AEON catalogue

Catalogue of AEON products: Journey, SHAKE, Wildbury, Private Reserve, STRADA and Vaperska Škvadra

Catalogue of AEON products: Journey, SHAKE, Wildbury, Private Reserve, STRADA and Vaperska Škvadra


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y <strong>AEON</strong><br />

COOL<br />

Cool je „najhladniji“ mix u našoj ponudi. Okus je replika slatkastih<br />

dražea s mentolom i pepermintom. U recepturi je korišten prirodan<br />

mentol, a ne aroma mentola.<br />

Cool is the „coolest“ mix in our offer. Its flavor is a replica of sweet menthol<br />

peppermint candy. Natural menthol crystals are used in this mix.<br />

Cool ist der „coolste“ Mix aus unserem Angebot. Sein Geschmack ist<br />

eine Replik von süßem Menthol-Pfefferminzbonbon. In dieser Mischung<br />

werden natürliche Mentholkristalle verwendet.<br />

Cool est notre produit le plus “cool” de toute notre gamme. Son parfum<br />

est une imitation des bonbons au menthol. Des cristaux de menthol<br />

naturel sont utilisé dans ce liquide.<br />

COOL<br />

Mentos candy<br />

Primary flavour Candy<br />

Secondary flavour Menthol<br />

Third flavour Pepermint<br />

Fourth flavour n/a<br />

Mixing range 10%<br />

Steep Time Shake`n`Vape<br />

Complexity 2<br />

Fruit 0<br />

Pastry 0<br />

Tobacco 0<br />

Aromatic 0<br />

Creamy 0<br />

Nutty 0<br />

Sweet 4<br />

Cooling 8<br />

Coil gunk 1<br />

MTL / DL<br />

MTL/DL<br />

Mild / Strong<br />

Flavours in the mix 6<br />

Strong<br />

Recipe year 2018

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