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t J N i u j a<br />

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One Year Program<br />

<strong>1979</strong>-<strong>1980</strong><br />


d ,l7ti/n,n n n i i j n n w 'D i a 'j i w n<br />




Jexusalem<br />

May 15, <strong>1980</strong><br />

19 lyaA 5740<br />

It is a peculiax featuxe of the, job of the head of the, school that the. two<br />

main chance* he get* to addxess alt the OYP *tudent* axe when they fixst axxive<br />

and axe haxdly xecognizable one to anothex, and again when they axe almost<br />

xeady to leave. In between thexe wexe too few occasion* when we came to know<br />

each othex moxe than in pa**ing. Fox the mo*t pant, 1 have leaxned about you<br />

thxough teachex*, counselloxs, admini*txattoe pex*onnel and madxichim - all<br />

tho*e who,unlike me, had the good foxtune to meet you and woxk with you on<br />

pxacticaliy a daily ba*i*.<br />

Fxom all of them, I have been able to put togethex a complex *et of impxe**ion*<br />

that *ometime* baxely hang* togethex, but still ha* a dixcexnable common thxead.<br />

You came to u* fox all kind* of xea*on* - cuxio*ity, identification, boxedom,<br />

enthu*ia*m, pex*onal *eaxch, commitment, *keptici*m - a catalog of motivation*<br />

that alway* *tump* me when I am asked to explain why you axe hexe. Fox *ome of<br />

you, I know these xeason* changed duxing the couxse of the yeax, sometimes<br />

dxastically, pexhap* even painfully, sometimes so slowly and subtly that they<br />

will be cause fox wondex and thought fox a long time to come. Fox othex*, the<br />

feeling* and conception* you bxought with you have only been confixmed ox<br />

stxengthened. Haxdly anyone, a* fax a* I can undexstand, ha* been left totally<br />

untouched.<br />

Of couxse, we like to think that the majox cause fox all this Is the academic<br />

pxogxam. Teachex* have told me about examples of excellence, of papex* wxitten<br />

long beyond xequixement* and of that shaxp kind of questioning that signifies<br />

a special kind of tuxn-on deax to the heaxt* of academic*. The stoxy, howevex, is<br />

not that simple. It must also include the Hebxew Univexsity and Jexusalem, the<br />

view fxom Scopus and the walks in the stxeets. In not a few instances, it has<br />

been a child ox family in a pooxex neighboxhood that challenged you in ways<br />

which you had nevex thought youxs elves capable. And it has been the countxy<br />

of Isxael - its people, its dangexs, its fxustxations and its pxomises. We<br />

txied to offex you all these things, a leaxning expexience that neithex began<br />

nox now ends with the classxoom and the close of the school yeax. It was the<br />

best we could offex - and, fox the most pant, you did us the honox of giving<br />

us ox the School and the univexsity youx best in xetuxn. Oux thanks, oux best<br />

wishes fox the futuxe, and oux hope to see you with us again.<br />

Pxovost, O.Y.P.<br />


d ' b f c / i T a . J i n n u r i n D ' t m ' j i / t n<br />




ID O n H'a<br />

n"iyn i77ni u"3 ,D7l7 w n 7<br />

80 7Nm 15<br />

,D7ol7in o^mnw oipn *7N :N*7n u m o7ni ,o7n 'jh o7l7run “70<br />

.no1?1? npaiy u v<br />

ICLng So lemon1a aphorism has been variously understood by the midrash as applying<br />

to the Aources ofa wisdom coming to the heart, on as the dispersed oh lArael<br />

coining to Jerusalem a t the h^>lrvr i reason. PerhapA we can Imagine a combonataon<br />

oh theAe two - the picture oh AtudentA (Aources oh wisdom?) Atreanung to Jerusalem,<br />

busing and Intermingling, loAlng and rehorming IndlvAjJual Identity, and then<br />

returning to the a ounce.<br />

A lange pnopontlon oh applicants hofl graduate Atudles at the Hebrew University<br />

are veterans oh the O.V.P. In this and other wayA, the 'Jerusalem connection' Ia<br />

maintained and Atrengthened. Elsewhere In this yearbook the Alumni AAAocuatcon<br />

is mentioned. We hope the OYP alumni will by their activity keep this connection<br />

alive.<br />

Behatzlachal<br />

r~~ *<br />

IArael Pol<br />

\}lce Provo At<br />


After the long weary days of the summer ulpan, the depression<br />

of December, the idyll of Pesach, your time in Israel has fled<br />

ignominiously. How ironic that you have survived the pangs of<br />

adjustment to suffer the pain of departure.<br />

To separate oneself<br />

from this land is $ 10 1 J\ l")j)0 as difficult as dividing the<br />

Red Sea. It is sad to see you so, almost as if some part of us<br />

goes with you - an anguished thought for a lover of Zion!<br />

There<br />

is one comfort, however, You may leave Israel, but Israel will<br />

never leave you.<br />

We hope your stay in Jerusalem has enriched your<br />

lives as it<br />

continues to enrich ours.<br />

Dr. Aaron M. Singer<br />

One-Year Program<br />


The O.S.A. Speaks<br />

At the risk of sounding like the head counselor of a<br />

Zionist Summer Camp, I propose to write a brief farewell.<br />

As a graduate of this program, it would be academic to speak<br />

of the academics of the bygone years. No doubt, you came on<br />

this program intoxicated by such rumours, only to have them<br />

dashed in the Goldsmith library. Nevertheless, most of you<br />

had the opportunity to probe this country; continually seeking<br />

to grasp why you came here. Hopefully, the seminars,<br />

weekends, study tours, etc. abetted this process. Perhaps<br />

the year, in retrospect, will be a stepping stone to yes -<br />

here it comes -aliyah. Nevertheless, when you return "home"<br />

your family will undoubtedly take you out for a "food meal"<br />

and eventually public transportation will begin to feel abnormal.<br />

At first your old friends will look at you as if<br />

you are strange but they know you'll probably "straighten<br />

out" (a few may understand what you are going through). For<br />

many the memories will eventually fade into "fond experiences"<br />

to be related at family get-togethers. Statistically<br />

speaking, a few diehards will certainly return, but for the<br />

majority, only nostalgia remains; a nostalgia that may cause<br />

you to visit someday, or perhaps send your kids. If this is<br />

the case, then the year will have been just another "camp<br />

experience." In essence, I'm trying to say that there are<br />

many wonderful people on this program and it would be a damn<br />

shame if you didn't return. If you've been only half awake<br />

during this past difficult year, you understand how urgently<br />

you are needed. In short, I hope to see you back here someday<br />

soon - and hot as some delegate of some U.J.A. mission.<br />

L'hitraoth,<br />

Ian Stern<br />


A year has passed - and you already have one foot out<br />

the door. In a short time, you'll have returned from whence<br />

you came, and the university's computer will no longer remember<br />

your existence. But we will. We'll be left with the<br />

emptiness - left to wander in a ghost town and remember the<br />

myriad of faces, the laughter the vitality which you brought<br />

with you to Goldsmith.<br />

I remember your first steps in the Ulpan -a bit bewildered,<br />

a bit confused. Your first stammered sentences in<br />

broken Hebrew. Your slow but sure acquaintance with Israeli<br />

bureaucracy (come on - it's not so terrible, right?)<br />

Afterwards, on Mt. Scopus, we got to know you - which<br />

classes you wouldn't miss...and which classes you'd avoid<br />

like the plague...and where you'd spend those free hours<br />

during the day. Of course, we heard all about those frustrations<br />

which are an inevitable part of a year in Israel,<br />

but we also shared your discovery of the country and what it<br />

has to offer.<br />

I believe that our "Open Door Policy" achieved its purpose.<br />

We talked, listened, exchanged ideas... These conversations<br />

often had concrete results. We did our best to provide<br />

you with opportunities to live the "Israel experience"<br />

to its fullest: tiyulim, study-tours, and lectures. A good<br />

number of you were active on the various volunteer programsand<br />

this gives me another opportunity to say "Kol HaKavod" to<br />

those of you who gave so much of your time and effort.<br />

However I do feel that not enough is done to make you<br />

feel a part of Israel society - and this is one goal we'll<br />

continue to work toward.<br />

I have mixed feelings about this past year. On the one<br />

hand, there is the feeling that "we could have done more" -<br />

on the other, I'm glad to hear that you took advantage of the<br />

extracurricular activities we offered-and that sometimes you<br />

didn't even have time to take advantage of the variety of<br />

activities available.<br />

So, whether you like it or not - something of Israel's<br />

character and culture is going with you. I wish you success,<br />

and joy,<br />

L'hitraoth,<br />

Ya'akov Maor<br />

Speaking before the Knesset<br />


Statistical Analysis<br />

I The purpose of this report is to convince every student that he is neither<br />

alone nor misunderstood in his neurotic mood swings (if indeed this is any condolence)<br />

.<br />

This is not to say he is Normal by any means, only in good company.<br />

II<br />

On the graph, the students' tolerance level, measured along the Y-axis, is<br />

plotted against the weeks of Ulpan along the X-axis.*<br />

III During the first week of Ulpan the students display fairly high tolerance<br />

because it is something new, and most are eager to learn.<br />

The novelty quickly<br />

wears off by the end of the week, and by the third week the tolerance level has<br />

dropped to its lowest point so far.<br />

However it soon picks up slightly when the students begin to get used to<br />

it; they are no longer so conscious of the hike to class, that the synagogue is<br />

1/3 of the way, the construction area 2/3 of the way, and so on. It is at this<br />

point that Ulpan becomes little more than an unpleasant habit, not unlike<br />

smoking - you'd like to quit but it's hard because everyone around you is doing<br />

it, too. This level is maintained over an approximate 4-5 week period.<br />

Around the middle of the 7th week there is an interesting split in the<br />

tolerance curve; about half the students continue in the plateau stage for another<br />

week or so, then slowly the level begins to drop at the realization that<br />

Daddy's $300 and 2 \ months of their time has gone to waste. The other half experience<br />

a sudden tolerance boost due to a discovery that they are actually<br />

learning something. However this new motivation is quickly and brutally destroyed<br />

when they try to practice their vast knowledge; they ask the Israelis<br />

questions in Hebrew, but then find themselves nodding while chanting " ~)?0? " and<br />

*Tolerance<br />

curve of<br />

Ulpan Students<br />

During course<br />

of the Ulpan<br />


jOJ ", although they don't understand a word of the response.<br />

Consequently, the following tolerance drop of this latter group is even<br />

steeper than that of the other (as can be seen by the graph), confirming the<br />

maxim, "the bigger they are, the harder they fall," and here the tolerance of<br />

all tragically dives to sub-zero beginning at the 9th week.<br />

Suicidal comments during this period should not be ignored. My beloved<br />

roommate, for instance, threatened to jump off the Empire State Building;<br />

seemingly impossible threats such as these are not to be laughed at, for although<br />

it is not as high, the Jerusalem Hilton would also get the same job<br />

done.<br />

During this acute crisis one should watch his/her roommate closely for<br />

signs of suicidal tendencies sucfr as:<br />

1) recurring nightmares in Hebrew<br />

2) sudden, frequent journal entries when all he/she had previously written<br />

was, "Well, I've finally arrived in Israeli"<br />

3) Refusing to do homework when he/she had done it so religiously all<br />

along, or<br />

4) Insisting on doing homework when he/she had avoided it like " f i t " all<br />

along...<br />

Fortunately, this trying stage is usually short-lived, for at the 10th<br />

week the despondent Ulpanites realize that if they don't know anything by this<br />

time, they aren't going to learn it in the remaining week-so worrying-studying<br />

and for the most part, attending class, is now unnecessary. The pressure is<br />

off, and tolerance for the last week of Ulpan climbs upward to an all - time<br />

high, where nothing matters but the upcoming "End-of-Ulpan" party and the trip<br />

to Greece or Sinai.<br />

This statistical analysis was made possible through a<br />

Shikunai HaElef Research Grant, and numerous unsolicited<br />

complaints of a random sample of fellow Ulpanites.<br />

Ms. Rachelle Burk<br />

Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Summer <strong>1979</strong>

JM,<br />

Jerusalem, City of Gold<br />

Growing old in Jerusalem<br />

Modest dress required<br />


Poems<br />

Trying to Pray<br />

This dusk, I am quietly proceeding, thinking<br />

in its glowing embers.<br />

Jerusalem.<br />

The liquid eyes of Armenian priest<br />

disappearing in the bell toll<br />

swirl of black around the corner.<br />

Dusk: a corridor between dayfe cacophony<br />

and night spinning out sighs.<br />

Wise hands, gnarled like olive tree.<br />

(every wrinkle housing a proverb)-touch<br />

A lone wall weighed in stones and notes.<br />

Hasid davening<br />

in the departing rays.<br />

Mosque in alley<br />

arabesque tiles surrounding<br />

lone barefoot man on<br />

timeworn mat<br />

The wind as usher.<br />

Prayers in Queue, awaiting<br />

the caravan of stars.<br />

From somewhere on this Mount<br />

Jesus wept.<br />

He was known to pray all night<br />

while the city slept.<br />

A child holding wonder<br />

like a candle<br />

is faith's quintessence<br />

My prayers<br />

like potshots to the galaxyin<br />

Your Presence,<br />

i feel less than the<br />

child's apprentice.<br />

Arlene Czekalski<br />


Dear Mom and Dad<br />

Send me M & M 's .<br />

Please send homemade (must to be) chocolate chip cookies.<br />

This is Israel. What do you expect? 50 letters a month?<br />

Tuna fish and raisins, gasp!<br />

Have I got a surprise for you.<br />

Are you sure I am Jewish?<br />

I've met OYP students from all over the country.<br />

$!?<br />

It will be called Avi or Ruthie.<br />

(Which state is Canada in?).<br />

You are the greatest. I'm glad you are my parents. No one else's parents are<br />

nearly as good. Please send money.<br />

Sorry I have not written in 3 years. P.S. Arrived safely.<br />

Who am I?<br />

Guess what?<br />

I decided to live here.<br />

Forget about sending food.<br />

I'm in love.... with an Israeli.<br />

My tastebuds vanished.<br />

Your check for $1000 bounced and I'm running out of cash and the banks are on strike<br />

Please send details of the superbowl, Stevie Wonder's new album, and lots of money.<br />

I can't afford to write you anymore. The postage just doubled. See you next summer<br />

I'm in Cairo.<br />

What^a great year abroad!<br />

I'm getting fat here.<br />

"Beam me aboard Scotty.<br />

London, Athens, Cairo....<br />

Please send the next size clothes.<br />

There is obviously no intelligent life on the planet!"<br />

My personal helicopter was detained by the customs at Lod.<br />

about it?<br />

On your next trip to Israel, Tiffany's is a must.<br />

Stop the payphone business.<br />

Who won the World Series?<br />

Gue$$ what I need?<br />

Having a good time.<br />

They are on to us!<br />

Lizards in the room keep finals'week exciting.<br />

What do you mean you moved without leaving a forwarding address?<br />

Can you do something<br />

I'm forgetting my English and I don't speak Hebrew yet, pretty soon I won't speak<br />

anything...<br />

So, when do I get to Israel?<br />

rr<br />


Dueling<br />

Dear Mom and Dad,<br />

I really miss home. How is everything<br />

going? Any good news about the<br />

family or friends? If you want to<br />

send me something, money always comes<br />

in handy.<br />

My classes are really going great.<br />

I study every evening for four or<br />

five hours. It seems like each Prof,<br />

wants us to read the entire library.<br />

I especially like my Jewish Thought<br />

class. Hebrew class is still really<br />

a challenge, but I think I am doing<br />

well in it.<br />

When I am not either in class or<br />

studying I keep busy with other educational<br />

activities. Last week-end I<br />

went to Herzlia to relax and see another<br />

part of the country. It is just<br />

20 minutes North of Tel Aviv and is<br />

one of the more wealthy areas of<br />

Israel. To save money I used my<br />

sleeping bag on the beach. Don't<br />

worry, I went with one of the guys<br />

from my building who is in one of my<br />

classes. We studied class material<br />

after the tours.<br />

Send my love to Aunt Betsy and<br />

Uncle Kenny. All is fine here and I<br />

am eating well. I'll be home sometime<br />

this summer.<br />

Love,<br />

Bruce<br />

PS. The water here could kill you.<br />

Letters<br />

Dear David,<br />

I really miss the old USA. What's<br />

new? Anyone pregnant or living together<br />

that I don't know about? Got<br />

any new girl friends? If you have the<br />

time, send me some pictures, okay?I<br />

Classes are boring. I've got some<br />

Profs who are okay but they pile on<br />

the reading. I had to read for four<br />

or five hours last week. In my Jewish<br />

Thought class the Prof is a real joker<br />

which makes it better. Hebrew is a<br />

blast. I took an easy course and do<br />

not have to do any work.<br />

I'm also keeping busy on the weekends.'<br />

Last week I went to Herzlia , a<br />

beach just North of Tel Aviv. I met<br />

this 'nice' girl there two weeks ago.<br />

We spent our time swimming, sunning,<br />

and keeping each other company. Unfortunately<br />

she does not own a sleeping<br />

bag so we had to share mine. Needless<br />

to say, all is going well.<br />

Say hello to the girls for me, especially<br />

that new one you wrote to me<br />

about. I'll be home the first of July<br />

for summer fun.<br />

Don't show this letter to anyone<br />

besides the regular group. Do not<br />

forget to send me information on the<br />

Seattle Super Sonic's play-off games.<br />

Shalom,<br />

Bruce<br />

PS. The beer here could kill you.<br />


Poems<br />

Night<br />

near the citadel<br />

mother-of-pearl moon<br />

silence<br />

a citadel of gold<br />

in moonbeams.<br />

Near sunset<br />

a citadel of copper<br />

city in orange color<br />

sun walked from desert to city—<br />

left regards<br />

& continued west to the sea.<br />

the stars in a caravan come dancing.<br />

Afternoon<br />

citadel looks bronze,<br />

old, old, tired..starkly exposed<br />

humiliated against colorless sky of dust,<br />

in wind stormslike<br />

history's traumas<br />

and a white sun looks on.<br />

Morning arrives<br />

regally in shimmering garb<br />

announcing<br />

a proclamation of hope.<br />

yellow winks<br />

sunrise<br />

streaks of azure stretch;<br />

the sky smiles down on Israel and remarks:<br />

"Ah, you are still here. Good."<br />

proceeds to acknowledge the wakening city,<br />

clothed in ivory<br />

in delicate morning light.<br />

Incandescent rays show off their stuff.<br />

The sky opens shop.<br />

Behold, He who watches over Israel<br />

neither slumbers nor dozes.<br />

Arlene Czekalski<br />


Sharon sings<br />

Sunbathing Seminar<br />

Golan Tiyul<br />

Nancy buying bagela from friends<br />


Life as an E le f- ant<br />

Drains clogged in the showers, long, dark corridors with<br />

drab walls, small, cubicle-like rooms. That was my first<br />

impression of Shikunai HaElef.<br />

I arrived on a humid evening<br />

in August,<br />

and upon my first view of my future living quarters<br />

(or surviving quarters, that is!), I wanted to catch<br />

the next plane back to the US. Hey, even camp had better.<br />

But then I psyched myself into a state of tolerance.<br />

"It's only temporary, "I thought to myself. Two months of Ulpan<br />

and then you'll be on your way to that mystical Chateau<br />

Resnique on Mount Scopus.<br />

Look on the bright side: you've<br />

got a good roommate,<br />

so put up a couple of posters and you<br />

might even start calling this place home!<br />

So I started to get used to the poor plumbing,<br />

peeling<br />

wall-paint, and dirty kitchen, and I even got used to the<br />

fact that I was among the minority in the Elef (Elef cats far<br />

outnumbered students). The posters were put up, the books<br />

were organized and shelved,<br />

and the mail began to filter in<br />

on a fairly regular basis.<br />

As the<br />

Ulpan neared,<br />

summer began to quietly fade out and the end of<br />

a terrible rumor began to circulate among One<br />

Year program circles:<br />

There were not going to be. enough<br />

places in Resnick to accommodate all OYP students. Some students<br />

would therefore have to remain here on Givat Ram in the<br />

Kirya or the Elef. And those students with a high Hebrew<br />

level in particular would be more likely to remain at Givat<br />

Ram.<br />


"It can't be!"<br />

I responded in a panic. I was in the<br />

highest Ulpan level. "Stay in the Elef for a whole year?<br />

I'll lie down in the intersection of Yafo and King George in<br />

protest! Kerosene heaters in the winter? I'll get a doctor's<br />

note stating that I'm allergic to the smell." There<br />

was no way I was going to live through the year in Shikunai<br />

HaElef.<br />

Wrong!<br />

Sure enough^I wasn't among the majority chosen<br />

to move up to Resnick's American Ghetto.<br />

Nor was I among<br />

those chosen to live in the Kirya.<br />

I was doomed to be "one<br />

in an Elef."<br />

There was no blocking of busy intersections,<br />

and there<br />

were no doctor's excuses.<br />

To this day I can't explain the<br />

reason for my change of heart. But one day I came to the<br />

realization that living in the Elef was really a lot of fun.<br />

Big Shabbat dinners with my Elef Chevra in our greasy little<br />

kitchen,<br />

taking the ") ,-n 1 * °-P " every morning and evening,<br />

sunbathing between the row three buildings, and inhalinq<br />

that heavy kerosene-filled air with a touch of citrus (due to<br />

the orange and grapefruit peels that were placed on the heaters)—<br />

what a unique mode of living!<br />

As I go back to the U.S., I take these interesting Elef<br />

experiences with me. Drains clogged in the showers, long,<br />

dark corridors with drab walls, small cubicle-like rooms.<br />

I<br />

loved them all.<br />

Sharon J. Siegel<br />


Dan on stage<br />

Inside Shikunei HaElef<br />


You Know You're Starting<br />

To Learn Hebrew W hen....<br />

...your Israeli roomate stops correcting your notes.<br />

...you start speaking slang Hebrew.<br />

...you don't ask IW or<br />

as often.<br />

...you finally visit your relatives and feel like you belong.<br />

...you stop buying The Jerusalem Post.<br />

...you stop fearing your Hebrew teacher.<br />

...you start taking Hebrew notes in Hebrew lectures and they make sense the next day.<br />

...you forget an English word and have to look it up.<br />

...you leave out the 'is' in letters to home.<br />

...people on the street quit answering you in English.<br />

...people stop asking you where you are from.<br />

...you have your first dream, or nightmare, in Hebrew.<br />

...you start passing Hebrew notes in class.<br />

...you attempt a phone call with no assistance from your Israeli friend.<br />

...you can read the notes sent to you by the dorm office.<br />

...someone asks you what time it is in English and you answer ’3ni Cl 61<br />

...you ask someone to "pass the NN " and to "pour the o'/v ".<br />

...it takes you less than one minute to sign your Hebrew name.<br />

...you're back home and your brother sneezes and you reply "<br />

...the first sentence that you use in a Hebrew conversation is no longer<br />

"? - A ' & IJ T , 1 M N "<br />

Bruce Greenbaum<br />


A Game Without End<br />

A Daring Raid<br />

i u rre e n u sio y<br />

---------------------------- A Voting Fiasco at the U ^ N -E n d s in Failu re<br />

— 1 m • j i •<br />

£o<br />

^<br />

To Free H ostages NJ<br />

a<br />

Tito dies 0<br />

World<br />

$e*<br />

2<br />

Washington though ©<br />

the hearings would Q 8<br />

set the prisoners (IQ ^<br />

free, but Iran said O "t<br />

»<br />

there was no deal. P 'NJBL<br />

fb<br />

Silver shekel (A.D. 68-70); new note<br />

ISRAEL<br />

Shekelization<br />

Old name for a new currency<br />

^<br />

0 Vance quits^<br />

2, Women in the “<br />

2* Armed Forces<br />

< Should f e y Ye draft? And shou<br />

ith time running<br />

t, Carter invites<br />

dat and Begin to<br />

w talks on the<br />

ilpstinian issue.<br />

and the question of<br />

----- - ,„U=: _ m i l l l i l t s 'V -- -<br />

- I f e l t n e d l b o u t the ayatollah’s health- »ho<br />

New Hope for the U.S. Hostages n o t A /wg<br />

W f f i ' r *

A s the World Turns<br />

As one looks back on the past year, one realizes how many important events<br />

have affected those of us in Israel and people throughout the world.<br />

Events in the Middle East touched all parts of the globe.<br />

Following the<br />

United States Embassy takeover, in Iran on November 5, <strong>1979</strong>, more than one<br />

country expected a small war to begin. 210 days later, following the failure<br />

of the US. rescue mission where 8 service men died,<br />

the 50 hostages are still<br />

waiting for a solution which will free them.<br />

In a flurry of recent events in Washington D.C.,<br />

Secretary of State Cyrus<br />

Vance resigned when he could not agree with Carter's policies in regard to the<br />

rescue attempt of the hostages in Iran.<br />

He was replaced by Edmund Muskie by an<br />

overwhelming vote.<br />

In Bogota,<br />

Columbia envoys were attending a cocktail party at the time of<br />

the Embassy siege by the M-19 group.<br />

The hostages were finally released on<br />

April 27, <strong>1980</strong>, after 2 months of difficult negotiations.<br />

At the Iranian Embassy in London, Arab terrorists took all the Iranians in<br />

the building hostage and demanded freedom for political prisoners.<br />

The British<br />

police ended the<br />

siege 6 days later after 2 of the hostages were shot and the<br />

embassy was bombed.<br />

The rest of the hostages were released.<br />

In accordance with the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty,<br />

Israel returned 2/3 of<br />

the Sinai to Egyptian hands and as this goes to press, Autonomy Talks have been<br />

suspended.<br />

Tension grew following the terrorist attack on Kibbutz Misgav Am<br />

which left 3 Israelis dead. The victims included a 2 year old, the secretary<br />

of the Kibbutz, and an Israeli soldier. The 5 terrorists were also killed. In<br />

Hebron/<br />

6 Israelis died and 17 were injured as they were ambushed by 3 terrorists<br />

with rifles and grenades.<br />


Russia invaded Afghanistan in an effort to spread their politics to a non-<br />

aligned Third World nation.<br />

Despite condemnations by the UN General Assembly,<br />

the Russians refused to withdraw their forces.<br />

A direct result of this action<br />

by the Soviet Union could be a Boycott by the West<br />

of the Summer Olympics in<br />

Moscow.<br />

In the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, N. Y., Eric Heiden and the US Hockey<br />

Team stole the show. Heiden won 5 gold medals while the American Hockey Team<br />

defeated the Russians in a pure athletic contest!<br />

A new country gained her independence in April <strong>1980</strong>. Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, a<br />

former British possession was granted full diplomatic status in the U.N.<br />

There was a change in the leadership of Canada as a vote of no-confidence<br />

was registered against Joe Clark's government. Pierre Trudeau was re-elected.<br />

The United States Primaries have offered no surprises although the underdogs<br />

Kennedy and Bush have registered some upset victories. Anderson declared<br />

himself as an independent Third Party candidate.<br />

After an extended illness, Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia died, and the world<br />

awaited news of his successor. <strong>1979</strong>-80 witnessed the loss of world leaders in<br />

many realms - from politics to philosophy and the arts to sports: Jean Paul<br />

Sartre, Jesse Owens, Alfred Hitchcock and Yigal Allon.<br />

In awards, Kramer vs. Kramer equalled Heiden's feat taking 5 Academy awards<br />

including Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Picture of the Year and Director.<br />

To list every important event of the past year would be impossible, to<br />

leave out anything would be a crime. Any international news event heard or<br />

discussed effects people throughout the world. Luckily we survived another<br />

year without a major war. One cannot even guess what will happen next year. One<br />

can only pray for World Peace.<br />

Melanie Mark<br />


D 'llU 'U J<br />


Prof. Zev Mankowitz, Holocaust Studies

Looking Back<br />

Israel, for a year abroad,<br />

An exciting meaningless expression.<br />

A year was yesterday in the airport<br />

And a life away of thoughts.<br />

As time lulls me into looking at days,<br />

The months sneak past into memory.<br />

New stories, new friends, new sunrises.<br />

Questions I never knew to ask.<br />

Mom and Dad becoming Ruth and Mike.<br />

Over "there" life goes on.<br />

Winter's snow is melting,<br />

Strikes and elections-all without me.<br />

As if my presence doesn't matter.<br />

I look back with wonder<br />

As time does its magic disappearing act,<br />

And I am pleased.<br />

How can I forget the time<br />

I yelled unembarrassed and without end<br />

In my ridiculous Hebrew<br />

At the man who tried to<br />

Go ahead of me in line.<br />

Two minutes later we were<br />

Shaking hands and smiling.<br />

If felt so good to let go,<br />

Without hate.<br />

Or how about the long bus ride South,<br />

When John and I started singing<br />

Our Hebrew camp songs.<br />

At first they smiled,<br />

Then they joined in<br />

Or clapped if they didn't know the words.<br />

It felt so good<br />

To be a Jew among Jews.<br />


Of course there were other times as well.<br />

There were the days<br />

I longed for home<br />

And the warm touch of my family.<br />

I have seen ugly things too.<br />

Tension and Demonstrations,<br />

Blind beggars and<br />

People of my father's age<br />

With muscles straining and backs bent<br />

From a wheelbarrow of dirt.<br />

I have glimpsed<br />

Of world morality.<br />

the cesspool<br />

I see more, feel more,<br />

And have become more.<br />

I stand now on my toes<br />

To see a jet landing.<br />

The passengers disembark<br />

And smile as a new adventure begins.<br />

I sit back down and cross my legs.<br />

The last two chapters of this novel go quickly,<br />

And I savor each word<br />

As I eagerly approach the end.<br />

Anonymous<br />


24<br />

Lou letting loose

Hey, It's Yoreding Sheleg in Jerusalem!"<br />

Israel is certainly a place for experiences; more so for some than for others.<br />

For instance, being from New Orleans I had never before seen fresh, authentic<br />

snow. ("Gasp! You mean NEVER?" J \ S lIc ? Never.) Oh we do get the cheap canned<br />

stuff that they spray on trees and windowsills at Christmas time, but that is<br />

about it.<br />

On that Purim weekend in Jerusalem I was truly touched that so many people<br />

seemed really interested in my first impression of snow. I was asked such<br />

questions as: "So Rachelle, what is your first impression of snow?" Well what<br />

could I say? "It's so cold! And everything is as white as snow!"<br />

Not all was completely pleasant. I learned a lot from the experience the<br />

hard way:<br />

1) Never wear sandals in snow.<br />

2) A snowball down someone's pants does not bring about the same fun as<br />

putting sand down his pants at the beach.<br />

3) It's colder than it looks.<br />

4 ) It gets wet when it melts.<br />

5) Except for the first several hours when it's all vanilla, snow comes in<br />

various shades and colors, but the brown doesn't taste like chocolate nor the<br />

yellow like lemon.<br />

6) The old postal service motto (in rain, sleet, or snow...) does not translate<br />

into Hebrew.<br />

7) t snow/. * cold ^ t heat allotment (amount of heat provided in Resnick is<br />

not in direct proportion to weather conditions outside)<br />

But all in all, Jerusalem in snow was most magnificent. Despite the fact<br />

that few people had thought to bring their waterproof boots to Israel and plastic<br />

supermarket bags failed miserably as a substitute, everyone was out building<br />

snowpersons (?) and attacking anyone within a snowball's throw (a little regression<br />

never hurt anyone). And when the sky began to clear and the sun reappeared<br />

The Golden City glimmered Silver.<br />

Rachelle Burk<br />


Alumni Unite<br />

"Remember the Professor who taught Israeli History?"<br />

"Wasn't he the one who couldn't remember names until the last week<br />

of classes?"<br />

"Yes, that is him, good ole - What was his name?"<br />

"A reunion for one year program students? Who, What, Why?"<br />

"An active alumni group is forming. They are going to hold reunion<br />

parties throughout the states and one in Israel next year!"<br />

"Who? What? Where?"<br />

"Who is easy to answer. Anyone who has been in the One Year Program,<br />

whether in 1960, 1973, or <strong>1980</strong> is an alumnus or alumna and will<br />

hopefully be found. We will send letters to past program participants<br />

inviting them to a reunion party held in their area. With luck there<br />

will be reunion parties in New York, Chicago, California, Jerusalem and<br />

maybe other locations!"<br />

"Great! When?"<br />

"In the middle of the next school year a party will be held! It<br />

will be a chance to see old friends and meet people who have had the<br />

same type of experiences as you have."<br />

"This sounds great!<br />

How can I get involved?"<br />

If you want to find people from past years, write letters, or help<br />

organize a party in your area, write to: Bruce Greenbaum<br />

4540 East Mercer Way<br />

Mercer Island, Washington<br />

USA 98040<br />

He, with your help and the help of the American Friends of the Hebrew<br />

University and Hebrew University's OSA will work to organize an<br />

active and cohesive Alumni group for past One-Year Programmers.<br />


Bus 28<br />

The shelter above me was a farce. No matter which way I turned the wind<br />

relentlessly followed me, sending ice darts into my unprotected face. It was<br />

days like this which turn the 28 bus into a rolling "Messiah". Every few seconds<br />

I would lift up my face convinced that the rumbling I heard was the 28, but<br />

no luck. They all passed by, the 18, the 20, the 6, but no 28. After a while<br />

it didn't seem to matter. I was already soaked to the bone so I tucked my face<br />

into my coat and drifted into my own thoughts while my body uncontrollably shivered.<br />

So this is what they were trying to warn me about at the interview, the<br />

infamous Israeli winter that covered the country with a blanket of wet depression.<br />

During the summer I remember laughing at the warning. This was a land of<br />

fantasy. All reality had been left at Kennedy airport. I was thinking about<br />

that afternoon at Kennedy when those who had gathered sucked me towards the ship<br />

of hope, the 28 bus. I had previously, proudly placed myself above the free for<br />

all anarchy that was the law of Israeli bus boarding and joked about the old<br />

ladies belting me in the stomach, but the rain, and the shivers it brought, triumphed<br />

over chivalry and I battled with everyone else. I had been a fraction of<br />

a second too late in establishing my place so now it was either push or freeze.<br />

I heard the driver yell "ain makom, ain makom" and I felt the panic of the<br />

people behind me. Their energy carried me on, as the doors shut with a vacuum<br />

seal. The next thing I knew I was searching through my pockets trying to sift<br />

through the worthless change and endless receipts for my damn cartese. The crush<br />

of humanity was forcing me towards the driver. He had one hand punching tickets<br />

and one hand shifting gears and one hand futzing with the radio and his cigarettes.<br />

I guess he was driving with his feet. No wonder they make more than<br />

doctors. I moved towards the back and tried to settle myself into another 28<br />

bus ride. The summer rides used to fly by as I would sit absorbed in thoughts<br />

about the Chassids and scenery of Levy Eshkol blvd., but on the winter rides<br />

every second seemed like an eternity. Time during this year was so precious and<br />

the 28 bus was stealing my year. It rolled on, every ring of the stop bell felt<br />

like another point being chalked up towards the goal of Scopus.<br />

In the back of the bus I saw a friend about to cry with frustration. Her<br />

bag of groceries from Machane Yehuda had just burst and as she tried to reach<br />

for a grapefruit which was hopelessly rolling away she had bumped her head on<br />

the butt of a machine gun. Only in Israel. I smiled, our eyes and thoughts met<br />

and we burst out into laughter. I tried to utter a how are you, but it seemed<br />

ridiculously absurd so I just laughed some more.<br />

"Hey, I missed the bank in town and at Givat Ram and I brought the wrong<br />

form to Hadassah," I bragged.<br />

"I'm just wet," she said and smiled and leaned against me.<br />

Two seats emptied next to us. I felt as if the Red Sea had just parted. We<br />

sat down with a plop. It was ten minutes before either of us said a word. We<br />

just pressed up against each other and listened to the sound of the rain on the<br />

roof of the Egged beast.<br />

"So how's it going?" she finally broke.<br />

"Hey beseder," I replied. I had long since given up trying to answer how<br />

it was going or what was up. The year was an emotional roller coaster and every<br />

minute something else was up or coming crashing down. I looked at her and wondered<br />

what the year had meant to her. We had grown up together in the Elef, but<br />

we had drifted out separate ways after the exodus from the Elef. My mouth talked<br />

to her about courses and the latest price hikes and strikes. It didn't much<br />

matter what we talked about as long as she was there.<br />


"Hadassah" the driver barked and I staggered out of the bus and drifted home.<br />

I said goodbye to my friend and told her to stop by sometime. I felt the rhythm<br />

of my steps speed up as the gravity of home strengthened. Wherever there was a<br />

warm bed and food in the fridge was home, but Resnick and Jerusalem seemed to<br />

have a particularly strong force. Maybe there would be a letter. I broke into<br />

a run at the thought of it. Sure it was the damn Israeli mail, that's why I<br />

haven't received a letter in a week. In the back of my mind I knew that my<br />

drought had something to do with my not writing a letter for a month, but it<br />

seemed like such an impossible task. I opened the door to my room and saw three<br />

letters on my bed. A shot of adrenalin ran through me. The letters were little<br />

tangible packages reminding me of my existence. One was from my mom. Probably<br />

something about the latest nutrition discovery and whether or not Israel was on<br />

to it. From my school there was a package. It looked like some financial form.<br />

The third was the one I had been waiting for. I tore it open and began reading.<br />

It was bound to happen. Everyone had received one. The characters were different<br />

but the script was the same. Something to the tune of, our lives have<br />

changed too much to understand each other, good luck with your life and I love<br />

you. But this was especially disillusioning because it wasn't from a lover, but<br />

from my best friend. The worst part of it was that I kind of agreed. I remember<br />

how I cried when I received a classic Dear John back in August, so now I was<br />

calloused. As I read the rest of it and watched my last bridge burn I felt something<br />

nudge at my back. It didn't hit me at to what it was until I opened the<br />

mail from my home university. It was the campus newspaper. I stared at it,<br />

laughed, and threw it out my window. What the hell was I going to do back in<br />

the middle of America? I wouldn't know what to say to anyone. The nudge became<br />

a push and the next thing I knew I was back on the bus heading for the Aliya<br />

office in town. The rain had stopped.<br />

Martin Buchman<br />


You Know You've Been in Israel Long Enough...<br />

When you don't care and it doesn't matter, but you argue anyway.<br />

When you start liking the wine.<br />

When you start thinking of felafel as the national Jewish food.<br />

When you have bread for breakfast, pita for lunch, challah for dinner,<br />

and bagella as a midnight snack.<br />

When you start fighting with 5 old ladies to get on the bus first.<br />

When you start understanding ?*")2/V .<br />

When you can't speak Hebrew too well, but you can't speak English anymoEe well.<br />

When your idea of a fun evening is counting your ten agorot pieces.<br />

When you think "fair" and "okay" are Hebrew words and T3 and "no? are English.<br />

When you recognize the bus drivers.<br />

When you can eat a felafel with one hand and talk with the other.<br />

When even your mother stops writing you.<br />

When a Maccabee beer tastes good.<br />

When Israeli disco sounds like the real thing.<br />

When you start picking out the tourists.<br />

When your friends are all pushtakim.<br />

When you start ing in '3ft English and half .<br />

When you understand the one liner above this one.<br />

When you wear -ft'? ‘h )<br />

to go out.<br />

When you go to the Hilton and order humous.<br />

When you forget how to say<br />

in English.<br />

When you plan your day around a 9pm shower.<br />

When your great aunt's long lost third cousin comes to visit you, and you<br />

get excited.<br />

When you start liking Time cigarettes.<br />

When yogurt and salad is a satisfying dinner.<br />

When you know the differences between Leben and Eshel.<br />

Jonathan Weinberg and Ellen Horowitz<br />


Do you fear the maid?<br />

Guarding his eyelids<br />

I am whispering, or "Shhhh<br />

Shraga selling cheesetoast<br />

Malka enjoying her work<br />


Who?<br />

Realizing that my year in Israel was almost over, I decided to find some of<br />

the people who had helped make this year run as smoothly as it did. I sat down<br />

to list the names of people whom I had seen practically every day. I couldn't<br />

list their names, only their titles, and then only 3: the Guard, the Guy in the<br />

Cafeteria, and the librarian. I had to find out more. The next morning I was<br />

determined to really meet the people who I knew so well.<br />

As I entered the Goldsmith building I was surprised (actually shocked) to<br />

discover our guard was gone. Some stranger actually searched my bag and told me<br />

the other guard had moved to the Education building. I ran the entire distance<br />

and found him, resting in a chair, behind the desk, watching his own eyelids.<br />

Trying not to startle him, I loudly walked up to the desk and in a moment (he<br />

stopped watching his eyelids) he recognized me and agreed to answer some questions.<br />

He had been stationed in the Goldsmith building since the beginning of<br />

the year and therefore he insisted he recognized everyone's face but didn't know<br />

their names. He had taken the time to ask some of the people where they were<br />

from and he could name 5 or 6 states: New York, New Jersey, Washington, California...<br />

I told him I was impressed. He also told me it was important to have<br />

a guard in every university building. I asked why and the question made him<br />

think. Following a pause he explained that there were many unfriendly people in<br />

Jerusalem and one can never be too careful when one is in Israel. This is a<br />

rough translation of his Hebrew statements. He proceeded to tell me that he<br />

really liked the foreign students and his hope is that many from the program<br />

will return to Israel to live. He told me he understood much more English than<br />

he spoke which I believed since he speaks no English. He does not understand<br />

much English though. I tried speaking English but ended up having to ask all my<br />

questions in Hebrew. I left and later realized, he never told me his name.<br />

Following class back in Goldsmith, I decided on a quick snack. My opportunity<br />

to finally learn a name of one of my good friends had arrived. I ran into<br />

the person in charge of the Cafeteria, Shraga Stark. Father of a 7 year old<br />

girl and a 4 year old boy, Shraga is the son of the Mr. Stark who also runs a<br />

restaurant. Shraga says the restaurant business is in the family blood. He enjoys<br />

the work himself, up to 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, a 72 hour a week<br />

work load! He feels his contact with the foreign students has given him excellent<br />

friends and he recognizes many of his very regular customers. Although he<br />

doesn't personally eat cheese toasts, it is the most popular item on the menu<br />

and he often brings some home for his children. He told me they devour them.<br />


His English is excellent, much better than my Hebrew (big deal) and he understands<br />

everything the Americans (that includes the US. & Canadians!) say. In general<br />

he feels they are nice students whom he can trust. He even lends money to<br />

whom he sees regularly , for food. The problem of stealing is practically<br />

non-existent which adds to his positive attitude toward the foreign students who<br />

are his clientele.<br />

He ended by saying he hoped the cafeteria had a home - like<br />

feeling and he also hoped to see everyone make Aliya and continue being his regular<br />

customers and friends. Turning down his last offer for coffee or tea, I<br />

thanked him and left to go study.<br />

In the library I met her, JlSd'j , the librarian! She was most enthusiastic<br />

about being interviewed,<br />

asking for 2 copies of the Year Book when they<br />

come out! She works in the library because she loves books and loves to work<br />

with students who want to learn. She is very interested in giving aid to those<br />

who want to learn. She feels she has good contact with the students and enjoys<br />

helping them with Hebrew. Although she recognizes most of the students who come<br />

to study, she does not know their names or what programs they are on. She does<br />

understand English however and will understand every word in a conversation if<br />

the speech is not as rapid as that of most Americans. At the end she added that<br />

she felt all the students should receive directions on proper use of a library.<br />

Many students don't understand what is forbidden in a library. She wished students<br />

would not try to borrow books without checking them out first. She then<br />

thanked me for the interview, told me I shouldn't talk so loudly in a library,<br />

and went on her coffee break.<br />

Satisfied, I returned to the safety of the Elef and my student friends. I<br />

can now return home with the feeling that I really got to know the people who<br />

made this year such a pleasant one for me.<br />

Bruce Greenbaum<br />


Siren<br />

The time was 11 A.M. I was walking down King George street in the<br />

heart of the magnificent city of Jerusalem, on a lovely mid-April day.<br />

All of a sudden, a loud piercing siren began and everything and everybody<br />

just froze. Cars stopped, buses stopped, people in the midst of<br />

walking, eating, and talking became motionless. I stood still, not<br />

moving one muscle in my entire body, while having only my peripheral<br />

vision to observe and absorb all that was happening around me.<br />

It was<br />

the most undescribable, powerful, emotional sensation I have ever felt.<br />

I looked around and it was as if the entire world was coming to an end.<br />

I glanced at many men, women, soldiers in uniform, etc., all engaged<br />

in deep thought,<br />

some crying as this siren was suppose to make everyone<br />

stop and to remember this special Memorial Day. Many were probably<br />

thinking of their<br />

friends and loved ones that were shot and<br />

killed on the hundreds of battlefields throughout the treacherous,<br />

evil/bloody wars. People suffered through all these vivid horror-<br />

filled flashbacks<br />

which I could never truly understand and painful<br />

scars that I could never feel. The inner, overwhelming, rare feeling<br />

I felt was beyond words and I shall<br />

always remember the nature of it.<br />

I continued to look around and still nothing was moving.<br />

There was a<br />

surge of warmth throughout my entire body like never before.<br />

Tears<br />

began streaming down my face<br />

and I undoubtedly knew that this was a<br />

moment of silence which I would never forget. After this precious<br />

minute passed, everything and everyone started moving, and all the<br />

noise and confusion of this unique city was apparent, as life resumed<br />

itself once again.<br />

Lisa Berkson<br />


David Cooperman<br />

and Jeremy Minsberg<br />

Lauras Jan, together again<br />

Well, you think that's bad...<br />

Sam and Yoni, Toga for two<br />

Debbie S Janice waiting for Dorit<br />

Amy, Lisa and Barbara,<br />

how many meters are in a cup?<br />


Poems<br />

who can tell<br />

what a tel<br />

will tell...<br />

does history plead of whisper or<br />

scream like hell?<br />

And yet, history is a mere footnote<br />

in His Book of Eternity.<br />

Here, life is most honored—<br />

perhaps because of the perpetual experience of almost losing it.<br />

Arlene Czekalski<br />

I walked a silent path,<br />

and it was night.<br />

The sky was blackno<br />

stars appeared.<br />

My own feet crunched,<br />

I stumbled as I walked.<br />

I looked all aroundnot<br />

a soul appeared.<br />

I was afraid,<br />

but I walkedfrozen<br />

to the night.<br />

Carolyn Sachs<br />


David, I don't know how to Tango<br />

Lou, Herb, and Cheesetoast<br />

David doing "shmira"<br />



said King Solomon.<br />

Thoreau wrote of the magic slates envisioned by youth:<br />

"Ah, to build a rosewood temple."<br />

mosaic and inlaid ivory<br />

dreamstuff's Taj Mahal.<br />

Signed in baroque penmanship in the sky<br />

where no limits are known.<br />

But<br />

In Middle Life, in that<br />

Middle Kingdom<br />

one rations the more fretfully,<br />

Restless creativity is replaced by the steady hand<br />

of caution.<br />

In the end, only a roughwood shack is built,<br />

with minimal imagination.<br />

The sad unvarnished truth inscribed on a plaque:<br />

"Too late smart the majority of life's tenants."<br />

The sun<br />

like an orange peel<br />

falling out of the crates of clouds.<br />

The sun<br />

over Tel-Aviv at dusk,<br />

the footage of highway winding<br />

and the Egged bus steaming<br />

to ram into the sunrays<br />

radiating from the big Jaffa orange<br />

in the sky<br />

sweet and brilliant and all too soon<br />

gone.<br />

When one studies words<br />

language<br />

all the pretty poetry<br />

I try to weave together<br />

a tapestry.<br />

I find myself stumbling<br />

between two languages'<br />

and still not knowing what to say—<br />

when trying to describe His land,<br />

and furthermore, the artist Himself...<br />

I am illiterate and<br />

my paints have dried in their tubes.<br />

37<br />

Arlene Czekalski


This year the big talk was "Let's Go Egypt", rather than "Let's Go Europe".<br />

Starting<br />

at 7:00 a.m. at the Tel Aviv Hilton to wait in line for a visa; of course there<br />

at the Egyptian Embassy they had never heard of "first come, first served"/ they<br />

prefer the "survival of the fittest" method.<br />

Leave from Goldsmith at 5:30 a.m., only to arrive at the border by 7:30 a.m., 2\<br />

hours before it opens.<br />

By about 10:00 a.m., here we are in Egypt looking at soldiers without guns, changing<br />

money without the knowledge that each money-changer is giving a different exchange<br />

rate, and handing over our precious passports to strangers who don't speak<br />

English.<br />

By 12:00 noon, we're on our way through the desert to cross the Suez Canal— after<br />

that there's no turning back, it's Cairo or bust!<br />

We're really in Egypt— we must be animals in a zoo, by the way these people stare<br />

at us; we really are a fascination to them, without even trying.<br />

Finally Cairo:<br />

city of 11 million stretching as far as the eye can see; built on<br />

the banks of the famous Nile.<br />

From the Cairo tower one can see the great Citadel<br />

and Muhammed Ali Mosque to one side, and the ancient Pyramids to the other— incredible<br />

evidence of thousands of years of history.<br />

Then the 17 hour train ride to Aswan where we sailed along the Nile toward the<br />

famed Aswan Dam to watch the beautiful sunset over Elephantine Island; we were<br />

really in Africa.<br />

Another 5 hours on a train, this time to Luxor:<br />

the temples of Luxor and Karnak,<br />

riding bicycles through ancient history, the incredible tombs in the Valley of the<br />

Kings, not to mention the infinitely friendly and helpful Egyptians.<br />

Back to Cairo on a train with no air-conditioning through a sandstorm, depositing<br />

the desert on our bodies and belongings.<br />

Yes, there is a lot of dirt in this<br />

ancient place.<br />

It was Pesach so we couldn't eat the food; it was Egypt so we couldn't drink the<br />

water— but we survived.<br />

Old Cairo, the Nile Hilton (casino and swimming pool),<br />


the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, the Khan Khalili Bazaar and the market behind the<br />

train station.<br />

Never a dull moment!<br />

Matzah and bottled water, endless poverty and dirt, Tourist Police who don't speak<br />

English, shilshul and that incessant smell of urine, what kind of fun could this<br />

be? Kentucky Fried Chicken, picnicking on a rowboat on the Nile, drinking wine<br />

with our new friend Fouad in the desert by the Pyramids, eating on the grass in<br />

Tahrir Square with an audience of 10 Egyptians, communication without any comprehension<br />

of each other's native tongue, horseback riding along a tributary of the<br />

Nile through villages and desert, and meeting a people so warm and kind that it<br />

takes our North American minds a week to realize that their warmth has no ulterior<br />

motive; it's just plain human kindness— a pleasure to see.<br />

Truly an educational adventure; an exposure to a new people and culture, and a<br />

true feeling of content when our declaration of being Jews coming from Israel was<br />

greeted with the Arabic salutation, "Saalam".<br />

As interesting as it was, the ultimate experience came at the end of our 10 day<br />

odyssey-it was great to be back home in Eretz Yisrael.<br />

Sharon Perlmutter<br />


Charlie’s<br />

Cub<br />

\ M I * Real Pub Atmosphere<br />

\ X S * Draft Beer ‘ Great Music<br />


23 Hillel Street Tel. (02) 227403<br />

Open noon-2 am, Fridays from 9 pm j<br />

Feeling H om esick<br />

Visit<br />


American-Style Deli<br />

L K O S H E R .<br />

L u n z S t loft B e n Y e h u d a<br />

J e ru sa le m<br />

Hamburger<br />

Hot dogs<br />

Tcholent<br />

Kishke<br />

Sandwiches<br />

Hot pastrami<br />

Complete<br />

CA R R Y OUT<br />

Service - so yt»^<br />

can enjoy our<br />

great home-style<br />

food anywhere!<br />

t S s s l ^ S<br />

Kentucky Friea umcken<br />

''ilUil^AAul.'.Lirti AaaJI ^<br />

4 King Shaul Blvd., Tel Aviv<br />

and<br />

Ben Gurion, 200 m north of Ramat Hasharon<br />

S T E A M YO U R T R O U B L E S AWAY<br />

T U R K I S H ^<br />

B I R L T W ^ I<br />

• Sauna<br />

• Massage<br />

• Sunbathing<br />

• Turkish Bath<br />

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^F n ^t<br />

• Cosm etic Treatm ent T S s<br />

• Hairdressing Salon III<br />

• Reducing Salon<br />

■<br />

• Rest Room<br />

_<br />

• Snaek Bar<br />


Men: Sup., Tues.. Thurs. 11 am -<br />

F ri. 10 a m -<br />

Women. Mon. & Wed. 11 a m -<br />

36 Y«h«zkel St., Jerusalem<br />

Buses: 2 ,4 ,9 ,1 1 , 15, 25, 27<br />

Tel. (02) 287542, 281160, 286961,<br />

TfcAKS ^<br />


t t<br />

Garinim<br />

Most of us on the One-Year Program have had our share of experiences dealing<br />

with cultural differences between our homes and Israel; some good and some bad.<br />

Seeing a soldier in full gear with a loaded rifle in the street or tripping over<br />

sheep in the Old City while a man rides by on a donkey are just a few items to<br />

mark up to a year abroad. Well, my experience beats them all.<br />

Not too many things out of the ordinary ever happen to me, until of course<br />

this special incident. Oh, I did get searched by soldiers on the street for no<br />

reason, but that was nothing. As far as I know, I am the only one to ever get a<br />

ticket from the police for eating, of all things, Garinim! (yep-sunflower seeds)<br />

Everyone in Israel knows Israelis are notorious for eating the ever-popular<br />

sunflower seed and leaving the shells on the ground. It figures - Dafka! - in a<br />

city where you are a social outcast without them, I get a ticket for eating them<br />

This can be compared to being ticketed for sun-tanning in California.<br />

You're probably wondering how in the world it happened. I bought my very first<br />

batch of Garinim, just to give it a try. I had eaten plenty before, but never<br />

had a bag of my own, only those people offered to me. I was hungry and had time<br />

to kill so I entered a movie with the garinim. I sat down and munched away,<br />

careful to put every single shell into my over-all pocket. Not one dropped on<br />

the floor. I knew the owners didn't like it and I personally thought it disgusting<br />

to see all those shells covering the floor.<br />

About h of the way through the movie this guy sees me and tells me to come<br />

outside. Once outside he asks for my student card and writes me a ticket; a<br />

100 IL. ticket I I told him I was careful not to drop a shell and showed him my<br />

pocket of shells but to no avail. After a short argument he told me where to<br />

contest the ticket.<br />

The next day I talked to a lawyer. I found out it was against the law both<br />

to smoke and to crack garinim inside a theater. I never would have figured out<br />

the Hebrew signs in the theater even if I had known where they were. The lawyer<br />

told me I could wait for a court date and fight it out with a Judge - but if I<br />

lost and the Judge was in a bad mood he could raise the fee to $100! If I missed<br />

my trial the police would find me and put me in jail overnight. I could picture<br />

the phone call to the folks...<br />

"Hi Dad... no, no real problem. I'm just in jail for eating garinim!"<br />

I paid the fine and avoided the hastle. After waiting one day, inflation<br />

had already made the fine somewhat less harsh. As a warning to those who like<br />

to go to the theater: Eat popcorn and candy instead, and avoid breaking the law.<br />

By the way, the movie I went to see was And Justice For All!<br />

rr<br />

41<br />

David Lewis

Try m^ apple!<br />

Toga, Toga, Toga<br />

The Goldsmith Gang<br />

Eating in Goldsmith Cafeteria<br />


Life in Oz<br />

Yes we live in Jerusalem at the Hebrew University.<br />

But where does our family<br />

live? Well, which family?<br />

In addition to offering us a so-called education, the H.U. also provided us<br />

with a little something extra. Our "little something" consists of a mom, a dad<br />

5 brothers, 3 sisters, 4 goats, some cows, and a luhl full of chickens. Where<br />

do they live? On a Yemenite Moshav near Megiddo - Midrach Oz.<br />

During Ulpan, Beit Atid and the One-Year Program organized a tiyul to<br />

Midrach Oz where two students were assigned to each family. This was our first<br />

meeting with our family, the Koreshs. We experienced some of the usual difficulties<br />

one encounters when meeting people from different backgrounds, the most<br />

obvious being language. But soon, we learned we were able to get around this<br />

problem by using hand signals and long explanations in "ivrit kallah". We can't<br />

possibly forget to mention our first shabbat dinner... Joy, how do you say vegetarian<br />

in Hebrew?" "I don't know Barbara, but, where are the napkins?" Our<br />

successive visits proved a bit more comfortable, and now we feel very much at<br />

home at the Moshav.<br />

During the year, we've spent many holidays and Shabbatot with our family. On<br />

Purim, 15 OYP students went to Midrach Oz to celebrate the holiday. One of the<br />

many highlights of the weekend was a party during which guys came as girls and<br />

several noses seemed especially large, along with the plastic glasses attached.<br />

With each additional visit, we learned a little more about what makes our<br />

Yeminite family so special. Their traditions, culture, warmth, and hospitality<br />

as well as their food have made us appreciate them that much more.<br />

When the year ends it will be extremely hard for us to leave Israel and all<br />

our happy memories. But the most difficult thing of all will be leaving our<br />

home and family.<br />

Barbara Peha<br />

Joy Rosenzweig<br />


Steve looking toward the future<br />

Thinking about summer, Ellen?<br />


In Search of Ein Gedi<br />

One Friday morning, at 10:30 to be exact, two courageous students from<br />

opposite sides of the United States<br />

set out on a daring adventure to cross<br />

parts of a vast desert - not in a car, not in a taxi, and not in a bus, but<br />

rather on bicycles powered by their own energy.<br />

The planning had been extensive.<br />

Each was to carry a small knapsack<br />

necessary items such as tools for bike repair, a canteen,<br />

sun glasses, and<br />

a change of socks.<br />

A camera was also added but unfortunately only with<br />

color film. Without a compass or a map we left Jerusalem: "In search of<br />

Ein Gedi."<br />

We had heard that the hardest part of the<br />

excursion would be getting<br />

through Jerusalem. It wasn't the hardest part but it was far from easy.<br />

Riding from Givat Ram to the bus station was all up hill but no real problem<br />

as we were just starting out and eager.<br />

Riding down Yaffo Street was fun.<br />

Between dodging the buses and<br />

shoppers who were preparing for Shabbat, we<br />

warily rode toward the Old City.<br />

By 10:45 we were finally heading away<br />

from the hustle and bustle, and away from security. We looked at each other<br />

and smiled. "It's all downhill from here to Jericho I" Avi yelled. Two<br />

hills and one military check later we began our descent to Jericho.<br />

The reds, yellows, greens, and blues rose out of every wadi and hill<br />

we passed. Going downhill was great. We passed a bus which then passed us<br />

as we stopped to take another picture. We rode into a village with only 4<br />

or 5 houses, and as I got my camera out Avi "met" the kids.<br />

Nearly 25 kids<br />

came out of the houses and yards to look at our bikes.<br />

One picture of Avi<br />

with seven of the children brought a huge request as everyone wanted to be<br />

photographed. Although I never wound the film, I quickly took eight more<br />

pictures, thereby satisfying everyone. The kids were getting a little too<br />

friendly for us, though, as one reached into Avi's pocket and took his<br />


Kleenex.<br />

Their hands began to fondle the bikes and requests for money began<br />

to come in Hebrew, English, and Arabic. We rapidly pedalled from the<br />

scene.<br />

An hour and a half later we reached the turnoff to Jericho. It was<br />

12:30 and after 2 hours of riding we were close to our half-way point. We<br />

finished<br />

the downhill parts of the ride and following a quick refresher<br />

drink and a visit with tourists from Texas,<br />

(they had stopped for a lunch<br />

of hamburger, salad, and chips for only IL 200) we set off along the Dead<br />

Sea. We still hoped to reach Ein Gedi before 3:30.<br />

Pedalling ferociously,<br />

we planned on moving a kilometer every 3^ minutes.<br />

In that fashion our 42 kilometers along the Dead Sea would take us<br />

just 2h hours. We kept the pace for not quite seven kilometers. One hour<br />

later we had travelled another 10 kilometers and by 3:00 we still had 15<br />

kilometers to go as we faced a huge, towering hill.<br />

Though earlier in the<br />

journey we had simply biked up hills like this we now got down and began to<br />

push the bikes. Efforts to ride uphill merely cramped the legs. With our<br />

water supply starting to wane we watched each kilometer marker pass slower<br />

and slower until we rounded a bend at 4:30 and saw Ein Gedi in the distance.<br />

Avi and I shifted into top gear and surged forward. The last four kilometers<br />

(mostly downhill after the last climb) were completed with shouting,<br />

waving of arms,<br />

and the performance of various tricks while moving approximately<br />

30 M.P.H.<br />

A friend of ours, Jeff, who had taken our camping gear on the bus<br />

heard us yelling as we pulled into our destination. An ice cream and a<br />

beer later we sat with our friend (very gently on our sore behinds!) and<br />

told him of our challenging six hour bike ride.<br />

The Dead Sea felt great!<br />

Bruce Greenbaum and D.<br />


No retirement age in Machane Yehuda<br />

Only half a kilo<br />


There is Nothing Like a Tiyul”<br />

To the tune, "There is Nothing Like a Dame" from "South Pacific" by Debbie Asher<br />

and Lisa Hirsch. From Sinai Tiyul on October 7-11, <strong>1979</strong>.<br />

We've seen sunrise on M t . Sinai, We've seen moonlight on the sand,<br />

We've had chocolate spread and olives you can eat right from the can,<br />

We've had hikes & rides & sandslides, we're a long way off from home,<br />

What ain't we got? P l p f J J 'C I<br />

What we got there ain't no substitute for<br />

Baruch & Renin - who could want more?<br />

Chorus:<br />

There is nothing you can name - nothing like our bus,<br />

There is nothing you can name that is anything close to us.<br />

We've got "Mountain" for our driver, We've got California dreams,<br />

We've got pictures on the bus of the things we haven't seen.<br />

We've got plenty of desires: boys to the left, girls to the right...<br />

What ain't we got? A swim tonight.<br />

Chorus<br />

We've got Steve on the guitar and we're always singing rounds,<br />

We've got "schnorkeling" and arguing as the Delegation's found<br />

We're in the Southest of the Uppest - Renin's father's been here too...<br />

What ain't we got?<br />

I'll show you I<br />

Chorus<br />

We've got lots of filthy people and a really crowded bus,<br />

Where there once were 30 people there are now fifty of us<br />

If we had to see the Sinai, did it have to be like this?<br />

What ain't we got? What did we miss?<br />



50<br />

Israel-A rab Workshop<br />

Jewish identity, Zionism, antisemitism, secure borders, Gush Emunim vs.<br />

Shalom Achshav, Jerusalem, the oil factor, and Israeli Arabs were only some of<br />

the topics discussed at weekly Israel - Arab Workshop meetings. Although no<br />

credit was given, homework was expected, and at times the sessions lasted three<br />

hours, a group of 25 students regularly attended these meetings to attempt to<br />

grasp an understanding of the problems that continue to delay positive Israeli -<br />

Arab relations.<br />

Individuality could be the term<br />

used to describe the group. Reasons<br />

varied for becoming a workshop member<br />

. One wanted to know the situation<br />

in Israel before considering<br />

Aliya. Anotner worried about the<br />

future of Israel if the conflict<br />

continues. A third wanted to write<br />

a thesis f°r his BA in International<br />

Relations. Together they formed a<br />

group which experienced a year full<br />

of excitement and learning.<br />

Following a semester of evening lectures, on February 15 the workshop members,<br />

led by Ian and Ronit, bravely set out for a weekend seminar that would<br />

take them from Kiryat Moriah to the Vardi Hotel. Following excellent lectures<br />

by Mr. Haim Azes, a media specialist who showed the group different techniques<br />

of making and fighting propaganda films, and Mr. Anwar Nusseibeh, a Jerusalem<br />

Palestinian who gave the Palestinian point of view and sparred with the group<br />

with good answers to difficult questions, the workshop members settled down for<br />

a week end of learning. Mr. Oded Yinon of the Hebrew University led a discussion<br />

of the dayls lectures and the next morning the day began with a lecture by

Professor Yehoshafat Harkabi, a man known for his writings and knowledge on the<br />

Palestinian issue. Discussions cn the West Bank ended later and were followed<br />

by a dinner served by our gracious and most interesting hosts, the Vardis. The<br />

weekend had been a great success.<br />

Ya'akov joined Ian and Ronit and the bus<br />

driver Ya'akov and the friendly guide Eli<br />

to tour the northern borders of Israel.<br />

Leaving Jerusalem behind, the group-in 3 days,<br />

went into Lebanon through the good fence,<br />

visited an army base yards from the border<br />

and watched them drill. They talked with an<br />

aid to the Mayor of Nazereth and visited a<br />

Kibbutz also on the Northern border. Members<br />

talked with an Elon Moreh representative and<br />

saw a Palestinian refugee camp. Before returning<br />

to Jerusalem they stopped and learned<br />

about the Druze from the Head of the City<br />

Council at Daliet-el-Karmel. Memories of the<br />

trip by the group include thoughts of HaTsafon<br />

Hotel in Kiryat Shmonah, buc-buk, the<br />

Tiberias Youth Hostel, and swimming just minutes<br />

away from the border in hot springs.<br />

Exhausted, the members of the workshop plunged<br />

into the last leg of the year with more fascinating<br />

speakers and a trip to Gaza.<br />

Whether talking with Teddy Kollek, Mayor<br />

of Jerusalem, or discovering among themselves<br />

their own viewpoint on the conflict, one item<br />

was agreed upon: the workshop was one of the<br />

best parts of their one year experience in<br />

Israel.<br />

Bruce Greenbaum<br />


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David's Song<br />

Jerusalem February seventh or eighth of my youth<br />

i find no comfort in eternal repose your cemetery peace<br />

why should i<br />

time as yet offers no whimsical hint<br />

no future entice need strengthen your clench<br />

i exist now and you take advantage<br />

not just of me<br />

but of all who offer payment<br />

an error in Montefiore still all is not lost<br />

even the blessed must accept bounty Jerusalem<br />

you have your fee and so your service<br />

more costly than all the glitter in your discos<br />

hardly as cheap as the blackened stones so religiously thrown<br />

cease this grudge match<br />

state your price Jerusalem<br />

the English could not pay it<br />

i thought they had learned from past charade<br />

pity would they have but accepted Sennacherib's legacy<br />

he left it for just such a purpose<br />

Jerusalem bound to demand<br />

i bound to heed<br />

your dowry awaits simple gesture<br />

a fulfillment of promise to my fathers<br />

despite their lies...or perhaps in spite of them<br />

i search the wrong cities<br />

they are all you Jerusalem<br />

but your markets exhaust me<br />

i would rather sit in your parks<br />

and so i do<br />

only after timeless hours must i now go<br />

do you want me to come are your bags packed<br />

you persist in remaining<br />

why<br />

because you are the host<br />

need you always try to fool me Jerusalem<br />

and what of David's house<br />

one not so easily fooled<br />

clean up your streets if you await such a guest<br />


in all honesty Jerusalem<br />

Bnei Brak seems a more worthy throne<br />

i cannot help that you must take the blame<br />

why don't you respond Jerusalem<br />

i knocked on your front door yesterday<br />

but no one seemed to answer<br />

i left a note did you receive it<br />

when you do answer i leave no message and feel better<br />

i need not worry about nesting birds taking folded paper<br />

is that selfish of me<br />

sorry but this is my way<br />

feel lucky that i share but a breath<br />

in your life<br />

still i am necessary Jerusalem so be prudent<br />

teach me to help you i said i would learn<br />

are your classrooms clean<br />

school is starting who are your teachers<br />

Ezekiel lectures<br />

will you also invite Jeremiah<br />

they taught right in youth we must<br />

listen harder now their voices seem faint with age<br />

remember Jerusalem i will not be taught by your bastard child<br />

this is your appearance now so you realize<br />

i am not joking Jerusalem take me seriously<br />

do not whore your beauty with hotel splendor<br />

can you not admire the gnarled majesty of olive<br />

trees-painted with conqueror's palette<br />

imagine that Godfrey de Bouillon to be fancied an artist<br />

why do you subject yourselves to such poses Jerusalem<br />

they have cut gorges deeply into your gardens<br />

what do you wait for<br />

sabbath will not come until you are better prepared<br />

and still you live without shield<br />

Jerusalem you are surrounded by hostile hills<br />

Nebi Samuel peers down mocking your sleep<br />

Abu Ghosh spits bad blood into your veins<br />


do you need these hills will they give you water<br />

olives and stones are not water<br />

you need water<br />

water<br />

water<br />

and hope<br />

stones you have how much for water<br />

can you exchange water for your priceless dust<br />

is there still value in your earth Jerusalem<br />

i sense need for a new method excavation<br />

searching capriciously with no aim has only scarred<br />

your<br />

face<br />

Jerusalem state your price<br />

return to healthy growth<br />

acknowledge youthful courage naively fresh and<br />

strong<br />

Jerusalem is i pay will you listen<br />

your fee is my presence<br />

Jerusalem-- we together<br />


Madrichim<br />

Dorit and Amnon meeting the troops<br />

Dorit monkeying around<br />

Glad that lecture is over!<br />

Tsachi and Baruch— real Romans<br />


n f l'T r t DD^<br />

After the goodbye only memories are left<br />

Memories of the beautiful days<br />

in Yerushalayim<br />

Beautiful days that started<br />

On a hot summer day<br />

When you got here from<br />

J.F.K. to the " 'J\O t "<br />

And it was lots of " j£_ f? "<br />

You didn't know exactly<br />

what we could give you<br />

We remember though that some of us<br />

told you to drink and drink and drink... D 't i<br />

because it's very hot in our<br />

Yisrael-Yerushalayim<br />

And the days passed<br />

You tried to learn " JV "<br />

while we tried to push you to go<br />

on Tiyulim<br />

We got to know you and<br />

we, the Madrichim, decided that<br />

you're really " D 'lN H J "<br />

Now you are leaving and tomorrow<br />

you'll be-far over the ocean<br />

but remember that you belong<br />

to each other and to us<br />

not only because you are here<br />

together on the l.Y.P.<br />

but it's more because you belong<br />

to Israel and Israel belongs to you<br />

and remember another thing<br />

that for us and Yerushalayim<br />

you're much more than simple rhymes<br />

Because we really love you a lot<br />

We don't want to say Shalom<br />

We'll just say " "<br />

Amnon and Dorit<br />


Bazaaramania<br />

To merely sit in a tea house in the Old City as a Middle-East observer may be<br />

worth a few credits in life's university. For the ambitious and the achievers,<br />

one could pen a quick study on "Bazaar Behaviorism" and submit it to Psychology<br />

Today.<br />

Street-wise shenanigans in Chicago's famous Maxwell Street included such novel<br />

ties as selling to you your stolen watch. Talk about Windy City hospitality.<br />

In the market here, at the most, you're good for a free Turkish coffee. A,”walking<br />

tour of poverty, bartering, drool, jive, hype, insults, ad-libbing, much<br />

affectation. Some affable; others, Master of the Rip-off. Sidewalk sultans.<br />

Lady with tatooed face selling Bedouin tobacco pouches. Old man in fez smoking<br />

taciturnly on the hookah in the hole-in-the-wall cafe dominated by shesh-besh<br />

tycoons and the idle playing absentedmindedly on their worry beads. Dodging<br />

donkey chips, rocks, roving eyes. Hearing the scratchy sound of the imam in<br />

his Koranic litany. HAAALOOO HAALLLOOO! Oops, almost got run over by a wooden<br />

cart full of pita, pushed by a cross-eyed kid who winked at me— I think.<br />

Tripping on a step that should have been there, I paused to collect my cool<br />

and my sandal. Suddenly came that strong familiar smell. Nah, it can't be.<br />

But as they say, sometimes first impressions stick.<br />

With snotty noses, quick hands, giggles, or minting new pronunciations for<br />

ancient four letter-words, little kids are known to toss a few rocks and verbal<br />

grenades. Hustling chicklets, Wrigley gum, and all the bootleg Walgreen's<br />

contraband, or offering canned information on holy sites.<br />

My sincere "No thanks, motek" is met with some suggestion about private places<br />

where the moon doesn't shine. As I stare at the kid in the Steve Austin T-<br />

shiet, I realize that the spirit of 79th street lives even on Suq Khan ez-Zeit.<br />

Hmmm; kids here too must study biology.<br />

Blondes rate high here in the land of olive skin and basic black tresses.<br />

Someone blonde— even rating from mediocre to dumpy on a scale or 1-10 back<br />

home— Here, can reel from more compliments in one hour. At home, her annual<br />

batting average shows not even a salute acknowledging existence.<br />

Hospitality, especially offered to female travelers, must add some spicy<br />

variety to the unrecognizable blend of days. Tim® seems to hold its breath.<br />

It's 5740. <strong>1980</strong>, or 1400 depending on how you look at it.<br />

Coffee? Tea? What you want? Yes please and you are very welcome. A string<br />

of patronizing adages. Small talk passes like wind, followed closely by a few<br />

remarks about your "beauty". You half expect a few quotes from Omar Khayaam<br />

or Kahil Gibran. Instead, a quote from Doonesbury cross-references in your<br />

mind:<br />

"Even in utopia there is myopia".<br />

Arlene Czekalski<br />


Yom HaAtzmauth<br />


** rr<br />

The Time Was Fine<br />

When I got back, They all wanted the scoop;<br />

My Bubbie, My parents, The Sisterhood group.<br />

What were my impressions, where did I stand;<br />

After spending a year in the Holy Land.<br />

They wanted me to speak about all that I'd seen;<br />

The Kotel, the Synagogues, the places I'd been.<br />

They wanted to hear of my religious revival;<br />

Of Arab intransigence and Jewish survival;<br />

"Well, you certainly must have some new and interesting perspectives,<br />

what with having been there and all,"<br />

The president of my Schul upon my return,<br />

And my Rebbe wanted to know at what Yeshivah I'd learned;<br />

How could I tell all those concerned,<br />

That I'd spent most of my time studies adjourned,<br />

My priorities were a varied and amazing lot,<br />

Some were noble, some were not.<br />

See the country from Metulla to Sharem,<br />

Eat the onion soup at Cafe Ataarem. (sorry, poetic license)<br />

Meet my relatives, see a soccer game played,<br />

Spend as little as possible, meet a girl and get....Zayde<br />

That olive wood statue he saw last time he was here;<br />

I told him I couldn't, it was too touristy and dear;<br />

A case and a half of Maccabee beer.<br />

I'm being evasive and not too explicit,<br />

Not revealing at all what you expected me to elicit.<br />

A chronicle of the year, without digression,<br />

So here it is, my humble confession.<br />

Ulpan was tough-,, but my Hebrew is solid,<br />

Started in Vav and finished in Daled.<br />

It's just that damn Maariv you see son,<br />

You understand every word in the headline, except the key one;<br />

So you look for the root in your handy milon;<br />

But you seldom find it, And if you do you just groan;<br />

Because none of them even apply.<br />

Week One I was hardy, idealistic, a pioneer,<br />

Homework on time, teachers revered.<br />

Then we were tested dictionaries aside,<br />

Like Jesus before me I was crucified.<br />

Nailed because I'd not sufficiently learned,<br />

Busted, destroyed, obliterated, burned.<br />

Pioneer spirit flushed down the toilet,<br />

It was summertime damn it, I was going to enjoy it.<br />

Went on each tiyul, there is so much to see,<br />

Especially enjoyed the ones that were free.<br />

"What, we're going to Jaffa to watch oranges grow?<br />

Sign me up, there's only eighty places to go!"<br />

Any activity, any diversion,<br />

Any outlet, and perversion,<br />

Bakery tours, Golan excursion,<br />

Intense merriment and distinct aversion, r<br />

To regular attendance, to wholesale immersion,<br />

In the study of the language of our forefathers.<br />


Summer ended, my mind distended,<br />

I surprised myself for I'd never intended,<br />

To flunk my finals, Not me, not I,<br />

Thank heavens right after, we left for Sinai.<br />

With that adventure began the greatest love affair of my life,<br />

Were it possible I'd ask her to become my wife.<br />

"Do you David, take this peninsula to be your lawfully wedded partner?<br />

To love, to cherish, to nourish, to hearten her?"<br />

But they're giving her away, which has got me disparaged,<br />

For I'd never consider an intermarriage.<br />

Got back in time for Happy Torah,<br />

Sang my lungs sore,<br />

Danced the Hora,<br />

Renewed my faith in our ancient Mesora,<br />

Quite an experience, Keniahora.<br />

School came next, November First for gosh sakes,<br />

In the States we'd be preparing for Christmas break.<br />

Book fees were non-existent,<br />

Because even if you were persistent,<br />

All you can find is Golda Meir's, "The Story of My Life"<br />

A fine book in its own right,<br />

But one that sheds scant light,<br />

On the Second Temple period or Soviet Jewry's Plight.<br />

But who can complain,<br />

There's the well stocked Goldsmith, high school library at call and behest;<br />

And those Librarians, well, for the Americans only the best.<br />

A place to gossip, to tell or to hear,<br />

A place to nibble on your neighbor's ear.<br />

Upstairs enjoy a lukewarm cheesetoast,<br />

Then savour five minutes alone with the Post.<br />

I became a master procrastinator this year,<br />

Probably retarding my academic career,<br />

Beyond repair, my future appears,<br />

But actually I ’ve got nothing to fear;<br />

My GPA's safe, it cannot be smeared.<br />

Everything’s pass-fail, Pass another beer.<br />

Americans are notorious for their myriad complaints,<br />

Our group was no different, we used little restraint,<br />

In decrying those morons who work at the bank,<br />

Devoid of courtesy, never a thanks,<br />

Of Israeli soldiers in khaki or green,<br />

Whose blood starts to boil whenever they've seen;<br />

A girl from the States as if smitten by Cupid,<br />

And milk in plastic bags, isn't that stupid?<br />

Oh what I would give for inch thick steaks,<br />

A progressive radio station with no station breaks,<br />

For Baskin Robbins, For M*A*S*H, for ice,<br />

For college basketball, for doorknobs, and people who don't smoke on busses<br />

because they're inherently nice.<br />


Still, I overcame these banal desires and petty allegations,<br />

As there are other things in this country that serve as adequate compensation,<br />

For a disgruntled Americans copious frustration.<br />

A Sinai sunrise, fresh and fair,<br />

The smell of Beduin in the air.<br />

Friday night by the Western Wall,<br />

Tourists, students, Hassidism, et al.<br />

The craggy hills of the rambling Golan,<br />

Banias, The Jordan, Hermon, Tel Dan;<br />

Tel Aviv with its wanton pleasure,<br />

Cafe Video-Israel's greatest treasure.<br />

But as each day passed, sweet as nectar,<br />

We were all aware of the everpresent spectre.<br />

They sought to render us trembling and pale,<br />

To hit with the force of a violent gale;<br />

And there was nothing we could do to oppose or defend,<br />

We knew the rules when we started, The year had to end.<br />

Perhaps it is presumptuous for those in the midst of their college careers,<br />

To get depressed over the passage of years;<br />

There's so much ahead for us, so much to complete,<br />

Places to go, People to meet.<br />

Things that are bigger, things that are greater,<br />

But who can forget a year that was definitely beseder?<br />

David Silverman

AOA'A'&O<br />

vjooA Cx '\ck\'c\v a \cy*\Acy2.ycx$s (ScvO^ A_ c= c A c y x o o v x ^ cyvxA \ o c A cA A v^x c 3\^_<br />

Aovvne. V o a a o x s . X m l A o o c o A \\v ^ \o o ,

Yearbook staff climbing the walls<br />

Our wonderful advisor<br />

David Cooperman playing dreidel<br />

64<br />

Rachelle mounting the Camel

Staff<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Editorial Board<br />

............. Bruce D. Greenbaum<br />

............. Marlene Horwitz<br />

............. Rachelle Burk<br />

Melanie Mark<br />

Sharon Perlmutter<br />

Typists......................... Lisa Berkson<br />

Judy Schaffer<br />

Photographers.................. Rachelle Burk<br />

Marlene Horwitz<br />

Advertisements................. Judy Schaffer<br />

Jeff Weisblatt<br />

Lisa Weilmann<br />

Wonderful Advisor.............. Aliza Samuel<br />

Special thanks to The Am erican Friends of the Hebrew U niversity,<br />

The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew U niversity, The Student D ivision, World Zionist<br />

O rganization<br />

and those people who donated articles.<br />

pn is a student publication of the One Year Program.<br />

A lthough the School for Overseas Students encourages the<br />

project, it takes no responsibility for the yearbook's<br />

content.<br />

Stop me if you've heard this one...<br />

Eating again, Marlene?<br />

Printed at Graph Press<br />

Jerusalem, Israel<br />

<strong>1980</strong><br />


L a s t W i l l & T e s t a m e n t<br />

Chris Kuhn, Poached fish (?), cat-free dinner, a visitor with an ironing board and a<br />

memorable name. Joy<br />

Sharon Putter, From day one tears to ancient Toronto Stars this beats the Inn and Syd<br />

Smith. Love, Joni<br />

Fitzela, How could I forget you.'?— You're in all my pictures.<br />

Love you, Rachelle<br />

Amy Wittenberg, Silver jewelry, Chinese treif, a Nablus boyfriend, relatives with ice,<br />

hotel tp, and bean sprouts. Joy<br />

Judy-Obnoxious pills, Harlan-BBC, Eric-A Shmeckle, Jack, Stu, Stew-The bestseller<br />

"Feldstein's Guide to winning Poker", Sharon-2 week extension, and Rich and Ron-<br />

A girl for each. Lou<br />

Jamie Rosen, Thanks for the good talks. Hope we lose the weight soon enough. Chicago<br />

Zal, Thank-you so much for a memorable beautiful year that I shall never forget.<br />

Your " J n "<br />

Murray & Zack, BEWARE: Woodstock will seek revenge against all desecrators of his<br />

holiness)! His Manager<br />

Thanks Debbie, Debi and Elizabeth for their part in the best year of my life.<br />

Dave Pinchas<br />

Dear Rachelle, One alligator, two alligator, three alligator, four alligator...<br />

Love, Marlene<br />

Andrea Ebert, Syros, Interesting Israeli art, "you'd hate her too," free stuff and gettogethers<br />

in Philly. Joy<br />

Ami Baby, Franklin and Ural, Now has come the time to fliven. Year was great together<br />

livin'. Can't wait until the day when I can one more time say: SLICHAH! Lizzie<br />

One Year Program Students, Here's the yearbook. Enjoy and thanks for the year. Bruce<br />

Marlene, That's too many alligators, Bitch!<br />

Rachelle<br />

I Eric Groskind being of warped mind and body hereby leave to....<br />

Zackers, A big drumstick next Thanksgiving and mumbles under our moustaches.<br />

Mark Sussman, The promise to immediately jump up and run into the nearest wall<br />

when I hear that certain name.<br />

Mooseman, (Harlan), A can of fruit cocktail, a radiation proof jock strap, and a<br />

lifelong subscription to the New York Times.<br />

Lou, The secret to Chayales Chocolate Cake, and a crowded 3rd class train to Luxor .<br />

Judy, Those great Egyptian Sex Education lessons-Do you spit or swallow?<br />

Janet Segal, Harlan & my Brownies,<br />

and last but not least,<br />

Putter, A nicer souvenir from Egypt, and an article for the Yearbook.<br />

Liz and Lisa, I hope we all leave Israel the 25 pounds we gained here.<br />

Jimmy, You owe me 140 lirot. I accept checks & limbs. Tito<br />

Marc & Bill, Another semester at Hebrew U, ice cream and donuts.<br />

Jamie<br />

Joy & Diane<br />

Susy Ackerman, Tu estas conmigo en mi risa y en mi sonrisa y siempre en mis pensamientos<br />

mi amiga. Nina Channin<br />

Bard, Fritz, K. & J., It was great despite wossies. Kol Hakavod! Not A Wossy<br />

Little Guy, You've given me strength. I'll miss ya. Don't forget I love ya. Other<br />

Little Guy<br />

Cara Bushman, A hebrew name, a morning at Dolly's, a motkot game and don't forget to<br />

.2T.0. Karen<br />


L a s t W i l l & T e s t a m e n t<br />

Janet, I leave to you my insatiable appetite, and all my love.<br />

Harlan<br />

For all my special friends, Thanks for being just that. Thanks for caring. love, lisa<br />

Ellen and Marcia, Thanks for being such great friends.<br />

Your personal alarm clock.<br />

Esti, Hours of philosophical and love conversations, a sunny future, my love and<br />

friendship. Janet<br />

Barb Peha, A cup of coffee, a closet, Barbara-Abba, a happy Yom Ha-Atzmaut.<br />

for everything. Joy<br />

Thanks<br />

Dinner club members and one time guests, We've had some great times (and meals)-I'll<br />

miss you all-Write-and don't forget to call whenever you're in N.Y. Elana<br />

Lou Feldstein, I don't accept collect calls especially after the 2 months end.<br />

Jamie Rosen, From Med-o-Lark to Ookie, Kanafe, diets, Kung Fu fighters, and Morrocan<br />

boyfriends-It was great! Liz Silber<br />

Putter, Last minute work, 2 great roomies, a visit to Miami, good memories, love!<br />

Egypt trip. Includes meals. Evening discussions (on sex) with displays. Observing<br />

schmeckles. Obnoxious Tour Agency<br />

Love ya<br />

Janet<br />

Diane Hirsch, A synchronized happy turkey, coffee, G-d, Avi-Chaim, shared matches, mail,<br />

and a real carpet. Joy<br />

Joni, We met, talked of being clowns.<br />

Now, we're a good couple-Special friends. Love, Judy<br />

Debbie Schlossberg, I wish you success, luck, happiness, and 3/ on your big decision<br />

(I'm jealous) Janet<br />

Kenny Goss, Schmootz on the floor, unalphabetized drawers, and no nails to hang up your<br />

shoes with. Cara and Karen<br />

Fritz, When are you coming back to Egypt to clean my back seat and the Pyramid? Fouad<br />

Janet, Happiness, sadness, love, hate, smiles, moodiness, time, impatients, confidence,<br />

insecurity-Roommates, that's what it's about. Judy<br />

Judy, Shared letters, late night talks, knock "wait a minute',' happiness, love, and<br />

friendship. Janet<br />

Lou Feldstein, Hi, hello and greetings-To a very good friend. (Want to go to a movie?).<br />

Nina Channin<br />

Judy Feldman, Keys (only 2), uppers (from Chutz L'aretz), big rugs, small backgammon<br />

boards. Your 24 hour smile, my ticker, what a life! Its been great together!<br />

Love, Joni<br />

Carolyn and Julie, Dark hair for the Old City, Des-Moine, anti-split-end-picking medicine,<br />

trash novels, Boris. Joy<br />

Uncle Raisin (Rafi Aaron), Missing mattress, bring it to Zieber in exchange for raisins<br />

or expect miluim reprisals, od lo ahavti di, dinners at 6 :0 0 , despite all, love<br />

from Green-Eye<br />

Judy, May G-d bless and keep you always, May your wishes all come true, May you always<br />

do for others and let others do for you, May you build a ladder unto the stars,<br />

Climb on every rung, And may you stay forever young. (Bob Dylan) Love ya, Rafi<br />

From Amy Wittenberg to.....<br />

Barbara-The best roommate next year.<br />

Lisa F.-Birthdays in Israel.<br />

Lisa H.-Bip<br />

Fritz-Tiffany's Potato Salad nights.<br />

Joy-Yeminites<br />

Roach-Barbarian Army<br />

Steve & Mark-The scissors that cut my hair!<br />


L a s t W i l l & T e s t a m e n t<br />

Harlan, A first movie, bubbles, a candybar, happiness, health, and most of all-my love.<br />

Janet<br />

Sharon Perlmutter, A note on your door, and a visit to your room.<br />

Cara & Karen<br />

Lisas' (H & F ) , My umbrella, a-ton of hope, toilet paper.<br />

Joy<br />

Judy Schaffer, Israel is for lovers, T-shirts, learning to cook and romantic walks in<br />

the sunshine with your comfortable girlfriend. I'll miss you. Love, Joni<br />

Sharon, Curfew at 11:00 p.m. Willed pan, taperecorder, iron, tp. Declared visit to<br />

Canada. Love ya (don't cry), Judy<br />

The 3 J's, If patience is truly a virtue, you are definitely the 3 most virtuous people<br />

I know. Thanks for keeping me going. I'll really miss you all. Putter<br />

Barbara Peha, Felafel at the Haifa bus station, keys to Shoshana's, and a weekend at the<br />

"Kfar". Cara and Karen<br />

Dearest Cutie, Here's to our first year together, and may our future years be as special<br />

as this one. All my love forever, Cutie.<br />

Lisa and the librarian<br />


69<br />

An evening of fun in<br />

The T A V E R N<br />

Where you don't feel homesick<br />

Beer * Burgers * Fries<br />

14 Rivlin St. Nahlat Shiva<br />

Ruth’s um<br />

Jewelry & Gifts<br />

Specialist in<br />

gold and silver names<br />


5 King George<br />

Tel - 222935<br />

serving crepes,<br />

milk shakes,<br />

chocolate soup<br />

14Yoseph Rivlin St.

Jerusalem vs. Tel Aviv<br />

Baruch, what's under your toga?<br />

Karen hitting the books<br />

Judy suffering through laundry day<br />


Make a muscle, Ellen<br />

Manny feeling secure<br />

Thursday classes<br />


i<br />

Lauren watches as David attempts to eat.

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