YSM Issue 91.1

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Yale Scientific<br />

Established in 1894<br />


MARCH 2018 VOL. 91 NO. 1 | $6.99<br />


ORGANS<br />

PAST THE<br />


15<br />


18<br />


20<br />




Yale Scientific Magazine<br />

VOL. 90 ISSUE NO. 5<br />


MARCH 2018<br />

NEWS 6<br />

FEATURES 25<br />


12 SNEAKING<br />



Current research done by Mark Saltzman<br />

and Jordan Pober combines<br />

techniques from multiple fields—<br />

nanoparticle delivery and transplant<br />

techniques—to improve long-term<br />

results after transplant surgery.<br />

15<br />



Cancer, diabetes, and many other<br />

diseases involve dysregulation of<br />

the same signaling pathway critical<br />

for regulating protein function.<br />

Researchers have developed a<br />

drug delivery system facilitating the<br />

inhibition of proteins implicated in<br />

the disruption of this pathway.<br />

18<br />


SNOW<br />

Why do clouds behave the way they<br />

do, sometimes producing snow and<br />

ice and rain? Yale professor Amir Haji-Akbari<br />

investigates these processes<br />

using computational techniques.<br />

20<br />


COLD<br />

Yale researchers identify a genetic<br />

adaptation in certain species of<br />

rodents that reduces their sensitivity<br />

to the cold, allowing them to hibernate<br />

in temperatures just above<br />

freezing.<br />


What makes the human brain so<br />

unique? Although it is around three<br />

times larger than the brains of our<br />

closest living relatives, the complexity<br />

in the connections between cells and<br />

the differences between cells themselves<br />

hint at a deeper explanation.<br />

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More articles available online at www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Q&A<br />


By Alice Tao<br />

Way colder than you’d think! In fact, water<br />

doesn’t always freeze when the temperature<br />

reaches zero degrees Celsius, the<br />

value regularly cited as the freezing point<br />

of water. Under certain conditions, water<br />

can undergo “supercooling” and exist in<br />

a liquid state far below its usual freezing<br />

point—at temperatures as low as -42.6 degrees<br />

Celsius.<br />

Previously, researchers encountered difficulties<br />

determining the lowest possible<br />

temperature of liquid water due to the rapid<br />

rate of ice crystal formation. In Germany,<br />

Robert Grisenti at the GSI Helmholtz Centre<br />

for Heavy Ion Research is developing<br />

new techniques for accurate measurement<br />

of the temperature of supercooled water<br />

with greater precision than ever before.<br />

Grisenti’s team began by spraying microscopic<br />

droplets of water into a vacuum. The<br />

exceptionally low pressure in the vacuum<br />


By Hannah Verma<br />

Male emperor penguins have long<br />

been thought to make the ultimate sacrifice:<br />

fasting for almost three months<br />

as they guard their eggs. As it turns out,<br />

however, the penguins are not quite as<br />

selfless as they’ve previously been portrayed.<br />

Researchers from the Scripps<br />

Institution of Oceanography discovered<br />

that male emperor penguins sometimes<br />

break their fast during the incubation<br />

period.<br />

Typically, females leave the egg with<br />

the males for approximately for three or<br />

four months; the male’s feet keep the egg<br />

warm by cradling it with a fleshy layer<br />

of skin. Scientists have long thought<br />

that the male penguins stay by the<br />

egg’s side at all times during this period.<br />

They often spend these bone-chilling<br />

Arctic months sleeping to preserve<br />

their energy, but they still lose up to<br />


Grisenti’s team supercooled water to -42.6 degrees<br />

Celsius.<br />


Two emperor penguins stand protectively over a young<br />

chick.<br />

causes fast evaporative cooling, where<br />

evaporation cools the tiny water droplets<br />

much faster than ice can form. With<br />

the understanding that droplet size is<br />

proportionally related to temperature,<br />

the researchers determined the droplets’<br />

temperature by measuring their size<br />

with a laser that had 10-nanometer precision.<br />

They calculated a record low for<br />

liquid water, -42.6 degrees Celsius.<br />

Supercooled water and its transformation<br />

into atmospheric ice occur naturally<br />

in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.<br />

“Atmospheric climate models need an<br />

accurate representation of such processes<br />

for a realistic description of cloud formation<br />

and precipitation,” Grisenti said.<br />

The hope is that this research can ultimately<br />

provide leading climate scientists<br />

with better insight for developing more<br />

reliable climate-predicting models.<br />

half of their body weight. It is such a<br />

challenging task that some emperor<br />

penguins do not survive the winter.<br />

Other males, however, have other<br />

ideas. After tracking several emperor<br />

penguins, the researchers observed<br />

that these males snuck off<br />

in the middle of the night to hunt<br />

for fish in the open water. This phenomenon<br />

is thought to be more<br />

common among penguin colonies<br />

based near the southern coast,<br />

where the journey to the ocean is<br />

much shorter. These “early feedings”<br />

are significant because they<br />

increase the male’s chance of survival<br />

in the winter. By snacking, the<br />

male makes it far more likely that<br />

he will successfully incubate the egg<br />

and ensures the chick’s chance at<br />

life in the coming months.

Science belongs to everyone.<br />

From doctors and biomedical engineers to astronomers and ecologists, science forms the<br />

roots from which we grow. With science, we explore our planet and beyond, from modeling<br />

the mysteries of the clouds in our sky (pg. 18) to imaging the galaxies that exist beyond the<br />

scope of our sight (pg. 30). We attempt to describe the life that surrounds us, including bird<br />

feather patterns (pg. 9), dog behavior (pg. 11), and butterfly evolution (pg. 34). We push the<br />

limits of science to create new technologies and innovations such as quantum computers<br />

(pg. 6), infrared imaging satellites (pg. 7), and dandelion lab tools (pg. 35).<br />

But perhaps most importantly, science contributes to people. From exploring depression<br />

(pg. 8), to inspiring young researchers (pg. 36), to challenging diabetes (pg. 32) and<br />

attacking HIV (pg. 10), science drives our emotional, mental, and physical progress. Our<br />

lives are supported and shaped by the scope of our scientific understanding and thus we<br />

are defined by science and science is defined by us. This now brings us to you, the readers,<br />

and the people that we hope to inspire.<br />

Our cover article this issue gives hope towards a future of both improved organ transplant<br />

outcomes and of increased transplant organ viability and thus availability (pg. 12).<br />

This future is an encapsulation of the discoveries that mark years of progress in many<br />

fields of research, where each breakthrough is built on the previous. But what are we<br />

building towards?<br />

The interconnected nature of science creates a pattern of progress that cannot begin to<br />

be described as uniform. A step in one direction may lead to many in another, and thus the<br />

nonlinearity of scientific discovery becomes increasingly evident. It is our responsibility<br />

as scientific journalists to explore the direction of each scientific path and ultimately map<br />

these fields of discovery. We attempt to guide you through what seems to be a labyrinth of<br />

research and progress. We aim to understand science and share this understanding.<br />

With our new 2018 masthead comes a new era of writing, editing, and design. We maintain<br />

the same scientific excitement and curiosity that our predecessors celebrated and<br />

shared with us. We cherish your continuing support and your high expectations, both of<br />

which serve as inspirations for future improvement. I asked earlier what we are building<br />

towards; the reality may be that we approach nothing in particular. Rather, we build towards<br />

everything. Just as the universe expands, science reaches in all directions. It is driven<br />

by the passions of people and thus represents the ideas of all. Science is shared and we are<br />

lucky to be the ones to share it with you.<br />

Yale Scientific<br />

Established in 1894<br />


MARCH 2018 VOL. 91 NO. 1 | $6.99<br />


ORGANS<br />

PAST THE<br />




15THE INHIBITOR 18 20<br />

AND SNOW<br />

THE COLD<br />

F R O M T H E E D I T O R<br />

Sharing Science<br />

A B O U T T H E A R T<br />

Eileen Norris<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

I’m so excited to serve as arts editor this upcoming<br />

year with <strong>YSM</strong>’s amazing board! For my<br />

first cover piece, I wanted to capture the magnitude<br />

of a new breakthrough in organ transplant<br />

technology. I illustrated a surgeon’s hands<br />

cradling a precious kidney, an organ that tens<br />

of thousands of Americans are in desperate<br />

need of, that has been treated by a nanoparticle<br />

drug delivery system represented in glowing<br />

green. By decreasing the frequency of organ<br />

rejections, more patients will receive their vital<br />

organs more quickly-making this a wonderful,<br />

revolutionary development in medicine.<br />

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Yale Scientific<br />

M A G A Z I N E<br />

Established in 1894<br />

MARCH 2018 VOL. 91 NO. 1<br />

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Grace Niewijk<br />

Sonia Wang<br />

Mindy Le<br />

Anna Sun<br />

Liz Ruddy<br />

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Alice Tao<br />

Hannah Verma<br />

Megha Chawla<br />

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Advisory Board<br />

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Diane Rafizadeh<br />

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Eric Wang<br />

Laurie Wang<br />

Alice Wu<br />

Kevin Chang<br />

Jiyoung Kang<br />

Allie Olson<br />

Jessica Trinh<br />

Nasser Odetallah<br />

Seth Anderson<br />

Lisa Wu<br />

Leslie Sim<br />

Lukas Corey<br />

Lauren J Kim<br />

Sonia Wang<br />

Fangchen Zhu<br />

Vikram Shaw<br />

Jason Yang<br />

Emma Healy<br />

Emma Wilson<br />

Anusha Bishop<br />

Lauren Gatta<br />

Sunnie Liu<br />

Elissa Johnson<br />

Astronomy<br />

Biological and Biomedical Sciences<br />

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Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry<br />

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology<br />

Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology<br />

Undergraduate Admissions<br />

Yale Science & Engineering Association<br />

The Yale Scientific Magazine (<strong>YSM</strong>) is published four times a year by<br />

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We reserve the right to edit letters before publication. Please send<br />

questions and comments to ysm@yale.edu. Special thanks to Yale STC.

NEWS<br />

in brief<br />



By Victoria Dombrowik<br />


An image of a mother board, the most<br />

important piece of a binary computer.<br />

The future of information technology may<br />

be in the qubit. The term, a combination of<br />

quantum and bit, is used to refer to an electronic<br />

circuit that functions as the basis of<br />

quantum computing. It relies on the principle<br />

of superposition, which holds that a physical<br />

system may exist simultaneously in two different<br />

states. While the computer bits of today<br />

can store information in either a 0 or 1<br />

state, qubits are capable of storing a 0 and 1 at<br />

the same time, expanding the ability to cache<br />

data exponentially. Such a device could function<br />

with unimaginable speed and precision,<br />

making considerable advancements in fields<br />

like medicine and cyber security.<br />

The next step is to build a quantum computer<br />

that is capable of using qubits. The<br />

foremost problem facing developers today is<br />

the extreme sensitivity of quantum systems.<br />

Even a slight interaction of the qubit with<br />

the surroundings could lead to decoherence,<br />

or a slow collapse of the quantum mechanical<br />

properties of the system, which would<br />

in turn lead to errors in calculations. Michel<br />

Devoret, the F. W. Beinecke Professor of Applied<br />

Physics at Yale University, and his team<br />

at the Quantronics Laboratory are investigating<br />

a method to improve coherence through<br />

the use of quantum error correction, which<br />

protects the integrity of the qubit. Quantum<br />

error correction does this correcting for both<br />

decoherence and quantum noise, which is the<br />

uncertainty in the original quantum system.<br />

They believe that mastering this technique<br />

will lead to the design of systems that remain<br />

coherent indefinitely. Devoret was also optimistic<br />

about the future of the quantum computer.<br />

“There is no roadblock, no physics that<br />

would prevent it. If it is possible, then humans<br />

will find a way to create it.”<br />


By Alice Li<br />


An image of a healthy human T-cell.<br />

You probably had a sore deltoid muscle<br />

after your flu vaccine this year. This is because<br />

this standard shot is delivered straight into<br />

muscle. But there’s another problem besides<br />

you getting a sore shoulder: by injecting the<br />

vaccine into the muscle, the vaccine bypasses<br />

most of the potent cells needed to initiate<br />

an immune response, meaning high vaccine<br />

doses must be given to stimulate immunity.<br />

In an epidemic, however, there might not be<br />

enough vaccine to immunize everyone with<br />

the high doses needed for muscle injection.<br />

To find a better injection site, a team<br />

of scientists led by professor Stephanie<br />

Eisenbarth from the Yale School of Medicine<br />

investigated immune cells responsible for<br />

generating an effective vaccine response.<br />

The team knew that antigens in the vaccine<br />

activate immune cells called T-follicular<br />

helper cells (Tfh), which in turn enable a<br />

second type of immune cell, the B-cells, to<br />

make antibodies. However, the scientists<br />

found that another type of immune cell,<br />

called Type 2 dendritic cell, recognizes the<br />

antigens from vaccines and presents them to<br />

Tfh cells, which then activate B-cells in an<br />

immune cell relay race.<br />

Vaccinating into muscle misses most of the<br />

dendritic cells needed to initiate the response<br />

chain. Instead, the findings, published in<br />

Science Immunology, suggest a new injection<br />

site for your next flu shot: the skin. “If we<br />

deliver the vaccine through the skin, then<br />

we are presenting the vaccine directly to the<br />

dendritic cells,” said Eisenbarth. This means<br />

that existing vaccine stores less likely to run<br />

out in the case of an epidemic, and that the<br />

vaccine can be more widely available.<br />

This new delivery method creates a more<br />

effective immune response and requires<br />

only one-tenth of the original dose. While<br />

injecting into the skin is more painful, the<br />

10-fold increase in efficiency outweighs the<br />

additional discomfort.<br />

6 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

in brief<br />

NEWS<br />



By Tiger Zhang<br />

Though hidden, Earth’s interior is full of<br />

activity. Heat from Earth’s interior drives<br />

plate tectonics, the movement of giant slabs<br />

of the Earth’s crust. At certain areas, such<br />

as along the coast of Chile, one plate slides<br />

under another, sinking into the mantle in<br />

a process called subduction. New research<br />

by Yale geoscientists Kanani Lee, associate<br />

professor of geology and geophysics, and<br />

graduate student Jie Deng helps explains why<br />

subducting plates do not sink directly down,<br />

but stagnate at around 1000 km in the lower<br />

mantle.<br />

The researchers studied ferropericlase, the<br />

second most abundant mineral in Earth’s<br />

mantle, under high temperature and pressure<br />

conditions simulating Earth’s interior. By<br />

looking at how ferropericlase’s melting<br />

behavior affects its viscosity, or its resistance to<br />

flow, the researchers hypothesized that around<br />

1000 km below Earth’s crust, ferropericlase<br />

helps create a region in the mantle a hundred<br />

times more viscous than the surrounding<br />

rock.<br />

This layer would hinder the sinking of<br />

tectonic slabs, causing the slabs to buckle<br />

and stagnate. In the other direction, the layer<br />

would affect mantle plumes, such as those<br />

beneath Hawaii and Iceland, that contribute<br />

to volcanic activity. The layer’s high viscosity<br />

would slow down and deflect plumes of hot<br />

rock rising from Earth’s core, causing the<br />

plumes to bend sideways.<br />

“There have been other ways to explain<br />

the stagnation of subducting slabs, however<br />

this mechanism also explains the deflection<br />

of rising plumes,” Lee said. This new theory<br />

is the first to account for both stagnation of<br />

subducting plates and deflection of mantle<br />

plumes.<br />


Volcanic activity in hot spots such as the<br />

Hawaiian Islands is fed by rising plumes<br />

of hot rock. The upward movement<br />

of the plume is altered by the high<br />

viscosity rock present around 1000 km<br />

below the Earth’s surface.<br />


By Erica Lin<br />

Close your eyes and imagine yourself on<br />

the moon. It is night, and before you, the<br />

glow of cities, sprawl, and human activity<br />

illuminate Earth.<br />

Yale Professor of Geography and<br />

Urbanization Karen Seto and Ph.D.<br />

Candidate Eleanor Stokes spend their time<br />

marveling at these lights—but not with their<br />

bare eyes. Instead, they see through the eyes<br />

of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer<br />

Suite (VIIRS), a real-time sensor on the<br />

NASA/NOAA Suomi-NPP satellite that<br />

collects high-resolution nighttime imagery<br />

of Earth.<br />

The Seto Lab processed raw VIIRS<br />

imagery and analyzed nighttime light<br />

intensity patterns for cities across the globe.<br />

They discovered that after accounting for<br />

confounding factors like light pollution or<br />

moon reflectance, VIIRS data acts as a proxy<br />

for electricity usage within individual cities.<br />

The connection between nighttime lights<br />

and electricity usage may seem intuitive,<br />

but previous metrics have typically relied on<br />

national rather than localized data, leading<br />

to misgeneralizations about individual cities’<br />

energy usages. Thus, VIIRS provides more<br />

precise energy usage analyses. “I’m very<br />

excited about the scope, that it’s global, yet<br />

we also look at the within-urban scale to<br />

assess the world,” Stokes said.<br />

Cities can use the new data to tackle<br />

local sustainability issues. Potential VIIRS<br />

applications include facilitating disaster relief<br />

planning, foreign urbanization development,<br />

and transportation sustainability. For<br />

example, tracking road connectivity via<br />

lights could pinpoint traffic-congested<br />

zones in need of redesign, and tracing light<br />

usage after earthquakes may reveal areas<br />

with limited resource access. Indeed, VIIRS<br />

can drive sustainability efforts by using<br />

data relevant to each glowing city in our<br />

illuminated world.<br />


Nighttime lights map of the United<br />

States<br />

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March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

psychology<br />


The downside of genetic testing for depression<br />


Picture yourself as a participant in a study: you receive a kit<br />

containing mouthwash and a color-changing strip of paper.<br />

Sleek text on the professional label reads “Saliva Self-Testing Kit<br />

for 5-Hydroxylindoleacetic Acid.” Following the instructions,<br />

you rinse your mouth and hold the test strip to your tongue,<br />

immediately transforming the test strip from blue to brownish<br />

green. While this kit may appear to be a saliva-based genetic<br />

test, it is actually a placebo test. However, you were not the only<br />

person fooled; 786 participants in the study also believed that<br />

the kit was a real genetic test.<br />

In this study, Yale psychologist Woo-Kyong Ahn and Columbia<br />

University postdoctoral research fellow Matthew S. Lebowitz explored<br />

the negative effects of genetic testing for depression, which<br />

had been mostly overlooked during the growing popularization<br />

of personalized genetic testing for explaining and predicting<br />

health issues in the twenty-first century. Public opinion is shifting<br />

to believe that depression and other mental disorders, like physical<br />

diseases, stem from biological causes, leading to higher interest<br />

in genetic testing for mental disorders.<br />

“There was hope that genetic testing would further decrease<br />

the stigma around mental health issues,” Lebowitz explained.<br />

However, only recognizing the benefits of genetic testing leaves<br />

out details about potentially adverse consequences, resulting in a<br />

dangerously overoptimistic view of genetic testing. This recently<br />

published Yale Thinking Lab study helped show the emotional<br />

downside of genetic testing that so often gets ignored.<br />

The researchers divided the participants into three groups: a<br />

depression gene-absent group and two depression gene-present<br />

groups. The test strip turned brown for all three groups, so all<br />

the participants received the same placebo test results, but the researchers<br />

randomly assigned different meaning to the results. The<br />

gene-absent group was told they did not carry the gene that would<br />

make them more susceptible to depression, while both gene-present<br />

groups were told that they carried the gene.<br />

One of the two gene-present groups watched a short intervention<br />

video explaining that genes alone cannot make a person depressed<br />

because complicated factors—such as epigenetics, which<br />

turn genes on or off, the interactions between many different<br />

genes, and environmental and experiential factors—also play important<br />

roles in the development of depression. The other group<br />

did not. Finally, all three groups completed a Negative Mood Regulation<br />

(NMR) scale, which measures how well one expects to be<br />

able to control one’s negative emotions in the future.<br />

The gene-absent group reported higher NMR scores than the<br />

two gene-present groups, suggesting that the gene-present groups<br />

felt less confident in their ability to cope with depressive symptoms<br />

than the gene-absent group. In other words, the people who<br />

thought they were genetically predisposed to depression felt more<br />

helpless and hopeless in regulating their mood, and thus, viewed<br />

themselves as more susceptible to depression. “We basically created<br />

depression in three minutes,” said Ahn.<br />

Adding further complexity, the gene-present group shown<br />

the educational video scored significantly higher on the NMR<br />

scale than the gene-present group who did not watch the video.<br />

This difference in NMR scores demonstrates that the educational<br />

video effectively mitigated the negative effects of the genetic<br />

testing on the people who believed that they were genetically<br />

disposed to depression.<br />

Personalized genetic testing for susceptibility to depression and<br />

other mental disorders is already common among the general<br />

public and will most likely become even more prevalent in the<br />

future. Ahn thinks the popularity of genetic testing keeps growing<br />

because it promises easy answers, even if they may be misleading.<br />

“Genetic testing is a way for people to simplify this complicated<br />

world, but problems arise with oversimplifying,” said Ahn.<br />

Celebrating only the beneficial aspects of genetic testing overlooks<br />

its negative implications, potentially leading to tragic clinical<br />

effects. For example, this study showed that genetic testing for<br />

depression could actually increase one’s risk for depression, because<br />

test results showing genetic predisposition to depression exacerbate<br />

people’s pessimism in their ability to cope with and overcome<br />

depressive symptoms. This negative consequence of genetic<br />

testing is especially concerning because faith in one’s own possibility<br />

of overcoming depression can be a self-fulfilling prophecy,<br />

so abandoning self-confidence can prevent improvement.<br />

The researchers hope their results will spark thoughtful consideration<br />

of genetic testing. “I would like for people who are otherwise<br />

gung-ho about rolling out genetic testing in all fields to be<br />

more cautious,” said Lebowitz.<br />


Photograph shows closed container of “Saliva Self-Testing Kit for<br />

5-Hydroxylindoleacetic Acid,” the fake genetic testing kit used in<br />

the study.<br />

8 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

ecology<br />

NEWS<br />


The evolution of super-black feathers in birds-of-paradise<br />



The feathers of the superblack bird of paradise trap all of the light.<br />

Just like a teenager before a first date, male birds-of-paradise<br />

spend hours checking their looks and practicing their dance<br />

moves. But unlike a teenager, who might change clothes five<br />

times before leaving the house, male birds-of-paradise wear the<br />

same outfit their whole life, so they make it as flashy as possible.<br />

Their plumage is astonishingly black, much more so than any tuxedo.<br />

A new study by Yale researchers Todd Harvey and Richard<br />

Prum examined what causes the velvety, super-black quality in<br />

the feathers of these birds.<br />

Understanding the processes behind bird coloration is important<br />

to understand evolution, sexual selection, and speciation.<br />

Birds-of-paradise have some of the most intricate courtship<br />

dances and feather coloration in the world, making them<br />

ideal to study. The researchers hypothesized that the birds’ super-black<br />

feathers evolved to intensify the perceived brightness<br />

of neighboring colorful feather patches, appealing more to females<br />

during the courtship dance.<br />

Two processes contribute to bird feather coloration. Molecular<br />

pigments absorb light only at specific wavelengths, reflecting<br />

the rest to produce color. The second process, known as structural<br />

absorption, generates color by scattering light at multiple<br />

angles. In both cases, we see the reflected light as color. A material<br />

that reflects all light will appear white, and a material that<br />

absorbs all light will look black.<br />

The researchers discovered that the birds’ super-black color<br />

comes from this second process of structural absorption. When<br />

light is scattered, the feather absorbs some of that scattered light.<br />

By causing more scattering, structurally absorbent objects like<br />

bird feathers can take in more light and appear much darker.<br />

Bird-of-paradise feathers look so black because they are essentially<br />

trapping all the light.<br />

The researchers studied the function of this structural absorption<br />

in feathers from seven different bird-of-paradise species.<br />

They discovered that super-black feathers structurally absorbed<br />

99.95% of incoming light, the most efficient rate of any natural<br />

material. The shape, position, and texture of feather barbs and<br />

barbules, hook-like structures holding the feather together, all<br />

affect the coloration. The experimenters found that the barbule<br />

arrays of super-black feathers tilted vertically, forming deep and<br />

curved structural cavities.<br />

The scientists hypothesized that the tilted feather microstructure,<br />

combined with the courtship dance, evolved to elevate vibrant<br />

feathers to their maximal brilliance. In both butterflies and<br />

birds-of-paradise, super-black areas are located next to structurally<br />

colorful feathers. The super-black feathers make other colors<br />

appear brighter by eliminating the environmental signals females<br />

typically use to judge color intensity. Specifically, they override<br />

specular highlights, the spots of light that show up on illuminated<br />

shiny objects, and define physical boundaries. The feathers absorb<br />

all the incident light, making the neighboring colors seem so radiant<br />

they lose their boundaries and hover in space.<br />

The researchers also found that super-black feathers have a<br />

strong directional reflectance bias, making them look darkest<br />

when facing a viewer head on. Male birds-of-paradise strut their<br />

stuff at a particular angle relative to watchful females, consistent<br />

with the optimal angle for a super-black appearance.<br />

However, only feathers used in the courtship dance were super-black.<br />

Other feathers, such as those on the birds’ backs, reflected<br />

more light. The difference in structure and color between<br />

feathers involved in the courtship dance and those that are not<br />

was striking, suggesting a highly specialized purpose. “Other organisms<br />

that evolved super-black, a West African viper, or a butterfly...in<br />

both cases they evolve this super-black material for a<br />

different purpose than our birds-of-paradise,” said Harvey. “Our<br />

birds-of-paradise are not developing it for camouflage...they’re developing<br />

it because it makes them shockingly beautiful to a mate.”<br />

But much research remains to understand in what ways structural<br />

absorption and multiple scattering of light affect the female<br />

birds’ color correction. Moving forward, Prum’s lab will likely focus<br />

on how female birds-of-paradise perceive a male’s plumage<br />

during a courtship dance. Furthermore, the researchers hope that<br />

super-black feathers will inspire new biomimetic materials. Structural<br />

absorption has major potential for a variety of mechanical,<br />

thermal, and solar technologies, like the lining inside space telescopes.<br />

Perhaps, like a male bird-of-paradise, the next batch of<br />

space photography will blind us with its beauty.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


NEWS<br />

medicine<br />


Targeting latently-infected T-cells<br />



Scanning electron micrograph of a T cell infected infected with HIV.<br />

One of the most pressing problems today in the effort to<br />

eradicate HIV is latency. Infected T cells may harbor the virus<br />

but lie dormant for years, making up a latent reservoir<br />

that evades the drugs, which effectively kill only active cells<br />

replicating the virus. Researchers have recently discovered<br />

a new way to uncover cells harboring latent forms of the virus,<br />

opening the door to a new approach to extinguishing<br />

reservoirs of infected T cells inside a patient’s body.<br />

Recently published in Nature Scientific Reports, the<br />

project was headed by Linda Fong, a graduate student in<br />

the laboratory of Kathryn Miller-Jensen, Associate Professor<br />

of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. Her<br />

team studied five cell-signaling pathways in an attempt<br />

to distinguish infected cells from healthy ones. Signaling<br />

pathways are essential in multicellular organisms, since<br />

they facilitate how external and internal stimuli trigger<br />

changes in cells. These changes include events like releasing<br />

a hormone or expressing a gene. Before Fong’s team<br />

could study these pathways, however, they needed to reactivate<br />

the latently infected T cells.<br />

To do this, several classes of latency reversing agents<br />

(LRAs) were used to stimulate the cells. One type of LRA<br />

functions by opening up the cell’s chromatin, where the<br />

virus’s genetic information is found, to allow for the transcription<br />

and expression of the HIV genome; others are<br />

able to activate specific proteins leading to expression of<br />

the HIV genome. These agents are currently of great interest<br />

to HIV researchers looking to “activate-and-kill” the latent<br />

reservoir.<br />

Once the T cells were treated with LRAs, researchers<br />

compared levels of kinase phosphorylation in infected cells<br />

and healthy ones. Kinases are enzymes that play an essential<br />

role in cell signaling pathways by transferring a phosphate<br />

from ATP, a molecule in which energy is stored, to another<br />

molecular substrate—usually a key protein in a cell signaling<br />

pathway—effectively activating or deactivating the<br />

protein. This transfer releases energy so that the signaling<br />

pathway can continue. The researchers realized that infected<br />

cells exhibit a significantly higher level of kinase phosphorylation<br />

than do healthy cells. Mathematical analyses<br />

further confirmed that the extent of variation in phosphorylation<br />

between infected and healthy cells was sufficient to<br />

differentiate them. This increased level of phosphorylation<br />

in infected cells indicates that the virus has managed to deregulate<br />

crucial cell processes, shedding light into one of<br />

the many ways the virus impacts the cells harboring it.<br />

“You can imagine that if scores of scientists were working<br />

on this, you could find so many other pathways that are<br />

dysregulated,” Fong said. “That comes back to pathway engineering<br />

and the idea that you can get a cell to do what you<br />

want if you understand its circuitry.”<br />

Previous research has compared latently infected and<br />

healthy T cells in a state prior to reactivation by LRAs.<br />

These studies were unable to find an accurate, specific way<br />

to distinguish latently infected T cells from healthy cells.<br />

These findings could have meaningful clinical implications,<br />

and Fong is working towards eventually conducting<br />

trials in HIV patients. For now, she has transitioned from<br />

testing healthy cells that are manually infected with HIV to<br />

working with cells extracted from the blood of HIV-positive<br />

patients. Ultimately, Fong and her team hope that their<br />

work will enable more selective and specific eradication<br />

strategies that target only infected T cells while leaving the<br />

healthy ones intact in patients with HIV.<br />


Linda Fong pipettes her samples in the Miller-Jensen Lab.<br />

10 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

evolutionary biology<br />

NEWS<br />


Peering into the mystery of canine eye contact<br />



Eye contact may have facillitated the healthy relationship between<br />

humans and dogs.<br />

Humans use eye contact all the time, from bonding with<br />

our babies to sharing an awkward glance with someone<br />

during an embarrassing situation. Eye contact isn’t just<br />

for humans though—dogs use it too. Man’s best friend has<br />

learned to use eye contact to connect and communicate<br />

with humans extraordinarily well. Researchers at Yale’s Canine<br />

Cognition Center (CCC) set out to learn more about<br />

how this behavior developed over the course of the domestication<br />

process by comparing dogs, wolves, and dingoes.<br />

We can learn a lot about ourselves by observing the<br />

behavior of animals that spend a lot of time around us.<br />

“Across domestication, dogs have come to learn from humans<br />

in much the same way as human children learn from<br />

adults, so dogs and dingoes offer us the unique opportunity<br />

to examine how these human-like abilities may have<br />

evolved,” said Yale graduate student Angie Johnston. Johnston<br />

works in the CCC alongside Laurie Santos, Ph.D.,<br />

who directs the center, observing canine behavior to answer<br />

these types of questions.<br />

Back in 2015, a Japanese group found that both dogs and<br />

humans experience a rush of oxytocin—a hormone associated<br />

with bonding and warm fuzzy feelings—when they<br />

make eye contact with each other. In contrast, wolves that<br />

underwent the same experiments rarely made eye contact<br />

with their handlers and didn’t show similar oxytocin<br />

spikes even when their eyes did meet.<br />

For dogs, eye contact has practical uses that extend beyond<br />

warm fuzzy feelings. When dogs were given a difficult<br />

puzzle to solve, they looked at their owners more<br />

frequently, seeking help or looking for solutions based on<br />

where the human’s gaze is directed. On the other hand,<br />

labs that compared dogs’ problem-solving behavior to<br />

wolves’ found that the wolves tackled the puzzle independently<br />

and mostly ignored the humans.<br />

The CCC added nuance to these previous studies by collecting<br />

observations from Australian dingoes that underwent<br />

the same experiments. Wolves are considered the standard<br />

undomesticated ancestor; in contrast, dingoes associate frequently<br />

with humans but have never been selectively bred<br />

like dogs. The last shared ancestor between dingoes and<br />

modern dogs existed roughly 5000 years ago. As a result, dingoes<br />

represent an intermediate step in canine domestication.<br />

By studying dingoes, researchers can notice subtle effects<br />

of complete domestication that may be overlooked<br />

when comparing dogs to wolves. “If we see differences in<br />

dogs and dingoes, it’s coming from a really tiny window<br />

of domestication,” said Santos. The dingoes in this recent<br />

study made eye contact with humans less often than dogs,<br />

but more often than wolves, indicating that some motivation<br />

to make eye contact developed even before the tiny<br />

window separating dingoes and dogs.<br />

“Our study in particular suggests that eye contact between<br />

humans and canids may have evolved relatively early<br />

in the domestication process, before humans began actively<br />

breeding dogs,” said Johnston. “This is significant<br />

because it suggests that one of the most foundational aspects<br />

of canine social cognition was already being shaped<br />

very early in domestication.”<br />

The results led researchers to hypothesize that the<br />

bond between humans and dogs may have developed in<br />

two stages. Early efforts at domestication might have favored<br />

dogs that showed some tendency to make eye contact,<br />

since that would have elicited some of the same warm<br />

fuzzy feelings as parent-child eye contact. Once some<br />

bond was established, humans probably started treating<br />

dogs as social partners, which would have prompted dogs<br />

to start learning eye contact as a form of communication.<br />

Looking ahead, Johnston expresses enthusiasm about<br />

how she expects this research to move forward. She’s especially<br />

interested in diving deeper into social cognition<br />

and the communicative aspects of eye contact. She<br />

points out that understanding domestication and canine<br />

cognition not only helps unravel history but can also<br />

have practical implications for our day-to-day interactions<br />

with the canines in our lives. “Understanding more<br />

about how the bond between our two species develops<br />

may help promote healthy relationships between people<br />

and their pet dogs, therapy dogs, service dogs, and emotional<br />

support dogs,” she said.<br />

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March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

biotechnology<br />

Sneaking Organs<br />

Past the Immune<br />

System<br />


Art by SUNNIE LIU<br />

12 Yale Scientific Magazine April 2015 www.yalescientific.org

The diagnosis comes in: patient X has end-stage<br />

renal failure. His kidneys no longer work, and he has<br />

the choice of either staying hooked up to a machine<br />

for dialysis treatment a few times each week, or<br />

obtaining a transplant organ. Luckily, he is able to<br />

receive a donated kidney—hard to come by.<br />

biomedical engineering<br />

FOCUS<br />

But a new diagnosis comes in three<br />

months after the surgery: his new kidney<br />

is failing. His body has rejected the new organ,<br />

and his immune system is slowly eating<br />

away at it. Once again, he is forced to begin<br />

dialysis treatment, depending on a blinking<br />

machine to carry out the same function that<br />

his kidneys used to do.<br />

This story is not uncommon: around fifteen<br />

to twenty percent of kidney transplants<br />

fail within five years of transplantation. Currently,<br />

the main way physicians attempt to<br />

decrease the rejection rate is by giving patients<br />

drugs that suppress the immune system,<br />

thereby reducing the body’s ability to<br />

attack and reject the transplant.<br />

But Yale researchers are seeking to develop<br />

a new way to reduce immune rejection. A<br />

long-standing study done by Yale professors<br />

Mark Saltzman and Jordan Pober in collaboration<br />

with researchers at Cambridge University<br />

seeks to use carefully designed, tiny<br />

nanoparticles to deliver drugs to transplant<br />

organs before they are placed in the body.<br />

They hope their process will improve longterm<br />

outcomes for transplant patients.<br />

America’s transplant problem<br />

The organ transplant waiting list is a national<br />

list compiled by the United Network<br />

for Organ Sharing (UNOS), a non-profit established<br />

to manage the federal organ transplant<br />

system and to objectify the complex<br />

matching process between donors and recipients.<br />

Factors such as a patient’s medical<br />

urgency, the compatibility between donor<br />

and recipient, and the time on the waiting<br />

list guide how organs are distributed.<br />

Despite this, there are around 116,000<br />

people waiting for a vital organ transplant,<br />

while in 2017 there were only about 35,000<br />

organ transplants. The average wait time for<br />

a liver transplant is around 11 months; for a<br />

kidney transplant that number increases to<br />

5 years.<br />

Even after a patient receives a transplant,<br />

there’s still no guarantee that their new organ<br />

will prove an effective treatment. In the case<br />

of a bad match between the recipient and<br />

donor, the recipient’s immune system will<br />

recognize the new organ as a foreign object<br />

and will attack it, sometimes damaging it irreversibly.<br />

Though transplant rejection can<br />

be minimized using drugs that suppress the<br />

immune system, these immunosuppressant<br />

drugs can make the patient more susceptible<br />

to other diseases.<br />

Patients need a more targeted approach to<br />

prevent the immune system from destroying<br />

the transplant, but also allow normal immune<br />

function to occur—perhaps through<br />

a delivery system of some sorts. Enter Professor<br />

of Biomedical Engineering Mark<br />

Saltzman, who has long worked on using<br />

nanoparticles to create better drug delivery<br />

systems.<br />

Small but mighty<br />

What is the smallest object visible to the<br />

human eye? Those with imperfect vision<br />

might squint to see the words on a page in<br />

front of them. Others might say a human<br />

hair, just 0.1 millimeters wide, or 10 percent<br />

of the width of your typical credit card. The<br />

typical human cell is far smaller than what<br />

the eye can see—around ten cells can fit in<br />

the thickness of a single average hair. But<br />

on the nano-scale, thousands to hundreds<br />

of thousands of tiny nanoparticles can fit<br />

across a hair.<br />

Science has turned its focus to nanoparticles<br />

as a potential drug delivery mechanism<br />

because of their size. Because they are so tiny,<br />

they not only have a comparatively large surface<br />

area available for reactions, but also are<br />

able to cross cell and tissue barriers that current<br />

delivery systems cannot, making them a<br />

more efficient system for drug delivery.<br />

The key is finding ways to engineer<br />

nanoparticles to target specific cells, such as<br />

delivering growth-suppressing drugs to tumors<br />

in cancer patients. Nanoparticles can<br />


Nanoparticles can be used to target drug<br />

delivery to specific types of cells.<br />

be designed with specific properties to increase<br />

their effectiveness—for instance, by<br />

giving them a positive charge to interact better<br />

with the drug they are carrying. Antibodies<br />

that recognize and bind to characteristic<br />

targets on the cell types of interest can also<br />

be attached to the surface of the nanoparticles<br />

to make the delivery more specific.<br />

In a typical transplant organ, the circulating<br />

blood from the host primarily interacts with<br />

cells that line the blood vessels of the transplant<br />

organ called endothelial cells. White<br />

blood cells, the fighters of the immune system,<br />

are found in the blood and interact with<br />

major histocompatibility complex (MHC)<br />

proteins found on the surface of the endothelial<br />

cells. If an MHC protein not typically<br />

produced by the body is found, then the white<br />

blood cells hone in on those cells and initiate<br />

inflammatory responses, which can then kill<br />

the cells of the transplant organ.<br />


A kidney facing end stage renal disease. After<br />

kidney failure, patients can only be put on<br />

dialysis or undergo transplant surgery.<br />

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March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

biomedical engineering<br />

perfused for one to two hours, we could treat<br />

them in other ways to make them less prone<br />

to rejection,” Saltzman said.<br />

The researchers decided to target CD31,<br />

a protein found on all endothelial cells.<br />

Nanoparticles coated with antibodies able to<br />

recognize CD31 were injected into the perfusion<br />

device while blood passed through<br />

a donor kidney, along with a non-targeted<br />

set of nanoparticles without the antibodies.<br />

The results, a colorful set of images showing<br />

where each set of nanoparticles accumulated,<br />

indicated that targeted particles could<br />

accumulate to levels two to five times higher<br />

than in the control group, whereas some<br />

areas showed profound targeting with levels<br />

up to ten times higher than the control.<br />

“That was one surprise. No one ever<br />

looked at where particles go in a human organ<br />

before at this level,” Saltzman said. “It<br />

allowed us to make some hypotheses about<br />

what would give you the best distribution<br />

through the kidney.”<br />

But by effectively showing that nanoparticles<br />

can be targeted to the endothelial cells of<br />

an organ through machine perfusion, the researchers<br />

are one step closer to engineering<br />

a drug delivery system that can use machine<br />

perfusion to improve transplant outcomes.<br />

Combining past and present<br />

Yale professor Mark Saltzman’s lab works on nanoparticle drug delivery systems.<br />

Some approaches now aim to mask the<br />

transplant organ from the immune system<br />

by decreasing the amount of MHC protein<br />

recognizable as foreign. Jordan Pober, Professor<br />

of Immunobiology at Yale, has long<br />

been interested in the role of endothelial<br />

cells in the immune response. Together with<br />

Saltzman, he worked on a project in which<br />

MHC protein was deleted in a mouse with<br />

a transplanted human artery by delivering<br />

molecules called small interfering RNAs<br />

(siRNAs) through a nanoparticle delivery<br />

system. This effectively prevented the immune<br />

system from attacking the transplant<br />

and allowed the new organ to heal.<br />

But another problem with current drug<br />

delivery systems is that injecting drugs into<br />

the bloodstream may not get to the target at<br />

sufficient levels to be effective. Thus, Pober<br />

and Saltzman began collaborating with researchers<br />

from the University of Cambridge<br />

to create a system able to treat organs to improve<br />

long-term outcomes, before they are<br />

even transplanted into the body.<br />


There is still far more to go, and the researchers<br />

have received another grant to<br />

work on the project. “It’s a new area. We’re<br />

treating human organs outside the body, and<br />

[there are] studies we need to do to show this<br />

is safe before we can use them in humans,”<br />

Saltzman said. “But I love the mystery.”<br />

Right now, the research on machine perfusion<br />

has shown that scientists can target<br />

endothelial cells, but getting to the right targets—the<br />

cells on the transplant organ—is<br />

another question. “Now the question is can<br />

we improve the delivery, but also can we<br />

choose the right targets,” Pober said. Saltzman<br />

and Pober hope to combine their research<br />

on knocking down MHC proteins in<br />

the transplant organ with their research on<br />

machine perfusion, in hopes of creating a<br />

new transplant treatment system to improve<br />

outcomes.<br />

“There just aren’t enough organs. Now<br />

there are two things you can do about that:<br />

one, to have people who have [transplants]<br />

to keep from losing them, and second, using<br />

tissue engineering to keep [transplants]<br />

from the invading immune system,” Pober<br />

said. They hope to decrease the frequency of<br />

the first.<br />

In the future, hopefully cases like Patient X<br />

will be far less common through the help of<br />

treatments being developed by Saltzman and<br />

Pober’s labs. And with an increase in viability<br />

of organs, perhaps the organ transplant<br />

waiting list will decrease and more people<br />

will receive life-saving treatments.<br />

Targeting from the start<br />

Ex vivo normothermic machine perfusion<br />

(NMP) is a mouthful to pronounce, but it may<br />

be the key to improving transplant outcomes<br />

and increasing the number of transplant organs<br />

available. The process involves pumping<br />

warm blood at body temperature through a<br />

transplant organ outside of the body, keeping<br />

the organ alive for longer and helping to<br />

repair damage to the organ. This allows even<br />

organs that previously did not seem viable to<br />

become suitable for transplantation.<br />

“We thought, if these organs were being<br />



SONIA WANG is a current senior in Jonathan Edwards College majoring in Biochemistry and<br />

Economics. She used to be managing editor and news editor for the Yale Scientific, and looks<br />

forward to writing more for them this semester. She currently works in the Joan Steitz lab on<br />

microRNA degradation.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Mark Saltzman and Jordan Pober for giving their time to<br />

this article.<br />


Tietjen, Gregory T., et al. “Nanoparticle targeting to the endothelium during normothermic machine<br />

perfusion of human kidneys.” Science translational medicine 9.418 (2017): eaam6764.<br />

14 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org



Delivering therapeutic treatments<br />

to cancer, diabetes, and<br />

neurodegenerative targets<br />

by Mindy Le<br />

art by Elissa Martin<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

December 2017<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

organic chemistry<br />

Within our bodies’ cells,<br />

a myriad of chemical<br />

reactions orchestrate life.<br />

These reactions ensure our health and are<br />

essential to all of our bodily functions, including<br />

metabolism and homeostasis within<br />

the bodily environment. But when these reactions<br />

are unable to function properly, disease<br />

can result.<br />

One of the important chemical reactions<br />

that occur in our bodies is protein tyrosine<br />

phosphorylation, which is a modification<br />

of newly synthesized proteins. When regulation<br />

of this reaction is disturbed, diseases<br />

such as diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration<br />

arise. Jonathan Ellman, Professor of<br />

Chemistry and Pharmacology at Yale, and<br />

his team of researchers have developed a<br />

method for delivering therapeutic drugs to<br />

target certain proteins involved in the dysregulation<br />

of the protein tyrosine phosphorylation<br />

pathway.<br />

Striking a balance<br />

During protein tyrosine phosphorylation,<br />

a phosphate molecule is added to an amino<br />

acid called tyrosine, which is a common<br />

building block of proteins. To help the reaction<br />

happen more efficiently, this addition<br />

is catalyzed by an enzyme called protein tyrosine<br />

kinase. Kinases are a class of proteins<br />

that add phosphates to other molecules.<br />

Proteins tyrosine kinases act concurrently<br />

with protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs),<br />

which remove phosphate groups from tyrosine.<br />

The body requires a proper balance of<br />

these kinases and phosphatases to ensure a<br />

proper balance of tyrosine phosphorylation<br />

levels on proteins within our cells.<br />

The wide and seemingly unrelated range of<br />

diseases related to dysregulation of protein<br />

tyrosine phosphorylation pathways suggest<br />

a universal importance for these molecules<br />

within our bodies. Specifically, it highlights<br />

the significance of the enzymes that catalyze<br />

such reactions. Of particular interest are the<br />

aforementioned PTPs, a family of enzymes<br />

with the general function of removing phosphate<br />

groups from tyrosine. For example,<br />

bacterial PTPs have interestingly been found<br />

to exacerbate infections such as tuberculosis.<br />

Medical interest in PTPs arose due to their<br />

implications in human disease. However,<br />

challenges involving PTP-based drugs have<br />

made such research and drug development<br />

difficult. “PTPs continue to be challenging<br />

targets for progressing inhibitors to the clinic<br />

because their active sites are highly conserved<br />

and charged,” Ellman said. Active<br />

sites are areas within enzymes such as PTP<br />

that specifically bind to protein targets. For<br />

PTPs, the target is the phosphate group on a<br />

tyrosine found within different kinds of proteins.<br />

Because PTP active sites are charged<br />

and conserved, meaning that they possess an<br />

electrical charge and are universal to many<br />

PTP types, designing drugs to specifically<br />

target and successfully react at the active site<br />

is tricky. “Thus, it is difficult to develop inhibitors<br />

that are potent and selective against<br />

a specific PTP while also having appropriate<br />

physicochemical properties to be effective<br />

drugs, such as level of polarity to efficiently<br />

cross cell membranes,” Ellman added.<br />

Motivated to study PTPs, Ellman tackled<br />

the problem of PTP drug development<br />

by designing a platform to inhibit PTPs for<br />

disease treatment. The platform consists of<br />

glutathione-responsive selenosulfide prodrugs<br />

that have a specific function of inhibiting<br />

PTPs. Prodrugs are inactive precursors<br />

to drugs that, once processed by the body,<br />

can exert their biological function in a controlled<br />

manner. This selectivity in the prodrug’s<br />

mechanism is crucial for designing and<br />

understanding how the prodrug acts within<br />

the human body.<br />

The mechanism<br />


As part of their drug delivery system, Ellman<br />

made use of the natural concentration<br />

differences of this molecule, glutathione, in<br />

order to deliver their PTP inhibitor. Glutathione<br />

is an antioxidant important for preventing<br />

damage to our cells.<br />

Glutathione (GSH) is an antioxidant important<br />

for preventing free radical damage<br />

to our cells, which is spontaneous damage<br />

that occurs all over our body due to things<br />

like ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight<br />

and even from the body’s own metabolism.<br />

GSH is synthesized in our body from food<br />

sources obtained from our diet. Because<br />

there is a large difference between GSH levels<br />

inside and outside of our cells, the research<br />

group used this natural difference in<br />

concentration to activate a specific PTP inhibitor,<br />

which comes from a novel group of<br />

chemicals called selenosulfide phosphatase<br />

inhibitors. This class is named after the key<br />

part of the inhibitor structure responsible<br />

for labeling the enzyme: the inhibitor targets<br />

a sulfur-containing group found within<br />

the phosphatase enzyme, hence the “sulfide”<br />

in the name. The researchers chose the<br />

GSH-responsive motif as a method for prodrug<br />

delivery due to these cellular properties.<br />

The drug’s mechanism of action relies on<br />

its selenosulfide pharmacophore, the part of<br />

the drug that is responsible for its pharmacological<br />

interaction, which reacts with cysteine,<br />

an amino acid in the active site of PTP,<br />

to form a product that inhibits PTP. The inhibitor<br />

is useful because its structure contains<br />

sites available for certain molecules to<br />

be added in order to change the potency and<br />

selectivity of the inhibitor for a specific PTP.<br />

The researchers then took their platform<br />

further by developing specific PTP inhibitors<br />

that could act against two PTP targets:<br />

the virulence factor mPTPA secreted by Mycobacterium<br />

tuberculosis and the striatal-enriched<br />

protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP),<br />

a tyrosine phosphatase that is specific to the<br />

central nervous system. They chose to do<br />

this as a proof-of-concept experiment to<br />

demonstrate the efficacy of their prodrug<br />

platform. Both molecules were found to inhibit<br />

their respective targets potently and selectively.<br />

Drug efficacy in the test tube<br />

Tuberculosis, the lung disease that infects<br />

one-third of the world’s population<br />

and causes over one million annual deaths,<br />

is caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis<br />

bacterium. On top of that, over 50 million<br />

people develop multidrug resistant tuberculosis,<br />

and current treatments for this disease<br />

are limited. As such, when two PTPs secreted<br />

by the bacterium, mPTPA and mPTPB,<br />

were identified as potential drug targets, this<br />

discovery spurned new interest in developing<br />

tuberculosis treatments. “Tuberculosis<br />

drug resistance is a serious, ongoing prob-<br />

16 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

organic chemistry<br />

FOCUS<br />

lem and often occurs through mechanisms<br />

that limit a drug’s accessibility to its biomolecular<br />

target. Tuberculosis PTPs are intriguing<br />

because the bacteria secrete these<br />

enzymes, rendering them much more accessible<br />

than the targets of most tuberculosis<br />

drugs, which reside within bacterial cells.<br />

However, additional research is needed to<br />

validate mPTPA and mPTPB as drug targets,”<br />

Ellman remarked.<br />

This work also addressed a key problem<br />

in PTP inhibitor development. Namely,<br />

there is a high amount of structural similarity<br />

among PTPs that makes it difficult<br />

to achieve high selectivity of their developed<br />

inhibitors. The researchers evaluated<br />

the selectivity of their mPTPA inhibitor<br />

against a collection of known human PTPs,<br />

and also a generic cysteine protease, which<br />

is an enzyme that breaks down proteins using<br />

a key cysteine amino acid found within<br />

the protein of interest. Here they found that<br />

their mPTPA inhibitor had great selectivity<br />

against each enzyme in this panel, indicating<br />

that their inhibitor could act in a controlled<br />

and predictable manner.<br />

Drug efficacy in a biological setting<br />

After testing their PTP inhibitors in a testtube<br />

setting, the next step was to evaluate their<br />

prodrug in a cellular context. However, in animal<br />

models, it was found that both mPTPA<br />

and mPTPB inhibitors were needed for significant<br />

antibacterial activity. Because they<br />

chose only to develop an inhibitor against<br />

mPTPA at this stage of their research, they instead<br />

decided to develop selenosulfide prodrug<br />

inhibitors to another PTP target in order<br />

to do a more simple and straightforward analysis<br />

of the prodrug activity in the cell.<br />

The second target, STEP, is a central nervous<br />

system (CNS)-specific tyrosine phosphatase<br />

that may be a therapeutic target for<br />

neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.<br />

After testing a variety of potential prodrugs,<br />

they identified one that could inhibit<br />

STEP in rat cortical neurons.<br />

After demonstrating the activity and specificity<br />

of their PTP inhibitors, they reported<br />

their success in developing a prodrug strategy<br />

to facilitate the delivery of a novel class of<br />

PTP inhibitors into cells in an efficient manner.<br />

Their development of inhibitors for two<br />

PTPs that can selectively inhibit mPTPA and<br />

STEP very potently also acted as a robust<br />



Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP), shown here, is a target for treatment for several diseases<br />

including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. Researchers at Yale have designed a<br />

method for delivering PTP inhibitors in order to restore balance of tyrosine phosphorylation levels<br />

within our cells.<br />

proof-of-concept demonstration, showing<br />

that their strategy for targeting PTPs is feasible<br />

and has great potential.<br />

Future promises of PTP-inhibitor drugs<br />

In the future, Ellman hopes to expand<br />

upon this research. “We intend to investigate<br />

a number of questions to advance the<br />

approach. For example, we will evaluate proteome-wide<br />

specificity of identified inhibitors,”<br />

he said. Of the inhibitors developed<br />

in his lab so far, their group will need to see<br />

how these inhibitors act across the entire<br />

proteome, which is the collection of all proteins<br />

present in our cells. In doing so, they<br />

can determine if the inhibitor acts on a different<br />

protein or group of proteins that was<br />

not anticipated, which could have severe<br />

consequences if the inhibitor targeted a protein<br />

essential for our survival.<br />

Furthermore, Ellman hopes to expand<br />

upon the collection of PTP inhibitors already<br />

developed in his lab. “We additionally<br />

intend to test the generality of the approach<br />

by developing potent and selective inhibitors<br />

of other PTPs as well as other enzymes,”<br />

Ellman said. If successful, this could result<br />

in a greater number of potential drugs for<br />

disease treatment involving PTP inhibition.<br />

For example, some PTPs have been implicated<br />

in cancer, and inhibitors of these enzymes<br />

have been suggested as potential<br />

drug candidates to be used in combination<br />

with immunotherapy treatments. Although<br />

such treatments would require more study<br />

and clinical tests, the future of cancer treatment<br />

using PTP inhibitors remains promising.<br />

The use of PTP inhibitors extends<br />

beyond cancer treatment, having vast implications<br />

in both neurodegenerative disorders<br />

and diabetes, two diseases with wide prevalence<br />

in society that warrant crucial further<br />

research and drug development.<br />

MINDY LE<br />

MINDY LE is a junior in Ezra Stiles College studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental<br />

Biology. She is an avid squirrel enthusiast who works in Professor Patrick Sung’s lab, researching<br />

DNA repair in the context of breast and ovarian cancer.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK both Professor Jonathan Ellman and Caroline Chandra Tjin<br />

for their time and dedication to their research.<br />


Tonks, N. K. 2013. “Protein tyrosine phosphatases--from housekeeping enzymes to master regulators of<br />

signal transduction.” FEBS J. 280: 346-378.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Surprises<br />

in the<br />

CLOUDS<br />

Understanding cloud<br />

behavior through<br />

computational modeling<br />


On some days during the coldest months<br />

of winter, we are greeted by fluffy snow<br />

falling from the sky when we venture outside.<br />

On other days, it’s rain or an unpleasant<br />

combination of freezing sleet and snow.<br />

What comes from the clouds on a given day<br />

might seem random, but scientists are coming<br />

up with new ways to predict these seemingly<br />

mysterious weather patterns.<br />

Amir Haji-Akbari, assistant professor of<br />

Chemical and Environmental Engineering<br />

at Yale, uses computational simulations to<br />

study how ice and snow form from microdroplets<br />

of water in clouds. Clouds are large,<br />

visible masses of condensed water vapor<br />

floating high up in the atmosphere; studying<br />

the behavior of the water molecules<br />

that make up these clouds can therefore<br />

help scientists understand different weather<br />

patterns. Haji-Akbari employs computer<br />

models to predict how the water droplets in<br />

clouds form into frozen particles in a process<br />

called nucleation, providing some insight<br />

into weather patterns.<br />

“Ice formation is a very important component<br />

of what happens in clouds. It’s a very<br />

important part of cloud microphysics, and<br />

the amount of ice you have in a cloud determines<br />

how likely it is to produce rain and<br />

snow,” Haji-Akbari said.<br />

Clouds contain water droplets that are light<br />

enough to float in the air without falling.<br />

These water droplets come from evaporating<br />

water from the Earth’s surface that condenses<br />

or freezes as it gets higher up in the atmosphere,<br />

often times around a nucleus such as<br />

a dust particle or an aerosol. Eventually, that<br />

water comes back to the Earth’s surface in the<br />

form of rain or snow. However, it is unclear<br />

18 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

environmental science<br />

FOCUS<br />


Computational techniques can be used to examine the processes that occur within clouds containing microdroplets of water that can condense to<br />

form ice and snow.<br />

how and when water droplets and ice crystals<br />

form, and scientists like Haji-Akbari are trying<br />

to develop new ways of understanding the<br />

physics behind these processes.<br />

In a recent study published in PNAS, Haji-Akbari<br />

investigated how the vapor-liquid<br />

interface affects the freezing of water molecules.<br />

He simulated the formation of two<br />

different types of ice crystal structures called<br />

the hexagonal cage structure and the double<br />

diamond cage structure. The hexagonal<br />

cage structures tend to be found in the kind<br />

of ice we see in everyday life, because their<br />

chemical structures make them more stable.<br />

Double-diamond cage structures, on the other<br />

hand, are typically found in cubic ice and<br />

only form at extremely low temperatures. By<br />

studying the behavior of these ice structures,<br />

Haji-Akbari analyzed how likely they were to<br />

form under various conditions. Specifically,<br />

he observed that the vapor-liquid interface<br />

in thin films of water promotes the formation<br />

of double-diamond cages. Haji-Akbari’s findings<br />

answer longstanding questions about ice<br />

formation near surfaces.<br />

In order to carry out his study, Haji-Akbari<br />

used computational techniques to simulate<br />

molecular behavior, which involves<br />

generating models to predict events on a microscopic<br />

scale in a way that wouldn’t be possible<br />

through traditional physical experimentation.<br />

One technique used was forward flux<br />

sampling, which maps out the pathway that a<br />

system takes during the occurrence of a rare<br />

event, such as ice and snow formation.<br />

“These are phenomena that occur very<br />

quickly, but you have to wait a very long time<br />

for them to occur,” Haji-Akbari said. “You can<br />

think of, for example, a power outage. You have<br />

to wait a long time for it to happen, but when<br />

it happens it happens in a matter of seconds.”<br />

Haji-Akbari studies how a system transitions<br />

from the pre-rare event to the post-rare event<br />

state, such as when ice forms in clouds.<br />

Haji-Akbari is now pursuing several other<br />

research questions that build on his past findings.<br />

He is interested in a phenomenon called<br />

contact freezing, in which a collision between<br />

a liquid droplet and a dry nucleating particle<br />

causes freezing. The question is whether<br />

the mechanical impact of the collision causes<br />

freezing, or whether this is due to an interaction<br />

between the solid-liquid and liquid-vapor<br />

interface. Additionally, Haji-Akbari is studying<br />

how new computational methods could better<br />

predict the waiting time required for rare<br />

events such as ice formation to occur.<br />

This research has many applications not<br />

only in understanding and predicting climate<br />

patterns but also in potentially developing<br />

strategies to address climate-related<br />

issues. For instance, cloud seeding is a<br />

technique already used in many parts of the<br />


world to induce rain. In cloud seeding, crystals<br />

such as salts are dispersed into clouds in<br />

order to provide additional nuclei for droplet<br />

condensation. Haji-Akbari’s research focuses<br />

on a related process, liquid droplets<br />

nucleating to form ice crystals. He hopes<br />

that research such as his will improve on the<br />

efficiency and safety of techniques to modify<br />

the weather, for instance to induce or prevent<br />

snow and ice formation.<br />

Haji-Akbari pointed out climate patterns<br />

around the world that have recently been<br />

disrupted by climate change, noting examples<br />

of drought in several countries. To him,<br />

asking and trying to address scientific questions<br />

about atmospheric dynamics can lead<br />

to a better understanding of our environment<br />

and even the ability to change the climate.<br />

“These are problems that are not only<br />

theoretically interesting, but also useful for<br />

the challenges that our society and our species<br />

face in the world,” Haji-Akbari said.<br />


CHRISTINE XU is a senior in Saybrook College. She has been writing for Yale Scientific Magazine<br />

since her freshman year and was the previous News Editor. She enjoys both nonfiction and<br />

creative writing, and also does neurobiology research at the Yale School of Medicine. In the future,<br />

she hopes to pursue a career in medicine, research, and writing, and importantly would like to<br />

own a cat.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Haji Akbari for both his time and his enthusiasm in<br />

sharing his work.<br />


Haji-Akbari, Amir, and Pablo G. Debenedetti. “Direct calculation of ice homogeneous nucleation rate<br />

for a molecular model of water.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 34 (2015):<br />

10582-0588. doi:10.1073/pnas.1509267112.<br />

Haji-Akbari, Amir, and Pablo G. Debenedetti. “Computational investigation of surface freezing in a<br />

molecular model of water.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 13 (2017): 3316-<br />

321. doi:10.1073/pnas.1620999114.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

neuroscience<br />


THE COLD<br />

A genetic adaptation makes certain<br />

squirrels and hamsters immune to the cold<br />

by Elizabeth Ruddy<br />

art by Emma Wilson<br />

You step outside of your building,<br />

bundled up in four different layers and<br />

a marshmallow coat. Buried beneath<br />

scarves, hats, and gloves, it’s still not<br />

enough to keep the cold out. Your face<br />

stings from the biting wind, and you<br />

can feel icicles forming on your nose.<br />

There’s snow melting in your boots and<br />

you’ve long since lost the ability to feel<br />

your hands. You feel like you’ll never be<br />

warm again. While we may cower in the<br />

face of cold weather, for some animals,<br />

the cold is no big deal. In fact, they don’t<br />

even feel it.<br />

A team of researchers at Yale led by Elena<br />

Gracheva and Sviatoslav Bagriantsev<br />

are currently investigating a molecular adaptation<br />

in the Syrian hamster and a species<br />

of squirrel native to North America,<br />

called the thirteen-lined ground squirrel,<br />

that enables them to endure harsh winters.<br />

The body temperatures of these rodents<br />

adjust to match the air around them,<br />

enabling them to hibernate for months in<br />

temperatures just above freezing without<br />

noticing the gruelling winter.<br />

Bring on the cold<br />

The root cause of this ability comes down<br />

to genetics. “Being sensitive to the cold<br />

would prevent the rodents from hibernating,<br />

much like how being cold would<br />

prevent us from sleeping,” Gracheva said.<br />

Therefore, there must be some quirk in<br />

their DNA that allows them to withstand<br />

the extreme cold for such extended periods<br />

of time.<br />

In behavioral studies performed on the<br />

rodents, the researchers found that when<br />

While we may cower in<br />

the face of cold weather,<br />

for some animals, the<br />

cold is no big deal. In<br />

fact, they don’t even feel<br />

it.<br />

given the choice between two plates of<br />

different temperatures, the squirrels and<br />

the hamsters did not avoid the cold as<br />

strongly as mice did. This suggests that<br />

there are genetic differences among rodents<br />

that allow some species to endure<br />

the cold but not others. This diminished<br />

sensitivity to the cold could be<br />

caused by a number of different factors<br />

such as a reduced ability to perceive cold<br />

in the nerves responsible for registering<br />

temperature, known as somatosensory<br />

nerves, or a suppression of the instinct to<br />

avoid cold in the central nervous system<br />

of certain rodents.<br />

A cold-sensing protein<br />

In a study published in Cell Reports,<br />

Gracheva and her colleagues found that by<br />

imaging the somatosensory neurons of the<br />

rodents, they were able to isolate the adaptation<br />

to a specific protein called TRPM8.<br />

TRPM8 is an ion channel, which is a type<br />

of protein found in a cell’s membrane that<br />

allows specific charged atoms or molecules<br />

to pass through. Many ion channels open<br />

and close in response to certain stimuli in<br />

order change the electric potential of the<br />

cellular membrane, and thus are particularly<br />

important in allowing nerve cells to<br />

relay electrical signals to the brain. Specifically,<br />

TRPM8 is a cold-activated ion channel—when<br />

the temperature decreases, this<br />

channel opens and excites neurons, leading<br />

to generation of electrical signals that<br />

are transmitted throughout the rodents’<br />

nervous system. “The neuron then sends<br />

electric impulses to signal to the brain that<br />

20 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

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FOCUS<br />

cold temperature has been encountered,”<br />

Bagriantsev said.<br />

Something different in the TRPM8 of<br />

the thirteen-lined ground squirrels and<br />

Syrian hamsters makes the protein insensitive<br />

to the cold. Upon isolating the protein,<br />

the researchers were able to identify<br />

the adaptation in a specific group of six<br />

amino acids, the building blocks of proteins,<br />

that are the difference between cold<br />

sensitive and cold insensitive organisms.<br />

Although the scientists do not know exactly<br />

when the hibernators developed this<br />

adaptation evolutionarily, they do know<br />

that the squirrels and the hamsters developed<br />

it independently. “They use different<br />

structural elements at the molecular<br />

level but arrive at the same end product,<br />

which is cold-insensitive ion channels,”<br />

Gracheva said.<br />

Because the adaptations were developed<br />

independently, there are slight differences<br />

in temperature reactions between the<br />

two species. Specifically, hamsters are<br />

slightly more sensitive to the cold than<br />

the squirrels. However, when compared<br />

to species without the adaptation, such as<br />

the mice, these differences are negligible.<br />

In a previous report published by the lab,<br />

researchers found that the thirteen-lined<br />

ground squirrel is also extremely resistant<br />

to heat, enabling it to survive in harsh climates<br />

such as deserts, though this ability<br />

stems from an adaptation in a protein<br />

other than TRPM8.<br />

Next steps<br />


The Syrian hamster has also demonstrated a<br />

marked tolerance for the cold.<br />

Now that the exact adaptation has been<br />

located, the researchers are working<br />

to reintroduce cold sensitivity into the<br />

TRPM8 of the squirrels and hamsters by<br />

substituting their key amino acids for the<br />

ones found in the mice. The researchers<br />

are also attempting the opposite—inserting<br />

genetic substitutions into the mice to<br />

see if they can become cold-insensitive.<br />

Through this research, the team has taken<br />

significant steps towards a better understanding<br />

of the hibernation puzzle. Scientists<br />

still do not fully understand what<br />

induces hibernation among certain species<br />

and how it is possible biologically. For<br />

example, little is understood about what<br />

causes heart rates to slow down, how these<br />

species go months without consuming nutrients<br />

or water, or how the animals do not<br />

lose bone mass during this time of inactivity.<br />

TRPM8 is one piece to the puzzle. The<br />

genetic adaptation explains how certain<br />

hibernating species can sleep through<br />

extremely cold temperatures. However,<br />

it is not that TRPM8 becomes cold-insensitive<br />

specifically for the hibernation<br />

period. Rather, the adaptation is encoded<br />

in their DNA such that they have this<br />

cold-insensitivity from birth. “We still<br />

don’t know everything about what causes<br />

hibernation,” Gracheva said. “It’s possible<br />

that certain genes do turn on when<br />

the rodents enter this state but TRPM8 is<br />

not specifically related to hibernation. It<br />

is cold-insensitive all the time.”<br />

In addition to studying hibernation,<br />

the group also plans to investigate whether<br />

cold-insensitive rodents can adapt to<br />

temperatures below ten degrees Celsius.<br />

The group’s goal is to the test the limit of<br />

the animals’ tolerance, as well as to try to<br />

understand how these animals ward off<br />

hypothermia.<br />

Potential human applications<br />

Don’t put away your jackets yet though,<br />

because even though the researchers are<br />



Graphical abstract of the difference between<br />

the cold-insensitive rodents and the control<br />

group of mice.<br />

working on replicating the cold-insensitivity<br />

in mice, there’s a long way to go before<br />

we could even think about substituting<br />

the adaptation into humans.<br />

But there are other ways this research<br />

applies to humans—specifically in the<br />

field of medicine. For example, one major<br />

detriment to chemotherapy is that patients<br />

often develop an extreme aversion<br />

to even mild cold. It is possible that this<br />

research could be used to minimize these<br />

effects and help patients be able to better<br />

tolerate the cold.<br />

“This study furthers our understanding<br />

of how vertebrates, including humans,<br />

feel cold. It will help develop<br />

approaches toward better organ preservation<br />

and contribute to the development<br />

of novel techniques for lowering<br />

human body temperature, which is required<br />

during some medical procedures<br />

and may be useful for long-term space<br />

travel,” Bagriantsev said.<br />

So good luck tomorrow on your walk<br />

through the bitter February cold. Just<br />

remember to channel your inner thirteen-lined<br />

ground squirrel.<br />


ELIZABETH RUDDY is a Sophomore Physics major in Berkeley. She enjoys dancing, writing for the<br />

Yale Scientific, and hibernating.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Professor Gracheva and Professor Bagriantsev for sharing<br />

their time for this article.<br />


Kimzey, S. L. “Temperature Adaptation of Active Sodium-Potassium Transport and of Passive Permeability<br />

in Erythrocytes of Ground Squirrels.” The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 58, no. 6, 1971, pp. 634–<br />

649., doi:10.1085/jgp.58.6.634.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

evolutionary biology<br />


The Molecular and Cellular Basis of the Human Brain Evolution<br />

by Anna Sun || art by Emma Healy<br />

Millions of years have passed since humans parted ways with our closest nonhuman<br />

primates on the evolutionary pathway. During this time, humans have developed<br />

languages and writing skills, harnessed fire and begun cooking, created<br />

innovative technologies that now govern our daily lives, and even studied how life itself<br />

works. So why have no other nonhuman primates ever rivaled our level of cognitive ability?<br />

In hopes of answering that very question,<br />

much debate among scientists today<br />

centers around the differences between<br />

the brain structures of humans and nonhuman<br />

primates. While some argue that<br />

the larger size of the human brain alone<br />

is responsible for higher-order thinking,<br />

others insist that there is more to the story.<br />

Perhaps in addition to increased size,<br />

the connections between cells and the<br />

different cells themselves provide a better<br />

explanation. André Sousa and Ying<br />

Zhu, researchers at the Yale School of<br />

Medicine, analyzed tissue samples from<br />

sixteen regions of the brain to further investigate<br />

the cellular and molecular differences<br />

between human and nonhuman<br />

primate brains. Examining individual<br />

gene expression differences in the brains<br />

of chimpanzees, macaques, and humans,<br />

these researchers discovered human-specific<br />

differences in the expression of the<br />

TH gene responsible for dopamine production<br />

and the MET gene that is related<br />

to Autism Spectrum Disorder, gaining<br />

insight into the basis of certain neurological<br />

and psychiatric disorders.<br />

Our closest relatives<br />

In order to determine human-specific<br />

differences in the brain structures, the<br />

researchers chose to study chimpanzees,<br />

our closest living relative, as well<br />

as the rhesus macaque, one of the most<br />

commonly studied nonhuman primates.<br />

“Ideally, the easiest way to study human<br />

brain evolution would be to analyze<br />

the brains of all extinct human species,”<br />

Sousa remarked. However, since<br />

the brain does not fossilize, he and his<br />

colleagues instead had to compare the<br />

human brain with the brains of our closest<br />

living relatives to determine which<br />

features are most likely human-specific.<br />

For ethical reasons, they could only use<br />

postmortem tissue for direct molecular<br />

experimentation.<br />

The researchers particularly analyzed<br />

the upregulation or downregulation of<br />

22 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

evolutionary biology<br />

FOCUS<br />

genes, to correspondingly compare increased<br />

or decreased gene expressions<br />

in different parts of the brain in the<br />

different species studied. “What drives<br />

these differences in gene expression are<br />

often changes in regulatory non-coding<br />

regions,” explains Sousa. “Additionally,<br />

mutations in non-coding regions of<br />

DNA don’t change the protein product,<br />

but rather change when, where, and how<br />

much is produced.”<br />

Because humans and chimpanzees diverged<br />

from a common ancestor more<br />

recently than they did from macaques,<br />

the researchers were able to use these<br />

three branches of a much more extensive<br />

evolutionary tree in order to narrow<br />

down the origins of a modified<br />

gene. For example, if a specific gene<br />

appeared to be upregulated in humans<br />

but downregulated in both chimpanzees<br />

and macaques, then this would indicate<br />

a human-specific change. Similarly, if<br />

a gene was upregulated in humans and<br />

macaques, but downregulated in chimpanzees,<br />

then this would demonstrate a<br />

chimpanzee-specific change. This gene<br />

regulation would then correspond to an<br />

increase or decrease in the production of<br />

proteins in cells and thus a change in the<br />

trait, or phenotype, displayed by each<br />

species.<br />

A glance at brain structure<br />

The human brain is about three times<br />

larger than the chimpanzee brain. The<br />

primary assumption is that a bigger<br />

brain should be able to hold more information<br />

and form more complex circuits<br />

between nerve cells. “We believe<br />

that instead of one big change in brain<br />

structure that accounts for a lot of differences,<br />

there are actually many small but<br />

distinct differences in human brains that<br />

“<br />

This image shows the molecular characterization of TH+ cells.<br />

Instead of one big change in brain<br />

structure that accounts for a lot<br />

of differences, there are actually<br />

many small but distinct differences<br />

in human brains that add<br />

together to make big differences.<br />

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”<br />

- André Sousa<br />

add together to make big differences, for<br />

example, in cognition,” Sousa said.<br />

Uncertain of where they would find<br />

the most differences in the brains of the<br />

three species, the researchers approached<br />

this study without a main brain region of<br />

interest. Because the neocortex is known<br />

predominantly for its role in higher cognitive<br />

function, they hypothesized that<br />

the greatest number of differences across<br />

the species would be located in this region.<br />

Their data demonstrated that, as<br />

expected, most genes were similar and<br />

therefore conserved among humans,<br />

chimpanzees, and macaques. However,<br />

the most interspecies differences in<br />

changes in gene expression were actually<br />

discovered not in the neocortex but in<br />

the striatum, a region of the brain primarily<br />

involved in voluntary movement,<br />

planning, and reward. “This is likely because<br />

it is a transition station between<br />

the neocortex and other regions of the<br />

brain, so changes in this region may also<br />

lead to changes in the neocortex,” Zhu<br />

reasoned.<br />

The key is in dopamine<br />


All primates have dopamine, a crucial<br />

neurotransmitter responsible for motor<br />

control and emotional responses. The<br />

researchers discovered that the TH gene,<br />

responsible for the production of dopamine,<br />

was more expressed in the human<br />

striatum than in the striata of chimpanzees<br />

and macaques, which indicates that<br />

humans most likely have more dopamine<br />

in the striatum than in the other<br />

species studied. “There are two possible<br />

explanations for this observation,” Sousa<br />

said. “First—there are exactly the same<br />

number of TH cells among the three species,<br />

but each human cell is producing<br />

considerably more dopamine; or second—humans<br />

have more TH cells than<br />

chimpanzees and macaques.” Because<br />

these comparisons were made at the<br />

tissue level, the researchers performed<br />

cellular-level analysis and were able to<br />

conclude that the latter case was true:<br />

humans have more TH cells in the striatum<br />

than the other two species. In fact,<br />

chimpanzees and the other non-human<br />

African great apes (bonobos and gorilas)<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FOCUS<br />

evolutionary biology<br />

have no TH cells at all in the neocortex.<br />

All primate species have dopamine production<br />

centralized in specialized structures<br />

of the midbrain. However, it is a<br />

novel discovery that humans likely have<br />

another localized production of dopamine<br />

in the neocortex. “This is important<br />

because it is the first time we showed<br />

that cells in the neocortex are also able to<br />

produce dopamine,” Sousa said.<br />

Additionally, since TH was expressed<br />

less in the neocortex of both chimpanzees<br />

and gorillas, this suggests that the<br />

expression of the gene was absent in the<br />

most recent common ancestor of the African<br />

great apes and reappeared in humans<br />

somewhere recent along the evolutionary<br />

timeline.<br />

Dopamine’s involvement in motor<br />

control, learning and memory, and the<br />

reward system therefore holds great relevance<br />

to human evolution and even<br />

modern neurological diseases. For example,<br />

Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative<br />

disorder that particularly affects<br />

movement, is caused by a lack of dopamine<br />

from the death of dopamine producing<br />

cells. “This loss of cells may also<br />

be related to some form of intellectual<br />

impairment, but this is purely hypothesized<br />

right now,” Zhu commented.<br />

Still unraveling the mystery<br />

In addition to the TH gene, this study<br />

found small but distinct differences in<br />

other genes, including MET and ZP2.<br />

Specifically, the MET gene, which is associated<br />

with autism spectrum disorder,<br />

was enriched only in the human prefrontal<br />

cortex, an area of the brain related to<br />

very high cognitive functions. A potential<br />

area of research would involve studying<br />

whether this increase in MET levels<br />

in the prefrontal cortex makes humans<br />

more susceptible to autism.<br />

As for the ZP2, this gene was found only<br />

in the human brain and not in chimpanzees<br />

or macaques. “What’s most surprising<br />

about this gene is its location,” Sousa said.<br />

This gene, which has been studied extensively<br />

in the context of the reproductive<br />

system, is crucial for the recognition and<br />

mediation of the sperm in the egg. Future<br />

research could also be directed at studying<br />

this particular gene in order to figure out<br />

what it is also doing in the brain and how<br />

Human TH+ interneurons synthesize and transport dopamine.<br />

it got there. With the discoveries of this<br />

study in mind, researchers could examine<br />

these specific genes to gain clearer insight<br />

into the genetic and molecular changes in<br />

evolution of the human brain.<br />

Future direction<br />

“We believe that there is a cumulative<br />

effect of all of these small changes we<br />

found that helps explain the evolution<br />

of the human brain and differentiate it<br />

between the brains of nonhuman primates,”<br />

Sousa said. Human-specific differences<br />

have huge implications for the<br />

onset of neurological diseases, such as<br />

Parkinson’s disease, in which a depletion<br />

of TH + cells in the neocortex could be<br />

detrimental to cognitive function. Additionally,<br />

this study focused solely on<br />

adult brains among the three species, but<br />



the researchers are interested in expanding<br />

their research to cover other human<br />

developmental stages in hopes of learning<br />

about the differences in how brains<br />

change over time.<br />

A possible addition to future research<br />

would be to include a more extensive<br />

comparison including many more species.<br />

The interspecies comparisons between<br />

humans, chimpanzees, and macaques<br />

in this study already demonstrate<br />

substantial differences between humans<br />

and our closest nonhuman primates,<br />

which could then possibly affect the way<br />

we employ animal models to study human<br />

disorders or develop pharmaceutical<br />

drugs. “Although we have made a<br />

big step towards understanding cellular<br />

and molecular distinctions in the human<br />

brain, there is still much work to do,”<br />

both researchers conclude.<br />

ANNA SUN<br />

ANNA SUN is a prospective Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology major in Pierson<br />

College ‘21. She is very interested in bioinformatics and plans to spend this summer in a<br />

laboratory conducting genetics research. In addition to writing for the Yale Scientific Magazine,<br />

she is involved in the MCDB Student Advisory Committee at Yale and loves to spend time with her<br />

friends discovering the food scene in New Haven.<br />

THE AUTHOR WOULD LIKE TO THANK Dr. Sousa and Dr. Zhu for sharing their time and enthusiasm<br />

about their research.<br />


Enard, Wolfgang. “The Molecular Basis of Human Brain Evolution.” Current Biology, 24 Oct. 2016,<br />

doi:10.1016/j.cub.2016.09.030.<br />

24 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

FEATURE biomedical engineering<br />



Bioprinting 3-D organs with soft, tissue-like materials<br />


The second harmonic microscope onstructed by the researchers<br />

used here to image a glass capillary.<br />

Cars, toys, knick-knacks and prototypes—the array of objects<br />

that can be brought to life with a 3D printer is vast and<br />

growing. 3D printers are getting more impressive, capable of<br />

making anything from usable engine parts to full-scale houses.<br />

Now, an even greater goal is within reach: printing the brain.<br />

3D printing technology has recently made significant breakthroughs<br />

in diverse fields, including medicine, engineering,<br />

and design. We live in a world where a technician can print a<br />

prototype of an invention in just a few hours. The ability to create<br />

a 3-D object, one that models the intricacies of a physical<br />

system that was once only imaginable on a computer screen,<br />

has opened the doors to hundreds of applications, particularly<br />

in the field of biomedical engineering. These ambitions are<br />

coming to fruition thanks to the work done by researchers at<br />

Imperial College London, whose novel 3D printing process<br />

creates material that can closely model the human brain.<br />

Models of the human body made by 3D printing have been<br />

around for the past 20 years. For example, Yale researchers at<br />

the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design successfully<br />

printed a large-scale model of a neuron in 2015. Academically,<br />

this provides a new “dimension” to the way students and neuroscientists<br />

can observe and study the human neural system. Bioprinting<br />

takes this technology one step further. 3D bioprinting<br />

uses the same techniques as a standard printer, which ejects material<br />

to construct precisely mapped layers, but uses a combination<br />

of cells and hydrogels as its material instead.<br />

Bioprinting technology has already made waves in drug<br />

testing, regenerative medicine, and even surgical tissue transplants.<br />

The challenge of using these printers with real people,<br />

however, is that whatever is produced often cannot accurately<br />

represent an actual human organ; the product might be too<br />

stiff or too dense, or it might misbehave when placed in the<br />

same conditions as the organ it is modeled after.<br />

Fortunately, cryogenic freezing is a promising solution: a<br />

team of researchers at Imperial College London has developed<br />

an innovative modification to standard bioprinting in which<br />

a solution of a composite hydrogel (CH) is frozen rapidly to<br />

produce material that is as soft as the tissue in the brain or<br />

lung. The procedure uses precision technology to accomplish<br />

a process known as rapid cooling. When a liquid material is<br />

cooled below its freezing point, it transitions into a solid. The<br />

final product is much harder than the liquid, in the way water<br />

is much “softer” than ice. Controlled cooling slows down<br />

the moving molecules of a liquid until they can’t move around.<br />

These molecules try to arrange themselves in the most tightly<br />

packed way possible so that when the material freezes, it is<br />

stiff. This rearrangement of molecules takes some time, so if<br />

one can rapidly freeze a material, the final product will be a<br />

much softer, more flexible solid because the molecules didn’t<br />

have time to pack optimally.<br />

Using this principle, the new cryogenic bioprinting procedure<br />

uses dry ice to rapidly freeze the CH ink solution as it<br />

extrudes layer by layer. The result, according to Zhengchu Tan,<br />

the postgraduate researcher spearheading the procedure, is<br />

something that now enables the creation of arrangements that<br />

match complicated biological structures, such as the tissue in<br />

the brain. The innovative procedure provides an alternative to<br />

cast molding organ replicas, where the hydrogel is poured into<br />

a mold. “That’s how they’re normally made, but you can’t get<br />

complex geometries like that—hollow geometries,” Tan said.<br />

By using a 3D printer, one can now create the complex interiors<br />

of distinct shapes and textures, not just the exteriors.<br />

Another significant consequence of the cryogenic freezing<br />

method is that the printed tissue behaves similarly to the brain<br />

in the appropriate environment. “The resulting material structure<br />

is as soft as the brain, so while it does hold its shape, the<br />

brain is also deformed under gravity, and that’s a massive issue<br />

during neurosurgeries,” Tan said. Their bioprinted tissue successfully<br />

models this behavior. When hydrated and kept in the<br />

same conditions as the brain, the material is also able to keep<br />

its shape or deform as necessary.<br />

Tan’s research paves the way for enormous opportunities in<br />

medical research. It may soon be possible that 3D printed organs<br />

can replace live subjects for drug testing or risky surgical<br />

practices. Day by day, layer by layer, bioprinting technology<br />

overcomes challenges in innovative ways. With each advancement,<br />

more medical dreams become reality as we print our<br />

way to a better future.<br />

25 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

FEATURE environmental science<br />


Global warming takes its toll on sea turtles<br />


Sea turtles are the latest species affected by the rising<br />

temperatures characteristic of global warming. Researchers<br />

at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration (NOAA) fisheries have shown that the<br />

rising ocean temperatures caused by global warming are<br />

resulting in a greater number of newborn female sea turtles<br />

than males.<br />

Sea turtles, like many reptiles and fish, undergo temperature-dependent<br />

sex determination (TSD). In organisms<br />

affected by TSD, the sex of a member of the species<br />

is determined by the temperature of the embryo<br />

during development. Sea turtles nest on the beach, so<br />

in this case, the increasing heat of the sand is directly<br />

responsible for an individual’s sex. In general, a higher<br />

temperature is correlated with a higher percentage of female<br />

individuals in a sea turtle population. This finding<br />

is well-established in the field of ecology, but this study<br />

marks the first time that the trend has been found in major<br />

populations of wild sea turtles.<br />

As both ocean temperatures and terrestrial sand temperatures<br />

continue to rise on beaches across the Great<br />

Barrier Reef, a greater number of sea turtle populations<br />

are giving birth to generations of mostly-female offspring.<br />

In fact, the percentage of female adult offspring<br />

in some populations has been observed to be as high as<br />

86.8 percent.<br />

This imbalance can be bad news for the species, as<br />

such high frequencies of females can lead to an overall<br />

decrease in male fertility. In general, a population must<br />

have a stable ratio of sexes in order to achieve an ecological<br />

balance and, if this ratio is not achieved, the species<br />

may eventually be driven toward extinction.<br />

Although this news is troubling, especially for the ecosystems<br />

in and around the Great Barrier Reef, this study<br />

also marks the development of a novel method for studying<br />

sea turtles, one that can be generalized to the study<br />

of other species.<br />

The conventional method of reviewing the sex frequency<br />

of sea turtle populations was by anatomical examination<br />

of a nest, which is far more impractical and<br />

less revealing than the genetics-based method used in<br />

this study.<br />

The research team, led by Dr. Michael Jenson, makes<br />

use of a combination of both endocrinology and genetic<br />

markers on sea turtles they find in the water. These<br />

markers can then be traced back to the specific nesting<br />

location of the turtle, which can then show the conditions<br />

of the nest, including temperature. With this approach,<br />

the researchers are not forced to travel across<br />

many different nest locations in order to examine the<br />

turtles inside.<br />

Although the status of the sea turtle population of the<br />

Great Barrier Reef is likely not on most people’s minds, it<br />

serves as an omen as to what may come if global warming<br />

is not curbed. After all, these turtles are only one of<br />

many species affected by the consistent warming of the<br />

planet. This relentless force influences other groups as<br />

well: polar bears, whose habitat is melting by the day;<br />

coral, whose shells are weakening from the acidification<br />

of the oceans; maybe even humans, whose sources of<br />

food are dwindling as ecosystems around the world begin<br />

to decay.<br />

Dr. Mary Beth Decker, professor in the Yale Department<br />

of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, has some<br />

sage advice for those who want to help the fight against<br />

global warming. “Communicate with your state, federal,<br />

and local representatives and encourage them to make<br />

good policy decisions with respect to energy and climate.<br />

You can also always talk with your friends and family<br />

and encourage them to do the same,” Decker said.<br />


The heat of the sand that sea turtles nest on is directly responsible<br />

for their sex.<br />

26 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

genetics<br />



Fast food, slow recovery<br />



Dr. Latz and Dr. Christ of the Latz Lab at University of Bonn.<br />

Our world is plastered with weight-loss advertisements.<br />

For every McDonald’s commercial, there is another one<br />

for Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers. In America, obesity<br />

and health have become national concerns, as over a<br />

third of the adult population is obese—a record high. It<br />

seems that unhealthy eating habits don’t just contribute<br />

to obesity; they also have long-term consequences that<br />

originate from our immune systems and DNA.<br />

Our immune systems have a memory similar to that of<br />

our muscles and brains. For example, our immune systems<br />

are able to recognize pathogens such as the influenza<br />

virus so that in the case of a second infection, we<br />

know how to fight the infection. This evolutionary advantage<br />

in humans allows us to ward off infections and<br />

illnesses on the daily. Without our innate immune system’s<br />

memory, we would die from the common cold.<br />

The Latz lab at University of Bonn, in which postdoctoral<br />

fellow Anette Christ has researched the immune<br />

system, has delved into these health concerns with a scientific<br />

mindset. By pairing a problem we see in society<br />

with curiosities about the innate immune system and its<br />

response to certain types of diets, the researchers discovered<br />

that the immune system responds similarly to the<br />

typical Western fast food diet—high in fat, high in sugar,<br />

and low in fiber—as it does to pathogens and infections.<br />

The experiment was performed on three groups of<br />

mice: one was fed a standard healthy chow diet, a second<br />

was fed a Western diet, and a third group was given<br />

a Western fast food diet and then switched over to the<br />

chow diet after a period of time. After performing genetic<br />

analyses on the different groups’ bone marrow cells, the<br />

Latz lab discovered the presence of signatures linked to<br />

inflammation and immune cell differentiation called inflammasomes<br />

that release inflammatory messengers in<br />

the group of mice on a Western diet. Inflammasomes are<br />

usually only triggered by bacterial infections in order to<br />

keep the immune system ready for a subsequent infection.<br />

These signatures were originally observed in the group<br />

that had switched diets, but they later disappeared after<br />

the mice were put onto chow diet. Although still curious<br />

about how exactly these signatures recognize characteristics<br />

of the Western fast food diet, the lab was surprised<br />

to discover that the immune system may treat high-sugar,<br />

high-fat foods the way it treats bacterial infections.<br />

Furthermore, they found that the Western fast food<br />

diet affects histone-packaging in the DNA, which means<br />

certain portions of the DNA unwind to cause a change in<br />

the expression of genetic material of the cell. These epigenetic<br />

changes coupled with inflammation have been<br />

shown to play a major role in the development of atherosclerosis,<br />

diabetes, and heart disease in the mice. This<br />

finding suggests that nutrition and diet choices can have<br />

major consequences on our health.<br />

The next step in this research is determining whether<br />

it applies to humans. In the near future, Christ hopes to<br />

conduct a clinical study in which healthy volunteers will<br />

be exposed to different diets for several different time<br />

periods. While this study will have more variables, she<br />

believes that it will produce results similar to those of the<br />

study she has already performed with the Latz lab.<br />

As health gurus and health movements are on the rise,<br />

we often find ourselves wondering which diets are the<br />

best for us: vegan? vegetarian? A raw diet? The answer<br />

is probably none of the above. “There is no ‘correct’ diet<br />

out there for us,” Christ said. Everyone is different—due<br />

to different food resources and traditional cuisines, people<br />

from different races or geographical locations may<br />

have varied intestinal environments and genetic makeups<br />

that complicate the answer. It’s nonetheless important<br />

for people to be informed about what types of foods<br />

they should choose for themselves in an attempt to live<br />

a healthy life. We are what we eat, and our immune systems<br />

agree.<br />

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March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



Crohn’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are now linked by the LRRK2 gene<br />



At the 2016 Summer<br />

Olympics in Rio, seven years after<br />

being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease (CD), Kathleen<br />

Baker set a swimming world record and bagged two medals. It<br />

was after she had just set two national swimming records for her<br />

age group back in 2010. Diagnosed, but with no effective treatment,<br />

she would suffer from stomach cramps, nausea, and whooping cough,<br />

dividing her time between doctors’ offices and pool practice. Baker’s<br />

story is even more remarkable considering that she will never be cured<br />

of CD. She gives herself biweekly injections. Like Baker, the other<br />

million or so CD patients worldwide, usually diagnosed in their<br />

teenage years, fight similar battles—they try to keep alive their<br />

dreams of going to college, getting married, and pursuing careers.<br />

Judy Cho, MD, Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology<br />

at Mount Sinai, heads a research group that works to identify<br />

the genetic bases of CD and related inflammatory diseases. The<br />

researchers hope that understanding the complex network of<br />

interdependent molecular processes in cells will lead to a cure.<br />

CD is extremely challenging to treat and manage, but Cho finds<br />

treating CD to be personally rewarding. “CD is my favorite disease<br />

to treat, because I wound up treating a lot of young adults<br />

with whom I could make a big difference,” Cho said.<br />

One big step towards a better understanding of CD was<br />

recently taken in a study led by Cho and Inga Peter, Professor<br />

of Genetics and Genomic Sciences at Mount Sinai.<br />

This four-year-long study, involving 51 collaborators from<br />

26 institutions, identified mutations in the LRRK2 gene<br />

(pronounced “lurk-two”) strongly associated with CD. Since<br />

LRRK2 has long been known to be the major genetic cause for

the neurodegenerative disorder Parkinson’s disease (PD), this study<br />

provides a direct link between seemingly unrelated CD and PD and<br />

hints at a common molecular basis for both diseases.<br />

From its inception, this genetic study was unusual—the researchers<br />

did not start with a hypothesis. Like any other disease, they knew<br />

that certain variants in the genetic code were responsible for CD.<br />

As such, they began by screening hundreds of thousands of possible<br />

gene variants in order to compare the genes of CD patients with those<br />

of healthy subjects. This initial comparison was done on 5,699 Ashkenazi<br />

Jewish patients, since CD is more common in this population.<br />

The researchers succeeded in identifying two categories of mutations:<br />

risk mutations, which were more likely to be found in CD<br />

patients, and protective mutations, which were more common in<br />

healthy subjects. The mutations were determined to lie within the<br />

LRRK2 gene, which was implicated in cellular processes central to<br />

CD. The strong association between LRRK2 and PD raised many<br />

questions, and it gave the project a direction.<br />

To establish a proper link between CD and PD, the researchers<br />

focused on individual mutations and expanded their screening to<br />

include 24,570 CD and PD cases plus healthy controls. Ultimately, the<br />

individual variants associated with CD were also strongly linked to<br />

PD; furthermore, they correlated in the same direction—risk variants<br />

for CD were also risk variants for PD, and vice versa. This suggested a<br />

similar genetic architecture underlying the two diseases.<br />

At this point, a problem arose. Mutations in LRRK2 are inherited<br />

together with those in its gene neighbors, so association signals were<br />

also being detected from its neighboring regions. To prove that it was<br />

LRRK2 responsible for CD and not a neighboring gene, the researchers<br />

turned to computational biology. They constructed a model of all<br />

gene-gene interactions in the intestine, and then stripped it down to<br />

the essential CD genes, intentionally excluding the genes known to<br />

be involved in PD, including LRRK2. They then ran a simulation of<br />

CD, knowing that only the genes required for CD would be pulled<br />

back into their system. LRRK2 was the only gene in its neighborhood<br />

that came up.<br />

Up to this point, the researchers had been working based on statistical<br />

evidence alone. Now came the most challenging part: to determine<br />

whether the identified LRRK2 variants indeed led to biological<br />

effects. Peter and her coworkers recalled CD carriers registered with<br />

Mount Sinai Medical Center, from whom they obtained blood for<br />

biological testing. “For a genetic epidemiologist, functional studies<br />

are the most frustrating because you have no control over the data,”<br />

Peter said. The risk variant worked—in functional studies, cells that<br />

carried this variant exhibited traits characteristic of experimental<br />

models of CD and PD. Unexpectedly, there was no indication that<br />

the most strongly correlated protective variant had any functional<br />

significance. The researchers had seemingly wasted a whole year of<br />

collecting and testing blood samples.<br />

Peter and her coworkers quickly moved on to the second most<br />

promising neighboring protective variant; testing revealed that it<br />

was the variant actually responsible for CD. Interestingly, all people<br />

who were recalled for additional blood draws had both protective<br />

variants, which explained why the statistical evidence alone was misleading.<br />

This costly detour lays out an important lesson in genetic<br />

studies. “In this type of analysis, statistical significance is not everything,”<br />

Peter said. Often, statistics cannot account for the complexity<br />

of biological processes.<br />

Having confirmed the effects of the mutations on human cells,<br />

medicine<br />


the researchers moved on to the clinical scale, where they examined<br />

the effects of LRRK2 mutations on the disease course. They<br />

found that the risk mutation led to CD onset at a younger age, so<br />

Peter wants to include LRRK2 mutations as markers during genetic<br />

screening, which would allow clinicians to determine whether a<br />

patient is susceptible to CD early on.<br />

For Peter, incorporating LRRK2 in genetic screening is just a first<br />

step. The discovery that the risk mutation leads to an overactive<br />

LRRK2 protein implies that drugs could be developed to inhibit<br />

LRRK2 and, thus, treat CD. Many PD studies have shown encouraging<br />

results. In one study, LRRK2 inhibitors were found to rescue brain<br />

cell degeneration in mice. In trying to reverse PD, however, the inhibitors<br />

also had unforeseen effects on other cells that use LRRK2. More<br />

research is needed on this cell type-specific targeting. The protective<br />

variant is a promising candidate, as it reflects the natural biochemical<br />

pathways that cells evolved to protect themselves against CD.<br />


Crohn’s disease intestinal cells, which are responsible for the inflammation,<br />

observed under microscope.<br />

Regardless of whether a drug can be developed, this study has<br />

far-reaching implications for PD treatment. PD is notoriously hard<br />

to treat because it does not show symptoms until years after its onset,<br />

at which point treatment is no longer effective. As CD has an earlier<br />

age of onset, clinicians can use the identified LRRK2 mutations to<br />

determine which CD patients are at high risk of PD and administer<br />

preventative measures.<br />

Ultimately, the discoveries made use of a multipronged treatment<br />

of mountains of data, including computational biology, statistical<br />

analysis, as well as clinical and functional studies. “No one sophisticated<br />

bioinformatics approach will allow you to get to the bottom of<br />

the problem,” Peter said. She believes that this study demonstrates an<br />

important research strategy: attack the problem from as many angles<br />

as possible, and then confirm, confirm, and reconfirm the findings.<br />

CD is still far from curable. Based on the findings in this study,<br />

Peter and her coworkers are examining the effect of LRRK2 inhibitors<br />

on reversing colon inflammation in mice. This push is driven by<br />

the promise of genetics in answering many biological problems. “I<br />

think we’re going to enter a golden age of medicine, where instead<br />

of being a descriptive science, medicine is going to be a molecular<br />

science,” Cho said.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />



ME A TWIRL<br />

by Urmila Chadayammuri<br />

art by Jason Yang<br />

Radio telescopes reveal surprisingly neat rotation<br />

in extremely young galaxies<br />

“We are made of star stuff.” These timeless words from astrophysicist<br />

and space evangelist Carl Sagan are more than poetic rhetoric. The carbon,<br />

nitrogen, oxygen and silicon—so central to life on earth—and the<br />

iron in our blood are all produced when hydrogen fuses into heavier<br />

elements in the cores of massive stars. The nuclear fusion process is<br />

what powers these stars to light up our sky. As the stars age and die, they<br />

release these elements into the gas around them, which will eventually<br />

form planets, sometimes populated by sentient organisms that build<br />

telescopes to peer back out into where they came from.<br />

A team led by Renske Smit, a postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge University,<br />

recently measured the star-forming gas in two galaxies that sent<br />

us light when the Universe was just one seventh of its current size. This<br />

means that any photon—a packet of light—that left a source at that time<br />

would, therefore, have its wavelength stretched out, or made redder on<br />

the electromagnetic spectrum, by this same factor. Astronomers say the<br />

galaxies are at “redshifts” of 6.8. In effect, we are seeing these galaxies as<br />

they were when the Universe was just 800 million years old.<br />

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a collection of<br />

radio telescopes in the high, dry Chilean desert, Smit looked for the light<br />

emitted by carbon atoms. When a carbon atom collides with another<br />

particle, the energy of that collision can kick one of the outer electrons of<br />

the carbon to a higher energy level, which is called collisional excitation.<br />

But electrons like to stay in the lowest energy states available, so it will<br />

soon jump back down. In the process, it releases a photon of wavelength<br />

157.7 micrometers, which matches the energy difference between those<br />

two electron levels.<br />

Quantum mechanics dictates that an atom will always emit a photon<br />

of exactly the same wavelength for a given electron transition. However,<br />

30 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

astronomy<br />



The James Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope developed in<br />

coordination with NASA.<br />

if the atom is moving away from us, this wavelength will get longer and<br />

redder; if it is moving towards us, the light gets shorter and bluer. This<br />

is known as the Doppler effect; most of us experience the aural version<br />

of it every time an ambulance drives past, its siren getting shriller as it<br />

approaches and then dropping as it drives away.<br />

Since the Universe is expanding away from us, light coming from<br />

its most distant sources is red-shifted. Smit explains that the brightest<br />

emission in the most distant galaxies, which has optical wavelengths in<br />

a lab, becomes redshifted into the mid-infrared. In her PhD thesis at<br />

the Leiden observatory in the Netherlands, Smit used the infrared space<br />

telescope, Spitzer, to measure redshifts precisely for a very large sample<br />

of galaxies. The CII line, with a wavelength of 157.7 micrometers, is<br />

already in the infrared, but it gets further redshifted into longer radio<br />

waves. This is exactly what ALMA can detect.<br />

“Getting time on ALMA is hard,” said Pascal Oesch, former postdoctoral<br />

fellow at Yale and now assistant professor at the University of<br />

Geneva, a co-author on the paper. The entire array of telescopes must be<br />

reconfigured every time a researcher wants to look at a different range<br />

of wavelengths. “You really have to know the redshifts and locations of<br />

the targets, and Renske constrained those tightly with her Spitzer observations,”<br />

Oesch said.<br />

Now picture a disk of swirling gas, moving clockwise. Rotate the disk<br />

so you’re viewing it from the side. Gas to the right half of the disk will<br />

appear to be moving towards you, and on the left it’ll be moving away<br />

from you. If there were carbon atoms emitting photons at exactly 158<br />

micrometers everywhere in the disk, you’d think the light from the right<br />

side of the disk actually had a wavelength shorter and bluer than that,<br />

and that from the left larger and redder. Now think of two coins sitting<br />

on this disk, at different distances from the center. As the disk rotates, the<br />

coin farther from the center moves a longer total distance than the one<br />

closer in. In other words, the velocity of the disk is greater at larger radii.<br />

So the 157.7 micrometer line is redshifted increasingly more the further<br />

left you look from the center, and blueshifted more the further you look<br />

right. The line gets broadened into a bell shaped curve, the width of<br />

which tells you how fast the gas in the disk is rotating.<br />

Current simulations of galaxy formation in the early Universe show<br />

these galaxies colliding with their neighbors often in what are called mergers.<br />

These mergers disrupt the formation of any disks, and tend to leave<br />


The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is a collection of radio<br />

telescopes in the Chile, five kilometers (sixteen thousand feet) above sea<br />

level. Since light from a single source in the sky lands at slightly different<br />

points on each telescope, the images can be combined using a technique<br />

called interferometry to get extremely high resolution. Together, the<br />

telescopes can see fainter objects than any one of them could on its own.<br />

Source: The European Space Organization.<br />

behind gas clumps with lots of star formation in the center. “We expected<br />

the carbon emission to be pretty concentrated,” Smit said. Therefore, she<br />

only expected to see lines from the center of the rotating disk. Instead, the<br />

line-emission was extended enough that she could measure the velocity<br />

variations across the galaxy. “The fact that we could actually see the rotation<br />

meant that CII emission was more spread out,” Smit said.<br />

That was not the only surprise. The CII line emission is only generated<br />

if the carbon undergoes a lot of collisions, usually with electrons coming<br />

from dust. “We see the carbon line but we don’t see any dust, and that is<br />

a puzzle we haven’t solved yet,” Smit said.<br />

Oesch doesn’t think it’s that surprising to find so little dust in these galaxies:<br />

dust is released during a relatively late stage in a galaxies’ evolution,<br />

and since they are still so young, the stars simply may not have reached<br />

this phase of their lives. Further, he says, they may not have found<br />

dust because they were looking for a very specific kind. “You have to<br />

make assumptions of the temperature of the dust to predict how much<br />

emission you would see,” said Oesch. It is just another example of how<br />

carefully astronomers have to design their experiments to encompass all<br />

of the components of a galaxy that they’re interested in.<br />

Astronomers are also very careful about making inferences from<br />

small samples. Smit is excited about the upcoming James Webb Space<br />

Telescope, which will detect hundreds or even thousands of galaxies<br />

at these high redshifts. James Webb will have an IFU, or Integral Field<br />

Unit, a device that takes a spectrum on every pixel of the camera.<br />

“We’ll at least be able to get low resolution but large samples,” she said.<br />

Smit already has time on ALMA to look at six more galaxies, which<br />

will help us build a picture of how common galaxy disks really are in the<br />

early Universe. She is also preparing to observe one of these galaxies at<br />

a much higher resolution. “We’ll be able to see how organized the disk<br />

is, or if its messier than we thought. It’ll tell us about the physics of at<br />

least one disk in much more detail,” Oesch said. She emphasizes that<br />

this really a new frontier of observation. “Maybe it’s not a single disk—<br />

maybe it’s multiple clumps merging! We really haven’t been able to do<br />

any of this before.”<br />

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March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FEATURE biomedical engineering<br />

Defeating<br />

Diabetes<br />

Advances in Cell Encapsulation<br />

Technology<br />


Art by ANUSHA BISHOP<br />

A young boy is rushed into the Emergency Department after<br />

being discovered unconscious. He’s with his mother, who reports<br />

that earlier that evening, her son had been thirsty, nauseous, and<br />

urinating frequently. He’s now gasping for air, and his breath smells<br />

fruity and sweet, like a sugary pear candy. It’s the smell of ketone<br />

bodies, molecules produced by the liver that cells use as fuel, and<br />

their presence is indicative of ketoacidosis—a dangerous complication<br />

of diabetes. Ketone bodies are acidic, so as they accumulate,<br />

the blood’s pH drops, leading to hyperventilation, nausea, and, in<br />

extreme cases, severe neurological and cardiac complications.<br />

Given his symptoms, the boy likely suffers from type 1 diabetes,<br />

an autoimmune disease in which the patient’s immune system<br />

destroys islet cells in his pancreas. These cells are responsible for<br />

producing insulin, a hormone that helps your body absorb glucose<br />

from the bloodstream. Without sufficient insulin, blood sugar levels<br />

increase and contribute to disease. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a<br />

rapid-onset complication of type 1 diabetes that occurs because<br />

glucose is trapped in the bloodstream, so cells need an alternative<br />

source of energy—the ketone bodies—to keep functioning.<br />

Diabetes treatments focus on maintaining normal insulin levels<br />

with daily injections, which sound easier than they are. These insulin<br />

injections can be uncomfortable, and remembering to keep<br />

to a schedule can be stressful and tiring. Furthermore, figuring out<br />

correct doses can be challenging, as these injections serve multiple<br />

purposes: patients must inject to maintain background levels of insulin,<br />

prepare for meals, and correct high blood sugar. Complicating<br />

the issue, different insulin products act on different time scales,<br />

and each person’s insulin sensitivity is unique. There is always the<br />

risk of overdose, especially after a missed meal, which could lower<br />

blood sugar beyond safe levels. For these reasons, researchers at<br />

Cornell University are improving designs on an alternative treatment<br />

for type 1 diabetes: cell transplantation. “Instead of delivering<br />

insulin through injection, we are trying to develop a technology to<br />

deliver cells, which can sense the glucose concentration and secrete<br />

insulin autonomously,” said Duo An, the PhD candidate at Cornell<br />

who led the research.<br />

As with any transplant procedure, islet cell transplantation has<br />

risks. Since the cells are foreign to the host, the body recognizes<br />

them as invaders and launches an immune response. To prevent<br />

transplant rejection, patients must take immunosuppressive medications<br />

for the remainder of their lives, decreasing their ability to<br />

fight infectious diseases. Despite its dangers, immunosuppression<br />

is often a necessity unless the transplanted cells can be protected<br />

against the host’s immune system, as Cornell’s team is trying to do<br />

with cell encapsulation, a technique where they deliver cells within<br />

special membranes.<br />

Cell encapsulation is not a new procedure. Attempts to coat<br />

transplanted materials with protective membranes occurred in as<br />

early as the 1960s; however, the technology is far from perfect. Even<br />

a current and promising cell encapsulation system, called hydrogel<br />

microcapsules, has a critical flaw: the microcapsules are difficult<br />

to retrieve completely after implantation. “To cure type 1 diabetes<br />

patients, we estimate that 500,000 pancreatic cell aggregates are<br />

required, which means you need to put tens of thousands of these<br />

microcapsules into the patients,” said An. “Because they are individual<br />

microcapsules, it’s almost impossible to retrieve all of the<br />

materials.” Without a better way to remove the microcapsules from<br />

a patient, clinical application of these devices has been restricted. If<br />

the membrane failed or the cells died and the microcapsules could<br />

not be safely removed, the situation could be dangerous to the recipient.<br />

Recognizing this obstacle to cell encapsulation technology,<br />

the Cornell research team sought to design an encapsulation<br />

32 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

iomedical engineering<br />



For patients with diabetes, blood tests to monitor glucose levels are<br />

important for the management of the disease.<br />


Brown algae is an important component of alginate hydrogels, the<br />

material that made the cell encapsulation device biocompatible.<br />

device that is therapeutically successful, scalable, and retrievable.<br />

Their original concept was simple. “At the beginning, we were<br />

thinking, ‘What if we used a thread to connect all of these microcapsules,<br />

like a necklace? Then they can be easily implanted and<br />

retrieved through a simple procedure,’” An said. Interestingly,<br />

this preliminary design was inspired by a spider’s web—the necklace-like<br />

structure would look like a strand of spider silk collecting<br />

droplets of dew, and the thread itself would mimic the properties of<br />

adhesive spider silk. In the final design, however, the hydrogel was<br />

layered uniformly around the string and islet cells, more closely<br />

resembling a tube than a strand with beads.<br />

While the concept was simple, the design proved to be more difficult.<br />

The hydrogel, the islet cells, and the modified sutures used to<br />

make the underlying thread all had to be compatible. Coordinating<br />

these components required a diverse array of knowledge, which<br />

challenged the researchers. “I needed to learn from basic chemistry,<br />

materials science, cellular biology, and biomedical engineering.<br />

I even needed to have some medical knowledge for the surgical<br />

procedure,” An said. In the end, the team’s efforts paid off, and they<br />

built a successful device.<br />

The base layer for the device is a nylon suture, a biocompatible,<br />

medical-grade material that is often used for stiches. The suture<br />

was a good starting point, since it is commercially available and<br />

has been proven safe, yet it lacked certain properties that the researchers<br />

desired. Using a chemical treatment, they modified the<br />

sutures to contain small pores and to release calcium chloride.<br />

Both of these modifications improved the thread’s ability to bind<br />

uniformly to the hydrogel: the porous surface allowed the hydrogel<br />

to penetrate the thread and strengthen the adhesion, and calcium<br />

promoted chemical bonds between the materials.<br />

Once the modified thread had been made, the researchers crosslinked<br />

it with a hydrogel made from alginate, a biomaterial obtained<br />

from brown seaweed. The uniform layer of alginate hydrogel<br />

made the device biocompatible and prevented fibrosis, the thickening<br />

and scarring of tissue that sometimes occurs when foreign<br />

materials are implanted into animals. Blocking fibrosis around the<br />

device was critically important, since fibrosis would have blocked<br />

substances from diffusing to and from the device. While the cell<br />

encapsulation system is designed to protect transplanted cells from<br />

the immune system, it must still be semi-permeable so oxygen and<br />

nutrients can reach the cells.<br />

After fabricating the device, the researchers tested the system’s biocompatibility<br />

and its ability to correct diabetes in mice. They also<br />

performed experiments in dogs to test whether they could increase<br />

the scale of transplantation in a larger mammal. The thread-reinforced<br />

hydrogel microcapsule system was successful in each trial,<br />

causing little to no fibrosis around sites of implantation, demonstrating<br />

therapeutic potential in diabetic mice, and remaining intact for<br />

complete retrieval from dogs. These results are a major step forward<br />

for cell encapsulation technology, as the new device will likely minimize<br />

the risks associated with this type of transplantation, making it<br />

a more viable option for treating type 1 diabetes.<br />

At the moment, the Cornell team hopes to improve their cell encapsulation<br />

system, modifying it to become even more biocompatible<br />

and mechanically stable. They also want to scale up further, so<br />

they can deliver enough cells to cure a human patient. Research is<br />

ongoing in all of these areas, and the team eventually hopes to get<br />

the device into clinical trials.<br />

Type 1 diabetes currently affects over one million Americans and<br />

is most often diagnosed in children and young adults. For these<br />

children, the leading cause of diabetes-related death is diabetic ketoacidosis,<br />

and it occurs most frequently when someone fails to<br />

administer a proper dose of insulin. “The final goal of this research<br />

is to find a cure to type 1 diabetes, so that patients no longer need<br />

to get painful and tedious insulin injections every day,” An said.<br />

While we are still far from curing type 1 diabetes, a cell encapsulation<br />

device could simplify management of this disease, reducing its<br />

burden on millions of lives.<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


FEATURE environmental science<br />



by Annie Yang<br />

A butterfly lands on top of a flower and imbibes nectar with<br />

its coiled mouthpiece; the butterfly and the flower seem to<br />

be an inseparable pair. For a long time, our understanding<br />

of the symbiotic relationship between the two organisms led<br />

scientists to believe that Lepidoptera, the order of insects<br />

that includes butterflies and moths, evolved alongside the<br />

first angiosperms or flowering plants. However, a group of<br />

researchers recently discovered new evidence that suggests<br />

that the evolutionary history of Lepidoptera and angiosperms<br />

may not be as simple as scientists had previously delineated.<br />

Paul K. Strother, a researcher and professor at Boston<br />

College, visited microfossil paleontologist Bas van de<br />

Schootbrugge in Germany in 2012 because they were<br />

interested in looking for prehistoric remnants of freshwater<br />

algae. When the research team drilled into the Schandelah-1<br />

well, however, they inadvertently uncovered enigmatic scales<br />

in sediments from the late Triassic and early Jurassic periods.<br />

While they deduced that these were insect scales, they were<br />

unable to immediately conclude what insects they belonged<br />

to because many different insects have wings lined with<br />

thousands of these kinds of scales. Thus, they had to develop<br />

a method to extract the infinitesimal and delicate scales from<br />

the sample in order to determine their origin.<br />

Timo van Eldijk, an undergraduate at Utrecht University<br />

at the time, took charge of the laboratorial work. To isolate<br />

the scales, he exposed the sediments to harsh acids and then<br />

used a needle tipped with a piece of human nostril hair to<br />

transfer each one individually to a separate slide. He then<br />


This image depicts a living descendant of a moth that did not<br />

possess a proboscis. Solid scales extracted from this group of<br />

primitive Lepidoptera support that the earliest butterflies and<br />

moths had jawlike mouthparts.<br />

examined the slides under a microscope and discovered that<br />

there were two types of scales in the sample: solid, round<br />

ones and hollow, jagged ones. By comparing the scales to<br />

previously classified specimens, van Eldijk determined that<br />

the solid scales belonged to the earliest Lepidoptera, who<br />

relied on mandibles or jawlike mouthparts to chew their<br />

food, corroborating the results of earlier insect evolutionary<br />

studies.<br />

The discovery of the newfound hollow scales, however,<br />

revealed something truly remarkable. Because hollow scales<br />

are characteristic of extant, or currently living, Lepidoptera,<br />

specifically the Glossata, a suborder containing moths<br />

and butterflies that have an elongated feeding and sucking<br />

mouthpart called a proboscis, the discovery of these hollow<br />

wings in the sample suggests that moths and butterflies had<br />

already evolved proboscises during the late Triassic period,<br />

nearly 70 million years before plants evolved flowers.<br />

If this is true and there were no flowers during the late Triassic<br />

period, what did moths and butterflies use their proboscises<br />

for? The researchers have considered the possibility that<br />

flowering plants existed earlier than fossil records show, but<br />

Strother finds this explanation unconvincing. “There are<br />

individual plant specimens [from the Triassic Period] that<br />

might have been what was to become of a flower,” Strother<br />

said. “But the thing is that there is always a glitch. There is no<br />

robust record to support early flowers claims.” He explains<br />

that the more plausible explanation is that they evolved<br />

the proboscis in response to the dry and arid climate. The<br />

appendage would allow them to feed on pollination droplets<br />

and saps from gymnosperms, or seed-bearing plants like pine<br />

trees, in order to replenish their lost moisture.<br />

The results of this research alter our understanding of<br />

Lepidoptera and angiosperm coevolution. The research<br />

suggests that the Lepidoptera fed primarily on gymnosperms<br />

but changed their feeding preferences when angiosperms<br />

evolved, consequently coevolving with them and forming the<br />

symbiotic relationship as we know it today.<br />

Since the scales that van Eldijk studied are only a small<br />

part of what was uncovered from the well, there are still<br />

vestiges of other organisms that have yet to be explored.<br />

Strother explains that the next step is to analyze the rest of<br />

the sample. Furthermore, because prehistoric fossil records<br />

are still largely elusive, the research team is also beginning<br />

to look at sediments from other time periods. “Now that we<br />

can recognize these things, what we want to do is to have<br />

a stepwise, continuous record of understanding. There is a<br />

punctuated record, so we are working to fill in for earlier<br />

times,” Strother said.<br />

34 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

FOCUS<br />

technology<br />

repurposed<br />

by<br />

Jau Tung<br />

Chan<br />

From Garden Destroyer to Lab Assistant<br />

Taraxacum officinale, or more commonly<br />

known as dandelions, are a well-known nuisance<br />

in gardens throughout the world because they<br />

infest crops. In a recent development, however,<br />

dandelions may have turned over a new leaf,<br />

having found a purpose in an unlikely setting: the<br />

scientific laboratory.<br />

Last year, a team of high school students, under<br />

the guidance of professors from Xi’an Jiaotong<br />

University in Xi’an, China, completed an in-depth<br />

study about how dandelion seeds can be used as<br />

pipettes to create and manipulate microlitersized<br />

droplets, a fifth the size of droplets from<br />

eyedroppers. In their research, they were not only<br />

able to capture and release consistent droplet sizes<br />

repeatedly, but were also able to model the droplet<br />

sizes quantitatively based on characteristics of the<br />

seeds, such as the length of their hairs.<br />

To use the dandelion seed as a pipette, the<br />

researchers first pushed the seed downward against<br />

a liquid surface to form a dip, much like the dip<br />

when someone stands in the middle of a trampoline.<br />

When they pulled the seed upwards out of the<br />

liquid, the seed remarkably did not completely<br />

separate from it. Instead, the hairs on the seed—<br />

which traditionally allowed wind to disperse<br />

the seed—formed the shape of a paintbrush tip,<br />

enclosing a droplet of the liquid within them.<br />

The key to the consistent droplet sizes—according<br />

to Feng Xu, one of the professors involved in<br />

the research—lies in a fine balance between two<br />

opposing factors: the surface tension of the liquid,<br />

and the stiffness of hairs on the seed. Surface<br />

tension is an elastic force on the surface of liquids,<br />

arising from the attraction of liquid molecules to<br />

each other, akin to how the elastic membrane of<br />

an inflated balloon keeps the balloon in a spherical<br />

shape instead of popping. Surface tension tends to<br />

reduce the droplet size. On the other hand, the stiff<br />

hairs on the seed tend to increase the droplet size<br />

by tending to straighten themselves out, similar to<br />

how a plastic ruler snaps back straight after being<br />

bent. The combination of these two effects creates<br />

a unique balancing point for droplet size, like the<br />

stalemate arising when both sides of a tug-of-war<br />

are equally strong.<br />

By quantitatively modelling these forces and<br />

experimentally verifying their predictions, the<br />

researchers were able to optimize the system<br />

to hold the largest droplet size. They varied the<br />

number, distribution, and length of hairs on<br />

the dandelion seed. Xu recounts an unexpected<br />

result. “Nature optimized the dandelion seed<br />

to give it the capability to capture the maximum<br />

amount of liquid,” he said. In hindsight, this makes<br />

evolutionary sense, since dandelion seeds need<br />

maximal water for optimal growth.<br />

There currently aren’t many tools for creating<br />

and manipulating microliter-sized droplets. A<br />

significant advantage dandelion seeds have over<br />

regular micropipettes is that they are omniphilic,<br />

which means that they can be used for both water<br />

and oil. Most common materials can only do one<br />

or the other, but not both.<br />

That being said, there are certainly restrictions<br />

to this new laboratory tool. In order to release a<br />

droplet from the dandelion seed, the researchers<br />

must place the seed into a liquid with lower surface<br />

tension than that of the droplet liquid so that the<br />

droplet will be released. This condition limits the<br />

contexts in which the method may be used. Still,<br />

Xu is optimistic about using the dandelion seed to<br />

inspire new synthetic fiber structures—similarly to<br />

how Velcro was inspired by the clinging of burrs<br />

of the Burdock plant to clothes. For example,<br />

some synthetic materials can change their stiffness<br />

in response to environmental factors, such as<br />

temperature or light. If the fiber structure is<br />

manufactured from the dandelion seeds, then just<br />

by adjusting those environmental factors—without<br />

a need to even contact the structure—we can allow<br />

stiffness to win that tug-of-war with surface tension,<br />

thereby releasing the droplet anywhere we want. An<br />

added advantage of the consistent manufacturing<br />

of such fiber structures is that droplet sizes will be<br />

more precise than regular micropipettes.<br />

Looking ahead, future directions for this research<br />

include the manufacturing of such micro-scale<br />

synthetic fiber structures, and the adaptation of<br />

this method for other scientific tools. Currently,<br />

Xu is pursuing the latter, developing similar fiber<br />

structures to manipulate cells instead of liquids,<br />

which could potentially change the way human<br />

tissues are created. Ultimately, the researchers have<br />

uniquely repurposed a common garden weed into<br />

a scientific tool.<br />

35 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018

COLIN HEMEZ (ES ‘18)<br />





Hemez, a Goldwater Scholar, has been working in Professor Isaacs’ Lab at<br />

the Systems Biology Institute since sophomore year.<br />

Yale College senior Colin Hemez (ES ’18) cherishes long runs,<br />

rock-climbing, and sleep. These routines ground Hemez, allowing<br />

him to reflect on himself and the world around him. For Hemez, life<br />

is not about success or achievement; instead, it’s about thoughtfully<br />

exploring problems that are interesting and important. “I really think<br />

deeply about what kinds of problems I want to work on, maybe more<br />

deeply than I should,” said Hemez. His deep reflection has led him to<br />

genome-editing research, a double major in Biomedical Engineering<br />

and Art History, and the combined Bachelor’s and Master’s program<br />

through the Yale School of Public Health.<br />

Born in France but raised in New Mexico near Los Alamos National<br />

Labs, Hemez was exposed to the world of scientists from an early age.<br />

Naturally, during his first year at Yale, he joined the iGEM (International<br />

Genetically Engineered Machine) competition team at Yale. As<br />

a team, they conducted synthetic biology research and presented their<br />

findings at the annual iGEM International Jamboree. More importantly,<br />

Hemez got to know one of the team’s sponsors: his future research<br />

mentor, Dr. Farren Isaacs, Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular,<br />

and Development Biology.<br />

Since sophomore year, Hemez has been working in Professor Isaacs’<br />

lab at the Systems Biology Institute on Yale’s West Campus. Conventional<br />

biology is very bottom-up: it asks how specific molecules, genes,<br />

or pieces fit into the bigger picture. However, systems biology is more<br />

top-down, using many of the hottest recent developments in biology,<br />

including deep sequencing, DNA synthesis, and novel imaging tools<br />

to a get a broader view of biology. Very interdisciplinary, systems biology<br />

brings together molecular biologists, biomedical engineers, ecologists,<br />

and evolutionary biologists.<br />

“What really gets me excited about the work I do in the Isaacs lab<br />

is that it’s really at the intersection of basic science and engineering,”<br />

Hemez said. Hemez loves the study of science, but at the end of the<br />

day, he is an engineer by training. One of his most recent projects is<br />

understanding how bacteria whose genetic information isn’t stored<br />

in DNA can still interact with normal bacteria that use DNA. He explains<br />

that potential applications include engineering gut bacteria that<br />

have specific genetic capabilities and do not interact unintentionally<br />

with normal bacteria, as bacteria with alternative genetic codes cannot<br />

exchange genetic information with other bacterial community members.<br />

Not only is Hemez studying biological principles, but he also<br />

hopes to use them to better the world.<br />

So how does art history fit into all of this? Hemez’s interest in art<br />

history budded when he took an online course in high school. Though<br />

Hemez is not necessarily looking to find the intersection of biomedical<br />

engineering and art history, the technical analysis he performs in art<br />

history has, in turn, informed his scientific pursuits. “The visual stimuli<br />

we see around us are hugely influential on the way we make sense<br />

of the world. Science is communicated visually,” Hemez said. He hopes<br />

that future scientists will strengthen the way science is presented. In<br />

art history, he gets a chance to think deeply about specific works, and<br />

he believes that, in science, there is something to be gained in slowing<br />

down, closely analyzing, and “digesting,” as engineers must understand<br />

the motivations and ethics behind the problems they’re facing.<br />

Hemez feels very honored to be a Goldwater Scholar, one of only<br />

three Yale students in his class to be given this distinction. He additionally<br />

attributes his incredible experience in research to the Beckman<br />

Scholars program, which provides research support for 18 months, an<br />

exceptionally long time for a scholarship. “The Beckman Foundation<br />

really encourages the scientists they’re funding to dig deep into the<br />

problems they’re studying, to take their time with it, to see what comes<br />

out of it,” Hemez said. He values the process of deeply exploring science<br />

and letting his work evolve organically along various tangents,<br />

but he worries that many scientists fear the pressure to publish.<br />

Hemez hopes to apply his engineering to solving public health problems,<br />

particularly engineering microbial communities that work together<br />

to produce medicines, biofuels, and other important natural<br />

products. He knows that graduate school is essential to his goals, and<br />

could ultimately lead to a faculty position, which he believes would<br />

provide unparalleled freedom to work on useful projects that interest<br />

him. Hemez feels very grateful to Isaacs and his graduate student<br />

mentors, and is often humbled by their brilliance. Whatever Hemez’s<br />

future holds for him, he hopes to continue exploring his interests, all<br />

while thinking deeply about engineering problems.<br />

36 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

BY LISA WU<br />


DR. HUGH TAYLOR (SM ‘83)<br />



Dr. Taylor’s laboratory has identified transdermal estrogen treatments<br />

(commonly referred to as the “patch”) as more effective at enhancing<br />

sexual function when compared to placebo and oral estrogen treatments<br />

Dr. Hugh Taylor (SM ’83) sort of wound up becoming Chief of Obstetrics<br />

at a prominent hospital. Taylor remarks that he was always<br />

interested in science, but he still didn’t necessarily expect to end up<br />

going to medical school, spend an additional four years in a laboratory,<br />

and rise through the ranks to become the Chief of Obstetrics and<br />

Gynecology at Yale-New Haven Hospital, as well as the Anita O’Keeffe<br />

Young Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences.<br />

Even once he entered medical school, he certainly didn’t expect<br />

to choose gynecology as his specialty. Taylor’s path was by no means<br />

completely pre-determined, but he ended up exactly where he needed<br />

to be—a reassuring reminder to millions of concerned pre-medical<br />

candidates that arbitrary chance and fate, as volatile and uncertain as<br />

they seem, can be a good thing.<br />

Taylor, like many other doctors and surgeons, grew up interested in<br />

science and in people. His path towards becoming a physician-scientist<br />

began at Yale, where a campus culture strongly centered on community<br />

involvement empowered him to commit to a life of public<br />

service. “I think the responsibility that comes with a Yale education<br />

is important,” Taylor said. For him, that responsibility compelled him<br />

to join a laboratory during his residency to learn more about using<br />

laboratory research to help patients. In addition to seeing patients,<br />

performing some of his field’s most difficult surgeries, and leading<br />

his department, Taylor now runs a laboratory that examines the underlying<br />

mechanisms of endometriosis, a disease in which the mucous<br />

membrane lining the uterus that thickens during the menstrual<br />

cycle becomes displaced. The experience has been a long haul and a<br />

long-term investment—overwhelming workload with little financial<br />

incentive—but he maintains that it is well worth the outcome. “As a<br />

doctor, I get immediate, personal feedback that my work is helping an<br />

individual. And as a scientist, I get to impact a much wider audience,”<br />

Taylor said.<br />

Taylor’s desire to benefit his community through his work also influenced<br />

his decision to specialize in gynecology. During medical<br />

school, Taylor was interested in several different medical specialties,<br />

but gynecology stood out as an area in which clear progress could be<br />

made. “I considered internal medicine, but OB-GYN was extremely<br />

exciting,” he said. “There were so many unsolved issues, and I saw<br />

some clear opportunities for research.”<br />

When it comes to reproductive health, the truth is that the United<br />

States is lagging behind the rest of the world. “It’s amazing that despite<br />

the United States’ status as one of the most developed nations,<br />

our country still has one of the highest rates of complications associated<br />

with pre-term delivery of babies in the world,” Taylor said. Taylor’s<br />

laboratory has been prolific in its efforts to close the gap; his laboratory<br />

has identified a group of stem cells in the uterus that have been<br />

linked to endometrial growth. They can be extracted with a simple office<br />

biopsy—a procedure that removes a small amount of tissue—and<br />

induced to develop into insulin-producing cells, cartilage, and neuronal<br />

cells. Taylor recently completed a four-year long study that found<br />

that when compared to a placebo and oral estrogen treatments, the<br />

transdermal estrogen replacement patch resulted in increased sexual<br />

function. However, transdermal hormone replacement therapy can<br />

still cause adverse side-effects. Consequently, Taylor emphasizes that<br />

the treatment of sexual dysfunction, like the treatment of any condition,<br />

should be modified specifically to each patient’s needs. “It’s all<br />

a part of a general effort in medicine, whether it be cancer or gynecology,<br />

to personalize therapy to deliver optimal results,” Taylor said.<br />

Taylor may have not have entered Phelps Gate with a definitive<br />

plan, but he was still able to embark on a medical career spanning the<br />

lab bench, patient care centers, and hospital conference rooms. “You<br />

should think big and dream,” he said. “It’s a big world, and there are<br />

a lot of opportunities in medicine to make the world a better place.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


Science in the Spotlight<br />

The Evolution of Beauty<br />

By Megha Chawla<br />


4.5/5<br />

The Evolution of Beauty is a compelling<br />

and insightful look at beauty in nature<br />

through the eyes of Richard O. Prum, the<br />

William Robertson Coe Professor of Ornithology<br />

at Yale. The book is Prum’s response<br />

to decades of research in the evolutionary sciences that have<br />

embraced Darwinian thought and theory of natural selection, while<br />

woefully ignoring Darwin’s theory of sexual selection. Through a<br />

lifetime of observing birds in nature and researching the evolution<br />

of ornamental beauty, Prum contends to revive the arbitrary sexual<br />

selection hypothesis, or as he calls it, “Beauty Happens.”<br />

According to Prum, animals have subjective tastes and preferences<br />

and the agency to act upon them via mate choice. Prum<br />

compares adaptationists, who believe that all traits have evolved<br />

to provide a better chance of survival and communicate information<br />

about mate quality, to economic theorists, who expect actors<br />

in a free market to behave completely rationally and purposefully.<br />

“Of course,” Prum says, “Evolution, like markets, is spurred by<br />

the irrational and subjective choices of its actors.” He provides a<br />

motley of colorful examples from the bird world to support this<br />

hypothesis, like the evolution of the male peacock’s seemingly<br />

useless tail which may even be harmful to survival, but has persisted<br />

because the ladies like it.<br />

In the animal kingdom, it is often the female who chooses a mate<br />

among available males. Because of this, Prum’s argument also has<br />

a feminist flair. He describes how male and female ducks’ genitalia<br />

and the male bowerbird’s elaborate bower-building ritual might<br />

have evolved for the same purpose—to protect females from forced<br />

copulation. Prum even extends his hypothesis to the evolution of<br />

the female orgasm in great apes and the size and shape of the human<br />

penis, claiming that female sexual autonomy has led to their<br />

evolution—or, in his words, “Pleasure Happens.”<br />

The Evolution of Beauty is interdisciplinary at its core, and Prum<br />

passionately comments on evolution from multiple perspectives.<br />

While the book has been well-received—the New York Times named<br />

it as one of the ten best books of 2017—Prum says the response<br />

from the scientific community has been mostly mute. “I’m perfectly<br />

happy to lose the battle and win the war,” he said, hoping his work<br />

will inspire further research recognizing aesthetic preference as a<br />

strong force in evolution.<br />

On the whole, The Evolution of Beauty endures as a brilliant<br />

anthology of beauty and desire in the natural world, written in<br />

engaging prose that is vivid, graphic, and at times unexpectedly<br />

funny. Prum humorously and appropriately quotes Sean Hannity’s<br />

remarks on his research: “Don’t we really need to know about duck<br />

sex?” If you thought you, like Sean Hannity, didn’t care about the<br />

mating habits of ducks, or never gave them any thought at all, this<br />

book will make you strongly reevaluate your indifference.<br />

38 Yale Scientific Magazine March 2018 www.yalescientific.org

Science in the Spotlight<br />

The Great Quake<br />

By Vikram Shaw<br />


5/5<br />

At 5:36 p.m. on Good Friday, March 27, 1964,<br />

a violent shaking disrupted a peaceful Friday<br />

night in the village of Chenega, Alaska. The<br />

villagers, primarily Alutiiq natives, noticed<br />

the water level of their cove rapidly recede, curiously<br />

exposing the bottom of the ocean floor. The villagers<br />

knew what it meant, but many of them did not have enough<br />

time to get out. Moments later, a thirty-five-foot-high wall of<br />

water came barreling towards them.<br />

In a compelling tale of disaster, resilience, and scientific discovery,<br />

New York Times journalist and Yale graduate Henry<br />

Fountain tells the story of the biggest recorded earthquake<br />

in the history of North America in his new book, The Great<br />

Quake. After Fountain wrote an article in the New York Times<br />

about the quake’s 50th anniversary, an editor at a New York<br />

book publisher told him that the story sounded like a good<br />

book. Fountain quickly mobilized, and by the end of 2015, he<br />

had visited Alaska for a couple of months and completed most<br />

of his research. “I wanted to tell the narrative of the people affected<br />

and tell the tale of science through the eyes of George,”<br />

Fountain said.<br />

George Plafker, a geologist who started with little knowledge<br />

of earthquakes but a lot of knowledge of the Alaskan<br />

backcountry, was one of the main players behind the scientific<br />

breakthroughs that the quake catalyzed. At the turn of the<br />

century, earthquake science was young and misguided. Eduard<br />

Suess, for example, put forth the leading earthquake theory of<br />

the time by comparing the earth to a drying apple that would<br />

wrinkle as it shrank. A small minority of scientists instead favored<br />

the emerging ideas—rejected by most—that would later<br />

become known as plate tectonics. It was not until after the<br />

Alaskan quake, however, that Plafker helped settle the debate.<br />

The book tells the stories of the two communities that were<br />

hit the hardest by the quake: Valdez, a small costal town that<br />

arose from the Gold Rush, and Chenega, a village of around<br />

eighty native Alaskans and an American schoolteacher. Following<br />

these two villages through the disaster, the book is both<br />

exciting to read and informative. Fountain makes sure that no<br />

details are spared when it comes to the moments leading up<br />

to and just after the quake. He also details the months on end<br />

spent by many geologists, including Plafker, who dedicated<br />

their lives to understanding what happened.<br />

Fountain closes his book with a sobering reminder: by several<br />

estimates, including Plafker’s, the Pacific Northwest is due<br />

for a megathrust earthquake—the same kind that occurred in<br />

Alaska. “The Northwest will probably have a quake like it in<br />

the next 50 years,” Fountain said. “They’re all expecting it to<br />

happen.”<br />

www.yalescientific.org<br />

March 2018<br />

Yale Scientific Magazine<br />


C A R T O O N S<br />

TEARS<br />




ZOMBIE<br />

DROWN<br />


IN SUGAR<br />

ENERGY<br />

DRINK<br />







SHOT<br />



YOU ARE ON<br />

TOP OF IT<br />



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