2019-20 Southern Adirondacks Guide to the First Wilderness Heritage Corridor
A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!
A guide to everything Adirondacks! Dining, Lodging, Activities, Entertainment and so much more!
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50<br />
NEW FOR <strong><strong>20</strong>19</strong>: Wine & Beer Available for On-Premise Dining<br />
YMCA Adirondack Center<br />
Our signature programs We also impact our community<br />
include our summer reading with our Y Achievers program<br />
program No More Learning that is offered <strong>to</strong> students in<br />
Gap, that runs six weeks for grades 6 th -10 th grade, after<br />
students entering 1 st - 3 rd school and provides a safe<br />
grade. The goal is <strong>to</strong> build environment for tweens and<br />
better readers and prevent teens <strong>to</strong> be with friends while<br />
<strong>the</strong> loss of reading skills participating in STEAM and a<br />
over <strong>the</strong> summer.<br />
variety of o<strong>the</strong>r activities.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> Y, we believe that no one should be turned<br />
away due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> inability <strong>to</strong> pay. Financial assistance<br />
applications are available at <strong>the</strong> center and are granted<br />
on eligibility and available resources.<br />
518.494.4422 | glensfallsymca.org/adkprograms<br />
146 Tannery Road, Brant Lake, NY 12815<br />
Hours: Sun.-Thu.: 7:00 am-6:00 pm<br />
Fri. & Sat.: 7:00 am-8:00 pm<br />
New: Dinners-<strong>to</strong>-Go<br />
Pizza Available<br />
after 4:00 pm<br />
THE AREA!<br />
@ADKgenerals<strong>to</strong>re<br />
Breakfast, Lunch<br />
& Dinner Specials<br />
Full deli with house<br />
cooked meats •<br />
gifts • groceries<br />
• seasonal <strong>to</strong>ys •<br />
ATM • propane • ice<br />
• ice cream • large<br />
selection of<br />
craft beer<br />
New Owners Joe & Yvette Gallacchi<br />
899 East Shore Dr. • Adirondack, NY 12808<br />
www.ADKgenerals<strong>to</strong>re.com • (518) 494-4408<br />
Old-Fashioned Country S<strong>to</strong>re<br />
“Come experience<br />
<strong>the</strong> <strong>Adirondacks</strong> of yesteryear”<br />
Garden Center • General S<strong>to</strong>re •<br />
Gourmet • Fresh Cider Donuts • Deli •<br />
Hardware • Kids ADK Gifts<br />
and so much more!<br />
www.<strong>the</strong>lazymoosegardenmarket.com<br />
6499 State Rte 8<br />
Brant Lake, NY 12815<br />
Phone: (518) 494-4039<br />
Fax: (518) 494-2141<br />
Reach our advertisers at:<br />
ADKDining<strong>Guide</strong>.com • ADKS<strong>to</strong>resandGalleries.com • ADKEntertainment.com • ADKAccommodations.com