2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!

A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!


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38<br />

<strong>20</strong>15-<strong><strong>20</strong>19</strong><br />

Owners Jim and Frances Rucker and <strong>the</strong>ir staff<br />

welcome you <strong>to</strong> Garnet Hill Lodge, offering <strong>the</strong> ultimate<br />

in Adirondack backdrops for your wedding<br />

day. As a four-season destination resort, overlooking<br />

pristine 13th Lake and <strong>the</strong> majestic Adirondack<br />

mountains, a wedding at Garnet Hill is perfectly<br />

breathtaking in any season. “Our his<strong>to</strong>ric Adirondack<br />

Lodge is <strong>the</strong> perfect rustic yet elegant setting<br />

for your desired dinner or reception service. The<br />

beautiful vistas and stunning wilderness surrounding<br />

Garnet Hill Lodge will create memories for you and your<br />

guests that will last a lifetime.” States Jim Rucker. Garnet Hill<br />

Lodge offers you <strong>the</strong> best in hospitality, activities, and service for<br />

your destination wedding! You will find twenty-five rooms that<br />

comfortably accommodate<br />

two <strong>to</strong> four people each and<br />

on-site activities from spring<br />

through fall include hiking,<br />

mountain biking, kayaking,<br />

and canoeing. Our Adventure<br />

Center activities can be<br />

arranged for many interests<br />

in <strong>the</strong> area including museums, rail bike trips, whitewater rafting,<br />

etc. On-site winter activities include use of our 55k of Nordic<br />

ski trails and snowshoe trails. Whatever <strong>the</strong> season, Garnet Hill<br />

Lodge envelopes you in a relaxed and free mountain lifestyle. It<br />

is a refuge from <strong>the</strong> pace and pressure of everyday life, relax and<br />

unwind enjoying life lived on simpler terms. Start your search<br />

www.Garnet-Hill.com<br />

Reach our advertisers at:<br />

Weddings at Gore! Start your adventure <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adirondacks</strong>! Gore Mountain is a<br />

perfect venue for wedding ceremonies, receptions,<br />

rehearsal dinners, and vow renewals. Pair a scenic<br />

mountain<strong>to</strong>p ceremony <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r with professionally<br />

catered receptions <strong>to</strong> create a memorable<br />

experience for all your guests. The 8-passenger<br />

Northwoods Gondola is wheelchair accessibleyour<br />

entire group of family and friends can easily<br />

share in your experience. Exchange vows at <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong>p of “Fairview,” an appropriately named trail with an impressive<br />

Adirondack vista. Ceremonies at Gore can be planned simply<br />

and quickly, or lavishly and years in advance. Gore’s brand-new<br />

Tannery Room banquet space can hold up <strong>to</strong> 260 guests and our<br />

exclusive catering team can provide a <strong>to</strong>p-notch plated buffet<br />

or family-style dinners. The Tannery features a wooden panel<br />

wall, large airy windows, air conditioning, its own bar, a large<br />

hardwood dance floor, and plenty of space for your guests, decorations,<br />

and festivities. Receptions can also be held at our midmountain<br />

Saddle Lodge, or on <strong>the</strong> Base Area lawn with a tent.<br />

Whatever your wedding<br />

vision- Gore Mountain is<br />

ready <strong>to</strong> help host your<br />

unforgettable day. We<br />

can’t wait <strong>to</strong> start planning<br />

with you. Contact<br />

our Sales Office at (518)<br />

251-2411, extension 1122<br />

<strong>to</strong> book your date!<br />

ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com

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