Pegasus Post: May 14, 2019

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10<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>14</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

News<br />

Residents’<br />

association<br />

for Prestons<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

A RESIDENTS’ association<br />

in Prestons has been formally<br />

established.<br />

The Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board approved<br />

the formation of the Prestons<br />

Residents Association last week.<br />

The association had existed<br />

previously, but had not been<br />

officially recognised under<br />

the city council’s Residents’<br />

Association Formation and<br />

Recognition Policy.<br />

Residents called for it for some<br />

time and community board<br />

members agreed this would create<br />

a more active voice for an area,<br />

which had been through a lot<br />

since the earthquakes.<br />

Board member Linda Stewart<br />

was appointed to liaise with the<br />

association and provide feedback<br />

to the community board and city<br />

council.<br />

The association’s boundaries<br />

include Prestons Rd, Marshland<br />

Rd and Dunlops Rd and extends<br />

to Lower Styx Rd, near Spencerville.<br />

An information leaflet about<br />

the purpose of the association and<br />

its boundaries was delivered to<br />

residents last month.<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Quizmasters battle it out<br />

• By Jess Gibson<br />

MORE THAN 200 keen spellers<br />

put pen to paper at the Otago<br />

Daily Times Extra! Canterbury<br />

quiz at Christchurch South<br />

Intermediate.<br />

Pupils from schools across<br />

the city teamed up in threes<br />

last Tuesday and were tested on<br />

spelling, grammar, abbreviations,<br />

matching words with their<br />

country of origin and dictionary<br />

skills.<br />

Selwyn House won the year 5<br />

and 6 section of the quiz with 95<br />

points out of a possible 100.<br />

Their victory followed a<br />

suspenseful tie-breaker with<br />

Fendalton Open-Air School,<br />

which came second with a score<br />

of 94 points.<br />

The St Martin’s School group<br />

in third was not far off, with 93<br />

points.<br />

Selwyn House champions<br />

Penelope Sutton, 8, Amelia West,<br />

9, and Serena Mackle Bayley, 9,<br />

were ecstatic after their win.<br />

Penelope said the quiz was<br />

“nerve-racking but fun.”<br />

“The tie-breaker was the hardest<br />

part. We got really confused<br />

with one word – rhythm,” she<br />

said.<br />

The Cathedral Grammar<br />

School team won the year 7 and<br />

8 quiz with 86 points out of 100.<br />

Harry Long, 11, Liam Hume,<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

WINNERS: Amelia West, 9, Penelope Sutton, 8, and Serena<br />

Mackle Bayley, 9, after their victory in the year 5 and 6<br />

section of the Otago Daily Times Extra! Canterbury spelling<br />

quiz.<br />


11 and Tor Chiles, 12, “did not<br />

expect it” when their team was<br />

called as the winners, as they<br />

only practised once on the day of<br />

the quiz.<br />

Liam said the team got caught<br />

on one of the mystery questions,<br />

but breezed through most of the<br />

others.<br />

“The anticipation while waiting<br />

for them to read out the<br />

votes” was his favourite part of<br />

the event.<br />

Cobham Intermediate<br />

School and Christchurch South<br />

Intermediate were tied for<br />

second place at 81 points.<br />

Extra! editor Tricia Rowe was<br />

pleased with how the night went.<br />

“It’s the first time South<br />

Intermediate had run the quiz<br />

and I was really happy with<br />

them,” said Mrs Rowe. She said<br />

it was challenging making sure<br />


Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

everything ran smoothly, but the<br />

support of South Intermediate<br />

volunteer runners was a big help.<br />

Teams were chosen by their<br />

schools to compete in the<br />

competition.<br />

The quiz was run by the<br />

Otago Daily Times through<br />

Extra! – its monthly Newspapers<br />

in Education publication for<br />

primary, intermediate and<br />

junior secondary school pupils.<br />

Titled Sections Available Now<br />

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