2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!


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32<br />

Thurman – Cultivating its<br />

Rural <strong>Heritage</strong><br />

Thurman has forever romanced her land and waterways. Hardy settlers<br />

cleared thick forests <strong>to</strong> create pastures, build homes and grow<br />

crops. They harnessed creeks <strong>to</strong> power mills for grinding grains or<br />

sawing lumber. The woods also offered wild game and maple sap,<br />

while streams and rivers supplied fresh water, fish, furs and transportation.<br />

Today, many in Thurman still seek sustenance from nature’s<br />

abundance, by heating with wood, and hunting. fishing or farming <strong>to</strong><br />

fill freezers and pantries. Many sell <strong>the</strong>ir goods, both at area farmers’<br />

markets and from home garden<br />

stands.<br />

Some, like our internationally acclaimed<br />

goat cheese farm and many<br />

of our maple producers, establish<br />

websites for online orders. Thurman<br />

boasts <strong>the</strong> four largest commercial<br />

maple producers in Warren County,<br />

along with a number of smaller and<br />

growing operations. Their list of delectable<br />

products is exceeded only by<br />

<strong>the</strong>se farmers’ desire <strong>to</strong> innovate and increase <strong>the</strong>ir offerings. When<br />

you visit, look for more than pure maple syrup. The menu of possibilities<br />

includes exotic choices, such as bourbon-flavored maple syrup,<br />

maple cot<strong>to</strong>n candy, maple cream bonbons, maple raspberry cream,<br />

maple brittle, maple glazed nuts—<strong>the</strong> stuff dreams are made of.<br />

At Thurman’s free annual farm events you’ll find animal encounters,<br />

demonstrations, <strong>to</strong>urs, talks and walks, along with such activities<br />

as product sampling, wagon rides <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> sugar bush and a pancake<br />

breakfast. Maple farms starring in our local events are Adirondack<br />

Gold, Valley Road, Mud St. Maple, Hidden Hollow, and Toad Hill—<br />

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each with its own special way of welcoming you <strong>to</strong> Thurman’s maple<br />

tradition.<br />

This passion <strong>to</strong> produce wholesome food has fueled many in Thurman<br />

over recent decades. Since <strong>20</strong>05, Nettle Meadow, a 50-acre farm<br />

has been expanding its herd, its facility and its product line of internationally-acclaimed<br />

gourmet cheeses made from sheep, goat and cow<br />

milk. Two local farms are producing sought-after products. Whitefields<br />

offer all-natural turkeys, eggs and garden goods, and Blackberry<br />

Hill markets with certified organic vegetables, breads and herbs, poultry<br />

and non-GMO pork. Ready <strong>to</strong> jump on board soon will be Pink<br />

Rose Farm.<br />

Many in <strong>to</strong>wn work in logging, now with increased attention <strong>to</strong> sustainability<br />

of this valuable resource,<br />

a trend exemplified at explained at<br />

<strong>the</strong> annual Martin’s Lumber Woods<br />

Walk & Artisan Market, held on <strong>the</strong><br />

first Saturday of June. During Woods<br />

Walk and Fall Farm Tour, you’ll find<br />

not only an array of artisans in and<br />

around a new traditional Dutch barn,<br />

but also guided walks <strong>to</strong> learn about<br />

sustainability of forests, about edible<br />

and medicinal wild plants, and about<br />

mushrooms, even learning how<br />

<strong>to</strong> inoculate logs with mushroom<br />

spores or dowse for water.<br />

Visit our farms in March for Maple Days, Saturday of Columbus<br />

Day weekend for <strong>the</strong> Thurman Fall Farm Tour with its quilt show, artisan<br />

market and many farm open houses. Visit at o<strong>the</strong>r times by chance<br />

or (recommended) by appointment.<br />

Come spend <strong>the</strong> night at The Glen Lodge, our riverside B&B. You<br />

continued on page 54<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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