Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School

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StreetSmart <strong>•</strong> alpha test version<br />

01/09/2017 <strong>•</strong> 30/09/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Wim Depickere<br />

Lies De Vocht<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Rob Sweldens<br />

Hans Dreesen<br />

Launch beta version<br />

Leuven / Belgium<br />

During the summer of <strong>2018</strong>, the minimum viable<br />

product (MVP) of StreetSmart was ready<br />

for the first release, the alpha version. The alpha<br />

version was made available only for internal<br />

testing and for testing at our partners. The<br />

goal of this step was to make StreetSmart ready<br />

for the public launch, the beta version.<br />

StreetSmart is a tool to support street and<br />

youth workers around the world in their work.<br />

StreetSmart allows them to improve their activity<br />

reporting, case management and most importantly,<br />

to monitor the self-esteem evolution<br />

of the children they’re working with.<br />

StreetSmart has been developed by <strong>Mobile</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> with the indispensable support of Share.<br />

IT and the Erasmus+ programme. Through Accenture<br />

Paris, Share.IT provided over 200 days<br />

of their IT development team to code the application.<br />

The Erasmus+ programme, on the other<br />

hand, allowed us to involve 3 <strong>Mobile</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

partners in Poland and Greece, who supported<br />

us with the user testing, feedback, setting up<br />

the user requirements and with the further<br />

investigation of the user needs in a research<br />

report.<br />

In the last months, together with the developers<br />

of Accenture, the StreetSmart application<br />

was debugged and the last developments were<br />

finished. Next to the technical work, all legal documents<br />

were prepared. Finally, the first commercial<br />

and user support videos and documents are<br />

ready to support our partners as well as possible.<br />

Almost set for the real launch...<br />

IMPACT<br />

Beta version of StreetSmart ready for launch<br />

First line of user support videos<br />

Legal documentation<br />

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