Pegasus Post: July 23, 2019
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TUESDAY, JULY <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Connecting Your Community<br /><br />
Teenage circus<br />
performers<br />
wow crowds<br />
Kids busy<br />
at Youth<br />
Alive Trust<br />
Kelly Barber Glenn Livingstone<br />
Coastal Burwood<br />
People’s Choice - Labour<br />
Christchurch City Council<br />
Page 8 Page 15<br />
Authorised by J McLellan, 6 Braddon Street, Addington<br />
Father’s WW1 experience in print<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
IN MARCH 1918, soldier<br />
William Close was taken<br />
prisoner by the Germans at<br />
the Somme.<br />
This may have saved his<br />
life.<br />
Just weeks later, the<br />
majority of the soldiers he<br />
had served beside in the 11th<br />
and 13th battalion of Royal<br />
Sussex Regiment were killed<br />
during Germany’s Spring<br />
Offensive.<br />
William’s story has<br />
now been told by his son,<br />
South New Brighton<br />
resident and former city<br />
councillor David Close in<br />
his new book Behind the<br />
German Lines.<br />
David said part of the<br />
book was a reflective account<br />
William had written shortly<br />
after he returned home from<br />
World War 1 and some brief<br />
diary entries he had kept in<br />
1916.<br />
Said David: “It’s a<br />
fairly brief account, but it’s<br />
about half the book and the<br />
rest of it, I’ve provided maps<br />
to help people understand<br />
the war on the Western<br />
Front and in particular, the<br />
big German offence, which<br />
was launched on March 20,<br />
1918.”<br />
•Turn to page 7<br />
DOCUMENTED: David close with the book he’s written about his father William, who fought on<br />
the Western Front in World War 1.<br />
East<br />
issues<br />
challenge<br />
to critics<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
DAVID EAST has issued a<br />
challenge to those who say he<br />
hasn’t done enough for the<br />
Coastal Ward – stand for council<br />
yourself.<br />
The two-term city councillor<br />
has become the target of<br />
online criticism on the Peoples<br />
Independent<br />
Republic of<br />
New Brighton<br />
Facebook group.<br />
New Brighton<br />
Residents’ Association<br />
head<br />
Brian Donovan is<br />
one of the group<br />
members who David East<br />
has been critical<br />
of Cr East.<br />
Mr Donovan told <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />
<strong>Post</strong> it was time for David East<br />
to go.<br />
“The reality is that he fell out<br />
of touch with what people were<br />
saying, because there was a hell<br />
of a lot of people in New Brighton<br />
with some great ideas and he just<br />
seems to have been absent when<br />
some of those ideas were put<br />
forward.”<br />
•Turn to page 4<br />
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2 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
get in touch<br />
from the editor’s desk<br />
IT MUST be election time.<br />
The gloves are coming off in the two<br />
eastern suburbs’ wards, Coastal and<br />
Burwood, and it’s getting feisty.<br />
We’ve reported on the verbal dustup<br />
between sitting councillor Glenn<br />
Livingstone and rival Phil Mauger in Burwood. Now Coastal<br />
councillor David East is feeling the burner (see page 1).<br />
He’s been criticised on the Peoples Independent Republic of<br />
New Brighton Facebook group, and New Brighton Residents’<br />
Association head Brian Donovan is amping it up.<br />
He says it is time for East to go. But East has fired back with a<br />
good response.<br />
“Mr Donovan should really just put his money where his<br />
mouth is. If he thinks he can do better, well I think he should<br />
stand for council himself and test the water.”<br />
- Barry Clarke<br />
GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />
Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />
PO box 1467, Christchurch<br /><br />
news<br />
Community group’s new home<br />
The Wainoni Avonside Community Services Trust has a new<br />
home behind the Burwood Christian Centre.<br />
Page 5<br />
community events<br />
Celebrations for pier<br />
The New Brighton Library will recognise 20 years of the pier,<br />
Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm.<br />
Page 17<br />
tasty bites<br />
Sweet spud<br />
The kumara is popular with Kiwis, try some of our tasty<br />
recipes.<br />
NEWS<br />
Matt Slaughter<br />
Ph: 021 910 788<br /><br />
Elaine Moon<br />
Ph: 364 7436<br /><br />
Page 19<br />
The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />
15,657 homes every Tuesday<br />
Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />
Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />
Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 3<br />
News<br />
Bid to improve bus shelter access<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
CONCERNS over accessibility<br />
will be addressed before a<br />
proposal to install another<br />
bus shelter on Shirley Rd is<br />
approved.<br />
The Papanui-Innes<br />
Community Board says the<br />
planned new bus shelter and<br />
the existing shelter outside<br />
Shirley Intermediate School do<br />
not provide enough room for<br />
wheelchair users and people<br />
with mobility issues.<br />
Board member Jo Byrne said<br />
it has asked<br />
city council<br />
staff to talk to<br />
the Ministry<br />
of Education<br />
about using<br />
its berm space<br />
outside the<br />
school to create<br />
Jo Byrne<br />
extra room at<br />
the stop for<br />
people with mobility issues.<br />
Said Ms Byrne: “If we could<br />
set that bus stop back a little<br />
bit further onto the ministryowned<br />
land, that will give us<br />
more footpath space.”<br />
The plan to upgrade the<br />
existing bus shelter and include<br />
space for another shelter has<br />
been with the board since early<br />
this year.<br />
The request to add more space<br />
was put to city council staff at<br />
the board’s recent meeting.<br />
Said a city council<br />
spokesperson: “A number of<br />
discussions have been had with<br />
the MoE previously and council<br />
have now re-engaged with<br />
the MoE following last week’s<br />
meeting to explore this further.<br />
Discussions are ongoing. There<br />
is no set deadline for this<br />
decision to be made.”<br />
Ms Byrne said upgrading the<br />
bus stop has taken longer than<br />
hoped but the board wants to get<br />
it right for people with mobility<br />
and accessibility issues.<br />
“Consultation for this<br />
was quite some time ago,<br />
unfortunately, because it’s<br />
been quite a prolonged affair. It<br />
is sort of painful, but we want<br />
to make sure it’s done right<br />
and we want to make sure our<br />
cyclists are safe and the road<br />
users are safe and the bus users<br />
are safe. Mobility issues and<br />
accessibility issues are a huge<br />
MORE ROOM:<br />
The Papanui-<br />
Innes<br />
Community<br />
Board says<br />
the plan to<br />
install a new<br />
bus shelter<br />
outside<br />
Shirley<br />
Intermediate<br />
School needs<br />
to include<br />
better<br />
disability<br />
access.<br />
PHOTO:<br />
MARTIN<br />
HUNTER<br />
passion for the board . . . we<br />
know how important it is to the<br />
community and so many people<br />
are reliant on public transport,<br />
especially going to (The Palms),<br />
so we will be prioritising their<br />
needs.”<br />
The board has asked city<br />
council staff to report back to it.<br />
Ms Byrne said she does not<br />
know when staff will make a<br />
decision, but hopes it will be<br />
soon so the bus stop upgrade<br />
can start.<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
In Brief<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
The New Zealand Community<br />
Trust has given the Canterbury<br />
Rowing Club in Wainoni<br />
$16,710 to go towards a<br />
men’s double rowing skiff.<br />
The Christchurch School of<br />
Gymnastics on Travis Rd<br />
received $30,000 from the<br />
trust to pay for a men’s artistic<br />
gymnastics head coach, while<br />
the New Brighton Netball Club<br />
received $8000 for children’s<br />
and adults uniforms and bibs.<br />
TEEN GETS $400 GRANT<br />
Avonside Girls’ High School<br />
student Sarah Powley, 16, has<br />
received $400 to go towards<br />
her trip to the World Scholar’s<br />
Cup in Sydney from August<br />
15-20. The grant came from<br />
the Papanui-Innes Community<br />
Board’s positive youth<br />
development fund.<br />
Switch New Brighton cafe is<br />
taking part in the Glad food<br />
storage recycling programme.<br />
The business in Brighton Mall<br />
is sending used clingwrap and<br />
ziplock bags to TerraCycle, a<br />
company which specialises<br />
in recycling hard-to-recycle<br />
materials. If the cafe recycles<br />
more than any other group<br />
taking part, it will win $1000<br />
for Rawhiti School.<br />
stubbies<br />
a season of short shorts!<br />
4 exceptional one act plays<br />
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Things are happening. Be part of the future.
4 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Your Local Views<br />
Boy racers part of a wider issue<br />
Coastal-<br />
Burwood<br />
Community<br />
Board<br />
member<br />
Linda Stewart<br />
writes about<br />
the <strong>July</strong> 9<br />
<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> article<br />
on boy racers causing<br />
problems in Avondale,<br />
saying this is one of<br />
many challenges facing<br />
Avondale, Dallington and<br />
Burwood East<br />
THE RECENT boy racer story<br />
in Avondale is a tiny part of<br />
a bigger issue and not just in<br />
Avondale.<br />
For eight years the<br />
communities of Dallington,<br />
Avondale and Burwood East<br />
have been left languishing by<br />
Regenerate and the city council<br />
without recovery initiatives.<br />
THese red zone fringe suburbs<br />
suffered negative impacts<br />
post-earthquakes sorely felt<br />
by residents. Systematic losses<br />
in their community post-red<br />
zoning, losing their local shops,<br />
neighbours, their primary<br />
school and removing their bus<br />
service.<br />
THe post-earthquake losses<br />
for the city were huge but none<br />
more than Avondale. It’s a<br />
beautiful suburb with Avondale<br />
Park once the heart of the<br />
suburb now adjacent to the red<br />
Carolyn Cumming, of<br />
Burwood, responds to the<br />
article on boy racers<br />
WHO WOULD have known<br />
that the council puts so much<br />
weight on complaint levels in<br />
making their decisions around<br />
providing safe and calm environments<br />
in our city?<br />
Who is going to sit down at<br />
2am, or make a relaxing evening<br />
even more disruptive to<br />
hunt out who to call to report<br />
someone who will have already<br />
zone and still highly valued by<br />
its locals.<br />
THe red zone offers so much<br />
but no imaginative proposals<br />
have been proposed by those<br />
with the power to be creative.<br />
moved on by the time any action<br />
is taken?<br />
Apart from that, I observe<br />
there is already quite enough<br />
complaining going on<br />
in this city if the number<br />
of unhappy horntooters<br />
on our roads is<br />
anything to go by.<br />
What happened to<br />
just taking the word of<br />
some concerned residents<br />
and looking into<br />
the issue from a less punitive<br />
viewpoint?<br />
The Horseshoe Lake Reserve is<br />
Their once successful advocates<br />
– the Avondale Residents<br />
Association members were all<br />
red zoned out and the suburb<br />
lost all but loyal advocacy at<br />
a very high level by their redzoned<br />
chairperson.<br />
The community board asked<br />
in its submission to the city<br />
council’s last Long Term Plan<br />
and again this year to the<br />
Annual Plan for investment<br />
in these red zone fringe<br />
suburbs and a community<br />
facility to provide a heart for<br />
the earthquake-impacted<br />
being worked on now and a new<br />
car park being situated along<br />
Horseshoe Lake Rd.<br />
Many of us who live near<br />
or use the road<br />
already know of<br />
some of the antisocial<br />
behaviour<br />
this piece of road<br />
attracts; skid<br />
marks on the road<br />
and corner, often<br />
causing wonder at<br />
vehicles making it around the<br />
corner (some haven’t), rubbish<br />
of all description left on the<br />
communities of<br />
Avondale, Dallington and<br />
Burwood.<br />
If nothing is done for<br />
those still broken suburbs<br />
you will see a further decline<br />
in social standards such as the<br />
boy racer issue highlighted by<br />
city councillor Glenn<br />
Livingstone.<br />
The fix for the boy racer issue<br />
is merely the tip of the iceberg<br />
to sensationalise in the current<br />
political environment does<br />
not provide a solution to this<br />
problem.<br />
roadside on a weekly basis; and<br />
even a horse killed in an adjacent<br />
paddock.<br />
We don’t need a list of complaints<br />
to know that a car park<br />
alone will not improve this sort<br />
of behaviour – in fact it will give<br />
more room for it.<br />
So my questions are will there<br />
be speed bumps, lighting, paths<br />
and curbs included in the planning?<br />
Or do we need a list of complaints<br />
to have been in place for<br />
these things to be considered in<br />
the planning?<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
East hits back<br />
at criticism<br />
•From page 1<br />
However, Cr East has struck back,<br />
saying: “Mr Donovan should really<br />
just put his money where his mouth<br />
is. If he thinks he can do better, well<br />
I think he should stand for council<br />
himself and test the water.”<br />
Mr Donovan said Cr East’s comment<br />
was fair, but it did not change<br />
his opposition towards him.<br />
“While I stand by what I’ve said,<br />
at the same time, I do realise that<br />
David East hasn’t<br />
just sat there and<br />
done nothing. But,<br />
I think the future<br />
of New Brighton<br />
certainly lies with<br />
younger people with<br />
fresh ideas and new<br />
passion. As far as<br />
if I was going to be<br />
standing, I wouldn’t<br />
consider it because<br />
Brian<br />
Donovan<br />
it would be contrary to what I’ve already<br />
been saying, which is we need<br />
less older, white males on these committees<br />
and a truly greater diversity<br />
around age and sex.”<br />
Said Mr Donovan: “He’s really<br />
failed to assess the mood, the need<br />
or the desperation and the exasperation<br />
of the New Brighton people to<br />
see some real progress, and I mean,<br />
aside from the hot pools and the<br />
playground.”<br />
Cr East said he had worked hard<br />
for the Coastal Ward and called Mr<br />
Donovan’s comments “absolutely<br />
gobsmacking.”<br />
“To turn around and have this sort<br />
of rubbish thrown in my face, I find<br />
quite offensive to be quite honest.”<br />
Mr Donovan said the New Brighton<br />
Residents’ Association as a whole,<br />
agreed it was time for a change and<br />
was encouraging young people to<br />
run for city council and other roles<br />
within local body politics.<br />
Cr East said he supported this, but<br />
these roles were not easy to step into.<br />
“It’s the democratic right of<br />
anybody to stand for council and I<br />
encourage them to do so.<br />
“Some people think that they<br />
can get elected, come in, wave a big<br />
stick and things are going to get<br />
done. Well, it just doesn’t work that<br />
way and there are processes to go<br />
through.”<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 5<br />
News<br />
Floating wetlands form<br />
part of new-look stream<br />
stormwater drain in Shirley<br />
which runs into Horseshoe<br />
Lake has been given a dramatic<br />
makeover.<br />
The concrete drain, known<br />
as Number 1 Drain, has been<br />
transformed into a naturalised<br />
stream complete<br />
with ponds<br />
and floating<br />
wetlands.<br />
The floating<br />
wetlands are<br />
densely bedded<br />
with plants,<br />
Keith Davison<br />
which will send<br />
their roots into<br />
the water and take up nitrogen,<br />
phosphates and heavy metals,<br />
improving the water quality in<br />
Horseshoe Lake and the Avon<br />
River.<br />
City council land drainage<br />
manager Keith Davison said the<br />
extensive work done on Number<br />
1 Drain, which was one of the<br />
LESS FLOODING: New floating wetlands should help reduce<br />
the flood risk for properties upstream in Shirley. <br />
concrete-lined waterways worst<br />
affected by the earthquakes, has<br />
reduced the flood risk for properties<br />
upstream in Shirley and<br />
improved the habitat for aquatic<br />
life.<br />
“We did a fish survey prior to<br />
the works, and found four fish<br />
through the drain system. When<br />
we surveyed again recently,<br />
• By Claire Booker<br />
WORK ON the final stage of<br />
the $12.9 million rebuild of the<br />
earthquake-damaged Richmond<br />
Working Men’s Club has started.<br />
Club president Chris Taylor<br />
broke the ground with a ceremonial<br />
spade last week before<br />
construction workers moved in<br />
to start the project.<br />
Work will be finished in <strong>July</strong><br />
next year.<br />
The final stage of the construction<br />
will be a new function<br />
venue that will accommodate<br />
weddings, corporate dinners,<br />
show events and other functions.<br />
The completed complex will<br />
have three high-grade squash<br />
courts, a new restaurant and<br />
bistro, a TAB terminal and game<br />
room, and plenty of parking.<br />
The first part of the rebuild is<br />
finished, so the club is open for<br />
meetings and events.<br />
Mr Taylor has been the president<br />
of the club for the last three<br />
years and has been a member of<br />
the committee for 17 years.<br />
“It’s been a long road, but we’re<br />
finally under way,” he said.<br />
Cook Brothers Construction<br />
won the bid for the construction<br />
of the project after going<br />
through the robust tender process<br />
which was run by the club.<br />
The design of the new<br />
clubroom was decided by way<br />
of input and discussions which<br />
involved all club members as<br />
we counted 76 fish in just a<br />
small portion of the drain so<br />
naturalising the drain has clearly<br />
improved the aquatic habitat,’’<br />
Mr Davison said.<br />
“We’re thrilled to be able to<br />
help improve the health of our<br />
waterways, while reducing flood<br />
risk for people,’’ Mr Davison<br />
said.<br />
Workingmen’s club rebuild continues<br />
Work on<br />
the final<br />
stage of the<br />
Richmond<br />
Working<br />
Men’s Club<br />
rebuild is<br />
under way.<br />
well as the committee.<br />
The Richmond club, which has<br />
been around for more than 100<br />
years, is one of the oldest clubs<br />
in New Zealand and it is hoped<br />
that the new design will blow its<br />
members away.<br />
The plan for the club is to<br />
secure its future with strong<br />
strategies around its food and<br />
beverage offerings, with a focus<br />
on the local community and<br />
perhaps targeting a wider demographic.<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
THE WAINONI Avonside<br />
Community Services Trust has<br />
found its new home.<br />
The trust will move from its<br />
old headquarters at Wainoni<br />
Methodist Church on Avonside<br />
Drive to the second floor of a<br />
newly constructed, two-storey<br />
building behind the Burwood<br />
Christian Centre at 52 Bassett St.<br />
Trust co-ordinator Betty<br />
Chapman said it hoped to move<br />
in by the end of August, but this<br />
would happen after a lift was<br />
installed to help members who<br />
struggled with stairs.<br />
Mrs Chapman said she had<br />
been searching for a new site for<br />
the trust for more than a year.<br />
Earlier this year, Land Information<br />
New Zealand decided<br />
the earthquake-damaged, leaky<br />
Wainoni Methodist Church site<br />
was unsafe to work in.<br />
It was originally thought the<br />
trust would move into All Saints<br />
Anglican Church in Burwood,<br />
but Mrs Chapman said the rent<br />
would have been too expensive.<br />
“They put the rent up to $300,<br />
plus power, plus phone. We<br />
couldn’t afford that.”<br />
The rent at its new site will cost<br />
the same as it did at Wainoni<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
NEW HOME: Wainoni Avonside Community Services Trust<br />
co-ordinator Betty Chapman outside the trust’s new home<br />
behind the Burwood Christian Centre.<br />
New home found for<br />
community group<br />
Methodist Church, $200 a week.<br />
In spite of securing a new site<br />
meaning the trust’s future was<br />
safe, Mrs Chapman said moving<br />
would be hard on the about 200<br />
people who used its services and<br />
attended its events.<br />
The trust’s new headquarters is<br />
only a short distance from its old<br />
one, but she still expected the<br />
move would result in the loss of<br />
some members.<br />
“It is hard because the elderly<br />
don’t like change . . . they don’t<br />
want to shift.<br />
“It’s hard on elderly to move.”<br />
The trust has been operating<br />
out of Wainoni Methodist<br />
Church for more than 17 years<br />
and Mrs Chapman said some<br />
were struggling with the idea of<br />
leaving.<br />
However, a visit to the new site<br />
on Wednesday had seen reluctant<br />
members change their tune.<br />
“Everyone’s finding it hard.<br />
“But, yesterday after the walk<br />
through, I got a lot of positive<br />
vibes, so I’m quite relieved.”<br />
She said, ultimately, it would<br />
be great to be in a building that<br />
didn’t leak.<br />
Wainoni Methodist Church<br />
will be demolished once the<br />
trust moves.<br />
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6 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 7<br />
News<br />
CELEBRATING: The Close family in Christchurch on Christmas<br />
Day, 1950. From left – Edwin, Will and David; Daphne, Fay, Elsie<br />
and Lottie.<br />
‘My father was not badly treated by the Germans’<br />
•From page 1<br />
William, who served as a<br />
signaller and often a stretcherbearer,<br />
was captured on the<br />
second day of this offensive at<br />
Villers-Faucon in France.<br />
David said the book outlined<br />
William’s experiences as a<br />
prisoner in France and briefly<br />
Belgium, forced to do jobs such<br />
as repairing roads and building<br />
railways to assist the German<br />
war effort.<br />
But, David said his father’s<br />
account was not as negative as<br />
many would expect.<br />
“On the whole, my father<br />
was not badly treated by the<br />
Germans.”<br />
“The attitude to prisoners or to<br />
the other side seemed to be that<br />
no matter how hard you tried<br />
to slaughter the other side, once<br />
that soldier on the opposing<br />
side was wounded or captured,<br />
he ceased to be an enemy, he<br />
became a fellow human being.”<br />
William was freed by the Germans<br />
just before Armistice Day<br />
on November 11, 1918.<br />
In 1920, two years after returning<br />
home to England, William<br />
and his wife Lottie Close<br />
moved to Christchurch. They<br />
HISTORY: German soldiers captured during the last days of<br />
World War 1.<br />
lived in Bryndwr and ran a plant<br />
nursery, later moving to St Martins<br />
to open a market garden.<br />
David said his dad didn’t mind<br />
telling less serious stories about<br />
the war, but harsher details like<br />
the friends he’d lost were kept<br />
secret for many years.<br />
It wasn’t until just before his<br />
death at the age of 93, that William<br />
expressed a wish to have his<br />
account published.<br />
But, David said it had been lost<br />
for many years.<br />
“He told us that he’d written<br />
this account, but it was lost<br />
somewhere in the house and it<br />
wasn’t until a few years before he<br />
died that it actually turned up.”<br />
David said he had wanted to<br />
tell his father’s story for many<br />
years, but his busy working life<br />
had delayed this.<br />
Last month, William’s wish<br />
was finally granted.<br />
Behind the German Lines<br />
was launched at Canterbury<br />
Museum.<br />
David said 1000 copies had<br />
been released for those interested<br />
in reading it.<br />
Museum staff had also stored<br />
William’s original account for<br />
safe-keeping.<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
Bragg in<br />
community<br />
board bid<br />
SOUTH NEW Brighton’s Soozie<br />
Bragg is running for the Coastal-<br />
Burwood Community Board.<br />
Ms Bragg is a passionate resident<br />
of the Coastal Ward, who received<br />
a Coastal-Burwood<br />
Community Service<br />
Award earlier this<br />
month for the work<br />
she has done in the<br />
community.<br />
Ms Bragg has<br />
been vocal about a<br />
number of issues<br />
Soozie Bragg<br />
affecting the Coastal Ward, including<br />
the need for residents to know<br />
their neighbours and co-operate<br />
with emergency services to keep<br />
themselves and others safe.<br />
In March, Ms Bragg organised<br />
the Save Our Suburbs Community<br />
Safety Expo, which brought together<br />
these groups and others to<br />
discuss how to make the east safer.<br />
Said Ms Bragg: “I know this area,<br />
I know the people, I know what is<br />
needed, I know what is priority to<br />
most, but more than anything I am<br />
passionate about there being a good<br />
solid future for years to come’’<br />
Ms Bragg will run as an<br />
independent candidate.<br />
Titled Sections Available Now<br />
New Release Coming Soon<br />
Register Your Interest Now<br />
03 281 7517 | |
8 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
News<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
Teens show circus skills<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
TEENAGE CIRCUS performers<br />
have wowed crowds.<br />
The Christchurch Circus Trust<br />
put on three performances of<br />
Circus Berserkus at Roy Stokes<br />
Hall in New Brighton, with 14<br />
performers showing off their<br />
skills.<br />
Producer Chris Carrow<br />
said the performers rehearsed<br />
for about four months to put<br />
the show together and were<br />
supported by two backstage<br />
crew members during the<br />
shows.<br />
He said a range of talents were<br />
showcased and enjoyed by about<br />
500 audience members over<br />
three nights.<br />
The shows included aerial<br />
acrobatics, balancing acts,<br />
contortion, juggling and<br />
clowning.<br />
Said Mr Carrow: “We had<br />
some people say, you’re better<br />
than Cirque du Soleil.”<br />
“Sometimes, you would say,<br />
well a local circus, it’s just going<br />
to be something high schoolish,<br />
but we surpass that.”<br />
Mr Carrow said those<br />
involved in Circus Berserkus<br />
had done more than just improve<br />
their skills as performers by<br />
taking part.<br />
“Because most of them have<br />
been together for a while, there’s<br />
a bit of a family sort of feel<br />
around the troop.<br />
“They’re really supportive<br />
of each other and because of<br />
that the performance comes<br />
together as this really joyful<br />
experience.”<br />
Most of the performers have<br />
been involved with the trust<br />
for three to four years and have<br />
performed in other shows.<br />
Mr Carrow said in spite of the<br />
difficult skills they demonstrated,<br />
most people could learn to do<br />
them with practice.<br />
HIGH-FLYER: Burwood’s Kama Hall was one of 14 teenage<br />
performers who impressed crowds at Circus Berserkus.<br />
ACROBATIC: Burwood’s Muika Dodd and Jessalyn Richards, of<br />
Burnside. (Right) – Stella Banks, of New Brighton.<br />
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Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 9
10<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
BED SALE<br />
Birthday<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 11<br />
spoilt for<br />
choice<br />
Award-winning fish & chip shop<br />
seeks a place in The Bidfood<br />
Peoples Choice Award’s<br />
Popular fish and chip shop, Gourmet Seafoods<br />
QE11 in Travis Road, has won several awards<br />
over the years, with the latest one being the ‘Best<br />
Practice Frying Award’ from The NZ Chip Group,<br />
an organisation that monitors the nutritional<br />
standards of fried chips around New Zealand.<br />
Shop owner Peter and son Ben both received the<br />
award after completing the online training, which<br />
also makes Gourmet Seafoods eligible for entry in<br />
The Chip Group’s Bidfood People’s Choice Award,<br />
in which customers vote online for their favourite<br />
chip shop. The website is<br />
and Gourmet Seafoods QE11 is one of 28 takeaway<br />
shops around New Zealand qualified to take part.<br />
‘You can vote instore or you can vote at home,”<br />
Peter says. “Entries close on <strong>July</strong> 30, so be quick to<br />
vote and be part of the success story.”<br />
Gourmet Seafoods has some new neighbours,<br />
those being the new Shirley Boys’ High and<br />
Avonside Girls’ school campus on Travis Road,<br />
which opened in May, and the new gymnasium<br />
next to the QE11 pool, which opened earlier this<br />
month.<br />
“We welcome all the new people to the<br />
community,” Peter says. “The students come in<br />
after school and they are very good to deal with.<br />
They are polite and well-mannered.<br />
“We treat everyone that comes into the shop as<br />
individuals – they all have great stories, which are<br />
great to listen to.”<br />
Gourmet Seafoods has an extensive menu, with a<br />
wide variety of tasty takeaways including souvlakis,<br />
and spicy marinated chicken fillets, which Peter<br />
says are in great demand, as they are the “real deal”.<br />
Gourmet Seafoods QE11 is located in the<br />
Travis Road shopping centre at 251 Travis Rd.<br />
They are open seven days a week and off-street<br />
parking is available.<br />
Peter and his wife Helen are encouraging<br />
customers to vote for them<br />
Crispy Crunchy Batter<br />
Try a tasty crispy chicken souvlaki<br />
or crispy chicken burger today!<br />
“The Real Deal”<br />
*Specialty fish cooked to order... Blue Cod, Gurnard, Sole, Hoki, and more!<br />
Ph: 388 2531, QEII Shopping Centre, 251 Travis Rd<br />
Mon - Wed 11.30am - 8.30pm (Tues from 4.30pm), Thurs - Sat 11.30am - 9.00pm<br />
Sun 12noon - 8.30pm, Daily break 3.15 - 4.30pm<br />
Wild Bird<br />
Seed<br />
Pleasure is always<br />
found in feeding<br />
the wild birds.<br />
Bee’s Wax<br />
From local hive,<br />
packaging free.<br />
Make your own wax<br />
wraps, be “glad free”.<br />
Wholefoods<br />
and Specialty Groceries<br />
Mon–Fri 9am–5pm Sat 9am–4:30 Sun 10am–4pm<br />
14/68 Hawke St, New Brighton Ph: 388 7214<br />
Best Buys<br />
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Tuesday quiz nights<br />
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Jagermeister<br />
or Pepe Lopez<br />
Tequila Range<br />
700ml<br />
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Woodstock or<br />
Old Crow<br />
Bourbon<br />
Whisky<br />
1 Litre<br />
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Woodham Rd<br />
Highland Queen<br />
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Whisky<br />
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3 Stones,<br />
Riverstone<br />
or Fat Bird<br />
Wine Range<br />
750ml each<br />
$8.99ea<br />
Tuborg or<br />
Kingfisher<br />
Premium Beer<br />
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$19.99ea<br />
Pick and mix<br />
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Any 2 for $20 Offers valid until the end<br />
of September <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
Phone 381 4110<br />
191 Woodham Road, Linwood<br />
(Near Gloucester Street)
12<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
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2009 mazda aXeLa<br />
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The Axela has quickly become a very popular mid-sized<br />
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2012 mitsubishi mirage<br />
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Surprisingly spacious 5 door hatch, features an<br />
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very low kms, push button start, rear wiper, ABS<br />
and airbags, worth a look!<br />
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Current model, features an economical 1.0L<br />
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$8,999<br />
Stylish family hatch, features a 1.8 litre engine with<br />
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A crossover between a wagon and hatch the Raum<br />
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'Supermini' European hatch, features a 1.2 litre turbo<br />
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2006 volkswagen goLf<br />
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The Golf is a comfortable and stylish European 5<br />
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The Splash is an economical yet peppy 5 door hatch,<br />
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2005 audi a3<br />
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Sporty and popular 5 door European hatch, features<br />
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Stylish European fixed profile convertible with folding<br />
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Registration for 6 months is $301<br />
Value Cars Warehouse<br />
4.72<br />
32 Moorhouse Ave, P: (03) 366 7768 IMVDA<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 13<br />
Joint pain: Do I have arthritis or<br />
could it be mainly my muscles?<br />
The team at Physical Sense in Sydenham sees clients with<br />
a range of symptoms but many of their middle-aged and<br />
senior clients visit complaining of pain in one of their joints.<br />
Physiotherapist Ietje van Stolk suggests<br />
that a major part of the pain could be due<br />
to muscle pain rather than simply arthritis.<br />
“Even if an x-ray shows arthritis, the reason<br />
for the pain may be the muscles around<br />
the joint,” she explains. The images show<br />
how a muscle knot (the crosses) in a back<br />
muscle can give hip pain (aches and pain<br />
are the red areas in the drawings), a knot<br />
in a muscle on the back of the shoulder<br />
blade can give a deep pain in the front of<br />
the shoulder and a muscle knot all the way<br />
near the groin can give an ache in the knee<br />
(especially at night in bed).<br />
Ietje recalls one case where an 89 year<br />
old client with severe arthritis who walked<br />
with a stick, told her, “I will end up in<br />
a wheelchair, I cannot put any weight<br />
through my right leg due to pain in my hip<br />
and buttock”. “Within 4 treatments, she<br />
was walking with her stick but without the<br />
severe pain,” says Ietje. “The arthritis was<br />
one of the factors that made her muscles<br />
spasm but the other was that older people<br />
move less and the flexed position the hip<br />
is in when we sit is particularly bad for<br />
the hip.” Ietje is happy with the fact that<br />
although the client was 89 and could have<br />
been “given up on” or told to live with the<br />
pain, she made a difference to her health<br />
and wellbeing.<br />
The same lack of movement can be the<br />
reason for your knee pain or your shoulder<br />
pain and the same few treatments could<br />
make a huge difference for you.<br />
At Physical Sense, hands-on techniques<br />
(massage and triggerpoint deactivation<br />
techniques) are used to release the muscles.<br />
The client also gets a home exercise<br />
program designed to mobilize and stretch<br />
the joint, strengthen the important core<br />
muscles and increase general strength and<br />
PAIN<br />
(the crosses are the areas of the muscle spasms, the red areas is where the pain is felt)<br />
balance. They teach a movement sequence<br />
that stretches the joint in all directions<br />
whilst the client is able to lie safely on their<br />
bed, perfect for older or less mobile clients.<br />
In many cases having the muscles<br />
released and being taught how to maintain<br />
it, is enough to stay on top of the problem.<br />
HIP PAIN<br />
If severe arthritis is the underlying cause,<br />
some maintenance therapy may be<br />
necessary, but that is often more affordable<br />
and, for older patients, better tolerated than<br />
surgery. In very few treatments the client<br />
will know if it is going to work for them or<br />
not, without financial commitment.<br />
Physical Sense Gym and Physio is located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus stops in front of the door and there is ample<br />
parking. To enquire about specialised exercise classes or physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577 or visit
14<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Quality Cars Great Prices<br />
$7,995& UNDER SELECTION<br />
SALE<br />
2006 TOyOTA AURis<br />
FUel eFFiCieNT, eAsy TO PARk<br />
1490cc auto, ABS brakes, climate control, airbags,<br />
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$5,995<br />
2002 FORd esCAPe XlT<br />
sUPeRB PRiCed V6 AWd sUV!<br />
3000cc auto, all electrics, centre diff lock, Pioneer<br />
bluetooth stereo, towbar, alloys.<br />
$4,995<br />
2011 sUZUki sPlAsH<br />
sUPeR eCONOMiCAl<br />
1242cc auto, split & folding rear seat, NZ stereo with<br />
CD & USB, air con.<br />
$6,995<br />
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VeRy CleAN CAR, Be QUiCk<br />
4000cc auto, airbags, alloys, EFI, cruise control,<br />
towbar, ABS, spoiler, air cond.<br />
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2002 AUdi A3<br />
TURBO, sAMe NZ OWNeR 8 yeARs<br />
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2005 TOyOTA klUgeR<br />
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AWd, PeRFeCT FOR ski seAsON!<br />
2000cc, auto, wagon, ABS brakes, all electrics, alloys,<br />
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2006 AUdi A4<br />
+ 1 yR AUTOsURe WARRANTy<br />
2000cc auto wagon, alloys, airbags, tinted windows,<br />
cambelt replaced, new tyres.<br />
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SALE<br />
2006 AUdi A4<br />
+ 1 yR AUTOsURe WARRANTy<br />
200cc auto wagon, NZ stereo, alloys, EFI, all electrics,<br />
new tyres, cambelt replaced.<br />
$7,995<br />
2006 sUBARU OUTBACk<br />
sHARP, AWd WAgON<br />
2500cc auto, climate control, spoiler, EFI, towbar,<br />
alloys, tints, cambelt replaced.<br />
$7,495<br />
2010 NissAN MiCRA<br />
sMART lOOk iN eleCTRiC BlUe<br />
1400cc auto, 73,887kms, alloys, Pioneer radio/CD<br />
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2006 sUBARU legACy gT<br />
sPORTy TURBO, ONly 60,329kMs<br />
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2003 VOlksWAgeN POlO<br />
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2005 HyUNdAi sANTA Fe<br />
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Heaps more to choose from<br />
Come and see our amazing<br />
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2002 MAZdA 6 sPORT lTd<br />
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• Every vehicle prepared properly regardless of price<br />
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393 Ferry Rd, Christchurch. Ph (03) 389 6108<br /><br />
Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm,<br />
Sat 9.00am-5.00pm, Sun closed
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 15<br />
Keeping kids busy at the Youth Alive Trust<br />
The school holidays have<br />
been packed with action<br />
for Logan Bakker and<br />
Lily McCambridge (left).<br />
They spent time at the<br />
New Brighton Beachside<br />
Playground as part of the<br />
Youth Alive Trust’s junior and<br />
senior holiday programmes.<br />
About 80 children took part<br />
in activities, including trips to<br />
Timezone, Inflatable World<br />
and the Margaret Mahy<br />
Playground.<br />
CREATE: Skye Young, Alice Martin, Naomi<br />
Yappa, Emily Tipper and Shannon Brennan<br />
at the Youth Alive Trust headquarters in New<br />
Brighton.<br />
GLADIATORS: Toby Maxwell and Ben Pearson<br />
at Inflatable World.<br />
SLIDE:<br />
Tyreece<br />
Clayton-<br />
Marquet,<br />
Shyla<br />
McGregor<br />
and Lucy<br />
Fairweather<br />
at the<br />
Margaret<br />
Mahy<br />
Playground.<br />
GAMES: Emily Tipper, Skye Young and Alice<br />
Martin at Timezone.<br />
Many services provided for families<br />
through Plunket<br />
Garden maintenance is carried out<br />
by volunteers at Plunket clinics, but<br />
more are needed.<br />
For families with young children, getting help and support from people<br />
with knowledge and expertise can be a hugely beneficial, for both<br />
parents and children.<br />
The Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust offers a variety of services for children<br />
under five and their whanau, from Well Child appointments with one of their<br />
highly qualified and friendly Plunket Nurses through to Playgroups and<br />
Parenting Education classes.<br />
What most people don’t realise is that Plunket, a non-for-profit<br />
organisation, is only partially funded through a contract with the Ministry<br />
of Health. Other financial support comes from the generosity of grants<br />
and donations from the community and fund-raising activities.<br />
Plunket provides a number of Community Services, which rely on money<br />
from fundraising, grants and donations, with a dedicated team of staff and<br />
volunteers. While administered and led at a Canterbury Area level, these<br />
Community Services are run for and by the communities where they are<br />
based, responding directly to community need.<br />
Through Community Services, services for families are provided for free<br />
or at a minimal cost. They include:<br />
Helping out at a working bee at the<br />
Papanui Merivale Plunket grounds.<br />
• Parenting Education (PEPE)<br />
• Toddler groups such<br />
as ‘Toes and Giggles’<br />
• Coffee/Support/Parent Groups<br />
• Playgroups<br />
• Toy Libraries<br />
Can you help?<br />
Plunket is currently looking for volunteers to help support with some<br />
maintenance of their properties, such as mowing lawns, maintaining a<br />
garden, painting a fence or the odd handy-man job like fixing something<br />
to the wall.<br />
For example, there are two retired ladies that enjoy a catch-up while<br />
doing a bit of gardening at a local Plunket clinic, where staff say it is a<br />
‘win-win’ for both them and Plunket.<br />
If you know of anyone, from an able and willing retiree to a local Service<br />
Group that could help out, Plunket would be grateful if you would<br />
pass this on to them. For anyone who is interested or would like more<br />
information please phone or text Rebecca on 021 713 692.<br />
Like them on Facebook and keep up to date with what’s happening in<br />
Plunket around Canterbury at<br />
A massage session for young babies<br />
at the Fendalton Plunket clinic.
16 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Be in to<br />
BOOK<br />
ONLINE<br />
NOW AND<br />
SAVE!<br />
WIN your<br />
dream<br />
honeymoon<br />
Pre-purchase your<br />
tickets from<br /><br />
for only $10pp<br />
or get a ticket on<br />
the day for $20pp<br />
weddingshow<br />
sunday 25th August, <strong>2019</strong>, 10am–3pm, Air Force Museum, Christchurch
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 17<br />
Senior Net New Brighton<br />
Tuesday, Wednesday and<br />
Thursday 10am-noon (by appointment)<br />
Go along for a group offering<br />
assistance to mature people with<br />
modern technology including<br />
computers, tablets, smartphones,<br />
email, Facebook, Skype, Word,<br />
cellphones and the internet.<br />
Phone 382 6048<br />
202 Marine Parade (next to the<br />
New Brighton Club)<br />
JP Clinic at Shirley Library<br />
Tuesday, 10am-1pm<br />
A justice of the peace will be<br />
available to members of the community<br />
to witness signatures and<br />
documents, certify document<br />
copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />
affidavits or affirmations as well<br />
as sign citizenship, sponsorship<br />
or rates rebates applications. No<br />
charge.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
SAYGo Steady As You Go<br />
Falls Prevention Exercise Class<br />
Tuesday, 10am<br />
This is a specially-designed<br />
class to help you not to fall.<br />
There will be a $2 koha entry.<br />
There is no booking fee<br />
required, those interested are<br />
invited to just turn up on the day<br />
and see what the class can do for<br />
them.<br />
Parklands Community Centre<br />
Email by<br />
5pm each Wednesday<br />
Ascot Sit and Be Fit<br />
Wednesday, 1-2pm, and<br />
Thursday, 9.30-10.30am<br />
Complete a class of exercises<br />
without even leaving your chair.<br />
The cost of the class is $4 and<br />
with this, you’ll get a cup of tea<br />
or coffee.<br />
Ascot Community Centre<br />
Rocket Club<br />
Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along and take part in<br />
different activities based on<br />
local and current events in<br />
a learning environment.<br />
Homework help is available<br />
during this time. Free and no<br />
bookings required.<br />
Aranui Library<br />
Scrabble Club<br />
Tuesday and Wednesday, 1.30-<br />
3.30pm and 1-2.45pm<br />
Go along to the Scrabble<br />
Club. No obligation, just go<br />
along when you can and join the<br />
friendly group. All materials are<br />
supplied. No fee.<br />
Parklands and Shirley<br />
libraries<br />
CV help<br />
Thursday, 10-11.30am<br />
A librarian will be on hand<br />
to assist customers who need<br />
help with their CV or<br />
resume.<br />
New Brighton Library<br />
Technology Help Drop-in<br />
Sessions<br />
Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along to drop-in sessions<br />
for help with email, searching<br />
the internet, using the library<br />
catalogue, eBooks, and general<br />
computer queries.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
Cards Club<br />
Friday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />
This weekly club will be held<br />
every Friday, just go along and<br />
join the fun. Free, no bookings<br />
required.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
Makerspace<br />
Friday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along to weekly Makerspace<br />
sessions and get hands-on<br />
with activities for all ages. Something<br />
new every week.<br />
Aranui Library<br />
Culture Exchange<br />
Friday, 3.45-4.45pm<br />
Go along and make new<br />
friends, practice English and<br />
learn about New Zealand and<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
New Brighton Seaside<br />
Market<br />
Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />
Go and enjoy a warm<br />
and fun atmosphere beside<br />
the seaside. With live<br />
entertainment, food and free<br />
face-painting.<br />
New Brighton Pedestrian<br />
Mall<br />
Celebrating 20<br />
years at the pier<br />
will be held at<br />
New Brighton<br />
Library on<br />
Wednesday from<br />
3.30pm until<br />
4.30pm. Go along<br />
and celebrate<br />
the library’s<br />
20th birthday.<br />
There will be<br />
cake, music, face<br />
painting and a<br />
scavenger hunt<br />
and it’s all free. <br />
Golden Oldies Movie<br />
screening – I’m Alright Jack<br />
Monday, 1.30pm<br />
Peter Sellers and Margaret Rutherford<br />
star in this 1959 comedy.<br />
A naive aristocrat in search<br />
of a career becomes caught up in<br />
the struggles between his profitminded<br />
uncle and an aggressive<br />
labour union. $2, go early for a<br />
cuppa and a chat.<br />
New Brighton Museum, 9<br />
Hardy St<br />
Marshland Table Tennis Club<br />
Monday, 7.30-9.30pm<br />
Go along every Monday night<br />
until October 14. Casual players<br />
are welcome – $5 for adults per<br />
night, $3 for juniors under-18.<br />
Marshland Hall, 430<br />
Marshland Rd
18<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
The Ryman Difference<br />
Putting residents first! Our winning formula for over 30 years.<br />
Fair terms<br />
The weekly fee is fixed for the entire<br />
time you occupy your townhouse or<br />
apartment, guaranteed.*<br />
There are no hidden costs such as<br />
waitlist fees, surprise move-in costs<br />
or administration fees. And you<br />
will benefit from one of the lowest<br />
deferred management fees in the<br />
retirement sector, capped<br />
at 20 percent.<br />
Resident-focused<br />
innovation<br />
Ryman Delicious menus offer<br />
choice and freshness, our<br />
myRyman electronic care<br />
programme enables individualised<br />
care at the touch of a button, and<br />
emergency power generators in<br />
every Ryman village centre keep<br />
residents safe and warm even if<br />
the lights go out.<br />
Care options that<br />
suit your needs<br />
We’re dedicated to caring for you<br />
now and into your future.<br />
We provide independent living,<br />
and assisted living in a serviced<br />
apartment. Plus, resthome and<br />
hospital care, and in most villages,<br />
specialist dementia care.<br />
For more information on the Ryman difference phone<br />
Josie on 0800 000 290 or visit<br />
Where community shapes the heart of your retirement<br />
*Some conditions apply
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 19<br />
Tasty Bites<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
Sweet as: Appreciating the kumara<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
Of all the<br />
wonderful<br />
vegetables we<br />
have available<br />
to us, kumara –<br />
or sweet potato<br />
as its known<br />
in other parts<br />
of the world – would have<br />
to be a favourite for Kiwis.<br />
Deanna Copland provides<br />
an example of a hearty<br />
winter soup, which is sure to<br />
please<br />
Spiced kumara soup with<br />
almonds<br />
Ingredients<br />
2 Tbsp coconut oil<br />
6-8 medium kumara, ends<br />
removed, scrubbed and grated<br />
3 cloves garlic, crushed<br />
2 tsp ground cumin<br />
2 tsp ground coriander<br />
Sea salt and black pepper<br />
1-litre chicken or vegetable stock<br />
2 cups unsweetened almond milk<br />
½ cup natural flaked almonds<br />
2 Tbsp dukkah<br />
Directions<br />
Heat a tablespoon of coconut<br />
oil in a large pot over high heat.<br />
Add the kumara, garlic, cumin,<br />
coriander, salt and pepper and<br />
cook, stirring, for 5min or until<br />
the kumara has softened.<br />
Add the stock and almond<br />
milk. Cover and bring to the boil.<br />
Reduce the heat to medium and<br />
cook for 15min until the soup<br />
has reduced slightly.<br />
While the soup is cooking,<br />
heat the remaining oil in a small<br />
fry pan over high heat. Add the<br />
almonds and dukkah and cook,<br />
stirring until golden and crisp.<br />
Divide the soup among four<br />
bowls and top with the almond<br />
mixture.<br />
Serve with a slice of crusty<br />
pumpkin seed sourdough for the<br />
ultimate winter meal.<br />
Enjoy a healthy salad with<br />
your kumara. For this recipe,<br />
soak your spelt overnight<br />
ready to eat the following<br />
evening. Perfect eaten warm,<br />
this salad also keeps well<br />
in the fridge for a couple of<br />
days, so save those leftovers<br />
for weekday lunches<br />
Roasted carrot, pearled<br />
spelt and orange salad<br />
Ingredients<br />
1 red onion, chopped<br />
300g baby carrots, greens intact<br />
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus<br />
extra for drizzling<br />
200g (1 cup) dry spelt (soaked<br />
overnight in cold water)<br />
1 medium orange<br />
2 generous handfuls of kale,<br />
finely shredded<br />
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar<br />
6 whole dried figs, finely chopped<br />
A fistful of crushed roasted<br />
Hazelnuts<br />
Sea salt and cracked<br />
Black pepper<br />
Directions<br />
Heat the oven to 200 deg C.<br />
Place the red onion on a baking<br />
tray with the carrots (greens<br />
removed and set aside) and a<br />
drizzle of olive oil. Season with<br />
salt and pepper and roast for<br />
20min.<br />
Once the carrots and red<br />
onion have gone into the oven,<br />
thoroughly rinse the soaked spelt<br />
and boil over a medium heat for<br />
20min as well.<br />
Grate the zest from the orange<br />
and set aside. Squeeze the juice<br />
from the orange.<br />
Place the shredded kale in a<br />
large bowl along with the two<br />
tablespoons of olive oil, apple<br />
cider vinegar and orange juice,<br />
massaging it into the kale for<br />
5min.<br />
Add the cooked spelt, roasted<br />
carrots and onion and carrot<br />
greens to the bowl with the kale.<br />
Toss in the orange zest, finely<br />
chopped dried figs and crushed<br />
hazelnuts. Give everything a<br />
good mix and feel free to season<br />
further with cracked black<br />
pepper and sea salt, before<br />
drizzling with a little extra olive<br />
oil.<br />
3 issues $20<br />
6 issues $44.50<br />
10 issues $65<br />
0800 77 77 10<br />
20<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
ouR<br />
Canterbury<br />
readership up<br />
14 %<br />
Reach 164,000* readers<br />
with just one ad in our<br />
Star Max Circ Package.<br />
For advertising enquiries<br />
please contact Shane Victor<br />
Phone: 021 381 765<br />
Email:<br />
*Source: Nielsen CMI Q2 18 – Q1 19.
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 21<br />
No ordinary life<br />
18 Carlton Mill Road, Merivale<br />
2 bedroom apartments from $699,000 - $749,000 - 2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom | 1 living room | 1 dining room | 1 car-garage | 1 lift<br />
Penthouse $1,495,000 - 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 3 living rooms | 1 dining room | 1 study | 2 car-garage | 1 lift<br />
Recent refurbishments have seen<br />
the iconic Kamahi Apartments utterly<br />
transformed to meet the needs of<br />
contemporary lives. Now earthquakestrengthened<br />
to 100% of the National<br />
Building Standard, this development<br />
offers an extraordinary lifestyle in a<br />
setting second-to-none. Right alongside<br />
the Avon River, with views across<br />
picturesque Hagley Park, it is zoned for<br />
top public schools (with a wide choice<br />
of private schools also nearby) and is<br />
strolling distance to Victoria Street<br />
restaurants or a short drive to Merivale<br />
Village.<br />
Apartments range from ground floor,<br />
levels 1 to 3 and then the Penthouse. All<br />
feature open-plan living and dining and<br />
some ground floor units open to outdoor<br />
living, set within a private courtyard<br />
garden. Warmed by a heat pump and<br />
decorated in neutral contemporary tones,<br />
this is a beautiful space for relaxing and<br />
entertaining. The kitchen alongside is<br />
a sleek and sophisticated workspace,<br />
with high-spec appliances including<br />
under-bench oven and ceramic cooktop.<br />
Two bedrooms share a stunning new<br />
bathroom, while a basement carpark<br />
and storage locker ensure the utmost<br />
practicality. Lift access and shared use of<br />
a beautifully landscaped garden elevate<br />
this property to an exceptional standard.<br />
Zoning for Elmwood School, Heaton<br />
Intermediate, Boys’ High and Girls’<br />
High underpins the value of this highly<br />
desirable blue-chip location. Don’t miss<br />
the opportunity to be part of an icon.<br />
To arrange a private viewing phone<br />
Cameron Bailey on 352 6166 or mobile<br />
0275 557 079 of Harcourts Gold Papanui<br />
(Licensed Agent REAA 2008)<br />
growing with you June 2018 | 100%<br />
Plants For<br />
winter wow<br />
Cool Choices<br />
For Colour<br />
& Contrast<br />
From swamp<br />
to sea views<br />
The journey<br />
begins with sarah<br />
the Gardener<br />
$7.90 incl. GST<br />
Snap it up<br />
Enter our annual<br />
Birdlife Photo<br />
Competition to win<br />
great prizes!<br />
clear the air<br />
Why groWing<br />
indoor PLAnTs is<br />
so good for you<br />
give it a grow<br />
from gArLic<br />
To chinese<br />
ArTichokes,<br />
We hAve your<br />
groWing TiPs<br />
covered<br />
the latest releases<br />
into the rose world<br />
+ rose care<br />
through winter<br />
The magazine for<br />
gardeners who like to get<br />
their hands dirty<br />
$43. 50*<br />
*6 issues/6 months<br />
0800 77 77 10<br />
22<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />
seller, visit and search the ID#<br />
2004 BMW 730i<br />
John Deere 131 Front Mower Conditioner<br />
John Deere 730 Mower Conditioner<br />
HeVa 6.3m Folding Roller<br />
1997 Honda Legend<br />
Galucho 6.3m Folding Roller<br />
$7,200<br />
ID 29972<br />
$12,000<br />
ID 29880<br />
$15,000<br />
ID 29883<br />
$14,000<br />
ID 21671<br />
$2,000<br />
ID 29798<br />
$14,500<br />
ID 21672<br />
PowerLine V5 (Fruit/Vege slicers Grater)<br />
Recycled Rimu Chest of Drawers<br />
Yamaha NS 2000 Speaker System<br />
Yamaha TTR90<br />
Pinking Shears (22cm)<br />
Isuzu Bighorn<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 30012<br />
$500<br />
ID 29989<br />
$1,700<br />
ID 26257<br />
$1,000<br />
ID 29943<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 18919<br />
$4,500<br />
ID 29655<br />
Lounge Suite<br />
Petrol Shredder/Chipper<br />
Chinese Fan Palms<br />
Steel Stepladder<br />
Vase & Milk Jug<br />
Holden Commodore Ute<br />
$150<br />
ID 29633<br />
$1,000<br />
ID 29508<br />
$25<br />
ID 29854<br />
$70<br />
ID 29590<br />
$5<br />
ID 10012<br />
$5,500<br />
ID 29315<br />
McSkimming Hand Basin<br />
2006 Subaru Legacy GT B<br />
Datsun 260Z Motor<br />
Oil Containers (Full)<br />
Cobra Eliminator Kayak<br />
Yardman Model GLX92RA<br />
FREE!<br />
ID 29930<br />
$8,000<br />
ID 29912<br />
$1,200<br />
ID 19063<br />
$50<br />
ID 29884<br />
$800<br />
ID 26166<br />
$1,450<br />
ID 29875<br />
1988 Volvo 740 GLE Cedar Wooden Blinds<br />
MX5 Convertable<br />
2007 CanAm 4-wheeler 650cc<br />
Dark Green Suede Lounge Suite<br />
Honda Accord<br />
$4,000<br />
ID 29870<br />
$60<br />
ID 21475<br />
$3,500<br />
ID 29833<br />
$5,200<br />
ID 28130<br />
$250<br />
ID 29947<br />
800<br />
ID 29965<br />
Trestle Table<br />
2005 Volkswagen Touareg ABT Sporstline<br />
1995 Suzuki Escudo G-LTD<br />
ABBA Arrival LP<br />
Oil Pourers<br />
Honda Accord Euro CL 9<br />
$150<br />
ID 26229<br />
$10,500<br />
ID 25196<br />
$4,800<br />
ID 29909<br />
$20<br />
ID 29815<br />
$75 ONO<br />
ID 29805<br />
$8,000<br />
ID 29801<br />
Hutch Dresser<br />
Toyota Sprinter<br />
TV Cabinet<br />
Whitebait Net<br />
Nissan Navara<br />
2002 Ford Explorer<br />
$150<br />
ID 29793<br />
$2,000<br />
ID 29790<br />
$70<br />
ID 29789<br />
$950<br />
ID 29773<br />
$3,500<br />
ID 29769<br />
$8,500<br />
ID 28671<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>23</strong><br />
Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />
Collision Repairs<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Public Notices<br />
QEII Collision Repairs.<br />
Free Courtesy Cars<br />
(conditions apply),All<br />
Insurance work,Rust<br />
Repairs &Private work.<br />
Spray-painting.<br />
Free pickup & delivery.<br />
Ph. 03 388 5187<br />
Community Events<br />
ANONYMOUS, If you<br />
want to have a drink that’s<br />
your business. If you want<br />
to stop, we can help. Phone<br />
0800 229-6757<br />
Holiday<br />
Accommodation<br />
Australia QLD<br />
COAST<br />
RESORT<br />
All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />
Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />
Free Wifi, Tennis<br />
& Mini Golf.<br />
0061 7 5443 5011<br />
JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />
Lost & Found<br />
ADD SOME<br />
COLOUR<br />
Health & Beauty<br />
KATANG<br />
Fitness<br />
Held at St Faiths Church Hall,<br />
46 Hawke Street, New Brighton<br />
Sit & Be Fit<br />
Monday 1 – 2pm<br />
$4 per class<br />
Movement to Music<br />
Thursday<br />
9.30 – 10.30am<br />
$5 per class<br />
For more info contact Katrina 3811704 or 0274966845<br />
plumber<br />
★Garden Clean-ups<br />
★Pruning<br />
★Lawn Mowing<br />
★Garden Maintenance<br />
Call us today for a FREE quote<br />
PH 0800 4 546 546<br />
(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Lawns, Gardens<br />
& Home Cleaning<br />
Free Quotes<br />
Professional, personalised<br />
service. Regular &<br />
one-offs. Fixed price.<br />
Ph: 377-5814<br />
For all your property and<br />
cleaning requirements<br />
Trained, insured & security<br />
screened owner/operators<br />
Multi-award winning<br />
systems & Franchises<br />
Franchises Available<br /><br />
Ladies large wallet lost<br />
Ferry Road New World Trades & Services<br />
supermarket in the AAA HAnDyMAn<br />
checkout or entry area or licensed carpenter<br />
their carpark on Monday LBP, all property and<br />
15th <strong>July</strong> 12.30 - 12.45pm. building maintenance,<br />
Urgently needed. If you repairs, bathroom/shower<br />
have found please contact installations, with free<br />
police or call owner on quotes 03 383 1927 or 027<br />
384-0431 or work 364- 245 5226<br />
7419.. Thanks.<br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience.Uk trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers Bay.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Call your local plumber<br />
Whether you’re<br />
looking for advice,<br />
maintenance,<br />
urgent repairs or a<br />
FREE quote contact<br />
Aquapro now.<br />
Locally owned & operated with<br />
over 30 years experience.<br />
• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />
• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />
• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />
• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />
Phone Dave 981 0278<br />
or 021 2<strong>23</strong> 4200<br />
E:<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />
Villa Restoring, New<br />
Homes, Weatherboards.<br />
Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />
Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />
9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />
0374<br />
Qual builder, over 40 yrs<br />
exp. Avail for all sorts<br />
of building construction<br />
work incl decks, fences,<br />
carports, bthrm, kitchens &<br />
general maintenance jobs.<br />
For a free quote contact 03<br />
925 0876 or 027 641 3681.<br />
Email donaldlord626@<br /><br />
& licenced. Now availble<br />
for repairs, additions,<br />
alterations, EQ repair<br />
work. 35 yrs exp. Ph Ian<br />
021 350-509<br />
business video<br />
PRoduCTion<br />
A video will bring your business alive & into your<br />
customers mind.<br />
Promote your services or business with a<br />
professionally created video with us<br />
• Corporate and Business<br />
video a speciality<br />
• Competitive rates<br />
• 25 years experience<br />
• Start to finished product<br />
• Professional quality<br />
guaranteed<br />
PHone KeRRY 021 635 083<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
Trades & Services<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Trades & Services<br />
*****************<br />
CARPET & VInyL<br />
LAyIng<br />
Exp Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying, restretching.<br />
Email<br />
ph John on 0800 003 181<br />
or 027 2407416<br />
FEnCIng<br />
25 yrs exp. Fencing, all<br />
styles & gates. Ph Mark<br />
0273 313 2<strong>23</strong><br />
PAInTIng<br />
DECoRATIng<br />
Wingfields Contracting, all<br />
interior & exterior painting<br />
& all forms of interior<br />
plastering & jib fixing, ph<br />
Mark 021 171-1586<br />
A Top Plumbing job<br />
completed at a fair price,<br />
prompt service, all work<br />
guaranteed, ph Brian 960-<br />
7673 or 021 112-3492<br />
SPoUTIng<br />
CLEAnIng<br />
Spouting Unblocked,<br />
Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />
Out. Call Trevor 332 8949<br />
or 021 043 2034<br />
STUMP gRInDIng<br />
Best price guarantee Tony<br />
0275 588 895<br />
STUMP gRInDIng<br />
Best price guarantee Tony<br />
0275 588 895<br />
35 years exp, no job<br />
too small. Ph Ross 027<br />
4311440.<br />
T.V. SERVICE<br />
CEnTRE<br />
Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />
audio amps, soundbars.<br />
.Aerial & satellite<br />
installations, kitsets, 480D<br />
Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />
1400<br />
& all camera tapes<br />
converted to DVD, video<br />
taping special occasions,<br /><br />
ph 03 338-1655<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
AAA Buying goods<br />
quality furniture, beds,<br />
stoves, washing machines,<br />
fridge freezers. Same day<br />
service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />
Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />
313 8156<br />
TOOLS Garden,<br />
garage, woodworking,<br />
mechanical, engineering,<br />
sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />
buyer, ph 355-2045<br />
Public Notices<br />
Ladies large wallet lost<br />
Ferry Road New World<br />
supermarket in the<br />
checkout or entry area or<br />
their carpark on Monday<br />
15th <strong>July</strong> 12.30 - 12.45pm.<br />
Urgently needed. If you<br />
have found please contact<br />
police or call owner on<br />
384-0431 or work 364-<br />
7419.. Thanks.<br />
Ladies large wallet lost<br />
Ferry Road New World<br />
supermarket in the<br />
checkout or entry area or<br />
their carpark on Monday<br />
15th <strong>July</strong> 12.30 - 12.45pm.<br />
Urgently needed. If you<br />
have found please contact<br />
police or call owner on<br />
384-0431 or work 364-<br />
7419.. Thanks.<br />
Public Notice<br />
Want to be<br />
elected?<br />
• Local Council<br />
• Community Board<br />
stubbies<br />
a season of short shorts!<br />
4 exceptional one act plays<br />
for 3 nights only!<br />
7.30pm Thurs 25 to Sat 27 <strong>July</strong><br />
The Drama Theatre, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School,<br />
Merivale Lane, Christchurch. Tickets $15/$20<br />
to book phone 338 4699 or via<br /><br />
• Ecan<br />
• CDHB<br />
Star Media can help you.<br />
Talk to us today about your campaign.<br />
0508 AQUA PRO |<br />
Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
Contact: Elaine Moon<br />
03 364 7436<br />
021 914 335<br />
24<br />
Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
on trend...<br />
More on<br />
trend items<br />
on sale in<br />
store!<br />
ON SALE<br />
3 Drawer Bedside $ 179<br />
Queen Bed $<br />
459<br />
5 Drawer Tallboy $<br />
399<br />
8 Drawer Chest $<br />
499<br />
Shop<br />
Online<br />
Nationwide<br />
Delivery<br />
Finance<br />
Options<br /><br />
Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />
Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire 29/07/19.<br />
Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.<br />
On Trend On Sale now on. Ends 29.07.19. In store and online.