Tasmanian Business Reporter June 2019

Welcome to the June edition of the TBR. This month we take an in-depth look at the recently handed down State Budget where despite falling Government revenue, significant infrastructure spending looks set to maintain Tasmania's economic momentum. You'll also find a wrap-up of the Federal election and what the results mean for the state, an update on the $300 million Cattle Hill Wind Farm project and insight into the future of health care from St.LukesHealth CEO Paul Lupo.

Welcome to the June edition of the TBR.

This month we take an in-depth look at the recently handed down State Budget where despite falling Government revenue, significant infrastructure spending looks set to maintain Tasmania's economic momentum.

You'll also find a wrap-up of the Federal election and what the results mean for the state, an update on the $300 million Cattle Hill Wind Farm project and insight into the future of health care from St.LukesHealth CEO Paul Lupo.


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10 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - JUNE <strong>2019</strong><br />

NEWS<br />

TasWater customer<br />

service earns award<br />

TASWATER’s 24 Glasses<br />

- Regional Towns Water<br />

Supply Program, which<br />

resulted in the removal of<br />

all public health alerts on<br />

drinking water, has been<br />

named winner of the Operator<br />

& Service Provider<br />

Excellence award at this<br />

year’s Infrastructure Part-<br />

nerships Australia presentation.<br />

TasWater shared the<br />

award with project management<br />

partner KBR<br />

and TRILITY, the company<br />

which manufactured<br />

and installed nine<br />

water treatment plants<br />

in communities around<br />

New head for aqua feed company<br />

BIOMAR has appointed David<br />

returns to BioMar to lead the Greece, Turkey, China, Costa<br />

Whyte as managing di-<br />

start-up of the company’s first Rica and Ecuador, supplying<br />

rector of its new $56 million Australian plant.<br />

high-performance feed to the<br />

aqua feed manufacturing “I am excited to take this global aquaculture industry.<br />

plant at Wesley Vale. new professional challenge to BioMar is wholly owned<br />

The plant is under construction<br />

build a high performing team by the Danish industrial group<br />

and due to be commis-<br />

and firmly establish BioMar Schouw & Co, which is listed<br />

sioned in January, 2020. in Australia and New Zealand,”<br />

on the NASDAQ, Copenha-<br />

Mr Whyte is a marine biologist<br />

he said.<br />

gen.<br />

with 32 years’ experience<br />

It’s a tremendous opportuni-<br />

Once operational, the Tastion<br />

in aquaculture producty<br />

and a significant responsibilmanian<br />

facility will produce<br />

and supply companies in ity to meet the expectation<br />

2<br />

of up to 110,000 tonnes per annum<br />

of aqua feed product,<br />

Scotland, Australia and New our customers, staff, community<br />

and shareholders.”<br />

creating an expected 55 full<br />

Zealand.<br />

He was the first Technical BioMar operates 14 feed factories<br />

in Norway, Chile, Den-<br />

30 indirect jobs across the re-<br />

time jobs and an additional<br />

Manager at BioMar’s UK<br />

plant in the late 1990s and mark, Scotland, Spain, France, gion.<br />






We specialise in high quality ergonomic chairs,<br />

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Flair Office Furniture has been providing quality, affordable office<br />

furniture to homes and offices throughout the Hobart region<br />

for nearly 15 years. We’re a locally-based, family-run business<br />

specialising in all types of products, so why not visit us today to<br />

see our fantastic range?<br />

www.flairofficefurniture.com.au<br />

Phone 6234 1127<br />

260 Argyle Street,<br />

North Hobart<br />

Tasmania. The judging<br />

panel said it chose Tas-<br />

Water’s Regional Towns<br />

Water Supply program<br />

because of its innovative<br />

approach to lifting public<br />

health alerts in many<br />

small communities and<br />

achieving the best outcome<br />

for TasWater customers.<br />

TasWater CEO<br />

Michael Brewster said it<br />

was very pleasing to gain<br />

national recognition for<br />

a very significant infrastructure<br />

development.<br />

“The job of installing<br />

a large number of small<br />

and in some cases quite<br />

isolated water treatment<br />


To see your business here, call Kerri on 0419 750 267 or email kerri@thetrustedmediaco.com<br />

TasWater<br />

Senior Engineer<br />

Asset Strategy<br />

Bryony Elson,<br />

left, TasWater<br />

Stakeholder<br />

and Community<br />

Engagement<br />

Leader John J<br />

Murray, Managing<br />

Director Trility<br />

Fracois Gouws<br />

and General<br />

Manager, Systems<br />

Performance &<br />

Major Projects<br />

at TasWater<br />

Dr Dharma<br />

Dharmabalan.<br />

plants was an immense<br />

challenge from the very<br />

start,” Mr Brewster said.<br />

“The key to success<br />

was our partnership<br />

with KBR and TRILITY<br />

which enabled us to complete<br />

the task within the<br />

time frame of 18 months<br />

which we committed to.”<br />

David Whyte<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Check your online presence<br />

TASMANIA’S 37,300 small to medium businesses<br />

have a new digital check-up tool to help check the<br />

health and effectiveness of their websites and attract<br />

more customers to their businesses.<br />

The tool, designed and built locally by <strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />

firm Neon Jungle, provides analysis and tips on search<br />

engine optimisation, accessibility, performance, mobile<br />

responsiveness and social profile.<br />

The offering is part of the State Government’s Digital<br />

Ready for <strong>Business</strong> program, which has seen 600<br />

<strong>Tasmanian</strong>s attend a digital ready event or coaching<br />

session thi year.<br />

The digital check-up tool can be accessed via<br />

https://checkup.digitalready.tas.gov.au/<br />

Tassie’s frozen neighbour<br />

HOBART will host the fourth International Sub-Antarctic<br />

Forum in July 2020 as the state aims to capitalise<br />

on its proximity to Antarctica.<br />

The 2020 forum will sit alongside the biennial Australian<br />

Antarctic Festival, which attracts more than<br />

21,000 visitors to Hobart from around the world.<br />

It will bring together more than 120 experts from<br />

Antarctic nations including Australia, New Zealand,<br />

France, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Chile, Argentina<br />

and Norway.<br />

Land managers, policy makers, commercial operators<br />

and NGOs, as well as sub-Antarctic scientists,<br />

will focus on the challenges facing the sub-Antarctic<br />

and develop stronger partnerships.<br />

Tassie on the menu<br />

TASMANIA’S premium food and beverages were the<br />

envy of Asia at the HOFEX <strong>2019</strong> Food and Hospitality<br />

Tradeshow in Hong Kong in mid-May.<br />

Eight local premium food and beverage producers<br />

were introduced to thousands of trade delegates<br />

from more than 70 countries at the State Government-backed<br />

stall.<br />

Tasmania’s presence yielded results, with Hong<br />

Kong supermarket chain, City Super, signing deals to<br />

stock Tasmania’s Westhaven Dairy’s full range of yoghurts,<br />

and premium Tas Prime oysters.<br />

Woodbridge Smokehouse also signed a deal to increase<br />

the volume of their premium smoked salmon to<br />

Hong Kong’s ParknShop flagship stores.<br />

Wildlife the winner<br />

WILDLIFE will be the winner after a Hobart Airport<br />

initiative to install 1km of virtual fencing technology<br />

along Grueber Avenue.<br />

Environment Manager Kirsten Leggett said it was<br />

an important initiative to reduce animal deaths on the<br />

road.<br />

“Tasmania has recently earned the unfortunate title<br />

of the road kill capital of the world, with more animals<br />

dying per kilometre on <strong>Tasmanian</strong> roads than<br />

anywhere else in the world,” Ms Leggett said.<br />

“For locals and visitors alike, the experience of colliding<br />

with our wildlife can be quite traumatic.<br />

The Wildlife Safety Solutions technology is activated<br />

by oncoming headlights and uses audio alerts along<br />

with flashing LED lighting to deter animals from entering<br />

the roadway.<br />

Initial testing of virtual fencing devices in Tasmania<br />

has seen a 50 per cent reduction in road kill deaths.<br />

Bruny ferry may go electric<br />

A SECOND new<br />

multi-million dollar vessel<br />

to service Bruny Island<br />

will be built by<br />

<strong>Tasmanian</strong> business<br />

Richardson Devine Marine.<br />

SeaLink Travel Group<br />

had already contracted<br />

the ship builder to build<br />

its first new vessel, which<br />

is under construction and<br />

due to be delivered in<br />

Your Partner<br />

in Print.<br />

December this year.<br />

A contract has now<br />

Now incorporating<br />

been signed for the second<br />

vessel, which will<br />

cost $7.5 million.<br />

An artist’s impression of the first new Bruny<br />

Island ferry now under construction.<br />

Investigations are un-<br />

www.footandplaysted.com.au<br />

der way into the viability<br />

of it being electric -<br />

which would be the first<br />

ferry of its kind in the<br />

southern hemisphere.<br />


SeaLink’s two new<br />

vessels will provide a<br />

more reliable, efficient<br />

and comfortable services<br />

to the island, which is enjoying<br />

a tourism boom.

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