Cyber Defense eMagazine May 2019

Cyber Defense eMagazine May Edition for 2019 #CDM #CYBERDEFENSEMAG @CyberDefenseMag by @Miliefsky a world-renowned cybersecurity expert and the Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine as part of the Cyber Defense Media Group

Cyber Defense eMagazine May Edition for 2019 #CDM #CYBERDEFENSEMAG @CyberDefenseMag by @Miliefsky a world-renowned cybersecurity expert and the Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine as part of the Cyber Defense Media Group


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Let’s take a look into a kid’s exposure to the so-called world of internet.<br />

You’re Kid and the Internet - An Inside out!<br />

A study back in 2015, revealed that teens spend nearly nine hours using social media, while kids between<br />

8 and 12 spend an average of six hours per day; what about yours? Find it out, not only hours but his/her<br />

online practices.<br />

When your child is online, normal safeguards and security tips are not enough! You may think your kid is<br />

playing a game, researching a paper, or just typing a homework, so, how could he/she be harmed?<br />

You are right to an extent, but what if, while playing a game, the child unknowingly click a malicious<br />

notification - reflecting a mesmerizing edition of their favorite game- or unintentionally delete your<br />

important file? There could more “what ifs,” the worst is when your child doesn’t realize what has<br />

happened and don’t share with you because of being punished.<br />

Get to know them ASAP!<br />

Is Your Kid at Risk While Online? These Figures might be of Help<br />

If you think, malware, spyware, and other cyber-attacks are adult-only, then you are wrong; anyone with<br />

a high level of trust and limited knowledge is hackers’ best target. The propensity of threats increases<br />

when kids and teens are active in chat rooms, video streaming, social-media surfing, and online gaming.<br />

To play our part in the manner expected, we should know the internet consumption practices of our young<br />

minds; thanks to iamcybersafe.org for conducting a comprehensive internet usage survey among kids of<br />

grade 4-8.<br />

Let’s see what the survey holds;<br />

31% of kids download adult music.<br />

21% watched adult programs.<br />

29% of kids use the internet inappropriately (something their parents won’t approve.)<br />

6% shopped online with a credit card without their parents’ consent.<br />

2% searched for the adult content.<br />

62% clicked to adult site after a search.<br />

53% access the internet other than homework every day<br />

31% lied about age to stream restricted content; isn’t a status offense?<br />

The same study has also revealed that 40% of kids chatted to strangers online; let me brief how much<br />

information they have shared already.<br />


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