2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor
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Waterfalls, Rivers & lakes<br />
3 Santanoni Preserve Trait <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Old ‘Farm<br />
Walk (2 miles RT, easy) Take <strong>the</strong> firSt mile of<br />
<strong>the</strong> old Santanoni Road from <strong>the</strong> Gatehouse<br />
<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> farm and you will see <strong>the</strong> old cow barn,<br />
creamery and spring house.<br />
4 Calamity Brook <strong>to</strong> Flowed land (9.4 miles<br />
RT, moderate)<br />
This is an interesting route with ponds,<br />
brooks and a monument. Extend your outing by<br />
exploring <strong>the</strong> area around Flowed land.<br />
5 Santanoni Preserve Trail <strong>to</strong> Newcomb<br />
Lakes (10 miles RT, easy) Follow <strong>the</strong> gravel<br />
road from <strong>the</strong> gate house <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> “Great Camp<br />
Santanoni.”<br />
6 Bear Pond loop (moderate) This bluemarked<br />
trail makes a loop with <strong>the</strong> Rock Pond<br />
- Clear, Pond Trail from Heart Pond <strong>to</strong> Bear<br />
Pond and back <strong>to</strong> Rock Pond. It is 1.0 mile from<br />
Heart Pond <strong>to</strong> Bear Pond and l.5”miles from<br />
Rock Pond <strong>to</strong> Bear Pond.<br />
7 Grizzle Ocean (5 miles RT, easy, entrance<br />
fee <strong>to</strong> state campground) Walk <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> lean-<strong>to</strong> on<br />
this picturesque pond and explore its shores on<br />
<strong>the</strong> trail that circles <strong>the</strong> pond.<br />
8 Moose Mtn. Pond (6 miles RT, easy) The<br />
trail <strong>to</strong> this remote pond parallels a. stream and<br />
marsh, and passes th rough a grove of large<br />
hemlocks and pines. There are great views of<br />
<strong>the</strong> pond and surrounding mountains from a<br />
ledge at <strong>the</strong> pond’s edge. A side trail leads <strong>to</strong><br />
Bass Lake (l.4 miles RT) which has rock, ledges,<br />
cliffs and great fishing in its deep, cold, water.<br />
9 Crane Pond via Blue Hill (6.2 miles RT,<br />
moderate) This is an interesting walk through<br />
an old growth forest <strong>to</strong> a nice picnic spot and<br />
pond.<br />
10 Pharaoh lake Trail The new trail head<br />
on Pharaoh Road, which heads northward from<br />
Beaver Pond Road, is 1.0 mile south at <strong>the</strong> old<br />
trail head at Mill Brook. The Pharaoh lake outlet<br />
is 3.4 miles from <strong>the</strong> new, trail head. The<br />
trail <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> take, which is an old road, is marked<br />
and maintained as a horse trail. Ano<strong>the</strong>r horse<br />
traM begins near <strong>the</strong> village of Adirondack and’<br />
leads north, <strong>the</strong>n east for 7.4 miles before intersecting<br />
<strong>the</strong> Pharaoh Lake Trail just south of<br />
<strong>the</strong> Pharaoh Lake outlet. The trail along <strong>the</strong> east<br />
shore o( Pharaoh Lake begins at <strong>the</strong> outlet and<br />
is marked with yellow trail markers.<br />
The trail offers many fine views of <strong>the</strong> lake<br />
and Pharaoh Mountain. It intersects <strong>the</strong> long<br />
Swing Trail at <strong>the</strong> north end of <strong>the</strong> lake, 2.3<br />
miles from <strong>the</strong> outlet dam. The west shore trail,<br />
marked in yellow and red, passes three lean-<strong>to</strong>s<br />
within <strong>the</strong> first mile. The summit of Pharaoh<br />
Mountain is reached 3.2 miles from <strong>the</strong> outlet<br />
dam.<br />
11 Boreas River–Hewitt Eddy (2.4 miles<br />
RT, easy) This is a level walk along <strong>the</strong> turbulent<br />
Boreas River <strong>to</strong> a wide, quiet eddy and<br />
picnic spot.<br />
12 Blue Ledge (5 miles RT, easy) Enjoy<br />
a rare riverside view of <strong>the</strong> turbulent Hudson<br />
River Gorge near a horseshoe bend where, on<br />
<strong>the</strong> opposite shore, an impressive 300-foot cliff<br />
drops precipi<strong>to</strong>usly <strong>to</strong> an unusually calm section<br />
of <strong>the</strong> river. The trail in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> river is delightful<br />
and lined with wildflowers in <strong>the</strong> spring.<br />
13 Cheney Pond-Lester Flow (5.2 miles RT,<br />
easy) The grassy lane of an old road leads <strong>to</strong><br />
panoramic views in almost every direction at<br />
Lester Flow ‘which is also a good waterfowl<br />
viewing area.<br />
14 Hewitt Pond-S<strong>to</strong>ny Pond 16 miles, moderate,<br />
2 cars needed) This trail traverses rough<br />
and interesting terrain as it winds through a<br />
deep col and beside several lakes.<br />
15 Hoffman Notch Traverse (7.6 miles,<br />
moderate, 1 cars needed) An old wagon route<br />
leads through this remote and little-traveled<br />
mountain Pass and dense forest. You’ll pass<br />
huge trees, glacial erratics, <strong>20</strong>0 foot cliffs, fern<br />
meadows, cascading streams, several marshes<br />
and excellent views across <strong>the</strong> waters of Big<br />
Marsh.<br />
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