2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor
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TOWN OF CHESTER – Come & Settle In<br />
The Town of Chester,<br />
just <strong>20</strong> minutes north<br />
of Lake George (Northway<br />
exits 25 & 26), offers a<br />
glimpse of <strong>the</strong> simple<br />
life. Beautiful lakes, small<br />
<strong>to</strong>wns, unique shopping<br />
and dining, and <strong>Sou<strong>the</strong>rn</strong><br />
Adirondack style are in<br />
abundance.<br />
Hike <strong>the</strong> Chester<br />
Challenge, comprised of<br />
ten local, scenic hiking<br />
and nature trails through<br />
wetlands and nearby<br />
mountains. All skill levels<br />
are welcome. The yearround<br />
trails are great for<br />
snowshoeing as well as a<br />
simple walk in <strong>the</strong> woods<br />
and traditional hiking.<br />
Thousands of people have<br />
already earned <strong>the</strong> Chester<br />
Challenge patch and pin.<br />
Sign in at <strong>the</strong> Chamber<br />
Building on Route 8 at<br />
Dynamite Hill.<br />
A perennial bevy of events<br />
are maintained by various<br />
organizations. Bring<br />
your dog <strong>to</strong> Woofs<strong>to</strong>ck in<br />
June; taste fare from local<br />
restaurants at November’s<br />
Taste of <strong>the</strong> Tri-Lakes; <strong>the</strong><br />
Krazy Downhill Derby<br />
is a signature event in<br />
February; classic car shows,<br />
farmers’ markets, live<br />
performances at <strong>the</strong> Carol<br />
Theater, and fireworks<br />
occur throughout <strong>the</strong><br />
summer months and in<strong>to</strong><br />
fall (July/August).<br />
Chester<strong>to</strong>wn Farmer’s Market every Wednesday throughout <strong>the</strong><br />
summer months on <strong>the</strong> lawn of <strong>the</strong> Chester Municipal Center<br />
Courtesy of Nancy Austin<br />
Riding at Circle B Ranch<br />
<strong>to</strong>wnofchesterny.org<br />
Courtesy of Nancy Austin<br />
Kayaker on <strong>the</strong><br />
Schroon River<br />
Courtesy of Nancy Austin<br />
View from Kipp Mountain overlooking Loon Lake<br />
Courtesy of Nancy Austin<br />
Do you have a dream and<br />
determination? Then you are<br />
invited <strong>to</strong> come see what <strong>the</strong><br />
Town of Chester has <strong>to</strong> make it<br />
come true.<br />
We are a community of<br />
doers – craftsmen, entrepreneurs,<br />
professionals, artists, contrac<strong>to</strong>rs,<br />
and more. We have chosen <strong>to</strong><br />
live and work here because of <strong>the</strong><br />
people and <strong>the</strong> place. It works<br />
for us.<br />
Easy <strong>to</strong> access <strong>to</strong> & from Vermont<br />
or Buffalo, Montreal or NYC,<br />
<strong>the</strong> location suits many business<br />
needs. We have available<br />
commercial space in our active<br />
hamlets, approved industrial<br />
sites, power, municipal water, and<br />
broadband.<br />
Housing can be convenient or<br />
remote, depending on your wants.<br />
Schools are <strong>to</strong>p notch. Goods<br />
and services are readily available.<br />
Rivers and lakes, fields and forests,<br />
mountains and valleys make <strong>the</strong><br />
landscape rich and year-round<br />
recreation close at hand. It’s all<br />
you need, all nearby.<br />
We value our quality of life, we<br />
appreciate what we have, we are<br />
proud of who we are, and we work<br />
hard <strong>to</strong> make it better. We would<br />
love for you <strong>to</strong> come and see if<br />
Chester is a place for you. This<br />
could be <strong>the</strong> place you have been<br />
looking for.<br />
Look forward <strong>to</strong> seeing you!<br />
Craig Leggett, Supervisor<br />
For more information contact<br />
me at<br />
supervisor@<strong>to</strong>wnofchesterny.org<br />
Or <strong>the</strong> Chamber of Commerce at:<br />
www.northwarren.com<br />
North Warren Chamber of Commerce<br />
PO Box 490<br />
3 Dynamite Hill<br />
Chester<strong>to</strong>wn, NY 12817<br />
Telephone: (518) 494-2722<br />
Chester Municipal Center<br />
6307 State Route 9<br />
PO Box 423<br />
Chester<strong>to</strong>wn, New York 12817<br />
Telephone: (518) 494-2711<br />
Town Supervisor: Craig Leggett<br />
Reach our advertisers at:<br />
ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com