Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School

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Purpose or meaning exists when people have legitimate goalsand when they feel personally<br />

empowered to have impact regarding those goals. Goals they consider righteous,<br />

important and valuable. Goals that fit within their set of values and beliefs.<br />

Finding purpose comes with having a clear sense of self: the way a person thinks about<br />

and views his or her traits, beliefs and purpose in the world. Being conscious about who<br />

we are, what values we treasure and what we stand for is key.<br />

In today’s rapidly changing and challenging society with tremendous amounts of opportunities<br />

and threats, we should strive for that solid foundation of sense of self within our<br />

teams. It brings stability and certainty in an uncertain context. It generates engagement<br />

and develops an inner climate that nourishes entrepreneurship and innovation.<br />

I am very grateful to work with colleagues who embody these concepts. Scaling our<br />

impact together is a continuous balancing act in which self-reflection and discussion are<br />

important ingredients. I want to take this opportunity to express my most sincere gratitude<br />

to my colleagues. They are the ones that make it happen, being their authentic<br />

selves, pushing projects, challenging strategies and creating opportunities.<br />

I’m blessed to work with these fantastic people and hope we can continue our journey to<br />

further explore new strategies to build a sustainable future for people, organisations and<br />

society.<br />

While flicking through our annual report, I hope you’ll enjoy some of the great stuff our<br />

team realised together with many other important stakeholders.<br />

Best regards,<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

For any corrigenda found subsequent to printing, please visit our website at www.mobileschool.org/annualreport<br />

© <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> <strong>•</strong> <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong> June 2019<br />

FRONT COVER: Children on the Kibarani dumpsite in the Kenyan port city of Mombasa exploring educational games during a mobile school intervention with local partner Glad’s House.<br />

BACK COVER: Street workers of local partner Glad’s House leaving the Kibarani dumpsite in Mombasa after a creative intervention with the mobile school.<br />

© Sander Degeling (July 2016)<br />


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