AEON catalogue

Catalogue of AEON products: Journey, SHAKE, Wildbury, Private Reserve, STRADA and Vaperska Škvadra

Catalogue of AEON products: Journey, SHAKE, Wildbury, Private Reserve, STRADA and Vaperska Škvadra


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Jinx<br />

Jinx je vrlo kompleksan liquid sačinjen od egzotičnih, krajnjim kupcima,<br />

nedostupnih aroma te zbog toga ima vrlo specifičan okus. Jinx je<br />

miks nekoliko vrsta duhana, prefine čokolade uz dodatak whiskeya. Jinx<br />

arome dolaze u jedinstvenoj drvenoj custom-made ambalaži. Uvijek<br />

postoji mogućnost da vam se neki miks neće svidjeti, pa tako i Jinx, no<br />

ono u što možete biti sigurni je da ove okuse do sada nikada niste probali.<br />

Jinx was introduced under “Private Reserve” brand together with<br />

Stribor recipe back in 2016. Since flavours used in these mixes are very<br />

exotic, hard to come by, both recipes were produced in small batches.<br />

Jinx is re-released in 2018 as high end very exclusive flavour recipe.<br />

Jinx is a combination of various tobacco flavours complemented with<br />

several chocolate flavours. Flavour is moderate sweet with true chocolate<br />

taste. Neither tobacco nor chocolate is dominant in this mix.<br />

Depending on the setup and the time of the day, several different nuts<br />

notes can appear or even fruity/alcohol notes from tobacco. Minimum<br />

30 days of steeping time is needed (up to 60 days).<br />

Flavours in this mix (except one) cannot be bought by end users on<br />

webshops so they will basically try these flavours and this flavour combination<br />

for the first time.<br />

Jinx ist ein sehr komplexes und spezifisches Tabak-E-Liquid, der mit sehr<br />

schwer zu erwerbenden exotischen Aromen, die dem Konsumenten<br />

nicht zur Verfügung stehen, hergestellt wird. Das Aroma selbst besteht<br />

aus mehreren Tabakaromen mit feinster Schokolade und einem Hauch<br />

Whisky. Jinx Aromakonzentrat wird in unserem originalen und einzigartigen<br />

Holzflaschenbehälter verkauft. Du wirst Jinx mögen oder vielleicht<br />

auch nicht, aber das Besondere daran ist, dass wir die Tatsache<br />

garantieren können dass du diese spezifischen Aromen noch nie bisher<br />

probiert hast.<br />

Jinx est une vape au tabac très complexe faite avec des goûts exotiques<br />

difficiles à trouver et non-disponibles sur le marché particulier. Le goût<br />

lui-même est celui de pusieurs tabacs, de chocolat fin et de notes de<br />

whiskey. Jinx est notre seul produit ayant des notes de résine de pin.<br />

Vous pouvez aimer Jinx ou non mais nous pouvons vous garantir pour<br />

sûr que vous n’avez jamais goûté celà.<br />

Jinx<br />

Primary flavour Tobacco<br />

Secondary flavour Chocolate<br />

Third flavour Whiskey<br />

Fourth flavour n/a<br />

Mixing range 10%<br />

Steep Time 30 - 60 days<br />

Complexity 10<br />

Fruit 0<br />

Pastry 0<br />

Tobacco 5<br />

Aromatic 4<br />

Creamy 4<br />

Nutty 1<br />

Sweet 1<br />

Cooling 0<br />

Coil gunk 5<br />

MTL / DL<br />

MTL<br />

Mild / Strong<br />

Strong<br />

Flavours in the mix 10+<br />

Recipe year 2016

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