Bounce Magazine 79
Featuring Nile Rodgers, Parenting special including Mamas and Papas, Bow & Rattle, Pams Baby Scan, Baby Shower Special, competitions, seasonal recipes, Arc shopping centre, the Bury Festival and Beccles Food and Drink.
Featuring Nile Rodgers, Parenting special including Mamas and Papas, Bow & Rattle, Pams Baby Scan, Baby Shower Special, competitions, seasonal recipes, Arc shopping centre, the Bury Festival and Beccles Food and Drink.
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MAY 19<br />
#<strong>79</strong><br />
Read our exclusive interview inside...<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Come and try our new food and drink<br />
offer in our beautifully renovated ground-<br />
floor Georgian space, open now.<br /><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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@bouncemaguk<br />
MAY 2019<br />
Hello May! If like me, you are enjoying glimpses<br />
of summertime, then you will love this edition of<br />
<strong>Bounce</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>!<br />
Awards. So I would like to take the time to thank<br />
all of our readers, advertisers and contributors for<br />
your support since our first issue in 2012.<br />
I always love May, (not just because I celebrate my<br />
birthday), but it means I can dig out my summer<br />
recipes, get back in the garden and even sneak in<br />
an early BBQ - if we are lucky with the weather!<br />
We are getting close to racing season, so with<br />
that in mind, this month we have an exclusive<br />
interview with the legendary Nile Rodgers on<br />
his upcoming headline performance, this years<br />
Newmarket Nights.<br />
You can listen to our interviews at<br /><br />
Our review took place at Barsham Barns in<br />
Norfolk Norfolk, here you will find a cluster of<br />
beautiful holiday barns to escape to with friends<br />
and family. Ideally situated for the Norfolk<br />
explorer, read what we food in the Food and<br />
Drink Section.<br />
Also in this issue, we have competition tickets to<br />
see the Pasadena Roof Orchestra, we review the<br />
Gaston Sink Mixer Kitchen Tap from Methven,<br />
plus, don’t miss our Baby Shower <strong>Bounce</strong> loves<br />
special.<br />
We are going to be developing our website over<br />
the next few months, giving advertisers more of an<br />
opportunity to build their campaigns digitally. So<br />
stay tuned! If you would like further details please<br />
get in touch.<br />
You can read our features and our online<br />
editions at Be sure<br />
to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or<br />
Instagram @bouncemaguk.<br />
From me - over and out!<br />
<strong>Bounce</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> has been shortlisted for ‘Best<br />
Regional <strong>Magazine</strong> 2019’ in this years New<br />
Copyright © <strong>Bounce</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Ltd. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher.<br />
Please note the publisher can take no responsibility for omissions or errors by contributors or advertisers. All editorial design work<br />
completed by Rachel Ducker, with thanks to Apparition Marketing & Design Ltd and Katie Parsons.<br />
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May 2019.indd 5 16/04/2019 17:57
May’s<br />
10-13<br />
Zena is back with her expert<br />
fashion advice and we review<br />
Cecil Amey Opticians in<br />
Norwich.<br />
16-17<br />
Bringing you some of East<br />
Anglia’s top wedding experts<br />
and services.<br />
18-23<br />
Catch our exclusive interview<br />
with the legendary Nile<br />
Rodgers on his upcoming<br />
headline performance, this<br />
years Newmarket Nights.<br />
26-35<br />
Check out helpful tips and<br />
advice from our local health<br />
and wellbeing experts, and<br />
don’t miss this months yoga<br />
Do’s and Don’ts.<br />
39-49<br />
Check out reviews and top<br />
products, including a Q&A<br />
with Bow & Rattle, Mamas &<br />
Papas, and our Baby Shower<br />
<strong>Bounce</strong> Loves special.<br />
FOOD & DRINK<br />
50-64<br />
We review Barsham Barns,<br />
and have some wonderful<br />
seasonal recipes.<br />
May 2019.indd 6 16/04/2019 17:57
Don’t<br />
MISS<br />
50<br />
Simple and easy<br />
summer recipes.<br />
72-73<br />
We check out the latest<br />
kitchen gadgets in our gift<br />
guide.<br />
80-85<br />
Showcasing our top hair and<br />
beauty experts, including this<br />
months offerings from SK<br />
Clinic + Spa. Carla our MUA<br />
shares her top products and<br />
Geraldine Walters lists her<br />
A-Z of beauty ingredients.<br />
86-89<br />
Kate Lines provides her<br />
winter gardening advice and<br />
we feature the regions top<br />
home and garden specialists.<br />
MUSIC<br />
92-94<br />
Featuring the latest events<br />
and listings from East Anglia’s<br />
music and entertainment<br />
scene.<br />
72<br />
Review of the Gaston<br />
Sink Mixer.<br />
95<br />
Our top pet products<br />
this year.<br />
ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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T<br />
y<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Puppini Sisters<br />
Chineke!<br />
Bury St Edmunds Festival 16 – 26 May<br />
11 Days, 50 Events, 13 Venues...<br />
BURY FESTIVAL 2019...<br />
Now in its 34th year, the Bury St<br />
Edmunds Festival will bring world<br />
class culture and entertainment to<br />
the vibrant Suffolk town between<br />
Thursday 16 and Sunday 26 May.<br />
Featuring 11 days packed with over<br />
50 events across 13 venues, the<br />
Festival will take in some great music,<br />
song, dance, comedy, film and other<br />
art forms with top performances by<br />
both international and local artists.<br />
The fantastic line-up includes a<br />
return visit by classical violinist<br />
Nigel Kennedy; Clare Teal and her<br />
BIG Mini Big Band; the Ukulele<br />
Orchestra of Great Britain; Quinteta-Tete<br />
jazz band, the Puppini Sisters<br />
and Chineke! The programme also<br />
includes guided walks, exhibitions<br />
and an array of family events.<br />
A wide variety of music genres will<br />
be represented from classical favourites and easy<br />
listening to blues, jazz and folk plus a brass band,<br />
Latin American sounds and an early music trio.<br />
Join Edinburgh Fringe’s favourite housewife ‘Barbara<br />
Nice’ for an evening of good fun, while comedian<br />
and author James Campbell will present a stand-up<br />
comedy show for children.<br />
Then there’s Dr John Coper Clarke, who brings a<br />
mix of classic poetry with hilarious ponderings on<br />
modern life.<br />
Dance enthusiasts can enjoy two contrasting<br />
evenings from high energy ceilidh to classical ballet<br />
and not to be missed are the screenings of Oscar<br />
Wilde plays recorded live from London’s Vaudeville<br />
Theatre at the Abbeygate Cinema.<br />
See the full line-up and book online at<br /> Tickets are also on sale<br />
at The Apex and other venues around<br />
Bury St Edmunds or call the Box Office on<br />
01284 758000.<br />
T<br />
S<br />
I<br />
L<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Treat<br />
yourself<br />
rs<br />
THIS<br />
SPRING<br />
The best quality cuts,<br />
colours & styles with<br />
an impeccable service.<br />
High quality treatments in<br />
a relaxed environment<br />
where you can unwind.<br />
Our specialist bridal team<br />
are able to advise, inspire<br />
& deliver your dream look.<br />
Indulge yourself with a range of treatments available to help you de-stress & relax<br />
01284 700100 9<br />
May 2019.indd 9 16/04/2019 17:57
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
I’m not old i’m<br />
retro<br />
Check out my new<br />
look fashion website<br /><br />
Well hello there! I’m back with my monthly column… OK, so firstly a reminder<br />
about me. I’m Zena (Zee for short), I’m 45, a mother and a grandmother.<br />
Well, hello one and all, is that the<br />
sunshine I spy?<br />
New Look has some great styles and all<br />
under £25.00.<br />
You don’t need me to tell<br />
you our British weather<br />
can be a bit hit and miss.<br />
However, on the good<br />
days we are lucky to<br />
get jeans and t-shirt<br />
weather and I’ve found<br />
some little bargains in<br />
H&M, my favourite being<br />
a leopard print tee. They<br />
are only 3.99 so stock up.<br />
I also love the Denim styles out there<br />
again, to wear on those fairer days<br />
with some chunky pumps or trainers.<br />
I’ve also been wedding<br />
outfit shopping as we have<br />
three big ones this year<br />
to attend. I’m going for<br />
a 1940’s style with some<br />
beautiful headgear made<br />
for me by the amazing<br />
Lizzy Hall Millinery. I’m<br />
really looking forward<br />
to wearing them.<br />
Pretty Kitty Fashion<br />
has some beautiful<br />
dresses at the moment<br />
for weddings. Speaking of weddings… I<br />
have a lot of ladies my age contact me<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
about styling them for big events and<br />
weddings.<br />
This is something I might pursue this<br />
coming year so look out for my news<br />
about it over on the blog.<br />
I don’t know about you but I have to<br />
wear glasses.<br />
I need to share this find with you, I’ve<br />
found a company called ZeeLol online<br />
that have fantastic funky frames like<br />
the ones here.<br />
Get over and have a splurge, they<br />
have a great selection and I think<br />
glasses can be the cherry on the cake<br />
so get them right!<br />
I love these frames<br />
from ZeeLol online!<br />
In other news, I’m really excited to see<br />
there is a Mary Quant Exhibition at<br />
the V and A.<br />
Mary is my hair inspo so I must go.<br />
She was at the forefront of women’s<br />
fashion in the 60s and it will be a<br />
wonderful exhibit, tickets are £12.00,<br />
which I thought was brilliant.<br />
Whatever you’re doing this summer<br />
stay cool and stay stylish. Spend as<br />
little as possible and find your five key<br />
pieces. Keep it simple for the win.<br />
Mary Quant is my<br />
60s style icon!<br />
Stay stylish - Love Zee x<br />
I’m not old i’m retro<br /><br />
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Bounc<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Cecil Amey...<br />
imaging test which uses retinal photography to check<br />
for other conditions. Lastly, I was offered a hearing<br />
test to check my basic hearing, a new service offered<br />
at Cecil Amey.<br />
<strong>Bounce</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> were kindly invited along<br />
to visit independent Optician, Cecil Amey<br />
in Norwich, for an eye examination and<br />
hearing test, here’s what we thought…<br />
“It’s been a few years since my last eye test, so its<br />
fair to say I was well overdue a check up.<br />
I was instantly impresed with Cecil Amey’s<br />
promptness and customer service; warmly greeted<br />
at the shop front I was led downstairs to the<br />
examination area.<br />
After passing over a<br />
few personal details,<br />
I went straight in to<br />
the pre-test room<br />
to carry out some<br />
routine examinations.<br />
This included tests to<br />
check my long and<br />
short vision, one to<br />
measure the internal<br />
eye pressure, plus,<br />
a state of the art<br />
Having passed all of these tests, with little wait, I was<br />
handed over to the optician who then performed<br />
further thorough checks on my eyes. She asked me to<br />
read the classic sight chart and also investigated my<br />
eyes through a piece of examination equipment,<br />
using a bright light to check for other signs of eye<br />
damage.<br />
After explaining the full<br />
examination with me, on this<br />
occasion no prescription<br />
was needed. I was delighted,<br />
but at the same time I was<br />
looking forward to viewing all<br />
of their lovely eye wear in the<br />
showroom!<br />
As far as tests go this one was a breeze, not just<br />
because I passed, but because of the care and<br />
attention I received whilst I was there. It really was<br />
that easy”.<br />
Cecil Amey are the largest independent<br />
opticians in East Anglia. The company<br />
has 8 practices, employing over 55 members<br />
of staff including over 25 expert opticians<br />
and 4 members of the Amey family.<br />
You can book an appointment online at<br /> and pick a<br />
practice that is close to you.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
t r av el<br />
f i rst<br />
class !<br />
fr ee lens u pg ra d e<br />
o n all pr esc r i pti o n<br />
*<br />
sung lasses<br />
N O R W I C H<br />
A T T L E B O R O U G H<br />
a y l s h a m<br />
D E R E H A M<br />
H A L E S W O R T H<br />
H A R L E S T O N<br />
W A T T O N<br />
w r o x h a m<br />
W Y M O N D H A M<br />
c e c i l a m e y. c o . u k<br />
LookingGood!<br />
* Terms and conditions apply. See website for details.<br />
13<br />
May 2019.indd 13 16/04/2019 17:57
KW<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
KirstyWoolnough<br />
• Bridal hair stylist<br />
• Make up artistry<br />
• Bridal party packages<br />
• Mother of the bride styling<br />
• Bridal hair extensions<br />
• Service to desired venue<br />
• Gel manicures for bride<br />
and bridal party<br />
Call me on 07817 878750<br /><br /><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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Weddin<br />
B<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Ravenwood Hall Hotel has exciting new opportunities<br />
for anyone seeking their next challenge.<br />
WE’RE<br />
HIRING<br />
Chefs & Front of House<br />
We are now recruiting for a Food and Beverage Manager,<br />
Head Receptionist, Chef de Partie and bar/waiting staff.<br />
Set in five acres of glorious woodland and paddocks, this country house hotel<br />
has 14 bedrooms, produces exquisite homecooked dishes and is an idyllic<br />
wedding and events venue.<br />
Interested? Please send your CV to...<br /><br /> | 01359 270 345 |<br />
Ravenwood Hall Hotel, Rougham, Bury 16 St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP30 9JA<br />
May 2019.indd 16 16/04/2019 17:57
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Bury St Edmunds & Farmers Club<br />
Wedding licence<br />
Choice of function rooms<br />
Beautiful gardens . Car parking<br />
01284 750969<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
NILE<br />
Headlining<br />
Newmarket<br />
Nights on on<br />
Saturday 8th<br />
June 2019<br />
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MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | NILE #<strong>79</strong> RODGERS<br />
The Jockey Club Live and Newmarket<br />
Racecourses are delighted to announce<br />
the legendary NILE RODGERS & CHIC’s<br />
return to the July course, headlining<br />
the family-friendly Summer Saturday<br />
Live on Saturday 8th June 2019.<br />
Nile Rodgers is truly exceptional. He amplifies his<br />
legacy as a multiple GRAMMY-winning composer,<br />
producer, arranger and guitarist by constantly<br />
traversing new musical terrain and successfully<br />
expanding the boundaries of popular music. As<br />
the co-founder of CHIC, Rodgers pioneered a<br />
musical language that generated chart-topping<br />
hits like ‘Le Freak,’ sparked the advent<br />
of hip-hop with ‘Good Times,’ and<br />
won CHIC 11 Rock and Roll<br />
Hall of Fame nominations.<br />
His work in the CHIC<br />
Organization and his<br />
productions for artists<br />
like David Bowie<br />
(incl. ‘Lets Dance’),<br />
Diana Ross (incl.<br />
‘Upside Down’,<br />
‘I’m Coming Out’)<br />
and Madonna<br />
(incl. ‘Material<br />
Girl’, ‘Like A<br />
Virgin’) have<br />
sold over 300<br />
million albums and<br />
50 million singles<br />
worldwide while his<br />
innovative, trendsetting<br />
collaborations with<br />
Daft Punk, Avicii, Sigala,<br />
Disclosure and Sam Smith reflect<br />
the vanguard of contemporary music.<br />
Releasing their ninth studio album ‘It’s About<br />
Time’ in 2018, the release saw the band once<br />
again work the cream of the crop of the current<br />
music stars ranging from Mura Masa and Stefflon<br />
Don to Lady Gaga.<br />
Expect to hear some of the best-known pop<br />
anthems from the last four decades. With more<br />
than 200 production credits to his name, the<br />
scope of Nile Rodgers’ peerless influence is<br />
undeniable.<br />
Summer Saturday Live at Newmarket<br />
Racecourses is a day for the whole family, with<br />
Nile Rodgers & CHIC taking to the stage in<br />
the afternoon. There will be reduced priced<br />
children’s tickets aged 5-17 available when<br />
accompanied by a responsible adult of 18 or over,<br />
with children aged 4 and under are entitled to<br />
free admission.<br />
We speak to Nile about his upcoming<br />
performance at this years Newmarket Nights...<br />
Yeah for sure, it was the first time we had done<br />
anything like that and it was great, it<br />
was so much fun for us that we<br />
insisted, ‘How do we get this<br />
again?!’ They were so cool!<br />
IS IN THE<br />
If I judge from what’s happened<br />
in the past, it’s wonderful! I’m always shocked<br />
at how many people know the music that<br />
I’ve worked on. It blows me away. I’ve been<br />
educated, I’ve been told they say ‘Of course<br />
this is my favourite song! It was in my favourite<br />
video game’, or favourite movie, and nowadays<br />
our music gets licensed and synched to so<br />
many other products, that we wind up getting<br />
a fanbase based on playlists that were created<br />
for this product or that product and its pretty<br />
amazing.<br />
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MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | NILE #<strong>79</strong> RODGERS<br />
MUSIC.<br />
I know and it almost makes me - sometimes<br />
I feel embarrassed because they’ll look at me<br />
like ‘How did you not know’ and I’m like well of<br />
course I licensed it but I didn’t know that it would<br />
create a fan of the song - I’m thinking you’re<br />
doing it because you like the movie. When you’re<br />
a traditional old school composer and people<br />
consume your music in new school ways – even<br />
though I’ve been around, and I’ve been a part of<br />
all of the different phases of it, I’m shocked at how<br />
much penetration and internalization happens<br />
as a result of a different platform when it comes<br />
to consuming music. It feels weird to me so I’m<br />
thrilled but its always somewhat a bit of a shock!<br />
Well I first met her at the Brits a couple of years<br />
ago. In the course of giving out awards, she got<br />
one and we had a good time and laughed and<br />
joked and she was terrific. It was all cool. You<br />
know when you just meet a person and like them<br />
and there’s a vibe that they have, and you don’t<br />
know where it’s going to go. But somehow, we got<br />
into a studio and she was like ‘I have been wanting<br />
to do this for a while now’. I said ‘Well, let me just<br />
show you what we do and how we do it’ and it<br />
was amazing. It was just so great because it was<br />
really going back to the way that we used to make<br />
records. Nowadays a lot of people make records<br />
just on your laptop, and that’s become the main<br />
way that people work. I guess she never went in<br />
and made a record with a live band and<br />
people who were just constructing it from the<br />
ground up.<br />
THE TABLE?<br />
That’s why it’s so wonderful, yes, every person<br />
does bring something new to the table and<br />
it’s a give and take. People who grow up in an<br />
environment where the gear is so powerful that<br />
it becomes a real creative assistant, it becomes<br />
a real tool for them. In the last few months I’ve<br />
worked with a lot of new writers - especially<br />
women artists - which is really amazing to me,<br />
because now they’re recording their own vocals,<br />
they’re doing their own tracks, they’re making<br />
their own beats, and its not just a little pocket of<br />
exceptionally talented girls, it’s a vibe now. I’ve<br />
been working with girls who couldn’t have been<br />
more than 19 years old and they’ve never put<br />
anything out, but somehow, I got introduced to<br />
them through some really cool people who said<br />
‘you’ve just gotta check it out they are really cool’.<br />
We get into the studio, we start chatting, we get<br />
to know each other, and next thing you know, we<br />
tackle the music. We have a job to do and we love<br />
it, we love doing it, and you have no idea just how<br />
fun it is to just create something from nothing.<br />
Believe me when I tell you it’s reciprocal! I wrote<br />
a song the other day, I wrote the bassline, and I<br />
said ‘you know what, before I go any further, I’m<br />
going to give this to these two young girls that I<br />
met the other day who just had a flare, for writing<br />
really cool melodies’ and it was very similar to<br />
when I met Avicii. I met him one night, he was<br />
already a big star, I went to see one of his shows,<br />
went backstage to meet him and it was a mutual<br />
connection almost right away. We booked studio<br />
time right away, a couple of weeks later, and we<br />
were friends up until his unfortunate ending.<br />
I’m just really impressed with the level of talent<br />
that’s out there in today’s world, and its because<br />
they’ve become so computer savvy when it comes<br />
to working with technical gear that they don’t<br />
have to spend all the years that I’ve spent going to<br />
music school and learning theory and so on. Most<br />
people that I know that are really really big stars<br />
don’t actually even understand the fundamentals<br />
of music theory, they are just somehow able to<br />
make great music because they can step on the<br />
gear and do what they need to create and it’s<br />
wonderful.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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MAY APRIL 2019 MAY 2019 | ISSUE 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | #78 NILE #<strong>79</strong>| BANANARAMA<br />
That’s exactly correct, I sort of think about it this<br />
way, if a person is in the room with a musical<br />
instrument, and they just have the desire to get<br />
something out of it, they’ll pick it up and start<br />
to figure something out – it may not be the<br />
traditional approach to that particular instrument<br />
but they will get something out of it because<br />
music does something to us. It creates a feeling<br />
inside of us that’s – you know, maybe I’m overly<br />
romantic – but it creates a feeling inside of us<br />
that’s so magical that once you experience that<br />
thing, and if it does that to you, you can’t help but<br />
want to keep doing it and keep doing it and then<br />
you get better and get better and next thing you<br />
know you wind up being a complete virtuoso and<br />
you go ‘oh my god, how do you have that guitar<br />
tuned?’ completely weird. Like, Ricky [Wilson],<br />
who was the main songwriter with the B-52s all<br />
those years ago with those weird tunings and<br />
stuff and you can only play those songs with<br />
those tunings!<br />
Yes. You have it exactly correct and also the fact<br />
that I am spending so much time at Abbey Road;<br />
that’s become sort of my new home base and I<br />
felt I wanted to paint a musical picture that’s a<br />
more accurate reflection of my current life. At<br />
first, I started out with a different concept, but I<br />
love working with these people and its just great.<br />
HERE?<br />
You know, who knows what I’m going to be<br />
doing, but it has to on some level because I have<br />
already created some stuff that’s great! At least<br />
the music feels great to me. And also, what the<br />
Dua sessions have taught me, it’s re-taught me<br />
again how much fun we have when we just walk<br />
into the studio as a band, as Chic rhythm section<br />
and just go in and play.<br />
YOU?<br />
I would just say, we really believe in having<br />
fun. Good times and happiness. What people<br />
have told us, not that we can’t control this, but<br />
people tell us that the happiness seems to last.<br />
In other words, after the show is over you’re still<br />
happy the next day! You’re still thinking about<br />
‘man we had a blast last week’. I see on social<br />
media sometimes, people say things like ‘my<br />
feet are still hurting from 2 weeks ago when I<br />
went dancing to CHIC all night.’ For me, at my<br />
age, having done so much music and have an<br />
audience really appreciate it, it blows me away.<br />
Honestly, at the time we did it we were just<br />
hoping to get a record in the charts and you’re<br />
hoping to get penetration into the market place<br />
and you’re hoping to get what we call a ‘hit<br />
record’, but you have no idea if it’s going to last.<br />
To me, I mean we were in the studio the other<br />
day with Rudimental and we were just laughing<br />
and joking and I said ‘you know what’s funny;<br />
I don’t think there’s anywhere I can go on the<br />
planet where I can’t go ‘1,2, aaaah’ and then<br />
they go ‘freak out’’. It’s the funniest thing. Every<br />
country.<br />
Tickets will be on sale at 8am<br />
on Thursday 31st January via<br />, with a<br />
presale available to customers at<br />
12pm on Tuesday 29th January.<br />
Tickets are priced starting at £29<br />
adult / £15 child (under 18). Please<br />
note child tickets are limited. All<br />
T&C’s are available on newmarket.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Nothing beats swimming<br />
outdoors so why not visit the<br />
award winning Beccles Lido,<br />
the heated open-air swimming<br />
pool in Beccles, which reopens<br />
for the 2019 summer<br />
season on Saturday 25th May.<br />
The Lido has a slide, springboard,<br />
giant inflatable aquarun (daily<br />
lunchtime sessions), outdoor exercise<br />
equipment and a kiddies adventure<br />
play area. There are lots of grassy<br />
areas, sunloungers, tables and chairs<br />
to relax on as well as an all-weather<br />
eating and spectating area. By<br />
the River Waveney, the Lido enjoys<br />
stunning views across the river and<br />
the Waveney valley and its café serves<br />
hot and cold snacks, drinks and ices.<br />
Beccles Lido is perfect for a swim or<br />
family day out. Canoe Hire is also<br />
offered (advance bookings only).<br />
Find out more at or call 01502<br />
713297.<br />
The Lido was transformed in 2018 with new toilets and a relandscaped<br />
patio. The toddler pools were also revamped.<br />
The Lido is now raising funds to refurbish, upgrade and reline<br />
the main pool. £300,000 has already been raised but<br />
a further £150,000 needs to be raised so that the project<br />
can commence when the Lido closes in September in time<br />
for 2020 season. If you would like to learn more about<br />
the fundraising and the project, or to donate, please visit:<br /><br />
Or why not take a trip on Big Dog Ferry, with passenger<br />
boat trips regularly between Beccles Lido and Geldeston<br />
Locks Inn, a relaxing 3 mile boat journey along the River<br />
Waveney with the opportunity to enjoy the wildlife enroute<br />
– otters, kingfishers and marsh harriers are all regular<br />
sights. Disembark and enjoy a meal and a drink at the<br />
Locks or stay on board for a round trip. If you’re feeling<br />
energetic you could take a one-way ticket and walk back<br />
on delightful footpaths. Big Dog can also stop at the Marina<br />
or Three Rivers Campsite at Geldeston. Find out more at<br /> or call 07532 072761.<br />
Beccles Lido has been voted one of the 50 best things to do in Suffolk!<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Afraid of Flying – Top Tips for Staying Calm!<br />
The summer holidays are fast approaching<br />
which means for many of us it’s time to<br />
dig out the sunscreen from the back of the<br />
cupboard and jet off on holiday…but not<br />
everyone!<br />
Statistically Speaking...<br />
Statistically, flying is one of the safest forms of<br />
transport, you are more likely to die from heat<br />
exposure than a plane crash. But if you have a<br />
fear of flying, I imagine statistics don’t help much.<br />
A fear of flying can occur for all sorts of different<br />
reasons, from encountering a “bad flight” where<br />
there was severe turbulence, or an emergency<br />
landing, even experiencing something you found<br />
upsetting or unnerving onboard. It can also be<br />
connected to something completely unrelated<br />
to flying, such as claustrophobia or a traumatic<br />
event in your life. Everyone is different and no<br />
two reasons will be exactly the same.<br />
Tips that can Help...<br />
If you are afraid of flying or you just don’t find the<br />
experience very comfortable, here are a few tips<br />
to help you stay calm:<br />
Good Breathing Technique - I find the 7/11<br />
technique is a great technique because it’s<br />
simple (just make the outward breath longer<br />
than the inward breath) and it also helps induce<br />
your own bodies relaxation response. It will also<br />
help take your mind of the flight because if you<br />
are counting in your head you won’t be having<br />
unhelpful thoughts that could be feeding your<br />
anxiety or unease.<br />
Keep Focused on the Reason for your Flight -<br />
If you are going on holiday, think about all the<br />
things you would like to do whilst away, the<br />
quality time you will be spending with loved<br />
ones, the things you would like to do at your<br />
destination. Keep focused on the actual holiday,<br />
beyond the flight; in comparison, it’s just a few<br />
hours!<br />
Activities - Another way to keep the anxiety<br />
at bay is to be prepared with activities that<br />
keep you distracted, which will help stop your<br />
mind wondering back to unhelpful thoughts.<br />
Depending on your flight, some come with<br />
entertainment, others don’t, so make sure you are<br />
prepared. You may want to load your iPad with<br />
things to watch, a good book to read, or possibly<br />
a puzzle book. Choose whatever suits you, and<br />
that’s the key, to do something you enjoy.<br />
If you would like further information on how I can help get in touch<br />
by contacting me on the details below...<br />
T: 0<strong>79</strong>46 722897 | W:<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Jacqui Sinclair<br />
Yoga Do’s and Dont’s<br />
Jacqui Sinclair has been<br />
teaching yoga in the Bury St<br />
Edmunds area for ‘ages’ and is<br />
keen to promote the benefits of<br />
a regular practice to all.<br />
This monthly piece will feature<br />
basic answers to some of the<br />
many YOGA comments and<br />
questions that get asked by<br />
beginners and pre-beginners<br />
alike!<br />
‘I am not very good at yoga’ –<br />
is a statement often heard in<br />
beginners classes. ‘How long<br />
does it take to get good at<br />
it?’ The practice of yoga isn’t<br />
about the pursuit of gymnastic<br />
replication of perfect shapes, no<br />
matter what insta may lead us<br />
to conclude(!), so it is helpful to<br />
let go of that as a measure of<br />
competence.<br />
A regular practice is more for<br />
the opportunity of honing and<br />
deepening our awareness and<br />
learning how to stay present.<br />
All the alignment and activation<br />
cues we may hear in class as<br />
there to ensure a safe practice, to<br />
lead us on a journey structured<br />
in a certain way to facilitate<br />
subtle and sometimes significant<br />
changes within us and to keep<br />
us present.<br />
Mindfulness in flow – a<br />
moving meditation.<br />
Those cues aren’t there to<br />
make us feel that if we aren’t<br />
doing something as we think we<br />
should, or that if we currently<br />
lack the flexibility or strength<br />
to make the same shape in the<br />
pose as someone else in the<br />
room that we are somehow<br />
failing at it. If you are regularly<br />
showing up to your mat, simply<br />
with an open and receptive<br />
mind, then you are very good at<br />
the starting point of the practice<br />
of yoga!<br />
Yoga is not about the outcome<br />
of success or failure – it is about<br />
the process of exploration<br />
– whatever that means to us<br />
individually - and to enhance<br />
our capacity to deepen our<br />
awareness within the pose,<br />
rather than just deepening the<br />
pose itself.<br />
We all come to our yoga mats<br />
with different starting objectives<br />
of what we may want to take<br />
from it, and each starting point<br />
is as valid as the next – it’s<br />
what yoga may offer us that<br />
we didn’t even know about<br />
is what is often revelatory.<br />
One of the most valuable of<br />
which being the opportunity<br />
to explore something without<br />
striving at perfection at it<br />
being a primary objective, or<br />
justification for doing it ! It can<br />
be a liberating experience to<br />
practice something without a<br />
goal of improvement in mind,<br />
and without judgement on<br />
perceived level of ability or<br />
competence. The practice can<br />
be it’s own point and purpose<br />
– life bends us out of shape<br />
in so many ways, so then we<br />
bend ourselves into many other<br />
shapes on our yoga mats to<br />
bring us back to a point of<br />
neutrality that we take of our<br />
mats and into daily life. Not a<br />
bad place to start with a bit of<br />
stretching - where the practice<br />
leads you next is all part of the<br />
exploration. NAMASTE!<br />
Find out more about me, my<br />
classes and workshops on my<br />
website:<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
A WORKOUT!<br />
Needham, Bury St Eds and Newmarket<br />
• Burns 20-40% more calories<br />
• Works the whole body<br />
• Easy to learn<br />
• Sociable and fun<br />
• Lessens impact on joints<br />
• Suitable for everyone<br />
• Great for neck, shoulders & backs<br />
• Can be done anywhere<br />
• ‘Green’ exercise<br />
• Affordable<br />
30<br />
Call for more details<br />
0<strong>79</strong>55495016<br /><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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Sick and tired of being in pain?<br />
Realigning the Atlas is like getting<br />
the foundations of a house laid<br />
correctly... when the support<br />
structure is in place, the rest of<br />
the vertebrae are aligned and fully<br />
functioning at their best.<br />
This analogy will help to understand the process:<br />
Fully qualified Harley Street Practitioner, visiting<br />
Bury St Edmunds<br />
“The Atlas is like the first link on a chain. If the<br />
first link is twisted, the rest of the chain will be<br />
twisted. If you undo it, the chain will straighten<br />
up”.<br />
Many years of clinical research have shown that<br />
the first cervical vertebra (C1) or atlas, is more or<br />
less malrotated from birth, in almost all humans.<br />
Traumas such as whiplash, slips and falls, or any<br />
sports injuries can push the atlas vertebra in an<br />
even worth position, and therefore be the cause<br />
of many health problems.<br />
“I would definitely recommend this to anyone<br />
who suffer back and shoulder pain, even sinus<br />
problems. It has been over 3 months now pain<br />
free and sinus unblocked” - T.B - London<br />
The treatment for this misalignment is called<br />
AtlasPROfilax® and is practised by Marie-<br />
Agnes Casalini, Harley Street Practitioner,<br />
visiting Suffolk, certified to the highest level<br />
AtlasPROfilax®.<br />
“After countless visits to an osteopath and a<br />
chiropractor, with only minor and temporary<br />
improvement to my stiff and twisted neck and<br />
torso, I discovered MarieAtlas and had the<br />
AtlasProfilax treatment. I could not have been in<br />
better hands as Marie-Agnes is kind, gentle and<br />
caring, though the treatment is uncomfortable,<br />
it is bearable and doesn’t take long. My pelvis<br />
straightened out almost immediately and<br />
my neck is getting better every day. Yes it’s<br />
expensive, but worth every penny”! - M.A<br />
AtlasPROfilax® is a very safe, natural, non-invasive<br />
method which was developed by the Swiss<br />
Renée-Claudius Schümperli between 1993 and<br />
1996, after years of study, now recommended by<br />
Chiropractors and Osteopaths.<br />
The malrotation of the atlas vertebra can be<br />
accurately and safely corrected by the unique<br />
AtlasPROfilax® method with only one application.<br />
The application requires two scheduled<br />
appointments with Marie, firstly for the treatment<br />
and then a follow up appointment.<br />
Harley Street Practitioner visting Suffolk - DON’T MISS IT!<br />
CALL NOW: Bury Natural Health Centre 01284 760 020<br />
or see<br />
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A Mountain To<br />
Climb...<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
A series of articles which will feature boxing facts<br />
from both the past to the present...<br />
Alan Rudkin was a world class<br />
bantamweight who during his<br />
career won the British, European<br />
and Commonwealth titles.<br />
The said list of titles held by<br />
Rudkin more than confirmed<br />
that he had a very successful<br />
professional career. However<br />
the championship which Rudkin<br />
strongly desired was the one<br />
which eluded him the world title.<br />
It seemed that the Liverpool<br />
fighter was not fated to add<br />
the global crown to his name.<br />
Rudkin who was born on the<br />
28th November 1941 had three<br />
attempts to win world honours<br />
each time against outstanding<br />
champions. To make his task<br />
even harder was the fact that<br />
he had to venture into the title<br />
holder’s country. In truth Rudkin<br />
had a mountain to climb in each<br />
title bid.<br />
Rudkin’s first attempt to win the<br />
championship took place on the<br />
30th November 1965 against<br />
the reigning title holder Fighting<br />
Harada at the Nippon Budokan<br />
in Tokyo Japan. Rudkin was<br />
considered the underdog in the<br />
contest and it was viewed that<br />
he would leave the land of the<br />
rising sun a well beaten fighter.<br />
However the British challenger<br />
surprised many by pushing the<br />
champion hard and did not<br />
look out of his league in his<br />
title bid. Rudkin lost a 15 round<br />
points decision but in so doing<br />
received a great deal of praise<br />
for his impressive showing in<br />
the contest. Harada was also a<br />
former world flyweight king.<br />
After rebuilding by getting<br />
more solid victories under his<br />
belt Rudkin was given another<br />
shot at the title. Once again<br />
Rudkin had to pack his suitcase<br />
and get his passport ready to<br />
travel. This time the destination<br />
was Australia where he crossed<br />
gloves with the then champion<br />
Lionel Rose at the Kooyong<br />
Tennis Stadium in Melbourne<br />
Australia. The bout took place<br />
on the 8th March 1969. Rose<br />
was a clever boxer who had<br />
produced the goods to take the<br />
title from Fighting Harara on the<br />
27th February 1968 with a shock<br />
15 round points victory at the<br />
Nippon Budokan. Rose was no<br />
easy touch and was not likely to<br />
surrender his crown easily to the<br />
visitor from the UK. Some boxing<br />
pundits were optimistic feeling<br />
that Rudkin’s trip down under<br />
might well prove successful<br />
since he had the boxing skills<br />
to topple the champion by<br />
outpointing him over the<br />
scheduled 15 rounds. Rudkin<br />
performed well often giving<br />
the champion a few worrying<br />
moments during the exciting<br />
encounter. Rose however proved<br />
to be a worthy title holder and<br />
much to the disappointment of<br />
UK fans retained his crown on<br />
points and also won the Briton’s<br />
Commonwealth title which at<br />
the time was also on the line.<br />
A third opportunity to win the<br />
crown took place on the 12th<br />
December 1969 when Rudkin<br />
met Mexico’s Ruben Olivares<br />
at the Forum Inglewood in<br />
California USA. Olivares had<br />
ripped the championship from<br />
Rose with a devastating display<br />
of punching power stopping<br />
the Australian in five rounds of<br />
a slated 15 on the 22nd August<br />
1969 at the Forum. It was clear<br />
from the first bell that Rose was<br />
not going to last the distance<br />
with his challenger. Olivares<br />
was considered to be very<br />
special a potential great and<br />
few if any gave Rudkin a chance<br />
of lasting the full 15 rounds let<br />
alone win the world crown. The<br />
pessimism proved to be correct<br />
when Rudkin was easily stopped<br />
in two rounds by the powerful<br />
Olivares.<br />
On the 25th January 1972 Rudkin<br />
had his last professional fight<br />
against Johnny Clark whom<br />
he outpointed over 15 hard<br />
rounds to retain his British and<br />
Commonwealth bantamweight<br />
titles in a crowd pleasing affair<br />
at the Royal Albert Hall in<br />
Kensington London. Rudkin<br />
thus bowed out on a winning<br />
note against Clark a good<br />
competitor who had no quit in<br />
him. During his paid career in<br />
the ring Alan had an impressive<br />
record of 50 contests winning<br />
42 and losing eight. Rudkin was<br />
a well respected fighter who<br />
served boxing well during his<br />
time in the ring. Rudkin was<br />
awarded the MBE in 1973 an<br />
honour he richly deserved. Alan<br />
sadly passed away on the 22nd<br />
September 2010 at the age of 68<br />
years 9 months and 25 days.<br />
The latest book by Ralph Oates is<br />
now available. A Round of Boxing:<br />
A Trip Through Time is published<br />
by Fonthill Media at a price of<br />
£16.99. Available from Amazeon<br />
and all good bookshops.<br />
4<br />
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“Easter <strong>Bounce</strong>”<br />
4<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Do you want to be your own boss or have you started a business in the past 12 months and<br />
are based in Suffolk or Norfolk?<br />
MENTA’s three, free ‘Start Right’ workshops are designed to be fun and informative.<br />
You’ll find out about legal structures, business plans, successful marketing, bookkeeping and tax.<br />
With multiple dates and workshop locations, book your free training soon and ‘Start Right’.<br />
Start Right is funded by<br />
Book online at or call 01284 760206<br />
mentabusiness<br />
36<br />
May 2019.indd 36 16/04/2019 18:40
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Learn a New Sport<br />
Situated in 120 acres of woodland and delightful countryside High Lodge<br />
offers a range of leisure activities, try a new sport this year. Something<br />
for all the family to enjoy, a perfect place to escape, relax and unwind.<br />
Clay Shooting | Footgolf | Archery | Golf<br />
Tel 01986 784347 Web<br />
High Lodge Leisure Ltd HighLodgeSS High_Lodge_Leisure_Ltd<br />
Our experienced personal injury lawyers handle accident claims arising out of incidents<br />
at work, home, on the roads, on holiday or in a public place in the UK or abroad.<br />
You will receive professional dedicated support throughout every part of your claim<br />
to help you recover the damages that you deserve.<br />
Contact us<br />
01473 232121<br /><br />
PR534 Personal Injury Advert v4.indd 4 16/05/2018 10:44<br />
37<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Win!<br />
Tickets to see<br />
Pasadena Roof Orchestra...<br />
The UK’s finest dance band playing<br />
music from the roaring 1920s and<br />
elegant 1930s are celebrating 50<br />
years in 2019.<br />
arrangements from the 1920s and 1930s<br />
lying dormant in an attic in Manchester. The<br />
Orchestra’s unique style, attention to musical<br />
detail, and relentless sense of fun soon became<br />
a hit not only in the UK, but far and beyond.<br />
Not just a show with music, but some<br />
delightful tomfoolery is in store<br />
with band leader Duncan<br />
Galloway and his musical<br />
comrades performing an<br />
impressive programme of<br />
music from the dance band<br />
era.<br />
Included will be the songs of<br />
Irving Berlin, George Gershwin,<br />
Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, plus some<br />
classic tunes from Louis Armstrong, and<br />
sumptuous arrangements from the likes of<br />
Duke Ellington and his orchestra, plus songs<br />
from the great British bands Ray Noble, and<br />
Ambrose.<br />
The Pasadena Roof Orchestra was founded<br />
by John Arthy in 1969. As a young bandleader<br />
John had the good fortune to discover 1500<br />
DATE: MONDAY 10 JUNE 2019<br />
TIME: 7:30PM<br />
PRICE: £23.50 (INC £1 BOOKING FEE)<br />
To be entered into our draw all<br />
you have to do is answer this<br />
question correctly.<br />
FOUNDED?<br />
You should email your answer to<br /> before<br />
31-05-19, making sure that you state the<br />
competition name, your full name and address<br />
in the email.<br />
You must also be available to attend on this<br />
date. Good luck!<br />
38<br />
May 2019.indd 38 16/04/2019 18:40
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
PAMS (Pam’s<br />
Pregnancy Ultrasound<br />
Centre) is a private<br />
and independently<br />
run Ultrasound<br />
Centre founded in<br />
2010 and run by<br />
advanced ultrasound<br />
practitioner Punam<br />
Kapur.<br />
Mrs Punam Kapur has over 18 years<br />
experience in obstetric ultrasound<br />
both within the NHS and privately.<br />
As well as being an experienced<br />
Sonographer, Pam is also a mother,<br />
which brings a wealth of knowledge<br />
as well as a understanding of the<br />
anxieties that face families in the<br />
early stages of pregnancy. We<br />
speak to Pam about the centre.<br />
Why book a scan additionally to<br />
the NHS ones?<br />
There are many reasons you<br />
may wish to book an additional<br />
scan to the NHS ones. Early<br />
Pregnancy Scans are available<br />
from as early as 6 weeks, booking<br />
an early pregnancy scan can<br />
help with any anxiety around<br />
the pregnancy, especially if you<br />
have concerns or have previously<br />
experience a miscarriage. Our<br />
pregnancy ultrasound scans are<br />
available seven days a week and<br />
appointments are available to suit<br />
you. We advise you not to replace<br />
your NHS Scans with our private<br />
scans, but to use them as an<br />
early opportunity to see how<br />
everything is coming along.<br />
Where are you based?<br />
We are conveniently located<br />
in the heart of Norwich. The<br />
rooms are ideally located<br />
approximately one and a half<br />
miles from Norwich city centre<br />
in the very popular residential<br />
area of Newmarket Road. Phone<br />
lines open 8.00am to 8.00pm<br />
7 days a week. We offer same<br />
day and emergency after hours<br />
and weekend ultrasound scan<br />
appointments in a clean and caring<br />
environment, to suit your needs.<br />
What makes you different?<br />
We do not employ agency workers<br />
to perform scans, Pam is a highly<br />
qualified practitioner and your scan<br />
will always be performed by Pam<br />
who has a medical background in<br />
1st, 2nd & 3rd trimester scanning.<br />
Any medical advice regarding<br />
pregnancy will only ever be given<br />
by qualified medical staff.<br />
What additional services do you<br />
offer?<br />
We offer a personal, professional<br />
ultrasound service to mums and<br />
parents throughout pregnancy.<br />
Whether it is the latest 3D/4D<br />
technology introducing your baby<br />
in the most unique way, a fetal well<br />
being assessment, fetal growth<br />
or presentation scans or simply<br />
an extra 2D peep at your unborn<br />
baby. We can offer a service to<br />
suit your individual requirements.<br />
Come and relax and spend a little<br />
time ‘bonding’ with your baby<br />
in a comfortable, friendly and<br />
welcoming environment.<br />
Why choose PAMS Pregnancy<br />
Ultrasound Service?<br />
We’re committed to offering only<br />
the highest standards of care to all<br />
our clients by ensuring your scan<br />
is carried out by a qualified health<br />
professional, who follows the latest<br />
safety guidelines. We have years of<br />
experience in medical ultrasound.<br />
Experience gained working for<br />
flagship NHS trusts alongside<br />
leaders in the field of diagnostic<br />
medical imaging, you can, therefore<br />
be assured that your health is in<br />
good hands. Our aim is to provide a<br />
personal, professional, high quality,<br />
ultrasound service to prospective<br />
mothers and parents across Norfolk<br />
and Suffolk.<br />
For more information or to<br />
book an appointment see<br />
www.<br />
39<br />
May 2019.indd 39 16/04/2019 18:40
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
The Coastal Nursery<br />
Collection<br />
Showcasing a classic coastal style of curved edges and soft lines, enriched with<br />
panelled wood detail and a painted finish, the Dover furniture is a collection that<br />
brings character to your child’s bedroom.<br />
Ideal for creating a full nursery in a small space, the 3 piece Dover Collection includes<br />
all your essential nursery furniture in one package; compact cot, dresser/changer and<br />
full-sized wardrobe.<br />
RRP £310.00<br />
RRP £330.00<br />
RRP £1<strong>79</strong>.00<br />
(GREY)<br />
Age Suitability: Birth +<br />
Dimensions: W85 x H182 x D51 cm<br />
Age Suitability: Birth - 11kg<br />
(12 month Approx)<br />
Dimensions: W88.5 x H92.5 x D48.7 cm<br />
Age Suitability: Birth - 2 year<br />
Dimensions: W124.4 x H95 x D65.5cm<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Bringing a timeless look to your child’s<br />
nursery, inspired by coastal trends, the<br />
Dover furniture collection is all about classic<br />
understated style.<br />
For more inspiration and other ranges please<br />
visit<br />
DON’T MISS<br />
Dover 3 Piece Nursery Furniture<br />
Set with Cot, Dresser Changer &<br />
Wardrobe - White<br />
£699.00 Worth £819.00*<br />
*Price based on items purchased<br />
VIEW<br />
NEXT PAGES...<br />
RRP £330.00<br />
RRP £310.00<br />
RRP £1<strong>79</strong>.00<br />
(WHITE)<br />
Age Suitability: Birth +<br />
Dimensions: W85 x H182 x D51 cm<br />
Age Suitability: Birth - 11kg<br />
(12 month Approx)<br />
Dimensions: W88.5 x H92.5 x D48.7 cm<br />
Age Suitability: Birth - 2 year<br />
Dimensions: W124.4 x H95 x D65.5cm<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
ALSO<br />
IN GREY<br />
furniture range…<br />
COT<br />
If space is your biggest obstacle,<br />
then the Dover cot could be just the<br />
solution you’re looking for.<br />
Just as cosy and comfortable as<br />
Mamas and Papas cotbed, the<br />
Dover cot’s smaller footprint is ideal<br />
when you’re short on space.<br />
With it’s subtle style, the Dover cot<br />
is a timeless piece that showcases<br />
panelled ends, soft lines and curved<br />
edges for a reassuringly stunning<br />
first bed.<br />
Style: Curved edges and soft lines<br />
inspired by coastal trends<br />
Quality: Comes with 2 cot base<br />
heights, making it easier to lay<br />
baby down<br />
Quality: 2 teething rails to protect the<br />
cot and soothe baby’s gums<br />
PRICE RRP: £1<strong>79</strong><br />
The full-sized Dover wardrobe offers<br />
plenty of space, perfect if you find it<br />
hard saying no to adorable outfits.<br />
With 2 removable hanging rails you<br />
can have two rows of clothing for<br />
the first couple of years and, as<br />
they grow, remove a rail to create a<br />
wardrobe ideal for an older child’s<br />
outfits.<br />
It also comes complete with an<br />
integrated and spacious drawer,<br />
great for all those extra items, and<br />
a handy internal shelf for easy<br />
organising.<br />
Style: Curved edges and soft lines<br />
inspired by coastal trends<br />
Quality: 2 removable rails so you can<br />
fit baby or adult clothes<br />
Storage: Spacious wardrobe with<br />
adjustable hanging space<br />
Extras: Includes a spacious drawer<br />
for additional space<br />
The Dover Dresser to Changer unit<br />
has everything you need to keep<br />
your changing essentials close by.<br />
With 3 drawers providing plenty<br />
of space for essential items and<br />
addition outfits, they’ll all be close<br />
to hand as you change your child on<br />
the dresser’s handy changing top.<br />
Once your child outgrows nappies,<br />
you can remove the changing top to<br />
keep a stylish, timeless dresser that<br />
would look equally at home in an<br />
older child’s room, without leaving<br />
any exposed fittings or holes.<br />
Style: Curved edges and soft lines<br />
inspired by coastal trends<br />
Quality: Includes a removable<br />
changing top so you can keep the<br />
dresser<br />
Storage: Includes 3 deep drawers for<br />
lots of space<br />
PRICE RRP: £330<br />
PRICE RRP: £310<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
To complement<br />
the range…<br />
£499<br />
£19.00<br />
£35.00<br />
Hilston Nursing Chair - available<br />
in a wide range of colours<br />
Record Book Always Love You<br />
Musical Mobile - Cloud<br />
£39.00<br />
Founded in 1981, Mamas & Papas<br />
was born out of a desire to better<br />
meet the needs of new parents.<br />
Understanding that parents wanted<br />
good quality products with a unique<br />
sense of identity, they made it their<br />
goal to create a range which<br />
did just that.<br />
£19.00<br />
Their inspiration comes from real<br />
life; using their own experiences of<br />
parenting, customer insights and<br />
rigorous trialling at their UK test lab,<br />
they continue to create innovative<br />
products with thoughtful designs.<br />
Lampshade - Cloud<br />
Millie & Boris Cushion - Neutral<br />
Mamas and Papas believe a new life<br />
begins when you start a family, but<br />
your old life shouldn’t stop. Which<br />
is why their products are made<br />
to bring style and confidence to<br />
parenting, letting you flourish no<br />
matter how you experience it.<br />
The Dover collection of nursery furniture is simple, minimalist and<br />
timeless. They are designs that will fit into almost any room, with most<br />
colour schemes.<br />
For full details see<br /><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Pregnancy Nutrition...<br />
A healthy pregnancy diet will promote<br />
your baby’s growth and development.<br />
Rachel Ducker enlists the expert advice of Carrie Temple,<br />
Nutritional Therapist.<br />
“One thing I have learnt is that being pregnant is not easy,<br />
everything changes from your hormones, to your appetite<br />
and body appearance.<br />
I am one of those unlucky women who have suffered with<br />
morning sickness most of the way through, not so much<br />
being sick but feeling nauseous 24/7!<br />
Luckily things have started to change for me over the<br />
last month since I have enlisted the help of nutritional<br />
therapist Carrie Temple.<br />
The great thing is you can speak to Carrie wherever you<br />
are in the world. Our first consultation was via Sykpe. We<br />
spent a good hour talking about my daily food intake,<br />
past medical history, things I’d been experiencing during<br />
my pregnancy and her recommendations for me.<br />
Carrie recommended a range of vitamins that would be<br />
great for me during and post pregnancy, these ones are<br />
already broken down so that your body doesn’t have<br />
to do it. What I didn’t know was that some people can’t<br />
actually break down certain vitamins, so if you think you<br />
are taking good ones… you may not be.<br />
After our consultation she emailed<br />
me various recipe suggestions and<br />
information regarding certain food types<br />
I should be including, which was really<br />
helpful and great for general inspiration.<br />
One month on and I am feeling much<br />
better. The morning sickness has<br />
reduced, I have more energy and I am<br />
even starting to incorporate a little<br />
exercise back into my routine, something<br />
I didn’t think would happen again for a<br />
long time, (whilst I laid passed out on the<br />
sofa)! My headaches have disappeared<br />
and I feel really healthy.<br />
I am continuing to speak to Carrie<br />
throughout my pregnancy so I really feel<br />
like I have someone there to support and<br />
guide me.<br />
After all, as a new mummy to be, all I<br />
want is to give my baby the very best of<br />
starts and it starts with what you put in<br />
to your own body first.”<br />
For more information visit<br /><br />
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go to<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
sleep...<br />
This month we take a look at the best bedtime<br />
products for both in the home and on the go!<br />
Top travel cots<br />
Blankets<br />
£219.99 (<br />
Travel Cot Easy Go makes life easy for you<br />
and cosy for your baby. Wherever your<br />
family goes. You set up the travel cot in just<br />
one move and voilà – your baby has a really<br />
comfy place to sleep.<br />
£34.95<br />
The Perfect Crib starter bedding bundle.<br />
Accessory<br />
suggestions<br />
£17.99 (<br />
This on trend blanket is knitted from a soft<br />
polyester material, and features reversible<br />
star patterns on both sides.<br />
CHICCO<br />
£130 (<br />
Zip & Go is a practical and safe travel crib<br />
solution for parents travelling with young<br />
babies. It features a unique fold down<br />
section that can accommodate babies from<br />
birth right up until 24 months.<br />
Bedding ideas<br />
GROEGG2<br />
£24.99 (<br />
Its larger, brighter design makes it even<br />
easier than before to check your little one is<br />
resting at the correct temperature.<br />
£19.00 – £25.00<br />
(<br />
Large enough to be used for swaddling, out<br />
and about or around the home.<br />
Mattress<br />
£27.50 (<br />
Zip & Go is a practical and safe travel crib<br />
solution for parents travelling with young<br />
babies. It features a unique fold down<br />
section that can accommodate babies from<br />
birth right up until 24 months.<br />
£16.99 (<br />
A bright idea for night time checks.<br />
45<br />
£155 (<br />
Handmade in Devon using organic<br />
materials which are naturally breathable<br />
and self-ventilating to help baby regulate<br />
their body temperature for a comfortable<br />
night’s sleep.<br />
May 2019.indd 45 16/04/2019 18:40
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
A baby shower celebrates the expected<br />
birth of a child or the transformation<br />
of a woman into a mother. Here are our<br />
top suggestions for helpful baby shower<br />
gifts for both mum and baby...<br />
1 2 3<br />
4 5 6 7<br />
8 9 10 11<br />
12 13 14 15<br />
46<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
16<br />
17 18 19<br />
20 21 22 23<br />
24 25 26 27<br />
28 29 30 31<br />
32 33<br />
34 35<br />
1. GUND Baby Flappy The Elephant Plush Toy (£29.99) 2. Johnson’s® CottonTouch Set (£16.50) 3. BabyBjörn Pearly Pink<br />
<strong>Bounce</strong>r (£144.99) Carrier (£84.99) 4. “Goes to Sleep” Book (£16.99) 5. Handmade Silver Hummingbird<br />
Necklace (£85) 6. ErgoPouch Bamboo Sleepsuit (£23) 7. MyBaby SoundSpa (£39.99) 8. Welcome<br />
To The World Gift Set (£28) 9. Cheeky Hippo Little Box of Cheekiness (£29.99) 10. Adult Panda Sweatshirt (£35)<br />
Matching Baby (£18) 11.Clair de Lune Marshmallow Changing Mat (£31.95) 12. Blue Organic Pyjamas (£17.27)<br />
CozyBoo Robe (£21.95) 13. Babies’ L.12.12 Crib Textile Trainers (£27.50) 14. Honeycomb Jaquard Playsuit (£44)<br />
(hat £6) 15. Eisberg (£4) 16. Merino Lined Shoes (£29) Leather/Suede Shoes (£22) 17. B Loved Candles (£15.50) blovedcandles.<br />
com 18. ANIMALS - 3 Sensory Muslins (£26) 19. Mummy To Be Gift Box (£35) 20. My First Year Frame (£29.99) baby-art.<br />
com 21. Healthcare Kit (£19.99) 22. Sailboat Set (£26) 23. Katie Loxton Baby Blanket (£19.75)<br />
24. Heather Changing Bag (£129.00) 25.Baby Playmat (£29.95) 26. Tommee Tippee Range (From £3.50) tommeetippee.<br /> 27. Silentnight Baby Bamboo Towel (£16.99) 28. Plush Grey Bunny Rabbit (£18.99) 29. Mother & Baby Gift Box:<br />
Aqua (£49) 30. Classic Burpy Bips (£19.95) 31. dreamgenii® Pregnancy Pillow (£49.99) 32. Sleepyhead<br />
Deluxe+ (£140) Spare Cover (£75) 33. Sleepyhead Baby Mobile Toy Arch (£18) Hanging Cheeky Chums Toy Set (£18)<br />
34. Yummirings (£19.50) 35. Duck Family Wooden Pull Toy (£19.95)<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Top Picks…<br />
Embrace comfort without compromising on<br />
style. From maternity leggings to nursing bras<br />
and stylish leisureware, we have been on the<br />
hunt to find some great brands. Here are our<br />
top picks...<br />
£49.00<br />
£65.00<br />
£39.00<br />
£26.00<br />
£36.00<br />
£34.00<br />
£14.50<br />
£28.49<br />
£29.00<br />
Our top picks...<br />
From left to right: Juniper Jumper (£49) | Summer Maxi Dress (£65) | Breton Nursing Top (£39)<br /> | Ballet Nursing Bra (£26) | Jacket Expander Panel (£36) | Body Silk Seamless Nursing<br />
Bra (£34) | Full Length Maternity Leggings (£14.50) l | Cantaloop Tank Top (£28.49)<br /> | Maternity Socks (£29) (<br />
48<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
BOW &<br />
RATTLE<br />
Be practical without compromising on style...<br />
We speak to Caragh O’Driscoll,<br />
founder of Bow and Rattle, about<br />
her selection of Luxury Baby<br />
Changing Bags.<br />
1. How did you come up with the<br />
idea for these beautiful bags?<br />
It began when my friends started<br />
having babies. Everyone was<br />
excited picking their changing bag<br />
as it was the one item that was<br />
all about them as opposed to the<br />
baby. It soon became clear they<br />
were struggling to find their perfect<br />
bag. In retrospect it seems obvious<br />
that there was a large gap in the<br />
mid-price range for a bag that<br />
looked as stylish and expensive as<br />
the top end leather ones but at the<br />
same time as practical as one would<br />
want. My passion for style and<br />
design incorporated with my love of<br />
business made it the perfect match.<br />
I went about creating the dream<br />
bags that merged practicality with<br />
stylish design. And so Bow & Rattle<br />
was born.<br />
2. What inspired you?<br />
I took inspiration from everywhere<br />
I could. I got a lot of my ideas from<br />
a trip I took to Milan, the heart of<br />
fashion where I went to the Mipel<br />
design show. I knew my designs had<br />
to be classic and timeless as these<br />
bags needed to last and work with<br />
every outfit so I looked at brands<br />
that I knew did it well. I spent lots of<br />
time researching the stitching, zips,<br />
textures and metal hardware of the<br />
bags and incorporated elements I<br />
loved into my design to give them<br />
that luxury feel.<br />
3. Whats your favourite bag from<br />
your collection?<br />
It would have to be the Rosie. I<br />
adore the faux leather, it’s so soft<br />
and expensive looking. I’m going<br />
through a face of Spanx leather<br />
leggings and cosy knits and I’m<br />
using the black one right now which<br />
works so well with this look. I get so<br />
many compliments on it and people<br />
can’t believe when they find out<br />
it’s a changing bag. It feels good as<br />
I know I’ve done what I set out to<br />
achieve when I hear that!<br />
4. Each bag has a name can you<br />
tell us more about this?<br />
I lost my own mum Heather when I<br />
was six years old. It was just myself<br />
and my Dad growing up. He has<br />
always been an entrepreneur and at<br />
the time when it happened, he was<br />
in the middle of trying to set up a<br />
new business to be able to support<br />
us. As all entrepreneurs know<br />
it’s a fairly full-on experience so I<br />
was blessed that so many of the<br />
wonderful females in my family and<br />
friends of my mum’s stepped in and<br />
all played an incredibly important<br />
49 49<br />
role in bringing me up. Each one in<br />
their own way contributed so much<br />
to my life and getting me where I<br />
am today; and so as a small way<br />
of thanks it only felt right to name<br />
each style of bag after one of them.<br />
5. What makes your bags<br />
different?<br />
Having a nice changing bag is<br />
so important. However, just as<br />
important as style was to me I also<br />
wanted to ensure functionality<br />
wasn’t lost. We also include a set of<br />
our beautiful Milestone cards so you<br />
can treasure every memory of your<br />
little one’s first year!<br />
6. Do you have any new designs<br />
coming out this year?<br />
We do; we are always in design<br />
mode! The new designs are under<br />
wraps for now but will be launching<br />
later in the second half of this year!<br />
For more information or to<br />
purchase your luxury changing bag<br />
see<br />
May 2019.indd 49 16/04/2019 18:41
Rec<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
and orange salad<br />
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FOOD & DRINK<br />
MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 | #<strong>79</strong> ISSUE | FOOD #<strong>79</strong> & DRINK<br />
Method<br />
1. Preheat the grill and a griddle pan to<br />
medium-high. Put the chicken breasts<br />
between 2 sheets of clingfilm and bash with<br />
a rolling pin to an even thickness.<br />
Get ready for summer...<br />
This Spanish-inspired chicken recipe<br />
makes a great summer salad. Juicy,<br />
griddled chicken sits on a zesty orange<br />
and chilli-dressed green salad, all served<br />
with a classic Spanish side of garlic-rubbed<br />
tomato bread.<br />
Serves 4<br />
15 mins to prepare and 15 mins to cook<br />
370 calories / serving<br />
Healthy<br />
Ingredients<br />
• 300g chicken breast fillets, halved<br />
widthways<br />
• 3 1/2 tbsp olive oil<br />
• 1/2 tsp smoked paprika<br />
• 2 oranges, zested, peeled and sliced<br />
• 1/2 tbsp white wine vinegar<br />
• 1 tsp clear honey<br />
• 120g bag mixed leaf salad<br />
• 1/2 cucumber, halved and finely sliced<br />
• 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely sliced<br />
• 1 white baton, sliced into 8 rounds<br />
• 4 garlic cloves, peeled<br />
• 4 loose vine tomatoes (about 320g)<br />
2. Coat the chicken in 1/2 tbsp oil and the<br />
paprika. Griddle for 5 mins each side or until<br />
cooked through, then remove from the pan,<br />
cover with foil and set aside to rest.<br />
3. Meanwhile, whisk half the orange zest<br />
with 2 tbsp olive oil, the vinegar and honey.<br />
Season and set aside. Divide the salad<br />
leaves between 4 plates. Top with the<br />
orange slices, cucumber and chilli.<br />
4. Toast both sides of the bread under the<br />
grill until golden. Drizzle with the remaining<br />
olive oil, then rub with the garlic cloves.<br />
Halve the tomatoes and grate coarsely until<br />
you are only left with the skin. Discard the<br />
skin, then spoon the flesh onto the toasts;<br />
season to taste.<br />
5. Slice the chicken and place on top of<br />
the salad. Drizzle with the orange dressing,<br />
scatter with the reserved orange zest and<br />
serve with the tomato bread.<br />
Tip: Remove the peel with knife or orange<br />
peeler. Gently rolling the orange between your<br />
hands will loosen the peel and make peeling<br />
much easier.<br />
Photo and recipe with thanks to Tesco<br />
51<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Hats for weddings<br />
and occassions<br />
Coriander<br />
37 New Market<br />
Beccles<br />
NR34 9HE<br />
Tel: 07747 <strong>79</strong>6 <strong>79</strong>6<br />
FEBRUARY 2019 | ISSUE #76<br />
Come & be Unruly!<br />
Excluding Friday dinner, Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays and<br />
12th-16th February 2019<br />
2 COURSES with PROSECCO £16<br />
BOOK NOw<br />
Great Food & Great Fun<br />
01394 460310<br />
The Unruly Pig | Orford Road | Bromeswell | Woodbridge | Suffolk<br />
| IP12 2PU |<br />
! " $<br />
Our mission at Highwaymans is to build<br />
a reputation for memorable getaways<br />
and business lodgings through relaxed<br />
design, hospitality and attention to<br />
important details.<br />
It is important for us to reflect our community’s<br />
high quality of life through relaxed and informal<br />
environments designed for rest and recharge.<br />
It is important for us to host others as we<br />
ourselves wish to be hosted and strengthen our<br />
future through repeat and referral guests.<br />
It is important for us to maintain our home, our<br />
property with high standards of cleanliness and<br />
comfort and become the first choice overnight<br />
stays for visitors to Suffolk and the region of East<br />
Anglia.<br />
80<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
53<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Tex-Mex<br />
baked veggie<br />
frittata<br />
This quick and easy frittata is<br />
made with roasted red peppers,<br />
spring onions and punchy pickled<br />
jalapeños. This vibrant vegetarian<br />
meal makes for great leftovers to<br />
brighten up lunchtime at work.<br />
1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4.<br />
Oil and line a 23cm round cake or deep<br />
flan tin with baking paper – scrunch up the<br />
paper a few times so it becomes pliable,<br />
then push into the bottom of the tin. Fry<br />
the spring onion in 1 tbsp olive oil in a small<br />
pan until tender. Add the spinach and<br />
cook until wilted, turning up the heat to<br />
evaporate any excess liquid, then season<br />
and cool slightly.<br />
2. Put the soft cheese in a bowl, beat until<br />
soft, then gradually whisk in the eggs, add<br />
lots of seasoning, then stir in the spinach<br />
mix, cheddar, jalepeños, peppers and<br />
coriander. Pour into the lined tin and bake<br />
for 12-15 minutes or until puffed, lightly<br />
golden and just set. Serve with flatbreads<br />
and chilli sauce, if you like.<br />
Ingredients<br />
• spring onions 4, finely chopped<br />
• olive oil 1 tbsp, plus extra<br />
• spinach 100g, chopped<br />
• soft cheese 3 tbsp<br />
• eggs 6<br />
• cheddar 50g, finely grated<br />
• sliced pickled jalapeños 2 tbsp,<br />
drained and chopped<br />
• roasted red peppers from a jar,<br />
2, diced<br />
• coriander a handful, chopped<br />
• soft flatbreads to serve<br />
• chilli sauce to serve, (optional)<br />
*This recipe is gluten-free according to industry<br />
standards<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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MAY 2019 | MAY ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | FOOD #<strong>79</strong>& DRINK<br />
The Muscat<br />
Grape<br />
There are many grapes referred to as of the Muscat variety but all belong to<br />
the Vitis Vinifera species.<br />
Although the 200 varieties called Muscat have<br />
the same name , there are only a few that are<br />
closely related to each other.<br />
Some believe that it was around between<br />
3000 and 1000 BC and others think it was<br />
between 800 and 600 BC. There is evidence<br />
that it was known at 1230, 1240 and 1372 when<br />
it was described as wine madefrom it as Vin<br />
extrait de raisins muscats.<br />
How the name Muscat came about also has<br />
many theories, mostly Persian, Greek or even<br />
French origin. It could have been from the<br />
Greek city of Moschato where the name is<br />
common for muscat varieties.<br />
The most important four concerned with<br />
wine making are :-<br />
Muscat Blanc a Petit Grains<br />
Muscat of Alexandria<br />
Muscat of Hamberg<br />
Muscat Ottonel<br />
Characteristic Aromas...<br />
The most common description is one of<br />
‘Grapey’. Many other varieties can be thought<br />
to be Muscat because they have hints of that<br />
grape or raisin nose. However they are not<br />
related.<br />
Muscat Blanc a Petit Grains...<br />
As the name suggests it is composed of<br />
very small berries. Makes a wide range of<br />
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FOOD & DRINK<br />
MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | FOOD #<strong>79</strong> & DRINK<br />
wine from dry to sweet and especially sweet<br />
sparkling like Asti Spumante in Italy. In France<br />
it is seen as Muscat de Beaume de Venise<br />
from the Rhone, Muscat St Jean de Minervois<br />
and Muscat de Frontignon.<br />
It is also found as Liqueur Muscat in<br />
Rutherglen Australia. Furthermore in<br />
Constantia South Africa it is acclaimed<br />
Muscat of Alexandria...<br />
Compared to Muscat a Petit Grains these<br />
berries are much larger and are used not only<br />
in wine but also as table grapes or raisins<br />
when dried. It appears that by DNA analysis<br />
its origin is not necessarily Egyptian but more<br />
a crossing coming from Greece and<br />
wine produced in Italy and Malta<br />
prove that.<br />
Besides Italy it is used in<br />
France by blending it with<br />
Muscat a Petit Grains to<br />
make Muscat de Rivesaltes, a<br />
Vin du Naturel.<br />
In South Africa it is called the<br />
Hanepoot, in Spain the Moscatel. A<br />
lot is planted in California making Jug wine<br />
in particular ans was at one time common for<br />
Raisins although nowadays seedless varieties<br />
are mostly used.<br />
Muscat of Hamburg...<br />
Although most of the Muscat grapes are dark<br />
or pale skinned the main exception is the<br />
Muscat of Hamburg.<br />
This is dark skinned and is said to have<br />
originated in English greenhouses. While<br />
this grape is used mostly as a table grape,<br />
California uses bit to make dessert wine and<br />
crossed with Vitis Aumerensis to make wine.<br />
Muscat Ottonel...<br />
This grape is a relatively recent addition to<br />
the Muscat family. It started in the Loire Valley<br />
in the 1850’s. It is a cross between the Swiss<br />
grape Chasselas and Muscat de Saumur. It is<br />
the palest of the Muscats, producing neutral<br />
wines and also ripens the earliest.<br />
While other varieties of the Muscat grape like<br />
the Muscat of Alexandria thrive better on<br />
warmer climates Muscat Ottonel can<br />
cope with cooler conditions that<br />
exist in countries such as Russia,<br />
Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech<br />
Republic etc.<br />
It is the primary Muscat variety<br />
in Alsace France, where it is used<br />
to make dry and off dry wines of<br />
high quality. In Austria too it produces<br />
sweet late-harvest wines.<br />
The Muscat grape is often thought of as<br />
being used mostly for sweetish wines and<br />
particularly for Asti, the very successful<br />
sparkling wine from Italy, juicily sweet and<br />
great with Desserts. However it is also<br />
successful at producing other sweet dessert<br />
wines such as Riversaltes and Rutherglen as<br />
just two examples.<br />
Conclusions...<br />
Do have a look into the dry versions especially the ones from Alsace. Yet another Bucket list<br />
of wines to try - Happy drinking!<br />
57<br />
May 2019.indd 57 16/04/2019 18:21
JUNE 2014 | ISSUE #20<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
BARNS<br />
By Rachel Ducker<br />
Just a short drive from the North<br />
Norfolk coastline, set in the valleys of<br />
the countryside, sits Barsham Barns,<br />
a set of luxury holiday cottages, once<br />
former stables, which have been<br />
lovingly restored.<br />
There are six farm buildings, all different in<br />
style and size– sleeping anything from four to<br />
14 people.<br />
The Great East is the largest<br />
of the properties and was<br />
once a 19th century granary<br />
and sits in a tranquil river<br />
valley. It’s ideal for large<br />
groups and has an open<br />
plan living space.<br />
High Barsham is decorated<br />
with Bronze lanterns and coloured glass<br />
illuminate modern furnishings. It also comes<br />
with a south-facing walled courtyard garden<br />
for added privacy.<br />
Grey’s Court is a very spacious single-storey<br />
brick and flint building.<br />
The generously proportioned main rooms<br />
have a cool Scandinavian mood, decorated in<br />
relaxing shades of blue and green for a calm<br />
and comfortable atmosphere.<br />
58<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Long Meadow was most recently the milking<br />
parlour and, dating from 1715, is the oldest<br />
property on the farm. It has a large oakbeamed<br />
sitting room with views across the<br />
courtyard garden to the lovely Stiffkey valley<br />
beyond.<br />
Little Barsham is the smallest of the buildings;<br />
in the past it was used for rearing lambs<br />
and sheltering sheep. It has an intimate<br />
rural atmosphere, with exposed beams and<br />
contemporary design touches.<br />
Finally, the latest of the properties is the<br />
Loose Box, a cosy cottage decorated in soft<br />
chalky colours inspired by the beautiful North<br />
Norfolk coastal palette.<br />
The verdict…<br />
Whether you want to relax and recharge or<br />
get out and explore all options are covered.<br />
Barsham Barns is perfectly situated to explore<br />
the depths of Norfolk at your own pace.<br />
To make a reservation please call<br />
01328 821744<br />
View the website at:<br /><br />
59<br />
May 2019.indd 59 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
60<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
New Features as popular Food and Drink Festival returns<br />
Celebrating it’s 5th year, the<br />
popular Beccles Food and Drink<br />
Festival is returning in 2019 to<br />
tantalise the taste buds.<br />
The free event, set for Saturday 25th May,<br />
will showcase nearly 80 food and drink stalls,<br />
many of them local artisan producers, as well<br />
as those from further<br />
afield in East Anglia. New<br />
traders to feature include<br />
those making artisan<br />
Scotch eggs, Greek<br />
Cypriot skewers, Suffolk<br />
gin and vodka, and bacon<br />
relish, mayonnaise and<br />
mustard.<br />
Based in the centre of<br />
the vibrant market town around New Market,<br />
Sheepgate, in St Michael’s Church and the<br />
Public Hall, the Festival runs from 10 am till 4<br />
pm and will include cookery demonstrations<br />
and talks, street food, music and children’s<br />
entertainment. A free Park & Ride shuttle<br />
service will run throughout the event from<br />
Beccles Quay, where additional parking will be<br />
available.<br />
A new feature for 2019 is a number of Fringe<br />
events held at venues in the town and local<br />
area. Running from 18th May till 2nd June,<br />
invited businesses in the local area will be<br />
running a variety of events,<br />
from Thai, Vegan, Japanese<br />
and Sushi nights to Suffolk<br />
and cheese themed menus,<br />
a chocolate experience, fizzy<br />
wine and canapes, gin and<br />
cocktails, a lamb themed<br />
Farmers Market, sausage<br />
making workshop and a farm<br />
tour. Host establishments<br />
include Graze, Relish Café,<br />
Urban Jungle Suffolk, Momiji<br />
Japanese, Waveney House Hotel, Baileys, Harris<br />
& James, Chet and Waveney Valley Vineyard,<br />
Swan House, Beccles Farmers Market and<br />
Maisebrooke Farm.<br />
61<br />
May 2019.indd 61 16/04/2019 18:21
FEBRUARY MAY 2014 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 #28 | #<strong>79</strong> ISSUE | FOOD #<strong>79</strong> AND & DRINK DRINK<br />
Raspberry & Passion Fruit<br />
Martini<br />
Classy Cocktail…<br />
This fruity vodka cocktail is perfect<br />
for a romantic meal or perfect to<br />
serve up to friends.<br />
Float half a passion fruit on top for<br />
an extra special touch.<br />
Method<br />
1. Put 2 martini glasses in the<br />
freezer for 5 mins to chill.<br />
2. Mix the vodka, raspberry<br />
liqueur, passion fruit juice and a<br />
handful of ice in a jug or cocktail<br />
shaker.<br />
3. Strain into the glasses and<br />
float 1/2 a passion fruit on the<br />
top of each, if you like.<br />
Ingredients<br />
• 100ml vodka<br />
• 1 tbsp raspberry liqueur<br />
• 50ml passion fruit juice (we used<br />
Rubicon)<br />
• handful of ice<br />
• ½ passion fruit (optional)<br />
62<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
63<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Don't wait until it's<br />
TOO LATE!<br />
Make A Will<br />
To ensure your estate will be distributed<br />
in accordance with your wishes<br />
Appoint An Attorney<br />
To make important decisions on your<br />
behalf during your lifetime<br />
For Peace of Mind in 2019<br />
01502 801401<br />
Free consultation with no obligation, in the comfort of<br />
your own home, at a time that suits you<br />
Professional, Friendly, Relaxed<br /><br /><br />
64<br />
May 2019.indd 64 16/04/2019 18:21
Click<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Same day collection, one<br />
hour from order placed.<br />
Or next day delivery. **<br />
No account required for guest online sales.<br />
*10% discount from list price on first order for<br />
courier delivery or click and collect. Orders to<br />
be placed by 31st December 2019.<br />
Enter your keyword...<br />
Search<br />
Home > Our Products > Speciality Foods > Local Regional<br />
SHOP BY<br />
Sort By Postion Show 15 1 2 3 4 5 ><br />
+<br />
+<br />
-<br />
Celery (2)<br />
Gluten (182)<br />
Lupin (1)<br />
Milk (111)<br />
Fish (5)<br />
Egg (66)<br />
Peanuts (7)<br />
Sesame (7)<br />
Treenuts (74)<br />
Soyabeans (60)<br />
GIN LIQUEUR 28%<br />
Opening times: 8.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday<br />
** Next working day. £7.99 delivery charge on orders under £250<br />
65<br />
May 2019.indd 65 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Head to arc for your beauty inspiration and new<br />
season make up must haves. From mascara to lipstick,<br />
to face masks and more, our retailers are on hand to<br />
advise on the latest trends and products for you.<br />
66<br />
May 2019.indd 66 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Must have beauty!...<br />
Arc shopping centre is not only home to top fashion<br />
brands and eateries, there is a great selection of<br />
beauty products on offer!<br />
Let us inspire you with the must have products for your<br />
makeup bag and dressing table...<br />
The makeup counters in Debenhams have got your beauty<br />
needs covered with stands by Benefit, Clarins, Clinique,<br />
Estée Lauder. We’re all after that summer glow! Head to<br />
the Estée Lauder counter to pick up<br />
the NEW Limited-Edition Ultimate<br />
Mineral-Infused Matte Bronzer, to<br />
create a seductive sun-kissed<br />
look. With hints of colour<br />
and luminosity to enhance a<br />
glowing complexion, this matte<br />
bronzer is available in four<br />
radiant shades.<br />
Head to Next for your makeup<br />
essentials. Get ready to add a pop<br />
of colour to your outfit with their NX<br />
metallic lipstick range for £8.00!<br />
You also need the tools to do the job,<br />
right? New Look have a great range of<br />
affordable and fun makeup brushes, like<br />
this rose gold brush set.<br />
It’s so important to look after your skin,<br />
all year round. That’s where L’Occitane<br />
can help recommend the best products<br />
for your complexion.<br />
Enriched with organic immortelle<br />
essential oil, shea butter and cistus<br />
extract, the Divine Cream Mask helps to<br />
fight visible signs of ageing and brings<br />
extreme comfort to mature and very<br />
dry skin. Bursting with vitality, it simply<br />
glows with beauty, it can<br />
be used as either a daily care or as a<br />
mask.<br />
Now you’re looking beautiful, why not<br />
smell beautiful too? The Perfume Shop<br />
have a huge selection of scents to suit<br />
your style. The Marc Jacobs Daisy range<br />
makes you dream of blue skies and<br />
sunshine.<br />
And last but not least, chocolate lip<br />
balms from Hotel Chocolat. At £7 each,<br />
we’ll have one in each of the 4 flavours!<br />
67<br />
May 2019.indd 67 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
A family business with a team of skilled<br />
craftsmen, manufacturing bespoke,<br />
commercial and traditional joinery products.<br />
For private homeowners to small and<br />
national housebuilders.<br />
Tel: 01284 828184 e-mail:<br /><br />
Pet<br />
HealtH<br />
Plan<br />
Our tasty monthly chew for fleas, ticks and worms includes lungworm cover for dogs.<br />
All round ‘spot-on’ control for cats.<br />
GROUP<br />
Give your pet the best for less.<br />
Cover their preventative health care needs<br />
with our cost saving, pay monthly plan.<br />
Talk to us for more details<br />
Bury St Edmunds 01284 753961<br />
Thetford 01842 753991<br />
Mildenhall 01638 713980 !<br />
68<br />
May 2019.indd 68 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
69<br />
May 2019.indd 69 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
RudlingsWakelam<br />
Solicitors<br />
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Mental Health<br />
Property<br />
Wills & Probate<br />
We do home visits<br />
RW 1<br />
... advice for life<br />
Bury St Edmunds: 01284 755771<br />
Brandon: 01842 810300 | Thetford: 01842 754151<br /><br />
Offi ces: Bury St Edmunds | Brandon | Thetford<br />
70<br />
Home visits available<br />
C<br />
0<br />
24<br />
w<br />
inf<br />
A4_Generic_190615.indd May 2019.indd 1 70 16/04/201915/03/2016 18:21 11:39<br />
TRUSTED LOCKSMITHING MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong> SERVICES<br />
e<br />
Call your local<br />
24 hour locksmith<br />
We can help with...<br />
lock-outs<br />
non-destructive entry specialist<br />
lock repairs<br />
we can quickly repair most locks<br />
lock replacements & upgrades<br />
we offer a free security check and advice to make<br />
your property more secure<br />
burglary repairs<br />
we can quickly secure your property,<br />
and then make lasting repairs<br />
upvc repairs<br />
we fix upvc windows and doors<br />
garage doors<br />
we fit, repair and upgrade locks<br />
key cutting<br />
on-site & while you wait<br />
1 year warranty<br />
peace of mind with our 12 month<br />
parts & labour guarantee<br />
Call us now...<br />
0800 4681527<br />
24 HOURS 07761 800 465<br /><br /><br />
71<br />
take a photo<br />
of this ad on your<br />
phone, you never<br />
know when you<br />
might need us!<br />
15/03/2016 11:39 May 2019.indd 71 16/04/2019 18:21<br />
BOUNCE 210x145.indd 1 12/04/2019 11:52
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Gaston Sink Mixer Kitchen Tap from Methven<br />
Product Focus<br />
Enjoy the ease and versatility of pull-out or pulldown<br />
spray options allowing a greater range of<br />
movement in and around the sink.<br />
Features rain spray & aerated flow with pause<br />
function. Choose from a range of finishes including<br />
chrome, satin chrome or black accents to add a<br />
touch of personality in your kitchen.<br />
Creating amazing water<br />
experiences is what they do<br />
every day at Methven, and<br />
have done since 1886. Today,<br />
Methven is world renowned<br />
for beautifully designed,<br />
award winning showers, taps<br />
and valves.<br />
Longer lasting taps<br />
Dezincification<br />
Resistant (DR) brass<br />
bodies last longer and<br />
help maintain water<br />
quality.<br />
Smart water control<br />
All single-lever<br />
mixers are fitted with<br />
a ceramic cartridge<br />
ensuring a smooth<br />
operation.<br />
Award-winning<br />
collections bring<br />
together worldleading<br />
technology,<br />
smart water<br />
engineering and<br />
beautiful design.<br />
Spout control<br />
Smooth, elegant and<br />
simple to use, our<br />
swivel spouts give you<br />
360° control of your<br />
water flow.<br />
For more information<br />
and full product<br />
specifications visit:<br /><br />
Better reach<br />
An extendable hose<br />
for spray flexibility.<br />
Particularly useful for<br />
cleaning vegetables,<br />
pots and pans.<br />
Solid installation<br />
Secures the tap more<br />
stably to the bench<br />
top for a sturdier<br />
installation.<br />
Chrome<br />
(GASMCP)<br />
RRP: £340.00<br />
Black<br />
(GASMCPBK)<br />
RRP: £345.00<br />
Satin Chrome<br />
(GASMSC)<br />
RRP: £350.00<br />
72<br />
All products in the<br />
Methven kitchen<br />
range come with a<br />
20 year warranty and<br />
are manufactured<br />
from Eco Brass,<br />
which ensures longer<br />
product life and helps<br />
to maintain water<br />
quality. Perfect for<br />
any kitchen from<br />
brand new ones to<br />
kitchen revamps.<br />
May 2019.indd 72 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Full feature<br />
review online<br />
via our<br />
website<br />
1 2 3 4<br />
5 6 7 8<br />
Full feature<br />
review online<br />
via our<br />
website<br />
Kitchen<br />
9 10<br />
11 12<br />
Full feature<br />
review online<br />
via our<br />
website<br />
Full feature<br />
review online<br />
via our<br />
website<br />
13 14 15 16<br />
1. Salter Colour Changing Kettle (£20) 2. Nicer Dicer Quick (£19.99) 3. Slender Blender Lite (£29.99) 4. HoMedics 5 in<br />
1 TotalClean Air Purifier AP-T40 Large (£249.99) 5. BLOC Aprons (£24.99) 6. Nutri-Fit Nutrition Extractor Blender (£29.99)<br /> 7. Salter Bluetooth Kitchen Scale and Thermometer Bundle (£54.99) Salter Electric Salt & Pepper Mills (£19.99) 8. ProCook<br />
Salcombe Stoneware (£35) 9. 12 in 1 Steam Mop (£40) 10. 5.5 Litre Stand Food Mixer (£59.99) 11. ProCook<br />
Professional Ceramic Frying Pan (£25) 12. Kohler Kitchen Accessories (From £13) 13. AromaFresh Grind & Brew by Melitta® (£164.99)<br />
14. Set of 4 Illustro Crystal Red Wine Glasses (£34.99) 15. Wiser Smart Plug (From £41.99) 16. OXO POP<br />
Containers (From £2.50)<br />
73<br />
May 2019.indd 73 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 MAY | 2019 ISSUE | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong> | #<strong>79</strong> LIFESTYLE<br />
Look on the<br />
For Christmas last year I<br />
got a daily calendar with a<br />
motivational quote to read<br />
each morning.<br />
I love it so much - its<br />
almost better than<br />
an advent one…<br />
almost.<br />
But seriously its packed with<br />
wise sayings, uplifting truths<br />
- just little sentences to that<br />
effect.<br />
I want to preach how important looking on the<br />
bright side of things is, so I hope this hits the spot!<br />
It’s the easiest thing in the world to focus on the<br />
little things that are not quite perfect or are not<br />
going our way at the moment.<br />
But this is a terrible outlook and very unbeneficial.<br />
For example, during a standard day there are<br />
always highs and lows.<br />
It’s great to start the day<br />
with, or end if I forget first<br />
thing!<br />
And always puts a new<br />
perspective on whatever’s<br />
happening.<br />
Often we can wish something hadn’t happened or<br />
we had done something differently, but why dwell<br />
on those when we could be happy about the thing<br />
we did so well or achieved either side of that.<br />
A saying I have come to like is - ‘A minute spend<br />
unhappy is a minute you can never get back’.<br />
74<br />
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MAY 2019 MAY | 2019 ISSUE | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong> | #<strong>79</strong> LIFESTYLE<br />
Of course, its impossible<br />
to live every second<br />
like this, but its worth<br />
reminding ourselves once<br />
in a while isn’t it?<br />
I remember an outing as<br />
a child. My grandparents<br />
had taken me and my<br />
brother somewhere, now<br />
I really can’t remember<br />
where but some sort of<br />
gardens, I think.<br />
At the end of the day on<br />
our walk back to the car<br />
we were rating the day.<br />
A comment that has<br />
always stuck with me was<br />
that of grandads - ‘The<br />
day couldn’t be marked<br />
any lower than a 5 if we’re all fit and<br />
healthy’ (Or at least something very<br />
similar, this was over 15 years ago now).<br />
Well, I think he’s right don’t you?<br />
Follow me on Twitter @rubyslifestyle<br />
and Insta @Rubymayree. My book<br />
is available now on Amazon! www.<br /><br />
Love Ruby<br />
x<br />
75<br />
May 2019.indd 75 16/04/2019 18:21
MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 | #<strong>79</strong> ISSUE | #<strong>79</strong> HISTORY<br />
George Grenville Baker<br />
A Tormented Poet...<br />
George Granville Barker<br />
was born in Loughton,<br />
Essex in 1913; the elder<br />
brother of painter Kit<br />
Barker. Raised by his Irish<br />
mother and English father<br />
in Battersea, London.<br />
He was educated at an L.C.C.<br />
school and later at Regent<br />
Street Polytechnic. He<br />
had many odd jobs before<br />
becoming a writer.<br />
During the last decade few<br />
have read of him, the majority<br />
of his work is out of print, and<br />
very little of him has been<br />
mentioned in literary histories.<br />
This is unacceptable for a<br />
writer who was passionate,<br />
intellectually challenging and<br />
highly original. At the young<br />
age of 22, Barker was known<br />
as a literary phenomenon.<br />
Whilst T.S. Eliot declared him<br />
a genius Yeats claimed him<br />
the finest poet of the times.<br />
George was a drinker,<br />
womaniser and a user of<br />
Benzedrine. A fraudulent<br />
estate agent stole his entire<br />
savings leaving him without<br />
a fixed address. He was<br />
part of the bohemian crowd<br />
in London’s Soho and he<br />
fathered 15 children by four<br />
different women.<br />
His life was somewhat violent<br />
with friends and lovers and<br />
one argument led him to hit<br />
his friend over the head with<br />
a shovel, a partner threw an<br />
ashtray at him and broke<br />
his teeth and another bit his<br />
upper lip where he required<br />
40 stitches. His poems, read<br />
on the BBC Third Programme,<br />
were criticised for obscenity,<br />
and he always liked to cause<br />
outrage. After a period of<br />
thirty years he told a priest<br />
during confession that he had<br />
broken every commandment<br />
except the sixth, ‘thou shalt<br />
not kill’.<br />
For the last 24 years of his<br />
life he settled with second<br />
wife Elspeth at Bintree House<br />
Itteringham, near the River<br />
Bure 15 miles from Norwich.<br />
It was purchased with<br />
help from novelist Graham<br />
Green. Elspeth wrote about<br />
the property in her essay<br />
‘Thoughts in a Garden’.<br />
George was never asked by<br />
the University of East Anglia<br />
to take a single class in the<br />
creative writing course,<br />
and Elspeth stated that her<br />
husband did nothing to<br />
promote himself.<br />
In 1969 whilst visiting All<br />
Saints Church in Thurgarton<br />
near his home, George wrote<br />
one of his best poems ‘At<br />
Thurgarton Church’ about his<br />
fear of Judgement day.<br />
George Granville Barker<br />
is buried at St Mary’s<br />
Churchyard, Itteringham.<br />
His headstone states:<br />
‘No Compromise’. This was<br />
erected by a bank robber that<br />
George befriended, and it<br />
became a saying that George<br />
used many times in a life that<br />
was as extraordinary as his<br />
writings.<br />
The last part of ‘At Thurgarton<br />
Church’ by George Grenville<br />
Baker.<br />
I hear the old bone in me<br />
cry and the dying spirit call:<br />
I have forfeited all and once<br />
and for all must die and this is<br />
a that I know.<br />
For now, in a wild way we<br />
know that justice is served<br />
and that we die in the clay we<br />
dread, desired, and deserved,<br />
awaiting no Judgement Day.<br />
Photograph of Plaque ©<br />
Naomi Y Lyons 2019 and used<br />
with kind permission.<br />
By Michael Chandler - Author, Historian, Broadcaster & Features Writer, Restaurant &<br />
Food critic. Researcher of old buildings and creator of historical and Corporate DVDs.<br />
Contact me @EastAngliaMedia - Mention BOUNCE and receive a 15% discount.<br />
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Reasons to<br />
choose<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Skin care expert Geraldine Walters gives the low<br />
down on the A-Z of what’s in your bottles...<br />
[D] DMAE (dim-ethyl-amino-ethanol)...<br />
Not exactly a name that trips<br />
off the tongue but of huge<br />
importance to your health.<br />
Those of you who are keen<br />
on supplements may have<br />
come across it as a pill in your<br />
local health shop. Here’s the<br />
lowdown:<br />
If you’ve heard of fish referred to as<br />
brain food, you can thank DMAE.<br />
face lifting and skin tightening effect.<br />
DMAE is a natural compound in our<br />
body. Keratinocytes (they make the<br />
keratin protein for hair, nails and skin)<br />
fibroblasts (they’re cells to produce<br />
connective tissue such as collagen)<br />
and sweat cells amongst others have<br />
membrane receptors and respond to<br />
acetylcholine.<br />
The tensing effect of DMAE is due to the<br />
stimulation of fibroblasts.<br />
This substance is naturally produced in<br />
the brain, but DMAE is also present in<br />
anchovies, salmon, and sardines.<br />
DMAE boosts the production of<br />
acetylcholine, which is important for<br />
proper mental functions.<br />
DMAE in skincare is the ultimate firming<br />
and anti-wrinkle treatment, it’s often<br />
used externally to produce an extreme<br />
It can also protect neurons and other<br />
cells from harmful effects of certain<br />
types of oxidation by embedding itself<br />
in the structure of the cell and acting<br />
as an anti-oxidant so it works wonders<br />
along a good dose of Vitamins C and E.<br />
So it’s often found in various face and<br />
body creams, and can tighten and tone<br />
skin quality if it’s in a form that can<br />
permeate the outer layers of the skin<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
This allows the product to penetrate and<br />
set to work immediately.<br />
Mixed with hyaluronic acid we can get<br />
a smoother, firmer and plumper skin<br />
using naturally occurring products.<br />
In brief this wonder ingredient reduces<br />
the appearance, depth and length of<br />
fine lines and wrinkles and reduces or<br />
prevents DNA damage and when taken<br />
internally it can increase creativity,<br />
memory, concentration and improve<br />
energy.<br />
and get to the cells where it works.<br />
As ageing progresses, the amount of<br />
acetylcholine slows down and the only<br />
way to produce more is to increase the<br />
amount of acetylcholine, taking DMAE<br />
daily internally and externally will result<br />
in greater looking skin.<br />
Studies show that it decreases anxiety<br />
and boost the feel-good hormones and<br />
reduces the amount of sleep that the<br />
body might need. Nothing fishy about<br />
that.<br />
The favoured method of applying DMAE<br />
for skincare therapists is using it in a<br />
solution for skin needling.<br />
This sounds dramatic but just means the<br />
therapist uses a roller with tiny needles,<br />
or an electronic pen device, to break the<br />
surface of the skin.<br />
For details of launch offers and consultations<br />
Call: 07787 718<strong>79</strong>1<br /><br /> | IG skinprof_norfolk<br />
<strong>79</strong><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
- Exclusive <strong>Bounce</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Special Offer -<br />
Book any Pevonia Facial* in May<br />
and receive a Pevonia Saltmousse-Glow<br />
Full Body Exfoliation (Mango & Passion Fruit)<br />
for just £10! (Usually £35)<br />
BOOK NOW 01284 748470<br />
Pevonia Saltmousse-Glow Full Body Exfoliation<br />
Mango & Passion Fruit for £10 when booked<br />
with any Pevonia Facial* in May 2019<br />
SMG<strong>Bounce</strong>-May19<br />
*T&Cs Apply: Offer only applies to facials taken in May 2019. Excludes Pevonia Express Facial. Code must be quoted<br />
when booking and voucher shown via cutting this out or on a phone. Both treatments must be taken at the same time,<br />
by the same person. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.<br />
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MAY 2019 | MAY ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | | ISSUE HAIR #<strong>79</strong> & BEAUTY<br />
Preparing For Summer...<br />
1HG<br />
With my holiday starting in just<br />
a few weeks, I popped to SK to<br />
prepare my body for exposure<br />
to the Mexican skies.<br />
Recently, I experienced some wonderful<br />
Pevonia body wraps. I’m torn between<br />
the Green Coffee and Stem Cells as my<br />
personal favourite. Both were great for<br />
improving the look and feel of my skin,<br />
and I love anything that targets cellulite.<br />
I’d heard wonderful things about<br />
Pevonia’s Saltmousse so booked myself<br />
in for the Saltmousse-Glow Full Body<br />
Exfoliation Treatment. This is an antiageing<br />
product that refines the skin.<br />
French sea salt and organic fruit extracts,<br />
enriched in pro-vitamin A and carrot<br />
seed oil, recreate a seawater experience.<br />
Increased negative ions are released for<br />
a healthier body and softer skin. I knew I<br />
was in for a treat!<br />
Within the warm and welcoming<br />
treatment room, the lights are low and<br />
the music relaxing. My entire body<br />
received the fruity polish – feet, legs,<br />
arms, hands, stomach, chest, shoulders<br />
and back. The Saltmousse itself doesn’t<br />
feel abrasive but, when combined with<br />
warm water, quite gentle on the skin. The<br />
salts transform into a mousse-like texture.<br />
Once complete, I rinsed off the delicious<br />
smelling product in the shower, before<br />
De-Ageing Body Balm was applied to the<br />
same areas.<br />
Exfoliation isn’t always relaxing, but this<br />
was as far removed from the Turkish<br />
Bath scrubs as it could be! My skin was<br />
left feeling soft, smooth, wonderfully<br />
hydrated and tropically scented. The dry<br />
patches around my elbows, knees and<br />
ankles had gone and I feel ready to hit<br />
the beach.<br />
I can have a similar experience at home<br />
too, as I have purchased Pevonia’s<br />
Papaya & Pineapple De-Ageing<br />
Saltmousse.<br />
,<br />
Contact our spa reception team to book your VIP experience and to find out about<br />
SK’s current offers. Call 01284 748470 or email<br />
Written by Kati Vardon.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
A few of MY FAVOURITES...<br />
Over the past four years I have written about<br />
many products, so in this edition I thought it<br />
would be nice to recap on my top five.<br />
Skin care: I love a good water cleanser, brilliant<br />
those on the go. Check out Dior’s Hydra life<br />
range. It detoxifies the skin from the inside<br />
out. Keeping with Dior, their Hydra Life Sorbet<br />
moisturiser is great for any age and any skin type.<br />
It soaks into your skin leaving it feeling light and<br />
refreshed.<br />
Primer: I fell in love with the “This Works”<br />
primer. The ‘In Transit Camera Close<br />
Up’ cream is a moisturiser, mask<br />
and primer, it also helps minimise<br />
pores. Trust me when I say<br />
you will not regret purchasing<br />
this; no more topping up your<br />
makeup with this magic in a<br />
cream.<br />
Base: I have two favourite<br />
foundations, one being Giorgio<br />
Armani’s ‘Luminous Silk’, a medium<br />
coverage giving a silky luminosity to your<br />
complexion. The other is one I have been using<br />
for over a decade and always go back to, Dior’s<br />
Forever Foundation. They have just reformulated<br />
it so you can choose between a matte or glow<br />
finish. I am still a YSL Touché Eclat lover! Use it<br />
under the eyes to bounce the light off, giving the<br />
look of a brighter lighter under eye.<br />
Mascara: I love Dior’s Lash Maximiser followed by<br />
Dior’s Diorshow Mascara really is a winning pair!<br />
I’ve even been asked before if I was wearing false<br />
lashes so that says it all!<br />
Lips: There are so many products I love, but D&G<br />
Cream Colour in Devil Red has to be my favourite,<br />
a classic pure red which lasts so long. Another<br />
red I have fallen for is ‘Ciate’s’ Jessica Rabbit<br />
Lipstick, the sparkle is Devine! I can’t forget Kat<br />
Von D’s Liquid Lipsticks, these come in a great<br />
range from Nudes to wow green lips!<br />
For the finishing touch I must quote Christian<br />
Dior, “Perfume is the indispensable<br />
complement to the personality of women,<br />
the finishing touch on a dress’.<br />
I cannot leave this without mentioning<br />
perfume, I am more likely to leave the<br />
house without makeup than without a<br />
good scent.<br />
A few of my favourites are Givenchy’s<br />
Amarige, Dior’s Pure Poison and Miss<br />
Dior. Find your signature scent or scents and<br />
everyone will remember you by it! Smell is one of<br />
the biggest triggers for<br />
memory.<br />
Contact me for bookings<br />
you can find me on<br />
Facebook as: Carla<br />
Mireille Jones Mua<br />
07584 070705<br />
Carlamireille88@<br /><br />
82<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
10% OFF<br />
Natural Deodorant<br />
www. Funkyskincare .com<br />
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MAY 2019 MAY | ISSUE 2019 #<strong>79</strong> | ISSUE | HAIR #<strong>79</strong>& BEAUTY<br />
Will you make the switch to a natural deodorant?<br />
There is a lot of scepticism<br />
surrounding natural deodorant<br />
with the biggest question being<br />
‘Will it be as effective as my<br />
usual deodorant?’.<br />
I had the same worries and have tried<br />
numerous different brands and types<br />
of deodorant to find a solution that<br />
suited me. It’s important to remember<br />
that we are all different and what works<br />
for one may not be right for another.<br />
Antiperspirant v Deodorant...<br />
Antiperspirant and deodorant can easily be<br />
confused, so let’s debunk the myth;<br />
An antiperspirant is designed to prevent body<br />
odour and prevent the body perspiring.<br />
A deodorant allows the body to sweat naturally<br />
and simply prevents body odour from occurring.<br />
Sweat by itself does not smell. Body<br />
odour only occurs when our natural<br />
skin bacteria starts to breakdown<br />
sweat particles. Our body needs<br />
to breath and sweating is a natural<br />
part of that we shouldn’t block<br />
our pores and halt our natural<br />
body processes. A good deodorant<br />
will inhibit the growth of odour<br />
causing bacteria and allow sweat to<br />
evaporate naturally. Leaving no awkward<br />
moments.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Why make the switch?...<br />
Many conventional antiperspirant and deodorants contain<br />
harsh chemicals which can disturb the microbiome layer<br />
of your skin potentially causing irritations. Sweat ducts<br />
and lymph nodes can become blocked as Lymphatic fluid<br />
stagnates and disrupts the natural perspiration process.<br />
These products often contain Parabens and Aluminium<br />
Chlorohydrate which have long been reported to have<br />
a potential link with Cancer. When choosing your next<br />
deodorant look out for harmful ingredients such as<br />
synthetic chemicals like parabens, triclosan or Aluminium<br />
Chlorohydrate.<br />
On a personal level I now find that if / when I do sweat I<br />
don’t actually smell whereas previously once the sweat<br />
had broken the antiperspirant barrier it did not mask the<br />
smell. In my experience natural deodorants seems to last<br />
much longer than their mainstream alternatives. Previously I<br />
would purchase a deodorant once every 4-6 weeks now it’s<br />
3-6 months! So although many natural options may appear<br />
more expensive their quality and value is often much better.<br />
Effectiveness of a natural deodorant...<br />
The concern about a natural deodorant being less effective<br />
than a conventional option is still prevalent but I feel that<br />
there are so many options on the market now that are<br />
absolutely brilliant and certainly rival, if not are better than,<br />
conventional mainstream options. Having tried many types<br />
of natural deodorant across a variety of brands I’ve found a<br />
few key products that I absolutely love and work really well<br />
for me. As with anything our bodys are very intuitive and<br />
can easily get used to one product. For me it’s all about<br />
variety, I will alternate between a couple of different brands<br />
to ensure my deodorant is always effective for me.<br />
on or spray from Salt of the Earth in a Melon<br />
and Cucumber will leave me feeling fresh all<br />
day long. Both are incredibly effective and<br />
even when I do sweat, I feel assured that I<br />
never smell.<br />
The transition...<br />
While making the switch over to natural<br />
deodorant your body may need to cleanse<br />
itself of the chemical build up from<br />
conventional products which may mean you<br />
see a rash or irritation under your arms from<br />
time to time or you sweat more than normal.<br />
Stick with your natural deodorant and you<br />
will notice that you body adjusts in 1-2 weeks.<br />
Some don’t experience this at all and it’s a<br />
smooth transition but it’s worth sticking with<br />
it and not giving up straight away.<br />
Natural deodorants is a huge topic which<br />
throws up many questions - if this article<br />
has sparked any questions for you please do<br />
get in touch. I’m happy to talk through my<br />
experiences and offer recommendations.<br />
Contact me on<br />
Written by Sarah Gare.<br />
What are my options?...<br />
When it comes to choosing the right type of deodorant<br />
this is definitely down to personal preference and there are<br />
many choices out there such as:<br />
• Sprays (non aerosol)<br />
• Roll-on gel<br />
• Creams (tub or roll-on)<br />
• Crystal Sticks (made of mineral salt)<br />
Your choices will depend on your lifestyle. For me, if I’m<br />
being quite active I will probably choose a stronger option<br />
often such as a cream deo like Elsa’s Skinfoods Ocean<br />
deodorant whereas if my activities are quite light a gel roll-<br />
For more information call<br />
01603 322551 or visit<br /><br />
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May 2019.indd 85 16/04/2019 18:16
Mortgages<br />
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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May Mortgage 2019.indd all types 86 A5.indd 1 13/03/2019 16/04/2019 11:23:43 18:16
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
ur<br />
ere<br />
uct<br />
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MAY 2019 |<br />
MAY<br />
ISSUE<br />
2019<br />
#<strong>79</strong><br />
| ISSUE<br />
| HOME<br />
#<strong>79</strong><br />
& GARDEN<br />
May<br />
Kates Top Tip for May: Plant out<br />
cannas and dahlias<br />
As bulbs fade and herbaceous<br />
borders grow in leaps and bounds,<br />
it is now clear that summer is<br />
approaching.<br />
Sowing and planting out bedding can begin,<br />
depending on regional weather variations, and you<br />
can take softwood cuttings.<br />
It’s also time to get back into the lawn mowing<br />
regime, as the lawn will be loving the warmer<br />
temperatures this month brings.<br />
Flowers<br />
Tubs can be planted up with<br />
summer bedding in milder areas.<br />
In colder areas further north or at<br />
high altitudes, it is advised to wait until<br />
early June, or until all risk of frost has passed.<br />
Divide clumps of herbaceous perennials that you<br />
want to propagate.<br />
Bamboos and clumps of bulbs or rhizomes can be<br />
divided in the same way. Cutting back clumps of<br />
spring-flowering perennials such as Pulmonaria and<br />
Doronicum can encourage a fresh flush of foliage.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Top jobs this month:<br />
1. Watch out for late frosts. Protect tender plants<br />
2. Earth up potatoes, and promptly plant any still<br />
remaining<br />
5. Regularly hoe off weeds<br />
6. Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm<br />
days<br />
7. Mow lawns weekly<br />
8. Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges<br />
3. Plant out summer bedding at the end of the<br />
month (except in cold areas)<br />
9. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils<br />
and other spring-flowering bulbs<br />
4. Collect rainwater and investigate ways to<br />
recycle water for irrigation<br />
10. Watch out for viburnum beetle and lily beetle<br />
grubs<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
This month Action Man and the<br />
Action family will take in break<br />
at Centre Parcs in Elveden Forest<br />
just outside of Thetford.<br />
No more than an hour’s drive from any<br />
corner of Suffolk means your not physically<br />
very far from home or the office, but<br />
this stunning woodland resort is an ideal<br />
location to switch off work mode, kick back<br />
and breathe.<br />
Or, if it’s adrenaline that you desire, the<br />
wilderness-esk enclave is teeming with<br />
activities for you to really turn the dial up<br />
to 11.<br />
You can book a Center Parcs break for a<br />
three-night weekend (Friday-Monday), a<br />
four-night midweek (Monday-Friday) or a<br />
combination of the two for a full week.<br />
There’s also plenty of accommodation<br />
choices depending on you and your guests’s<br />
requirements.<br />
The popular and practical woodland lodge can<br />
sleep up to 8 with a stylish open plan living<br />
and dining space, each equipment with a TV &<br />
DVD player and a cosy log burning fireplace.<br />
Executive, Exclusive and Waterside Lodges all<br />
offer various degrees of opulence with added<br />
features such as hot tubs and games rooms.<br />
All accommodations have well equipped<br />
kitchens and whilst there is a good choice<br />
of restaurants with various cuisines, after a<br />
long day it’s nice to be able to casually rustle<br />
something up in the comfort of your own<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
SPORT<br />
accommodation (and pyjamas!)<br />
The accommodations are spread throughout<br />
the wildlife filled forest whilst the centre hub<br />
of the resort contains the restaurants and<br />
shops, (including supermarket), with the main<br />
building home to a multitude of activities and<br />
the pool complex aka subtropical swimming<br />
paradise, which is open until the late evening<br />
and is free to use as part of your package, you<br />
can come and go as often as you like.<br />
As for the other activities these will come<br />
at an additional cost and will require prebooking,<br />
that’s best done early to avoid<br />
disappointment so the AM top tip is to do<br />
your homework before your visit.<br />
With over 200 to choose from there’s too<br />
many to mention here, the high ropes course,<br />
laser tag and mini golf are an Action Man<br />
favourite, there’s bound to be something to<br />
satisfy your action appetite.<br />
However, I’m going for the rest and will be<br />
comfortably meandering through the lazy<br />
river in the warm waters of the subtropical<br />
swimming paradise in between sessions of<br />
being launched several times down one of the<br />
many slides, my favourite being the “rapids”.<br />
“Venture Cove” is also an excellent shallow<br />
pool and splash park for the little ones.<br />
Phone signal is poor in Elveden Forest but<br />
some might consider that a godsend, as the<br />
last thing you want is the outside world, that<br />
you’ve briefly escaped from, disturbing your<br />
forest dwelling fiesta.<br />
Action Man says: tired of the boss’ barks<br />
or industry sharks? You need a break at<br />
Elveden’s Centre Parcs.<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE MAY #<strong>79</strong> 2019 | ISSUE MUSIC #<strong>79</strong> & ENTERTAINMENT<br />
ROYAL<br />
May at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds<br />
includes musical classics, classical music,<br />
hilarious comedy capers and family fun.<br />
BSEAODS are back with The Sound of Music, one of the<br />
most-loved musicals ever written, a dramatic and heartwarming<br />
tale powered by a whole host of iconic songs,<br />
Tue 30 Apr – Sat 11 May.<br />
Ballet Theatre UK are back with one of the most<br />
enduring, moving and irreplaceable classical ballets, Swan<br />
Lake, featuring new choreography and over 120 new<br />
costumes, Tue 21 – Wed 22 May.<br />
The Edinburgh Fringe’s favourite housewife presents an<br />
evening of proper good fun, Barbara Nice: Raffle – all of<br />
the audience will get a raffle ticket in this new comedy<br />
show about chance and luck, Thu 23 May, 8pm.<br />
The last of the spring Lunchtime Concerts, The Vega<br />
Wind Trio provide virtuoso variety including works by<br />
Haydn, Beethoven, Joplin and Villa Lobos, Thu 2 May,<br />
1.10pm.<br />
The best-selling children’s book Aliens Love Underpants<br />
springs to life on stage for the first time, featuring<br />
stunning effects, madcap action and original music<br />
suitable for the whole family, Fri 24 – Sat 25 May.<br />
A fascinating and insightful<br />
evening, join Terry Waite, CBE<br />
in conversation with Martin Bell,<br />
OBE talking together about their<br />
careers and life experiences, as a<br />
fundraiser for Theatre Royal Bury<br />
St Edmunds, Sun 12 May, 7.30pm.<br />
Total Productions presents<br />
Manilow, a genuine fan paying<br />
homage to an incredible talent,<br />
celebrating the legend that is Barry Manilow, Wed 15<br />
May, 7.30pm.<br />
Using the original words spoken in court, The Trials<br />
of Oscar Wilde is a dramatization uncovering the<br />
persecution of a flawed genius who was suddenly<br />
reduced to a man of no importance, Thu 16 May, 7.30pm.<br />
The UK’s favourite medium returns with her latest show<br />
Psychic Sally 10 Year Anniversary Tour, a unique evening<br />
of investigational entertainment, Mon 20 May, 7.30pm.<br />
Julian Clary Born To Mince is an outrageously<br />
camp new show, Julian will bare his soul,<br />
murder a few well-known songs and make<br />
withering remarks about the punters foolish<br />
enough to sit in the front row, Sat 25 May<br />
(Sold Out – waiting list only).<br />
If All The World Were Paper is a hilarious,<br />
poignant new play for the whole family about<br />
falling out, making up and the joy of true<br />
friendship, Wed 29 May, 1.30pm and 3.30pm.<br />
Lip Service are back, with their whistle-stop tour of train<br />
related crime fiction, Strangers on a Train Set, featuring<br />
clever use of projection and multiple train sets in their<br />
trademark comedy style, Thu 30 May, 7.30pm.<br />
Huge energy, hit songs and hot dance, all in one great<br />
new show for 2019, Forever in Blue Jeans – celebrating<br />
the best in country music and Rock ‘n’ Roll, Fri 31 May,<br />
7.30pm.<br />
For details and tickets go to or call the box office on 01284 769505<br />
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OCTOBER MAY 2019 2014 | ISSUE | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong> #24<br />
MAY –<br />
JUNE 2019<br />
FOR TWO<br />
MON 6 MAY 7.30pm / £28.50*<br />
Two ambitious musicians play<br />
over twenty instruments.<br />
______________________________________<br />
TUE 7 MAY 7.30pm / £26*<br />
TUE 14 MAY 7.30pm /<br />
£24* (£34* VIP)<br />
THU 23 MAY 7.30pm /<br />
£26*, £22* (£5 U25s)<br />
SUN 2 JUNE 12noon & 3pm / £15*<br />
(Children £13) Family £52*<br />
Swashbuckling adventure with<br />
CBBC & CBeebies stars’ Callum<br />
Donnelly & JezO.<br />
______________________________________<br />
MON 3 JUNE 7.30pm /<br />
£28* (£5 U25s)<br />
______________________________________<br />
IAN WAITE &<br />
WED 8 MAY 7.30pm / £30*<br />
The Ballroom Boys.<br />
______________________________________<br />
FRI 10 MAY 7.30pm / £24*<br />
With the 9-piece ‘Mini Big Band’.<br />
______________________________________<br />
SUN 12 MAY 3pm / £14.50*,<br />
Children £12*, Family £48*<br />
MJ tribute by Navi.<br />
______________________________________<br />
Bury Festival Events at The Apex<br />
______________________________________<br />
FRI 17 MAY 7.30pm / £27.50*<br />
______________________________________<br />
SAT 18 MAY 7.30pm /<br />
£26* (£5* U25s)<br />
______________________________________<br />
SUN 19 MAY 4pm / £19* – £39*<br />
______________________________________<br />
MON 20 MAY 7pm /<br />
£12* (£5* U25s)<br />
______________________________________<br />
FRI 24 MAY 7.30pm / £27*<br />
______________________________________<br />
SAT 25 MAY 7.30pm / £27*<br />
______________________________________<br />
SUN 26 MAY 7.30pm /<br />
£26*, £22* (£5 U25s)<br />
Music by Gershwin & Copeland.<br />
Wed 29 May 7.30pm / £31*<br />
John Aldridge, Ronnie Whelan and<br />
Steve McMahon.<br />
______________________________________<br />
THU 30 MAY 7.30pm / £24.50*<br />
______________________________________<br />
FRI 31 MAY 7.30pm / £26*<br />
Jazz pianist.<br />
______________________________________<br />
TUE 4 JUNE 1.30pm / £18.50*<br />
______________________________________<br />
TUE 4 JUNE 7.30pm / £21*<br />
______________________________________<br />
WED 5 JUNE 7.30pm / £23.50*<br />
______________________________________<br />
THU 6 JUNE 7.30pm / £21*<br />
Pre-historic adventure with Dr<br />
Ben Garrod.<br />
______________________________________<br />
SUN 12 MAY 8pm / £15*<br />
For line-up, see<br /><br />
Armonico Consort & Academy<br />
Singers.<br />
______________________________________<br />
TUE 21 MAY 8pm / £28.50*, £24.50*<br />
Voted Guitar Player <strong>Magazine</strong>’s<br />
‘Best Country Guitar Picker’ five<br />
times.<br />
______________________________________<br />
FRI 7 JUNE 7.30pm / £24*<br />
______________________________________<br />
SAT 8 JUNE 7.30pm / £25.50*<br />
BOOK TICKETS AT WWW.THEAPEX.CO.UK • 01284 758000<br />
*Concessions may be available, categories change 94according to event, see website or ring for details.<br />
Where applicable, prices already include booking fee.<br />
May 2019.indd 94 16/04/2019 18:16
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
We reveal our favourite pet<br />
products...<br />
15*<br />
____<br />
We’ve thrown out all those half-empty<br />
bottles, spring-cleaned our cupboards and<br />
started stocking up on some warm weather<br />
essentials. We’ve pulled together this list of<br />
must-have products – including a few old<br />
favourites, and a handful of new crushes…<br />
____<br />
____<br />
____<br />
____<br />
1. Mikki Pet Grooming<br />
Products (From £5.99)<br /><br />
2. Chuckit Rugged Fetch<br />
Wheel Toy (£14.99)<br /><br />
3. Chicken Moderate<br />
Bone - Small (£7.99)<br /><br />
4. Wobble Wag Giggle<br />
(£19.99)<br />
5. Dremel 7020 PGK Nail<br />
Care (£29.99) amazon.<br />
com<br />
6. Cora’s Chunky Dog<br />
Bed DIY Kit (£<strong>79</strong>.99)<br />
woolcouturecompany.<br />
com<br />
7. The Bark Slice (£28)<br /><br />
8. PitPat (£39.99)<br /><br />
9. Chuckit! Pro Launcher<br />
(£23.99) chuckit-toys.<br /><br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4 5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
____<br />
Digital Two Meal Pet Feeder...<br />
____<br />
Most suited to cats and small dogs, the stylish Digital Two Meal Pet Feeder<br />
has a LCD digital display which allows for easy programming of meal times.<br />
Your pet will get the appropriate portion served right on schedule. No late or<br />
missed meals again when your life keeps you busy or away. The Pet Feeder<br />
is battery operated with two dishwasher-safe Food Trays, each holding up to<br />
355ml of dry food.<br />
Price: £50.99 Purchase from:<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
96<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
97<br />
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Archie’s<br />
Adventures<br />
From common pests, to potentially<br />
deadly fertilisers, mushrooms and weed<br />
killers, the garden can pose a number of<br />
threats to us four legged friends.<br />
I love being outside, especially at this time of year<br />
when I can play with my chickens... uff. Here are my<br />
top tips for animal saftey in the garden...<br />
Fruit...<br />
Many of you might be surprised to learn that the<br />
stones and pits in apricots, cherries, plums and<br />
peaches contain deadly cyanide. These fruits could<br />
therefore be very dangerous if they’re crushed<br />
before they’re consumed and larger stones could be<br />
a choking hazard too, whilst the stems and leaves<br />
might also be poisonous.<br />
Slugs and snails...<br />
I hate em! Dogs can catch a dangerous lungworm<br />
infection if they accidentally eat a slug or snail that<br />
carries the larvae of the parasite. Though your dog<br />
probably won’t want to consume slugs or snails, they<br />
should still be cleared away urgently, particularly any<br />
that are near toys or sources of water.<br />
deadly to dogs. Unripe, green or raw potatoes can<br />
be severely dangerous to dogs, whilst tomato leaves,<br />
azaleas and every part of a lily could be poisonous to<br />
dogs and cause vomiting, diarrhoea or even death.<br />
Yikes!<br />
Compost...<br />
Garden compost heaps will usually be packed full<br />
of mouldy food and waste, which can produce<br />
dangerous mycotoxins which are extremely<br />
dangerous to dogs.<br />
Weed killer...<br />
Swallowing or even licking many common<br />
domestic weed killers could be really risky for<br />
dogs and cause breathing or heart problems if<br />
enough is consumed.<br />
Follow me @official_archies_adventures. You<br />
can also keep up to date with my antics on Twitter<br />
@bouncearchie<br />
Plants...<br />
Tomatoes, potatoes, azaleas and lilies are just some<br />
of the common vegetables and flowers that can be<br />
98<br />
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MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
Hand crafted timber<br />
windows and doors<br /><br />
Bury St Edmunds<br />
8 Fornham Business Court,<br />
Hall Farm,<br />
Bury Drift, Fornham St Martin,<br />
Suffolk IP31 1SL<br />
01284 760222<br />
Woodbridge<br />
Notcutts Garden Centre,<br />
Ipswich Road,<br />
Woodbridge,<br />
Suffolk IP12 4AF<br />
01394 386666<br />
Beautiful windows<br />
and doors<br />
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May 2019.indd 99 16/04/2019 18:16
MAY 2019 | ISSUE #<strong>79</strong><br />
JUNE to AUGUST<br />
Where only the racing is flat!<br />
#SummerSaturdays<br />
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