Cornerstone University Alumni Journal 2019

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ALUMNI<br />


3 — From the <strong>Alumni</strong> Relations Office<br />

4 — <strong>2019</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong> Award Recipients<br />

GRTS, TUG and PGS Alumnus of<br />

the Year awardees and Athletic, Staff<br />

and Faculty Hall of Honor inductees<br />

6 — <strong>Alumni</strong> Stories: 1950s-60s<br />

7 — Lois Carmichael: Emissary<br />

of Encouragement<br />

CU alumna finds meaningful<br />

ways to minister in retirement.<br />

8 — <strong>Alumni</strong> Stories: 1970-80s<br />


10 — Dr. Sandro Pinheiro:<br />

Medical Mentor<br />

GRTS alumnus collaborates on training<br />

resources for clinically-based caregivers.<br />

12 — <strong>Alumni</strong> Stories: 1990-2000s<br />

13 — Bryan Foltice: Educating<br />

From the Heart and Mind<br />

CU alumnus invests in the<br />

lives of finance students.<br />

14 — COVER FEATURE<br />

Senita Lenear: Educating for Change<br />

CU alumna raises awareness about<br />

human trafficking in Grand Rapids.<br />

Photo taken at Calder Plaza in front of City Hall,<br />

downtown Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

20 — <strong>Alumni</strong> Stories: 2010s<br />

21 — Ryan Baumgart: On a Mission<br />

CU alumnus takes on new<br />

experiences as a teacher in Japan.<br />

23 — Brandy Shooks:<br />

Persistent Passion<br />

CU alumna advances trauma-informed<br />

education and restorative justice<br />

in the classroom.<br />

26 — Year in Review<br />

28 — Class of <strong>2019</strong><br />

Meet the newest members<br />

of the <strong>Alumni</strong> Association.<br />

SUMMER <strong>2019</strong> ALUMNI JOURNAL STAFF<br />

CAROLINE CAHOON (B.A. ’03)<br />

Art Director<br />


Director of Marketing<br />


Website Manager and Content<br />

Coordinator<br />

DENNIS GRAHAM (B.A. ’05,<br />

M.A. ’12)<br />

Director of <strong>Alumni</strong> Relations<br />

JORDAN GROOTERS (B.S. ’17,<br />

M.B.A. ’19)<br />

Communications Coordinator for<br />

Marketing and Advancement<br />

BOB SACK<br />

Vice President for <strong>University</strong><br />

Advancement<br />


Guthrie Collins (M.Div. ’19)<br />

Benjamin DeYoung (B.A. ’19)<br />

Anika Huizinga (B.S. ’20)<br />

Ryan Prins Photography<br />


Kimberly Atwood (B.A. ’19)<br />

Micah Crittenden (B.A. ’14)<br />

GlobeStory<br />

Permission to quote short portions of<br />

this publication is granted as long as<br />

content is preserved and proper credit<br />

is given to the <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>.<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> does not<br />

discriminate on the basis of race,<br />

national origin, sex, age or disability in<br />

its policies and programs.<br />


www.cornerstone.edu/alumni<br />

alumni@cornerstone.edu<br />

616.222.1439<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Office of <strong>Alumni</strong> Relations<br />

1001 E Beltline Ave NE<br />

Grand Rapids, MI 49525<br />

© <strong>2019</strong> <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

LEGACY<br />

Recently, a pastor friend of mine asked me what I thought my legacy would be<br />

at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>. I told him that I wanted my legacy to be graduates<br />

who distinguish themselves in their callings and careers and who influence their<br />

cultures for Christ and His kingdom. I went on to say that I have always wanted<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s lead brand to be its people and particularly its graduates. And, that<br />

our goal has not been to build a great university but to build great people who can<br />

be instruments of God’s grace and justice in our world.<br />

In this issue of our <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, you will meet some of these legacy graduates<br />

who carry the CU brand as influencers for Christ into the arena of education.<br />

Needless to say, education is at the heart of the CU enterprise. While we stay busy<br />

educating all of our students, many of our students sense a call to give their lives<br />

to impacting the world as educators as well. Which means that impacting our world<br />

through education doesn’t stop at graduation since many of our graduates go on to<br />

invest their talents in a wide variety of educational contexts both locally and globally.<br />

You will see that the focus of our graduates’ work in education is wide and strategic.<br />

From tackling the growing problem of illiteracy through teaching in the classroom<br />

to educating people in the transformative truths of the gospel, these legacy grads are<br />

cultivating ground that will bear much fruit!<br />

Which is just another of the many reasons why I love serving Christ at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>!<br />

Joe Stowell, President<br />

Pictured: Joe Stowell chatting with students in the brand new Jack and Mary De Witt Center for Science and Technology.<br />

Photo credit: Ryan Prins Photography © <strong>2019</strong>

From the <strong>Alumni</strong><br />

Relations Office<br />

The transition from high school to college can be an interesting<br />

and challenging time. Leaving your parents’ home for the first<br />

time, being responsible for yourself and simply figuring out<br />

who God created you to be is a process that can be difficult.<br />

Some thrive while others struggle.<br />

Graduating from college and transitioning into the adult<br />

working world also poses many challenges. From finding the<br />

right job that best fits your skill set to locating the right place<br />

to put down roots, the second transition can be tedious.<br />

The <strong>Alumni</strong> Association recently implemented two unique<br />

initiatives that we hope will alleviate some of the uncertainty<br />

that transition entails.<br />


The <strong>Alumni</strong> Letter Project is a new program that connects<br />

alumni with current students in a meaningful and impactful<br />

way. The goal of the program is to provide personalized letters<br />

written by alumni to current <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> students.<br />

With 329 dorms room across campus, our vision is to have a<br />

letter in every room on move-in day in late August!<br />

Through a letter, you have the opportunity to connect with<br />

a student that lives on campus. So go ahead and share your<br />

favorite memory. Share your best advice. And let a student<br />

know that you’ll be praying for him or her throughout the<br />

semester! Visit cornerstone.edu/alumni-letter to get started.<br />


The second initiative is to launch regional alumni chapters<br />

throughout the country. Currently, we have chapters<br />

established in Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Fort Wayne<br />

and Detroit. These chapters serve as a support network for<br />

alumni living in these areas as well as a resource for alumni that<br />

move there. Please email alumni@cornerstone.edu for more<br />

information on how to join a regional alumni chapter.<br />

I encourage each of you to participate with both initiatives.<br />

To learn more about how you can be involved, follow our<br />

social media accounts and visit cornerstone.edu/alumni for<br />

updates on events and new projects. After all, the <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

community extends far beyond West Michigan!<br />

Dennis Graham (B.A. ’05, M.A. ’12)<br />

Director of <strong>Alumni</strong> Relations<br />

Pictured (l-r):<br />

Dennis chatting with Logan Wesseldyk (B.A. ’19) prior to the <strong>2019</strong> baccalaureate service.<br />

Photo credit: Anika Huizinga (B.S. ’20) © <strong>2019</strong><br />

Matt Taylor (B.S. ’01, M.S. ’03), Dr. Joe Stowell and Dennis Graham at <strong>2019</strong> traditional<br />

undergraduate commencement.<br />

Photo credit: Tom Leestma © <strong>2019</strong><br />


<strong>2019</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong><br />

Award Recipients<br />

Christopher Brauns (M.Div. ’93)<br />

GRTS Alumnus of the Year<br />

Matt Taylor (B.S. ’01, M.S. ’03)<br />

TUG Alumnus of the Year<br />

Carolyn Koole (B.S. ’99)<br />

PGS Alumna of the Year<br />

Laura Yonkers (B.A. ’02)<br />

Athletic Hall of Honor Inductee<br />

1998-99 Men’s Basketball Team<br />

Athletic Hall of Honor Inductee<br />

Carol Carpenter<br />

Staff Hall of Honor Inductee<br />

The annual alumni, staff and faculty awards of <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary recognize outstanding members<br />

of our community who have achieved success in their personal and<br />

professional lives and who have distinguished themselves through service<br />

to the university.<br />

Read more about this year’s award recipients at<br />

cornerstone.edu/alumni-awards.<br />

Bill Riter<br />

Faculty Hall of Honor Inductee<br />

<strong>Alumni</strong> of the Year & Staff and Faculty Hall of Honor photos: Guthrie Collins © <strong>2019</strong><br />

Athletics Hall of Honor Photos: Benjamin DeYoung © <strong>2019</strong><br />


YOUR<br />



Continue making a difference in your world<br />

with a master’s degree in TESOL.<br />

Save time and money by using courses from your<br />

CU major or minor in linguistics or TESOL toward<br />

your master’s degree. Take what you learn and apply it to<br />

your work the next day, whether in a classroom,<br />

on the mission field or wherever life takes you.<br />

Visit cornerstone.edu/tesol-advanced-standing<br />

to discover how advanced standing can<br />

bring your M.A. in TESOL within reach.

<strong>Alumni</strong> Stories<br />

1950-60s<br />

Mary (Hotchkiss, ’53) Henson<br />

Edgar Twedt<br />

MARY (HOTCHKISS, CU ’53) HENSON retired after working as a nurse. She<br />

currently lives in Sylva, N.C.<br />

LOIS (GRABILL, CU ’54) CARMICHAEL retired after serving as a missionary for<br />

48 years. She currently resides in Kokomo, Ind. (See featured story on page 7.)<br />


’50) spent 40 years in Sao Paulo, Brazil, serving the Lord in many different<br />

ministries. The couple resides in Kentwood, Mich.<br />

EDGAR TWEDT (B.DIV. ’57) retired as a professor from Minnesota State in<br />

Mankato, Minn. He currently lives in San Antonio, Texas.<br />

JOHN HADLEY (B.R.E. ’63, B.DIV. ’65, M.DIV. ’69) serves as pastor of senior<br />

ministries at Anchor Church in Grayson, Ga. John and his wife, Wonice (Donohou,<br />

’62), reside in Lawrenceville, Ga.<br />

MARILEE (WIITALA, B.R.E. ’66) DUNCAN and her husband, RICHARD<br />

(M.DIV. ’67), serve as managers at Little Mary’s Hospitality House in Wellston,<br />

Mich. Richard is also a pastor at Antioch Bible Church in Mesick, Mich.<br />

JUDITH (BOSTON, B.R.E. ’66) MERRILL retired from the health care medical<br />

records industry. She resides in Paw Paw, Mich.<br />

GLENN BLOSSOM (B.R.E. ’67) retired from full-time pastoral ministry.<br />

Currently, he is continuing to do pulpit supply and work with people who have<br />

varied severe needs. Glenn and his wife, Kaye, live in South Bend, Ind.<br />

LOIS HART (B.REL. ’67) retired and lives in Calumet, Mich.<br />

MIRIAM (KNAPP, GRSBM ’69, A.R.E. ’89) DAVIS retired from her secretarial<br />

duties and resides in Muskegon, Mich.<br />

GARY PYLES (B.R.E. ’69) earned a master’s in counseling in 2015 and doctorate in<br />

counseling in 2017. He is the director of counseling at Skyway Church of the West<br />

Valley in Goodyear, Ariz. His book based on his doctoral thesis is set to be published<br />

this summer. The title is “God’s Parameters for Success: God’s Roadmap for Spirit,<br />

Soul, and Body Wholeness.”<br />

Marilee (Wiitala) & Richard Duncan<br />



After 25 years of serving as head coach for the men’s basketball team,<br />

Kim Elders was inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame on March 5, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Both through his prior time as a coach for various sports programs at Freedom<br />

Baptist Academy and in his role at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>, Coach Elders has left a lasting<br />

impact on the athletes with whom he has had the privilege of working.<br />

Pictured: Athletics Director Aaron Sagraves, Men’s Basketball Head Coach Kim Elders and Senior<br />

Manager of Championship Events for the NAIA Marc Burchard.<br />

Photo used by permission of the NAIA © <strong>2019</strong>.<br />


Lois Carmichael:<br />

Emissary of<br />

Encouragement<br />

Encouraging others in the midst of difficult circumstances is an<br />

opportunity Lois Carmichael (CU ’54) embraces. “I see my role<br />

as an encourager,” says Carmichael, who undoubtedly teaches<br />

through her life just as much as her words.<br />

After serving as a missionary with her husband Bill for 48 years<br />

in Mali, Scotland, the U.S. home office and England, they<br />

settled in Kokomo, Ind., where Bill served as an associate pastor<br />

for seniors and missions at Bible Baptist Church until he went<br />

to be with the Lord in 2017.<br />

Since her retirement, Carmichael has found that opportunities<br />

to encourage others often take on many forms. Her recent<br />

experience grieving the loss of her husband has allowed her<br />

to minister to other women who’ve lost their husbands,<br />

“comforting them and helping them to be able to realize the<br />

Lord takes care of everything, even though it’s difficult.” She’s<br />

also helped lead a Grief Share ministry and regularly gets<br />

together with other widows who encourage one another.<br />

By leading a Helping Hands women’s group, Carmichael also<br />

supports women currently serving on the mission field. “We<br />

encourage missionary ladies by sending them a birthday packet<br />

each year and making other things that can be of help to them.”<br />

Carmichael says the group also ministers to the community<br />

by making and sending items like baby blankets and bibs to the<br />

local pregnancy center.<br />

Carmichael has found a way to encourage her former and<br />

retired Evangelical Baptist Missions colleagues by compiling<br />

their individual prayer letters and condensing each family’s news<br />

into a quarterly newsletter that she sends out to the group.<br />

“Many have written back that it’s been an encouragement just<br />

to keep up with their former co-workers and what the Lord’s<br />

doing in their ministries or in their retirement.”<br />

In addition, Carmichael also continues to regularly visit the<br />

elderly—a ministry she started with her husband years ago. “I<br />

try to visit them at least two to three times a week to just be an<br />

encouragement. I’ll be 87 in a couple of months, but as long as<br />

God gives me the strength and the ability to do this, then I<br />

want to keep on.”<br />

Carmichael’s role as an encourager is a testimony to the<br />

many ways God uses our lives to influence and teach others.<br />

“I just want people to know that the Lord is good. He’s always<br />

with us, no matter our situation, and He’s going to help and<br />

encourage us.”<br />


Lois Carmichael (CU ’54) retired from overseas missionary service<br />

in 2003, where she and her husband Bill served for 48 years<br />

with Evangelical Baptist Missions and Ambassadors International<br />

Missions, Inc. Lois has been ministering with Bible Baptist Church<br />

of Kokomo, Ind., for the past 16 years. She has four children, 10<br />

grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren and joyfully serves the<br />

Lord as He gives her the health and strength.<br />


1970-80s<br />

Lee Lancaster<br />

John Blodgett<br />

BILL KELLARIS (B.R.E ’71) serves as the director of financial aid at<br />

Patrick Henry College. He has recently shifted his role to three days a week,<br />

meaning he has more time to spend with his wife, JUANITA (SWEENY,<br />

B.A. ’79) and their grandchildren. He also serves as treasurer for Blazing<br />

Hope Ranch in Dayton, Tenn. He resides in Winchester, Va.<br />

LEE LANCASTER (CU ’71) serves as an agent of insurance and financial<br />

planning at State Farm Insurance Company.<br />

DWAIN GERBER (B.S. ’73) serves as a construction owner and operator in<br />

Dorr, Mich.<br />

BILL HENDERSON (M.REL. ’74) has been serving as pastor at Chalmers<br />

Community Church for the past 23 years.<br />

STEVE WILSON (M.DIV. ’74) recently retired and currently resides in<br />

Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

JOHN BLODGETT (B.R.E. ’75) recently retired from the ministry after<br />

45 years serving youth and senior pastorates in Cedar Springs, Mich.;<br />

Greenville, Ohio; Racine, Wis.; St. Johns, Mich.; and for the past 25 years at<br />

First Baptist in Elkhart, Ind. He served on many boards during that time and<br />

is currently a trustee at Cedarville <strong>University</strong>. He holds a Master of Sacred<br />

Literature and a Doctorate of Philosophy from Trinity Theological Seminary<br />

in Newburgh, Ind. John and his wife, Colleen, have four grown children and<br />

18 grandchildren. They are thankful to the Lord for the wonderful years of<br />

ministry and the loving congregations they served. John will continue to<br />

teach discipleship classes and marriage and grandparent seminars. They look<br />

forward to traveling and visiting their family. John would love to hear from<br />

former classmates at his email: jcblodgett4@gmail.com.<br />

ROY BRONKEMA (B.A. ’75) serves as the assistant director of<br />

immigration advising at the <strong>University</strong> of Notre Dame and lives in South<br />

Bend, Ind.<br />

ALLAN CUTHBERT (B.R.E. ’75, M.R.E. ’78, M.A. ’10) serves as the<br />

president of Horizon Education Network and lives in Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

PAULA (VANDERMEULEN, B.A. ’76) TERMEER has “mostly” retired<br />

from Grand Rapids Community College faculty, and she serves as the<br />

director of Women’s Ministries at Grace Fellowship Church in Comstock<br />

Park, Mich. She lives in Rockford, Mich.<br />

DEBBIE CARY (B.A. ’77) serves as a compliance officer at Grace Health in<br />

Battle Creek, Mich.<br />

JIM LACEY (M.R.E. ’78) has served as a pastor for 43 years, including serving<br />

at 14 different churches as an interim pastor. He resides in Sparta, Mich.<br />

ALICE (BENNETT, B.R.E. ’79) ARNOLD serves as an administrative<br />

assistant with the Boy Scouts of America. She has three grown children, four<br />

biological grandchildren and one adopted grandchild. She was widowed in July<br />

2016. She resides in Duncanville, Texas.<br />

RICHARD BALDWIN (B.A. ’80) serves as a graduate academic advisor<br />

and as an adjunct professor at Spring Arbor <strong>University</strong>, and he lives in Rives<br />

Junction, Mich.<br />


Joyce and Charles Wideman<br />

Mikal Kildal<br />

Brian and Bonnie Simmons and family<br />

Steven Smith<br />

Joel Groat<br />

FRANKLIN KREEGER (B.R.E. ’80, M.DIV. ’84) serves as a missionary in<br />

Chile with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE).<br />

RONALD YOUNG (M.S. ’80) and his wife, RITA (M.R.E. ’80), are living<br />

in an in-law apartment attached to the home of their youngest son. Health<br />

issues took the former missionaries out of Brazil after almost 50 years of<br />

service there. Their health is stable now, and they enjoy having their children<br />

close. They reside in West Chicago, Ill.<br />

KAREN (MCCURRY, B.A. ’81) PERSUN serves as the program<br />

coordinator at the Center for Free Enterprise at Florida Southern College,<br />

and she lives in Lakeland, Fla.<br />

CHARLES WIDEMAN (B.A. ’81) has been teaching full time at<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> since 2013. He teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology,<br />

Human Biology and Introduction to Biology. He and his wife, Joyce,<br />

recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The couple resides<br />

in Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

CRAIG CRAMBLET (B.A. ’82) celebrated his 15th anniversary as pastor of<br />

Olivet Evangelical Free Church. During his tenure, the church moved into a<br />

new building in 2009 and then added a second campus in 2015.<br />

RUTH (WILSON, A.S. ’82) GREEN is self-employed with Green Property<br />

Management and lives in Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

MIKAL KILDAL (B.R.E. ’82) serves as the executive pastor of Redeemer’s<br />

Fellowship in Roseburg, Org. He also serves as board chairman for the<br />

Hope Clinic for Women. In November 2018, the nonprofit celebrated the<br />

purchase, remodel and grand opening of a “fully owned” facility. The medical<br />

clinic provides a caring environment and assists clients in learning more about<br />

pregnancy, sexual health issues and options. All services are free of charge.<br />

ALAN LUST (B.A. ’82) serves as the CEO for Home Helpers and lives in<br />

Portage, Mich.<br />

BRIAN SIMMONS (B.A. ’82) serves as an associate provost at Columbia<br />

International <strong>University</strong>. He and his wife, BONNIE (MCCAULEY, B.A.<br />

’82), would like to announce that they have six grandchildren, with one more<br />

on the way. They currently reside in Leesville, S.C.<br />

STEVEN SMITH (B.A. ’82) retired from 29 years of teaching and coaching<br />

at Hope College and lives in Holland, Mich.<br />

TAMARA FRY (B.A. ’83) serves as a teacher at Houston Independent<br />

School District and lives in Katy, Texas.<br />

DAVID SIMS (B.A. ’83, M.DIV. ’87) serves as the bi-vocational pastor at<br />

CrossPoint Church in Belding and works in machine operations at Our Daily<br />

Bread Ministries in Grand Rapids. He resides in Lowell, Mich.<br />

JOEL GROAT (B.A. ’83, M.THEO. ’90) became the executive director<br />

of the Institute for Religious Research in October 2018. He will be doing<br />

three weeks of theological leadership training conferences for the six<br />

million member Africa Island Church in Kenya in August <strong>2019</strong>. He and his<br />

wife, LOIS (HORNICK, B.A. ’84), are the proud grandparents of nine<br />

grandchildren. They currently reside in Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />

CYNTHIA (BUCK, B.A. ’84) BRADLEY serves as the admissions office<br />

manager at Grace College. She and her husband Tim both graduated from<br />

Grace College in May 2018. Cindy received her M.S. in Higher Education,<br />

and Tim received his M.S. in Nonprofit Management. They were thrilled to<br />

receive their diplomas from current Grace College president Bill Katip, who<br />

used to serve as the dean of students at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> (Grand Rapids Bible<br />

College) in the 80s. The couple resides in Mentone, Ind.<br />


Dr. Sandro<br />

Pinheiro:<br />

Medical Mentor<br />

When Dr. Sandro Pinheiro (M.R.E. ‘87) arrived in the U.S.<br />

from Brazil with hopes of furthering his education and learning<br />

more about theology, he had no idea how difficult life as a<br />

Grand Rapids Theological Seminary student would be. English<br />

was his second language, he’d only been a Christian for twoand-a-half<br />

years, and he’d never seen snow, let alone endured<br />

an entire Michigan winter.<br />

“Seminary was one of the hardest experiences of my life,” says<br />

Pinheiro. “But without that experience, I wouldn’t have reached<br />

where I am today. It all started there [at GRTS].”<br />

Today Pinheiro is an associate professor of medicine in the<br />

Division of Geriatrics, a senior education specialist in the<br />

Physician Assistant Program and senior fellow at the Center<br />

for the Study of Aging and Human Development at Duke<br />

<strong>University</strong>.<br />

His interest in working in education was first piqued while in<br />

seminary, which led him to Michigan State <strong>University</strong>, where<br />

he received his master’s and doctoral degrees in adult and<br />

continuing education. While finishing his Ph.D. at MSU, he<br />

took a faculty position at the medical school, which ultimately<br />

opened the door to him working in medical education, where he<br />

has focused for the past 24 years.<br />

Pinheiro’s current work is focused on training and mentoring<br />

clinicians to become better teachers and to develop their skills<br />

as researchers. He says the nature of a clinician’s work includes<br />

a good deal of educating—interacting with patients, caregivers<br />

and health professionals working under them—so it’s essential<br />

they develop strong teaching skills. In addition, he helps them<br />

develop sound educational programs, evaluate them and then<br />

publish about the work.<br />

For the last 14 years, Pinheiro has further focused on the<br />

field of geriatrics, where he collaborates with clinicians in<br />

designing educational programs to equip medical learners to<br />

provide care for older adults. He also mentors physicians as<br />

clinician educators and scholars. “Caring for older adults is very<br />

complex,” he says. “We don’t have enough clinicians specialized<br />

in geriatrics, so we need to also train and equip those in other<br />

sub-specialties to not only better care for their older adult<br />

patients, but train other clinicians to do the same.” In addition<br />

to teaching clinicians, Pinheiro helps them design educational<br />

programs and then produce scholarship out of<br />

their interventions.<br />

When asked what he’s enjoyed most about his career, he quickly<br />

points to working one-on-one mentoring and coaching faculty,<br />

fellows and students. “I grew up playing sports and was a coach,<br />

so it’s a natural extension for me. I enjoy the opportunity to<br />

help encourage and affirm those I mentor and to watch them<br />

develop confidence in themselves as professionals. It’s been<br />

amazing to see the opportunities I’ve had to make an impact<br />

on the lives of others. It’s very exciting. Life has definitely<br />

been exciting.”<br />


Dr. Sandro Pinheiro (M.R.E. ’87) has worked in medical education<br />

for more than 24 years, directing faculty development activities<br />

for clinical and basic science faculty, designing medical and<br />

interprofessional education curricula and conducting evaluation<br />

and research in medical and interprofessional education. In the last<br />

14 years, he has worked closely with geriatric faculty and fellows<br />

at Duke <strong>University</strong>, developing curricula in geriatrics education<br />

for medical and other health profession trainees. His research<br />

interests focus on medical and interprofessional education and the<br />

assessment of change in the teaching practice of clinical teachers.<br />

He is married to Joy Lynn (Babcock), (B.A. ’86), and they have<br />

two children, Kyle and Elise.<br />


Susan (Nevins) and Chris Lemke<br />

WARREN GENE CAMPBELL (M.R.E. ’84) has retired from his life of<br />

pastoring and has settled down in Springfield, Mo.<br />

CHRIS LEMKE (B.A. ’84) currently serves as the executive director at<br />

the WCSG radio station, which was voted by The Grand Rapids Magazine<br />

in 2018 as Grand Rapids’ Best Radio Station of the Year. He is married to<br />

SUSAN (NEVINS, B.A. ’84).<br />

CRAIG HANSON (’85) currently serves as the vice-president of operations<br />

at APC in Apex, N.C.<br />

THOMAS COOKE (B.A. ’86) currently serves as the president and owner<br />

of Glade Plumbing and Piping Company and lives in Bourbonnais, Ill.<br />

JIM DAVIS (B.A. ’86) has retired and lives in Muskegon, Mich.<br />

DALE RICKARDS (B.R.E. ’87) serves as the executive director of Global<br />

Recordings Network USA. In January 2018, Dale and his wife, VALERIE<br />

(B.A. ’86), became first-time grandparents to Kai Rickards. They reside in<br />

Temecula, Calif.<br />

BILL DODGE (M.R.E. ’88) would like to announce that his wife, LAURA<br />

(JOHNSON, ’81), was recently diagnosed with ALS. He serves as her<br />

primary caretaker and would like to thank you for your prayers.<br />

CAROL (SIMON, B.M. ’88) KRAGT serves as a relationship banker at<br />

Huntington Bank and lives in Byron Center, Mich.<br />

MICHAEL OSTRANDER (B.A. ’89) serves as the owner of Michael’s<br />

Personal Concierge Services, LLC and lives in Smyrna, Ga.<br />

Carol (Simon, B.M. ’88) Kragt<br />




This fall, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> will<br />

host the Grand Rapids Christian College<br />

Fair, with over 45 Christian college<br />

participants. This event offers students<br />

a chance to explore a multitude of<br />

higher education options suited to their<br />

individual needs. This event will be hosted<br />

in the Hansen Athletic Center on Sept.<br />

30 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and is open to<br />

the public at no charge.<br />


1990-2000s<br />


www.onsiteinstaller.com<br />


Help wanted:<br />

Young workers<br />

p. 24<br />

DIVIDE<br />

AND<br />


Father Larry Stephens designs the systems, and son<br />

Mike Stephens maintains them. Together they find ways<br />

to improve performance for their customers. p. 10<br />

Michael Stephens<br />

April 2018<br />


Preparing a marshy lot<br />

for a mound system p. 20<br />


Large Scale and Commercial Treatment Systems p. 26<br />

DAVID TAYLOR (M.DIV. ’90) serves at Christian Community Church in<br />

Homer, Ala. David is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree at<br />

Talbot Seminary.<br />

JILL (HAGEDORN, B.A. ’91) BLEISATH is working toward a Master in<br />

Divinity with the hope of being a hospice chaplain.<br />

LORA (MOEN, B.A. ’91) DAVIS is working toward her second bachelor’s<br />

degree in business management with a focus on accounting at Southern New<br />

Hampshire <strong>University</strong>.<br />

CONNIE (LOWE, B.A. ’92) EHRLER is celebrating the marriage of her<br />

daughter Ashton, who also graduated with a nursing degree and received a<br />

job at Cleveland Clinic. Her second child graduated from high school.<br />

DAVE JASPERSON (B.A. ’92) married Victoria Zimmerman on Nov. 10,<br />

2018. He works as a teacher in the Dysart Unified School District. He and<br />

his wife live in Peoria, Ariz.<br />

MICHAEL STEPHENS (B.A. ’92) was featured on the cover of the Onsite<br />

Installer magazine, highlighting his company, SCS Systems LLC, a leader in<br />

the industry of wastewater treatment and management.<br />

KAREN (TILBURT, ’93) VANDERBERG and her husband, STEVE<br />

(B.A. ’95), celebrated the birth of their first grandchild, Elijah Wyatt<br />

Newsone, on March 28, 2018. Karen graduated with a master’s degree in<br />

educational leadership in October 2017.<br />

MARC REIMUS (B.A. ’96) received his Master of Arts in Vocational<br />

Rehabilitation Counseling from Western Michigan <strong>University</strong> in 2012.<br />




This February, Asia Biblical Theological Seminary<br />

graduated 24 students in their master’s program,<br />

the largest graduating class since the seminary’s<br />

launch in 1983.<br />

“It is exciting to see 24 graduates because, in<br />

Thailand, the Christian population represents less<br />

then four percent of the total population,” Dr.<br />

Peter Osborn, vice president for adult learning at<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>, shared. “These students are actively<br />

engaging their culture through evangelism and<br />

workplace ministry, and I look forward to hearing<br />

great stories of God’s blessing their labors.”<br />


Helping others—through research and teaching—is a driving<br />

motivation for Dr. Bryan Foltice (B.S. ’03).<br />

He first discovered this interest while working with clients at<br />

Fidelity Investments on their retirement accounts. “What I<br />

learned at the end of all my conversations there,” says Foltice,<br />

who now serves as assistant professor of finance at Butler<br />

<strong>University</strong>, “is that most people really need assistance with their<br />

financial decision making.” According to Foltice, everyone has<br />

biases related to finances, and they consistently make mistakes<br />

because of those biases (such as having a preference for thinking<br />

in linear lines vs. exponential growth).<br />

Because of his time working in finance, Foltice now focuses his<br />

academic research on finding ways to help people make better<br />

financial decisions. “With everything I write, I have that one goal<br />

in mind,” he says. “I always publish with the hope that retirement<br />

plan administrators see and implement what’s suggested in my<br />

work.”<br />

Whether it’s discovering best practices for educating others in a<br />

way that helps them make more informed decisions or to be aware<br />

of their biases, his hope is that his research provides real-world<br />

application to assist others.<br />

Foltice’s desire to help people easily extends to the classroom.<br />

“When I think about my CU experience, I remember the various<br />

professors and coaches who made a positive impact on my life.<br />

Now I find myself on the other side of the conversation. That’s<br />

really exciting to me, and I take it very seriously.”<br />

Because of this, he’s intentional about the small things, such as<br />

coming to class early to get to know students or learn more about<br />

their career goals, always with an eye toward providing a positive<br />

influence. He notes when they show interest in research or are<br />

especially good at math, and then he makes a point to suggest<br />

research topics to help them develop an area of expertise that will<br />

set them apart in the eyes of prospective employers.<br />

Bryan Foltice:<br />

Educating<br />

From the<br />

Heart and<br />

Mind<br />

“Just being there and meeting them right where they’re at is<br />

important,” says Foltice. “At the end of the day, it all comes back<br />

to the student. Trying to love and support them and be a positive<br />

role model in their lives. That will never change.”<br />


Dr. Bryan Foltice (B.S. ’03) is an assistant professor of finance<br />

at Butler <strong>University</strong> and the 2017 recipient of the Lacy School of<br />

Business Excellence in Research Award. He received his MBA from<br />

the <strong>University</strong> of North Florida and his doctorate in behavioral<br />

finance from the <strong>University</strong> of Münster in Germany. He previously<br />

worked at Fidelity Investments and Deutsche Bank and spent three<br />

seasons in Germany playing professional basketball. His research<br />

interests include behavioral finance, household finance, experimental<br />

finance, financial decision making and retirement savings.<br />

Photo courtesy of Butler <strong>University</strong><br />


Karen (Shaffer) Williams<br />

Danae Durling<br />

William Rudd<br />

Joshua Ruark<br />

Brett & Beth Leatherman<br />

KAREN (SHAFFER, ’96) WILLIAMS is a retired high school and middle<br />

school librarian as of 2014. She and her husband, David, have two children<br />

and eight grandchildren. Karen and David live in Beaumont, Calif.<br />

JOHN SEBESTYEN (B.A. ’97) serves as an associate professor of<br />

communication arts and director of theatre at Trinity Christian College. John<br />

received an award naming him the Professor of the Year in 2016.<br />

ANGELA HAMMER (B.A. ’99) received her M.A. in American History and<br />

Government from Ashland <strong>University</strong> in May 2017.<br />

JOSHUA RUARK (B.A. ’99) is a math instructor at the Indiana Academy<br />

for Science, Mathematics, and the Humanities. Joshua and his wife Kim have<br />

three kids and live in Chesterfield, Ind.<br />

DAVE BEACH (B.R.E. ’00) is the mental health director at Johnson-<br />

Brower Foundation. He received an Award for Excellence in Teaching<br />

from <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 2017. In 2018, Dave received the Frederick<br />

Buechner Award for Excellence in Writing from Portland Seminary of<br />

George Fox <strong>University</strong>, as well as, finished his Doctor of Ministry degree<br />

in 2018.<br />

DANAE DURLING (B.A. ’00) recently accepted a new position as head of<br />

school at Roots Montessori in Plymouth, Mich.<br />

DEBBIE (HAASE, B.A. ’00) GLUPKER serves as an elementary teacher<br />

at Cadillac Heritage Christian School. Debbie and her husband, BART<br />

GLUPKER (B.A. ’95, M.A. ’10), live in Manton, Mich.<br />

AARON GORTMAKER (CU ’00) and his wife Cassie and their five<br />

children are building a new ministry at Campamento Rao Naranjo in<br />

Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The camp will share the gospel and provide<br />

discipleship through retreats, workshops, internship programs, pastoral<br />

training and leadership development.<br />

WILLIAM RUDD (D.MIN. ’00) recently published a book entitled “Should<br />

Women Be Pastors and Leaders In Church? My Journey to Discover What<br />

the Bible Says About Gender Roles.”<br />

BRETT LEATHERMAN (B.A. ’01) was promoted to supervisory special<br />

agent for the FBI’s Frisco Office in 2017. Brett and his wife, BETH (CU ’01)<br />

and their four kids live in Prosper, Texas.<br />

KATIE (SCHROCK, B.A. ’01) TIMMERS and her husband, Jonathan,<br />

celebrated the births of three children: Addison (2014), Jonah (2016) and<br />

Luke (2018).<br />

David Jesse: Top Education<br />

Beat Reporter in the Country<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> alumnus David Jesse (CU ’97), the higher education reporter for the Detroit Free Press, was recently<br />

honored by the Education Writers Association as the top education reporter in the country for 2018. Jesse won the EWA’s annual<br />

Ronald Moskowitz Prize for Outstanding Beat Reporting, an award named for the late California education journalist and EWA<br />

board member. During 2018, Jesse covered news stories such as the Michigan State Larry Nassar case as well as the <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Michigan’s endowment. Jesse has been reporting for the Detroit Free Press since 2011 on topics such as student debt, college loans<br />

and sexual assault on college campuses.<br />


Jennifer (Pirie) Fauskee<br />

Michael Skazinski<br />

Jodie (Henn) Van Dyke<br />

Brad Munson<br />

Bradley Moreau<br />

Kelamenter (Taylor)<br />

Smith<br />

SCOTT CARSON (M.R.E. ’02) will celebrate his 30th year as a pastor in<br />

the fall of <strong>2019</strong>. Scott lives in Rochester, Wis.<br />

CYNTHIA (VAN STENSEL, B.A. ’02, M.A. ’14) PHILIP serves as the<br />

administrator of curriculum, assessment, job placement and adult education<br />

at Van Buren Technology Center. Cynthia and her husband, RUSSELL<br />

PHILIP (B.A. ’98, M.A. ’03), live in Berrien Springs, Mich.<br />


’04) celebrate the birth of their fourth child, Naomi Faith Farber, born<br />

on Nov. 7, 2017.<br />

NORMA CODY (M.A. ’03) recently became the executive director with<br />

Christian Advocacy Center in Vancouver, B.C. This nonprofit organization<br />

helps vulnerable women who experience distress due to unintended<br />

pregnancy, sexual assault, domestic abuse and grief after abortion.<br />

ANGELA HUTCHISON (B.S. ’03) finished her Master of Arts in<br />

American History and Government from Ashland <strong>University</strong> in May 2017.<br />

LARISSA (LILLIS, B.A. ’03) KOSLEK and David Koslek celebrated their<br />

marriage on May 5, 2018.<br />

FRED ALEXANDER (B.A. ’04) celebrated 35 years as the pastor of<br />

Bethel Baptist Church in Albion, Mich., on July 22, 2018.<br />

JENNIFER (PIRIE, B.A. ’04) FAUSKEE works as a Title I targeted math<br />

specialist at Michigan Great Lakes Virtual Academy. Jennifer completed her<br />

M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction from Michigan State <strong>University</strong> in August<br />

2018. Jennifer and her husband, Chad, live in Kentwood, Mich., with their<br />

son James who is two years old.<br />

MICHAEL SKAZINSKI (B.A. ’04) serves as the high school principal of<br />

Barrington Christian Academy. Michael lives in Warwick, R.I.<br />

JOHN FREUND (B.A. ’05) works at Lilly in sales and lives in Indianapolis, Ind.<br />

BRADLEY MOREAU (B.A. ’05) received his master’s in Christian<br />

Education in 2011 from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the owner of<br />

Home Educational Resources which equips families with appropriate tools<br />

needed to teach them at home. Bradley and his wife, Deanna, homeschool<br />

his three children in Stephenson, Mich.<br />

KELAMENTER (TAYLOR, A.S. ’05, B.S. ’07) SMITH celebrated the<br />

birth of two grandchildren, one in 2014 and one in 2018. She became a<br />

licensed minister in 2015 and is working to publish her third book.<br />

JODIE (HENN, B.S. ’05) VAN DYKE grieves the loss of her husband of<br />

14 years, Bryan Van Dyke, who courageously battled cancer. Jodie and her<br />

two kids live in Flower Branch, Ga.<br />

LINDA (MCINNIS, B.S. ’06) RUSAN recently retired from being a<br />

system analyst at BCBSM.<br />

BRAD MUNSON (B.S. ’06) and his wife, Alicia, celebrated the birth<br />

of their fifth child. Brad is a franchised owner of Chick-fil-A and lives in<br />

Tomball, Texas, with his family.<br />

SARAH (KEITH, B.A. ’06) TAYLOR and her husband, Keith, celebrated<br />

the birth of their son, Joshua David Taylor, on Jan. 8, 2018.<br />

KYLE CORLETT (B.A. ’07) is working toward his doctorate at Western<br />

Michigan <strong>University</strong>.<br />

PAUL DEARMENT (B.S. ’07) works as a systems engineer at Advocate<br />

Aurora Healthcare. He is the founder and current co-leader of the<br />

Milwaukee Powershell User Group.<br />

Kyle Corlett<br />


Community and education for the sake of change are two<br />

threads found consistently in Senita Lenear’s (B.A. ’05) life.<br />

Citing a favorite quote from Nelson Mandela—“Education<br />

is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change<br />

the world”—Lenear says a driving force for her has always<br />

been answering the question: “In what ways can everyone be<br />

educated so they can make an impact beyond themselves?”<br />

She sees how clearly this question has informed her life and<br />

career, including as president of the Grand Rapids Public<br />

Schools Board of Education (2009-13) and as Grand Rapids’<br />

Third Ward City Commissioner (2013-present).<br />

“It seems simple, but while at GRPS, I always asked, ‘What’s<br />

best for the children?’ because I knew if we could keep this at<br />

the forefront, the children and the people connected to them<br />

would always be okay,” says Lenear.<br />

By going back to this single message in her talks with<br />

community members, she emphasized the importance of<br />

parents continuing an active role in their child’s education as<br />

their first teacher and allowing schools to come alongside to<br />

participate in the process to ensure the best outcomes.<br />

Senita Lenear:<br />

Educating<br />

for Change<br />

Recently, Lenear has embarked on a very different<br />

educational journey with local community members, focused<br />

on learning about and bringing awareness to the issue of<br />

human trafficking in Grand Rapids.<br />

“What angers you or makes you cry is where your passion<br />

lies,” says Lenear. She described how after a friend’s daughter<br />

was caught up in sex trafficking, she posted on social media<br />

asking if anyone wanted to journey with her to learn more<br />

about the issue. The response was huge, and two years later,<br />

the group continues to meet and educate the community<br />

through the media, panel discussions, an ArtPrize booth,<br />

various awareness campaigns and an upcoming PSA.<br />

“We want to help others become more aware of sex<br />

trafficking, be able to define what it is, and know the signs<br />

and what to do if you’re exposed to it,” says Lenear. “The<br />

community needs to know it’s not only an issue faced<br />

by larger cities in our nation, but it is also one in our own<br />

backyard, and it’s unacceptable.”<br />


Senita Lenear (B.S. ’05) was elected Grand Rapids’ Third<br />

Ward City Commissioner in 2013, making history as the first<br />

African American woman elected to the office. She was elected<br />

to a second term in 2017. She’s also a mother, community<br />

volunteer and active member of the faith community alongside<br />

her husband, Reverend Dallas Lenear (M.Div. ’02). She’s<br />

received several awards, including CU’s 2014 Alumna of the<br />

Year, GRCC’s Giants Award, GRBJ 50 Most Influential Women,<br />

YWCA Tribute Award, Zeta Phi Beta Woman of the Year and<br />

NAACP Presidential and Legacy awards.<br />

Photo credit: Ryan Prins Photography © <strong>2019</strong><br />


Aimee (Veenstra) Dittmer Kevin Jahr Alan Burt<br />

Andrea Owens<br />

Lena (Rice) Stob<br />

Kelly (Carter) & Jason Bowers<br />

Leia (Duncan) Koryto<br />

Allison (VanderMeer) Dillon<br />

Jenna (DeVries) Venezia<br />

AIMEE (VEENSTRA, B.A. ’07) DITTMER and Chris Dittmer were<br />

married on June 30, 2018. They live in Hudsonville, Mich.<br />

KEVIN JAHR (B.S. ’07) and his wife, Cyndy, celebrated the birth of their<br />

son, Christopher Jahr, on Dec. 29, 2016.<br />

LAURA (GILES, B.A. ’07) ROBERT received an Excellence in Teaching<br />

Award from National Heritage Academies for the 2016-17 school year<br />

on Jan. 18, 2018. Laura and her husband, Erik Robert (B.S. ’07), live in<br />

Milford, Mich.<br />

NATE RUSTICUS (B.S. ’07) is a pastor at First Missionary Church Berne.<br />

On April 22, 2018, he was ordained in the Missionary Church.<br />

ALAN BURT (B.S. ’08) currently works as a press operator at Arps Dairy.<br />

He has his own ministry called, The Way to Cross Cowboys and Rodeo<br />

Ministries, where he is able to preach and pray over different rodeos and<br />

their contestants. Alan currently lives in Defiance, Ohio.<br />

ANDREA OWENS (B.S. ’08, M.S. ’10) owns HourGlass Testing<br />

Solutions, which provides drug testing resources to employers and serves as<br />

an adjunct for <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s PGS division.<br />

LENA (RICE, B.A. ’08) STOB and her husband, Matt, celebrated the<br />

birth of their daughter, Mariella, on May 7, 2018.<br />

KELLY (CARTER, B.A. ’09) BOWERS and her husband, JASON<br />

BOWERS (B.S. ’06), celebrated the birth of their son, Lawson King<br />

Bowers, on Feb. 27, 2018.<br />

ALLISON (VANDERMEER, B.S. ’09) DILLON and her husband,<br />

Chadwick, celebrated the birth of their son, Drake Roy Dillon, on Oct. 11,<br />

2017.<br />

LASHANA (JOHNSON, B.S. ’09) JONES is a mother to James who was<br />

born on Sept. 9, 2017. James was born three month premature and spent<br />

four months in the hospital. LaShana stays home with him because of some<br />

developmental delays and health challenges.<br />

LEIA (DUNCAN, B.S. ’09) KORYTO celebrated the birth of her fourth<br />

child, Gideon Michael Koryto, on Jan. 24, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

JENNA (DEVRIES, B.A. ’09) VENEZIA celebrated the birth of her<br />

second daughter, Leda Rose Venezia, born on July 5, 2018.<br />



Aaron Sagraves (B.A. ’04), former assistant athletic<br />

director for communication at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>, has stepped<br />

into a new role as the university’s athletic director. As part<br />

of this transition, Nathan-Jesse Campbell (B.S. ’16, M.B.A.<br />

’19) has been hired as the strategic communications and<br />

marketing coordinator. Athletics administrator and sports<br />

camp coordinator Trey Reed (B.A. ’16) is a part of the<br />

athletics leadership team while also serving as the primary<br />

sports camps coordinator. Courtney Carlson, a Grand<br />

Valley State <strong>University</strong> alumna, is the new assistant athletic<br />

director, overseeing facilities and logistics.<br />

Pictured (l-r): Aaron Sagraves (B.A. ’04), Courtney Carlson, Nathan-Jesse<br />

Campebell (B.S. ’16, M.B.A. ’19) and Trey Reed (B.A. ’16)<br />


Shop these items and more<br />

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“I was excited about Cash In Your Coffee because <strong>Cornerstone</strong> means<br />

so much to me. The experiences I had and the relationships I made<br />

have been huge in molding me into the person I am today.<br />

As a CU women’s basketball alum, I chose to donate $5 a month<br />

to the CU WBB program. I love being able to stay connected<br />

with the team even if I am no longer on the court. Go Golden Eagles!”<br />

TARYN SACK (B.S. ’18)<br />

With Cash In Your Coffee, simply set up a monthly recurring gift to<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> and receive a free CU mug. Customize your<br />

gift by choosing your amount and what fund your gift supports.<br />



2010s<br />

Jake Houf<br />

Sarah (Mankey) Sherman<br />

Debra McGuire<br />

DAVID DEBOER (B.A. ’10) and his wife, Bria, have three kids and David<br />

serves as the dean of students at Holland Christian Schools. David received<br />

his Master of Education in Educational Leadership from GVSU in 2017.<br />

JAKE HOUF (B.S. ’10, M.A. ’12) married Katie Buys on June 15, 2018. He<br />

is the production coordinator at Ada Bible Church.<br />

DEBRA MCGUIRE (B.A. ’10) was named president and CEO of America Fire<br />

Sprinkler Association. This is North America’s largest fire sprinkler organization.<br />

HEIDI (CHINN, B.A. ’10) MANGIONE celebrated the birth of her<br />

daughter Hananiah Sue Mangione.<br />

ALYSON (HANSEN, B.A. ’10) PETERSON and her husband, CURTIS<br />

PETERSON (B.S. ’10), celebrated the birth of their son, Titus Russell<br />

Peterson, on Jan. 17, 2018.<br />

SARAH (MANKEY, B.M. ’10) SHERMAN and her husband, Jesse<br />

Sherman, celebrated the birth of their daughter, Kinsley June, on Aug.<br />

13, 2017. Sarah also finished her Master of Education from Spring Arbor<br />

<strong>University</strong> in May 2017.<br />

ELISA (WHITEMAN, B.A. ’10) TALMAGE works as a counselor at<br />

McLean High School. Elisa and her husband, MATTHEW TALMAGE (B.A.<br />

’11), live in Arlington, Va.<br />

LISA (PASCHEN, B.A. ’10) THOMPSON and her husband, Christopher,<br />

celebrated the birth of their son, Benjamin, on Aug. 16, 2017.<br />

HEATHER (DERRICK, B.A. ’10) WIN serves as a project manager at<br />

MSU College of Human Medicine. She is married to Chit Zin Win.<br />

MADISON CLEMENT (A.S. ’11, B.S. ’13) and his wife, Rose, celebrated<br />

the birth of Ekwa M. Clement on Dec. 13, 2017.<br />

AMY (BOYER, B.A. ’11) JENSEN and her husband celebrated the birth of<br />

their daughter, Emily Rose Jensen, on Dec. 21, 2017.<br />

Lisa (Paschen) Thompson<br />



In January <strong>2019</strong>, traditional undergraduate students<br />

Anna Stoutenburg (B.A. ’19) and Hope Ketcham-<br />

Geeting (B.A. ’18) presented research at the Harvard<br />

<strong>University</strong> National Collegiate Research Conference.<br />

Their research included an analysis to adapt the work<br />

of historian Richard Hofstader to a modern audience<br />

and an investigation of Anna Coleman Watts Ladd,<br />

a sculptor who created prosthetic masks for injured<br />

World War I soldiers.<br />


Ryan<br />

Baumgart:<br />

On a<br />

Mission<br />

Neither public speaking nor teaching were high on Ryan<br />

Baumgart’s (B.A. ’14) list of career interests. But God had<br />

other plans. Just two years after graduating with degrees in<br />

biblical studies and intercultural studies, Baumgart found<br />

himself on a plane headed toward Japan to do just that. Three<br />

years later, he sees how God worked in his life to prepare him<br />

for his role as biblical studies teacher to more than 70 high<br />

school students at Okinawa Christian School International.<br />

For Baumgart, teaching is an avenue that has allowed him to<br />

build close relationships with his students, which he believes is a<br />

big part of sharing his faith. “My degree is not in teaching, nor is<br />

this even my first priority,” he reflects. “My priority is Christ.”<br />

Working in a classroom is simply the open door Ryan found to<br />

live out this priority and be a witness to the many students he<br />

interacts with daily.<br />

In his own life and the lives of his students, he sees a story—<br />

cultures, experiences and situations—that shaped all their lives.<br />

The chance to walk day-to-day with his students and participate<br />

in life with them now gives him a unique opportunity to plant<br />

seeds for an abundant and hopeful future. Helping each student<br />

see their value and purpose in life is just one of the ways he has<br />

been participating in God’s story of redemption.<br />

Baumgart’s priority is first and foremost living a life that<br />

reflects Christ as the author, creator and redeemer. Through<br />

teaching and authentic relationship-building, he is able to live<br />

this faith while also equipping students with knowledge, insight<br />

and experiences that influence their current and future lives.<br />

“The greatest changes that happen globally begin when we take<br />

the time to care for others,” he says. This caring and holistic<br />

approach, involving the educational, spiritual and emotional<br />

needs of his students, is where he believes true teaching and the<br />

greatest life-long impact occurs.<br />


Ryan Baumgart (B.A. ’14) is a high school educator in Japan at<br />

Okinawa Christian School International, where he teaches courses<br />

in Old and New Testament, apologetics and biblical applications.<br />

Passionate about helping others grow in their faith, his mission is to<br />

work with his students to refine their beliefs, personalities, ideas and<br />

values through an understanding of biblical truth.<br />


Jennifer (Wiersma)<br />

Wierenga<br />

Sharon (Stevens) Newhouse<br />

Gracelyn (Knott) Van Dyke<br />

ELIZABETH (KOOL, B.A. ’11) MEZEY is a business owner of Your Home<br />

Appliance, and a stay-at-home mom for Emmaus Mezey born on March 10,<br />

2016, and Ruah Mezey, born on Aug. 10, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

SHARON (STEVENS, B.A. ’11, M.A. ’14) NEWHOUSE and her husband<br />

announce the birth of Reagan J. Newhouse, born on May 24, 2018.<br />

ELIZABETH RANZENBERGER (B.A. ’11) started her position as the<br />

children’s director at Gateway Church after five years of teaching.<br />

JACOB SIMMONS (B.M. ’11) recently finished his Ph.D. in Music<br />

Composition from the <strong>University</strong> of Iowa in May 2018. He and his wife,<br />

KELLY SIMMONS (B.M. ’18), have two sons, James born in 2014 and<br />

Elliot born on July 4, 2017.<br />

AMANDA (BECKTEL, M.A. ’11) THORPE received her Ed.D. with a<br />

specialty in Urban Leadership from Johns Hopkins <strong>University</strong>. She teaches<br />

at both Portage Public Schools and <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s PGS program.<br />

JENNIFER (WIERSMA, B.A. ’11) WIERENGA and her husband,<br />

Peter, celebrated the birth of their daughter, Addison Jane Wierenga, on<br />

March 26, 2018.<br />

COURTNEY (GREK, B.A. ’11) WOLFFIS works as a kindergarten teacher<br />

at New Era Christian School. She celebrated the birth of her daughter,<br />

Charlotte Hannah Wolffis, on June 1, 2018.<br />

GRACELYN (KNOTT, B.A. ’12) VAN DYKE celebrated the birth of twins<br />

boys, William Lee and Harrison Lee, on Sept. 17, 2017.<br />

DANA (RUMBARGER, B.M. ’13) EZIKIAN and her husband, Ethan,<br />

celebrated the birth of Ezri Anahid on May 30, 2018. Dana is the owner/<br />

operator of DME Lettering Sign Shop in Middleville, Mich.<br />

JARED HINKEN (B.S. ’13) is the Central Florida land conservation steward<br />

at The Nature Conservancy. Jared lives in Lake Wales, Fla.<br />

MICHELLE WALDO (B.S. ’13) recently changed jobs from working in<br />

residential treatment to mentoring developmentally disabled adults through<br />

community activities. She is also involved in a new Deaf teen ministry, Deaf<br />

Teen Quest, through Youth for Christ.<br />


Grand Rapids Theological Seminary offers an annual<br />

Israel, Palestine and Jordan Study Tour. The itinerary<br />

for the 2020 trip includes extensive travel within<br />

these countries illuminating the history, culture and<br />

geography of biblical landmarks and the world of the<br />

Bible. The experience will be led by GRTS professors<br />

in cooperation with GTI Study Tours. This eleven day<br />

tour will take place from Thursday, Jan. 2 to Sunday,<br />

Jan. 12, 2020.<br />

<strong>Alumni</strong> and friends of GRTS are welcome and<br />

encouraged to participate in this incredible<br />

opportunity to study the Holy Land and personally<br />

experience God’s Word. More information can be<br />

found at cornerstone.edu/study-tour.<br />

Pictured: Dr. Jonathan Greer teaching at the Southern Steps, part of the<br />

remains of Herod the Great’s temple complex in Jerusalem.<br />


Brandy Shooks:<br />

Persistent<br />

Passion<br />

With more than a decade of educational experience, Brandy<br />

Shooks (M.B.A. ’14) has seen a need for both trauma-informed<br />

education for students and proper training in self-care for<br />

teachers. Two of Shooks’ biggest personal passions, these<br />

fundamental needs in public schools have driven her to become<br />

a catalyst for change in the educational sector.<br />

Shooks is a teacher at the university level as well as in public<br />

school and has witnessed the burnout many teachers experience<br />

after only a few years in the field. Part of her current focus<br />

is helping teachers understand the importance of emotional<br />

resilience through self-care and mindfulness. Better equipped<br />

for their careers, these teachers in turn can better serve their<br />

students, especially English language learners (ELL) who<br />

sometimes come with specific behavioral concerns.<br />

Many ELL students under Shooks’ care have come from<br />

war-torn countries and suffer emotionally from past trauma<br />

that affects their current behaviors and abilities to learn in<br />

the classroom. Shooks believes that by better incorporating<br />

trauma-informed education and restorative justice into the<br />

schools’ teaching systems, teachers can provide ELL students<br />

with greater opportunities to learn and excel in school and<br />

become healthier individuals overall.<br />

Trauma-informed education refers to a recognition that<br />

students with past trauma must address emotional barriers<br />

before they can grow, personally and academically. Similarly,<br />

practicing restorative justice, used in conjunction with traumainformed<br />

education, is better able to address students’ needs<br />

by first mending broken relationships and creating a healthy<br />

community, instead of simply taking reactive disciplinary action.<br />

“Paying attention to the social and emotional learning, the<br />

trauma-informed practices and restorative justice … increases<br />

the [students’] academic learning,” says Shooks, who hopes<br />

to see more teacher education programs incorporate these<br />

practices into their curriculum.<br />

A light for Christ in her community, Shooks continues to look<br />

for ways to help reform how the educational system approaches<br />

behavioral care and emotional health, fostering positive growth<br />

and long-term change for students and teachers alike.<br />


Brandy Shooks (M.B.A. ’14) teaches ESL to middle schoolers at<br />

Kalamazoo Public Schools and is an adjunct TESOL instructor at<br />

Great Lakes Christian College and Western Michigan <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Currently pursuing her Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership at<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>, she is passionate about influencing education through<br />

trauma-informed practices and restorative justice and helping<br />

retain teachers through self-care and emotional resilience.<br />


Rev. Erinna McKissick<br />

Rachel (Woolard) Eudy<br />

Adam and Taylor (Moon) Hawes<br />

Kori (Kauffman) Thompson<br />

Eric Lynch<br />

Ellen (Pike) &<br />

Trey Reed<br />

Jennifer (Rogan) Hogan<br />


husband, Mark, announce the birth of their son, Simon Edward Waterstone.<br />

Samantha works at Village Northwest Unlimited.<br />

SARAH (MAIER, B.S. ’14) CAMPBELL recently finished her Master of<br />

Public Health from Michigan State <strong>University</strong> in December 2017. She is a<br />

substitute teacher at EduStaff.<br />

RACHEL (WOOLARD, B.A. ’14) EUDY married David Eudy on Sept. 22,<br />

2018, and they live in Goose Creek, S.C. She serves as the worship director<br />

at New Life Baptist Church.<br />

TAYLOR (MOON, B.A. ’14) and ADAM HAWES (B.A. ’14) welcomed<br />

their daughter, Grace Louise Hawes, into their family on Dec. 17, 2018.<br />

POLLY (FRENCH, B.S. ’14, M.A. ’18) MCCAUL finished her degree<br />

from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary with a M.A. in Christian<br />

Counseling and is a mental health counselor at Forward Motions Counseling.<br />

She is in the process of setting up her own counseling practice, specializing in<br />

addictions, trauma, grief and loss.<br />

REV. ERINNA MCKISSICK (M.A. ’14) published her first book,<br />

“Leaving Egypt: From Trauma to Triumph” in 2018 and released her first<br />

short film, “When Daughters Cry,” creating awareness of the generational<br />

effects of emotional abuse in the African-American Christian community.<br />

Erinna serves as the senior director of ministries at Victorius Believers<br />

Ministries COGIC.<br />

NICHOLAS BURNER (B.A. ’15, M.DIV. ’19) graduated with his<br />

M.Div. in pastoral ministries from GRTS. SUSAN (WHALEY, B.A. ’13,<br />

M.A. ’19) BURNER graduated with an M.A. in Christian Formation and<br />

a specialization in Formation and Soul Care Ministries. She will continue<br />

to serve as director of campus ministries at CU.<br />

KAELYNN (HOBBS, B.A. ’15) CLARK and Calvin Clark were recently<br />

married. She is employed as a teacher at Kentwood Schools.<br />

SANDRA HARVEY (B.S. ’15) recently retired from her career in<br />

education. Sandra currently lives in Hudsonville, Mich.<br />

ELLEN PIKE (B.A. ’15) and TREY REED (B.A. ’16) were married on<br />

Aug. 8, 2018.<br />

KORI (KAUFFMAN, B.S. ’15, M.B.A. ’17) THOMPSON started a<br />

new role at Wedgwood Christian Services, serving their donor base as an<br />

advancement officer.<br />

RACHAEL (FROMM, B.A. ’16) ASDELL works as a patient registration<br />

clerk at North Ottawa Community Hospital. Rachael and her husband,<br />

PATRICK ASDELL (B.A. ’16), live in Muskegon, Mich.<br />

BRIANA (PRINGLE, B.S. ’16) DORTCH recently got married, had her<br />

first baby and started a new job as a testimonial editor for Mission India.<br />

JENNIFER (ROGAN, B.A. ’16) HOGAN married Gilson Hogan on<br />

Aug. 4, 2018.<br />

CHAR HOUBEN (M.A. ’16) is a doctoral student and graduate assistant at<br />

Western Michigan <strong>University</strong>.<br />

BEN LANNING (B.S. ’16) and his wife, Linnea, celebrated the birth of<br />

their child born in October 2018. Ben works at Farmers Insurance as an<br />

inside property claims adjuster.<br />

DARIEN LOZON (B.S. ’16) started his Master of Science in Wildlife and<br />

Fisheries Resources at West Virginia <strong>University</strong> in May 2018 and lives in<br />

Morgantown, W.V.<br />


Terrence King<br />

Hannah Moore<br />

Aleka Thrash<br />

ERIC LYNCH (B.S. ’16) got married in July 2018 and is expecting his<br />

first child this August. He is the program director and mission director at<br />

Michigan State <strong>University</strong>’s <strong>University</strong> Christian Outreach.<br />

ABBIGAIL (STEFANEK, B.A. ’16) RENNES completed her M.A. in<br />

Digital Media. She now works as the lead film editor at Door Creek Church<br />

and post production supervisor, editor and cinematographer at Simply Love<br />

Films. Abbigail and her husband, Kevin Rennes, live in Green Bay, Wis.<br />

CARNEL RICHARDSON (M.A. ’16) is the interim pastor of New<br />

Prospect Baptist Church and lives in West Bloomfield, Mich.<br />

DIANE (RUSSICK, M.A. ’16) RUSSICK-RODRIGUEZ is a therapist at<br />

Safe Harbour Counseling, her private practice. She also has recently been<br />

volunteers at Beacon of Hope Christian Counseling.<br />

KAITLYN (BRONKEMA, B.S. ’16) and JOSUE UQUILLAS (B.S. ’18)<br />

were recently married. Kaitlyn works as a behavior tech at Developmental<br />

Enhancement.<br />

ALEXANDRA (HOBSON, B.S. ’17) COTTERMAN married Clayton<br />

Cotterman on Jan. 20, 2018. He is the sales and event coordinator at<br />

Captains Club at Woodfield.<br />

KAYTLYNNE KERWIN (B.A. ’17) serves as a teacher of environmental<br />

science, biology and AP environmental science at Muskegon Oakridge High<br />

School and lives in Kent City, Mich.<br />

NICK LOVEBERRY (M.DIV. ’17) celebrated the birth of their daughter<br />

Aliyah Lael in August 2018. He serves as the operations director at Real Life<br />

Campus Ministries.<br />

HANNAH MOORE (B.A. ’17) is a bilingual refugee foster care licensing<br />

specialist at Bethany Christian Services. Hannah currently lives in<br />

Muskegon, Mich.<br />

TERRENCE KING (M.A. ’18) is the associate dean at Lansing Community<br />

College and the chief servant officer at Kingdom Ministries. He also serves on<br />

the CU <strong>Alumni</strong> Advisory Board.<br />

ALEKA THRASH (B.S. ’18) serves as an enrollment counselor at<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>. Aleka is also a lifestyle mediographer, using multimedia<br />

to cultivate experiences and inspire others. She currently lives in<br />

Kentwood, Mich.<br />

SETH VAN AST (B.A. ’18) is employed at WXMI Fox 17 as a photographer.<br />

He currently lives in Zeeland, Mich.<br />


Following his graduation from college, Scott Stewart (B.A. ’87) first began his<br />

career at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> in May 1987, accepting the role of business office manager.<br />

After a series of different positions over years, Scott accepted the role of vice<br />

president and chief financial officer in March <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Dr. Peter Osborn (M.A. ’99) began at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> as the director of graduate<br />

admissions and marketing, transitioning to roles as associate dean of students and<br />

online, adjunct professor and vice president of adult learning. He accepted his<br />

current promotion to executive vice president and chief operating officer in March.<br />





The graduating class of <strong>2019</strong> includes<br />

the first graduates of the Doctor<br />

of Education in Organizational<br />

Leadership and Development degree<br />

program. Tara Kram, associate<br />

dean at Grand Rapids Theological<br />

Seminary, completed her dissertation<br />

on university-based community<br />

counseling centers. Leslie Visser, a<br />

therapist and manager, researched<br />

the role of hope in outpatient mental<br />

health therapy.<br />

Pictured: Leslie Visser and Tara Kram<br />

Benjamin DeYoung © <strong>2019</strong><br />




Grand Rapids Theological Seminary<br />

concluded its Talking Points Series on<br />

Justice + Unity on April 16, <strong>2019</strong>. This<br />

seminar included a nine-person panel of<br />

established authors, pastors, professors<br />

and university deans who discussed the<br />

topic of women in the kingdom. Panelists<br />

explored a variety of questions, including<br />

“What vision do women and men in the<br />

church have for the contribution of women<br />

in God’s kingdom?” and “What support and<br />

encouragement can the church provide<br />

to disciple, mentor and encourage women<br />

with leadership gifts or circumstances that<br />

require them to work in professional fields?”<br />

Pictured: Carolyn Custis James<br />

Guthrie Collins © <strong>2019</strong><br />





Dr. Erik Benson, associate professor of<br />

history, helped organize The Economic<br />

and Business History Society’s (EBHS)<br />

44th Annual Conference. Held in<br />

Detroit, Mich., the June conference<br />

focused on the theme of manufacturing<br />

and the city and featured presentations<br />

by <strong>Cornerstone</strong> students, faculty and<br />

alumni. Presenters included Hope<br />

Ketcham-Geeting (B.A. ’18), Anna<br />

Stoutenburg (B.A. ’19), Jeff Degner,<br />

Rachel Hammond (B.S. ’99) and Eric<br />

Noren (B.A. ’13).<br />


Year in Review<br />

2018-19<br />



To the applause of donors, faculty and<br />

students, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> opened the doors of<br />

its new Jack and Mary De Witt Center for<br />

Science and Technology on Dec. 7, 2018.<br />

The $15.5 million dollar science facility,<br />

dedicated to the glory of Christ the Creator<br />

and completed debt free, readies the<br />

university to enhance its Christ-centered<br />

educational programs in the fields of<br />

science, technology, engineering and math<br />

(STEM). A few of the building’s unique<br />

features include a large fish aquarium, a<br />

live wall with an integrated water delivery<br />

system and unique art pieces, such as a<br />

chandelier representing God’s creation.<br />

Pictured (clockwise from left):<br />

Solar system chandelier that projects a rotation of Bible<br />

verses onto the floor below; students examine the live wall;<br />

student-focused study spaces; custom-built fish aquarium<br />

Photo credits:<br />

Guthrie Collins, Benjamin DeYoung and<br />

Ryan Prins Photography<br />

© <strong>2019</strong><br />


Class of <strong>2019</strong><br />

* <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> Graduates | ** PGS Graduates | ^ GRTS Graduates | § ABTS Graduates<br />

Justin Ackert**<br />

Marteshia Adams**<br />

Dhiraj Adhikari*<br />

Ishah Ahmed**<br />

James Albright II**<br />

Geren Albury**<br />

Mario Alfaro**<br />

Marieta Alkuino§<br />

Tyler Allard**<br />

Abilene Alman**<br />

Madeleine Alvaro*<br />

Madeleine Alvaro*<br />

Daniel Anaya Jr.**<br />

Amanda Anaya**<br />

Monica Anderson*<br />

Olivia Anderson*<br />

Derek Anderson**<br />

Monique Anleu*<br />

Jo Anna Kelly^<br />

Olivia Annis*<br />

Allyn Anthony*<br />

Shaquille Anthony**<br />

Jeneé Antoniu**<br />

Nicholas Aranowski**<br />

Karen Areaux**<br />

Amanda Arnold**<br />

Kimberly Atwood*<br />

Brandon Awrey**<br />

Tabitha Bacus*<br />

James Bailard*<br />

Logan Bailey*<br />

Makenzy Bailey*<br />

Cayte Baker*<br />

Stephanie Baker**<br />

Stacey Baker^<br />

Habin Bang*<br />

Samuel Banks*<br />

Elisea Barnes**<br />

Benjamin Bartels*<br />

Timothy Bassett^<br />

Trevor Bastien*<br />

Jennifer Bathrick**<br />

Paige Bauer*<br />

Erika Bayak*<br />

Hailey Beimers*<br />

Ryley Bekins**<br />

Anna Bekius*<br />

Amy Bell**<br />

Bryce Besson*<br />

Sandra Beute**<br />

Megan Biddle*<br />

Megan Biese*<br />

Kyla Bikowski*<br />

Jeremy Bilderback^<br />

Abigail Bishop*<br />

Benjamin Black*<br />

Shane Blair**<br />

Michael Blakley**<br />

Madison Bluhm*<br />

Alissa Boerman**<br />

Camryn Boersen*<br />

Ashley Boersma*<br />

Hannah Boggs*<br />

Nekoda Boggs*<br />

Anita Bohm**<br />

Alexander Bomers**<br />

Sean Boney**<br />

Jessica Bonkowski*<br />

Mackenzie Bontrager*<br />

Jason Botbyl^<br />

Ryan Boughner**<br />

John Bourque*<br />

Elsa Bouwkamp*<br />

Alexis Boven*<br />

Priscilla Boward*<br />

De’Angelo Boyd**<br />

Aida Bozzo**<br />

Sarah Brackenhoff**<br />

Michael Bradford**<br />

Brandy Braman**<br />

Kylee Braun**<br />

Khary Bridgewater^<br />

Jared Brinker*<br />

Hannah Bronkema**<br />

Samuel Brooks*<br />

Nicholas Brooks**<br />

Shawn Brooks**<br />

Alfred Brown III**<br />

Hunter Brown*<br />

Judah Bruce*<br />

Nathan Bult*<br />

Abbie Bulthuis*<br />

Adrianna Bunce*<br />

Nicholas Burner^<br />

Susan Burner^<br />

Carenda Burress**<br />




On May 10-11, over 600 men and women<br />

graduated from <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> Professional<br />

& Graduate Studies, Grand Rapids<br />

Theological Seminary and Asia Biblical<br />

Theological Seminary. Congratulations to<br />

all of our <strong>2019</strong> graduates!<br />

Photo credit: Guthrie Collins © <strong>2019</strong><br />


Marlee Burrows**<br />

Jarod Burton*<br />

Brandon Bush*<br />

Brad Bylsma**<br />

Robert Byrne**<br />

Adilenne Calderon**<br />

Abigail Calixto**<br />

Kendahl Cambridge^<br />

Abigail Cammenga*<br />

Nathan-Jesse Campbell**<br />

Wallace Campbell^<br />

Kirsten Carew*<br />

Lisa Carlson**<br />

Tamera Carter**<br />

Lysette Castillo**<br />

Karin Ceballos*<br />

Sheila Chandler**<br />

Taryn Chatel**<br />

Kendagor Chelilim^<br />

Rachel Chriss*<br />

Haley Christensen*<br />

Heather Christian**<br />

Alfonso Clark**<br />

Richard Clark**<br />

Michelle Clevenger*<br />

Griffin Cobean**<br />

Kristine Coffee^<br />

Daniel Cole*<br />

Alex Coleman**<br />

Scott Coles**<br />

Paula Collier^<br />

Marcella Compeau*<br />

Kari Conner**<br />

Nicholas Connor**<br />

Natalie Contreras**<br />

Rebecca Cooper*<br />

Joshi Covarrubias*<br />

Colleen Cox**<br />

Lindsay Cramblet*<br />

Jason Crandell**<br />

Curtis Crenshaw-Calvert**<br />

Ben Crompton**<br />

William Crompton§<br />

Sydnee Crow*<br />

Maylen Cruz**<br />

Riley Cummings*<br />

Erin Cunningham**<br />

Trevor Curtis*<br />

Samuel Dada*<br />

Sam Dahl**<br />

Casie Dargie^<br />

Austin Davidhizar^<br />

Grace Davis**<br />

Carol Day*<br />

Dustin DeBeau*<br />

Joseph DeBoer*<br />

Jessica DeBoer**<br />

Kara Dedert**<br />

April DeGraaf**<br />

Sydney DeJonge*<br />

Kaleigh DeJongh*<br />

Bryan DeKoekkoek^<br />

Suzanne Delacour**<br />

Dylan Desgranges*<br />

Tennyson DeWitt^<br />

Benjamin DeYoung*<br />

Candy Dinaso**<br />

David Dodds*<br />

Marshanell Dolleman**<br />

Anna Donahue**<br />

Jonathan Dorband^<br />

Hannah Drake*<br />

Matthew Drelles**<br />

Kevon Dunkley*<br />

Cybil DuVall**<br />

Nicole Dykgraaf**<br />

Alyssa Dykstra*<br />

Candice Dykstra**<br />

Mark Dzakowic**<br />

Jennifer Eckert**<br />

Jordyn Edwards*<br />

Gail Enders**<br />

Anna English^<br />

Rebecca Epskamp*<br />

Vicente Espero, Jr.§<br />

Sergio Estrada**<br />

Ryan Evans*<br />

Anita Faber**<br />

Katelyn Fabricatore*<br />

Seth Fain*<br />

Danielle Fedel*<br />

Rachel Feikema*<br />

Frankie Feiter*<br />

Anthony Ferrer^<br />

Billy Fifield Jr.**<br />

Cindy Figueroa**<br />

Megan Fischer*<br />

Sierra Flack*<br />

Rebecca Fodor*<br />

Katie Ford*<br />

Tessa Formica**<br />

Bridget Fortune**<br />

Julie Fox^<br />

David Fraser**<br />

Nicole Fryling^<br />

Taryn Fuller*<br />

Paige Fuller**<br />

Irvin Gabales§<br />

Madison Gallagher*<br />

Genesis Garcia*<br />

Amy Gardner**<br />

Max Garter^<br />

Miranda Gartland*<br />

Marissa Garza*<br />

Elizabeth Gaus*<br />

Jasmin Gaytan*<br />

Hope Geeting*<br />

Nathan Geeting*<br />

Heather Geisel^<br />

Lizett Gerardo*<br />

Saraha Gerlach*<br />

Heather Gerry^<br />

Julia Ghosh*<br />

Kenyada Gill**<br />

Michele Gillespie**<br />

Garry Goins, Jr.**<br />

Hannah Golden*<br />

Ana Gomez^<br />

Tiana Gondola**<br />

McKenna Goodale*<br />

Alison Werkema Googins**<br />

Dan Gordon**<br />

Travis Gordon^<br />

Phillip Gorton**<br />

Anthony Gratson**<br />

Donald Green**<br />

Scott Green^<br />

Lillian Gregory*<br />

Megan Griffen^<br />

Kaitina Griffis**<br />

Cynthia Grimmer^<br />

Jordan Grooters**<br />

Cassandra Gross**<br />

Ian Grotenhuis**<br />

Caleb Gulledge*<br />

Hayley Gulley**<br />

Mia Gutridge**<br />

Brandoen Guyton**<br />

Gilmar Guzman**<br />

Van Pui Ling Gwyneth§<br />

Meredith Haddad*<br />

Faith Hale^<br />

Craig Hall**<br />

Kathryn Hansen*<br />

Joseph Harner III**<br />

Chelsea Harrison*<br />

Marquise Hatter*<br />

Lisa Hawley**<br />

Mandy Haynes**<br />

Marcia Haynes**<br />

Joshua Haywood**<br />

Jennafer Headrick**<br />

Shane Heddy**<br />

Brandon Heighton**<br />

William Hempel*<br />

Brian Hemsoth*<br />

Caroline Hendon*<br />

Mikayla Henke*<br />

Cheryl Henry**<br />

Brandon Hepp*<br />

Kayla Herrmann*<br />

Paige Hershberger*<br />

Colby Hetcel^<br />

Sarah Hiemstra*<br />

Sarah Hiemstra*<br />

Matthew Hilbert^<br />

Eric Hines**<br />

Nathan Hoekman*<br />

Benjamin Hoff*<br />

Zachary Hoffman**<br />

Benjamin Holdredge^<br />

Douglas Hollett*<br />

Moriah Holloway*<br />

Troy Holstad*<br />

Jung Hong**<br />

Rae Hooley^<br />

Noah House*<br />

Isaiah Howard*<br />

Amanda Hudak*<br />

Erin Hudson**<br />

Brittany Huff*<br />

Mary Hughes**<br />

Jaclyn Hulst**<br />

Jennifer Husar**<br />

Jamie Hushower**<br />

Amanda Huston**<br />

Sara Hutchinson^<br />

Carlee Iwema^<br />

Rachel Jacko**<br />

Tamika Jackson**<br />

Tiffany Jefferson**<br />

Christopher Jenkins**<br />

Sanghyup Jeong^<br />

Joan Jepkirui^<br />

Anna Johnson*<br />

Bryce Johnson*<br />

Lindsey Johnson*<br />

Mary Johnson*<br />

Christopher Johnson**<br />

Kelley Jontz^<br />

Caleb Joyce*<br />

Martina Juresic**<br />

Dawn Kaltenberg-VanHorn**<br />

Nicole Kane**<br />

Thomas Kantola^<br />

Kristopher Karolkiewicz**<br />

Alexander Karrip*<br />

Kristina Kasic^<br />

Morgan Keith*<br />

Rahel Keller*<br />

Chauna Kendrix**<br />

Rhonda Kennedy-Adams**<br />

Alicia Key**<br />

Ashraf Kheder*<br />

Rachel Kim*<br />

Amanda Kleinheksel*<br />

Paul Kloska**<br />

Christine Kollen*<br />

Barbara Korpi**<br />

Tara Kram**<br />

Christopher Kreeger**<br />

Robyn Krismer*<br />


BethAnn Kriz*<br />

Wesley Kromer*<br />

Taylor Kruithof*<br />

Aaron Krupansky*<br />

Katelyn Kuhl**<br />

Jared Kukulies**<br />

Kendra Kunst*<br />

Kelly Kuster**<br />

Misty LaFree^<br />

Aimee Langlois**<br />

Jessie Langmeyer*<br />

Charisse Lasiter**<br />

Daniel Lauer^<br />

Annalee Lavender**<br />

Emily Lee*<br />

Kirsten Lein^<br />

Hannah Lemke*<br />

Karla Lemmen**<br />

Emily LeSarge*<br />

Christopher Leslie**<br />

Samuel Lesman**<br />

Lauren Lewis*<br />

Marie Lewis**<br />

Jason Lindeman**<br />

Austin Lintemuth*<br />

Bailey Linton*<br />

Steven Lister^<br />

Michaele Lockard**<br />

Sean Long**<br />

Owen Longjohn*<br />

Sophia Loomis^<br />

Edna Lopez**<br />

Bryan Lowe**<br />

Dylan Lucas*<br />

Matthew Luce*<br />

Judith Lusamba*<br />

Paula Maccarone**<br />

Cody MacDonald**<br />

Caleb MacKay*<br />

Connor Maki*<br />

Kevin Mannes*<br />

Genesis Maraat§<br />

Hillary Marker^<br />

Kara Martin*<br />

Mackenzie Martin*<br />

Morgan Martin*<br />

Amanda Martinez^<br />

Justin Marvin**<br />

Gabriella Marx*<br />

Nina Mathews**<br />

Jameela Maun**<br />

Areli Mayorga*<br />

Daudi Mbuta**<br />

Sarah McAnally**<br />

Jillian McCall**<br />

Abigail Mershon**<br />

Kie’Shary Morrison**<br />

Sarina McDougal**<br />

Graham McGeehan*<br />

Michaelene McGinnis**<br />

Joseph McKean Corsten*<br />

Kevin McKissick^<br />

Rodney McNany^<br />

Michelle McRill^<br />

JohnRoy McVicker**<br />

Soradej Meesaengtham§<br />

Kimberly Meiste**<br />

Philip Merrell*<br />

Elizabeth Mikols**<br />

Robert Miller, Jr.**<br />

Patricia Mimms**<br />

Madison Minard*<br />

Jeret Mitchell**<br />

Kendra Molette**<br />

Malissa Moore**<br />

Yolunda Moore**<br />

Allan Morelos §<br />

Christopher Morgan**<br />

Alicia Mortz*<br />

Leila Mosadegh**<br />

Jeffery Mudget**<br />

Kristen Mulder*<br />

Andrew Mullikin^<br />

David Murphy*<br />

Matthew Murphy*<br />

Sydney Murphy*<br />

James Murray^<br />

David Mutembezi*<br />

Shane Myszak**<br />

Taek Nam**<br />

David Nanninga*<br />

Maria Nehan*<br />

Debra Nelson**<br />

Kayleigh Newman*<br />

Audreanna Newton**<br />

Michael Nicholes§<br />

Taylor Nixon*<br />

Jamie Noel-Hancock**<br />

Megan Novak*<br />

Nicholas Novakoski**<br />

Zachariah Nyp*<br />

Eric O’Dell^<br />

Laura O’Meara*<br />

Kevin Oliver^<br />

Karen Whitaker Osborn**<br />

Catherine Ouma*<br />

Benjamin Overholt*<br />

Mark Palmiter**<br />

Candace Parks**<br />

Aubrey Parrish*<br />

Angela Parslow**<br />

Robert Perro**<br />

Alexandra Perry*<br />

Kelsey Peterson**<br />

Savannah Petty*<br />

Kaylee Phillips*<br />

Charles Phillips**<br />

Jennifer Pietrzak**<br />

James Pipe*<br />

Hannah Plavcic**<br />

Tyler Pohl*<br />

Jane Porter**<br />

Daniel Possehl**<br />

Christopher Powell^<br />

Jason Powers^<br />

Collin Prather*<br />

Jennifer Prather*<br />

Kenneth Price Jr.^<br />

Alexia Pronk*<br />

Lutonia Pueblo**<br />

Alyssa Putnam*<br />

Evalyn Quakkelaar*<br />

Tonica Quinn**<br />

Surachai Radagan§<br />

Anthony Raffa^<br />

Jennifer Rainer**<br />

Meredith Ramos*<br />

Sebastian Ramos*<br />

Noël Rathnaw*<br />

Alexis Rayas*<br />

Kathleen Raygoza**<br />

Noah Reed*<br />

Erin Reichle**<br />

Keith Reid, Jr.**<br />

Gregory René**<br />

Danielle Revard**<br />

Kristen Rey**<br />

Adiana Reyes**<br />

Michael Reynolds^<br />

Sarah Rhein^<br />

Daniel Ribbink*<br />

Valerie Richter*<br />

Joshua Riffe*<br />

Phoebe Risselade*<br />

Amy Rivera**<br />

Savanna Roberts*<br />

Meoshi Robinson-Atkinson**<br />

Hayley Robinson*<br />

Dennisha Robinson**<br />

Shamari Roddy**<br />

Richard Rodriguez*<br />

Kevin Rollenhagen**<br />

Kristopher Rolls^<br />

Jordyn Roodvoets*<br />

Ryan Rose^<br />

Hallie Ross*<br />

Joel Ross*<br />

Christopher Ross**<br />

Georgina Ross**<br />

Kyle Rouse^<br />

Timothy Roberts**<br />

Tammy Rouwhorst**<br />

Sarah Rufus§<br />

Frank Russell*<br />

Tiffany Rydwelski**<br />

Devin Rylant**<br />

Apiffany Ryno**<br />

Cameron Sabon^<br />

Stephanie Samuel§<br />

Keith Sandison^<br />

James Sanger*<br />

Garrett Saul^<br />

Cherryl Sawyer**<br />

Matthew Saylor*<br />

Jennifer Schlukebir**<br />

Daniel Schmidt**<br />

Jessica Schmidt**<br />

Theresa Schmidt**<br />

Amanda Scholl*<br />

Nicholas Scholl*<br />

Warren Schuitema**<br />

Nicole Schwan^<br />

Stella Scott**<br />

Hannah Sell*<br />

Victor Selvakumar§<br />

Tara Sessa*<br />

Lynn Sharpe**<br />

Ben Sheckler*<br />

Stefanie Sherman*<br />

Karla Shotts**<br />

Paul Shughart§<br />

Brett Shure*<br />

Holly Sible*<br />

Supharoek Sibunruang§<br />

Dylan Sieting*<br />

Charmin Silva**<br />

Charmin Silva**<br />

Nathaniel Silvey*<br />

Kachinvya Silwamba*<br />

Ben Simonis*<br />

Richard Sinke**<br />

Steven Sipes^<br />

Jake Skala*<br />

Lindsey Skidmore*<br />

Mark Slotman**<br />

Karen Smalley**<br />

Sarah Smitter**<br />

Elizabeth Smoczynski**<br />

Lucero Solis*<br />

Chelsey Sparrow**<br />

Deborah Spicer**<br />

Jacklyn Spudville*<br />

Clarence Stamps II^<br />

Kyle Steigenga*<br />

Derek Sterenberg^<br />

Valerie Stevenson**<br />

Meghan Stiteler*<br />

Rebecca Stoddard**<br />

John Stokes**<br />

Dominique Stout**<br />

Anna Stoutenburg*<br />

Amanda Stowitts^<br />


Amanda Strayhorn^<br />

Megan Strong DeWeerd**<br />

Mitchell Suchner*<br />

Thomas Suggitt*<br />

Annika Swanson*<br />

Sara Sweeney**<br />

Hannah Swehla*<br />

Amanda Swisher**<br />

Caleb Szczepanski*<br />

Alexandra Talbott^<br />

Alice Taylor^<br />

Karlee Thomas**<br />

Joshua Thurkettle**<br />

Samuel Tillema*<br />

Chandler Tillotson*<br />

Moses Tio**<br />

Cassandra Tjapkes*<br />

Alexis Tober*<br />

Vanessa Tomasello**<br />

Shelby Toth *<br />

Henry Townsend*<br />

Jenny Tran*<br />

Gabrielle Truax*<br />

Christian Tummel*<br />

Sesugh Ubwa**<br />

Mya Udell*<br />

Mark Ulberg**<br />

Mackenzie Vallad*<br />

Shelby Van Laar*<br />

Matthew Vander Velde^<br />

Samuel Vander Sluis*<br />

Tyler VanDerWeide*<br />

Sherry Vang**<br />

Tina VanLente**<br />

Robert VanPoolen^<br />

Chet Vaughn**<br />

Emily Veele**<br />

Amy Velding**<br />

Dianne Velting**<br />

Alicia Veurink*<br />

Tanya Vierzen**<br />

Arlene Villanueva Gahaton§<br />

Leslie Visser**<br />

Andrew Volk**<br />

Nathan Voss**<br />

Cassidy Vredevoogd*<br />

Ashleigh Vroegh*<br />

Kevin John Vroegh**<br />

Tonya Vruggink**<br />

Anthony Vulcano III*<br />

Michael Wade**<br />

Michelle Waldo**<br />

Doreen Walkling§<br />

Haley Walsworth*<br />

Seth Walters*<br />

Monique Walton**<br />

Thomas Warden Jr.**<br />

Kim Waters**<br />

Angela Weberg-Davis^<br />

Tammie Weeks**<br />

Cassandra Welch*<br />

Logan Wesseldyk*<br />

Stephanie West^<br />

Anthony Whipple**<br />

Sandra White**<br />

Sophia Wieber*<br />

Moriah Wilke*<br />

Brett Williams**<br />

Jack Williams**<br />

Jennifer Williams**<br />

Ryan Williams**<br />

Tiffany Williams**<br />

Whitney Williams**<br />

Elaine Willis**<br />

Tamara Willis**<br />

Cheyanne Wilson*<br />

Jonita Wilson*<br />

Marcella Wilson*<br />

Jayne Wilson**<br />

Jennifer Wilson**<br />

Matthew Winright*<br />

Rachael Witkowski**<br />

Jack Wood**<br />

Kyra Woodley*<br />

Brittany Wortley*<br />

Sunaide Wright-Mack**<br />

Joelle Wright-Terry^<br />

Jeffery Wright**<br />

Marie Wright**<br />

Preston Wyckoff**<br />

Alec Wysocki**<br />

Yiqi Ye**<br />

Madeline Yoder*<br />

Josiah Yonker*<br />

Lance Young^<br />

Rachel Younts*<br />

Elizabeth Zabel*<br />

Andrew Zaborowski*<br />

Gabriel Zeiger*<br />

Tingting Zenker**<br />

Xiaofeng Zhang^<br />

Calliopy-Rita Zoumbatlis*<br />

Drew Zuverink*<br />

Kendra Zwart*<br />

Photo credit: Guthrie Collins © <strong>2019</strong><br />



Save the Date: Oct. 18—19<br />

We are pleased to bring back Homecoming and Family Weekend again this year. This is an awesome opportunity for alumni<br />

to relive their days on campus, reconnect with old friends and celebrate the milestones of <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

For a schedule of events, visit cornerstone.edu/alumni.

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