br />

expecting their sixth child<br />

when she shared with me<br />

24486 Stateline Road<br />

Bright<br />

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Communities<br />

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Ryan Volpenhein, Bryan Baur, Neil Volpenhein, Adam Volpenhein,<br />

Ryan Stickford, and his son Evan Stickford were<br />

part of the Annual Trash Pick-up Day. Thanks guys!<br />

Mr. Stallard is widowed and<br />

has a daughter and son-in-law,<br />

who live nearby in Bright.<br />

He is also blessed with two<br />

grandsons, four great-grandchildren,<br />

and one great-great<br />

grandson. Congratulations<br />

Mr. Jim!<br />

The community of Logan<br />

would like to thank Adam<br />

and Neil Volpenhein for<br />

organizing their SXS/UTV<br />

Annual Trash Pick-up day.<br />

A crew of volunteers met at<br />

the Logan Supermart. They<br />

worked their way up White’s<br />

Hill, parts of Gaynor Ridge,<br />

Mt. Pleasant, and North Dearborn<br />

Road. Great job, folks!<br />

The only thing that would be<br />

better would be that people<br />

would show more respect to<br />

our landscape and not litter<br />

in the first place. Can I get an<br />

AMEN to that?<br />

And last, but not least, our<br />

former Logan correspondent,<br />

Myrtle White, reported that<br />

a pair of bald eagles were<br />

sighted in the field behind her<br />

her vision of promoting the<br />

arts in Batesville. Since she<br />

was the boss’s wife, I nodded<br />

in agreement but secretly<br />

thought she was dreaming beyond<br />

what a small community<br />

could support. I soon learned<br />

that Jolene not only dreams<br />

big but also works hard… and<br />

she was persistent in balancing<br />

her life as a wife and<br />

mother of six young children<br />

in various Batesville schools<br />

with her desire to promote the<br />

arts. By <strong>19</strong>88 she founded the<br />

Rural Alliance for the Arts,<br />

now known as the Batesville<br />

Area Arts Council, BAAC,<br />

and I worked with her in<br />

publishing the organization’s<br />

early newsletters.<br />

Jolene’s dream not only became<br />

a reality, but blossomed<br />

into an organization serving<br />

students in Batesville and<br />

Oldenburg for three decades<br />

while also providing arts and<br />

entertainment for much of<br />

southeastern Indiana.<br />

The BAAC began by supporting<br />

arts in education in<br />

the school and expanded to<br />

include its Artist in Residence<br />

Program, the Visiting Artist<br />

Series, and the Young Artist<br />

Showcase. The organization<br />

presents many public events<br />

including local theatre productions.<br />

Recent events have<br />

We accept<br />

competitor’s<br />

coupons<br />

Mr. James O. Stallard recently<br />

celebrated his 100th<br />

birthday.<br />

house. She said, “At first, I<br />

thought it was turkeys. But after<br />

getting out my binoculars,<br />

I was surprised to see that<br />

they were bald eagles!” How<br />

beautiful... Sorry, no picture.<br />

If you have news about<br />

Logan that you would like to<br />

share, email me at logan@go-<br />

BEACONnews.com. I would<br />

love to hear from you!<br />

Jolene Rockwood had a vision<br />

and founded the BAAC.<br />

included The Indianapolis<br />

Symphony Orchestra, Peter<br />

Pan, Prairie Fire Children’s<br />

Theatre, Boars Head Festival,<br />

and Rumours Fleetwood<br />

Mac Band. Funding for the<br />

organization is gained through<br />

sponsorships, grants, memberships,<br />

tickets sales, and its<br />

annual Art Auction.<br />

It’s difficult to fathom how<br />

many students and educators<br />

have expanded their horizons<br />

as a result of Jolene’s vision,<br />

and how many hearts<br />

have been warmed by the<br />

organization’s theatrical and<br />

musical performances since<br />

<strong>19</strong>88. Jolene is truly one of<br />

Batesville’s treasures and has<br />

brought hyacinths to the souls<br />

of many. I’m so fortunate to<br />

call her my friend.<br />

That’s Sue’s news for now!<br />

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By<br />

Gloria<br />

Carter<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

greendale@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Early in March, I visited<br />

my girlfriend Jeannie Grimes<br />

Burch down in Sun City<br />

Florida. Jeannie grew up in<br />

Greendale. While I was there,<br />

we enjoyed the 85-degree<br />

weather and lots of sun. I tried<br />

to bring back some warmth,<br />

but the day I flew back, a<br />

strong storm went through<br />

right after I landed. Needless<br />

to say, the cold weather<br />

is back. I hope it doesn’t stay<br />

much longer.<br />

Before I left, I met with<br />

Shirley Lutterbeck of Greendale<br />

in the old train depot by<br />

the library. Shirley and several<br />

quilters meet once a month<br />

to make quilts for the Ronald<br />

McDonald house. Shirley has<br />

also been working on an arrangement<br />

made out of neckties<br />

from former Judge Harlon<br />

Hoffman’s tie collection. The<br />

neck ties will become a quilt<br />

wall hanging when finished.<br />

I recently had someone<br />

write to me and ask where<br />

they could dispose of tattered<br />

flags. I called the American<br />

Legion on Second Street in<br />

Lawrenceburg and learned<br />

that they would dispose of<br />

your worn and damaged flags.<br />

I also learned that Milan’s<br />

American Legion has a flag<br />

retirement ceremony; their<br />

legion has a drop box where<br />

Shirley Lutterbeck displays<br />

some of the quilting done<br />

for the Ronald McDonald<br />

house.<br />

tattered flags can be deposited.<br />

The Milan American<br />

Legion is located at 318 W<br />

Indian Trail.<br />

Greendale has a community<br />

garden, and a few 5’ x 10’<br />

plots are still available. The<br />

garden has a fence surrounding<br />

it which keeps out the<br />

deer. The garden is located<br />

across from the police station<br />

on Ludlow Street. Contact<br />

Patti Louks via email at<br />

greendalecommunitygardens@yahoo.com<br />

if you are<br />

interested in growing some<br />

plants. Patti will have a meetand-greet<br />

some time mid- to<br />

late-April and welcome all of<br />

the gardeners.<br />

Hope everyone enjoys the<br />

warmer weather that will<br />

be coming our way soon as<br />

spring has now arrived.<br />

Happy Birthday to my husband<br />

on May 1st and my son<br />

Andy on May 23.

Page 6B THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Communities<br />

(Front) Edie Block, Nick Ullrich, Jayden Ross, Clayton Combs, and Justin Borntrager.<br />

(Back) Brett Fehrman, Zane Wall, Zach Haas, Jacob Eldridge, Mayor Donnie Hastings,<br />

Noah Jackson, Spencer Shaum, and Cody Higham attended a city council meeting.<br />

AURORA<br />

By<br />

Margaret<br />

Drury<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

aurora@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Editor’s note- So much is<br />

going on in Aurora this year<br />

that Margaret Drury has<br />

joined Fred Schmits in covering<br />

the Aurora happenings.<br />

We welcome Margaret Drury<br />

to the <strong>Beacon</strong> team.<br />

March 9 was a busy day<br />

at the corner of Second and<br />

Main Streets in Aurora. In<br />

the morning, the Aurora<br />

Lions club held their annual<br />

You can<br />

812-926-9963<br />

pancake breakfast to support<br />

their South Dearborn<br />

Scholarships fund. Lions Club<br />

member, Carl Shore, guaranteed<br />

me (wink, wink) that<br />

the particular pancakes I was<br />

served were the ULTRA LITE<br />

NO CAL recipe. He said the<br />

breakfast was once again a<br />

success serving around three<br />

hundred guests.<br />

Later that day at the Lions<br />

Club building, Main Street<br />

Dancing on Main celebrated<br />

the Luck of the Irish with<br />

reubens, potato soup, and<br />

dancing. Lots of fun was had<br />

by all with proceeds from the<br />

dinner going to the Relay for<br />

Life.<br />

March 15 was also a busy<br />

day in Aurora with two major<br />

events, one unplanned, and<br />

the other planned. A late<br />

morning fire of unknown<br />

cause was discovered at the<br />

Ross family home on West<br />

Conwell Street which is<br />

reported to have been the old<br />

Cochran Post Office. Several<br />

local and surrounding fire<br />

companies responded to put<br />

out the fire and said everyone<br />

made it out safely.<br />


note… later that same day,<br />

Pam Brandes, branch manager<br />

of the bank in downtown<br />

Aurora, retired after fortyfive<br />

years of service. With<br />

the closing of the bank, Pam<br />

helped to ensure that local<br />

historical treasures from the<br />

bank building were distributed<br />

appropriately within the<br />

city. The original 1864 desk<br />

belonging to Thomas Gaff,<br />

the founding father of the<br />

First National Bank in Aurora,<br />

was given back to Hillforest,<br />

which was his home between<br />

1855 and 1891. Several other<br />

items were relocated to City<br />

Hall and the local library. Pam<br />

and her husband, Greg, plan<br />

to do lots of traveling during<br />

retirement with Alaska and<br />

Hawaii being on their bucket<br />

list. Congratulations and<br />

smooth sailing to you, Pam<br />

and Greg.<br />

There are 14 recycling<br />

drop-off locations in<br />

Dearborn County.<br />

Visit<br />

DearbornCountyRecycles.com<br />

to find one near you.<br />

Randy Turner Bill Ullrich, and Mary Worthington were just<br />

a few of the smiling faces at the recent Luck of the Irish<br />

Dancing on Main celebration.<br />

Boy Scouts Troop 637 visited<br />

the Aurora City Council<br />

meeting as part of Citizenship<br />

in the Community to<br />

learn how local government<br />

works. At the meeting, they<br />

learned they were recipients<br />

of a grant from the City.<br />

Leader Nick Ullrich said<br />

the boys are grateful because<br />

this grant helps to refurbish<br />

their bus which provides safe<br />

transportation to their Boy<br />

Scout events, especially their<br />

upcoming world jamboree in<br />

West Virginia.<br />

Volunteers from the Aurora<br />

Eagles cleaned up about<br />

fifteen bags of trash along<br />

IN 148. Volunteers included<br />

Jenny Awad, Diana Bowling,<br />

Raymond Brown, Christopher<br />

Hatfield, Debbie Hurt,<br />

Doug Karp, Steve Kelly,<br />

Shirley Probst, Chris Wallick,<br />

and Melissa Wallick.<br />

Thank you, folks, for helping<br />

to make Aurora a more beautiful<br />

place.<br />

Here’s the “tip of the iceberg”<br />

of the so many good<br />

things going on in Aurora in<br />

the very near future. Apr. 1-<br />

the Bike Share program starts<br />

back up; Apr. 13- the Aurora<br />

Garden Club gives away free<br />

trees and Main Streets Aurora’s<br />

200th Birthday Celebration<br />

Dance; Apr. 20- Breakfast<br />

with the Easter Bunny;<br />

Apr. 25-27- Aurora City-wide<br />

cleanup; May 2- boasts a free<br />

tour of Veraestau; May 16- a<br />

Community Picnic celebrating<br />

Aurora’s 200th Birthday. For<br />

more details, a good springboard<br />

for information is the<br />

City’s website, aurora.in.us<br />

AURORA<br />

By<br />

Fred<br />

Schmits<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

aurora@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Aurora correspondent Fred<br />

Schmits will be back next<br />

month with all of the exciting<br />

things happening in Aurora.<br />

Send news to aurora@<br />

goBEACONnews.com<br />

Wives’ Tales- Fact or Fiction?<br />

An “old wives’ tale,”<br />

sometimes called an “old wise<br />

tale,” is often considered an<br />

absurd superstition that is<br />

passed down through generations.<br />

These sayings may<br />

actually have a bit of truth to<br />

them.<br />

Janet Kratochvil shared<br />

that when she was young, her<br />

mother would say, “Eating<br />

burnt toast is good for your<br />

singing voice.” Ms. Kratochvil<br />

was in her thirties before<br />

she realized that her mother<br />

was probably just trying to get<br />

the kids to eat the toast when<br />

it burned!<br />

Ms. Kratochvil’s mother<br />

also said, “You have to eat a<br />

pound of dirt before you die.”<br />

Her thought is that not being<br />

so sterile was good for our<br />

immune systems. “Our generation<br />

seems to be healthier<br />

than most. However, I’m open<br />

to other interpretations,” said<br />

Ms. Kratochvil.<br />

Bob Sommer, Bear Branch,<br />

was told by his father, Earl,<br />

to cut hay in the light of the<br />

moon because it governs<br />

moisture content. Dig fence<br />

posts in the dark of the moon<br />

so that they won’t work out of<br />

the ground during the freezes<br />

and thaws. Mr. Sommer<br />

shared his own wives’ tale,<br />

“A wooden spoon keeps the<br />

pot from boiling over.” This<br />

is true because the spoon pops<br />

the bubbles and keeps it from<br />

boiling over as quickly, meaning<br />

you have more time to get<br />

back and turn the heat down.<br />

Pat Sederberg, Lawrenceburg,<br />

shared “What goes<br />

around, comes around”; and,<br />

“What you sow, you reap.”<br />

Please share with us your<br />

favorite “wise tales” that you<br />

grew up with or have heard.<br />

And of course, let us know if<br />

you think they are true or not!<br />

Email your answers to us<br />

at editor@goBEACONnews.<br />

com. Readers’ answers will be<br />

shared in the next edition.<br />

NEST EGG<br />

Save for retirement and possibly earn<br />

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Ask us about both traditional and Roth IRAs.<br />

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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 7B<br />


By<br />

Nicole<br />

Williams<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

harrison@goBEACONnews.com<br />

The sun is out, and our summer<br />

calendars are filling up<br />

quickly with picnics and vacations.<br />

Is school almost done?<br />

By now, I know most of us<br />

are ready to dump out the<br />

homework folders for good<br />

and replace the space with<br />

towels and sunscreen. Let’s<br />

do this summer.<br />

Our American Legion does<br />

it again! The Legion presented<br />

a $500 check to our<br />

Mayor at the recent council<br />

meeting. The Mayor’s Fund<br />

is crucial in assisting those in<br />

need in Harrison. For those<br />

not yet familiar, the charitable<br />

organization is dedicated<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Jean Wilson of the Legion<br />

presenting a $500 check<br />

to Major William Neyer at a<br />

recent meeting council.<br />

to helping those in need of<br />

financial assistance. The Fund<br />

can provide locals with grocery<br />

voucher’s, food pantry<br />

items, Duke energy bill assistance,<br />

and rent assistance.<br />

The Mayor’s fund raises<br />

money through various fund<br />

raising throughout the year by<br />

way of local festivals, activities<br />

held by the Recreation<br />

Commission and the annual<br />

golf outing. Keep an eye out<br />

Last year, Lillian Williams<br />

of Harrison wrapped up her<br />

fishing season at Miami<br />

Whitewater with wild success!<br />

She is looking forward<br />

to getting her tackle box out<br />

this summer to participate in<br />

the upcoming tournaments.<br />

for any upcoming events as it<br />

is a great way to support our<br />

community!<br />

Many residents are learning<br />

new ways around since<br />

the closing of the Jamison<br />

Road in West Harrison. Area<br />

residents use the connecting<br />

road to reach restaurants as<br />

well as childcare. As of now,<br />

it is not rescheduled to open<br />

until around August 18th.<br />

Paul Rohe Company has been<br />

hired to replace Bridge #76,<br />

located at Jamison Road and<br />

Losecamp Road. North Dearborn<br />

Road will be the official<br />

detour.<br />

Congratulations to Harrison<br />

DECA students! On the weekend<br />

of March 16th, a total of<br />

114 Harrison DECA students<br />

traveled to Columbus, Ohio<br />

to compete in the Ohio Career<br />

Development Conference.<br />

Harrison DECA had fifty-two<br />

students reach the finals in<br />

their respective categories,<br />

and twelve students finish<br />

in the top four, which earns<br />

their way to the International<br />

Career Development Conference<br />

in Orlando, Florida. Way<br />

to represent Harrison!<br />

One of the coolest things<br />

about living in Harrison is the<br />

ability to find a fishing hole<br />

in a very short drive. We have<br />

several stocked lakes and are<br />

surrounded by streams. Last<br />

summer, I heard many neighbors<br />

boast about the good<br />

time they had at the Miami<br />

Whitewater Park Fishing<br />

Tournaments. All tournaments<br />

are a two-person team,<br />

but individuals are permitted<br />

to fish alone. Anglers can<br />

register for Bass Series and<br />

the Rod Busting tournaments<br />

beginning March 1st. There<br />

is no registration required for<br />

the kid fishing tournaments<br />

and prizes will be awarded to<br />

every child who fishes. There<br />

is even a Mystery Fish Challenge.<br />

Visit the Great Parks<br />

of Hamilton County for more<br />

details!<br />

Wagon Shed<br />

Candle Company<br />

Communities<br />

513-574-9518<br />


& GUILFORD<br />

By<br />

Laura<br />

Keller<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

yorkville@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Front Row: Isaac Hengehold, Nolan Stenger, JJ Seubert,<br />

Austin Caudill, Andrew Seubert. Second Row: Jake<br />

Crawley, John Crawley, John Lake, Johnny Caudill. Third<br />

Row: Trevor Robinson, Michael Schwebach, Father Jonathan<br />

Meyer, Dominic Martini, Deloris Schwebach, Theo<br />

Martini<br />

Academics are a big part<br />

of one’s life and can pave<br />

the way for a young person’s<br />

future. Two local students<br />

are competing for awards<br />

with academic and financial<br />

benefits.<br />

Adam Lyness, son of Jeff<br />

and Pam Lyness, is a senior<br />

at East Central High school.<br />

Adam has many accomplishments<br />

to be proud of, such as<br />

being an officer in the Fellowship<br />

of Christian Athletes<br />

and a member of the National<br />

Honor Society. Adam has<br />

been named as a National<br />

Merit Scholarship finalist.<br />

The National Merit Scholarship<br />

Corporation (NMSC)<br />

was established in <strong>19</strong>55, to<br />

recognize and honor academically<br />

talented students of the<br />

United States. According to<br />

NMSC, approximately half<br />

of the finalists will receive<br />

one of three scholarships: a<br />

National Merit Scholarship,<br />

corporate-sponsored Merit<br />

Scholarship awards or college-sponsored<br />

Merit Scholarship<br />

awards. Congratulations<br />

to Adam!<br />

Noah Mersmann, son<br />

of Jeff and Rachel Mersmann,<br />

is a seventh-grader<br />

at Sunman-Dearborn Middle<br />

School who has qualified<br />

for the 20<strong>19</strong> National Geographic<br />

GeoBee State competition.<br />

Noah will compete<br />

with up to ninety-nine other<br />

fourth- through eighth-grade<br />

students in the statewide<br />

competition. If he wins the<br />

state GeoBee, Noah will<br />

receive a monetary prize and<br />

the opportunity to compete<br />

at the national GeoBee held<br />

at the National Geographic<br />

Society’s headquarters in<br />

Washington, D.C. in May.<br />

Best of luck to Noah!<br />

The Boy Scouts of America<br />

promote adventure, family,<br />

fun, character, and leadership.<br />

Every year, our local<br />

troop, Boy Scout Troop 646,<br />

celebrates Scout Sunday. This<br />

year it was held at All Saints<br />

Parish with thirteen scouts<br />

participating in various parts<br />

of the mass and reaffirming<br />

their duty to God.<br />

Our condolences go out to<br />

the family of Mildred Fox<br />

who passed away at the age<br />

of 97. Mildred was passionate<br />

about sewing, crocheting, and<br />

made many beautiful pillowcases.<br />

She also loved reading,<br />

especially books written by<br />

Danielle Steel. She leaves<br />

behind her family Darlene<br />

(Dannie) Callaway of Bright,<br />

her grandchild Casey (Jamie)<br />

Callaway and her greatgrandchildren<br />

Cash Callaway,<br />

Conner Mays, Josh Mays,<br />

and Julia Mays, her brother<br />

Bob Gindling, sister Marion<br />

Gutzwiller, and many nieces<br />

and nephews.<br />

I would love to feature you<br />

in my next article! If you have<br />

news in the Yorkville/Guilford<br />

area you’d like me to share,<br />

please contact me at yorkville@goBEACONnews.com.<br />

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Page 8B THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

SUNMAN<br />

By<br />

Maureen<br />

Stenger<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

sunman@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Hello! My name is Maureen<br />

Stenger, and I live in Sunman<br />

with my husband Jeremy and<br />

our four children. I grew up<br />

in Western Hills and attended<br />

Mother of Mercy High<br />

School. I went to college at<br />

The University of Cincinnati<br />

where I earned my Bachelor<br />

of Arts in Communication.<br />

My husband grew up in St.<br />

Leon, and I moved here in<br />

2003 when we were married.<br />

Being back in the country was<br />

back to my roots. As a young<br />

girl, my parents had a farm<br />

in Harrison where we raised<br />

horses and sheep. Way back<br />

when Harrison was not much<br />

more than cornfields. We have<br />

a mini farm where we grow<br />

alfalfa hay and my son raises<br />

chickens for 4-H. Our kids<br />

Enroll by May 15, 20<strong>19</strong> at 4-H Online-https://in.4honline.com<br />

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Membership includes involvement in community clubs, afterschool<br />

programs, school enrichment, camps/workshops, and special interest<br />

programs.<br />

O ur<br />

play a lot of sports and are<br />

involved in many activities,<br />

so they keep us hopping. I am<br />

excited to highlight all of the<br />

things happening in Sunman!<br />

The Sunman Fire Department<br />

recently held its annual fish<br />

dinner. A large crowd enjoyed<br />

either breaded fish or baked<br />

cod dinners. In addition to the<br />

meal, generous businesses and<br />

organizations donated various<br />

items for a basket raffle.<br />

Proceeds went to the Sunman<br />

Volunteer Fire Department.<br />

Girl Scout Troop 44218 has<br />

been working diligently over<br />

the past two years to earn<br />

their BRONZE award. Each<br />

Girl Scout has volunteered for<br />

twenty hours of community<br />

service. These hard-working<br />

scouts have spent many<br />

Communities<br />

Sunman Fire Department Fish Dinner volunteers Olivia<br />

Knueven, Holly Eckstein, Shannon Harpring, Faith Knueven.<br />

It’s Time to Join!<br />

Fish Dinner volunteers Scott<br />

Corbin and Ernie Guy.<br />

Saturdays at the Sunman and<br />

North Dearborn Food Pantries<br />

stocking shelves and making<br />

“kid packs.” “Kid Packs”<br />

consist of two weeks’ worth<br />

of snacks for children during<br />

the summer. Parents can take<br />

home a snack pack every two<br />

weeks for their little ones.<br />

The Girl Scout Troop’s next<br />

adventure will be working<br />

toward earning their Silver<br />

Award. To accomplish this<br />

goal, this amazing group of<br />

fifth- and sixth-grade girls<br />

is in the planning stages of<br />

building a community garden<br />

in Sunman! FCN Bank has<br />

graciously offered space<br />

behind their building where<br />

the troop hopes to grow<br />

tomatoes, beans, zucchini, and<br />

several other favorites. Please<br />

stay tuned to hear when<br />

fresh garden veggies will be<br />

available.<br />

Girl Scout Troop 44218 Members Keaton Womble, Chloe<br />

Weber, Kiera McBride, Meredith Williams, Karleigh Womble,<br />

Adrienne Mitchell, Aubrey Mullins. Not Pictured Alex Smith.<br />

Citizens in the community<br />

concerned about MGPI<br />

possibly establishing a large<br />

whiskey barrel house in the<br />

Deufol building attended<br />

the Indiana Department of<br />

Environmental Management<br />

public meeting in February.<br />

In addition, citizens submitted<br />

written comments and<br />

questions to IDEM regarding<br />


By<br />

Lisa<br />

West<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

manchester@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Spring is a welcome time of<br />

year – inspiring us to renew<br />

our bodies and spirit. Our<br />

Manchester community is<br />

dotted with an assortment of<br />

beautiful churches that embody<br />

the spirit of our area.<br />

Hogan Hill Baptist church is<br />

nestled in the heart of our community<br />

near the intersection of<br />

the required air permit. As I<br />

write this, a decision has not<br />

yet been made whether or not<br />

IDEM will or will not grant<br />

the permit.<br />

If you have any news from<br />

the Sunman area that you<br />

would like to share, please<br />

contact me at sunman@<br />

goBEACONnews.com. I look<br />

forward to hearing from you!<br />

North Hogan and Hogan Hill.<br />

Built in 1842, the 157-yearold<br />

church is one of the oldest<br />

structures around. Pastor<br />

Rod Bolin leads this small<br />

but welcoming congregation.<br />

He shared a heart-warming<br />

story about how he was literally<br />

and spiritually ‘called’ to<br />

save this old church. Rod is a<br />

lifelong Moores Hill resident.<br />

About eighteen months ago,<br />

an announcement was made<br />

that Hogan Hill Church was<br />

to close. The treasury was in<br />

the red, the propane tanks for<br />

heating were empty, and the<br />

basement was full of mold that<br />

caused the entire church to<br />

Continued on page 9B<br />

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CommunitiesPAMPERED PETS<br />


By<br />

Julie<br />

Murphy<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

mooreshill@goBEACONnews.com<br />

I recently had the pleasure<br />

of meeting up with a childhood<br />

friend. She and I spent<br />

every waking day together<br />

during middle school, but as<br />

we got older, we grew farther<br />

apart. So when we had the<br />

opportunity to catch up, as<br />

you can imagine, there was<br />

no shortage of laughs and<br />

maybe a few tears.<br />

My friend moved away<br />

shortly after graduation and<br />

a lot has changed in Moores<br />

Hill in the past 35+ years.<br />

Gone are the days of kids<br />

riding mopeds down every<br />

country road every day in the<br />

summer. We joked that we<br />

could fill up our gas tank at<br />

Craig’s grocery for $0.75 and<br />

could ride all day on that tank<br />

of gas. We’d grab a milkshake<br />

while at Craig’s or stop<br />

for a pizza or chicken tenders<br />

at Tedesco’s Pizza. Not to<br />

mention the bag of penny<br />

candy you could get at R&J<br />

Grocery. For $0.25 you would<br />

actually get twenty-five pieces<br />

of candy! And where did<br />

we get our quarters? Probably<br />

from scrounging around on<br />

the floor and under the counter<br />

of my grandparents’ liquor<br />

store, The Package Place.<br />

Yes, back then you could be<br />

in the liquor store under the<br />

age of 21. We would bag ice<br />

or fill the pop machines, and<br />

my grandparents would thank<br />

us with a shiny quarter. Probably<br />

a violation of child labor<br />

laws now, but back then, it<br />

was something fun to do.<br />

For $1.00 we could fill out<br />

tanks and our bellies and ride<br />

all day long on our mopeds.<br />

(And yes, we were underage<br />

drivers, but back then no one<br />

cared.) We would meet up<br />

with our other friends who<br />

had mopeds, and we’d tear<br />

up the roads, pulling off at<br />

the creek on Ireland road to<br />

enjoy our packed lunch, usually<br />

a peanut butter sandwich<br />

and a Little Debbie brownie.<br />

You might even find us racing<br />

(or ramping) when we<br />

shouldn’t have been. We only<br />

had a couple of small wrecks,<br />

killed only one opossum, and<br />

swallowed only a few bugs.<br />

I have only one visible scar<br />

that remains, a scar that I’m<br />

proud of and one that always<br />

puts a smile on my face when<br />

I tell the story of how I got it.<br />

But the fun we had was unmatched.<br />

Simple. Clean. Fun.<br />

As we drove around<br />

town reminiscing about<br />

our childhood, few things<br />

in town that remain. Her<br />

favorite was being at the<br />

Moores Hill water tower,<br />

a symbol of simpler times.<br />

While we never climbed the<br />

water tower, we may have<br />

been guilty of scratching<br />

our initials into the depot’s<br />

rock wall a time or two. And<br />

while our initials have surely<br />

faded by now, our memories<br />

are as vibrant as the days we<br />

lived them. The time spent<br />

with my friend was a sweet<br />

reminder of how incredibly<br />

fortunate and grateful<br />

I am that I grew up in a<br />

small town. The physical<br />

appearance of Moores Hill<br />

has changed significantly<br />

since my childhood, but in<br />

my mind it will always be<br />

that special place, so full<br />

of life and vibrancy, where<br />

Main Street is always buzzing<br />

with business, and my<br />

grandma is always sitting in<br />

her lawn chair out in front of<br />

her store, waving at the cars<br />

as they passed by. It will<br />

always be home.<br />




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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 9B<br />

Hogan Hill Baptist Church<br />

Continued from page 8B<br />

reek of the mildew.<br />

Pastor Rod said, “I got a<br />

call from a gentleman, Francis<br />

Pickett, who has since<br />

gone on to Heaven. He asked<br />

me if I would put my efforts<br />

into saving the old church.”<br />

After some spiritual nudging,<br />

Pastor Rod traveled to Hogan<br />

Hill and opened the doors for<br />

his first service; three people<br />

attended. Things quickly<br />

started turning around, and<br />

attendance has grown to nearly<br />

thirty. There is no longer talk<br />

of closing this beautiful and<br />

historic church. “We are just<br />

a little country church serving<br />

God for all the blessings He<br />

showers upon us. It is a serious<br />

business, but we have a fun<br />

time! ”<br />

Dearborn Baptist is another<br />

wonderful Manchester church,<br />

located on SR 48 near the<br />

elementary school. The newer<br />

church was built in <strong>19</strong>92. On<br />

Sundays, you can find about<br />

two hundred members in the<br />

pews and classrooms. The<br />

church is active in the community<br />

with a wide variety<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Areis Smith, granddaughter<br />

of Chuck and Berry Smith of<br />

Manchester, enjoying Christmas<br />

services<br />

of events including a special<br />

children’s event featuring<br />

Illusionist David Corn who<br />

did magic shows and talked<br />

about bullying, at Manchester<br />

Elementary and two other<br />

schools. Dearborn Baptist is<br />

also very involved in Missionary<br />

Outreach effort. Manchester<br />

native Shawn Vinson<br />

and his family, who serve as<br />

missionaries in south Florida,<br />

came home to church to report<br />

on their ministry. Dearborn<br />

Baptist Church has an active<br />

student fellowship and many<br />

other ministries offered by the<br />

church including bible conferences,<br />

counseling, and children<br />

and youth activities.<br />

“Dearborn Baptist Church<br />

is a wonderful congregation<br />

of Christians who love people<br />

and care about our community,”<br />

said Pastor Darrell<br />

W. Sparks, who has served<br />

at Dearborn Baptist Church<br />

since it began in <strong>19</strong>86. “Every<br />

Sunday we pray for our community.”<br />

If you suspect you have<br />

Communities<br />

MILAN<br />

By<br />

Susan<br />

Cottingham<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

milan@goBEACONnews.com<br />

In the last few weeks of<br />

winter, we were saddened to<br />

say goodbye to two beloved<br />

members of our Milan<br />

Community. Andrew “Andy”<br />

Lee Hand, 89, passed away<br />

on Feb. 25, and Roselyn V.<br />

McKittrick, 84, followed<br />

him on Mar. 16. Both made<br />

Milan their home, devoting<br />

themselves to the town and its<br />

people. Andy was our former<br />

pharmacist at the drug store,<br />

and Roselyn was the founder,<br />

director, and curator of the<br />

Milan ‘54 Hoosiers Museum.<br />

Andy Hand was born in<br />

<strong>19</strong>29. He married Dorothea<br />

“Dottie”<br />

Schmidt in<br />

<strong>19</strong>53. Andy<br />

was the<br />

owner,<br />

operator, and<br />

pharmacist<br />

of the drug<br />

store from<br />

Andy Hand <strong>19</strong>63-<strong>19</strong>88.<br />

He was a<br />

member of the St. Paul<br />

Lutheran Church and served<br />

his country in the U.S. Army.<br />

He was a member of the<br />

Milan F & AM #31, Murat<br />

Shrine, Lions Club, the<br />

legion, and a past hospital<br />


we WANT YOU to try our<br />

board member. He enjoyed<br />

horseback riding and playing<br />

golf. Andy is survived by<br />

children Todd (Vivian) Hand;<br />

Eric (Becky) Hand; Carla<br />

Unroe; and Elizabeth (Ken)<br />

Martini. Mr. Hand had seven<br />

grandchildren. He was<br />

preceded in death by his wife<br />

Dottie and son David. Andy<br />

was well loved and respected<br />

in the community.<br />

Roselyn McKittrick was<br />

born in <strong>19</strong>34, in Forrest City,<br />

Iowa, the daughter of Gladys<br />

and Melvin Knutson. She<br />

Roselyn<br />

McKittrick<br />

moved to<br />

Washington<br />

D.C. where<br />

she met her<br />

future<br />

husband.<br />

Roselyn and<br />

John married<br />

in <strong>19</strong>55 and<br />

shortly<br />

thereafter<br />

moved to<br />

Milan. Here she found her<br />

“home” and raised three<br />

children. Through the years<br />

Roselyn became wonderfully<br />

obsessed with all things<br />

Milan. She started a partial<br />

museum in her antique store<br />

which later blossomed into<br />

the Milan ’54 Hoosiers<br />

Basketball Museum. The<br />

McKittricks also owned and<br />

operated the Milan Railroad<br />

Inn, a favorite restaurant<br />

many will remember.<br />

Roselyn spent many hours<br />

collecting memorabilia<br />

about the history of Milan.<br />

While finding and preserving<br />

unique Milan items was very<br />

important to Roselyn, her<br />

passion was telling everyone<br />

about Milan and the <strong>19</strong>54<br />

team. She had many stories<br />

which she loved to share.<br />

She co-authored the book “A<br />

Storied Past” with Darlene<br />

Gerster, a Milan graduate. One<br />

writer referred to her as the<br />

“Keeper of Stories.” As the<br />

Milan museum’s curator, she<br />

also spent many hours traveling<br />

to events and fund raisers to<br />

keep the story alive and to keep<br />

the museum going.<br />

Roselyn was a member of<br />

St. Paul Lutheran Church.<br />

Her dedication to her<br />

community was evident in her<br />

support of the local schools,<br />

organizations, churches, and<br />

events. She also spent many<br />

hours taking residents to doctor<br />

visits and visiting them when<br />

ill. Her generous gifts of time<br />

and money were endless. She<br />

was Milan’s greatest supporter<br />

and our unofficial historian.<br />

She devoted her life to making<br />

the town the best it could be.<br />

Despite all her<br />

accomplishments, Roselyn<br />

was most proud of her<br />

children: Dennis McKittrick,<br />

Rhonda Harvey, and Tom<br />

(Kristen) Mckittrick, as well<br />

as her five grandsons and three<br />

great-grandsons. You could<br />

always depend on her to have<br />

a picture or two of them to<br />

share.<br />

Roselyn McKittrick and<br />

Andy Hand have contributed<br />

much to the community and<br />

are deeply missed.<br />

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Page 10B THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />



By<br />

PG<br />

Gentrup<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

risingsun@goBEACONnews.com<br />

Spring is here, and I’m<br />

happy to see some warmer<br />

days. Winter wasn’t the best<br />

but we survived it, and it’s<br />

always nice to see things<br />

starting to grow again and put<br />

some green back in our lives.<br />

Mark your calendar because<br />

there will be a lot of events<br />

going on. We are having the<br />

annual banquet for veterans<br />

on Saturday, May 18 at the<br />

Trinity Christian Church on<br />

Pribble Road. I encourage you<br />

to sign up for this wonderful<br />

event. Call 812-537-0897<br />

and let them know you are a<br />

veteran and want to attend the<br />

banquet and you may bring<br />

someone with you. They have<br />

a great program and buffet<br />

dinner. Judy Wesley, Ron<br />

Wesley, Pastor Corey Potts,<br />

Judy and Glen Potts, and the<br />

whole crew do an outstanding<br />

job.<br />

Ohio County lost a Gold<br />

Star Mother. Marjorie<br />

“Peachy” Stevens passed<br />

away at the age of 90. She<br />

and her husband, Charles,<br />

lost their only child, Gary<br />

Lynn when he was killed in<br />

Vietnam on May 13, <strong>19</strong>67. It<br />

was such a tragic loss. Gary is<br />

the only one buried at Rising<br />

Sun who died in Vietnam.<br />

The Gold Star represents the<br />

loss of a True American Hero.<br />

I remember visiting Peachy<br />

several times and how terrible<br />

that loss was to her through<br />

all those years.<br />

Thanks to the classmates<br />

of Police Chief David Hewitt<br />

who have established a<br />

scholarship in his name. If<br />

you would like to donate to it,<br />

you can send a contribution to<br />

OCCF, P.O. Box 170, Rising<br />

Sun, IN 47040. Make sure to<br />

note that it’s for the Hewitt<br />

Fund. What a wonderful way<br />

to remember David.<br />

Rising Sun Shiner, Daniel<br />

Daugherty, recently won<br />

the 55-meter hurdle race<br />

at the East Central Indoor<br />

Invitational on March 2. He<br />

ran an 8.92 to beat seventeen<br />

Franklin County Quilt Show<br />

Friday, May 17 • 10-5<br />

Saturday, May 18 • 10-4<br />

Old Brookville HS Gym • 1010 Franklin Ave. Brookville IN 47012<br />

• Quilts, Vendors, Food<br />

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Next euchre party May <strong>19</strong> & June 9<br />

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Communities<br />

other competitors. Come out<br />

and watch the Shiner Track<br />

Team in action.<br />

Congratulations to Nick<br />

Koons on being named to the<br />

Boys Basketball 2018-<strong>19</strong> allconference<br />

team for the Ohio<br />

River Valley Conference.<br />

Nick is an outstanding<br />

student and athlete. Lindsay<br />

Montgomery was named to<br />

the girl’s all-conference team<br />

for basketball.<br />

Rodney Rimstidt is the<br />

new Rising Sun Police Chief.<br />

He was named to replace<br />

David Hewitt who recently<br />

died in a car crash. Rodney<br />

has been involved with<br />

the Ohio County Sheriff’s<br />

Department, where he started<br />

in <strong>19</strong>92, and then went to the<br />

Rising Sun Police Dept. in<br />

2000. He also has served with<br />

the Indiana National Guard<br />

and worked as a dog handler<br />

with the Canine Unit. He<br />

has dedicated his life to law<br />

enforcement.<br />

Congratulations to Reese<br />

and Peyton Merica for their<br />

victories in Noblesville in the<br />

20<strong>19</strong> Knights of Columbus (K<br />

of C) 20<strong>19</strong> State Free Throw<br />

Championship. Peyton won<br />

the Boys Age 14 and Reese<br />

was the Girls Age 11 winner.<br />

Nate Elliott was runner-up<br />

in Boys Age 13, and Avery<br />

Elliott was the runner-up<br />


By<br />

Rebecca<br />

Davies<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

dillsboro@goBEACONnews.com<br />

“I spy, with my little eye,<br />

something YELLOW!” (side<br />

note: The game ‘I SPY’ originated<br />

in18th century Victorian<br />

England) If you said planter,<br />

14-22<br />

in Girls Age 10. Mason<br />

Bascom also competed and<br />

finished third in the age 9<br />

division. The victories were<br />

quite an accomplishment<br />

and something to be proud<br />

of. Noah Rogers, Aurora,<br />

who plays on teams with my<br />

grandson, Grady, was the<br />

runner-up in Boys Age 11.<br />

Congratulations to Rising<br />

Sun Shiner Lucy Carrigan,<br />

who is now a member of<br />

the National Championship<br />

Thomas More University<br />

Basketball Team, as they won<br />

the tournament in Virginia.<br />

There are other girls from our<br />

area on that team too.<br />

There was an article in the<br />

local paper from 75 years<br />

ago telling of the death of<br />

my grandfather, Charles<br />

“Crack” Gentrup, age 65.<br />

He passed away before I was<br />

born, but I have his burial flag<br />

with 48 stars on display with<br />

my memorabilia. I also have<br />

his basic training picture from<br />

the Spanish-American War<br />

taken back on May 12, 1898.<br />

He went on to serve with<br />

Company E, 159th Regiment<br />

with the Indiana Volunteer<br />

Infantry.<br />

The Ohio County Library<br />

received a $1000 grant from<br />

the Ohio County Community<br />

Foundation’s Books with<br />

Love Endowment Fund.<br />

you would be correct. The<br />

Beautification Committee<br />

received a grant for twenty<br />

brightly colored planters that<br />

sparkle in the sunlight and<br />

will brighten any gloomy day.<br />

Drive around town and see if<br />

you can find all twenty. They<br />

will look even better as the<br />

newly planted flowers grow.<br />

Thank you to the committee<br />

for the hours of maintenance<br />

they put into this and many<br />

other projects around town.<br />

Flowers again are the centerpiece<br />

of our third annual<br />

‘Dillsboro in Bloom’ celebration,<br />

May 11. An opening<br />

ceremony on ‘The Porch’ at<br />

Dillsboro Arts will begin at<br />

11 A.M. We will be turning<br />

on the switch to our newly<br />

installed sound system which<br />

will add a party atmosphere to<br />

this and all of our future outdoor<br />

events. Thank you to the<br />

many contributors who made<br />

this happen.<br />

Congratulations to the<br />

SDMS Archery for qualifying<br />

for the National Archery<br />

Tournament. How exciting<br />

for them! I will be following<br />

up with details about Dillsboro<br />

members and results in a<br />

future post. Stay tuned.<br />

Dillsboro PTO has started<br />

the Darla Jacobs Memorial<br />

Scholarship through South<br />

Dearborn Dollars For Scholars.<br />

They will be awarding<br />

two $500 scholarships to<br />

two graduating seniors who<br />

attended Dillsboro Elementary<br />

School. A 5K Run/Walk<br />

on April 28 will be held to<br />

help fund the scholarship.<br />

All proceeds go directly to<br />

the scholarship. There will<br />

be concessions, raffle prizes,<br />

Connie Smith presented<br />

the check to Director Amy<br />

Hoffman with the help of<br />

her grandchildren, Hank<br />

and Josie Turner. Madison<br />

Kirkpatrick and Jillian<br />

Troxel helped too.<br />

My granddaughter, Carli,<br />

loves to shoot archery, among<br />

the many activities in which<br />

she is involved. Her Aurora<br />

Elementary School (AES)<br />

recently qualified for the State<br />

Shoot in Indianapolis and will<br />

now be going to the Nationals<br />

in Louisville in May. Keep up<br />

the excellent work.<br />

Mark your calendars Clean<br />

up Days in Rising Sun. for<br />

the Dumpsters will be coming<br />

on May 14, June 1, July<br />

6, August 3, September 7,<br />

October 5 and November 2.<br />

They will be located next to<br />

the community park driving<br />

down Downey Street.<br />

Now that warmer weather<br />

is here take time to get out<br />

and visit your neighbors. It’s<br />

going to be nice to be able to<br />

get out and work in the yard.<br />

I think of years ago when we<br />

had a very large garden, and I<br />

loved the fresh tomatoes. I can<br />

remember one year at the old<br />

farm and having three hundred<br />

twenty-seven tomato plants set<br />

out. That’s a lot of tomatoes.<br />

Take care, stay healthy and<br />

God Bless!<br />

Beautiful planters are ready<br />

for spring blooms.<br />

awards for runners/walkers,<br />

a third grade and under Fun<br />

Run, and other activities.<br />

Dillsboro Arts’ current<br />

exhibit is ‘Still Voices and<br />

Dandelions: Kitty Schroeder’<br />

and runs Apr. 6 - May 25. Kitty<br />

is from Little Rock, Arkansas<br />

and moved to Cincinnati in the<br />

’90s when she was offered a<br />

full scholarship to the UC Master<br />

of Fine Arts program. She<br />

began an inquiry at that time<br />

that is culminating in this show<br />

that we are honored to host as<br />

our first one-person show, and<br />

it promises to be beautiful.<br />

Kitty writes, “In these images,<br />

I am seeking to explore,<br />

question and express ideas<br />

about loss, vulnerability, and<br />

power. I chose missing children<br />

as my focus to put parameters<br />

on my process. Since<br />

<strong>19</strong>93 I have collected a stack<br />

of blue postcards with their<br />

faces, drawing one of them<br />

from time to time. I envisioned<br />

them as large drawings<br />

hanging in a triangular formation,<br />

susceptible to the wind.<br />

Singular drawings are at the<br />

same time specific/symbolic<br />

as many others trapped in the<br />

continuum; a bridge to present<br />

ghosts, adrift in the wind.”<br />

Healthcare coverage<br />

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May 20<strong>19</strong> THE BEACON Page 11B<br />

Elise Bostick made an awesome<br />

cake to celebrate St.<br />

Patrick’s Day.<br />


By<br />

Debbie<br />

Acasio<br />

Community<br />

Correspondent<br />

lawrenceburg@goBEACONnews.com<br />

The month of May ushers<br />

in spring flowers and the<br />

promise of the summer to<br />

come. For most of us, the area<br />

fish fries are now just a faded<br />

memory. For one Lawrenceburg<br />

five-year-old Nora Fehr,<br />

her first fish fry will always<br />

be remembered as the day she<br />

lost her first tooth. Yes, lost<br />

is the word here. It popped<br />

out at the Aurora St. Mary’s<br />

Cod With God fish fry, landed<br />

on the floor and couldn’t be<br />

found. I would have given<br />

anything to watch Grandma<br />

Jen Awad and Aunt Melissa<br />

Fehr, crawling around under<br />

tables looking for it. Alarms<br />

went out, and soon several<br />

people were aiding in the<br />

O<br />

ur<br />

Nora<br />

Fehr<br />

received<br />

her first<br />

visit from<br />

the tooth<br />

fairy after<br />

having<br />

lost the<br />

tooth at a<br />

fish fry.<br />

search. It wasn’t until much<br />

later that evening that it was<br />

located by a St. Mary’s volunteer<br />

and eventually returned<br />

to its owner. Whew! Another<br />

tooth fairy crisis averted!<br />

The need for spring cleanup<br />

has never been more<br />

evident than seeing the trash<br />

that has reared its ugly head<br />

along our highways after<br />

winter storms have ceased.<br />

Aurora Eagles 2022 has<br />

organized a group of volunteers<br />

from the Aurora and<br />

Lawrenceburg area to take<br />

on this monumental clean up<br />

task. On two days alone, they<br />

gathered over thirty bags of<br />

Communities<br />

Let’s give a big thanks to Chris Hatfield, Ray Brown, Doug<br />

Karp, Chris Wallick, Melissa Wallick, Don Hudson, Charlene<br />

Cutter, Tonya Montgomery, and Nate Rivera for assisting<br />

with this spring cleanup.<br />

Pablo David, Lexi Knight<br />

and Bret Carr won the Eye<br />

of the Tiger Award.<br />

garbage at only two locations.<br />

The Eagles have asked<br />

that you call 812-926-0031<br />

if you have any additional<br />

areas that need to be cleaned<br />

up.<br />

The Lawrenceburg Swim<br />

team celebrated the end of<br />

a successful season with<br />

a banquet. Coach Beth<br />

Schwartz had her entire<br />

team cast their vote for the<br />

individuals to receive the<br />

Eye of the Tiger Award.<br />

This award is based on an<br />

athlete’s attitude, desire,<br />

hustle, teamwork and practice<br />

habits. It also incorporates<br />

the mental attitude<br />

and improved attributes of<br />

the individual. This year’s<br />

award went to David Pablo,<br />

Lexi Knight, and Bret Carr.<br />

Congratulations to them and<br />

all of the other record breakers<br />

on the team this year.<br />

Congratulations to Toby<br />

Voyer for being named the<br />

Toby Voyer<br />

student of the<br />

month for<br />

March at<br />

Central<br />

Elementary.<br />

Toby is the<br />

son of Pastor<br />

Matt Voyer<br />

and his wife,<br />

Heather. He<br />

holds a blue<br />

belt in Tai Kwon Do.<br />

I had the opportunity to<br />

meet a new friend John<br />

Agner this month. (Agner<br />

Hall at the Fairgrounds is<br />

named after his Grandpa.) He<br />

happened to be visiting a mutual<br />

friend, Shirley Casebolt<br />

in the nursing home when<br />

I showed up. This young<br />

Lawrenceburg resident, husband,<br />

and father encountered<br />

a significant health crisis<br />

in October. After the crisis<br />

was over, he found himself<br />

with little or no hearing. He<br />

received a cochlear implant<br />

and has had to go through<br />

intensive therapy. He is an<br />

inspiration.<br />

I hope all can attend the<br />

Grand Opening of the new<br />

downtown city park on June<br />

1 at 1 P.M. Lawrenceburg<br />

Main Street sponsored Photo<br />

Booths, Inside Out Lawrenceburg.<br />

In March and April,<br />

photo booths were set up in<br />

three locations. The photos<br />

taken will focus on people<br />

and their stories and will be<br />

displayed around the new<br />

park from June 1 to June 7.<br />

This is part of French Artist<br />

JR’s global participatory art<br />

project.<br />

BUSINESS &<br />



C<br />

Milan Middle School won<br />

top honors.<br />

The Ripley County Engineering Academy team placed first<br />

and won serveral honors.<br />

Area Students Capture Regional Rube Goldberg Title<br />

The eighth Annual Regional<br />

Rube Goldberg Machine<br />

Contest hosted fifteen teams<br />

of middle and high school<br />

students tasked with creating<br />

chain-reaction machines to<br />

“Put Money in a Piggy Bank.”<br />

Capturing top honors in Division<br />

I (middle school) was<br />

Milan Middle School. The<br />

team won first place in the division<br />

and walked away with<br />

the Peer, Creative Spark, and<br />

Spirit of Hilarious Invention<br />

awards. Second place in the<br />

Division went to Moores Hill<br />

Elementary School, which<br />

also captured the Helping<br />

Hand Teamwork award.<br />

In Division II (high school),<br />

the Ripley County Engineering<br />

Academy, Team 1, captured<br />

first place and won the<br />

People’s Choice and Spirit of<br />

Hilarious Invention awards.<br />

This team also won the<br />

Creative Spark, and Helping<br />

Hand Teamwork awards.<br />

“These students amaze<br />

me more every year,” said<br />

Cheryll Obendorf, GPS Director.<br />

“It’s wonderful to see<br />

such excitement about taking<br />

a pile of junk and using it to<br />

learn about engineering, teamwork,<br />

creativity, and problem<br />

solving!”<br />

Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.<br />

Fresh Worship • Relevant Messages • Warm Welcome<br />

24457 State Line Road, Bright, Indiana 47025<br />

brightchurch.org, (812) 637-3388<br />

Jeff Stone, Lead Minister<br />



Joe Brandel<br />

20 E. Center St.<br />

Lawrenceburg IN<br />

812-537-06<strong>19</strong><br />


557 W. Eads Parkway<br />

Lawrenceburg IN<br />

812-537-0610<br />

Wilson Electrical Services<br />

25 years of residential, commercial &<br />

industrial electrical experience.<br />

Free quotes & hourly rates available.<br />

KY Masters License<br />

Phone: 513-659-8403<br />

Email: wilsonelectrical@wilsoneffects.com<br />


W<br />

Community<br />

hat's<br />

Correspondent<br />

E<br />

To start, prepare for both dethatching is even available<br />

By<br />

annual and perennial grassy Wto the general public or may<br />

and broadleaf weeds. Some be offered hat's<br />

Ray<br />

by a lawn care<br />

ity<br />

Johnson of the most common culprits service. Happening In<br />

dent<br />

By<br />

in our area include crabgrass, Lastly, BRIGHT prepare for both<br />

John Community dandelion, spurges, ground insect and animal pests. Ants,<br />

Hawley Correspondent<br />

ivy (creeping charlie), and beetles, centipedes, By and more<br />

Purdue nimblewill. Many of these will begin to appear Debby with<br />

rayjohnson.thebeacon@etczone.com<br />

Extension are best controlled with preemergent<br />

herbicide programs. tinue to warm. Community Many folks,<br />

more frequency Stutz as we con-<br />

Educator<br />

n<br />

W<br />

For instance, crabgrass is unfortunately, Correspondent<br />

delay control<br />

hawley4@purdue.edu hat's<br />

nearly impossible to control if until late summer or fall when<br />

Happening<br />

left alone<br />

In<br />

until mid-summer, these invaders tend to venture<br />

into our warm and cozy<br />

Preparing Your Lawn<br />

debbystutz.thebeacon@yahoo.com<br />


so prepare to tackle the threat<br />

for a Beautiful<br />

early. Be sure your cultural homes.<br />

Growing Season practices By add up before purchasing<br />

If you’ve had considerable<br />

h The thaw is on, and winter<br />

Amanda<br />

(Wells)<br />

herbicides. If you issues with Sinsects, consider<br />

is in the rearview. The daffodils<br />

have bloomed, and beau-<br />

or watering your lawn, for presence before PORTS<br />

purchasing<br />

are improperly fertilizing targeting the root BEACON<br />

Harper<br />

cause of their<br />

t<br />

om tiful pink redbud blossoms instance, Community you may be begging insecticides. Be sure to remove<br />

are sprinkled around many for<br />

Correspondent<br />

weeds to show up. Please standing water, SCENE<br />

food waste,<br />

landscapes and roadsides. aharper@beaconortho.com refer to the resource included and yard debris. If you decide<br />

Now it’s time to get your lawn at the end of the article or to purchase an insecticide,<br />

By<br />

ready for a year of barbeques, give me a call for additional many broad-spectrum options<br />

P<br />

Jack<br />

gardening, and hopefully herbicide recommendations. are available. Be sure to follow<br />

E<br />

FROM THE<br />

Zoller<br />

some hard-earned downtime. Next, determine the presence<br />

of thatch in your lawn. For pests such as moles, beaconsports<br />

all label recommendations.<br />


This month, I’ll share my best<br />

@live.com<br />

tips for getting your lawn off Thatch is a thin layer of<br />

to a great start.<br />

decaying and living material<br />

I’ll start with a harsh truth; By located between your grass<br />

fall is truly the best season for Celeste and the soil surface. Not<br />

lawn care. Whether it’s fertilizing,<br />

re-seeding, or aeration,<br />

Calvitto every lawn will have a thatch<br />

fall is often the most valuable<br />

By<br />

ngtime to tackle these tasks. So<br />

Melanie<br />

are you wrong to consider<br />

these activities for the spring?<br />

Alexander<br />

Page 12B<br />

Happening In<br />

THE BEACON May 20<strong>19</strong><br />

DOVER<br />

donnadavidson.thebeacon@yahoo.com<br />

nAbsolutely not. However,<br />

keep this in mind for later in<br />

the season.<br />

ity<br />

dent<br />

problem, but it’s quite common,<br />

and the impacts can be<br />

significant. Thatch can reduce<br />

the effectiveness of fertilizers<br />

and water intake. If you have<br />

a thatch problem, consider<br />

aerating in either early spring<br />

or fall. Specific equipment for<br />

A Hands-On Career<br />

With Soaring Possibilities<br />

Top-notch, affordable training in Aviation Maintenance Technology<br />

is available at Cincinnati State’s campus in Harrison, Ohio.<br />

· Degree includes all required FAA and Industry Certifications –<br />

in Airframe, in Powerplant, in Avionics, and Drones.<br />

· Opportunities for scholarships and paid co-ops while learning.<br />

· Graduates eligible to take FAA licensing tests.<br />

· Starting annual salaries of $33,000 to $55,000 with employers<br />

including Delta, GE Aviation and many others.<br />

· Southeast Indiana and Northern Kentucky students may qualify<br />

for Ohio in-state tuition.<br />

· Veterans welcome.<br />

Today’s sunny skies, despite<br />

By<br />

chilly temperatures, Maxinepromise<br />

that spring is Klump just around the<br />

corner. If I needed further<br />

evidence, the Community first daffodil<br />

Correspondent<br />

beside my front walk is<br />

about to pop into full bloom.<br />

maxineklump.thebeacon@yahoo.com<br />

For me, that means favorite<br />

“springtime” tastes of fresh<br />

asparagus, rhubarb and later,<br />

strawberries. Now that I do<br />

not have a “real garden,” I’m<br />

placing some salad mix seeds<br />

into a raised, free-standing<br />

bed on the back patio just for<br />

the opportunity to harvest a<br />

Hibbard Named<br />

FCCLA State<br />

Vice President<br />

Torrey Hibbard, a<br />

sophomore at South<br />

Dearborn High School<br />

and daughter of Anthony<br />

Hibbard and Aimy<br />

Hensley, was elected to<br />

serve as Indiana FCCLA<br />

20<strong>19</strong>-2020 State Vice<br />

President of STAR<br />

Events. Shown here<br />

with Bryan Schuerman,<br />

South Dearborn FCCLA<br />

Chapter Adviser.<br />

For more information,<br />

contact Jeffrey Wright<br />

Aviation Maintenance Program Chair<br />

(513) 569-4976<br />

jeffrey.wright@cincinnstate.edu<br />

salad or two of fresh greens.<br />

(Too bad that I still must<br />

protect the small crop from<br />

deer on their way to drink<br />

from the nearby lake.)<br />

This recipe allows for six<br />

individual baking dishes<br />

(6 oz.) of warm tastiness. I<br />

use ramekins for individual<br />

portions of both savory and<br />

sweet treats so that I can<br />

freeze some to avoid eating<br />

the same thing over and over.<br />

Berry Pudding Cake<br />

2 eggs<br />

¼ cup sugar<br />

1 teaspoon vanilla<br />

Dash salt<br />

1 cup milk<br />

½ cup flour<br />

½ teaspoon baking powder<br />

3 cups assorted fresh<br />

berries (sliced strawberries,<br />

raspberries, blackberries)<br />

Preheat oven to 400°.<br />

Lightly coat 6-oz. individual<br />

dishes with nonstick cooking<br />

spray. Arrange dishes in a<br />

15X10X1-inch baking spray.<br />

In a medium bowl, whisk<br />

eggs. Whisk in sugar,<br />

vanilla, and salt until light<br />

in fluffy. Whisk in milk until<br />

combined. Add flour and<br />

baking powder; whisk just<br />

until smooth.<br />

Divide berries among<br />

prepared dishes in pan. Pour<br />

batter over berries. Note:<br />

Batter will not completely<br />

cover berries. Bake about 20<br />

minutes or until topping is<br />

golden. Serve while warm<br />

topped with either whipped<br />

cream/topping or vanilla ice<br />

cream.<br />

I love any flavor of fruit<br />

crisp because they can be<br />

quickly prepared at the last<br />

skunks, or raccoons, the severity<br />

of problems will vary.<br />

Moles are one of the most<br />

common lawn pests in our<br />

area. Two effective control<br />

options are available- trapping<br />

or worm baits including a<br />

chemical called bromethalin.<br />

Both methods can either be<br />

handled by a professional or<br />

done at home. Be aware that<br />

remedies including ultrasonic<br />

devices, bubble gum, or poison<br />

peanuts do not work.<br />

If you have a high population<br />

of white grubs in your<br />

soil, you may have more<br />

run-ins with raccoons and<br />

skunks, as they commonly<br />

feed on them. If the damage,<br />

in this case, is severe enough,<br />

consider treating with grub<br />

control insecticides. Spring<br />

won’t be the only time to<br />

do this, so be sure you are<br />

prepared to tackle the problem<br />

later in the year as well. Additional<br />

control options include<br />

trapping and repellants.<br />

Regular maintenance is critical<br />

for a healthy and sustainable<br />

lawn. Spend time early<br />

in the season making a list of<br />

tasks that include fertilizing,<br />

mowing, and watering. As the<br />

season moves along, staying<br />

on top of these tasks will<br />

benefit you exponentially.<br />

To learn more about the<br />

topics discussed in this article,<br />

visit: https://www.extension.<br />

purdue.edu/extmedia/HO/HO-<br />

236-W.pdf<br />

For additional information<br />

about other agriculture and<br />

natural resources topics, feel<br />

free to email me at hawley4@<br />

purdue.edu. You can also<br />

reach my office at 812-926-<br />

1189. We are located at 229<br />

Main Street, Aurora, IN<br />

47001.<br />

Look for my next article in<br />

the June issue of The <strong>Beacon</strong>!<br />

minute and then baked while<br />

everyone is busy with the<br />

main course. If you want, use<br />

strawberries in place of ½ of<br />

the rhubarb.<br />

Rhubarb Oatmeal Crisp<br />

4 cups fresh rhubarb cut into<br />

½-inch pieces (or frozen<br />

unsweetened sliced<br />

rhubarb)<br />

½ cup packed brown sugar<br />

2 tablespoons butter cut into<br />

small pieces<br />

2 tablespoons flour<br />

Grease an 8x8-inch square<br />

baking dish; set aside. In<br />

a medium mixing bowl,<br />

combine the rhubarb, the<br />

½ cup brown sugar, 2<br />

tablespoons butter, and 2<br />

tablespoons flour. Evenly<br />

spread this mixture into the<br />

prepared baking dish.<br />

2 cups quick-cooking rolled<br />

oats<br />

¾ cup packed brown sugar<br />

½ cup flour<br />

½ cup butter cut into small<br />

pieces<br />

Whipped cream or ice<br />

cream (optional)<br />

In a medium mixing bowl,<br />

combine the oats, brown<br />

sugar, and flour. With a<br />

pastry blender, cut in butter<br />

till mixture resembles coarse<br />

crumbs. Sprinkle over the<br />

fruit mixture. Bake the desert<br />

in a 325°oven for 45-50<br />

minutes or till fruit is tender<br />

and topping is golden. Serve<br />

while warm and top with<br />

whipped cream or ice cream if<br />

you wish.<br />

See you next month with<br />

a great springtime (or any<br />

other season) salad recipe.<br />


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