LAO LVP Candidates Job Application

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LL.B., B.C.L., B.A. (Hons.)<br />


<strong>LVP</strong> Candidate Resumé and Q&A

Fellow <strong>LAO</strong> Lawyers,<br />

I am grateful for the trust you have put in me and in the other eight members of your Interim Local Committee<br />

which has governed our union since its inception in 2016. I believe I am the best candidate to advance the<br />

interim local committee’s vision for effective, collaborative leadership of our union.<br />

I have personally been involved with our union organizing effort since 2012. For many years Legal Aid Ontario<br />

refused to recognize our right to organize and to have the Society as our chosen bargaining agent. In that fight<br />

for recognition, I picketed at the then premier’s office, I met with my MPP and attended countless campaign<br />

organizing committee meetings. I then called many of you, asking you to vote in favour of the Society<br />

becoming our chosen bargaining agent. I was later elected to serve on the bargaining committee to negotiate<br />

our first collective agreement along with a group of our gifted colleagues. Once bargaining concluded, I<br />

travelled to numerous worksites across the province in our ratification road show, meeting with many of you to<br />

answer your questions about our collective agreement. I also took on some member representation files, and<br />

alongside our Labour Relations Staff Officer, I represented lawyers whose jobs were eliminated due to<br />

restructuring. Each of the lawyers I assisted transitioned into a fulfilling permanent lawyer position.<br />

Friends, unions exist for critical times like this, when our jobs are threatened. They exist so that we can feel<br />

secure at work, and secure in our future. We fought for the right to collectively bargain, and then we bargained<br />

hard to safeguard what was most important to us. Now, when the province’s budget cuts cause us to feel<br />

uncertain, it is worth remembering that our union is not afraid of a fight. I will advocate for the best interests of<br />

all our members regardless of the political climate. Our union can voice what our employer cannot—and<br />

together we can push back; we can lobby, we can effect change. To do so, we need an effective,<br />

collaborative leader. Whether it is taking on the government of the day, taking on our employer or taking<br />

on combative stakeholders, there will be battles to fight that we are best equipped to win by leveraging our<br />

collective strengths. Our local deserves effective, collaborative leadership, because the ability to<br />

listen and build consensus delivers results. Our Interim Local Committee seeks to challenge the default<br />

hierarchy that would concentrate the ultimate decision-making power of our local in the hands of a single<br />

person. Instead, we have diligently drafted bylaws for our local that would create a flatter governance structure,<br />

with authority coming up from the members through the various elected representatives, including our Unit<br />

Directors and delegates, who will be spread across the province.<br />

I will be looking to the elected leaders around me to lead with me. We can achieve so much more together<br />

than anyone can alone. I am inviting you to vote for the interim local committee’s vision by voting for me, Alika<br />

Hendricks, as your Legal Aid Ontario Lawyers’ Local Vice-President.<br />

For more information: www.AlikaHendricks.ca


Alika Hendricks<br />

LL.B., B.C.L., B.A. (Hons.)<br />

Staff Lawyer<br />

Criminal Duty Counsel, GTA (2010-present)<br />


English, French<br />


Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), McGill University, 2009<br />

Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.), McGill University,<br />

2009<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts (First Class Hons.),<br />

Major in International Development Studies, Minor<br />

in French Language Studies, McGill University,<br />

2005<br />

WORK EXPERIENCE (Legal Aid Ontario)<br />

Bail and sentencing hearings, summary advice<br />

Delivering criminal law training workshops<br />

Participating in stakeholder meetings<br />

Acting as manager in manager's absence<br />

Mentoring new staff<br />


Adjunct Professor, Paralegal Program, Seneca<br />

College (Toronto, ON), 2013-2016<br />

Advisor, Project Genesis Community Legal Clinic<br />

(Montreal, QC), 2007-2008<br />

Research Assistant in Labour and Employment<br />

Law to Professor Adelle Blackett, McGill University,<br />

2007-2008<br />


Hendricks, A. (Between the Lines, 2011). “No Man<br />

is an Island”: Lessons in Interdependence Learned<br />

in Barbados. Generation NGO. Apale, A. & Stam,<br />

V., (Eds.)<br />

Hendricks, A. (2007). UN ‘Concluding<br />

Observations’ on Racial Discrimination in Canada:<br />

Reasons for Hope in the Absence of Political Will?<br />

Refugee Update, 59.<br />


Organizing Campaign Committee Member (2012-<br />

2016)<br />

Elected Representative, <strong>LAO</strong> Interim Local<br />

Committee (2016 to present)<br />

o Work in collaboration to make governance<br />

decisions relating to <strong>LAO</strong> local<br />


o Rotating Chair/ Facilitator of Local Committee<br />

meetings<br />

o Participate / cooperate in member outreach<br />

and member representation<br />

Collective Bargaining Team Member (2017-2018)<br />

o Negotiated with <strong>LAO</strong> to secure first collective<br />

agreement<br />

Society Executive Board, Interim Local Committee<br />

Representative (June 5,2018, October 2, 2018,<br />

April 2, 2019)<br />

o Brought perspective of <strong>LAO</strong> lawyers to the<br />

table with parent union<br />

Local Vice President Summit, Interim Local<br />

Committee Representative (October 3, 2018)<br />

Society Council, Delegate (November 13, 2017 &<br />

November 5, 2018)<br />

Ontario Federation of Labour’s Power ON 14th<br />

Biennial Convention, Society Delegate (November<br />

22, 2017)<br />


Joint Health & Safety Committee Certification (Part<br />

1), Occupational Safety Group, Society Delegate<br />

(March 18-20, 2019)<br />

Level 2 Representative Training/ Grievance<br />

Handling Training (December 5-6, 2018)<br />

Level 1 Representative Training (March 28, 2018)<br />

Pay Equity Symposium, Ontario Federation of<br />

Labour, Society Delegate (Feb. 13, 2018)<br />

Bargaining Preparation Training (May 12, 2017)<br />


Community Builders Youth Leadership, Chair,<br />

Board of Directors (2010-2019)<br />

Women of Colour Collective of McGill Law, Mentor<br />

(2019-present)<br />

Peacebuilders International, Youth Restorative<br />

Justice Circle Keeper (2009-2013)<br />

Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society,<br />

Crisis Intervention Volunteer (2006-2007)<br />

CultureLink Settlement Services Agency, Board<br />

Member (2000-2001)

2019 <strong>LAO</strong> LOCAL VICE-PRESIDENT ELECTIONS<br />


1. What are the top priorities for your local?<br />

<strong>Job</strong> security is of paramount concern given the current uncertainty of <strong>LAO</strong>’s funding levels. <strong>Job</strong> security protections<br />

in our collective agreement were hard won and we need to keep <strong>LAO</strong> accountable to comply with the processes<br />

established in our collective agreement. <strong>LAO</strong> lawyers want to:<br />

be heard<br />

participate in all relevant processes<br />

be confident that they’re receiving all the information necessary to make informed decisions.<br />

It is time for <strong>LAO</strong> to factor in our experience and ideas in order to chart a sustainable path forward - a path which<br />

protects lawyers’ jobs. It’s time for collaborative leadership.<br />

2. How will you balance your Local and Executive Board duties?<br />

The relationship between our local and the Society, is a symbiotic one. The concerns of <strong>LAO</strong> lawyers are in fact<br />

shared by the wider body of professionals who make up our union. Serving <strong>LAO</strong> lawyers is the central mandate of the<br />

<strong>LVP</strong> role, and from that flows the responsibility to advocate in various settings, including with the Executive Board, to<br />

arrive at decisions which represent the best interests of our members. Participating in Society board meetings and<br />

serving on committees ultimately strengthens our union, which reinforces our local and supports the broader labour<br />

movement.<br />

3. What are the key issues facing your members and how would you address them?<br />

Within our local, many members feel disconnected and want to have a better sense of what the union is doing for<br />

them. Strengthening the communication systems with all members will be key to a) identifying the evolving issues of<br />

greatest importance and b) tailoring timely and appropriate solutions that draw on the expertise of our membership.<br />

Leveraging technology through member engagement tools and a program of one-on-one member outreach will foster<br />

consistent two-way communication. Looking externally, building strong relationships within our sector and across the<br />

broader labour movement will help us to lobby for support of robust legal aid.<br />

4. How will your Local contribute to the strength of the “member power” of the overall Society?<br />

<strong>LAO</strong> lawyers have a great deal to offer the wider membership of the Society. We were the Society’s first local<br />

comprised of lawyers, but two other ‘legal’ locals have subsequently joined. We are trailblazers in a sense, and our<br />

experience can assist other new locals as they get oriented to the Society. We have raised such issues as equitable<br />

representation in governance with the Society. Conscious questioning like this has helped to push the Society<br />

executive to examine these critical questions with us, thereby shifting the status quo—which is a benefit to members<br />

of all locals.

Why Vote for Me?<br />

DANA FISHER for Local Vice President, <strong>LAO</strong><br />

www.danafisher.ca<br />

For 7 years, I have fought for our rights with unwavering dedication. I poured my heart and soul<br />

into our representation and will continue to do so as our Local Vice President (<strong>LVP</strong>). I am qualified,<br />

dedicated and experienced, and not afraid to stand up for what is right.<br />

I am a strong, outspoken advocate for our members, challenging <strong>LAO</strong>, MPPs, 3 Attorneys<br />

General and 2 Premiers in print, television interviews, press conferences, and at rallies.<br />

We face an unprecedented crisis at <strong>LAO</strong>. We need a qualified, experienced, fearless and<br />

dedicated <strong>LVP</strong>. I will continue to fight to stop the cuts and to protect our members’ job security,<br />

wellbeing in the workplace and professional responsibilities.<br />

I know our members’ concerns and interests. I’ve been duty counsel for nearly a decade. But for<br />

7 years I have also telephoned and emailed our members rallying us to unionize, ratify our<br />

Collective Agreement and fight <strong>LAO</strong> cuts. I speak daily with our membership as the primary<br />

provider of representational support across Ontario. I have travelled the province repeatedly to<br />

meet members. I will continue to do this.<br />

For 7 years I have been a leader for <strong>LAO</strong> Lawyers. I was a named applicant in our constitutional<br />

challenge against <strong>LAO</strong> (one of only 8 who took that risk). I was the sole affiant, filing written<br />

affidavits and poised to testify. I have successfully represented members in investigations and<br />

ensured proper accommodations and disability needs are met. I was on the team that bargained<br />

our first Collective Agreement.<br />

My track record demonstrates that I value fairness, integrity, transparency and accountability for<br />

the good of the membership. I will hold <strong>LAO</strong> to these same standards.<br />

As our Local Vice President I will work to preserve and uphold all of our rights and interests, so<br />

that we can continue to fight for the rights and interests of our clients.<br />

What Qualifies me for <strong>LVP</strong>?<br />

1. A strong and fearless advocate for our rights and interests;<br />

2. The knowledge, experience, training and political acuity to ensure the effective<br />

administration of our <strong>LAO</strong> collective agreement;<br />

3. The ability to develop and sustain effective relationships, with colleagues, <strong>LAO</strong>, the<br />

Society executive, and other stakeholders to successfully meet local demands;<br />

4. Recognition as a credible, clear, coherent communicator able to negotiate and advance<br />

the agenda skilfully and effectively; and<br />

5. Demonstrated leadership, accountability to the membership and a track record of<br />

holding Legal Aid accountable.<br />

Key Issues I Commit to Addressing<br />

Continuing to fight the provincial funding cuts;<br />

Ensuring compliance with the collective agreement;

Dana Fisher<br />

Team Lead, Bail Coordinator, Criminal Duty Counsel<br />

College Park Courthouse, Toronto<br />

Education:<br />

1. Western Law. LL.B, 2008<br />

- Certificate of completion of intensive mediation training<br />

2. University of Toronto, HBSc, 2004<br />

- Majors: criminology & psychology<br />

Continuing Education:<br />

1. Building Labour Capacity to Fight Racism & Xenophobia to<br />

Beat Right Wing Attacks training and train the trainer 2019<br />

2. Level Two Joint Health and Safety Committee Certified<br />

2019<br />

3. Ontario Bar Association Labour Law Essentials 2019<br />

4. Ontario Federation of Labour Political Action Conference 2019<br />

5. Delegate Training 2018<br />

6. Canadian Labour Congress Labour Education Certificate “Member Engagement, Member<br />

Action” 2017<br />

7. Legal Aid Ontario “Management/Leadership Skills Course 2016<br />


1. Spokesperson, <strong>LAO</strong> Lawyers Local, Society of United Professionals<br />

2. Member Interim Local Committee (ILC)<br />

3. Liaison with <strong>LAO</strong> and the Society ILC<br />

4. Primary Member Responsible for Representational Issues ILC<br />

5. Leader: Working Group on Service Integration (SI) ILC<br />

6. Leader: Summary Legal Advice Family (SLAF) Call Requirements ILC<br />

7. Member External Communications ILC<br />

8. Member Bargaining Subcommittee ILC<br />

9. Health and Safety Subcommittee Member ILC<br />

10. Organizing Support for National Judicial Institute Organizing Drive<br />

11. Spokesperson, <strong>LAO</strong> Lawyers Campaign for Collective Bargaining Rights<br />

12. Sole Affiant on Charter Challenge<br />

13. Named Applicant, Charter Challenge<br />

14. Campaign Committee for Collective Bargaining Rights <strong>LAO</strong> Lawyers<br />

15. Provincial Joint Health and Safety Committee Society Representative <strong>LAO</strong><br />


1. Law Society of Ontario, member in good standing, June 2009 - present<br />

2. Toronto and District Labour Council Delegate and Guest Speaker 2019<br />

3. Toronto and York Region Labour Council All-Stewards Assembly 2019<br />

4. Society Board guest<br />

5. Ontario Federation of Labour Society Delegate 2017 - prepared to speak to Access to<br />

Justice Motion brought by the Society of United Professionals<br />

6. Toronto and District Labour Council Guest Speaker on <strong>LAO</strong> Organizing Drive 2014<br />

7. Downtown Toronto - Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee, 2010 - 2017<br />

8. Employee Engagement Committee, Legal Aid Ontario, 2010 - 2015<br />

9. President, Criminal Law Students Association, Western Law, 2006 – 2008

Protecting job security and professional responsibilities, and ensuring manageable<br />

workloads and hours; and<br />

Creating positive, safe and healthy workplaces, including addressing harassment and<br />

discrimination.<br />

For these reasons I request your support.<br />

For more on my platform, to see my endorsements and testimonials and to view videos and<br />

media visit: www.danafisher.ca<br />

Follow me on Twitter @DanaAFisher, Facebook and LinkdIn<br />

Email: youvereacheddana@gmail.com<br />

Call: 416-786-9434


2019 <strong>LAO</strong> LOCAL VICE-PRESIDENT ELECTIONS<br />


1. What are the top priorities for your local?<br />

Fighting the <strong>LAO</strong> funding cuts and ensuring <strong>LAO</strong> respects our CA rights. I will fight to protect our<br />

members’ jobs, professional responsibilities, and ensure manageable hours and workloads.<br />

We need to establish our relationship with <strong>LAO</strong>, MAG, LSO, the Society executive and others so<br />

we are respected, relied upon and known to be knowledgeable on issues that affect us and our<br />

clients.<br />

We must build membership capacity and involvement. Decisions on behalf of the local must be<br />

made with the input and involvement of our members. This can only be accomplished with an<br />

engaged and active membership.<br />

2. How will you balance your Local and Executive Board duties?<br />

The Local membership has always been my first priority. It is why I joined our unionization efforts<br />

and why I have dedicated the past 7 years to fighting for our rights. I have demonstrated that I will<br />

commit my time and resources to provide the best representation for our Local, at the Board and<br />

in the workplace, and wherever it is needed.<br />

I will work collaboratively with <strong>LAO</strong> elected representatives and our membership to achieve a<br />

strong Local based on the needs and interests of our members. I strengthen and support our local<br />

through an effective association with the Society.<br />

3. What are the key issues facing your members and how would you address them?<br />

<strong>LAO</strong> funding cuts, and their implications for job security, including layoffs and changes to work<br />

responsibilities; workload; hours of work; and our professional responsibilities (more work with<br />

fewer staff/resources). I will educate and work closely with our membership. I will fight the cuts<br />

and protect our jobs and our rights and ensure compliance with our first CA.<br />

Health and safety, including harassment and discrimination, and equity and diversity remain<br />

significant issues also.<br />

My approach to all issues is focused, intentional and responsible. I ensure fair processes, speak<br />

out for what is right and will hold <strong>LAO</strong> accountable.<br />

4. How will your Local contribute to the strength of the “member power” of the overall<br />

Society?<br />

We are a Local of educated members, schooled in research, negotiation and advocacy. We<br />

endured many years fighting for our collective bargaining rights in the face of outright refusal from<br />

our employer. Our membership is strong and committed.

We have contacts and connections in the justice sector. We have social and community partners.<br />

We bring diversity to the Society.<br />

As your <strong>LVP</strong> I will ensure that we build engagement throughout our Local and continue to develop<br />

a strong and effective association with the Society. I recognize that the power to influence<br />

becomes stronger when we are aligned.

Thank you for your consideration!

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