Pegasus Post: August 13, 2019
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TUESDAY, AUGUST <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Connecting Your Community<br /><br />
Student<br />
speech-makers<br />
share culture<br />
Defender<br />
balances life<br />
with football<br />
Kelly Barber Glenn Livingstone<br />
Coastal Burwood<br />
People’s Choice - Labour<br />
Christchurch City Council<br />
Page 8 Page 10<br />
Authorised by J McLellan, 6 Braddon Street, Addington<br />
Jim owns ‘more kites than anyone in NZ’<br />
If you’ve seen kites flying<br />
over New Brighton beach,<br />
chances are one of them<br />
belongs to Jim Nicholls.<br />
For the last 11 years, Mr<br />
Nicholls has been collecting<br />
and flying “hundreds” of kites<br />
and sharing his passion for<br />
them with others.<br />
Last month, the 78-yearold<br />
Parklands resident<br />
received a Coastal-Burwood<br />
Community Service Award<br />
for his contribution.<br />
“I have more kites than<br />
anyone in New Zealand, for<br />
sure,” he said.<br />
•Turn to page 4<br />
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Bumpy<br />
road<br />
now an<br />
election<br />
issue<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
THE BATTLE for the Burwood<br />
Ward rages on.<br />
This time it’s over a call from<br />
Parklands residents to repair the<br />
Inwoods Rd end of Mairehau Rd.<br />
Mairehau Rd neighbours Grant<br />
Donnell and Terry Marsh said<br />
Burwood Ward city councillor<br />
Glenn Livingstone has not done<br />
enough to help them get the road<br />
fixed.<br />
Now Burwood Ward city<br />
council candidate Phil Mauger,<br />
who is trying to oust Cr<br />
Livingstone in October’s local<br />
body elections, is questioning why<br />
the road has not been repaired.<br />
“Glenn, sadly, he’s not jumping<br />
up and down enough to get the<br />
money spent in the east,” said<br />
Mr Mauger, who owns Maugers<br />
Contracting Ltd.<br />
However, Cr Livingstone said<br />
the comments were “not fair at<br />
all” as he has been asking for<br />
Mairehau Rd to be fixed for some<br />
time.<br />
•Turn to page 5<br />
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2<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
get in touch<br />
GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />
Star Media,<br />
a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />
PO box 1467, Christchurch<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
Matt Slaughter<br />
Ph: 021 910 788<br /><br />
Elaine Moon<br />
Ph: 364 7436<br /><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
news<br />
New name for pool<br />
Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri has gifted a special name to Linwood’s<br />
new $22 million pool complex.<br />
Page 6<br />
community events<br />
Super Saturday Storytimes<br />
Go along for an interactive programme, including stories,<br />
songs, rhymes, craft and play, at Shirley Library on Saturday,<br />
11-11.45am.<br />
Page 11<br />
tasty bites<br />
Fresh and healthy<br />
Filled with fresh ingredients, these samosa and simple<br />
chicken curry recipes are a great way to eat well.<br />
Page 12<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 3<br />
News<br />
Opportunity missed over toilets<br />
Local<br />
News<br />
Now<br />
In Brief<br />
Fire rages, homes at risk<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
PEOPLE WITH mobility<br />
issues will have to wait for toilet<br />
facilities to be built closer to the<br />
Taiora: QE II Recreation and<br />
Sport Centre’s hydrotherapy<br />
pool.<br />
Coastal-Burwood Community<br />
Board member Linda Stewart<br />
and concerned<br />
pool user Aileen<br />
Trist say the<br />
city council<br />
has missed an<br />
opportunity to<br />
use some of the<br />
$220,000 left<br />
Linda<br />
Stewart<br />
over from the<br />
construction of<br />
the complex on<br />
new facilities at the pool.<br />
“The left over money went into<br />
[the city council] metropolitan<br />
fund, so it’s gone from the<br />
east, and now I’ve asked our<br />
governance manager to find out<br />
how we can get it back,” said Ms<br />
Stewart.<br />
Said city council head of<br />
recreation, sports and events<br />
Nigel Cox: “[City council] staff<br />
don’t have the delegation to<br />
increase the approved scope of<br />
a project. It is normal practice<br />
once a project is completed for<br />
any under-spend to be returned<br />
to council and reallocated in<br />
INACCESSIBLE: Tony and Aileen Trist want toilets to be built<br />
closer to the hydrotherapy pool at Taiora: QE II Recreation and<br />
Sport Centre sooner.<br />
the capital programme, this<br />
happened with Taiora: QE II<br />
Recreation and Sport Centre.”<br />
“Staff are currently working<br />
to understand the cost of<br />
installing an additional toilet<br />
so an informed decision can be<br />
made about requesting funding<br />
through the upcoming Long<br />
Term Plan.”<br />
<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> has previously<br />
reported on the issues Mrs<br />
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Trist’s husband Tony, who<br />
struggles with his mobility, faces<br />
trying to cross the 55m to get<br />
from the hydrotherapy pool to<br />
the toilets.<br />
The community board asked<br />
for toilet and shower facilities to<br />
be built closer the pool as soon<br />
as possible in its submission to<br />
the city council’s Annual Plan.<br />
But Ms Stewart said she had<br />
been told this would happen in<br />
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“the next two years.”<br />
Mrs Trist, who raised the<br />
original concerns about the<br />
hydrotherapy pool with the<br />
community board, said she was<br />
“disgusted” the leftover funds<br />
had not been used to build more<br />
accessible toilet facilities.<br />
“That is a smack in the face<br />
for the people with health issues<br />
and disabilities that they had<br />
money there to do that and<br />
didn’t do it, she said.<br />
“These people are being<br />
discriminated against.”<br />
Mrs Trist previously told<br />
<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> her husband<br />
Tony, who is paralysed down<br />
his left side, was almost left<br />
embarrassed trying to get to the<br />
toilet facilities in the past.<br />
She said two years was too<br />
long for people like Tony to<br />
wait for more accessible toilet<br />
facilities to be built. “That’s<br />
two or three years too late. You<br />
know, like, it’s going to happen,<br />
but meanwhile, that should have<br />
been on the original plan.”<br />
Said Ms Stewart: “To<br />
me, it’s a health and safety<br />
issue, it’s not something that<br />
should wait two or three years.<br />
We should provide for the<br />
disabled community as soon as<br />
we can.”<br />
•Linwood Pool name, page 6<br />
The gate at Bottle Lake Forest<br />
Park will remain open until<br />
10pm in the summer daylight<br />
saving months. This will be one<br />
hour longer than it has been<br />
open over the winter months.<br />
Construction is under way on<br />
the quake-damaged tennis and<br />
basketball courts at Donnell<br />
Sports Park in Burwood. A<br />
new toilet will also be provided.<br />
The plan is for the work to be<br />
finished in October, depending<br />
on the weather.<br />
The main pot holes at the<br />
entrance to Bexley Park have<br />
been repaired. The project to<br />
upgrade the park is scheduled<br />
for September and October<br />
and will involve driveway<br />
resealing, dog park and car<br />
park improvements and<br />
landscaping.<br />
Missing and broken<br />
picture frames on the<br />
acknowledgement wall in the<br />
foyer of the New Brighton<br />
Library have been replaced and<br />
repaired. The Coastal-Burwood<br />
Community Board asked for<br />
this to happen on March 18.
4<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
News<br />
McMaster & Heap<br />
Veterinary practice<br />
Dr Steve works his magic again…<br />
“CoCo” is a three year old speyed bunny<br />
- a very loved and adored pet who<br />
recently underwent Bilateral Cataract<br />
Surgery. This surgery was a first for<br />
Steve who did his research prior to the<br />
operation. He has operated many times<br />
on dogs, cats and even a hawk but not<br />
a rabbit.<br />
head end of the patient is impossible.<br />
Expertise and experience with rabbit<br />
anaesthetics is essential when your<br />
surgery may last one to two hours. Often<br />
they require you to ventilate for them,<br />
they must be kept warm, hydrated and<br />
constant recordings of blood pressure<br />
need to be recorded.<br />
Straight away Coco was placed on<br />
intravenous fluids, had blood taken<br />
(no kidney or liver compromise was<br />
seen) and was allowed to snack<br />
on veggies and hay before her GA.<br />
Prior to her anaesthetic she was<br />
supplemented with oxygen to<br />
increase oxygen concentration in<br />
UP AND AWAY: Jim<br />
Nicholls owns kites of<br />
all different shapes and<br />
sizes, including this<br />
teddy bear, which he<br />
flies at New Brighton<br />
beach.<br />
Coco was having real difficulty finding<br />
her food bowls and manoeuvring<br />
around outside. She had always<br />
loved charging around outside with<br />
the other rabbits. Her cataracts had<br />
developed fast in approximately<br />
two months, the right eye more<br />
mature than the left eye. Cataracts in<br />
rabbits can be congenital, traumatic,<br />
metabolic as in diabetes, inflammatory<br />
secondary to uveitis or infectious, as in<br />
the case of E Cuniculi. Coco was being<br />
treated for E Cuniculi, which is a parasite<br />
ingested and eliminated in the urine.<br />
This parasite causes inflammation in the<br />
lens and a capsular cataract can develop,<br />
leading to uveitis and sometimes<br />
glaucoma. It is painful and the rabbits<br />
will often scratch at the eye.<br />
Coco was referred to Steve and her<br />
primary vet and nurse came over to<br />
monitor Coco’s anaesthetic. Rabbits<br />
on the whole are difficult patients to<br />
monitor under anaesthetic due to<br />
their size and eye surgeries are difficult<br />
anyway because monitoring the<br />
the blood. Once anaesthetised she was<br />
hooked up to a blood pressure monitor<br />
and pulsoximeter (measuring her oxygen<br />
saturation in the blood) and positioned<br />
for cataract surgery.<br />
The surgery went really well with Steve<br />
removing the crystalline lenses in both<br />
eyes. A Cataract is a lens opacity and is<br />
due to the loss of architecture of the lens<br />
or capsule fibres. To us the lens appears<br />
cloudy (the lens is in the middle of the<br />
eye). The cataract is then sucked out with<br />
a phacoemulsification machine. This<br />
machine vibrates, cuts and vacuums the<br />
cataract out. If all goes well, the visual<br />
axis is clear and vision is restored.<br />
So far so good. Steve has frequently<br />
checked her eyes and Coco can<br />
visually see well out both her eyes, her<br />
intraocular pressures are good, she is<br />
comfortable and happier now her ocular<br />
world has opened up again.<br />
I think its brilliant Coco’s owner gave her<br />
a chance at restored sight. The other<br />
option would have been removing the<br />
eyes, as the uveitis and glaucoma could<br />
have been too painful for her to live with.<br />
For any questions on cataract<br />
surgeries please contact Steve<br />
directly at McMaster & Heap Vet<br />
Practice. He has just invested in a<br />
new phacoemulsification machine so<br />
hopefully will get to test drive it soon.<br />
Dr Michele McMaster<br />
Encouraging<br />
kids to fly kites<br />
•From page 1<br />
His love of kites has seen<br />
him become a fixture at<br />
community events across<br />
the east, including the<br />
annual Kite Day at New<br />
Brighton beach.<br />
He said he enjoys getting<br />
out and showing people<br />
how great kite-flying can<br />
be.<br />
“One of the things I do<br />
is try to encourage other<br />
people to fly, and especially<br />
children. I’ve given away<br />
lots and lots of kites over<br />
the years in an effort to<br />
encourage children to fly<br />
because I think it’s a great<br />
thing. It gets them outside<br />
and gives something of<br />
interest to do other than<br />
sitting in front of a screen<br />
all day.”<br />
Mr Nicholls also has<br />
a YouTube channel with<br />
more than 1000 videos<br />
devoted to kites, which<br />
is watched by 3000<br />
subscribers from all over<br />
the world.<br />
He says what started off<br />
as an interest turned into<br />
much more after he first<br />
attended Kite Day.<br />
“I attended one . . . there<br />
was a stall on the beach<br />
selling kites and I thought,<br />
oh, I’ll get one and have a<br />
go.<br />
“I just loved the feeling so<br />
much of having this kite up<br />
in the air that I decided to<br />
buy another one and then<br />
• Local Council<br />
• Community Board<br />
another and another and it<br />
just sort of snowballed and<br />
it just became a bit of an<br />
addiction.”<br />
Mr Nicholls said the cold<br />
weather hardly ever puts<br />
him off flying his kites and<br />
not even the aftershocks<br />
from the 2011 earthquake<br />
stopped him.<br />
“I kept going right<br />
through the earthquakes. I<br />
was often the only person<br />
down the beach because<br />
the beach was shaking too<br />
much sometimes.<br />
“The pure enjoyment of<br />
being outside and having<br />
kites up in the air on a nice<br />
day or even on a cold day.<br />
There’s nothing better I<br />
think.”<br />
Want to be<br />
elected?<br />
• Ecan<br />
• CDHB<br />
Star Media can help you.<br />
Talk to us today about your campaign.<br />
Open 7 days<br />
Cnr Hoon Hay & Coppell place<br />
phone 338 2534, Fax 339 8624<br />
e.<br /><br />
McMaster & Heap<br />
Contact: Elaine Moon<br />
03 364 7436<br />
021 914 335<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 5<br />
Work on clock tower<br />
starts ticking along<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
THE NEW Brighton clock tower<br />
repairs have started.<br />
The work is expected to take<br />
about six months.<br />
It was supposed to start in<br />
September but was delayed after<br />
a detailed investigation revealed<br />
more damage and overdue<br />
maintenance-related issues than<br />
expected.<br />
City council manager of capital<br />
delivery community Darren<br />
Moses said the contractors were<br />
on site last week removing some<br />
of the old concrete from the<br />
dome area at the top of the clock.<br />
Said Mr Moses: “Reinforcing<br />
will be repaired and replaced.<br />
The dome will be propped and<br />
measures put in place to protect<br />
the historic newspapers lining<br />
the under-side of the dome.”<br />
The repair work will also<br />
involve the replacement of two<br />
internal floors, which have<br />
significant cracks.<br />
“The project team will take the<br />
opportunity to address access<br />
into each floor and ensure it is<br />
made safe,” said Mr Moses.<br />
The structure will be repainted<br />
in the original colours it featured<br />
when it was first built in 1934 –<br />
green, sand and ochre.<br />
“The lead paint has been<br />
removed from the entire surface,<br />
exposing the original multicoloured<br />
plaster finish,” he said.<br />
Said Mr Moses: “If possible<br />
the project team will also look<br />
at alternative ways to mount the<br />
clock mechanisms within the<br />
tower to minimise vibrations.<br />
Vibrations from earthquakes<br />
have been a cause of the clocks<br />
showing the incorrect time over<br />
the years.”<br />
Other repair work will involve<br />
fixing drainage issues around the<br />
dome, the application of concrete<br />
and corrosion treatments to the<br />
entire structure and upgrading<br />
electrical wiring before the tower<br />
is plastered and painted.<br />
The clock tower will be<br />
fixed at the same time as the<br />
Scarborough clock tower.<br />
JOB’S ON: Vincent Fuentes<br />
was hard at work on the New<br />
Brighton clock tower repairs<br />
last week.<br />
Tension between candidates over Mairehau Rd repairs<br />
FED UP: Grant Donnell and Terry Marsh want the city council to fix the<br />
potholes on Mairehau Rd.<br />
•From page 1<br />
“I’ve constantly raised this at<br />
[Coastal-Burwood] community<br />
board level. I’ve called on [city<br />
council] staff to come back with a<br />
date for the transport team to report<br />
to the community board on both<br />
this and other roads in the Burwood<br />
and Coastal wards,” he said.<br />
Said city council head of transport<br />
operations manager Steffan Thomas:<br />
“The resurfacing of this section<br />
of Mairehau Rd is currently still<br />
programmed for the 2021 financial<br />
year. However, we continually<br />
review our programme and this may<br />
change depending on its condition<br />
relative to other streets across the<br />
city.”<br />
Cr Livingstone has asked city<br />
council staff to repair this section of<br />
Mairehau Rd before 2021.<br />
Mr Donnell and Mr<br />
Marsh said their houses are being<br />
shaken and damaged by trucks<br />
and heavy vehicles driving through<br />
potholes on Mairehau Rd.<br />
In response to a <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />
article about the damage, Cr<br />
Livingstone asked the city council to<br />
prioritise the repair of the road and<br />
consider reducing the speed limit to<br />
mitigate further damage.<br />
The city council recently decided<br />
Cr Livingstone’s request to lower<br />
the 50km/h speed limit along the<br />
stretch of road wasn’t necessary.<br />
Mr Mauger believes repairing<br />
Mairehau Rd would be a simple job<br />
and says Cr Livingstone has not<br />
pushed hard enough to get it started.<br />
“It has to be done through the<br />
right processes, but it could be done<br />
very easily and there’s no reason<br />
why it can’t be done tomorrow if<br />
they make the money available,”<br />
said Mr Mauger.<br />
Cr Livingstone said it was not this<br />
easy.<br />
“I totally understand people want<br />
the roads fixed yesterday . . . but,<br />
there are many, many wheels in this.<br />
It is a marathon, not a sprint.”<br />
Mr Donnell says it has cost<br />
$10,000-$15,000 to repair the<br />
damage to his house, and it has<br />
worsened since he last spoke to<br />
<strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong>.<br />
Glenn<br />
Livingstone<br />
Phil Mauger<br />
Get a move on.<br />
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in the local elections easy.<br />
Want to know more?<br />
0800 36 76 56<br /><br />
6 Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
News<br />
GIFTED: Te Pou<br />
Toetoe Linwood<br />
Pool has been<br />
chosen as<br />
the name for<br />
Linwood’s new<br />
$22 million pool<br />
complex, which<br />
is set to open in<br />
late 2021.<br />
Name for planned Linwood pool<br />
TE NGĀI Tūāhuriri has gifted<br />
a special name to Linwood’s<br />
planned $22 million pool<br />
complex.<br />
The community facility will<br />
be known as Te Pou Toetoe:<br />
Linwood Pool, and is set to open<br />
in late 2021.<br />
City council head of recreation,<br />
sports and events Nigel Cox said<br />
the name reflects both the local<br />
environment and the passing of<br />
knowledge.<br />
“The term pou is a reference to<br />
both the building itself, and to<br />
the way we pass knowledge from<br />
person to person and generation<br />
to generation,” Mr Cox said.<br />
“The toetoe comes from the<br />
clusters of toetoe and vegetation<br />
originally found in the area on<br />
the sand dunes near Ihutai (the<br />
estuary).”<br />
The concept designs for the<br />
pool were approved by the<br />
Linwood-Central-Heathcote<br />
Community Board in May<br />
following extensive community<br />
engagement.<br />
The planned facility will be<br />
adjacent to Linwood Park and<br />
include a multi-use 25m lane<br />
pool, which will feature a deepwater<br />
area, a family spa pool,<br />
learn to swim pool and a pool for<br />
toddlers, complete with a water<br />
deck.<br />
Community meeting rooms<br />
and a kitchen are also part of the<br />
design.<br />
“Food has traditionally been a<br />
great reason for people to connect<br />
socially, and the bookable kitchen<br />
will be a major point of difference<br />
that Te Pou Toetoe has for the<br />
community. When integrated<br />
with our outdoor gathering area<br />
and picnic tables, the kitchen will<br />
let the community come together<br />
to prepare and eat food in a way<br />
you don’t always get in a public<br />
space.”<br />
The outdoor community<br />
space will connect the facility<br />
to Linwood Park and include a<br />
picnic tables, tennis and multiuse<br />
courts and cycle stands.<br />
Libraries celebrate 160<br />
years with exhibition<br />
of rare memorabilia<br />
WHEN Christchurch residents<br />
borrowed their first books from<br />
a library, it was from a single<br />
room on High St in 1859.<br />
Now, the 160th birthday of<br />
Christchurch City Libraries<br />
is being celebrated with<br />
the exhibition<br />
Illuminate:<br />
Unearthing<br />
Treasures from our<br />
Collection, which<br />
opened on Saturday<br />
in the Southbase<br />
Gallery at Tūranga.<br />
It will run until<br />
October 27.<br />
The exhibition<br />
features rare<br />
books, including<br />
An Account of a<br />
Voyage Around<br />
the World, by James<br />
Cook, published<br />
in 1773; original New Zealand<br />
artworks, historic maps, vintage<br />
posters from the 1970s and<br />
1980s, including some printed<br />
by record label Flying Nun and<br />
a typescript of catalogue of the<br />
Universe by Margaret Mahy.<br />
Library branches around<br />
the city will also mark the<br />
anniversary with displays<br />
of historic photographs and<br />
Carolyn Robertson<br />
memorabilia.<br />
City council head of libraries<br />
Carolyn Robertson said the<br />
importance of libraries has<br />
grown hugely over the past 160<br />
years.<br />
“It’s amazing to think that<br />
libraries have been<br />
serving local people<br />
for so long. In those<br />
early days books<br />
were all people<br />
could borrow, but<br />
today’s libraries are<br />
a source of so much<br />
information across<br />
many different<br />
platforms, as well as<br />
being home to a huge<br />
range of programmes<br />
and events.”<br />
“Regardless<br />
of changes in<br />
technology,<br />
libraries have always been a<br />
place to inspire knowledge,<br />
foster creativity, challenge<br />
our curiosity and meet other<br />
people,” she said.<br />
“This anniversary is a great<br />
opportunity to celebrate that<br />
role. Illuminate is all about<br />
showing how libraries can<br />
open our eyes, and bring new<br />
information to light.”<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 7<br />
Volunteer awarded for keeping<br />
Banks Avenue School beautiful<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
BANKS AVENUE School<br />
volunteer Margaret Edmonds<br />
has been recognised with a Keep<br />
Christchurch Beautiful award.<br />
The 62-year-old Burwood<br />
resident has been volunteering<br />
at the school for about five years.<br />
Her husband Murray was also<br />
the caretaker.<br />
Mrs Edmonds plants gardens<br />
and maintains them. She also<br />
helps pupils to bake in the staff<br />
kitchen.<br />
Said Mrs Edmonds: “I enjoy<br />
the kids, I really enjoy the kids<br />
. . . they’re just so enthusiastic<br />
when they come up for<br />
mentoring, they just love the<br />
time they have with you, they<br />
love to show off what they’ve<br />
done.<br />
“I think it actually brightens<br />
everyone up, too, to have flowers<br />
in the gardens and see . . . an<br />
extra somebody working in the<br />
gardens.”<br />
She said the award was a<br />
surprise.<br />
“I didn’t expect an award. I<br />
mean, it was quite lovely to get<br />
one, it really was . . . there’s so<br />
many people who do so much<br />
around the place . . . I just enjoy<br />
the kids and the atmosphere and<br />
MENTOR: City councillor Yani<br />
Johanson presents Margaret<br />
Edmonds with an award<br />
for keeping Banks Avenue<br />
School beautiful.<br />
that’s basically it, you know.”<br />
About 100 people turned<br />
out last week at Tūranga to<br />
celebrate the people and groups<br />
doing good things for the<br />
environment.<br />
Award winners<br />
•Groups:<br />
•SustainPlus<br />
•Christchurch South Intermediate<br />
School<br />
•Harewood School<br />
•Braveheart Christchurch<br />
•YeahNah Productions and<br />
Ashley Harvey<br />
•Edgeware Mowers<br />
•Eastern Drycleaners<br />
•Ouruhia School and Mark<br />
Ashmore-Smith<br />
•Ian McLennan of the<br />
Otamahua/Quail Island<br />
Ecological Restoration Trust<br />
•School Strike 4 Climate<br />
Christchurch<br />
Individuals:<br />
•Tony Hack (volunteer at<br />
Harewood School)<br />
•Colin Renouf (Riccarton<br />
Primary School)<br />
•Geoff Stenhouse (Riccarton<br />
Primary School)<br />
•Lyn Sullivan (Parkview Pārua<br />
School)<br />
•Maria Lamb (for picking up<br />
rubbish and encouraging<br />
others to do the same)<br />
•Alison and Trevor Murray<br />
(for cleaning up Hornby while<br />
dog walking)<br />
•Sasha Batten (for reducing<br />
plastic straw numbers at<br />
Waitākiri School)<br />
Keep Christchurch Beautiful<br />
Life Membership Awards<br />
•Don Sherriff<br />
•John Thacker<br />
•Mike Mora<br />
Construction on last<br />
section of the Avon<br />
Loop to start this year<br />
WORK ON the final section of<br />
the Avon Loop is expected to<br />
start later this year.<br />
The section is on Oxford<br />
Tce between Kilmore St and<br />
Fitzgerald Ave. The area has been<br />
closed to traffic for years due to<br />
earthquake damage and most of<br />
the properties have<br />
been removed.<br />
The loop will<br />
connect the recently<br />
completed City<br />
Promenade to any<br />
future developments<br />
in the residential red<br />
zone.<br />
Ōtākaro Ltd is<br />
in the process of<br />
completing the design<br />
for the final section and seeking<br />
tenders for its construction.<br />
“The loop has become<br />
incredibly popular with<br />
pedestrians and dog walkers and<br />
this work will make the area a<br />
safer, more pleasant place to be,”<br />
said Ōtākaro chief executive John<br />
Bridgman.<br />
“A smooth, safe pathway<br />
for pedestrians and cyclists,<br />
boardwalk, canoe/kayak ramp,<br />
native planting and new lighting<br />
John Bridgman<br />
will be incorporated into the<br />
area, along with some car<br />
parking,” he said.<br />
“People will be able to walk,<br />
bike or scooter along the Avon<br />
River all the way from the health<br />
precinct, past the Canterbury<br />
Earthquake National Memorial,<br />
the terraces, Te Pae<br />
Christchurch Convention<br />
Centre, Victoria Square<br />
and the Margaret Mahy<br />
Family Playground, right<br />
through to Fitzgerald<br />
Ave.<br />
“It will be a significant<br />
asset for the city as an<br />
alternative transport<br />
route, or as somewhere<br />
to take visitors to<br />
Christchurch,” said Mr<br />
Bridgman.<br />
The design for the Avon<br />
Loop has been developed with<br />
input from the city council and<br />
Matapopore Charitable Trust to<br />
ensure the cultural significance<br />
of the area is respected.<br />
The cost, and start and finish<br />
dates, for the Avon Loop work<br />
will be determined in the coming<br />
months, when a main works<br />
contractor is appointed.<br />
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8<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Haeata student’s speech<br />
earns her a scholarship<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
HAEATA Community Campus’<br />
Taiaopo Tuilaepa has won the<br />
FAGASA Samoan National<br />
Speech Competition.<br />
The year <strong>13</strong> student was<br />
awarded a three-year scholarship<br />
at Otago University for her<br />
efforts. Year 10 student Cattleya<br />
Fruean finished fourth at the<br />
event in Auckland.<br />
“I’m so proud of myself<br />
because I hadn’t done it before,<br />
it’s my first time,” said Taiaopo.<br />
“I didn’t want to go to the<br />
university, I wanted to go to<br />
ARA and study to be a Samoan<br />
teacher. And then, surprise, I’m<br />
going to the university, Otago<br />
University,”<br />
Competitors gave speeches on<br />
the theme of weaving together an<br />
environment for a better future<br />
and the differences between<br />
Samoa and New Zealand.<br />
“There are three key points,<br />
the first one is life in Samoa, life<br />
in New Zealand and differences<br />
about the school back in Samoa<br />
and the school here,” Cattleya<br />
said.<br />
“The difference in Samoa is<br />
there’s only one teacher and<br />
like 30 kids . . . it’s been a big<br />
challenge for me . . . in Samoa I<br />
didn’t speak English,” she said.<br />
Cattleya said she had enjoyed<br />
taking part in the competition.<br />
“At first, I didn’t know that<br />
I could complete the speech<br />
competition but I gave it a try. I<br />
felt nervous at first but I got used<br />
to it.”<br />
Taiaopo said the competition<br />
was an opportunity to share her<br />
culture with others.<br />
“It’s good because other people<br />
don’t know Samoan culture. I’m<br />
so proud of my culture and my<br />
language, because it’s my first<br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
PROUD:<br />
Cattleya<br />
Fruean (left)<br />
and Taiaopo<br />
Tuilaepa<br />
(right) with<br />
their teacher<br />
Omai Mailei<br />
after the<br />
FAGASA<br />
Samoan<br />
National<br />
Speech<br />
Competition.<br />
language in the whole world<br />
and where I come from.”<br />
Both Cattleya and Taiaopo<br />
moved to New Zealand from<br />
Samoa in 2016 and 2017<br />
respectively and did not speak<br />
English.<br />
They earned 16 NCEA level<br />
three credits for their work<br />
constructing and performing<br />
their speeches.<br />
Whiz kids gather for<br />
ODT quiz challenge<br />
• By Claire Booker<br />
MORE THAN 200<br />
current events whizzes<br />
put pen to paper at the<br />
Otago Daily Times Extra!<br />
Canterbury quiz at<br />
Cobham Intermediate.<br />
Pupils from across the<br />
region formed teams<br />
of three on Tuesday<br />
and were tested with<br />
questions including who<br />
am I, what am I, New<br />
Zealand places, around<br />
the world mapping and<br />
famous faces.<br />
Tai Tapu School won<br />
the year 5 and 6 section<br />
with 82 points out of a<br />
possible 100.<br />
Closely following in second<br />
was Fendalton Open-Air School,<br />
which was only two points<br />
behind the champions with 80.<br />
Prebbleton School secured<br />
third with a score of 79.<br />
Tai Tapu champions Ethan<br />
Garrett-Burke, 9, Edward Bull,10,<br />
and Caleb O’Leary, 10, were<br />
pleasantly pleased with their win.<br />
Edward said he “didn’t like<br />
the faces” questions, but the<br />
team enjoyed the challenges.<br />
North Loburn School won the<br />
year 7 and 8 quiz with 89 points.<br />
William Hassall, 12, Charley<br />
Ward, <strong>13</strong>, and Harry Witt, 12,<br />
said they were happy to win the<br />
quiz, but “it wasn’t planned.”<br />
“The newspaper was the<br />
hardest part,” Charley said.<br />
WINNERS: Tai Tapu School year 5<br />
and 6 pupils Ethan Garrett-Burke, 9,<br />
Edward Bull, 10, and Caleb O’Leary, 10,<br />
were stoked with their win.<br />
The teams had to find answers<br />
to questions from an Otago Daily<br />
Times newspaper, which caught<br />
them off guard.<br />
Two Hillview Christian School<br />
teams took second and third with<br />
88 and 87 points. Extra! editor<br />
Tricia Rowe was pleased the<br />
event went smoothly.<br />
“The year 7 and 8 group were<br />
really lively, which made the quiz<br />
go fast,” she said. “The lead up to<br />
the event has been stressful, with<br />
balancing writing papers and<br />
writing the quizzes, but I’ve got a<br />
really good team.”<br />
The quiz was run by the<br />
Otago Daily Times through<br />
Extra! – its monthly Newspapers<br />
in Education publication for<br />
primary, intermediate and junior<br />
secondary school pupils.<br />
420 new trees planted<br />
at wetland in an hour<br />
GREEN: School students and community members planted<br />
trees at Travis Wetland Nature Heritage Park.<br />
• By Matt Slaughter<br />
ABOUT 80 people have planted<br />
420 trees at Travis Wetland<br />
Nature Heritage Park.<br />
Community members and<br />
students from Shirley Boys’ High<br />
School, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School<br />
and Christ’s College made light<br />
work of the job, planting the trees<br />
in about an hour.<br />
The event was organised by the<br />
Eco-Action Nursery Trust.<br />
Trustee David Newton said for<br />
the students involved “they’re all<br />
trees that they’ve participated in<br />
growing.”<br />
“We propagate and send out<br />
nursery kits to satellite nurseries<br />
at different schools and then<br />
school students at those<br />
schools pot them up from small<br />
seedling size to the larger pots,<br />
keep them growing for a year and<br />
then participate in planing them<br />
out.”<br />
The planting session finished<br />
with biscuits and a brief chat<br />
about service to the community<br />
and carbon sequestration, a<br />
process where carbon dioxide is<br />
removed from the atmosphere<br />
and held in solid or liquid form.<br />
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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 9<br />
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Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Tahlia earns<br />
her way<br />
to national<br />
honours<br />
• By Jacob Page<br />
Herman-Watt says missing out<br />
on the New Zealand under-20<br />
team 12 months ago only<br />
intensified her desire to make it<br />
this year.<br />
The 18-year-old defender, who<br />
is studying sports coaching at<br />
Canterbury University, was one<br />
of the last names cut, but she<br />
used the experience to motivate<br />
her in <strong>2019</strong>.<br />
“It was sad to miss out at the<br />
time because I gave it everything<br />
but it probably makes this feeling<br />
even better.”<br />
The team will head to the OFC<br />
under-19 championship at the<br />
end of this month in the Cook<br />
Islands.<br />
The tournament will take place<br />
from 29 <strong>August</strong> to 14 September<br />
with New Zealand being drawn<br />
in Group B with Samoa, American<br />
Samoa and Tahiti.<br />
The winner of the tournament<br />
will qualify for the 2020 FIFA<br />
U-20 Women’s World Cup as the<br />
OFC representatives.<br />
Herman-Watt, a former Rangiora<br />
High School student, who<br />
started her football career as a<br />
SPORT<br />
BRIGHT FUTURE: Tahlia<br />
Herman-Watt will head to<br />
the Cook Islands later this<br />
month with the New Zealand<br />
under-20 football team.<br />
five-year-old at Amberley, said<br />
she had worked on her attacking<br />
game over the past 12 months.<br />
“Playing at fullback, there’s a<br />
lot of organisation that needs to<br />
be done but also a bit of attacking<br />
and that’s something I think has<br />
got better over time.”<br />
She will start her fourth<br />
year with the Mainland Pride<br />
women’s premier team and she<br />
praised current coach Alana<br />
Gunn and former Pride coach<br />
Mike Di Bono as being influential<br />
in her progression.<br />
“Gunny has been a big part of<br />
who I am today, when she asked<br />
me to come to Coastal (three<br />
years ago), I jumped at it - I didn’t<br />
need to think twice.”<br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Coastal Spirit defender balances<br />
education with his Olympic goal<br />
• By Jacob Page<br />
COASTAL SPIRIT defender<br />
Sean Liddicoat will shift his<br />
attention back to his civil<br />
engineering degree before<br />
trying to make the New Zealand<br />
under-23 team for their Olympic<br />
qualification campaign.<br />
The 22-year-old, who lives in<br />
Marshland, has returned from<br />
the Pacific Games in Samoa,<br />
where New Zealand won gold.<br />
They defeated New Caledonia<br />
2-1 in the final.<br />
“I think it was a great<br />
achievement. It was certainly<br />
more physical than what we are<br />
used to and a definite step up on<br />
the club stuff in New Zealand,<br />
but it was a good challenge,”<br />
Liddicoat said.<br />
The Brunei-born defender<br />
said the heat and tricky underfoot<br />
conditions provided some<br />
challenges, as did playing<br />
matches with only one day off in<br />
between.<br />
“Physically it was demanding,<br />
conditions could get quite boggy.<br />
It was hot and we played a fair<br />
few games in a short amount of<br />
time, which took some getting<br />
used to.”<br />
The team will have the<br />
ideal preparation for their<br />
bid to qualify for the 2020<br />
Tokyo Olympics by taking on<br />
Australia in two matches next<br />
month.<br />
Coach Des Buckingham’s side<br />
TALENT: Sean Liddicoat has one eye on his university degree<br />
and one on his Olympic dream. PHOTO: COASTAL SPIRIT<br />
will meet the Australia under-23s<br />
in New South Wales, shortly<br />
before heading to Fiji for the<br />
OFC men’s Olympic qualifying<br />
tournament.<br />
The games against Australia<br />
will take place at Wollongong<br />
on September 6 and at<br />
Campbelltown three days later.<br />
The Olympic qualifying<br />
tournament will be held in<br />
Fiji from September 21 to<br />
October 5.<br />
Before Liddicoat focuses on<br />
his football goals, he said he<br />
will prioritise his final year<br />
of an engineering degree at<br />
Canterbury University.<br />
3 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2019</strong> –<br />
19 January 2020<br />
Free entry<br />
#chchartgallery<br />
Image: Bill Hammond The Fall of Icarus (after Bruegel) (detail) 1995. Acrylic on canvas.<br />
Collection of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, purchased 1996
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 11<br />
Email by<br />
5pm each Wednesday<br />
Senior Net New Brighton<br />
Tuesday, Wednesday and<br />
Thursday, 10am-noon (by<br />
appointment)<br />
This group offers assistance<br />
to mature people with modern<br />
technology, including computers,<br />
tablets, smartphones, email,<br />
Facebook, Skype, Word,<br />
cellphones and the internet.<br />
Phone 382 6048 for more<br />
information.<br />
202 Marine Pde (next to the<br />
New Brighton Club)<br />
JP Clinic at Shirley Library<br />
Tuesday, 10am-1pm<br />
A justice of the peace will<br />
be available to members of the<br />
community to witness signatures<br />
and documents, certify document<br />
copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />
affidavits or affirmations as well<br />
as sign citizenship, sponsorship<br />
or rates rebates applications. No<br />
charge.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
SAYGo Steady As You Go Falls<br />
Prevention Exercise Class<br />
Tuesday, 10am<br />
This is a specially-designed<br />
class to help you avoid a fall.<br />
There is a $2 koha entry but no<br />
booking fee. Those interested are<br />
invited to turn up on the day and<br />
see what it can do for them.<br />
Parklands Community Centre<br />
Ascot Sit and Be Fit<br />
Wednesday, 1-2pm, and<br />
Thursday, 9.30-10.30am<br />
Complete a class of exercises<br />
without even leaving your<br />
chair. The cost of the class is $4<br />
and you’ll get a cup of tea or<br />
coffee.<br />
Ascot Community Centre<br />
Rocket Club<br />
Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along and take part in<br />
different activities based on<br />
local and current events in a<br />
learning environment.<br />
Homework help is available<br />
during this time. Free and no<br />
bookings required.<br />
Aranui Library<br />
Scrabble Club<br />
Tuesday and Wednesday, 1.30-<br />
3.30pm and 1-2.45pm<br />
Go along to the Scrabble<br />
Club. No obligation, just go<br />
along when you can and join the<br />
friendly group. All materials are<br />
supplied. No fee.<br />
Parklands and Shirley<br />
libraries<br />
CV help<br />
Thursday, 10-11.30am<br />
A librarian will be on hand<br />
to assist customers who need<br />
help with their CV or resume.<br />
New Brighton Library<br />
3 CG EVENTS presents<br />
Technology Help Drop-in<br />
Sessions<br />
Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along to a drop-in<br />
session for help with email,<br />
searching the internet,<br />
using the library catalogue,<br />
eBooks, and general computer<br />
queries.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
Cards Club<br />
Friday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />
This weekly club will be held<br />
every Friday, just go along and<br />
join the fun. Free, no bookings<br />
required.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
Makerspace<br />
Friday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />
Go along to a weekly<br />
Makerspace session and get<br />
hands-on with activities for all<br />
ages. Something new every<br />
week.<br />
Aranui Library<br />
Culture Exchange<br />
Friday, 3.45-4.45pm<br />
Go along and make new<br />
friends, practice English and<br />
learn about New Zealand and<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Shirley Library<br />
New Brighton Seaside<br />
Market<br />
Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />
Go and enjoy a warm and<br />
fun atmosphere beside<br />
the seaside. With live<br />
entertainment, food and free<br />
face-painting.<br />
New Brighton Pedestrian<br />
Mall<br />
Super Saturday<br />
Storytimes will<br />
be held at Shirley<br />
Library on Saturday<br />
from 11am until<br />
11.45am. Go along<br />
for an interactive<br />
programme<br />
including stories,<br />
songs, rhymes,<br />
craft and play. This<br />
is a free session.<br />
Golden Oldies Movie screening<br />
– Mutiny on the Bounty<br />
Monday, 1.30pm<br />
Charles Laughton and Clark<br />
Gable star in this 1935 adventure.<br />
A tyrannical ship captain decides<br />
to exact revenge on his abused<br />
crew after they form a mutiny<br />
against him, but the sailor he<br />
targets had no hand in it. Cost<br />
is $2, go early for a cuppa and a<br />
chat.<br />
New Brighton Museum, 9 Hardy<br />
St<br />
Marshland Table Tennis Club<br />
Monday, 7.30-9.30pm<br />
Go along every Monday night<br />
until October 14. Casual players<br />
are welcome – $5 for adults per<br />
night, $3 for juniors under-18.<br />
Marshland Hall, 430 Marshland<br />
Rd<br />
self storage park<br />
1Occ<br />
ZED<br />
7 MARCH<br />
Tickets On Sale Now<br /><br />
The voice of<br />
AUTOMATIC 80s<br />
opening<br />
special...<br />
1st month<br />
free<br />
Terms and<br />
conditions apply<br />
• Secured monitored facility<br />
• Competitive rates<br />
• 20ft and 10ft<br />
350 Wilsons Road, Waltham<br />
Phone 0800 326 001<br />
containers<br />
More<br />
&<br />
container solutions<br />
F<br />
12<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Tasty Bites<br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Simple ways to cut back on the calories<br />
Making a simple swap from<br />
pastry to a tortilla wrap<br />
instantly brings down the<br />
calories. Filled with fresh<br />
ingredients, these samosas<br />
and simple chicken curry<br />
recipes are a great way to<br />
eat well and lose weight<br />
Samosas<br />
Makes 6<br />
Prep time 10min<br />
Cooking time 15min<br />
Ingredients<br />
2 medium potatoes, peeled and<br />
diced into 1cm pieces<br />
75g frozen peas<br />
Low-calorie cooking spray<br />
½ onion, diced<br />
1 garlic clove, crushed<br />
1 tsp grated root ginger<br />
Generous pinch of chilli powder<br />
½ tsp ground coriander<br />
¼ tsp ground cumin<br />
¼ tsp ground turmeric<br />
½ tsp garam masala<br />
30g spinach<br />
Juice of ½ lemon<br />
Sea salt<br />
3 low-calorie tortilla wraps, cut<br />
in half<br />
1 egg, beaten<br />
Fresh coriander, to serve<br />
Directions<br />
Cook the diced potatoes in a<br />
pan of boiling salted water for<br />
5min, then drain. Cook the peas<br />
in boiling salted water and drain.<br />
Heat the oven to 200 deg C<br />
(fan 180 deg C) and line a baking<br />
tray with some greaseproof<br />
paper or baking paper.<br />
Spray a pan with some lowcalorie<br />
cooking spray and place<br />
over a medium heat. Add the<br />
onion, garlic and ginger and<br />
cook for 3-4min until softened<br />
but not browned, then add the<br />
spices and cook for another<br />
minute. Stir in the cooked potato<br />
and mash it slightly with a fork<br />
or the back of a spoon before<br />
adding the uncooked spinach,<br />
lemon juice and peas. Add a<br />
pinch of salt and stir.<br />
Brush the edges of the halved<br />
wraps with the beaten egg. Fold<br />
each half into a cone shape and<br />
seal the edge, leaving the top<br />
open to add the filling.<br />
Divide the filling equally<br />
between the wraps, being careful<br />
not to overfill them (if you do,<br />
you will not be able to seal them<br />
properly).<br />
Brush the open end of the<br />
wraps with some more beaten<br />
egg, leave for 30-40sec, until it<br />
becomes tacky, then press the<br />
edges together firmly. ]<br />
You can use a fork to do this,<br />
but be careful not to rip the<br />
wrap. Arrange the samosas on<br />
the tray.<br />
Brush each samosa with plenty<br />
of beaten egg, make sure the<br />
edges are sealed, then place in<br />
the oven for 10min, or until they<br />
are golden brown.<br />
Remove from the oven and<br />
serve warm. You can also<br />
allow to cool, wrap in baking<br />
parchment and freeze for<br />
another day.<br />
Super simple chicken curry<br />
Serves 4<br />
Prep time 5min<br />
Cooking time 30min<br />
Ingredients<br />
Low-calorie cooking spray<br />
1 large onion, sliced<br />
450g chicken breast (skin and<br />
visible fat removed), diced<br />
3 garlic cloves, crushed<br />
400ml water<br />
3 Tbsp curry powder<br />
1 Tbsp ground turmeric<br />
1 Tbsp tomato puree<br />
Sea salt and freshly ground black<br />
pepper<br />
To serve (optional)<br />
Samosas (see previous recipe)<br />
Cooked rice<br />
Ingredients<br />
Spray a large frying pan with<br />
low-calorie cooking spray and<br />
place over a medium heat.<br />
Add the onion and cook for<br />
2min until softened slightly,<br />
then add the diced chicken to<br />
the pan and cook for 5min until<br />
browned.<br />
Add the garlic to the pan and<br />
cook for 1min, then add all the<br />
other ingredients. The water<br />
should just about cover the<br />
chicken – you may need a little<br />
more or less depending on the<br />
size of your pan.<br />
Leave to simmer gently for<br />
20min.<br />
Turn the heat up and boil the<br />
curry for another 5min, stirring<br />
frequently to ensure it doesn’t<br />
catch on the bottom of the pan,<br />
this will reduce and thicken the<br />
sauce slightly.<br />
Serve the curry with your<br />
choice of accompaniment.<br />
Tip: This curry recipe works<br />
well with lean diced lamb (all<br />
visible fat removed) too.<br />
BED 2<br />
2.9 x 3.0<br />
BED 1<br />
3.6 x 3.4<br />
BATH<br />
3.6 x 2.0<br />
2.7 x 3.5<br />
WC<br />
1.9 x 1.0<br />
STUDY<br />
NOOK<br />
BED 3<br />
2.9 x 3.3<br />
DINING<br />
3.7 x 2.9<br />
L'DRY<br />
5.8 x 5.8<br />
LOUNGE<br />
5.2 x 4.7<br />
ENTRY<br />
1.7 x 1.5<br />
ENS<br />
1.5 x 4.7<br />
BED 2<br />
3.0 x 3.2<br />
BATH<br />
3.0 x 2.3<br />
WC<br />
1.9 x 1.2<br />
BED 3<br />
3.0 x 3.2<br />
5.8 x 6.0<br />
W'ROBE<br />
2.1 x 1.8<br />
L'DRY<br />
BED 1<br />
4.2 x 3.2<br />
2.8 x 4.0<br />
P'TRY<br />
2.0 x 1.4<br />
ENTRY<br />
1.5 x 2.0<br />
DINING<br />
4.5 x 3.0<br />
FAMILY<br />
4.5 x 4.5<br />
LOUNGE<br />
4.5 x 4.5<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> <strong>13</strong><br />
WHY CHoose<br />
for Your next VeHICLe?<br />
It’s in our name<br />
- Value!<br />
A vehicle from<br />
Value Cars will have<br />
the best presentation,<br />
best mileage and best<br />
price combination.<br />
We have been<br />
trusted in Canterbury<br />
for over 25 years and a<br />
majority of our customers<br />
are referral or repeat<br />
customers. We stand by<br />
every vehicle and we are<br />
proud of our service.<br />
One location for<br />
every type of vehicle<br />
and under cover makes<br />
for a pleasant buying<br />
experience. Our colour<br />
and low mileage selection<br />
is something we work<br />
hard to provide.<br />
& OPERATED<br />
ESTABLIShED 1993<br />
VALUE<br />
PLUS<br />
2008 TOYOTa aurIs<br />
$9,999<br />
Highly sought after 5 door hatch, features the<br />
more powerful yet still economical 1.8 litre engine<br />
with tiptronic trans, looks sharp in silver with black<br />
interior, travelled very low kms, push button start,<br />
rear wiper, ABS and airbags, will sell quickly so<br />
don’t delay!<br />
PLUS<br />
2008 mazda demIo<br />
$6,499<br />
The Demio is a very popular and surprisingly spacious<br />
5 door hatch, features an economical 1.3 litre engine<br />
with automatic trans and 5 star fuel efficiency, looks<br />
smart finished in black with body kit and 15" alloys,<br />
modern black interior, keyless entry, rear wiper, ABS<br />
and airbags, perfect round town vehicle.<br />
PLUS<br />
2007 TOYOTa IsT<br />
$9,999<br />
The Ist is a peppy 5 door hatch that seats 5 in a<br />
crossover SUV body style, features the more sought<br />
after 1.8 litre engine with automatic trans, looks<br />
sharp in white with driving lights and 16" alloys,<br />
push button start, rear wiper, ABS and 8 airbags,<br />
great vehicle and great buying!<br />
PLUS<br />
2014 fOrd focus<br />
$16,999<br />
The Focus has long been one of the best in it's class in<br />
terms of comfort and handling, 2.0 litre engine, 6 speed<br />
automatic trans and sport shift option, stunning in wine<br />
red with factory body kit, driving lights and 17" alloys,<br />
travelled very low kms, cruise control, push button start,<br />
rear wiper, ABS, T/C, 6 airbags, an absolute stunner!<br />
PLUS<br />
2011 hOnda fIT<br />
$11,999<br />
The Fit is a popular, versatile, economical and spacious<br />
5 door hatch, features a 1.3 litre engine with Honda's<br />
IMA hybrid technology and automatic trans, stands out<br />
in lime green, cruise control, reverse camera, smart<br />
keyless ignition, rear wiper, very low kms, ABS and<br />
airbags, never lose your vehicle in the carpark again!<br />
PLUS<br />
2010 mazda axela<br />
$11,999<br />
The Axela has quickly become a very popular family<br />
hatch and preferred in its class by many, features a<br />
1.5 litre engine with tiptronic trans and 5 star fuel<br />
efficiency, looks awesome in blue metallic with body<br />
kit, driving lights and 15" alloys, keyless entry, rear<br />
wiper, ABS and airbags, come and inspect today!<br />
PLUS<br />
2008 suzuki swIfT sporT<br />
$11,999<br />
An evolution of all Swift elements to arrive at a cutting<br />
edge sports experience, with performance and character<br />
to rival the best European hot hatches, 1.6 litre engine,<br />
automatic trans, great in grey, body kit, driving lights,<br />
16" alloys, Recaro seats, very low kms, reverse camera,<br />
ABS and 6 airbags, take for a spin today!<br />
PLUS<br />
2012 TOYOTa VITZ<br />
$10,999<br />
Very popular vehicle and this one is awesome<br />
finished in yellow, features a very economical<br />
1.0 litre engine with automatic trans, travelled<br />
very low kms, keyless entry, rear wiper, ABS and<br />
airbags, sure to be noticed – come and view!<br />
PLUS<br />
2011 TOYOTa prIus<br />
$14,999<br />
Increasingly popular fuel saver, features a 1.8 litre<br />
hybrid engine with automatic trans and 5.5 star fuel<br />
efficiency, travelled low kms, finished in dark blue<br />
with 15" alloys, push button start, parking sensors,<br />
rear wiper, reverse camera, safety of ABS, T/C and<br />
8 airbags, view now!<br />
PLUS<br />
2005 nissan fuga<br />
$14,999<br />
Power and luxury are all rolled into one in this<br />
stunning sports vehicle, 4.5 litre V8 engine, tiptronic<br />
trans, RWD, stunning in silver, driving lights, 19"<br />
alloys, luxury black leather interior with heated seats,<br />
reverse camera, push button start, low kms, ABS,<br />
T/C and 6 airbags, inspection will not disappoint!<br />
PLUS<br />
2006 mazda premacy<br />
$7,499<br />
The Premacy is a stylish compact MPV with room<br />
to seat 7, features a 2.0 litre engine with tiptronic<br />
trans, very low kms, finished in grey with driving<br />
lights and 15" alloys, smart keyless ignition, sliding<br />
rear doors, rear wiper, ABS and airbags, move the<br />
family in style!<br />
PLUS<br />
PLUS<br />
2010 nissan lafesTa<br />
$7,999<br />
Facelift model, 7 seater, features a 2.0 litre<br />
engine with automatic trans, looks sharp in white<br />
with driving lights and 15" alloys, smart keyless<br />
ignition, black interior, rear wiper, ABS and<br />
airbags, worth a look if you're in the market for an<br />
economical, spacious and versatile family wagon!<br />
PLUS<br />
PLUS<br />
2010 hOnda sTream<br />
$9,999<br />
Stylish 7 seater for the family, features a 1.8 litre<br />
engine with automatic trans, looks smart finished<br />
in blue, low kms, reverse camera, keyless entry,<br />
rear wiper, ABS and airbags, fantastic buying,<br />
come in and view today!<br />
2011 nissan murano<br />
$19,999<br />
Very stylish and comfortable SUV, powerful 2.5 litre<br />
engine with Xtronic trans, 4WD, finished in grey with<br />
chrome detailing, aftermarket grille, factory body<br />
kit, driving lights and 18" alloys, plush black interior,<br />
cruise control, reverse camera, rear wiper, low kms,<br />
ABS, T/C and 6 airbags, inspection won't disappoint!<br />
2007 TOYOTa raV4<br />
$9,999<br />
Very popular, spacious, powerful and easy to drive the Rav4<br />
is a top pick SUV with a balanced ride, handling and solid<br />
construction, features a 2.4 litre engine with automatic<br />
trans, cruise control, push button start, reverse camera,<br />
roof rails, driving lights, 17” alloys, rear wiper, ABS and<br />
airbags, awesome buying, looks good finished in white!<br />
Registration for 6 months is $301<br />
Value Cars Warehouse<br />
4.72<br />
32 Moorhouse Ave, P: (03) 366 7768 IMVDA<br />
14<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Available from hundreds of pick up points around<br />
Christchurch, Canterbury and the West Coast<br />
each Friday including:<br />
Selected Fresh Choice, New World stores and<br />
hundreds of takeaway shops<br />
Bringing buyers and sellers<br />
together every week<br />
For advertising enquiries<br />
please call Anna on 021 902 729
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 15<br />
Specialists advise a vehicle<br />
check before winter sets in<br />
Winter weather can present a range of tricky driving conditions<br />
for motorists – from wet, slippery roads and heavy frosts to fog<br />
and driving rain. That’s why it is important to make sure your<br />
vehicle is in tip-top shape and ready to deal with these hazards<br />
before winter really sets in.<br />
The team at Roses Auto Electrical in Cranford Street recommends<br />
checking that your lights and windscreen wipers are in working<br />
order, and to ensure your vehicle will start on cold mornings they<br />
offer free battery and alternator and starter tests, and free battery<br />
fitting.<br />
Their well-equipped workshop includes specialised diagnostic<br />
equipment designed to find any faults with vehicles’ electronics, air<br />
bags or ABS braking system, which the qualified and experienced<br />
auto electrical specialists will repair quickly and efficiently.<br />
Roses Auto Electrical provides full electrical services for all<br />
makes and models of European, Japanese and light commercial<br />
vehicles. Any time a warning light flashes up on the dashboard,<br />
they advise calling into their workshop to have it checked out.<br />
Roses Auto Electrical has been in business for more than 20 years,<br />
and the workshop team are constantly updating their knowledge<br />
with industry training, as well as having the latest state-of-the-art<br />
equipment in the workshop.<br />
The customer comes first for the friendly, professional team at<br />
Roses Auto Electrical, and motorists having their vehicle serviced<br />
there can have confidence in its performance and safety, especially<br />
with the cold weather approaching when driving is often more<br />
hazardous.<br />
Roses Auto Electrical is located at 518 Cranford Street,<br />
Papanui. Phone 352 5090 to book in for service or repairs,<br />
or visit their website for more<br />
information.<br />
A vonhead<br />
utomotive<br />
free<br />
NEW<br />
95 Gasson St<br />
6 months roadside assist<br />
with any vehicle servicing<br />
• automatic transmission<br />
flushing service<br />
• Wof • tune-ups • suspension<br />
• batteries • neW tyres • oil &<br />
lube service • courtesy cars<br />
• full mechanical repairs<br />
oPen 6 days (sat until 1pm)<br />
126 racecourse road<br />
Ph 342 7123 or 027 495 6600<br />
Your LoCAL<br />
New & Quality Used<br />
Second-hand Tyres<br />
Alloy Wheels<br />
Replacement Rims<br />
Puncture<br />
Repairs<br />
8c Birmingham Drive, Middleton<br />
Next to Addington Raceway<br />
343 0099 or 027 22 63 805<br /><br />
The Automotive Lamp Specialists<br />
Roses Auto Electrical in Cranford St<br />
offer free battery, alternator, starter<br />
tests, and free battery fitting.<br />
NEW! European specific diagnostic equipment<br />
– Fine tune & identify any faults.<br />
Diagnostic Testing Starters Alternators<br />
Wiring Alarms: Insurance Approved<br />
Fuel Injection Repairs ABS Airbags<br />
Batteries Free Check & Assessment<br />
ROSES<br />
s<br />
m<br />
a<br />
r<br />
t<br />
mall<br />
edium<br />
• Panel beating<br />
• Spray painting<br />
Fast<br />
turnaround<br />
utomotive<br />
epair<br />
echniques<br />
New and Used Lamps for Cars, Trucks,<br />
Vans, 4WD and Motorhomes<br />
PH 0800 225 483 | 95 Gasson Street, CHRISTCHURCH<br />
®<br />
Smart repairS (NZ) Limited<br />
automotive refinishers<br />
272 Lichfield St (Fitzgerald Ave end)<br />
Ph 377-0409
16 Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Be in to<br />
BOOK<br />
ONLINE<br />
NOW AND<br />
SAVE!<br />
WIN your<br />
dream<br />
honeymoon<br />
Pre-purchase your<br />
tickets from<br /><br />
for only $10pp<br />
or get a ticket on<br />
the day for $20pp<br />
weddingshow<br />
sunday 25th <strong>August</strong>, <strong>2019</strong>, 10am–3pm, Air Force Museum, Christchurch<br />
Fashion | Venues | Entertainment | Stationery | Jewellery | Catering | Floristry | Make-up | Beauty<br />
Celebrants | Cakes | Hair | Photography | Transport | Wedding Planners | Honeymoon Destinations
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 17<br />
Your own private hideaway in Charteris Bay<br />
490 Marine Drive, Charteris Bay<br />
Price: $399,000<br />
2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom | 3 car parking deck | Listing Number 9736<br />
Delightful 1950s cottage tucked away<br />
and enjoying lovely upper Harbour<br />
views, very very private and sheltered<br />
with good off-street parking.<br />
Two double bedrooms, open plan<br />
living, modern bathroom and a large<br />
wood-burner to keep you warm for<br />
those colder months. French doors off<br />
the lounge onto a good sized North West<br />
facing deck to take advantage of the<br />
afternoon sun and a nice peaceful place<br />
to while away a few hours.<br />
Well established 969m 2 section with a<br />
mixture of natives, fruit trees and olive<br />
trees.<br />
There is also a room under the house<br />
suitable for storage or possible bunkroom<br />
or third bedroom (external access).<br />
Please Note: Access property at 6 Ngaio<br />
Lane.<br />
To view this property please contact<br />
Tim Dunningham of Min Sarginson<br />
Real Estate (Licensed Agent REAA<br />
2008), phone 027 651 5474 or 329 4161<br />
growing with you June 2018 | 100%<br />
Plants For<br />
winter wow<br />
Cool Choices<br />
For Colour<br />
& Contrast<br />
From swamp<br />
to sea views<br />
The journey<br />
begins with sarah<br />
the Gardener<br />
$7.90 incl. GST<br />
Snap it up<br />
Enter our annual<br />
Birdlife Photo<br />
Competition to win<br />
great prizes!<br />
clear the air<br />
Why groWing<br />
indoor PLAnTs is<br />
so good for you<br />
give it a grow<br />
from gArLic<br />
To chinese<br />
ArTichokes,<br />
We hAve your<br />
groWing TiPs<br />
covered<br />
the latest releases<br />
into the rose world<br />
+ rose care<br />
through winter<br />
The magazine for<br />
gardeners who like to get<br />
their hands dirty<br />
$43. 50*<br />
*6 issues/6 months<br />
0800 77 77 10<br />
18<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
If you want more information about an item or to contact a<br />
seller, visit and search the ID#<br />
Vintage Outdoor Fire Pit<br />
1985 Dodge ES 600 Convertible<br />
Vintage Petanque Set<br />
Mazda Premacy<br />
2000 Huntsman 525<br />
Outdoor Cast Iron Bench<br />
$150<br />
ID 30351<br />
$<strong>13</strong>,750<br />
ID 30437<br />
$60<br />
ID 30326<br />
$4,800<br />
ID 30362<br />
$23,000<br />
ID 30383<br />
$220<br />
ID 30352<br />
Telescope/Spotting Scope & Tripod<br />
Whitebait Net<br />
Oregon BBQ Table Oiled<br />
Walls Realtree Camo Reversable<br />
Toyota Spacio<br />
HD28 Martin Guitar<br />
$60<br />
ID 30429<br />
$950<br />
ID 29773<br />
$315<br />
ID 22845<br />
$99<br />
ID 26807<br />
$2,000<br />
ID 30285<br />
$3,699<br />
ID 26803<br />
Nissan Pulsar<br />
Mens Body Glove Wetsuit XXL<br />
Garage Storage Unit<br />
Trex 600XN Radio Control Heli<br />
1997 Honda Legend<br />
Fuel Tins<br />
$2,150<br />
ID 30190<br />
$80<br />
ID 30451<br />
$50<br />
ID 30395<br />
$500<br />
ID 30459<br />
$1,400<br />
ID 29798<br />
$10<br />
ID 30498<br />
Older Prestcold Freezer<br />
2000 Ford Modeo GLX 2.5 V6<br />
Chev Clutch Kit<br />
Massey Ferguson 3-furrow Plough<br />
1999 Mitsubishi Galant<br />
Vintage Petanque Set<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 30291<br />
$2,200<br />
ID 30439<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 26652<br />
$800<br />
ID 26664<br />
$1,995<br />
ID 30434<br />
$60<br />
ID 30326<br />
Old Milk or Cream Can<br />
Ransome Robin Plough<br />
Mitsubishi Pajero<br />
Pigs: Boar, 2 Sows, 2 Piglets<br />
Antique Butter Churn<br />
Haier 6.5kg Washing Machine<br />
$75<br />
ID 303<strong>13</strong><br />
$300<br />
ID 30304<br />
$7,000<br />
ID 30286<br />
See Seller<br />
ID 30283<br />
$150<br />
ID 30324<br />
$250<br />
ID 30281<br />
Haier Fridge/Freezer<br />
Google Chromecast<br />
NZ Crown Lynn Casserole Pot<br />
Daihatsu Pyzar Mini Van<br />
Dining Table and Chairs<br />
Tidy Audi quattro 1.8 Turbo<br />
$350<br />
ID 30280<br />
$50<br />
ID 30264<br />
$22<br />
ID 30262<br />
$2,000<br />
ID 30261<br />
$500<br />
ID 30246<br />
$7,000<br />
ID 30254<br />
La-Z-Boy Recliner<br />
Fertiliser Spreader<br />
Chest of Drawers<br />
2006 RAV 4 Ltd<br />
Tandem Trailer with Cage<br />
Nissan Maxima For Sale<br />
$450<br />
ID 30354<br />
$2,499<br />
ID 30169<br />
$100<br />
ID 30282<br />
$9,800<br />
ID 30238<br />
$2,500<br />
ID 30237<br />
$1,450<br />
ID 30231<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 19<br />
Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />
Car Parts<br />
STEERING box $250<br />
Ph 0275490048 or 021<br />
363666<br />
STEP. $45 Ph 0275<br />
490048 or 021 3363 666<br />
STEP. $45 Ph 0275<br />
490048 or 021 3363 666<br />
Collision Repairs<br />
QEII Collision Repairs.<br />
Free Courtesy Cars<br />
(conditions apply),All<br />
Insurance work,Rust<br />
Repairs &Private work.<br />
Spray-painting.<br />
Free pickup & delivery.<br />
Ph. 03 388 5187<br />
Community Events<br />
ANONYMOUS, If you<br />
want to have a drink that’s<br />
your business. If you want<br />
to stop, we can help. Phone<br />
0800 229-6757<br />
Curtains<br /><br />
Fashion Designs & Colours<br />
Discontinued Designs<br />
End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />
Call at Our Shop<br />
71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />
Ph 366-5026<br />
Finance<br />
For Sale<br />
BRASS Plumbing<br />
fittings, assorted fittings,<br />
1/2 inch + 1 Inch,<br />
crox, starkie and other<br />
assorted fittings, $225<br />
great buying , Ph 027 549<br />
0048 & 021 363 666<br />
ELECTRIC Cable, 35<br />
m, 2.5 mm 2 core neutral<br />
screen cable $60, and<br />
Electric Cable 17.5 mtr ,<br />
25mm 4 core $40, ph 027<br />
549 0048 or 021 363 666<br />
EXTENSION Cord extra<br />
heavy duty 35 metres<br />
$40, oh 027 549 0048 &<br />
021 363 666<br />
JERRYCANS x2 20 ltre,<br />
ex army well made & in<br />
good cond, $50 ea, ph 027<br />
549 0048 or 021 363 666<br />
NEFA Preasure<br />
Reducing Valve, new in<br />
box $90, , Ph 027 549<br />
0048 & 021 363 666<br />
Holiday<br />
Accommodation<br />
Australia QLD<br />
COAST<br />
RESORT<br />
All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />
Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />
Free Wifi, Tennis<br />
& Mini Golf.<br />
0061 7 5443 5011<br />
JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />
NEED A<br />
LOAN NOW?<br />
We offer a range of personal Loans<br />
and can provide cash quickly.<br />
Loans from $500 to $20,000<br />
Contact Karyn or Kris<br />
0800 695 626<br />
or 03 379 7798<br /><br />
• New homes<br />
• Extensions<br />
• Renovations<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Builder<br />
• Light Commercial<br />
• Repairs and<br />
Maintenance<br />
Brandon Taw<br />
Phone 027 370 2572<br /><br /><br />
Trades & Services<br />
★Garden Clean-ups<br />
★Pruning<br />
★Lawn Mowing<br />
★Garden Maintenance<br />
Call us today for a FREE quote<br />
PH 0800 4 546 546<br />
(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Trades & Services<br />
DRAINS?<br />
• Video inspection<br />
• Waterblasting<br />
• liquid Waste<br />
pH: 03 365 7960<br />
24 hours // 7 days<br /><br /><br />
BE HERE<br />
Let us help take<br />
your business to<br />
new heights<br />
Advertise your business in our<br />
Trades and Services column.<br />
For assistance contact Vicky<br />
Phone 03 364 7419 or email<br /><br />
Trades & Services<br />
Locally owned & operated with<br />
over 30 years experience.<br />
• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />
• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />
• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />
• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />
Phone Dave 981 0278<br />
or 021 223 4200<br />
E:<br />
Trades & Services<br />
rooF<br />
painting<br />
Book now for Summer<br />
and receive 20%<br />
discount.<br />
Rope and harness a speciality.<br />
No scaffolding required.<br />
30 years experience.<br />
Also waterblasting paths,<br />
driveways and moss removal.<br />
Free quotes, call<br />
Craig 021 060 2392<br />
full renovations<br />
specialists, LBP builder,<br />
free quote, all building<br />
property maintenace ph 03<br />
383 1927or 027 245 5226<br /><br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience.Uk trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework Spouting<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers Bay.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />
Villa Restoring, New<br />
Homes, Weatherboards.<br />
Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />
Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />
9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />
0374<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying, restretching.<br />
Phone John on 0800<br />
003181, 027 240 7416<br /><br />
Prompt & reliable<br />
registered electrician<br />
with 24 years experience<br />
for all residential and<br />
commercial work, new<br />
housing and switch board<br />
replacements. Phone Chris<br />
027 516 0669<br />
25 yrs exp. Fencing, all<br />
styles & gates. Ph Mark<br />
0273 3<strong>13</strong> 223<br />
Wingfields Contracting, all<br />
interior & exterior painting<br />
& all forms of interior<br />
plastering & jib fixing, ph<br />
Mark 021 171-1586<br />
A Top Plumbing job<br />
completed at a fair price,<br />
prompt service, all work<br />
guaranteed, ph Brian 960-<br />
7673 or 021 112-3492<br />
Unblocked,<br />
Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />
Out. Call Trevor 332 8949<br />
or 021 043 2034<br />
Best price guarantee Tony<br />
0275 588 895<br />
Best price guarantee Tony<br />
0275 588 895<br />
35 years exp, no job<br />
too small. Ph Ross 027<br />
4311440.<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />
audio amps, soundbars.<br />
.Aerial & satellite<br />
installations, kitsets, 480D<br />
Moorhouse Ave, ph 03 379<br />
1400<br />
& all camera tapes<br />
converted to DVD, video<br />
taping special occasions,<br /><br />
ph 03 338-1655<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Public Notices<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
fridge freezers. Same day<br />
service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />
Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />
AAA Buying goods<br />
quality furniture, beds,<br />
stoves, washing machines,<br />
3<strong>13</strong> 8156<br />
TOOLS Garden,<br />
garage, woodworking,<br />
mechanical, engineering,<br />
sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />
buyer, ph 355-2045<br />
Past Proven Experience in Management<br />
Experience in the Construction<br />
Industry a plus.<br />
Email CV to Anup Walia at<br /><br />
3 issues $20 • 6 issues $44.50 • 10 issues $65<br /> 0800 77 77 10
20<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Hunker down for our<br />
Napa Velvet<br />
3 Seater<br />
NOW ONLY $1299<br />
NEW<br />
Monaco Black<br />
ON SALE<br />
6 Drawer Dresser<br />
NOW ONLY $869<br />
4 Drawer Tallboy<br />
NOW ONLY $599<br />
Eames<br />
ON SALE<br />
Loft<br />
ON SALE<br />
Large Bookcase<br />
NOW ONLY $699<br />
3 Door Bookcase<br />
NOW ONLY $699<br />
NEW<br />
Clear Dining Chair<br />
NOW ONLY $120<br />
Black Dining Chair<br />
NOW ONLY $45<br />
Round Dining Table<br />
NOW ONLY $119<br />
Shop<br />
Online<br />
Nationwide<br />
Delivery<br />
Finance<br />
Options<br /><br />
STOREWIDE SALE ON NOW. Exclusions apply. Sale ends 19.08.19.<br />
Cnr Blenheim & Curletts Rds, Christchurch<br />
Ph: 0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire 19/08/19.<br />
Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 21
22 Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />
PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at<br />
Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong> 23
24 Tuesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Latest Christchurch news at<br />