2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

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The Dean Farm Trails –<br />

With <strong>the</strong> support of Warren County Department of Planning and<br />

Community Development Direc<strong>to</strong>r Wayne LaMo<strong>the</strong>, <strong>to</strong>wns such as<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek have been able <strong>to</strong> secure funding <strong>to</strong> create infrastructure<br />

projects that help promote <strong>the</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>urists.<br />

Visi<strong>to</strong>rs will find<br />

that S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek has<br />

created a trail system<br />

around <strong>the</strong> Dean<br />

Homestead Museum at<br />

4 Murray Road. In <strong>the</strong><br />

1990’s about 8 acres of<br />

<strong>the</strong> old Dean farm on<br />

<strong>the</strong> west side of Murray<br />

Road (creek side) was<br />

bequea<strong>the</strong>d <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek His<strong>to</strong>rical Association <strong>to</strong> be a museum,<br />

and 217 acres on <strong>the</strong> east and west side of <strong>the</strong> road was bequea<strong>the</strong>d<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> SUNY-ESF Foundation by David and Edyth Haskell. Edyth<br />

Haskell was a direct descendant of Francis J. Dean.<br />

Phase 1 was <strong>the</strong> establishment of a 1.3 mile ADA compliant trail<br />

around <strong>the</strong> museum and along <strong>the</strong> creek. Phase 2, located on <strong>the</strong> east<br />

side of Murray Road on <strong>the</strong> SUNY ESF Foundation property are approximately<br />

4 miles of more rugged hiking trails. Phase 1 and 2 are<br />

largely complete with amenities and interest points <strong>to</strong> be added as time<br />

goes on. It will continue <strong>to</strong> be a work in progress.<br />

The <strong>to</strong>wn has completed a third phase of this project with <strong>the</strong><br />

purchase of 8 acres of property at 13 Lanfear Road. This property is<br />

directly across <strong>the</strong> road from <strong>the</strong> Dean Homestead Museum. This enables<br />

continuation of <strong>the</strong> Dean trail system with <strong>the</strong> intent of a connection<br />

<strong>to</strong> Creek Center. The property also sits adjacent <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn’s<br />

current park, Green Meadows. The <strong>to</strong>wn has added ano<strong>the</strong>r section of<br />

trail at 13 Lanfear directly across from <strong>the</strong> Dean Homestead Museum.<br />

This trail makes a loop around <strong>the</strong> meadow with <strong>the</strong> intent <strong>to</strong> connect<br />

<strong>to</strong> Creek Center. The house at 13 Lanfear will house offices for <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong>wn his<strong>to</strong>rian and <strong>the</strong> Chamber of Commerce. On June 1, <strong><strong>20</strong>19</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Town His<strong>to</strong>rian, Cynthia Cameron, with <strong>the</strong> help of <strong>the</strong> Warren County<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rian, Stan Cianfarano, sponsored <strong>the</strong> 1st Annual “O<strong>the</strong>r Side of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Creek” his<strong>to</strong>ry event. The <strong>to</strong>wn’s youth planner, Casey Beal, has<br />

created a Community Youth Garden in <strong>the</strong> back yard and is busily<br />

adding features and plants <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> garden. A pedestrian bridge is in <strong>the</strong><br />

design phase <strong>to</strong> connect <strong>the</strong> Green Meadows park with 13 Lanfear<br />

Road property and Dean Trails.<br />

Discussion and planning on o<strong>the</strong>r uses of this property are ongoing,<br />

and include overflow parking for large events such as <strong>the</strong> annual<br />

Mountain Days Festival, a library/community center that will accommodate<br />

large and small groups of people for a multitude of uses, such as<br />

plays, concerts, arts and crafts workshops, conferences, book signings,<br />

nature programs, creek side water ecology, gardens and greenhouses,<br />

and possibility a museum depicting <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn’s his<strong>to</strong>ry of logging and<br />

tanneries. The goal is <strong>to</strong> create a destination that attracts visi<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> our<br />

area and <strong>the</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>Wilderness</strong> <strong>Corridor</strong> and provides <strong>the</strong>m with activities<br />

<strong>to</strong> do and things <strong>to</strong> see. The more people that visit, <strong>the</strong> more opportunities<br />

expand for businesses <strong>to</strong> offer services and products, making<br />

for a memorable experience people will want <strong>to</strong> repeat.<br />



www.S<strong>to</strong>nyCreekInn.net<br />

<br />

518-696-2394 <br />

Restaurant - Bar - Hotel<br />

Daily Full Menu Includes:<br />

Lite Fare • Seafood • Steaks • Prime Rib • Surf n’ Turf<br />

Saturdays:<br />

Soup or salad<br />

A HOT LITTLE ROAD HOUSE included with dinner<br />

Sundays: Mexican Menu 5-10 pm<br />

Top Bands, Jazz, Blues, Rock & Country<br />

Summer ~ FridayS 7 pm & every Sunday 7 pm<br />

OpeN MAY thru NOVeMBer<br />

Only <strong>20</strong> min. from Lake George, 15 min. from Warrensburg,<br />

25 min. from North Creek and 30 min from Glens Falls<br />

29<br />

Weekly Specials<br />

Thursdays – Open at 4pm:<br />

$5 & $10 Menu<br />

Fridays: 2 for $36 Dinners<br />

NY Strip/Prime Rib/<br />

Surf & Turf<br />

Closed Mon, Tue & Wed • Open Thurs at 4pm • Fri–Sun Open at Noon<br />

Reach our advertisers at:<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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