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Gospel Defence League<br />

P O Box 36129 Glosderry 7702<br />

Cape Town South Africa<br />

Tel: 021 689 4480<br />

info@gospeldefenceleague.org www.gospeldefenceleague.org<br />

<strong>No</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> should <strong>support</strong> BBBEE Affirmative Action Racism<br />

“One ordinance shall be for you of the assembly and for the stranger who<br />

dwells with you, an ordinance forever throughout your generations; as you<br />

are, so shall the stranger be before the Lord. One law and one custom shall<br />

be for you and for the stranger who dwells with you.” Numbers 15:15-16<br />

Affirmative Action is Racism<br />

Racial quotas in sports, education, or employment, violate the Laws of<br />

God and are counterproductive.<br />

Equity in Law<br />

“You shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the<br />

poor, nor honour the person of the mighty. In righteousness you shall<br />

judge your neighbour.” Leviticus 19:15<br />

The Greatest Commandment<br />

“…You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,<br />

with all your mind and with all your strength… love your neighbour as<br />

yourself…” Mark 12:30-31. How do we love our neighbour? By obeying the<br />

second tablet of the Law. Do not steal your neighbour’s life. Do not steal<br />

your neighbour’s wife. Do not steal your neighbour’s property. Do not steal<br />

your neighbour’s good name through gossip, slander and false witness. Do<br />

not envy, or be jealous, of your neighbour. Do not covet. Respect for life and<br />

property is absolutely essential for any free and productive society.<br />

Your INIQUITIES Have SEPARATED You From Your GOD<br />

Continued on page 2<br />

Despair<br />

Why do evil things happen? Why did God not prevent these things? How could God allow this?<br />

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your<br />

iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not<br />

hear.” Isaiah 59:1-2<br />

Disaster<br />

After any drought, hurricane, flood, catastrophic fires, crime and violence, or in any time of oppression and suffering,<br />

one can hear people complaining: “Why did God allow this to happen? Why did God not intervene? Why has God not<br />

heard our prayers?”<br />

Depravity Leads to Disaster<br />

The answer is found in Isaiah 59. It is not that God is not able to intervene. He is Almighty. It is not that He<br />

cannot hear our prayers. He is Everywhere-present and All-knowing. “But your iniquities have separated you from<br />

your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” The problem is your sin. This is<br />

true on an individual level, a family level, a congregational level, a community level, a national level and it is true<br />

internationally. The problem is sin. SIN. The middle letter of sin is “I”. Selfishness is at the heart of the problem. The<br />

heart of the problem is the problem of the human heart.<br />

Bloodshed Defiles the Land<br />

“For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has<br />

muttered perversity.” Isaiah 59:3. God is a holy God. Human beings are sinful and depraved. Total depravity is not merely<br />

a doctrine, it is the reality of human existence. Human hands are indeed defiled with blood: “So you shall not pollute the<br />

land where you are; for blood defiles the land and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on<br />

it, except by the blood of him who shed it.” Numbers 35:33. “Whoever kills any man shall surely be put to death.” Leviticus<br />

24:17. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” Genesis 9:6.<br />

Continued on page 8<br />


Continued from page 1 - <strong>No</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Should</strong> Support BBBEE Affirmative Action Racism<br />

The Golden Rule<br />

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for<br />

this is the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12. In the Sermon on<br />

the Mount, our Lord Jesus Christ summarises the heart of the second<br />

tablet of the Law, to love your neighbour as yourself, requiring us to<br />

do to others as we would want them to do to us. Conversely, to not<br />

do to others what we would not want them to do to us. “And just as<br />

you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.” Luke 6:31<br />

Violating God’s Law Hurts the Very People We Claim We Want<br />

to Help<br />

Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and<br />

Affirmative Action violates the Laws of God, erodes the essential<br />

foundations for a free and prosperous society and is completely<br />

counterproductive. It actually destroys the very people it was meant<br />

to help.<br />

A Sense of Victimhood and Entitlement Destroys Character and Work Ethic<br />

There is nothing more destructive to any person than an abundance of bread and idleness of hands. A sense of<br />

entitlement and perpetual victimhood is absolutely devastating to character, integrity and work ethic. Socialist welfare<br />

programmes actually debase the very people they are ostensibly meant to serve and help. Hard work, discipline and<br />

integrity are essential for every individual. Inculcating in any group of people a sense of victimhood, entitlement and<br />

grievance destroys them, body, mind and soul. The tragic results can be seen in the litter-strewn, graffiti vandalised,<br />

pollution-ridden and broken down areas where a large number of recipients of government handouts live. “Treasures<br />

of wickedness profit nothing, but righteousness delivers<br />

from death. The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to<br />

famish, but He casts away the desire of the wicked. He<br />

who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of<br />

the diligent makes rich.” Proverbs 10:2-4<br />

Stereotypes, Caricatures and Deception<br />

BBBEE violates the Ninth Commandment to not bear<br />

false witness. The justification for BBBEE Affirmative<br />

Action racial quotas are false narratives, lies, stereotypes<br />

and caricatures, which paint one racial group as<br />

helpless victims and the other as malicious exploiters.<br />

“Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord, but a<br />

just weight is His delight.” Proverbs 11:1<br />

Greed, Envy and Covetousness<br />

BBBEE breaks the Tenth Commandment against coveting anything that belongs to one’s neighbour. Greed, envy and<br />

covetousness are the very heart and soul of Affirmative Action. BBBEE is the creed of envy and the politics of failure.<br />

It rots souls, hearts and minds.<br />

Stealing the Fruit of Others’ Hard Work, Ingenuity, Dedication and Sacrifice<br />

BBBEE and Affirmative Action obviously also violate the Eighth Commandment. To punish the productive and to<br />

take from those who, through hard work, ingenuity and dedication, carved productive farms out of thorn bush and<br />

wilderness, is theft. BBBEE has proven to be a cover for corruption and a channel for hate, greed and theft.<br />

Looting the Country<br />

The African Union has calculated that more than 25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Africa, is stolen through<br />

corruption by governments every<br />

year. Recent news headlines in South<br />

Africa, include: R139 Billion theft<br />

from Eskom (the national electricity<br />

provider) investigated. Government<br />

parastatals, such as South African<br />

Airways, Eskom, Telkom, Transnet,<br />

SABC, state hospitals, schools and so<br />

much more, are bankrupt with many<br />

billions being looted from these<br />

state enterprises by government<br />

employees every year. Hundreds-ofbillions<br />

of Rands of taxpayers’ money<br />


has to be poured into these bottomless pit black<br />

holes, to try to make up for the Trillions of Rand<br />

that have already been looted by state corruption.<br />

The rolling black out power failures, which are daily<br />

inconveniencing, frustrating and undermining the<br />

lives and work of millions of South Africans are a<br />

further theft of time and productivity.<br />

Fraud, Failure and Farce<br />

BBBEE has proven to be a colossal fraud. <strong>No</strong>t<br />

actually helping the poor, but making the poor<br />

poorer, by eroding the infrastructure, gutting the<br />

very ministries and services which are meant to<br />

help, leaving the majority of the country in squalor<br />

and darkness with regular, rolling blackout power<br />

failures, which are euphemistically called: “load<br />

shedding!” The vast majority of state schools are<br />

dysfunctional. Classrooms are overcrowded.<br />

Textbooks arrive late, or not at all. Hospitals are<br />

chronically short of medicines, food and reliable<br />

staff. People are literally dying in the country<br />

because of BBBEE greed, corruption and heartless<br />

incompetence.<br />

Malice, Hatred and Murder<br />

BBBEE Affirmative Action violates the Sixth<br />

Commandment that we do not murder. Malice<br />

and hatred are at the heart of Affirmative Action.<br />

Their false narrative is based upon demonizing<br />

the white minority in the country and particularly<br />

channelling murderous hate toward white farmers,<br />

who, against all odds, are trying to feed the country.<br />

Many thousands of white commercial farmers in<br />

South Africa and their family members have been<br />

murdered. Some in the most demonic and sadistic torturous ways.<br />

War Against Farmers<br />

In 1994, when Nelson Mandela became president, South Africa had 70,000 white commercial farmers who were<br />

feeding 100 Million people. This at a time when South Africa’s population was about 28 Million. Today, South Africa<br />

has a population of over 58 Million, yet, despite having more than doubled the population, now has less than half<br />

as many commercial farmers as 25 years ago. Today there are less than 30,000 white commercial farmers who are<br />

managing to feed approximately 40 million people. However, our population is now over 58 Million and therefore,<br />

for the first time in South Africa’s history, we have become a net food importer. We need to import millions of tonnes<br />

of food each year to manage to adequately feed the population. Our farmers are no longer able to feed all of South<br />

Africa.<br />

Increasing the Ranks of the Unemployed<br />

Unemployment has also steadily escalated under ANC misrule. From just over 2 Million unemployed in 1994, we<br />

now have over 30 Million unemployed, or as the ANC government likes to re-categorise some as: “economically<br />

inactive”, or “discouraged work seekers”. That means the ANC has managed to add more than a million unemployed<br />

for every year that they have been in power!<br />

Chasing Away Investors, Job Creators and Employers<br />

How have they managed to do this? Despite no war and no conscription and with massive foreign aid, the ANC<br />

has managed to exponentially increase unemployment in the country by chasing away investors, job creators and<br />

employers. The latest Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) declaration by Cyril Ramaposa, has even further<br />

weakened the impoverished South African Rand and given warning to any investors or employers that property<br />

rights are under threat and South Africa is a bad investment.<br />

Promising Heaven But Delivering Hell<br />

Socialism always promises Heaven and invariably delivers Hell. Every socialist policy undermines the essential<br />

foundations for economic growth, discourages investors, chases away employers, increases costs and guarantees<br />

greater unemployment and further rises in prices. Crime and grime increase. Standards of living plummet. Service<br />

delivery becomes a sick joke. The currency is devalued.<br />


Overtaxing Fuel<br />

The outrageous cost of fuel in our country is one case in point. The Automobile Association calculates that over<br />

60% of what we are paying at the petrol pump, goes to the ANC government in the form of taxes and levies. Only a<br />

minority of the cost of fuel goes to the petrol company, the oil-producing country and all the middlemen involved.<br />

For this reason, Botswana, which is a land-locked country and must obtain their fuel from South Africa, can sell fuel<br />

at half the price that South Africa does!<br />

Idolatry and Statism<br />

BBBEE not only violates the Golden Rule of Christ and our Lord’s greatest commandment and the prohibitions against<br />

bearing false witness, coveting, stealing and murdering, but it is also violating the First and Second Commandment<br />

by being idolatrous and statist as well.<br />

Blasphemous<br />

BBBEE sometimes even violates the Third Commandment against Blasphemy. The blasphemous and arrogant<br />

statements by ANC leaders, such as that president “Zuma is like Jesus!”, that the ANC “will rule until Jesus comes” and<br />

Julius Malema’s outrageous statements. The hostility evidenced against <strong>Christian</strong>ity in general and against our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ in particular, by the BLF, EFF and ANC leadership makes it clear that this is not just a war against the<br />

Laws of God, but a war against God Himself. The fact is state TV SABC broadcasts blasphemy and the laws of the land<br />

protect blasphemy as “free speech”, but want to criminalise some<br />

people’s opinions in the name of “hate speech” bills! So blasphemy<br />

against God is “constitutionally” protected by the ANC, but free<br />

speech can be construed as “blasphemy” against the state!<br />

Outrageous, Adulterous Paedophilia and Perversion<br />

BBBEE has also proven to frequently violate the Seventh<br />

Commandment against adultery as well. School principals<br />

have shown me letters received from the Ministry of Education<br />

warning teachers to stop “requiring students to provide sexual<br />

favours” as this is “a violation of their position of trust!” The amount<br />

of outrageous, adulterous paedophilia, abuse of authority and<br />

sexual harassment carried out under the cover of Affirmative<br />

Action is criminal.<br />

Removing Incentives to Work and Encouraging Laziness<br />

The Fourth Commandment requires us to work six days and rest<br />

one day in seven. Sabbath desecration laws have been torn up.<br />

Desecration of the Lord’s Day is widespread. But BBBEE goes even<br />

further than that by taking away the incentive to work for many<br />

of the black majority who have been described as “disadvantaged”<br />

and are given SASSA grants and promised land and opportunities<br />

to loot productive white farms when EWC comes through, etc. In<br />

all too many cases, it seems like a return to the National Suicide of<br />

the Xhosa with <strong>No</strong>ngqawuse’s cattle-killing visions of 1856.<br />

Fostering an Attitude of Disrespect for Parents<br />

BBBEE also violates the Fifth Commandment by encouraging<br />

disrespect for parental authority and elders, slandering founding<br />

fathers of the country and encouraging widespread disrespect for<br />

parents and elders. The enactment of laws forbidding corporal<br />

punishment and discipline by parents has produced an unprecedentedly lawless generation of abusive and lawless<br />

youth who even assault teachers at school.<br />

A Cover for Colossal Corruption<br />

BBBEE has proven to be the greatest threat to South Africa’s economy. A colossal fraud. A cover for colossal<br />

corruption. A channel for widespread hatred, greed, theft and murder. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a<br />

reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34<br />

Malicious National Suicide<br />

BBBEE Affirmative Action is a hateful, thieving, covetous, deceitful, poisonous, murderous, selfish, evil, selfdestructive<br />

and counter-productive idolatrous, statist, blasphemous, adulterous movement of mass destruction. “The<br />

hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labour.” Proverbs 12:24<br />

Zimbabwe in Ruins<br />

One would have thought that the catastrophic example of our near neighbour to the <strong>No</strong>rth, Zimbabwe, would have<br />

been sufficient warning to anyone and everyone of where such malice and foolishness inevitably leads.<br />


Distractions<br />

When corrupt politicians are looting a country on the scale that the ANC has been doing for the last 25 years, one<br />

needs massive amounts of distraction and convenient scapegoats to channel the frustration of the defrauded masses<br />

away from those responsible for their plight.<br />

Hypocritical<br />

It turns out that those screaming racism and accusing others of being racist the loudest, are the most racist of all!<br />

Cynically Exploiting Grievances for Political Gain<br />

Booker T. Washington observed: “There is a class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the<br />

wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of<br />

their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy<br />

and partly because it pays! Some of these people do not want the Negro<br />

to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”<br />

Racial Quotas for Sports Teams<br />

It is interesting that in the 1970s the African National Congress was<br />

calling for boycotts, sanctions and disinvestment of South Africa<br />

for having racial discrimination in sports. South Africa had allblack<br />

teams and all-white teams at the time. Yet, today, the ANC<br />

government is forcing rigid race quotas on companies, sports teams<br />

and for educational institutions.<br />

Racist BBBEE Affirmative Action Led to Nationwide Blackout<br />

Power Failures<br />

In 2015, Eskom was required to shed 1,081 white Engineers and<br />

2,179 white Artisans to comply with strict new government BBBEE<br />

Affirmative Action requirements. By 2019, Eskom was bankrupt,<br />

ruined and in stage 4 rolling blackouts throughout the country. Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan,<br />

reported that only 27,000 megawatts are available for use at present, which is just 56% of South Africa’s installed<br />

capacity of 48,000 megawatts. Bernard Magoro, the<br />

Systems Operator for Eskom, explained that since<br />

<strong>No</strong>vember, Eskom has been burning diesel to meet its<br />

demands “We have actually been operating with a lot of<br />

diesel to meet the demand and this is not ideal.” Indeed<br />

it is one of the most expensive and cost inefficient,<br />

wasteful ways of providing electricity. Eskom explained<br />

that the reason for the failure is that the average age of<br />

its power stations is 34 years old. Only 3 power stations<br />

have been built within the last decade. More than half<br />

of the power stations are over 37 years old. “The soul of<br />

a lazy man desires and has nothing, but the soul of the<br />

diligent shall be made rich. Wealth gained by dishonesty<br />

will be diminished, but he who gathers by labour will<br />

increase.” Proverbs 13:4,11<br />

Mismanagement and Corruption Has Sabotaged the Whole Country<br />

Eskom made a management decision to not provide the maintenance required for its stations, but rather to build<br />

new stations. However, as Gordhan and Eskom Chairman, Jabu Mabuza explained, “Eskom is experiencing financial,<br />

maintenance and structural problems due to malfeasance.” While Eskom’s maintenance budget has been shrinking, their<br />

power stations have been growing older. Gordhan added that “while malfeasance was to blame, mismanagement and<br />

corruption also stirred into the mix.” “But let justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24<br />

Rampant Looting at Eskom and the Rape<br />

of the Country<br />

The Sunday Times banner headlined:<br />

“Eskom: R139 Billion Theft Probed –<br />

Rampant looting at new power plants pushes<br />

State Capture costs to R500 Billion” The<br />

other side of the same front page headlines<br />

declared: “Rape claim rocks ANC” “Hate<br />

evil, love good; establish justice in the<br />

gate…” Amos 5:15<br />


Licence to Loot<br />

Stephan Hofstatter published a new book: “Licence<br />

to Loot – How the Plunder of Eskom and other<br />

parastatals almost sank South Africa.” “Destruction<br />

is in its midst; oppression and deceit do not depart<br />

from its streets.” Psalm 55:11<br />

Supporting What She Recognised as<br />

Unconstitutional and Unethical<br />

It is therefore inexplicable how Cheryllyn Dudley,<br />

MP of the ACDP, could vote to <strong>support</strong> the BBBEE<br />

Amendment Act 2013. In her statement in the<br />

House, 29 October 2013, on the Employment Equity<br />

Amendment Bill debate, Cheryllyn Dudley MP<br />

declared “The ACDP <strong>support</strong>s the broad intention<br />

of Employment Equity Legislation… but what is<br />

particularly problematic with this Amendment Bill, is<br />

that the democratic process, from the parliamentary<br />

side, has left business stakeholders feeling that their<br />

views have been totally ignored…. Business Unity<br />

South Africa’s executive director, Vanessa Phala,<br />

says: The trend of the Labour Committee passing<br />

bills without considering the views of business is<br />

very, very worrying; and labour expert, Andrew Levy, called the process of consultation a charade. Miss Phala says<br />

the bill’s removal of the right of companies to appeal against the compliance orders is a violation of the principles of<br />

administrative justice and probably unconstitutional…” Yet after stating numerous reasons why the Bill should not<br />

be <strong>support</strong>ed, ACDP’s Cheryllyn Dudley concluded with: “the ACDP, will, however, be <strong>support</strong>ing the Bill despite our<br />

reservations…!” Why would a <strong>Christian</strong> vote for a Bill that is so unconstitutional, unjust and thoroughly unBiblical?<br />

“To the Law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because there is no light in<br />

them.” Isaiah 8:20<br />

Real Restitution<br />

Restitution was never meant to be a political scam, a cover for corruption, where people who did not do any crime<br />

are forced to pay restitution to people who were not the victims. Biblical restitution is to be made entirely and fully<br />

from the culprit directly to the victim. The restitution that needs to be done in South Africa is from the corrupt ANC<br />

government officials who have looted trillions of Rands from the public treasury through corruption and defrauded<br />

the entire population through excessive taxation, corruption and inflation. “For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate<br />

robbery…” Isaiah 61:8<br />

A Clear Choice<br />

“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the Lord your<br />

God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments, His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and<br />

multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land…” Deuteronomy 30:15-16<br />

Dr. Peter Hammond<br />

You can listen to an audio of this message as presented to the Reformation Society on www.ReformationSA.org, or<br />

view a video of this presentation on: www.<strong>Christian</strong>Action.co.za<br />



Continued from page 1 - Your Iniquities have Separated You from Your God<br />

Failure to Punish Murderers Invites the Judgement of God<br />

Those who show contempt for lives of others forfeit their own life. Any nation that refuses to avenge the murder of<br />

innocent life must share the guilt of the murderer (Deuteronomy 21:1-9). Only by obeying God’s Law and punishing<br />

murderers with the death penalty can a nation cleanse itself of the guilt of innocent blood. The taking of a murderer’s<br />

life is akin to the amputation of a diseased limb in order to save the rest of the body. All murder is serious and<br />

demands capital punishment. Capital punishment is necessary for justice, for the rule of Law and for the protection<br />

of the innocent.<br />

The Abortion Holocaust<br />

1.6 Million babies have been killed in South Africa through abortion, legally, officially, often with taxpayer’s money,<br />

since Nelson Mandela legalised it on 1 February 1997. How can any nation seriously expect God to bless us when the<br />

nation is defiled with the blood of the innocent?<br />

Deception and Depravity Destroys Democracy<br />

“…your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perversity.” It is not only the politicians who have spoken lies.<br />

The lie has become a pillar of the state. Bearing false witness is standard fare for the mainstream media. SATV, the<br />

BBC – the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation, CNN – the Clinton News Network, Slime Magazine and Newspeak,<br />

Useless News and World Report, the Sunday Crimes, “All the news that’s fit to print” they say. “Without fear or favour”,<br />

they claim. Yet lies and deception are the tools of their trade. They bear false witness, re-writing history, twisting<br />

truths, re-arranging reality, victimising the villains and villainising the victims. Demonising whites, trivialising the<br />

main issues and making mountains out of molehills, exaggerating minor issues and promoting disinformation.<br />

Scapegoating, distracting and distorting seem to be their primary job description. “Woe to those who call evil good<br />

and good evil… Who justify the wicked for a bribe and take away justice from the righteous man!” Isaiah 5:20-23<br />

Degenerate Entertainment Industry Degrades Society<br />

Superficial, sensational and immoral material predominates in the modern entertainment industry and it is<br />

producing an increasingly superficial, selfish, mindless and immoral generation. The Arts have been debased and<br />

depraved, elevating the disgusting and celebrating ugliness. “…their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened.”<br />

Romans 1:21. “…those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved…<br />

all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10,12.<br />

“Your tongue has uttered perversity.” <strong>No</strong>t satisfied with the deviant being declared normal, they are now determined<br />

to have the normal declared deviant. <strong>No</strong>t satisfied with toleration, they now demand approval, applause, conformity<br />

and funding for their perversity.<br />

Disinformation and Propaganda Deceive and Distract<br />

State textbooks concentrate on twisting reality and re-writing history. Politically correct myths, anti-white, antiwestern,<br />

anti-missionary, anti-crusades, anti-Reformers, anti-colonial, politically correct myths, legends and<br />

disinformation predominates. “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over<br />

to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting.” Romans 1:28. “He has shown you, O man, what is good;<br />

and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8<br />

Why is there So Much Evil and Suffering in the World?<br />

Why do evil things happen? Look around. Open your eyes. Take note of just how vile and violent our society has<br />

become. Just look at what passes for Art, entertainment and music today. How can a holy God bless a nation in<br />

rebellion to Him? How can God answer the prayers of people whose hands are defiled with blood, who make lies and<br />

falsehood pillars of their state? Who delight in perversity?<br />

Injustice, Deceit and Perversity<br />

“<strong>No</strong> one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and<br />

bring forth iniquity.” Isaiah<br />

59:4. Here, in Isaiah 59, we<br />

see the total depravity of<br />

man. “Then, when desire<br />

has conceived, it gives birth<br />

to sin; and sin, when it is<br />

full-grown, brings forth<br />

death.” James 1:15. God’s<br />

Word is truth. Yet, men<br />

tend to prefer to embrace<br />

the lie: Evolution. Atheism.<br />

Secular Humanism. “You<br />

came from nothing. You<br />

are going nowhere. Life is<br />

meaningless.”<br />


Who Suppress the Truth<br />

“For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness<br />

and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,<br />

because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown<br />

it to them. For since the Creation of the world His invisible attributes are<br />

clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal<br />

power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although<br />

they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but<br />

became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened.<br />

Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:18-22<br />

Who Exchange the Truth of God for the Lie<br />

“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts,<br />

to dishonour their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshipped and served<br />

the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.<br />

For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural<br />

use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in<br />

themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,<br />

God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness,<br />

sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are<br />

whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning,<br />

untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous Judgment of God, that those who practice<br />

such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:24-32<br />

What We Sow is What We Shall Reap<br />

“They hatch vipers’ eggs and weave the spider’s <strong>web</strong>; he who eats of their eggs dies and from that which is crushed a<br />

viper breaks out.” Isaiah 59:5. The fruit of secular humanism, atheism and evolutionism is seen in the situation ethics,<br />

interfaith, multi-culturalism, mixed-marriages, New World Order, illegal aliens, Islamic invasions, abortion holocaust,<br />

pornography plague, pagan invasion, break down of every standard of civilisation and debasing and degrading of<br />

everything good, pure and lovely in this world. It is seen in schools that do not educate, courts that do not uphold<br />

justice, doctors who do not heal, medical professionals who kill babies and euthanize the elderly, teachers who do not<br />

increase knowledge, leaders who fail to lead, police who fail to protect, families that fail to nurture, churches that fail<br />

to make disciples, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded, congregations that are no longer<br />

houses of prayer for all nations, public servants who loot public resources, governments that steal from their citizens,<br />

laws that no longer restrain the lawless, but which punish the law-abiding and God-fearing. “The wages of sin is death!”<br />

A Web of Deceit<br />

“Their <strong>web</strong>s will not become garments, nor will they cover themselves with their works; their works are works of<br />

iniquity and the act of violence is in their hands.” Isaiah 59:6. The intellectual arguments of secular humanists,<br />

atheists and evolutionists are akin to <strong>web</strong>s being used for garments – that do not provide clothing, they fail to cover<br />

themselves. Everything has consequences.<br />

Civil Servants are Meant to be Ministers of Justice<br />

The Bible is very clear, God has instituted civil government as “an agent of wrath to bear punishment on the wrongdoer.”<br />

Romans 13:4. The civil government is called to be a minister of God’s justice, “to punish those who do wrong.” 1 Peter<br />

2:14. The primary duties and responsibilities of civil government are the protection of law-abiding citizens and the<br />

punishment of law-breaking criminals. Psalm 101 reminds us that the duty of God honouring rulers is to destroy<br />

the wicked, to root out evil and to protect the law-abiding. “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil…. For<br />

he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s<br />

minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” Romans 13:3-4. “…Execute judgment in the morning;<br />

and deliver him who is plundered out of the hand of the oppressor, lest My fury go forth like fire and burn so that no one<br />

can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.” Jeremiah 21:12. “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried<br />

out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.” Ecclesiastes 8:11. Why do people commit crime so readily?<br />

Because criminals are not punished quickly enough.<br />


Devastation and Destruction<br />

“Their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting<br />

and destruction are in their paths.” Isaiah 59:7. What the world calls “a great religion of peace and tolerance” has<br />

proven to be the most violent and intolerant religion in the history of mankind. A religion of hate built upon a lie.<br />

The same could be said of socialism, which promises Heaven but invariably delivers hell. Think of the <strong>Christian</strong>s<br />

who suffered under 70 years of communist oppression in the Soviet Union and those <strong>Christian</strong> in Eastern Europe<br />

who suffered for over 44 years in what was meant to “the workers paradise” which needed to build an Iron Curtain<br />

to keep its people captive, who needed to shoot their own citizens in the back for attempting to flee to freedom in<br />

the West. Over 160 Million people were killed by socialist governments in the name of atheism, between 1917 and<br />

1991, as documented by The Black Book of Communism and Death by Government. Indeed, waste and destruction<br />

litters their paths.<br />

Deforestation, Drought and Disaster<br />

“How long will the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither? The beasts and birds are consumed, for the wickedness<br />

of those who dwell there…”Jeremiah 12:4. Pollution, deforestation, drought and famine mark the paths of secular<br />

humanist socialists who promise paradise and deliver perdition. The Soviet Union, Red China, Mengistu’s Ethiopia<br />

of the Red Terror, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, Castro’s Cuba, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Vietnam, <strong>No</strong>rth Korea, the list seems<br />

inexhaustible. Every socialist experiment and communist state have bankrupted their economies, laid waste the farms,<br />

destroyed the very foundations of civilisation and left millions of ruined lives and cruelty to animals in their wake.<br />

There is <strong>No</strong> Justice in their Paths<br />

“The way of peace they have not known and there is no justice in their ways; they have made themselves crooked<br />

paths; whoever takes that way shall not know peace.” Isaiah 59:8. Those who cry “Peace! Peace!” are loathsome false<br />

prophets. The Organisation of African Unity, the World Council of Churches, The United Nations, have proven to<br />

be false prophets, false teachers and false shepherds. Endlessly talking about “peace” and “tolerance” and invariably<br />

delivering war, terrorism, deception, oppression and exploitation, they have made crooked paths indeed. There is no<br />

peace without the Prince of Peace.<br />

Deception, Darkness and Despair<br />

“Therefore justice is far from us, nor does righteousness overtake us; we look for light, but there is darkness! For<br />

brightness, but we walk in blackness! We grope for the wall like the blind and we grope as if we had no eyes;<br />

we stumble at noonday as at twilight; we are as dead men in desolate places.” Isaiah 59:9. Sin is the problem.<br />

Repentance and Faith in Christ is the solution. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. We<br />

need light. This requires justice and righteousness. However, we are in darkness, because of the failure of leadership.<br />

The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We need to return back to the Bible. In the Word of<br />

God we find milk and meat for our souls and spiritual light for our eyes.<br />


Responding to the Diagnosis of the Problem with Confession of Sin<br />

Isaiah 59:1-8 gives the diagnosis of the problems. From Isaiah 59:9-15, we read the confession of sin.<br />

Repentance Leads to Restoration<br />

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we read the formula for Repentance and Restoration. “If My people who are called by My Name<br />

will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven<br />

and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” If we want God to heal our land then we need Him to hear our prayers<br />

and forgive our sins. To do this He demands that we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked<br />

ways. Humbling ourselves in prayerful confession and heartfelt repentance is foundational.<br />

Grumbling and Complaining<br />

“We all growl like bears and moan sadly like doves; we look for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is<br />

far from us.” Isaiah 59:11. This sounds like a description of our times. Complaining, moaning, talking about justice<br />

when there is none. Far from Salvation. Considering how the Bible has been abandoned in schools and government,<br />

it is no wonder that we grope blindly in the dark.<br />

Acknowledging our Guilt Before God<br />

“For our transgressions are multiplied before You and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us<br />

and as for our iniquities, we know them.” Isaiah 59:12. The prayer that God hears is as our Lord described with the<br />

two men who went up to the Temple to pray: “Lord have mercy on me – a sinner!” We need to humble ourselves and<br />

pray and seek God’s face, turning from our wicked ways. Our sinful selfishness, foolishness and gullibility entrusting<br />

wicked men to be leaders of our country and then being surprised at the catastrophic consequences – all this testifies<br />

against us.<br />

Admitting our Wickedness and Deception<br />

“In transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving<br />

and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.” Isaiah 59:13. Removing the Bible and prayer from the opening of<br />

parliament, removing Bible reading, prayer and hymn singing and Bible education from the daily curriculum of our<br />

schools and from the military, is symptomatic of our transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing from<br />

our God. Sabbath desecration, twisting truth, slandering the saints of old, tolerating and encouraging the crime<br />

epidemic, criminalising the victims and an obsession with the rights of criminals, re-writing history, replacing truth<br />

and facts with lies, distortions and blasphemous idolatry.<br />

War Against Truth and Justice<br />

“Justice is turned back and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter.”<br />

Isaiah 59:14. Justice has become a sick joke in the ANC-run new South Africa. Truth has indeed fallen in the streets.<br />

When someone tries to bring out a book exposing the criminal corruption, state capture, the gangster state, mobs<br />

of the ANC Youth League stormed the bookshops and damaged private property, tearing up books, mobbing<br />

people who were attempting to purchase these books. In the times of Thabo Mbeki, nine <strong>Christian</strong> community<br />

radio stations were targeted and closed down by the so-called Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA). Today,<br />

ICCASA continues to harass, confuse, overburden and threaten independent <strong>Christian</strong> community radio stations<br />

and any journalist who dares to question the official narrative with independent research or investigative journalism,<br />

indeed makes himself a prey. Character assassins predominate, including in the church. Those who refuse to partake<br />

in national idolatry and the repeating of the myths and mantras of the new state idolatry are targeted and trashed.<br />

The Problems from Man’s Perspective and the Solution from God’s Perspective<br />

Here we come to the end of the second section in Isaiah 59, the confession. Starting in the middle of Isaiah 59:15,<br />

we begin to see the Salvation of God. In the first half (Isaiah 59:1-15) we see the problems from man’s perspective.<br />

However, now from the second part of Isaiah 59:15, we begin to see what God sees and what God thinks and to hear<br />

what God says.<br />


Injustice and Inactivity Displeases God<br />

“…Then the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man and wondered<br />

that there was no intercessor; therefore His own arm brought Salvation for Him; and His own righteousness, it<br />

sustained Him.” Isaiah 59:15-16.<br />

What does God see? Injustice.<br />

What does God think? It displeases Him.<br />

God Seeks Intercessors Who Will Rebuild the Walls<br />

What does God say? “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Me on<br />

behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30. The Reformers taught that we get<br />

the governments we deserve. A wicked people find themselves ruled by wicked governments. A corrupt people are<br />

ruled by corrupt governments. A weak people suffer under oppressive governments. Because of the wickedness and<br />

weakness of man – there was no qualified human help.<br />

Sola Gratia!<br />

Here we see the sovereignty of God. Because of the wickedness and weakness of man, because there was no qualified<br />

human help, God initiates Salvation, based upon His own righteousness. Salvation is by the grace of God alone.<br />

Vengeance with Zeal<br />

“For He put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of<br />

vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloak.” Isaiah 59:17. This reminds us of the full armour of God in<br />

Ephesians 6. We are involved in a spiritual world war. God is not a pacifist. The first time Jesus came as a Lamb. “The<br />

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” The next time He will not come as a Lamb, but as a Lion. King of<br />

kings and Lord of lords. Conqueror. God is the Lord of Hosts. The Commander in Chief.<br />

God Judges His Enemies<br />

“According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay, fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; the<br />

coastlands He will fully repay.” Isaiah 59:18. God judges His enemies. Those who fight against God have no chance.<br />

There is not a snowballs chance in hell that the enemies of God could ever prevail against the Creator, the Eternal<br />

Judge, the Almighty, All-knowing, Ever-present, Sovereign Lord of the universe. God is a God of Justice.<br />

Persecutors Shall Be Condemned to Perdition<br />

In the catastrophic fall of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989, the death of Angolan dictator, Agostinho<br />

Neto, the dramatic demise of Mozambiquean dictator, cannibal and persecutor of the church, Samora Machel, in<br />

1986, one can see examples of how the Lord repays “fury to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies.” “The wicked<br />

shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17<br />

The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom<br />

“So shall they fear the Name of the Lord from the West and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy<br />

comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19. “The fear of the Lord is the<br />

beginning of wisdom.” Where sin increased, God’s grace increased much more. The Son of God shall be our Saviour. The<br />

Spirit of God shall be our Sanctifier. Our Lord is our Deliverer, our Strong Fortress, the Rock of our Salvation. When<br />

the enemy comes in like a flood, God will raise up a standard to which the righteous can repair. The Cross of Christ and<br />

the <strong>Christian</strong> flag serve<br />

as banners to rally<br />

the faithful sons and<br />

daughters, servants and<br />

soldiers of God, to fight<br />

the good fight of Faith.<br />

When the time comes<br />

for us to make a stand,<br />

let us stand up boldly.<br />

When the time comes<br />

for us to step out, let us<br />

step out decisively in<br />

Faith. When the time<br />

comes for us to speak<br />

up, let us speak up and<br />

speak out boldly and<br />

Biblically the Words of<br />

God as recorded in the<br />

Holy Scriptures. When<br />

duty calls or danger, let<br />

us not be wanting there.<br />


Redemption for the Repentant<br />

“‘The Redeemer will come to Zion and to those who turn from<br />

transgression in Jacob’,” says the Lord.” Isaiah 59:20. Revival begins<br />

with Repentance. Repentance is not merely feeling sorry for our sins.<br />

Repentance involves: Conviction – a change of mind. Contrition – a<br />

change of heart. Conversion – a change of life. “God resists the proud,<br />

but He gives grace to the humble.”<br />

Revival Through Studying the Word of God<br />

“‘As for Me,’ says the Lord, ‘this is My Covenant with them: My Spirit<br />

who is upon you and My Words which I have put in your mouth,<br />

shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your<br />

descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,’<br />

says the Lord, ‘from this time and forevermore’.” Isaiah 59:21. Revivals<br />

are a sovereign work of Almighty God. Here we can see Unconditional<br />

election. Irresistible grace. Limited atonement and Perseverance of<br />

the saints. Revivals grow out of the humble study of the Bible and<br />

obedient application of the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. We<br />

are called to worship the Lord “in spirit and in truth.” The Word of<br />

God is the Sword of the Spirit. The Belt of Truth is the first part of the<br />

full Armour of God that we have to put on. “You will know the truth<br />

and the truth will set you free.” Our God is a Covenant-keeping God.<br />

He calls us to be faithful in studying, believing, obeying and applying<br />

His Word. We are to make disciples of all nations. We are to teach our<br />

descendants to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.<br />

We are to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.<br />

Who is On the Lord’s Side?<br />

In Isaiah 59, we see our problems diagnosed. We read a model confession that we should follow and we are encouraged<br />

and inspired by God’s promise of His plan of Salvation to rescue and redeem us, to destroy His adversaries and defeat<br />

those who make themselves the enemies of God. He calls us to rally to His standard. To stand up for Jesus and fight<br />

the good fight of Faith. Who is on the Lord’s side? Who is for the King of kings?<br />

Stand Up for Jesus<br />

The Day will come when the Lord of lords and King of kings will return to His earth to Judge the living and the dead.<br />

Are you boldly standing on the inerrant Word of Almighty God? Are you teaching the next generation to fear the<br />

Lord, to love Him, to trust and serve Him, to fight the good fight of Faith?<br />

Return to God<br />

In this time of idolatry, deception and apostasy, may God mercifully and graciously grant us a Revival of Repentance.<br />

God has shown us what is good and what He requires of us: To do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our<br />

God.<br />

Our Duty<br />

Why do evil things happen? It is not<br />

for any lack on God’s part, but it is<br />

our iniquities that have separated us<br />

from our God. It is our duty to humble<br />

ourselves and pray, to seek His face and<br />

to turn from our wicked ways. When<br />

we do so, God promises to hear from<br />

Heaven, to forgive our sins and to heal<br />

our land.<br />

We need Revival.<br />

God demands Repentance, humility,<br />

prayer and faithful obedience.<br />

Dr Peter Hammond<br />

You can listen to an audio of this<br />

message on the Sermon Audio button<br />

on www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za<br />

Visit: www.GospelDefenceLeague.org<br />


“Contend earnestly for the Faith which was<br />

once for all delivered to the saints.<br />

For certain men have crept in unnoticed, ...<br />

who turn the grace of our God into<br />

lewdness and deny the only Lord<br />

God and our Lord Jesus Christ.”<br />

Jude 3-4<br />

“Jay Grimstead is the God ordained, God inspired,<br />

God sustained progenitor of Rebuilding Civilization<br />

on the Bible. God has given Jay wit and wisdom to<br />

turn society right side up. I <strong>support</strong> Jay 100% and<br />

recommend all that he does and writes!”<br />

—Ted Baehr, J.D., Chairman,<br />

<strong>Christian</strong> Film & Television Commission®<br />

This book is the fruit of the work of hundreds<br />

of theologians and <strong>Christian</strong> leaders working<br />

throughout a 37-year period to define and<br />

defend the key Biblical points on 24 controversial<br />

issues — which would not even be controversial<br />

if all believed like Jesus and Paul in the inerrancy<br />

of the Bible.<br />

350 pages<br />

R265<br />

““Dr. Jay Grimstead and his team of the Coalition on<br />

Revival have provided the Church with an invaluable<br />

armory of vital foundational documents to assist<br />

your Church and ministry in working for Biblical<br />

Reformation. These documents, including the ICBI<br />

Statement of Biblical Inerrancy, The 42 Articles<br />

of Historic <strong>Christian</strong> Doctrine, The 25 Articles of<br />

Affirmation and Denial on the Kingdom of God, and<br />

the Manifesto for the <strong>Christian</strong> Church represent<br />

decades of study and hard work by some of the finest<br />

minds in the Church today.<br />

“These are solid foundations on which to build,<br />

powerful weapons to use in this world war of<br />

worldviews, tremendous tools for each one involved<br />

in applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life.<br />

God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His<br />

ways are higher than our ways. Reformation is about<br />

restoring Biblical principles to all areas of life. This is<br />

God’s world and we need God’s Word to be obeyed<br />

in every area of life.<br />

“It is time to draw a line in the sand. We need to echo<br />

the words of Dr. Martin Luther’s bold stand against<br />

the emperor at Worms, 18 April 1521: ‘My conscience<br />

is captive to the Word of God. Here I stand, I can do no<br />

other! God help me. Amen.”<br />

—Dr. Peter Hammond,<br />

Frontline Fellowship, South Africa<br />




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