Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School

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<strong>2018</strong><br />



Purpose or meaning exists when people have legitimate goalsand when they feel personally<br />

empowered to have impact regarding those goals. Goals they consider righteous,<br />

important and valuable. Goals that fit within their set of values and beliefs.<br />

Finding purpose comes with having a clear sense of self: the way a person thinks about<br />

and views his or her traits, beliefs and purpose in the world. Being conscious about who<br />

we are, what values we treasure and what we stand for is key.<br />

In today’s rapidly changing and challenging society with tremendous amounts of opportunities<br />

and threats, we should strive for that solid foundation of sense of self within our<br />

teams. It brings stability and certainty in an uncertain context. It generates engagement<br />

and develops an inner climate that nourishes entrepreneurship and innovation.<br />

I am very grateful to work with colleagues who embody these concepts. Scaling our<br />

impact together is a continuous balancing act in which self-reflection and discussion are<br />

important ingredients. I want to take this opportunity to express my most sincere gratitude<br />

to my colleagues. They are the ones that make it happen, being their authentic<br />

selves, pushing projects, challenging strategies and creating opportunities.<br />

I’m blessed to work with these fantastic people and hope we can continue our journey to<br />

further explore new strategies to build a sustainable future for people, organisations and<br />

society.<br />

While flicking through our annual report, I hope you’ll enjoy some of the great stuff our<br />

team realised together with many other important stakeholders.<br />

Best regards,<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

For any corrigenda found subsequent to printing, please visit our website at www.mobileschool.org/annualreport<br />

© <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> June 2019<br />

FRONT COVER: Children on the Kibarani dumpsite in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa exploring educational games during a mobile school intervention with local partner Glad’s House.<br />

BACK COVER: Street workers of local partner Glad’s House leaving the Kibarani dumpsite in Mombasa after a creative intervention with the mobile school.<br />

© Sander Degeling (July 2016)<br />



1 ABOUT US<br />

4<br />


7<br />

3 STREETWIZE CLIENTS <strong>2018</strong><br />

154<br />

4 MOBILE SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS <strong>2018</strong> 156<br />

5 THANK YOU<br />

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<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner Salvati Copiii, Iasi, Romania<br />


ABOUT US<br />

Mission and values <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Group<br />

mobile school group undertakes actions, starting from the strengths of street-connected children, to improve the<br />

sustainable development of individuals, organisations and society.<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> NPO is a Belgian organisation<br />

dedicated to empowering autonomous organisations<br />

working with street-connected children<br />

throughout the world. We develop mobile school<br />

carts and educational materials and train local<br />

street workers to increase their efficiency and impact.<br />

The main objective of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> methodology<br />

is to discover and unlock the talents of<br />

street-connected children so they can regain a positive<br />

self-image and can start to make conscious<br />

decisions about their own future. Presently there<br />

are 54 mobile schools in 28 countries, spread<br />

across four continents: Latin America, Asia, Africa<br />

and Europe.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> is a talent development company. Inspired<br />

by the many extraordinary youngsters <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> works with, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> has developed its<br />

impact-driven approach to talent and leadership<br />

growth. We have decoded street savviness to answer<br />

learning demands in a business context. With an<br />

authentic story and our unique approach, we inspire<br />

people to look differently at themselves and the<br />

world. We invite them to reimagine their personal<br />

role in their organisation and their chances and opportunities<br />

to make a difference. <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> invests<br />

100% of its profit in <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, co-creates the<br />

educational materials and relentlessly supports<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> to increase its social impact.<br />

StreetSmart is the new TECH4GOOD start-up of<br />

the social enterprise <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

StreetSmart <strong>Impact</strong>, a mobile application designed<br />

to facilitate case management, reporting and<br />

impact measurement, helps outreach and youth<br />

work organisations to raise the efficiency and the<br />

impact of their work.<br />

The use of the app will enable these organisations<br />

to increase the quality of their data reporting.<br />

Consequently it will be easier to make their voices<br />

heard and to convince society to gear up investments<br />

in youth.<br />


In all our initiatives we want to at least inspire people,<br />

but strive to activate and even engage people. We<br />

work on the development of competences as a<br />

means and opportunity to increase sustainable development.<br />

Authenticity<br />

Cooperative<br />

Competition<br />


We believe in the potential of each child and strive<br />

to develop their strengths and talents through social<br />

entrepreneurship.<br />

VALUES<br />

positive<br />

focus<br />


In everything we do, we facilitate the (self)-discovery<br />

and strengthening of identity,<br />

aspirations and talents, and make a difference<br />

based on common values<br />

TRUST<br />



Hybrid Organisation<br />

















<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> invests 100% of its profits in <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, co-creates educational materials used on the streets,<br />

and relentlessly focuses on creating social impact.<br />

4 5


<strong>2018</strong> was a busy year! In this annual report, we are happy to highlight some of our realisations.<br />

Our business venture <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> sold services to 122 clients and made them all <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> companies.<br />

Our social venture <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> realised 24 field visits in 12 countries with over 100 training days and 38 days of street coaching impacting 190 street educators.<br />

Our volunteers were active, as usual, organising two big campaigns this year: the International Day for Street Children and #DuwMee.<br />

Finally, <strong>2018</strong> was also the year of the start-up of our Tech4Good venture, StreetSmart.<br />

Want to know more? Check out a selection of our projects in <strong>2018</strong> and see what we’ve been up to last year!<br />

LEGEND<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> realisations<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> realisations<br />

Volunteers & Campaigns realisations<br />

StreetSmart realisations<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> trainer Bart in action 7

Moore Stephens <strong>•</strong> Flex ‘Up 12<br />

AG Insurance <strong>•</strong> Sales teams two days 16<br />

Secondary <strong>School</strong> Stella Maris <strong>•</strong> New mission 18<br />

Design technical manual of mobile school 22<br />

Improved coaching strategy for partners 26<br />

Vlerick <strong>•</strong> An established partnership 30<br />

A glimpse of our keynote season 34<br />

Workshopping for 122 different clients 38<br />

Barco & Exellys <strong>•</strong> Learning through experience 42<br />

Redesign mathematical educational offer 46<br />

MS Playground <strong>•</strong> Launch prototype<br />

Follow-up Bolivia <strong>•</strong> COMPA La Paz 54<br />

Cevora <strong>•</strong> A <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> leadership training 58<br />

New school Kenya <strong>•</strong> Child Rescue 62<br />

Follow-up Greece <strong>•</strong> PRAKSIS Patras 66<br />

Follow-up Kenya <strong>•</strong> Glad’s House 68<br />

Official Opening new SWZ <strong>•</strong> MS office<br />

AG Insurance <strong>•</strong> Trainee Programme 76<br />

New school Poland <strong>•</strong> GTW Gliwice 80<br />

Follow-up Germany <strong>•</strong> Jugendamt Düsseldorf 84<br />

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Transnational meeting Poland<br />

Team expedition <strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> Back to the roots<br />

Follow-up Greece <strong>•</strong> Ladies Union of Drama 98<br />

Orange <strong>•</strong> Hackathon & creativity boosts 102<br />

Volunteer fun activity <strong>•</strong> Irrland 104<br />

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Multiplier event 108<br />

New school Bolivia <strong>•</strong> Abriendo Puertas 112<br />

New school Malawi <strong>•</strong> Chisomo Children’s Club 116<br />

Train-the-trainer seminar <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> 120<br />

City of Bilzen <strong>•</strong> Team Development Programme 124<br />

MS Playground <strong>•</strong> Development of DIY-games 130<br />

Exploration Pakistan <strong>•</strong> Lettuce Bee Kids 134<br />

Exploration Georgia <strong>•</strong> Caritas Georgia 138<br />

Exploration Poland <strong>•</strong> Pomocna Dłon 142<br />

Follow-Up India <strong>•</strong> EkTara 146<br />

Online Content Sharing Platform <strong>•</strong> Start-up 150<br />

10<br />

14<br />

20<br />

24<br />

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32<br />

36<br />

40<br />

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74<br />

82<br />

88<br />

92<br />

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100<br />

106<br />

110<br />

114<br />

118<br />

122<br />

126<br />

128<br />

132<br />

136<br />

140<br />

144<br />

148<br />

152<br />

Flexpoint <strong>•</strong> An innovative work organisation<br />

Research on case management in youth work<br />

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Alpha test version<br />

Davidsfonds <strong>•</strong> Traditions and rejuvenation<br />

Customer centricity <strong>•</strong> New wrap-up materials<br />

Educational materials in two new languages<br />

Professionalising the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> back-office<br />

UGent PostDocs <strong>•</strong> Creativity, Agility & Pitching<br />

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Transnational meeting Greece<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café<br />

Design repair manual of mobile school<br />

Follow-up Bolivia <strong>•</strong> IPTK-Cerpi<br />

Exploration Bolivia <strong>•</strong> Abriendo Puertas<br />

Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Exchange<br />

VLAJO <strong>•</strong> SOHO! day<br />

Follow-up Poland <strong>•</strong> Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla<br />

International Day for Street Children<br />

Exploration Togo <strong>•</strong> AGOPODE<br />

Expedition board and investors<br />

Cegeka <strong>•</strong> Ownership in practice<br />

Exploration Tanzania <strong>•</strong> Tamasha Vijana<br />

Exploration Tanzania <strong>•</strong> Mwema Street Children<br />

Cevora <strong>•</strong> An incompany partnership<br />

A proud B Corp since 2016 <strong>•</strong> Yearly summit<br />

Argenta <strong>•</strong> Be <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>!<br />

Follow-up Peru <strong>•</strong> Diamanta & Los Cachorros<br />

My Family <strong>•</strong> Triple Up!<br />

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Beta test version<br />

Fedasil <strong>•</strong> Working on group dynamics<br />

Elia Group <strong>•</strong> High performing young potentials<br />

Rabobank <strong>•</strong> Growing a better story together<br />

Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen <strong>•</strong> Building connection<br />

Exploration Kenya <strong>•</strong> The Joy Divine<br />

New school Tanzania <strong>•</strong> Mwema Street Children<br />

Exploration India <strong>•</strong> The Child Trust<br />

#DUWMEE Music For Life campaign<br />



50<br />

72<br />

90<br />

94<br />

78<br />


Flexpoint <strong>•</strong> an innovative work organisation<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 31/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Flexpoint<br />

Leadership & Employees<br />

Hasselt / Belgium<br />

As a fast-growing recruiting agency, Flexpoint<br />

faced the challenge to keep alive its specific<br />

spirit of a small and dynamic organisation,<br />

without becoming a hurdle for growth. In order<br />

to do so, they chose the concept of “Innovative<br />

Work Organisation” as a theoretical framework<br />

to start from.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong>’ task was to bring this concept to live<br />

within the organisation, taking into account the<br />

specific context and challenges Flexpoint was<br />

faced with. In order to translate the theoretical<br />

concept into the Flexpoint-reality, we kicked<br />

off with an alignment session with the management<br />

team (8 people). During two days we<br />

discussed what the concept implied for the<br />

organisation, for them as a management team,<br />

and for their employees. We focused both on<br />

what was not the problem when it came to<br />

being an innovative work organisation, and<br />

on the main challenges in order to become<br />

one. This alignment session led to some<br />

concrete ambitions (related to culture, mindset<br />

and behaviour) on an organisational level, for<br />

management and for employees.<br />

look at Flexpoint’s ambitions with a <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

mindset. Between workshops, separate teams<br />

were triggered to adapt the content to their own<br />

reality with some reflection questions, related to<br />

the workshop they had just finished.<br />

In addition, we organised a second two-day<br />

offsite with the management team. During<br />

these two days, we focused on the development<br />

of more common leadership capabilities<br />

such as communication, situational leadership<br />

and feedback.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Align management on the meaning of a theoretical concept<br />

Translate the concept into tangible ambitions<br />

Create an open mindset among employees<br />

Translate ambitions into tangible behaviour<br />

In the second phase, these ambitions became<br />

Support management to reflect on and take up their new role<br />

the common thread throughout the workshops<br />

we had with all the employees. Each employee<br />

was invited to workshops on the 4 different<br />

10 StreetSkills, in which we supported people to<br />


Moore Stephens <strong>•</strong> flex ‘up<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Moore Stephens<br />

Flanders / Belgium<br />

Flex ‘Up is a strategic initiative at Moore<br />

Stephens Belgium, which structurally implements<br />

‘flexwork’ (activity based working, independent<br />

of the geographical place) throughout<br />

the organisation. The goal is to add value<br />

for several stakeholders: employees, clients,<br />

the organisation and society.<br />

Flex ‘up is split up in three aspects: Team ‘Up<br />

(behavioural component of working and collaborating<br />

in the new situation), Move ‘Up<br />

(adjustment of working environment and/or<br />

move to new buildings) and Tech ‘Up (implementation<br />

of supporting IT Tools).<br />

After a first training programme with <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>,<br />

Moore Stephens consciously picked<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> again as a partner, to guide managers<br />

and teams in this change. This way, the<br />

street skills and -techniques could be applied<br />

in the context of a ‘real life’ change, giving the<br />

learning experience an extra dimension.<br />

Executives were guided in forming a closer<br />

and aligned team to both lead the change,<br />

and communicate on it. During the kick-off<br />

sessions, employees were informed and<br />

directly involved in the project, including<br />

identification and ownership on specific<br />

actions.<br />

During team sessions (Let’s get things done!)<br />

they made operational arrangements, both individually<br />

and as a team, in which client service is<br />

key.<br />

In the last phase, and after finalising the programme,<br />

we organised a closure with an evaluation<br />

focusing on team dynamics (Let’s make<br />

things fun!).<br />

To date, the two highest impact projects have<br />

been finalised, because next to Flexworking,<br />

these teams actually moved to new locations,<br />

designed based on the principles of activity<br />

based working, independent of the geographical<br />

place. The programme aimed at strongly<br />

involving the teams in the project and, besides<br />

the implementation of the change itself, let the<br />

teams grow (content wise: finetune processes,<br />

share best practices, be one team and socially:<br />

personal connection, social space,…).<br />

The projects ‘Denderend’ (region Dender) and<br />

‘Waaszinnig’ (region Waasland) have been successfully<br />

finalised. Other programmes have started<br />

up throughout the organisation.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Alignment of managers on a crystal clear goal<br />

Co-creation with and involvement of employees<br />

Explicit team arrangements and feedback culture<br />

Successful change (move+ flexwork + one team)<br />

12 13

Research on case management in youth work<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 10/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Julie Bernaerd (intern)<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Erasmus+ KA2<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> NPO is participating in an Erasmus+<br />

Programme. This programme includes 3<br />

intellectual outputs. The first one is a research<br />

report regarding case management in youth<br />

work. The report should help youth workers to<br />

evaluate and improve their own activities and<br />

their own case management. All the partners<br />

from this programme were involved. CME,<br />

ARSIS and PRAKSIS helped with some research,<br />

but mostly with spreading questionnaires<br />

and with translations. <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> NPO was in charge of creating<br />

the report. We had an intern (Master Degree<br />

Educational Sciences) who supported<br />

us in this process.<br />

The five main research questions in the report<br />

were the following:<br />

1. How is case management perceived in<br />

street – and youth work?<br />

2. Which (mobile) case management tools<br />

already exist worldwide?<br />

3. Which indicators are useful in assessing<br />

impact in non-formal youth work activities?<br />

4. How can the indicators ‘non-formal education’<br />

and ‘personal development be included<br />

in the measurement?<br />

5. How can the data of children and youngsters<br />

be protected?<br />

To investigate these questions, we chose to work<br />

with a questionnaire and literature research. The<br />

questionnaire was answered by 121 respondents<br />

from in- and outside our own network.<br />

By combining the results of the questionnaire<br />

with literature review, we were able to formulate<br />

recommendations on case management within<br />

youth and street work.<br />

Youth and street workers clearly understand<br />

the importance and the need for effective case<br />

management. The need for a tool that can support<br />

them in their job is apparent. This tool is preferably<br />

a mobile application. We will have to make<br />

sure that the application is user-friendly. It must<br />

be possible to enter data quickly and efficiently.<br />

Next to the current indicators youth – and street<br />

workers keep track of, educational indicators<br />

are also important to them. Through our research,<br />

we defined a theoretical frame of four concepts<br />

linked to self-esteem and personal development,<br />

which are easy to measure through observation<br />

and conversation: goal tracking, defining<br />

talents, social mapping and mood and<br />

behaviour. Finally, the role of privacy and data<br />

protection is really big. The GDPR regulation<br />

was taken as the standard to follow, as this is the<br />

strictest regulation yet on data protection.<br />

IMPACT<br />

121 respondents worldwide<br />

108 pages research report on case management in youth work<br />

Simple theoretical model for self-esteem measurement<br />

GDPR guidelines for youth- and street work<br />

Visualisation of the importance of case management in youth work<br />

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AG Insurance <strong>•</strong> sales teams two days<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 31/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

AG Insurance<br />

Houffalize / Belgium<br />

To assure the commercial growth of the company<br />

in times of change and disruption, AG<br />

Insurance asked us to develop a programme<br />

for the sales teams of the Life and Non-Life<br />

branch.<br />

Aspects like rapid digitalisation and continuous<br />

evolution of client needs generate important<br />

challenges for these teams.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> developed a two-day residential<br />

programme, built on 3 pillars:<br />

1. Reflection: As a team, think about importants<br />

market shifts and their impact within<br />

organisation and team.<br />

2. Action: Work on an action-focused attitude<br />

and on ownership, to be able to face current<br />

and future changes and challenges.<br />

3. Teambuilding: An additional opportunity<br />

of a residential programme in the<br />

Ardennes for employees who are often on<br />

the road, was being able to connect with<br />

colleagues.<br />

In the evening, the participants prepared their<br />

own dinner. Surprisingly connecting and delicious!<br />

During the second day, we looked at the functioning<br />

of the team from the perspective of Cooperative<br />

Competition. We searched for opportunities<br />

in collaboration between individuals who, by the<br />

nature of their jobs, are more often stand-alone<br />

than team-oriented. We also defined some important<br />

themes and action points to perpetuate<br />

the success of the teams.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Reflection on challenges/opportunities on different levels<br />

Reflection: How to stay relevant in a given context?<br />

Stimulate self-leadership: What can I do?<br />

To map organisational challenges and opportunities,<br />

we mainly worked on Positive<br />

Common goals for stronger teams<br />

Focus during the first day. Taking it from there,<br />

Stimulate connection<br />

we discussed the type of self-leadership we<br />

strongly believe in at <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>, based on<br />

inspirational ‘outperformers’ in the streets:<br />

what exactly can I do?<br />

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secondary school Stella Maris <strong>•</strong> new mission<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 30/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Stella Maris<br />

Merksem / Belgium<br />

Stella Maris & Sint-Elisabeth are two schools<br />

located in Antwerp, that offer TSO and BSO<br />

degrees. They set the ambition to improve<br />

the relationship between staff (teachers and<br />

support) on the one hand, and students and<br />

their context on the other. The student population<br />

is very diverse, the distance between<br />

the living environment of staff and students<br />

seems to be growing which leads to misunderstandings<br />

in class rooms and tension in the<br />

relations. Stella Maris aims to improve the mutual<br />

relationship, wants to re-become a school<br />

both teachers and students love to be part of<br />

and contacted us for support. In total, Stella<br />

Maris and <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> will collaborate for three<br />

years on the above mentioned topics. The first<br />

year - during which we worked on alignment<br />

amongst the staff - just finished.<br />

We kicked off in October, with a keynote from<br />

Arnoud and a reflection with the complete<br />

staff on the current situation in the school. We<br />

asked them how they perceive the situation<br />

on two levels: what they actually like about<br />

the school today, and the main challenges<br />

they see. On top, we asked them what they<br />

propose to improve the situation. One of the<br />

outcomes of this first high-level reflection was<br />

that there is a lot of goodwill within the staff<br />

team, but the ideas on how to improve the<br />

situation, were extremely diverse. Since we<br />

believe that impact comes from aligned action, we<br />

proposed to set up a staff-ambassador team<br />

(25p) that would reflect on that aligned vision<br />

spread over three different days: what kind of<br />

school do we want to be, what expectation does<br />

this imply towards personnel, towards students<br />

and towards the management of the school,<br />

what actions can we undertake in order to start<br />

growing towards those goals and how can we<br />

communicate (storytelling and pitching) this<br />

new vision towards the different stakeholders<br />

within the school. Thanks to this approach, year<br />

1 ended with a clear vision on the school-to-be,<br />

a high level set-up on how to start working on<br />

this and a means to communicate the new vision<br />

towards staff and students.<br />

In year 2 and 3, we will work on the opportunity<br />

to bring this new vision alive together with staff<br />

and students.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Participants: Keynote 80p, Reflection 80p, Alignment: 3 x 25p<br />

Sharpened vision on the school-to-be<br />

Clear expectations on what this means towards target groups<br />

Ideas on how these expecations could be met<br />

Support on how this new vision can be communicated<br />

18 19

StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> alpha test version<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 30/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Hans Dreesen<br />

Launch beta version<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

During the summer of <strong>2018</strong>, the minimum viable<br />

product (MVP) of StreetSmart was ready<br />

for the first release, the alpha version. The alpha<br />

version was made available only for internal<br />

testing and for testing at our partners. The<br />

goal of this step was to make StreetSmart ready<br />

for the public launch, the beta version.<br />

StreetSmart is a tool to support street and<br />

youth workers around the world in their work.<br />

StreetSmart allows them to improve their activity<br />

reporting, case management and most importantly,<br />

to monitor the self-esteem evolution<br />

of the children they’re working with.<br />

StreetSmart has been developed by <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> with the indispensable support of Share.<br />

IT and the Erasmus+ programme. Through Accenture<br />

Paris, Share.IT provided over 200 days<br />

of their IT development team to code the application.<br />

The Erasmus+ programme, on the other<br />

hand, allowed us to involve 3 <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

partners in Poland and Greece, who supported<br />

us with the user testing, feedback, setting up<br />

the user requirements and with the further<br />

investigation of the user needs in a research<br />

report.<br />

In the last months, together with the developers<br />

of Accenture, the StreetSmart application<br />

was debugged and the last developments were<br />

finished. Next to the technical work, all legal documents<br />

were prepared. Finally, the first commercial<br />

and user support videos and documents are<br />

ready to support our partners as well as possible.<br />

Almost set for the real launch...<br />

IMPACT<br />

Beta version of StreetSmart ready for launch<br />

First line of user support videos<br />

Legal documentation<br />

20 21

DESIGN technical Manual of mobile school<br />

10/10/2017 <strong>•</strong> 12/02/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sara Orozco (intern/volunteer)<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Standardised production<br />

mobile schools<br />

Munsterbilzen / Belgium<br />

Since the start of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the production<br />

of the mobile schools is centralised and<br />

executed by the Provinciale Secundaire <strong>School</strong><br />

Bilzen (PSSB).<br />

In 2016-2017, a new design of the mobile<br />

school was developed and the first prototype<br />

was sent to Patras in Greece in November<br />

2016. Since then, some changes have been<br />

made based on feedback from the field.<br />

Sara Orozco, a Colombian student of Product<br />

Design did her internship at <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

in 2017 and started with the development of<br />

assembly manuals for all the parts of the<br />

mobile school, in cooperation with the teachers<br />

of the PSSB. The idea was to create an IKEAlike<br />

guideline for the production of the mobile<br />

school.<br />

IMPACT<br />

After her internship, Sara continued her<br />

A clear guideline for the mobile school production<br />

work as a volunteer. She created seperate<br />

Technical drawings of the different parts of the mobile school<br />

chapters for the motion system, the outside<br />

box, the inside box, the chalkboard panels<br />

and the final assembly of all the parts.<br />

A quicker procedure to produce the mobile school<br />

Thanks to this Assembly Manual, the production<br />

is now more standardised than before. We<br />

A more standardised procedure to produce the mobile school<br />

now also have a clear guideline of how the mobile<br />

school is produced, which is a first back-up<br />

in case we would lose or alter our partnership<br />

with PSSB in the future.<br />

22 23

davidsfonds <strong>•</strong> traditions and rejuvenation<br />

14/10/2017 <strong>•</strong> 23/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Davidsfonds<br />

Flanders / Belgium<br />

With more than 40.000 members, Davidsfonds<br />

organises ten thousands of cultural activities<br />

with love for history, heritage, language<br />

and art in Flanders and Brussels every year.<br />

Despite their relatively high number of<br />

members, Davidsfonds felt a strong decline in<br />

their members throughout the years (in 2000<br />

they had +/- 80.000 members) and in the long<br />

run they even feared for their existence because<br />

of the litteral ‘extinction’ of their organisation<br />

(high average age and a lack of rejuvenation).<br />

That is why, as a socio-cultural network they rang<br />

the alarmbel and wanted to start a new era of<br />

innovation across the entire network.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> guided this process of alignment<br />

and co-creation and tried to give every stakeholder<br />

an opportunity for participation and a<br />

voice in this ambitious project.<br />

Ambassadors were trained to represent the new<br />

mission through 20 anchoring days spread<br />

across Flanders and Brussels. An ambitious project<br />

that led to a new mission and vision co-created<br />

with hundreds of volunteers.<br />

The next step is combining all the input of the<br />

widespread volunteers into the ‘inspiratiewijzer’<br />

(‘inspiration pointer’) and creating an attractive<br />

internal and external communication strategy .<br />

Davidsfonds is on the road for 2025!<br />

IMPACT<br />

Creation of co-ownership with the volunteers<br />

We started in October 2017 with an inspiring<br />

keynote by Arnoud which was the starting point<br />

of a trajectory that will run for over a year. After<br />

this keynote it was time to put the Davidsfonds<br />

employees, board members and volunteers<br />

at work. We created a new mission and vision<br />

with a steering committee that captured ideas<br />

and concerns among the members, based on<br />

hundreds of conversations.<br />

Over 500 participants in trainings and keynote<br />

Introduction of a bottom-up approach<br />

Sharpened mission and vision for Davidsfonds<br />

Training of ambassadors<br />

24 25



mobile school certificate of quality<br />


<strong>2018</strong><br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

Up until now, partners only sent us a quantitative<br />

evaluation: the number of street sessions<br />

they organised with the mobile school and the<br />

number of children participating during those<br />

sessions. Since not only the amount of children<br />

reached defines the social impact our partners<br />

are having on the streets, we drew up a social<br />

impact scorecard, to register the quality of the<br />

organised street sessions as well.<br />

Based on 20 years of experience on the streets<br />

and on research with our partners, <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> defined six criteria we believe are<br />

important to having a lasting sustainable<br />

impact on the streets: structure & environment,<br />

self-evaluation, didactics, counseling<br />

skills, motivation and creativity.<br />

At the end of the year, all partners rate themselves<br />

on these criteria during an evaluating<br />

meeting with the entire <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team.<br />

In addition, they write an explanation of the<br />

scores given and formulate concrete actions<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> network and<br />

their local <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team can take to increase<br />

their impact score on that particular criterion<br />

in the future.<br />

The <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Partnership Coordinators<br />

rate the partners on the same criteria, based on<br />

the information gathered during evaluations,<br />

Skype calls, expeditions and visits.<br />

Afterwards, a Skype meeting is planned to compare<br />

the scores given by the local team and by<br />

the Partnership Coordinator. Possible differences<br />

are discussed and at the end of the Skype call, a<br />

final score is agreed upon for each criterion.<br />

An animated how-to video was made and sent to<br />

all partners to explain the new procedure.<br />

This new way of measuring impact was evaluated<br />

positively by both the partner organisations<br />

as the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team, since the impact<br />

scorecard allows for a more elaborate discussion<br />

of certain aspects of the work with the mobile<br />

school.<br />

As of next year, we will send a Certificate of Quality<br />

to all our partners as well: a visualisation<br />

of their quality score and the evolution of their<br />

quality scores over the years, in comparison to<br />

the average quality scores of all <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

partners. Partners will be able to see how their<br />

criteria scores evolve over the years and which<br />

actions they can/should undertake to increase<br />

them.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Social impact measurement of partner organisations<br />

Increased quality of coaching<br />

More in-depth information for Partnership Coordinators<br />

Pinpoint challenges, tailor future workshops & coachings<br />

Visualisation of the actions to take to increase impact<br />


= The logistical support & planning of the mobile school sessions<br />


= The short- and long term planning & evaluation of the mobile school sessions<br />

3. DIDACTICS<br />

= The transfer of knowledge during mobile school sessions & the knowledge of the target group<br />



<strong>2018</strong>:<br />

actions to take<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />


= The interaction of the team with children during mobile school sessions<br />


= The motivation & drive of the team for the work with the mobile school<br />


= The creativity of the team before (planning) & during mobile school sessions<br />


NAME OF THE PARTNER <strong>•</strong> 2017<br />


26 27<br />

NAME OF THE PARTNER <strong>•</strong> 2017<br />

NAME OF THE PARTNER <strong>•</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

GLOBAL AVERAGE <strong>•</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

NAME OF THE PARTNER <strong>•</strong> 2017<br />

NAME OF THE PARTNER <strong>•</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

GLOBAL AVERAGE <strong>•</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

GLOBAL AVERAGE <strong>•</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

2586<br />

2586<br />

2586 2586<br />

2586<br />

2586<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />

45/50<br />


customer centricity <strong>•</strong> new wrap-up materials<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 30/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> partners<br />

Ine Stessens<br />

Kim Swyngedouw<br />

Bram Swartenbroekx (intern)<br />

More qualitative after sales<br />

During the spring o <strong>2018</strong>, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>’ after<br />

sales service was boosted. Each workshop has<br />

been summarised in a short wrap-up document<br />

.<br />

These wrap-up documents are the ideal ‘reminder’<br />

document for participants covering all<br />

essential content elements and exercises.<br />

The wrap-ups are also available in English and<br />

French. This way we can offer our clients a professional<br />

follow-up.<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

IMPACT<br />

Client-oriented approach<br />

Wrap-ups sent to 87 companies<br />

28 29

Vlerick <strong>•</strong> an established partnership<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 30/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bram Doolaege<br />

Vlerick Management Prgr<br />

Flanders / Belgium<br />

When <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> was founded in 2008, Vlerick<br />

Business <strong>School</strong> became one of our first regular<br />

clients convinced of the added value that<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> could bring in their in-company<br />

and open leadership programmes. This cooperation<br />

evolved over the years from <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

being an external supplier that was offering<br />

ad hoc trainings on Pitching, Storytelling and<br />

Creativity to being an integrated partner that<br />

co-designs tailored offerings.<br />

In <strong>2018</strong>, Vlerick Business <strong>School</strong> remained one<br />

of our biggest partners supporting a significant<br />

amount of our social impact on street youth.<br />

More than 200 young managers, owners and<br />

experienced business leaders got <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>d<br />

in <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

We facilitated workshops on Positive Focus,<br />

Connect and on Agility & Resilience for both customised<br />

clients (like Enza, Rabobank, NN, Eandis,<br />

AGC, …) and for open programmes. We sat<br />

around the table to brainstorm and co-design<br />

some new content regarding specific business<br />

questions and we delivered several inspirational<br />

keynotes on social entrepreneurship and our<br />

unique business model in some of the customised<br />

programmes.<br />

the tight cooperation this last 10 years. As a result,<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> gets the opportunity to bring its<br />

expertise in the field of social and hybrid entrepreneurship<br />

to a broad audience. This residency<br />

tightens the bonds between <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> and Vlerick<br />

Business <strong>School</strong> even further.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Introducing contemporary people skills<br />

Applying the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> vision to the challenges of business<br />

Strengthening business both with Techniques and Skills<br />

On top of that, Arnoud was invited to become<br />

30 Entrepreneur in Residence, as a recognition of<br />


Educational Materials in two new languages<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 30/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Clement Silungwe<br />

Nadia Pierre Louis<br />

Typeface<br />

2 new translations<br />

In <strong>2018</strong>, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> decided to invest in<br />

two new translations to offer our educational<br />

materials to partners in two new partners<br />

countries.<br />

In August, a mobile school project was started<br />

up in the Malawian capital Lilongwe. Before the<br />

shipment of the mobile school, all our educational<br />

materials were translated into Chichewa,<br />

the dominant local language spoken by about<br />

12 million native speakers in Malawi, Zambia,<br />

Zimbabwe and Mozambique.<br />

new Creole panels will leave Belgium before the<br />

end of the year to make sure they arrive safe and<br />

sound in Port-au-Prince before the start of the<br />

implementation trainings.<br />

Malawi / Haiti<br />

Since it wasn’t easy to find Chichewa speakers<br />

in Belgium who were willing and able to<br />

assist in the translation process, the people of<br />

our partner Chisomo Children’s Club in Malawi<br />

invested a lot of time in translating. In collaboration<br />

with our supplier Typeface, the translations<br />

were added to the educational panels.<br />

IMPACT<br />

All panels translated to Chichewa and Haitian Creole<br />

After finishing the translation process into<br />

Chichewa, a second translation project was<br />

Potential to implement more mobile schools in these countries<br />

A qualitative set of educational panels for the local partner<br />

started to prepare the implementation of a<br />

new mobile school in the Haitian capital Portau-Prince<br />

in February 2019. Together with the<br />

local partner, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team decided<br />

to translate the educational panels into Haitian<br />

Creole, a French-based creole language<br />

spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide,<br />

32 and the only language of most Haitians. The<br />


A glimpse of our Keynote season<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Employees worldwide<br />

Belgium & Abroad<br />

Every year, we inspire over 7000 people with<br />

our story.<br />

Since 2008, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> is a frequently asked<br />

provider of inspirational speeches that motivate<br />

and trigger companies and their employees<br />

to look at challenging situations and<br />

contexts differently.<br />

This year, Arnoud was invited by 51 companies<br />

to showcase our hybrid story and social impact.<br />

An inspirational keynote that opens minds and<br />

stimulates action. Not only profit companies,<br />

but also schools and social profit organisations<br />

are regular clients. They are all convinced of<br />

the added value this story brings in looking at<br />

business and education from a different perspective.<br />

In <strong>2018</strong>, Arnoud gave keynotes in Belgium,<br />

The Netherlands, Turkey & the United States,<br />

etc. That is what we call worldwide impact!<br />

IMPACT<br />

51 inspired companies<br />

7354 people learned what it means to be <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

34 35

profesSionalisinG THE STREETWIZE BACK OFFICE<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Kim Swyngedouw<br />

Joyce van Eijndt<br />

Ine Stessens<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> clients<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

Part of growing as an organisation, in numbers<br />

as well as in maturity, means professionalising<br />

your back office.<br />

The challenge for us is to do this while keeping<br />

administration to a minimum and - by all<br />

means - without upsetting our customers.<br />

We optimised sales and after sales processes:<br />

we centralised administration, streamlined<br />

internally while keeping it all lean. The backoffice<br />

now produces all work orders and carefully<br />

follows up until signature. Our customers<br />

receive a summary of all evaluations and a<br />

wrap-up of the session to share with the participants.<br />

In <strong>2018</strong> we also set out the goal to create a new<br />

Salesforce environment. The old environment<br />

needed such a large ‘make-over’ and clean-up<br />

that we decided to start an entirely new one.<br />

Another improvement was the creation of an onboarding<br />

document for new <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> trainers.<br />

Among other things it contains a ‘who is who’<br />

and a step-by-step plan to guide new trainers<br />

from gradually immersing themselves in the<br />

workshop content to eventually performing<br />

workshops by themselves.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Customer delight & satisfaction<br />

Instant, detailed and accurate data output<br />

We took advantage of the opportunity to create<br />

new page lay-outs, more apt to what we do and<br />

New trainer support<br />

designed with a focus on output. We will update<br />

fields and rethink ‘input convenience’. All<br />

will serve the necessary outcome: reports and<br />

dashboards that give us performance and impact<br />

figures at a glance. The project had some<br />

delays, so we will continue building this new<br />

environment all through 2019.<br />

36 37

Workshopping for 122 different clients<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> Partners<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> clients<br />

Belgium & The Netherlands<br />

In addition to the various long-term training<br />

programmes (more details on these elsewhere<br />

in this annual report), there is a significant<br />

number of clients who sign up for a ‘standard’<br />

half day or full day workshop.<br />

During a <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> session we inspire people,<br />

inform them about the essence of a street skill<br />

or technique and explore the concrete application<br />

of that skill or technique in their work<br />

environment. In most cases we start with a specific<br />

business or organisational challenge. We<br />

use the street as a metaphor to reflect on this<br />

challenge, change perception and eventually<br />

guide participants towards action plans and<br />

results.<br />

<strong>2018</strong> was also the year in which we fully made<br />

use of our training room. We rented it out 17<br />

times in total, on average twice a month. As such<br />

we welcomed 308 people in the heart of our organisation.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Overal results:<br />

In <strong>2018</strong> we worked with 122 different<br />

clients in industries ranging from government,<br />

financial institutions, non-profit organisations,<br />

122 boosted clients<br />

communication, education, IT to healthcare.<br />

13.718 inspired people<br />

We closed 196 projects and delivered 574<br />

training days: 88 inspirational sessions and<br />

484 workshops, of which 1/3 full days. Overall<br />

we welcomed 13.718 participants and drove<br />

62.989 kilometers to connect with them. Most<br />

deliveries we do in Belgium, but for 1 out of<br />

10 we travel abroad. We frequently deliver in<br />

The Netherlands but we also travel to France,<br />

Germany and even the US.<br />

38 39

UGent Postdocs <strong>•</strong> Creativity, Agility & Pitching<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bram Doolaege<br />

UGent - PostDocs<br />

Ghent / Belgium<br />

This year we also trained an enthusiastic group<br />

of postdocs of the University of Ghent in<br />

Positive Focus, Agility and Pitching. Since a few<br />

years, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> is an established supplier. We<br />

developed a customised programme that we<br />

have been running for several years now and<br />

that supports the postdocs in developing those<br />

skills that are crucial in coping with the challenges,<br />

stress and heavy pressure of writing a<br />

postdoc.<br />

In <strong>2018</strong> we ran two cycles of this programme,<br />

one in spring and one in fall, taking 40 postdocs<br />

through this three-day programme.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Increase impact using the creative skillset as a postdoc<br />

Increase impact using persuasion skills and pitching<br />

Keep on going, using agility and resilience<br />

40 41

Barco & Exellys <strong>•</strong> learning through experience<br />

01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Bram Vandeputte<br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Barco (2x) <strong>•</strong> Exellys<br />

Ruiselede, Beernem,<br />

Wingene / Belgium<br />

<strong>2018</strong> was the third year that Belgian Expeditions<br />

were part of our offer. The concept is that<br />

we take business people to youth detention<br />

center “De Zande” in Ruiselede, where they<br />

step into a unique co-creation with youngsters<br />

that have been deprived of their freedom<br />

because of criminal facts or an alarming situation.<br />

Together they receive the invitation to<br />

work on new educational material for <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong>, and it is clear that the business participants<br />

play a crucial role in bringing this<br />

to a good end. Being able to connect with an<br />

unknown target group, bringing engagement<br />

and inspiration and finding ways to continuously<br />

empower is crucial; both within this<br />

expedition as in professional life. And that’s<br />

exactly what we work on during the intervisions<br />

and reflections that are part of this<br />

programme, when we translate the learnings<br />

of the expedition into professional life together<br />

with the client.<br />

the two, Vlerick Business <strong>School</strong> proposes five<br />

online modules related to different business<br />

acumen.<br />

In October, Exellys - a young and dynamic ITconsultancy<br />

firm - joined us at De Zande for the<br />

second edition of their GrowSmart-programme.<br />

Like in 2017, 10 Exellys consultants went into<br />

close cooperation with the youngsters in the youth<br />

detention center. The Exellys participants are<br />

typically young, technical, high potential<br />

employees for which the participation in the<br />

Belgian Expedition is a unique way to learn<br />

more about some crucial principles of leadership<br />

they are challenged on in the projects they<br />

work in, or will be challenged on in their future<br />

management roles.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Inspire, engage and empower youngsters in De Zande<br />

Explain crucial leadership aspects for business participants<br />

In September we organised two parallel Belgian<br />

expeditions for Barco: one in De Zande<br />

campus Wingene, and one in campus Beernem.<br />

Offer a unique opportunity to put leadership into practice<br />

Translate into actions valid for the professional environment<br />

42<br />

Thirty Barco “emerging leaders” flew in<br />

from all over the world to Ruiselede, for the<br />

kick off of their Emerging Leader Program. This<br />

programme is a one- year, in-company learning<br />

journey, which <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> kicks off and<br />

closes on the topic of leadership. In between<br />


streetsmart <strong>•</strong> Transnational Meeting greece<br />

24/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 26/01/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Erasmus+ KA2<br />

Thessaloniki / Greece<br />

Since September last year, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

NPO is the leading partner in an Erasmus+<br />

programme on case management for non-formal<br />

education in youth work. Together with<br />

partner organisations CME GPU-UNO (Poland<br />

- Robert Cieslar), ARSIS and PRAKSIS (Greece<br />

- Alberto Perez and Eirini Karanikola), <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> is developing a digital tool for personal<br />

case management within youth work<br />

in non-formal education. Therefore, we chose<br />

to apply for the Erasmus+ programme and<br />

started a KA2 project: Strategic partnerships<br />

supporting innovation. Being able to partner<br />

with organisations with different expertise is<br />

a necessary condition for developing this tool.<br />

Cooperation with relevant partners and youth<br />

work initiatives help define the user’s needs,<br />

assess the user-friendliness and disseminate<br />

this project. Within this programme, the EU<br />

encourages programme countries to share their<br />

experiences in transnational project meetings.<br />

At the end of January, we organised the second<br />

transnational project meeting in Thessaloniki.<br />

The first one took place in Leuven in October<br />

2017.<br />

The meeting started with a short update on<br />

the first intellectual output, the research report<br />

on case management within youth- and street<br />

work.<br />

The main focus of the transnational project<br />

meeting was the update on the current screens<br />

we had for the mobile application, SYD (working<br />

title - Street Youth Development). As it was the<br />

first time our partners saw these screens, it was<br />

important to get their feedback. Afterwards the<br />

main goal was to prioritise all our needs and<br />

wants. This way our developers from Accenture<br />

(via Share.IT - French Tech4 Good Partner) could<br />

start developing. A lot of conversations and discussions<br />

were held, but it was all very insightful.<br />

Some of the methodologies we were thinking of<br />

using within the mobile application, were also<br />

tested in a rudimentary way (on paper, with Google<br />

Forms…) during a street intervention with<br />

PRAKSIS. Not only the mobile school coordinator<br />

of PRAKSIS did this, but also her volunteers and<br />

they were all really enthusiastic.<br />

To finish this transnational project meeting, the<br />

Greek partners invited their testing hub partners.<br />

These organisations are willing to help test SYD<br />

when we have a first version. We organised an<br />

afternoon during which we presented our organisation<br />

and the SYD application.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Update on research report on case management in youth work<br />

Feedback on current screens for mobile application<br />

Prioritising of features for development<br />

Testing of methodologies in a street intervention<br />

Meeting with Greek testing hubs<br />

44 45

Redesign mathematical educational offer<br />

01/02/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 30/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Anastasia Panitsa (intern)<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Improve mathematical offer<br />

In February, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team initiated<br />

a project to redesign the mathematical panels<br />

offered to partner organisations worldwide.<br />

Thanks to the efforts of our Greek intern<br />

Anastasia Panitsa, a thorough evaluation of the<br />

mathematical panels was conducted. Anastasia<br />

worked with the mobile school of PRAKSIS in<br />

Patras, Greece and did a three-month internship<br />

at the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> office in Belgium. After<br />

doing a survey with the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners,<br />

Anastasia shared her recommendations<br />

to redesign the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> mathematical<br />

package in a report.<br />

At the same time, the redesign of the mathematical<br />

offer is also a solid starting point for the redesign<br />

of the entire educational package. The team<br />

already started the revision of the coding system,<br />

and in the coming months these changes will be<br />

implemented in the partnership strategy.<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

During the summer, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team<br />

and Saskia Dieleman finetuned these recommendations<br />

in order to start the redesign<br />

process of the new mathematical package. The<br />

main objective of the new package is to offer<br />

more attractive panels that are adapted to the<br />

daily reality of street-connected children, since<br />

the most important feedback of partners was<br />

that a lot of the orange panels were not often<br />

played by the kids on the streets because they<br />

were too abstract. Moreover, the new package<br />

IMPACT<br />

Newly designed numeracy package adapted to the streets<br />

New internal structure & coding system for 88 numeracy panels<br />

Less text to make translations to new languages easier<br />

Solid start for the redesign of the entire educational package<br />

contains less mathematical panels and integrated<br />

some of the panels with other codes<br />

that were in fact dealing with mathematics. The<br />

new mathematical offer will now be translated<br />

and will be sent to partner organisations from<br />

46 early 2019.<br />


<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café<br />

15/02/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Volunteers in Belgium<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café is the perfect informal way<br />

to bring the team and our volunteers together.<br />

We transform the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

office into a pub. A cosy place where you come<br />

and go as you please. Where volunteers can<br />

chat and catch up with each other or with the<br />

team.<br />

There are different tables, each with its own<br />

theme, and you can go and join your preferred<br />

table/theme. As a volunteer, you can guide<br />

the conversation by asking specific questions<br />

about things you’d like to know. What would<br />

you like to know about, for example, the new<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> colleagues, the challenges our<br />

digital story comes with or what about the next<br />

campaign?<br />

Conversations are informal like they are in any<br />

pub: spontaneous and authentic.<br />

For our organisation it is of utmost importance<br />

not to spread all information to our volunteers<br />

by means of presentations. When looking for<br />

a creative way to spread information, we came<br />

up with the idea of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café. As<br />

a visitor in the Café you can decide what you’ll<br />

learn and what you’d like to know more about.<br />

Every Café comes with a wide variety of tables<br />

with different themes. There are, however, always<br />

tables available for volunteers to talk about<br />

specific street contexts. Experience taught us a<br />

lot of volunteers feel the need to get in touch<br />

with the street context and our target audience.<br />

This doesn’t only help them in their work<br />

as a volunteer, but they also feel involved. Volunteers<br />

have to know why and for whom they<br />

engage themselves. Evenings like the <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> café contribute to a good understanding<br />

between volunteers and the organisation.<br />

‘<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café for me means looking<br />

through the eyes of street workers (trainers) and<br />

meet the kids through them. It gives an energy<br />

boost and I always go home happily knowing<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> really makes a difference for many<br />

street children all over the world.’ <strong>•</strong> Rita Cortvrindt,<br />

volunteer<br />

‘<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Café is a synonym for a nice<br />

relaxing evening, full of updates, nice chats, tasty<br />

snacks with the best volunteer team ever.’ <strong>•</strong> Lore<br />

De Muynck, volunteer<br />

IMPACT<br />

Connection between volunteers and team<br />

Sharing new information<br />

48 49

MS Playground <strong>•</strong> launch prototype<br />

20/02/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Team<br />

Improve digital offer<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

In order to scale our impact on the streets,<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> is developing two digital tools<br />

to drastically improve the quality of support<br />

offered to our network of street work partners.<br />

Besides the case management application,<br />

StreetSmart, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> is developing an<br />

online content library where street educators<br />

can find inspiration to create new games to<br />

use during their outreach interventions on the<br />

streets.<br />

The first version of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Playground<br />

was launched in February <strong>2018</strong> for <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> partners. In May, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

prospects - organisations that are not (yet)<br />

working with the mobile school but are part<br />

of the network - were given access to try out<br />

the MS Playground as well. The platform created<br />

through the popular web-development<br />

platform WIX contains 60 ‘inspiration’ games<br />

at the moment. For all of these games a manual<br />

file and pictures are available so that street<br />

educators can easily reproduce the games and<br />

adapt the game concepts to their local context<br />

and needs. Some of the games also have<br />

a video explanation. The inspirational game<br />

concepts are collected during <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> expeditions,<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> exchange programmes<br />

or through the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner projects.<br />

the ‘inspiration’ page updated with new game<br />

concepts while preparing the important second<br />

part of the website: the Do It Yourself games<br />

(DIY-games). These games are processed by our<br />

educational volunteers and are offered to partners<br />

as a ready-to-print game concept including<br />

a how-to-play manual, pictures, a how-to-make<br />

explanation and graphical files so that partners<br />

can just print the game locally before attaching<br />

it to their mobile school. Next year, this temporary<br />

WIX-platform will function as an inspiration<br />

to build a state-of-the-art digital content platform<br />

with more options for filtering, selecting and<br />

adding new games.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Exchange of knowledge between partner organisations<br />

New inspiration for educational games for street workers<br />

More accessible information on mobile school activities<br />

Shorter time-to-market for new educational game concepts<br />

50 In the coming months, the team will keep<br />


DESIGN Repair Manual of mobile school<br />

22/02/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 22/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sara Orozco (volunteer)<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Once a <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner receives a<br />

mobile school, they become responsible for its<br />

maintenance. Through the years, similar problems<br />

from partners in different countries were<br />

reported to us. Often these solutions required<br />

a better understanding of the specific technical<br />

design of the mobile school.<br />

Thanks to the manual, street educators or local<br />

mechanics can get a better understanding of<br />

how the mobile school has been designed and<br />

of which parts can or must be replaced.<br />

Production schools<br />

Munsterbilzen / Belgium<br />

Therefore we decided to develop a standardised<br />

repair manual for street educators<br />

with responses on the most frequently asked<br />

technical questions:<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to open & close the mobile school?<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to change the brakes and braking<br />

cable?<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to change the wheels?<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to do maintenance inside the boxes?<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to create the point & grid frames on<br />

the panels?<br />

<strong>•</strong> How to change the pegs?<br />

Sara Orozco, a Colombian student of Product<br />

Design, developed this repair manual in cooperation<br />

with the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> staff and the<br />

teachers of the Provinciale Secundaire <strong>School</strong><br />

Bilzen (PSSB). Every new <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner<br />

will receive this manual.<br />

IMPACT<br />

A clear guideline for the technical use of the mobile school<br />

Better technical follow-up of partner projects<br />

More independence for partners<br />

52 53

Follow-up bolivia <strong>•</strong> compa La Paz<br />

26/02/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 27/02/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

COMPA La Paz<br />

La Paz / Bolivia<br />

The mobile school project in La Paz was started<br />

up in 2004. The project was very successful at<br />

first, but lost priority within the organisation<br />

over the course of the years.<br />

Currently, COMPA La Paz is very unstable due to<br />

lack of funding. Consequently, there is no funding<br />

to coordinate the mobile school project<br />

either, which is why the project is run by<br />

German volunteers of the organisation Weltweite<br />

Initiative (WI). The volunteers stay in Bolivia<br />

for a year and then train their successors to<br />

take over their projects.<br />

Although the previous group of volunteers<br />

followed the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> summer training<br />

in Belgium, it was clear that there had been<br />

practically no knowledge transfer, since the<br />

volunteers did not know how to work with the<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> materials. The mobile school<br />

was mostly used to create the space to play<br />

with the children, but was hardly ever actively<br />

used during the outreach sessions.<br />

the transfer of knowledge to the next group<br />

of volunteers and find a way to involve local<br />

people, which would drastically increase the sustainability<br />

of the street work.<br />

The methodology behind the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> materials<br />

was clearly explained and the volunteers<br />

came up with creative activities with the panels,<br />

which were then put into practice during a visit<br />

to the streets.<br />

The target group of COMPA El Alto are the<br />

children and youngsters assisting their parents<br />

on the local market.<br />

In addition to the training, we organised meetings<br />

with the management of COMPA El Alto<br />

and with the management of WI to strengthen<br />

ties and to discuss future plans and goals with<br />

regards to the local mobile school project.<br />

IMPACT<br />

4 volunteers trained<br />

Knowledge about <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> increased<br />

Creative use of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> materials enhanced<br />

That is why we decided to focus on the basics<br />

during the follow-up visit. We started with a<br />

general introduction of <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong>. Afterwards, the two volunteers coordinating<br />

the project evaluated the project<br />

Motivation of team increased<br />

Connection with local management strengthened<br />

Connection with management of WI strengthened<br />

during a coaching session and drew up a clear<br />

list of to do’s to guarentee the stability of the<br />

54 mobile school project in the future, i.e. improve<br />


Follow-up bolivia <strong>•</strong> IPTK-Cerpi<br />

28/02/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 01/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

IPTK - Cerpi<br />

Sucre / Bolivia<br />

In Sucre, there is a lot of poverty. That’s why<br />

many children and youngsters work on the<br />

streets in different sectors (e.g. assisting carpenters,<br />

washing busses, selling ice creams,...)<br />

to contribute to the family income.<br />

The children too young to work are often left to<br />

their own devices. Their parents either work in<br />

the city or in the countryside and aren’t home<br />

a lot. The children are held responsible for all<br />

household chores and for taking care of their<br />

brothers and sisters. Because their parents are<br />

hardly ever around, they lack adult rolemodels<br />

and a positive outlet.<br />

That is what the mobile school team tries to<br />

offer them during the outreach sessions. By<br />

playing games, the children and youngsters<br />

get a chance to take their mind off their chores<br />

for a while and to discover and develop their<br />

talents.<br />

In addition, the team organises creative workshops<br />

to discuss important topics, such as<br />

children’s rights, puberty and sexuality (still a<br />

taboo in Bolivia).<br />

Although there is a high turnover of volunteers,<br />

the local coordinator, Gladys Fuentes, has been<br />

running the project since the beginning and<br />

she is the driving force behind the project.<br />

During the follow-up visit, we joined the team<br />

on the streets for two sessions and we gave an<br />

introduction workshop about <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

and our philosophy for the new volunteers.<br />

In addition, we organised two coaching sessions:<br />

a self-evaluation of the mobile school<br />

project after 13 years (analysis of strengths &<br />

weaknesses) and a coaching session during<br />

which we actively worked with the educational<br />

materials the team has hardly ever used on the<br />

streets, to guarantee the optimal and creative<br />

use of all panels.<br />

IMPACT<br />

8 street educators trained: 2 staff & 6 volunteers<br />

Enhanced creativity & optimal use of educational materials<br />

Clear evaluation of the mobile school project after 13 years<br />

Concrete list of actions to take to increase future impact<br />

The team of IPTK-Cerpi has been working with<br />

the mobile school for 13 years now, since 2005.<br />

The team does 8 outreach sessions per week in<br />

8 different sectors.<br />

Management informed & up to date about <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

56 57

Cevora <strong>•</strong> a streetwize leadership training<br />

08/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Laure Laroche<br />

Comp. in APCB or PC200<br />

Belgium<br />

In January <strong>2018</strong>, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> started up a<br />

partnership with Cevora, becoming a new supplier<br />

of leadership training in their open offer.<br />

Every company that is affiliated in the APCB<br />

or PC200, can subscribe. We developed<br />

an inspiring leadership programme that<br />

combines our Street Skills (Positive Focus, Agility<br />

& Resilience, Proactive Creativity) and some<br />

of the Street Techniques (Connect & Leading<br />

Change).<br />

The programme is organised twice a year both<br />

in Dutch and French. This open offer is the ideal<br />

opportunity for people that aren’t familiar<br />

with the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> philosophy<br />

and for companies wanting to explore our<br />

approach before booking an in-company training.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Reach target group with insufficient budget for <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

Reach target group that needs a try-out session<br />

Reach target group that isn’t familiar with <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

58 59

Exploration bolivia <strong>•</strong> Abriendo Puertas<br />

05/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 09/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Toña Pineda<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Fundación Abriendo Puertas<br />

Paz y Bien<br />

Cochabamba / Bolivia<br />

In March, a new potential partnership was<br />

explored with Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz<br />

y Bien in Cochabamba, the third largest city in<br />

Bolivia. The organisation was founded three<br />

years ago and last year, they started up a successful<br />

cooperation with Teatro Hecho a Mano, a<br />

local theater group. In theory, they are two separate<br />

entities, but in practice they function as<br />

one organisation. A part of the proceeds of the<br />

theater go to Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz<br />

y Bien and in return, the theater group can use<br />

the building of the foundation, so both organisations<br />

can split the operational costs and<br />

are largely self-sustainable.<br />

Currently, two outreach sessions are organised<br />

each week at the local cemetery. A lot of youngsters<br />

work there (cleaning tomb stones or praying/singing<br />

to the deceased) to contribute to<br />

the family income. The focus of the local team<br />

is on prevention: preventing these youngsters<br />

from crossing the line between working on the<br />

streets to living on the streets.<br />

During the outreach sessions, the team hands<br />

out breakfast to the youngsters. They also tell<br />

interactive stories, which captivate the children<br />

and spark their imagination. The experience<br />

in theater and clownery of the majority of the<br />

team is a big added value to the street sessions.<br />

In addition, the team has experience in giving<br />

workshops on sexual education in schools, so<br />

they will be able to discuss this very important<br />

topic creatively during mobile school sessions as<br />

well.<br />

After a successful exploration, Fundación Abriendo<br />

Puertas Paz y Bien will start up their mobile<br />

school project in July. The local team shares<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s vision on outreach work and<br />

they are very motivated to implement our tool<br />

during their street work activities. They have a<br />

storage space at the cemetery, so no transport is<br />

needed, and they are authorised to work on the<br />

cemetery by the municipality. To safeguard the<br />

collaboration, the team actively involves the municipality<br />

employees in their activities.<br />

In the future, the team wants to run a centre as<br />

well where youngsters can attend workshops<br />

and where they can spend the night if necessary.<br />

Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz y Bien will work<br />

with the mobile school of former partner Yo Voy<br />

a Ti. All necessary arrangements were made to<br />

transfer all materials and to repair the school<br />

before the implementation training.<br />

IMPACT<br />

8 people trained<br />

Core team introduced to the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> vision & methodology<br />

Knowledge about street work & self-esteem enhanced<br />

Transfer of the mobile school of Yo Voy a Ti<br />

Bolivian network increased: participants from other organisations<br />

60 61

new school kenya <strong>•</strong> child rescue kenya<br />

05/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 16/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Janet Otieno<br />

Child Rescue Kenya<br />

Kitale / Kenya<br />

After a successful exploratory visit in June<br />

2017, Child Rescue Kenya and <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

made the joint decision to implement a mobile<br />

school in Kitale in <strong>2018</strong>. Despite the relatively<br />

small population of the north-western Kenyan<br />

town, Kitale is one of the major hotspots for<br />

street-connected children in the region. Strategically<br />

located near the Ugandan border and<br />

the Kenyan counties of West-Pokot and Turkana,<br />

the town functions as an important transit<br />

point for both street children and refugees. The<br />

history of CRK goes back till 1988 and since<br />

then the organisation is a major actor in the<br />

field of street kids. Besides street work, the<br />

organisation runs two centres and a learning<br />

programme called Street Smart near the center<br />

of town.<br />

mobile school in their other programmes. In the<br />

future, CRK aims to invest more financial resources<br />

in street work in order to move further away<br />

from the centre.<br />

A huge added value during this implementation<br />

was co-facilitator Janet Otieno - street worker<br />

and coordinator of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner Glad’s<br />

House in Mombasa. Thanks to the presence of<br />

Janet as a co-facilitator, the street workers were<br />

able to get a clear insight into how the mobile<br />

school functions in another Kenyan programme,<br />

which was really helpful during the first interventions<br />

on the street.<br />

IMPACT<br />

The mobile school activities have shown to<br />

be an impactful extension of the Street Smart<br />

programme. During the implementation trainings,<br />

the team tested out different locations<br />

near the old railway line in the centre of town.<br />

Furthermore, they also plan to target the<br />

dumpsite which is located further away from<br />

the centre. A first session proved there is a huge<br />

target group. During the first interventions, the<br />

organisation reached a lot of older youth (15+)<br />

12 people trained: both family workers and street workers<br />

Solid basic knowledge on how to use the mobile school<br />

Storage system installed in the office of the organisation<br />

Exchange of experiences with Janet Otieno of Glad’s House<br />

Identification of 3 good locations for MS sessions<br />

Reinforced network with Railway Children Africa<br />

with their mobile school interventions. In the<br />

coming months, it will become clear how the<br />

62 organisation will integrate street work with the<br />


Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Exchange<br />

12/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 16/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Toña Pineda<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Bolivian MS Partners<br />

Cochabamba / Bolivia<br />

Our three Bolivian partner organisations -<br />

COMPA Teatro Trono Cochabamba, COMPA Teatro<br />

Trono El Alto and IPTK-Cerpi - have all been<br />

working with the mobile school for more than<br />

10 years. Since the last Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

exchange was organised in 2007 and all partners<br />

indicated they would benefit from another<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> training, we decided to bring<br />

them together again.<br />

The exchange was organised in Cochabamba,<br />

so the entire team of COMPA Cochabamba<br />

(nine street educators) could participate. We<br />

invited two street educators from Sucre and El<br />

Alto.<br />

The street educators got to know each other<br />

during a speeddate and exchanged their best<br />

experiences with the mobile school. Then, they<br />

sat down together to reflect on common local<br />

challenges during the work with the mobile<br />

school and on possible solutions for those<br />

challenges. <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s new way to measure<br />

social impact was discussed and the three<br />

partner organisations looked at their social<br />

impact and on how to possibly increase it in<br />

the future. During the workshop on creativity,<br />

three new board games were created, adapted<br />

to the local context, about Bolivian geography<br />

and culture and about recycling. These games<br />

were tested out on the streets during a mobile<br />

school session organised by the team of<br />

COMPA Cochabamba and were evaluated<br />

positively by their target group. All partners also<br />

received new <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> panels. They played<br />

and invented new games with the panels, which<br />

will enable them to use the new panels during<br />

future outreach sessions.<br />

During the exchange, the street educators of our<br />

different partner organisations really bonded.<br />

They were reenergised by knowing that two other<br />

teams were doing the same work and facing the<br />

same challenges. They already created a Facebook<br />

group to keep each other updated on the<br />

work with the mobile school and to be able to<br />

exchange best experiences, challenges and possible<br />

solutions in the future as well.<br />

We are convinced the exchange will increase<br />

future collaborations between our different partner<br />

organisations.<br />

IMPACT<br />

13 street educators trained<br />

Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> network strengthened<br />

More motivated street work teams<br />

Concrete ideas to increase future impact<br />

Knowledge of new <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> educational materials<br />

3 new panels, adapted to the Bolivian context<br />

64 65

Follow-up greece <strong>•</strong> Praksis Patras<br />

12/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 16/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Koen Verrecht<br />

PRAKSIS Patras<br />

Patras / Greece<br />

Our local partner PRAKSIS has been working<br />

with the mobile school in the city and surroundings<br />

of Patras since November 2016. Patras is<br />

a port city and is seen as an exit point for refugees<br />

who want to travel to Italy illegally, hiding<br />

under trucks and in boats. PRAKSIS runs a<br />

drop-in centre for refugees and an accomodation<br />

centre for unaccompanied minors.<br />

With the mobile school they have been reaching<br />

out to unaccompanied minors and refugees in<br />

abandoned factories around the port and did a<br />

series of interventions in hotels at the seaside<br />

where Syrian refugees were waiting for relocation.<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> activities focus on<br />

stress relief, trust building and especially on<br />

building a connection point to inform refugees<br />

and minors about their rights and about the<br />

possibilities offered in the drop-in centre.<br />

During the follow-up expedition, our trainers<br />

gave workshops on counseling skills, the<br />

Street Business Toolkit and during the creativity<br />

workshop the trainees developed 3 new activities<br />

which they will use in their daily activities.<br />

During the coaching workshops, the local team<br />

also assessed their strengths and challenges and<br />

got extra information about educational panels<br />

which weren’t clear for them. We gave a short<br />

introduction on the general philosophy of<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> and explained<br />

the possiblities of “StreetSmart”, our case management<br />

tool which is in development at the<br />

moment.<br />

The project has shown a big evolution since the<br />

start and has been evaluated as an example project<br />

of mobile school implementation.<br />

IMPACT<br />

13 people trained: 3 staff and 10 volunteers<br />

Besides this, the team is reaching out to an<br />

Improved counseling skills<br />

isolated Roma community on the border of the<br />

city, organising mobile school activities on a<br />

Enhanced creativity by creating new activities<br />

weekly basis. The educational level of the children<br />

and adolescents is extremely low but they<br />

Increased motivation of staff and team<br />

are very enthusiastic to learn. The goal of the<br />

More knowledge of and experience with difficult panels<br />

mobile school activities here is mainly educational,<br />

but the mobile school is also used as a<br />

Clear list of to do’s to improve performance of project<br />

way to enter a very closed community and gain<br />

the trust of the adults and the community.<br />

66 67

Follow-up kenya <strong>•</strong> Glad’s House<br />

19/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 23/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Glad’s House<br />

Mombasa / Kenya<br />

Since July 2016, our local partner Glad’s House<br />

is doing educational interventions with the<br />

mobile school in the Kenyan coastal city of<br />

Mombasa. The organisation focuses on different<br />

locations in the city to reach street-connected<br />

youngsters: the city centre around Makadara<br />

and Maboxini, the dumpsite Kibarani and<br />

the Remand Home in Likoni were a lot of the<br />

street-connected children are referred to if they<br />

are rounded up by the police. Police violence<br />

is still a very big issue on the Kenyan streets.<br />

By using the mobile school, the organisation<br />

wants to strengthen their relationship of trust<br />

with the target group and aims to offer educational<br />

opportunities to a target group that has<br />

limited or no access to any kind of education.<br />

During the follow-up expedition, our trainers<br />

gave some coaching workshops to discuss the<br />

successes and challenges the local team faces<br />

on the streets. Since the training was combined<br />

with the implementation of the new<br />

mobile school in Kitale, the team also received<br />

some new panels which were trained and tested<br />

immediately on the streets of Mombasa.<br />

Despite some financial challenges, the organisation<br />

is still extremely motivated to reach out<br />

to street-connected children with the mobile<br />

school.<br />

The core team of the mobile school was already<br />

in place during the exploration back in 2015,<br />

which creates a great continuity within the project.<br />

In the past, they have shown they are also<br />

great ambassadors for <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> by spreading<br />

the word through the StreetInvest network.<br />

IMPACT<br />

9 staff trained<br />

Counseling skills of street educators improved<br />

Creativity enhanced by creating new activities<br />

Introduction of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Playground<br />

Extra motivation for coordinator through co-facilitation<br />

Purchase procedure of van finalised<br />

68 69

vlajo <strong>•</strong> SOHO! day<br />

20/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Fons Van den Broeck<br />

Laure Laroche<br />

Bram Doolaege<br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

VLAJO<br />

Mechelen / Belgium<br />

The purpose of the ‘SOHO! day’ is to inspire<br />

professionals in the field of education, focusing<br />

on the entrepreneurial skills of students. It<br />

is a yearly convention where hundreds of professionals<br />

come together to be inspired.<br />

Together with a workgroup of Flemish universities,<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> developed, a surprising<br />

and out-of-the-box experience. Our trainers<br />

hacked the principal hallway of LAMOT and<br />

proposed some playful and non-formal<br />

learning opportunities.<br />

The hall was divided into four zones, every<br />

zone represented a street skill and was marked<br />

in space with scenographical elements.<br />

The attendees of the SOHO! day were invited<br />

to;<br />

<strong>•</strong> take a sneak peek in the feedback corner<br />

with our very own feedback-Fons,<br />

<strong>•</strong> start a surprising conversation with a<br />

random stranger in the coffee corner,<br />

<strong>•</strong> fail hard at the speakers corner,<br />

<strong>•</strong> do a guerilla graffiti on the windows of the<br />

building.<br />

In a nutshell: a fun programme with a naughty<br />

wink and a lot of humour. Totally <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>!<br />

IMPACT<br />

400 attendees of the SOHO! day<br />

Serious play with the street skills<br />

70 71

Official Opening new SWZ <strong>•</strong> MS office<br />

21/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joyce van Eijndt<br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Ine Stessens<br />

Kim Swyngedouw<br />

Partners & Clients<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

In March 2017 the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

crew moved to the new ‘hand-made’ office in<br />

the former Studio (film theatre) in the centre of<br />

Leuven. One year later the official opening was<br />

organised; a sparkling evening event for clients<br />

and partners, with a showcase of StreetSmart<br />

(at that time still called SYD - Street Youth Development),<br />

a debate, drinks & snacks.<br />

About 150 people listened to different viewpoints<br />

in or debate on the question<br />

“Can technology help tackling poverty and exclusion?”<br />

The Tech4Good panel consisted of:<br />

<strong>•</strong> Mathilde Aglietta, Share.IT<br />

<strong>•</strong> Olivier Gillerot, Accenture<br />

<strong>•</strong> François Gitton, ex CIO in different multinationals<br />

and <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> mentor<br />

throughout the design and development<br />

process of the StreetSmart app.<br />

It was an easy-going, pleasant and successful<br />

evening with interesting contacts. <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> volunteers were of invaluable help in<br />

making this evening a success.<br />

IMPACT<br />

150 guests<br />

Positive vibes in our network<br />

Update of the StreetSmart project<br />

Visit of the new office<br />

Tech4Good debate<br />

72 73

Follow-up POLAND <strong>•</strong> Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla<br />

23/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 25/03/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Robert Cieślar<br />

Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla<br />

Krakau / Poland<br />

The mobile school project in Krakow, Poland<br />

was started up in 2008. The project has had<br />

its ups and downs over the course of the<br />

years, but due to recent positive changes, the<br />

impact of their local mobile school project and<br />

its susainability have increased considerably.<br />

In 2016, a project application submitted by<br />

Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla was approved by the<br />

City of Krakau, giving them resources for three<br />

years to organise five street sessions per week<br />

with paid street educators. The team works in 5<br />

different sectors. In Krakau, low-income families<br />

(Polish and Roma families) are housed in<br />

apartment blocks built in the communist era,<br />

which are referred to as “social ghettos”. Many<br />

families struggle with drug and alcohol abuse<br />

and unwanted pregnancies. The mobile school<br />

team works with the children living in these<br />

“ghettos”.<br />

Before the mobile school interventions, many<br />

children were aggressive - due to the lack of a<br />

positive outlet - and lacked social skills. During<br />

the outreach sessions, the team encourages<br />

the children, builds up their confidence and<br />

teaches them to play together and follow the<br />

rules. The street educators have noticed a lot of<br />

positive improvements in the behaviour of the<br />

children over the years.<br />

With the mobile school, the team also tries to<br />

bridge the gap between the children’s neighbourhoods<br />

and the school. Although the children<br />

have the possibility to go to school, they often<br />

skip classes. Due to their low self-esteem, they<br />

don’t have a sense of belonging. Consequently,<br />

they act out a lot and are often expelled. Again,<br />

the team has noticed improvements thanks to<br />

their outreach work.<br />

The team requested a <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> training,<br />

because 12 new volunteers were joining them.<br />

Usually, new volunteers are trained by the team<br />

itself, but since they received funds to finance<br />

the training, they applied for a <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

training instead. During the three-day follow-up,<br />

the new volunteers participated in the general<br />

presentation of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> vision and<br />

methodology and learned how to drive and<br />

maintain the mobile school during the technical<br />

workshop. In addition, they actively played and<br />

invented games with the educational materials<br />

and followed the workshop on self-esteem. All<br />

new volunteers were extremely motivated to<br />

start working with the mobile school.<br />

IMPACT<br />

12 volunteers trained<br />

Knowledge of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> educational materials<br />

Knowledge of self-esteem model<br />

Increased motivation to work with the mobile school<br />

Increased future impact of local project<br />

74 75

AG Insurance <strong>•</strong> Trainee Programme<br />

28/03/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 22/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Laure Laroche<br />

Bram Doolaege<br />

L&D AG Insurance<br />

The goal of AG Insurance’s Trainee Programme<br />

is to enable its trainees to further develop<br />

some essential skills, as part of an onboarding<br />

process.<br />

Working on ‘self-awareness’ is a first important<br />

theme. Trainees are expected to quickly and<br />

autonomously generate added value within<br />

diverse environments, which requires a solid<br />

knowledge of your own functioning, and that<br />

of others. AG Insurance wants to offer its trainees<br />

basic knowledge of project management<br />

and empower them in the fields of presenting,<br />

convincing and influencing.<br />

The second session on Project Management focused<br />

on the different phases and key elements<br />

of a successful project. With help of a professional<br />

actor we specifically practised typical challenges<br />

for project leaders.<br />

During the ‘Pitching’ session, the participants<br />

learned how to present their project in an<br />

efficient though enthusiastic manner. They also<br />

defined which resources they have to direct their<br />

audience towards the right (re)action. ‘Storytelling’<br />

helped the trainees to discover the<br />

added value of a strong story in such a context.<br />

Brussels / Belgium<br />

A parallel objective of the project is to stimulate<br />

connection between trainees and to create<br />

a community in which people continuously<br />

learn from each other in an informal setting.<br />

Throughout the programme, participants are<br />

asked to work on a concrete project. That creates<br />

tangible learning environments, but it is<br />

also an added value for the organisation, to be<br />

challenged by the next generation.<br />

Finally, two half-day projectlabs were set up,<br />

during which the trainees further shaped and<br />

managed their projects. During the final session<br />

they summarised their own learnings in a personal<br />

story and communicated on the status of<br />

their pro-jects to coaches and managers.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Self-awareness through reflection<br />

Developing project management skills<br />

Developing communication skills<br />

After a starting session with a <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> Story,<br />

a two-day seminar was organised on Agility &<br />

Resilience. Inspired by these reflections and<br />

based on Positive Focus and Proactive Creativity,<br />

Reflection and project development on challenging issues<br />

Community building within the group<br />

Positioning & networking within the company<br />

we then identified useful projects to<br />

be shaped and started up throughout the programme.<br />

76 77

International Day for Street Children<br />

12/04/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Volunteers<br />

General public<br />

Ghent / Belgium<br />

On the International Day for Street Children<br />

we organised “Who is Junieth”, an awareness<br />

campaign to show the general public the<br />

potential of street-connected children.<br />

During the night of 11 April, the Streetwize <strong>•</strong><br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> volunteers and team went to<br />

the streets of Ghent. With chalk, flyers and banners<br />

they spread the question “Who is Junieth”<br />

throughout the city. Very early in the morning of<br />

12 April, the residents of Ghent wondered who<br />

Junieth was. Press was contacted; more and<br />

more people became curious. You could also<br />

see curiosity growing on social media channels.<br />

At 12h04 the answer was finally given. On<br />

our website (www.wieisjunieth.be) you could<br />

see a movie about the life of Junieth.<br />

By distributing this video, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong><br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, wants to spread the message.<br />

Stop focusing on the problems and<br />

misery! Let us shift the paradigm and<br />

focus on a potential of 150 million children<br />

and young people that is not being tapped into<br />

by society. Everyone has something to offer!<br />

Thanks to the help of our volunteers, we manage to<br />

set up a large campaign each year that receives the<br />

necessary media attention. That way we can<br />

reach even more people.<br />

We are not only actively engaged in the International<br />

Day for Street Children in Belgium. The<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner organisations often celebrate<br />

this day as well. For them it is an opportunity<br />

to organise a special activity on the street or<br />

to communicate to the outside world about their<br />

daily work on the street.<br />

IMPACT<br />

+ 13 000 people visited the special website on April 12th<br />

+ 500 people watched the movie<br />

#wieisjunieth was trending on Twitter for several hours<br />

5 newspapers communicated about the action<br />

The International Day for Street Children<br />

remains an important day for us as an organisation.<br />

3 television channels and 4 radio stations brought our story<br />

20 <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners organised activities<br />

In a creative, positive way, we<br />

want to tell the general public about street-<br />

78 connected children and families worldwide.<br />


new school poland <strong>•</strong> GTW Gliwice<br />

15/04/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 27/04/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Koen Verrecht<br />

Robert Cieślar<br />

GTW Gliwice<br />

Gliwice / Poland<br />

Gliwice was known for its thriving steel industry.<br />

Then, the industry collapsed, leading to a lot<br />

of poverty in the region. The apartments that<br />

were originally built for the steel workers<br />

dilapidated over the years and they now house<br />

a lot of families with socio-economical problems.<br />

Within these families, alcohol abuse and<br />

unwanted pregnancies are very common.<br />

GTW Gliwice was founded 14 years ago to reach<br />

out to the children and youngsters from these<br />

families, who spend most of their time on the<br />

streets or in the communal backyards of their<br />

apartment blocks. Initially, the focus was mainly<br />

on football activities, but over the course of<br />

the years they rolled out an extensive street<br />

work programme. In addition to the sessions<br />

on the streets, the team runs two daily centres,<br />

where various activities are organised.<br />

The team applied for a mobile school to diversify<br />

the street work activities offered and to be<br />

able to reach even more children. After a successful<br />

exploration of the project in September<br />

last year, both <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and GTW Gliwice<br />

were eager to cooperate. Following the approval<br />

of a project application, the team was able to<br />

extend their street work programme: do more<br />

street work sessions in more areas. The implementation<br />

training came at the perfect time for<br />

the new street work team, since all new team<br />

members are now informed about the <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> methodology and thanks to the intensive<br />

training week, a close-knit team was created.<br />

The mobile school project is a priority within the<br />

organisation and the entire team is really motivated<br />

to start working with the tool. The team can<br />

benefit from the outreach work they have done<br />

over the years, which has allowed them to build<br />

up a trusting relationship with the children and<br />

their families in the areas where they work.<br />

During the training, the Polish <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

network was strengthened as well. Street workers<br />

from <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner Fundacja Ukryte<br />

Skrzydla participated in parts of the training and<br />

the coordinator from our partner in Bytom, GPU<br />

Uno, co-facilitated the training. In addition, a conference<br />

was organised on the first day to inform<br />

the city council and other potential stakeholders.<br />

IMPACT<br />

16 people trained<br />

50th mobile school implemented<br />

Close-knit & motivated team of street educators<br />

Knowledge of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> edcuational materials<br />

Polish <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> netwerk strengthened<br />

City council & other stakeholders informed<br />

80 81

Exploration togo <strong>•</strong> AGOPODE<br />

16/04/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 20/04/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />


For the first time in <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> history,<br />

an exploratory expedition was organised<br />

in a French-speaking West-African country.<br />

Destination: Lomé, the capital city of Togo.<br />

The organisation AGPODE is supported by<br />

the Belgian vzw Dédé, and that’s how the<br />

coordinator Sesse Koffi Awunyo learned about<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Sesse grew up in an impoverished<br />

neighbourhood in the Togolese capital<br />

and is definitely an example of a <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

personality in West-Africa.<br />

Besides this, it will be key to determine if the mobile<br />

school will be managed by one or two organisations.<br />

In the near future, a meeting will be held<br />

with AGOPODE and VZW Dédé to determine the<br />

potential next steps.<br />

Lomé / Togo<br />

For the exploratory expedition, the team of<br />

AGOPODE invited six other organisations that<br />

are currently working with street-connected<br />

children in Lomé. One of those organisations<br />

- ONG ANGE - was also part of the Dynamo<br />

International network and is visited very often<br />

by international volunteers. All trainings were<br />

organised in the offices of ONG ANGE.<br />

IMPACT<br />

19 people trained from 6 organisations<br />

During the exploratory expedition, it became<br />

clear that there is definitely a huge target<br />

group for the work with a mobile school<br />

in Togo. During the interventions on the<br />

beach, the team of social workers showed<br />

they have a very solid connection with the<br />

Different organisations in Lomé brought together<br />

First exploratory expedition in French-speaking West-Africa<br />

High motivation to start the work with a mobile school<br />

Lots of potential to start a new mobile school in a new region<br />

children. The main challenge to implement<br />

the mobile school is to find enough budget<br />

to support the street workers in their interventions<br />

82 (especially transport and salaries).<br />


Follow-up GERMANY <strong>•</strong> Jugendamt Düsseldorf<br />

23/04/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 27/04/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Jugendamt Stadt Düsseldorf<br />

Düsseldorf / Germany<br />

Refugee children, children with an immigration<br />

background and children from lowincome<br />

families, that’s the target group of the<br />

mobile school in Düsseldorf.<br />

The team takes the mobile school to the<br />

Refugee House at the Bruchstraße twice a<br />

week, where all these children and their<br />

families live together in apartment blocks.<br />

Before, there was a noticeable fear of contact<br />

between the different families, deriving from<br />

stereotypes or xenophobia. Thanks to the<br />

continuous work with the mobile school, however,<br />

there have been many significant positive<br />

changes in the social behaviour of all the residents<br />

and in their relationship with each other.<br />

The mobile school helped the families at the<br />

Bruchstraße form a community.<br />

What makes the work with this target group<br />

challenging are the strict asylum regulations<br />

and tense bureaucratic situations that keep<br />

families in a constant state of uncertainty and<br />

make it hard for children to cope with their<br />

situation. They often find comfort and stress<br />

relief at the mobile school, which makes the<br />

outreach activities extremely important.<br />

the follow-up training to their needs. The training<br />

came at a perfect time, because new team<br />

members just joined the team and are now completely<br />

up to date.<br />

After the introduction workshop and the workshop<br />

on the self-esteem model, which lies at the<br />

basis of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> methodology, a lot of<br />

time was spent on increasing the optimal use<br />

of the educational materials. The team came up<br />

with a way to use panels they hardly ever used<br />

before and to adapt them to their target group,<br />

they played and invented new creative games<br />

with the panels, and developed their own games<br />

during the workshop on creativity. They are now<br />

planning on increasing their mobile school<br />

activities. They want to do an additional street<br />

session per week in a new sector. They will prospect<br />

different locations to find the right spot<br />

where they can have the most impact with their<br />

mobile school.<br />

IMPACT<br />

8 people trained: 2 staff, 6 paid parttime volunteers<br />

Future action plan drawn up to increase impact<br />

More creative mobile school sessions<br />

Close-knit & extra motivated street work team<br />

Management informed about <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

84<br />

The team currently working with the mobile<br />

school never took part in a <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> training,<br />

since they started after the implementation<br />

training in 2009, which is why we tailored<br />


Expedition Board and investors<br />

27/04/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 01/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Board & investors<br />

Iasi / Romania<br />

For the very first time in the history of<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, our board members<br />

visited a partner project all together, to<br />

work with a mobile school. They were joined<br />

by three of our main investors, bringing the<br />

team to 13 participants. As this is a perfect<br />

group to experience a <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> leadership<br />

expedition, we decided to set up this programme.<br />

The main goal was to offer a first-hand<br />

impact experience to the decision makers and<br />

investors in our social enterprise. A leadership<br />

expedition co-facilitated by our partner pro-ject<br />

Save The Children in Iasi was the perfect set-up<br />

as it combines the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

side of the organisation.<br />

The participants flew in from Brussels, Amsterdam,<br />

London and Manchester. The team<br />

arrived with eagerness, curiosity and good<br />

vibes ready to experience some very intensive<br />

days. After updating them on the financial and<br />

social impact results, the educators of Save The<br />

Children took us to their centre. They gave an<br />

update on the set-up and strategy of their project<br />

and explained how mobile school has been<br />

embedded as a core element of that strategy<br />

since 2006.<br />

where people try to survive in improvised housing<br />

illegally built on occupied land. Houses lack<br />

water, electricity, decent insulation and proper<br />

heating systems. Many children living in Dallas<br />

participate regularly at the mobile school.<br />

‘Finally’ was an often heard word. As some of the<br />

board members have been engaged more than<br />

20 years in the organisation. Seeing the magic<br />

of the mobile school in action on the streets for<br />

the first time was certainly a special moment for<br />

them. And in the following days they got even<br />

more street experiences and opportunities to<br />

connect with our target audience.<br />

Organising this trip resulted in an even better<br />

understanding and alignment on the mission,<br />

vision and strategy of our social enterprise. It will<br />

certainly help the board members and investors<br />

to play their role in a highly effective way.<br />

We know for sure that all of them left Iasi with<br />

charged batteries and a lot of engagement to<br />

pick up that role in the next coming years. Our<br />

board members are all volunteers and financed<br />

this trip themselves.<br />

IMPACT<br />

First-hand impact experience for our decision makers<br />

Financial contribution to Save The Children Iasi<br />

Personal connection between board and investors<br />

And then it was time to hit the streets. We went<br />

to what locals call ‘the Dallas area’. A name<br />

86 given with a lot of sarcasm as it’s a slum area<br />


CEGEKA <strong>•</strong> ownership in practice<br />

01/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/10/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

CEGEKA<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

CEGEKA recently defined a new culture and<br />

new values, and called upon <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> to help<br />

make one of the defined values tangible: ownership.<br />

After a keynote by Arnoud, employees in<br />

Veenendaal (NL), Leuven and Hasselt had the<br />

opportunity to subscribe for open <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

sessions on either Positive Focus or Storytelling.<br />

Both sessions aim to help put them to ownership<br />

into practice, by either (in the Positive<br />

Focus workshop:) reflecting on the possible<br />

impact they can have on a current CEGE-<br />

KA-challenge, or (in the Storytelling workshop)<br />

helping them to write and bring a powerful<br />

story, related to a change they would like to see<br />

within the organisation.<br />

This programme will be prolonged in 2019,<br />

when other <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> Skills and Techniques<br />

will be scheduled in the open training catalogue.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Fostering ownership through positive focus<br />

Fostering ownership through impactful communication<br />

88 89

streetsmart <strong>•</strong> Transnational Meeting poland<br />

14/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 16/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Erasmus+ KA2<br />

Bytom / Poland<br />

The final transnational project meeting within<br />

the Erasmus+ Programme took place in<br />

Bytom, Poland, together with our partners from<br />

Greece (ARSIS: Alberto Perez and PRAKSIS:<br />

Eirini Karanikola) and hosted by CME GPU-<br />

UNO (Robert Cieslar). The main idea of this<br />

meeting was to present the adapted prototype,<br />

get feedback on the latest testings and prepare<br />

the multiplier event and dissemination of the<br />

mobile application.<br />

We started the transnational project meeting<br />

with an update on the finished research report<br />

and with a briefing on the General Data Protection<br />

Regulation (GDPR). As this regulation has<br />

a big impact on data processing, we had to be<br />

aware of all the data we can and cannot keep<br />

within our mobile application.<br />

The second day we totally focused on the application,<br />

StreetSmart. We showed the first<br />

version available on mobile phones and went<br />

through several testing scenarios. This way we<br />

could make a list of the bugs and errors. In the<br />

afternoon we had the opportunity to do a street<br />

intervention with the mobile school and test<br />

StreetSmart. As it was raining, there weren’t<br />

that many children, but still we were able to<br />

put in the attendance of the children, how they<br />

were feeling and if there were any special skills<br />

they were showing.<br />

On the final day, we talked about the organisation<br />

of the multiplier events. These events are<br />

also part of the Erasmus+ Programme. The idea<br />

is to disseminate the products you’ve created<br />

within the programme. Within our project, we<br />

will organise three multiplier events on 28 June<br />

<strong>2018</strong>: one in Belgium, one in Greece and one in<br />

Poland.<br />

In the afternoon, the team went back to the<br />

streets. This time we went to another district<br />

and tested StreetSmart for the second time. The<br />

volunteers of CME GPU-UNO who joined us,<br />

got a quick explanation on the app. After the<br />

session, we noticed that it was really easy for them<br />

to register the necessary data and that it went<br />

really quickly. This was a really nice result to see,<br />

as we got a better idea of the user-friendliness of<br />

the application.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Finished research report on case management<br />

Update on GDPR within youth- and street work<br />

Two testings of mobile application on the street<br />

Preparation of multiplier event<br />

90 91

Exploration tanzania <strong>•</strong> Tamasha Vijana<br />

14/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 18/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bram Van de Putte<br />

Tamasha Vijana<br />

Dar Es Salaam / Tanzania<br />

Tamasha Vijana learned about the <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> methodology through Fikiri Elias, a former<br />

mobile school street worker from Tanzaniaa<br />

who co-facilitated two expeditions in Tanzania<br />

and Kenya in the past. TAMASHA was co-founded<br />

in 2006 by three close friends all working<br />

with young people. The aim of the organisation<br />

is to secure a rightful space for young people<br />

so they can actively contribute to the development<br />

of their societies using participatory<br />

and appreciative approaches. The organisation<br />

mainly works in Tandale, a neighbourhood<br />

in the Tanzanian capital of Dar Es Salaam.<br />

Tamasha wants to interact and partner with<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> to strengthen their VUKENI<br />

(‘Step Up’) project, aimed at supporting<br />

children from poor families living in a vulnerable<br />

environment, to be able to get<br />

education, develop their talents and use them<br />

to support their learning and personal advancement.<br />

In order to maximise their impact,<br />

they partner with a local organisation called<br />

Faraja.<br />

Our Master Trainer Bram Van de Putte conducted<br />

Enlarged network in Tanzania<br />

the exploration training for the team and a<br />

large and diverse group of volunteers in Dar Es<br />

Salaam. The training functioned as an ideal<br />

introduction to street work for the group of<br />

volunteers, who are not yet active as social<br />

92 workers on the streets of Dar Es Salaam. How-<br />

93<br />

ever, it became clear the organisation is not yet<br />

ready to kick-off a full time mobile school project.<br />

Moreover, the collaboration between Tamasha<br />

and Faraja is not solid enough yet to guarantee<br />

an impactful and long-term mobile school project.<br />

Therefore, there won’t be an implementation<br />

of a mobile school with Tamasha in the coming<br />

year.<br />

The exploration training with Tamasha in Dar Es<br />

Salaam was combined with the prospection of<br />

Mwema Street Children in Karatu, in the Arusha<br />

region of Tanzania.<br />

IMPACT<br />

19 people trained: 3 staff members and 16 volunteers<br />

Qualitative introduction to street work for volunteers<br />

Identification of new street work locations in Tandale

Team expedition <strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> back to the roots<br />

21/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 24/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Connection with the street<br />


Thessaloniki / Greece<br />

Every year, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> invites<br />

its entire team to connect with its roots and<br />

reason for being; working with street-connected<br />

children and youth at a mobile school, in<br />

collaboration with one of our partner organisations.<br />

On top of connecting with life on the streets,<br />

this expedition is also meant to reinforce the<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team. Connection<br />

within the team and with the partner organisation<br />

is key.<br />

This year we visited two partner organisations,<br />

ARSIS and PRAKSIS, both active in Thessaloniki.<br />

In three days we were in contact with Roma<br />

children from different communities and children<br />

on the move (refugees). We had great,<br />

intensive street sessions and we also prepared<br />

and debriefed on each session with the street<br />

workers. In the meantime, part of the team<br />

also discovered and used the StreetSmart<br />

app <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> is currently<br />

deve-loping for registering evolution of the<br />

skills and moods of street connected children<br />

and youth.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Connection with street-connected children<br />

Connection with Greek partners<br />

Connection within team<br />

Use of new app<br />

After this third edition, the team expedition<br />

can legitimately be called a tradition, and an<br />

enriching and valuable one at that!<br />

94 95

Exploration tanzania <strong>•</strong> Mwema Street Children<br />

21/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 25/05/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bram Van de Putte<br />

Mwema Street Children<br />

Karatu / Tanzania<br />

In November 2016, Partnership Coordinator<br />

Sander Degeling attended the Breaking the<br />

Cycle conference organised by Juconi and<br />

Railway Children in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. It<br />

was there he met for the first time with Elibariki<br />

Mollel, project coordinator of Mwema Street<br />

Children, an organisation active in Karatu in<br />

the Arusha region of Tanzania. One year later,<br />

Mwema decided to launch an application to<br />

become a <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner.<br />

In Karatu, Mwema aims to promote the<br />

rights of street children and of those at risk of<br />

social exclusion and to enable family reintegration.<br />

In the region - that is frequently visited by<br />

tourists thanks to the beautiful national parks<br />

and wildlife - street children move from city to<br />

city to look for opportunities. The majority of<br />

them end up on the streets of big cities like Arusha,<br />

but as it is the second biggest city in the wider<br />

Arusha region, a large part of children spend<br />

at least some time on the streets of Karatu,<br />

especially in the dry season when tourists visit<br />

the area. Besides a center for about 11 boys,<br />

the organisation also invests a lot of resources<br />

in street work. By running a Street Talent<br />

programme and organising so-called Mwema<br />

Days, the organisation actively invests in<br />

building a relation of trust with the youngsters<br />

who are living or working on the streets of<br />

Karatu.<br />

Mwema Day activities and Street Education have<br />

provided a meeting space for children aimed<br />

at developing many values as friendship, care,<br />

respect and self-confidence. These core values<br />

of the organisation are also promoted through<br />

sports, games and opportunities to make their<br />

voices heard by society.Moreover, the focus on<br />

the strengths and talents of young people on the<br />

streets provides a solid foundation to explore a<br />

future collaboration.<br />

The exploration conducted by Master Trainer<br />

Bram Van de Putte turned out to be really promising.<br />

In the coming months, the management<br />

of Mwema and the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> office will be<br />

in close contact to see if an implementation of<br />

a mobile school can still be done in November<br />

or December <strong>2018</strong>. Since all the educational<br />

materials are already available in Swahili, a new<br />

Tanzanian mobile school might arrive in Karatu<br />

in the near future.<br />

IMPACT<br />

14 people trained<br />

Core team of Mwema Street Children introduced to mobile school<br />

Identification of new intervention areas for mobile school<br />

Solid foundation for future collaboration with Mwema<br />

96 97

Follow-up greece <strong>•</strong> Ladies Union of Drama<br />

29/05/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 01/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Ladies Union of Drama<br />

Drama / Greece<br />

Ladies Union of Drama started working with<br />

the mobile school in 2017. The team currently<br />

organises three mobile school interventions<br />

per week: two sessions at Roma camp Filippou<br />

and one session at the Central Garden during<br />

the ‘bazar’, since many Roma families from<br />

cities around Drama travel to the city on that<br />

day to sell different things. Their children work<br />

as well, to be able to contribute to the family<br />

income.<br />

The last couple of months, the team noticed<br />

that refugee children and their families started<br />

working at the market too. The families live in<br />

the refugee camp in Drama, which was set up<br />

this year. The team is considering starting up<br />

outreach sessions with the mobile school there<br />

as well, should they get the permission to do so<br />

from the city council.<br />

Roma camp Filippou is divided into two rivaling<br />

camps. The families of both sides do not<br />

get along and their children are not allowed<br />

to play together. Currently, the team organises<br />

one mobile school session per week at both<br />

sides. After one year, they have noticed some<br />

improvements already, since some children<br />

participate in both sessions. The future goal<br />

is to put the mobile school in the middle of<br />

the camp, to encourage the children to play<br />

together and to encourage their families to<br />

cooperate. Thanks to their continuous work,<br />

the street educators have been able to build up<br />

relationships of confidence with the children and<br />

their families at the two locations. The team has<br />

applied for a van, since this would allow them to<br />

organise an additional street session per week at<br />

a location outside of Drama.<br />

During the follow-up training, we evaluated the<br />

local mobile school project together with the<br />

team and drew up a clear action plan to guarantee<br />

the sustainability of the project and to<br />

increase the impact on the streets. Although<br />

there is a high turnover of volunteers, the core<br />

team of five street educators has remained the<br />

same since the start of the project, which makes<br />

for a stable and durable way of working.<br />

The team also invented games with the panels<br />

they hardly ever use and they created their own<br />

mobile school activities, adapted to the local context<br />

and to their target groups, which received<br />

positive feedback of the children during the testing<br />

on the streets.<br />

Additionally, the team discovered the Street<br />

Business Toolkit panels, developed to address<br />

business topics on the streets.<br />

IMPACT<br />

8 people trained: 5 staff & 3 volunteers<br />

Increased motivation<br />

Concrete action plan to increase social impact<br />

Creativity of street work team enhanced<br />

2 new educational activities, adapted to the local context<br />

Knowledge of Street Business Toolkit<br />

98 99

CEVORA <strong>•</strong> AN INCOMPANY PARTNERSHIP<br />

01/06/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

APCB + PC200 companies<br />

Belgium<br />

Besides the open offer partnership with<br />

Cevora, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> is also a new learning and<br />

development partner for in-company trainings.<br />

That means that every company that is<br />

affiliated in the APCB or PC200 can integrate<br />

the Street Skill Action Workshops in their own<br />

training programmes. An ideal opportunity to<br />

get to know organisations that aren’t familiar<br />

with the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> philosophy<br />

and the perfect low threshold for businesses<br />

wanting to get to know our offer.<br />

One of the In-company collaborations was with<br />

Antwerp based Ferranti Computer Systems<br />

where we guided the leaders of the three internal<br />

partners (MECOMS, FrontForce and Silta)<br />

in several Cooperative Competition reflection<br />

sessions. The outcome of those workshops<br />

were a first step towards a more efficiently<br />

collaborating and positively communicating<br />

culture, consolidating the renewed business<br />

structure.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Reach target group with insufficient budget for <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

Reach target group that wants a try-out session<br />

Reach target group that isn’t familiar with <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

3 sessions for leaders at Ferranti Computer Systems<br />

3 sessions for leaders at IQVIA<br />

Individual sessions for LMS Sthree Comp and Arcadis<br />

100 101

orange <strong>•</strong> hackathon & creativity boosts<br />

01/06/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Orange<br />

Orange partnered up with <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> to deliver<br />

a series of creativity & innovation inspired<br />

sessions. Both on an international and on a national<br />

level, Orange launched initiatives to tap<br />

into the innovative brain of its workforce.<br />

To motivate and prepare Belgian colleagues to<br />

participate and send in ideas, several inspirational<br />

lunch sessions were organised.<br />

We introduced the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

story (to inspire entrepreneur- & ownership)<br />

and the Street Skill Proactive Creativity (to provide<br />

concrete creativity techniques).<br />

after the hackathon, additional ‘project coaching’<br />

sessions were facilitated by <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> to assist<br />

the project teams in further development and<br />

implementation of the selected ideas.<br />

A third initiative was a series of ‘pitching coaching<br />

sessions’ for winners of national & international<br />

innovation contests. In these sessions we<br />

prepared a small group of winners to deliver<br />

convincing public pitches.<br />

Brussels / Belgium<br />

Besides these lunch sessions, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

facilitated a specific ‘Champions Hackathon<br />

programme’. A group of Orange Champions (selected<br />

by their peers as ‘leaders by example’ on<br />

cultural aspects) was invited to a two-day hackathon.<br />

They were asked to reflect on internal<br />

challenges and to come up with bold ideas for<br />

change. The topics were anchored around three<br />

themes: ‘One company’, ‘Decision Dynamics’<br />

and ‘New Ways of Working’.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Injection of entrepreneur- & ownership (Positive Focus)<br />

Support of creative process (Proactive Creativity)<br />

Coaching on public speaking & convincing (Pitching)<br />

102<br />

During two days we used the Street Skill Positive<br />

Focus to have participants focus on opportunities<br />

for impact, Proactive Creativity to<br />

help them to develop innovative solutions<br />

and Pitching in order to prepare them for the<br />

presentation of their ideas. During the months<br />


Volunteer Fun activity <strong>•</strong> irrland<br />

09/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Volunteers and family<br />

Kevelaer / Germany<br />

Every year we organise a fun activity for our<br />

volunteers. This is a moment when we bring<br />

volunteers together and do a fun activity. We<br />

make it a family day, so partners and children<br />

can come along too. This way they also see the<br />

organisation their partner, mother, dad,... volunteers<br />

for.<br />

63 volunteers, family and team boarded the<br />

bus to go to Irrland. Irrland is an amusement<br />

park for the whole family!<br />

It was a very positive day during which connection<br />

moments and fun perfectly complemented<br />

each other. Catching up with a colleague<br />

volunteer on the bus, going down the slides<br />

together with children of the same age, meeting<br />

new people during the barbecue,...<br />

By spending time together, playing, eating, ...<br />

we bring volunteers and their network closer<br />

together. It is also the ideal way to thank our<br />

volunteers for the work they do for our organisation.<br />

On this day they should only enjoy!<br />

IMPACT<br />

(Re) connect with our volunteers<br />

Volunteers and family get to know each other<br />

Volunteers and family get to know our organisation<br />

104 105

A proud B corp since 2016 <strong>•</strong> Yearly summit<br />

19/06/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 21/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Kim Swyngedouw<br />

B Corporations<br />

Amsterdam/ The Netherlands<br />

Every year in June, B Lab Europe organises its<br />

yearly Summit. The B Corp Summit is a unique<br />

experience for Certified B Corps from around<br />

the world to connect, share, learn, be inspired<br />

and build a global network.<br />

The theme this year was ‘building a B economy’.<br />

To reach a more inclusive and sustainable<br />

future, the world needs an economy in which<br />

business balances purpose and profit.<br />

This year, the summit was organised in Amsterdam.<br />

During the summit, B Corps from around<br />

the world got inspired through workshops,<br />

inspirational speakers and field visits to some<br />

of the Dutch certified B Corps (Patagonia, Tony<br />

Chocolonely, Plastic Whale, …).<br />

Being a B Corp is not only a value-driven choice;<br />

it makes business sense. With more long-term<br />

focus, B Corps are building better value chains<br />

and take on the continuous challenge to improve<br />

business practices. As a result, B Corps<br />

are demonstrating through a B economy that<br />

impact is leading to scalability, profitability,<br />

and positive change.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Inspiring an international network with our business model<br />

Practice sharing and inspiration<br />

Building the network<br />

106 107

streetsmart <strong>•</strong> Multiplier Event<br />

28/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Erasmus+ KA2<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

At the end of June, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> presented<br />

its StreetSmart mobile application in a multiplier<br />

event for 21 different organisations (33<br />

people). The event was organised to share results,<br />

demonstrate the app and have a demo.<br />

We kicked off with a welcome speech and a<br />

keynote from Arnoud on why <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

is investing in technology. Wim presented the<br />

StreetSmart application through the research<br />

we did and the results we obtained. We closed<br />

with a demonstration of the StreetSmart application<br />

and some Q&A. We offered all our<br />

guests a sandwich lunch afterwards, which created<br />

a relaxed networking moment.<br />

It was good to see that organisations present<br />

at the multiplier see a solution for their case<br />

management challenges in StreetSmart. A lot<br />

of organisations were enthusiastic to start testing<br />

the application. They will be involved in the<br />

testing phase starting in 2019.<br />

IMPACT<br />

33 people from 21 youth work organisations in Flanders<br />

Demonstration of the StreetSmart app for youth workers<br />

Positioning <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> as a valuable partner in Belgium<br />

108 109

argenta <strong>•</strong> BE <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>!<br />

29/06/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 13/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Argenta<br />

Antwerp / Belgium<br />

For quite some times we were thinking of developing<br />

a teambuilding that would keep the<br />

middle between the classic bowling or paintball<br />

moment and a decent workshop. A fun day<br />

with some content.<br />

Eventually, it was for Argenta that we elaborated<br />

the Team Action Day concept. This full day<br />

programme starts from the Street Skill Cooperative<br />

Competition and the conclusion that, as<br />

a team, we can learn a lot from street gangs.<br />

They know very well why they join forces, for<br />

example, they know when to close in. But it<br />

doesn’t keep the individual members from<br />

standing up for themselves.<br />

A very typical thing is also that gang members<br />

are very proud to show that they are part of the<br />

group. They may all wear the same tattoo for<br />

example. This strengthens the bond<br />

between the different gang members on one<br />

hand and makes the gang more attractive to<br />

outsiders on the other.<br />

During the Team Action Day, in line with these<br />

insights, we reflect on the added value of<br />

cooperation within the participating team:<br />

where, how and for whom do we make a difference?<br />

The participants are then asked to deliver<br />

their ‘business card’ as a team by realising a<br />

short introduction movie. We accompany them<br />

in a reflection on how they want to be seen as a<br />

team and how they can visualise that. In the afternoon<br />

they go into the city to create the necessary<br />

footage. After editing the movie, it is time for<br />

the ‘avant-premiere’ and an informal look back.<br />

The many pleasant reactions we received in the<br />

meantime prove that the programme has potential.<br />

Here’s a small selection:<br />

* Unique team event. Well facilitated! Successful<br />

in stimulating team dynamics and getting<br />

to know each other better. I wonder how we can<br />

implement even more Street Skills at Argenta.<br />

(Katleen Boisschot - P & P Manager)<br />

* A very nice, fascinating and instructive day!<br />

Original approach to building a team, unique<br />

experience. (Laurence Van Hissenhoven - P & P<br />

Manager Support)<br />

* Making the movie was a nice experience. I<br />

got to know my colleagues in a completely different<br />

way. Good guidance throughout the day<br />

to achieve a nice result. (Tim Goethals - Product<br />

Marketeer)<br />

And if you wonder why we chose to build this<br />

teambuilding around movies: the idea came<br />

up since our new office in Leuven, where the<br />

programme started, is situated in the former<br />

‘Studio’ cinemas!<br />

IMPACT<br />

Teambuilding 2.0: fun & content<br />

Aligning about the added value of the cooperation<br />

Aligning about the desired perception of the team<br />

Realisation of a strong introduction movie for the team<br />

110 111

new school bolivia <strong>•</strong> abriendo puertas<br />

16/07/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 22/07/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Toña Pineda<br />

Jessika Martinez<br />

Fundación Abriendo Puertas<br />

Paz y Bien<br />

Cochabamba / Bolivia<br />

After a successful exploration in March <strong>2018</strong>,<br />

we decided to transfer the mobile school from<br />

former <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner Yo Voy a Ti to<br />

Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz y Bien in<br />

Cochabamba, with the support of Provincie<br />

Vlaams-Brabant. The local team transported<br />

the mobile school to their office and repaired it<br />

before the implementation training.<br />

Local trainers Toña Pineda and Jessika<br />

Martinez introduced the street educators to the<br />

self-esteem model and to the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

educational materials. During the workshop<br />

on creative therapy, the team learnt how they<br />

could use their creativity and their experience<br />

in theater and clownery at the mobile school<br />

as well.<br />

The main target group of the local team are<br />

the children and youngsters working at the cemetery,<br />

to contribute to the family income. By<br />

organising creative outreach sessions, they<br />

want to prevent these youngsters from crossing<br />

the line between working on the streets to living<br />

on the streets.<br />

their families during funerals participated as<br />

well. In addition, the team is actively looking for<br />

new sectors and target groups to increase the impact<br />

of their local mobile school project. Among<br />

other things, they are considering starting up<br />

mobile school sessions in a local youth prison.<br />

After the implementation, the street educators<br />

were eager to run their mobile school project.<br />

Some actions still need to be taken by the local<br />

team to ensure the successful implementation<br />

of their mobile school project, however, such<br />

as clearing the new <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> educational<br />

materials from customs (for both them and the<br />

other Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners), making<br />

a clear planning of the sessions, clearly defining<br />

roles and responsibilities of the team members<br />

involved, looking for new volunteers, etc.<br />

We will make sure to follow up on these to do’s<br />

and to support and coach the team as much as<br />

possible.<br />

IMPACT<br />

7 people trained<br />

Knowledge of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> self-esteem model<br />

Core team acquainted with <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> educational materials<br />

Educational package of current Bolivian partners updated<br />

During the street sessions with the mobile<br />

Formerly inactive mobile school reactivated (transfer)<br />

school, the street educators noticed they can<br />

reach out to a bigger target group than previously<br />

thought. The children of flower vendors<br />

112 at the cemetery and children accompanying<br />


Follow-up peru <strong>•</strong> Diamanta & Los Cachorros<br />

30/07/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 03/08/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Toña Pineda<br />

Diamanta & Los Cachorros<br />

Ayacucho / Peru<br />

The mobile school was first implemented in<br />

Ayacucho in 2004 by the local municipality. In<br />

2006, the municipality signed a contract with<br />

Mama Alice and they worked with the school<br />

until 2009.<br />

In 2015, we were able to transfer the mobile<br />

school to Diamanta (a subsidiary company of<br />

Solid Peru). Their mobile school project has<br />

been atypical since the beginning, since their<br />

target group differs from that of our other<br />

partners. Diamanta runs different projects to<br />

support teen moms, at-risk adolescents and<br />

mothers of low-income families. They use the<br />

mobile school to give workshops on sensitive<br />

topics in three schools they collaborate with,<br />

but also to boost the creativity and self-esteem<br />

of the students on the playground.<br />

During the follow-up training for Diamanta<br />

in 2017, a collaboration was started up with<br />

Los Cachorros, another local organisation, to<br />

increase the impact of the mobile school in<br />

Ayacucho.<br />

making sure we also had the opportunity to cover<br />

other topics more in-depth for the well trained<br />

street educators.<br />

During the coaching session, both teams evaluated<br />

the collaboration between their organisations<br />

positively and they drew up an action plan<br />

to increase the impact of their joint mobile school<br />

project in the future. This action plan was made<br />

more concrete during the workshop on planning<br />

and evaluation. Both teams also explored the<br />

educational materials and learned how to work<br />

with and without the mobile school in a creative<br />

way during the in-depth workshop on creative<br />

therapy.<br />

During the follow-up training, two street sessions<br />

were organised by the team of Los Cachorros to<br />

apply the learnings from the workshops on the<br />

streets.<br />

IMPACT<br />

16 people trained<br />

Close-knit & extra motivated street work teams<br />

Strengthened cooperation between the two local teams<br />

In August <strong>2018</strong>, we organised a new follow-up<br />

training, to evaluate the partnership between<br />

both organisations and to support and<br />

Future action plan drawn up to increase impact<br />

More creative mobile school sessions<br />

coach the two local teams of street educators.<br />

Since the majority of the trainees were new<br />

volunteers or staff members, we adapted the<br />

114 follow-up programme to their needs, while<br />


new school malawi <strong>•</strong> Chisomo Children’s Club<br />

30/07/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 10/08/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Ine Stessens<br />

Chisomo Children’s Club<br />

Lilongwe / Malawi<br />

In March 2017, an exploratory expedition<br />

was organised with the team of Chisomo<br />

Children’s Club in Lilongwe, the capital of<br />

Malawi. The Malawian organisation learned<br />

about the mobile school when former director<br />

Charles Gwengwe visited the mobile school<br />

of Retrak Ethiopia in Hosanna. One and a half<br />

year after the implementation - and after an<br />

elaborate translation process of the educational<br />

materials to the dominant local language<br />

Chichewa - the project was ready to hit the<br />

streets with the first mobile school in Malawi,<br />

the 26th mobile school partner country in the<br />

world!<br />

The implementation in Malawi was a special<br />

one, since it was the first time in <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

history an entire <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> crew went abroad<br />

to train the local team on how to effectively<br />

use the mobile school on the streets. Hans<br />

Lamberts, Eric Vanbiervliet and Ine Stessens<br />

spent two weeks in the Malawian capital to<br />

work with a team of 8 social workers. Despite<br />

some organisational challenges that weren’t<br />

communicated openly before the start of the<br />

implementation - the organisation is going<br />

through rough times and recently lost some<br />

funding partners and a lot of staff - the team<br />

conducted the implementation schedule as<br />

agreed.<br />

During the visit, multiple intervention areas were<br />

visited and tested. The first sessions showed that<br />

there is a big target group for the mobile school<br />

in the Malawian capital. In the coming weeks, the<br />

team will still need to find some stability (both<br />

staff and locations) to consolidate the weekly<br />

mobile school interventions and to familiarise<br />

themselves with the educational materials.<br />

In general, the implementation with Chisomo<br />

Children’s Club was evaluated as a success,<br />

although it will be crucial in the near future to<br />

support the executive director and the local<br />

team in finding creative solutions to overcome<br />

the challenges with human and financial resources.<br />

In 2019, these challenges will be evaluated<br />

during a one-week follow-up visit with the<br />

team of Chisomo Children’s Club.<br />

IMPACT<br />

First mobile school implemented in Malawi<br />

Team of 7 people trained in working with the mobile school<br />

Set of educational panels developed in Chichewa<br />

Storage system installed in the office of the organisation<br />

116 117

My Family <strong>•</strong> Triple Up!<br />

01/08/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bart Vanbellinghen<br />

My Family (entire org)<br />

Belgium<br />

My Family (formerly known as/part of Xerius) is<br />

one of the four organisations in Flanders that<br />

are mandated to pay ‘kinderbijslag’ (child or<br />

family allowances). As of 1st of January 2019,<br />

young parents are free to choose their family<br />

allowance fund themselves, whereas in the<br />

past this was linked to the employer. This<br />

means that this service, and all other organisations<br />

managing these allowances, move into<br />

a more open and competitive environment,<br />

where their future success and existence will<br />

depend on the number of families they serve.<br />

The service (the what) itself allows for very little<br />

differentiation (limited by law) so it will really<br />

come down to how this service gets delivered/<br />

perceived by the customers. In preparation<br />

of this evolution, management of My Family<br />

decided to launch an initiative called ‘extremely<br />

client oriented organisation met with<br />

extremely happy employees’, to identify and<br />

implement the necessary organisational<br />

changes. They consciously chose to go for a<br />

bottom-up approach and asked a workgroup<br />

of internal volunteers to come up with ideas<br />

on how My Family should organise itself to<br />

delight customers while raising employee satisfaction<br />

at the same time.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> facilitated this process in close collaboration<br />

with an internal project manager:<br />

<strong>•</strong> building the workgroup<br />

<strong>•</strong> getting them in ‘change maker’-modus<br />

<strong>•</strong> start a creative proces to identify ideas to improve<br />

service and collaboration (more than<br />

80 concrete ideas generated)<br />

<strong>•</strong> prioritising and further developing the ideas<br />

(and coping with initial feedback)<br />

<strong>•</strong> public speaking & pitching to colleagues<br />

and Senior Management<br />

Three months after the kick-off session, about 15<br />

developed ideas (some small and tactical, some<br />

more complex and more strategic) were pitched<br />

to Senior Management. All proposals were<br />

accepted and are planned for implementation<br />

throughout 2019.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Self-leadership and change maker attitude<br />

Organisation in co-creation mode<br />

Individual development: 4 Street Skills & Pitching<br />

118 119

train-the-trainer seminar mobile school<br />

30/08/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/08/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Training & update<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

During the last two days of August we gathered<br />

our current team of European Master Trainers<br />

in the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> office: Bram<br />

Van de Putte (street worker Brussels), Robert<br />

Ciéslar (street worker Bytom), Hans Lamberts<br />

(SteetwiZe Partner), Saskia Dieleman (Project<br />

Manager Belgium), Joke Verreth (Partnership<br />

Coordinator), Sander Degeling (Partnership<br />

Coordinator) and Rob Sweldens (Manager <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong>).<br />

First, we organised a presentation on the planning<br />

of the upcoming expeditions. The responsibilities<br />

and expectations of the trainers were<br />

also reviewed.<br />

Afterwards, we had a workshop on the<br />

current educational offer of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

We explained the objectives of the newly<br />

developed board games, played an interactive<br />

game on the music panels in the city of Leuven<br />

and explained the strategy, changes and developments<br />

in the existing educational offer, the<br />

manual and the online platforms.<br />

Child Protection Policy and on the consequences<br />

for the upcoming expeditions.<br />

We ended the seminar with an exchange about<br />

experiences in Malawi and Tanzania.<br />

All European Master Trainers thought of a brand<br />

new energizer for the Training Seminar. These<br />

energizers were played throughout the workshop,<br />

giving all trainers new inspiration for the<br />

upcoming trainings.<br />

The training seminar was evaluated as very<br />

positive by all participants. We will organise a<br />

next update and exchange meeting in the spring<br />

of 2019 and our goal is to include the international<br />

Master Trainers from Latin America and<br />

Africa in the next training seminar in 2020.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Teambuilding European Master Trainers<br />

Trainers can apply the new educational strategy<br />

Trainers are familiar with the newly developed educational materials<br />

We kicked off the second day of the training<br />

seminar with a workshop on the new<br />

StreetSmart methodology and on the implications<br />

for all <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partner<br />

Trainers are updated about GDPR and Code of Conduct<br />

Trainers are informed about StreetSmart<br />

Trainers can apply new energizers<br />

organisations, followed by an introduction<br />

and feedback meeting on the GDPR, the newly<br />

120 developed Code of Conduct, the upcoming<br />


StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> Beta test version<br />

01/09/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Kunstmaan - Accenture<br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Deloitte<br />

Youth / street workers<br />

The Alpha version of the StreetSmart application<br />

was finalised at the end of June <strong>2018</strong> and<br />

showcased during the multiplier event of 28<br />

June.<br />

During summer, the application was handed<br />

over to Kunstmaan, a local Belgian IT-firm<br />

linked to Accenture Belgium. Accenture and<br />

Kunstmaan offered to take on the further<br />

development, resulting in a Beta test version<br />

ready for public launch. The launch is planned<br />

for January 2019.<br />

Meanwhile, we are also preparing the business<br />

model in collaboration with Deloitte Consulting,<br />

to make StreetSmart a sustainable and thrustworthy<br />

partner.<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

During this period of development, we took<br />

the opportunity to showcase StreetSmart<br />

nationally and internationally. We had a booth<br />

at Websummit (Lisbon, Portugal), the biggest<br />

IT conference in the world. We offered a workshop<br />

during the 12th Tool Fair for Youth Workers<br />

(Split, Croatia) organised by the European<br />

Commision. We also presented StreetSmart at<br />

the Consortium for Street Children event (London,<br />

UK).<br />

IMPACT<br />

StreetSmart Beta version ready for launch<br />

Broadening our national and international network<br />

122<br />

We had interviews with five big organisations<br />

in Flanders. We are actively broadening our<br />

network and promoting StreetSmart, to reach<br />

the full potential of StreetSmart in creating social<br />

impact, strengthening current and future<br />

partners in working with street-connected children.<br />


City of Bilzen <strong>•</strong> Team Development Programme<br />

01/09/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Sofie Vandenberghe<br />

Dorien De Vidts<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

City of Bilzen<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> goes back to its<br />

roots! In September, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> started working<br />

with the city services teams of Bilzen, the hometown<br />

of founder Arnoud Raskin. We created a<br />

tailored team development programme, based<br />

on the Street Skill Cooperative Competition, in<br />

which participants reflect about what makes<br />

them stick together and the battles to be<br />

carried out, as a team, in order to provide<br />

optimal service to citizens.<br />

An exercise that proved to be particularly useful<br />

in the run-up to the new year!<br />

Bilzen / Belgium<br />

IMPACT<br />

Inspiration through the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> story<br />

Personal development in discovering the principles of teamwork<br />

Aligning about team objectives and battles<br />

Developing the connection between team members<br />

124 125

Fedasil <strong>•</strong> working on Group Dynamics<br />

01/09/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/01/2019<br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

FedAsil<br />

Belgium<br />

For Fedasil, the Belgian federal agency for the<br />

reception of asylum seekers, we realised a twoday<br />

programme on group dynamics. A collaboration<br />

we are very proud of, given the many<br />

parallels that can be drawn between both<br />

organisations. It was nice to see, for example,<br />

that the approach of the teams taking care of<br />

unaccompanied minors is very similar to ours,<br />

based on self-esteem and the development of<br />

the youngsters towards more autonomy and<br />

self-reliance.<br />

In such a context, the positive orientation and<br />

the opportunity focus of the youth workers, a<br />

strong connection between them, with the<br />

youngsters and with the other teams and a<br />

smooth, but caring collaboration are key, as we<br />

know from our work with the mobile schools.<br />

That is why we started from the Street Skills<br />

Positive Focus and Cooperative Competition<br />

and the Street Technique Connect as building<br />

stones for this tailored training, adding numerous<br />

examples from our own experiences<br />

with <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> to bring the<br />

different concepts to life. In applying these, as<br />

a next step, to the specific context of the reception<br />

centres, participants defined very specific<br />

action points for the coming months and years.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Inspiration through the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> story<br />

Personal development in experiencing group dynamics<br />

Developing personal opportunity focus<br />

Developing personal skills in connecting<br />

Aligning about the goals and battles of the team<br />

126 127

Elia Group <strong>•</strong> high performing young potentials<br />

16/09/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 21/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Elia Group - 50 Hertz<br />

Iasi / Romania<br />

The Elia Group Faraday Program is a 1one-yeardevelopment<br />

programme for high performing<br />

young potentials within Elia (Belgium) and 50<br />

Hertz (Germany).<br />

Active in a sector in the core of the energy transition,<br />

developing crucial skills of future leaders<br />

to successfully cope with, guide and lead<br />

change is key for the Elia Group to be future<br />

proof.<br />

In the Faraday development programme<br />

these leaders are prepared for their future<br />

role. To kick-off of this programme, <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

sets the scene with an international expedition<br />

in Iasi. In this international out-of-thecomfort<br />

zone experience, we focus on the importance<br />

of being aware of your own perspective<br />

and the ability to shift it, on the importance<br />

of proactively asking for feedback, on dealing<br />

with ambivalence and on immersion and the<br />

difference between ‘real’ limits and ‘felt’ limits.<br />

The <strong>2018</strong> edition was the 4th time the Elia<br />

Group subscribed for an international <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

expedition.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Building the Faraday team<br />

Shifting perspective put into practice<br />

Dealing with ambivalence<br />

Practising immersion<br />

128 129

MS Playground <strong>•</strong> development of DIY games<br />

20/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Educational volunteers<br />

MS Playground<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

With the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Playground, a web<br />

based platform, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> aims to boost<br />

the creativity of street educators worldwide. Until<br />

now, our partners were able to have a look at<br />

the best games developed during <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

expeditions or during <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> exchange<br />

programmes. For each game, pictures and a<br />

manual are available to give more insight in<br />

the game rules. However, the street educators<br />

of our partners still had to invest a lot of time<br />

in making the games before they were able to<br />

take the new concepts to the streets. In fact,<br />

we’ve noticed it’s a challenge for street educators<br />

to find enough time to reproduce these<br />

new games.<br />

In September <strong>2018</strong>, we therefore launched the<br />

second part of the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Playground:<br />

the Do-it-yourself games. Together with the educational<br />

workgroup and local street work partners<br />

from Europe and Latin America, we were<br />

able to create a total of 17 attractive ready-toprint<br />

game boards. Six of these games were<br />

developed by the educational volunteers<br />

during two project cycles of three meetings in<br />

the year <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The goal of the DIY games is that partner<br />

organisations can easily print the game boards<br />

themselves, so they just need to attach them to<br />

the back side of an existing <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> panel.<br />

By doing so, we aim to limit the preparation<br />

time to create new activities. Moreover, we aim<br />

to offer a wide range of extra games that street<br />

educators can easily use on the mobile school.<br />

In order to make the games as accessible as possible,<br />

street educators can find both a written<br />

and a video manual on the platform so they can<br />

quickly understand and play the game with their<br />

target group on the streets.<br />

In 2019, new DIY games will be developed with<br />

the educational volunteers. A first feedback round<br />

will be organised with our street work partners to<br />

see how the street educators evaluate both the<br />

inspiration and the DIY games on the MS Playground.<br />

This feedback will be valuable input for<br />

the development of the state-of-the-art platform<br />

we’re developing in the Erasmus+ project.<br />

IMPACT<br />

17 ready-to-print DIY games on the educational platform<br />

New manuals and video manuals to explain the games<br />

Introduction video on how to use the DIY games<br />

Continuous follow-up on the use of the DIY games by partners<br />

2 project cycles of 3 meetings with the educational volunteers<br />

130 131

Rabobank <strong>•</strong> Growing a better story together<br />

20/09/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 21/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Bram Doolaege<br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Laure Laroche<br />

Sofie Vandenberghe<br />

Rabobank Top 200<br />

The new storyline of Rabobank is ‘Growing a<br />

better world together’. <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> was invited<br />

to support Rabobank’s global leadership team<br />

in translating that ambition into a compelling<br />

and mobilising story.<br />

As a starter, the ‘<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>’<br />

story was introduced. Followed by an interactive<br />

and short version of the Storytelling<br />

workshop, we prepared the Rabobank leaders<br />

to bring their own story during the final part of<br />

the workshop.<br />

Terschelling / Netherlands<br />

IMPACT<br />

Inspire leadership with our story of sustainable development<br />

Persuade leaders that storytelling is a skill<br />

Translation of the storytelling framework into action<br />

132 133

Exploration pakistan <strong>•</strong> Lettuce Bee Kids<br />

01/10/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 05/10/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Lettuce Bee Kids<br />

Islamabad / Pakistan<br />

Early October, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> travelled to<br />

the Pakistani capital Islamabad for the<br />

very first time to explore a potential partnership<br />

with the organisation Lettuce Bee<br />

Kids. LBK is also a social enterprise, which<br />

uses drawings and designs of children to<br />

create child-friendly products in order to generate<br />

revenue to sustain the social component<br />

of the organisation, so there are quite a few<br />

links between <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and<br />

LBK. Moreover, the need for a mobile school is<br />

crystal clear, since Pakistan is one of the countries<br />

with most street-connected children and<br />

one of the lowest literacy levels in the world.<br />

or trash collectors to contribute to the family<br />

income. By implementing a mobile school, LBK<br />

could potentially maximise the number of kids<br />

they are already reaching in these locations.<br />

In order to make the project sustainable, two<br />

meetings were done with Shifa Foundation, a<br />

huge Pakistani disaster relief organisation that is<br />

interested in the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> methodology. In<br />

the coming months, the teams of LBK and Shifa<br />

Foundation will check what a potential collaboration<br />

could look like to make sure the mobile<br />

school can go out to the streets multiple times<br />

per week in the Pakistani capital.<br />

IMPACT<br />

During the one-week exploratory training,<br />

a small team of five members was trained<br />

during the four workshops. Despite the small<br />

number of trainees, the exploration showed<br />

huge potential for a future mobile school project<br />

during the street visits. At this moment,<br />

LBK runs a non-formal school in an isolated<br />

sector of the Pakistani capital. In the area,<br />

there are multiple communities of internally<br />

displaced persons (IDP’s) from different<br />

regions in Pakistan hit by natural disasters<br />

and conflict as well as communities of people<br />

New potential partner country explored<br />

Connection with new social entreprise working with street kids<br />

Team of 5 street workers trained<br />

Established ties with other stakeholders in Pakistan<br />

More expertise on refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan<br />

from Afghanistan who fled the ongoing conflict<br />

in their home country. Most of the children<br />

living in these areas don’t have access to formal<br />

134 education and are working as ragpickers<br />


Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen <strong>•</strong> building connection<br />

01/10/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 19/10/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Eric Vanbiervliet<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Auxiliary Prison Leuven<br />

Ine Stessens<br />

Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen<br />

For Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen (‘Care Company<br />

Antwerp’) we developed a three-day leadership<br />

programme. During the first day the central<br />

theme is personal leadership (ME).<br />

Inspired by the agility and resilience of street<br />

-connected children, we ask ourselves questions<br />

such as ‘Who am I really? ‘ and ‘Where<br />

and how do I want to make a difference?’. We<br />

combine that reflection with the sharpening of<br />

our individual positive focus, a necessary basis<br />

for (self-)leadership and the most beautiful<br />

present for the people surrounding us.<br />

Development Plan, or PDP.<br />

For this residential programme we opted for<br />

a cosy holiday home in a green environment,<br />

where the participants cooked their own meal<br />

on the first night. And you bet that the subject<br />

of conversation ‘leadership’ never left the dinner<br />

table!<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

Day 2 is the cherry on the cake of this programme.<br />

We visited the auxiliary prison of<br />

Leuven for a unique experience: the group<br />

meets a number of inmates, with whom they<br />

have to accomplish a mission during the day.<br />

Throughout the day and the activities, the participants<br />

discover the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of<br />

an authentic connection with ‘the other’ (YOU)<br />

and thus interpersonal leadership. An unforgettable<br />

encounter and cooperation and a winwin-win<br />

for al participants, exactly the way we<br />

like it.<br />

IMPACT<br />

Developing personal, interpersonal and team leadership<br />

Experience-based learning on ‘connection’<br />

Writing a Personal Developement Plan based on the Street Skills<br />

Shifting the paradigm on detention and inmates<br />

Inclusion of inmates<br />

136<br />

Day 3 starts with ‘WE’; a Cooperative Competition<br />

workshop, as a basis for further development<br />

of team leadership of the participants. In<br />

the afternoon we start to work on a Personal<br />


Exploration georgia <strong>•</strong> Caritas Georgia<br />

29/10/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 02/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Caritas Georgia<br />

Tbilisi / Georgia<br />

The team of Caritas Georgia runs various programmes<br />

to reach out to all vulnerable and<br />

socially excluded people in Georgia. With the<br />

Children and Youth Protection & Development<br />

programme specifically, the team assists more<br />

than 500 children per year. They work with<br />

children between 5 and 18 years old (children<br />

without parental care, children living and working<br />

on the streets, children living below poverty<br />

level and socially unprotected children)<br />

through different projects: two day care centres<br />

and night shelters, three group homes, an independent<br />

life programme, a youth club and<br />

mobile work with street-connected children.<br />

The main focus during the current outreach activities<br />

the team organises is on identifying the<br />

children on the streets and on evaluating their<br />

living and working conditions. The team offers<br />

some educational activities as well, but they<br />

want to expand their educational offer even<br />

more, to go beyond just registering the children<br />

and their needs. The mobile school would<br />

be a big help in realising that objective. By<br />

implementing our tool, the team could bring<br />

more structure and diversity to their outreach<br />

activities.<br />

be a challenge to make the mobile school project<br />

a priority and to organise four mobile school sessions<br />

per week. They would need to find stable<br />

locations and solve some logistical problems<br />

(such as transportation, parking,...).<br />

If the team meets all the necessary requirements,<br />

however, we believe we could start up<br />

a cooperation with Caritas Georgia in 2020. The<br />

organisation is financially sustainable, there is a<br />

big possible target group for the mobile school,<br />

they have a big network, a storage room,... We<br />

will frequently contact the local team next year<br />

and follow up on the above-mentioned requirements.<br />

Should we decide to collaborate with<br />

Caritas Georgia, we will then start up the translation<br />

process of the educational materials in<br />

2019.<br />

IMPACT<br />

11 team members trained<br />

New potential partner country explored<br />

Possible implementation for 2019<br />

After the exploratory expedition, some to do’s<br />

remain for the local team. Since the team already<br />

138 runs many different programmes, it will<br />


Exploration Kenya <strong>•</strong> The Joy Divine<br />

05/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 09/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

The Joy Divine<br />

Nairobi / Kenya<br />

The Kenyan capital Nairobi is infamous for its<br />

high number of street-connected children and<br />

families. Since 2005, <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> is active in<br />

the Kenyan capital with a mobile school in the<br />

neighbourhoods of Dandora and Korogocho,<br />

but in <strong>2018</strong> we received another promising<br />

application of an organisation called The Joy<br />

Divine that wants to use a mobile school to<br />

strengthen their Shule Mtaani (‘Street <strong>School</strong>’)<br />

project in the area of Mlango Kubwa.<br />

During the exploration, a team of 35 volunteers<br />

was trained on the basic principles of<br />

the mobile school. Besides the core team of<br />

the Joy Divine, other street educators from the<br />

organisation Immanuel Afrika also attended<br />

the four workshops.<br />

In the coming months, the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> team<br />

will take a final decision together with the team<br />

of The Joy Divine regarding the implementation<br />

of a mobile school. This new mobile school<br />

would be the 4th one in Kenya, after the launch<br />

of mobile schools in Nairobi, Mombasa and<br />

Kitale. To be continued!<br />

IMPACT<br />

During the week, our active mobile school partner<br />

Kenya Good Neighbors also participated<br />

Big team of 35+ volunteers trained<br />

in the training and transferred their mobile<br />

Reconnect with street educators of active partner KGN<br />

school for one day to the potential intervention<br />

area of Mlango Kubwa to showcase the mobile<br />

New promising contact with educators of Immanuel Afrika<br />

school to the street educators and the guys on<br />

the street. During the session, it was crystal<br />

Potential implementation of a second mobile school in Nairobi<br />

clear that a new mobile school could have a<br />

huge impact in the area, since Mlango Kubwa<br />

is one of the areas with the highest number of<br />

street families in Nairobi, due to its location<br />

close to the Central Business District.<br />

140 141

Exploration poland <strong>•</strong> Pomocna Dłon<br />

05/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 09/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Robert Cieślar<br />

Joke Verreth<br />

Pomocna Dłoń<br />

Racibórz / Poland<br />

Pomocna Dłoń runs a centre in Racibórz,<br />

Poland, where they offer educational support<br />

and various activities to children & youngsters<br />

and support their families. The organisation<br />

heard about the mobile school during a street<br />

work conference in Krakau.<br />

Before the exploratory expedition, they already<br />

joined the mobile school team of our partner<br />

in Bytom on the streets, to see the mobile<br />

school in action. Currently, three street workers<br />

do outreach sessions in two districts in<br />

Racibórz, organising various mini-projects with<br />

the youngsters, with the focus on organising<br />

their free time in a constructive way. All street<br />

educators are responsible for one small group<br />

of youngsters.<br />

The team of Pomocna Dłoń is very eager to<br />

implement the mobile school during their outreach<br />

activities. They want to be able to reach<br />

the street-connected children and youngsters<br />

they are not reaching with their current programmes.<br />

Although Racibórz is a small town,<br />

the mobile school could have a substantial<br />

impact on the streets, since it would be a big<br />

added value to the outreach work the team is<br />

currently doing and since the project is clearly<br />

a priority for both the management and the<br />

team. Other advantages are financial sustainability<br />

(Pomocna Dłoń is mostly funded by the<br />

local government) and a good local network.<br />

Over the years, the team established a good collaboration<br />

with the local police force and with<br />

local schools. Since we can only implement four<br />

mobile schools per year and the scope of the<br />

target group in Racibórz would be significantly<br />

smaller than that of other prospected organisations<br />

this year, it is highly likely we will not be<br />

able to send a new mobile school to the team of<br />

Pomocna Dłoń. There is, however, a possibility of<br />

transferring the mobile school of partner GPAS<br />

in Warsaw. Their mobile school project has been<br />

put on hold for over a year and has not been a<br />

priority for the organisation in years, due to financial<br />

difficulties. We contacted our partner to<br />

further explore this option.<br />

Since the team of Pomocna Dłoń does not speak<br />

English, we decided to give all workshops in Polish.<br />

Robert Cieślar, the coordinator of the mobile<br />

school project in Bytom and one of our regional<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> trainers, took the lead. After a<br />

positive evaluation, we decided to include him<br />

in our trainer network as a Master Trainer for (Polish)<br />

exploratory expeditions.<br />

IMPACT<br />

9 team members trained<br />

Possibility of transferring a currently inactive mobile school<br />

Master Trainer trained for (Polish) exploratory expeditions<br />

Polish network strengthened<br />

142 143

new school tanzania <strong>•</strong> Mwema Street Children<br />

12/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 23/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Janet Otieno<br />

Mwema Street Children<br />

Karatu / Tanzania<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> school no°52 is in good hands! In<br />

November, Master Trainers Sander Degeling<br />

and Janet Otieno - coordinator of the mobile<br />

school of Glad’s House in Mombasa, Kenya<br />

- travelled to the city of Karatu in northern<br />

Tanzania to conduct two weeks of implementation<br />

workshops and street work to the team<br />

of Mwema Street Children. After a successful<br />

exploration earlier this year, the project was<br />

eager to start their interventions on the streets<br />

with the mobile school. Since all the materials<br />

were already translated to Swahili and we<br />

already have active mobile schools in Tanzania,<br />

it didn’t take a long time to get everything<br />

ready for the streets of Karatu.<br />

The town of Karatu is often called ‘Safari Junction’<br />

because of its strategic location close to the<br />

Serengeti and Ngorongoro, two of the major<br />

national parks that attract a high number of<br />

tourists. The tourism industry also brings a lot<br />

of opportunities to the streets of Karatu, where<br />

one can find a high number of street-connected<br />

children in high season. The majority of these<br />

kids come from the poor rural areas surrounding<br />

the city and end up on the streets of Karatu<br />

to look for better opportunities.<br />

the children with their families. From now on,<br />

the mobile school will help the outreach team<br />

to build positive connections with the children<br />

living and working on the streets.<br />

IMPACT<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> no°52 successfully implemented<br />

Team of 12 street educators trained<br />

First four street sessions conducted in Karatu<br />

Proper storage system in place for the outreach team<br />

Since 2006, Mwema Street Children works<br />

with these children, offering them a safe haven<br />

144 to play and looking for opportunities to reunite<br />


Follow-Up india <strong>•</strong> EkTara<br />

19/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 23/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

EkTara<br />

Kolkata / India<br />

EkTara is an Indian NGO, specialised in offering<br />

formal and non-formal education to children<br />

and youngsters from urban slums.<br />

They applied for a mobile school to be able to<br />

reach out to all the children that are not able to<br />

come to their centre. After a successful exploration<br />

in May 2016, we started up a collaboration<br />

in June 2017 and implemented the first<br />

Indian mobile school in Kolkata. In November<br />

<strong>2018</strong>, we organised a follow-up visit to discuss<br />

the local challenges after 1,5 years of working<br />

with the mobile school and to offer tailor-made<br />

coaching sessions.<br />

During the self-evaluation, the team indicated<br />

they wanted to make better use of all <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> educational materials and train their<br />

creativity, so that was the main focus during<br />

the follow-up expedition. The street educators<br />

invented many new activities with and without<br />

the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> panels they can implement<br />

during their future outreach activities.<br />

trying to get permission to work in more sectors<br />

(such as railway stations), so they can increase<br />

their outreach work activities in the future. After<br />

the follow-up training, the team was reenergised<br />

and had renewed motivation for the work with<br />

the mobile school.<br />

IMPACT<br />

7 street educators trained<br />

Self-evaluation of the project by the local team<br />

Reenergised & motivated team<br />

The team also made a new planning, allowing<br />

for enough time for a qualitative preparation<br />

and evaluation of all mobile school sessions.<br />

2 new creative activities, adapted to the local context<br />

Currently, the team organises two to three<br />

outreach sessions per week in Darapara and<br />

146 Mazdurpara, two local slums. They are now<br />


Exploration india <strong>•</strong> The Child Trust<br />

26/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 30/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Joke Verreth<br />

The Child Trust<br />

New Delhi / India<br />

The Child Trust was founded in 2005. The<br />

organisation’s main objective is to ensure the<br />

right to food and a qualitative education for all<br />

children. They are very active in lobbying and<br />

advocacy. In addition, they sometimes organise<br />

educational activities in two communities,<br />

to reach out to the children and youngsters of<br />

slum areas not going to school, with the goal to<br />

eventually mainstream them.<br />

The organisation recently started working with<br />

refugees as well. They offer classes to refugee<br />

children and skill training to refugee mothers,<br />

so they can generate their own income.<br />

The Child Trust applied for a mobile school to be<br />

able to reach out to a new target group: the children<br />

of migrant farmers and migrant construction<br />

workers, since currently no other local organisations<br />

are reaching out to them. Although<br />

the vision of The Child Trust on outreach work<br />

and on self-sustainable practises is compatible<br />

to ours and there is clearly a target group for<br />

the mobile school in New Delhi, it became clear<br />

during the exploratory expedition that a partnership<br />

will not be possible in the near future.<br />

for most of the projects they are currently running.<br />

Due to different reaons, only four people took<br />

part in all exploratory workshops. Despite of<br />

this low number of participants, we believe the<br />

exploratory expedition has had a big impact on<br />

the local organisation. Especially the project management<br />

workshop was very useful. The team<br />

indicated they will use our project management<br />

framework to bring more structure in their running<br />

projects.<br />

IMPACT<br />

4 team members trained<br />

Project management: more structure for running projects<br />

Inspiration for creative educational activities increased<br />

148<br />

The organisation does not have enough human<br />

and economical resources to start up new<br />

projects at this time. There are some paid staff<br />

members, but they strongly rely on volunteers<br />


Online Content Sharing Platform <strong>•</strong> Start-up<br />

27/11/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 29/11/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Sander Degeling<br />

Hans Dreesen<br />

Erasmus+ KA2<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

Within our digital project strategy, we don’t only<br />

have the aim to improve the follow-up activities<br />

of street educators (see StreetSmart mobile<br />

application), but also to improve the preparation<br />

of outreach sessions. With this idea<br />

in mind, we applied for a new Erasmus+<br />

programme through which we can cooperate<br />

with two <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners: Ladies<br />

Union of Drama (Greece) and Salvati Copiii<br />

(Romania).<br />

To improve the preparations of outreach<br />

sessions, we decided to develop an online<br />

content sharing platform for non-formal education.<br />

Within this tool we want to share educational<br />

content to use on the streets or within<br />

youth work. This content can be ours, but can<br />

also be uploaded by street educators or youth<br />

workers themselves, using a standardised<br />

wizard.<br />

inspiring to have street educators with us, as they<br />

bring other experience to the table. The coming<br />

months, we will start looking for a developer to<br />

create this online content sharing platform and<br />

follow-up with our partners. More news in 2019!<br />

IMPACT<br />

Improve preparation of outreach sessions for street educators<br />

The first transnational project meeting was<br />

organised to get to know the involved partners:<br />

Close cooperation with 2 <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners<br />

User requirements for the platform defined<br />

Vicky Konstantinidou, project manager<br />

from Ladies Union of Drama and Ady Craciun,<br />

coordinator of the local mobile school project<br />

from Salvati Copiii. We talked about the project,<br />

did some workshops on defining user<br />

requirements, evaluated different platforms<br />

which can serve as inspiration and tested a prototype<br />

150 of a wizard to input games. It was really<br />


#DuwMee <strong>•</strong> music for life campaign<br />

22/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Saskia Dieleman<br />

Robin Verhaeren (intern)<br />

Many volunteers<br />

SWZ <strong>•</strong> MS team<br />

Music for Life Campaign<br />

Wachtebeke / Belgium<br />

On 22 December <strong>2018</strong>, the <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> volunteers organised a fantastic<br />

sponsored walk: #DuwMee.<br />

For the sixth year in a row, friends, family and<br />

followers of our organisation came together to<br />

walk and raise funds for <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>. It has<br />

become a tradition to mobilise everyone in<br />

the context of Music For Life to participate in<br />

the ‘hottest’ walk of the year. #Duwmee<strong>2018</strong><br />

was (yet again) a very successful edition!<br />

People could choose between two walks;<br />

one starting from Brussels (70 km) and one<br />

from Sint-Niklaas (30 km). No less than 850<br />

people walked to Wachtebeke. Along the way<br />

they were kept warm by the surprise animations,<br />

the unique atmosphere, hot soup and<br />

heart-warming chats with the other walkers.<br />

Music For Life is organised by Studio Brussel,<br />

a Flemish radio station. Studio Brussel encourages<br />

people and organisations to raise funds<br />

for a charity of their choice. This year more than<br />

12,000 actions were set up for 1,986 different<br />

charities. The week before Christmas, Studio<br />

Brussel broadcasted live radio from the Provincial<br />

Domain Puyenbroeck in Wachtebeke,<br />

where they welcomed people who had participated<br />

in a fundraising activity, in a festival-like<br />

atmosphere.<br />

The #DuwMee climax was to end up on the Studio<br />

Brussel DJ’s’ podium and announce live on<br />

the radio how much money the <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

volunteers raised with this sponsored walk .<br />

On December 22nd at 7PM we all arrived in Puyenbroeck<br />

and to everybody’s surprise, the volunteers<br />

announced €51,500!<br />

A phenomenal amount that every walker and<br />

their network have contributed to. The euphoria<br />

was great but even greater was the confidence<br />

that the money will be invested in a good way, to<br />

support existing <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> projects and to<br />

start up new projects.<br />

#DuwMee is an important action for <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong>. During the campaign, we are actively<br />

in the picture, we bring our network together<br />

and we get the financial support and the trust<br />

to enable us to continue working on empowering<br />

street-connected children and street workers<br />

worldwide.<br />

IMPACT<br />

850 participants walked together, strengthening our network<br />

€51.500 raised for <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Live radio moment<br />

152 153

STREETWIZE CLIENTS <strong>2018</strong><br />

These clients bought workshops, experience-based programmes, inspirational talks or other services at <strong>StreetwiZe</strong>:<br />

154 155

MOBILE SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS <strong>2018</strong> OUR ACTIVE PARTNERS IN <strong>2018</strong>*<br />

Kenya Good Neighbors (Kenya, Nairobi) <strong>•</strong> since 2005<br />

Childhope (Philippines, Manila) <strong>•</strong> since 2006<br />

Meninos de Mozambique (Mozambique, Maputo) <strong>•</strong> since 2008<br />

Virlanie Foundation Inc. (Philippines, Manila) <strong>•</strong> since 2006<br />

Kivuko / Railway Children (Tanzania, Mwanza) <strong>•</strong> since 2011<br />

LEEDO (Bangladesh, Dhaka) <strong>•</strong> since 2015<br />

Retrak (Ethiopia, Hosanna) <strong>•</strong> since 2012<br />

EkTara (India, Kolkata) <strong>•</strong> since 2017<br />

Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Gondar) <strong>•</strong> since 2012<br />

Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Debark) <strong>•</strong> since 2016<br />

Glad’s House (Kenya, Mombasa) <strong>•</strong> since 2016<br />

COMPA Teatro Trono (Bolivia, El Alto) <strong>•</strong> since 2004<br />

Child Rescue Kenya (Kenya, Kitale) <strong>•</strong> since <strong>2018</strong><br />

IPTK (Boliva, Sucre) <strong>•</strong> since 2005<br />

Chisomo Children’s Club (Malawi, Lilongwe) <strong>•</strong> since <strong>2018</strong><br />

Comfacauca (Colombia, Popayán) <strong>•</strong> since 2005<br />

Mwema Children Centre (Tanzania, Karatu) <strong>•</strong> since <strong>2018</strong><br />

Fundación Comunitaria Montebello (Colombia, Cali) <strong>•</strong> since 2005<br />

Diamanta (Peru, Ayacucho) <strong>•</strong> since 2006<br />

COMPA Teatro Trono (Bolivia, Cochabamba) <strong>•</strong> since 2007<br />

Save the Children (Romania, Iasi) <strong>•</strong> since 2006<br />

Las Hormiguitas (Nicaragua, Matagalpa) <strong>•</strong> since 2008<br />

GPAS (Poland, Warsaw) <strong>•</strong> since 2006<br />

Fe y Alegría (Ecuador, Quito) <strong>•</strong> since 2009<br />

Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla (Poland, Krakau) <strong>•</strong> since 2008<br />

Fe y Alegría (Ecuador, Ibarra) <strong>•</strong> since 2011<br />

Jugendamt Stadt Düsseldorf (Germany, Düsseldorf) <strong>•</strong> since 2009<br />

ANNF / Proyecto Las Chavaladas (Nicaragua, León) <strong>•</strong> since 2012<br />

ARSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) <strong>•</strong> since 2009<br />

Alimentos para la Vida (Mexico, Querétaro) <strong>•</strong> since 2013<br />

PRAKSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) <strong>•</strong> since 2009<br />

ANNF / Proyecto Niños del Fortin (Nicaragua, León) <strong>•</strong> since 2014<br />

ARSIS (Albania, Tirana) <strong>•</strong> since 2011<br />

Fundación Los Cachorros (Peru, Ayacucho) <strong>•</strong> since 2016<br />

Center for Mission & Evangelism GPU UNO (Poland, Bytom) <strong>•</strong> since 2013<br />

Yolia Niñas de la Calle AC (Mexico, Mexico City) <strong>•</strong> since 2016<br />

ARSIS (Greece, Athens) <strong>•</strong> since 2015<br />

Generando Vida (Nicaragua, Managua) <strong>•</strong> since 2017<br />

Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro (Spain, Navarra) <strong>•</strong> since 2015<br />

Fundación Abriendo Puertas Paz y Bien (Bolivia, Cochabamba) <strong>•</strong> since <strong>2018</strong><br />

PRAKSIS (Greece, Patras) <strong>•</strong> since 2016<br />

Ladies Union of Drama (Greece, Drama) <strong>•</strong> since 2017<br />

*Some partners stopped the mobile school project or are currently not working<br />

156<br />


GTW Gliwice (Poland, Gliwice) <strong>•</strong> since <strong>2018</strong><br />

due to policital instability or other reasons. 157<br />

EUROPE<br />

AFRICA<br />

ASIA<br />


THANK YOU...<br />

...to our donors, for their valuable gifts, big<br />

or small, that allow us to support educational<br />

projects working with street-connected<br />

children and youth.<br />

...to the children, schools and organisations<br />

who raised funds for us and in doing so,<br />

inspired a lot of other people.<br />

...to the owners of our building for allowing<br />

us to grow as an organisation.<br />

...to our board of directors and investors<br />

for their advice, trust and support every year.<br />

...to our volunteers for their endless energy,<br />

creativity and trust in the organisation.<br />

...to our <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> clients for believing in<br />

our approach.<br />

...to our partners PSSB, Limeparts-<br />

Drooghmans and DHL Global Forwarding.<br />

The mobile school is produced at Munsterbilzen<br />

Provincial Secondary <strong>School</strong> (PSSB).<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and PSSB have made the<br />

clear and deliberate choice to have the<br />

schools produced by Flemish youth in<br />

a cross-border project that involves aspects<br />

of social global education, technical<br />

education and entrepreneurship.<br />

DHL Global Forwarding has been a partner<br />

and sponsor of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> for more than<br />

15 years. Over the years they have shipped<br />

95% of all mobile schools to the nearest international<br />

airport.<br />

...to the worldwide networks we are very<br />

honoured to be part of.<br />

...to community institution De Zande for<br />

partnering with us in our experience-based<br />

learning programmes.<br />

...to the organisations who give us strategic,<br />

legal and digital transformation support.<br />

...to the Tomorrowland Foundation and<br />

Synergie for the financial support.<br />

De Zande<br />

Gemeenschapsinstelling<br />

Bijzondere Jeugdbijstand<br />

...to the European Union and the province<br />

of Vlaams-Brabant for the subsidies involving<br />

the TECH4GOOD story and the capacity<br />

building of our Bolivian <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

partners.<br />

158 159<br />

With the support of the<br />

Erasmus+ Programme<br />

of the European Union

International Day for Street Children<br />

#WieIsJunieth Campaign<br />

12 April, Ghent<br />

Want to know more? Check out p. 78<br />


€ 44.749<br />

investment subsidies for StreetSmart<br />

€ 220.113<br />

general<br />

€ 898.366<br />

revenue from <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> clients<br />

€ 1,28 million<br />

€ 27.478<br />

other<br />

€ 559.604<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

€ 1,23 million<br />

€ 14.605<br />

financial<br />

€ 307.351<br />

gifts and campaigns<br />

€ 435.165<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

INCOME<br />

COSTS<br />

<strong>2018</strong>: 1 million euro was invested to improve the sustainable development of individuals, organisations and society, starting from the strengths of street-connected children.<br />

€ 1.000.000<br />

€ 900.000<br />


€ 800.000<br />

€ 700.000<br />

€ 600.000<br />

€ 500.000<br />

€ 400.000<br />

€ 300.000<br />

€ 200.000<br />

Since the launch<br />

of <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> in 2010,<br />

we realise an average annual<br />

growth of +20%.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> covers 73% of the total cost of the<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Group cvba-vso.<br />

Our goal is to raise this percentage to 83% in<br />

2021.<br />

€415.631,- of the total cost of <strong>StreetwiZe</strong><br />

is directly invested in personal, team and<br />

organisation development programmes for<br />

the clients.<br />

€ 100.000<br />

€ -<br />

201 0 201 1 201 2 201 3 201 4 201 5 201 6 201 7 201 8<br />

In <strong>2018</strong> <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> transferred 100% of its<br />

profits €173.226,- to <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />




<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> Group set the objective to double its social impact by 2021 (year of reference is 2014).<br />

By implementing StreetSmart (our digital strategy), we suspect a boost in<br />

our social impact in the coming years.<br />

74.481<br />

educational contacts with<br />

street-connected children<br />

3.672<br />

engaged people in awareness campaigns<br />


13.718<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> participants<br />

160<br />

140<br />

This was the last year we organised the Sidewalk Chalk<br />

Campaign in primary schools. The campaign was stopped<br />

to focus on growing the impact of <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> and the<br />

start-up of StreetSmart.<br />

4 5<br />

Our impact stagnated in <strong>2018</strong>. As 2017 was<br />

a surprisingly good year in terms of social<br />

impact for <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong>, this already reflected<br />

the growth forecast for <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

4<br />

11<br />

6<br />

9<br />

5<br />

11<br />

The average quality of contacts of the <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> partners increased with 7% in<br />

comparison with 2014.<br />

This calculation is based on an assessment of the<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> partners (see page 26).<br />








60<br />

40<br />

86<br />

98<br />

105<br />

130 128<br />

www.mobileschool.org <strong>•</strong> wwww.streetwiZe.be <strong>•</strong> www.streetsmarttech.eu<br />

20<br />

LEGEND<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> impact<br />

<strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> impact<br />

www.facebook.com/SWZMS<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

@SWZMS <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> @mobileschool<br />

@bestreetwiZe<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

0<br />

Volunteers & Campaigns impact<br />

162 IMPACT 2014 IMPACT 2015 IMPACT 2016 IMPACT 2017 IMPACT <strong>2018</strong><br />



+32(0)16200085<br />

info@mobileschool.org <strong>•</strong> info@streetwize.be

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