Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School

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davidsfonds <strong>•</strong> traditions and rejuvenation<br />

14/10/2017 <strong>•</strong> 23/06/<strong>2018</strong><br />

Tessa Goossens<br />

Hans Lamberts<br />

Arnoud Raskin<br />

Davidsfonds<br />

Flanders / Belgium<br />

With more than 40.000 members, Davidsfonds<br />

organises ten thousands of cultural activities<br />

with love for history, heritage, language<br />

and art in Flanders and Brussels every year.<br />

Despite their relatively high number of<br />

members, Davidsfonds felt a strong decline in<br />

their members throughout the years (in 2000<br />

they had +/- 80.000 members) and in the long<br />

run they even feared for their existence because<br />

of the litteral ‘extinction’ of their organisation<br />

(high average age and a lack of rejuvenation).<br />

That is why, as a socio-cultural network they rang<br />

the alarmbel and wanted to start a new era of<br />

innovation across the entire network.<br />

<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> guided this process of alignment<br />

and co-creation and tried to give every stakeholder<br />

an opportunity for participation and a<br />

voice in this ambitious project.<br />

Ambassadors were trained to represent the new<br />

mission through 20 anchoring days spread<br />

across Flanders and Brussels. An ambitious project<br />

that led to a new mission and vision co-created<br />

with hundreds of volunteers.<br />

The next step is combining all the input of the<br />

widespread volunteers into the ‘inspiratiewijzer’<br />

(‘inspiration pointer’) and creating an attractive<br />

internal and external communication strategy .<br />

Davidsfonds is on the road for 2025!<br />

IMPACT<br />

Creation of co-ownership with the volunteers<br />

We started in October 2017 with an inspiring<br />

keynote by Arnoud which was the starting point<br />

of a trajectory that will run for over a year. After<br />

this keynote it was time to put the Davidsfonds<br />

employees, board members and volunteers<br />

at work. We created a new mission and vision<br />

with a steering committee that captured ideas<br />

and concerns among the members, based on<br />

hundreds of conversations.<br />

Over 500 participants in trainings and keynote<br />

Introduction of a bottom-up approach<br />

Sharpened mission and vision for Davidsfonds<br />

Training of ambassadors<br />

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