Summer 2019 OLLI Catalog
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning. For more info, visit:
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning.
For more info, visit:
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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> Course <strong>Catalog</strong> June–August<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute
Thank you<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH
Enrich Your Life, Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
Enrich Your Life, Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at<br />
thrives because of its<br />
generous donors and<br />
dedicated volunteers.<br />
We’d like to say<br />
Thank You<br />
to everyone who has<br />
helped make us successful,<br />
TORO RED<br />
Pantone 209<br />
m100 y41 k58<br />
GOLD<br />
Pantone 209<br />
m27 y100<br />
and we look forward to<br />
sharing our<br />
GRAY<br />
Pantone Cool Gray 9C<br />
c56 m46 y44 k10<br />
lifelong learning<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House &<br />
Orientation<br />
Join us at an <strong>OLLI</strong> Open House to learn more<br />
about lifelong learning for retired and semiretired<br />
adults. For more information on<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH visit<br />
or call (310) 243-3208.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are welcome to invite friends<br />
to the <strong>2019</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Open House.<br />
This is a great opportunity to learn about<br />
membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning<br />
Institute and to find out how to register<br />
for classes.<br />
Light refreshments will be served.<br />
n Tuesday, June 4, <strong>2019</strong>, 10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
CSUDH Campus, Extended Education Building, EE-1213<br />
(Auditorium)<br />
RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by email to<br />
by May 20, <strong>2019</strong><br />
n Registration Drop-off<br />
Drop off your registration forms at the Registration Office.<br />
Special Event<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer<br />
Orientation<br />
Tuesday, June 4<br />
following the <strong>OLLI</strong> Open<br />
House (See page 35)<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-Led Program (Omnilore) Orientations<br />
n Tuesday, June 18 at 10:00am or Friday, July 12 at 1:30pm<br />
Beach Cities Health Center<br />
514 N Prospect Ave, Lower Level Suite L8<br />
Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br />
RSVP to (310) 215-1848 or<br /><br />
Directions and parking information will be<br />
provided. Additional fees apply.<br />
(See page 24)<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Open House........................................ 1<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Contact Information.................... 2<br />
Dean’s Welcome................................. 2<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Membership Information..........3-4<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Film Series..............5-6<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes at CSUDH................7-22<br />
Art, Culture & Language..............8-9<br />
Health & Wellness....................10-12<br />
History & Social Science................ 13<br />
Science & Technology...............14-15<br />
Discussion Groups......................... 16<br />
Field Trips.................................17-20<br />
Special Events..........................21-22<br />
Peer-Led (Omnilore) .................23-32<br />
University Courses<br />
for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.................... 33<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer Opportunities.......34-35<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors................................... 36<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Codes of Conduct..................... 37<br />
Instructors and Lecturers................... 38<br />
Chronological List of Courses.......39-41<br />
Extended Ed Classroom Map............. 42<br />
Parking and Directions...................... 43<br />
CSUDH Campus Map........................ 44<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> is on Facebook!<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute<br />
at Cal State University Dominguez Hills<br /><br />
Osher Lecture Series – South Bay<br /><br />
Social Tennis for Seniors<br /><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>SocialTennis<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Online Calendar<br /><strong>OLLI</strong>/Calendar<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 1
Contact Information<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
College of Extended &<br />
International Education<br />
EE-1300<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Office: (310) 243-3208<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Registration: (310) 243-3741<br />
Extended Education Building, EE-1100<br />
Website:<br />
Email:<br />
Registration Office Hours:<br />
Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 8:00pm<br />
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm<br />
Saturday 8:00am – 1:30pm<br />
Sunday Closed<br />
Bernard and Barbro Osher<br />
Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation<br />
The CSUDH Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute is funded in<br />
part by a generous grant from<br />
the Bernard Osher Foundation.<br />
The Bernard Osher Foundation<br />
funds a national network of<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>s located at 123 colleges<br />
and universities throughout the<br />
United States.<br /><br />
A Message from Dean McNutt<br />
College of Extended and International Education, CSUDH<br />
By now, many <strong>OLLI</strong> Members have heard<br />
me use the phrase, “The College of<br />
Extended and International Education<br />
is all about K-80 Education.” It’s a play<br />
on the term, K-12 or K-16 education.<br />
What I mean by that is CEIE provides a<br />
learning continuum, whether a summer reading program for<br />
kindergarteners, a project management training program for adult<br />
learners looking to advance at work or <strong>OLLI</strong> Members reading a<br />
play or playing social tennis for seniors.<br />
Going forward, I will use the term, “K-100 education” and here’s<br />
why. I was asked to make opening remarks at our fall Osher<br />
Life Long Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>) Open House. The Extended<br />
Education auditorium was filled with new and continuing<br />
members. After describing the 50 academic, continuing and<br />
lifelong learning courses we have in our portfolio, I said how much<br />
I believe in K-80 education. After my brief talk, a new member<br />
came to me and said, “Dean McNutt, I take umbrage with your<br />
remarks about K-80 learning.” I was taken aback by her comment<br />
and thought she might even be joking with me, but she was not.<br />
“You should know,” she said, “I am 95 years of age, and I am still<br />
learning through <strong>OLLI</strong> classes at CSUDH.” Much to my chagrin,<br />
I discovered we have several <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore Members in their<br />
90’s who are engaged in active learning. So next time you hear<br />
me talk about the depth and breadth of our membership and the<br />
myriad opportunities we have for continuous learning, listen for<br />
the phrase, “The College of Extended and International Education<br />
is all about K-100 Education.”<br />
With that in mind, be sure to pick up your own copy of the<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> summer course catalog. There are at least 20 new programs<br />
and topics for your consideration.<br />
Finally, I’d like to thank all the donors who contributed to our<br />
Membership campaign this year. <strong>OLLI</strong> cannot thrive without<br />
donors, dedicated volunteers, staff, Extended Education and<br />
CSUDH. We look forward to another great summer of exciting<br />
programming. See you around campus!<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> MEMBERSHIP<br />
Lifelong Learning at CSUDH is a membership<br />
organization for those individuals age 50+<br />
who are seeking intellectual and social<br />
activities. These activities include short<br />
courses on a variety of topics, peer-led<br />
courses, discussion groups, field trips,<br />
computer workshops, social gatherings<br />
and campus cultural events. Learning takes<br />
place in a supportive environment without concern for grades,<br />
tests, or requirements.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH Membership Benefits<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members enjoy many benefits inherent in student status.<br />
• Attend the popular Osher Lecture Series (Fall and Spring<br />
Semesters only)<br />
• Participate in discussion groups on a variety of topics each term<br />
• Enroll in special interest, technology and other workshops<br />
designed for lifelong learners<br />
• Attend short courses and participate in field trips<br />
• Receive notifications by mail or email about campus events<br />
• Receive CSUDH Student ID card for library privileges and<br />
bookstore discounts<br />
• Meet in state-of-the-art classrooms<br />
• Receive an <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester<br />
• Participate in University and other selected Extended Education<br />
programs for reduced rates<br />
• Become involved in determining <strong>OLLI</strong> curriculum and events<br />
• Meet like-minded adults in a supportive learning<br />
environment<br />
• Email account at ToroMail<br />
• Reduced annual parking pass fees (See page 43)<br />
Become a Member!<br />
You can become an <strong>OLLI</strong> Member by<br />
calling (310) 243-3741 or completing<br />
the membership portion of the<br />
registration form in this catalog.<br />
Fee: Annual <strong>OLLI</strong> membership is $30.<br />
This includes the Osher Lecture Series<br />
and other benefits. Some <strong>OLLI</strong> activities<br />
have additional nominal fees. These<br />
include <strong>OLLI</strong> courses, field trip fee,<br />
computer courses and the peer-led<br />
(Omnilore) program.<br />
Meeting Times – Dates and times<br />
for courses are listed with course<br />
descriptions in this schedule.<br />
Course Registration – In this catalog<br />
Members will find many courses,<br />
programs and special activities.<br />
Fees are listed with the courses.<br />
Registration for courses listed in this<br />
catalog is available to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
To enroll in these courses complete<br />
the tear-out registration form (gold<br />
pages) in this catalog and mail<br />
with payment.<br />
A Note About our Peer-led<br />
Program (Omnilore)<br />
Registration in our Omnilore courses<br />
in Redondo Beach requires attendance<br />
at an orientation prior to registration.<br />
Visit or call<br />
(310) 215-1848 for more information<br />
Become a Member or Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong> Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses your membership must be current, which includes the Fall, Spring and<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> semesters. The cost is only $30 for an annual membership. If your membership has lapsed,<br />
please sign up as soon as possible. If you aren’t sure whether your membership is current, call the<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208. Please make checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 3
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
BL<br />
110 Fwy<br />
91 Fwy<br />
405 Fwy<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
PCH<br />
AVALON<br />
DEL AMO<br />
710 Fwy<br />
Annual Parking<br />
Passes are available<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
for only $20.<br />
Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />
at (310) 243-3208<br />
for details.<br />
Effective July 1, 2017,<br />
the fee to park on campus is<br />
$8 per day. Daily parking permits can<br />
be purchased at one of the many<br />
yellow parking lot permit machines<br />
using cash, debit or credit card.<br />
Permits must be displayed face-up<br />
on your dashboard.<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at www.csudh.<br />
edu/olli to find out about carpooling<br />
or taking public transportation to the<br />
campus.<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at CSUDH<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> Programs and Activities<br />
In this catalog, programs and activities for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members at the<br />
CSUDH campus are listed in the following categories:<br />
• Lecture Series – Series of presentations by CSUDH professors<br />
on a topic or theme suggested by <strong>OLLI</strong> Members. Fall and Spring<br />
semesters only!<br />
• Courses – <strong>OLLI</strong> courses are a series of classroom meetings<br />
organized around a topic and led by an instructor. Additional fees<br />
and/or waivers may apply.<br />
• Discussion Groups – Discussions are often conducted in<br />
conjunction with a video or film and facilitated by a discussion<br />
leader. Additional fees may apply.<br />
• Computer Workshops – Computer workshops include<br />
presentations on various computer applications and their uses.<br />
Classes meet in two modern computer labs with ample<br />
opportunity for hands-on practice. Additional fees may apply.<br />
• Field Trips – Members visit local museums, gardens, and<br />
historic sites. Additional fees and/or waivers may apply.<br />
• Peer-led (Omnilore) – This program consists of study/discussion<br />
groups in which each member participates by presenting a topic<br />
related to the subject under study. Additional fees apply. <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Members must attend an Omnilore orientation prior to registering<br />
for a peer-led class. See Peer-led section on pages 23-32 for more<br />
information or visit or call (310) 215-1848.<br />
Special Event<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n 8th Annual Juneteenth Celebration<br />
Thursday, June 19, 1:00pm –4:00pm<br />
(See page 22)<br />
Friends don’t let Friends miss out!<br />
Invite a friend to experience a taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> at our<br />
annual gathering—its a great way to get to know<br />
us—as we commemorate this historical day with<br />
entertainment, music, interactive games and a<br />
traditional Juneteenth menu.<br />
PG-13<br />
PG-13<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Film Series<br />
at CSUDH<br />
PG-13<br />
Join us for the tenth season as<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members present movies for a<br />
Wednesday morning. Come and see<br />
outstanding, and sometimes thoughtprovoking<br />
films. Each movie will be<br />
shown in its entirety, with comments<br />
by the presenter, followed by group<br />
discussion. This is a great way to spend<br />
a lazy Wednesday morning, see some<br />
good movies again, or see them for<br />
the first time.<br />
PG-13<br />
Bring your lunch or snack;<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers will supply iced<br />
tea, lemonade and popcorn.<br />
“See you at the movie!”<br />
R<br />
PG-13<br />
PG-13<br />
R<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 5
BL<br />
110 Fwy<br />
This series is presented at<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
91 Fwy<br />
405 Fwy<br />
About the series<br />
“Just turn your phone off before the<br />
movie begins, lest it gets ideas.”<br />
8 Wednesdays<br />
June 5, 12, 26<br />
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />
10:00am – 1:00pm<br />
PCH<br />
AVALON<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 156 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31568<br />
Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 156 Section 02<br />
Course No. 31569<br />
DEL AMO<br />
710 Fwy<br />
A diverse but divided neighborhood<br />
in the heart of America struggles to<br />
survive rising floodwaters and bias.<br />
This film by David Nutter and Lena<br />
Waithe asks “Why does it take a<br />
disaster to bring us together?”<br />
The Greatest Showman (2017) PG Hugh Jackman, Zac<br />
Efron, Zendaya This hit Musical will make you want to sing along,<br />
sway back and forth to the beat of the music, even dance a jig or<br />
two as it tells the story of American visionary, showman, and<br />
originator of the worldwide traveling sensation, P.T. Barnum’s<br />
“Ringling Bros., Barnum and Bailey Circus.” June 5<br />
The Mountain Between Us (2017) PG-13 Idris Elba, Kate<br />
Winslet, Beau Bridges After a fearsome plane crash on an<br />
isolated, snow-covered mountain range, a pair of strangers must<br />
work together in order to survive. June 12<br />
Crazy Rich Asians (2018) PG-13 Constance Wu, Henry Golding,<br />
Michelle Yeoh Rachel Chu is happy to accompany her longtime<br />
boyfriend, Nick, to his best friend’s wedding in Singapore, not<br />
knowing that he is one of his country’s wealthiest and most eligible<br />
bachelors. Rachel contends with jealous socialites, quirky relatives<br />
and something far, far worse—Nick’s disapproving mother. June 26<br />
Black Panther (2018) PG-13 Chadwick Boseman, Michael B.<br />
Jordan, Lupita Nyong’o After the death of his father, the king of<br />
Wakanda, T’Challa returns home to the isolated, technologically<br />
advanced African Nation to succeed to the throne and take his<br />
rightful place. July 3<br />
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) PG-13 Jim Caviezel, Guy<br />
Pearce, Richard Harris Dashing young sailor Edmond Dantes is an<br />
honest, peaceful man whose plans to marry beautiful Mercedes are<br />
shattered by his jealous friend. He is imprisoned on an island for 13<br />
years, where he plots his revenge. July 10<br />
Aquaman (2018) PG-13 Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem<br />
Dafoe Half human, half Atlantis Arthur Curry comes to terms with<br />
his real identity, and discovers his destiny as a king. Hold on to your<br />
seats, this is an action and adventure packed movie, you won’t fall<br />
asleep on this one! July 17<br />
Victoria and Abdul (2017) PG-13 Judi Dench, Ali Fazal, Tim<br />
Pigott-Smith Arriving from India to participate in Queen Victoria’s<br />
golden jubilee, young clerk Abdul Karim is surprised to find favor<br />
with the queen herself. The two forge an unlikely and devoted<br />
alliance as the queen begins to see a changing world through<br />
new eyes, joyfully reclaiming her humanity. July 24<br />
Upgrade (2018) R Logan Marshall-Green, Melanie Vallejo,<br />
Steve Danielsen After his wife is killed during a brutal mugging<br />
that also leaves him paralyzed, Grey Trace accepts a billionaire<br />
inventor’s experimental cure—an AI implant—giving him superhuman<br />
physical abilities to relentlessly claim vengeance. July 31<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes,<br />
Workshops and<br />
Activities<br />
California State University<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
Many classes, workshops and<br />
discussion groups take place on<br />
the campus of California State<br />
University Dominguez Hills in Carson.<br />
In addition to modern classroom<br />
buildings and a dedicated computer<br />
lab, the University has many resources<br />
which include a library, food<br />
court, restaurants, and bookstore.<br />
Involvement in University activities is<br />
one of the many benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong>.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />
LIVE More.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 7
Instructor and Facilitator: Maria Ruiz,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore member, District<br />
Toastmasters Qualified Speaker<br />
and winner of two Distinguished<br />
Toastmasters Awards, and the 2013<br />
Roy D. Graham Lifetime Achievement<br />
Award. She is the “drama guru” at the<br />
Joslyn Center and regularly conducts<br />
play readings there. She also directs<br />
and produces the Dramatic Readers<br />
Theater in Manhattan Beach and<br />
Palos Verdes.<br />
8 Wednesdays<br />
June 5, 12<br />
July 17, 24, 31<br />
August 14, 21, 28<br />
1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1218<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 154 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31564<br />
Important Announcement:<br />
Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />
your membership must be current.<br />
The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />
membership. If your membership<br />
has lapsed, please sign up as soon<br />
as possible. If you aren’t sure<br />
whether your membership is<br />
current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office at<br />
(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />
checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
Let’s Read a Play!<br />
No stage or acting experience required. Join us for the opportunity<br />
to have some fun and to polish our dramatic skills. Our director,<br />
Maria Ruiz, will introduce the authors and theater history of each<br />
play before readings begin. You are invited to become a part of<br />
this interesting and interactive approach to enjoying a play and to<br />
experience cold readings. Expect lively discussion about meaning<br />
and content. Students usually obtain copies of the plays from<br />
libraries or purchase copies.<br />
Refreshments will be served. Bring your own drink.<br />
Beyond Therapy by Christopher Durang<br />
June 5, 12<br />
This fast-paced romantic comedy is about the<br />
bizarre first date of Bruce and Prudence, their<br />
lunatic therapists, Bruce’s jealous, gun-wielding<br />
homosexual lover Stuart, Stuart’s over-protective<br />
mother, and a host of odd New York characters.<br />
Will Bruce and Prudence find love amidst all the craziness?<br />
Hamlet , by William Shakespeare<br />
July 17, 24, 31<br />
A tale of murder, revenge, and a man who can’t<br />
make up his mind. Spurred on to take revenge<br />
for his father’s murder by his father’s ghost,<br />
but wracked throughout the play by scruples<br />
and doubts. Hamlet’s failure to act leaves a trail<br />
of corpses ending in a grand and fatal finale!<br />
Ghosts, murder, plots, lies, insanity, poison,<br />
stabbing, drowning, and duels: this dysfunctional family has a little<br />
something for everyone.<br />
King Lear by William Shakespeare<br />
August 14, 21, 28<br />
The aging king of Britain, King Lear, decides to<br />
step down from the throne and divide his kingdom<br />
evenly among his three daughters; but first he puts<br />
them through a test: each must tell him how much<br />
she loves him. The older two give him flattering<br />
answers. But the youngest and favorite remains<br />
silent. Rejection, betrayal, insanity are the results<br />
of Lear’s shallow and selfish decisions. Everyone gets what they<br />
deserve…and more.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Conversation Partners<br />
an <strong>OLLI</strong> English Corner Event<br />
NEW!<br />
The ESL (English as a Second Language) and American Culture<br />
Program (ACP) at CSUDH is looking for “conversation partners”<br />
for casual conversations with visiting Chinese students (Jr/Sr High<br />
School age). No Chinese is required, just a wiliness to interact with<br />
these young adults from China who want to practice their English.<br />
The phrase English Corner (From Wikipedia) commonly applies<br />
to informal periods of instruction in English held at schools and<br />
colleges in China. These sessions are sometimes led by native<br />
Chinese teachers or less often by teachers who are native speakers<br />
of English. The emphasis in these sessions is on improving the oral<br />
English skills of the participants. Often the activities in primary and<br />
secondary schools focus on cultural activities such as Halloween,<br />
Thanksgiving and Christmas among other festivals and holidays<br />
common in English speaking countries. As an informal session the<br />
topics can be far ranging. Usually English Corner activities are held<br />
on Friday afternoons after lunch in many schools.<br />
Interested, register and/or email <strong>OLLI</strong> Office at<br />
Facilitator: Melvin Spears, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Member<br />
Days: TBA<br />
July 5-August 15<br />
Times: TBA<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
TBA<br />
“Day” Parking Passes available<br />
for all Volunteers<br />
NLLL 154 Section 03<br />
Course No. 31566<br />
Special Event<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n AARP Driver Safety<br />
Wednesday or Thusday,<br />
August 14, 15<br />
(See page 21)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 9
NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> is pleased to offer Social Tennis for Seniors, Crocheting for Health, Urban Hiking,<br />
T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners, and Fun and Games to focus on learning experiences that optimize<br />
brain fitness and promote physical fitness through exercise and coordination. Have fun!<br />
Instructor: Donald Means,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Donald’s Vision: “We will be the<br />
fittest Seniors we know”<br />
10 Tuesdays<br />
June 11, 18, 25<br />
July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30<br />
Aug 6, 13<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
11 Fridays<br />
June 7, 14, 21, 28<br />
July 5, 12, 19, 26<br />
Aug 2, 9, 16<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
Practice only:<br />
2 Tuesdays<br />
August 20, 27<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
2 Fridays<br />
August 23, 30<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 355 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31575<br />
Social Tennis for Seniors<br />
The game of tennis is a lifetime sport. Now is the opportune time<br />
to join our class. We are a group with many different attributes<br />
who enjoy a moderate level of physical activity. The tennis class has<br />
wonderful health benefits; just to name a couple; fun and social<br />
interaction. We participate in medium stretching and warm-up<br />
exercises. Instructions are easy. We gain knowledge of tennis rules<br />
and tennis etiquette. We continue to learn the essentials of tennis,<br />
beginning with the classic grip, forehand, backhand, serve, volley,<br />
topspin, drop shot and doubles play.<br />
To get started bring a tennis racket, wear tennis shoes and bring<br />
sunglasses, hat, small towel, and water. Class meets for 21 sessions<br />
and will remain available four additional weeks for practice.<br />
Note: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver<br />
at first class session.<br />
Field Trip<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n San Gabriel Mission<br />
Docent-led Tour<br />
Thursday, August 1<br />
(See page 18)<br />
T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />
T’ai Chi Chaun is<br />
a slow martial art<br />
comprised of a series<br />
of postures which<br />
flow together in a<br />
holistic and unified<br />
manner. T’ai Chi is<br />
essentially a moving<br />
meditation<br />
accessible to<br />
everyone, regardless of age or physical ability. Join me in exploring<br />
this ancient art, which is still practiced worldwide today, known to<br />
bring about calmness, strength, optimum health, body awareness,<br />
improved balance, community and lasting friendships.<br />
Please wear comfortable clothes.<br />
Note: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver<br />
at first class session.<br />
Instructor: Linda Kahn,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
6 Fridays<br />
June 7, 14, 21, 28<br />
July 12, 19<br />
1:30pm - 2:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1222<br />
Fee: $15<br />
Class is limited to 15 students<br />
NLLL 355 Section 02<br />
Course No. 31576<br />
Fun and Games<br />
“No experience<br />
necessary.”<br />
This class is all about having fun,<br />
friendship, and “exercising”<br />
our brains! An assortment of<br />
games will be provided but class<br />
members are encouraged to<br />
bring their own games to share.<br />
We will have on hand “brain<br />
games” along with such favorites as Mexican Train (a dominos<br />
game). Scrabble, Tripoley, Rummy Tiles, Jenga, Cribbage, Chess,<br />
playing cards, and coloring books, to name a few. We will break<br />
into groups, play familiar games, and learn some new ones.<br />
Class members volunteer to bring refreshments.<br />
You bring your drink.<br />
Facilitator: Valerie Dingwall,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and <strong>OLLI</strong> Historian<br />
6 Fridays<br />
June 14, 28<br />
July 12, 26<br />
August 9, 23<br />
11:30am – 1:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1222<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 355 Section 03<br />
Course No. 31577<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 11
Presenter: Dr. Mario Pacada,<br />
Podiatric Consultant<br />
Monday, August 12<br />
11:00am - 12:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 355 Section 05<br />
Course No. 31579<br />
Diabetes and your Feet!<br />
NEW!<br />
People with diabetes are prone to foot problems that develop due<br />
to high blood sugar levels in the bloodstream. Over time, diabetes<br />
may cause nerve damage such as tingling, pain, and ulcers on<br />
your feet. Unfortunately, not many people know how to prevent<br />
and treat their diabetic foot pain, resulting in swelling, abnormal<br />
alignment in feet and risk of amputation.<br />
Because diabetes is affecting many people of all ages, Dr. Mario<br />
Pacada invites you for an engaging lecture about prevention,<br />
symptoms, and treatment methods about this growing epidemic.<br />
During his lecture, Dr. Pacada will provide ideas to reduce stress<br />
levels and how to live a healthier lifestyle. Don’t miss out on<br />
this opportunity to discuss your feet problems, concerns and<br />
receive professional advice from Dr. Pacada who experience years<br />
consulting patients and the community to care for their diabetes<br />
and feet.<br />
Facilitator: Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
8 Tuesdays<br />
June 11, 18, 25<br />
July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30<br />
1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1218<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 355 Section 04<br />
Course No. 31578<br />
Crocheting For Health<br />
Let’s complete a project for <strong>Summer</strong>! Crocheting is a part of our<br />
Healthy Living series. It stimulates our brains and can promote<br />
mental health by reducing stress. Class times are scheduled to allow<br />
a solid beginning in the art and skill of crocheting, as well as for<br />
feedback on progress.<br />
Past projects have been donated as prizes at <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebrations,<br />
Juneteenth and to Knots of Love.<br />
Please bring yarn<br />
and hook (size I or J)<br />
to first meeting.<br />
Into the Northwest Passage<br />
“In the summer of 2012 a group of adventurers boarded an<br />
expedition ship Clipper Adventurer in the Greenland fjord of<br />
Kangerlusiak and started an incredible cruise across the Arctic<br />
through the<br />
Northwest Passage.<br />
After visiting Innuit<br />
villages along the<br />
Greenland coast,<br />
they crossed the<br />
Davis Strait and<br />
entered the Northwest<br />
Passage at<br />
Lancaster Sound<br />
and cruised across<br />
Nunavut, Canada<br />
along the same route successfully pioneered by the famous<br />
Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen back in 1905.<br />
Rich Abele is a veteran of numerous trips to the Arctic including the<br />
North Pole. Rich will take you on a photographic and oral journey<br />
to remote islands in the far northern region of Nunavut (northern<br />
Canada) where he encountered huge glaciers, brilliant icebergs,<br />
abandoned Hudson Bay Company outposts and former Royal<br />
Canadian Mounted Police stations. In addition to sighting<br />
numerous polar bears, walruses, musk oxen and innumerable<br />
species of arctic birds, they also landed on Beechey Island where<br />
some crewmembers of the ill-fated 1845 Franklin Expedition are<br />
buried. Few ships have<br />
transited the Northwest<br />
Passage without encountering<br />
channels choked<br />
with ice; fortunately, 2012<br />
was a relatively “warm<br />
year” in the Arctic.<br />
Please join us and find<br />
out more about the route<br />
pioneered by Amundsen and the recent discovery of the Franklin’s<br />
two expedition ships – the HMS Terror and HMS Erebus.<br />
This is an <strong>OLLI</strong> Special Event presentation you will not want<br />
to miss.<br />
NEW!<br />
Presenter: Rich Abele, a veteran of<br />
five Antarctica expeditions and tour<br />
guide aboard the museum battleship<br />
USS IOWA (BB-61).<br />
Thursday, July 18<br />
10:00am - 12:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 251 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31571<br />
Field Trip<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n Los Angeles Environmental<br />
Learning Center and<br />
Hyperion Plant Tour<br />
Monday, August 5<br />
(See page 20)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 13
Presented by Leah Young and<br />
Val Hoffman, Charter Volunteers<br />
(active with the Aquarium since its<br />
opening.)<br />
Thursday, June 6<br />
1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 352 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31572<br />
Special Presentation<br />
Inside the Aquarium of the Pacific<br />
NEW!<br />
Join us for fabulous fish and mammal tales from the Aquarium<br />
of the Pacific. We will take you on a journey through the<br />
Aquarium including Pacific Visions, our newest wing, opening on<br />
May 24. Curious about how we care for our animals, males<br />
that get pregnant, fish that change sex and where we get our<br />
water for the exhibits? Then this is the presentation for you!<br />
You will hear “behind the scenes” stories about some of our<br />
exhibits and animals.<br />
Celebrating 20 years of instilling a sense of wonder, respect, and<br />
stewardship for the Pacific Ocean, its inhabitants, and ecosystems.<br />
Facilitators: Deborah Miller and<br />
Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
13 Fridays<br />
June 7, 14, 21, 28<br />
July 5, 12, 19, 26<br />
August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30<br />
3:00pm - 4:30pm<br />
The Urban Farm is located at the<br />
southeast corner of campus<br />
at S. Central & Glen Curtis/Pacific View.<br />
next to Facilities Services (80)<br />
(See Campus Map on page 44)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Class is limited to 10 students<br />
NLLL 352 Section 02<br />
Course No. 31573<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> has requested and received a raised planting bed as part<br />
of the Campus Urban Farm.<br />
Founded in early 2018, the Campus Urban Farm is an outdoor<br />
classroom, living laboratory, and garden that uses a multidisciplinary<br />
approach to address student food insecurity,<br />
urban agriculture, and sustainability.<br />
NEW!<br />
The farm produce will be available upon request and is regularly<br />
donated to the Toro<br />
Food Pantry and other<br />
locations.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
must register and<br />
complete a half-hour<br />
orientation. Please<br />
coordinate with your<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> @ Urban Farm<br />
facilitators.<br />
Clean Power Alliance—Conversation<br />
Clean Power Alliance is here to serve you as California’s new,<br />
locally operated electricity provider for communities across<br />
Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.<br />
NEW!<br />
Presenter: Allison Mannos, Clean<br />
Power Alliance Senior Manager,<br />
Marketing and Customer Engagement<br />
Thursday, July 18<br />
1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 352 Section 03<br />
Course No. 31574<br />
Clean Power Alliance was established in 2017 to provide cost<br />
competitive electric services, reduce electric sector greenhouse<br />
gas emissions, stimulate renewable energy development,<br />
implement distributed energy resources, promote energy efficiency<br />
and demand reduction programs, and sustain long-term rate<br />
stability for residents and businesses through local control.<br />
Originally established as a joint power’s authority with<br />
unincorporated Los Angeles County, Rolling Hills Estates, and<br />
South Pasadena as founding members, we quickly grew to a<br />
coalition of 31 agencies across Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.<br />
Field Trip<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n Los Angeles Central<br />
Library Architecture<br />
and Gardens Tour<br />
Wednesday, August 7<br />
(See page 17)<br />
Field Trip<br />
Save the Date!<br />
n La Brea Tarpits<br />
and Museum<br />
Monday, June 24<br />
(See page 19)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 15
Facilitators: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
3 Thursdays<br />
June 13, July 11<br />
August 8<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1222<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 154 Section 02<br />
Course No. 31565<br />
The Thursday Morning Book Club<br />
We’ll read and discuss these books selected by the club members.<br />
Some questions to consider might be: How well has the author<br />
made his/her point? What surprised you about a character or the<br />
ending? How does the story relate to today’s ideas and lifestyles?<br />
Bring your own beverage; members provide snacks.<br />
June 13<br />
The Teagirl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See<br />
The story begins with Li-yan, an Akha girl whose family spends its<br />
days picking Pu’er tea in the mountains of the Yunnan Province in<br />
China for the equivalent of $25 a month. The Akha are a distinct<br />
ethnic group and hill tribe whose beliefs are animistic (everything<br />
has a spirit)—and emphasizes their profound connection to the<br />
natural world. This story follows a number of traditional childbirths,<br />
superstitions, adoption, life in the mountains, and coming to<br />
America in 1988. It’s about a girl who loses her daughter and<br />
leaves her traditional world behind.<br />
July 11<br />
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin<br />
Contains two non-fiction essays: “My Dungeon Shook – Letter to<br />
my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipation,”<br />
and “Down at the Cross – Letter from a Region of my Mind.” The<br />
first essay discusses the central role of race in American history. The<br />
second deals with the relations between race and religion, focusing<br />
in particular on “Baldwin’s experiences with the Christian church as<br />
a youth; as well as the Islamic ideas of others in Harlem.<br />
August 8<br />
The #1 Ladies Detective Agency (in Botswana)<br />
by Alexander McCall Smith<br />
This novel introduces the Motswana Mma Precious Ramotswe, who<br />
begins the first detective agency in the capital city Gaborone, after<br />
her beloved father dies and she inherits his large herd of cattle. She<br />
hires a secretary and solves cases for her clients. Precious tells her<br />
own story, from birth, and her father tells his. She solves three cases<br />
and meets important new people; her secretary Grace Makutsi, and<br />
good friend, the excellent mechanic, Mr. JLB Matekoni. Precious<br />
has an abiding love of her country; she has a gentle heart and<br />
thinks the best of people. This series is up to book 20! It was a TV<br />
series and has world-wide readership.<br />
NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver prior to participating in field trip activities. Check the<br />
field trip description for any additional expenses that may be incurred on-site.<br />
Los Angeles Central Library<br />
Architecture and Gardens Tour<br />
NEW!<br />
Journey downtown and visit Los Angeles Public Library’s historic<br />
Central Library. Enjoy the art and architecture of the 1926 Bertram<br />
Goodhue Building with its distinctive sphinxes and rooftop pyramid.<br />
Wander through the 1993 Tom Bradley Wing, designed by architect<br />
Norman Pfeiffer, and gaze at the 8-story atrium with its whimsical<br />
chandeliers. Learn about the library’s comprehensive collections,<br />
including geneology.<br />
The docent-led tours will last approximately 1 ½ hours and includes<br />
the art and architecture of both the historic 1926 Bertram Goodhue<br />
Building, the 1993 Tom Bradley Wing, and the Maguire-Gardens.<br />
Wednesday, August 7<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
Participants will meet in the garden<br />
at the Flower Street entrance.<br />
Los Angeles Central Library<br />
at 9:45am<br />
630 W 5th Street<br />
Los Angeles, CA 90071<br />
(213) 228-7000<br /><br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Parking is $9.00<br />
NLLL 171 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31570<br />
Please wear<br />
comfortable<br />
shoes, this is a<br />
walking tour<br />
with ADA<br />
accessibilities.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 17
Thursday, August 1<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
Participants will meet at the<br />
San Gabriel Mission at 9:45am<br />
4275 Junipero Serra Drive<br />
San Gabriel, 91776<br />
(626) 457-3035<br /><br />
Fee: $5 (Payable at the Door)<br />
Must register by July 15.<br />
Parking is Free<br />
NLLL 370 Section 02<br />
Course No. 31587<br />
San Gabriel Mission Docent-led Tour<br />
NEW!<br />
Founded in 1771 by Junipero Serra, this fortress-like structure with<br />
five-foot thick walls and narrow windows is a design not found<br />
in any other mission. Located nine miles east of downtown Los<br />
Angeles, at one time it covered several hundred thousand acres;<br />
one fourth of the wealth of California missions in stock and grain<br />
was credited to San Gabriel. The original vaulted roof was of a<br />
Moorish design patterned after the cathedral at Cordova, Spain,<br />
with slender capped buttresses and a six-belled campanario. One<br />
bell, which weighs a ton, can be heard eight miles away. The<br />
hammered copper baptismal font was a gift of King Carlos III<br />
of Spain and the six priceless altar statues were brought around<br />
the Horn from Spain in 1791. The winery, kitchen gardens and<br />
graveyard are still intact and the museum exhibits old books, Indian<br />
paintings and parchments.<br />
The 21 missions that comprise California’s Historic Mission Trail are<br />
all located on or near Highway 101, which roughly traces El Camino<br />
Real (The Royal Road) named in honor of the Spanish monarchy<br />
which financed the expeditions into California in the quest for<br />
empire. From San Diego to Los Angeles, the historic highway is now<br />
known as Interstate 5. From Santa Clara to San Francisco, the road<br />
is called State Highway 82. North of San Francisco, Highway 101<br />
again picks up the trail to the mission at San Rafael. From there,<br />
State Highway 37 leads to the last mission at Sonoma.<br />
La Brea Tarpits and Museum<br />
NEW!<br />
Let’s take a journey to 40,000 years into the past in the Los Angeles<br />
area, and think for a moment what would you see? Who would<br />
you encounter? There is no other place that can better illustrate the<br />
answers to these questions but the La Brea Tarpits and Museum.<br />
Take an adventure into the wild exhibits, displaying wild beasts such<br />
as the saber-tooth tiger, wooly mammoths, and fossils belonging to<br />
exotic mammals that became extinct.<br />
During your visit you will enjoy a self-guided tour of the La Brea<br />
Tarpits and Museum. In this self-guided tour, you have the option<br />
to participate in the following exhibits: Titans of the Ice Age, an<br />
exciting 3D movie experience ($5.00 extra). In the Excavator tour<br />
you will discover in action the fossils of mammoths, saber-toothed<br />
cats, and dire wolves.<br />
Monday, June 24<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
Participants will meet in the<br />
La Brea Tarpits and Museum<br />
at 9:45am<br />
5801 Wilshire Blvd.<br />
Los Angeles, CA 90036<br />
(213) 763-3499<br /><br />
Fee: $10 (Payable at the Door)<br />
Parking is $15<br />
NLLL 370 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31586<br />
Please note: The museum’s parking<br />
lot is located at the corner of Curson<br />
Ave and 6th St, directly behind the<br />
museum. Enter from the western side<br />
of Curson Ave.<br />
If you choose street parking, please<br />
read all parking signs carefully, as<br />
restrictions apply. Most importantly,<br />
do not park along Wilshire<br />
Boulevard between the hours of<br />
7-9 am and 4-7 pm (Monday-Friday),<br />
or your car will be ticketed and towed.<br />
This applies even if you are parked<br />
at a meter.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 19
Monday, August 5<br />
10:00am – 11:30am<br />
Participants will meet in the<br />
Environment Learning Center<br />
(ELC) at 9:45am<br />
12000 Vista Del Mar<br />
Playa Del Rey, CA 90293<br />
(310) 648-5363 (ELC)<br /><br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Parking is Free<br />
NLLL 370 Section 03<br />
Course No. 31588<br />
Please note: All participants must<br />
wear walking shoes, tennis shoes or<br />
closed shoes (no sandals or open toe<br />
shoes). Also, parking is limited, we<br />
recommend to carpool.<br />
Los Angeles Environment Learning<br />
Center and Hyperion Plant<br />
NEW!<br />
Exhibits at the Environment<br />
Learning Center (ELC) and<br />
Hyperion Plant tour use<br />
interactive exhibits to teach<br />
about daily practices of<br />
clean water treatment<br />
and conservation, the<br />
importance of water<br />
management of solid<br />
resources and watershed<br />
protection. A tram ride around the plant shows the innovative<br />
works being currently done to reuse treated wastewater and<br />
recover wastewater bio-resources for energy generation and<br />
agricultural applications.<br />
AARP Driver Safety<br />
This class will promote safe driving and help older drivers maintain<br />
their mobility and independence. One of the most significant<br />
demographic factors changing in our nation’s future is the aging<br />
of the population. The number of people age 50+ has grown<br />
significantly in the past decade and this segment will continue<br />
to increase more rapidly than any other age group in the United<br />
States. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by the 2030, one in<br />
four drivers will be 65 or older, which translates into more than 30<br />
million drivers!<br />
This course is intended to help drivers live more independently as<br />
they age and remain safe on today’s roads. Since the program’s<br />
inception in 1979, more than 15 million participants have<br />
completed the course. The course will cover defensive driving<br />
techniques and:<br />
• Maintaining proper following distance<br />
• Minimizing the effect of dangerous blind spots<br />
• Limiting driver distractions such as, eating, smoking, and<br />
cell phone use<br />
• Properly using safety belts, air bags, and all car features<br />
• Effects of medication on driving<br />
• Maintaining physical flexibility<br />
• Monitoring the driving skills and capabilities of yourself<br />
and others<br />
Please join us in this fun and informative class. Upon completion,<br />
attendees receive an auto insurance discount certificate good for<br />
three years. Please consult your insurance agent for details.<br />
Presented by AARP Driver Safety<br />
Coordinator: Robert Vatz<br />
1 Wednesday, 1 Thursday<br />
August 14, 15<br />
9:00am – 1:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1222<br />
Fee to be paid at the first morning<br />
class, directly to the AARP presenter:<br />
$15 for AARP Members<br />
$20 for non-AARP Members<br />
NLLL 001 Section 03<br />
Course No. 31563<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 21
Wednesday, June 19<br />
1:00pm - 4:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Participants must register<br />
by June 5<br />
Fees:<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $10.00<br />
Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $15.00<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members Only<br />
NLLL 001 Section 01<br />
Course No. 31561<br />
Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members Only<br />
NLLL 001 Section 02 Course<br />
No. <br />
Juneteenth Celebration:<br />
The Stories We Tell, The Games We Play<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> invites you to join us in our 8th annual Juneteenth Celebration<br />
on June 19th. Share with us this historic day as we creatively retell<br />
significant events surrounding Juneteenth and reflect on its impact<br />
on today’s American culture. There will be entertainment, music,<br />
interactive games and a traditional Juneteenth menu.<br />
This is an opportunity to explore the culture, practices and<br />
contributions of African Americans. Juneteenth “Emancipation<br />
Day” celebrates the liberation of African-American slaves in the<br />
state of Texas on June 19, 1865. Join us for the 153rd Anniversary<br />
of Juneteenth. This commemoration of African-American freedom<br />
is now observed across America.<br />
Important Announcement:<br />
Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />
your membership must be current.<br />
The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />
membership. If your membership<br />
has lapsed, please sign up as soon<br />
as possible. If you aren’t sure<br />
whether your membership is<br />
current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at<br />
(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />
checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
Friends don’t let Friends miss out on <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />
Interested in experiencing a taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> before enrolling as a<br />
member? The Juneteenth Celebration is a great way to get<br />
to know us. The enrollment fee for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members is $10.00 or<br />
$15.00 for Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led<br />
Program—<br />
Omnilore<br />
Recently celebrating its 29th<br />
anniversary, Omnilore is <strong>OLLI</strong>’s peerled<br />
group, a learning-in-retirement<br />
community of approximately 300<br />
seniors who organize study/discussion<br />
groups on dozens of diverse topics<br />
that are conceived, planned and<br />
directed by the Members. Omnilore is<br />
open to active <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who<br />
seek intellectual stimulation and the<br />
challenge of shared inquiry.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 23
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Before registering in the peer-led<br />
program, an orientation session<br />
is required. Please RSVP to<br />
(310) 215-1848 at least 3 days prior.<br />
Directions and parking information<br />
will be provided.<br />
Orientation dates<br />
for <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> have passed.<br />
Additional fees apply.<br />
Beach Cities Health Center<br />
Lower Level Suites L8 & L9<br />
514 N Prospect Ave<br />
Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br /><br />
Directions and parking information<br />
will be provided.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led (Omnilore) Orientation<br />
The peer-led program of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is known as Omnilore.<br />
The study/discussion group is the core of the peer-led program.<br />
Within the group, each member participates by choosing a topic<br />
related to the subject under study, doing research on it and then<br />
presenting the information to the group. Some study/discussion<br />
groups are structured around a book, which all members read<br />
and discuss as part of the meetings. Groups meet for two hours<br />
twice each month, 8 meetings for a total of 16 hours. The exact<br />
time of each class is set by the participants.<br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
Holiday periods are adapted to by individual class voting.<br />
Although the Fall orientation dates have passed, you<br />
can prepare for the following trimester by attending orientation<br />
meetings on Tuesday, June 18 at 10am or Friday, July 12<br />
at 1:30pm<br />
Call (310) 215-1848 for more details and payment information,<br />
or visit the Omnilore website at<br />
Spring classes start in May and end in August.<br />
Fall classes start in September and end in December.<br />
The Forum (Speaker Luncheon)<br />
The Forum is a special luncheon held by Omnilore (<strong>OLLI</strong>’s peer-led<br />
learning group) every quarter which features a speaker on a<br />
variety of topics. It is a social as well as an educational event.<br />
Open to members and non-members, reservations must be<br />
received 10 days prior to the event. Cost is $27. Speakers have<br />
included best-selling authors, public affairs experts, college<br />
professors, magazine and newspaper columnists, music, art<br />
and food experts, librarians as well as many other specialists.<br />
For further information or to make a reservation for attendance,<br />
please e-mail<br />
Questions? Contact Linda Jenson (310) 375-7693.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Omnilore Topics Offered For <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
Classes start May 1, <strong>2019</strong><br />
and end August 30, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Holiday periods are adapted to by<br />
individual class voting.<br />
(AFL) America’s First Ladies<br />
Their husbands have been President but First Ladies have interesting<br />
lives and stories too. One of the most underestimated—and<br />
challenging—positions in the world, the First Lady of the United<br />
States must be many things: an inspiring leader with a forwardthinking<br />
agenda of her own; a savvy politician, skilled at navigating<br />
the treacherous rapids of Washington; a wife and mother<br />
operating under constant scrutiny; and an able CEO responsible<br />
for the smooth operation of countless services and special events<br />
at the White House. Compare and contrast the two most recent<br />
First Ladies for example. Some have helped shape the country’s<br />
history—think Eleanor Roosevelt—while others have been absolute<br />
supporters of their husbands—think Lady Bird Johnson—and others<br />
have been forces in their own right—think Hillary Clinton. There are<br />
many books that touch on the lives of and impacts of First Ladies,<br />
so choosing a text should be easy.<br />
Possible Common or Supplemental<br />
Reading:<br />
First Ladies: Presidential Historians<br />
on the Lives of 45 Iconic American<br />
Women, by Susan Swain (April 2015;<br />
paperback)<br />
First Women: The Grace and Power<br />
of America’s Modern First Ladies,<br />
by Kate Andersen Brower (January<br />
2017; paperback)<br />
Becoming, by Michelle Obama<br />
(November 2018)<br />
(AIS) AI Superpowers<br />
Bill Gates has been quoted as saying that if he were considered<br />
one in a million, there are a thousand of him in China. We’re about<br />
to see the consequences of that in the race to develop artificial<br />
intelligence.<br />
The concept of AI in general has been explored by others, such as<br />
Nick Bostrom in Superintelligence, and has been promoted by<br />
Ray Kurzweil and worried about by Elon Musk and others.<br />
This book takes a practical look: who’s gonna be firstist with<br />
the mostest?<br />
Common Reading:<br />
AI Superpowers:<br />
China, Silicon<br />
Valley, and the<br />
New World<br />
Order,<br />
by Kai-Fu Lee<br />
(September 2018)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 25
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Hello World: Being Human in the<br />
Age of Algorithms, 1st Edition<br />
by Hannah Fry (September 2-18)<br />
(ALG) A Look Inside the Algorithms<br />
That Are Shaping Our Lives and<br />
The Dilemmas They Bring With Them<br />
Hello World takes us on a tour through the good, the bad, and the<br />
downright ugly of the algorithms that surround us on a daily basis.<br />
Mathematician Hannah Fry reveals their inner workings, showing<br />
us how algorithms are written and implemented, and demonstrates<br />
the ways in which human bias can literally be written into the code.<br />
By weaving in relatable, real world stories with accessible explanations<br />
of the underlying mathematics that power algorithms, Hello<br />
World helps us to determine their power, expose their limitations,<br />
and examine whether they really are improvement on the human<br />
systems they replace.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past,<br />
Religions, Fault Line—And Future,<br />
by Karen Elliot House (September 2012)<br />
(ARA) On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past,<br />
Religions, Fault Line—and Future<br />
We hear a lot about Saudi Arabia and the antics of Crown Prince<br />
Muhammed bin Salim in the news these days and wonder why the<br />
United States continues to align ourselves with this rogue nation.<br />
Why is Saudi Arabia different from other Arab states? How did it<br />
become that way? And what are the forces that keep it in place?<br />
Karen Elliot House, former diplomatic correspondent, foreign editor<br />
and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, is the author of this<br />
authoritative book on present-day Saudi Arabia. She spent five years<br />
visiting Saudi Arabia, observing, talking to people and analyzing<br />
what she learned all in preparation for this book. She interviewed<br />
Saudi princes as well as the poorest citizens and, being a woman,<br />
had access to Saudi women and their stories. Ms. House presents<br />
many issues including widespread poverty, restlessness of the<br />
citizens and clergy, royal family conflicts, suppression of women<br />
and failed attempts to broaden the economy.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(ASP) Art and Science of Prediction<br />
Superforecasters are clever (with a good mental attitude), but not<br />
necessarily geniuses. Accurately selected amateur forecasters (and<br />
the confidence they had in their forecasts) were often more accurately<br />
tuned than experts. If you’re wondering if there’s any way to<br />
predict an election, an economic crisis or even a war, our authors<br />
have an answer. They use psychology and political science and a<br />
lot of common sense combined into a general approach to decision<br />
making, and they tap into what’s often called the wisdom of<br />
crowds. Our common reading is a fascinating book and it will make<br />
you think. In particular, to think about the future. Superforecasting<br />
has been termed “The most important book on decision making<br />
since Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow.”<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Superforecasting –The Art and<br />
Science of Prediction,<br />
by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner<br />
(Crown, September 2015)<br />
(BSS) Best American Short Stories of the<br />
Twentieth Century<br />
The Best American Short Stories of the Century brings together<br />
the best of the best—55 extraordinary stories that represent<br />
a century’s worth of unsurpassed accomplishments in this<br />
quintessentially American literary genre. The collection includes<br />
Hemingway, Faulkner, Richard Wright, Tennessee Williams,<br />
Willa Cather, Saroyan, Flannery O’Connor, Cheever, Eudora Welty,<br />
Joyce Carol Oates, Carver, Ozick, Isaac Bashevis Singer as well as<br />
other famous and not-as-famous authors.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Best American Short Stories<br />
of the Century, editors John Updike<br />
and Katrina Kenison (April 2000,<br />
paperback)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 27
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
No Common Reading.<br />
(DOC) The Documentary Movie<br />
Not long ago, if you wanted to see a documentary film, you<br />
had to take a course, go to a movie festival, or catch it on PBS.<br />
Nowadays we can find documentaries on our TVs through the<br />
magic of the Internet, Netflix and other online sources or from our<br />
libraries. While your basic Hollywood studio movie is primarily made<br />
to make money, a documentary is the expression of its creator’s<br />
personal passion. This S/DG will explore the world of modern<br />
masters of the documentary. Presenters will choose a film that class<br />
members can view at home before each class session, and then<br />
present for discussion whatever facets of the film they choose—the<br />
contents or subject, the techniques, the background, the director’s<br />
focus on the subject, and its effect on public opinion. Many<br />
Omniloreans after taking this class have been amazed at the<br />
diversity of what is available and how many of these films are<br />
unexpectedly enriching.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Sunflower: On the Possibilities<br />
and Limitations of Forgiveness<br />
by Simon Wiesenthal<br />
(revised/expanded edition, 2008)<br />
(FGV) Forgiveness: Possibilities and Limitations<br />
In this important book, fifty-three distinguished men and women<br />
respond to Wiesenthal’s questions. They are theologians, political<br />
leaders, writers, jurists, psychiatrists, human rights activists,<br />
Holocaust survivors, and victims of attempted genocides in Bosnia,<br />
Cambodia, China and Tibet. Their responses, as varied as their<br />
experiences of the world, remind us that Wiesenthal’s questions<br />
are not limited to events of the past.<br />
The first portion of the book is by Simon Wiesenthal himself.<br />
It is about his time in a concentration camp and his daily journey<br />
to a hospital to work. As he passes a cemetery that has sunflowers<br />
growing on the graves, he reflects on how he will be remembered<br />
and how he will not have flowers or butterflies on his burial spot.<br />
The second part of the book has over 50 essays by people like<br />
Sven Alkakaj, the Dali Lama, Dennis Prager, Mathieu Ricard,<br />
Desmond Tutu, etc.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(GOV) The Fifth Risk: Why Government Matters<br />
The title “Fifth Risk” comes from an analysis of the great risks<br />
confronted by a department such as Energy, which worries about<br />
nuclear accidents or an attack on the electrical grid. The “fifth risk”<br />
was the bland-sounding category of “program management” that<br />
could be defined as the tendency to respond to long-term risks with<br />
short-term solutions.<br />
As Lewis writes, neither Donald Trump nor his closest advisers had<br />
much appreciation, let alone reverence, for the functions of the<br />
government they were about to inherit after the 2016 election.<br />
Instead, they seemed to have an indifference bordering on contempt.<br />
Lewis examines the real-world consequences of such an attitude,<br />
using examples from three Government departments: Energy,<br />
Commerce, and Agriculture.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Fifth Risk, by Michael Lewis<br />
(October 2018)<br />
(MAG) Magic of the Universe<br />
We don’t consider someone educated unless they’re familiar with<br />
literature, etc. Yet we think nothing of being scientifically illiterate.<br />
Here’s a chance to fix that. In just seven chapters and 80 pages<br />
Carlo Rovelli wrote a N Y Times bestseller that truly broadens your<br />
horizons. It covers the biggest ideas in physics, the biggest ideas<br />
about our universe. It was called Elegant and Poetic by NPR.<br />
Physics is the concrete explanation of the magic of the universe.<br />
It is the search for the truth about how everything in the universe<br />
operates interdependently on a grand scale (galaxies) and on the<br />
minute scale. This search, at times, has been fraught with the real<br />
danger of losing your life. Galileo was almost burned at the stake,<br />
commuted to life imprisoned under house arrest, for simply saying<br />
that the Earth revolved around the Sun.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics,<br />
by Carlo Rovelli (March 2016)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 29
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Neil Simon’s Memoirs, by Neil Simon<br />
(December 2017)<br />
Neil Simon’s Memoirs<br />
is currently out of<br />
print but is available<br />
in Kindle versions.<br />
The print version to<br />
be available again by<br />
the time the<br />
class starts.<br />
(NSI) The Creative Genius of Neil Simon<br />
Recently deceased at age 91, Neil Simon wrote over 30 plays and<br />
films. He contributed to numerous TV shows and to the humor of<br />
many comedians. This S/DG will explore his background, life and<br />
work. We will be inspired by his genius and learn more about<br />
comedy in America.<br />
Class members will each choose a play, film or other creation of<br />
Simon’s; the entire class will watch it at home. The presenter will<br />
discuss the film or play, giving background information. Questions<br />
will be prepared for various chapters of the book in an order<br />
determined by the class.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Imperial Twilight: The Opium War<br />
and the End of China’s Last Golden<br />
Age, by Stephen R. Platt (May 2018)<br />
(OWC) The Opium War In China<br />
Few historical events were more significant in China’s modern<br />
history than the Opium War. It ended in a humiliating defeat and a<br />
treaty which set a disastrous pattern for the century to come.<br />
“The symbolic power of the Opium War is limitless. It set in motion<br />
the eventual fall of the Qing dynasty—which in turn led to the rise<br />
of nationalism and communism. The Opium War has come to stand<br />
for everything that today’s China seeks to put behind it.” In his new<br />
book Imperial Twilight, well-regarded historian Stephen Platt<br />
dramatically tells the story of “one of the most shockingly unjust<br />
wars in the annals of imperial history. This riveting narrative of<br />
relations between China and the West has important implications<br />
for today’s uncertain and everchanging political climate.”<br />
Common Reading:<br />
How Paris Became Paris: The Invention<br />
of the Modern City,<br />
by Joan DeJean (April 2015)<br />
(PAR) How Paris Became Paris<br />
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Paris was known for<br />
isolated monuments but had not yet put its “brand” on urban<br />
space. Like other European cities, it was still emerging from its<br />
medieval past. But in a mere century Paris would be transformed<br />
into the modern and mythic city we know today.<br />
A century of planned development made Paris both beautiful and<br />
exciting. It gave people reasons to be out in public as never before<br />
and as nowhere else. And it gave Paris its modern identity as a<br />
place that people dreamed of seeing. By 1700, Paris had become<br />
the capital that would revolutionize our conception of the city and<br />
of urban life.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(PLT) The Seven Basic Plots to Stories<br />
It is often heard that there are only so many story lines or plots to<br />
all of the novels, movies, plays and tales that we read or see. Now<br />
here is an author that has both spelled them out, and explained<br />
how many stories we are familiar with fit into his categories.<br />
He discusses stories as varied as those from the Greeks, the<br />
Movies, Fairy Tales, Shakespeare and contemporary literature.<br />
From Gilgamesh (the oldest written story known) and Beowulf<br />
to Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings. He shows how they all<br />
fit into his scheme of plots.<br />
His seven plots are: (1) Overcoming the Monster, (2) Rags to<br />
Riches, (3) The Quest, (4) Voyage and Return, (5) Comedy,<br />
(6) Tragedy, and (7) Rebirth.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Seven Basic Plots: Why We<br />
Tell Stories, by Christopher Booker<br />
(January 31, 2005)<br />
(RAC) Learning To Talk About Racism<br />
What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race is<br />
meaningless, yet is deeply divided by race? In the face of racial<br />
inequity, most white people cannot answer that. This S/DG will look<br />
at the factors that make this question so difficult: mis-education<br />
about what racism is; ideologies such as individualism and colorblindness;<br />
segregation; and the belief that to be complicit in<br />
racism is to be an immoral person. These factors contribute to<br />
what is considered white racial illiteracy. White people in the<br />
United States often grow up without having to talk or think about<br />
race and fail to build up the tolerance needed for discussions of<br />
any depth on the topic. But racism is a topic of frequent social<br />
discourse.<br />
This S/DG is designed to take an honest and current look at racism<br />
and says it’s time for white people to practice building stamina for<br />
the critical examination of white identity, to break out of the cycle<br />
of defensiveness and engage more constructively in conversations<br />
about racism.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for<br />
White People to Talk About Racism,<br />
by Robin DiAngelo (June 26, 2018)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 31
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics,<br />
by Stephen Greenblatt (May 2018)<br />
[Note: This book is sold in the UK<br />
under the title Tyrant: Shakespeare On<br />
Power; same book—just different title]<br />
(STY) Shakespeare’s Tyrants<br />
Omnilore has a deep fondness for Shakespeare’s plays and the bard<br />
himself. This S/DG would look at the playwright’s insight into bad<br />
(and often mad) rulers. As an aging, tenacious Elizabeth I clung to<br />
power, a talented playwright probed the social causes, the psychological<br />
roots, and the twisted consequences of tyranny like Richard<br />
III, Macbeth, and Lear. Shakespeare delved into the lust for absolute<br />
power and the catastrophic consequences of its execution.<br />
With uncanny insight, he shone a spotlight on the infantile psychology<br />
and unquenchable narcissistic appetites of demagogues—and<br />
the cynicism and opportunism of the various enablers and hangers-on<br />
who surround them—and imagined how they might be<br />
stopped. The political and social aspects of a society in crisis fascinated<br />
Shakespeare and shaped some of his most memorable plays.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Weather: An Illustrated History,<br />
by Andrew Revkin (May 1, 2018)<br />
(WEA) The History of Weather<br />
From Amazon: Colorful and captivating, Weather: An Illustrated<br />
History hopscotches through 100 meteorological milestones and<br />
insights, from prehistory to today’s headlines and tomorrow’s<br />
forecasts. Bite-sized narratives, accompanied by exciting<br />
illustrations, touch on such varied topics as Earth’s first atmosphere,<br />
the physics of rainbows, the deadliest hailstorm, Groundhog Day,<br />
the invention of air conditioning, London’s Great Smog, the Year<br />
Without <strong>Summer</strong>, our increasingly strong hurricanes, and the<br />
Paris Agreement on climate change. Written by a prominent and<br />
award-winning environmental author and journalist, this is a<br />
groundbreaking illustrated book that traces the evolution of<br />
weather forecasting and climate science.<br />
UNIVERSITY COURSES for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
A program for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who want to<br />
participate in University courses<br />
Eligibility to enroll in regular campus courses through the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
University program for a significantly reduced fee is one of the<br />
membership benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH.<br />
The <strong>OLLI</strong> University program allows individuals to enroll in regular<br />
campus classes without being admitted to the University. Transcripts,<br />
application and other documentation are not required. However,<br />
instructor permission is required to participate in a course, and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> University students are accepted on a space available basis.<br />
The regular Open University fee is $311 per unit for undergraduate<br />
courses, and $369 per unit for graduate courses, but <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
may audit courses for only $30 per unit.<br />
Note: Enrollment as an auditor<br />
means the student does not take tests<br />
or complete graded assignments.<br />
At the discretion of the instructor an<br />
auditor may be required to participate<br />
in classroom activities.<br />
You are invited to view the<br />
Open University Class<br />
Schedule online by visiting the<br />
Extended Education website at<br /><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members may audit campus<br />
courses for $30 per unit.<br />
The process is easy.<br />
1. Pick up an Open University class schedule from the<br />
Extended Education Registration office.<br />
2. Find the course you would like to enroll in.<br />
3. Fill out the registration forms in the Open University<br />
class schedule.<br />
4. Bring the completed registration form to the first class<br />
meeting and ask the instructor to sign the form.<br />
5. Then return the signed and completed form to the<br />
Extended Education Registration office and pay fees.<br />
6. You will be enrolled in the course on an audit basis<br />
and receive an “AU” on your transcript for the course.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 33
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Volunteer Opportunities <strong>2019</strong>-2020<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is a volunteer driven organization whose success is largely due to the contributions<br />
of its members. Let us know if you can help in any of the following ways, and we will contact you<br />
to discuss the opportunity in more detail.<br />
NEW!<br />
Teaching a course in<br />
(Please specify subject)<br />
——————————————<br />
Serving as a class assistant<br />
Helping with administrative<br />
tasks (such as mailings, etc)<br />
Working on a committee<br />
(Specify committee(s)<br />
of interest at right)<br />
Thanks for<br />
considering<br />
volunteering as a<br />
way to contribute<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH’s<br />
success!<br />
Name__________________________<br />
Email_________________________<br />
Phone (home) ___________________<br />
(cell) _____________________<br />
Please fill out and return to<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Office<br />
o<br />
Activities—Coordinates offsite field trips, special events<br />
and other activities.<br />
Communications—Develops internal publications<br />
for the <strong>OLLI</strong> Membership.<br />
Curriculum Committee—Develops ideas for courses, lectures,<br />
computer workshops, discussion groups and field trips; identify<br />
instructors from CSUDH faculty, community experts,<br />
and <strong>OLLI</strong> Members; develops class schedules, and publishes<br />
the <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester.<br />
Fundraising Committee—Works with the program<br />
leadership and staff to establish a series of fun and learning<br />
events to invite members, prospective members and donors to.<br />
Tasks include assuring that every <strong>OLLI</strong> donor feels thanked and<br />
valued. We encourage you to be part of this dedicated group.<br />
Fundraising training will be provided.<br />
Hospitality—Organizes and coordinates the social aspects<br />
of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH events like Open House, the holiday party,<br />
Junteenth Celebration and the annual meeting.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Speakers’ Bureau—Helps promote <strong>OLLI</strong> to seniors<br />
throughout the South Bay for the purpose of increasing <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
membership. As part of a team, speakers will work in groups of<br />
two to meet, present, and share information about <strong>OLLI</strong> to others.<br />
All volunteers will be trained.<br />
N Instructor Relations—Works to enhance <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
relationships with existing and potential instructors.<br />
Membership—Conducts activities to welcome new members to<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH and coordinates distribution of course catalogs.<br />
Ambassador Committee—Assists with special events,<br />
reminder phone calls, special mailings, survey reviews, etc.;<br />
supports <strong>OLLI</strong> instructors in class, and represents <strong>OLLI</strong> at<br />
designated South Bay events. Committee members are also<br />
responsible for greeting <strong>OLLI</strong> Members at meetings and events.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION<br />
Do What You Love and Love<br />
What You Do at <strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning at California State University, Dominguez<br />
Hills is a volunteer-member driven program whose culture springs<br />
from a sense of belonging and a shared commitment. Whether<br />
it is telling a friend, facilitating a class, coordinating an event,<br />
raising funds, or serving on a committee to build a sustainable <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
program we need members like you.<br />
Active<br />
members are<br />
the creative<br />
lifeblood<br />
of <strong>OLLI</strong> @<br />
CSUDH<br />
program.<br />
Volunteer-<br />
Members are<br />
involved in<br />
many aspects<br />
of the <strong>OLLI</strong> @<br />
CSUDH program. Enthusiastic volunteers work with the <strong>OLLI</strong> staff<br />
members to bring <strong>OLLI</strong> classes, lectures, events, and programs and<br />
we are always looking for fresh ideas, new talents and skills.<br />
There are several ways to get involved.<br />
NEW!<br />
Want to help every once in a while, when you have an hour or<br />
two available? Become an event volunteer. Want to plan quarterly<br />
events with a minimum meeting-time commitment? Join a party<br />
planning committee. Looking for a way to connect with members<br />
on an ongoing basis, using your talent and expertise to work in<br />
a variety of areas from making call to curriculum development<br />
to field-trip transportation <strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH has the need and<br />
committee to match your area of interest to do what you love<br />
and love what you do.<br />
Facilitators: <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers and<br />
Staff, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Office Staff<br />
Tuesday, June 4<br />
12:30pm - 1:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building, EE-1222<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and Guests<br />
(Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members)<br />
RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by email<br />
to by May 20, <strong>2019</strong><br />
All guests will receive a<br />
Free “Day” Parking Pass<br />
The Volunteer Orientation meeting<br />
is a one-hour informational session<br />
held 30 minutes after Open House,<br />
and provides individuals interested<br />
in volunteering an overview of the<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH volunteer<br />
opportunities.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 35
<strong>OLLI</strong> SPONSORS & CONTRIBUTORS<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Invites<br />
Sponsors and Contributors<br />
CSUDH, through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, provides<br />
college-level experiences and activities to community residents 50+<br />
years of age who become Members.<br />
Become a<br />
friend of <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />
Support your<br />
community<br />
with a corporate<br />
sponsorship.<br />
Individuals, businesses, and organizations who wish to support<br />
the goal of expanding <strong>OLLI</strong> programs to meet the intellectual and<br />
social needs of older learners, please contact the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at<br />
(310) 243-3208 or to discuss a tax-deductible<br />
donation or sponsorship.<br />
Everyone brings valuable knowledge and experience to the<br />
organization. Look for calls for volunteers or call our <strong>OLLI</strong> office at<br />
(310) 243-3208 to say that you are interested in becoming<br />
an <strong>OLLI</strong> volunteer.<br />
Coming this Fall!<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Waitlist Procedures<br />
NEW!<br />
At the request of <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and to maximize<br />
opportunities for all <strong>OLLI</strong> Members to enroll in courses/events,<br />
this fall, <strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH will implement Waitlist Procedures.<br />
Waitlists allow members to place themselves on a list if a<br />
course enrollment reaches capacity. <strong>OLLI</strong> staff members will<br />
contact members in chronological order to notify them of<br />
spaces that have become available.<br />
Specifics to come this fall, and remember that registering<br />
early is the best way to get into the courses you really want.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH<br />
Codes of Conduct<br />
NEW!<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills (<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH) is a community of active<br />
mature lifelong learners. The College of Extended and International<br />
Education (CEIE) is committed to maintaining a safe and<br />
healthy learning environment for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, students, faculty,<br />
and staff. Many of our programs offer a forum for a lively<br />
and sometimes passionate exchange of views. Members of our<br />
learning community are expected to follow principles of courtesy<br />
and mutual respect that promote reasoned discourse and engage<br />
in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon the university.<br />
To be civil to one another, to others in the campus community,<br />
and contribute positively to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, students, faculty,<br />
staff, and university life.<br />
Violations include conduct that threatens or endangers the<br />
health or safety of any person within or related to the University<br />
community, including but not limited to physical abuse, threats,<br />
intimidation, harassment, sexual misconduct, denigrating others’<br />
views or opinions, offensive or abusive language, disruptive<br />
classroom conduct, discrimination, and monopolizing discussions.<br />
Failure to treat ideas, viewpoints, the classroom environment,<br />
and interests of members in the community with respect and<br />
civility compromises the intellectual climate at <strong>OLLI</strong> and cannot<br />
be tolerated.<br />
The <strong>OLLI</strong> Director and CEIE leadership are responsible for ensuring<br />
that the Code of Conduct is being followed in all <strong>OLLI</strong>-sponsored<br />
programs. Members who do not adhere to these principles or<br />
interfere with the goals of our learning community may be<br />
removed from the class and/or activities and denied the privilege<br />
of future participation at the discretion of the <strong>OLLI</strong> Director<br />
and CEIE Leadership.<br />
New and Renewing<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Save the Date!<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House & Orientation<br />
Tuesday, June 4<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
CSUDH Campus<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
(See page 1)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 37
SUMMER <strong>2019</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />
Rich Abele, a veteran of five<br />
Antarctica expeditions and tour<br />
guide aboard the museum battleship<br />
USS IOWA (BB-61), <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Norman Morris, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH Official Photographer<br />
and Videographer<br />
Valerie Dingwall, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
and Historian, <strong>OLLI</strong> Curriculum<br />
Committee Member<br />
Mario Pacada, Podiatric Consultant<br />
Val Hoffman, Aquarium of the<br />
Pacific Charter Volunteers (means<br />
that we have been with the<br />
Aquarium since its opening)<br />
Maria Ruiz, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member, a<br />
District Toastmasters Qualified<br />
Speaker, and the “drama guru”<br />
at the Joslyn Center<br />
Linda Kahn, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
and T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />
Instructor<br />
Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Ambassador, <strong>OLLI</strong> Curriculum<br />
Committee, Registered Dietician<br />
Allison Mannos, Clean Power<br />
Alliance Senior Manager, Marketing<br />
and Customer Engagement<br />
Melvin Spears, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Donald Means, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />
Social Tennis for Seniors’ Coach<br />
Leah Young, Aquarium of the<br />
Pacific Charter Volunteers (means<br />
that we have been with the<br />
Aquarium since its opening)<br />
Deborah Miller, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Robert Vatz, AARP Driver Safety<br />
Coordinator<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
at CSUDH<br />
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />
1-Jun Sat N/A N/A <strong>OLLI</strong> Annual Membership Renewal Starts 3<br />
4-Jun Tue 12:00pm-1:00pm EE-1222 <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer Orientation 34-35<br />
5-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
5-Jun Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
6-Jun Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 Special Presentation:<br />
Inside the Aquarium of the Pacific 14<br />
7-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
7-Jun Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
7-Jun Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
11-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
11-Jun Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
12-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
12-Jun Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
13-Jun Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1222 The Thursday Morning Book Club 16<br />
14-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
14-Jun Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
14-Jun Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
14-Jun Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
18-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
18-Jun Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
19-Jun Wed 1:00pm-4:00pm EE-1213 Juneteenth Celebration 22<br />
21-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
21-Jun Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
21-Jun Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
24-Jun Mon 10:00am-12:00pm Off Campus La Brea Tar Pits 19<br />
25-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
25-Jun Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
26-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
28-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
28-Jun Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
28-Jun Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
28-Jun Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center, Suite L8<br />
Campus Urban Farm = See map on page 44<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 39
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />
2-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
2-Jul Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
3-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
4-Jul Thu N/A N/A Independence Day Holiday<br />
(No Classes, Campus Closed)<br />
5-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
5-Jul- Fri TBA TBA <strong>OLLI</strong> ESL Conversation Partners Club 9<br />
Aug 15<br />
5-Jul Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
9-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
9-Jul Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
10-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
11-Jul Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1222 The Thursday Morning Book Club 16<br />
12-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
12-Jul Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
12-Jul Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
12-Jul Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
16-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
16-Jul Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
17-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
17-Jul Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
18-Jul Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Into the Northwest Passage 13<br />
18-Jul Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 Clean Power Alliance 15<br />
19-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
19-Jul Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
19-Jul Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
23-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
23-Jul Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
24-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
24-Jul Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
26-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
26-Jul Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
26-Jul Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
30-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
30-Jul Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />
31-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 “My Favorite Movie” Series 6<br />
31-Jul Wed 11:30am-1:30pm BCHC Omnilore Forums-<strong>Summer</strong> 25<br />
31-Jul Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
1-Aug Thu 10:00am-12:00pm Off Campus San Gabriel Mission Docent led Tour 18<br />
2-Aug Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
2-Aug Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
5-Aug Mon 10:00am-11:30am Off Campus Los Angeles Environment Learning Center<br />
and Hyperion Plant 20<br />
6-Aug Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
7-Aug Wed 10:00am-12:00pm Off Campus L.A. Central Library Architecture and<br />
Gardens Tour 17<br />
8-Aug Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1222 The Thursday Morning Book Club 16<br />
9-Aug Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
9-Aug Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
9-Aug Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
12-Aug Mon 11:00am-12:30pm EE-1213 Diabetes and your Feet! 12<br />
13-Aug Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
14-Aug Wed 9:00am-1:00pm EE-1222 AARP Driver Safety 21<br />
14-Aug Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
15-Aug Thu 9:00am-1:00pm EE-1222 AARP Driver Safety 21<br />
15-Aug Thu TBA TBA <strong>OLLI</strong> ESL Conversation Partners Club<br />
Final Meeting 9<br />
16-Aug Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
16-Aug Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
21-Aug Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
23-Aug Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1222 Fun and Games 11<br />
23-Aug Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
28-Aug Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 8<br />
30-Aug Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Campus Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 14<br />
3-Sep Tue 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 <strong>OLLI</strong> Fall Open House & Orientation<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 41
EE-1100<br />
EE-1300<br />
Registration Office Hours:<br />
M-Th 8am-8pm | F 8am-5pm | 8am-1:30pm<br />
Administration Office Hours:<br />
M-F 8am-5pm<br />
CSUDH Passport Hub<br />
has been relocated to SAC 2 2130<br />
See campus map on page 44 (Bldg 102).<br />
VALLEY<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills is located at:<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
190th<br />
Main Campus Phone Number: (310) 243-3696<br />
Extended Education Office Phone Number: (310) 243-3737 TORRANCE BL<br />
Directions for reaching our campus by car:<br />
Our campus is located within five minutes of the 91, 110 and 405<br />
freeways, which makes travel to campus convenient no matter<br />
where you are coming from.<br />
From the Los Angeles Civic Center:<br />
110 South to Artesia Freeway (91) east to Avalon Blvd.<br />
Take Avalon Blvd. south to Victoria Street, turn left.<br />
The entrance to campus is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue.<br />
From Santa Monica:<br />
10 East to San Diego Freeway (405) south toward Long Beach.<br />
Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp. Turn left (east) at the end<br />
of the off-ramp onto 190th Street. Follow 190th east<br />
approximately two miles to the campus (190th becomes Victoria<br />
Street). The campus entrance is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue,<br />
the second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />
From San Bernardino:<br />
10 West to San Gabriel Freeway (605) south. Take Artesia<br />
Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach. Take the Central<br />
Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto Victoria Street. The<br />
campus entrance is a left turn at Tamcliff Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />
From San Fernando Valley:<br />
405 South/101 East – Follow the San Diego Freeway (405) south<br />
toward Long Beach. Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp.<br />
Turn left (east) at the end of the off-ramp onto 190th Street.<br />
Follow 190th east pproximately two miles to the campus (190th<br />
becomes Victoria Street) The campus entrance is a right turn at<br />
Tamcliff Avenue, the second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />
From Anaheim:<br />
5 North to Artesia Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach.<br />
Take the Central Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto<br />
Victoria Street. The campus entrance is a left turn at<br />
Tamcliff Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />
GATE D is the preferred entrance for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
PARKING LOT 3 is the preferred parking lot for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
MAPLE<br />
110 Fwy<br />
91 Fwy<br />
AVALON<br />
405 Fwy<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
PCH<br />
DEL AMO<br />
Annual Parking<br />
Passes are available<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members for<br />
only $20.00.<br />
Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />
at (310) 243-3208<br />
for details.<br />
Please be aware that<br />
there is a daily charge of $8 to park on<br />
campus. Daily parking permits can be<br />
purchased at one of the many yellow<br />
boxes near the parking lots using cash,<br />
debit or credit card. Permits must be<br />
displayed face-up on your dashboard.<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at www.csudh.<br />
edu/olli to find out about carpooling<br />
or taking public transportation to<br />
the campus.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 43<br />
710 Fwy
Gate D<br />
CSUDH<br />
Urban<br />
Farm<br />
CSUDH Passport Hub has been<br />
relocated to SAC 2 2130 (102)<br />
near Lot 7, east of the Gymnasium.<br />
You can park in Lots 7 (closest), 4, or 2.<br />
Passport Center Hours:<br />
M-F 9am-3pm | Sat 9am-1pm (by appt. only)<br />
Questions or need help making an<br />
appointment? Call (310) 243-2570<br />
or email<br />
2258 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
College of Extended & International Education<br />
California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />
1000 E. Victoria St, EE-1300<br />
Carson CA 90747<br />
Osher<br />
Lifelong<br />
Learning<br />
Institute<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Course <strong>Catalog</strong><br />
June–August<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />
Please join us and bring a guest to our <strong>OLLI</strong> open house to learn more about<br />
lifelong learning for retired and semi-retired adults. For more information<br />
or to RSVP contact <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH online at or call<br />
(310) 243-3208. You can also email us at<br />
Tuesday, June 4, <strong>2019</strong><br />
10:00am-12:00pm<br />
CSUDH Campus,<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
“Lifelong learning is a<br />
shared adventure”<br />
RSVP to (310) 243-3208, or by email to by<br />
May 20, <strong>2019</strong> Directions and parking information will be provided.<br />
• Registration Drop-off<br />
You can drop off your registration after this event from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.