Inside NIRMA Summer 2019 Issue
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<strong>Inside</strong><br />
Leading the way in Nuclear Information and Records Management<br />
magazine<br />
Visit us at: <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
Keynote Speaker,<br />
Jessica Pacheco<br />
Vice President, State &<br />
Local Affairs<br />
Arizona Public Service<br />
Company<br />
Lighthouse to Navigate the Future;<br />
Your Invitation to the 43rd Annual <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
Microfilm Digitization. What you need to consider<br />
before starting the digitization process, e-Image Data<br />
Confident Microfilm Conversion—Worry Free Records<br />
Management, ST Imaging, nextScan<br />
Adopters vs Resisters Building a Successful Change<br />
Management Strategy, iBridge LLC<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> # 05, <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong>
Contents<br />
Feature Articles<br />
6<br />
9<br />
16<br />
17<br />
Microfilm Digitization. What you need to consider<br />
before starting the digitization process.<br />
By Todd Kahle, Vice President, e-ImageData Corp.<br />
Confident Microfilm Conversion—Worry Free Records<br />
Management<br />
By Matt Anderson, Vice President of Marketing, ST Imaging, nextScan<br />
Adopters vs Resisters Building a Successful Change<br />
Management Strategy<br />
By Dean Van Dyke, iBridge LLC<br />
NRC Starts Large Digitization Project<br />
By Margie Janney, CRM/NS/FED, NRC<br />
18<br />
Chronicles of NIM: A Retrospective on Information<br />
Management in Nuclear Power<br />
By Eugene Yang, Kismet Consulting<br />
2 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Contents<br />
Conference Highlights<br />
WORKSHOPS—22<br />
in every issue<br />
M&MBU NEWS—21<br />
PDBU NEWS—22<br />
RIMBU NEWS—23<br />
MEET THE <strong>NIRMA</strong> BOARD—24<br />
Letter from the<br />
Editor<br />
Welcome to the Pre-Conference <strong>Summer</strong><br />
Edition of <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>. In addition to our<br />
regular features on cutting-edge technology and<br />
industry happenings, this edition provides<br />
readers with an<br />
inside look at<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s 43 rd annual<br />
conference. The<br />
conference, which is<br />
set for August 4-6,<br />
<strong>2019</strong> at the JW<br />
Marriott Resort and<br />
Spa in Las Vegas,<br />
Nevada will feature<br />
an array of<br />
impressive<br />
speakers, seminars,<br />
vendor exhibits and<br />
certification<br />
opportunities. There<br />
are also pre- and post-conference workshops<br />
scheduled that are designed to take your skills<br />
to the next level. This is in addition to the<br />
invaluable benchmarking opportunities.<br />
We at <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>, value your opinion and<br />
are always looking to improve our magazine.<br />
Let us know what you like and dislike and what<br />
you’d like to see more of. Share your thoughts<br />
with our Communication Team at<br /> And if you haven’t<br />
already, please take a moment to follow us on<br />
Twitter, like us on Facebook and connect with<br />
us on LinkedIn.<br />
Thanks for reading.<br />
Keep in touch!<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 3
From the President<br />
Michelle M. Smith<br />
STP Supervisor of Electronic Records Management & Automation<br />
A<br />
s the <strong>NIRMA</strong> president, I<br />
am looking forward to the<br />
continued success of the<br />
organization. As I reflect<br />
over the past few months, I see<br />
evolutions that <strong>NIRMA</strong> continues to<br />
make to ensure the organization<br />
provides our membership with<br />
added value. The board of directors<br />
continues to think out of the box to<br />
ensure we offer our membership the<br />
best opportunities to obtain<br />
knowledge and development.<br />
Through creating new technical<br />
guidance as the industry evolves<br />
around Decommissioning to new<br />
technology with the use of<br />
HoloLens. <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s board of<br />
directors continues to work with the<br />
Business Units to offer new<br />
technology that will strengthen our<br />
Industry.<br />
This year we have established a<br />
new relationship with Emirate<br />
Nuclear Energy Corporation. Life-<br />
Time <strong>NIRMA</strong> member Eugene<br />
Yang has volunteered to support the<br />
request of providing training to the<br />
ENEC employees (click here to read<br />
Eugene’s latest “Chronicles of NIM”<br />
article). <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s goals of<br />
continuing to be known as a leader<br />
in the Nuclear field and building<br />
relationships with international<br />
contacts is in direct correlation with<br />
the training that will be provided.<br />
Today, nuclear is faced with an aging<br />
work force. At my place of<br />
employment, we are anticipating<br />
over half of our employees retiring<br />
within the next five to ten years.<br />
With this in mind, we must position<br />
ourselves to place qualified<br />
individuals in vital roles.<br />
Development of our employees is<br />
essential to our survival.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> will be offering<br />
development opportunities at the<br />
conference that you don’t want to<br />
miss. Check out the PDBU section<br />
for additional information on the<br />
sessions.<br />
As the organization continues to<br />
seek methods to provide<br />
opportunities for our membership,<br />
we need to get everyone engaged.<br />
We need your thoughts, ideas and<br />
participation.<br />
If your desire is to<br />
become more<br />
active in <strong>NIRMA</strong>,<br />
this is the time.<br />
Working together we can make<br />
changes. The alignment of the<br />
industry supporting the Nuclear<br />
Promise and the Standard Design<br />
Process are just a few examples of<br />
how we can change our direction.<br />
We each play a vital role in creating<br />
opportunities for our companies and<br />
their owners.<br />
For our upcoming annual<br />
Conference we have implemented<br />
changes that will drive member<br />
participation and development while<br />
also creating opportunities for future<br />
roles. The board of directors and I<br />
are creating avenues that can be<br />
tapped to position <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s<br />
members in the area of development<br />
and obtaining additional knowledge.<br />
I am anticipating a successful<br />
conference, but in order to ensure<br />
that you get the best from your<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> membership, register today!<br />
The conference activities are<br />
scheduled for Saturday, August 3,<br />
through Tuesday, August 7,<br />
with the vendor exhibit on Monday,<br />
August 6. Our vendors are excited<br />
to share their new technology with<br />
our membership. I look forward to<br />
seeing you at the conference.<br />
Early Bird<br />
Registration<br />
runs until<br />
July 1, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
4 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Lighthouse to Navigate the Future -<br />
The August <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
By Janice Hoerber, <strong>NIRMA</strong> Vice President<br />
T<br />
he 43 rd Nuclear<br />
Information Management<br />
Conference is nearly here<br />
with some exciting new<br />
topics as well as popular<br />
benchmarking opportunities to learn<br />
from the best! In addition to brand<br />
new educational Workshops (pre &<br />
post conference), we have an<br />
exceptional roster of Keynote<br />
Speakers to set the stage with their<br />
insights. Then the technical sessions<br />
will follow to include topics of:<br />
✓ Cloud Storage<br />
✓ Content Analytics &<br />
Information Governance benefits<br />
for Nuclear<br />
✓ “Where Will Your Data Be<br />
Coming From?"<br />
✓ Improving Vendor Performance<br />
by Increasing Efficiency of<br />
Document Submittal Processes<br />
✓ What's new for the ANSI/<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> CM 1.0-2007 Reaffirmed<br />
2015 - 5-Year Revision Cycle<br />
✓ Panel session on the Nuclear<br />
Promise (not always with<br />
technology keeping up)<br />
✓ Assessments & Analytics<br />
✓ Regulations Fundamentals,<br />
Government & Utility<br />
Benchmarking sessions<br />
✓ Institute of Certified Records<br />
Managers (ICRM) Exam Prep track<br />
Plus more!<br />
The workplace of today is filled<br />
with great opportunities for change<br />
as well as disruptors like technology<br />
that can bring challenges. We must<br />
rely on standards and strong<br />
processes to see the way through.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> serves as your<br />
lighthouse to navigate<br />
the future, built on a<br />
strong foundation<br />
from its past in the<br />
nuclear industry.<br />
The August conference is your<br />
building block for learning and<br />
sharing. Your attendance is so<br />
important whether at the beginning<br />
of your career journey to learn from<br />
the best, or to give back to colleagues<br />
with your many years of knowledge.<br />
Plan to take it all in with the schedule<br />
of events that are planned below:<br />
• Terrific new educational<br />
Workshops ($) Saturday, Aug 3<br />
and Wednesday, Aug 7<br />
• Distinguished Keynote<br />
Speakers Sunday, Aug 4,<br />
Welcome Reception early<br />
evening<br />
• Vendor Exhibits & Raffles<br />
Monday, Aug 5 with new<br />
Solution Spotlight Sessions<br />
• Technical Sessions Monday,<br />
Aug 5 and Tuesday, Aug 6<br />
• ICRM Exam Prep track<br />
Tuesday, Aug 6<br />
• <strong>NIRMA</strong> Business Unit<br />
meetings Wednesday, Aug 7 and<br />
Thurs, Aug 8<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference App will<br />
be available for download to present<br />
the final conference schedule and<br />
speaker profiles. Continue checking<br />
the <strong>NIRMA</strong> website at<br /> for all the details and<br />
to register for the conference. Early<br />
Bird pricing is available for a limited<br />
time.<br />
The beautiful JW Marriott in Las<br />
Vegas, Nevada is the perfect<br />
backdrop for the <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
conference – to inspire, rejuvenate,<br />
and innovate your perspective! The<br />
group rate for the conference is only<br />
$141 a night, so make your<br />
reservations soon to ensure<br />
availability (click here to register for<br />
conference. Click here to contact JW<br />
Marriott).<br />
On behalf of the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board of<br />
Directors, I warmly invite you to join<br />
us and look forward to seeing you<br />
there!<br />
Janice Hoerber<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Vice President<br /><br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 5
Microfilm Digitization<br />
What you need to consider before<br />
starting the digitization process.<br />
By Todd Kahle, Vice President, e-ImageData Corp.<br />
O<br />
ur digital world has<br />
conditioned us to expect<br />
needed information to be<br />
accessible almost instantly. Even<br />
people who grew up in a pre-internet<br />
world have come to demand this.<br />
Most information today is available<br />
in a form that meets this instant<br />
accessibility expectation. However,<br />
there are many trillions of<br />
documents that are only available on<br />
microfilm and even when using<br />
modern microfilm scanners,<br />
accessing these documents is less<br />
than instant. For this reason, and<br />
others, there is an almost universal<br />
desire to digitize microfilm<br />
collections.<br />
There are many questions to be<br />
addressed before a decision can be<br />
made to move forward with<br />
digitization.<br />
1. Copyright: Before microfilmed<br />
documents can be digitized,<br />
permission to copy must be<br />
obtained or it must be confirmed<br />
that the documents are in the<br />
public domain. For more<br />
information on copyright laws,<br />
click here.<br />
2. Security: If the microfilm to be<br />
digitized contains sensitive<br />
information and cannot be<br />
moved off site, digitization will<br />
need to be done on site.<br />
3. Accessibility: If the microfilmed<br />
documents to be digitized must<br />
be available during the<br />
digitization process, it may be<br />
logistically impractical to move<br />
the film off site.<br />
“Choosing a<br />
proprietary file<br />
format creates<br />
an unhealthy<br />
and perpetual<br />
dependency on<br />
the company<br />
providing them.”<br />
– Todd Kahle,<br />
Vice President, e-ImageData Corp.<br />
4. Indexing: An index is the means<br />
by which finding a document is<br />
possible. Creating an index can<br />
be a major expense for any<br />
digitization project. The greater<br />
the granularity of the index the<br />
more quickly a document can be<br />
found, but the more expensive it<br />
is to create.<br />
5. File Format: File format is how<br />
the digitized image is stored on<br />
the computer. Formats such as<br />
PDF or TIFF can be integrated<br />
with any document management<br />
system, whereas proprietary file<br />
formats cannot. Furthermore,<br />
proprietary file formats will<br />
require a proprietary viewer.<br />
Choosing a proprietary file<br />
format creates an unhealthy and<br />
perpetual dependency on the<br />
company providing them.<br />
6. Bit Depth: Typical values are 8-<br />
bit (256 shades of gray) or 1-bit<br />
(2 shades of gray which is black<br />
and white). 1-bit files require<br />
substantially less storage space<br />
than 8-bit files. However, if the<br />
document image on film is of<br />
poor quality, which is frequently<br />
the case, it may be necessary to<br />
use 8-bit grayscale to capture all<br />
image details.<br />
7. Dot Per Inch (DPI): DPI<br />
affects both image clarity and file<br />
size. A typical value is 300 dpi.<br />
Higher DPI may improve image<br />
clarity but will increase required<br />
storage space.<br />
8. Quality Assurance: Documents<br />
on microfilm are often of poor<br />
quality. Just because they have<br />
been digitized doesn’t mean that<br />
the digitized version is readable.<br />
Destroying the original microfilm<br />
after digitization is strongly<br />
discouraged (click here for Baylor<br />
University Digitization Project<br />
Group post), but if that is the<br />
intent, then it will be necessary to<br />
inspect 100% of the digitized<br />
images prior to the film’s<br />
destruction. It is common for a<br />
film collection to contain many<br />
millions of document images, but<br />
if the digital copy of just 1<br />
million documents were<br />
inspected, spending just 1 second<br />
on each would take a minimum<br />
of 277 manhours to complete.<br />
6 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Nonetheless, 100% inspection<br />
is not 100% accurate. 100%<br />
inspection will be a major<br />
expense of the digitization<br />
process and in many cases, it is<br />
impractical. For this reason, it<br />
is suggested that the film<br />
always be retained, thereby<br />
making the inspection step<br />
unnecessary. If while using the<br />
digitized images, it is<br />
discovered that the quality of<br />
an image is unacceptable the<br />
film can then be used to redigitize<br />
and replace the<br />
unacceptable image.<br />
9. Hardware: Hardware will be<br />
needed to accomplish three<br />
tasks. The first is to do the<br />
actual digitization. The second<br />
is to store, serve, and backup<br />
the files. The third is to<br />
accomplish re-scans when a<br />
digitized image is found to be<br />
unacceptable.<br />
10. Software: Depending on the<br />
file format chosen, it may be<br />
necessary to purchase a<br />
proprietary viewer for each<br />
computer needing access to<br />
the digitized images. This<br />
software frequently includes<br />
recurring software charges.<br />
Therefore, proprietary file<br />
formats are not recommended.<br />
11. Cost: The cost of digitizing<br />
microfilm is influenced by<br />
many factors such as how<br />
many images are to be<br />
digitized, do the images need<br />
to be 100% inspected, what<br />
level of granularity is needed<br />
for indexing, hardware costs,<br />
storage/server costs, recurring<br />
software charges, recurring<br />
storage/server charges, etc.<br />
If this seems overwhelming take<br />
comfort in the fact that you are<br />
not alone. At this point in the<br />
evolution of microfilm digitization<br />
technology, the best digitization<br />
path is frequently not clear. In<br />
fact, for many institutions,<br />
practically speaking, a path does<br />
not exist. e-ImageData is<br />
dedicated and focused on<br />
changing that – making the<br />
pathway to digitization clearer and<br />
within reach for everyone.<br />
As industry leaders in<br />
micrographics for the past 3<br />
decades, we are continually<br />
improving the way people work<br />
with microfilm worldwide by<br />
providing the latest technologies<br />
available. We are excited to be on<br />
the brink of yet another<br />
extraordinary technology that will<br />
make digitizing microfilm easier,<br />
more accurate, more accessible,<br />
and more affordable than ever<br />
before.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 7
nextscan<br />
Attending the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Annual<br />
Conference?<br />
Find the FlexScan in Booth 109.<br />
High precision optics<br />
combined with<br />
proprietary lighting<br />
_ technology nearly double<br />
native image resolution<br />
delivering unmatched<br />
---•-image quality.<br />
Risk-free in-house<br />
digitization through unique<br />
line scanning technology<br />
eliminates scanning<br />
errors and captures true<br />
archival reproduction of<br />
film ribbon.<br />
I<br />
FlexScan digitizes thousands of records in minutes!<br />
The Benefits of In-house Conversion are Clear:<br />
• A Low-Cost Alternative for High-Volume Film Conversion with Fast<br />
and Professional Results.<br />
• Significantly Reduce Labor Costs. Increase Accessibility and<br />
Operational Efficiency with All Digital Record Retrieval.<br />
• Prevent Data Breaches and Maintain Confidentiality. Use Trusted Staff<br />
for Conversion of Proprietary Data.<br />
• Eliminate Risk of Data Loss. Preserve Critical Records that are Doomed<br />
to Degradation (Vinegar Syndrome).<br />
• Maximize Space and Save Money by Eliminating your Storage<br />
Footprint.<br />
Call us for a FREE Demo & Consultation! 208.514.4000<br />
Fie Scan<br />
208.514.4000<br />
Follow Us: 0 0 frD
Confident Microfilm Conversion—<br />
Worry Free Records Management<br />
Convert with Confidence<br />
By Matt Anderson, Vice President of Marketing<br />
our microfilm archives are unique and contain<br />
Y<br />
priceless records that cannot be found<br />
anywhere else. This means converting your<br />
analog archives to digital records must be<br />
completed in a way that ensures that not only the<br />
images are readable but that all the information residing<br />
on the film has been captured completely and not<br />
accidentally omitted.<br />
Not all microfilm scanners are created equal. You<br />
wouldn’t hammer a nail with a screwdriver? No more<br />
than you should convert an entire roll of microfilm on a<br />
scanner with an area image sensor. Discover the<br />
benefits of line scanning technology.<br />
Line vs. Area Sensors<br />
There are two possible ways of capture when<br />
deciding to scan microfilm,<br />
progressive line sensor scanning or<br />
stop, point and shoot area sensor<br />
scanning. The two ways were developed for two distinct<br />
purposes,<br />
continuous<br />
capture of a roll<br />
of microfilm or<br />
simple<br />
information<br />
retrieval. Line<br />
sensor scanning<br />
allows for the<br />
progressive,<br />
constant capture<br />
of an entire roll<br />
of microfilm in<br />
Continued on next page.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 9
motion. The sensor spans the width of roll of<br />
microfilm, capturing each line of data as the film passes.<br />
It is the continuous line sensor scanning capability that<br />
allows for the edge-to-edge and end-to-end capture<br />
required to make a true digital duplication of the roll of<br />
microfilm. Area sensor scanning uses an image sensor<br />
similar to what you would find in a digital camera and<br />
operates similarly as it captures a single image, one at a<br />
time. To capture an entire roll the system is required to<br />
recognize an area to scan, stop, capture and continue.<br />
Area sensor scanning technology may not capture 100%<br />
of the media resulting in some information being<br />
omitted. For example, the system may not recognize<br />
each individual frame. It is important to remember that<br />
the original process of converting documents to<br />
microfilm was not perfect and many items are too dark,<br />
skewed, or were too close together. Any of these could<br />
result in a skipped image. Perhaps it’s nothing, what if it<br />
was critical?<br />
Ribbon Scanning<br />
Over a decade ago, conversion bureaus urged the<br />
industry to develop a groundbreaking process that<br />
guaranteed 100% complete edge-to-edge and end-toend<br />
capture of microfilm. Why? Their current process<br />
at the time of point, scan and capture was time<br />
consuming and didn’t always deliver a perfect<br />
conversion. The solution was line scanning technology<br />
delivering a digital image in one continuous ribbon. The<br />
reliable conversion process now resolved numerous<br />
scanning errors that had previously hindered earlier<br />
scanning efforts, including missed images.<br />
Not only does Ribbon Scanning, with Line Scanning<br />
Technology, allow for complete capture it also enables a<br />
useful auditing process to verify that each frame is<br />
captured correctly. Specialized software indicates<br />
density differences between images to an operator. They<br />
can quickly distinguish if it is an image to save or one to<br />
skip. True Ribbon Scanning can only be accomplished<br />
using Line Scanning Technology and cannot be<br />
accomplished through use of an area scanner which<br />
does not capture all the data on the roll of microfilm.<br />
This simple auditing procedure is unique as all of the<br />
data collected is displayed. If it was on the film, it is on<br />
the Ribbon. Nothing skipped, nothing omitted, nothing<br />
missed.<br />
Different microfilm scanners are designed for<br />
different tasks. If you decide to convert, don’t leave<br />
your archive to chance. Ensure your data archive is<br />
identical to your current archive. Convert with<br />
confidence using Line Scanning Technology.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>s Financial Holdings<br />
as of: June 4, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Anita S. Beren<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Treasurer<br />
Checking Account $ 44,841.62<br />
Investment Account $ 117,383.41<br />
TOTAL $ 162,225.03<br />
10 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
<strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference Exhibitors:<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> has room for more Exhibitors! Don’t delay. Sign up today!<br />
<strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference Sponsors:<br />
Consider a sponsorship from your organization!<br />
Contact to assist.<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference will be<br />
held August 4-6, <strong>2019</strong>,<br />
PLUS Learning Workshops<br />
offered August 3 & August 7<br />
(click here for more information)<br />
at the beautiful<br />
JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort &<br />
Spa, located at 221 N Rampart<br />
Blvd.<br />
Las Vegas, Nev.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 11
<strong>NIRMA</strong> CONFERENCE<br />
General Manager, Corp.<br />
Services, STP<br />
“Change the Experience …<br />
Change the Culture”<br />
Summary:<br />
Every organization in the world is a living, breathing thing.<br />
Corporations are comprised of human beings, each coming to the<br />
table with their own value and belief systems. These human<br />
beings make up an organization’s collective belief system and<br />
resulting behaviors. Culture cannot be dictated. Culture cannot<br />
be a placard on a wall. In this interactive session, we will discuss<br />
how organizations define “Corporate Culture” and how<br />
organizations can go about shaping company culture by shifting<br />
the experiences of individuals. Waco Bankston will share some<br />
of his own experiences with merging multiple, very different, and<br />
at times dysfunctional cultures. Participants will leave with a<br />
tangible model and thought process that can be immediately<br />
leveraged to help not only manage an organization’s culture, but<br />
to change it for the better.<br />
Waco Bankston is responsible for Information<br />
Technology (IT), Cyber Security and many of the<br />
company’s Shared Services organizations, including<br />
Human Resources, Nuclear Records Management,<br />
Document Control, Technical Support Services and<br />
Administration.<br />
Vice President, State & Local<br />
Affairs, APS<br />
“The Power of Authentic<br />
Leadership”<br />
Summary:<br />
Jessica Pacheco will address what it takes to break through<br />
barriers in today’s world to provide effective leadership – formal<br />
and informal -- in any organization. She will share what it<br />
takes to create sustainable success and why authentic leadership is<br />
one of the most effective ways to deliver lasting results.<br />
Jessica Pacheco primary responsibility at Arizona<br />
Public Service (APS) is to lead the company’s state and<br />
local public affairs strategy. Pacheco has developed<br />
deep knowledge of the company’s business units<br />
through two periods at APS. She served in numerous<br />
roles from 1997-2006, including customer care in the<br />
call center, community and economic development and<br />
franchise agreement management.<br />
Pacheco earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the<br />
University of Arizona and is fluent in Spanish and<br />
Portuguese. She is a graduate of the Stanford Executive<br />
Program and MIT’s Nuclear Reactor Technology<br />
course.<br />
CSP<br />
President and Project<br />
Manager for Nuclear Waste<br />
Partnership LLC<br />
“Waste Isolation Pilot Project<br />
(WIPP) Past, Present & Future”<br />
Bruce C. Covert has more than 30 years of experience<br />
in the management and operation of nuclear and other<br />
high-hazard facilities for the Department of Energy<br />
(DOE) and the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning<br />
Authority. Prior to accepting his current position at the<br />
DOE’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in June<br />
2017, he served as AECOM Group Vice President for<br />
Dounreay Site Restoration Limited in the U.K. Prior to<br />
that, he served as Environmental, Safety, and Health &<br />
Quality Director and Waste Project Director for<br />
Washington Closure Hanford (WCH).<br />
He holds a master’s degree in business administration<br />
from St. Bonaventure University and a Bachelor of<br />
Science degree in industrial technology from State<br />
University College at Buffalo. He is a Project<br />
Management Professional and a Certified Safety<br />
Professional.<br />
12 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Executive Director,<br />
Content & Programming,<br />
ARMA International<br />
“The Future of Information—<br />
Readiness Must Begin Today”<br />
Summary:<br />
To understand the future of information, we must look to our<br />
past. Cycles that started long before any of us were alive continue<br />
to push us forward. Using a pair of stories and an honest<br />
critique of our success in reducing organizational risk, what can<br />
we predict about the future of information? How can we prepare<br />
for this future today to get ahead of our cycles?<br />
Nick Inglis is Executive Director, Content &<br />
Programming at ARMA International (formerly<br />
President of the Information Coalition, prior to the<br />
two organizations' merger), the leading provider of<br />
resources and best practices for the information<br />
profession.<br />
Inglis is the author of 'INFORMATION: The<br />
Comprehensive Overview of the Information<br />
Profession & Official INFO Designation Study<br />
Guide'. Mr. Inglis is a recipient of the Providence<br />
Ambassador Award and was named a 2018 Rhode<br />
Island "50 on Fire" for his work with both the<br />
information profession and his public advocacy.<br />
Mr. Inglis' writing has been featured in U.S. News &<br />
World Report, The Providence Journal, Yahoo!<br />
Finance, CMSWire, and others.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> CONFERENCE<br />
Senior Director, Used Fuel<br />
and Decommissioning,<br />
Nuclear Energy Institute<br />
(NEI)<br />
“Sharing Current Industry<br />
Trends”<br />
Rod McCullum has been working at NEI since 1998.<br />
He has 30 years of nuclear engineering, licensing,<br />
management and regulatory policy experience.<br />
Currently, at NEI, he leads industry technical and<br />
regulatory efforts to improve used fuel management<br />
and nuclear plant decommissioning programs. He held<br />
prior positions in Government (with the Department of<br />
Energy) and Industry (at three commercial nuclear<br />
power plants). He has a Bachelor of Science degree in<br />
Nuclear Engineering (University of Cincinnati, 1985)<br />
and a Master of Business Administration degree (Lewis<br />
University, 2000).<br />
Click here to register for the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference!<br />
Click here to register for the<br />
Pre and Post Conference<br />
Workshops!<br />
Click here to register for the ARMA Conference.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 13
Advertisement<br />
The Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) is excited to partner with <strong>NIRMA</strong> to<br />
provide information about ICRM certification and its relevancy, value and benefits to those<br />
Records and Information Management (RIM) professionals working in the nuclear industry.<br />
There will be a full day of ICRM Exam Prep sessions that will focus on the Certified Records<br />
Analyst (CRA) credential and the CRA or CRM/Nuclear Specialist (NS) and CRM/Federal<br />
Specialist Post Certification Specialty Designations. These sessions will be held on Tuesday,<br />
August 6, <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
AGENDA<br />
CRM/Federal Specialist Session: 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.<br />
CRA or CRM/Nuclear Specialist (NS) Session: 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.<br />
Speaker: Margie Janney, CRM/NS/FED<br />
ICRM Overview: Application to Certification and Parts 2-4 (CRA) Session: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.<br />
Overview: 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.<br />
Part 2: 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.<br />
Break: 3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.<br />
Part 3: 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.<br />
Part 4: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.<br />
Speakers: Bruce Walters, CRM/NS and Rae Lynn Haliday, MBA, CRM<br />
**Attendees can pick and choose which presentations they want to attend<br />
Click here for additional details.
Advertisement<br />
ICRM sessions include an introduction to the ICRM certification<br />
process including qualifications, a detailed overview of the material<br />
covered in Parts 2-4 for the Certified Records Analyst (CRA), with<br />
20 sample questions for each part. Post Certification Specialty<br />
Designation presentations will include qualifications, a detailed<br />
overview of the exam outline and the body of knowledge required<br />
for test preparation.<br />
Technological advances have forever altered the way in which<br />
people and businesses communicate and these changes impact<br />
records and information management. There is no better time to<br />
prepare for an exciting career in this space. Obtaining ICRM<br />
certification will elevate your RIM skills and competencies and<br />
ensure you maintain them, both of which leads to advancing your<br />
professional career. The NS and FED Post Certification Specialty<br />
Designations provide practitioners working in the nuclear industry<br />
and/or federal government an amazing opportunity to benchmark<br />
their industry-specific records management skills and expertise.<br />
Click here for additional details.
Adopters vs. Resisters<br />
Building a Successful<br />
Change Management Strategy<br />
I<br />
t’s commonly said that change is the only<br />
constant. If that’s true, being in front of the<br />
change and steering progress in a desired<br />
direction is essential. Front-line leadership is<br />
often tasked with implementing change management<br />
strategies, and doing so can be difficult depending on<br />
which portion of the workforce you’re addressing.<br />
From early adopters and lukewarm wait-and-see<br />
demographics to the more difficult resisters or<br />
“laggers,” understanding who you’re dealing with and<br />
how best to adapt is key to a successful change<br />
management strategy.<br />
The Early Adopters<br />
When faced with change, there will always be those who<br />
happily embrace the concept and actively engage the<br />
challenges. The early adopters<br />
need little incentive when<br />
introduced to something new, and<br />
most thrive with just a little<br />
direction and the freedom<br />
to do their work.<br />
The Neutral Wait-and-<br />
See Demographic<br />
The neutral wait-and-see<br />
demographic is often a very selfish one, meaning<br />
change is adopted when personal gain is perceived or<br />
when trying to avoid detrimental consequences. This<br />
demographic makes up the largest portion of the<br />
workforce or product audience, and most can be easily<br />
swayed with a little incentive or easy-to-understand<br />
consequences.<br />
Resisters and Laggers<br />
The most difficult group to manage successfully around<br />
change is the resister or “lagger” demographic.<br />
Resisters, both active and passive, whether through<br />
By Dean Van Dyke<br />
iBridge LLC<br />
choice or lack of interest, are the<br />
least likely to adopt policy<br />
changes and can prove<br />
organizational roadblocks if not<br />
managed appropriately.<br />
Responsibility, Training,<br />
and Competency<br />
Implementing a change<br />
management strategy is a<br />
collaborative effort. Creating and<br />
relaying the strategy, especially to<br />
resisters, is your responsibility as<br />
front-end leadership. Understanding and adhering to<br />
that strategy is the responsibility of the individual<br />
worker.<br />
Unfortunately, it’s not<br />
uncommon for management<br />
strategies to fail on the premise of<br />
miscommunication alone.<br />
Procedural changes can be<br />
difficult to understand and even<br />
more difficult to internalize.<br />
Before disciplining an individual<br />
because they aren’t adapting to change, it’s important to<br />
ask yourself these three questions:<br />
1. Was that person aware of their responsibilities?<br />
2. Have they been properly trained?<br />
Dean Van Dyke is the<br />
Vice President of<br />
Business Process<br />
Optimization at iBridge<br />
LLC<br />
Does that training translate to competency?<br />
Answering “no” to any of these questions can be an<br />
indication that information was miscommunicated,<br />
hasn’t been provided, or that a situation deserves to be<br />
reassessed. Dishing out disciplinary action should be a<br />
last resort and understanding how best to manage<br />
various adopters before implementing change can mean<br />
the difference between a successful change management<br />
strategy and one that crashes and burns.<br />
16 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
By Margie Janney, CRM/NS/FED<br />
A<br />
s an update to a previous<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> article, the<br />
Nuclear Regulatory<br />
Commission (NRC) has<br />
started a large project to digitize old<br />
records.<br />
Upon receipt in the summer of<br />
2017 of a report from the<br />
Committee to Review Generic<br />
Requirements (CRGR) on the<br />
NRC’s implementation of back<br />
fitting and issue finality<br />
requirements, the NRC Executive<br />
Director of Operations (EDO)<br />
recognized that the retrievability of<br />
licensing and design basis<br />
information was a contributing<br />
factor to back fit challenges. As a<br />
result, the EDO gave my staff in the<br />
Office of the Chief Information<br />
Officer (OCIO) the go-ahead to<br />
digitize 43 million pages of legacy<br />
material to make it readily available<br />
for staff’s use.<br />
Between 2007 and 2017, we had<br />
scanned approximately 500,000<br />
legacy documents and made them<br />
available to staff via ADAMS, the<br />
agency’s official recordkeeping<br />
system. In 10 years we had digitized<br />
approximately 10% of the collection;<br />
we’re going to be digitizing the<br />
remaining 90% within 2 years!<br />
That’s ambitious!<br />
We will be digitizing 6.3 million<br />
pages of Atomic Energy<br />
Commission paper documents<br />
(official agency records generated or<br />
received prior to 1979), as well as<br />
2,915,977 documents on 109,674<br />
microfiche and 113,456 NUDOCS<br />
In 10 years we had<br />
digitized approximately<br />
10% of the collection;<br />
we’re going to be<br />
digitizing the remaining<br />
90% within 2 years!<br />
aperture cards indexed in the<br />
Nuclear Document System<br />
(NUDOCS) collection (representing<br />
all agency records generated or<br />
received from 1979 to 1999).<br />
We are working with the<br />
microforms first. Within the first<br />
two weeks of start-up, we scanned<br />
approximately 1200 microfiche cards<br />
(about 436,800 images) and created<br />
12,759 PDF documents. The pace<br />
will pick up significantly once we<br />
have ironed out the kinks.<br />
After the NUDOCS microforms<br />
are digitized and QC’d, OCIO has a<br />
program that will match up the<br />
PDFs with the metadata (profile)<br />
found in NUDOCS and transfer it<br />
all electronically to ADAMS. The<br />
AEC papers, however, don’t have<br />
existing metadata. We are going to<br />
be using artificial intelligence (AI) to<br />
see what metadata we can<br />
automatically extract from the<br />
documents after they are OCR’d.<br />
Keep in mind that the youngest<br />
documents in this collection are 40<br />
years old; we have carbon copies and<br />
onion skin documents which don’t<br />
easily convert to text.<br />
My staff is excited to be working<br />
on this significant project to help the<br />
mission of the NRC!<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 17
inspired by the long association with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> to create, in 2016, the Japan<br />
Energy Records Management<br />
Association (JERMA).<br />
(L-R) Eugene Yang, Bill Clover (Exelon Nuclear) and Mr. Sadamaro Yamashita<br />
(founder and President of NRM)<br />
Keeping to the Asia theme, there<br />
have been occasions where I’ve been<br />
asked to lend a hand in helping<br />
fellow <strong>NIRMA</strong> members from the<br />
vendor community in their<br />
marketing efforts. In one particular<br />
effort with IBM, I traveled to<br />
Shanghai, China to present<br />
information management concepts<br />
to the burgeoning China nuclear<br />
industry. Later, I provided<br />
consulting and training on electronic<br />
information management to the staff<br />
at the Jiangsu Nuclear Power Plant.<br />
Of course, when in the mother<br />
country, I was very appreciative of<br />
the<br />
food!<br />
By Eugene Y. Yang, KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />
A<br />
s I look back at a career<br />
spanning over five<br />
decades (really?), I’ve<br />
been blessed to be able<br />
to leverage my knowledge and<br />
experience into adventures<br />
around the world. This issue’s<br />
article reflects the opportunities<br />
to present or provide training on<br />
information management at<br />
international venues.<br />
When I served as President of the<br />
Association, back in 1999-2001, I<br />
had the opportunity to meet with<br />
representatives from the Nippon<br />
Records Management Co., Ltd<br />
(NRM), a firm that provides records<br />
management services to utilities,<br />
businesses, and government agencies<br />
in Japan. This opportunity led to my<br />
being asked to<br />
provide<br />
presentations to records<br />
management staffs of the Japanese<br />
nuclear power plants and the ARMA<br />
International Tokyo chapter. It was<br />
through that initial visit to Tokyo<br />
that <strong>NIRMA</strong>, and me personally,<br />
have had a rich 20-year relationship<br />
with Mr. Sadamaro Yamashita,<br />
founder and president of NRM. Mr.<br />
Yamashita has invited me to Japan to<br />
speak to the nuclear industry on<br />
several occasions; in 2013, he invited<br />
Bill Clover of Exelon Nuclear and<br />
me to speak on information<br />
management in the U.S. industry in<br />
the wake of the Fukushima accident.<br />
It was humbling to interact with<br />
personnel from the plant. Mr.<br />
Yamashita, and others in Japan, were<br />
Shanghai, China<br />
Over the course of the years, I’ve<br />
had the chance to work with the<br />
International Atomic Energy Agency<br />
(IAEA). Besides providing input to<br />
the development of technical<br />
documents on records management<br />
in waste management and<br />
decommissioning, I provided<br />
training on information management<br />
concepts in addressing sealed<br />
radioactive sources (SRS) and<br />
disused sealed radioactive sources<br />
(DSRS). This was essentially the<br />
tracking, reporting, and<br />
recordkeeping for monitoring the<br />
whereabouts of source material used,<br />
for example, in medical x-ray<br />
machines, industrial flowmeters, and<br />
lightning rods. This has taken me to<br />
the IAEA headquarters in Vienna,<br />
18 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
IAEA Headquarters<br />
Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />
Arusha, Tanzania<br />
Amman, Jordan<br />
Austria; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Arusha, Tanzania; and<br />
Amman, Jordan. It was great to interact with scientists<br />
and engineers from eastern Europe, the Mediterranean,<br />
Asia, and Africa, understanding their varied approaches<br />
to data and information management, while offering<br />
them insights on approaches in the U.S.<br />
At the time of this writing, I’m getting ready to head out<br />
the door again, this time to the United<br />
Arab Emirates. In March <strong>2019</strong>, the<br />
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation<br />
(ENEC) reached out to <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s<br />
President, Michelle Smith, to inquire on<br />
possibly receiving training on <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s guidance in the<br />
areas of records management (both electronic and hard<br />
copies), and the shredding of records (either electronic<br />
or hard copies). Michelle reached out to me to see if I<br />
was interested, and, of course, I said yes! The Barakah<br />
Nuclear Power Plant, near Abu Dhabi, is being built by<br />
a consortium led by the Korea Electric Power<br />
Corporation (KEPCO) using KEPCO’s APR-1400<br />
design. My intent is not only to provide training on the<br />
guidance we’ve developed, but also to share best<br />
practices and lessons learned from the U.S. power<br />
industry. This training, to be conducted over a period<br />
of five days, will occur in the latter part of June <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
As I stated earlier, I have been blessed with these<br />
international opportunities. Perhaps, when I see you at<br />
the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference in August, I’ll regale you with<br />
tales of my latest travel overseas!<br />
Eugene has been a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong> for over<br />
32 years. At the time he joined, <strong>NIRMA</strong> had<br />
only been in existence for 11 years. He would<br />
love to hear about stories and anecdotes from<br />
others, so please email him at<br /><br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 19
Business Unit News<br />
By Bruce Walters, M&MBU Director<br />
T<br />
he Conference Committee<br />
and M&M are busy<br />
arranging, organizing, and<br />
publicizing the upcoming<br />
conference to be held at the JW<br />
Marriott Resort & Spa in Las Vegas,<br />
Nevada in early August. The hotel<br />
and grounds are amazing. There will<br />
be an array of Keynote speakers who<br />
will kick off the first day (click here<br />
for additional information).<br />
We will have quite a number of<br />
sessions designed to improve our<br />
knowledge of integral parts of the<br />
work we do. If<br />
you are<br />
interested in<br />
presenting at the<br />
conference, it<br />
may not be too<br />
late to step up<br />
and get included.<br />
Simply reach out<br />
to our vice<br />
president, Janice<br />
Hoerber,<br />, to discuss<br />
your topic. Did you know you get a<br />
discount on your conference rate if<br />
you are a speaker? It’s true!<br />
Ever wonder about the value in<br />
attending a conference? Generally, I<br />
consider there are two primary<br />
values in attending. First, the<br />
educational opportunities provided to us,<br />
the members, are second to none.<br />
We get to learn about big picture<br />
topics, not limited to just our day-today<br />
work environment. Many of us<br />
“ ... I consider there<br />
are two primary<br />
values in attending.<br />
First, the<br />
educational<br />
opportunities<br />
provided to us, the<br />
members, are<br />
second to none …<br />
Second, the<br />
networking<br />
opportunities are<br />
fantastic.”<br />
are siloed into our daily tasks and<br />
don’t see the whole picture, how our<br />
role feeds into other people’s roles<br />
and into the entire office’s or plant’s<br />
role. You get to learn about topics,<br />
that frankly, you may not have had<br />
any exposure. That stretches your<br />
knowledge and hopefully your desire<br />
to learn more, grow more. Some<br />
speakers allow for give and take in<br />
the sessions and now you get to hear<br />
some of the, uh hum, ‘seasoned<br />
veterans’ (I’m not saying old folks)<br />
agree/disagree with statements<br />
made. Properly done, banter can be<br />
a good thing, a better learning<br />
environment. We have sessions to<br />
learn about<br />
professional certification. There is a<br />
vendor hall where we get to meet<br />
representatives for various services<br />
and products/tools that are valuable<br />
to our jobs. Our conference is all<br />
about education!<br />
Second, the networking opportunities<br />
are fantastic. We gather for<br />
breakfast and lunch at tables<br />
(sumptuous<br />
meals, I must<br />
say) and have<br />
the chance to<br />
have<br />
conversations<br />
with people<br />
from all over<br />
the records management industry.<br />
You have a question, a problem, a<br />
random thought … you now have an<br />
audience of people who either have<br />
an answer OR know the person in<br />
the room who has the answer. No<br />
one is unapproachable at the<br />
conference. Our best and brightest<br />
are just people, like you, coming to<br />
learn and to educate. Don’t be<br />
bashful. We even have a First<br />
Timers event that helps welcome you<br />
and ease you into getting the most<br />
out of the conference.<br />
If you weren’t sure what to<br />
do with yourself between<br />
August 4-6, you really need<br />
to be in Las Vegas at the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference. You’ll<br />
be glad you attended.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 21
Professional Development<br />
Business Unit News<br />
Tammy Cutts, PDBU Director<br />
I<br />
t’s that time of year again, the conference is<br />
approaching and we’re finally starting to get<br />
approvals from our leadership to attend. Be sure<br />
to keep development opportunities in mind for<br />
those requests; you benefit as well as your company.<br />
Developmental Opportunities:<br />
At this year’s conference we have multiple opportunities<br />
(click here to register; $295 each or both Workshops for<br />
$500):<br />
• Saturday (Aug. 3): Full Day Workshop:<br />
Do You See the Flow? ($295.00)<br />
• Wednesday (Aug. 7): Half Day Workshop:<br />
The Lifetime of Learning ($295.00)<br />
• Tuesday (Aug. 6): Full Day Conference Track:<br />
ICRM Sessions (no fee)<br />
Do You See the Flow?<br />
The pre-conference workshop, Do You See the Flow? is<br />
led by Bob Larrivee. The interactive<br />
session is a full day and will focus on ways<br />
to improve the work flow process with or<br />
without technology by understanding the<br />
importance of process maps; identifying<br />
areas for improvement; assessing the impact<br />
of process change; and preparing a future<br />
state vision.<br />
This workshop provides you with a practical approach<br />
to creating a process map; recommending process<br />
change options; standardizing business processes across<br />
the enterprise; understanding how automation will<br />
Urgent Request<br />
for PDBU Co-Director!<br />
enhance operations and reduce costs; and prepare for<br />
implementation and change management within the<br />
user community.<br />
The Lifetime of Learning<br />
The post-conference half day workshop by Becky<br />
Wingenroth on The Lifetime of Learning.<br />
Originally created by Becky for the<br />
Electric Power Research Institute’s<br />
(EPRI’s) Technical Women’s Network,<br />
this voluntary process encourages<br />
continuous growth and learning and is<br />
available to anyone, women and men,<br />
interested in identifying how to better leverage their<br />
unique skills and talents.<br />
Ever wonder where your career is headed? Perhaps<br />
you’re not in the role you thought you’d be by now or<br />
you’ve been looking for new challenges. Alternatively,<br />
you may be progressing well, but are not sure how to<br />
get to the next great opportunity. What steps can you<br />
take to keep moving forward? In her presentation,<br />
Becky uses elements of the Lifetime of Learning process<br />
to encourage professionals to determine the path they<br />
want to be on, what they want to learn and the best way<br />
to learn it. Don’t wait for others to manage your career,<br />
YOU take charge!<br />
ICRM Sessions (No Fee)<br />
On Tuesday, the Institute of Certified Records<br />
Managers (ICRM) will have a full-day track to introduce<br />
attendees to the certification process and exam<br />
preparation, focusing on the Certified Records Analyst<br />
(CRA), CRA/CRM Nuclear Specialist (NS), and the<br />
CRM Federal Specialist (FED). The ICRM sessions will<br />
be led by Margie Janney, Bruce Walters and Rae<br />
Lynn Haliday (click here for more information).<br />
Please consider serving <strong>NIRMA</strong> in the<br />
Professional Development Business Unit!<br />
Help lead and contribute ideas for<br />
training and educational opportunities<br />
for our membership.<br />
Contact<br />
Attending one or more of these sessions is an<br />
excellent way to develop yourself while taking back<br />
new knowledge and skills to benefit your<br />
organization. If you have training on your personal<br />
development plan for the year, here’s your chance<br />
to check that box as well.<br />
22 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
News from the<br />
Regulatory Information<br />
Management Business Unit<br />
(RIMBU)<br />
By Chris Boudreaux,<br />
RIMBU Business Unit Director<br />
Status of RIMBU Actions<br />
RIMBU Team members have been working heavily on<br />
the updates to various documents including the<br />
following:<br />
• Technical Guideline 15 – Management of<br />
Electronic Records<br />
• Technical Guideline 18 – Guideline for Vendor<br />
Technical Information Program Implementation<br />
• Technical Guideline 21 – Required Records<br />
Protection, Disaster Recovery and Business<br />
Continuity<br />
• Technical Guideline 22 – Management of<br />
Electronic Vendor Technical Documents<br />
• Position Paper 06 – Alternative Approaches in<br />
the Implementation of the Nuclear Regulatory<br />
Commission Regulatory <strong>Issue</strong> Summary<br />
• Position Paper 07 – Management of Quality<br />
Records from NDE Processes<br />
• Position Paper 08 – Electronic Signature<br />
Methods<br />
Basis Documents Being Created<br />
With RIMBU having added several new members to<br />
the team, we have begun working on Basis Documents<br />
for all Technical Guidelines, Position Papers, and<br />
White Papers. These documents will explain the history<br />
and purpose of the material created from within the<br />
RIMBU team allowing a detailed knowledge transfer to<br />
not only members of the RIMBU organization, but<br />
members and customers of <strong>NIRMA</strong> as a whole. We<br />
expected the Basis Documents to be available alongside<br />
the native documents later this year.<br />
ANSI/<strong>NIRMA</strong> CM 1.0-2007 Reaffirmed<br />
2015 - 5-Year Revision Cycle<br />
Our working team for this year’s revision has<br />
completed the initial comments gathering phase of the<br />
revision and is generating the initial draft of the update<br />
for the ANSI/<strong>NIRMA</strong> CM 1.0-2007 Reaffirmed 2015<br />
document. This effort is being led by long-time<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>/RIMBU member Rich Giska along with his<br />
team, which includes: Mike Dickson, Kent Freeland,<br />
Laurent Perkins, Lori Roddy, David Weber, Sarah<br />
Perkins, and Chris Boudreaux. We appreciate the<br />
efforts of the team thus far as they work toward having<br />
a final draft out for review ahead of the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Conference this year.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference Preparations<br />
The RIMBU members are planning various<br />
presentations and work-related activities as we near the<br />
43 rd Annual <strong>NIRMA</strong> conference. We will hold our<br />
Annual <strong>Summer</strong> Meeting following the conference and<br />
encourage all interested conference attendees to make<br />
plans to stay and join our day and a half session as this<br />
will be where the rubber meets the road on generating<br />
the guidance documents for our industry. We plan to<br />
have vendor presentations, discuss new technical<br />
guidelines, share best practices and operating<br />
experience, and more. If you would like to attend our<br />
session, please contact me via email at<br /><br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 23
Anita and her sons<br />
Phillip and Matthew.<br />
speakers in recent years will be getting married to his sweetheart<br />
Megan in September.<br />
Anita Beren<br />
A<br />
nita is a Documentation Leader at General Electric<br />
in Marlborough, Massachusetts.<br />
Anita has been a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong> since 2006 and had<br />
served as the Director of Professional Development for many<br />
years before her election to the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board in 2017 as the<br />
Director of Infrastructure. She assumed the position of<br />
Treasurer in 2018<br />
Anita and her significant other Jack live in Massachusetts. She<br />
has two children, Phillip and Matthew. Matthew, who is<br />
known to <strong>NIRMA</strong> members for his videotaping of keynote<br />
In her spare time, Anita is a jewelry designer. She creates<br />
custom jewelry through bead embroidery. Anita is also the Vice<br />
President of Beadesigner International, a Bead Society serving<br />
greater New England.<br />
Question: <strong>NIRMA</strong> will host its annual<br />
conference in August. Besides the conference<br />
itself, what are you most looking forward to doing<br />
in Las Vegas?<br />
Anita: I have attended the <strong>NIRMA</strong> conference since<br />
2006. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of<br />
enjoying many shows in Las Vegas. More recently, I<br />
look forward to enjoying all that the JW Marriott<br />
Resort has to offer. Coming from the Northeast, I<br />
enjoy the warmth of Las Vegas in August. Some may<br />
find it too hot at this time of year, but I love it! I also<br />
enjoy spending time with longtime friends that I have<br />
made over the years at <strong>NIRMA</strong> and meeting the new<br />
members who come for the first time.<br />
24 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Q: What was your favorite toy growing up?<br />
A: Music has always been a big part of my life. One of<br />
my most favorite things when I was a kid was a record<br />
player. My older brother bought many records. He let<br />
me play them on our record player. I would sit next to<br />
the record player and listen to rock and roll music for<br />
hours on end throughout the years while growing up. I<br />
am surprised that I didn’t wear out the vinyl.<br />
Q: What fictional character do you wish you could<br />
meet and why?<br />
A: I would love to meet Captain Jean Luc Picard of the<br />
starship Enterprise from the Star Trek Next Generation<br />
television series. I couldn’t get enough of those<br />
adventures. I want to be part of his command and<br />
travel throughout the galaxy and beyond.<br />
Example of Anita’s bead embroidery work. <br />
Q: What was the first live concert you ever<br />
attended?<br />
A: The first live concert that I ever attended was The<br />
Beach Boys. They were probably one of the first bands<br />
whose music my brother introduced me to. I have<br />
always loved live concerts. I have tickets to attend a live<br />
concert by The Who in the fall. This is such an<br />
anticipated event for me because The Who was one of<br />
my brother’s favorite bands. Their music was such a big<br />
part of my childhood, I am looking forward to<br />
experiencing them live.<br />
Editors<br />
Neal and Sandra Miller<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Headquarters<br />
Sarah Perkins<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Administrator<br />
245 Sunnyridge Ave., #41<br />
Fairfield, CT 06824<br /><br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 25
National Security Experts Form Coalition to Regain U.S.<br />
Leadership in Nuclear Energy<br />
National security experts<br />
agree that leading in nuclear<br />
energy means leading in the<br />
world. More than 100 leaders in<br />
this field—including more than a<br />
dozen retired admirals, former top<br />
-ranking officials at the CIA and<br />
in military intelligence, professors<br />
and deans of engineering at<br />
prominent universities, heads of<br />
major defense technology firms,<br />
and others with long experience in<br />
national security—have formed a<br />
new organization, the Nuclear<br />
Energy and National Security<br />
Coalition, urging policymakers to<br />
act to regain that leadership.<br />
On May 21, former<br />
Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr.<br />
—who is a prominent expert on<br />
arms control—and retired U.S.<br />
Navy Adm. Richard Mies—a<br />
former nuclear submariner and<br />
commander of the U.S. Strategic<br />
Command—launched the new<br />
coalition, which is under the aegis<br />
of the Atlantic Council, a<br />
Washington, D.C.-based think<br />
tank with a specialty in energy and<br />
security. At the event, the Atlantic<br />
Council also released a report<br />
from its Task Force on U.S.<br />
Nuclear Energy Leadership—on<br />
which Sens. Sheldon<br />
Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Mike<br />
Crapo (R-Idaho) served as<br />
honorary co-chairs.<br />
The new coalition sees a<br />
strong nuclear energy sector as a<br />
cornerstone of national security.<br />
They believe that the United<br />
States’ role as the global leader in<br />
nonproliferation efforts is “under<br />
strain” because of the decline of<br />
the industry domestically and in<br />
exports.<br />
Domestically, many nuclear<br />
reactors face challenges because<br />
of a decline in the wholesale price<br />
of electricity, brought on by a<br />
flood of inexpensive natural gas,<br />
created by fracking. The electricity<br />
markets do not compensate<br />
nuclear reactors for their aroundthe-clock<br />
availability or their<br />
contributions to clean air and<br />
climate stability.<br />
Internationally, the export<br />
market is now dominated by<br />
Russia—with China quickly<br />
emerging as a contender. Both<br />
nations have leveraged their<br />
domestic nuclear industries to<br />
expand internationally. With this<br />
expansion, they have begun to<br />
displace U.S. influence in the<br />
establishment of global nuclear<br />
norms and standards.<br />
When it comes to competing<br />
with these countries, the U.S.<br />
has fallen behind because of our<br />
own ineffective trade policies.<br />
Until a few days ago, for example,<br />
American companies were at a<br />
commercial disadvantage because<br />
they could not even get financing<br />
from the Export-Import Bank.<br />
Such financing is a staple of trade<br />
policy for countries around the<br />
world, but the U.S. Ex-Im Bank<br />
was without a quorum and unable<br />
to authorize transactions<br />
exceeding $10 million.<br />
Nuclear energy bolsters our<br />
national security. The experts who<br />
are a part of the Nuclear Energy<br />
and National Security Coalition<br />
recognize that our geopolitical<br />
leadership abroad depends on the<br />
fate of our nuclear energy<br />
industry. Policymakers must do<br />
the same.<br />
Article reprinted with<br />
permission of NEI.<br />
Read full article here.<br />
26 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
How a 3D-Printed Sub Could Revolutionize Nuclear Energy<br />
You’ve probably heard of 3D<br />
printing being used to create scale<br />
models and other novelties. You may<br />
even have a 3D printer at home. The<br />
technology—also called additive<br />
manufacturing—was first pioneered in<br />
the 1980s and in the last 10 years has<br />
created a revolution in manufacturing<br />
just about anything. Today, we can<br />
print with more than just plastic; we can<br />
print with metals and other materials<br />
used in high tech industries.<br />
Some people have even wondered<br />
if we could 3D-print a nuclear reactor.<br />
Well, it turns out that this idea is not so<br />
far-fetched. The nuclear industry is<br />
developingmicro-reactors, which are<br />
very small nuclear reactors typically less<br />
than 10 megawatts and capable of<br />
fitting on the back of a tractor trailer.<br />
Just last week, I was at Oak Ridge<br />
National Laboratory and saw<br />
a submersible they 3D-printed for the<br />
U.S. Navy which was about the same<br />
size as a micro-reactor.<br />
So what does this mean for nuclear<br />
energy? Well, the Navy submersible<br />
was 3D-printed in weeks instead of<br />
months and for only 10 percent of the<br />
cost that it would take for conventional<br />
manufacturing. While the internal<br />
components of a micro-reactor may be<br />
complex, the aerospace industry has<br />
experience 3D-printing complex jet<br />
engine components in less time and for<br />
lower costs than conventional methods.<br />
We don’t have to wait for the<br />
future to see 3D-printed parts make<br />
their way into nuclear power plants.<br />
Companies are looking to put 3Dprinted<br />
fuel components into reactors<br />
this year, and advanced test reactors use<br />
3D-printing to manufacture test<br />
capsules. Replacement of discontinued<br />
parts is a challenge for nuclear plants,<br />
and 3D printers could be used to<br />
manufacture replacement parts.<br />
In addition, we are looking at other<br />
advanced manufacturing technologies.<br />
Larger components, such as pressure<br />
vessels for small modular reactors,<br />
could use advanced methods—like<br />
powder metallurgy hot isostatic<br />
pressing (a very technical term for<br />
pressing metal powder into solid<br />
shapes) and electron beam welding<br />
(welding at the molecular level)—to<br />
reduce the cost and schedule of<br />
manufacturing. In fact, our recent<br />
report on advanced<br />
manufacturing found that there are 16<br />
methods of most interest to the nuclear<br />
industry.<br />
Innovation drives the nuclear<br />
industry. 3D-printing—like I saw with<br />
Oak Ridge and the Navy—and<br />
advanced manufacturing can<br />
revolutionize how we use carbon-free<br />
nuclear energy to power our way of life.<br />
Article reprinted with<br />
permission of NEI. Read full<br />
article here.<br />
3D-printed submersible on display at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.<br />
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 27
Westinghouse Targets Fast Licensing,<br />
Tiny Footprint for New SMR<br />
By Neil Ford<br />
The U.S. Department of Energy<br />
(DOE) recently allocated<br />
Westinghouse $12.9 million<br />
of DOE funding to develop its<br />
eVinci micro reactor design based<br />
on sodium heat pipe technology.<br />
Westinghouse aims to design, test,<br />
manufacture and site a<br />
demonstration unit by 2022 and will<br />
provide $15.7 million to the project.<br />
The company is currently<br />
developing an electrical<br />
demonstration unit and plans to<br />
demonstrate manufacturing<br />
capability by 2020.<br />
The advanced heat pipe design will<br />
simplify the plant structure and<br />
reduce the number of moving parts,<br />
creating significant cost and safety<br />
benefits, Yasir Arafat, Principal<br />
Engineer, Advanced Reactor<br />
Development at Westinghouse, told<br />
Nuclear Energy <strong>Inside</strong>r..<br />
The compact design will also have a<br />
small boundary footprint, opening<br />
up new siting opportunities closer to<br />
industrial facilities and population<br />
centers.<br />
Westinghouse is communicating<br />
with U.S. and Canadian nuclear<br />
regulators and aims to license the<br />
design for commercial deployment<br />
by 2025, pending a successful testing<br />
phase.<br />
This would position Westinghouse<br />
near the forefront of micro reactor<br />
deployment.<br />
Canada aims to build at least one<br />
demonstration advanced reactor<br />
plant by 2026, at a Canadian Nuclear<br />
Laboratories (CNL) site. In<br />
February, high-temperature gas<br />
reactor developer Global First<br />
Power became the first developer to<br />
advance to the third stage of CNL’s<br />
design selection process which<br />
involves non-exclusive negotiations<br />
on land arrangements, project risk<br />
management, and contractual terms.<br />
According to Westinghouse, the<br />
small size and high technology<br />
readiness of the eVinci heat pipe<br />
reactor design should accelerate the<br />
licensing process.<br />
“The fundamental technology that<br />
differentiates it from other nuclear<br />
reactor designs is the removal of<br />
heat from the core (fuel) via heat<br />
pipes,” Ryan Blinn, Advanced<br />
Reactor Program Manager,<br />
Westinghouse, said.<br />
“This technology (heat pipes) has<br />
been used for decades and was<br />
demonstrated by Los Alamos<br />
National Laboratory in the [NASA]<br />
KiloPower nuclear test,” he said.<br />
Design benefits<br />
The eVinci reactor is designed to<br />
provide 200 kWe to 5 MWe of<br />
combined heat and power.<br />
The design is built around a solid<br />
monolith with channels for both<br />
heat pipes and fuel pellets. Each fuel<br />
pin in the core is adjacent to three<br />
heat pipes, giving an overall one-totwo<br />
heat pipe-to-fuel ratio. The heat<br />
pipes remove heat from the core<br />
using a primary heat exchanger.<br />
According to Westinghouse, the<br />
heat pipe design eliminates the need<br />
for a reactor coolant pump and<br />
associated auxiliary systems,<br />
reducing plant size and component<br />
costs.<br />
A 2 MWe reference design can be<br />
packaged and transported within<br />
standard 20-foot shipping<br />
containers.<br />
The plant is designed to require less<br />
than 1 acre at the site boundary and<br />
the emergency planning zone would<br />
be limited to within the unit<br />
boundary, Blinn said.<br />
Article reprinted with permission of<br />
Nuclear Energy <strong>Inside</strong>r. Read full article<br />
here.<br />
28 <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
The 43rd Annual <strong>NIRMA</strong> Conference<br />
will be held at the beautiful<br />
JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort & Spa,<br />
221 N Rampart Blvd.<br />
Las Vegas, Nev.<br />
• Learn the latest from experts in current trends.<br />
• Be inspired by the message of industry leaders.<br />
• Retool your organization’s view for the future.<br />
• Re-energize your passion to make a difference.<br />
The JW Marriott Las Vegas<br />
Resort & Spa is a luxury<br />
getaway, providing spacious<br />
rooms and suites, premium<br />
amenities and superb<br />
customer service.<br />
Visit JW Marriott here.