2019 JB LIFE! Magazine Spring Edition

2018 JB LIFE! Magazine Winter Edition

2018 JB LIFE! Magazine Winter Edition


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<strong>JB</strong>CIA Feedback Survey p. 2<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

A Trip Back in Time<br />

K-Drama Locations p. 26-33 • Iksan Prison Museum p. 30-31<br />

Flower Festival p. 14-15<br />

2023 새만금 World<br />

Scout Jamboree p. 13<br />

Jaman Cultural Village p. 22-23<br />

Strawberry picking p. 50-51<br />

<strong>Spring</strong> Photography p. 53-55

Jeonbuk Life<br />

Jeollabuk-do’s International <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14<br />

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284<br />

> Survey<br />

전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)<br />

PHONE 063-280-6112<br />

www.jbcia.or.kr/ Hand, Business, Desktop,<br />

Corporate, Man, AerialHand<br />

jblife.magazine@gmail.com<br />

Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> is published by the Jeonbuk Center<br />

for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.<br />


Manager Peter Yi<br />

Managing Editor Axel Lemus<br />

Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

ART & DESIGN<br />

Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr<br />


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Axel Lemus, Aaron Snowberger, Alexandra<br />

Prévôt, Daniel Kilduff, Sunirmal Sheet, Shermamatova<br />

Aizharkyn, Su Hyun Jin, Natalya Yan, Peter Yi<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Fill out the survey at the link (QR<br />

Code) below to be entered to win<br />

prizes from the <strong>JB</strong>CIA.<br />

We would love to hear your thoughts<br />

and feedback on how we can improve<br />

your <strong>JB</strong> Life experience!<br />


Seong Jin Kim, Umesh Sampath, JM Tubera,<br />

Shermamatova Aizharkyn, Natalya Yan<br />

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do<br />

Center for International Affairs (<strong>JB</strong>CIA). Our goal is to<br />

spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as<br />

well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea<br />

and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.<br />

To get involved, email jblife.magazine@gmail.com<br />

WIN<br />

PRIZES<br />

2 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Letter from the Editor<br />

Enjoy the feeling of <strong>Spring</strong> while reading <strong>JB</strong> <strong>LIFE</strong>!<br />

“<strong>Spring</strong> is coming!” The blistering cold is finally leaving our<br />

spirits. I hope winter did not hurt your spirit too much. It is<br />

time now to wake up after hibernating. There are 24 seasonal<br />

days in Korea, so Koreans usually divide the calendar year into<br />

24 seasonal pieces of two weeks each, and assign a certain<br />

meaning to each of the 24 seasonal pieces.<br />

There are 6 seasonal days in <strong>Spring</strong>, so I would like to explain<br />

them. The 6 seasonal days are: 입춘 (the Advent of <strong>Spring</strong>), 우수<br />

(rain water), 경칩 (the stirring of insects), 춘분 (the Vernal equinox),<br />

청명 (clear and bright), 곡우 (Gain rains). Currently, we are between<br />

우수 and 경칩 (the last week of February to the middle of March).<br />

우수 means warm temperatures are transforming snow into rain<br />

water. And 경칩 means the buds of the plants begin growing and<br />

animals and insects are awakening from hibernation. As these<br />

seasonal days indicate, we are now at the entrance of spring.<br />

The main theme of this <strong>JB</strong> <strong>LIFE</strong>! is The Color of <strong>Spring</strong>. Think<br />

about what a shining and colorful spring it is. Among Korea's<br />

four seasons, spring literally makes us feel like we are falling in<br />

love for the first time. It is pure and true, the one and only. I hope<br />

you feel the same way I have, enjoying the various aspects of life<br />

in Jeollabuk-do. I also hope you find a way to enjoy the feeling<br />

of spring together with someone around you. Maybe you'll walk<br />

around a lake with beauty and harmony, have a relaxing cup of<br />

joe, eat excellent food, do some outdoor activities, or visit one<br />

of the truly unique places which is introduced in this magazine.<br />

I hope reading <strong>JB</strong> <strong>LIFE</strong>! will be like a treasure hunt because I<br />

believe these stories from our foreign residents will help you<br />

find hidden treasures all over every corner of Jeollabuk-do!<br />

Perhaps you're not fully convinced, but I always try to put forth a<br />

continuous effort to introduce the enjoyable life of a Jeollabuk-do<br />

native. Share and enjoy your fascinating stories of <strong>Spring</strong>! Can you<br />

hear the sounds of <strong>Spring</strong> awakening?<br />

Peter Yi<br />

<strong>JB</strong> Life Editor<br />


Section: Culture<br />

4 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

In This Issue<br />

News K-Drama Cafés <strong>Spring</strong><br />

Provincial & <strong>JB</strong>CIA - p. 12-21<br />

6<br />

Noteworthy<br />

Korean summaries p. 6-11<br />

Jeonbuk News p. 12-13<br />

Saemangeum News

봄호 번역<br />

Exploring Royal Tombs<br />

백제 고분 탐험 - 김태형 (번역)<br />

A Flower that Symbolizes Joy<br />

기쁨을 상징하는 꽃 - 김나은 (번역)<br />

백제의 고분전시관은 익산과 군산 사이에<br />

고분 전시관은 안내지도와 게임들을 통해<br />

대부분의 한국 관광지처럼 익산은 익산만의<br />

축제는 매 가을마다 열리는데 여기서 왜<br />

있는 입점리에 있기 때문에 양 도시 어느<br />

백제의 역사를 잘 설명해줍니다.<br />

독특한 매력이 있다. 당연히, 익산만의<br />

남동생이 오고 싶지 않았는지를 어느 정도<br />

쪽에서든 버스를 타고, 이 곳에 올 수<br />

축제 또한 있다. 익산의 유명한 두 축제는<br />

이해할 수 있었다. 몇몇 곳에서는 매 년<br />

있습니다.<br />

아이들은 오래된 항아리를 재조립함으로써<br />

봄과 가을에 열리는데 봄에 열리는 축제는<br />

축제마다 똑같은 이벤트를 진행하기 때문에<br />

즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다. 이 게임은<br />

서동 축제이고 가을에 열리는 축제는<br />

지루할 수도 있다고 생각했다. 그러나 지난해<br />

잘 가꿔진 길 옆에는 저를 제외한 이들을<br />

마치 3D퍼즐 같으며 역사적인 정보를 담고<br />

국화축제이다.<br />

가을축제의 테마는 정말 놀라웠다.<br />

한 번 도 보지 못했던 한적한 박물관이<br />

있습니다.<br />

있습니다.<br />

나는 서동 축제에는 가지 못했기 때문에<br />

김제의 두 용을 상징하는 디자인의<br />

박물관 외부에 있는 길을 따라가면 짧은<br />

가을에 열리는 국화축제는 가고 싶었다.<br />

전시품에서부터 말과 이집트 사람들의<br />

이 길은 여러분을 5세기 무덤으로 이끌<br />

산행을 즐기면서 고분으로 올라 갈 수<br />

제일 어려운 문제는 누구와 함께 갈지 정하는<br />

전시품까지, 그 축제는 너무 놀라워서 몇<br />

것입니다. (백제 왕국이 지배하던)<br />

있습니다.<br />

것 이였다. 나는 나의 남동생과 같이 가고<br />

번 더 가기로 결심했다. 저녁 축제도 각<br />

싶었지만 남동생은 이미 여러 번 축제를<br />

전시품을 보여주기 위해 사용된 다양한 빛<br />

이 지역에 있는 18개의 고분은 내부에<br />

이 지역은 꽤 넓고 바로 옆에 숲이 있습니다.<br />

다녀왔기 때문에 가고 싶어하지 않았다.<br />

때문에 매우 아름다웠지만, 낮 축제가 햇빛<br />

유물들이 있는 채로 발견 되었습니다.<br />

만일 운이 좋다면 고분 사이에서 뛰어다니는<br />

그래서 어쩔 수 없이 혼자 축제에 가게 됐다.<br />

덕분에 전시품들이 더욱 자연스러워 보여서<br />

사슴을 볼 수도 있습니다. 만일 사슴을 볼<br />

더 아름다웠다. 나는 이 축제가 너무 좋아서<br />

현재 유물들은 전시관 내부에서 볼 수<br />

수 없다면 자연환경을 즐기며 역사적인<br />

그날의 날씨는 조금 이상했다. 맑고<br />

축제 기간 동안 세 번이나 더 갔었다.<br />

있지만, 무덤은 전시관 밖의 잘 가꿔진 길을<br />

분위기를 느끼시면 됩니다.<br />

화창했지만 바람이 매우 세게 불었다. 그러던<br />

통해 올라간 작은 언덕 위에 있습니다.<br />

중 갑자기 비가 오기 시작했다. 그러더니<br />

한 마디로, 나는 혼자 갔지만 이 축제를<br />

보통 이 고분지역에는 사람이 붐비진<br />

하늘이 매우 어두워져서 곧 큰 폭풍이 올<br />

정말로 즐겼다. 만약 익산에 살거나 국화<br />

발견된 유물들 중에서 여러분은 도금된 왕관,<br />

않습니다. 그리 많지 않은 관람객들이<br />

것이라고 생각했다. 그러나 행운처럼 비가<br />

축제에 가본 적이 없다면 돌아오는 이번<br />

신발, 많은 종류의 도자기(아름다운 청자를<br />

전시관을 방문하거나 혹은 이 고분지역을<br />

멈춰서 나는 축제에 가기로 결심했다. 나는<br />

<strong>2019</strong>년 가을에 꼭 가보길 추천한다.<br />

포함), 보석을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 유물들은<br />

둘러보러 올라오지 않기 때문에 당신은 마치<br />

구미에 살 때 국화축제를 가본 적이 있었는데<br />

중국(중국 항아리가 보이기 때문에) 그리고<br />

그 곳에 있는 왕처럼 걸어다닐 수 있습니다.<br />

익산의 국화축제와 비교하면 작은 편이었다.<br />

일본(일본, 구마모토에서 발견된 왕관과<br />

유사) 과 교역했다는 것을 보여줍니다.<br />

6 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Colors in Every Corner<br />

구석구석에서 찾는 다채로움 - 김정희 (번역)<br />

A Lake with Beauty & Harmony<br />

아름다움과 조화가 함께 하는 호수 - 김찬권 (번역)<br />

한국은 오래된 것과 새로운 것, 젊음과<br />

다행히, 한국의 무명예술가들이 이런<br />

아중호수는 한국의 전라북도 전주에<br />

있습니다. 벚꽃이 만개한 봄, 호수 언덕에<br />

연륜, 느림과 빠름의 측면의 양면성 안<br />

취약하고 잊혀진 장소에서 아름다움을<br />

위치해 있으며 ‘아중리’로 알려져 있습니다.<br />

있는 큰 벚꽃 나무들은 사랑하는 이와 느긋한<br />

에서 성장하고 있다. 그것이 건축이든,<br />

발견하고 멋진 벽화, 독특한 조형물, 그리고<br />

아중호수는 농민들에게 물을 공급하기<br />

시간을 보내거나 자연 속에서 근심 걱정 없이<br />

유행이든, 라이프스타일이든, 이런 모든<br />

시선을 사로잡는 예술품으로 그런 곳들을<br />

위해서 만들어진 곳으로 한때 “아중 배수지”<br />

낮잠을 즐기기에 완벽한 장소가 될 것입니다.<br />

것들은 여기저기에서 번개와 같은 속도의<br />

단장해주고자 했다. .<br />

라고 불리우기도 했지만 전주시에서는<br />

발전 속에서 찬란한 과거의 자취를 유지할 수<br />

이곳을 시민들이 주목할 만한 아름다운<br />

아중호수에서 낚시는 할 수 없습니다.<br />

있는 묘한 능력을 통해 조화를 이루고 있다.<br />

전주의 자만벽화마을은 한때 침체된 분위기<br />

명소로 변화시켜 왔습니다. 지난 수년<br />

저는 아중호수에 비친 너무나 예쁜 파란<br />

속에 지낸 지역에 생기를 불어넣어준 이런<br />

동안 아중호수는 놀라운 변화를 겪었고,<br />

하늘을 좋아합니다. 아중호수 가운데에서<br />

한국의 문화와 정신 속에 있는 이런 매력적인<br />

예술프로젝트의 한 증거다. 승감산 중바위<br />

이제는 다양한 조명들이 빛나는 산책로와<br />

플라이보드를 타는 사람들을 보는 것은 기분<br />

요인은 달동네를 통해 드러난다. 달동네는<br />

자락을 따라 위치해있는 이 역사적 지역은<br />

카페들 그리고 주차장을 갖춘 주점 거리로<br />

좋은 일은 아니지만, 매주마다 사람들은<br />

보다 현대적인 지역의 안팎으로 끼여있는<br />

변화된 외관으로 방문객들이 배경 삼아<br />

밤에는 꼭 찾아가봐야 할 곳이 되었습니다.<br />

플라이보드를 타기 위해 이곳을 찾아옵니다.<br />

노후된 주거지역이다. 달동네라 이름이<br />

사진을 찍는 생기 넘치는 관광명소로 놀라울<br />

아중호수는 이제 예전의 아중 배수지 시절과<br />

붙여진 이유는 대개 이곳이 언덕 꼭대기에<br />

정도의 활기를 되찾았다.<br />

다른 역사를 갖게 되었습니다. 아중호수는<br />

아중호수에 흩어진 벚꽃들과 별개로<br />

위치해 있어, 가파르고 힘든 오르막 사이로<br />

사랑하는 사람과 좋은 시간을 보내길<br />

호수주변 산에는 ‘선린사’라는 절이<br />

구불구불 집들이 있는 열악한 자연적<br />

벽에는 일본 애니메이션영화제작사인<br />

원하는 커플들의 핫하고 매력적인 데이트<br />

있습니다. 산 정상까지의 산행 동안 ‘<br />

환경에도 불구하고 달을 볼 수 있는 최고의<br />

스튜디오 지브리의 캐릭터들을 비롯하여<br />

장소가 되었습니다. 아중호수는 만수면적이<br />

선린사’는 여러분이 여러분 자신에게 몰입<br />

장소로 여겨지기 때문이다.<br />

젊은 세대와 나이 든 세대들이 모두 좋아하는<br />

26.05 ha, 총 저수량은 1,388,000 m3으로<br />

할 수 있는 완벽한 장소가 됩니다. 산행<br />

팝 문화의 캐릭터들이 그려져 있다.<br />

전주시의 젖줄이자 한 가운데 있는 마법의<br />

동안 여러분들은 다양한 꽃향기를 맡으실<br />

그러나 현대적이고 실용적인, 그렇지만<br />

장소로 되었습니다<br />

수 있습니다. 산은 각기 다른 작은 꽃들로<br />

획일적으로 디자인된 아파트가<br />

이곳은 약간 비탈져있지만 구석구석에서<br />

가득합니다. 근처에는 커피숍들과 식당들이<br />

우후죽순처럼 등장하기 전, 이런 달동네는<br />

누구나 흥미로운 것들을 찾을 수 있다.<br />

아중호수 한편에는 나지막한 언덕이 호수<br />

있습니다. 그 중 주목할 만한 한곳은 “호수<br />

1950년대 한국전쟁이 끝난 후 피난민들을<br />

공예품 가게, 수제품 가게, 아늑한 카페 등<br />

주변을 따라 있고, 아름다운 초록빛 숲이<br />

갤러리”라 불리는 곳입니다. 호수 갤러리<br />

위한 보금자리였다. 하지만 허름한 길과<br />

소규모 상점 주인들과 주민들은 새로운<br />

아중 호수를 놀랍고 매력적인 곳으로<br />

벽은 아름다운 예술 작품들로 채워져<br />

수십 년 된 낡은 집들은 보다 풍요로운<br />

형태의 이웃을 형성하였다. 이곳 벽화들은<br />

만들어줍니다. 아중호수는 각 계절에 따라<br />

있습니다. 특별히 밤 시간 호수 갤러리에서는<br />

시민들의 시야로부터 차단된 채로 여전히<br />

흥미롭게 예술가들이 모든 작품들을 ‘꽃’<br />

다른 모습을 가지고 있습니다. 특히 봄과<br />

아중호수의 놀랄 만큼 아름다운 풍경을<br />

남아있었다.<br />

이라는 공통된 테마로 일관성 있게 만들어<br />

여름 에는 최고로 아름다운 풍경을 볼 수<br />

감상하실 수 있습니다.<br />

보는 이들의 눈을 즐겁게 해주고 있다.

Korean Preview<br />

A Different World<br />

‘다른 삶’의 체험 - 손원국 (번역)<br />

A Trip Back in Time<br />

여러분들은 감옥에서 사는 삶, 수감생활이 어떨지 상상해보신<br />

적 있으십니까? 익산을 방문하게 된다면 꼭 가봐야 할 장소<br />

중 한곳이 있습니다. 유명한 드라마, 영화 촬영지로 이미 잘<br />

알려져 있는 “익산 교도소 세트장”입니다. 최근에 이곳에서<br />

촬영된 작품으로는 2017년 방영된 한국판 <br />

와 2018년에 방영된 드라마 , 마동석이 출연한 영화<br />

, 그리고 영화 등이 있습니다.<br />

저는 2017년 12월에 익산으로 이사를 왔지만 바쁜 일정<br />

때문에 익산의 관광 명소를 둘러볼 기회가 없었습니다.<br />

그러던 어느 6월의 뜨거운 토요일에 제 한국인 동생의<br />

어머니께서 “익산에서 가보고 싶은 곳 없니? 바빠서 둘러볼<br />

기회조차 없었잖아” 라고 물으셨습니다. 저는 잠시 생각한<br />

후 대답했습니다. “어머니, 익산 교도소 세트장에 대해 많이<br />

들어왔는데 그곳에 정말 가보고 싶습니다”<br />

과거로의 여행 – 정서희 (번역)<br />

젊은이들의 달콤쌉싸름한 낭만적인 이야기들, 예기치 익산 교도소 촬영지: 이 교도소는 특별히 여행지와<br />

못한 장소에서 갑작스런 사랑을 찾는 낯선 이들, 역사 촬영장으로만 지어진 곳입니다. 각종 영화의 교도소 촬영은<br />

이야기, 권력 다툼들-- 이 모든 것들은 현실과 맞닿아있는 여기에서 이루어지곤 합니다. 입장료는 무료이지만 만약 이<br />

한국인들의삶과 이상, 상상들을 가감 없이 보여주는 한국 곳에서 특별한 경험을 하고 싶다면, 소정의 비용를 내고 감옥<br />

드라마의 가장 유명한 주제의 일부입니다. 드라마 안에서 의상을 빌릴 수 있습니다.<br />

잘 짜여진 캐릭터와 장소, 의상 그리고 줄거리는 전 세계<br />

시청자들을 사로잡을 만한 모든 요소들을 구성합니다. 달빛으로 물든 사랑과 성균관스캔들 촬영지: 유교 사당과<br />

전라북도에는 이러한 매력적인 장소들이 가득하고, 이런 전통 학교인 전주향교는 한옥 마을에서 찾아볼 수<br />

장소들은 인기 있는 한류 드라마와 영화에서 생생하게 있습니다. 이 곳은 1354년에 지어졌습니다. 넓은 정원<br />

살아나고 있습니다.<br />

안에 있는 오래된 건축물들과 240년된 은행나무들은 여전히<br />

오늘날까지 현존해 있습니다. 그 당시에 은행나무는 해충에<br />

미스터선샤인 촬영지: 전통적인 한국가옥인 학인당은 내성이 있었고, 유교 제자들의 복원력을 나타내는 상징으로<br />

전주한옥마을에서 찾아 볼 수 있습니다. 이 학인당은 서있었습니다.<br />

드라마에서 부자 상류층들의 가옥으로써 사용됐습니다.<br />

미스터 선샤인 드라마의 인기로 인해 사람들이 자주 8월의 크리스마스 촬영지: 8월의 크리스마스의 주요 촬영지<br />

방문하기 때문에, 웹사이트를 통해서 미리 예약을 하는 중의 하나는 남자 주연이 일했던 초원 사진관입니다.<br />

것이 요망됩니다. 드라마 안에서의 매혹적인 드레스, 정장 또한 식민지 시절의 전통적인 디자인이 남아있는 거리와 집들,<br />

방문객들 사이에 인기를 끌어 이 장소에선 한복보다도 이런 식당과 건축물로 가득 찬 곳입니다. 그래서 이 도시 주변이<br />

의상들을 빌리는 것이 추세입니다.<br />

몇몇 사극의 배경이 되고, 관광객들로 하여금 시간을<br />

거슬러왔다고 생각하게 만드는 이유입니다.<br />

8 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14<br />

처음 세트장에 도착했을 때 다른 차원에 와있는 것 같은 느낌이<br />

들었습니다. 펜실베니아주에 있는 제 고향, 필라델피아에서 살던<br />

시절에 ‘필라델피아 역사박물관’을 방문했던 적이 있는데, 그<br />

곳은 큰 범죄를 저지른 사람들이 가는 교도소로 유명했습니다.<br />

와 같은 TV프로그램에서도 많이<br />

촬영되었던 곳이기도 합니다. 하지만 익산 세트장은 전혀<br />

달랐습니다. 입구에 들어서자 한 명은 범죄자, 다른 한 명은<br />

경찰이 되어 사진 촬영을 할 수 있는 포토존이 있었습니다.<br />

그곳에 서서 동생은 제 머리를 쥐어 뜯고, 저는 우스꽝스러운<br />

표정을 짓는 모습으로 사진을 찍어 보았습니다.<br />

세트장 입장료는 무료였지만 수감자나 교도관 복장을 대여하고<br />

싶다면 5,000원의 나름 저렴한 비용을 지불해야 합니다. 운이<br />

좋게도 우리가 간 날에는 사람이 그리 많지 않아서 복장도<br />

무료로 대여받을 수 있었고 교도관복장을 빌리기로 했습니다.<br />

이 옷의 어깨에는 계급을 나타내는 문양이 있는데, 꽃 한 개는<br />

낮은 계급, 세 개는 높은 계급을 의미합니다. 우연하게도 우리 둘<br />

모두 꽃 한 개가 달린 같은 계급의 옷을 입게 되었는데, 동생은<br />

저를 놀리듯이 말했습니다. “형, 이 옷이 무얼 의미하는지 알아?<br />

지금부터는 내가 동생 노릇을 할 필요가 없다는 뜻이야(같은<br />

계급의 옷을 입게 되었으니 제가 더 이상 윗사람이 아니다라는<br />

뜻으로 한말이었죠)” 그렇게 우리는 세트장 곳곳에서 많은<br />

사진을 찍으며 구경을 하고 돌아다녔습니다.<br />

익산 드라마 세트장을 방문하는 것은 정말 재미있습니다.<br />

특히 이성친구와의 데이트 장소로도 딱 일 것입니다. 한 명은<br />

범죄자로, 다른 한 명은 경찰관이 되어 함께 재미있는 사진을<br />

찍고 즐거운 추억도 많이 남길 수 있을 테니 말이죠.

Pocketful of Sunshine<br />

햇살 한가득 – 성아영 (번역)<br />

“내일”이라는 단어에는 하루가 지난다는 것 이외에도 알 수<br />

없는 것, 기대감, 수수께끼, 또 심지어는 꾸물거림 같은 수<br />

많은 의미가 있습니다. 하지만 대부분 그런 뜻보다는 또 다른<br />

날의 기약을, 새로워질 기회를, 잠깐의 휴식과 처음부터 다시<br />

시작할 수 있음을 의미합니다. 이 카페는 이름에서 우러나오는<br />

따뜻함과 편안함으로, 방문객들에게 손짓하며 그 모든 의미를<br />

울려 퍼트리는 것 같습니다.<br />

향수( 鄕 愁 )의 느낌<br />

투모로우 카페는 전주 한옥마을의 바로 외곽에 있고, 카페의<br />

화려하지 않은 외관 때문에 지나치기 쉽지만 무심코 이 곳을<br />

지나친 이들은 후회 하게 될 것입니다. 계단을 올라 카페에<br />

들어서면, 눈앞에 펼쳐진 비밀스럽고 향수가 느껴지는<br />

주변풍경이 마치 할머니의 옛집 같다는 것을 깨닫게 될<br />

것입니다. 짝이 맞지 않는 나무의자들과 알록달록한 베게들,<br />

꽃꽂이와 커피 향이 당신을 맞이해 줄 것입니다. 특히<br />

머그잔과 접시들은 마치 특별한 손님을 응대할 때 중요한<br />

자리에만 내어놓는 잘 다듬어진 도자기 같아 보입니다.<br />

새롭게 자른 꽃들은 앙증맞게 손질되어 탁자 위 유리꽃병에<br />

놓여져 있습니다. 아마도, 이 카페는 낯선 손님들을 친구로<br />

만들고, 그들이 첫 방문임에도 마치 집에 돌아온 것처럼<br />

편안하게 만들어주는 것을 목표로 하는 것이 아닐까 합니다.<br />

습기가 진 커다란 창 밖에는 한옥마을의 아주 특별한 풍경을 볼<br />

수 있습니다. 조심스레 서있는 나무기둥, 새까만 기와 지붕의<br />

절묘한 곡선, 자갈길은 마치 이 모든 것들이 당신을 위해서<br />

만들어진 것 같은 특별함을 느낄 수 있습니다. 뜨거운 커피<br />

한잔은 이 평온함을 좀 더 만족스럽게 만들고, 와인이나 맥주<br />

한잔은 그 감정을 더욱 로맨틱하게 만들어 줄 수 있습니다.<br />

태양의 따스함<br />

태양의 빛 줄기는 유리창을 통해 스며들어 곳곳에 그림자를<br />

만들고, 하루의 시간에 따라 인테리어의 느낌과 모양을<br />

바꿉니다. 여름에는 접이식 창문을 활짝 열어 손님들이<br />

전통 한옥집을 배경으로 앉을 수 있게 마루를 드러냅니다.<br />

여러분은 와플, 크림빵 같은 카페의 달콤한 디저트 메뉴에<br />

녹아들 수도 있고, 신선한 레몬, 석류, 자몽 주스로 더위를<br />

식힐 수 있습니다. 테이블 냅킨에는 “어제는 지나간 역사이고,<br />

내일은 미지의 수수께끼며, 오늘은 선물이다.” 라는 흔하지만<br />

인상 깊은 인용구가 적혀있고 “내일 또 봐요!”라는 초대 문구로<br />

마무리됩니다.<br />

I am Tiramisu<br />

아이엠티라미수 : 이탈리아의 픽미업 - 김새한 (번역)<br />

한국 요리에서 디저트는, 당신의 달콤함을 충족시킬 만큼 충분한<br />

전통 음식이 많지 않습니다. 그러나 디저트 사업은 최근 들어<br />

성장하고 있습니다. 디저트 소비자들은 더 이상 단조로운 케익과<br />

호두파이로 이를 해결하지 않아도 됩니다. 당신이 티라미수를<br />

찾고 있다면, 여기 제가 소개시켜 드릴 곳이 있습니다.<br />

웨리단길 북쪽 끝에 위치한 ‘아이엠티라미수’는 당신이<br />

이태리에서나 찾을 수 있을 법한 훌륭한 티라미수를<br />

제공하고 있습니다. 심규리씨가 이태리에서 10년을 살아온<br />

것을 고려했을 때 이는 크게 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 그녀는<br />

로마에서 7년동안 예술을 공부했고, 3년동안 Florence에서<br />

그녀의 남편과 게스트하우스를 운영했습니다. 규리씨는 이<br />

기간 동안 이탈리아 음식에 대한 애정을 가지게 되었습니다.<br />

그 중에 특히 티라미수에 애정을 가지게 되었습니다. 그리고<br />

충분한 시행착오를 겪고, 그녀의 이탈리아 친구들에게 팁을<br />

얻어 그녀만의 레시피를 완성하였습니다.<br />

그녀는 전주로 돌아오자마자 티라미수를 제공하는 많은<br />

카페들이 그녀가 좋아했던 이태리의 티라미수와는 다른<br />

티라미수를 제공하고 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 확실히,<br />

맛있는 디저트를 제공하긴 하지만 그것들은 전통적인<br />

이탈리아 스타일이 아닙니다. 첫 식감에서 바삭함과 맛에서<br />

차이가 있습니다. 당신이 온라인에서 티라미수의 많은<br />

레시피를 찾아보면 당신은 종종 휘핑 크림과 바닐라가<br />

포함된 재료 리스트를 볼 수 있습니다. 이러한 현대적인<br />

첨가물은 불필수적입니다. 그리고 휘핑된 달걀의 식감과<br />

에스프레소의 맛은 사실상 제거되어야 하고, 오리지널<br />

디저트의 중요 특징들은 이런 것들입니다.<br />

티라미수, 이탈리아에서는 ‘픽미업(기운을 차리게 해주는<br />

것)’입니다. 이것은 에스프레소에 적신 savojardi (보통<br />

레이디 핑거로 잘 알려진 달고 부드러운 비스킷)로 만들어<br />

지고, 휘핑된 달걀과 설탕 혼합물, 코코아 파우더 맛을 낸<br />

mascarpone (부드러운 크림치즈)로 층을 냅니다. 규리는<br />

그녀의 mascarpone와 savojardi를 시칠리아에서,<br />

커피 원두는 서울에 위치한 이탈리아 공급자로부터 제공<br />

받습니다. 그녀는 저녁마다 두 세시간 정도 재료준비를<br />

합니다. 혼합물을 만들며, 완전한 맛을 보장하기 위해<br />

적어도 6시간 이상을 savojardi를 담가둡니다. 그러나<br />

그녀는 완전한 순수주의자는 아닙니다. 그녀가 실험을<br />

반대하지만은 않는다는 것은 그녀가 제공하는 옵션에 녹차와<br />

누텔라, 딸기가 있다는 것으로부터 볼 수 있습니다. 이러한<br />

모든 것들은 믿을 수 없을 만큼 맛있습니다.<br />

A Chef's Journey in Jeonju<br />

찰스 크라운 : 한 요리사의 전주 여행기– 한호수 (번역)<br />

만약 당신이 어느 때든 전주에서 약간의 향신료가 들어간<br />

국제요리를 원한다면, 스스로에게 호의를 베푸는 셈치고<br />

전주 웨딩 거리에 있는 최고급 멕시칸 식당인 찰스 크라운의<br />

펍 & 레스토랑으로 가세요.<br />

대부분의 외국 요리들처럼, 멕시코 음식이 전주에 들어온<br />

것은 얼마 되지 않았음에도 불구하고, 현재 최소 4~5개의<br />

식당이 있습니다. 가장 처음 개업한 식당은 남부시장 내 ‘<br />

카사 델 타코’라 불리는 작은 가게였습니다. 그 당시에, 이<br />

식당은 괜찮은 부리토(멕시코 음식)를 원하는 사람들에게는<br />

뜻밖의 선물이었습니다. 다소 외딴 장소임에도 불구하고, 이<br />

작은 가게는 주인인 찰스의 무던한 노력으로 지역 주민들과<br />

관광객들 사이에서 큰 인기를 끌었습니다.<br />

찰스는 약 10년 전 텍사스 하얏트 호텔에서 요리사로<br />

일하면서 처음으로 멕시코 요리에 빠졌습니다. 한국에서<br />

이탈리아 음식을 요리하는 데 5년을 보낸 그는 새로운 재료와<br />

맛이 풍부한 멕시코 음식이 흥미롭고 새로운 요리라는 것을<br />

알았습니다. 찰스는 하얏트 호텔에서 18개월간 일한 후,<br />

한국으로 돌아와 결혼했고, 아내의 고향인 전주에서 살기로<br />

결정했습니다. 그는 전주에 멕시코 음식이 부족하다는 것을<br />

일찍이 알아차렸고, 2012년에 ‘카사 델 타코’를 개업했습니다.<br />

그의 개업소식은 오래 걸리지 않아 퍼졌고, 그는 곧 일하는<br />

데 필요한 기반을 탄탄히 했습니다. 시간이 흘러, 손님들 중<br />

여행객의 비중이 늘어갔고, 찰스는 종종 그로 인해 길어진<br />

줄을 포기하기로 결정하는 지역 손님들이 있다는 것을<br />

알아차렸습니다. 이 일은 그가 2018년에 찰스 크라운이라는<br />

이름을 달고 더 넓은 곳으로 이전하는 결정을 하게합니다.<br />

찰스 크라운 펍 & 레스토랑은 이전보다 분위기 있으며<br />

시원하고 훨씬 넓습니다. 이 새로운 가게는 대부분 지역<br />

주민들을 대상으로 하며, 지역의 소규모 사업주들과의<br />

우호적인 공동체의 일부분이라는 점이 이상적입니다. 이<br />

가게는 전보다 훨씬 더 많은 손님들이 들어올 수 있고 두<br />

개의 방으로 배치되어있어 단체 행사, 데이트뿐만 아니라<br />

혼자 온 손님들에게도 안성맞춤입니다. 그러나 저는 당신이<br />

친구들과 함께 가는 것을 추천합니다. 가능한 많은 요리를<br />

먹어 볼 수 있기 때문입니다.<br />

요리에 대한 찰스의 접근법은 재료에서 시작합니다. 특히<br />

찰스가 그만의 비밀의 요리라고 부르고 저 역시도 인정한 ‘<br />

피코 데 갈로’는 가장 신선한 농산물들을 토핑하여 어디서든지<br />

5-8시간 정도 고기를 천천히 요리하는 것이 중요합니다.<br />


Section: Culture<br />

Fresh Brews<br />

신선한 음료(커피) – 김진희 (번역)<br />

Local Food<br />

로컬 푸드 - 서가람 (번역)<br />

나 같은 커피 매니아들에게 전라북도에 있는 이 영화는 체험의 시작을 알리는 주요한<br />

이 곳은 커피의 세계에 빠져들기에 가장 활동이다. 이 센터에 머물수록, 커피를<br />

좋은 장소 중 하나이다. CNC커피 핸드드립 만드는 것은 예술이라는 것을 깨닫게 된다.<br />

체험은 신선하게 내린 핸드드립 커피를 맛볼<br />

수 있을 뿐만 아니라 직접 만들 수도 있다.. 커피의 맛과 향<br />

커피의 맛과 향에 영향을 미치는 것은 분쇄된<br />

체험학습<br />

크기, 양조 시간, 수온, 로스트 타입, 콩의<br />

원산지, 사용된 필터 종류 등 다양하다. CNC<br />

이곳은 [익산]의 국립식품클러스터 공장에<br />

핸드드립 커피의 맛을 보기 위해 따라야 할<br />

위치 하고 있는데, 직접 방문해서 현지<br />

규칙들이 있다. 먼저, 18그램의 커피원두를<br />

식품산업을 배울 수 있다. 센터 안으로<br />

분쇄기에 넣고 간다. 둘째, 커피 페이퍼<br />

들어서면 커피의 기원에 대한 정보뿐 아니라<br />

필터를 건조기에 놓고 갈아놓은 커피를<br />

커피 생산 과정과 관련된 항목이 있다.<br />

골고루 넣는다. 흔들어 표면을 매끈하게해서<br />

기념품, 콩 샘플, 녹색 커피콩 한 봉지는<br />

뜨거운 물을 부으면 고르게 떨어진다. 셋째,<br />

커피 레슨이 시작하기 전 많은 볼거리를<br />

92°C의 뜨거운 물 25ml를 붓고 30~40초간<br />

제공할 것이다. 가장 중요한 것은, 커피의<br />

놔둔다. 그리고 이 과정을 2분 동안 3번 정도<br />

강한 향기가 커피 천국에 도착했다는 것을<br />

반복하면 200ml의 핸드드립커피를 얻을 수<br />

깨닫게 해준다는 것이다.<br />

있다. 마지막으로, 뜨거운 상태로 내어 놓고,<br />

손으로 내린 커피를 즐기면 된다. 커피를<br />

커피의 기원을 되돌아본다<br />

처음 홀짝 홀짝 마실 때, 당신은 강한 향기와<br />

이 곳에서는 커피의 기원과 한국에 매우 부드러운 커피의 맛을 느낄 것이다. 이<br />

수입된 최초의 커피에 대한 강연을 들을 부드러운 맛은 마지막 한 모금까지 지속<br />

수 있다. Calawes & Coffee로 대표되는 되는데 많은 사람들이 선호하는 맛이다.<br />

CNC 커피회사는 케냐, 브라질, 콜롬비아,<br />

코스타리카, 그리고 다른 나라들로부터 만일 당신이 매일 아침 커피 한 잔으로<br />

최고 품질의 커피를 얻는다. 한국 외에도 시작하는 커피에 중독된 사람이라면, 이 곳은<br />

세계 여러 곳에 커피를 배급한다. CNC 커피에 대해 배우기에 안성맞춤이다. 또한,<br />

체험에서는 커피에 대한 영화와 커피에 대한 레슨 후에는 갈아 놓았던 커피를 기념품으로<br />

사람들의 사랑을 다룬 영화도 볼 수 있는데, 가져 갈 수 있다.<br />

10 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14<br />

최근 한국에서는 수많은 “로컬 푸드” 시장들이<br />

우후죽순처럼 생기고 있다. 특히 비옥한 농지에<br />

둘러싸인 지역에서 두드러진다. 전라북도에서도<br />

로컬 푸드 시장이 눈에 띄게 증가했다.<br />

자, 그러면 정확히 “로컬 푸드”란 무엇이고 최근<br />

인기가 높아진 이유는 무엇일까? “로컬 푸드”<br />

는 문자 그대로 지리적으로 제한된 지역 내에서<br />

재배된 농산물을 말한다. 보통 유통 지역에서<br />

50km 이내다. 로컬 푸드는 보통 “그 날을 위한<br />

음식”으로 여겨진다. 그래서 저녁 식사를 위한<br />

가장 신선한 식품을 바라는 고객들이 로컬 푸드<br />

시장을 자주 찾는다. 이와 대조적으로 “글로벌<br />

푸드”는 시장과 멀리 떨어진 곳에서 생산된다.<br />

보통 보존 처리 상태로 (냉동 같은)로 해외에서<br />

수입되는데 수 일에서 수 주가 걸린다. 보통<br />

글로벌 푸드보다 로컬 푸드가 더 안전하고,<br />

신선하며, 더 맛있다고 여겨진다.<br />

게다가, 로컬 푸드 시장은 해당 식품을<br />

생산한 사람과 직접 연결된 경우가 많다.<br />

많은 가게들이 식품 주변 벽면에 해당 식품을<br />

납품한 농부들의 사진, 이름, 심지어 연락처<br />

같은 정보를 넣고 있다. 바로 이런 점이 로컬<br />

푸드를 “얼굴 있는 식품”으로 만들어준다.<br />

덕분에 소비자는 식품이 언제 어디서 왔는지를<br />

명확하게 알 수 있어 더 안심할 수 있다.<br />

한국경제 매거진의 2014년 뉴스보고서에<br />

따르면, 네 개의 완주 로컬 푸드 직거래 시장이<br />

하루 2,000만원이 넘는 판매고를 올렸다고<br />

한다. 그리고 2012년과 2013년 분기별<br />

판매고는 8억원에서 61억 1,000만원으로 수직<br />

상승했다. 로컬 푸드는 포장도 대량 생산되는<br />

제품보다는 훨씬 단순하다. 포장지 광고에는<br />

주로 “첨가제 없음”, “홈메이드”, “오가닉”,<br />

그리고 “슬로우 푸드”같은 문구들이 적혀있다.<br />

모든 것이 지금 당장 완료되어야 하는 빨리<br />

빨리의 나라 한국에서 사는 나로서는, “<br />

슬로우 푸드”라던지, 이제 보행자 우선<br />

통행인 전주한옥마을 같은 “슬로우 시티”<br />

로의 최근 경향이 더 반갑게 느껴진다. 우리<br />

가족은 몇 년 전부터 로컬 푸드 시장에서<br />

쇼핑을 하고 있다. 지역 농부들을 도우면서<br />

동시에 가장 신선한 식품과 고기를 즐길 수<br />

있다니, 이보다 좋을 순 없다.<br />

전주가 로컬 푸드 시장의 본고장이긴 하지만,<br />

최근 몇 주 동안 특히 눈에 띄는 것이 있다.<br />

전주 북부, 에코 시티와 전주역 사이 길에<br />

새로운 진안 로컬 푸드 시장이 생겼다. 진안은<br />

홍삼으로 유명한데, 매년 가을마다 홍삼 축제를<br />

개최한다. 더욱이, 이 새로운 로컬 푸드 시장은<br />

많은 지역 특산물로 가득하다. 진안 홍삼 과자,<br />

사탕, 뿌리에서부터 홍삼 카페까지 있다.<br />

사계절을 지나며 인삼이 어떻게 씨앗에서 큰<br />

식물로 자라는지 보여주는 진열장도 여러 개<br />

있다. 심지어는 고객들이 홍삼탕 에서 발을<br />

씻을 수 있는 족욕 시설도 있다.

The Spice of Life<br />

인생의 향신료 - 오연주 (번역)<br />

Ripe for the Picking<br />

제철 맞은 딸기/딸기 따러 가요 – 이수영 (번역)<br />

네이버 검색창에 ‘순창’을 입력하면, 두<br />

고추장만의 독특한 풍미는 수 세기를<br />

늦겨울과 봄은 딸기의 계절입니다. 가는 곳<br />

개당 80~120그램이 나가는 엄청나게<br />

번째 연관 검색어로 빨간 고추 양념인 ‘<br />

거치며 만들어진 균형에서 나온 것이다.<br />

마다, 딸기뿐만 아니라 딸기 디저트, 딸기<br />

큰 딸기들도 찾을 수 있어요. 그렇게 큰<br />

순창 고추장’이 틀림없이 나올 것이다.<br />

유일한 변수가 되는 재료는 고춧가루뿐이다.<br />

스무디, 딸기 케이크에 대해 듣게 되지요.<br />

딸기들은 거래 기준 때문에 시장에서는<br />

순창장류축제는 순창군 전통고추장<br />

고춧가루를 더 많이 넣을수록 더 빨갛고<br />

사실 가장 신선하고 달콤한 딸기는 봄에<br />

만나볼 수가 없으니, 이 곳이 가장 큰<br />

민속마을에서 매년 열리고 있다. 순창은<br />

매운 고추장이 될 것이다. 대량 생산자들은<br />

재배된답니다. 이것은 곧 봄이 딸기 따기를<br />

딸기도 따 먹고 상품도 받을 수 있는 유일한<br />

오랫동안 장류로 유명했고, 그 기원에 대한<br />

고추장의 매운 맛을 특화 시키기 위해 1<br />

체험하기에 가장 좋은 때라는 말이지요.<br />

장소랍니다. 상품은 공짜 딸기 한 상자에요.<br />

전설이 지금까지 살아있다. 사실 한국에서,<br />

단계인 순한 맛부터 극도로 매운 맛까지의<br />

아니 세계에서 제일 맛있는 고추장이 이곳,<br />

5단계를 사용한다. 하지만 고추장의 매운<br />

완주군에 위치한 수문딸기농장은 도로변에<br />

딸기를 따는 동안 원하는 만큼 먹을 수 있고,<br />

순창에서 만들어진다.<br />

맛은 그저 보통 음식에 추가되는 매운 맛으로<br />

있어서 방문하기 쉬워요. 이 농장에는<br />

딸기 한 상자는 가져갈 수 있어요. 딸기 따기<br />

설명될 수 없다. 그것은 정말 특별한 맛, 살짝<br />

체험실, 각종 시설들, 그리고 딸기를<br />

체험을 한 후에는 잼 만들기 수업이 있어요.<br />

익히 알려져 있듯이, 그 고유한 맛은 다양한<br />

달고, 훈제한 맛이 나며(smoky), 향긋하고,<br />

재배하는 온실들이 있어요. 첫 눈에 보기에는<br />

자기만의 맛있는 잼을 만들어서 가져갈 수<br />

재료의 독특한 조합에서 기인한다. 한국에서<br />

무엇보다도 한국적인 맛이다.<br />

농장 안이 그다지 재미있어 보이지 않지만,<br />

있답니다. 그리고 마지막으로 중요한 딸기로<br />

가장 깨끗한 지하수, 최상급 고추와 콩의<br />

체험 과정에 참여하면서 이 안락한 장소에서<br />

초콜릿 만들기 체험이 있는데요. 자신만의<br />

공급에 대한 지역 농가의 동의, 다른 지역과<br />

지금까지 나는 한국에서 가장 맛있는<br />

딸기를 가지고 할 수 있는 활동들이 얼마나<br />

달콤한 초콜릿을 만들어 그 위에 아름다운<br />

약간 다른 기후가 바로 그것이다. 일 년 내내<br />

고추장을 모든 사람들에게 권장하기 위해<br />

많은지를 알게 될 거에요. 실내의 줄 멋진<br />

장식을 할 수 있답니다. 만드는 순서는,<br />

습한 공기는 발효균을 끊임없이 활성화시켜<br />

맛에 초점을 두고 설명했다. 건강에 좋다는 점<br />

흔들의자, 벽 곳곳에 그려져 있는 많은<br />

초콜릿을 녹이고, 딸기를 뜨거운 초콜릿에<br />

풍부한 맛의 원천이 된다. ‘천하제일’의<br />

역시 무시할 수 없는 점이다. 자연 발효 덕분에<br />

작은 아이콘들과 캘리그래피, 그리고 다른<br />

담근 후, 굳기 전에 몇 가지 토핑과 색색의<br />

재료들이 고추장의 명성을 유지한다고 할<br />

고추장은 완전한 유기농 식품이며, 오래<br />

장식품들은 아름다운 사진을 찍을 수 있는<br />

캔디 파우더를 얹어주면 된답니다. 체험이<br />

수 있다.<br />

두어도 상하지 않는다. 다양한 재료들에는<br />

좋은 아이디어들이 떠오르게 하지요. 농장을<br />

끝나면 직접 딴 딸기, 손수 만든 잼과 딸기<br />

비타민 B2, C, 케라틴 등이 들어있다. 또, 매운<br />

둘러 보는 동안, 농장 관리자께서 이 농장의<br />

초콜릿이 각각 들어있는 상자 세 개를 가지게<br />

나는 무언가 재미있는 것을 배우고 싶어<br />

맛은 땀이 나게 하고 스트레스를 날려버려<br />

역사에 대해 말씀하시고, 모든 주의사항 들에<br />

될 거에요. 딸기를 더 원한다면, 농장에서<br />

축제가 없는 날 고추장 마을을 방문했다.<br />

상쾌함을 느끼게 해 준다.<br />

대한 설명을 해 주시지요. 설명에 따르면,<br />

갓 딴 딸기를 더욱 저렴한 가격에 구입할 수<br />

처음에는 네 명씩 몇 개의 팀으로 나누어져<br />

낮은 온도에서 신선하고 속이 여물기 때문에<br />

있어요. 마지막에 여러분들은 배도 부르고<br />

알맞은 비율의 재료를 제공받았다. 그<br />

고추장에는 비밀이 하나 숨어있는데, 바로<br />

겨울과 봄에 나는 딸기가 제일 좋은 딸기라고<br />

만족감도 느끼게 될 거에요. 특히, 친구나<br />

다음에는 살림의 전문가 같으신 사랑스러운<br />

완성되었을 때 ‘장독’이라고 하는 도기( 陶<br />

해요. 온실 안에서는 기술의 영향력을 보게<br />

연인과 간다면, 함께 잼도 만들고 초콜릿도<br />

할머님께서 자세한 설명과 함께 양념장을<br />

器 )에 담아 제대로 된 발효 과정을 거치는<br />

될 거에요. 예전이었다면 땅에 있는 딸기를<br />

만들 수 있답니다. 어쨌든 봄은 낭만적이고<br />

만드는 시범을 차근차근 보여주셨다. 전통적인<br />

것이다. 뚜껑을 덮기 전에 덧소금을 두껍게<br />

따느라 허리 건강에 많은 문제들이 생겼을<br />

아름다운 계절이잖아요? 여러분의 봄을<br />

재료는 쌀이나 보릿가루를 쪄서 만든 풀, 메주,<br />

뿌리고, 몇 달간 뒷마당에 가지런히 놓여지는<br />

테지만, 지금은 딸기가 사람의 키 높이에서<br />

경험과 색깔로 가득 채워 보세요.<br />

보리누룩, 쌀가루, 고춧가루와 소금이다.<br />

것이다.<br />

재배되어서 따기가 더 쉽답니다. 또한,<br />


Jeonbuk news<br />

Translated by Axel Lemus<br />

전주판 미슐랭 가이드 ‘품질 인증제’, 한옥마을 회생 카드 될까<br />

Could Jeonju’s Own “Michelin Guide”<br />

Help Revitalize Hanok Village?<br />

By Myeongguk Choi <strong>2019</strong>.02.07 www.jjan.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2032471<br />

Following concerns about rising land<br />

costs and the potential loss of cultural<br />

value caused by commercial facilities, the<br />

city of Jeonju is planning to introduce a<br />

quality certification system for businesses<br />

in Hanok village by the end of the year.<br />

This will be the first time that a local<br />

government introduces a quality rating<br />

system for businesses within tourist<br />

destinations. The city plans to create<br />

the rating system alongside residents<br />

and merchants, offering incentives to<br />

participating businesses. Experts hope<br />

that the introduction of Jeonju’s own<br />

“Michelin Guide” will help guarantee<br />

consistent quality through an object<br />

and fair criteria.<br />

[남원시 시민 자전거 보험] 혜택 안내<br />

Namwon Residents Can Now Enjoy<br />

the Benefits of Bicycle Insurance<br />

<strong>2019</strong>.02.01 www.namwon.go.kr/board/view.do?menuCd=DOM_000000202001001000&boardId=BBS_0000135&dataSid=162433<br />

The city of Namwon recently spent<br />

38,000,000 won on a bicycle insurance<br />

policy for all residents. The policy<br />

covers 83,000 people, including foreign<br />

residents who have their addresses<br />

registered in the city. The yearly<br />

insurance plan went into effect on<br />

February 1st of this year, with plans<br />

for renewal in late January of 2020. For<br />

policy details, visit the city of Namwon’s<br />

official website (in Korean).<br />

한중경협 전초기지 전북경제 날아올라<br />

Jeollabuk-do at the Forefront for Increased<br />

Sino-Korean Economic Cooperation<br />

By Jeongmi Park <strong>2019</strong>.01.31 www.jjn.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=765150<br />

Jeollabuk-do is set to take a leap forward<br />

in <strong>2019</strong> after the government approved<br />

the construction of an international<br />

airport in Saemangeum. Namgi Hong,<br />

Korea’s deputy finance minister,<br />

expressed that the planned international<br />

airport will further drive Saemangeum’s<br />

development by luring investors and<br />

promoting international exchange.<br />

The central and regional governments<br />

are set on making Saemangeum a hub for<br />

international trade despite concerns with<br />

other regional airports having financial<br />

difficulties. With an estimated cost of well<br />

over 1 trillion won, the construction of<br />

the airport is expected to have a ripple<br />

effect on the local economy.<br />

These new developments are the result<br />

of steps taken to increase Sino Korean<br />

economic cooperation. Following the<br />

signing of the China-South Korea Free<br />

Trade Agreement in 2014, Korea and China<br />

plan to create an open economic zone<br />

known as the Saemangeum Korea-China<br />

Economic Cooperation Complex (SECC).<br />

12 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Saemangeum news<br />

Translated by Kim Jung-Hee (김정희)<br />

Journalists from around the World<br />

Covered Saemangeum Development<br />

Foreign journalists who participated in<br />

the '<strong>2019</strong> World Journalists Conference'<br />

hosted by the Journalists Association<br />

of Korea visited the Saemangeum<br />

development site on March 27.<br />

About 70 reporters from 50 countries<br />

looked into the future image of<br />

Jeonbuk, covering Saemangeum where<br />

2023 Saemangeum World Jamboree will<br />

be held and Gogunsan Islands around<br />

Buan and Gunsan in Jeonbuk Province<br />

on the afternoon.<br />

Song Ha-jin, the governor of Jeollabuk-do,<br />

said to them, "Jeollabuk-do has an<br />

outstanding ecological environment<br />

undamaged, traditional culture, and<br />

warm community consciousness." He<br />

also asked to have much interest in<br />

how Jeonbuk Province, which has a<br />

millennium history, will make a great<br />

leap as the Northeast Asian economic<br />

hub centered on Saemangeum.<br />

Lee Chang-ik, the chairman of the<br />

Jeonbuk Press Association, said through<br />

his congratulatory message, “I welcome<br />

journalists from all over the world who<br />

visited Jeonbuk, the birthplace of the<br />

Donghak Peasant Revolution. I’d like<br />

to ask you to pay close attention to<br />

Jeonbuk to be a growth engine for the<br />

future of Korea.”<br />

The conference under the theme of<br />

‘The Role of the Press for Peace on<br />

the Korean Peninsula’, will be held in<br />

Gwangju, Daejeon, and Incheon until<br />

March 30th.<br />


Jeonbuk Festivals (Fall)<br />

Previously<br />

Iksan 10,000 Blossoms Festival<br />

익산 천만 송이 국화 축제<br />

It's Festival Time!<br />

<strong>JB</strong> Life Fall 2018<br />

Story by Aaron Snowberger<br />

In Korea, the changing of seasons into fall brings<br />

with it many welcome changes. Among these<br />

are cooler temperatures, fresher air, a bountiful<br />

harvest, and numerous holidays and festivals<br />

to celebrate under the lengthening sky as the<br />

sun fades steadily further from this half of<br />

the world. So whether you want to partake in<br />

delicious festival foods, experience the rich<br />

cultural heritage of Korea, or enjoy the brilliant<br />

fall sunlight, Jeollabuk-do’s festivals have<br />

something spectacular to offer for everyone.<br />

Read the story in <strong>JB</strong> Life Fall 2018.<br />

The Iksan 10,000 Blossom<br />

Festival is held over the<br />

span of 10 days in Iksan’s<br />

Central Sports Park. It is<br />

the largest country’s largest<br />

chrysanthemum garden<br />

within city limits and<br />

includes numerous varieties<br />

of chrysanthemums, bonsais,<br />

urban agriculture, cultural<br />

performances, and music<br />

fountains.<br />

익산천만송이국화축제<br />

http://www.iksan.go.kr/<br />

gukhwa/index.iksan<br />

위치: 전라북도 익산시<br />

하나로 322 (어양동)<br />

행사장소: 익산중앙체육공원<br />

(어양동52)<br />

연락처: 063-859-4977, 4334<br />

2004년도 (15회)<br />

Ecological nature<br />

- Chrysanthemums<br />

600,000 Korean / 60,000<br />

Foreign visitors<br />

14 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

A flower that symbolizes joy<br />

Experience a world of colors at the<br />

Iksan Chrysanthemum Festival<br />

Words & Photos by<br />

Jin Suhyun<br />

Iksan, just like most Korean cities, has its own<br />

unique charm. Of course, it also has its own<br />

festivals as well. Two of Iksan’s famous festivals<br />

are held in the spring and in the fall. The festival<br />

held in the spring is the Seodong Festival, and the other<br />

one held in the fall is the Chrysanthemum Festival.<br />

Since I didn’t see the Seodong Festival, I wanted to go<br />

to the Chrysanthemum Festival last fall Trying to get<br />

someone to go with me was the most difficult part. I<br />

tried to get my brother to go with me but he’d already<br />

been to the festival so many times, so he didn’t want<br />

to go. I went to the festival alone.<br />

That day, the weather was a little strange. It was nice<br />

and sunny, but also very windy. Suddenly, it started<br />

to rain. And boy, the sky got really dark. It was so<br />

dark that I thought a big storm was coming. Luckily,<br />

the rain stopped so I decided to go. I’ve been to the<br />

chrysanthemum festival back when I had lived in Gumi,<br />

and this festival in Iksan compared to Gumi was huge!<br />

The festival was held every fall, so I kinda understood<br />

why my brother didn’t want to go. In some places, they’d<br />

do the same thing over and over again and sometimes<br />

it can get really boring. But last year, the theme was<br />

really amazing!<br />

From designs of the two dragons symbolizing the two<br />

dragons in Gimje, to the different displays of horses<br />

and Egyptians, the festival was so astounding that I had<br />

decided to go a few more times. Going to the festival at<br />

night was really beautiful due to the different lighting<br />

the festival had used to show each display, but going to<br />

the festival during the day was more beautiful, because<br />

everything was natural, due to the sunlight shining on<br />

the displays. The festival was so great that I’d gone<br />

there three times.<br />

Overall, I really enjoyed the festival, although I went<br />

there alone. If you live in Iksan and haven’t gotten a<br />

chance to visit the Iksan Chrysanthemum Festival, you<br />

should try to visit it this coming fall of <strong>2019</strong>!<br />


<strong>JB</strong>CIA Spotlight<br />

소식<br />

NEWS<br />

세계 속의 전북을 열어가는 국제교류 활성화<br />

전라북도국제교류센터가 함께 합니다.<br />

<strong>2019</strong> Policy Directions<br />

1. Promoting the Internationalization of Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Strengthening infrastructure of public diplomacy and cultivating talented global<br />

citizens<br />

2. Developing Jeollabuk-do as a Global Frontier<br />

• Contributing to the international communities, expanding participation in them, and<br />

attracting their attention to Jeollabuk-do by aiding development of underdeveloped<br />

countries and conducting traditional cultural performances of Jeollabuk-do<br />

3. Enhancing the Global Image of Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Enhancing the global image of Jeollabuk-do and improving the mutual exchange<br />

between foreigners and its citizens<br />

4. Supporting the Living Experiences of Foreigners<br />

• Encouraging foreign residents to promote Jeollabuk-do to their own countries by<br />

improving their lives<br />

16 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong>

1. Internationalization<br />

• Objectives:<br />

»»<br />

Distribute Korean textbooks and support Korean language<br />

schools abroad<br />

»»<br />

Strengthen infrastructure of public diplomacy<br />

»»<br />

Hold the 4th Jeollabuk-do Model UN Conference for Youth<br />

»»<br />

Run foreign language master classes, language<br />

exchange lounge, and Korean conversation classes<br />

1. Projects for promoting<br />

Jeonbuk's internationalization<br />

• Overseas korean language education promotion project<br />

• Public diplomacy infrastructure build-up project<br />

• Global leader training support project<br />

• Global citizen cultivation project<br />

2. Global Frontier<br />

• Objectives:<br />

»»<br />

Discover and support development-cooperative areas such<br />

as Ðăk Lăk Province, Vietnam<br />

»»<br />

Run traditional cultural performances and experience<br />

programs in new or existing exchange areas abroad<br />

2. Projects for Jeollabuk-do<br />

as a Global Frontier<br />

• Jeonbuk type-development cooperation project<br />

• Global cultural exchange activation project<br />

Policy Direction Objectives Major Projects in <strong>2019</strong><br />

3. Global Image<br />

• Objectives:<br />

»»<br />

Conduct non-governmental exchange activities with<br />

sisterhood areas to teach them about Jeollabuk-do<br />

»»<br />

Implement various seasonal or regional theme trips<br />

»»<br />

Invite Korean youth abroad to Jeollabuk-do for exchange projects<br />

»»<br />

Hold 'World Hanmadang Festival' for communication and<br />

harmony between citizens and foreigners in Jeollabuk-do<br />

»»<br />

Build a pool of international exchange talents by operating<br />

the Jeollabuk-do Public Diplomatic Corps to prepare for<br />

the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in Jeollabukdo<br />

3. Projects for letting the world<br />

know the charms of Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Support project for the activation of foreign non-governmental<br />

exchange<br />

• Theme trips around Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Jeonbuk invitation project for exchange with Korean youth<br />

abroad<br />

• World Hanmadang Festival<br />

• Project for Jeollabuk-do public diplomatic corps<br />

4. Foreigners<br />

• Objectives:<br />

»»<br />

Encourage foreigners to contribute the story of<br />

Jeollabuk-do viewed as a foreigner's gaze to an English<br />

publicity magazine, and distribute it to all over the world<br />

»»<br />

Encourage foreigners to feel proud of their lives in<br />

Jeollabuk-do and run Jeonbuk-friendly foreigner support<br />

projects to induce their participation in Jeonbuk society<br />

4. Projects for establishing<br />

friendly Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Publishing project for Jeollabuk-do PR magazine in English<br />

• Support project for Jeonbuk-friendly foreigners<br />


1<br />

Projects for Promoting the<br />

Internationalization of Jeollabuk-do<br />

Overseas Korean Language Education Projects<br />

Creating Korean-language education<br />

environment and atmosphere of<br />

friendly Jeollabuk-do and establishing<br />

a foundation for non-governmental<br />

exchange by distributing Korean<br />

textbooks containing contents related<br />

to Jeollabuk-do.<br />

• Publishing TOPIK textbooks with culture,<br />

life, and other contents of Jeollabuk-do<br />

»»<br />

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean)<br />

• Promoting the culture of Jeollabuk-do,<br />

activating non-governmental exchange<br />

networks, & fostering Jeonbuk-friendly<br />

talented persons through the support of<br />

overseas Korean language centers<br />

Public Diplomacy Infrastructure Buildup Project<br />

Strengthening sustainable network<br />

through building offline database<br />

for optimizing human resource<br />

management of citizens, foreigners<br />

or Korean residents abroad and<br />

establishing a collaborative system with<br />

related organizations.<br />

• Building an offline database for management<br />

& utilization of human networks<br />

• Establishing a collaboration system with<br />

the central government & related orgs<br />

• Mutual exchange through workshops with<br />

Member Organizations of the Korean<br />

International Exchange Practice Network<br />

Jeonbuk type-development<br />

Cooperation Project<br />

Promoting the development and mutual exchangecooperation<br />

of underdeveloped countries, and spreading<br />

agriculture and traditional culture, which are the strength<br />

of Jeollabuk-do. Contributing to international communities<br />

and expanding its participation through Jeonbuk-type<br />

international development cooperation projects.<br />

• Expanding Jeonbuk type-development & exchange in<br />

underdeveloped countries and fostering Jeonbuk friendship areas<br />

through international development cooperation projects<br />

18 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Global Leader Training Support Project<br />

Raising interest and awareness<br />

of Jeonbuk youths toward the UN<br />

or international communities, and<br />

stablishing a growth platform for global<br />

citizens, and cultivating their global<br />

mind.<br />

• 4th Jeollabuk-do Model UN Conference<br />

for Youth<br />

• Tour programs for foreign affairs-related<br />

organizations<br />

• Africa Model UN Conference<br />

• Global school for young students of<br />

Jeollabuk-do<br />

Global Citizen Cultivation Project<br />

Securing fluent foreign language<br />

speakers who can actively cope with<br />

international events and operating an<br />

exchange lounge to deeply understand<br />

the characteristics of overseas<br />

culture and to learn various and wide<br />

perspectives as citizens of the world.<br />

• Foreign language master classes<br />

• Language exchange lounge<br />

• Culture Day<br />

• Korean conversation classes<br />

Projects for Jeollabuk-do as a Global Frontier<br />

2<br />

Global Cultural Exchange<br />

Activation Project<br />

Enhancing the communication between Jeollabuk-do<br />

and other countries through the global cultural exchange<br />

activation programs, inducing their interest in Jeollabuk-do,<br />

and building an environment of friendly relationship between<br />

countries.<br />

• Expansion of the base of Jeollabuk-do International Exchange<br />

Network through traditional culture experience programs<br />

• Activation of non-governmental exchange through traditional<br />

performances and experiences of Jeollabuk-do<br />


3<br />

Projects for Letting the World<br />

Know the Charms of Jeollabuk-do<br />

Supporting Project for the Activation of<br />

Foreign Non-governmental Exchange<br />

Promoting friendship and sustainable<br />

network through non-governmental<br />

exchange activities for residents of<br />

sisterhood relationship and friendship<br />

area with Jeollabuk-do.<br />

• Cultural & sports exchanges between<br />

private organizations in sisterhood<br />

relationship and friendship areas<br />

• Promotion of new regional exchanges<br />

through cooperation with international<br />

exchange organizations<br />

Theme trips around Jeollabuk-do<br />

Implementing various Jeollabuk-do<br />

experience programs for foreigners<br />

and improving the global image of<br />

Jeollabuk-do.<br />

• Theme trips around Jeollabuk-do according<br />

to season and regional characteristics<br />

• Jeollabuk-do publicity in connection with<br />

local festivals<br />

Invitation Project for exchanges<br />

with OVERSEAS Korean Students<br />

Conducting exchange activities such as<br />

culture & historical experiences through<br />

visits of overseas Korean youth, and<br />

establishing a network with the students<br />

in Jeollabuk-do to induce the growth of<br />

the next generation of leaders.<br />

• Sharing exchange activities through<br />

matching overseas & Jeonbuk youth<br />

• Experiencing Korean farming, schooling,<br />

traditional & modern culture<br />

Publishing Project<br />

for Jeollabuk-do<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>s in English<br />

Providing foreigners in Korea and<br />

abroad with a magazine about life and<br />

information in Jeollabuk-do as viewed<br />

and experienced by foreigners<br />

• Jeonbuk is the abbreviated name of<br />

Jeollabuk-do<br />

• Quarterly publication, four times a year<br />

20 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

World Hanmadang Festival<br />

Improving the cultural acceptance as a<br />

global citizen and promoting the excellent<br />

culture of Jeollabuk-do by holding<br />

festivals for mutual understanding and<br />

harmony between Korean citizens and<br />

foreigners in Jeollabuk-do.<br />

• Korean speech contest for foreign students<br />

• Global music festival & sports games for<br />

foreigners<br />

• Various events such as K-POP performances<br />

and the Golden Bell Quiz contest<br />

Operation of Jeollabuk-do Public Diplomatic Corps<br />

Enhancing participatory public<br />

diplomacy with citizens for the 2023<br />

Saemangeum World Scout Jamboree in<br />

Jeollabuk-do and expanding the pool of<br />

international exchange professionals to<br />

communicate with the world.<br />

• Regular public diplomacy forums to<br />

strengthen global competence of citizens<br />

• Supporters for the Jeollabuk-do Center for<br />

International Affairs<br />

• Foreign Student Ambassadors for<br />

Jeollabuk-do<br />

Projects for Establishing Friendly Jeollabuk-do 4<br />

Support Project by foreigners<br />

for friendly Jeollabuk-do<br />

Fostering the positive perception of Jeollabuk-do by providing<br />

programs to improve and aid the settlement conditions of<br />

foreigners residing in Jeollabuk-do and expanding their<br />

participation in community activities<br />

¤ Korean language classroom for foreign workers<br />

¤ Union Festival for Foreign Workers<br />

¤ Support projects for foreign communities<br />

¤ Organization of foreign representatives and volunteer groups<br />


Travel Jeonbuk<br />

O Words<br />

by Dianne<br />

Pineda-Kim<br />

C L O S<br />

in<br />

R<br />

every Corner<br />

Photos by Seong<br />

Jin Kim<br />

Words by Dianne<br />

Pineda-Kim<br />

Photos by JM Tubera<br />

South Korea thrives in duality:<br />

old and new, young and old,<br />

slow and fast. Whether it’s<br />

architecture, trends, or lifestyle,<br />

these are all interspersed yet made<br />

harmonious through the country’s<br />

uncanny ability to maintain traces of<br />

its glorious past in the midst of its<br />

lightning speed growth.<br />

This fascinating element in Korean<br />

culture and mindset exist through<br />

daldongnae, or literally “moon<br />

villages,” which are old, residential<br />

neighborhoods that are wedged in<br />

and around more modern areas. It<br />

is so-called because they’re usually<br />

located on top of hills, with houses<br />

snaking between steep, difficult<br />

climbs—and despite its gritty nature,<br />

it is perceived as the best places to<br />

view the moon.<br />

But long before the presence of<br />

uniformly designed yet stylish and<br />

practical apartments mushrooming<br />

everywhere, these “moon villages”<br />

became shelters for refugees at the<br />

end of the Korean War in the 1950s.<br />

The rundown streets and decadeslong<br />

houses remained, however<br />

shielded from the sight of more<br />

affluent citizens.

Fortunately, unknown artists around<br />

Korea have seen the beauty in these<br />

underserved and forgotten places,<br />

and they sought to give them a<br />

“makeover” with colorful murals,<br />

unique installations, and attentiongrabbing<br />

art.<br />

Jaman Mural Village in Jeonju, is proof<br />

of these artistic projects that brought<br />

a once downtrodden area back to life.<br />

This historic district located along<br />

the foot of Seungamsan Mountain’s<br />

Jungbawi Rock had an incredible revival<br />

with its facades turned into a vibrant<br />

tourist hotspot where visitors can take<br />

pictures in amazing backdrops.<br />

Images from the Japanese animated<br />

film company, Studio Ghibli, were<br />

painted on the walls, as well as several<br />

pop culture characters that welcome<br />

both young and old.<br />

It may be quite a climb, but everyone<br />

will find something interesting in every<br />

corner. Small business owners and<br />

residents were given a new form of<br />

livelihood, with some of them opening<br />

craft shops, homemade goods stores, and<br />

cozy cafes. An interesting tidbit about<br />

these murals is that the artists followed<br />

the common theme of flower to make<br />

all masterpieces cohesive and<br />

pleasant to the eyes.<br />

An artistic endeavor turned<br />

this once forgotten historic<br />

district into a vibrant,<br />

popular tourist spot.<br />


Travel Jeonbuk<br />

Ajung<br />

Lake<br />

a lake with beauty<br />

and harmony<br />

Words by<br />

Sunirmal<br />

Sheet<br />

Photos by<br />

Umesh<br />

Sampath<br />

Ajung lake provides<br />

a captivating<br />

respite in the<br />

middle of the city.<br />

24 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Ajung Lake situated in Jeonju City of Jeollabuk-do<br />

province of South Korea, known as “Ajungli.” It was<br />

once called “Ajung Reservoir” for providing water<br />

to farmers and it is manmade. But the city government has<br />

turned it into a beautiful attraction site to get the citizens’<br />

attention. It has significantly changed over the past years, it<br />

now has a walking deck with glittering colorful lights, cafés,<br />

and entertainment center filled with bars with parking lot,<br />

making it a must-visit nightspot. It has a different story now<br />

compared to earlier time. It became a major and fascinating<br />

place for couples who want to spend some quality time with<br />

their loved one. The lake has a maximum surface area of 26.05<br />

ha, and a total storage capacity of 1,388,000 m3. It has become<br />

the lifeline and a magical space in the center of this Jeonju city.<br />

peaceful habitation<br />

One side of this lake is a gentle slope of the hills along the<br />

shores and a beautiful green forest make this lake astounding<br />

and fascinating. The experience is different each season during<br />

spring and summer you could get to see its best form. The lake<br />

is surrounded by rugged mountains and towering pine trees<br />

and is a marvelous place to be. The big cherry trees are also<br />

located at the banks of lake, so it will be perfect spot to laze<br />

around with loved ones and enjoy a carefree day in the lap of<br />

nature when cherry blossoms are in full bloom during spring.<br />

People are not allowed to fish here and yet they still do. I saw<br />

many international people do fishing. I have seen people lay on<br />

the boardwalk. I love how the blue sky reflects on the waters. I<br />

was unlucky to see a flyboard rider stand on a board in the middle<br />

of lake, and every weekend visitors go here to do flyboarding.<br />

by hiking top of the mountain next to it. During spring, the<br />

cherry blossom trees and city look fantastic from the top. On<br />

the hiking trail, anyone can smell the odor of different flowers.<br />

The mountain is filled with different small flowers. Nearby is<br />

a place with coffee shops and restaurants.One notable cafe<br />

is called “Lake Gallery”. It is filled with beautiful artworks<br />

hanging all over the wall. From this cafe, you can enjoy the<br />

stunning view of lake, especially in the evening.<br />

from Chonbuk University<br />

Take bus number 100 from outside the university (High<br />

school attached to University Sageori Board) and get down<br />

at Ingyo Village. From Ingyo Village, take a 15-20 min. walk<br />

to Ajung Lake.<br />

Apart from the beautiful lake with scattered cherry flowers,<br />

there is local Buddhist temple at the mountain called Seolinsa<br />

(선린사). It is a place to completely immerse yourself in nature<br />

Sunirmal Sheet is a PhD student of Chonbuk National University at<br />

college of Agriculture and Life Science from India. She loves to trek.<br />



A Trip B<br />

in Time<br />

Featured Story<br />

Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />

Iksan Photos by Teri An Joy Magpale-Jang,<br />

K-Drama/ film screencaps from<br />

respective Korean Broadcasting stations<br />

26 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Back<br />

These K-Drama filming locations give viewers<br />

a peek into the breathtaking historical sites<br />

as well as Jeollabuk-do’s glorious past<br />



Featured Story<br />

ds by<br />

ino<br />

ce by<br />

ger<br />

Bittersweet romantic stories of the youth, strangers<br />

finding love in unexpected places, narratives of history, and<br />

power struggles—these are only some of the most popular<br />

themes in K-Dramas that introduce the real lives, dreams,<br />

and imagination of Koreans. The location, characters,<br />

costumes, and plot make up all the elements that captivated<br />

audiences from all over the world. Not only do they make<br />

dramas addicting to watch, they also entice viewers to travel<br />

and visit the perfect combination of classic and modern<br />

architecture that first made their hearts throb after watching<br />

them on screen. Jeollabuk-do is rich with places that hold<br />

meaningful stories of the past and these locations were<br />

brought to life in popular K-Dramas and films.<br />

28 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong>

Mr. Sunshine<br />

Plot: The story follows the story of a young boy during the Joseon era who was<br />

born into a slave family as he escapes to the United States. He finds himself<br />

returning to his home country as an American soldier (played by Lee Byung<br />

Hun) who was stationed in Korea as part of the 1871 Shinmiyangyo (U.S.<br />

expedition to Korea). There, he meets a strong-willed daughter of an<br />

aristocrat (Kim Tae Ri) and both grapple with their discovery of a plot<br />

by foreign forces to colonize the country. Their love gets in the way of<br />

dire circumstances during the fall of the Joseon Dynasty, the Japanese<br />

Invasion, and the rise of Korean freedom fighters.<br />

Location: Hagindang, a sprawling traditional Korean house, can be found<br />

in Jeonju Hanok Village. This hanok was used as the home of the richest<br />

nobleman in the drama. Due to the popularity of the drama, several<br />

crowds often flock to the location, which prompted the owners to<br />

require a reservation through their website (https://hagindang.<br />

modoo.at/). The beautiful dresses and suits in the drama have<br />

also become popular among visitors that it became a trend to<br />

rent these costumes in place of the hanbok.<br />

Vintage clothing rentals: www.chunhyang.co.kr<br />

Contact details: 010-4075-7780<br />

Iksan Prison Filming Site<br />

K-Dramas and films: This prison site is built especially as a tourist<br />

spot and filming location. Some of Korea’s most watched dramas<br />

were “locked up” here: Suits (2018); Criminal Minds (2017);<br />

Strongest Deliveryman (2017); Mystery Queen (2017); Tunnel<br />

(2017); Signal (2016); Oh My Geum Bi (2016); The K2 (2016);<br />

W-Two Worlds (2016); It's Okay, It's Love (2014); Endless<br />

Love (2014); and the hit movie, A Gift from Room 7 (2013).<br />

Entrance is free and you can rent prison uniforms for a<br />

fee, if you’re up for a “unique” experience.<br />

Location: 11 Wacho-gil, Seongdang-myeon, Iksan, Jeollabuk-do,<br />

South Korea<br />

전북 익산시 성당면 와초길 11<br />

(성당면 와초리 154-4)<br />


A Different World<br />

This tourist attraction site lets you experience<br />

how it is to get locked up behind bars<br />

Words & Photos by Jin Suhyun<br />

Have you ever dreamt<br />

about what it would be<br />

like to live in jail?<br />

In Iksan, there’s a prison set that<br />

is not only one of the must-visit<br />

hotspots while visiting Iksan, but<br />

it’s also a place where famous<br />

dramas and movies had been<br />

filmed. The recent dramas and<br />

movies had been filmed there<br />

were 2017 Korean version of<br />

Criminal Minds; Ma Dong Seok’s<br />

Among the Gods: The Last 49 Days;<br />

a 2018 drama Room No. 9; and a<br />

recently released movie called Hell<br />

Money.<br />

I moved to Iksan in December 2017,<br />

but I hadn't gotten a chance to go<br />

to any of the famous tour places<br />

here due to my busy schedule. One<br />

hot Saturday in June, my Korean<br />

god mother decided to take me,<br />

her son, and his sister out for<br />

lunch. After enjoying a nice meal<br />

of naengmyeon (a Korean cold<br />

noodle dish) and mandu (Korean<br />

dumplings), my god mother asked<br />

me, “Is there any place that you<br />

want to visit in Iksan since you<br />

haven’t really gotten a chance to<br />

go anywhere?”<br />

I thought for a while then replied,<br />

“Mom, I really want to go to the<br />

Iksan Prison drama set. I’d heard<br />

all about it and I really want to<br />

go.” My Korean brother was born<br />

and raised in Iksan so he’s already<br />

been to many famous<br />

places in Iksan. He made a face<br />

and complained. My god mother<br />

replied, “We’ll go as family then.”<br />

My brother gave in, sulking all the<br />

way to our destination.<br />

Arriving at the set felt like I was<br />

in another dimension. Back in<br />

my hometown of Philadelphia,<br />

Pennsylvania, I’ve been to the<br />

Eastern State Penitentiary, where<br />

it was famous for many people<br />

who’d done terrible crimes. It<br />

was also featured in many TV<br />

shows like Ghost Adventures. But<br />

the Iksan Prison set was another<br />

world. At the front entrance, there’s<br />

a photo zone where two people<br />

can pretend to be a criminal and<br />

one can be a cop. My brother and I<br />

decided to get our pictures taken.<br />

Before the photo was taken, my<br />

brother grabbed my hair and I<br />

made a funny face.<br />

30 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

The entrance to the Prison Set<br />

was free, but if you want to rent<br />

prisoner or police officer clothes,<br />

you have to pay a small fee of 5,000<br />

won. Luckily, that day it wasn’t too<br />

crowded and we got to rent the<br />

clothes for free. My brother and<br />

I decided to rent police clothes,<br />

which have ranking emblems<br />

on the shoulders. One flower<br />

indicates a lower position and 3<br />

flowers indicates a higher position.<br />

My brother and I somehow got<br />

the same position: one flower. So<br />

my brother teased me and said,<br />

“Hyung, this means I don’t have to<br />

be respectful to you.”<br />

(He meant since we’re the same<br />

rank, I wasn't his senior.) We<br />

explored the prison set inside and<br />

out, taking many pictures.<br />

Going to the prison set is a lot<br />

of fun, especially if you’re going<br />

on a date with your boyfriend<br />

or girlfriend, because<br />

one person can dress<br />

up as a criminal, and<br />

the other one can<br />

dress up as a police<br />

officer to take some<br />

funny pictures<br />

together!<br />

At last, my brother - who had<br />

hadn't wanted to come here in the<br />

first place - and I ended up having<br />

a fun time together.<br />



Featured Story<br />

Love from the Moonlight and Sungkyunkwan Scandal<br />

Plot: Starring famous actor Park Bo Gum and<br />

“Korea’s national sister” Kim Yoo Jung, Love<br />

from the Moonlight is a gender-bender story<br />

about a stubborn yet empowered young<br />

woman from the Joseon Dynasty. Hong<br />

Ra-On disguises herself as a man to enter<br />

the palace in place of her brother and meets<br />

Crown Prince Hyomyeong. Trouble ensues<br />

as she tries to hide her true identity. Similar<br />

to this drama is Sungkyunkwan Scandal, the<br />

drama that propelled even further the careers<br />

of today’s top Korean stars: Yoo Ah In, Park<br />

Yoochun, Park Minyoung, and Song Joong Ki.<br />

It tells the story of a woman who wanted to<br />

enter the prestigious Sungkyunkwan, Joseon<br />

Dynasty's highest educational institute.<br />

That time, women were not allowed to be<br />

educated, and this drama shows that women<br />

can do what men can do (sometimes better).<br />

Location: Jeonjuhanggyo, a Confucian shrine<br />

and traditional school can also be found in<br />

Hanok Village. It was built in 1354 A.D. The<br />

old structures and two four-hundred-year-old<br />

gingko trees located inside a wide garden are<br />

still in existence today. At that time, Gingko<br />

trees were resistant to pests, and they stood as<br />

symbols for the resilience of Confucian disciples.<br />

32 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Christmas in August<br />

Plot: This film embodies the typical<br />

Korean melodrama: a story about love<br />

in the midst of an impending death. It<br />

follows a portrait photographer, Jung-won<br />

(Han Suk-kyu), as he falls in love with<br />

a young parking agent, Da-rim (Shim<br />

Eun-ha). His feelings were torn about<br />

pursuing this love because of his terminal<br />

health condition.<br />

Location: One of the central locations of<br />

Christmas in August is the Cho Won photo<br />

studio where the leading man worked.<br />

This is located in Gunsan, a city filled<br />

with streets, homes, restaurants and<br />

other architecture that retain the<br />

traditional designs during the<br />

Japanese colonial period. Thus,<br />

several historical dramas were<br />

set in and around this city<br />

that makes visitors feel like<br />

they stepped back in time.<br />


Taste Jeonbuk<br />

A Pocketful of Sunshine<br />

This cafe’s name may be ‘Tomorrow,’ but its majestic<br />

views will allow you to look back at the past<br />

Words by Dianne Pineda-Kim<br />

Photos by Seong Jin Kim<br />

34 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Aside from the passing of day, a lot of meanings have been attached<br />

to the word “tomorrow”—the unknown, a feeling of excitement, an<br />

enigma, and even of procrastination. But more often than not, it offers<br />

the promise of another day, a chance to be renewed, to rest, and start<br />

all over again. This cafe seems to resonate all that as it beckons its visitors with<br />

warmth and comfort that its name evokes.<br />

A feeling of nostalgia<br />

Sitting right outside the Hanok Village in Jeonju, Tomorrow Cafe is easy to miss<br />

because of its unassuming facade and those who inadvertently overlook it are<br />

bound to regret. As you go up the flight of stairs to enter, you will realize that its<br />

clandestine and nostalgic surroundings look just like your grandmother’s old house.<br />

The sight of wooden mismatched chairs, colorful pillows, floral placemats and the<br />

smell of coffee will greet you, while the cozy tatami seating area will tempt you to<br />

flop yourself down on the floor and let all your troubles go. Old wooden, gold-lined<br />

frames with paintings of cherubs and bucolic imagery are scattered conspicuously<br />

on every corner, while small dolls sit prettily on the window sills. Even the mugs<br />

and plates look like well-kept china only brought out on rare occasions for hosting<br />

special guests. Freshly cut flowers are put in glass vases as dainty finishing touches<br />

on tables. Perhaps that’s the whole purpose of this cafe: to turn strangers into<br />

friends and make them feel right at home as though they’re coming back there<br />

even when they’ve only arrived for the first time.<br />

From its misty big windows you will get a special perspective of the landscape of<br />

Hanok Village, as if the carefully aligned wood pillars, the sublime curves of the<br />

black clay roofs, and cobblestone walkways were all made just for your viewing.<br />

A hot cup of joe will make this experience of tranquility even more satisfying, but<br />

a glass of wine or beer is also available for those feeling a little more romantic.<br />

Warmth of the sun<br />

The light of the sun seeps through its glass windows, making shadows play<br />

everywhere and changing the feel and look of the interiors depending on the<br />

time of day. In the summer, the folding windows are opened fully to reveal the deck<br />

where guests can sit with the backdrop of the traditional Korean hanok houses.<br />

You can either choose to melt into the cafe’s sweet offerings like waffles, cream<br />

bread, and other desserts or cool off with their fresh lemon, pomegranate, and<br />

grapefruit juices.<br />

Written on its table napkins is an overused yet thought-provoking quote: “Today<br />

is history, today is a present, tomorrow is a mystery,” finished off with an apropos<br />

invitation: “See you tomorrow!”<br />

Address: 전북 전주시 완산구 기린대로 71 Instagram: @cafe___tomorrow Closed on Mondays<br />


Taste Jeonbuk<br />

An Italian Pick Me Up<br />

Words by Daniel Kilduff<br />

When it comes to the sweeter<br />

side of Korean cuisine, there<br />

aren't a lot of traditional treats<br />

to satisfy the typical sweet<br />

tooth, but the dessert scene has come a long<br />

way in recent years. No longer do people have to<br />

settle for bland cakes and walnut pies. These days<br />

there are a growing number of cafes and bakeries<br />

offering all sorts of delectable goodies. You can<br />

now find banana bread, carrot cake, cheese cake,<br />

tarts, pies, and all sorts of sugary selections, as<br />

long as you know where to look, and if it's tiramisu<br />

you're looking for, then I know just the place.<br />

36 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / Winter 2018 • Issue 13


I Am Tiramisu, located at the north end of Wedding<br />

Street, offers the best tiramisu you will find this side<br />

of Italy. It is no surprise considering the owner, Shim<br />

Kyuri, spent 10 years living there, 7 years studying art<br />

in Rome and another 3 years running a guest house<br />

with her husband in Florence. She developed a love<br />

for Italian food during this time, particularly tiramisu,<br />

and after plenty of trial and error and tips from Italian<br />

friends, she finally perfected her own recipe.<br />

Upon her return to Jeonju, Kyuri soon realized that the<br />

tiramisu being served in many cafes was not the same<br />

as the tiramisu she had grown to love so much in Italy.<br />

Sure, it was often still a delicious treat, but it was not<br />

made in the traditional Italian style, and the difference<br />

in both flavour and texture was clear from the first<br />

bite. If you look online at most recipes for tiramisu,<br />

you will often see whipped cream and vanilla included<br />

in the list of ingredients. These modern additions are<br />

unnecessary and actually take away from the texture<br />

of the whipped eggs and the flavour of the espresso,<br />

both of which are key features of the original dessert.<br />

Upon her return to Jeonju, Kyuri<br />

soon realized that the tiramisu<br />

being served in many cafes was not<br />

the same as the tiramisu she had<br />

grown to love so much in Italy.<br />

Tiramisu, which is Italian for 'pick me up', is made with<br />

savoiardi (sweet sponge biscuits commonly known<br />

as lady's fingers) soaked in espresso and layered in<br />

a mixture of sugar, whipped eggs, and mascarpone<br />

cheese flavoured with cocoa powder. Kyuri orders her<br />

mascarpone and savoiardi from Sicily, amd she gets her<br />

coffee beans from an Italian supplier based in Seoul.<br />

She spends anywhere between 2-3 hours each evening<br />

preparing and assembling the mixture and letting<br />

the savoiardi soak for at least 6 hours to ensure full<br />

38 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

flavour. She isn't so much of a purist, however, that she<br />

is opposed to experimenting a little as can be seen<br />

from the strawberry, Nutella, and green tea options she<br />

serves, all of which are incredibly delicious.<br />

When Kyuri realized that people in Jeonju were missing<br />

out on the true taste of tiramisu, she felt compelled to<br />

share her passion, and in 2015, she decided to open I Am<br />

Tiramisu. As this was her first time running a cafe, she<br />

was both nervous and excited about how people would<br />

respond to her product. She fondly recalls the reaction<br />

of her customers as they took their first bite; a mixture<br />

of surprise and delight. That was enough for her to know<br />

she had made the right decision. Now when she sees<br />

that same expression, it fills her with pride and motives<br />

her to continue doing what she loves.<br />

includes rich, full-bodied coffee, a delicious choice of<br />

ham and cheese or spicy tuna sandwiches, and ciabatta<br />

pizza. When asked about the possibility of expanding,<br />

Kyuri said she is happy with her current location, but<br />

she is thinking about offering classes later this year. In<br />

the meantime, she will continue to share her passion<br />

for traditional Italian tiramisu. Her hours are 11:30 am<br />

- 9:00 pm Monday to Saturday, but supplies sometimes<br />

go quickly, so be sure to check out her Instagram<br />

@iamtiramisu_jeonju for updates if you plan to drop by<br />

for a pick me up later in the evening.<br />

Tel. 063-284-9966<br />

Add. Wansan-gu, Jungang-dong 2ga, 43-1, Jeonju<br />

Insta. @iamtiramisu_jeonju<br />

You can see her artistic influence, not only in the<br />

lovely decor, but also in the presentation of her food<br />

and drinks. In addition to her amazing tiramisu, she<br />

also makes a chocolata calda, a decadent Italian style<br />

hot chocolate made with 100% cocoa. The menu also<br />


Taste Jeonbuk<br />

A Chef's Journey In Jeonju<br />

Words by Daniel Kilduff<br />

If you ever find yourself in Jeonju and you are<br />

craving some international cuisine, something<br />

with a little bit of spice and a little bit of zest,<br />

then do yourself a favour and make your way over<br />

to Charles Crown Pub & Restaurant on Wedding<br />

Street for some of Jeonju's finest Mexican food.<br />

Like most foreign cuisines, Mexican food is a<br />

fairly recent phenomenon in Jeonju, yet there are<br />

currently at least four or five restaurants in the city.<br />

The first place to open its doors was a little shop<br />

in Nambu market called Casa del Taco. At the time,<br />

this one man operation was a godsend for those<br />

craving a decent burrito. Despite the small venue,<br />

and somewhat out of the way location,<br />

the tiny shop was a huge hit amongst<br />

locals and tourists alike, due largely to<br />

the dedication of its owner, Charles.<br />

Charles first fell in love with Mexican<br />

cuisine while working as a chef at the<br />

Hyatt Hotel in Texas almost 10 years<br />

ago. Having previously spent 5 years<br />

cooking Italian food in Korea, he found Mexican food<br />

to be an exciting new culinary experience with an<br />

abundance of new ingredients and flavours. After 18<br />

months of working at the Hyatt, Charles returned to<br />

Korea, got married, and decided to settle down in his<br />

wife's hometown of Jeonju. He quickly recognized<br />

the lack of Mexican food in the city and opened<br />

Casa del Taco in 2012. It didn't take long for the<br />

word to spread, and he soon developed a solid base<br />

of regulars. As time went by however, he noticed<br />

his clientele consisting of more and more tourists,<br />

which was affecting his local customers who would<br />

often decide to forego the long lines. This led to his<br />

decision to relocate in 2018 to a larger space under<br />

a new name, Charles Crown.<br />

Charles Crown Pub & Restaurant is much bigger<br />

than its predecessor with a cool, inviting vibe. The<br />

new location is ideal as it caters to mainly locals<br />

and is part of a friendly community of small local<br />

business owners. The space is able to accommodate

a lot more customers, and<br />

with the layout divided<br />

into two rooms, it's<br />

perfect for group events,<br />

dates, or solo dining. I do<br />

recommend bringing a few friends along though, so you<br />

can sample as many dishes as you can.<br />

The menu offers a good variety of items, including tacos,<br />

burritos, quesadillas, and fajitas. He also serves shrimp<br />

tacos and can do a vegetarian burrito option on request.<br />

Having sampled nearly everything on the menu, I can<br />

confirm that it is all delicious, and I honestly have a hard<br />

time choosing a favourite item. Most individual dishes<br />

come with a generous helping of French fries, but you<br />

can get some on the side as well if you decide to go with<br />

the quesadilla or fajitas. And most importantly, the salsa<br />

and guacamole are made in house, and they are fantastic.<br />

Charles' approach to cooking starts with the ingredients.<br />

Slow cooking the meat from anywhere between 5-8<br />

hours is key, along with having the freshest produce for<br />

toppings, especially for his pico de gallo, which Charles<br />

refers to as his secret weapon, and I'm inclined to agree.<br />

Tel. 010-3528-5358<br />

Add. 전라남영 2길 28-36<br />

Insta. @taco_charlescrown<br />

Hours: 11:30-2:30 pm<br />

(lunch hours), 5:00-<br />

11:00 pm (last order)<br />

When asked how he felt about the increasing number of<br />

Mexican restaurants in the city, Charles was surprisingly<br />

positive. He said that each chef has their own signature<br />

style, so although they may provide similar types of<br />

food, each place has something unique to offer. Also,<br />

because many Korean people are not yet familiar with<br />

this particular cuisine, the growing number of restaurants<br />

will expose them to a wide variety of flavours, allowing<br />

them to develop their taste for Mexican food. Charles<br />

may be too humble to admit it, but his journey from Casa<br />

del Taco to Charles Crown has already laid much of the<br />

groundwork for this, and I for one, am grateful.<br />

The first [Mexican] place to open its doors<br />

[in Jeonju] was a little shop in Nambu<br />

market called Casa del Taco. Despite the<br />

small venue, and somewhat out of the<br />

way location, the tiny shop was a huge hit<br />

amongst locals and tourists alike, due largely<br />

to the dedication of its owner, Charles.<br />


Taste Jeonbuk<br />

Fresh Brews<br />

This cafe is perfect for coffee lovers who<br />

want to learn more about their cup<br />

Words & Photos by Shermamatova Aizharkyn<br />

For coffee maniacs like<br />

myself, this spot in<br />

Jeollabuk-do is one of the<br />

best places to dive into the world<br />

of coffee. CNC Coffee Hand Drip<br />

Experience allows you not only<br />

to taste fresh-brewed, hand drip<br />

coffee, but you can also to make<br />

your own.<br />

42 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

A learning experience<br />

Taste and flavor of coffee<br />

The National Food Center factory in [Iksan] is a<br />

place you can visit and learn about the local food<br />

industry. As you enter the Center, there are many items<br />

related to the process of coffee production, as well<br />

as information about the origins of coffee. Souvenirs,<br />

bean samples, sacks of green coffee beans will give<br />

you a lot to look at before the coffee lesson starts.<br />

Most importantly, the strong aroma of coffee makes<br />

you realize that you have arrived at coffee heaven.<br />

Looking at the origin of coffee<br />

The more you stay at this center, the more you realize<br />

that making coffee is an art form, and that coffee has<br />

inspired many works of art. There is a display about the<br />

origins of coffee and the first coffee imported to South<br />

Korea. CNC Coffee, standing for Calawes & Coffee, gets<br />

the best quality coffee from Kenya, Brazil, Colombia,<br />

Costa Rica, and other countries. In addition to Korea,<br />

the company distributes coffee to many other parts of<br />

the world. At the CNC Experience, you also find movies<br />

about coffee and people’s love for it, which was the<br />

Experience’s main activity when it started. For example,<br />

the earliest movie about coffee, Out of Africa, which<br />

features romantic scenes and a coffee plantation, and<br />

the Korean movie, Gabi, which is based on the war<br />

between Russia and Japan in the 19th century, are only<br />

two of the many meaningful movies regularly shown.<br />

When you learn to make your own coffee, you learn<br />

many aspects influence its taste and aroma: grinding<br />

size, brewing time, water temperature, roast type, the<br />

beans’ origins, and the type of filter used. There are<br />

rules to follow to get the taste of CNC hand drip coffee.<br />

First, grind 18 grams of coffee in the grinder. Second,<br />

place a coffee paper filter on the dripper and put<br />

in ground coffee evenly. You can shake it to make<br />

smoothen the surface, so when you pour hot water it<br />

will drip evenly. Third, pour 25 ml of 92°C hot water<br />

and leave it for 30-40 seconds. Then, repeat this<br />

process three times for about two minutes and you<br />

will get 200 ml of hand drip coffee. Lastly, serve it hot<br />

and enjoy your hand brewed coffee. When you first sip<br />

your coffee, you will feel the strong aroma and very<br />

soft taste of brewed coffee. This soft taste lasts until<br />

the last sip of coffee, just like many people prefer.<br />

If you are a coffee person who starts every single<br />

morning with a cup of coffee, this place is perfect for<br />

learning about coffee. In addition, they also present<br />

some ground coffee as a souvenir after the lessons.<br />

Address: 전북 익산시 왕궁면 무왕로 2178<br />

Phone: 063-835-0946<br />

Homepage: http://www.cnccoffee.kr<br />

Working hours: weekdays 10am-5pm<br />


Section: Taste Jeonbuk Culture<br />

Words & photos by Aaron Snowberger<br />

In recent years in Korea,<br />

numerous “Local Food” markets<br />

have been sprouting up all over<br />

So, what exactly is “Local Food” and<br />

why has it become so popular in<br />

recent years? “Local Food” literally<br />

Additionally, Local Food markets often<br />

have direct connections with the<br />

producers and growers of the foods<br />

Farm Fresh Local Food<br />

the place, particularly in areas that<br />

are surrounded by rich farmland.<br />

Jeollabuk-do is one such area that<br />

has seen a decided increase in Local<br />

Food markets. The province hosts<br />

numerous food festivals in the fall,<br />

such as Wanju county’s Wild Food<br />

Festival, Jangsu county’s Beef and<br />

Red Apple Festival, and Jinan’s Red<br />

Ginseng Festiva. Jeonju, the largest<br />

city in the province, and surrounded<br />

by such rich farmland, also hosts its<br />

own food festival - the Bibimbap<br />

means agricultural products<br />

that are grown within a limited<br />

geographic area - usually within<br />

50km of the distribution area. It<br />

is often considered “food for the<br />

day,” so markets are frequented by<br />

patrons who desire the freshest food<br />

for dinner. In contrast, “global food”<br />

is food that is produced far from<br />

the market, often imported from<br />

overseas, sometimes spending days<br />

or weeks in some preservative state<br />

(refrigeration, for example) before<br />

they sell. Many stores include photos,<br />

names, and even contact information<br />

for the farmers who stock their stores<br />

on the walls surrounding the food.<br />

This makes Local Food “food with a<br />

face” and gives consumers additional<br />

comfort when they can see clearly<br />

when and where the food came from.<br />

In a Korean Economy <strong>Magazine</strong> news<br />

report from 2014, four Jeonbuk Wanju<br />

Local Food direct sales outlets were<br />

reported to have sales surpassing 20<br />

Festival - in the fall, and is constantly<br />

being sold to consumers. Local Food<br />

million won per day. And quarterly sales<br />

listed in tourist guidebooks as the<br />

is generally considered much safer,<br />

between 2012 and 2013 rose from 800<br />

top food destination in Korea.<br />

fresher, and tastier than global food.<br />

million won to 6.11 billion won. Many<br />

44 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Local Food<br />

local restaurants also use Local Food<br />

markets to supply their stores. Even<br />

large shopping marts such as Lotte<br />

Mart and E-mart have begun to scale<br />

up their local food sections and expand<br />

their local food distribution systems<br />

to reduce the amount of time food<br />

spends in transit. Local food packaging<br />

tends to be much simpler than massmarketed<br />

products, and its package<br />

marketing often includes text such as<br />

“no additives”, “homemade”, “organic”,<br />

and “slow food.”<br />

Living in Korea, the land of the bballibballi,<br />

everything-must-be-done-atthis-moment<br />

attitude has made me<br />

better able to appreciate the recent<br />

push toward “slow foods” and “slow<br />

cities” - such as Jeonju’s now primarily<br />

pedestrian-traffic Hanok Village. My<br />

family and I have been shopping at<br />

Local Food marts for a few years now,<br />

and we feel great about supporting<br />

local farmers while also enjoying the<br />

freshest produce and cuts of meat.<br />

Local food spinach tastes softer, the<br />

sweet potato sweeter, and the root<br />

vegetables richer. Take it from me.<br />

I’ve spent the last 10 years in Korea<br />

helping my in-law’s on their farm, and<br />

nothing tastes fresher than something<br />

you’ve just plucked from the field on<br />

the way home to cook for dinner.<br />

Although Jeonju is home to many<br />

Local Food markets these days, one<br />

in particular caught my eye in recent<br />

weeks. On the north end of Jeonju, on<br />

the road between Eco City and the<br />

Jeonju Train station, near Hoseong<br />

W-Park and the turn off toward<br />

Yongjin Eup, a new Jinan Local<br />

Food market has appeared. Jinan is<br />

famous for its red ginseng and hosts<br />

a Red Ginseng Festival every fall.<br />

Likewise, this new local food market<br />

is filled with many native (and local)<br />

Jinan red ginseng snacks, candies,<br />

roots, and even a Red Ginseng Cafe.<br />

There are multiple displays showing<br />

ginseng through the seasons and<br />

how ginseng grows from a sprout<br />

into a large plant. There is even a<br />

foot bathing area where patrons<br />

can get their feet washed in a red<br />

ginseng mixture.<br />


Experience Jeonbuk<br />

Sunchang, Red Hot C<br />

46 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Chili Paste County<br />

Words & photos by Natalya Yan<br />

淳<br />

昌<br />

Type “Sunchang” in Naver's search bar<br />

and I bet the second line of suggested<br />

requests will be "Sunchang Gochujang",<br />

a red pepper paste. As a matter of fact,<br />

the Sunchang Fermented Food Festival is held<br />

annually in the Traditional Gochujang Folk Village<br />

in Sunchang County. The place has been known for<br />

the paste for so long that only legends about its<br />

origins have survived until now. The truth is that<br />

the most delicious red paste in Korea - even in the<br />

whole world - is produced there, in Sunchang.<br />

in her hometown. A bag with a brown pot full of<br />

gochujang only strengthened the feeling.<br />

The afternoon I arrived, I tried to make some gochujang<br />

on my own at the Sunchang Jang (Sauce) Experience<br />

Center. At first, the visitors were divided into teams of<br />

four people and provided all the ingredients in proper<br />

proportions. Then a lovely old lady, who seemed to be<br />

a household expert, demonstrated the paste making<br />

process step by step, explaining every detail. The<br />

traditional components needed are:<br />

As it is usually explained, the specificity of the<br />

flavor is a unique combination of many factors:<br />

• the clearest in Korea bedrock water is used,<br />

• an agreement with local farming families about the<br />

supply of the best pepper and beans is made,<br />

• and the climate is slightly different from other<br />

regions: the air is wet year-round. This is what<br />

makes the fermentation bacillus constantly<br />

revitalize and results in the richest taste.<br />

Each ingredient appears to be something of “the<br />

best.” That’s what it takes for this kind of reputation<br />

to stand.<br />

I went to the Gochujang Village on a regular<br />

non-festival day to learn something exciting. But<br />

I did not expect I would go home with my heart<br />

warmed up. It felt like having visited my granny<br />

• Rice or barley steamed into a thick liquid<br />

• Fermented soy beans<br />

• Barley malt<br />

• Rice flour<br />

• Red pepper powder<br />

• Salt<br />

Sunchang gochujang's unique taste is owed to the<br />

proper balance worked out over centuries. The only<br />

variable ingredient is the red pepper powder. It is<br />

obvious that the more pepper you add, the redder<br />

and hotter paste will turn out. (Side note: mass<br />

producers of gochujang use a scale of 5 levels on a<br />

tub of gochujang to specify its pungency: Level 1 is<br />

mild and Level 5 is extremely hot.) However, even<br />

the hottest red pepper paste cannot be described<br />

as just a spicy supplement to ordinary food. The<br />

taste is indeed one-of–a–kind. It is a bit sweet,<br />

smoky, savory, and truly Korean.<br />


Experience Jeonbuk<br />

I attempted to encourage everyone to taste the<br />

most delicious gochujang in Korea and then<br />

describe its flavor. Most Koreans would begin by<br />

talking about how "good it is for a human body," and<br />

I could not ignore the health benefits either. Thanks<br />

to natural fermentation, red pepper paste is fully<br />

organic and does not spoil for a long time. Various<br />

ingredients provide vitamins B2 and C as well as<br />

keratin. Additionally, practically speaking, spiciness<br />

is the best way to both stimulate sweating and<br />

relieve stress in order to feel refreshed.<br />

When the gochujang is finished, there is a trick to<br />

put it in the earthenware container, a jangdok, to<br />

begin the proper fermentation process. It needs<br />

a thick layer of extra salt under its lid. Then the<br />

brown pots are lined in the backyard for months.<br />

A logical follow-up in my gochujang-making trip<br />

was to go to the pottery workshop at the Sunchang<br />

Pottery Experience Center. The place is full of jangdok<br />

pots in of all sizes. They stand all together: from teeny<br />

souvenir pots to giant ones made for housewives to<br />

ferment enough gochujang for the biggest family.<br />

The most fascinating thing about the place is the<br />

large pyramid of pots constructed outside the main<br />

entrance. Once inside the pottery building, I saw<br />

lines of pink pots ready to get fired, laid out in<br />

a perfect pattern. It was so beautiful that I was<br />

spellbound for a while.<br />

When I woke up I was invited to make a pot out of<br />

a clay block and some figure stamps for decoration.<br />

This technique does not include a pottery wheel.<br />

Following the instructions, I started forming long<br />

sausages of clay to put them later, layer-by-layer,<br />

as the body of the pot.<br />

A potter’s hands must feel the form of exactly<br />

what he is doing in order to make it correctly. But<br />

the good thing about this kind of pottery is that<br />

he does not always have to be perfect. As I was<br />

holding a clay thing in my hands, I realized I could<br />

make whatever came to my mind. Nevertheless, I<br />

still tried to make something looking like a classic<br />

pot for gochujang. It took me an hour to get the<br />

hang of it.<br />

After forming the pot, it needs to dry out, then get<br />

fired and glazed, but visitors do not usually have<br />

time for this long process. For those people who<br />

still want to take their own handmade pot home, the<br />

Center offers to finish it for them and mail it over.<br />

I left mine there, not only because I don’t need it<br />

at home, but also because I wanted to leave a part<br />

of my soul there, in the pot I created, in Sunchang<br />

Folk Village. Maybe it will be one day accept a coin<br />

thrown into it, or a ribbon tied around it with the<br />

hope of coming back once more.<br />

Bibimbap, tteok-bokki, bibimmyeon, and half of all<br />

jjigaes are not the only Korean cuisine masterpieces<br />

which would not exist without gochujang.<br />

Remember how much is not said about the paste<br />

when you order any of these in a restaurant. And<br />

don't forget to write down “visit Sunchang” on your<br />

Bucket List this year.<br />

Prices<br />

Sunchang Gochujan Making Experience 10,000<br />

Tteok-bokki Making Experience 5,000<br />

Sunchang Pottery Experience 10,000 – 15,000<br />

Depends on the number of people and a type of program<br />

Address: 5-13, Minsongmaeul-gil, Sunchang-eup, Sunchang-gun<br />

Website: sunchang.invil.org<br />

Address: 45-8, Jangnyu-ro, Sunchang-eup, Sunchang-gun<br />

Website: sunchangceramic.com<br />

48 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14


Experience Jeonbuk<br />

Ripe for the<br />

Pick Your Own <strong>Spring</strong> Strawberr<br />

Words & Photos by Shermama<br />

Late winter and spring are<br />

the seasons for strawberries.<br />

Everywhere you go, you hear<br />

about strawberries; besides the fruit itself,<br />

there are strawberry desserts, strawberry<br />

smoothies and strawberry cakes. The<br />

freshest and sweetest strawberries are<br />

cultivated in spring, so this means this<br />

the best time to experience strawberry<br />

picking, as well.<br />

Sumun Strawberry farm is in Wanju city<br />

right along the road, so you can easily<br />

access the strawberry plantation. Besides<br />

all the facilities and greenhouses<br />

for strawberry plantation, there is an<br />

experience room. At first sight, this place<br />

doesn’t seem to offer much fun, but it<br />

slowly reveals its many wonders. You’ll<br />

notice the photogenic atmosphere:<br />

amazing swing sofas, various small icons<br />

and calligraphies all around the walls,<br />

and other alluring decorations that offer<br />

great photographic opportunities.<br />

During the tour of the farm, the<br />

conductor-guide tells the history of<br />

this plantation and explains many<br />

interesting facts about strawberries.<br />

According to the guide, winter-spring<br />

strawberries are the best strawberries,<br />

because they are freshest and keep solid<br />

at low temperatures.<br />

Inside the greenhouse, guests will<br />

notice how agricultural technology has<br />

improved farming methods and the<br />

quality of the berries. The strawberry<br />

plants are grown in elevated racks at the<br />

50 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / Winter 2018 • Issue 13

he picking<br />

awberries at Sumun Strawberry<br />

Shermamatova Aizharkyn<br />

height of an average human, so as to spare<br />

the backs of the farmers who harvest<br />

the berries. Some strawberries are very<br />

large and plump, weighing between 80<br />

and 120 grams. But you cannot find these<br />

remarkable strawberries at the local<br />

grocery store due to trade regulations,<br />

so this is probably the only place you<br />

can eat the biggest strawberries you’ve<br />

ever seen in your life. If you are lucky, you<br />

might also be awarded a prize: a free box<br />

of strawberries.<br />

Address: 전라북도 완주군 삼례읍 백두전와길 100-31<br />

Phone: 010-9588-3833<br />

Homepage: http://blog.naver.com/ann2387<br />

Working period: February ~May<br />

During the strawberry-picking experience,<br />

if you cannot resist the temptation, you<br />

can just eat a few right on the spot.<br />

After the picking experience, there is<br />

a jam-making lesson where you can<br />

boil your own delicious strawberry jam.<br />

Finally, there is also a chocolate-making<br />

experience, where you can craft sweet<br />

strawberry chocolates with unique,<br />

beautiful designs. After the tour, you<br />

will have three delectable souvenirs:<br />

freshly-picked strawberries, your own<br />

handmade jam, and chocolate-covered<br />

strawberries. And if you crave even more<br />

fresh strawberries, you can buy them at<br />

the center later.<br />

At the end, you will feel so full and<br />

satisfied, in both mind and belly. <strong>Spring</strong><br />

is such a romantic and beautiful season;<br />

you can visit the center with your<br />

friends or loved ones to make jam and<br />

chocolates together. Fill your spring<br />

with many wonderful and colorful<br />

experiences - and top them off with<br />

strawberries.<br />


Experience Jeonbuk<br />

Be a king in Ipjeom-ri<br />

Tomb Museum<br />

Nature and culture in Ipjeom-ri<br />

Words & Photos by Alexandra PrÉvÔt<br />

The Ancient Tombs in Ipjeom-ri of Iksan are located<br />

between Gunsan and Iksan, so you can reach them<br />

with a city bus between the two cities. An empty<br />

museum stands alone next to a lovely path. The path leads<br />

to tombs from the fifth century (during the Baekje kingdom<br />

period).<br />

In this area, eighteen ancient tombs have been found with<br />

relics inside. The relics are now visible inside the museum.<br />

Among the relics found and on display inside the museum,<br />

there are a gilt bronze crown, shoes, many kinds of pottery<br />

(including beautiful celadon pottery), and jewelry. These relics<br />

display historical exchanges with China (there are some<br />

Chinese pots) and Japan (the crown is similar to a crown<br />

found in Gumamoto, Japan). Displays throughout the museum<br />

explain the history of Baekje with maps and interactive<br />

games. Kids will have fun trying to rebuild an old pot. It is<br />

like a 3D Puzzle with a historic background.<br />

Outside of the museum, hike up the path a ways to enjoy a tour<br />

of the tombs. The place is quite wild as it sits on the edge of a<br />

forest. If you are lucky, you'll see a wild deer running between<br />

the tombs. The air is fresh, and the flowers, greenery, and lack<br />

of people give the place an historical atmosphere. Since the<br />

location is not overly crowded (I’ve rarely encountered other<br />

visitors here), you can stroll around the tombs and museum<br />

like an ancient Baekje king.<br />

Museum: 54501 전북 익산시 웅포면 입점고분길 80<br />

FREE Admission<br />

Open from 9am to 6pm<br />

Contact : 063-859-4634<br />

52 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Iksan<br />

Gunsan<br />

Wanju<br />

County<br />

Jeolla Dialect<br />

Jeonju<br />

Gimje<br />

Buan<br />

전라 사투리<br />

County<br />

Jeongeup<br />

Imsil<br />

County<br />

Gochang<br />

County<br />

Sunchang<br />

County<br />

Muju<br />

County<br />

Jinan<br />

County<br />

Jangsu<br />

County<br />

Namwon<br />

By embracing it, you embrace the local<br />

people, language, and culture in a warm<br />

and useful way. This edition’s featured<br />

phrase is….<br />

점드락<br />

“왜 이렇게 피곤해 보여?”<br />

Words by Axel Lemus “Why do you look so<br />

tired?”<br />

Every region has its own unique dialect.<br />

Speakers of the Jeolla dialect sometimes use this word<br />

in place of “하루 종일” or “종일“ which means “all day<br />

long” in standard Korean. Using it will surely spice up<br />

any conversation with a local!<br />

“점드락 써 있어서 그래”<br />

“It’s because I’ve been<br />

standing all day long”<br />

“오늘 어디 갔다 왔어?”<br />

“Did you go anywhere<br />

today?”<br />

“아니, 좀 피곤해서 하루 점드락 집에 있었어 ”<br />

“No, I was a little tired today so I stayed<br />

home all day”<br />


P h o t o g r a p h y<br />

54 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

Photos by<br />

Umesh Sampath<br />

and<br />

Shermamatova<br />

Aizharkyn<br />


Do you Know Jeollabuk-do?<br />

Iksan<br />

Gunsan<br />

Wanju<br />

County<br />

Muju<br />

County<br />

Gimje<br />

Jeonju<br />

Jinan<br />

County<br />

Buan<br />

County<br />

Jeongeup<br />

Imsil<br />

County<br />

Jangsu<br />

County<br />

Gochang<br />

County<br />

Sunchang<br />

County<br />

Namwon<br />

1. Which city was the<br />

birthplace of the<br />

Joseon period?<br />

2. Which town is best<br />

known for its wide<br />

open plain that shows<br />

a unique view of the<br />

horizon in Korea?<br />

3. Which county<br />

surrounds Jeonju<br />

and is the center<br />

of local foods?<br />

4. Which city sees both<br />

the Geumgang and<br />

Mangyeonggang<br />

Rivers flowing<br />

through it?<br />

5. Which county<br />

includes one<br />

of Korea's ten<br />

natural wonders?<br />

6. Which city is<br />

located the shortest<br />

geographical<br />

distance from China?<br />

7. Which city is<br />

famous for Pansori,<br />

Chunhyang's, and<br />

Heungbu's stories?<br />

Quiz<br />

8. Which town is<br />

best known for<br />

Naejang Mountain?<br />

9. Which county is<br />

scattered with<br />

mountains ranging<br />

over 1000m?<br />

10. Which county is<br />

famous for Maisan<br />

Mountain?<br />

11. Which county sees<br />

3 million tourists<br />

per year for skiing<br />

and other outdoor<br />

activities?<br />

12. Which county is<br />

most well-known<br />

for its cheese?<br />

13. Which county is<br />

famous for its red<br />

pepper paste and<br />

mineral springs?<br />

14. In which county<br />

was a stone fortress<br />

built "just in case" of<br />

Japanese invasion?<br />

Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon<br />

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang<br />

56 Jeonbuk Life <strong>Magazine</strong> / <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2019</strong> • Issue 14

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