Impact Report 2018 StreetwiZe • Mobile School
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profesSionalisinG THE STREETWIZE BACK OFFICE<br />
01/01/<strong>2018</strong> <strong>•</strong> 31/12/<strong>2018</strong><br />
Kim Swyngedouw<br />
Joyce van Eijndt<br />
Ine Stessens<br />
<strong>StreetwiZe</strong> clients<br />
Leuven / Belgium<br />
Part of growing as an organisation, in numbers<br />
as well as in maturity, means professionalising<br />
your back office.<br />
The challenge for us is to do this while keeping<br />
administration to a minimum and - by all<br />
means - without upsetting our customers.<br />
We optimised sales and after sales processes:<br />
we centralised administration, streamlined<br />
internally while keeping it all lean. The backoffice<br />
now produces all work orders and carefully<br />
follows up until signature. Our customers<br />
receive a summary of all evaluations and a<br />
wrap-up of the session to share with the participants.<br />
In <strong>2018</strong> we also set out the goal to create a new<br />
Salesforce environment. The old environment<br />
needed such a large ‘make-over’ and clean-up<br />
that we decided to start an entirely new one.<br />
Another improvement was the creation of an onboarding<br />
document for new <strong>StreetwiZe</strong> trainers.<br />
Among other things it contains a ‘who is who’<br />
and a step-by-step plan to guide new trainers<br />
from gradually immersing themselves in the<br />
workshop content to eventually performing<br />
workshops by themselves.<br />
IMPACT<br />
Customer delight & satisfaction<br />
Instant, detailed and accurate data output<br />
We took advantage of the opportunity to create<br />
new page lay-outs, more apt to what we do and<br />
New trainer support<br />
designed with a focus on output. We will update<br />
fields and rethink ‘input convenience’. All<br />
will serve the necessary outcome: reports and<br />
dashboards that give us performance and impact<br />
figures at a glance. The project had some<br />
delays, so we will continue building this new<br />
environment all through 2019.<br />
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