2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!


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30<br />

Live Music Every Saturday with Creekside BBQ 2–6<br />

ARTirondacks Gallery Shop & Studio<br />

New endeavor in S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek!<br />

Open Daily at 12 Noon Year Round<br />

$5 Small Plates • Daily Lunch & Dinner & Drink Specials<br />

Full Menu on Weekends • Black & Tan Room<br />

Private Creekside Dining Open Fri., Sat. & Sun. @ 5pm<br />

(518) 696-5949<br />

Reservations Greatly Appreciated<br />

16 Warrensburg Rd.<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek, NY<br />

Town of S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek<br />

Music in <strong>the</strong> Park <strong><strong>20</strong>19</strong><br />

FREE Concerts at <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek Town Park<br />

every Tuesday night at 7:00pm<br />

July 3rd – August 28th, <strong><strong>20</strong>19</strong><br />

Rain or Shine • Bring a Lawn Chair<br />

For more information, please contact Hank So<strong>to</strong> at 518-696-3379<br />

7/2 Randy Rollman<br />

7/9 The S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek Band<br />

7/16 Professor Louis & <strong>the</strong> Crowmatix<br />

7/23 Bluebillies<br />

7/30 Mulebone<br />

8/6 Capt. Squeeze &<br />

The Zydeco Moshers<br />

8/13 Circle of Willis<br />

8/<strong>20</strong> Lustre Kings<br />

8/27 Smokey Greene & The<br />

Greene Bro<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

Reach our advertisers at:<br />

A few years ago <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek Free Library (SCFL) acquired<br />

<strong>the</strong> neighboring his<strong>to</strong>ric Methodist Episcopal Church located<br />

at 33 Harrisburg Road in S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek, New York. Although<br />

original plans <strong>to</strong> relocate <strong>the</strong> library fell through, a great new venture<br />

is underway. Building on <strong>the</strong> passion for a strong community<br />

and love of <strong>the</strong> arts that previous members worked hard <strong>to</strong> create<br />

and grow, <strong>the</strong> Library is taking steps <strong>to</strong> transform <strong>the</strong> “Church”<br />

space in<strong>to</strong> an artist hub for locals and visi<strong>to</strong>rs alike as <strong>the</strong> new<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek Free Library’s ARTirondacks Gallery/Shop/Studio!<br />

In February of <strong>20</strong>18 <strong>the</strong><br />

SCFL approved an Art Direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

position <strong>to</strong> initiate <strong>the</strong> transformation<br />

of <strong>the</strong> building and<br />

manage <strong>the</strong> future scheduling of<br />

artists and events at this new location.<br />

The immediate plan is <strong>to</strong><br />

get <strong>the</strong> Main Floor of <strong>the</strong> building<br />

ready <strong>to</strong> open <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> public<br />

as a seasonal Gallery/Shop/Studio,<br />

extending <strong>to</strong> encompass <strong>the</strong><br />

entire building yearlong as time moves forward <strong>to</strong> have a space<br />

for all in support of practicing, viewing, and purchasing art, both<br />

from local and visiting artists.<br />

This summer <strong>the</strong> SCFL will focus on opening its doors for<br />

Open Studio hours and volunteer efforts. As time moves forward,<br />

and support and funding grows <strong>the</strong> Library plans <strong>to</strong> move <strong>the</strong> Studio<br />

space downstairs and <strong>to</strong> expand <strong>the</strong> Shop and Gallery <strong>to</strong> fill<br />

all of <strong>the</strong> Main Floor. A positive meeting with <strong>the</strong> Building and<br />

Electrical Inspec<strong>to</strong>rs has pushed this project forward at a faster<br />

pace than originally anticipated, and <strong>the</strong> Library is entertaining a<br />

light Summer Opening. Serving as s<strong>to</strong>rage for <strong>the</strong> Library’s annual<br />

Book Sale for <strong>the</strong> last few years, a plethora of literature is<br />

ironically <strong>the</strong> greatest obstacle at <strong>the</strong> moment. Until <strong>the</strong> books and<br />

pews can be purchased/<br />

rehoused setting up <strong>the</strong><br />

Shop space will most<br />

likely have <strong>to</strong> wait until<br />

next Spring.<br />

To ensure <strong>the</strong> project<br />

is moving forward work<br />

will begin soon on rewiring<br />

<strong>to</strong> accommodate<br />

future electrical needs<br />

and applying a fresh coat of paint <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> walls. A careful effort<br />

is being made <strong>to</strong> maintaining <strong>the</strong> original beauty of <strong>the</strong> building<br />

and scaling back alterations <strong>to</strong> focus on just <strong>the</strong> necessities at this<br />

time. The his<strong>to</strong>rical status of this building allowed <strong>the</strong> plan <strong>to</strong> be<br />

streamlined as some projects did not need <strong>to</strong> be immediately addressed<br />

for <strong>the</strong> building <strong>to</strong> be open <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> public.<br />

Like and Follow “S<strong>to</strong>ny Creek Free Library’s ARTirondacks”<br />

on Facebook. Local artists and those interested in volunteering are<br />

also asked <strong>to</strong> contact Casey Beal- SCFL Art Direc<strong>to</strong>r at artdirec<strong>to</strong>r.scfl@mail.com<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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